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American International University-Bangladesh

English Writing Skills and Communication Skills

Submitted To : Tasnia Tarannum

Lecturer, English
Submitted By : Asifuzzaman Bhuiyan Siam
Id: 22-48289-3
Section: D
Department of CSE

Submission Date: 1 May , 2023

Water Pollution In Bangladesh. How to Reduce it?

Essay Outline

A.Supporting Paragraph 1
Main Idea: Situation of the problem
Supporting Ideas:-
i)The Increasing rate of water pollution in Bangladesh
ii)The types of water pollution in Bangladesh
iii)The impact of water pollution on human health

B. Supporting Paragraph 2
Main Idea:-Increase awareness and education about water pollution
Supporting Ideas:-
i)Provide proper knowledges and education to individuals and factories on how important
water is for life and how to reduce water pollution
ii)Establish Public awareness campaigns to educate the public on the importance of water
and how it is being polluted
ii)Warns factories not to throw away waste materials and chemicals on water

C.Supporting paragraph 3
Main Idea:- Strengthen Pollution Laws and regulations
Supporting Ideas:-
i)Enact stricter laws and regulations to those factories who pollutes water
ii)Establish a organizations which will invrstigate the rate of chemicals on water throwing by
iii) Regular checking by government

D. Supporting paragraph 4:-

Main Idea:- Raising public awareness

Supporting Ideas:-
i)Teaching importance of water in primary and secondary level education

ii)Giving knowledges about water pollution by posters,tv,newspaper ,animation videos

iii)Organize awareness campaigns in the communities where water pollution is prevalent


Water Pollution In Bangladesh. How to Reduce it?

Introduction:- Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, including rivers, lakes,
oceans, and groundwater, with harmful substances. These substances can come from various
sources, such as industrial and agricultural activities, sewage and wastewater discharge, and
accidental spills. Water pollution can have severe impacts on the environment, aquatic
ecosystems, and human health. It can harm aquatic life, affect food sources, and disrupt the
balance of ecosystems. Water pollution can also lead to the spread of diseases and toxins, posing
risks to human health,WHO(2014). To prevent water pollution, it is important to properly manage
and treat industrial and agricultural waste, regulate discharge of sewage and wastewater, and
promote sustainable practices in water use and conservation.

First and most importantly ,Bangladesh is a densely populated country with a rapidly growing
economy, and as a result, water pollution has become a significant environmental concern. The
country's rivers, canals, and groundwater are being contaminated with various types of
pollutants, including industrial waste, domestic sewage, and agricultural runoff. One of the major
sources of water pollution in Bangladesh is the textile and garment industry, which contributes to
the discharge of hazardous chemicals, heavy metals, and other pollutants into water bodies(From
a research by BRAC). In addition, untreated sewage from households and industries is also a
significant contributor to water pollution in the country.The pollution of water bodies in
Bangladesh has serious consequences for public health and the environment. Besides
Contaminated water can cause various waterborne diseases, including cholera, typhoid fever, and
diarrhea, which can be fatal if left untreated. Moreover, the pollution of water bodies can have a
severe impact on aquatic life and the food chain, which can have long-term consequences for the
country's ecosystem.The government of Bangladesh has taken several measures to address water
pollution, including setting up the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act in 1995, the
Bangladesh Environment Conservation Rules in 1997, and the Bangladesh Water Act in 2013.
Despite these efforts, water pollution in Bangladesh remains a significant environmental
challenge that requires further action to protect public health and the environment.

Also Pollution of water is a serious issue that affects not only human health but also the
environment. Water pollution can lead to the degradation of ecosystems, the destruction of
wildlife habitats, and the contamination of drinking water sources. To address this issue,
governments and other authorities have implemented a range of measures, including imposing
severe punishments on those who pollute water.Severe punishments can act as a deterrent to
prevent people from engaging in activities that cause water pollution. These punishments can
take the form of fines, imprisonment, or community service. The severity of the punishment
depends on the type and extent of the pollution, as well as the intent of the polluter.For example,
companies that dump toxic waste into rivers or lakes may face hefty fines and legal action.
Individuals who knowingly pour chemicals down the drain or engage in activities that cause oil
spills may also face severe penalties. Punishments can also include the revocation of licenses or
permits, which can prevent polluters from engaging in certain activities that could cause further
harm.In addition to punishments, there are other measures that can be taken to prevent water
pollution, such as implementing regulations, increasing public awareness, and investing in clean
technologies. However, imposing severe punishments is an important step in ensuring that those
who pollute water are held accountable for their actions and that the environment is protected
for future generations.

Therefore Water pollution is a severe problem in Bangladesh, and it affects the health and well-
being of the population. There are several ways to improve the water pollution condition in
Bangladesh. Below are some of the methods that can be taken.The government should launch
campaigns to educate the public about water pollution and its consequences on public health.
This would help to inform people about the risks and consequences of water pollution, and how
they can play their role in preventing it.The government should implement strict regulations on
industries, hospitals, and other institutions that contribute to water pollution. This includes the
proper disposal of hazardous waste, and the installation of effluent treatment plants.Encouraging
sustainable agriculture practices can help to reduce water pollution caused by the use of
chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This can be achieved by providing training and education to
farmers on alternative methods that are more environmentally friendly. Increase access to clean
water: The government should invest in the construction of water treatment plants to provide
clean drinking water to the population. This would help to reduce the reliance on polluted water
sources and improve public health.The government can encourage the use of eco-friendly
transportation, such as bicycles and electric vehicles, to reduce air and water pollution caused by
vehicles. improving the water pollution condition in Bangladesh requires a joint effort from the
government, the private sector, and the general public. By taking these measures, it is possible to
reduce the impact of water pollution on public health and the environment.
More importantly Public awareness plays a crucial role in removing water pollution from
Bangladesh. The government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can take several
measures to increase public awareness about the issue.Firstly, they can organize awareness
campaigns in the communities where water pollution is prevalent. These campaigns can involve
informative seminars, workshops, and presentations to educate people about the sources and
consequences of water pollution.Secondly, the government can also use mass media to raise
public awareness. They can air television and radio commercials or publish articles in newspapers
and magazines to educate people about the effects of water pollution on public health and the
environment. NGOs and the government can engage with local schools and universities to
include environmental education in the curriculum. This will help to instill a sense of
environmental responsibility in young minds and encourage them to take proactive measures to
prevent water pollution.

