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Writing these editorial pieces at the start
of the magazine is getting harder and
harder. It’s not because I am struggling 30 THE KIDS ARE ALL FRIGHT: THE NEXT GENERATION OF GHOST HUNTERS
to find what to write about – far from
it - it’s because there is so much to write 33 JESSICA CALE AND THE FANSTASTIC PHANTASMAGORIA
about – so much to say – so much I want
to say. Very often, I will start writing about 35 PENNY GRIFFITHS-MORGAN & THE GHOST HUNT WITH A HISTORICAL TWIST
something and then end up going off on a
tangent towards something else. I guess 38 NEIL PACKER’S ROKU HORROR PICTURE SHOW
that’s what happens when you have a
Oh yeah, see, it’s already happened, one
paragraph in, but does this sum up the 48 AMY BOUCHER & THE JUST DESSERTS OF SIN EATING IN SHROPSHIRE
paranormal in a way? Are we moving
fast-paced social media world that we live
in, do we read/hear about a paranormal
story, soak it up, breathe it in, and offer 61 DEREK HEATHS ASKS IF THERE IS A PORPOISE TO THE GRAMPUS
our opinions before moving on to the
next one? Cos there’s always a next one; 64 MOLLY BRIGGS & HIGH STRANGENESS IN THE TONTO NATIONAL FOREST
it’s not like we’re twiddling our thumbs
waiting for the next ghost story to come 68 ELI LYCETT AND THE BARTON BLOUNT MANOR GHOST
knock on our door.
WHere was I?
Oh yeah, I look at paranormal cases of 73 IS THE BASS STRAIT TRIANGLE JUST ONE OF THOSE ‘TINGS’?
old [Borley & Enfield, to name but two],
and I see, we all see, the amount of time 75 THE PSYCHIC PROJECTION OF THE PARANORMAL [OH & PHILIP]
paranormal investigators spent at these
locations [days, weeks, months, years], 77 STACEY RYALL AND THE GHOSTS OF THE HOLY CROSS CONVENT
and I often wonder if a house owner
reported a similar paranormal situation
today and it was affecting their family 82 HUBERT HOBUX & THE SPOOKS OF STAFFORD
and/or property would it get an equivalent
amount of time on it or just end up with 85 TROUBLE AT THE MILL WITH RYLEIGH BLACK
a one-time investigation, or becoming an
episode of a 45 minute TV show, or a live 89 THE FAME GAME: IS PARANORMAL POPULARITY A BLESSING OR A CURSE?
stream or a future location for paid public
Oh yeah, I sometimes view the
paranormal as a continuous straight path,
an infinite continuous line, and it’s us that
has deviated from it, has left it, has gone
off the road and has hopped, skipped
and jumped around it, and then I think
the paranormal is a bit like Frankenstein’s
Monster, but I am not sure whether it’s us
or the paranormal that is Frankenstein or
the paranormal or us who is the monster.
It’s all fun and games, isn’t it?
WHere was I?
Oh yeah, enjoy the magazine.

H AU N T E D M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 3 8 03
Examining the
Existential Kate Ray ponders the age-old question…
Just who the heck is Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe?

ne man has set about to examine Some things you may not know about Lionel
those questions, leaving me begin with the vast reading list of books he
We have all had those moments asking who would be capable of has written. He is sighted as one of the most
where we have questioned the a quest of such magnitude. prolific science fiction authors in the world,
meaning of life. Often these and at one point in his career, he had to write
consist of “What is it all about? For those of you who know of Reverend under a pen name because he was producing
Why are we here? What is death, Lionel Fanthorpe, he needs little in the way too much work. He has created over 250
of an introduction. He is usually sighted as fictional books over 70 years!
is there life after death, are
there really Gods and other the leather jacket-wearing, Harley Davidson
riding, dog-collared exorcist’s presenter As well as his writing, his Godly duties, and
existential crisis questions? hosting paranormal shows, he earnt a black
from the 1990’s show Fortean TV. These
These can put us in a tailspin in belt in karate and is a 5th dan; he really is a
credentials are a grand starting point if you
the early hours of the morning ninja vicar! His rich and varied pursuits and
were to chase after the meaning of life, but
as we wrestle with such massive passion for life seem far from diminishing in
these are but a few of many of the attributes
concepts. Our human existents his golden years. Although these days he isn’t
given to Lionel. inclined to be flinging opponents around the
and experience have been
dojo, he continues to write, film, and narrate.
the enquiry of philosophers, Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe is an icon and has
theologists, scientists, poets contributed enormously to the development Lionel’s early life formed an excellent
and artists since ancient times. of the paranormal community. Throughout grounding for his passion for the world
Questions of life permeate all his varied career, he has inspired ghost of the unexplained. He published his first
communities, religions, and hunters and Forteans through his research, book in 1952 and, to date, is still publishing.
cultures, with many theories writing and presentation of all things of high Understanding the world through science
being offered up worldwide. We strangeness. fiction can lead to many questions about the
all suffer from anxiety about the constructs of human reality. I am sure that
Listening to Lionel talk in interviews or as part Lionel was presented with many questions
value of life and death, it is part
of his audiobook narration is akin to enjoying about this through the fictional world.
of the human condition, but very
the finest smooth velvety chocolate cake. His
few people reach out into the The futuristic exploration through his books
lamination in this lulling tone often directly
abyss to find answers. juxtaposes the subject matter he discusses. was by no means the end of Lionel’s enquiry
He adds a calm, gentle authoritative into the strange world of the unexplained.
Lionel understands there is a great reward for
understanding of the paranormal subjects
looking at all the Fortean subjects and the rich
he discusses. Lionel’s warmth and generous
cross-referencing that occurs there. He speaks
nature have made sometimes difficult and
with great confidence about subjects such as
frightening subjects easy to access, and that’s ghosts, cryptids, time travel, the afterlife, earth
been his charm in inspiring others. mysteries and many more. Lionel exudes a
genuine deep curiosity for these subjects and
At the time of writing this has had the opportunity to investigate many
article, Lionel is completing cases and places, making him a valuable
source of knowledge to the paranormal
a book that will culminate his community.
life experiences, all 88 grand
Aside from the striking image of Lionel
years! cruising around on the back of a Harley,
Lionel is a devoted man of the cloth on a
Having seen the book’s synopsis, I feel that mission to disseminate his wisdom about
the existential anxiety we have as humans the paranormal. He is incredibly honest and
will simply melt away with the words of straightforward about how his beliefs in the
wisdom promised in the book. But where paranormal and Christianity sit side by side
does this wisdom come from? and aren’t opposite ends of a spectrum.

04 H AU N T E D M AG A Z I N E I S S U E 3 8
In a recent interview, we spoke
about the notion of reincarnation;
Lionel believes (whether seriously
or not) that he is the reincarnation
of a Knights Templar. With
his martial arts and religious
background, it isn’t hard to imagine
Lionel being God’s warrior. The
belief that the soul or the spirit
is the driving force to the flesh
suit that we inhabit is a global
theory, and Lionel goes as far as to
speculate that through this notion,
to be born again into a different
body. So, he may have been a
sword-wielding valiant knight in a
past life.

He has fought the malevolent

forces first-hand in this carnation
and conducted exorcisms. The
casting out of demonic energies is
not for the faint-hearted, and these
deeds give us more of an insight
into the spiritual strength of Lionel.

During his TV career, he came

across a fair share of evil energies,
having presented paranormal
shows such as “Castles of Horror”,
“Encounters with the Unexplained”,
“Talking Stones”, and most notably
“Fortean TV”. During filming,
many of these shows meant that
Lionel would be on location, and
he directly

experienced the fear of his co-

workers who encountered dark and
foreboding energies.

I was in my mid-teens during the

1990s when Fortean TV first aired,
and I would watch it on a tiny
6-inch portable black and white tv
screen, which meant I had to rely
heavily on the audio as the picture
quality was awful. Only hearing
the audio and glimpsing some
notable shapes did not detract from
the excitement of the show. It first
aired in Jan 1997 and ran for 22
episodes, and just over a year later,
in March 1998, the show came
to a close. It seems an incredibly
short period for a programme to
be broadcast compared to the cult
viewing status it gained (and still


At the time, amongst my friends and peers,
Fortean TV was much talked about and
would always prompt great discussions. The
subjects that were examined, sometimes
at a fast pace, included, as you would
imagine, aliens, ghosts, real vampires, earth
mysteries, raining fish, and the show didn’t
hold back on the shock factors. As a show,
it defined an era where Britain was cool and
funky, and there was an air of bohemian
optimism, and Channel 4 captured this well
on Fortean TV.

Fortean TV has recently been released on

DVD, and this time I get to watch it in its
full technicolour glory without having to
squint at a tiny black-and-white screen. I
do wonder whether the show would have
held the same quirky charm if Lionel hadn’t
been chosen to present it.

Through such shows and a passion for the

paranormal, Lionel and his wife Patricia
have travelled around the globe to all
kinds of mysterious and intriguing places,
earning Lionel the pet title of a ‘real-life
Indiana Jones’. Lionel has experienced
first-hand the world of the paranormal on
many levels through research, listening to
the experiences of others, as well as his
own encounters. In one such encounter, he
received a cryptic message from a recently
deceased close friend, who appeared
to him as a ghost the evening before the
friend’s funeral service. Lionel says that
the apparition was solid and was nothing
frightening, but the message the apparition
gave could not have been conjured out of Such rich life experiences place Lionel in “The arguments favour an objective
thin air. The message turned out to relate the perfect position to write “The Quest environment, a real and substantive external
to the deceased’s conversation with a for Meaning”, which will culminate 70 setting in which the self exists, are much
Reverend who had visited him in his final years of practices and research of life from stronger than those for mentally projected
hours. Lionel had joined that reverend that the lens of the strange. The book has an environments. The keyboard in front of
evening, as together they were to conduct anthropological thread that weaves the me, the desk it stands on, my chair and the
the funeral service the following day. The human experience, tackling reality and floor which supports it – all seem to have
full story and interview can be found on alternate realities, alternative dimensions, a genuine external existence. I see the time
YouTube, “Hare in the Hawthorn”, where I consciousness, and dreams, viewing these on my wall clock and hear it ticking. I feel
have had the pleasure of interviewing Lionel topics from the macro to the micro. the keys below my fingertips. I taste the
on a couple of occasions. sugar in my tea. All the senses involved in
I asked Lionel about his motivation for those operations tell me I am in contact with
writing The Quest for Meaning, and he said: genuine, external, objective realities. These
“In this book, we set out to examine the are not thoughts projected from my mind:
meaning of life – and our role in it – we first my senses tell me these things are external,
look in depth at the mysteries of individual objective realities.”
consciousness. We tried to emulate Socrates
By reading this book, we may also
to examine life and its enormous range of
experience a more profound sense of the
meanings. We felt that we needed first to
world around us and how we fit into it.
find out all we could about the individual
human consciousness that actually does the The Quest for Meaning promises to be a
exploring.” great book, and I look forward to diving into
There are few people today that could tackle its pages.
this broad subject in the way that Lionel
Thanks to Mark Jones for providing me with
has. He comes from a place of a breadth
a biography, information about Lionel’s book
of knowledge, coupled with his gentle
and photographs. A special thanks to Lionel
charisma, and I am sure he will gently guide
for spending time chatting with me and
us through the meaning of life and beyond.
answering my queries.

Kate Ray X
When asked about the personal aspect of
writing a book of such significance, Lionel
said this about some revelations that took



The Land of Ice, Fire and Folklore


celand is one of the most magi-
cal and mysterious places I have
Austurvöllur Graves
ever had the privilege of visiting.
An ecological paradise hosting Located in downtown Reykjavik
erupting volcanoes, glaciers, and this site was discovered when
something I didn’t expect; folklore, workmen began to dig the foun-
cryptids and ghostly hauntings. dations of a new building in the
Throughout my journey across Plaza of Parliament. Over time
the country, I realised that many they unearthed multiple human
Icelandic people believe specifical- skeletons leading historians to
conclude this was an ancestral
ly in elves and trolls. Several locals
cemetery. It has since been
state that they can communicate
dated back over nine hundred
and meet them regularly. Alongside generations making this a top
this, many places are thought to spot for hauntings in the area.
be haunted by spirits of the past. Now re-buried, the location is
People believe there are three home to tales of unhappy, dis-
types of ghosts, those which haunt turbed souls.
a particular person or family, known
as ‘followers.’ There are also zom- Höfði
bie-like ghosts which are awakened
dead bodies brought back from Built in 1909, this house was designed frequently visited, crying to him at
the other side by magic. As well as to host important governmental meet- night. In 1952 the British ambassador
ings. The most famous was in 1986, requested the house to be sold due
that, there are also spirits of the
when Ronald Reagen and Mikhail Diet- to its ghostly inhabitants, which he
dead that return on their own. They rich met to sign the treaty which ended experienced himself.
believe that ghosts return to where the cold war. Over the years, many
they were conceived, and their influential figures, including Winston In more recent times, a hot spring was
means of death is why they haunt. Churchill, visited the house. The first found to flow under the building, which
They feel that energy is manifested known person to dwell in the building some say is the real cause of the un-
by intense and extreme mourning was Einar Benediktsson, a judge. He explained sounds. Others feel this only
as well as unfinished business or claimed he was haunted by the ghost amplifies the spiritual activity at the
greed, not willing to leave their rich- of a woman who had killed herself location. Today the house is not open
following his verdict on her assault to visitors, although it is still used for
es behind. Residents are open and
case. According to Einar, the woman occasional important meetings.
embrace the paranormal, calling
male ghosts and poltergeists Móri,
whereas females are known as


Hólavallagarður Cemetery
This cemetery sits on the city’s outskirts the watchman is Guðrún Oddsdóttir who
and was founded in 1838 after the older was buried here the same year the site
Viking burial ground had insufficient was founded. The place is eerie yet has
space. The cemetery is beautiful, although a feeling of positive energy. It is home to
strangely for Iceland, it is full of trees with many cats, which is one of the reasons
mossy walkways between the grave- locals believe it to be haunted. This is due
stones. All of the most important historical to the legend and fear of the Yule Cat, a
and famous Icelanders are buried here. man-eating feline of Icelandic folklore. The
According to tradition, the first person laid most common sighting is a manifestation
to rest in a new cemetery is the guardian of a torso and a bearded man floating
who watches over the dead. In this case, between the tombstones.

The Húrra Ghost

Oddly located in the popular Húr-
ra bar in Reykjavik, staff have report-
ed feeling nauseous, being followed
and experiencing cold chills when
using a particular staircase. Strange
dark shadows are often seen moving
along the walls. Locals believe this
is a lost soul of a seaman as part of
the old city’s harbour foundations
sits exposed within the basement of
the bar.

Elves and Trolls

Icelandic people have A recent example of this
a connection with elves was in 2015 when a new
and trolls, many believing road was being built
they live within the vast through elvish lands,
inhabitable areas of the across a volcanic lava
island. Some people say field. Builders attempted
to carry out their work
they know where they live
but kept failing due to
and visit these areas to
machinery mysteriously
communicate with them.
breaking; tools would
Apparently, they live much vanish and freak
as we do; farming, fishing, accidents would happen
and even going to church to the men. The company
on Sundays. Elves are also then hired a local woman of Iceland and are known to coast black beach, Reynisfjara
known as ‘Hidden People’ known for her ability to be magical and able to cast at Vik. Here sit three large
and dwell in sparse areas talk with the elves. She enchantments. Like elves, they basalt columns. Many years
within rocks and caverns. went to negotiate with do not enjoy being disturbed ago, two trolls were attempting
They are invisible but can them, and a few months but are most clumsy and to drag a shipwreck ashore but
allow themselves to be later, she returned saying considered stupid compared as they ran out of time, they
the elves would permit to elves. They will eat human and the wreck were turned to
seen by humans if they
the new road provided it flesh and try to lure people into
wish. They prefer to be stone as dawn broke. People
was diverted, bypassing the wild, especially naughty
left alone to live peacefully from the village of Vik warn
their village. The road was children. They are nocturnal,
but are known to become as exposure to sunlight will travellers to never take sand
then built with no further
violent and destructive if turn them to stone. Many rock from the beach as it will bring
issues, which de-toured
disturbed. Some people the area where the elves formations around Iceland are bad luck. Many tourists laugh
believe so fiercely in elves lived. explained to be that of petrified at the story, take some sand
that building works are trolls that got stuck outside at home, but soon return it after
avoided in certain areas to Trolls are believed to sunrise. One of these is located having experienced the curse
prevent conflict with them. also live in the wild areas just offshore from the south for themselves.



Lagarfljot Worm
Thought to be a relative of the loch ness monster, the
creature reportedly lives in a lake near the town of
Egilsstaðir in the east of the island. Initial sightings were
as early as 1345, the most recent in 2012. Locals say it is
40ft in length, serpent-shaped with the head of a seal. It
is one of Iceland’s most famous creatures and has been
the subject of many videos online showing an animal with
the same appearance.

This sea horse which looks like the well-known kelpie
lives in rivers and lakes. In appearance, it looks like a
normal grey horse with backwards-facing hooves. It
attempts to lure lost hikers into riding it, but when they
jump onto the back of the creature, it immediately dives
deep down into the water. This drowns the victim and
then the Nykur will consume them.


Skeljaskrímsli (The Shell Monster) cursed and have bad luck when fishing in described as blue, yellow, and hairy. It is
the future. Stories say she can wrap her so poisonous it can melt rocks therefore
Covered in blue scales but the size fins around boats and drag them down humans must wear
of a bear, this creature lives around into the deep, never to be seen again, gloves when trying to
the island’s shorelines, although most similar to the Kraken. catch it.
sightings occur at sea. It has venomous
blood, which enables it to kill its victims. Hrökkáll Útburður
It has red eyes and a bioluminescent glow Small in size, this vicious creature is These are ghosts of
around the mouth. They come ashore known to be an evil eel that lives in abandoned babies.
to raid farmland, eating hoof stock with stagnant water and ponds. They lie in wait In medieval times
sightings from the 1880s to for a person to enter the water and then they were left out in
the present day. coil around the leg, constricting it like a the wild lava fields
snake. It cuts into the person’s flesh and to die by mothers
Shore Laddie
squeezes until the limb is amputated. Its who could not care
Like the shell scales are metallic and extremely strong, for them. They have the body of a raven
monster, this and it has razor-sharp fins. A wizard and only a skull for a head. They make
cryptid lives in the accidentally created the hrökkáll as he a howling sound in bad weather and fly
sea but comes ashore to enjoy mating attempted to save a rotting eel by magic. around, following, haunting their mothers.
with sheep, commonly spotted during
the sheep breeding season. Observed
Nissi A truly astonishing place in beauty
from the 1700s onwards it will attack and Half ghost, half-elf; and mystery, I highly recommend
eat pregnant women. It is very large and these wise creatures visiting this magical location. The
covered in hair with a rat’s head. The feet are short, dwarf like local culture is fantastic, with
are webbed to allow adaptation to its and mischievous. friendly, knowledgeable people and
watery lifestyle and walking on land. They are associated an interesting history. Although rare
with the sea and are to investigate the paranormal here,
The Merman the protectors of you can visit a few places if you are
The merman lives in the sea seamen. brave enough. Just make sure you
but has human legs and a long only leave behind your footsteps
fish tail. He has transparent and be very careful what souvenirs
like the
you bring back home! Thanks to
skin and a large, bloated merman,
Cryptidz Fandom for the images
stomach and can walk on if a Nissi is seen aboard a boat
used in this feature, and I hope to
land and swim. Not a threat to but then disappears, the ship
return again soon to conduct my own
humans, although if observed will likely be in trouble and the
by fishermen, it is known to be men in grave danger.

a bad omen and something
terrible is about to happen. Vatnagedda X
First sighted in 1859 this
Halibut Mother poisonous fishy creature
This giant halibut fish is said to lives in the desolate deep What will Katie do next?
be the mother of all halibut in lakes of the island. It looks [We have no idea until she
the sea. If you kill it, you will be like a flounder and has been tells us]


Accou nts of past paranorm al p h e n o m e n a...

R e s e a r c h e d a n d w r i t t e n b y U l r i c h M a g i n

The word ectoplasm was coined in 1894 by physical researcher Charles Richet to describe something that was observed at séances.
As Werner Bonin defines in his “Lexikon der Parapsychologie” (Encyclopaedia of parapsychology), “Ectoplasm, from the Greek
‘ektos’, outside, and plasma, thing, was introduced as a name for the hypothetic material that mediums emit (either invisible or as
white-grey, veil-like object, also in the form of more or less rigid threads). This astral substance is thought to be the agent that causes
paranormal movement of objects and be the matter of which materialisations are made.” There are some famous photos of mediums
taken by Albert von Schrenck-Notzing, which show large masses of ectoplasm coming out of the mouth of mediums.

owever there are Doctor’s Neck, whilst he was at his known her, her teeth were set, as

H some curious similar

connections to ectoplasm
from a county pamphlet
over 200 years before. A pamphlet
from 1679 titled ‘Strange news

The story itself, in old-fashioned

English, and with much
theological content [the stories
at the approach of death, and her
strained eye-string had pulled her
eyeballs an incredible way into
her head and while the lady was
watching the frightful scene, an
out of Hartfordshire” described, in such pamphlets were told to eminent doctor, Mr Boreman, sat
in great detail, two instances shock, like modern horror movies, beside the girl, praying.
when the devil interacted with the but also to spread the good – and
world. The first one is probably sometimes alarming – news about The pamphlet continued to say
how God runs the world] was that this displeased the devil,
more well known – the “mowing
and all the people might hear
devil” punishes a greedy farmer aimed at converting the most
these infernal spirits groan as it
by circularly mowing his corn impudent and incredulous atheists were in her belly; and whether
and has often been interpreted out there. it was through the extreme
as an early example of a crop service of him who prayed or
It claims to be an eyewitness ac- any other supernatural cause,
circle. Then follows a story of a
count by Mrs Hopper, who had heaven only knows, but at
true narrative of a young maid
relations in Kent and heard that at length, one of these spirits
who was possessed with several
their village, Orpington near Bex- or devils was heard by all the
devils or evil spirits, one of which,
ley, a young maid was possessed spectators, and particularly by
by the prayers of a pious and
by the devil who shrieked and Mrs Hopper, who then stood
religious doctor, who came to very near her, in a dreadful
visit her, was fetched out of her raged in her. On May 5th the lady
gone to speak these words very
Body, and appeared in the Room visited the maid, and when she
distinctly, weaker and weaker;
in the likeness of a large Snake, first entered the room, she found weaker and weaker; which
and twisted itself about the the maid in the very height of one exclamation it repeated four
of her dreadful fits; dreadful I times over, and then ceased.
may well call them, since those
envious spirits within her, still
retain their devilish natures, had
contracted her nerves, joints,
and sinews, after so wonderful
a manner, that they had al-
most drawn her out of human
shape; she appeared almost
of a heap with a face though
comely and well favoured be-
fore, yet in this fit, so squeezed
and drawn out of shape that her
nearest relations, had not they
been acquainted with what hap-
pened before, could not have


This display shocked the assembled I know it will seem doubtful to many, for I There yet remains another of these spirits in
audience, many of which fled the room. know some people will not believe there are this maid, which many times distorts her in
but this Gentlewoman being of undaunted such things as witches or spirits but since no the manner above mentioned; the noise of
courage was resolved to stay and see the last reasons nor examples will convince such
it is heard as she goes or moves; it will at
of what would happen and therefore stirred obstinate humourists, let them persist until
times answer several questions proposed to
not out of the Room till the doctor had done, startling death, with its train of terrors, open
and a little after, both she and all that were their blind eyes so I shall boldly divulge this it, at other times make a hideous murmuring,
left in the room, might as an undoubted truth. as if it disliked its present habitation; which
again hear one of the unparalleled wonder, people come far and
same spirits within her, That as the doctor was praying
near to see, and all return with the same
which had got possession again for this distressed maid,
acknowledgement, that they never saw nor
of the maid, to bark like a a live and seeming substance
forced its way out of her heard of the like all their lives.
little Dog twice together.
mouth in the likeness of a large
This was all that was serpent and flew to the doctor, Whilst writing about the paranormal and
heard or seen as worthy winding itself in the presence reporting supernatural occurrences has
of public remark. But on of the whole auditory about changed and the use of olde-worlde English
another day wherein this his neck, where it for some has [sadly] long gone, one can only admire
poor Creature was seized time remained, till some of the detailed description by whoever penned
on by these lamentable fits, the same person the standers by were going to pluck it off,
this particular part of the pamphlet. Yes,
was earnestly at prayer on his knees by her, at which it immediately vanished, and was
the serpent may be a reference to bible
when behold a far greater wonder than we never seen since. I say this was done before a
have before related, happened in the sight of multitude of people, all of whom are ready to and the garden of Eden aimed at the atheist
a great number of spectators who then came confirm it under their hands, to be a visible types could the live substance be an early
to see her. truth. indication of ectoplasm.

The Ghost Owls of Norfolk… The Großkarlbach Ghost

n West Bilney near King‘s glowing owl. Edward Cannell n 1860, several frightened when the animal is just about
Lynn in 1897, gamekeeper of Lower Hellesdon caught observers noticed a rather to drag the last young into the
Frederick Rolfe was out the luminous owl in darkness noisy ghost at Großkarlbach den. The shot rings out, and
late at night when he saw a at around 6am which later in the Palatinate, the German the animal rolls on the ground,
bright blue light fly close to died‚ from ‘purely natural region just north of the Alsace hit. It was a beautiful otter,
his face. The object appeared causes minutes later.‘ I saw in France. For a long time, local female, of exceptional length,
several more times that something shining on the inhabitants who walked a street and weighed fourteen pounds.
night and he returned on grass bank, which for the leading to a small stream, the Now the three young were
subsequent nights with his moment startled me,‘ said Mr Karlbach, found it was haunted also caught. When news of the
gun to try to discover what Cannell. It fluttered down, at night. As the Regensburger incident reached Großkarlbach,
it was. ‚At last I saw the light crossed the path and got up Zeitung picked up the story on it was suspected that the otter
skimming over the ground,‘ against the grape vine. I had July 27, 1860. might be connected to the ghost.
he explained, ‘I waited until no trouble in catching it, A few men lay in wait; on the
it was within a few yards of “[…] people […] heard a loud night of last Thursday, something
and I did not hurt it in any
me, then fired at the light. way. It was an owl, and it
squawk, like that of the death creeps up – and bang! The male
It being dark, you might bird, and when they went nearer,
was bright and luminous. I otter collapses, a splendid beast
fancy my surprise when I a ‘thump’ as if someone were
carried it indoors, and put weighing seventeen pounds. It
found…a barn owl dead on throwing himself into water.
it on a stool, and went in has become quiet again in the
the ground.‘ Then all was quiet again. Some
the garden again. When I village because the ghost – the
saw the ghost sneaking around
came back into the house the otter and his family – no longer
Walter Rye, who wrote about without being able to describe it
bird was dying. It was still appear.”
a similar creature in Foulsham in detail. Fear seized the anxious
in February 1907, wrote lu --minous, but perhaps minds, and even the old night
the glow was not as strong Otters have been suggested
more than 80 works about watchman, who had already
as when I first saw it. When I as explanations for several
Norfolk including one which experienced much in his life,
came into breakfast, the bird mysteries, most of all lake
he wrote about ‚strange lights scarcely dared to go down the
was quite dead. Its light had monsters, but this was the first
and luminous owls‘ in the infamous street, even with his
gone out.‘It should be pointed specimen masquerading as a
county. He was desperate to pike. However, the spectre was
out that Mr Cannell worked at ghost.
spot a glowing owl himself, banned last week. One morning

spending nights with his the place where he describes at the mill of the Kehr family,
friend RJW Purdy in the hope seeing owls rather than being not far from Großkarlbach, the
of spotting one: ‚If I didn‘t a patient: ‘I have no doubt at mill helper saw a large animal
see the luminous owl myself, all that the bird was luminous busy bringing its three young Ulrich Magin has been interested
I certainly caught the worst when I saw it first…There ones from the brook, one after in fortean and paranormal
cold I have ever had while are a number of owls that fly the other, into a den. He has phenomena since he was a
waiting to do so,‘ he wrote. about among the trees at the never seen such an animal, runs boy some 50 years ago. He has
asylum every night, but I have into the mill and informs his written many papers and books,
A year later, the Eastern never seen a luminous one master. The master quickly grabs among them Investigating the
Daily Press reported another before.‘ his rifle and comes to the spot Impossible (Anomalist 2011).


