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Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________

UNIT 3: GRAMMAR (PG 39,41)

1. We __________ pay anything. The concert is free.

a. mustn't b. didn't need c. don't need to

2. No way! That _________ be Mr Roberts. He's not old enough.

a. mustn't b. may not c. can't

3. What are you doing? Don't you know that you _________ write on the desks?
a. don't have to b. mustn't c. needn't

4. Adelia __________ come over tomorrow. She'll call and let us know.
a. needs b. may c. must

5. We __________ buy tickets for the football match.

a. must b. need c. have

6. I _________ sleep on the floor last time my cousins slept over.

B: Next time get a Nappak.
a. needed to b. had to c. must

7. My parents are thinking of getting me a computer game for my birthday, but they __________ get
it in the end. They tend to change their minds easily.
a. might not b. couldn't c. needn't

Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. It's a good idea to go shopping during the sales.

You _____________________________________________________________________________.

2. You shouldn't use your dad's credit card without asking.

You _____________________________________________________________________________.

3. It's a better idea to walk than go by bus.

4. It's a good idea to ask for a receipt when you buy something.
You _____________________________________________________________________________.

5. Monica doesn't really want to go to the theatre.

Monica ___________________________________________________________________________.

6. You ought to check this out!

You _____________________________________________________________________________.
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________
UNIT 3: LISTENING (41,46,47)

A. Listen to part of a radio programme. What is the purpose of the programme? Choose a, b or c.
a. To warn listeners of shops they should avoid.
b. To inform listeners about good bargains.
c. To ask listeners for their opinions about good places to shop.

B. Listen again and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

1. What can you buy half-price at Sportstime?

a. Sports clothes.
b. Footwear.
c. Everything.

2. When does the sale at Sportstime end?

a. at the weekend
b. on Friday
c. next week

3. How can you get furniture home from Big Roy's?

a. Big Roy's delivers it if you pay extra.
b. You have to take it in your car.
c. Big Roy's delivers it free of charge.

4. What happens if you change your mind about the furniture you buy at Big Roy's?
a. You can get your money back.
b. You can exchange it for something else.
c. You can't do anything about it.

5. What is true about Eye Style?

a. There's a 50% discount on all sunglasses.
b. Last year's designs are half-price.
c. If you buy a pair of children's sunglasses, you get
one free.
B. You will hear a radio interview with Nigel Eastman, a mystery shopper. The interview is in three
parts. Listen and answer the questions for each part. Choose a, b or c.

1. What kinds of businesses use mystery shoppers?

a. any business that has customers
b. only businesses that sell products
c. any business that has a problem with its staff

2. What should you do if you want to become a mystery shopper?

a. write emails to businesses
b. register on a website
c. attend a business and customer service course

3. What is true about the job of a mystery shopper?

a. It's a full-time job.
b. It's a part-time job.
c. You can work at weekends only.

4. How long does a typical job at a shop take?

a. 30 minutes.
b. A few hours.
c. It's not mentioned.

5. What happens to the things mystery shoppers buy?

a. Mystery shoppers can keep them, but they have
to pay for them.
b. Companies give you the money for them and you can keep them.
c. They have to give them back to the companies.

6. How did the waitress find out Nigel was a mystery shopper?
a. She asked his wife.
b. She used to be a mystery shopper, too.
c. His wife said it by accident.
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________
C. Read the following sentences. Tick the ones that apply to the email above.

The writer:
1. knows the person she is writing to.
2. uses set phrases to begin and end her email.
3. mentions where she saw the advertisement.
4. uses informal language.
5. states her age.
6. explains why she is suitable for the job.
7. describes her qualifications and experience.
8. describes some bad qualities she has.
9. gives examples of what she did at her previous job.
D. Read the email again and find the formal words that correspond to the more informal
meanings given below.

1. job (paragraph 1): ___________________________

2. right or acceptable for somethingN(paragraph 2): ___________________________
3. qualities and skills (paragraph 2): ___________________________
4. free (paragraph 2): ___________________________
5. on time (paragraph 3): ___________________________
6. having to do with (paragraph 4): ___________________________

E. Look at the plan with the set phrases / expressions and rewrite the sentences below in a
more formal manner.

1. I'm writing to you because I want to know more things about the ad I saw in the paper.
2. Right now I've got a job at the post office.
3. I can work on Saturdays, if you like.
4. I think I'm quite friendly.
5. If you want to talk to me, I can come and see you any time you like.
6. I can't wait to hear from you.
Day: _______________________ Date: ______________________

C. Complete the gaps 1-6 in the text.

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________

E. 1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________

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