SOLO PARA EL ACREDITADOR - Final Oral Accreditation Guide Nivel A2 (Ago-Dic 2023) EVOLVE

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PART I (Student-Examiner interaction) Área de Idiomas

Finalstudent answers several
Oral Accreditation Guide questions asked by the examiner in a conversation. In turns,English
University each Level A2


PRIMER PARCIAL 20. Did you go for a coffee last weekend?

1. When is your birthday? 21. What is your impression about your city?
2. Who is your close friend? 22. How often do you go shopping?
3. Are you a very social person in general? 23. What are you going to do this month?
4.w many brothers and sisters do you have? 24. What are your plans for the weekend?
5. What’s in your backpack/pocket/bag? 15. What are you going to buy next weekend?
6. What is your favorite possession? 26. Do you prefer shopping with a friend or along? Why?
7. When does your day usually start? 27. Can you give me a suggestion about money care?
8. How many hours do you sleep? 28. Which is your favorite comfort food?
9. Where do you like to study? 29. How much meat or fish do you eat each week?
10. Who’s your favorite famous person? 30. What food do people usually eat at celebrations in your
11. Which app do you think is useful for you? 31. What’s your favorite party food?
12. Which sports do you play? 32. How was your last vacation?
13. What are you doing right now? 33. Where did you go on your last vacation?
14. Is your friend doing exercise right now? 34. What place would you like to visit?
15. Are you going to the movies this weekend? 35. Which things are important to you when you’re on
16. What are you doing after class? 36. Which is the best place to take tourists, if they want to
eat traditional food?
17. What kind of gifts do you like to receive? 37. Why do you use public transportation? (to/for)
38. Think of two places where you can buy clothes and
SEGUNDO PARCIAL accessories. Compare these places:
18. How was your last vacation? 39. Which of your friends or family has the most beautiful
19. What did you do last weekend? 40. Which of your friends or family has the darkest hair?

1. MY ROUTINE. Describe your daily routine. (4 activities in the morning, 4 activities in

the afternoon and 4 activities at night, please be specific). PRESENT SIMPLE

2. FITNESS. Name 3 fitness programs that ITSON is offering, say which program is the
best for you and give information about the program. PRESENT SIMPLE
3. ONE AMAZING DAY. Think of a special day in your life. Where were you? Who was
with you? What happened? Was it a good or a bad experience? PAST SIMPLE

4. FUTURE PLANS. Describe 4 activities that you plant to do for the next month. FUTURE
5. EAT IN THE STREET. Describe your favorite food truck dish and explain why you do or
don’t like the food trucks. PRESENT SIMPLE-QUANTIFIERS

6. MY TRIP. Describe a long trip you took some time in the past. Where did you go? Why
did you go there? How far was it? What form of transportation did you take? How did
you feel when you arrived? PAST SIMPLE

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