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~~-~ - --

- ~- --_,-er-------=.,.;.------
. .,- - ~
- ~

• ~ pl.p.eru_ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ with O

~ G6 na .e m D ~ m ~
9f ~ AJ.,()_W fo"r ~
- erform . Cost of estimatio n i s rnin ·
• Easy top 'tnai anc1
le~~ r
. adyantages
DIS d h"
- . . , ,, visual 111etho . mate m g of co lot1 r tnay
• As 1t ,s ,, ·
GA Var
(Ennr: Above 5- IO ~ ). Y ftlJ'n
. d \'Jo.,

) . the sta ndard may I·a e.

• co 1our< 1 ·

ost1·mate aJI type of haemogl obin.
• Do no t '- •

~ormal Values
• Adult males = 14 -18 (16 +/-2) g/dl of Blood.
• Adult female= 12-16 (14 +/-2) g/dl of Blood
• In newborns = 16-22 g/dl of Blood by 4 months it de creasestoq
• By 1o years = 12 -14 g/dl ,

• There may be slight decrease in Hb level after 50 years of age

Ftg: ('omponeo l~ 1>1


1st reading Gust dark) ... ... .l.1-... ....... . . .. ... .. .. ... ... gjdl
2 reading (same) ... .. . ... r~
..... .. .. .. ..... ..... ... gm I dl Q. l Ho" will
amount ot" " hl

3 reading Gust light) ... .. _I~ ... . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . ... . . .. .. . gm I dl Q..2 Can we u.,,

Q3. What ha
❖ The average of above three readings is taken as haemoe,olobin cont:~ distilled watc,

Q4. Out uf 1

RESULT tu~, which i

Haemoglobin content of my bIood is .. '.1) .. . ... . .. gm / 100 ml of blood

QS. t;i"e ,01

% µn ~

etm (.}Uil:t .(j.


Golden-twvwn 20

lllaa ■oda ••

Pla■llcbox 0.02 ml
(20 µ))

Com para tor
Hemoglobin tube
Hemoglobin pipette
Fig: Com pon ent s of Sah li's h
. meter.


Q.1 How will the exp erim ent be affe

cted •·r more or
less than the required
am oun t of N/10 UC L is tak en in the
tub e?
Q.2 Can we use any stro ng acid or alka
li for hemolys ing the RBC?
Q3. Wh at hap pen ed if we use tap
wat er for dilution purpose instead of
dist ille d wat er?

Q4. Ou t of the two sca les pro vid ed

on the gra dua tion haemoglobinometer
tub e, whi ch one is pre ferr ed and why
Q5. Giv e som e com mo n cau ses of incr
eas e and decrease haemog lobin value.

~ 1i - ~n ~ ~ , _i,b ClJ1U)WV <91J M/ 10 Hl l i6 -~ trlQ ~

e(i µn culJ.,u{,d s ~ ~ l)Q. ~ -l\fWJ\., ~. Wful..9. ' -1.Ji t\'l9..
afY 10- UA f j;, .IJJ>& I QR ~~ will v\()t Wl. ~ . j/'11.L!, ~
~ 9& ~flOHCl.. £, ~ bR... ~ - 97

_ _ _... .,_ ." "' !l :: ~~ -~-

~ f\J.JJ.lQJl ~Li ~ ~ ~
'Jh.o.,(Q_ COO- tUJD ~~ ~ CUJ On -,1-1
' -11'('\ ' ' '0n1
"° o . (J{ ~ I IOOrm.
~- WW ~ ~ fu I-lb V ~ W-hi.u ~
~ bUill ~ -tru. H.b ~ g;t-~ LJ) -~ ~
(OO°lo v ~ . jf ~ ~ ro ~ Lt J/l gm ~ IOO $-{) ~
thfil\ ~

~ 0f- ~
lnCJ<Q!lQQlll Hamui\}Wb-(n ffiWlt (l, knswn_ a1, It) L Cf' THE M/ft /lfld &><
(ERYlHRomos,s .
v.JJ c.ori9e.ru1cu ltW»U ~ ~~ ~ =: taJ ~ - laituiut_Uow o?UJ'JRil WJelJ

l)~ ct ~\J)½u\ t!lUl'tt A.!,. COJJQd ~ AI\JAE/V/11\ .