By Morgan Knudsen - Entityseeker Paranormal Research & Teachings

Co-host of the Supernatural Circumstances podcast

The Land Between the Lakes

“When we Mike and I began the his story is the stuff of nightmares. land was not theirs for the taking, and
podcast, we knew we wanted to
touch on topics in the field that
interested us and spanned a
T There’s no pretty or polite way of
unveiling this tale that is easy to
the ears of listeners or the eyes of
readers, nor should there be. Often, in
the world of cryptids, we get caught up
more and more stories began circulating.
Soon, livestock was slaughtered, farms
were raided, and a terrifying creature killed
animals no one could control.

good deal of interest for others. in the harrowing adventures or found-

footage-type television shows and films,
We intended to explore these which frighten us for an hour, but for
strange subjects from different some, the impression left by some of
these strange and formidable tales is all
points of view, whether we too real and life-altering.

agreed with them or not, and When we think of these places, we often
allow a dialogue to discuss imagine a land far away from us, which is
unreachable and presents a kind of safety
not only the supernatural because of that distance. These lands
world but the greater theme of can seem like fairytales of long ago, in
woods, forests and mountains that exist
consciousness itself.” in our wildest dreams and most terrifying
nightmares. Rarely do we associate these
tales with a national park, where families
In the last issue of Haunted I wrote go camping, fish, play, hike on beautiful
about several strange cases that we summer days, and stroll through on the
have discussed and debated about on eves of autumn. However, rumour has long
our podcast. Here a few more up there spread at a national park on the borders of
with the weirdest and the scariest. Tennessee and Kentucky that has caught
the attention of many in the last 20 years;
tales of a beast, a killer, that runs on two
legs, not four. And, to add to the menace
that may stalk this area, there have been
reports of more than one.
As time passed, these encounters
remained consistent: boy scouts,
From police officers to hikers to hunters,
campers, officers and more reported
rumours and eyewitness accounts have
the same wolf-like monsters stalking
come forward about a pair of upright
the park and the roadways near the area
canids that seem to stalk the woods of the
regularly. Hunters began to run across
Land Between the Lakes National Park.
carcasses that had been torn to shreds.
The Europeans who came to the area and
According to local law enforcement, one
displaced the First Nations families brought
hunter was reportedly ripped violently
stories of the Rougarou, a shapeshifting
from his tent in the middle of the night
being they said was stalking the region
and eaten yards away. One of the latest
and killing inhabitants at will and with
accounts was in 2017 and was described
gruesome accuracy. But as the years have
as follows:
passed, there has been no sign that this
creature shapeshifts at all, but rather is
The sighting was in a heavily wooded
seen consistently as an upright walking
area along the edge of the main road
werewolf with a terrifying growl. After
connecting KY 68 to the Lake Barkley
uprooting and killing many Indigenous
Resort and Marina.
people, the settlers soon learned that the


“The witness described the creature for the RV, jamming itself into the RV
as approximately 7 to 7.5 feet tall
and 3 feet wide, stocky with matted
window like a rabid animal trying to get to
the young girl and her mother. The friend, Alaskan Sasquatch
medium brown hair. She first saw the only 13 at the time, made for a hiding

deer break brush and run alongside place in the RV as he heard the wife and n January of 2023, Mike and
her vehicle, quickly dashing in front daughter being murdered. Once the two I explored the uncharted
of her van and across the road. She animals had dispersed and he was able territories of the legendary
originally mistook the creature for a to run for help by flagging down a car on cryptid Sasquatch. When we
tree or bush but realized the creature the main road, officers of an agency that think of Bigfoot, we think of the
was chasing behind the deer. She remained undisclosed allegedly took great mountains of the Sierras, the
said as it passed right outside the him back to the crime scene so he could Rockies, and the Appalachians,
driver’s side window; it seemed to explain its order and then kindly told him among so many other vast forest
have a surprised look in its eyes. The to keep his mouth shut. He did not speak lands around the world where these
creature was so close to the vehicle out until this past year when the Cryptid forest giants have been reported
she could have reached out and Studies Institute interviewed him, and the
touched it. The creature did not cross to roam for centuries. Everyone,
interview can be found on YouTube.
in front of her after the deer, and the in their own minds, has a picture
encounter lasted a few seconds. These horrific accounts are the stuff of of what we call Bigfoot. And when
She could no longer see it as soon nightmares. What makes them even we hold that picture in our minds,
as it was out of the headlights. Her more intriguing is that dogmen in other the backdrop of our vision has the
husband was also in the vehicle, areas, such as Wisconsin and Alberta, picturesque or perhaps spooky
but only her son saw it. I found don’t have the same level of temper settings of those wooded places
the witness very forthcoming and that bestows the pair in the Land we’ve heard about repeatedly in
genuine in describing her and her Between the Lakes National Park. Often, stories worldwide.
son’s sighting that evening.” dogmen have been reported chasing
away intruders or following cars. In In two episodes, we took our
Evidence such as footprints, hair and Alberta, the dogman is elusive and shy,
nests have all been allegedly discovered. audience on a different journey.
constantly running in the opposite
One emotional eyewitness reported One they may or may not have
direction when people are about
finding a young woman’s blood-soaked, been expecting: A trip into vast
and only coming around in the early
shredded clothing on the side of the winter prairies and landscapes
morning or late at night when it knows
road. Even more disturbing was when he it can take some cover. The dogman in of ice and rock up in the world’s
reported it to the police, they laughed it Alberta has become quite endeared to hidden corners. We also spoke to
off. the hearts of the people who those who dared to venture there in
own the property on which research and in person. Those who
it resides, and they all live a dare to challenge the stereotype of
peaceful existence. A similar what Bigfoot should be and what
relationship exists on the farm it could be.
of Lee Hampel, a Wisconsin
hay farmer who lives on the
infamous Bray Road with their
local dogman, the Beast of
Bray Road.

Strange encounters and

yet nothing like the pair of
“brothers” that seem to stalk
the land Between the Lakes
When he returned to collect the clothing with such viciousness and
with his own bag, he told the Small Town volatility. So, what makes these creatures
Monsters producers that the police had so highly aggressive? There have been
arrived on the scene, driven over the many theories over the years, including
strange tracks in the mud on the side of the idea that they are some government
the road, taken the clothing, and nothing experiments; dog soldiers that went awry
was said again. He later spoke to a family and perhaps that is why the authorities
with a missing daughter from the exact seem to be allegedly going as far as to
time period whose case had not been cover up evidence of their existence.
solved. They told him she had been out Many national parks, however, are
jogging that day and had not been seen reporting strange disappearances that
again. remain unexplained, such as the Nahanni
Valley mentioned previously.
In the 1980s, a family who travelled in
their RV also decided to camp at the land All in all, the land Between the Lakes and
Between the Lakes, bringing their son’s the creatures seen within it still stands as
friend along. Within minutes of arriving a mystery to many. Still, to most cryptid
and getting the RV settled and ready for hunters and visitors alike, it remains a
family time in the wilderness, the family place where you tread with extreme
friend said two large dogmen burst into caution and will forever be known as
the campsite and attacked the father and where the dogmen have won their land,
son, killing both. The second one made and we are their unwelcome guests.


In January’s episodes, we
journeyed to the far reaches
The culture of healing and the paranormal
of Alaska, the Kenai Peninsula

and into the deep wild of a little- or the last four seasons, I have His wife, he told the dispatcher, was having
known place without a road. In its been privileged to be a host of the a heart attack. When the paramedics arrived,
vast mountains and untouched television show Haunted Hospitals. they saw the old man sitting in a chair
wilderness, stunning landscapes, When I was first called for this show, the downstairs. He ignored them other than
frozen lakes, and breathtaking deciding factor on whether or not I said yes pointing up to the second floor. They went
wildlife, Alaska is a part of this was the premise. Over decades of teaching to the bedroom to find the old woman in full
world that humans have tried to every person from every imaginable job cardiac arrest. When they inquired about her
conquer yet still fail to do so. It is and walk of life, I noticed that the medical husband and why he was not upstairs with
profession held these stories very close to her, she told them her husband had recently
one part of the United States that,
the vest. Doctors and nurses would attend died, and his pamphlet from the memorial
although people occupy its lands,
my programs with colleagues, dying to service was indeed on her dresser. The man
the land still lords over the humans
tell their stories because they wouldn’t in the photo was the man they had passed on
who dare to call it home. This was
dare speak of them at work. Why? Because the main floor. Meanwhile, a second group
one such story that Aleksandar
the stigma in the medical community was of responders also arrived, meeting the same
Petakov and Eli Watson ventured
similar to that in the military: You may be old man on the front lawn who told them his
to document at a remote cabin in
seen as mentally unfit and possibly lose wife was inside. Multiple witnesses and age
the Kenai Peninsula, where the
your reputation or even your job. So, I took groups, including a call to the dispatcher,
owners claimed they were not the job on the show because this might which was left entirely unexplained, led to an
alone. Experiencing rock throwing, be the opportunity to give a voice to many incredible ending for the woman who needed
bizarre yells and whoops, and offer my expertise as a third-party emergency care.
unnerving crying, hundreds of insight into what might have happened,
unexplained tracks, and wood paranormal or not. These stories span the test of time, cultures,
knocks, the owners of this and age; no matter how many of these stories
particular cabin had no idea what The one thing I’ve always noticed about hit my desk, I am amazed at everyone. The
they were in for when they bought these incredible experiences, and those who human explanation and interpretation might
this serene piece of property on watch the show will see it as well: is that the differ: a Christian may sum this up to the work
the edge of the water. Little did experiences are cross-cultural. This is not of angels. In contrast, other cultures may
they know they were far from simply a western phenomenon or an eastern see this as the returning spirit of a deceased
alone and now shared the land phenomenon. These experiences span the elder and others as an omen of the woman’s
with creatures once considered coastlines and mountains, and forests of the eventual death. Some people see anything
legends and fairytales. globe. They don’t care about oceans, vast to do with the paranormal as straight-up
miles of desert… or even time. Every culture evil, a belief I could never understand or
Sometimes, far-off places that has a story and often an explanation about relate to, but that is the interpretation of a
seem like simple fairy stories these occurrences, and the passage of time select few. Either way, it is not necessary to
come with characters that reflect often becomes indicative of the conclusions
believe in a specific belief system or the strict
the magic they seem to possess and vice versa. This was one of the main
interpretation of it to understand, believe,
in the land itself. In a two-part reasons I knew Supernatural Circumstances
and absorb these experiences. They are not
documentary, Alaskan Coastal would be an excellent place to discuss these
strapped to one culture or belief system.
Sasquatch, Small Town Monsters issues. I promptly invited my colleague,
documentarian Aleksander Richard Estep, to join us. The interpretations in and of themselves
Petakov joined Mike and me in may hold clues to the answers we all
Interestingly, the older the culture, the more
detailing a story he won’t soon ultimately seek: A greater understanding
likely these things are dismissed as fairy
forget. Some stories you aren’t of Who We Really Are and the often
tales or folklore. But as the fields of both
meant to read and put back on the fantastical world we live in. This podcast
parapsychology and cryptozoology progress,
shelf… and for Aleks, this was one has brought me closer to the people
science is beginning to take a more detailed
of them. who experience these incredible
look at these cultural traditions, beliefs and
things, allowed my mind to wander into
folklore and apply them both to their own
You can listen to this episode here: uncharted territory, and allowed me to
studies and the medical field. Listening and
ask the questions that have plagued my understanding each individual’s traditions,
dreams since I was incredibly young.
CORU4983126002 cultures, beliefs, and experiences are
becoming a lasting and valuable piece in So, onto the next perplexing mystery and
science and medicine, especially when
happy listening to everyone who has been a
patients come forward with stories that don’t
part of this incredible journey and those who
fit the often rigid worldview of materialism
dare to step onto the path in their future. Tune
doctors often hold. Their world gets shaken
into Supernatural Circumstances with Morgan
up when those professionals end up having
Knudsen and Mike Browne on any podcasting
an experience themselves. One vivid
platform, iHeart Radio and Audible.
report which stuck with me was from my
show Paranormal 911 when two paramedics
responded to an elderly man calling 911 for
help. Morgan X
On an extremely cold night in January 2023, I went to hell and
back. And I’m still trying to process the nightmarish, dark ride
of extreme emotions.

By Sam Baltrusis

figure glaring at us from people. One of the victims

the attic window. He was included Ella, the daughter
pacing back and forth. of a local butcher named
It was almost as if the Thomas, who wouldn’t
grim reaper entity was stop until he found out what
waiting for us to arrive. happened to his little girl.
As April and I walked up
to the side door, I kept As the fictional story is told on
praying under my breath the Waldorf Estate’s website,
that the caped entity in Thomas broke into the hotel’s
the upstairs window was pub and found Sommersby
a leftover prop from the crouched in the corner of the

he crew from an online
streaming project I co- spooky season. attic with a maniacal grin on his
produced called Dead face. “He lunged at Oliver but
Inns visited the movie “Should we go inside?” I asked came to a sudden halt when
set used for the found-footage my friend. “When hell freezes he saw what was lying beside
cult classic Hell House LLC in over,” Busset said with a teeth- him,” the website reported. “It
Lehighton, Pennsylvania. chattering laugh as I cautiously was the remains of his beloved
It›s also a popular attraction opened the door marked “13.” daughter, maimed and nearly
during the Halloween season Based on my first impressions, unrecognizable.”
that has recently been dealing the inside of the haunted
with reports of paranormal house looked as scary as it did Sommersby stabbed Thomas
activity. Yes, the haunt is in the low-budget horror film. in the heart. Enraged and
actually haunted. Not today, Satan. determined to avenge the
savage murder of his daughter
If the pitch-black drive in the According to the haunt’s Ella, Thomas ripped the blade
wee hours of the night through legend, a California from his chest and attacked
the Poconos Mountains wasn’t transplant named Oliver Sommersby. It was a horrific
enough to give our team the Sommersby built a local double homicide. As the story
heebie-jeebies, the ominous watering hole and restaurant suggests, the two men died in
vibe from outside the Waldorf along Route 209 with rooms the attic many years ago and
Estate of Fear truly creeped to rent upstairs. He officially continue haunting the hotel.
my psychic-medium friend, opened the Waldorf Hotel
April Busset, and me out. As in 1955, and according It’s a tragic tale, but according
soon as we pulled up to the to the story told by the to the haunted attraction’s
boarded-up haunted attraction, attraction’s production owner, Angela Moyer, the
I could clearly see what looked team, he tortured and killed bloody backstory is pure
like a cloak-wearing shadow at least twenty-five innocent fiction.


”The only truth is it was a restaurant that also had rooms for rent,”
Moyer told me, adding that the structure had several names, including
Forest Inn Restaurant and Jack Creek Steakhouse. ”My original
haunted house was in Palmerton. We started there, ran the haunt for
eight years, and thought there was more opportunity at this location.”

Moyer said she ran the Waldorf Estate haunt for several years before
the filmmakers of Hell House LLC approached her to use the location
in 2014 as the movie›s primary set. ”All of the props in the film were
actually part of our haunted house,” she told me as she gave me a tour
of the property’s first floor.

The found-footage horror film follows a group of Halloween haunted

house creators in the weeks leading up to the opening of their popular
attraction, Hell House. Tragedy strikes on opening night when a
mysterious “malfunction” causes multiple deaths of more than a
dozen attendees and staff. The film, presented as a documentary,
pieces together the horrifying events leading up to the opening night

Killer clowns? Yes,

the movie has them,
and so does the
haunt. Moyer has the
actual props from Hell
House scattered
throughout her haunted
house. “If you’ve
seen the movie, that’s
where one of the main
characters is murdered,” she said, pointing to the blood splatter still
staining the wallpaper in the hallway. She nodded when I asked
Moyer if she’s experienced paranormal activity in the building. But she
also stressed that the ghosts haunting the haunt are not malevolent.

“There are no evil, demonic beings inside this building,” Moyer told
me. “There is no possible way they would’ve allowed me to be there
for eleven years doing what I do. I’m fine with saying my haunted
attraction is haunted, but I also explain to people that haunted does
not mean scary or evil. Every place has energy..”

While Moyer was giving us a tour of the property, I noticed

what appeared to be a cloaked figure darting down the dimly
lit hallways as if they were guiding us through the first-floor
labyrinth. Others watching the live stream also spotted this
mysterious entity darting from room to room.

When I asked Moyer if her team has experienced an entity wearing

a cloak, she said it sounds like one of the building’s ghosts mimics
some of the props in her haunted house. “There are faux, cloaked
figures throughout the hotel, and they are very prominent in the Hell
House movies,” Moyer pointed out. ”What’s ironic is at my original
haunted attraction in Palmerton, I had a Grim Reaper guiding people
throughout the haunt. He even made an appearance one year at this

Moyer works with Laurissa Rex, a local psychic medium and

paranormal investigator who runs the Palmerton Paranormal group
with her husband, Allen. Rex’s team has identified the entity as “the
magician,” who refuses to divulge any information about his true
identity. “The magician has never retaliated,” Moyer explained. “I think
he wants us to know he’s there. He also really gets into the haunt.”

While Rex and her team serve as the primary investigators at the Hell
House attraction, Moyer said the medium isn’t the first person to
see dead people in the building. “I’ve had other employees who are
sensitives and have agreed that there is nothing evil here,” Moyer said.
“At the end of the day, I’m running a haunted attraction which is like
my home.”

Hell House LLC, Lehighton, Pennsylvania

During the Dead Inns live stream, author In other words, the energies we life. Rex believes the entity lingering in the
Richard Estep led the online investigation encountered assumed characteristics lower level of the house is a disembodied
remotely from his home in Colorado while of fictional roles, and the spirits were spirit wanting to be left alone. “He’s
Beckie Galentine set up her gear in the toying around with us as we cautiously miserable and sometimes mean but also
attic. Estep, co-author of The Haunting of walked through the hotel. harmless,” Rex told me. “He tries to make
Asylum 49 book and a seasonal volunteer you feel uncomfortable and dislikes
at the notoriously haunted hospital in Rex, who runs the paranormal
females. He curses a lot and appears as
Tooele, Utah, pointed out that he noticed investigations at the haunted house,
a sailor. I suspect he may be one and the
some similarities between the paranormal echoed Estep’s analysis. Even though
same with the shadow.”
activity reported at Waldorf Estate of Fear there’s little to no verifiable history before
and Asylum 49. 1969 that gives a backstory
to the location’s hauntings,
Based on the haunts he has investigated, she believes that the entities
Estep said it’s common for the haunted interacting with paranormal
attractions entities to assume different investigators are “acting
identities. ”Perhaps the spirits are having out the characters from
fun role-playing some of their favorite the haunt, the legend, and
characters,” Estep said, ”and they are the movies,” she said. “For
running with it?” example, I picked up on the
little girl Ella in the attic on
my first psychic sweep of the
house. We also have heard
EVPs; the name ‘Ella’ clearly
came through. However,
Ella is actually a made-up
character from the legend
surrounding the haunt.” Sam with Angela Moyer

As far as the hotel’s hot spots, Rex said The general consensus? It’s as if the
two of the most haunted locations are the house itself is a sentient being and
basement and the attic. “The basement taps into the energy of those who visit
has a few things happening,” she told me. the location during the Halloween
“There’s an entity we call ‘the shadow.’ season and now during paranormal
He appears ominous and hangs out in the investigations. According to Rex, her team’s
cage toward the rear. He will manipulate home haunt feeds off of fear. “It’s almost
flashlights and rempods and will speak on as if the house brought everyone to this
ITC devices. You will get EVPs any time you location where it’s absorbing even more
are down there as well.” energy and becoming more alive,” she said.
“Not to sound too ominous, but I think the
And, yes, for those who have seen the house brought us all together for its own
movie, the basement is where all hell survival.”
breaks loose. As we’ve seen with other
haunted haunts, art sometimes imitates
Sam B.
Sam with The Dead Inns Group


Why Apparitions
Are Likely Not Ghosts
Unveiling the Truth Behind Paranormal Sightings?
Written by Peter McCue

host hunters often earthbound spirit? Not necessarily.
The ghosts of fiction are typically restless approach investigations Mary could have acquired the
with an uncritically information unconsciously, from
or vengeful spirits, and people who call spiritualistic mindset. Their another source, by extrasensory
themselves ‘ghost hunters’ often assume groups often include supposed perception (ESP), or a trickerish
that ‘earthbound spirits’ are responsible mediums whose pronouncements intelligence could have deliberately
for real hauntings. I’ll call this the ‘spirit might be wholly based on subjective fed her the knowledge to give a false
impressions and imagination. impression about the agency behind
theory’. However, it’s hard to believe that Consider the following scenario: the haunting.
human apparitions are literally spirits During a visit to an allegedly
because they typically appear clothed. haunted house, the medium – let’s Another problem concerns
Another popular but unproven notion is call her Mary – tells her fellow team
terminology. How we interpret
members that she’s ‘sensed’ the
the so-called ‘stone tape theory‘, the events may be biased by the
presence of a murdered woman.
idea that events can be impressed on On that basis alone, the other team words we customarily use to
the environment, like a video recording, members might assume that the describe them. For instance,
spirit of a murder victim is behind the the word ‘poltergeist’,
and can then be ‘played back‘ in certain
haunting. which comes from German,
circumstances. In this article, I‘ll confine
literally means ‘noisy spirit’.
myself to problems with the spirit theory. But what if it transpires that a woman
‘Haunting’ is another biased
For a more general appraisal of theories was murdered in the house and that
Mary and her fellow investigators word since it implies the
about hauntings, I‘d refer readers to an weren’t aware of that before their existence of some resident
article of mine that‘s available online. visit? Would this prove that Mary presence or recurrent visitor,
had contacted a murder victim’s usually conceived as a spirit.


pparitions take a wide variety

A of forms, with some reports

featuring ghostly appearances
of inanimate objects, such as cars. These
cases don’t accord with the notion that
phantom figures are spirits. Here are a few

While driving on Britain’s M6 motorway

early one morning in 1980, Paul Devereux
encountered an apparitional Mini pick-up
truck. Before it disappeared, he peered
into it but saw no sign of a driver.

In the early 1970s, two climbers had

an odd experience while driving on
the Isle of Skye in Scotland. They saw
an oncoming car. They pulled into
a passing place just before a slight by car to the Black Isle with members of However, there was no sign of the
hump in the road to make way for it. his family. They were on the old A9 road. locomotive or of any smoke.
The approaching vehicle disappeared Bill’s elder brother spotted a locomotive,
For additional examples, see my
behind it but didn’t reappear. which Bill also saw. It looked old-
book Paranormal Encounters on
However, there was nowhere the car fashioned, like one from a Western film. Britain’s Roads. It’s hard to see how such
could have gone without being seen. It was ascending a gradient, with smoke experiences could be construed as spirit
My source for this report was one of belching from its chimney and white manifestations unless we’re to suppose
the witnesses, Dr Martin Moar. smoke or steam issuing from its sides. Just that ghostly cars, locomotives, and the like
past a bridge that crossed the railway, are symbolic representations of discarnate
A man called Bill Paterson told me about Bill’s father stopped the car, but the spirits. For example, an apparitional
his sighting of an apparitional locomotive. locomotive wasn’t visible from that spot. car seen at a particular location could
The incident occurred in the 1950s near He and the two boys went to the bridge. It represent a motorist who›d had a fatal
Slochd Summit in the Scottish Highlands. was possible to see for a mile or so up and accident at that spot. However, I don’t find
He was nearly five then and was travelling down the line from there. the idea very convincing.


auntings are pretty rare. For the one ghost haunting a particular location, century. The case is discussed in a book

H sake of argument, imagine that one

house in a thousand is haunted and
that an earthbound spirit is responsible
it’s because there’s a connection between
them. Imagine, for instance, that a house is
haunted by two ghosts, those of a married
by the late Harry Price, who explains that
phenomena were recorded very soon after
the death of Lord Edward Stawell there in
in each case. The probability that any couple who once lived there. The husband April 1755. Still, the only example that Price
such haunted house would be home to dies first and becomes an earthbound cites of these early manifestations is that
a second, unrelated ‘earthbound spirit’ spirit. When his wife dies, she does the of a groom who claimed to have seen the
is one in a million, and the likelihood of a same. Maybe the couple are reluctant to ghost of his former master.
third such spirit is one in a billion. In other ’move on’ because they fear retribution
words, in terms of the spirit theory, cases for bad things they did during their earthly Mary Ricketts wrote an interesting account
featuring more than one type of unrelated lives. But this is a contrived argument of what was experienced during her
apparition being seen at the same location and, therefore, not very convincing. family’s occupancy of the house between
should be extremely rare. However, it’s When it comes to actual cases featuring 1765 and 1771. It’s reproduced in Price’s
easy to find accounts of cases featuring multiple types of an apparition, it may
book. The manifestations then were mainly
different types of apparitions (examples are be unclear whether there was any close
auditory, but there were also alleged
given below). How can we explain them? link between the people the apparitions
sightings of what may have been the male
Could specific locations act as ‘psychic seem to represent – if, indeed, they can
figure seen by a groom in the 1750s. One
cobwebs’, trapping multiple spirits? But be identified. Anyway, in outline, here
evening in July 1767, several witnesses saw
without specifying how and why such are some examples of alleged hauntings
‘trapping’ would come about, the notion featuring more than one type of apparition. an apparition of a tall female figure dressed
seems arbitrary and implausible. in dark clothes. Voice-like sounds were
A house in the Hampshire hamlet of Hinton sometimes heard, suggestive of more than
Adherents of the spirit theory could, Ampner was allegedly the setting for long- one person. If they were to be attributed to
perhaps, argue that if there’s more than running haunt manifestations in the 18th spirits, at least three were in residence.


The mill house at Willington Quay, near
Wallsend, was the setting for ghostly
manifestations in the 19th century.
Members of a family called Procter, and
their staff experienced phenomena there
for some 12 years, after which the Procters
left in 1847. As at Hinton Ampner, the
phenomena were mainly auditory. But there
were also reported sightings of different
types of an apparition, such as a white,
transparent female figure, a boy with a hat,
and even a monkey!

Heol Fanog is a Brecon Beacons National

Park of South Wales farmhouse. It’s located
north of Pen y Fan (886m/2,907ft), the
highest peak in South Wales, and to the
southwest of Brecon. In May 1989, new
tenants moved in – Bill Rich, his pregnant
partner Liz, and Bill’s teenage son from a
former marriage. Bill and Liz were married Borley Rectory is a well-known case, although it’s hard to evaluate because
in late September of that year, and their the veracity of some of the participants has been questioned. The rectory, which
first child, Ben, was born just a few weeks overlapped the site of a previous one, was built in 1862-3, with a new wing being
later. Soon after, in November of that year, added in 1875-6. Over the years, the building and its immediate environs were
the family started to experience strange
phenomena, which continued, on and
allegedly the setting for intermittent paranormal phenomena, including sightings
off, until early June 1996. Shortly after of a phantom nun and an apparitional coach and horses. During a fire that gutted
that, in July of that year, they moved out. the rectory in late February 1939, a policeman reportedly saw, in the courtyard, a
The case was featured in a recent Radio 4 woman in grey and a man wearing a bowler hat; and two local residents claimed
podcast series hosted by Danny Robins, they’d seen figures moving among the flames near the window of one of the rooms.
and it’s the subject of an article by Dr
According to reports, odd things continued happening in the vicinity in the years
Ciarán O’Keeffe in the April 2023 issue of
the magazine Fortean Times. O’Keeffe is following the fire – for example, at the nearby church – although I don’t recall
a self-proclaimed sceptic regarding the hearing of any recent activity.
paranormal, but his article is interesting and
balanced. I’ve based my outline on it. in the kitchen. In June or July of that year, be person-centred. This is a complex and
The reported phenomena at Heol also in the kitchen, he saw a tall, dark, intriguing case. There were, for example,
Fanog included manifestations such as shadowy figure with a falcon-like head. Its tensions within the Rich family, no doubt
footsteps, a sense of presence, banging appearance was strongly suggestive of the attributable, in part, to the stress-inducing
noises, unnatural odours, and apparitions. ancient Egyptian god Horus, which may phenomena. But it’s also possible that
In addition, the family received some have been what Liz had seen at the end of psychological factors helped to generate
astronomically high electricity bills. The 1990. In March 1994, again in the kitchen, manifestations. Bill and Liz’s marriage
apparitional phenomena were quite Liz saw the figure of a facially disfigured ended in divorce, although that was in
varied. For example, in 1990, there were man who walked into the garden. 2005, years after they’d left Heol Fanog. Bill
multiple sightings of an elderly woman, has since passed away, his death having
whom Liz identified as Marion Holbourn, Although most of the reported phenomena been alcohol-related.
the deceased mother of the owner of the occurred at Heol Fanog in January 1991,
property. Liz saw a seven-foot silhouette in there were also two or three incidents Of course, one might wonder whether
the house in late December that year. For at the home of Liz’s mother, to which there were any unusual phenomena at the
his part, in the spring of 1993, Bill allegedly the family had fled the previous month. farmhouse before and after the Rich family
saw an extremely beautiful young woman Therefore, the manifestations seemed to were resident there. Regarding the first
part of the question, the answer may be
‹yes›. In March 1990, Liz contacted Bridget
Buscombe, a former resident, who reported
just one incident during her time there.
However, O›Keeffe doesn›t say what it was.
Also, In March 1990, a plumber was called
to deal with a problem at the farmhouse.
He related that in the 1960s, he›d installed
radiators in the property, which were
subsequently ripped off the walls. (Was
this incident that Bridget Buscombe had
referred to?) Regarding more recent times,
O›Keeffe quotes an email that Danny
Robins received in 2022 from the current
The subject of Heol Fanog became the basis for Danny Robins ‘The Witch owner. Their family had been there for
Farm’ Podcast which you can find in Haunted Magazine Issue 36. 25 years without experiencing strange


McCue, P. A. (2002). Theories
As indicated, I’m sceptical that apparitions are literally of haunting: A critical overview.
spirits. Indeed, I’m not even sure there’s an afterlife.
Nevertheless, I’m a cautious believer in the reality of resources/theories-of-hauntings.pdf
paranormal phenomena. I wonder whether the ghostly Devereux, P. (2001). Haunted
events described above are essentially theatrical Land. London: Piatkus, pp. 140-142.
performances, perhaps with elements of symbolism,
McCue, P. A. (2018). Paranormal
laid on by a trickerish higher intelligence (possibly Encounters on Britain’s Roads:
non-human) whose purposes and identity may never Phantom Figures, UFOs and Missing
be clearly revealed to us. In other words, if we see an Time. Brimscombe Port, Stroud: The
apparition of a deceased person, it might be naïve History Press.
to assume that the supposedly surviving spirit of Price, H. (1993). Poltergeist: Tales of
that individual has anything to do with it. Put simply, the Supernatural. London: Bracken
appearances may be deceptive! Books, pp. 129-144. (First published
as Poltergeist over England by
Apparitions may be paranormal hallucinatory Country Life in 1945.)
experiences or transient materializations. Another
Price, H. (op. cit., pp. 170-191).
possibility is that false but compelling recollections
are instilled in witnesses by the trickerish intelligence Adams, P., Brazil, E. and Underwood,
mentioned above if it exists. If so, the witnesses may P. (2009). The Borley Rectory
Companion: The Complete Guide
have seen nothing unusual, despite sincerely believing
to ‘The Most Haunted House in
they had. Such memory tampering could be behind
England’. Brimscombe Port, Stroud:
many reports of close-encounter UFO experiences and The History Press.
abductions. Indeed, reports often mention periods of
McCue, P. A. (2012). Zones of
amnesia (‹missing time›), lends credence to the notion
Strangeness: An Examination
that alteration of memory, not perception, is at the heart of
of Paranormal and UFO Hot
some of these enigmatic tales. Spots. Bloomington, Indiana:

Peter AuthorHouse, pp. 352-361.

