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New Method Govt.

Boys Secondary School

Dastagir No. 15, Karachi

Teacher’s Name: Tahseen Khurshidi

Class of study: X
Branch of study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods
Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home
By the end of To teach 'The Pre-reading Assessment Poetry analysis
this lesson, Voice of God' to activities methods for the essay.
students will be Class 10, I've introduce the "Voice of God" Comparative
able to analyzed the poem's title and chapter include analysis with
comprehend the poem, prepared background. discussion another poem.
central theme teaching Whole-class participation, oral Vocabulary and
and message of materials, and discussions presentations, literary terms
the poem "The crafted synthesize written analysis, usage.
The Voice Of Voice of God." discussion various quizzes, creative Response to
God Students questions. My viewpoints and projects, discussion
identify and method interpretations. vocabulary questions.
analyze poetic emphasizes Vocabulary and assessments, peer Visual
devices such as engagement and language evaluation, representation
imagery, assessment, exercises help reflective journals, of poem's
metaphor, and with clear clarify challenging and individual themes.
symbolism. objectives and terms. Homework conferences.
enthusiasm. assignments and These assess
reflection comprehension,
reinforce learning critical thinking,
at home. and
Name: Tahseen Khurshidi
Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

The objectives As a teacher, This structured Assessment Home
for "The Wise prior knowledge teaching methods for "The assignments for
Caliph" topic for "The Wise approach begins Wise Caliph" "The Wise
include Caliph" should with an chapter include Caliph" chapter
understanding include a deep introduction to oral presentations, include research
historical understanding of the topic, written essays, on specific wise
context, Islamic history, historical context, group projects, caliphs, creating
analyzing the Abbasid and wise caliphs. historical analysis, a historical
The Wise Caliph caliphs' qualities Caliphate, It incorporates class discussions, timeline, role-
and impact, caliphal interactive critical thinking playing
promoting leadership roles, discussions, assessments, peer scenarios,
critical thinking, historical primary source review, historical comparative
research, context, key analysis, group timelines, role- analyses of
discussions, figures, teaching projects, and playing, reflection leadership,
source resources, comparative journals, and writing letters to
evaluation, and pedagogical analysis. Ongoing quizzes. caliphs, exploring
empathy, methods, and assessment and a modern
emphasizing assessment thoughtful applications of
relevance to strategies. conclusion sum classical wisdom,
contemporary up the lesson, debate
leadership. followed by the preparation,
assignment of creative projects,
relevant discussion
homework tasks. questions, and
This method aims reflection
to foster a journals.
understanding of
'The Wise Caliph'
and promote
critical thinking
among students."
Name: Tahseen Khurshidi
Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

Foster Understanding In alignment with Assessment Assign students
understanding sociological the syllabus, methods for to interview a
and appreciation theories, societal teaching "Dignity "Dignity of Work" professional in a
of work's value. attitudes toward of Work" employs include class field that
Cultivate respect professions, a structured discussions, critical interests them.
for all labor practices, approach, essays, case study They should ask
professions. ethics, encompassing an analysis, debates, about the
Encourage critical psychological and engaging creative projects, challenges and
thinking and societal impact of introduction, research papers, rewards of their
empathy. work, effective historical context, role-playing work, connecting
Promote social teaching ethical scenarios, peer these insights to
Dignity of Work responsibility and strategies, and considerations, evaluations, the concept of
ethical work awareness of case studies, reflection journals, the "Dignity of
practices. Engage current labor debates, and quizzes, and real- Work."
students in events are creative world application
discussions and essential." expression. This projects. These
creative method effectively assessments
expression. covers syllabus evaluate
Enable reflection content while understanding,
and real-world promoting ethical reasoning,
application. comprehensive and practical
student application.

Name: Tahseen Khurshidi

Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

The teaching For teaching In planning to Assessment Assign students
objectives for "King Bruce and teach "King Bruce methods for "King a home task to
"King Bruce and the Spider" and the Spider," Bruce and the write a short
the Spider" involves a solid the objectives Spider" include essay or create a
include fostering grasp of the include ensuring quizzes testing visual
comprehension story's content, comprehension comprehension of representation
of the story, particularly its of the story, the story, creative illustrating how
highlighting moral themes of highlighting the assignments for they've applied
perseverance perseverance, importance of students to the story's
and humility, and perseverance and illustrate moral lesson of
determination leadership. It moral lessons, lessons, and group perseverance in
as essential also entails the and fostering discussions where their lives or
King Bruce and qualities, and ability to engage discussions on students relate witnessed it in
the Spider encouraging students in their relevance to the story to real- their
discussions on discussions and students' lives. life examples of surroundings.
moral lessons activities that Prior knowledge perseverance. Encourage them
and their connect with expectations to reflect on
relevance to these concepts. involve familiarity these
students' lives. with the story's experiences.
themes, and the
teaching method
encompasses an
focusing on the
virtue of
utilization of
props, etc.
Name: Tahseen Khurshidi
Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

