NK 11

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Alarm Num

Alarm Na Alarm GroEvent TypDefault SeMeaning

146 Resource blSBTS FCT FCT If PIC configuration cannot be allocated to a DSP resource because the
149 Ten consecSBTS FCT DSP One particular DSP Nacks DCH setup 10 times with cause "NotEnoughR
154 PIC pool coSBTS FCT LCR,FCT 1.UARFCN of the cell being setup, conflicts with the PIC pool configuratio
157 Not enoughSBTS FCT FCT 2.The
cell pool configuration
is inactive because of(new or of
a lack updated) received
sufficient Commonfrom BTSOM
Control tha
158 Hanging HSBTS FCT DSP The PSCR request for setting up new HSPA resources is made on alread
149 Ten consecSBTS FCT DSP One particular DSP Nacks DCH setup 10 times with cause "NotEnoughR
154 PIC pool coSBTS FCT LCR,FCT 1.UARFCN of the cell being setup, conflicts with the PIC pool configuratio
157 Not enoughSBTS FCT FCT 2.The
cell pool configuration
is inactive because of(new or of
a lack updated) received
sufficient Commonfrom BTSOM
Control tha
158 Hanging HSBTS FCT DSP The PSCR request for setting up new HSPA resources is made on alread
a DSP resource because the DSP is in use with some high-priority users, Telecom raises this fault. Telecom then tries to move the high-pr
imes with cause "NotEnoughResources=10" or "AlreadyActivated_Allocated=22" within a 20-minute period.
s with the PIC pool configuration. Cells in same PIC pool have different UARFCNs or same the UARFCN is used in the PIC and non-PIC ce
ted) received
fficient from
Common BTSOM
Control that has
Channel any LCELSet
Processing of the same
(CCCH LCG in any
Processing PIClicenses
Set) pool with a different Frequency
commissioned or a Frequency of the LCEL in t
to the BTS.
PA resources is made on already existing resources (allocated in DSP SW internal databases).
imes with cause "NotEnoughResources=10" or "AlreadyActivated_Allocated=22" within a 20-minute period.
s with the PIC pool configuration. Cells in same PIC pool have different UARFCNs or same the UARFCN is used in the PIC and non-PIC ce
ted) received
fficient from
Common BTSOM
Control that has
Channel any LCELSet
Processing of the same
(CCCH LCG in any
Processing PIClicenses
Set) pool with a different Frequency
commissioned or a Frequency of the LCEL in t
to the BTS.
PA resources is made on already existing resources (allocated in DSP SW internal databases).
then tries to move the high-priority users to a different resource block, and tries again to allocate PIC configuration to the DSP a number of

sed in the PIC and non-PIC cells.

r a Frequency of the LCEL in the same LCG is used in some other non-PIC LCEL.

sed in the PIC and non-PIC cells.

r a Frequency of the LCEL in the same LCG is used in some other non-PIC LCEL.
ration to the DSP a number of times for 3 minutes. In case of failure, Telecom rejects the received configuration and indicate a message "R
on and indicate a message "Resource block occupied by high priority users".

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