Price, H. (op. cit., pp. 279-302).

Dr Peter McCue is a retired clinical psychologist with O’Keeffe, C. (2023). Heol Fanog:
a longstanding interest in strange phenomena, about What lies beneath? Fortean Times,
which he’s written four books. He lives in Scotland. 430, pp. 30-39.
I recently attended a public ghost-hunting event at the National Justice
Museum in Nottinghamshire, an iconic venue famous for its hauntings and a
team of ghost hunters got spooked by the mysterious scent of lavender perfume
wafting through a disused and allegedly haunted courtroom in Nottingham.

SCENTS AND SENSIBILITY… known psychology experiment that was

he impressive courtrooms, old prison just audio hallucinations but a whole list
cells and underground caverns are a first conducted by Edwin Emery Slosson of experiences they might interpret as
popular haunt for ghost hunters. It is in 1899. In his 2011 book, ‘Paranormality’, paranormal phenomena. He speculated that
said to play host to ghostly apparitions, Professor Richard Wiseman wrote about if suggestible people are in scary-looking
poltergeist activity, disembodied voices, the time he replicated Slosson’s experiment locations where ghost hunts are hosted,
slamming doors and unexplained on the British television show, ‘The People they may be hyper-vigilant and attribute the
temperature drops. After being split into two Watchers’. subtlest of signals to ghostly goings-on.
teams, we began our night of paranormal
investigation in the bowels of the building, The experiment saw 20 unsuspecting These perceived experiences will likely
a disorientating network of man-made volunteers sitting on four rows of chairs.
cause the ghost hunters to become more
caves, subterranean cells and dungeons. The experimenters then pulled out a
aware of their surroundings and exhibit
We spent the first half of the night in this small perfume bottle containing bright
even greater hyper-vigilance, resulting in
area, including the old punishment cells, green liquid and told the volunteers that
they’d be testing their sense of smell by them picking up on even more mundane
but despite its grim history, we didn’t things around them. It’s like a self-
experience anything remotely unusual or opening the bottle and allowing a strong
peppermint scent to permeate the room. fulfilling prophecy.
Once the lid was removed, the volunteers I can’t rule out a paranormal explanation
The second half of the night was spent in
the courtrooms on the street level. These were told to raise their hands when they at the Justice Museum. There could
grand, wooden rooms proved to be more picked up the minty fragrance—according be a supernatural trigger to this shared
active, with some rather impressive knocks to Prof Wiseman, a few people in the front experience. Did the first ghost hunter
and bangs that were clearly heard coming row raised their hands within moments. smell the phantom scent of a long-dead
from otherwise empty corners of the room. Moments later, the second row of people defendant in the dock? If so, her talking
However, for me, the most interesting part followed suit, and before long, about half of about the experience aloud might have
of our time in this room was when guests the volunteers had raised their hands. been all that was needed to plant the seed
picked up on the phantom smell of a of expectation in the other ghost hunters’
his wasn’t a test of the volunteers’
woman’s perfume.
It started with one guest standing in
the dock to my left, saying, “I can smell
T sense of smell; it was a test of their
suggestibility. The bottle of green liquid
was nothing more than a mixture of water
Perhaps they all smelled lavender
perfume as a spectre walked around the
perfume, a woman’s perfume. It smells of and an odourless colouring. The volunteers
courtroom close to each of them. This
lavender.” The room fell silent for a few imagined the peppermint smell through the
spook might have avoided me in the
seconds; if I’d listened more carefully, power of suggestion and expectation.
centre because my aftershave had worn
I’d have heard the other guests sniffing
Was this what was happening in the disused off.
the air around them, trying to detect the
courtroom in Nottingham? Was the power
same smell. It’s also possible that the first guest
of expectation causing the group of ghost
After a few seconds, someone did. Another hunters to experience smells that weren’t imagined the smell or picked up on a
guest who stood near the dock said she present? After all, I was in the middle of the fleeting whiff of something else. It could
could smell lavender. Then another, then room, and people surrounding me in all have even been lavender she was smelling,
another. The smell spread across the directions were picking up on it, were they but it’s a leap to conclude that the smell of
courtroom, travelling as far as the tiered simply more suggestible than me? lavender must be a lady’s perfume. It could
public benches to my left. just be lavender.
The American parapsychologist, James
But I was in the middle of the room and Houran, says that suggestible people on
smelt nothing. This reminded me of a well- a ghost hunt are likelier to experience not Higgy.
Most articles about the Warminster Thing start their story with
the first unexplainable event on Christmas Day morning in 1964.
Before I dive in, I want to mention this was a massive story
in the world of UFOs back then. It catapulted a small Wiltshire
market town to fame with literally hundreds of different reports
of lights, audio and other strange phenomena from locals and
visitors alike. And yet, this incredible set of events seems to
have been largely forgotten.

et’s get to it. On Christmas
In the year 2000, the Warminster Thing, Day morning in 1964, it wasn’t
as the locals named it, was re-examined Father Christmas causing a
by UFO ‘expert’ Nick Pope. He concluded loud and scary fracas in the
it could all be explained. Other ufologists sleepy Wiltshire town of Warminster.
are not so sure. Indeed, the hundreds of It was, in fact, the start of many years
witnesses will tell you what happened to of unexplained phenomena in this
them is still very much unexplained. And unremarkable little place—a time when
when you look at the evidence as a whole, the town was catapulted to fame as the
what happened in Warminster over the centre of the World’s UFO activity.
course of over ten years or so, is literally out
of this world! The first set of events occurred across
several hours when different people
If you mention the Warminster witnessed some very loud and explained
Thing to younger ufologists, audible phenomena. accompanied it. She described
you may well get a blank it as a noise of branches
look. This has surprised me! Poor Mildred Head reported. ‘Our ceiling being pulled along the road
I would have considered it came alive with strange sounds that but above her. Yet the sky
a far better-known mystery lashed our roof... as if twigs were brushing was clear! In fear, she
than it actually is. But, if the tiles... ended up with a noise [like] hurried off to church and
I’m honest, I have only heard giant hailstones.’ was quite overwhelmed by all
of it in the last couple of accounts.
years myself, and Warminster A humming noise always accompanies
is only half an hour away this, and it always appears to come from Four miles away at Knook Camp, over
from where I live. above, although nothing can be seen. 30 soldiers were rudely awoken by what
The head postmaster, Roger Rump, also sounded like a large chimney stack being
It’s a tricky topic to cover in one article heard these weird noises simultaneously ripped from a roof and thrown across the
because it is so vast. I want to tell the whole and described a ‘terrific clatter. As though camp. Yet, no damage had occurred, and
remarkable story, but I’d write an entire the roof tiles were being rattled about and the group of soldiers and their sergeant
book with hundreds of witnesses, politics, plucked off by some unseen force.’ could not conclude. They said it was not
media influence, and human relationships a military sound they knew of. It’s worth
Another poor lady was pointing out that Warminster is an Army
to examine. So, I’ve taken a snapshot of
terrified on her walk to Holy town and home to the Land Warfare
events, focusing on the first year when the
Communion in the darkness Centre. It is near Salisbury Plain, which
Warminster Thing was shrouded in mystery.
of the Christmas morn. She all the armed forces use for maneuverers.
I’ve weaved in as much information as I can.
heard what she thought was Could this explain some of the
Have a read and you’ll have to make your
a gritting lorry coming up experiences? In short, yes. So, while the
own mind up. Was Warminster deserving
the road, but as the sound military was responsible for a few events,
of its place as a UFO hotspot, or is it all
drew nearer, a loud humming the rest remain, to this day, unexplained.
perfectly explainable? You decide!
Images by Jed Bu
jedbuttress.c om

And remember, there were for the first few months

hundreds of different reports or so. Appearing in the
gathered over the years. press and even on tv,
he pushed forwards
reports came in, but it was on
The local press picked up on his theory that the Thing was
one night in June 1965 that the
the unexplained noises, and connected to spaceships which
first visual sighting was reported.
people began to were preparing
Mrs Marsden told Arthur she
talk. And at this to land in
heard a loud humming noise,
point, we should Wiltshire. So,
followed by bumping sounds
introduce Arthur his report told
and extraordinarily bright light
Shuttleworth, an of a whole flock
that lit up their bedroom like
integral charac- of pigeons
ter central to the killed in flight
whole mystery. after tangling Soon after, Arthur published
He worked for with the Thing. the story from a Vicar’s wife,
The Warminster It was said the Mrs Patricia Philips. She was
Journal in a sound waves the first to spot an actual
fairly mundane had caused shape in the sky, which other
job as a local the birds to witnesses, including her son,
journalist in the plummet to the later corroborated. It was
quiet little market ground from the sky, stone dead. described as a ‘brightly glowing,
town. He seems to David examined them. He was cigar-shaped object’, vertical
have been a very a surgical chiropodist, naturalist and black underneath with
charismatic man and amateur geologist. He glowing orange lights. It just
and well-liked. He said he had heard of this rare hung in the sky for around
became passionate phenomenon before. This twenty-five minutes or more
about the subject happened over the woods at before appearing to rotate and
of the Warminster the nearby village of Crockerton disappear. People started to
Thing. Certainly, at and coincided with reports of wonder. ‘Whatever was going
the start of his re- a high-pitched droning sound on?’
ports, he keeps his emanating from the wooded
records without bias area. I need to mention that This event caused
and with integrity. David came forward in 2005 and Warminster to come
Without argument, said his story about the pigeons onto the radar of the
The Warminster was fabricated for his own national press via the
Thing was the personal mini-psychological News of the World.
story of a lifetime test on the town’s residents.
for Arthur, and he Nevertheless, other reports were Arthur was key to bringing this
reported widely given to Arthur of animals, both story to the mainstream as he
on the subject and domestic pets and farm animals, had many valuable contacts.
went on to write seemingly physically affected He would likely have had
three books on the by the sonic vibrations, causing a good side gig on the go,
subject. Arthur’s them to be sick, nervous and selling these stories to national
coverage caused sometimes injuring themselves ragtop newspapers. It was in
more people to in panic at the noises. his best interests to keep this
come forward over story in the press. However, he
the following weeks, During March, various audio, wasn’t fabricating anything. It
and he began to ‘like a gigantic tin car with huge all appears to have happened,
collate them. nuts and bolts inside it’ and possibly with sightings
‘rafters shaking and windows embellished as time goes on,
David C. Holton came forward rattling, like there was a gale depending on your opinion.
in February 1965 after his force wind.’ were reported Arthur was a local news reporter
first brush with the Thing. He despite the air being still and who happened to be in the right
became another key character clear at the time. Many, many place at the right time,


giving him a once-in-a-lifetime witness of this event, said, ‘It “The Thing adopt-
opportunity. The events caught takes a lot to frighten me. This ed many forms.
the eye of notable UFO experts, shook me solid!’ Initially, sound
media personalities, and the and pressure
public. The story became big Arthur wanted to rule out
waves pronged
news. military involvement and
interviewed the local barracks downward with
The sightings and noise and airfields. At the barracks, tendrils, followed
continued throughout the the soldiers were on leave. At by a succession
Summer, with Arthur recording the other airfields, all denied of orange balls of
so many notes in his book that any responsibility, and some light, swathing
he said in The Warminster even laughed that they had the black velvet of
Mystery that they were all so such equipment that could the night. Swirling
similar that ‘to recount each cause such an event. But of astray at times
one would simply bore the course, they probably would but keeping fairly
reader.‘ But log them all, Arthur deny it, wouldn’t they? well-established
meticulously did. aerial paths. Sev-
A local lorry driver
told of a bowl of eral discs were
On the 17th of August 1965, seen spinning in
Boreham Field housing estate crimson light that flew
up from the hillside the daytime, red
residents witnessed a terrifying
and hovered before him. winking spheres,
event. One described it as a
It sped towards him, clusters of white
huge blast! I thought the roof
and he slammed on the lights, orange,
would lift off. The biggest
explosion I had ever heard.’ brakes of his lorry red, blue and
Many residents describe the in a panic. The light green-tinged orbs
ground as actually shaking. stopped directly in of fire crossing the
front of him, but as heavens.”
This explosion caused a
the lorry continued to
‘monstrous orange flame in the
move forward, the light As the frenzy
sky,’ which appeared to come
went backwards, leading surrounding the Thing
from the old Roman earthwork
the lorry up the road. grew, local people
fort of Battlesbury. It cast a
Suddenly, leaving the began to get scared.
light over the hill and was
road, the light drifted Doors were locked,
described as a lightbulb shape.
back to Callaway Hill, curtains pulled, and
The light seemed to drop out
from where it had come,
of sight ‘like the snuffing out worried mothers kept children
before completely
of a candle’, and a great ball of from playing outside.
smoke floated onto the housing
estate with a yellow core, There are many more stories I Meanwhile, visitors and UFO
snapping and crackling as it could add here, but to try and enthusiasts did not share the
made contact with the grass sum up the visual phenomena local’s fears. They flocked to
and trees before eventually caused by the Thing, Arthur this normally peaceful market
dissipating. David Pinnell, the writes this: town.


Gordon Faulkner released a nicely timed photo
after its capture on 29th August. He was taking
his camera to his mother’s house for his sister to
borrow. He spotted something moving fast and
low over the south of the town.

Realising he was seeing something unusual,

he pointed his camera into the sky and took
a lucky shot. What he managed to capture
has become ‘the’ Warminster Thing photo of
choice, with Arthur Shuttleworth using it as the
front cover of The Warminster Mystery. Unfor-
tunately, despite its reputation, there are doubts
about its authenticity, and many
experts believe it is a typical evening of the meeting, with hundreds more
yet good-quality fake. A man people outside. I can’t imagine what the locals
called Roger Hooten claimed must have thought to have the town overrun
in the early 1990s that he and by UFO tourists. UFO experts and government
Gordon created the hoax photo officials were in attendance, although
themselves. Gordon, however, interestingly, no one from the military turned
says he has no knowledge of up. Their explanations included satellites,
someone named Roger Hoo- rockets burning up, noise from helicopters,
ten and furiously denies, to hallucinations and military operations. One
this day, that it is fake. And so, government official admitted while most were
it becomes a case of ‘he said/
explainable, 25% were not. Dr E. R. Dawn of the
she said,’ so to speak. Is it real
National UFO Association said his organisation
or staged?
were struggling to find any explanation to
On the day the Warminster satisfy people these were not from outer space.
Chamber of Commerce
decided to call a public A MINI INSIGHT INTO
meeting (on the Friday THE WARMINSTER THING
evening before the bank
holiday) to discuss the KFM7oUDLtnM
events and hopefully
quell fears, the town This meeting did little to
was swamped. Over calm the madness, with the
7000 people came to
local hills getting busy with
Warminster to try and
‘skywatchers’, hoping to catch
spot the Thing for
a glimpse of spaceships from
themselves over that
weekend, and although outer space. Some locals thought it ‘a load of
it was total chaos, local old tripe’. But, Arthur, still sceptical, described
traders were thrilled the evidence he collected as being built ‘on
as the cash tills didn’t a bedrock of integrity.’ But this changed.
stop ringing. The town Arthur had an experience of his own on 25th
hall was packed on the September, making him the 199th witness.
Arthur saw a cigar shape in the As the anniversary of the first sighting of a possible UFO is We continue to be
sky from an upstairs room in year of the Thing approached, far from that. But, the lights and enthused by the thought
his home, with a peculiar hump and on into 1966, bright white audio shows persisted. Arthur of life outside our
and a yellow or burnished lights, crimson balls flying in continued collecting enough little planet. And
amber protrusion of the top. formation, and the cigar-shaped evidence to combine all the whether or not you
He reported that despite craft gliding silently by were sightings with his thoughts and think the Warminster
interviewing such a high calibre all witnessed. Arthur got more possible explanations for the Thing is ‘a load of
of witnesses, he still wasn’t organised and assembled a Thing in a second and third nonsense’ as it has
convinced the Thing existed skywatching investigative team book. been described or a
until he saw it with his own to keep an eye on the skies.
bona fide series of UFO
eyes. Apparently, they took over 3000 Eventually, by 1977, most events, you have to
photographs, but the results interest in the Thing had died admit, it’s all pretty
Arthur grabbed his cine camera have always turned out to be out, and people had moved
incredibly sketchy. Slightly strange.
and attempted to capture on to other subjects. Arthur
the airborne craft as it glided blurred lights in the sky are the continued his work behind the Some of the original residents
silently away. But the strangest best of the bunch, and none scenes but sadly passed away of Warminster at the time of
thing happened. Arthur’s were as clear as the (possibly in 1996 following a period of ill the Thing are still around.
camera began to jump around fake) Gordon Faulkner photo health. He was much mourned When they reminisce about the
in his hands, and he felt sharp taken in the Summer. by the UFO community, with his unusual events which befell
pricking needles in his hand, work on the Warminster Thing this unremarkable little garrison
The events continued through
wrist, face, and down the side recognised for its incredible town in West Wiltshire, it is still
1966, with local people
of his body. Apparently, his reporting the now usual bright job. Other members of his remembered as a very curious
eyes watered for two months lights in the sky, humming skywatching team had long ago time. And indeed, whilst the
after this day. He’d been unable sounds, flame coloured lights given up, so there was no one Warminster Thing may be over,
to gain any evidence. From moving across the sky together. left to keep recording events. UFO sightings in and around
this day on, Arthur became a The Thing was reportedly the Warminster area persist.
skywatcher and went on to spotted further afield, towards I think it’s beyond This is Weird Wiltshire, after
be witness to several other the end of 1966, with sightings doubt that the all! Only a few skywatchers are
events over the following years. in other Wiltshire towns nearby. Warminster Thing, with left on Cley Hill or Cradle Hill
However, we must bear in mind the help of Arthur these days, but you know what?
he did have a vested interest in Interest from the World’s UFO Shuttleworth and his I might head up there one
keeping this story going. enthusiasts and groups, such fellow enthusiasts, night this Summer. Maybe, just
as the British UFO Research was responsible for maybe, I will catch a glimpse of
Locals continued to be primed Association, boomed, and
a general upsurge in the Thing myself!
for sightings, and sky-watchers so it continued for the next
Emma X
interest in visitors
carried on their nightly vigils up few years. Various groups,
from outer space.
on the steep local hills, perfect both official and voluntary,
for UFO spotting. During the local and from further afar,
early Autumn of 1965, plenty examined the events, looked
more reports came in. Bright for their own evidence and
objects moving around the tried to understand what
Shearwater Lake and across the was happening. There were
Longleat estate. A silver disc reports, papers, newsletters
with a yellow light was seen, and bulletins of sightings
looking like a fried egg. Less with Arthur and his team
frequently, yet still occurring, always at the heart of matters.
were reports of the audio I could go into the local
phenomena where, once again, political turmoil within this
the sounds of pebbles crashing community that seemed to
be a theme over the next few
on the roof, windows shaking,
years. Undoubtedly, there
and a house appearing to be
were strong beliefs and high
vibrating take place.
emotions for all involved. But,
As the anniversary of the first going into that won’t help us
year of the Thing approached, decide the truth behind these
the national press had, by extraordinary events.
now, lost interest. But ufology Arthur published his first book
groups still took a great in 1967, The Warminster
interest in the area, and locals, Mystery, which has been
who were obviously not going called one of the most
to forget this year in a hurry, important books in UFO
helped to keep the mystery history. Could this book have
of the Warminster Thing to incited a spate of sightings of
become self-sustaining. Along other UFOs across the country
with the help of Arthur, of in 1967? However, much was
course, who worked hard to still reported in the Warminster
keep the story going, even area for the next couple of
though the national press years. Most of it was described
had, by now, lost interest. as ‘mundane,’ although any
There is always a debate and a discussion about whether kids
should go on ghost hunts or not and whatever camp you are
in more and more kids are becoming fascinated with the
paranormal. The majority [if not all] of ghost hunts organis
by paranormal companies have a NO UNDER 18s clause in
terms & conditions. That may be down to a whole host of
nce, health and safety issues rather than the fear of a
respect the T&Cs of a company.
demonic possession] but you should

Respect can and should be a two-

way street though, shouldn’t it? JUST FOR GROWN-UPS
Kids of all ages are seemingly
becoming more interested in all Gemma and Michael created JPE
things spooky, whether it’s down [Junior Paranormal Events] because
to social media or dark, strange their children, Aubrey and Finlay, were
developing a growing interest in the
shows streaming 24/7 [normally
paranormal, and they would always
with kids as the lead characters]
want to know when they could go to an
at the click of a button, the rise of
event. In November 2021, after attending
podcasts where adults reveal their
an adult event, Gemma and Michael
paranormal experiences [often
decided to research paranormal events
starting when they were a child
available to children and young people.
themselves] or something else the
fascination with the paranormal Noticing that there weren’t any,
appears to be on the rise. If we want they decided to create their own by
to pass the paranormal baton on to combining Gemma’s experience as a
a new generation of ghost hunters qualified teacher and their love of the
why do some feel that they need paranormal. Junior Paranormal Events
to be over 18 and at a time when was created and officially launched at a
they’ve reached adulthood and have special event held at Champness Hall in
probably more life/work things January 2022, which later became the
going on now they’ve reached that HQ for the team.
age and maybe have less time to be
Gemma is the scaredy cat of the team
inquisitive or wanting to learn more
but is getting braver! Gemma has had
about a subject they are passionate
paranormal experiences since being a
young child. “Junior Paranormal Events
provides a safe space where children and
How many times have us adults
young people can be themselves and
ghost hunted, and the spirit of a
explore their love of the paranormal safely
child has apparently appeared
and appropriately.”
– how many times do we leave
children’s toys as trigger objects or Favourite Location: Ripon Police
even use teddy bears as a potential Museum, Ripon
method of communication. There’s
probably no right or wrong answer Most Memorable Experience: Hearing
which pretty much sums up the lots of audio phenomena at Hack Green
paranormal but what if there was a Secret Nuclear Bunker. During an
dedicated company that took kids investigation, we heard a lady sobbing;
there was a vocal response to a question
ghost hunting, that gave them an
and the sounds of a trolly being wheeled
insight into the paranormal, the
down the corridor.
gadgets, the locations and let them
explore, let them investigate and let Michael is the resident sceptic of the
them learn at their own pace and team; he loves to question and explore
alongside other kids who share their the different experiences that we
passion. Why shouldn’t we let kids have. “During our events, we educate
tell us what they experienced and the junior guests on how to conduct a
what they think of the paranormal. paranormal investigation.


This also includes how ‘paranormal Most Memorable Experience: Olivia is 15. “I am excited to
experiences’ can be faked. It helps At Samlesbury Hall, we asked if the be an ambassador because I
children and young people become spirits would like to play a game of hope to raise awareness about
more informed when watching hide and seek; if so, they should turn the paranormal and help other
television shows or content on social the torch on. We then all counted to children and young people
media.” 5, and the torch went off. We then all
experience what I have”
guessed where they were hiding and
Favourite Location: asked the spirits to give us clues – this Favourite Location:
Ripon Workhouse, Ripon ended up being tapped on the glass, Champness Hall, Rochdale
Most Memorable Experience: a cupboard door opening and even
Most Memorable Experience:
This was during an event at Mill Street footsteps running. We played this
game for about 30 minutes. At the last event I attended at
Barracks. I was on the balcony off Champness Hall, I was sitting on
the main hall; we had three Maglite Aubrey is nine and our youngest the stage in the auditorium, and
torches set in three different areas, member of the team. “I love being we heard a chair nearby banging
with one being ‘Yes’, one ‘No’, and the able to explore different places up and down. It was really close to
other ‘Not Sure’. We actively asked and finding out about the people
us; there was no one near it.
questions and had them answered that have been there before us. I
through the torches. love working with the other Junior Alfie is 11. “I like being an
Ambassadors because they love the ambassador because I really
paranormal just as much as I do!” enjoy going to the events, and I
Favourite Location: enjoy having a bigger role in the
Mill Street Barracks, St Helens team. I have always loved the
paranormal and ask for equipment
Most Memorable Experience: When
we were exploring Hack Green Secret for birthdays and Christmas!”
Nuclear Bunker; as soon as we started Favourite Location:
the event, we could all hear really Champness Hall, Rochdale
loud crying coming from the stairs
inside the bunker; everyone heard Most Memorable Experience:
them. They went on for a long time, At Mill Street Barracks, I was
and we could hear them wherever we sitting in the main hall, everyone
were. was still, but we could hear the
floor creaking like someone was
Harrison is 11. “I have been
walking around us. There were
interested in the paranormal since
I was around eight years old. I think also lots of noises coming from
the Junior Paranormal team is the kitchen like someone was
Jade has always had a fascination
great because it allows us younger pottering around in there.
with all things paranormal. Jade
enjoys getting hands-on during investigators to develop our skills. I We have had many adventures
events and supporting the guests so don’t find it scary; I find it interesting!” and experiences and are only just
that they can really get involved with Favourite Location: starting. We look forward to being
the investigations and activities. “I Champness Hall, Rochdale able to share these with you.
got involved with Junior Paranormal Most Memorable Experience:
after attending the launch event in Gemma, Michael & Jade,
When I was in the Caretakers Lodge
January 2022. My daughter loved at Champness Hall; we set up two Finlay, Aubrey, Harrison, Kate,
it; it was the perfect way to share our torches; we asked the spirit to Olivia & Alfie
interest in the paranormal.” communicate with us through them.
Whenever one of the torches was If you have a kid who is
Favourite Location:
switched on, we all cheered. Both fascinated by the paranormal
Samlesbury Hall, Preston
torches were going on and off; the and you’re OK with the idea for
Most Memorable energy in the room was fascinating. them to want to know more, you
Experience: During an event can reach Junior Paranormal
with guests in the long corridor at Kate is 16. “I love doing the events.
I have always been interested in Events via:
Samlesbury Hall. I was standing in the
the paranormal; coming to events Facebook:
doorway, and the door forcibly closed
with the team is a fun and amazing
on me. We then placed a Maglite @juniorparanormalevents
experience. We have seen and heard
torch in the long corridor and played Twitter: @jpe_paranormal
so many things, and I always look
hide and seek with a spirit. We could
forward to an event.” Instagram: spirit_spooks
hear footsteps running around us, but
all the guests were still. Favourite Location: YouTube:
Eden Camp Modern History Museum, @juniorparanormalevents
Finlay is 14. “I love exploring the Malton
history of buildings, and I don’t mind Email:
being in the dark! I love working with Most Memorable Experience:
my other Junior Ambassadors and In the auditorium at Champness Hall, Website:
visiting different places.” there is a corner where a lady spirit
called Mary sits. Mary seemed to
Favourite Location: like communicating with me, and I
Samlesbury Hall, Preston enjoyed connecting with her.



he father of modern hor- A gifted physicist with a particular Robertson appeared by the light
ror was Belgian physicist interest in optics, Robertson of a single sepulchral lantern. An
Étienne-Gaspard Robert, discovered that he could produce intensely charismatic showman with
later known by his any number of illusions and special a flair for the dramatic, the audience
stage name, Robertson. Given how effects through his innovations believed him when he promised
often horror is dismissed as a guilty with a Magic Lantern device, such to raise the dead, the audience
pleasure, it might surprise you to as adding wheels to the machine believed him. Once he blew out the
hear that cinema was more or less and a system for moving slides candle, the audience was plunged
invented because of it. Robertson that changed the size of the image
into darkness and overwhelmed
didn’t invent the Magic Lantern, projected to create the illusion of
with the sounds of rain, thunder,
the earliest known projec- movement.
and funeral bells. Lightning
tor—that honor belongs to
appeared to strike, illuminating
Christiaan Huygens around
Death himself emerging from
1650—but he used his ar-
the shadows and floating
tistic talent and expertise in
through the audience with a
physics to reimagine what it
scythe in his hand.
was capable of, breathing life
into the nightmares of early
eighteenth-century Paris.

