MMF Pip Survey

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How comfortable are you doing calculations by hand?

(circle a number)

Not comfortable at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very comfortable

If you were given the no-calculator part of the PAT today, do you think you would be successful? (circle a number)

I would not do very well 1 2 3 4 5 I would crush it

What is a skill that you struggle to do by hand (without a calculator)? (you can choose more than one)
 Long-hand addition and subtraction
 Long-hand multiplication and division
 Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, and simplifying fractions
 Adding and subtracting fractions
 Multiplying and dividing fraction
 Adding and subtracting integers
 Multiplying and dividing integers
 Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents
 Finding the percent of a number
 Area and perimeter
What is a skill that you do well by hand (without a calculator)? (you can choose more than one)
 Long-hand addition and subtraction
 Long-hand multiplication and division
 Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, and simplifying fractions
 Adding and subtracting fractions
 Multiplying and dividing fraction
 Adding and subtracting integers
 Multiplying and dividing integers
 Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents
 Finding the percent of a number
 Area and perimeter

If we didn’t do mental math Fridays, do you think you would remember how to do all the no-calculator math for the PAT?
 I would not remember anything.
 I would remember how to solve some problems when it came time to write the test, but I would forget a lot.
 I would forget some, but remember how to solve most problems.
 I would not have forgotten how to solve any of these problems by hand.
 Other:______________________________________________________________________________________

Do you think mental math Fridays help you to not forget how to solve things by hand?
 Yes, the frequent reminders help me to remember these skills.
 Probably, I might forget otherwise.
 Probably not, I remember how to do this very well from elementary and middle school.
 No, I know my stuff perfectly.
 Other:______________________________________________________________________________________

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