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Business Idioms 1

INSTRUCTIONS: Try to determine the meaning of the underlined business idioms by looking at the
context of the sentence. Then, see if you can form your own sentence using them.

1. The computer company decided to give the workers an across-the-board increase in their

2. We were forced to sell the computers at a big loss.

3. The government decided to bail out the failing bank in order to maintain stability in the

4. The new director was a big wheel in his previous company but is not so important now.

5. When the bottom fell out of the coffee market many companies had to stop doing business.

6. After only three months the company was able to break even and start making profits.

7. The land developer tried to buy off the politician but he was not successful.

8. The president's new idea carried the day and everyone supported him energetically.

9. The salesman came on too strong at the meeting and angered the other members of the team.

10. We have been forced to cut corners on stationery expenses during these severe economic

11. We should sell the old machinery as soon as possible and try to cut our losses.
12. That new machine should fit/fill the bill as to what we need to finish the job.

13. Heads will roll when our boss learns about the money that we have lost recently.

14. The company refused to deal with the customer's complaints until they saw them in black and

15. The new company has been in the black for over a year now.

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