Nightmares in Paris were all

too real. When Robertson
hosted his first show in 1798,
the Reign of Terror, which saw
He found that
the public executions of 17,000
giving his hand-painted
people, was still fresh in everyone’s
ghouls black backgrounds
minds. Robertson himself had made them appear to float in
only narrowly escaped; as a tutor midair when projected in the
to the children of the nobility, his dark. He experimented with
precarious situation forced him to different light sources, projecting
flee to Belgium until the danger had Although he explained it
the images onto various surfaces.
passed. He spent this brief exile was only physics and optical
This became the groundwork for the
perfecting his craft, returning to Paris illusions, the ghosts, devils,
show that would eventually make
with a show unlike anything the skeletons, and demons that
his name.
people had ever seen. filled the crypt over the next hour
Robertson’s Phantasmagoria was and a half were so realistic the
The Phantasmagoria was years an interactive horror experience. audience tried to fight them.
in the making. Even as a child, Hosted in the Couvent des
Robertson had been eccentric, Capucines crypt, a derelict convent His shows were so effective people
fascinated with hauntings and in central Paris, guests had to cross genuinely believed he was a
macabre imagery. In his memoirs, the overgrown graveyard in the necromancer. They created such a
he recounted an early attempt to dark, passing through a labyrinth stir that Robertson was investigated
summon the devil. He wasn’t afraid of rooms draped in dark fabric and by the authorities, which temporarily
of the devil but envious—he wrote painted with esoteric symbols. shut the show down for fear that he
that he wanted to share the devil’s They followed the eerie call of would bring Louis XVI back to life.
power. Disappointed when Lucifer funeral bells and a glass harmonica, Robertson was forced to flee Paris
did not appear, Robertson was an instrument with such an again but returned before long.
obliged to develop the power of otherworldly sound it was thought to
conjuring on his own—by going to cause madness. Once they reached Robertson’s Phantasmagoria was
university to study physics, art, and the crypt and took their seats, they tremendously popular, earning
the occult. were locked inside. Robertson a fortune over the years.


It was no ordinary slideshow— forced to patent his version of the of creating prodigies, I would
Robertson’s innovation and Magic Lantern, the Fantascope. apply myself to creating devils,
mastery of the Magic Lantern Through the subsequent legal and I would have only to wave
produced effects challenging to action, Robertson was obliged my wand to force all the infernal
imagine even now. The scenes to reveal his technical secrets, cortège to be seen in the light.
he created were elaborate, which could never quite be My habitation became a true
detailed, and animated; between replicated by anyone else, even Pandemonium.
the speed of the changing slides, when they were known.
variable depth, and visual effects, Robertson became a legend
Robertson had all but created Despite copycat shows popping
in his own lifetime. Today,
up all over Europe and America,
early 3D cinema. Robertson is widely regarded
Robertson enjoyed a forty-year
career, touring the world with as an essential forerunner of
Robertson loved his work, and
his wife and children, writing modern cinema, and his grave
he took it very seriously. He
his memoirs, and patenting his is one of the most visited
version of the Magic Lantern, monuments in Père Lachaise.
I am only satisfied if my the Fantascope. Although his Rather than featuring the man
spectators, shivering and technical secrets became known, himself, the scene depicts his
they could never be replicated audience cowering before the
shuddering, raise their hands
by anyone else. phantoms he brought to life.
or cover their eyes out of
fear of ghosts and devils Until his death in 1837,
dashing towards them if even Robertson asserted that he was Jessica C
the most indiscreet among first and foremost a physicist,
them run into the arms of a but in his memoirs, he reflected
Jessica Cale is an author
skeleton. on how his early desire to attain
and historian based in North
the devil’s powers had guided
It was known to happen, and the Carolina. She has appeared on
his life:
audiences loved it. Netflix’s Lost Pirate Kingdom and
I finally adopted a very wise hosts the Dirty Sexy
So many competitors attempted policy: since the devil refused to History podcast. You can visit her
to copy his show that he was communicate to me the science at
Pe n n y G r i ffit h s - M orga n’s N O T S O ‘OR R IB L E H IS T OR I E S *

Regent cinema) as the prison

hose of you who So, for someone looking for
regularly read the from around 1667, but what paranormal activity, there
articles I write for had happened before that? is an absolute plethora of
Haunted Magazine This led me to Colchester avenues to go down and
will know that I tend to talk Castle, which was the county elements of history to know
about places or events that jail of Essex from around 1226 about. At the end of the
I have researched but not until 1666, and this feature. evening, I can tell you my
necessarily experienced first- As I alluded to earlier, what is brain hurt, and I do not think
hand; this one will be slightly slightly at variance from my
it was purely down to the
different. usual pieces is that I actually
infamous hangover.
got to do a short investigation
All writers need some of the castle courtesy of the any people who
kind of inspiration
for every piece
of work they
create, I am
fantastic Hazel Ford of
Haunted Happenings.

Historians believe
M have visited the
castle as day guests
and investigating talk about
company in there.
I sat on the wooden floor after
being left alone and ran a
no different, that the castle the prison cells, where the few sessions of calling to see
and I can was built around exhibit of the heinous Hopkins if anyone wanted to speak
always tell 1076 on the site (and frequently forgotten to me. Listening back to the
you the exact of a former Roman John Stearne) is displayed, recordings, I had one that
chain of events temple dedicated to so I decided to start my lone definitely seemed to have an
(or thoughts) Claudius – the Roman vigil before the guests arrived answer when I asked if they
that lead to every history of Colchester, down there. Whilst I was talking were a gaoler, a very whispered
aka Camulodunum, is an
single thing I put down through how the witch trials “no” – although I have played
article in its own right the town
on paper; this is no different. A took place with a couple of it to a few people. Some hear
and building were granted to
good friend of mine had asked the Haunted Happenings staff the word, and some only hear
Eudo Dapifer in 1101. During
me to give her a history tour the first Barons’ War (1215- (thank you all for being what they think is the rustling
of Chelmsford, and one of the 1217), it was occupied by the great hosts) – two of us of clothes; I can confirm that it
areas we inevitably started to French and used by the Barons saw shadows moving was not me on the recording as
discuss was the witch trials of against King John and then about just outside the device was on the floor and
July 1645 under the notorious the boy King Henry III. After the door, but other I was not moving, and whilst
-self-appointed, it has to be said that particular episode blew than that, it did not the sound is quite evident on
– witchfinder general, Matthew over, in 1226, it started its more feel as though we the playback, I did not hear it at
Hopkins. She asked me a famous use as a jail. It held a
had any the time.
good question, where were the variety of detainees, including
accused held before their trial? Jewish prisoners, pirates,
heretics, Roman Catholics,
I already knew – due to protestants, royalists,
previous research - that Quakers and probably
Chelmsford had used a pub most famously,
called the Cross those accused of
Keys (now the witchcraft.
site of the old


One of my pet hates on an investigation
- whether it be a taster like this or a full-
blown research project taking place over
months – is to assume what the energy
may be whilst asking a question such as
“Are you a gaoler” when in a prison cell
is logical, perhaps focussing on those
accused of witchcraft being held there is
not as that was such a small period of time
in the greater scheme of things.

Later on, when the members of the public

joined me, we tried some other angles;
talking about witches did not create any
activity whatsoever, but when we started
mentioning different languages which
would have been spoken, the devices did
start to register. I had suggested earlier
that due to the castle being
built during the time of
the Norman invasion (and
being held by the French
during The First Barons’
War), perhaps speaking
French would help as a
trigger, making aware that
Norman French is slightly
different to the classic
version of the dialect that
most of us would have
learned, “right” being ‘le
droit’, but the Norman
version being ‘le diet’.
Language like History can
often be lost in translation.
The other language
(and one of the few I
can mumble a few badly
pronounced words in) was
Spanish, so I tried that too;
what was strange was the readings on
he next experience information when we had about how it had been

the EDI device, which had been placed
on the floor, without anyone moving, the which is still used a Ouija board earlier, spinning on one leg; their
vibration sensor was reacting to what bouncing around in so they requested I keep energy was infectious. We
my brain was down in the doing it. decided that as this “spirit”
we were saying, as was the temperature,
vaults; this area still retains seemed quite strong, we
in fact, rather than it going up (which I
some of the original stone Ok then. To begin with, would ask them to walk the
would expect with a smallish room full of from the Roman temple I I observed them on the table around the area that
people) it actually went down. I had run mentioned earlier, so it has table, and quite quickly, it we were standing in, and
a Mel Meter whilst I was there alone; it just under two thousand was balancing on one leg. with a little bit of guidance
was a consistent sixty-eight or sixty-nine years of history in it; that is This may sound arrogant, (I would tap on which side
degrees; during my vigil, the EDI - taking enough to blow even my but when I am doing this needed to move next), it
into account different calibrations of its tiny brain. Table tipping kind of thing with people I started, and gained a great
reading – started at a similar figure, then was the order of the day,
do not know, I like to stand deal of speed. What was to
dropped to sixty-six points six and then complete with an Alice ITC
back and watch first to see happen next is why having
device running; this was
went down to the upper fifties. if anyone is influencing the a person with an amount
going to be interesting.
The group I was with had activity; once I was happy of historical knowledge
I am sure someone could explain it that was not the case, I can be a real benefit in any
already been privy to (and
scientifically, but the fact that when I began to join in. As I put investigation. One of the
promised me that they were
was talking through historical points, enjoying it) my ability (and my fingertips on the table, hosts suggested we try
the vibration sensor was triggering, but some may say addiction) it vibrated; no one else was asking questions rather
whether to indicate I was correct or not, I to ask historical questions touching it at this point than dancing with the table,
have no idea. to try and find out more as they were all jubilant so we did.


The name Alfred had come events which led up to Edward honestly say I was all for it. Then my memory was correct).
up on the ITC device, so it becoming King, so it seemed it started to warm up again; It was then awarded to Sir
was natural to see if that was obvious to find out if they were maybe our medieval guest John Howard (the 1st Duke
who we were talking to; the in the Battle of Towton. Again, could not get enough energy, of Norfolk), who had fought
table rocked to no and the a yes. The group I was with so we asked Harry if he wanted at Towton alongside Edward
name Harry came up almost asked me questions about to play a bit more (which he IV and spent a lot of time in
immediately. THEN THE WORD when this battle was; I replied did), and then we said thank Colchester as he was a patron
ROSES. that I thought it was 1461 but you and goodbye. of St. Johns Abbey in the town.
that I was digging deep into the
nyone who knows me

It was only last year that I memory banks for that one; the This was quite an obvious link
wrote a book called “The table rocked to Yes, was this will also be aware that to the Wars of the Roses and
Battle for Bosworth Hall”, spirit listening to us? I will research things Edward IV. Were we speaking
which featured quite a bit on to see if there is any validity in to a servant of Howard’s who
the Wars of the Roses, so I Another time it moved without what has happened; this was no had also fought alongside the
took a punt and asked if the our focus was when I was different; sit back, grab a coffee Yorkist King? Had Harry come
spirit was part of the Wars of talking about the archers and and keep reading. In 1404, the through because he knew my
the Roses. The table rocked explaining that they would castle had been granted to history knowledge would help
to yes. push their arrows into the Humphrey, the future Duke of decipher the clues? I genuinely
ground and that many people Gloucester (brother of Henry do not know, and I cannot say
Now I was confused; Essex did they hit did not die from the V), after he died in 1447 without unequivocally that it was not
not have anything to do with actual wound inflicted. Still, an heir and his wife Eleanor just luck that produced these
this period of history, certainly the bacteria that was on the was not allowed to keep any of answers, but it goes to show
not Colchester Castle, so why arrowhead from being sunk into his estate as a dower (she had that just because a place is
was someone linked to this the soil also produced a yes been arrested whilst married to famous for one thing, those
episode in history appearing? answer. Humphrey on an accusation of energies may not be the ones
When I questioned if they witchcraft against King Henry
We all noticed the temperature that want to talk…
were Lancastrian or Yorkist, I VI, and her marriage had been
in the vaults start dropping; in
received no answer, but when
I mentioned if they supported fact, some of us could see our
annulled in 1441). The castle
reverted back to the crown and Penny X
Edward IV (the Yorkist King), it own breath, and then the word was later given to Margaret of
“appear” appeared on the ITC *Even though we say not
went to yes, and then the word Anjou, the King’s wife.
device. Was Harry trying to so ‘orrible histories,
servant appeared.
manifest? A couple of the group Margaret lost her lands when it might actually be
I was wracking my brain trying did seem quite disturbed at the King was defeated in the horrible, it’s just a
to think of the sequence of this prospect, although I can Battle of Towton in 1461 (yes, tagline folks.

Exclusive to Roku
Ghost Planet Network is the brainchild of Neil Packer from The Paranormal Research
Centre in Hinckley, Leicestershire, which is also home to The Haunted Antiques Museum.

Neil has been looking for a way of Planet Network to become a

taking the shows he does at the channel recognised for showing
centre to a much wider audience a wide range of paranormal-
for some time now, and despite related shows.”
YouTube being the most obvious
solution, that has never appealed
to him as thousands of videos “Ghost Planet
are uploaded to it daily, and the Network will be a
potential to find new and exciting
content could be difficult. subscription-free
Neil says, “Many teams are
channel. All you
filming their investigations or need to watch is a
making decent paranormal
content but are simply not getting
TV with HDMI input
the attention they deserve, and and a Roku box
I genuinely feel that paranormal
TV shows are, sadly, becoming which costs around
a bit repetitive and are guided or
controlled by network restrictions
£20. Roku has an
and produced by companies audience of over
that are more focused and
reliant on viewing figures and
70 million homes
entertainment.” worldwide.”
Neil feels that a new channel is GPN has the potential to be
needed, a channel that is run by something special. By not having
people who are passionate about the restraints of the big corporate
the paranormal and will allow any TV networks and distributors, it
content contributors to control could suit a whole host of people
their content and a channel that who love doing what they do, love
will be available for anyone to filming what they do and love
showcase their work - be it from showing what they do to other
a professional quality content people.
maker to a bunch of friends who
love doing what they are doing. Neil continues, “Whether it’s
ghost hunting, UFO spotting or
Neil continues, “We’d like anyone
on the hunt for cryptids, if it’s not
and everyone to get involved.
normal, then it’s paranormal,
I have ideas for at least ten
different types of paranormal and Ghost Planet Network will
shows that we will film and be more than open to show it.
produce that will all air on the Even if all you have is an idea for
channel. I want it to be as diverse something, an investigation, a
as possible. I want a mix of wide- chat show, a debate show, or a
reaching paranormal content, review show, please message
from round table discussions me at
to ghost hunting to historical I do believe that Ghost Planet
and mysterious shows. There’s Network has the potential
the potential to broadcast live to become a new home for
streams, and I would like Ghost Paranormal TV content.”


It’s nearly 100 years since Borley Rectory hit the headlines and over 80 years since it burnt to the ground
and all that remains of it is a very small scrubby patch of neglected land hidden away between new houses
and gardens. Yet it still divides opinion and prompts discussions, debates and disagreements. BUT WHY
DOES IT? Richard Sugg takes a closer look at that summer night in 1929, and the history and mystery
before during and after.


Borley Goes Public: Thanks to the Mirror claimed that ghostly activity had been reported as early
as 1819, with the nun allegedly sighted in 1836. From
1863, the large family of the Reverend Henry Dawson

ne summer night in 1929, the Daily Mirror
journalist V.C. Wall waited with a photographer Bull were disturbed by the sound of rushing water in
in the woods behind Borley Rectory in Suffolk. the house (which had neither mains water nor interior
Here on the grounds of ‘the most haunted house in pipes), bells which rang even after wires were cut,
England’, they did not see the ghostly nun or the rappings, crashes, and heavy footsteps in empty areas
spectral, eerily silent coach and horses reported by of the building. Initially, much of this centred – as so
others. But they did spy a light in the Rectory. When often in poltergeist cases – on a young daughter, Ethel,
someone went inside to investigate, no light was whose door was singled out for rapping each night and
visible. Yet outside, Wall and the photographer could who once had her face slapped as she lay in bed. In
still see it. 1886 a new nursemaid, Elizabeth Byford, initially made
light of the supposedly haunted room allotted to her.
On 11 June 1929, the psychical researcher Harry Price But around two weeks later, she woke at midnight to
read Wall’s first two reports on Borley, and within the sound of slippered footsteps outside her door and
hours the most famous era in the Rectory’s haunted presently gave notice.
history had begun. Keeping watch with Price the
following evening, Wall was certain that he saw the A Dog and a Headless Phantom
nun moving towards a stream in the garden. Soon after
dark, a red glass candlestick whizzed past their heads

he Bull family, by contrast, clearly did not scare
and shattered against an iron stove, pebbles and slate easily. The first Henry Bull kept up his duties until
bounced down the stairs, servants’ bells rang on their his death in May 1892 and was immediately
own, and keys shot simultaneously from two different succeeded by his son, Henry Foyster Bull, who held the
doors. More than one brisk dash upstairs failed to living until he died in June 1927. Henry Foyster seems
reveal any human pranksters in the Rectory, which was outwardly to have been a jovial, energetic figure who
at this time occupied by the Reverend Guy Smith. liked running between Church and Rectory on sermon
days. He does not sound like the kind of person fond of
Victorian Origins: A Housemaid Gives Notice imagining ghosts, and the same probably went for his
dog, Juvenal. Yet, one day in the garden, the retriever

orley Rectory had been built in 1862-3 and began howling and cowering at something behind the
occupied by two previous vicars (both of the fruit trees. Following the dog’s gaze, Bull saw a pair of
Bull family) before Smith took up residence in legs. When these moved out of cover of the foliage, the
1929. It was erected on the site of at least two previous body was seen to be headless. It crossed the garden and
dwellings. In 2001 local antiquarian Paul Kemp walked clean through a locked gate.


This younger Reverend Bull also saw the audible, pleading words, “Don’t, Carlos! badly by an invisible force as to be left with
notorious ghostly coach of Borley, ‘drawn Don’t”. Footsteps were heard in the Rectory a cut and a black eye. She was thrown out
by two horses, and driven by a headless so often that one day Guy Smith leapt out of bed several times, and mysterious writings
coachman’. Intriguingly, this coach seems from behind a wall with a hockey stick to (apparently connected with her) now began
often to have been silent when seen and strike the intruder – only to find himself to appear on the walls of the house.
invisible when heard. On another occasion, slicing thin air. Bells again rang on their own,
Bull heard hoofs and heavy wheels on and the servant, Mary Pearson, twice saw On several occasions, Marianne saw
the road behind him. Stepping in to let the phantom coach speeding by. So it was the ghost of Henry Bull the First – who
the vehicle pass, he heard it rush by and that in June 1929, less than a year into their had allegedly warned his family that, if
saw nothing, though ‘the noise gradually residence, the Smiths themselves contacted discontented in the afterlife, he would return
diminished and could be heard dying away the Daily Mirror. Smith would be present as a poltergeist. Although Marianne was
in the distance’. on the night when Price and Wall were certainly not the most reliable witness in
mysteriously showered with pebbles and Borley’s history, it is telling that the dressing
Face-to-Face with a Ghost slate. That same summer, the Smiths moved gown she saw Bull wearing was recognised
out into lodgings, and in October 1930, by older Borley locals who heard her

n 28 July 1900, the young Ethel Borley gained a new vicar. description.
and Freda Bull were returning to
the Rectory from a summer party.
Another New Vicar: Smith Gives Further Witnesses at Borley
Emerging from the trees onto the lawn, they
up the Ghosts
saw a female figure with a bowed head … complete account of the Foysters’
dressed entirely in black, in the garb of a sufferings would run to a short book,

nun’. It appeared to be gliding rather than ellingly, the with Lionel keeping a detailed diary
walking. After watching her for some time, Reverend of events from the beginning of their stay.
the girls took her to be a ghost and became Lionel With even Adelaide apparently struck and
intensely frightened. One ran in to fetch their Foyster took persecuted, these events would have given
sister Elsie, who responded, “What nonsense, on the haunted many people a nervous breakdown. And,
I’ll go and speak to it!” She then ran across parish only at the with Price now on the scene, there was no
the lawn, only to have the nun turn and face intervention of shortage of outside witnesses. Along with the
her for a few seconds before vanishing into surviving members workmen who saw stones tumbling down
thin air. In the autumn of 1927, a travelling of the Bull family, to whom he was related. the stairs, we have Lady Whitehouse (a friend
carpenter, Fred Cartwright, saw the nun four He had a wife, Marianne, many years his
of the Foysters) and her nephew, Richard.
times in two weeks. He was not local to junior, and an adopted daughter, three-year-
On 14 December 1931, Lionel, Marianne
the area, had never heard the Borley ghost old Adelaide. Like Ethel Bull before her,
and Richard all saw a thin glass tumbler
stories, and assumed the figure to be alive on Marianne seems to have acted as a focus
drop from thin air to land at Richard’s
each occasion. His suspicions were aroused for whatever was haunting Borley. For the
feet. He later stressed that no one could
only on his fourth sighting when the woman activity now hit new levels of violence and
have thrown this without breaking it. Lady
persecution. Numerous household items
inexplicably disappeared from view. Whitehouse was present when a fire started
vanished, whilst objects they did not own
spontaneously. She also saw flints falling
Reverend Smith Calls for Help appeared from anywhere. One day Marianne
from nowhere. In January 1932, another
took off her watch to wash her hands.
visitor, Mr G. L’Estrange, had just

n the autumn of 1928, the Reverend Guy Turning back to retrieve it, she found that
parked his car when he saw a
Smith and his wife Mabel moved into the strap had disappeared, though the watch
figure standing by
Borley. The couple had no children. When remained. Objects were
the porch.
cleaning out the house, Mabel discovered a frequently thrown at
brown paper parcel and, on unwrapping it, or past the couple,
found herself looking at a small human skull. and Marianne was
This was presently buried in the churchyard once struck so
by her husband. Alone in the house shortly
after, Guy was crossing the landing outside
the notoriously haunted Blue Room when
he heard whispering, rising to form the


Seconds later, it vanished before his eyes. The Real Harry Price: away its entire history is neither fair nor
Later in his stay, L’Estrange heard footsteps convincing. Numerous witnesses reported
pass by the sofa he was sitting on and then Sceptic Turned Ghost Hunter apparitions and poltergeist phenomena

fade through the wall behind him. as Borley Rectory really haunted? before Price had even heard of the Rectory.
Wikipedia will give you the This includes Guy Smith. In 1929 Church of
Enter Harry Price impression that it was not. England vicars did not lightly resort to the
Whilst I have yet to read a single Wikipedia

mpressively, the Foysters lasted until aid of national newspapers, nor indeed give
October 1935, leaving them only account of ghosts or poltergeists which up their homes. Something haunted every
because of Lionel’s increasingly severe looks either balanced or open-minded, family occupying Borley Rectory and many
arthritis. But by this stage, the Church in this case, the supposed ‘debunking’ living around it.
had had enough of Borley Rectory. Two rests largely on one book: The Haunting
parishes were merged, and the building of Borley Rectory, by Eric Dingwall, K.M.
was put up for sale. Before a buyer Goldney and T.H. Hall. The authors of this
could be found, Price was able to rent 1956 work were clearly determined not to
the house, and in The Times of 25 May believe in ghosts, and it is hard to imagine
1937, an unusual advertisement began: that they would have dared attack Price in
‘Haunted House. Responsible persons of the way they did had he still been alive (he
leisure and intelligence, intrepid, critical, died in 1948). Hall, in particular, seems to
and unbiased, are invited to join the rota have been an extremely dubious character.
of observers in a year’s day and night The attack he made on Price in 1978,
investigation of alleged haunted house…’. littered with errors and pure speculation,
After weeding out thrill-seekers, cranks and has been described as ‘one of the most
opportunists, Price managed to enrol many spiteful books ever written’. In fact, when
reliable observers, including engineers, Price began his public career, he looked
much like an early twentieth-century James
doctors, undergraduates and military
Randi. A trained conjurer and member
men. Rappings, crashes, bell ringing and
of the Magic Circle, he used his inside
movement of objects were recorded, with
knowledge to expose several fraudulent
the report of Mark Kerr-Pearse, a Geneva
mediums. Despite this experience, he came
diplomat, running to almost 10,000 words.
to feel that certain paranormal phenomena
Thanks to Price’s energy and enterprise,
could not be explained, either naturally
Borley became not just one of the most
or as fraud. Even at Borley, Price fell out
haunted houses ever but perhaps the best-
with Lionel Foyster when he argued that
Marianne needed to be ruled out as a
possible fraudster.
Who Burned Borley Rectory?
Ghosts and Poltergeists:
n the autumn of 1938, Borley was
purchased by Captain W.H. Gregson,
and at midnight on 27 February 1939,
An Open Secret?

it caught fire. Ghosts were probably would agree that Borley may
not responsible. Buying it for just £500, look too good, too vivid,
Gregson had insured it for £10,000, and and too colourful to be
years later, his son, Anthony, stated that true to anyone unfamiliar
the Captain had started the fire himself. with the well-documented
With the Rectory now just a shell, the history of ghosts and
haunting continued. A chauffeur heard the poltergeists. Had I come
invisible phantom coach hurtling by him, to it cold as a first ghost
and Charles Browne and his friends one encounter, I would
night saw a girl in white looking through probably have felt just
the burned-out window of the Blue Room that. I heard my first
upstairs. She was standing on empty air. poltergeist story in
1989. It was not until
Army officers who tried to use the site
I began researching
during the war had stones thrown at them
my book The Real
and found the general atmosphere so
Vampires in 2012
negative that they did not stay. From 1947
that I began to realise
to 1950, James and Alice Turner occupied
it was actually true.
the surviving cottage. On hot summer days, I now have on file
they would hear the voices and laughter over 1000 poltergeist
of children from the orchard and, on one and ghost cases, and
occasion, the sound of heavy footsteps, over 100 of these were
‘as though someone was walking on bare personally related to me.
boards’. During a 1961 investigation, Almost everything which
‘battery torches and car headlamps all happened at Borley has
failed without obvious cause’, and as been reported elsewhere
recently as 2000, Colin Wilson spoke to by every possible type
a television crew which had ‘recorded of witness. It seems
hollow footsteps, the creaking of a door very hard to deny that
that no longer exists, and a deep sigh Borley was severely
that impressed everyone who heard it as haunted. Making Price
profoundly unhappy’. a culprit to explain


