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Optical interference methods

1. What is the principle of optical interference?

2. What are examples of optical interference?
3. What are the conditions for interference of optical waves?
4. Which phenomenon is due to optical interference?
5. What are the advantages of optical fiber?
6. Why is it important to understand the interference of light?
7. How many types of interference are there?


The wavelength of light from sodium source in vacuum is 5893Å.What are its (a)
wavelength, (b) speed and (c) frequency when this light travels in water which has a
refractive index of 1.33.

The refractive index of vacuum, n1 = 1

The wavelength in vacuum, λ1 = 5893 Å.

The speed in vacuum, c = 3 × 108 m s–1

The refractive index of water, n2 = 1.33

The wavelength of light in water, λ2

The speed of light in water, v2

(a) The equation relating the wavelength and refractive index is,
(b) The equation relating the speed and refractive index is,

The results show that the frequency remains same in all media.

Two light sources with amplitudes 5 units and 3 units respectively interfere with each
other. Calculate the ratio of maximum and minimum intensities.


Amplitudes, a1 = 5, a2 = 3

Resultant amplitude,

Two light sources of equal amplitudes interfere with each other. Calculate the ratio of
maximum and minimum intensities.

Let the amplitude be a.

The intensity is, I ∝ µ 4a2 cos2(ϕ/ 2)

or I = 4I0 cos2(ϕ/2)

Resultant intensity is maximum when,

ϕ = 0, cos0 = 1, Imax ∝ 4a2

Resultant amplitude is minimum when,

ϕ = π, cos(π/2) = 0, Imin = 0

Imax : Imin = 4a2 : 0


Two light sources have intensity of light as I0. What is the resultant intensity at a
point where the two light waves have a phase difference of π/3?


Let the intensities be I0.

The resultant intensity is, I = 4I0cos2(ϕ/2)

Resultant intensity when, ϕ = π / 3, is

I = 4I0 cos2 (π/6)

I = 4Io (√3/2)2 = 3Io


The wavelength of a light is 450 nm. How much phase it will differ for a path of 3


The wavelength is, λ = 450 nm = 450×10-9m

Path difference is, δ = 3 mm = 3×10−3m

Relation between phase difference and path difference is, ϕ = 2π/λ ×δ


ϕ = [ 2π / 450×10-9 ] ×3×10−3 = (π/75) ×106

ϕ = (π/75) ×106 rad


Find the minimum thickness of a film of refractive index 1.25, which will strongly
reflect the light of wavelength 589 nm. Also find the minimum thickness of the film
to be anti-reflecting.


λ = 589 nm = 589×10−9 m

For the film to have strong reflection, the reflected waves should interfere
constructively. The least optical path difference introduced by the film should be λ/2.
The optical path difference between the waves reflected from the two surfaces of the
film is 2µd. Thus, for strong reflection, 2µd = λ/2 [As given in equation 6.145.
with n = 1]

Rewriting, d = λ/4μ

Substituting, d = [589×109] / [4×1.25] = 117.8×10−9

d = 117.8×10−9 = 117.8 nm

For the film to be anti-reflecting, the reflected rays should interfere destructively. The
least optical path difference introduced by the film should be λ. The optical path
difference between the waves reflected from the two surfaces of the film is 2µd. For
strong reflection, 2µd = λ [As given in equation 6.146. with n = 1].

Rewriting, d = λ/2μ

Substituting, d = [589×109] / [2×1.25] = 235.6×10−9

d = 235.6×10−9 = 235.6 nm


A monochromatic light of wavelength 5000 Å passes through a single slit producing

diffraction pattern for the central maximum as shown in the figure. Determine the
width of the slit.


λ = 5000 Å = 5000×10-10 m; sin 30º = 0.5; n = 1; a =?

Equation for diffraction minimum is, asin θ = nλ

The central maximum is spread up to the first minimum. Hence, n = 1

Rewriting, a = λ / Sinθ

Substituting, a = 5000×10−10 / 0.5

a = 1×10−6 m = 0.001×10−3m = 0.001mm


Calculate the distance for which ray optics is good approximation for an aperture of 5
mm and wavelength 500 nm.


a = 5 mm = 5 × 10-3 m;
λ = 500nm = 500×10−9 m; z = ?

Equation for Fresnel’s distance, z = a2/2λ


z = [5 × 10-3]2 / 2×500×10−9

z = 25 m


A diffraction grating consisting of 4000 slits per centimeter is illuminated with a

monochromatic light that produces the second order diffraction at an angle of 30°.
What is the wavelength of the light used?


Number of lines per cm = 4000; m = 2;

θ = 30°; λ = ?

Number of lines per unit length,

N = 4000 / 1×10−2 = 4×105

Equation for diffraction maximum in grating is, sinθ = Nmλ

Rewriting, λ = sinθ / Nm


λ = sin 30º / 4×105×2 = 0.5 / 4×105×2

= 1 / [2×4×105 ×2] = 1 / [16×105]

λ = 6250×10−10 m = 6250 Ao


A monochromatic light of wavelength of 500 nm strikes a grating and produces fourth

order bright line at an angle of 30°. Find the number of slits per centimeter.

λ = 500 nm = 500×10-9 m; m = 4;

θ = 30°; number of lines per cm = ?

Equation for diffraction maximum in grating is, sin θ = Nm λ

Rewriting, N = sinθ / mλ


N = 0.5 / 4×500×10−9 = 1 / 2×4×500×10−9

N = 2.5×105 lines per meter

number of lines per centimeter = 2.5×105 ×10−2 = 2500 lines per centimetre

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