Teaching As a teacher, Teaching "Social Assessment for Assign a home
objectives for prior knowledge Media" involves "Social Media" task where
"Social Media" for "Social explaining its involves quizzes students analyze
include Media" should history, platforms, on platform their social
promoting encompass a benefits, and knowledge and media usage
understanding of solid risks. Engage responsible usage, patterns and
its history and understanding of students in group discussions reflect on how it
evolution, social media discussions about on ethical aligns with
discussing platforms, their responsible usage dilemmas, and responsible and
various functions, and and cyber safety. projects where ethical practices.
platforms and their impact on Analyze case students analyze Encourage them
their functions, society, including studies and social media's to create a
Social Media fostering considerations of debate social impact on personal social
awareness of privacy, media's societal individuals and media usage
responsible cybersecurity, impact. society, guide for safer
usage, and and ethical use. Encourage critical emphasizing and more
encouraging thinking about its critical thinking meaningful
critical thinking implications. and responsible engagement.
about the engagement.
societal impact
and ethical
social media.
Name: Tahseen Khurshidi
Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

Teaching Prior knowledge The teaching Assessment for "A Assign a home
objectives for "A for "A Bad method for "A Bad Dream" task where
Bad Dream" Dream" should Bad Dream" involves students reflect
include fostering include a involves comprehension on personal
an thorough introducing the quizzes, class experiences that
understanding of understanding of story, reading it discussions on relate to the
the story's plot the story's aloud to students, character story's themes.
and themes, content, themes, facilitating motivations and Encourage them
analyzing and character discussions on moral dilemmas, to write a short
character motivations. characters' and creative narrative or
development Familiarity with motivations and projects or written create a visual
and motivations, methods to moral dilemmas, assignments representation
A Bad Dream encouraging engage students using creative where students that illustrates
critical thinking in analyzing activities like explore the story's how they've
about the moral dilemmas storytelling or art themes and moral faced moral
narrative's moral and a strategy to reinforce lessons, dilemmas and
or ethical for promoting comprehension, demonstrating the choices
elements, and class discussions and assessing critical thinking they've made.
promoting is vital. understanding and
effective through questions communication
communication and assignments. skills.
discussions and
Name: Tahseen Khurshidi
Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

Teaching Prior knowledge The teaching Assessment for For "Speak
objectives for for "Speak method for "Speak Gently" Gently," assign a
"Speak Gently" Gently" should "Speak Gently" involves analyzing home task where
include encompass an includes students' written students create a
cultivating an understanding of introducing the or spoken personal code of
understanding of the text and its topic, reading the reflections on their conduct for
the text's themes of gentle text aloud to personal codes of respectful
themes and the and respectful students, conduct for gentle communication.
importance of communication. fostering communication. They should
respectful Familiarity with discussions on the Evaluate their reflect on
communication. methods to importance of ability to relate instances where
Fostering encourage class respectful these codes to gentle speech
Speak Gently empathetic and discussions and communication, real-life would have
considerate activities engaging in experiences and improved a
speech, and promoting practical activities articulate the situation and
promoting empathetic and that promote significance of write about it.
effective considerate gentle speech, respectful speech.
discussions and speech is and evaluating
practical essential. comprehension
application of through reflection
gentle assignments and
communication. role-play
Name: Tahseen Khurshidi
Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

Teaching Prior knowledge The teaching Assessment for Assign a home
objectives for for "My Travel method for "My "My Travel Diary" task where
"My Travel Diary: Diary: Journey to Travel Diary" includes students create a
Journey to the the Gorakh Hills includes evaluating short travel diary
Gorakh Hills Station" involves introducing the students' entry about a
Station" include a basic travel narrative, comprehension memorable
comprehending understanding of reading excerpts through quizzes or journey or
the travel travel to students, written reflections. experience
narrative, experiences and guiding Assess their they've had.
My Travel analyzing descriptive discussions on descriptive writing Encourage them
Diary: Journey cultural insights, writing. cultural insights, skills and their to describe the
to the Gorakh promoting Familiarity with encouraging ability to discuss sights, sounds,
Hills Station descriptive methods to descriptive cultural insights and cultural
writing skills, encourage writing exercises, and connect them insights
engaging in students to and fostering to their own encountered
discussions on engage in discussions on experiences. during their
travel discussions and travel experiences Encourage a travel, promoting
experiences, and activities related and cultural holistic descriptive
fostering an to travel and appreciation, appreciation of writing and
appreciation for cultural enriched by travel and storytelling skills.
exploration and exploration is students' own storytelling.
storytelling. valuable. experiences.
Name: Tahseen Khurshidi
Class of Study: X
Branch of Study: English Literature
Time Span: 2-3 periods

Lesson Title Objectives Prior Knowledge Teaching Method Assessment Home

Teaching Prior knowledge The teaching Assessment for Assign a home
objectives for for "Safety method for "Safety Measures task for "Safety
"Safety Measures" "Safety That Can Save Measures That
Measures" involves Measures" entails Your Life" includes Can Save Your
include raising understanding discussing evaluating Life" where
awareness of common safety potential hazards students' safety students create a
potential hazards and the and real-life plans, checking safety plan. They
hazards, importance of safety incidents. their identification should identify
promoting a preparedness. Engage in of hazards and potential hazards
Safety proactive Familiarity with interactive proposed in their
Measures approach to methods to activities like measures, and surroundings,
safety, facilitate class hazard assessing their propose safety
developing discussions on identification and ability to explain measures, and
practical safety incidents safety planning. the effectiveness explain how
knowledge of and hazards and Encourage group of these measures these measures
safety planning, to encourage discussions, first in protecting lives. can protect lives.
fostering first aid interactive aid Encourage critical Encourage
skills, and activities for demonstrations, thinking and critical thinking
empowering hazard and assessing preparedness. about safety and
students to identification safety knowledge preparedness.
make informed and planning is through quizzes.
safety decisions. valuable.

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