~ 0-9<9. i (OJ l--.n'Yl,((J tb) folD_K ~ fl. CIJ

cc., U.U-- ())I 1.. cl~CJ.j

taJ ~Utli-r, <S/, ¾ c ~ ·ttu>.t, ~

cCJ ~ . temn._ -~ ) .~ - u,"rtm.i.t I .

~ <UW)'l-1.¼ l ~ ""-u_~I i'.l>_h<.OJ{_98 j\
. t ll y an d then one step venicau 'i
'de t, on zon a
ti on (repeat these steps,
Move the slide slowl y. to one s1 ·n the rever se direc

, ~ ":S- ~
,odzontal n1ovem en t i
follow ed by I . f ' Ids in the film .
· w v11not1 s ie ·
if necessAry) to v,e

ma peripheral smea r?
e can get f ro
. .
Q.1 What information on
. . dafte r two minutes and not earlier?
Q.2 Why Leishman 's stain is dilute

-f eci. _,u. a ~ lil ~ to ~

.,,h '&l,.(,'< j %, - ./J, fK0./J C,LQ.,,o.{(.U.. Wffi9el ,smcl.W<-
.:.d w ?Ji W-lti k aLl-1 _Mcl ~ . ::)hi>:, till ~1:, a~ ~

~ h(ood wil ~ tho-} TOO{y be_ Q ~ "Ii

~ an i.m p~ p(JJ!Jc ~
Qf, UW1lfD tn and

d.t:.t!W. . <11r ~ lrbod stnJllJ-X fellk ~ 11( I

~ .

-1;rv J.l..P.k _ 2 ~ - Jrn. stain nao to be, R.Li)+ fa"r 2 rnmukD ~ mru a L~~ .
~ Jhl! i! fhQ_ ~ .nrrto w-nm rmfuJf ~ -
~~ ~ 0f) itlQ ~ . NO J ~ ~~ -th1!
Jirru (ljJ fu .&tain p~ aJ{_Q, .iJJ mm ·- ~ ~ and (l__QN ) o t
enw -t WJj .
The qual ity of the sme ar shou ld be assessed before st artrng t e count.

th roug hout the leng th of the smear h
• Counting cells
. ' except t e extreme ends of
head and tai I.

prevent double counting of a

• Coun ti ng shou ld be done in a zigzag pattern to
ce ll .

• A mini mum of I 00 cell s should be counted.

The aver age norm al perc enta ge of various cells are:

ntage_ e
grea1 0- 1 %


1 oil- Results

Record your results as under:
NEU TRO PHI LS -------- %

EOSINOPHILS -------- %
___ Q ___

LYM PHO CYT ES -------- %

MO NOC YTE S -------- %


. . l . nt typ e wh ite ce ll s
e count ot d1t et e is the expressio
• Ab solut .
, . the blo od str ea m. Th is . n of the
. f the se cells u1 inv olv es a differ . 1~1~
wm ~1 0 ent1a1
and \W
tot a
B c.
· ·
coun t. '

Ab solute count of. a type o f white cells ==

Differential count of the cell

- X W BC co un t I of blo
RESULTS:The absolute count of
cells are :

Absolute Neutrophil count = ___

__(i\_J?_ Q__________________ /C u. mm
. op h.l ~Q ---t,--- --- --- --- --- --- --- -
Ab so1ute E osm 1 count = --- ---
/C u. mm
Absolute Lymphocyte count = --~
.:.g_OQ ____________________ /C u. mm
Absolute Monocyte count = -----~
◊-°----------------------- /C u. mm

variations in differ ent types of leucocytes.

Qt . Gin' the causes o f

1111 \. . , , , , , , , ...
, . ,, '''" l , , , . \.I\. I
- -~

e b -1 · .
in an y tw o of th e au,·ac nt nn er Im es and neg lec t th e oth er tw o

ou ld he ct<'an <1 nd dr
• A l l th e eq uip me nt sh · ·
ou ld he Llc' c) , I ot blood . D o
Th e pu nc tur e sh ontaneo us I low
• l l nn u g 1 l o t1 1l ow sp
no t sq ue c7e.
up tn 0 ..1 ll Htrk s.
• Ta ke blo nd l'\t lct l y
hlo od .
r be for e di lut in g th e
• W ipe the tip of pip ctt
blood c lot s in the
l 'lt e sh ou ld be dil ute d qui ck ly. oth erw ise
• Bl oo d in th e pip
pip ett e.
drawn mu c h abov e the
ng flu id ex ac tl y up to IOI ma rk . If fluid is
• Su ck dil uti
proce dure.
. dis ca rd thi s. c lea n the pip ett e and res tart the
ma rk
of the bulb .
• ha rg ing the ch am be r. ge ntl y mi x the co nte nt
Be fo re c
t contain ce ll s .
flu id as fluid in the stem do es no
• Di sc ard the fir st tw o dr op s of
ov erf low .
ed an d flu id sh ou ld no t
• Bu bb les mu st be av oid
un de rch arg ed .
• D o no t ov er ch ar ge d or
n~ d rec ha rge .
of ce lls is no t un ifo rm , dis ca rd an
• If the dis tri bu tio n
me ce lls tw ice .
• A vo id co un tin g the sa

