Induction Procedure

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HSE Induction

ADGM Square

Document Details
Document Reference ASB-HSE-SOP-HSE Induction

Version 1.0

Issue Date 09 September 2021

Review Period 2 Years

Document Sponsor General Manager

Document Owner Snr HSQE Manager

Applicability ADGM Square

Security Classification Serco Business

Serco Business
Change Management
Version Date Reason for release/version update

1.0 09.09.2021 To provide HSE Induction

Serco Business
1 Purpose .......................................................................................................... 3
2 Scope ............................................................................................................. 3
3 Responsibilities and Authorities ........................................................................ 3
4 Procedure ....................................................................................................... 4
4.1 OH&S Review .................................................................................................. 4
4.2 Hazard Identification ....................................................................................... 4
4.3 Hazard Evaluation and Risk Assessment ........................................................... 5
4.4 Calculation of Probability and Severity .............................................................. 6
4.5 Risk control ..................................................................................................... 7
4.6 Periodic Review of OH&S Hazards and Risk Assessment .................................... 8
5 Reference Documents...................................................................................... 8
6 Associated Documents ..................................................................................... 8
7 Definitions ....................................................................................................... 8
8 Acronyms ........................................................................................................ 9
9 Internal Audit .................................................................................................. 9
10 Records........................................................................................................... 9

Serco Business
1 Purpose
To familiarize new starters with health, safety and environmental hazards (HSE) and rules on
site in order to develop a safety conscious culture amongst employees and building/facility
occupants and to fulfil legal obligation in respect of provision of training and awareness on
HSE matters.

2 Applicability & Scope

This procedure applies to all employees (direct or subcontracted) and tenant representatives
at ADGM Square.

3 Roles & Responsibilities

Responsibilities are defined throughout this procedure.

4 Procedure
4.1 The Relevant Manager shall be responsible for ensuring all Serco employees and all
Contractor and tenant (appointed) representatives attend a Site Safety Induction
session before starting work on site.

4.2 The Relevant Manager shall ensure that all Attendance at Site Safety Induction
sessions are documented for all employees and contractor and tenant representatives
by filling out the Site Safety Induction Attendance Record sheet.

4.3 Site Safety Induction Courses are conducted by the Relevant Manager or a competent
person nominated by him according to the Company Site Safety Induction Course
material. As set out in the approved site safety induction templates

4.4 The Relevant Manager shall ensure that each Serco employee and each Contractor
and tenant representative attending the induction, sign the
Induction information sheet in acknowledgement of their understanding of their
obligations and an undertaking to comply fully with those obligations

6.5 Contractors and Tenant Representatives as part of such undertaking will subsequently
communicate Serco induction information to their employees and will provide
evidence of such on the approved Serco induction forms.

6.6 All persons responsible for delivery of induction training will ensure that induction
information sheets are signed legibly and correctly prior to allowing any inductee
access to the site /facility.

6.7 All Serco employees, contractor appointed representatives and contractor employees
will be provided an Induction Sticker/card for display on their person, for ease of
identification of personnel on site who have attended and successfully completed
Induction training.

6.8 Tenant Representatives will be responsible for maintaining Induction Records for their
own employees.

Serco Business
5 Reference Documents

Document Number Document Name

Abu Dhabi EHSMS EHS Policy
Abu Dhabi EHSMS Codes of Practises
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Requirements
ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Requirements
BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 Occupational health and safety management systems

6 Associated Documents

Document Number Document Name

SM001-QUA-ALL-PC-00005 Control of Records
SM001-QUA-ALL-PC-00003 Internal Audit Procedure
SM001-QUA-ALL-PC-00192 Management Review Procedure
SM001-QUA-ALL-PC-00012 Procurement Procedure

7 Definitions
Employees: Consists of new starts, employees transferred from other Project/sites,
subcontractor employees and any other person engaged to carry out work for Serco or their

Building Occupants: Consists of Serco employees, Vendor/Sub‐contractor employees and

tenants (appointed) representatives.

Tenant (Appointed/Representatives): A person nominated by a tenant to attend a Serco

ADGMS Site Induction and who will be responsible for communicating / cascading the same
information to other tenant employees.

Relevant Manager: The Project Management team member with responsibility for a particular
area or individual to be inducted

HSQE Manager: Conduct the HSE site induction to the tenant and/or contractor’s management
staff; prepares and updates the training materials.

HSE Security: Conduct the HSE site induction to all subcontractors prior to work at ADGMS
project site.

Serco Business
8 Acronyms

The following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms used in this document

Acronym Full Description

SME Serco Middle East
AD EHSMS Abu Dhabi Environmental Health and Safety management System
Serco The nominated entity for EHSMS submission and compliance

Definition Full Description

Source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury
or ill health or a combination of these.
Hazard Identification Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics.
Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made
worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation.
Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or
Risk exposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by
the event or exposure(s).
Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard, taking into account
Risk Assessment the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not risk(s)
is acceptable.

9 Internal Audit
An internal audit of compliance will be conducted at least annually as per the Serco Middle East Audit
procedure SM001-QUA-ALL-PC-00003

10 Records

All records will be maintained as detailed in the Control of Records SM001-QUA-ALL-PC-00005


Serco Business

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