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Governme nt of National Capital Territory of Delhi


Certificate No. IN-DL70205464296353U

Ce rtifi cate Issued Date 04-Aug-2022 05 :34 PM

Account Reference IMPACC (IV)/ dl830203/ DELHI/ DL-DLH

Unique Doc . Reference SUBIN-DLDL8302 03222770118042 78U


Description of Document Article 35(i) Lease- Rent deed upto 1 year

Property Description 1226, SANOTASASHAN . PAHARGANJ, DELHl-110055

Consideration Price (Rs .) 0

Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) 10
(Ten only)

:"r•· Pl e~sc wr rte or type bel ow th rs

:1 ,I. ,ury Al: rt.

'· ,. 1 •nr_ S11n1n Ct?1ttl1c,;1\....: ,;lluu,o l>•! ve,, f,eU 11 ·•~1·:, \·J ~t,cdPslanip com' or usmy e•S tanip Mobile App uf Stock Holciiny
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~h \ , I \1 h.l \ I \I, h. \l' \ i.: I \ ~ ll 1.. ' I! \\ PF!, Ill!. \ :\ l, ,\l' .\ l\l. \ . l, \ l.2'") FLOOR, RAlU U l,;I
l ; \ l,1)1 ' \ . !'\l;l)hT l ; \ l, {)l' \ . \\ 1· s r (){ .' \ \!I. !)l-'1.1!\ \ \Oll.2 7 (hnc1n,1fter ca llc rl tllt' first
;, . t~·, , ·. L :l!: l \{ \!l
:\ Ir. SI \l' H\ l. \:\ I \\'.\S O \ S Cl Sh. Sr\TISI l l, Ui\l :\ R R / o E - 108 SCHOOL AREA , WARD - 13 ,
:'-l\LO\,IIFRL :'\ILOHIER! KAR NA\,, IIARYAN 1\ - 132 l I 7 (h e reinafter rn llf'd the seco nd
p,llW l't'llillll ) .
rhe e\pressil)Il b1..1 lh the panies shall 111e:111 and i11 cl ud c 1heir heir"s successors. executors.
;1drnini st ral,)rs. kgal representati \ c. assigns etc. respecli \·cl:- .
\\'11t'reas the Lanctlorrl firs! pa rt>· is the exclu s iw ow ner of the prop erty bearing add re ss
1226 , SANOTASASHAN. PAHARGANJ , DELHI- 110055 , and s econd parry has agrc>ed to take
thf' samr on follo \,ing term s and cond ition s a m omhl>· rent of Rs .20000 / -(Rs . TWENTY
THOU SAND ONLY) and 1hc second parn is again react, · to ta ke on re nt the abo, ·e s aid demised
prrmis e s for a further period of l \ month s com m enc in g from O-t-08- 2022 on thf' foJJo,,·ing terms
,rnd cond11ion. Ren1 s h...i.11 l..Je pa>·al..JJ,, throu gh cheq u e / RTGS per month by thf' s eco nd party to
the firs t pa n>··
l. Thar in consideration of the cond iti ons hereinafter contain the Lessee shall pay to the Lesser
said premi ses on the rent of Rs. 20.000 (Ru pees TEN thousand onl y) including maintenance
fee e\cluding electricity. \\'arer charges befo re the I 0th of eac h mon th as per English
calendar. in advance for ewry month .
2. Th at the monthly rern of Rs.2 0.000 - (Rs. t\\ el1l) thousand onl: ) and the second party is
again read: 10 rake nn rent the abo \ esaid demised premi ses fo r a further period of l l
months. Rent sha lI be payable through cash. cheque /RTGS per month by the second party
to the first party.
Thar the tenant is agreed to give the sec urity amount of Rs.20. 000/- (Rupees TWENTY
thousand only ) towards interest-free securi ty which shall be returned back after the expiry
of the tenancy.
4. That second party shall not make any kind of construction, repair, alterati on QLa_dditional
constructi on in the said tenancy premises. /\,S- ~ ' . . . ;,,
' _/ ·, !
5. That the Second Party shall not sub-l et or part wi th the possession o{tl,e ~i-c! prem\s~s to
any ot her perso n in any manner i.e. on rent or \rithout rent.
\ , _, \ ., -
6. The second part:, shal l not do an: commitment against the lc:m-s. ru\f's~ d regul ation '.' of
