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Topics for presentations:

1) Limits, Alternatives, and Choices

2) Normative and Positive Statements
3) Production Possibility Curve
4) Economic Growth
5) Economic resources
6) Budget Line
7) Production Demand Analysis
8) Production Supply Analysis
9) Market Equilibrium
10) Production Costs Analysis
11) Explicit and Implicit Cost of production
12) Short-Run Production Costs: Fixed, Variable, and Total Costs.
13) Per-Unit, or Average and Marginal Cost of production
14) Long-Run Production Cost
15) Economies and Diseconomies of Scale of production
16) Pure Competition Analysis
17) Pure Monopoly Analysis
18) Monopolistic Competition Analysis
19) Oligopoly Analysis
20) Measuring Domestic Output and National Income
21) Gross Domestic Product
22) The Expenditures Approach and Income Approach of GDP
23) Nominal GDP versus Real GDP
24) Unemployment and Inflation
25) Phases of Business Cycle
26) Fiscal Policy
27) Money and Banking
28) Money Creation
29) Interest Rates and Monetary Policy
30) Financial Economics

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