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Risk Measurement:

Standard Deviation: Measures the degree of variation of returns from the average. Higher standard
deviation indicates higher risk.

Beta: Indicates the asset's sensitivity to market movements. A beta greater than 1 suggests higher risk,
while below 1 suggests lower risk.

Volatility: Reflects the degree of price fluctuations. Higher volatility implies higher risk.

Credit Ratings: For fixed-income assets, credit ratings assess the issuer's ability to meet its financial
obligations. Lower ratings imply higher risk.

Liquidity Risk: The ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without affecting its price. Lower
liquidity can increase risk.

Return Measurement:

Annualized Return: The average annual return over a specific period, providing a standardized
measure for comparison.

Total Return: Accounts for both capital appreciation and income generated by the asset.

Yield: For income-generating assets (e.g., bonds, dividends), yield represents the annual income as a
percentage of the asset's price.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR): Measures the profitability of an investment, considering the time value of

Historical Returns: Examining past performance to gauge potential future returns, although it doesn't
guarantee future outcomes.

Risk-Return Tradeoff:

Positive Correlation: Assets with higher risk often have the potential for higher returns, exemplifying
the risk-return tradeoff.

Diversification: Spreading investments across different assets can help manage risk without sacrificing

Investment Goals and Horizon: Risk tolerance and the time frame for holding an asset influence the
choice between high-risk, high-return, or lower-risk, lower-return investments.

Sharpe Ratio: Measures the excess return per unit of risk and is used to evaluate the risk-adjusted
return of an investment.

These metrics and concepts collectively provide a comprehensive understanding of both the risk and return
associated with an asset, aiding investors in making informed decisions based on their financial objectives
and risk tolerance.



meaning of economic significance of index movement short and simple


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