r g.overnmint 'GDA in the said 1enancy premi ses. ,;2.1'5117 ~ "~/;°;----, .
A_\ c..__ \<A_ f-q'Yl e, ;:Yi ,I 1 I CT·"'/ -~..'._ l 1- _ 1
7. Thnt the ~bo vc- sa id fixed ra te 01· rent is reasonab le and is accepted to the second party us
"1nnda rd ,md cnrrcct 1\: n l.
,) / /1.1! 1I 1/Jc "L'wrHi pc1r! ) r11c1h·., ddr1ul1 w1y l<.:rJm ,.rnc.J L()ndi11,,11 ., < I th1 '> agn.:cmcnt or tat!
r1 1 11 .1_, rhc rcnr /or ilfl) l\\o mc in rli -, co n1i111H H1., /). tlwn th<.: tir.., I part) '>hall haH: lull right to
1<1J..L· lq.!,il dCliPn df!.iin ... r 1hc ',Cl<llld part} for n:rnv<.:r) c, t f)O'>'>C ">"> ion and arrcar<., of rent a">
\\di"" ddlll,l !.!L'',
/() I Ii.ii 1/Jc "L'Cllnd 11.11 t) li;1., 1.ih11 lhL· ,1h()\,L ..,.iid p1<.:llli '><.:'> Im l11 .., u,m rm:rc ial purpo">c.., on ly .
11. 111.11 111,., tc11,111c.' ,.., . . uhiL°LI Ill <IIH.: 111<i11tlt \ ath.inu..: 11c il 1cc for tcrrninati un ul tcmrn c) h:
L'ilh L'I p,11lil'\ iii 11tj.., ,lt-' IL'L'lll L'lll.
l ~- I h,11 lhL· t<.:11:1111 ..,h:ill .1l\\t1 _\.., pL'rlllil the l.ind lonJ fi r an) of Iii -, uuthuri 1cd cigl'.nt ur
rcprc ... L'111.1ti, c tt) c11tcr i11 tu the ..,a id premi -,c-, li,r tile impecti on ur to ca rry ou t n:pai r"> at
,111 ) rca-,n11<1bk time . \\ he11l'\ er de111<111d h) the l,t11dl ord .
l ;_ l hat the tl'.na nt shall 11 0 1 ch:111 gc til t ~tru cturt of' the <..,a id prc.:mi 'i<.: <.., or the landl ord in an)
m,mncr .
1-l. n,a1 the tenant shall be res ponsi ble to attend the entire minor cfay-to-day repair such as
ruses or bulbs and tubes kakages/replaeement of water tabs c:tc . On hi ~ own cos t. but the
to tenant
maior shall be attended by th e lan dl ord at hi s own co'> l. if its not occurred due
dda u\t and ne gli ge nce .
I~ - That ii' prior to cxpir) nl' thi s agrec,m:nt. the second party wants to vaca te the premises. hr.:
,, i\\ has to give one month's rent in lieu of th ereof'.
I h. I hill ir the second par!) shall vaca te the pn:mi se'i on or bcl on: th e <,ix month~ from the daK
nrinception or tenancy. sccuril) amount shall be treated as forfeited .
17. ·1ha! if' the seco nd part y infringes any of the terms and conditi ons of this agreement. the
first pc1r1y reserves th e ri ght to ge l the sa id premi ses vacated be fo re the expir: of the tenanc)
peri od.
18. That the r<.:nt shall ab ide all the biolos rules and regulati ons of the
ci\'il/concerned/local/soc iety auth orit y in respect of th e sa id premi ses.
19. I hat alter the cx riry of' sa id rent agn:c:men l or earli er terminati on of thi s agreement. the
tenant shal l handover th e actually/peacef'ul vacant and physi cal r ossessi on of th e premi ses along
\\ ith all fillin g and fi xturcs instal led th ere in good and work in g conditi ons to the landl ord.
20. Thal in case thi s agree ment is executed lti r a furthcr reri od. an increase of I 0% in rent will
,;'•,/ -
be 111ade.
IN W ITN l~SS l ·: S W I lf~Rl ·,OF ~ 1 .-r(ry-1,art ie<; have signed thi s Rent Agreement on
~-1 ,
04108/2022 above mention ed. ,. /..
·/ .,,·'
I/ A(L [..cq {-"tl?f 14
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\\' lTN l~SS l: S: - I'• ( Sh . A,J/\Y K U MAR KATAf<.I/\)
·f..\ TT :-: r. D, I· i rst party
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2 ( ,'!Ir. ·~: ur ;rnrn11 W AS (J ':J
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