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NAME :……………………………………………………………………………….


1. The city uses a manual system for detecting flood waters. This relies on people watching for the
rising levels of water. Explain why creating a computerised system is better than using the
manual system. (4)

2. The developers have used the results from the model to choose a computer controlled flood
defence system. It will have a barrier which can open or close. Describe the role of the
microprocessor in such a system. (5)

1. The nursery wants to buy a media station.
(a) (i) Which one of these can connect to a wired network?
1. Media Station A
2. Media Station B
3. Media Station C
4. Media Station D

(ii) Which one of these has the fastest processor?

1. Media Station A
2. Media Station B
3. Media Station C
4. Media Station D

(iii) Which one of these has storage expansion capability?

1. Media Station A
2. Media Station B
3. Media Station C
4. Media Station D

(b) The media station must be portable.

Which one of these affects portability?

A Bandwidth

B Performance

C Security

D Size

(c) The nursery connects a media station to a WiFi network. Name one device that is
needed to connect a media station to a WiFi network.

2. Children watch a video that is being streamed to the media station. (i)
Which one of these is an advantage to users of streaming video?
1. Better Quality Video
2. More storage space is required
3. Video can be viewed sooner
4 Video will play on any device
3. Visitors connect to the nursery’s network and browse the web. Explain
why the quality of video being streamed is reduced when visitors


(e) List two ways of stopping visitors from connecting to the nursery’s network.

(f) List two peripheral devices that could be used with the media station.

(g) Give two examples of transactional data the nursery could collect

(iii) Give one way that the nursery could use the transactional data they collect from users. (1)

Discuss how the use of cookies by organizations impact on individuals ( 8 )


The use of smartphones and other digital devices has an impact on the environment. Discuss the
positive and negative impacts on the environment of the use of digital devices. (8)

Discuss the impact of an inkjet printer and laser printer for a home user. (8)
Customers pay using a third-party payment service.

Payments are secure.

i) State one other benefit to Sarah of accepting payments using a third-party payment
(1) ..................................................................................................................................
iii) (ii) List three ways that web browsers display to customers that payments are
secure. (3)

iv) (d) Sarah wants customers to see photographs that are likely to be relevant to
them. Describe how transactional data can be used to achieve this.


Sarah bought a desktop computer. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to Sarah of selecting a
desktop computer rather than a laptop, smartphone or tablet computer. ( 8)


The number of people accessing digital content on mobile devices has increased significantly over the
last few years. Discuss the impact that this has had on the design, layout, and features of digital
products. (8)



































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