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This is certified that following group members of-

Sr. Roll No. Enrollment No Exam Seat No Name of student

1 2112280090 246395 Ranaware Sakshi Balaso
2 2112280098 246402 Yadav Suhani Prashant
3 2112280108 246411 Ghodake Swapnali Santosh
4 2112280237 246419 Sawant Vedika Vijay

This is certify that Miss…………………………………………………

……….…….……………….…….…….………………………………………..Roll No
…………...............................................................................................of fifth Semester
of Diploma in Information Technology of Institute Government Residence Women
Polytechnic, Tasgaon. (Code: 1228.) Has completed the term work satisfactory in course
Capstone Project (22058) for the academic year 2023-2024 as prescribed in the

Place: Tasgaon

Mr.S.S.Bhosale Smt.R.B.Varne Dr.S.A.Pardeshi

Project Guide Name H.O.D Principal

It is my great pleasure to acknowledge my capstone project guide Mr.S.S.Bhosale

Lecturer in Information Technology department of Government Residence Women
Polytechnic, Tasgaon who introduced me to a fascinating real me to Final year
project. His invaluable guidance, constant inspiration, unending support helped me a
lot to focus on my views in proper perspective. His tireless enthusiasm has always
been a source of inspiration for me. My deepest personal regards are due for his

It is great privilege for us to express our sincere thanks to Dr. S.A. Pardeshi Principal
of Government Residence Women Polytechnic, Tasgaon for his valuable suggestions,
and constant encouragement for our project work.
We sincerely acknowledge the help and co-operation from teaching and non- teaching
staff of the Department of the Information Technology of Government Residence
Women Polytechnic, Tasgaon.

Name of the group members:

Ranaware Sakshi Balaso

Yadav Suhani Prashant
Ghodake Swapnali Santosh
Sawant Vedika Vijay


In today's fast-paced world, staying connected and informed while on the road has become
increasingly important, yet it also poses significant safety risks. Distracted driving, primarily
caused by smartphone use, has led to numerous accidents and fatalities. To address this
issue, driving mode applications have emerged as a promising solution to promote safer
driving habits.
This abstract introduces a comprehensive overview of a driving mode application, which is a
software solution designed to enhance the safety and convenience of driving while
minimizing distractions. The application serves as a digital co-pilot, helping drivers stay
focused on the road while providing access to essential information and services.

1. Real-Time Location Tracking: Driving mode app integrates advanced location tracking
technologies, enabling the app to monitor the driver's movements in real-time.
2. Automated Messaging: When a driver is on the road, the app automatically sends real-
time notifications to designated family members, informing them of the driver's current
3. Customizable Settings: Users have the flexibility to personalize the app based on their
preferences, allowing them to choose specific contacts to receive notifications and set do-
not-disturb hours.
4. Emergency Notifications: In case of emergencies or accidents, the app enables drivers to
send immediate alerts to their emergency contacts for prompt assistance.


Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................6

Chapter 2: Literature Survey....................................................................................7

Chapter 3: Scope of System....................................................................................9

Chapter 4: Methodology..........................................................................................11

Chapter 5: Details of Design, Working and Process..............................................13

Use Case Diagram...................................................................................15

DFD Diagram........................................................................................15

ER Diagram...........................................................................................16

Chapter 6: Implementation.......................................................................................18

Chapter 7: Applications............................................................................................20

Chapter 8: Conclusion................................................................................................21

Chapter 9: Tools Used..............................................................................................22

Chapter 10: References.............................................................................................23

Chapter 1: Introduction

Our app aims to minimize distractions by intelligently managing notifications, calls, and
messages while you drive. It's not just about silencing your phone; it's about creating a safer
environment for both you and fellow drivers.

But that's not all! The Driving Mode App goes beyond the basics. Safety is our top priority.
The app uses smart algorithms to detect your driving patterns and adjusts settings
accordingly. It can even suggest rest breaks on long journeys, promoting healthy driving

We're not just building an app; we're crafting a driving companion that understands the
nuances of the road.