LI t '\. i,-.) 1) I

I -
w :) :.i


~ -

ar 11


-..-10 I C\ e ct
■ • ',J
l~ t\~ I 11
11 I '
' O I?

I ~


rt 6 I6 i' I J
1 e

/lJ 6 t i Q
eubauer's chamber (red
' '\
~ I 10
-Fig:°' AreaI s for red bl ood ceII count on

11 3
CALC l lLATION Q .·1 List ll
. , I (di luti on factor )
. . . )11 nl)t.-1111n
1-ulatinn i )t d1h1t11 , . , of th e pipcll r to m ark I ) co ntain u·1
ll Ing Q2. Wh y
❖ C at . 'Ill' ( frOtl l th < 111
111 nf pipt , rt in dilutio n .
pipet te b
• 111c stl'
)1 1·1kc pa
flui d tlllll dnCS 111 • Q3. Wh ~
ill l)ltlb
• ) ,c111-s 0 11 ly ) I 1- 1()())
• Oilutl\)11 l l .
. . I 00 ( l ( - -
. Q4. Ho"
• 1l1C , •,1hl11H' 1)f t)lllb lS
Q5. G iv
Fin al vo lume attain ed ( I 00 parts)
= Volum e of blooJ taken (0.5 parts)
The dilution factor is

= 200

❖ Calcularion of red cell count

. t·· medium sized RBC squar es
• Area o t 1ve
= 5 x 115mm x 115mm
= 1/5 rnm
• Depth of the chamber = 1110 mm

• Volume of fluid in five RBC squar es

mm 2 x 1/10 mm
= 1/5
= 1150 rnrn
If cells in 1/50 rnm volume of dilute d blood is 'N'

Therefore , number of RBCs in 1 mm of diluted bloo d= N
x 50

• Therefore , number of RBCs in 1 mm of undiluted blood
= N x 50 x Diluted factor (200)
= N x 10,000


• s·,~, ..
RBC count ofmy blood ·•s .... ·'· .. .. .. . m1lhons / of blood

Normal R.B.C. Count

• Adult male= 5.2 (4 5 _ 6 ..

. . .0) m11I1ons/mm3 of blood
• Adult female= 4.? (4 2 _ . .
. 5.5) mtlhons/mm3of blood
• New born = 6 o_8 0 . .
. . m1l11ons/ mnn of blood
• 2 to 3 month of age = 3 . .
- 4 milhons/m J
• lO years of age= 5 m·1r m of blood
• ions/ mmJof blood
(} ~- Wl1y
v•v~tt~ h-~ f
Q J . Whnt

Q 4 · 1--tow '

llllt' u, '11\('(I < I 00 p,H l'- 1

1ina 1 \ l)ll •

, ·,,t11nl<' ,,t M<w'l< I tJ1'rn (0 <; part-. )

- 200

= I -' mm·
• Dt-,pth ,"': the chamber = I /IO mm
• , ,,Ju:nt" (1 1 flui d in five RBC sq uares
= 1 5mm : x 111 0 mm
= I 50 mm
• u cell , 1n 1/50 mm ' vo lume of diluted blood is ' N '
• Therefore . number of RBCs in I mm of diluted blood = N x 50
• Therefore. number of RBCs in I mm of undiluted blood
=~ x 50 x Diluted factor (200)
=~ X J0.0QQ


• RB( wum of my blood is . ..5.~J. 1. ···•·· millions I Cu .mm of blood

l\ormal lt.B.C. c,.,unt

• Adulr malt = 5.2 (4 5 . .