As a lifelong atheist, I never expected to take With the exception of rare characters such as Jason
ghosts or poltergeists seriously. My father died very Bray, Christianity has got the whole question of ghosts
suddenly in the spring of 1989. I was just 19, and and the afterlife hopelessly wrong. T.V. shows such
he was 62. At that time, nothing could convince me as Ghost Adventures think dead people are there
that he had not simply disappeared forever. Only a for viewers’ amusement, and their handling of Keith
few months later, my A-level Lecturer Mike told our Linder’s epic poltergeist in Bothell shows how badly
Sociology class the story of the poltergeist which wrong they can be.
haunted him, his young wife and their children
in the 1960s. Partly resembling Borley, this case But against all this, there is one beautifully simple
involved a new house built on the site of an old one. weapon. It is so old, so low-tech, and so enjoyable
For over 20 years, I had the strange experience of that anyone can do it. Talk to people. And then
being unable to believe or disbelieve Mike’s story. actually listen. This can be hard. For quite some
There was just nothing else to compare it to, and no time, I could listen to my friends talk about
one else was talking about this kind of thing. poltergeists, but not about ghosts or the afterlife.
My later odyssey through the labyrinths of poltergeists Yet I now suspect that perhaps 50% of people
and ghosts began accidentally, purely because are walking around with personal stories they
poltergeists often featured in vampire panics. Stacking dare not share - and this is in an age which prides
up various poltergeist books on my British Library desk itself on breaking taboos and speaking about the
one day in 2013, I went off to lunch with a friend and unspeakable. In one sense, the oddest thing about
asked her, ‘Have you ever come across poltergeists?’ ghosts is how ordinary they are.
She went white and silent, froze up, and said, ‘Can we
In January 2021, our mother died of the covid virus,
go somewhere more private?’ We did, and she told me
just before vaccines became available. And a week
of the poltergeist that had haunted her family across
later, she came back to my house in Cardiff to say
two houses for 18 months. I had known her for eight
goodbye. I will say much more about that elsewhere.
years and never heard a whisper of that until I asked. A
But it was not in the least spooky. There was nothing
few weeks later, a friend of 12 years told me something
to see and nothing to hear - and it was just exactly like
very similar.
her and exactly like home.
In April 1996, Ian Blackburn, director of building
development at the Albert Hall, called in veteran
ghost hunter Andrew Green after numerous staff Richard
and contractors at the Hall had complained References:
of ghostly sightings and activity. He told the
Daily Telegraph: “When people keep Harry Price, The Most Haunted House in England
saying the same things to you, you (Longman’s, 1940).
have to take notice and try and Ivan Banks, The Enigma of Borley Rectory (Foulsham,
get to the bottom of it.” On a 1996).
sunny day in the local park, I
Jack Hastie, The Haunting of Borley Village, Paranormal
can easily get five new ghost
Review (2002).
cases just by walking up to
people and asking them, Richard Sugg is the author
‘Do you believe in ghosts?’ of fourteen books, including
Whilst Price was rigorously A Century of Supernatural
practical and scientific in Stories (2015), A Century of
many ways, Borley can Ghost Stories (2017), Fairies: A
now seem like a very Dangerous History (Reaktion,
distant world, a kind of 2018), Mummies, Cannibals
cross between M.R. James and Vampires (2020), The Real
and the Gothic novel. Yet Vampires (2023), Kali the Wonder
since then, paranormal Dog (2023) and Talking Dirty:
research has, in many ways, The History of Disgust from Jesus
Christ to Boris
Johnson (2023).
Wikipedia His works have
is dominated been translated
into Turkish,
by a group of Japanese and
pseudo-sceptics whose Portuguese. You
can hear samples
impoverished version of his books and
of science is comically his favourite
authors on his
religious: this simply new podcast,
cannot be true, so Dark Histories,
from the Secret
there is no point University. He is
in even looking currently working
on a new book;
through the We Need to Talk
telescope... About Ghosts.



the history of

he coaching inn is what happens behind each of the Monasteries is one of Take the George and Pilgrim
a convenience we door that lines the corridors his most recognised assaults on in Glastonbury, for example.
would be forgiven for once shut? They become architectural history. Religious- It is suggested that King Henry
attributing entirely private spaces that allow for minded or not, you can’t deny VIII stood within the walls of
to times gone by. The name illicit affairs; they provide a the destruction of many of these the once-hospice-now-inn
conjures images of rumbling detachment for those in dark grand buildings was tragic. and oversaw the destruction
stagecoaches and the skulking times, a preferred space for of Glastonbury Abbey from an
cloaked highwayman, but what those choosing to end their Before this time, monks had upstairs room. During an episode
more do we know beyond that, time on this side of existence; been happily running hospices. on the History Hit podcast,
and should we care? You will award-winning archaeologist
know my answer if you follow Dr James Wright stated that he
me on social media and know believes the George Inn, Norton
my endeavours with Alehouse St Philip, in Somerset to be the
Haunts. Yes, we absolutely oldest continually operating
should care! inn, placing it to the late 1300s.
Dendro-chronology dates the
A common question asked wood there to 1430-1432, which
amongst investigators of was added slightly later to the
ghostly activity is, ‘What is pre-existing stone building. This
your favourite type of haunted history is mind-blowing, and the
location?’ Often, the answer stories are endless!
is a prison, places of extreme
emotional trauma, the sites they see many natural deaths Unlike those we recognise today, Many pubs we visit today began
of execution and perhaps, occur, as well as accidental the historical hospice was a
life as a coaching inn; the tell-
stemming from morbid curiosity, deaths from various recreational place of rest and refreshment for
habits. Add these to the many tale archway indicates this. The
a way of coming close to the those on a pilgrimage, located
essence of those people we happy memories created, on nearby religious destinations coach and horses would have
spend our lives trying to avoid. honeymoons and holidays, and such as abbeys and cathedrals. used the curved carriageway
Castles are also a favourite for we have a plethora of emotional With the destruction of these through a building to access
similar reasons: the battle and traces left in the space. very buildings happening all the stables to the rear. These
bloodshed they have witnessed over the country, the monks buildings can date anywhere
and the opportunity to grace the The first hotels began to appear had to quickly adapt to survive. from the Tudor period, but more
same spaces as noted names in England in the late 1800s. By this point, people were commonly the 17th, 18th and
from history. Can you imagine the tales they travelling the country much 19th centuries, up until the
would have to tell if they had more, requiring places to rest, so introduction of the passenger
Perhaps a somewhat unassuming been around for much longer, the inn was born. The religious
say an extra four hundred railway system in the early
contender is the hotel. If you connections were dropped, more
pause and consider the energies years? Well, imagine no more, 1800s. From this point, travel
often discreetly than entirely, changed dramatically, and the
of people who have passed and take a fresh look at our and the buildings survived, thus
through over the century or so beloved coaching inn. We all need for these inns decreased
creating some of our oldest
that hotels have existed, it gives know of King Henry VIII and drastically, so many were
room for thought. Who knows his ventures. The Dissolution demolished.


Before this time, travel was laborious. Roads were terrible, and
the coaches were pulled by horses that would tire. For this
reason, journeys were broken up into stages of, on average,
around 8 miles, and from this we come to understand the
term ‘stagecoach’. Coaching inns were dotted along the main
passenger routes, allowing the travellers to refresh and for the
horses to be changed. It all sounds reasonably well functioning
unless you were the traveller. Those in high society would be led
to a lounge or dining room upon arrival, everyone else would
only be permitted access to the bar.

The change-over time would have been around 15 minutes,

and any refreshments would have been provided with as much
delay as possible, a wise move on the landlord’s part. Soup or
stew would be served piping hot, too hot to consume in haste,
and drinks would be served as the coach was ready to depart.
The customer would be charged, the uneaten food would be
returned to the pot for the next customer, and the unfinished
drinks returned from whence they came. The disgruntled
customer whisked away on their continuing journey, and
the landlord’s pockets became heavier with each passing

Extra care should be taken if the coaching inn was to be your

destination for the evening. Ostlers were an early type of Bell
Boy, keen to help with the bags of travellers for a fee. The weight
of said bags may be commented on, with discretion, to the inn’s
landlord. Those with heavier loads were likely travelling with
valuables. The highwayman would have potentially wealthy
victims pointed out to him on the morning of departure.
After leaving the inn to continue their journey, they may face
the ever-looming terror of being held up by such a criminal,
The Talbot Hotel
robbed of their riches, and hopefully spared their lives. In
acknowledgement to the landlord, the highwayman would hand
Oundle, Northamptonshire
over a share of his spoils, and so the two thrived until one or the
other was caught or killed. This unlikely partnership was more This Grade I listed building is a
common than one would like to imagine. jaw-dropper. Nestled amongst
the historic buildings of Oundle
This is just a glimpse into times gone by, there are countless
with their mismatched gabled
stories I could regale, but I will save that for another time
and another place. However, for the loss of this history, my rooves and stone-mullioned
heart breaks a little more every time I see a historic pub close windows, this building finds
or, even worse, be demolished. When I hear that landmark itself amongst the top 3% of
buildings have been bought by a big company, I admit that I protected buildings in the
have mixed emotions. Whilst it’s a relief that these buildings are country. However, this fact finds
being saved, I can’t help but feel that they will automatically be
itself trumped in the stakes for
stripped of their identity, losing the individual personalities that
they possess. fame under the idea that the
building is (one of the many)

began exploring haunted, historic inns as Alehouse Haunts said to be haunted by the Stuart
back in 2020, the year when all the pubs were forced to shut; monarch, Mary Queen of Scots.
what a start! During that time, I came across the Coaching
Inn Group. With the motto ‘Hospitality From The Heart’, they Mary was executed in the nearby
renovate old coaching inns, putting love back into them and Fotheringhay Castle on 8th
giving them a new lease of life, ensuring their longevity. February 1587. When local man
William Whitwell refurbished
I tentatively began looking into the inns under the Coaching the Talbot and the rest of New
Inn Group ownership, and I was not disappointed. Each and material was then used in early
Street, previously known as
every inn has maintained characteristics and features from its windows and lanterns. Very
past, the history is evident, and the customer’s experience has Bury Street, it is believed he used
been prioritised, with comfortable, classy yet in-keeping fittings reclaimed materials from the little remains of the castle now,
and furnishings. Rich materials and soft mood lighting perfectly then-ruined castle. although you can visit the site
complement the history evident in each inn. After speaking with just a short drive away. Just inside
CEO Kevin Charity, it became clear that the history in these As you enter the grounds from the the grand window is a staircase
buildings was as important as the service they provide, creating car park at the rear and turn the rumoured to have also originated
a hospitality experience that’s hard to find elsewhere. Fresh,
corner to enter the courtyard, the at the castle, down which Mary
locally-sourced food is provided, bedrooms are luxurious (much
unlike they would have been several hundred years ago with site before you is breathtaking. is said to have walked to her
dirty linen and lice), and the costs are incredibly competitive. The grand window is said to be execution. Historians believe
the horn window from the Great the staircase to be Jacobean,
My words are simply an expression of my gratitude to this Hall at Fotheringhay Castle. Horn placing its creation after Mary’s
company for their work in saving our historic inns and allowing
was used in place of glass, after execution. Still, the legend stands
us to enjoy them for years to come. And what’s more, the
majority of them are haunted! There is, again, no time to explore being soaked for a long time, firm, and the visions of Mary’s
all 32 inns here, but let’s look at a handful in the portfolio and layers were stripped off, flattened spectre continue to be the subject
the history they boast. and dried. This semi-transparent of many ghost stories told here.


Fast becoming one of my favourite inns, the Bell
provides everything you would imagine of an old
hostelry, small rooms, low ceilings, stone fireplaces and
The Bell Inn
creaky floorboards. Stepping into the building, there Stilton, Cambridgeshire
is an instant feeling of timelessness, an experience I
relish every time I visit. Conveniently situated on what
was once known as the Great North Road, the inn has
welcomed guests for hundreds of years. Amongst the
vast number of travellers came those whose names we
remember to this day.

During the 1700s, cheese was made in the village,

created with whole milk instead of the traditional
partially skimmed milk, with the indulgent addition of
cream. The production process created a hard cream
cheese, the luxury of which English writer Daniel
Defoe noted when visiting The Bell Inn in 1724. In his
published travelogue, Defoe goes on to say, ‘We passed
Stilton, a town famous for cheese, which is called our
English Parmesan, and is brought to the table with the
mites and maggots round it, so thick that they bring a
spoon with them for you to eat the mites with, as you
do the cheese.’ Perhaps drawn back for his love of
the cheese, although doubtful, the ghost of Defoe is
reportedly seen by the fireplace in the inn’s reception.

Another prominent name associated here is that of

notorious highwayman Dick Turpin. Whilst his spirit
seems as prolific as that of Mary Queen of Scots, there
is documented evidence supporting
the idea that Turpin hid here for
some time. A cosy upstairs room is
labelled The Turpin Room, and you
can relax in comfy leather armchairs
before a crackling open fire in
what is believed to have once been
Turpin’s bedroom. As you unwind
with a glass of something pleasant,
perhaps partaking in an afternoon
tea, be mindful of your surroundings,
for his spirit is said to remain in this
room, spotted occasionally standing
beside the fireplace.

Jamaica Inn
Bolventor, Cornwall
The Grade II listed Jamaica Inn is situated high and is believed to have been murdered on the
and lonely on Bodmin Moor. Built in 1776, moor. His spirit has been seen by many, sitting
it became famous and has attracted visitors on the wall outside the inn. Who he was and
worldwide due to the novel by Daphne du why he remains continues to mystify visitors to
Maurier of the same name. Her story tells of this day. This is just one of many countless tales
a young woman, the bereft Mary Yellan, sent of the supernatural; you can read more if you
to stay with her aunt and uncle at the Jamaica get your hands on Issue 35 of the magazine,
Inn following her mother’s death. She becomes published last Autumn.
embroiled in a dark world of smuggling which
isn’t far from the true history of the inn. A small I have the special privilege of working alongside
plaque on the bar floor marks the spot of Joss the Coaching Inn Group to bring the history and
Merlyn’s death. Many mistake this as the site of paranormal stories of these inns and the rest
an actual death, where it is simply playing into of those in their portfolio to life. You can keep
the fictitious story surrounding the inn. up to date with everything by following The
Coaching Inn Group on Facebook, Instagram
That’s not to say that deaths didn’t occur on and Twitter, and myself via @alehousehaunts on
the site and that the history isn’t just as dark in all social media platforms, including TikTok. In
parts. As well as the fact that du Maurier stayed the coming months, there will be news, stories,
at the inn herself, in Room 4, gaining inspiration investigations and perhaps even a competition
for her novel, the building has enough history or two, so be sure to follow where you and
to stand alone in its own right. Many spirits are keep up with the adventure!
believed to be haunting the inn and its grounds,

including the man who left the inn one evening
at a visitor’s request. He was never seen again X


he buildings that make expense had been spared for the
up the parish are procession, with a finely crafted
scattered across a mile coffin and the crowd of people
or so, and there isn’t a kitted out in finery as black as
traditional village centre, but the pitch. The mourners appeared
stunning St Margaret’s church to be trance-like and didn›t
marks its spiritual hub, set among acknowledge him. However, he
ancient Yews and farmland. Like recounted that he had to stand
so much of Shropshire, its long on the other side of the road to
history stretches as far back as let the determined procession
the Domesday book- known pass. When they passed, they
then as Rotelingehope. In continued their journey to
Ratchup’s past, we can find some Rattlinghope until they were
wonderful paranormal activity finally out of sight.
and unique folk practices. Let’s
explore this in more detail to give Something about the procession
Ratchup its rightful place in the puzzled William; perhaps it was
wider narrative of Shropshire’s the hour of their travel- as it was
ghost lore. very uncommon in Shropshire
to bury the dead in the evening.
Our first tale takes us to the Or maybe it was the fast, almost
wild roads that stretch for miles inhuman pace at which they
above the parish, which still travelled. The events weighed
form the main route into the on his mind until he reached his
THE LURE OF THE LORE area. Indeed, whilst travelling
relative’s house. Upon entering
across the Long Mynd, it’s
the house, he asked them who in

Ghosts, Grief &

easy to understand why the
the area had died. To his surprise,
area is given the epithet ‘little
they replied that no one had
Switzerland’. Little Switzerland
recently died in Rattlinghope or
provides the backdrop for
the surrounding villages.

Sin Eating in
our first tale, which Charlotte
Burne reported in ’A Sheaf of
Gleanings’. William Hughes When he told them
of Longnor provides our first what he’d seen, they

written report of the following
exceptional spectre. On his replied in a rather
way to visit relatives, William nonchalant way-
Hughes was travelling the road
to Rattlinghope at twilight one ’Oh… there’s allays
WRITTEN BY AMY BOUCHER evening. He’d walked this way
many times, and it was, by all
summat to be sid
Rattlinghope [sometimes spelt with one t] feels accounts, a rather pleasant about theer’.
like a secret place. Its very existence is a whisper, journey. He walked on for some
carried by the wind across the Shropshire hills. time, following the road›s twists What William Hughes had
Indeed, the hamlet is concealed amid the folds and turns. Soon enough, the road experienced was the phantom
of knolls, nestled away in a quiet corner of the cut through a hollow, and it was funeral of a sadly unnamed
Long Mynd (an area of outstanding natural here he met the apparition. A person, which travels across
beauty) Rattlinghope- Or ‘Ratchup’ if you’re a funeral procession filled the road the Mynd to Rattlinghope, its
local is just four miles from Church Stretton and before him with a coffin, hearse, apparent destination. However,
twelve from Shrewsbury, but as you travel down pallbearers, and a large crowd. the phenomenon doesn’t end
the winding roads to reach it- you feel almost as if The procession was travelling with William, indeed the funeral
you’ve wandered into Middle Earth. in the same direction as him, procession has travelled across
onwards to Rattlinghope, though the pages of history into the
at a swift pace. It seemed that no modern day.
I think this is such an excellent
haunting, and you cannot help
but wonder who this funeral
procession belongs to and why it
continues to travel across these

his is not the only ghost

T that haunts the local

area. If we continue our
journey into the parish now, we
will come across the Bridge’s
pub, which hosts more than its
fair share of apparitions- and
one, in particular, we will be
focusing on. In times gone by,
the Bridge’s pub was known
as ‘The Horseshoe Inn’ and
has been a staple for the local
community. The building is a
mixture of old grey brick and of after becoming a Sin Eater. He also a concept of a pre-ordained consuming the person’s sins,
Georgian appearance, seeming is cast out from his village and individual designated to suffer freeing them from the shackles
to hum with the presence of the normal life, transforming into a and atone for the sins of others- of their sins and earthly ties,
past. One of its most prolific marginalised figure- ’accursed’ such as the Sacral King. Even thus allowing them to gain an
hauntings is a man known as and suffering a perceived loss of Jesus can be seen as setting appropriate Christian burial.
humanity. Even his family reject precedence for Sin-Eaters- by Prayers would be resighted over
him, in fear of ill fate befalling sacrificing his ‹pure soul› for the the corpse to cement the ritual.
them. It’s important to note that sins of the world. Prayers may take a format such
the Sin Eater is more than a as this:
literary device and is, in fact, a To describe the folk practice in
its most basic sense, the Sin Eater
folk practice that can be found
is an individual who nominates
‘I give easement and
all over the world, including
in Shropshire. Let’s look at Sin themselves to take on another rest now to thee,
Eating in more detail to try and person’s sins, usually, a person
uncover its importance. who has died before proper
Come not down lanes
death rites and absolution could or in our meddowes.
The origins of Sin Eating are be performed. The ritual itself is
seemingly multiple and obscured rather simplistic, though imbued And for thy peace,
by the passage of time; however, with power for believers. It I pawn my soul,
the practice and imagery spring involves the ritual consumption
up cross-culturally, and I thought of a ‘meal’ over the person’s Amen’.
it might be worth noting some corpse, thus taking on the
of these examples. The Aztec Sin Eating also served a practical
deceased’s sins. This ensured the
Goddess of fertility, motherhood, spiritual safety of the dead and purpose, ensuring the village was
Richard Munslow, who has been and the earth, Tlazolteotl, is often the soul’s safe passage to heaven. safe from the Sin-ridden dead.
frequently seen wandering the depicted providing redemptive The theory was that without
bar area. The most interesting salvation to individuals after Through the literal consumption the appropriate death rites, the
factor of this haunting is the death by ‘eating the filth of the of bread, wine or ‘burial deceased would be left to wander
identity of Richard, as he is soul.’ In many societies, there is cakes’, the Eater would also be and cause harm to the local area.
reputed to be Shropshire’s last
Sin Eater- but what is a Sin
Eater? And who was Richard
Munslow in life? We will be
exploring these questions in the
remainder of this article.

I’ve been fascinated by the

notion of Sin Eating since I
was a teenager, having been
introduced to the concept whilst
reading ‘Precious Bane’ by
Mary Webb. This fantastic novel
(by a frankly underappreciated
author) sees the protagonist›s
brother take on the mantle of
Sin Eater at his father›s funeral.
Rather than this being an
honourable position, Gideon’s
life changes considerably


Thus, Sin Eating served as the in 1825, suggesting that they
next best thing- by removing lived in remote places and
the sins from the physical body, were avoided the same way a
nothing blocked a passage to leper would be. One cannot
heaven. This meant the ties to the help but feel for such a lifestyle.
mortal world would be severed, However, there may have been
leaving the village ‘spook’ free. a pragmatic reason people were
drawn to Sin Eating to sustain
hough there is some themselves. Indeed, in some

T speculation regarding
when the practice began,
the first concrete mention of
areas of the country, Sin-Eaters
were paid up to 6 pence at a
time and given flasks of beer
and the food involved in the
this practice takes place in the
ritual. For those experiencing
1600s, by Diarist John Aubrey.
hardship- pawning one’s soul
John Aubrey provides us with
must have seemed an attractive
one of a few written accounts of
last resort. in Shropshire from the 19th community ties was paramount
Sin Eating, although the lack of
written evidence does not mean or even early 20th century in rural societies. Amidst the
Though it was undoubtedly an
are symbolic survivals of the mire of quasi-religion and
that the practice of Sin Eating earlier practice, Charlotte Burne
practice, such as a burial folklore, Sin-Eaters, though
wasn’t widespread. Instead, I suggests that the first connection
in 1893 in Market Drayton, benefiting from the food and
believe this practice was seen as to Sin Eating, and Shropshire lies
which featured a Sin Eater or pay, were shunned as omens of
shadowy- almost taboo and thus in a 1714 letter by John Bagford.
having been resurrected from misfortune. It was considered
wasn’t well documented. John In this letter, he says that:
antiquity for the occasion. It has extremely unlucky to look
Aubrey writes that at funerals: been suggested that Sin Eating directly into the eyes of a Sin
‘In Shropshire…when a may not have played a part in Eater, lest the Sin be transferred,
‘hire poor people, who were to person dyed there was Shropshire life due to the lack and they were deemed akin to
take upon them all the sinnes notice given to an old of written evidence. However, I witches or harbingers of death
of the party deceased…. when sire… who repaired would argue that for a practice within the communities they had
the Corps was brought out to the place where the to be resurrected, such as the once called home. They often
of the house, and layd on the examples we have above- or were not even allowed within
deceased lay… and the
Biere; a Loafe of bread was indeed by Richard Munslow- this the village’s boundaries unless
family furnished him with
brought out, and delivered must have been known about they were performing the Sin
to the Sinne-Eater over the
a cricket (Seat)… then they and understood- perhaps even Eating ritual.
Corps, and also a Mazar-bowl gave him a groat which he in living memory. Though it may
of maple (Gossips bowle) full put in his pocket, a crust not have been written down, it The psychological effects
of beer, which he was to drinke of bread which he ate, and would have played a part in the of this must have become
up’ a full bowle of ale, which community. overwhelming. It is important
he drank off at a draught… to remember that though a
is important to stress the

It is important to note the product of the past, these
then pronounced with a isolation and separation one
emphasis on ‘poor people’ individuals were human beings
gesture- The ease and rest in such a role would have with the same complexities and
being the ideal candidate for
of the soul departed, for felt within their community. emotions that we experience
Sin Eating. Indeed, the average
which he would pawn his Though they were a commodity today. They deserved positive
Sin-Eater would have come from
own soul’ in some cases, they were cast interactions and human warmth,
the most marginalised areas of out and ostracised for the same but these reactions were often
society, most likely drunkards, This demonstrates that Sin reasons they were in demand. lacking. Think back to the
beggars, the poor and the Eating, in one form or another, Though I am looking through a eponymous Gideon- Who has
vulnerable Unfortunately, their was present in the 18th century. modern perspective, this does the epithet ‘the accursed Sin
souls were already deemed Further references to Sin Eating not discredit that family and Eater’ bestowed upon
corrupted at the time and, him. He is shunned
therefore, of less spiritual even by his mother,
worth. who brought him into
the world. Although
This is tragic and shows fictionalised, I believe
how easily vulnerable Mary Webb has captured
members of society were the fate of the Sin Eater
ill-treated or misused. perfectly. Through Gideon,
Individuals of such fortune she demonstrates the
were already cast out stigma these individuals
and ridiculed, enduring faced. One must not
many hardships; thus, to forget the interplay
superstitious villagers, between the Sin Eating
it would not be hard to role and vulnerability,
ostracise them further. such as alcoholism and
poverty, which would
Professor Evans described have only furthered the
a Welsh Sin Eater’s life stigma a person faced.


Imagine for a moment the effect this must have place of grief and a means to heal. I certainly
had on the psyche, knowing and believing advocate this theory- I believe that having
their soul was marred beyond repair, the something to focus on, something tangible,
isolation of daily life. One can only assume would have helped him to navigate the
the anger and doubt that must have been in emotional tumult associated with such a loss.
the mind of the Sin Eater who believed in the
Perhaps the Sin Eating ritual gave him a sense
practice. Whether the Eater believed in the
of agency or allowed him to confront his own
folklore behind the practice or not, to be a
mortality. Maybe he felt drawn to the role of
professional Sin Eater must have been one of
the loneliest jobs in the world. Sin Eating through compassion- hoping no
one would have to worry about their loved
Furthermore, another stigma faced was from one’s soul whilst he walked the hills. Whatever
the clergy, particularly the Catholic church. the reason, one can only feel for Richard
The church monopolised absolution, and thus Munslow, this fascinating, multifaceted man.
any non-ecclesiastical attempt to absolve the
deceased Sin was heretical and punishable Indeed, it’s comforting to know that he was
by death. I believe this is another reason why very popular in the local area and kept the
the written accounts of such a practice are practice alive until his death. He became a
limited. It’s important to note, however, it was well-respected figure and was said to have
uncommon within rural England to see this
completed the Sin Eating ritual all over south
being enforced. Nevertheless, it demonstrates
that, to respectable society, the Eater was ‘sin
riddled, heretical and unlucky’.
Upon his death, Richard Munslow’s body
Now that we have established exactly what was returned to the earth below the hills,
a Sin Eater is and some of the challenges and he lies in St Margarets Churchyard in
one faced upon becoming a Sin Eater, I want Rattlinghope, having been reunited with
us to turn to Shropshire to discuss Richard his children. I find it lovely that he returned
Munslow, who is often credited as being to them. Richard has certainly gained an
Shropshire’s last Sin Eater. Richard was born established place in the lore of Shropshire,
in 1833 and hailed from Rattlinghope. Indeed, existing in that marginal space where
he lived there his whole life, and if we are to history and folklore entwine, which creates
believe the ghost stories, his spirit remains a composite that is not quiet either. He is a
there to this day. What we know about Richard
remarkable, almost shadowy figure whose
paints him as a remarkable man who died in
story deserves to be told. In 2010, the local
1906. Interestingly, his entrance into the world
of Sin Eating paints a very different picture to community restored his grave, and I am so
those who came before him. Richard Munslow glad they did. His grave is a tangible reminder
rewrote the legacy of Sin Eating; indeed, the of his legacy and the history of Rattlinghope,
practice even empowered him and allowed and the importance of folk customs. They
him to deal with some of his demons whilst played a crucial part in rural life, just as ghosts
helping others. provide us with a window into the attitudes
and fears of the past. You cannot help but
Munslow was not a vulnerable man. He was wonder how many lives Richard touched and,
a local farmer of some prominence in the
even if he was able to ensure other parents
community. Let us now explore his motivation
didn’t have to feel as he had, that they could
for continuing the folk practice. It is fair to say
that the stories are conflicted as to why such be safe in the knowledge of their offspring’s
a fellow would choose to be a Sin Eater; he passage to heaven.
certainly did not need the money or food as
he lived quite comfortably from the produce Suppose you ever find yourself in his quiet
of his farm. Local stories suggested he did it corner of Shropshire. In that case, I implore
out of kindness for his fellow man or perhaps you to visit St Margaret’s church and visit
for religious reasons. It is known that Richard Richard Munslow (keep an eye out for the
advocated and resurrected this practice after it phantom funeral on your way), bask in the
began to decline in the late 19th century. serenity of the churchyard, guarded by ancient
yews, and consider the names of those he
If we dig a bit deeper, however, we may find ‘gave an easement to› as you walk. The lengths
a plausible answer as to why Richard became
humans go to procure a good death and safe
a Sin Eater. Richard Munslow’s personal life
afterlife are incredible.
was fraught with grief. Indeed, he lost four
of his children when they were very young.
Perhaps, think about Richard’s legacy and
Three of his children died in the same horrible
those less fortunate Sin-Eaters – whose
week in May 1870. The scope of this loss is
unthinkable, and I feel there are no words names are lost to history. They deserve to be
to describe the cataclysmic impact of such remembered.
an experience. It has been speculated that
Richard’s call to Sin Eating came from a A my B X


arriman is known as “the town that temperance built.”
THE STEP BY ESTEP GUIDE This is because the town, now a city, was founded in
1889 on the credo that alcohol would neither be sold
nor consumed within its boundaries. This aversion
to alcohol became a deeply ingrained part of Harriman’s

culture. According to the city’s website (cityofharriman.
net), no liquor store existed until 1993. Although things
are slightly different today, Harriman remains a polite and
friendly town, based on my short time there. The historic
Temperance Building still stands on Roane Street, just

across the street from the looming brick edifice of the

Until 1939, Harriman had no hospital. If you got sick, you

went to see the doctor at their practice, which was often
little more than a back room at their home. This was a
growing community, however, and there’s only so much
you can do in the way of surgery when you’re working

A HAPPY HOLIDAY out of a private residence. For one thing, you can’t admit
patients for longer-term definitive care; they’d have to be
shipped out of town to a bigger facility. The initial drive for