Overall, public awareness is crucial in removing water pollution from Bangladesh. By educating
people about the issue, its causes, and its consequences, we can encourage everyone to take
steps to reduce water pollution and make Bangladesh a healthier place to live.

In conclusion Reducing water pollution in Bangladesh requires a multi-faceted approach that

involves both government and individual actions. Here are some strategies that can be
implemented to reduce water pollution:The government can enforce stricter regulations on
industries and agricultural activities that produce waste. This can involve setting up effluent
treatment plants to treat wastewater before discharging it into water bodies.People can reduce
water pollution by managing household waste properly. This can involve proper disposal of waste
materials and reducing the use of plastic materials. Encouraging the use of eco-friendlly products
can also help to reduce water pollution. The use of biodegradable products can reduce the
amount of waste that ends up in water bodies.The government can raise awareness about the
impact of water pollution and educate the public on ways to reduce pollution. This can be done
through mass media campaigns and educational programs.The government can also improve
monitoring and enforcement to ensure that regulations on water pollution are being followed.
reducing water pollution in Bangladesh requires a concerted effort from both the government
and individuals. By implementing these strategies, we can protect public health and the
environment for future generations.

Word count:-680


BRAC (2011) Time for Action: United Nations Decade of Action for Water Pollution.

Rahman, F. A. (2011) ‘Water Pollution in Bangladesh: a neglected danger’

WHO (2013) “Water Pollution In Bangladesh”.

Ahmed, T., Rahman, M. A., & Islam, M. S. (2020). Water pollution in Bangladesh: A
Analysis. International Journal of Natural Science and Applications, 11(9), 227-232.

Akter, Tahera, et al. "Water Quality Index for measuring drinking water quality in rural
Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study." Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 35 (2016): 1-

Akter, T., Jhohura, F. T., Akter, F., Chowdhury, T. R., Mistry, S. K., Dey, D., ... & Rahman, M.
(2016). Water Quality Index for measuring drinking water quality in rural Bangladesh: a cross-
sectional study. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 35, 1-12.

Akter, Tahera, Fatema Tuz Jhohura, Fahmida Akter, Tridib Roy

Chowdhury, Sabuj Kanti Mistry, Digbijoy Dey, Milan Kanti Barua,
Md Akramul Islam, and Mahfuzar Rahman. "Water Quality Index for
measuring drinking water quality in rural Bangladesh: a cross-
sectional study." Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 35
(2016): 1-12.

* Collecting materials and Taking Notes

Essay Title: Water pollution Bangladesh: How to Reduce It

Resource mat 1: Rahman, M. S., & Bhuiyan, M. A. H. (2019). A

Comparative Study of Water Pollution between Bangladesh and
the USA. International Journal of Natural Resources, 13(1), 64-


 This article provides a comparative analysis of Water

pollution in Bangladesh and the USA, which can be
useful for understanding the unique challenges faced by
 The article highlights the need for better education and
awareness of Water pollution among the general
population in Bangladesh.
Resource mat 2: Islam, M. S. (2018). Water pollution in
Bangladesh: An Analysis. , 12(2), 316-327.
 This article analyzes the current situation in Bangladesh
for of water pollution
 The article suggests that there is a need for stronger laws
and regulations to remove water pollution in Bangladesh.
The article argues that the lack of enforcement of existing laws is
a significant challenge to reduce water pollution in Bangladesh.

Resource mat 3: Kabir, M. A., & Rahman, M. (2018). Natural

Resources problem in Bangladesh: The Present State of Affairs
and the Way Forward. Journal of natural resources, 7(3), 117-
135. doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.731
 This article provides an overview of the current state of
water pollution in Bangladesh.
 The article identifies several challenges faced by
Bangladesh in combating water pollution in Bangladesh.
 The article suggests several strategies for reducing water
pollution in Bangladesh,

Resource mat 4: Islam, M. S. (2020).Water pollution in

Bangladesh: Challenges and Benefits. In S. Islam, M. S. Islam, &
J. K. Mandal (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Natural Resources
(pp. 195-214). IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3514-

 This book chapter provides an in-depth analysis of the
challenges and obenefits related to water pollution in
 The chapter suggests several strategies for addressing
these challenges, including mill factories pollution ,
increased education and awareness programs.

Resource mat 5: Hanif, Md Abu. "Exploration of Water

pollution: Bangladesh." Prime University Journal 10, no. 01
(2016): 1-22.

 The G-8, The WHO considered water pollution as a

major concern for the global community
 Water Pollution can be categorized based on as follows-
(a) based on rate of arsenic (b) based on chemicals (c)
based on Heavy metals in water(Nahar, 2011).

Forming Essay Title:


Water Pollution

Types of Water Pollution in Bangladesh

Reason of water pollution in Bangladesh

Water pollution in Bangladesh: How to Reduce it


Pour fat and grease on the
Dispose of medical waste
Dispose of toxic

Support environmental
Checking sump mump
Water pollution.How to reduce
Checking cellar drain

Eat more organic

Report water
Use phosphate-free

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