Chapter 2: Literature Survey

Design and Implementation of Driving Mode App [1]

Designing and implementing a Driving Mode App involves a combination of user

experience (UX) design, mobile app development, and integration of various
technologies. Let's break down the key components:

1. User Interface (UI) Design:

• Simplicity: Create a clean and simple interface to minimize distractions. Large,
easily tappable buttons and clear text enhance usability.
2. Feature Set:
• Distraction Management: Implement a feature that automatically silences
notifications, calls, and messages when the app detects the user is driving.
• Driving Analytics: Integrate features that analyze driving patterns, offering
insights into habits and suggesting improvements for safer driving.
3. Platform Selection:
• Decide whether the app will be developed for Android.Consider the specific
guidelines and design principles for each platform.
4. Technology Stack:
• GPS and Mapping Services: Utilize GPS for real-time location tracking and
integrate mapping services like Google Maps or Mapbox for navigation.
5. Safety Features:
• Implement features that promote safe driving, such as reminding users to take
breaks on long journeys or providing alerts for excessive speed.
7. Regulatory Compliance:
• Ensure the app complies with local laws and regulations regarding the use of
mobile devices while driving.
8. Continuous Improvement:
• Gather user feedback and data to continuously improve the app. Implement
updates to address any issues and add new features based on user needs.

Remember, collaboration between designers and developers is

crucialfor a successful implementation. It's a journey of iterative
improvements, and user feedback will be invaluable in refining and
enhancing the Driving Mode App over time.
Chapter 3: Scope of System

Scope of Driving mode App

The scope of a Driving Mode App project can be broad, encompassing various
features and functionalities to enhance the overall driving experience. Here's an
overview of the potential scope:

1.Distraction Management:
- Automatically silencing notifications, calls, and messages while driving.
- Customizable settings for the level of restriction during driving mode.

2.Navigation Integration:
- Real-time GPS tracking for accurate location-based services

3.Communication Management:
- Smart response system for automatically replying to calls and messages with pre-
set messages.

4.User Profiles and Preferences:

- Customizable profiles for different driving scenarios (e.g., commuting, long trips).
- User preferences for voice styles, notification tones, and other settings.

5.Analytics and Reporting:

- Driving history and analytics to track performance and improvements over time.
- Reports on the frequency of distractions and safe driving habits.

6.Regulatory Compliance:
- Adherence to local laws and regulations regarding mobile phone usage while
- Regular updates to comply with evolving regulations.

7.User Interface Customization:

- Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces with customizable themes.
- Day and night mode options for optimal visibility.

8.Continuous Improvement and Updates:

- Regular app updates based on user feedback and emerging technologies.
- Integration of new features to enhance the app's capabilities.

Considering the dynamic nature of technology and user preferences, the scope of a
Driving Mode App project can evolve over time. It's essential to prioritize features
based on user needs, safety considerations, and the project's overall goals.

Chapter 4: Methodology

1. User Requirements:-
Understanding user requirements is crucial for the success of any application. In the context
of your Driving Mode App, here are some key user requirements to consider:
1. Notification Management:
- Users want a feature that intelligently manages notifications during their drive, allowing
them to focus on the road without being distracted by unnecessary alerts.

3. Message Prioritization:
- Users expect the app to prioritize and manage messages, allowing them to be informed
without the need to read or respond immediately, thus reducing distractions.

6. Personalized Settings:
- Users look for the ability to customize settings based on their preferences and driving
habits, ensuring that the app adapts to their specific needs and driving style.

7. Intuitive User Interface:

- Users require an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and
understand while driving, with clear and easily accessible controls and information.

8. Data Privacy and Security:

- Users demand robust data privacy and security measures to protect their personal
information and driving data, ensuring their trust and confidence in the app.

9. Compatibility and Accessibility:

- Users expect the app to be compatible with a wide range of devices and accessible for all
types of drivers, including those with varying levels of technological proficiency.

10. Real-time Updates and Support:

- Users want real-time updates and support to ensure the app remains up-to-date with the
latest safety features and is equipped to handle any technical issues promptly and effectively.

Understanding and addressing these user requirements will not only enhance the user
experience but also increase the overall value and usability of your Driving Mode App,
making it a reliable and indispensable tool for safer and more focused driving.
2.Functional Requirements:-
Certainly, here are some additional functional requirements for your Driving Mode App:

1. Automatic Activation and Deactivation:

- The app should automatically activate when it detects the user is driving and deactivate
when the user stops, without requiring manual intervention.

2. Emergency Override Feature:

- Implement an emergency override feature that allows urgent calls or messages from
specific contacts to bypass the driving mode restrictions, ensuring important
communications can still be received during critical situations.

By incorporating these additional functional requirements, we can enhance the capabilities

of your Driving Mode App, making it a comprehensive and indispensable tool for promoting
safe and distraction-free driving experiences.