Harriman to get its own hospital came from the local Rotary
Club. Funds were raised, and construction took place on
what became, 16 years later, the Harriman City Hospital. As
the city grew, the hospital grew along with it, its footprint
It’s November 2022 but whatever the season, Spring, Summer, spreading along with its bed capacity. It served the people
Fall or Winter it’s no secret that I have never met an abandoned of Harriman faithfully until 2011 before closing its doors to
hospital I didn’t like…particularly if it comes with ghosts. So, patients for the final time. A new facility opened elsewhere
when Ronnie, the owner of the old South Pittsburg Hospital (the in town, while the old hospital sat silent and empty…or so it
subject of my book *Blood, Death, and Fears*), called me up to appeared.
tell me that he had acquired a second hospital in Tennessee, it
didn’t take much in the way of arm twisting for me to hop on a
plane to go and check it out.
“It seems that all hospitals have
their ghost stories, and this one
is no different. My team and I
could hardly wait to meet them.”
Late November is an excellent time to visit Tennessee.
Post-Thanksgiving, most folks are recovering from one
holiday and preparing for the next. I’m joined by Erin, her
husband Mike, Sarah, Erik, and Jill as my primary team,
with a few special guests along the way. After spending
a couple of nights at Old South Pittsburg Hospital as a
warm-up, then a flying visit to the haunted Hales Bar Dam,
my friends indulge me by letting me drag them around
the Chickamauga Civil War battlefield for a day before
the main event. It’s pouring down with rain as we pull into
the hospital’s parking lot. As is typical when researching a
new project, my deal with the owner is simple. No money
is changing hands, which means I’m under no pressure
to find ghosts or exaggerate matters. We will have the
run of the whole place, accompanied by a dedicated
team of volunteers who are instrumental in keeping the
site running. Virtually nowhere is off-limits to us, and
considering the sheer size of the place, the square footage
alone is frightening. How are we possibly going to cover it

The answer is, of course, one room at a time. After getting

the grand tour (which alone takes an hour), we get a feel for
the place. It is both cavernous and labyrinthine, easy to get
lost in. One turn leads to another, and by the time you reach
the guts of the building, it’s hard to keep your bearings. A
surprise awaits us on the 4th-floor nurses’ station: a female
mannequin dressed up in nursing attire. Over the next few
days, this silent, glassy-eyed supervisor will give us a jump
scare or six.
“As we split up and
to provide corroboration. Harder to write inside. A moment later, the door opens,
off the loud thud that comes from inside and Erik emerges. He hadn’t touched the
Room 408, which backs onto the nurses’ handle at all before that. It was almost as
explored the various 4th- station. It was loud and clear, and there if an unseen somebody was trying to get

floor rooms, Erin distinctly was nobody in the room to have made it.
The more time we spend in the building,
inside. We’re unable to find a satisfactory
explanation to debunk it.
heard the sound of a the better we become at differentiating the
natural sounds of the structure contracting
cabinet door closing from and settling at night from those more “Returning to the second
somewhere behind the
challenging to explain.
floor, a balloon is found
nurses’ station.” sitting on Erik’s chair,
We replicate the noise by doing exactly
which he left empty.”
that — closing a cabinet door. It’s precisely Like most haunted locations, visitors leave
the same. Except nobody was there to toys and balloons for any child spirits to
push the door shut. One of them may have play with. Although the building has air
been left propped open, and vibrations currents, there’s nothing strong enough to
from our footsteps had nudged it into waft a balloon along a hallway and deposit
closing, but this seems unlikely. File it it in a vacant chair. Unfortunately, this part
under “unexplained but not necessarily of the hospital isn’t covered with cameras;
paranormal.” I have a feeling that footage of the incident
would have been fascinating.
Our group pulls up
chairs and settles More shadow figure sightings happen over Our third night there promises to be special
in to watch the the following four nights. One of the more because it’s the night of the city’s holiday
4th-floor hallways.
active areas is located on the second floor, parade. By early afternoon, police officers
At the far end, Erik
the recovery room, where patients would are already cordoning off streets, and
catches sight of
be brought after surgery to wait for the workers are setting up the parade route. We
a shadow figure,
anesthesia to wear off. We hear the sound have a grandstand view from the top floor
which disappears
as quickly as we of loud footsteps inside, although there’s of the hospital. A thought strikes me as I’m
can turn to look at it. nobody else in the room. standing there, watching the activity outset.
My attitude toward Almost every vehicle in Harriman, along
Operating on the premise that it’s unwise to with a few marching bands and a whole
such single-observer
sightings is that they go anywhere alone in a sprawling building lot of foot traffic, will pass right in front of
are often explained of this size, Erik and I head to the lobby the hospital. There are going to be huge
by the eyes playing together and take turns using the restroom. crowds. How much potential energy is that
tricks, though by no I sit in one of the comfortable chairs while — and could the spirits use it to manifest?
means always; it’s he uses the facilities first. The sound of the Then I have an idea: a Harriman Hospital
difficult to call them restroom door handle forcefully jiggling haunted holiday hangout! A seasonal
paranormal without makes me look up. At first, I thought the holiday party for the spirits. Who knows
a second set of eyes lock had gotten jammed, and he was stuck how they might react?
ur first order of business is a shopping Knapik, and the fabulous Toad from the around the party zone. We cannot identify
trip. We hit the Christmas aisles like *What’s Up Weirdo?* podcast are on why they go off several times when nobody
a plague of locusts, buying colored hand, with the former delivering some is moving. One of the most maddening
lights, ornaments, and every imaginable of the most awful, groan-inducing, yet, and contentious captures is a piece of
type of decoration. Santa hats, reindeer somehow also brilliant dad jokes we’ve ever video footage taken by Sarah’s camera that
antlers, you name it. I also purchase a heard. We can see Jessica losing the will to covers the entire hallway from the nurses’
pack of 100-holiday party invitations. live with each successive groan. station down to the exit doors. With
When we get back to Harriman, my fellow TV’s Aaron Sagers and Dustin her unaided eye, Sarah sees
investigators and I set to work diligently Pari couldn’t make the what she believes is a shadow
hand-writing each one, inviting the Zoom. Still, each has sent figure walking through those
recipient to attend our holiday party, which a video of themselves same doors. We all gather
will be held at the nurses’ station. We run singing a holiday song around the screen to watch
lights and tinsel along the countertops and dedicated to the spirits
walls to give the place a festive feel. Then the playback. Conditions
we split up and went from floor to floor, in the hallway were dimly
leaving party invitations in each patient lit, but it did appear that
room, leaving nobody out. something dark and shadowy
passed through those doors,
By the time we get back to the nurses’ simultaneously raising a hand to
station, a holiday music playlist is going wave goodbye to us.
at full volume, inviting us all to have a
merry little Christmas, enjoy some jingle
bell rock, and, most importantly, deck the “I’ve learned that if
halls — which we’ve done. I’ve also sent
invitations to a few special friends. By now
something looks too
it’s dark and we head up to the top floor to good to be true in the
paranormal field, it usually
watch the parade. A constant stream of fire
engines, police cruisers, ambulances, arm
vehicles, muscle cars…you name it, they’ve
got it, all festooned with twinkling lights.
of the Harriman Hospital, which helps keep
is. After some initial
Cheerleaders, youth groups, businesses,
the energy upbeat and cheerful. There’s jubilation and excitement,
my rational brain kicks
and clubs walk between the vehicles,
the closest thing to live music I can arrange
handing out treats and spreading good
when Mark Megibow of the Face Vocal
back in. Could this have a
cheer. It goes on for at least an hour.
Band joins Zoom, a professional musician

more logical explanation?”

Once the last vehicle has passed and the and entertainer who is about to enjoy a
police work on reopening the streets, career first: beatboxing holiday music to an
it’s time for our own party to kick off. audience that’s made up mostly of dead
In addition to my people. It’s so off the wall it’s surreal, but
Erik was standing in one of the doorways
fellow paranormal Mark injects another shot of positive energy
on the right side of the screen; Sarah was
investigators on site, into the party with his vocal talents.
on the left. She is heard asking whether
I’m hosting a Zoom
hangout for my We hang out for a little over an hour and somebody was down at the end of the
Patreon supporters then get right into the investigation. The big hallway. The more times we replay the
and with some question is: would the holiday party trigger video, the more I suspect that the waving
special guests. John any paranormal activity? Apparently so. Jill arm in question was actually that of Erik,
E.L. Tenney, Jessica has deployed vibration-sensitive cat balls pointing toward the room occupied by Jill.


The low light conditions and Standing at the end of the
camera resolution don’t allow hallway, there is what appears to
us to determine for sure either be that very thing — a shadow
way, so I ultimately have to come figure. Could it be the same
down on the side of “if in doubt, apparition Sarah had spotted, a
throw it out,” even though Sarah different one, or perhaps just a
is adamant that she saw the trick of the light? We attempt to
shadow figure with her own rule out the latter by standing
eyes. I don’t disbelieve her; I in the exact location and taking
can’t go out on a limb and call pictures of the hallway, using the
that particular piece of footage same lighting conditions. This
paranormal, not least because I time, nothing like it appears at
really *want* to, and I have to be the end of an obviously empty
cognizant of my own bias. It isn’t corridor.
debunked either. It’s a matter of
opinion, up to the individual to I like to think that the spirits of
decide. the Harriman Hospital enjoyed
the party we threw for them and
We’re joined by author and
decided to put in an appearance
medium Sam Baltrusis, who, as a
for our cameras. As I work on
sensitive, is out to make contact
my book about the location,
with the spirits of the hospital.
combing through hours of
He can connect with them on
a level that the rest of us can’t. audio recordings to reconstruct
Sam certainly has his work cut my team’s movements and
out for him, encountering some dialog and listen for EVPs, my
intense energies as he moves mind is transported back to
around the building. The most those cold winter nights in what
intriguing development turns I’m convinced is a genuinely
up in a picture Sam took while haunted hospital.
standing at the nurses’ station,
taking photographs down the What better Christmas present
same hallway where the shadow could I have wished for?
figure was spotted walking
through the doors. Richard


Photo Credits: Belton House - @National Trust Images/Andrew Butler
By Charlie Hall It was later passed down to people to the room and leading
William’s covetous daughter them to inspect the wall. It is said
The Musical Medium Elizabeth who inherited the Dysart that documents were found in
title. a crevice that proved Elizabeth

at on the bank of the River had murdered her first husband
Thames near Richmond Aspiring Elizabeth played a to marry the Earl (later Duke); this
is an extraordinary 17th- ruthless political game allying has never been confirmed despite
century mansion dubbed herself with King Charles II and rumours.
one of the most haunted houses Oliver Cromwell during a civil
in Britain. Steeped in history, war. Marrying her first husband, THE DUKE AND DUCHESS
mystery and over 300 years of Sir Lionel Tollemache, in 1648, SHARED A LOVE OF
hauntings, the National Trust’s he later became immobile, and
charming Ham house is a rare suspicion arose re rumours of the
and atmospheric treasure I had Duchess having an affair with AND STRIVED TO MAKE
heard about and was so excited John Maitland Earl of Lauderdale, HAM ONE OF THE
to visit. a member of the King’s cabal GRANDEST STUART
ministry. Her husband passed HOUSES IN ENGLAND.
The rooms and gardens are said to away in 1669, a few years before THEY TRANSFORMED THE
house at least 16 ghosts, including the passing of John’s wife in 1672.
a scampering spaniel, a scheming Very swiftly that same year, the
Duchess, a broken-hearted servant Duchess and Earl were married, STATUS, ADDING STATE
and a nephew from the war, as causing speculation surrounding APARTMENTS WITH LAVISH
well as many long-established, the close deaths of both their INTERIORS AND WORLDLY
unexplained stories from both staff partners, making some think they TREASURES.
and visitors. It is a popular filming may have been poisoned.
location and has featured in Many have reported feeling
screen adaptations such as Anna A 19th-century story from artist a dark presence and being
Karenina and Daphne Du Maurier’s Augustus Hare tells of a butler’s uncomfortable in the Duchess’s
Rebecca. six-year-old daughter who came elaborate bed chamber. She slept
to stay at the house and was in the room for 21 years and died
Naval Captain Thomas Vavasour awakened in the early hours by there after being bedridden with
built the house around 1610. an elderly woman at the fireplace. gout for ten years. Above the
Prince (later King) Charles gifted Believed to be the apparition of fireplace is her portrait, which
the lease to William Murray, the the Duchess, she was scratching people have said feels like she is
Earl of Dysart (term of Scottish frantically at the wall, then staring and following them around
peerage created by Charles I), turned as the little girl sat up and the room. Two household cats
in 1626 after he served as his approached the foot of the bed. were bizarrely affected by the
whipping boy, taking physical She stared at the petrified child, picture, hissing and arching their
punishments for his misbehaviour. who then screamed, alerting backs when near it.


The attractive chamber does have an
unwelcoming atmosphere. On a table sits
a beautiful silver and ebony mirror that
causes fear to all due to stories of it being
cursed and a figure that appears behind
you if you dare to look. I disappointedly
didn’t see anything other than my reflection
(scary stuff!), and as I walked away, I clearly
heard a child say Mama in my left ear when
no children were in the room. Mum said
there was an overpowering smell of roses
where she stood opposite the portrait; a
staff member overheard and informed us
that this is a regular occurrence that many
guests tell them of experiencing.


Employees have heard footsteps in the
corridor next to the chamber at night, and
one was even too afraid to leave the office
after hearing it in case the Duchess was
pacing the walkway outside. It has become
customary for the staff to say, ‘Good
morning, your ladyship’, before entering the
room so they do not upset her.

The grand baroque great staircase is

utterly exquisite with its carved balustrade
depicting various weaponry. Tour guides
have been pushed, especially by the 3rd
step between the first and second floors.
Sounds of the Duchess’s clicking metal
heels, footsteps and cane have been
heard, and over the years, glimpses of her
in a black satin dress walking the stairs to
the Chapel have been communicated. As
soon as I ascended the stairs, I immediately
sensed a male spirit energy coming up
behind me; he was tall and slender, smartly
dressed, and my mum, who is also a
medium, felt he was a butler.

Elizabeth’s King Charles spaniel is the other

famous phantom at Ham House, who is
regularly seen and heard. Spotted all over
the house and gardens, scampering on the
stairs and along the gallery, this little pooch
caused complaint when an appalled visitor Great Staircase - @National Trust Images/Bill Batten
who encountered it could not believe that
dogs were allowed in the house, which they
When I visited last year, I was walking after, revealing that she used to work there.
aren’t, (only ghost ones!). People are then
alone across the hall gallery, looking at She and her colleagues heard this and all
stunned when they see the painting of the
the marvellous paintings; I could hear my sorts of sounds often. She proceeded to
spaniel in the gallery.
feet creaking on the old wood floor when say that I had experienced what people
ACCORDING TO STAFF, THEY suddenly I heard creaking behind me. It described as hearing of the spaniel running
started slowly, then without warning, sped
OFTEN HEAR OF A DOG’S TAIL around up there, I hadn’t thought of that
up towards me, I spun around expecting
BEING SEEN AROUND DOORS and didn’t know of the dog when visiting,
to see a child that had run up to me, but
AND SENSATIONS OF IT yet it made total sense.
no one was there. I wish I could have
BRUSHING AGAINST PEOPLE. seen the CCTV footage to see if anything
The Chapel is at the bottom of the staircase;
otherworldly appeared.
In recent years workmen have unearthed as soon as I reached the doorway, I felt
the remains of a small dog in the kitchen I was recently a guest speaker at a mystical a very heavy, foreboding energy and
garden; the bones were on display under festival, and I talked about this experience a pressure in my chest that made my
the Duke and Duchess’s portrait. to the audience; a lady came to speak to me breathing funny.


Mum said she felt like something negative
had happened there. When the Duke
passed away in 1682, before being buried,
his body lay in state there for a week whilst
the Duchess stayed by his side, kneeling,
praying and mourning her husband. Her
ghost has been seen over time dressed
in black, still praying at the altar. In the
Duchess’s box pew, a handprint and marks
of a dress were found in plaster dust by
workmen carrying out restorations in 1992
when no one had been there since the
evening prior.

What is thought to be the Duke’s chaplain,

dressed in a black robe, wanders into his
dressing room through a secret servant’s
door and mystifies stewards by crossing
the barrier ropes and disappearing through
a door. The Duke loved to smoke his Duchess bedchamber - @National Trust Images/John Hammond
favourite sweet Virginia tobacco, mainly in
the marble dining room where they liked
to hold parties. The overwhelming scent and staff claim to have heard a chilling Her uncle lived across the river; he visited
of pipe smoke still lingers in the room, scream outside the window and say he has the house and was daunted by its gloom,
and visitors pick up on it immediately. been seen walking the terrace. Talking to so he wrote, ‘Every minute I expected to
Smoking is prohibited in the house, so there a tour guide in the servant’s quarters, she see ghosts sweeping by; ghosts I would
is no explanation for the phenomenon. told us of the screaming boy they assume not give sixpence to see, Lauderdales’,
Firefighters who previously dropped by is John in despair and the random barking Tollemaches’ and Maitlands’.
thought someone had been smoking and of dogs. Sobs can be heard in the garden,
In 1917 a gardener encountered the
stressed that it should not be allowed in and a woman is seen crying on a bench,
unexpected spirit of the 9th Earl’s nephew
such an old building, even the Mayor of rumoured to be the distraught maid.
Leone Sextus Tollemache, in the cherry
Richmond commented on the aroma when
in there. Two pipes have been found in garden. The Earl had no children, so he
an alcove that may have belonged to The regularly had his beloved nieces and
RESIDENT IS THE 5TH EARL’S nephews stay. He was especially fond
Duke. BEAUTIFUL WIFE, CHARLOTTE of Leon and hosted a party for him to
WALPOLE, NIECE OF GOTHIC propose to his girlfriend. Many young

here is a heart-wrenching tale of a
NOVELIST SIR HORACE WALPOLE. men, including Leon, were called to fight
17-year-old servant, John Macfarlane,
who fell in love with a lady’s maid; he A DELIGHTFUL PORTRAIT OF HER in the first world war. On 20th February,
showered her with gifts and proposed, but HANGS IN THE GREAT HALL the gardener was surprised to see Leon
alas, she did not feel the same. Rejected WHILST SHE STANDS IN AN wearing his uniform in the garden and
and heartbroken, he etched his name and EXTRAVAGANT GOWN, HAPPILY rushed excitedly to the house to inform
the date, February 1780, into a second-floor WAIVING FROM A FIRST-FLOOR everyone of the excellent news of his return
window with a diamond ring and jumped to WINDOW, WHICH IS BELIEVED TO but was told it wasn’t possible. Shortly after,
his demise. On the day of his death, guests BE A GOOD OMEN. a telegraph was received to say that Leon
had been killed in battle on 20th February
1917, the day he was seen in the garden.


He passed away in 1935, but that
Christmas, the chauffeur heard the sound
of his stick and knocking on the door, with
him nowhere to be seen, and they claimed
that it continued to happen.

Later in life, the Earl struggled with mobility

Hall Gallery - @National Trust Images/John Hammond
and sight and sadly ended up confined to a
wheelchair after a hunting accident.
The wheelchair is still in the house, and wheelchair and sounds. My experience and that someone walked behind them,
for years countless people have said it at Ham House was around 9pm one and another had the sensation of being
allegedly moves about and changes Friday night in November 2003 when pushed on the first-floor landing and
positions, which baffles staff as the we were standing by a staircase with saw footprints on the stairs.
alarms don’t detect the movement. Anne, the late Lance Railton, and nine Other phenomena included
Same with the loud bangs, footsteps, other Ghost Club members. Suddenly,
temperature drops, orbs and
doors slamming and dragging that there was a strong smell of roses,
being touched’
appear to come from the attics; no one seemingly flooding down the staircase.
can explain it. All the party except Lance could smell
it, and given the time and season, it was
Ham House definitely lives
THE LEGENDARY GHOST something of a mystery.
up to its haunted reputation
Ghost smells are rare; about 5% of ghost and is a must to visit for any
HAVE CARRIED OUT SEVERAL paranormal enthusiast and
reports involve an olfactory experience.
INVESTIGATIONS AT HAM HOUSE I have only had one such experience investigator. I thoroughly enjoyed
AND DOCUMENTED LOTS OF before in Fisher Lane, Cambridge, my time and the unexplainable
EVIDENCE OF PARANORMAL in July 1999 (an opium-like smell). experiences I had there and
HAPPENINGS. They are one of the most ephemeral will undoubtedly return.
and difficult experiences to verify
Club Chairman Alan Murdie shared and describe, and the sensitivity of To find out more about visiting
some memories of their experiences individuals’ sense of smell varies. It was Ham House, Ham, Richmond,
there: certainly unusual and recurrent on that Surrey, TW10 7RS, go to www.
staircase. It is possible there may have
‘Thanks to the then custodian of Ham
been a physical explanation, but if so, it
House, the late Anne Partington- london/ham-house-and-
was not identified to my knowledge.
Omar being a Ghost club member, garden, contact 0208 940
we enjoyed several visits from 2003 In the Duchesses chamber, the club 1950 or email
to 2008. Several nocturnal visits logged smelling rose essence and
were held, which indeed proved burnt ash, a feeling of uneasiness and
atmospheric nights for those involved. footprints that appeared between the
From what I can recall, what was noted window and fireplace. In the Chapel, a
in particular were the movements of a member felt they were being watched Charlie X
Picture Credit: Andrew L. Paciorek



veritable hotbed of known, however, is the parish church of
cryptozoological activity, Highclere, the churchyard of which is the
the county of Hampshire has site of our elusive – and remarkably unique
seen more than its fair share of – Grampus.
inexplicable creatures. From oddities
like the New Forest Gorilla to terrors The Grampus is a creature of Highclere
like the Odiham Boar – with multiple lore about which very little written
sightings of ghosts, UFOs and fairies to record survives, save for the eyewitness
boot – this ancient county is a bountiful accounts of those who claim to have
treasure trove of strange stories and tall seen the bizarre creature firsthand.
This isn’t the monstrous Krampus of
Perhaps one of the most obscure and darker Yuletide traditions, though its
extraordinary cases of cryptid activity in name is similar; no, the Grampus is
British history, the story of the Grampus far stranger indeed. Many terrifying
originates in Highclere, a small village and beasts more commonly associated with
civil parish in the Basingstoke and Deane cryptozoological study – for example,
district. Many who hear the name will Goatman or Bigfoot – have been recorded
associate Highclere with the eponymous so widely and varyingly that it is largely
Highclere Castle, a towering stately home understood that there cannot be just
which has appeared on our screens as a one specimen of each species. The
part of the set for several television shows Bigfoot has often been seen in groups or
and movies; most famously, Highclere packs: in 1924’s “Battle of Ape Canyon,”
Castle was the primary filming location miners were alleged to have been
for ITV’s Downton Abbey. Interestingly attacked by multiple “ape-men” throwing
(and perhaps inevitably, considering enormous rocks at their cabin. However,
the building’s thirteen-hundred-year the Grampus that exists in eyewitness
history), the home is also the site of its very accounts from the late nineteenth century
own haunting: Lady Fiona Carnarvon, is believed to be the same that appeared
the owner and current resident of the in those reports from as far back as the
enormous building and grounds, claimed ninth. How can this be? How can an
in an interview with Radio Times in oddity of nature that appears centuries
September 2019 to have seen a ghostly apart from its predecessor be anything
figure haunting the corridors, whom but an ancestor – or something entirely
she believed to be the manifestation of different? The answer to that question, as
a footman who had killed himself there strange as it may seem, lies in the events
in the nineteenth century. Much lesser- of the first encounter.


The Grampus’ first appearance, well over by a flapping abomination of pink-or-
a thousand years ago, is essentially the yellow-fleshed scales and flubber – in a
subject of oral retellings, and little written British churchyard, no less – might be
evidence survives. However, according terrified sufficient to omit such details.
to the stories passed down through
generations of locals, the creature first
appeared in the Highclere Churchyard
in the knotted grasp of an ancient, titanic
yew tree. Incidentally, the yew is not only
an incredibly long-lived tree that can grow
up to twenty metres tall but is well-known
for the toxicity of its leaves; eating even a
tiny amount can be terminally destructive
to livestock and humans. One can
imagine looking up at this tree with some
awe – even before the appearance of a
wheezing, porpoise-like creature within its


According to eyewitness accounts, it was
a creature similar in size and appearance
to a dolphin or porpoise. One might
imagine that it had limbs more suited to
walking or climbing since it had gotten
itself into the tree (and would later come
down and re-climb it multiple times).
Perhaps the fins evolved for some
arbitrary form of movement like the Naturally, the locals saw no other
modern-day Epaulette shark, which can possibility than the idea that this unusual
“walk” short distances across a reef when creature must be a demon or some
the tide has lowered and needs to return different kind of Hellspawn. A local
to the water. Perhaps its fins were not
clergyman was quickly enlisted, and
fins, but fin-like legs or other appendages
though he remains anonymous, it is said
utilised for climbing. It is also entirely
that he visited the churchyard and, upon
possible that its means for propulsion
encountering the creature for himself,
were somehow otherworldly in origin;
agreed to exorcise it. This method seems
after all, there are two main possibilities
to have been successful, and the terms of
to consider here: the seemingly-marine
the exorcism provide some explanation
creature might have been some
for the creature’s centuries-spanning
evolutionary offshoot which had adapted
itself to live in a tree, or it was something appearances: the exorcist, using the
else entirely – perhaps even something traditional tools of the ninth-century
from a dimension not of this earth. clergy, banished the Grampus to the
distant Red Sea (a good three-thousand
The Grampus was additionally discernible miles across the globe) for a period of one
by its behaviour, much of which was thousand years or more.
strange and even aggressive. Many
accounts of the dolphin-like creature While the exorcism was successful, the
mention the chilling “wheezing” sound Grampus returned – no less than a
and another grunting, guttural noise it thousand years after its watery exile. In
may have made from its raised position 1890, Andrew Lang printed one of the
in the tree. These noises would frighten first written records of the Grampus in his
passers-by, seemingly targeting young Life, Letters, and Diaries of Sir Stafford
women most of all. Anybody who came Northcote – First Earl of Iddesleigh.
too close to their new home was assaulted
by a barrage of distressing and repulsive Northcote, a significant parliamentary
noises – some, however, were even figure and keen enthusiast in the
less lucky. Not only would the Grampus supernatural, was known to have a gentle
emit these strange sounds, but when temper and enjoyed hunting – though he
particularly threatened, it would come may not have been particularly talented in
out of the tree and is said to have chased this area. Staying briefly at Highclere, he
people away. While these accounts do was disappointed in the day’s shooting
not detail the Grampus’ pursuit methods, (which Lang reported as “execrable”), but
it is quite possible to imagine any soul the ghost stories of his host quickly eased
unfortunate enough to be turned home his dismay.


She spoke of the Grampus, who had reappeared to keep it alive and in a great deal of pain. The
in Highclere and begun to wheeze at harlots creature may even have been an unusually
and young folk in much the same manner as large fish or any bald, vaguely-porpoise-shaped
before. While this incident offers precious little animal; if we assume that it was placed there
new information, we can extrapolate. Though by pranksters, we could also assume that it
we do not know the exact date the creature first may have been dead and that the noises and
appeared, we can assume that it was at least movements it made were artificially installed.
one thousand years before 1890 and therefore
place its first appearance at the end of the ninth Could it be possible that the Grampus was
century. precisely what the people of Highclere thought
it to be: a spectre of the underworld, a demonic
Interestingly, the Grampus’ name is so similar beast sent by the Devil himself? Centuries
to another folkloric beast, the Krampus, who before the era of prevalent and widespread
steals through Christmas night to punish witchcraft, the religious spectacle was often
bad children; however, there is no relation: presumed to be the work of Satan, and many
the name “grampus” seems to refer to the occurrences of the time were passed off as
creature’s marine appearance; in 1893, writer hellish manifestations. It is impossible to prove
William Nicholson used the word to describe a negative. Therefore, we cannot say that the
orca (killer whales) in his document A Journal abomination was not the work of the Devil,
of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the particularly if it was successfully banished for
Arts (Volume 21). The Grampus’ porpoise- a millennium. This involves supposing that the
cum-dolphin build may have contributed to its creature which appeared in 1890 was the same
terminology, as well as the heavy breathing or as that which was first sighted, and of course,
wheezing, which some attributed to the puffing takes the events reported at face value. One
of a whale’s blowhole. must also consider the significance of the yew
tree in which it was found. Yew trees have often
Indeed, one of the more significant possibilities
been regarded as both symbols of immortality
is that the Grampus is a vestige of some
and omens of impending doom. Furthermore,
ancient evolutionary offshoot. In the late
many have been planted across England atop
Devonian period, many marine animals began
the graves of plague victims, believing that
to evolve out of the water and onto land, like
the wood might purify the dead beneath. The
the Acanthostega and Ichthyostega. Closer
poisonous leaves, dark symbolic nature and
still in characteristics to the Grampus is the
location of the tree (being planted on the site
Ambulocetus, a once-marine animal which
of what some might consider a gateway to
could even be a distant ancestor of the cryptid.
the underworld) all lend some credence to
As aforementioned, even the water-dwelling
Epaulette shark has developed a capacity for a the idea that the Grampus was sent up to our
crude method of “walking” when forced to. It is dimension from somewhere beneath; however,
not outside the realms of possibility to imagine we must also remember that a dense, large tree
that some prehistoric creature evolved similarly like this would be perfect for any ninth-century
and that the Grampus was an extraordinary prankster looking to terrify the local youngsters
specimen – and potentially one of the last of by planting a strange, half-dead creature in an
an undiscovered species – but without being unusual position.
able to study such a specimen, and with
While we may never know the origins or factual
so little written evidence and, of course, no
nature of the Grampus, one thing is certain:
photographic evidence, it is difficult to allow
where British – and perhaps even global –
speculation of this kind much weight.
cryptozoology is concerned, this is one of the
It is also possible, and perhaps more likely most unusual and difficult-to-define mysteries
(despite being ordinarily quite unreasonable), of the world. Hoax or Hellspawn; either way, one
that the Grampus was simply a dolphin might avoid Highclere Churchyard on nights
or porpoise put into the tree to scare and when the whistling of the wind sounds more
confuse locals. Hampshire is situated upon like wheezing.
the River Enborne, and though the most
accessible oceanic coast to Highclere would Derek
be Southampton – a staggering eleven-hour
walk for any potential pranksters – it would not Derek Heath is the
have been impossible for a person, or group author of Day of the
of persons, to have fished a live specimen out Mummy and other works
of the nearby river and planted it in the tree. of horror, as well as the
A dolphin can live out of the water for hours if upcoming Cryptid’s
kept cool and wet. Though it would have been Handbook series,
in agony, it is not unreasonable to assume that beginning soon with
the kind of person determined to partake in a “Lesser-Known Cryptids:
practical joke involving placing a marine animal Oddities and Obscurities
into a tree would also have been cruel enough from Around the World“.


