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Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: Family Ties – Exercise 1

Theme People and Culture

Skill Reading

Read the gapped text and choose the most suitable answer.

Family (1) ________ can be complex, but they are also incredibly important. One of the closest
relationships many people have is with their (2) ________. They are often the ones who offer guidance,
wisdom, and unconditional love. However, sometimes there can be disagreements or misunderstandings
between parents and their (3) ________. It's important to try to work through these issues and maintain
a strong bond. Another important family relationship is with a (4) ________ or (5) _________.

They can provide a different (6) __________ on life and offer a sense of history and tradition. Additionally,
siblings often have a special (7) __________ that is hard to replicate with anyone else. They may fight and
argue, but they also have a (8) __________ understanding of each other that comes from (9) _________
up together. Overall, the relationships we have with our (10) ________ are some of the most meaningful
and long-lasting connections we'll make in our lives.

Answer Choices:

siblings grandparent children parents relationships

bond perspective growing great-grandparents deep

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: Food, Food, Food! – Exercise 2

Theme People and Culture

Skill Listening

Listen to the audio clip and answer the questions that follow.

1. What is a balanced diet?

a) A diet that only includes fruits and vegetables.
b) A diet that contains a variety of different types of food in the right proportions.
c) A diet that is low in carbohydrates.

2. Why is it important to eat a balanced diet?

a) To gain weight.
b) To maintain good health.
c) To prevent a range of diseases.

3. Which of the following should you include in your meals to eat a balanced diet?
a) Processed and high-fat foods.
b) Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein sources, and healthy fats.
c) Sugary drinks and snacks.

4. What is a good source of lean protein?

a) Nuts and seeds.
b) Chocolate and candy.
c) Chicken and fish.

5. What is a good source of healthy fats?

a) Avocado and nuts.
b) Chips and crackers.

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

c) Soda and energy drinks.

6. Why should you limit your intake of sugary drinks and snacks?
a) Because they are healthy.
b) Because they can be harmful to your health.
c) Because they are low in calories.

7. What are some tips for eating a balanced diet?

a) Eating only fruits and vegetables.
b) Choosing whole foods instead of processed foods.
c) Drinking sugary drinks and eating sugary snacks.

8. Which of the following is a whole grain?

a) White rice.
b) Brown rice.
c) French fries.

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: Time to Spare – Exercise 3

Theme People and Culture

Skill Writing

Read the message from Samuel to his friend James and complete the given task.

Hey James! I hope you're doing well. I was thinking that we should do something fun this weekend. How

about we go for a hike at the nearby national park? It's supposed to be a beautiful trail, and I heard there

are some amazing views from the top. We could bring a picnic lunch and enjoy it while taking in the scenery.

What do you think? We could go on Saturday morning, say around 10 am? It should take us about 3 hours

to complete the trail, so we'll have plenty of time to relax and enjoy our lunch. I think it would be a great

way to get some exercise and fresh air, plus it's always nice to spend some quality time together.

Let me know if you're interested, and we can plan the details together.


Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: That’s Entertainment – Exercise 4

Theme People and Culture

Skill Speaking

Look at the pictures below. In pairs, discuss and create a dialogue on your preference for learning
either the piano or the violin:

Sample Dialogue :

A: So, have you thought about which instrument you'd like to learn? Piano or violin?

B: Hmm, I'm not sure. I've always loved the sound of the piano, but the violin has always intrigued me.
What about you?

A: I've always been more drawn to the piano. I love the way you can create such a wide range of sounds
and emotions with it.

B: Yeah, I can see that. But with the violin, there's just something about the way you can make it sing that
really speaks to me.

Here are some sample sentences you could use to express your opinions:

I prefer the piano because of its versatility and it's easier to learn than the violin.
I would like to learn the violin because of its beautiful, romantic and elegant sound.
I'm more drawn to the piano because it can be used in a variety of genres.
I've always had a soft spot for the violin because of its emotional expressiveness.
I think the piano is a more practical choice because it's used in so many different types of music.
I'm leaning towards the violin because of the challenge it presents.

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: Time to Spare - Exercise 5

Theme People and Culture

Skill Writing

Based on the to-do bucket list during your family adventure time, choose 5 activities that you would
like to do the most and write a short message to your friend.

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: Lessons to Learn - Exercise 6

Theme People and Culture

Skill Listening & Speaking


These are sample prompts that can be used by the students to explain the word to be guessed by their
friend sitting on the “hot seat”. Teachers can assign the students into a few groups and do this activity
simultaneously or do it as a class. If the student cannot guess all 15 words within the stipulated time
(set by the teacher), the student sitting on the hot seat will be replaced by another. This activity can
further be extended by asking the students to come up with their own set of words; related to the
facilities that can be found in their school.

1. Where do students go to eat during lunch breaks?

2. Where do students go to exercise and play sports indoors?
3. Where do students go to borrow books or study?
4. Where do students go to use computers or other technological equipment?
5. Where do students conduct experiments and observe scientific phenomena?
6. Where do students go to watch performances or attend school assemblies?
7. Where do students go to practice and perform music?
8. Where do students go to create and study visual art?
9. Where do students go to practice speaking and listening to foreign languages?
10. Where do students go to play sports outdoors?
11. Where do younger students go to play during recess?
12. Where do students go to seek emotional or mental health support?
13. Where do students go to receive medical attention or first aid?
14. Where do students go to access various media resources, such as films or documentaries?
15. Where do students go to learn practical skills related to cooking, sewing, or other domestic

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: Time to Spare - Exercise 7

Theme People and Culture

Skill Reading

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Based on the words in the word search, fill in the blanks with the most suitable word.

During our free time, there are so many activities we can do to relax, have fun, and recharge. Some people
enjoy ________, moving their bodies to the beat of the music. Others love __________in the great
outdoors, spending time in nature and breathing in fresh air. Some enjoy taking a break from the hustle
and bustle of daily life by _________ in a cozy tent under the stars. For those who love to be physically
active, there's nothing like ___________ up a mountain trail or __________ in the cool waters of a lake
or pool. For those who prefer a quieter pastime, __________ a good book can be a perfect way to unwind.
Others love the thrill of ___________ and trying to catch the biggest fish they can find. Some enjoy the
freedom of ___________ along a scenic route, feeling the wind on their faces. And for those who love the
feeling of gliding on ice, there's nothing like _________ or __________ down a snowy slope. Whatever
your favorite activities are, make sure to take some time for yourself to do what makes you happy!


In this task, students will be assigned into a few groups. Students are required to pick an activity from the
word search box and need to discuss on an activity club that they would like to establish in their school.
Students can create a poster to promote their club. Finally, students can put up their posters on the
classroom walls and through the gallery walk session, they are required to present and promote their
club. The students will then vote for the best club, and the group with the highest number of votes wins.

Prepared by: Hema

Module Upskilling Performance (Module UP) Keramat 2023 Lower Secondary

Chapter: Family Ties - Exercise 8

Theme People and Culture

Skill Reading

Prepared by: Hema

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