. 6.0) millmns/mnn of blood
• Aduh temal t = 4.7 (4 .2
5.5) million s/mnB of blood
• New born = 6.()X
.Umillions/ mm~ of bl ,1
• 2t 3 OOu
o month of age - 3 .
- - 4 mitlions/mnvof bl d
• l0yearsofage=5m ·1r oo
i ions/ mmJof blood
Q.l List uses of RBC pipette oth
er then countinJl th e RR('s.
Q2. Why is it important to discard t
•pette befio""' • he nrst few drops of Ouid from the
p1 .. • ... c 1largmg?

Q3. What do you mean by Polycyth em ia and Anemia?

Q4. How will you differentiate RBC s from dust particles?

Q5. Gh•e the normal life-span of 8 RBC.

-ll~l( j_ ~ - J l\Q tY\Clln lAJ..LQ. ~ R~(. DA H e., A.1 W::. . '" A

r 1ru>~~ a_ ~ w._u ~ g t ll.
~ .
oJ.._ho (o.e__vri UQQ.ol en ~~ '") ~SM Cu1.Q). NWC:Uu.rts> Q!,. o QmDdl-Ul.ronJ

1Ylb~um.Qflt .
'3 + l1 ~ () Llf.lQci CU:> <1JJ0J. -\1·-·nao fX-PWe.. -

~ 2. g - ~ FiJ.u t fw_J dJ.u5-p& % ~ vru.wt b,Q_ c t . w ~ l ~

~ Q_;) tyzQ_ £,4(:m_ <9-t ~e.. UYrUairu ~ ~ ~ . J\tl.Q__

~ Sh&-U.lci ~ ~ ctl eTu_ go oncl. mot i.n p~ . foQ.l tM

X 50
CY®. ~ Cl c1J-U}p Ob ~ S-lVL .

~3~- p~ ~ ·W\emi.a OY eJ.UJi'n9W~\u~ ~ r:8 Qr\ UL~ in CU)~

~ b1e0cl ~ CR{:)0 ~ Cn 'oo~ . ~\1 ~tx\t9.. J ~ ~ ~cK.d

~cm~ m hcwnoq~ ~ (9.9--l \~O{.lt: -

A~exvu.J) ~ ~ O. .Q.Qut-% RBCS ~ ~lhlYfl91. RJ~0, tn. be~ ·


J h.U ~ to u.9-illlUl__d a0U-Jw-n. ~ -to \o ~~ ~an .

~ 6ncl. ~hl pu1,k ill ~ ~ -t\19. cUW p ~t ClXQ_

~ ~ \ ) ~ ~ a.n.ol ~ . 115
- - - -- ~ - -- - --- -

---- -
C' ' " c- ll IC en 1
• o tscard
· the f trst two dr · a 11be1.. ~oenu y rni, th.... \ llll' pr ncedure .
• Bubbl es must b .
e avoided. opsa of t7 u1<.1
• a tl . e cnnt ent nr th
s U1d in th e h11lh .
• Do not overch at
· .ged . nd fi11id sh
· nu ld n e stern line ". nnt c un
• If ti d' O ' un,krch nt nvern tarn cell,
1t' istribut' arged ow
1011 ofL·rll ·. .
• A . s is n t
vnid l'otmt i 11 ~o tl 1l' <.'•.l, , o uni fnrrn • C1·I SC '> I
•Hl ll{' ce ll ' . .
s twice ' nr( and recharge .




1 mm

Fig: Areas for white blood cell count on Neubauer's chamber (L).

• Calculation of dilution obtained (dilution factor)
• The stem of pipette (from the tip of the pipette to mark l) contains

diluting fluid that does not take part in dilution.

• Dilution occurs only in bulb

f h is 10 (11-1==10)
- F in al vo lu m e at
taine<l ( 10 part s)
'f he dilution fact y turn e o f bl oo
or is 0 d take n (0.5 pa
rt s)
:::: 20

• catcutation ot. ~ B C ·ount

\1 l:
• Are• (lf f(l llf woe S<l" " res = 4 • I
= 4 mm2
. th e ~ha11lb er
• Oept\l 0 t = I I\ 0 mm
• Vo\um e of nuid in
fiv e WB C squ ar
== 4 sq .mm x \/
\0 mm
== 4/1 0 mm '.\
• If cell s in 4/10 m
m' volume o f di
lu te
d bl oo d is 'N '
• Therefore. numbe
r of W B C s in 1 m
m ' o f diluted b
• Therefore , numbe lo od = N , 1014
r of W B C s in 1
m m ' o f undilute
== N x 10/4 x D
d blood
iluted factor (20)
= N x 50
o4 ~ 5 o :'. S '1.0 O
::: 1
cm I w rt ff \
• W.B .C. count o
f my bl oo d is ..5?:.0..9... /C
u .m m . o f bl oo d .
Normal W.B.C. C
• Adults = 4,000 -
11,000 / m m3 o f
bl oo d
• N ew bo rn s= 10,0
00 - 25 ,0 00 3
/ m m o f bl oo d
• In fa nt s= 6,000 -
18,000 / mm3 o f
bl oo d
• C hi ld re n= 5,000
- 15,000 / mm3
o f b lo o d