Hardware Requirements:

Sr no Hardware Description
1 Processor Intel core i3 or above

2 Hard Disk 5GB or more

3 Memory 4GB ram or high
4 Mouse

Chapter 5: Details of Design, Working and Process

Use Case Diagram for Student:-

Zero (0) level DFD Diagram

One Level DFD

Two level DFD:

ER Diagram of Driving mode App

Chapter 6:


1.We designed a Login Page:

2. Registration Page:

3. Main Display:

4. Call Log Icon:

5. Emergency contacts:

Chapter 7: Applications

The application of a Driving Mode App extends to various aspects of enhancing the driving
experience and promoting road safety. Here are some key applications:

1. Distraction Management:
- The app helps reduce distractions by automatically silencing notifications, calls, and
messages while the user is driving, minimizing the risk of accidents caused by phone usage.

4.Safety Features:
- Driving behavior analysis promotes safer habits by offering insights into speed, breaks,
and other factors. Speed limit alerts and reminders for breaks on long journeys contribute to
responsible driving.

6.Emergency Features:
- In the event of an emergency, the app may include features such as automatic accident
detection, emergency calling, and sending SOS alerts to predefined contacts.

7.Customizable User Profiles:

- Users can create profiles for different driving scenarios (commuting, road trips),
customizing settings and preferences to suit specific needs.

11.User Interface Customization:

- Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces with customizable themes, day/night modes, and
easy-to-navigate designs improve overall user satisfaction.

12.Continuous Improvement and Updates:

- Regular updates based on user feedback and emerging technologies ensure the app
remains relevant, efficient, and aligned with user expectations.

13.Enhanced Focus on Driving:

- By providing a centralized platform for communication, navigation, and safety features,
the app encourages drivers to focus solely on the act of driving, reducing cognitive load.

14.Promotion of Responsible Driving:

- Through a combination of safety features, reminders, and analytics, the app actively
promotes responsible and safe driving habits.

The application of a Driving Mode App ultimately revolves around creating a safer and
more convenient driving environment, utilizing technology to mitigate distractions and
enhance overall road safety.

Chapter 7: Applications

1. Admin can send the approval notice to the students through mail system.
2. Insert the student details and other records.
3. Students can enroll their complaints in complaints page.
4. Hostel employee can calculate the hostel accounts in an easy manner.
5. Hostellers can check the status of their hostel fee.
6. Room Allotment to the hostellers.

Chapter 8: Conclusion

In conclusion, the Driving Mode App project represents a significant stride towards
enhancing road safety and improving the overall driving experience. Through a
thoughtful combination of smart features, intuitive design, and seamless integration, the
app aims to minimize distractions and promote responsible and focused driving.

The journey began with a clear definition of objectives and a thorough understanding of
user needs through market research. The conceptualization and planning phase laid the
foundation, shaping the app's vision and setting the stage for a comprehensive
development process.

The design phase prioritized user experience, ensuring a clean and user-friendly
interface that minimizes cognitive load while driving. Technological choices, such as
voice recognition and navigation integration, were carefully made to enhance the app's
functionality and user convenience.

Throughout the development process, an agile approach allowed for iterative

improvements, responsive to feedback from both stakeholders and user testing.
Regulatory compliance was a key consideration, ensuring that the app not only meets
industry standards but also aligns with local laws and regulations.

The deployment marked the culmination of efforts, as the app became available to users
on iOS and Android platforms. Post-launch, continuous improvement remains a
priority, with regular updates based on user feedback and emerging technologies,
reinforcing the commitment to delivering a dynamic and evolving driving companion.

In essence, the Driving Mode App project embodies a commitment to safety,

innovation, and user-centric design. As users embrace this smart companion on their
journeys, the project's success will be measured not just in downloads but in the
positive impact it has on driving habits and, ultimately, road safety.
Chapter 9: Tools Used

1. Android Studio-

Android Studio is an IDE for Google Android Development launched on 16th May
2013, during Google's I/O 2013 event. Android Studio contains all the Android tools
to design, test, debug, and profile your application. The Android Studio uses Gradle to
manage your project, a Build Automation Tool.

2. Firebase-

Firebase provides detailed documentation and cross-platform app development SDKs,

to help you build and ship apps for iOS, Android, the web, Flutter, Unity, and C++.
Integrating it into your app is easy.

Chapter 10: References

1. O. Shoewu; S.A. Braimah; and O. Duduyemi, “Droving Mode App): LASU as Case

2. Felke-Morris. Basics of Web Design: HTML5 & CSS3, 2nd Edition, Addison-
Wesley, 2013.

3. Bikash Choudhary,Ajit Kumar Patro, “Driving Mode App”


1. -app/


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