By Molly Briggs

hayman “Khay” Welch and his uncle

K pulled off the side of the road at mile 203

near Tortilla Flat, Arizona. After a long day
of work, Khay’s uncle found a parking
spot inside Weaver’s Needle Vista viewpoint in
Arizona’s Tonto National Forest. Keen to get the
best view of the sunset, the ambitious young
man set out on what should have been a short
journey. Khay was looking for a sight most people
only dream about, but instead, he found himself
in something deathly reminiscent of his worst

25-year-old Khay set out on a short hike starting from

Weaver’s Needle Vista viewpoint, an area also known
as the Superstition Mountain Wilderness. Alone,
he began to walk southeast through the parking
lot toward Weaver’s Needle. Khay’s uncle thought
nothing of his nephews’ solo hike because he was an
outdoorsman; however, Khay had no food or water at
the time of his departure. Unfortunately, his uncle’s
decision to let Khay travel on without him would be
one he would soon regret.

Restless and eager, Khay Welch scrambled up and

over the dry mountain terrain, and within a short time,
the young man disappeared into the distance. After
he failed to return, an extensive search turned up
nothing. The searchers never found Khay’s remains,
belongings, or clothes. He simply vanished. Even
though he was hiking in a moderately traveled loop
trail that was not in a “remote wilderness” area,
Khayman Welch would never be seen again. Could
he have been a victim of what we understand to be
alien abduction?

At the core of the forest is the Tonto basin, which

gives the forest its name. The Superstition Mountains
are to the south of the basin, the Mazatzal Mountains
are to the west, and the Pinal Mountains are to the

It is the largest of the six national forests in Arizona

and the 5th largest National Forest in the United


The Superstition Mountain range
is an area that lies within Tonto’s remains of a woman were found The trucker spoke of being able to
National Forest. It is one of the most inside a cave in the mountain. Upon “see the lines of the road through
mysterious mountain ranges in the discovering the unfortunate woman, the legs that made up the figure.”
country and is synonymous with a the only thing found in her pockets He said it was definitely in the form
curious legend about a Dutch gold was a small sack of gold nuggets. of a human, and no other cars were
miner who isn’t Dutch. Although Sadly, many would bear the same in sight.
there are many versions of the fate as the woman in 1910, ending
infamous gold miner’s tale, this is a up missing or dead. At least 12 As I said earlier, there are many
simple version of the most popular people have officially perished on unusual happenings within the
one. Superstition Mountain. Jacob Weiser Tonto National Forest, and this
was also one who fell victim to the
A gold miner named Jacob Waltz, story is one some may find slightly
legend of the strange mountain
or as the Indians called him unsettling. On December 30, 2013,
range, having suddenly disappeared
“Snowbeard,” learned of a great vein an email was sent to all US Service
without a trace. However, whispers
of gold within Superstition Mountain of wrongdoing by the hand of Forest Rangers by the US Dept.
in 1868. For the next 20 years, Waltz Jacob Waltz, relative to Weiser’s of Agriculture. The email stated
continued prospecting around the disappearance, have crossed the lips that there had been an incident
mountain in search of the infamous of many men since then. regarding a call by a man claiming
gold until he met another miner to be 60 years old, drug-free, and
named Jacob Weiser. Soon, the two mentally stable. But isn’t that what
men began mining together, and UNUSUAL HAPPENINGS they all say?
eventually, the pair were seen, side OCCUR IN MORE THAN JUST
by side in town, handing out gold
nuggets for payment of supplies and
THE NATIONAL FOREST’S DRY, The man shared his experience
RUGGED, ELEVATED PARTS. of seeing man-eating aliens
alcohol. The two men seemed to be and the construction of a
without care, spending money like MANY HAVE SEEN GHOSTLY secret government installation
water. APPARITIONS IN THE MORE somewhere within the far stretches
Legend says the men achieved DEVELOPED PARTS OF THE FOREST of the forest. The official email
their wealth with the help of a map. AREA. A RECENT SIGHTING also mentioned the man had seen
The map was a gift given to them HAPPENED ALONG THE construction cranes from the side
by a man whose life they of a cliff, miniature stealth planes,
allegedly saved,
WIDE-OPEN HIGHWAY OF and UFOs. Oddly, the caller said
and it would lead SR 87 NEAR MILE that the man-eating aliens and
the two men to a MARKER 200. the human men were working
location inside together. I don’t know about
Superstition On March 11, you, but I draw a line in the sand
Mountain that had 2023, a trucker regarding cannibalistic coworkers.
copious amounts said he passed
of yellow gold A report called “Filer’s Files,”
a transparent
lining the walls of composed by George A. Filer, reveals
figure standing
the hidden mine. disturbing mentions of UFOs, man-
in the road
while he made eating aliens, and strange stories of
Over the years,
his way down many people disappearing within
many explorers
have ventured out the highway at the Tonto National Forest. Filer is
into the rugged, 2:30 am. The allegedly a former US intelligence
unforgiving territory of driver’s dash- officer who claims that aliens
the strange mountain cam captured continue to help the US. Allegedly,
range to try and locate the spooky ghost the United States solicited support
the lost mine themselves. figure standing from the ETs during the Vietnam
In 1910 the skeletal near the road’s edge. War.


No literary paranormal buffet is complete
without a story about Bigfoot. Payson is
an area within Tonto National Forest rife
with paranormal activity, and it’s also the
same area where the trucker, as mentioned
above, saw the lonely, late-night humanoid
apparition on the side of the road.

Don Davis was a Boy Scout during the

mid-1940s when he and his troop were
on a trip near Payson, Arizona.
With a fair amount of certainty,
I can say that these Boy Scouts
were likely unprepared for what
they were about to encounter.
Don recalled seeing a massive
creature with deep-set eyes that woods and how the
were hard to see but seemed that the activity is
expressionless. things going on within the vast Arizona
undeniable? territory are likely much more than mere
The creature’s face had no hair fantasy or fiction.
It’s during the
except for along the sides. Don quiet moments
had said that along with the
body, its chest, shoulders, and
in life when Molly X
we are able
arms were massive, especially to tap into the
its biceps. Another story comes Molly Briggs has had a successful and
mysterious, often misunderstood side of rewarding career working as a mom, stylist,
from Marjory Grimes, who claims she had the veil. With a clear understanding of
seen an enormous creature fitting the author, and podcast host. She is the creator
our magnificent forests’ fluid, natural, and and podcast host of ‘Weird Like Me UFOs
description of Bigfoot many times in an area
instinctual cooperation, it is easy to see how and Other Phenomenon,’ a fun, carefree
not far from Don’s location between 1982-
its landscape could be a beacon for visitors podcast bringing captivating interviews
2004. Marjory said the animal was covered
from distant realms. Have our National with fascinating paranormal people, chilling
in black hair, tall, and walked in significant
Parks ultimately become a paranormal real-life tales, and narrative snapshots
playground for bizarre creatures and of all things supernatural. Molly is a
A Bigfoot story of a much different sort cryptid beings who are as curious about us freelance writer and a regular contributor
comes from a self-professed cryptid as we are of them? to Paranormality Magazine. She is a proud
couple. In June 2010, Bigfoot hunters New Englander who now hails from
From man-eating aliens to UFOs to ghosts
Mitch and Susan stumbled upon a southwest Florida.
massive nest on the forest floor along the and monsters, the
Mogollon Rim. They found the large nest Tonto National
buried half underground. It had a narrow Forest has proven
entrance and was hollowed out inside. to be a winner in
Regrettably, the nest did not provide any most paranormal
physical evidence of the monster. circles. It is a
For hundreds of years, instead of the five-star, one size
term ‘Bigfoot,’ the locals in the area of fit’s all, investi-
the Mogollon Rim have called the giant, gative location.
hairy, bipedal creature, whom many have Whether you are
encountered, the ‘Mogollon Monster.’ looking for shiny
Sightings of the Mogollon Monster have round disks in
been reported for years by cowboys, forest the sky, 18-inch
workers, and locals, some claiming to have cryptid footprints,
seen the creature attack or even maul its or looking to be
victims. This is an excellent reason, while scared out of
monster hunting inside Tonto National
your wits by a
Forest, not to forget your bear spray.
ghostly apparition
A question often asked is why are these wandering along
episodes of high strangeness happening Highway 87, the
so frequently inside our forests and rugged Tonto National
mountain ranges? Why not inside urban Forest in Arizona
settings like South Central or West Palm is a sure thing.
Beach? Bigfoot and monsters aside, for
obvious reasons, it may have something to The anomalous
do with the level of vibrational energy and area offers us 2.9
noise within our urban spaces. Any parent million reasons
will tell you it is impossible to think clearly why the truth
in a room full of screaming children. Could about this para-
it be that paranormal activity is happening normal hotspot is
everywhere, but it is only in the quiet of the gaining attention

The B
ack in 2002, a book was not to marvel at the idea of As yet (if ‘yet’ even exists, that
published by the French some such device. Ultimately, is), time travel in a literal sense
Catholic priest Father somehow bringing the past to doesn’t seem a likely reality;
Francois Brune entitled life is the simple truth of what the classic argument is, if it had
The Vatican’s New Mystery. we’re all looking to do. If there indeed become invented at

It told the story of how in is one element of science- some point in the future, why
the early 1960s, Brune, fiction storytelling that stays are there not time travellers
together with Italian scientist with us long into adulthood, amongst us right now?
Pellegrino Ernetti and a team it is probably the idea of time Well, I often say when that
particular trope comes up in

that included the Nobel prize travel. From the adaptation of
winner Enrico Fermi and V2 conversation, how do we know
H.G Wells’ The Time Machine,
rocket developer Wernher there are not? But if time travel
which was shown regularly on
von Braun, had created by that classic meaning is off
BBC2 during my childhood, to
a time machine that was the metaphysical table for now
the eternally excellent Back to

capable of transmitting the at least (if ‘now’ even exists),
the Future film trilogy, the ideas the issue of ‘time warps’ and
events of the past directly these films placed in my mind
into the modern world via a ‘time-slips’ seem to have plenty
are still very much with me of testimonials available within
system of electromagnetic today. It is a crucial component the realms of the paranormal

engineering. This in the sense of endeavour that cannon. The idea that whilst
machine was known as a healthy interest in history will we may not physically travel
the Chronovisor, and bring to those enthused on the back to distant times, those
through it, Berne claimed
topic. same times may suddenly,
to have witnessed both the

crucifixion of Christ and life in
ancient Rome. The machine,
somewhat predictably, was
reportedly soon seized by
The Vatican; its secrets and
By Eli Lycett mysteries, hidden from the
world ever since.

Speculation on the existence

of the time machine has been a
constant feature of conspiracy
forums ever since. Still, no
matter which side of the
fence you come down on, as
a history enthusiast, it’s hard


briefly become apparent around us in For the first time, I am now going to to its fortune in that conflict. Parlia-
our momentary reality has plenty of share an experience I had when I was mentary forces occupied it from June
witnesses who will avidly swear they about ten years old. It was witnessed 1643, helping it avoid the slighting
‘know what they saw’ no matter the too by my father, who has kindly and destruction heaped upon many
doubters. written a passage for inclusion in Royalist strongholds later in the war.
this feature by way of corroboration.
The case known as the Moberly- It is a story that has stayed in my Tutbury held a different sense for me
Jourdain Incident is likely the most family since the weekend of its birth than that of the day-tripper-friendly
famous such case, telling of how one way back in 1993 and one that, to castle at Tamworth. It somehow felt
August day in 1901, friends Charlotte this day, we will discuss and ponder wild and haunted, its ruined walls and
Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, periodically. When I think about it, is towers holding my mind between
both education professionals from it likely the moment that my interest fascination and fear. I liked that,
England, experienced something in history discovered a new, esoteric though. I enjoyed the fact it felt less
incredible whilst out walking in lens (not that I would have known it than safe to be there. With its origins
the gardens of Versailles Palace in last the time) because, despite my
as the regional headquarters of Henry
Paris. Briefly becoming lost whilst best efforts at times across the years,
de Ferrers, a Norman magnate who
walking the guided trail, they noticed the truth is that both my father and I to
had arrived in England
a deserted farmhouse that seemed know what we saw.
following the conquest
out of place, whilst the trees around of 1066, Tutbury
s a child growing up
them suddenly appeared ‘flat and
lifeless’. They would later see many
figures dressed in apparel from the
late 1700s.
A in Staffordshire, my
interest in history was
fostered by my father’s
would play active
roles in the 1173
rebellion against
Henry II and the
willingness to take me
A bit closer to home, and more venturing out to the castle 1264 uprising
recently, there have been sites dotted about the against Prince
numerous accounts regarding county. Chief amongst them Edward. Later, it
visitors to Liverpool’s Bond were those in the towns of would be prison to
Street. Stories centre on how Tamworth and Tutbury. They Mary Queen of Scots
the buildings suddenly change were at least two very different in the late 1500s before
to those present during the places to my young mind. Tamworth being placed into its present ruinous
1950s and how the cars, buses, is located in the heart of the town, state courtesy of the fate Tamworth
and pedestrians all similarly dominating the modern landscape on had escaped, being slighted
appear dressed of that age too. its motte that was founded in the Sax- following a Parliamentarian siege in
There have been more than a on period. At the centre of Mercia’s April 1646. In retrospect, as a child,
dozen recorded instances of the conflict with the Vikings throughout perhaps this darker history somehow
phenomena, including two by the ninth century, it would be rebuilt conveyed its essence through the
1990s on-duty police officers. by Lady Aethelflaed she of The Last walls and into my sense of the place.
This is the time slip, and for me, Kingdom fame - in 913. It would enjoy Today, it is the same attraction I feel
the accounts connected to it a rich and colourful history across the from reading ghost stories late at
would likely require a large pinch following 750 years into the age of the night, giving that certain comfort of
of salt were it not for something I English Civil War. Its relatively com- the past through a controllable sense
once witnessed personally. plete state of repair today owes much of terror.

Photo: Tutbury Castle


My father and I must have visited Tutbury any sign of that building again. I can’t settlement, with earthworks to the
10 times in the early 90s. He would also explain what it was, even with a rational, northeast marking out plots of land on
visit the area regularly on business during analytical mind, but we absolutely did either side of the old sunken track that once
the same period, noting any special events see it. It was there, real, in that field on marked the main road through the village.
coming up at the castle in the process. As that day.’ Records are scarce, but we managed to
such, Tutbury itself, the villages around it, discover the setting of the earlier manor
and the journey to the town from Stoke- As he states, in the years that followed, and house, which is placed in the fields we
On-Trent were all places my father knew until relatively recently, my father would were driving past on that day.
intimately, and by 1993, he had been continue to drive the same route during his
driving it at least twice a month for the working day, literally dozens of times. Each As I take a moment to step away from the
previous 5 years. That makes the events of one would bring a lookout for the vanishing emotion of the subject and, like my father,
castle (as we’ve come to call it), and each try to trace the whole affair with a rational
one summer’s day that year so remarkable.
one would bring nothing more than the mind, I am left with no alternatives. We saw
My memory of what happened is still laced empty fields. He would take detours around a fortified manor house that looked ‘new’
with the sense of excitement I felt. The idea the country lanes, ensuring no other compared to all I had seen before - and, to
that what we saw was anything paranormal, explanation existed. He would visit in all be fair, all I have seen since. A manor house
completely lost against the basic reality as seasons too. There was nothing to be seen,
that appeared to have vanished from the
I saw it then, of discovering a ‘new’ castle. I and for 30 years, there was no explanation.
face of the earth just 5 hours later on our
remember to this day, the large, crenellated return journey, and one that we have now,
Over the past few months, the subject
building that appeared in the fields along three decades on, come to realise was in
of what we saw that day has become
the roadside. I particularly remember the very spot that there had once been the
redressed with a fresh sense of intrigue,
asking why we had never been there on earlier, medieval hall of Barton Blount.
partly due to my father and I spending
one of our days out. It was a legitimate
more time together than we have in many
question for my ten-year-old self. It looked Make of that what you will, I am as mystified
years: the memory, and the question, of
brand new, vivid, and markedly different as anyone as to what we witnessed that
just what it might have remained unfaded.
from any other ‘castle’ I had ever seen. day, but I am taking it to have been a clear
Unbeknown to me, however, my father
How could I have missed it all these times? instance of the time-slip phenomenon.
had taken on a little research project of his
Why had my father never mentioned it to It is events like this, for those who
own, tracing the route and the surrounding
me? I asked him this very question as we experience them, that can genuinely alter
area in a way that was almost impossible
approached the building in the car, and I a life experience; if we can continually
in the days before we had the Internet and
can still remember the distinct confusion believe them. I have never really doubted
Google Earth.
in his answer. ‘Son’, he said quietly as he what happened that day back in 1993,
slowed the car for a better look, eyes fixed The area of the building we saw was near but naturally, over time, a person will
on it, ‘I’ve never even seen it before’. the village of Church Broughton, around question the possibilities, or rather the
4 miles north of Tutbury itself. The local impossibilities, of the whole experience.
Driving back from our trip to Tutbury later
area’s history contains a Viking massacre Thanks to my father’s unwavering account
that day, he promised me we would take
in the late 800s, but more intriguing was throughout the years, though, it has always
a closer look as we headed for home. But,
our discovery of the settlement of Barton stayed with me, shaping my opinions on
despite returning, as we always did, along
Blount and its long-lost medieval village, such matters and, to this very day, ensuring
that exact same route, the building was
which disappeared in the fifteenth century. I always have an open mind to such
nowhere to be found.
This place, which had never crossed our wondrous and wondrous and inexplicable
Here is my father’s own account of that day: radar before, was the seat of Sir Walter possibilities. Now, as I look back, not only
Blount, a significant figure in the support do I feel an appreciation for our experience
‘Eli was ten years old, and already into base of John of Gaunt in the late 1300s. that day, but I feel incredibly lucky that we
history, especially castles, and that Soon, we discovered that the current experienced it together.
was probably down to me as it had Barton Hall manor was not the original - Sir
always interested me. I remember the Walter’s own manor house having vanished This feature is dedicated to the memory of
year exactly, as I’d just had a new car, a long before the new hall’s construction my mother, Marion Lycett, who somehow
Vauxhall Cavalier! Following the A50 during the 1600s. never doubted us for a second.
from Stoke-on-Trent to join the A511 at
the turn-off for Tutbury, right by the Salt- All around the setting of the current
Box Cafe (a local landmark at the time), manor are the remains of the old medieval
was a route I’d travelled many times,
maybe twice a month over the few years
before, to visit my customers in that area
as I was an industrial sales engineer. As
we approached the Church Broughton
area, Eli asked me what the castle was
in the field beside the road. I looked
to see a large building built from brick
and stone with a crenellated roof. I had
never, ever noticed it before, which felt
impossible, really. I promised we would
take a closer look on the way home
later that day, except on the way back
in the late afternoon, it was nowhere
to be found. I travelled that same route
regularly over the years on my way to
the Nestle factory and continued to do
so in the following years, but I never saw


Frederick Tansley Munnings:
Written by Dr Kate Cherrell

s an older, balding boarding nail in Munnings’ coffin. His results Due to
housekeeper from Lowestoft, were unsatisfactory, and he was seen as these
Frederick Tansley Munnings committing ‘the heinous offence of trading contro-
was hardly the face of exciting on the credulity of bereaved souls.’ His versies, it
mysticism. Born in 1875 to a Trinity lack of class status and wealth added to appears that
pilot father, he enjoyed a varied career suspicions of his spiritual intentions, being Munnings worked
before the glittering lights of spiritualist ‘a poor man… out for fame and money – under the pseudonym of
mediumship tempted him. As a trumpet two incentives which destroy mediumship Mr Gaulton for a period in 1921. Giving
and materialisation medium, he was to more effectually than any others.’
make quite the name for himself in seances at the Stead Bureau, he claimed
more ways than one. to have channelled the spirits of the great
Judging by his employment
and good of the time, including the music
timeline, helpfully supported
hall star Dan Leno, wartime actress Billie
by court and newspaper
records, he continued his life Carleton and fellow spiritualist Sir William
of crime coterminous with Crookes. While glowing reports appeared
making a name for himself from some quarters, many doubting voices
as a medium, both before came from official spiritualist and parapsy-
and after his most serious chological bodies who were more than a
conviction. He was recorded little unsatisfied with these seances’ notably
as operating as such a medium absent ‘test’ conditions.
as early as 1919. He would
Munnings’ mysterious phenomena took
travel around the country
upon a rather more terrestrial form when
for a few years, specialising
in direct voice and trumpet sitters (one being Mrs Wells, who offered
seances, which would excite Munnings accommodation for his seances)
sitters with disembodied found rubber gloves concealed about his
voices from the afterlife. person, and the ‘spirit scents’ that emerged
Between 1896 and 1914, Munnings from his sittings ‘proceeded from a rag
was a licensee of two public houses in A May which was accidentally
Poplar, a member and later chairman of 1926 case study dropped by the medium
Poplar Guardians and would eventually from the Society for and was subsequently
move to Hastings to set up as a boarding found by the sitters after the
Psychical Research
housekeeper. While this sounds like a performance.’
means to earn an honest wage, petty crime cites Munnings as
followed him throughout his life and varied one example of
More evidence of Munnings’
careers, even when promoting himself as a ‘how easy it is at
questionable abilities can be
gifted medium for hire. In 1917, Munnings the present time
found in several later issues of
stole a bicycle in Bournemouth and, in for fraudulent
the spiritualist magazine Light.
1921, was charged with obtaining money mediums to find
A June 1921 issue includes
by false pretences. However, in March material for the
of 1923, aged 47, he was convicted of photographs from a Munnings’
purposes of their
committing a burglary at a house in Woking séance, taken by Mr Moon,
trade. Reports of
and sentenced to 9 months hard labour. This the President of the Hastings
his abilities seem and St. Leonard’s Christian
seemed to be the most serious footnote in
to first appear in Spiritualists’ Society, of course,
Munnings’ career, but it was also a crime
committed at the peak of his paranormal an issue of Light with ‘kind permission of his
popularity! magazine from [spirit] guide’. These striking
1919, where a letter recounts a trumpet images show Munnings secreting ectoplasm
In December 1922, The Two Worlds séance conducted by Munnings in London. and, later, a ‘plasmic rod’ supporting a
magazine chronicled Munnings’ arrest, Reportedly, the trumpet levitated in front spirit trumpet. However, Mr Moon was
reporting how ‘we are chiefly concerned of the sitter’s eyes, shortly followed by not writing to condemn Munnings (or
with the fact that Munnings has some a fully formed spectral materialisation ‘Munnings-Gaulton’ as he was named in
local reputation as a medium for trumpet
phenomena and partial materialisation.’
that wandered the room, shaking hands the piece) but to confirm that his 30 years of
They had long eschewed Munnings as with those assembled. As exciting as this interest in the field hardly made him a fool
a name to be printed on their pages, account in Light reads, many other reports and that Munnings was legitimate! After
having been seen with props, including from sitters at such seances say quite the attending about six three-hour seances, he
‘surgical rubber gloves’ before a séance. opposite, arguing that any phenomenon was keen to ‘testify to the genuineness of
The burglary conviction was but another was brazenly fraudulent. his direct voice phenomena.’


To our modern eyes, the ectoplasm may earth, and all sitters certainly did not spot the trumpet utilising a telescopic extension
well look like a hair on a lens and the claims of floating lights in the séance room. piece.’ Similarly, his deception was listed
ectoplasmic rod, little more than some Similarly, the strong scents later linked as thorough and practical; should he
strong wire. However, the photographs to rags secreted upon Munnings’ person receive a request for a sitting that had been
are impactful, even with the addition of were destroyed by believers, but only after written headed notepaper, he would visit
historical context. And while trumpets are marking the containers in which they were the address and gain as much relevant
broadly attached to Munnings’ spiritual kept with a powerful, immovable smell. information as he could, all of which would
resumé, according to Mr Moon, this was Most importantly of all, for Mr Bevis, he had be later passed through the now-infamous
a rarity in his Hastings seances as, ‘while to pay for the privilege too. Facing a bill of trumpet. This exposure was no regular
in the first, materialised instruments were 5/-, he was not keen to return. séance, but one attended by some familiar
supposed to play through the trumpet, this names. Namely, Arthur Conan Doyle. In a
type of phenomena never appeared in the Ultimately, over a six-week series of letter to Light, Conan Doyle wrote:
later seances.’ articles and investigations, the editors of
Light deemed Munnings to be ‘a sensitive “A party of us was sitting with Munnings in
Quite amusingly, Munnings’ spirit guides - of the lowest possible order, and his a private house, and as the electric lights
or perhaps the medium himself, after a little mediumship a real menace to the progress had gone wrong, owing to a fuse, we were
lapse of concentration - could be easily of true Spiritualism.’ (June 25th, 1921) This in complete darkness. We were getting
fooled. One sitter, who conclusion mimicked messages through a trumpet which appeared
had offered accommo- that of many other to be suspended in mid-air and swinging
dation to Munnings outlets, who believed
around in various directions. Munnings was
and his wife, refused to that Munnings was not
not near the trumpet. “Suddenly, the lights
host any more seanc- only a criminal, but
came on again. A thing nobody expected –
es after a (suddenly an unscrupulous and
and we all saw immediately that Munnings
colourblind) relation of fraudulent medium,
had an attachment which he was using
hers complimented her cashing in on the grief of
to hold up the trumpet and move it. We
pink blouse when she others. Of all damning
upbraided the blackguard and turned him
had quickly changed articles, Two Worlds was
one of few to suggest that out of the house. When Munnings had gone,
it to a different one
Munnings was pushed we agreed that we should have to expose
just before the sitting.
into such a position by him.”
Following this ousting
from her premises, Mr the demanding attitudes
Despite a wall of criticism and exposure,
Munnings and his wife of audiences. Suggesting
Munnings continued to sit for doubters,
were welcomed into the that Munnings may have
some abilities and should even subjecting himself to study by famous
house of Mr and Mrs Wells at 114 Milward
have developed them further in a home paranormal researcher Harry Price. Using
Road, Hastings.
circle before becoming a professional, the a piece of his own equipment, named a
Yet the steady stream of visitations from magazine argued that the audience’s need ‘Voice Control Recorder’, Price captured
famous voices of yesteryear increased for phenomena was damaging the field of Munnings producing the voices of ‘Julius
Munnings’ popularity in the séance room. mediumship. ‘The average member of the Caesar, Dan Leno, Crippen and Henry
Emanating from his floating séance trumpets public knows nothing of séance conditions. VIII, but the Machine Proved that it was
were the disembodied voices of famous He doesn’t care a straw about YOU, Munnings speaking. ‘With Price’s damning
spirits like Henry VIII, King Edward (who provided he gets the phenomena he seeks. report, Munnings’ tattered reputation was
honoured the congregation with a ‘very He will suck you like an orange and, having reduced to dust. At last, there was no one
tasteful, pro-monarchical speech.’) and got what he can, will leave you crumpled up else to dupe.
Julius Caesar, each of whom delivered on the mat.’
small, simplistic messages or songs. Other Munnings’ career in the heavens was done.
commoner spirits were also welcome in Munnings was a menace. So much so that He later sold his story and his ‘confessions’
Munnings’ world, such as infamous spirit in 1926, Arthur Conan Doyle and other to a Sunday newspaper before disappearing
buccaneer John King, who would speak prominent spiritualists issued a public into obscurity on the south coast. Frederick
‘with a voice like a Billingsgate fish vendor. warning to the press (in Light magazine) Tansley Munnings died in 1953, yet for all
He would also communicate with the against Munnings’ claims. Arthur Conan of his wild claims and fraud, it cannot be
deceased relatives of sitters, but many such Doyle had studied Munnings’s work for a said that the old man from Lowestoft didn’t
personal messages have been since lost to long time, with his beliefs and concerns leave an impression on the world of the
time. preserved in his substantial letter archive. supernatural.
Following a tour of America as a famous
Munnings’ spiritual doors were also cast
open to deceased pets, where in one
British trumpet medium, news of Munnings’
sudden exposure went stateside. The Dr Kate C
instance, barking sounded from the séance Catholic Transcript used such an event to
room, whereby a female sitter gasped, ‘It’s call Conan Doyle’ sincere but deluded in
darling Fido; I’d know his bark anywhere.’ his belief of spiritism’. ‘A Varied Career’, The Register (Adelaide), 15/3/23
Sadly, Munnings’ skills as a passable mimic ‘Current Topics’, The Two Worlds periodical, 8/12/22
are well-chronicled. Munnings’ reputation had been further
‘The Cases of Mr Moss and Mr Munnings’, Journal of
damaged with an age-old method of the Society for Psychical Research, 5/1926
Another letter to Light offers a somewhat exposure, turning the lights on. Julian
‘The Munnings-Gaulton Case’, Light periodical,
different view of Munnings’ spectacular Franklyn’s A Survey of the Occult chronicles 11/6/1921
claims. Mr Henry Bevis of 8, the Croft, such an exposure as a warning to others ‘A Survey of the Occult’, Ed. Julian Franklyn,1935
Hastings reported that the medium’s efforts wishing to fool their clients. During a dark
‘Conan Doyle’s Eyes Opened to Fraud of Noted
were unconvincing. When channelling séance where spirit voices emanated from Medium’, The Catholic Transcript, 8/4/1928
the spirit of W. T. Stead, his speech was a floating trumpet, ‘the electric light was ‘The Mechanics of Spiritualism’, 50 Years of Psychical
far below the quality of what it was on switched on, revealing Munnings holding Research, Harry Price, p.199.