Q l. Why RBCs ar

Q2. What is Leuk

e not seen wh·1I e

ocytosis?. G.ive so
counti. ng WBC?

me causes respon

sible for it?

Q3. What is Leuco
penia?. G.ive so
me causes resp
Q4. What is Leu onsible for it?
,ArtA.uJ..Q}.{ 2. i - /,..e,uJ,(.O~ tom '.) &0-{_ vugn w 1uu 'a.lo . 0
o <'..R..U c...Q.tJJU: ) um mdl (9iQ a.. ~ e.
.. .
~ ~ . ~/- (jJf1 loR- lClU,QQ__ct l.,_J ~
I . •

'4 ~ , ~ J
• .

0-lW_cJ-Urn. I ~~)~ d u ) ~ ()Y" 0 ~ cM., Qti .

l.O ~ ~o.. .ci (_QJ._,l ( > 11 g IL) bloc d s ~ .

JVW/.) ~

~ -~ L-lJ.UY)
~ 2> i - J~ tew n ~ l2. ©-btm
~ Q.{_Q_,Q_,uil {fwrn_ ~ pM-0 cll,LUW7) ~ w~ -
~p .m i.u . ~t
W--l ~ M\-- ~u um 09-L'Dofu .) ~ ,
LUili£oJ1.Bn OJtd '.J

m etnct unrnune -
~ ~ ~~ m m '.) ~ 1

~ C)J{_Q._ W ,D f'~ m"" -tru.. lBn<iilil


~ Lt i - L~ .a o con(Q9-l_ e9v \awod - roQ.ll'Yling -lt!&\.l9i , ~ t.nsL

VJD ~ ~ to ~ ~ ·

IVL ~ ~ M<.U.~ $l,\J \'\ OJ) QO-,\¾ UJmplllO'oiMhl Q,uJ.)WYlt9 \ Q ~

~ ~ ~ ( ~~ \-( _( ~

12 l

• Bleedin g tim e of m y B l ood i s


❖ Nornia lly it is I to 5 Mi t
nu es by Duke's method .

B. Clottin g or Coagulation Time (C.T.)

❖ Definit ion: It is the measure of the time taken by blood to form coagulam
•!• The two method s commo nly used to determine the C .T . .
• Wright 's Capillary Glass Tube Method
• Lee and White Methods

• The Wrigh t's Capilla ry glass tube method is routinely used in clinical
laborat ories to determi ne CT.
Wright 's Capillary Glass Tube Method

• A deep punctu re is made in the skin and blood is taken into a capillary glass
tube. The time that it takes for the blood to clot. as detected by the appearance

of fibrin string, is reporte d as CT.


• Spirit swab,
• Pricking needle ,

• Stopwatch,
Wright ' s capillary glass tube

()I .. ,pt •, ln It\\> fnrt,,

,. 4) ! t- , plc,in lh\> r l\ In
() ' \\ In '"' dntt1 n11 11

()J \\ h111 ,.. nnrm:il

()' \.\ lrnt ,-. th. , ff~

()'1 \\ h'll ,-. lhf, '""'


. t' ue by Wright's Capillary GI~ T ~-

fig: c1owng " u,J\'. \1e:q._,

R[C .\l1 10NS

P · th ecessary materials before starting the test • r
• Gather all en
. hould dry completely before pricking.
• Toe ski ns
• The puncture should be deep.
• Do not squeeze.
• Immediately after filing, the capillary tube should be held ~~
ro maintain its temperature because temperature affects clotting_
• With each break of the capillary tube, appearance of the fibrin ~ i!

look for.

