DLP in Music

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music Grade 1

Topic: Tempo

I. Objective:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

- Define tempo in music

- Identify different tempos in music

- Demonstrate the ability to perform music at varying tempos

II. Subject Matter:

- Definition of tempo in music

- Different tempos (fast, slow, moderate)

- Examples of musical compositions with varying tempos


- Whiteboard and markers

- Audio player or instrument for demonstration

- Visual aids (pictures or videos of musicians performing at different tempos)

- Musical instruments (optional)


- Music textbooks or curriculum guides

- Online resources on musical tempo

- Music recordings or compositions with different tempos

III. A. Preliminary Activity:

1. Prayer

2. Checking the attendance

B. Lesson Proper:

1. Review:

- Ask students if they remember any previous discussions about rhythm and beat in music.

- Discuss briefly the connection between rhythm and tempo.

2. Motivation:

- Play a short musical excerpt with a fast tempo.

- Ask the students how the music made them feel and to describe the rhythm of the piece.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:

- Discuss any potential difficulties or questions the students may have about tempo.

4. Motive Question:

- Ask the students: "What is tempo in music?"

5. Standard:

- Present the official definition of tempo in music.

- Discuss how it relates to the speed at which the music is performed.

6. Presentation:

- Show visual aids such as pictures or videos of musicians performing at different tempos.

- Play examples of compositions with varying tempos, discussing the characteristics of each.

7. Answering the Motive Question:

- Ask the students to share their understanding of tempo based on the presentation and examples.

8. Analysis and Discussion:

- Engage the students in a discussion about the different emotions and moods that different tempos
can evoke in music.

9. Exercises:

- Conduct rhythmic exercises where the students have to tap or clap to different tempos.

- Have the students practice playing simple tunes on a musical instrument at varying tempos.

10. Generalization:

- Summarize the key points about tempo and its importance in music.

11. Application in Daily Life Situation:

- Discuss how tempo can be noticed and appreciated in everyday activities such as walking, running,
or dancing.

IV. Evaluation:

- Provide a short written or oral quiz to assess the students' understanding of tempo in music.

V. Assignment:

- Ask the students to find a song they like and identify its tempo. They can do this by counting the
beats per minute (BPM) or simply describing it as fast, slow, or moderate.

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