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Name: Samson, Ferly Ann A.

Section&Course: 1A-BSIT
Instructor: Loila Empimo

IT-123 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction

Do this . . .
Main Task

6.1 (a) How can design rationale benefit interface design and why might it be rejected by design

 The design reasoning benefits the transparency and communication of interface

design, shared knowledge, design evolution, and assessment and improvement.
Design reasoning may be rejected or not fully embraced by design teams for a
variety of reasons, including perceived time and effort, a lack of knowledge or
comprehension, an aversion to documentation, and company culture and goals. To
address these difficulties, design teams must be trained on the value and necessity of
design thinking. Collaboration encouragement, training in effective documentation
methodologies, and embedding design reasoning principles into existing design
processes may all help overcome obstacles and improve design rationale acceptance
within design teams.

(b) Explain QOC design rationale using an example to illustrate.

 The documentation and reasoning behind design decisions linked to a system's
quality traits or characteristics is referred to as the Quality of Service (QoS) design
rationale. It seeks to justify why particular design decisions were chosen in order to
attain specified quality objectives. Consider the following example to demonstrate
QoS design logic in the context of a web application: Designing a Real-Time
Messaging Web Application as an Example
6.2 Imagine you have been asked to produce a prototype for the diary system. What would be an
appropriate prototyping approach to enable you to test the design using the usability metrics
specified, and why?

 An ideal prototype strategy for creating a diary system is interactive prototyping.

To evaluate usability metrics, create a prototype. It enables the development of a
functional representation of the users can engage with a journal system, generating
useful input and insights. This This technique facilitates the collection of more
accurate input on usability factors such as learnability. Efficiency, and enjoyment.
It also enables realistic interaction and early feedback collection. Usability metrics
are evaluated through iterative design. The use of interactive prototyping enables
the making a physical representation of the diary system that users may engage with
and communicate with offer vital input on its usefulness. This method encourages
iterative design and early implementation feedback collection and usability metric
evaluation, ultimately resulting in a more polished and a simple diary system.

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