• Clotting time . .
ot my blood by Wright method is .. -~ .. / .. .. 01inu1~
❖ NormaUy ·t.
I IS 3-8 mi
notes by Wright's method.
QI. Explain lht> fa<'t
. ors affl'<'ling and . .
Ql-. Explam lht> fa<'tors fli . s1g111ficance of hi .
, . a ecbng and si eed,ng time.
Q.l \\ h~• 1s clotting t' gnificance of 1 •
ime longer th b . c otting time
Q4. What is normal I an leeding time? .
P atelet count?
Q5. \\'hat is the effect on bl .
eechng ti111e d
Q6. What is the effect O bl . an clotting time in P
n eedang ti urpura ?
me and clottin . .
g lime 111 hemophilia?
H liYIAA-L,'I.{_ 1 2, - ~~ C:().M,t f.fr1rl ·
w; cen_
~ -;/ Uj ~ hlm. Wu ~
(lo] Fwlm_~ ~ woJf.
( L) Te / r l . p ~ -tempo~ ~ C WC ~


DF ~

~~ ~
·My PQh.Q.n.t 0-7)
©'< b&m ~~
arLttwa.g.tili)J1j ~ .

~ '2.. ~ - Fo.Uo~ ~Jina ~ -6~i

0 p~ L/V<9-b~~ ~~ 60-U-O~
0 7~
1e palms
___,) SI~ N /Fl CA-1\l C. E: O r-- C. Lo TTf f\J CJ-I Tr flll E
9t ~ ~ if) ~ Lr) -~ ·6 Cl(JOS2-t Q9.{Q_ ~ .
1ould be

~ 3 g- ~ timsl .u .,tne_ itrYu2 {Qllm_ ~ r--~ 06 \aLOO-Ql u.mlLL

-$ th.SL MG~ Qfs ~ ~ ~ .-tun9.. ~ tt\1tQ_n ~$7

~ 01) bLeoo ~ t& ~-©J{_f(lolu}r) ~ ~¼ t ~ ~
~ ~ iv& ~ -lhM ~ -trJrn_ .

~ /.../ ~ _ Nf»-lfnOJ.. ~~ W,Ufl.± ,i__b /-, STI , 0 0 O - ~ J ~ D J 00 O p-l.C.\te.,\.Q.,t::, )~.l\ ,L-ll

3t ~ l!f)(,WSil ~ 4 ,\7Ji00 O ~ J,uL .½ ~ Tf-lROMBOO!O) IS.

, 00 0 /"\l a -+eJoH, I JJL ~ wJ,lQJ1\ l HRO M0O Cl/70 Pf: NIA.

91; fV.01-~ Q},(Q ~1h0n /1 \ U 1 ,_..,__.. - - - - 127
\ \ \

\ \ \

r i O ~ .b u t ~ .bJn
.5 ttm..o_ ib
ff g - ~n . ~ ,. -~
P J~
tfW.Q (i CUl
in2 }J, ~ lli.U
6 , h u o r li n a t1
~ ~
~ ;rg - 9h ir l ~-~
PRocE orR E-..
1. As" 1 . . ._,nn l ,i nd let hi111 re '- l hi -; fmec1 n77 1111"
t le ~llhft't t In , it co111f nrHthh n il " .
t t1 •I ,i nd 111ark th e rad 1<1 I arter y
. ·
a k "ith the "n,t ,tig hth extende d . h'<'
i c; n i ,1r1<J fix th e 111 strume nt o n th e .
~- w · ·I 11111 · . Wr1 ~1
md the ~,wing nl the clock lll<'t
.· . .. , ,H.: tl y 0 11 th e rad ial artery.
" 1th ~trap. S('l'ing th at the 1-. noh reS t s c x
" • rin o lever to ob tain th e best put , .
1 s a1 10 17 ~
·"· Adjust the tension of the stra p o il t ic sp e-
. • ntre ofreco rdings pace.
as w ell as to b1i ng till' po 111t al I1ie ce

. , . l y th e writin g po int o n i t and start the
4. lnsen the strip of smokctl pape, · app
. . 1 leng th of Sphyg mogra m.
clnck mechanism. O btain a goou

t tic lirnb)
E,·ery pulse record shows an ascending gradient (upS roke or anacro
~ 11owed by a summit• and t hen a desc end1·noo gradien t (down stroke or ca ta erotic

e p wa,·e (percussion wave) occurs due to ejectio n of blood from the ventricle
against the
during systole. The d wave (dicrotic wave) occurs due to reboun d of blood
of the
closed aortic valve during diastole. Then (dicrotic notch) represe nts the closure
filling in
aortic valve. From the sphygmogram, we can derive pulse rate, rhythm and
many rypes of heart ailments, abnormal sphygm ograms are recorde d.
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