T he Bermuda Triangle is one of those mysteries that has intrigued me since childhood. I mean, who hasn’t heard of the
Bermuda Triangle? There is a plethora of books, documentaries, articles, news segments and the like, all delving into the
mysteries surrounding the disappearances of aircraft and sea vessels in the same spot. It is a section of the North Atlantic
Ocean off North America where over 50 ships and 20 aeroplanes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

lthough the boundaries you know we have the same

weather, meaning its shallow nicknamed Miss Hobart,
of this area are not set triangle right here in Australia? water is full of tall waves with disappeared over Bass Strait
in stone or universally Inspired by the mysterious short swells. The notorious area during a flight from Launceston,
agreed upon, the area disappearances in the Bermuda of Bass Strait was discovered Tasmania, to Melbourne. 9
roughly takes the shape of a Triangle and the worldwide following the wreckage of the passengers and two pilots
triangle. After many strange intrigue surrounding the strange ship Sydney Cove in 1797. On did not survive. One of those
events, in 1964, Vincent H circumstances of a missing pilot a salvage operation to retrieve who perished would have an
Gaddis came up with the Frederick Valentich in 1978, the parts of the wreck, the Sloop unknown connection with
term Bermuda Triangle in an Bass Strait Triangle in Australia Eliza went missing on her return aviation forever. David Warren’s
article he wrote highlighting has some strange mysteries of voyage to Sydney. Since then, father, who was aboard the
the pattern of the strange its own. hundreds of vessels from small flight, would never come home;
disappearances. What causes yachts, fishing crafts, bulk David would go on to invent
these disappearances? Is it bad Bass Straight is a stretch
carriers and aircraft have come the Black Box recorder, now a
weather and poor navigation? of water around 300km by
into distress in the Bass Strait, standard issue in every aircraft.
Paranormal enthusiasts suggest 200km from north to south,
with dozens being lost entirely
otherwise. From aliens to surrounded by the entire Almost one year later, the
without a trace.
the lost city of Atlantis, they northern coastline of Tasmania airliner Loina would also go
wonder if it is some portal or and Victoria’s central to the missing over the bass strait.
Some of the more significant
vortex. While the topic of the eastern coast. The stretch of disappearances over the None of the five people on
affectionately nicknamed water separates Victoria and years include: board was located; however,
the ‘Devil’s’ triangle is a Tasmania in the southeast of three seats were eventually
controversial one, it seems the Australia. The westerly winds In 1901, 22 crew members found, and a piece of flooring
phenomenon is not just isolated and currents make it an area full vanished along with the SS with burn marks only a few
to the North Atlantic Ocean. Did of unpredictable and unstable Federal. 5 years later, in centimetres wide. Further
1906, the German cargo analysis suggested someone
ship Ferdinand Fischer also may have tried to stamp out the
disappeared without a trace. flames.

In 1920 the SS Amelia While there was speculation

J. disappeared shortly after that some of these vessels
entering the Bass Strait. The had fallen victim to pirates,
Australian military conducted the leading cause was more
an extensive search of the area; likely lousy weather and poor
however, two military aircraft charting. At the same time,
involved in the search vanished. the aircraft accidents were
put down to disorientation by
On Friday, October 19th, inexperienced pilots unable to
1934, Holyman’s Airways de pilot the sometimes-horrendous
Havilland DH.86 Express, conditions.


There were no links to supernatural forces Bass Strait. Roy’s
or comparisons to the Bermuda Triangle son, Jason, was with
until the disappearance of Frederick his father at the time
Valentich in 1978 became a Worldwide and said that while
conspiracy. his father had gone
inside their shed after
On October 21st, 1978, at 6:19 pm, taking the picture,
pilot Fredrick Valentich took off from Jason stayed outside
Moorabbin airport in Victoria in a rented to watch the sky. He
single-engine Cessna 182L with a could hear the sound
proposed flight path to King Island, flying of a plane engine
over the Bass Straight. Just after 7 pm, overhead. Instead of
however, Valentich radioed Melbourne
gradually fading off
air traffic control asking if there were
into the distance, he
any other aircraft in the area. He noticed
claimed the engine
strange lights and weird speeds and felt
suddenly came to
the plane was playing games with him.
a stop, and there
After the transmission abruptly ended, Hobart. A taxi driver was suddenly forced to
was nothing but silence. They believe
Valentich was never heard from again. slam on his brakes due to a strange green
this could be connected to Valentich’s
light in the middle of the road. His CB radio
“It’s got a green light and is sort of disappearance.
also lost communication. After checking
metallic. Like it’s all shiny on the his radio, the green light was gone when he
There were also other reported strange
outside, it’s just vanished….” Frederick looked back at the road.
Valentich occurrences in the area weeks before and
after Valentich’s disappearance along the
The concept of a ‘devil’s triangle has
Once people started to look at the area coastlines of Victoria and Tasmania.
long been debated for decades and will
more, it seemed Valentich was not alone continue to do so with its popularity and tall
in his sighting. (Shameless plug time, For example, on October 9th, a couple of
weeks before Valentich went missing, a tales. Interestingly, however, we don’t see
check out issue 29 of Haunted Magazine, the same level of disappearances today (or
where I open the case file of Valentich’s husband and wife witnessed a bright light
they are just not reported). So what do you
disappearance in the UFO Today pull-out.). above them. They said it came down to the
think? Do these sea areas all over the World
same level as their car and was maintaining
have the potential to hold supernatural
Strange sightings are often reported over the same speed next to them as they were
powers, or is it just a bad stretch of the sea?
the Bass Strait. On the same day Valentich driving along for a short period. Exactly
disappeared, Roy Manifold captured a a month later (just after Valentich went
picture of an object in the sky over the missing), there was another sighting in Sarah X
By Sarah Chumacero
Haunted Magazine’s Wizardess of Oz

When it comes to the paranormal, while many people are trying to find or capture the phenomenon itself, we don’t really get to
the bottom of what is causing it or where it is coming from. For example, people generally think that a spirit is the soul or energy of
a person who was once living. It is thought we are communicating with this energy, which is a large part of what the mainstream
paranormal community do on investigations; they try to communicate based on this theory. What if, however, we are causing
the paranormal phenomena? It is not that we are hallucinating, faking things, or making it up, but what if we create paranormal
phenomena with our minds?

here is an experiment within happened when I thought about them or grainy photos and weird experiences
parapsychology called The wished they were around. Anniversaries, with these sorts of animal-like creatures
Philip Experiment. In 1972, a birthdays, weddings, or special places are all over the World, and there is much
group of Canadian parapsy- when we experience or feel them around debate as to what they could actually
chologists met every week for over us. What if we are making it happen just by be. Are these creatures some form of an
a year with the thought that just by remembering them? I am constantly using evolutionary trait, some mystical being
focusing on pictures and a story about the example of what we do on paranormal or like Philip, are they a type of psychic
a made-up ghost called Philip, they tours because the more I think about it and creature created by us?
could manifest his ghost just by people witness it, the more it makes sense to me in
focusing on this many ways. You are on a paranormal tour “they are psychic projections
information. A and taken into a room. The group of 10, just as are UFOs, miracles, and
self-proclaimed 20 or 30 people are told the story of the poltergeists. Something from us
world-re- person that is significant to the room. You
nowned pol- may talk about what they looked like, how
“projects out, takes on a physical form
tergeist expert, they passed away, or what makes their and a vestige of intelligence, and then
Dr A.R.G Owen, story special. The group then focuses on disappears as the force which gave it
led the experi- the story they were just told and tries to birth dissipates.“
ment. His goal communicate with their spirit. They will
was to gather a ask questions based on this story. To their The Haunted Universe by Scott D Rogo (1977)
select group of surprise, they start getting answers to their
people (none questions. Are the responses they feel While the same could be applied to UFO
of which were they are receiving a spirit communicating sightings, Carl Jung had his own take.
mediums or with them, validating this information, or While Jung did believe in the phenomena
sensitive to is it that the collective focus and energy to an extent, he also thought there was a
the paranormal) and have of the group on this story is unknowingly psychological explanation to explore. Jung
them use their collective thought to see things to occur? Are they bringing their believed that some phenomena could be
if they could conjure a ghost. After a own version of Philip to life? Using this explained by the World’s cultural needs,
year of failed communication, they final- same concept, what if we applied this to which manifested a psychic projection of
ly made contact with the ghost of Philip. other areas within the paranormal such as what we would identify as a UFO craft. It is
Paranormal investigators often refer to mysterious creatures like bigfoot? thought from a psychological standpoint
the experiment to demonstrate how our that this explains why the typical UFO
expectations and thoughts can create Cryptids are creatures whose existence sightings allude to a silver disc-like craft.
our own haunting. is not proven or unsubstantiated, much Research over the years has shown that
like a ghost. People believe in creatures our perception of UFO craft from reported
With this in mind, I have to wonder about like Bigfoot and Nessie in the same way sightings has changed to reflect our
the times I have felt I have had the spirit they believe in ghosts, but they have technological advancements, meaning
of a loved one around me. It had always never been proven to exist. There are how we see UFOs has changed over time
as our technology has progressed.


If we can psychically project UFOs, cryptids, and ghosts, we have
to entertain the idea that, just maybe, we are haunting ourselves! If
we can leave an energy imprint behind and create something
paranormal just by believing in it, we have to wonder what it is,
haunting famous haunted locations. If you have ghost hunts
occurring at a place each week with people leaving behind their
energy imprints and their expectations and experiences, is what
we are dealing with a haunting, or is it more a manifestation of all
this collected energy coming in week in and week out?

It is naive for us to limit ourselves to just one possibility. As

paranormal researchers, we need to step out of our comfort
zone and out of the box we have confined ourselves to and start
looking at other research areas. It is here that we begin to see
connections in what we do. Every time I interview people and do
surveys based on their beliefs; I am genuinely surprised. People
can sometimes advocate for people to have an open mind but
are quite close-minded when it comes to thinking outside their
area of research. There are known and documented connections
between the areas of Ufology and spirit research, yet people don’t
consider the bigger picture. We limit ourselves to just ticking one
of those boxes. People will scoff at the idea of a bigfoot sighting
but ask people to take their word for their own ghostly sighting.

What has become apparent once you start looking into all these
areas is that paranormal phenomena are often connected, and we
are the link. While we may go to haunted locations, sky watching
or spend our nights in the woods to go and find the answers,
maybe we don’t need to go anywhere to get the answers we seek.
The answer may have been within us all along.

Sarah X
Ghosts of the
Holy Cross Convent By Stacey Ryall

aylesford is a small town in a clairvoyant medium and tour guide for the as a presbytery for some time. However, as
Victoria’s high country, popular Daylesford Convent Ghost Tour. ‘I find that the priests were being ‘denied many things
with Melbourne day trippers and Catholic sites can have very active hauntings. conducive to comfort’, it was decided that
famous for its day spas and natural I believe this is because Catholics believe in a newer, more comfortable ‘home’ was
mineral springs. It’s perfect for a relaxing purgatory, and when they die, if they do not needed. A new presbytery was built on
weekend away – or a charming place to move on, they believe they are where they St Peter’s Church grounds whilst the old
call home – where you can curl up around are meant to be.’ presbytery was being prepared for its new
a romantic open fire in winter, browse the purpose.
bric-a-brac shops, or immerse yourself in The general assumption is that the
the town’s local art scene. A brisk saunter Holy Cross Convent was purpose- The Daylesford Advocate reported on 25
up Wombat Hill leads you to the stunning April 1891 that: ‘… a community of nuns
built for the nuns. However, before
structure of The Convent Art Gallery. would shortly occupy the present presbytery,
This building now houses a wonderful their arrival, the building was home to
the establishment of which would greatly
art collection, a busy café restaurant and several interesting personalities dating
benefit Catholics and their children, as the
picturesque event facilities. However, back to the 1860s gold rush. In 1864, convent would become a source of light
average tourists may be unaware of the William Drummond became Gold and edification for them.’ Extensive work
deep history and lingering energy that Warden in Daylesford and moved into began immediately to prepare the house
remains. It can be felt in every room, all
hallways, and up and down the old wooden
a house on Wombat Hill. for use as a convent and boarding school.
As the Presentation Sisters were subject
staircases. It seeps through the walls and In 1872, Irish pioneer John McGilliveray to the rule of enclosure, the local Catholic
up through the original Baltic pine floors. purchased the house. He made many
Often there is a sense of being ‘watched’. school also had to be relocated to the site.
significant alterations, adding a tower Enclosed religious orders or cloistered
As the well-worn narrow wooden steps and giving it a castle-like
groaned underfoot, I couldn’t help but clergy are religious orders whose members
appearance. The house strictly separate themselves from the affairs
imagine a foreboding nun suddenly began looking so grand that
appearing from around the next corner. of the external world. A short walk from the
town folk referred to it as Convent, a wooden school building was
‘Blarney Castle’. In 1882,
‘The Convent is definitely one of the built. It housed three classrooms.
prominent landowner
most haunted places I have been
Richard Molloy bought Mother John Byrne, accompanied by Sisters
worldwide, and certainly in Australia’,
the house. From 1886, Alphonsus Southwell, Michael O’Sullivan,
says Christine Ferris,
the local priests used the
Gertrude Donaghy, Teresa Bourke and
house as a presbytery.
Angela Sullivan, arrived in Daylesford at
Then in 1890, Father
the end of 1891. And so The Holy Cross
Michael Gough,
Convent, Daylesford, was born.
Archbishop Thomas
Carr and local
Throughout the years, many extensions
pastoralist John
were made to the Convent in response to
Egan formally
demands. In 1902 a new refectory and
dormitories were added. In 1904 a new
the house for
chapel and classrooms were completed, and
£3,000, and
it continued in 1927 the north wing was built, adding a
The Holy Cross Convent, Victoria Square, Perth,
new parlour, dormitory and music rooms.
Western Australia, part of the Mercedes College.
The Presentation Sisters taught the children The Convent Functions Manager, Marija The museum had many new items, including
of the Holy Cross Primary and Secondary Fina, believes she has heard Mother Superior a toy nun doll on the fireplace mantelpiece.
School, St Michael’s Primary School and a doing her rounds. ‘My office is above the We thought the doll was one of those motion
few smaller schools outside of Daylesford. As cafe. One evening, while I was working and detectors that moved when it detected
well as teaching religious education, reading, an artist was hanging his work in the upstairs motion in front of it. We thought this
writing, and arithmetic to all grades, the gallery, I heard footsteps walking down in because it was dancing on the mantelpiece
Sisters also taught sports, music, languages, the cafe. I ran down thinking the artist was in when we were in the room.’ Later, after the
needlework, woodwork and art. All accounts the cafe, calling out to him. As I was standing tour, Christine asked Marija if she had placed
suggest they did a great job educating the in the cafe, he answered from upstairs! We a motion detector nun doll in the museum,
students. They, in turn, experienced joy from both left immediately after that!’ mentioning the creepy dancing effect. ‘She
the students’ progress and achievements insisted it was not a motion-detected doll
and pleasure in watching but a normal doll dressed as a nun. I was
their beautiful surrounding dumbfounded because the whole group
gardens grow. had seen the doll dancing.› Sure enough,
after closer inspection, Christine found it
The 1960s saw a decline was a regular doll.
in the number of nuns
Does the bustling nature of The Convent
entering the Convent and
now displease the nuns? The intended
shrinking student numbers. purpose of enclosure orders was to
This led to the boarding prevent distraction from prayer and
school officially closing in to maintain an atmosphere of silence.
1973. Reverend Mother An array of traditional and modern art
Agatha suggested that lines the walls on each level, and one
the building be used as a contemplates what the nuns think of the
Community Centre hosted imagery as they roam the halls at night. So,
by locals for locals and do the spirits express feelings about The
to share knowledge and Convent’s current incarnation as a busy
skills. The Community gallery and tourist destination to Christine?
Centre ran for many years before the ‘Another night, whilst waiting in the car for ‘The first time I visited in 2007, there was an
Tina, I saw two figures – very much like nuns exhibition of art that included paintings of
decision was made to sell the Convent. in habits – walk past me. I quickly locked the naked nuns wearing priest collars. One of
The building lacked adequate heating car and could not wait for Tina to return!’ the first conversations I had there was with
and required a tremendous amount of Mother Superior. She was very upset with
maintenance. It was decided that more Christine adds: ‘A lady and her friend were the art. I explained to her that The Convent
suitable accommodation should be found having morning tea in the café. One of the was now a gallery. To be able to preserve its
for the nuns. In 1981 the four remaining staff had just delivered her cup of tea and history for everyone, Tina had turned it into
nuns moved to a newly built convent walked away. A couple of minutes later, a gallery. I emphasized the importance of
beside Daylesford’s St Peter’s Church. the lady and her friend were leaving. The telling the story of its past, and to do that, it
staff member asked if everything was okay. needed to make money.’
Sadly, the Convent and its gardens were The lady replied the place was haunted
left to decline into dereliction. The nuns because they had both seen her cup move The Convent ghost tours have been running
sought a new owner who would give the independently. They couldn’t get out of there since 2008 and remain as popular as ever.
property renewed life. In 1988 the Holy fast enough.’ Christine explains that these tours are an
Cross Convent was placed on the market. excellent way to preserve the location’s
Ms Tina Banitska approached the nuns Customers have also reported feeling history and continue telling the story of the
directly to discuss her plans for the majestic followed, especially upstairs, where a strong and influential women that once
old building. The Presentation Sisters were narrow flight of stairs takes you to the called it home.
moved by Tina’s sympathetic vision to restore very top as you emerge into a long and
I agree, and it seems Mother Superior is
the building to its former glory retaining its narrow room that used to be the nun’s
religious and historical significance. The coming around too.
infirmary – the room ‘closest to God’. Left
nuns felt reassured that Tina would love and in its unrestored state, with peeling walls, Visit
respect the building they had called home cracked ceilings and old floorboards, it is
for ninety years. an eerie reminder of years past. The bell Thank you to Marija and
tower window also offers fantastic views Christine at The Convent
Over two years, the old Convent was
of Daylesford and the Central Highlands. Gallery, Daylesford, for
expertly transformed. Substantial
A beautiful room, but nevertheless a cold assisting with this article.
reconstruction was necessary along the
north face of the building. The makeshift and dank space for the nuns to recover
boarders’ dormitories, as were some of the from illness… or not. Records suggest Stacey X
nuns’ living quarters, were pulled down. some nuns died at The Convent, and
This was replaced with a striking north- others died in hospital but – as Christine Stacey Ryall is a writer and artist from
facing wall of Gothic windows and a glass believes – returned to their home after Melbourne, Australia. She is the creator of the
ceiling, creating a light-filled atrium for the death. independent paranormal zine ‘Unknowing’
café. Not quite complete, but soon to be, which examines the haunted locations, mysteries
the Convent Gallery opened its doors to the The small museum in the basement is one of and dark history of Australia.
public on Easter Saturday in 1991, and over the most active areas of the building. ‘Many Visit for more information
5,000 visitors walked through the doors in people find the energy in there unpleasant.’
or follow
one weekend. Staff soon began reporting says Christine. ‘A couple of months ago, we
strange incidents. ran a tour and were down in the museum. @unknowingau on Instagram.


History vs Holly w ood

Bathsheba A m a nd a R . W o o m e r

n 2013, The movie starred Patrick Wilson and up with bruises all over her body, and the
horror icon Vera Farmiga as the controversial Ed family finding Sadie dead in the yard. Car-
James Wan and Lorraine Warren. It told the story olyn seeks the help of demonologists Ed
(of the Saw of the Perron family and their time in and Lorraine Warren, and the couple comes
and Insidious their Harrisville farmhouse—seemingly to investigate the house. After conducting
franchises) with the Perrons’ and Lorraine Warren’s a paranormal investigation, they quickly
directed a film blessing. realize that a malevolent spirit has attached
that shocked itself to the family. It’s revealed that the
audiences just There’s no doubt that The Conjuring im- house belonged to a witch named Bathshe-
six minutes in pacted the horror world as well as the para- ba, who sacrificed her week-old baby to the
with opening normal world with the Conjuring House (as devil and then hanged herself at 3:07am
credits it is known today) bringing in ghost hunters from a tree in the backyard. As Lorraine
creeping up and investigators hoping to experience the continues to dig deeper, she realizes that
the screen “portal cleverly disguised as a farmhouse…” the evil spirit of Bathsheba intends to pos-
and five but what happened in the innocent-looking sess any mother who lives in her house and
simple words: farmhouse on Round Top Road that led to makes her kill her children. The film comes
“Based on the the creation of one of the scariest horror to a terrifying climax as Bathsheba possess-
true story.” For many, The Conjuring films in recent history? es Carolyn before attempting to kill April,
is one of the most successful horror and Ed is forced to conduct an exorcism to
movies of the 21st Century—it grossed The Conjuring follows the Perron Family— save her soul and her children’s lives.
over $319 million, won multiple awards, Roger and Carolyn and their five daugh-
including three Fangoria Chainsaw ters, Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cindy, and While it’s fascinating to see a depiction of
Awards, and sparked the April—as they move into their new home. the early technology used in paranormal
Conjuring Universe Strange things happen almost immediately, investigations, and Patrick Wilson does
franchise that with Sadie the dog refusing to enter the a phenomenal job at turning Ed Warren
continues today. house, all of the clocks stopping at into a hero, it’s difficult to say just how
3:07am, Car- much of the house’s cursed history truly
olyn waking happened and how much was fabricated
for the sake of a great movie.


We know that the Perrons lived in a suburb farmhouse’s history. Through this alleged 1980s until the film’s release in 2013, life
outside of Providence, Rhode Island, until research, Carolyn learned of multiple at the Harrisville farmhouse was quiet, but
1970 when the family experienced an suicides, murders, and drownings on her that all changed when The Conjuring hit
unfortunate bout of bad luck. To get a fresh property. It was believed that members theatres and took Hollywood by storm.
start, Carolyn Perron decided to put a down of the Arnold family lived and died in At this time, the current owner, Norma
payment on a 1736 farmhouse in Harrisville, the house and then refused to leave. A Sutcliffe, found strangers trespassing
approximately fifteen miles away. The little girl named Prudence Arnold was on her property, taking photos of the
historic home (also known as the Arnold raped and murdered in the pantry. John house, and even peering in through her
Estate) was purchased from the Kenyon Arnold drank horse liniment and died in windows to catch a glimpse of the infamous
family, who had owned the house for over the farmhouse. Mrs. John Arnold hanged Conjuring House. It wasn’t long before the
200 years. While the Harrisville farmhouse herself in the barn. But the source of the nearby grave of Bathsheba Sherman was
was meant to be a new beginning for the fear and violence against the Perron family also vandalized by those believing the
Perrons, according to their eldest daughter, came from Bathsheba Sherman, a woman claims made by The Conjuring. Norma’s
Andrea, it took about five minutes for who had (according to Carolyn) been world was turned upside-down and
strange things to start happening as they accused of witchcraft after an infant in her resulted in lawsuits against Warner Brothers
were moving in on a snowy January day in care was found dead with a sewing needle and yet another deep dive into the history
1971. embedded in the base of its skull (much like of the house that has inspired internet
the phantom sewing needle that stabbed sleuths and historians alike, all in the hope
Carolyn). Carolyn’s interest in the house’s of not just dispelling the myths surrounding
history soon became an obsession, and she the Conjuring House but also clearing the
began speaking with old-fashioned phrases name of an innocent woman.
and dressing in vintage clothes. By 1973,
the family was starting to grow concerned According to the urban legends
that the jealous spirit of Bathsheba surrounding the infamous farmhouse,
possessed Carolyn, and then the Warrens there were at least two suicides by
arrived. hanging, one suicide by poison, the
rape and murder of an 11-year-old girl,
Ed and Lorraine two drownings, and four men freezing
would investigate to death. Strangely enough, not only is
the Arnold there no evidence to support these claims
but most of the historical documents we
farmhouse in do have suggest a completely different
All five sisters claimed to see a strangely Harrisville for over narrative.
dressed man standing in the dining room a year. Through her
before disappearing. Cindy, one of the
younger sisters, informed Andrea on one
clairvoyant psychic The first death that supposedly occurred
of their first nights in the house, “I hear
visions, Lorraine on the property is that of Prudence Arnold,
voices in my room… They’re all talking at would confirm the young girl Lorraine Warren claimed was
raped and murdered in the Arnold Estate’s
once, but they’re all saying the same thing: the identity of the
pantry. Prudence’s murder is perhaps the
There are seven dead soldiers buried in malevolent spirit as best documented of the supposed deaths,
the wall.” The cellar door swung open on that of Bathsheba known in the 19th Century as the Uxbridge
its own, people heard a mysterious baby Sherman and Tragedy. According to Lorraine Warren,
crying, others smelled smoke, a gray lady
was seen, claw marks appeared on Roger’s
eventually insisted she died in the farmhouse in Harrisville,
back, and finally, Carolyn was seemingly
on conducting a Rhode Island. However, we know that by
stabbed in the leg with a needle by séance in the home. the time Prudence was three years old
(circa 1852), her parents had both died in
unseen hands.
Douglas, Massachusetts. Anan Richardson
With a priest and a cameraman,
After Carolyn’s the Warrens and Perrons held took her in as a foster child and lived in
attack, something a séance, resulting in Carolyn Uxbridge, Massachusetts (about ten miles
changed in her, levitating in the air before north of the Arnold Estate). When she was
and she became being hurled back twenty 11, a 22-year-old man named William E.
obsessed with feet. The Warrens were Knowlton murdered her on the second floor
the house. thrown out, the footage of of Richardson’s home. Prudence was found
According to the séance was somehow with her throat slit with a razor blade (nearly
Andrea Perron’s destroyed that night, and decapitating her). When asked why he
book series House in June of 1980, the had killed her, Knowlton claimed it was out
of Darkness, Perrons sold of “love and jealousy.” She had promised
House of Light, their house to marry him four months prior but then
Carolyn began and recanted. Despite the horrors surrounding
researching finally this murder, there was never any evidence
the moved to support that Knowlton had raped
out. Prudence before murdering her, making
Lorraine’s claims entirely off the mark.
the The following death we see is that of Mrs.
John Arnold, who supposedly hanged
herself in the barn on the Perron’s land
when she was 93 years old.

The truth is that Mrs. Susan Richardson
Arnold did hang herself in 1866, but in
her own home when she was 50 years
old and not 93. Her obituary appeared
in the Pascoag Herald on April 13, 1866,
and was reported again in the Evening
Star on April 18, 1866. According to
historical records, Mrs. Arnold put much
thought into her death. She ended up
hanging herself with a “very small cord”
from a hook in a storeroom in her house
but also had a loaded gun, a knife, and a
vial of mercury nearby, just in case. When
her husband found the door locked, he
sensed something was wrong. According
to the Pascoag Herald, he went “through a
window into a shed roof and into another
window” to reach the storeroom where his
wife was hanging. This description alone
shows that this did not match anywhere
on the Harrisville farmhouse property.

The death of John A. Arnold (though not

the husband of Susan Arnold) is thought
to be the poisoning that supposedly
occurred in the house. We have evidence (even though some claim that Bathsheba While the legend of Bathsheba is nothing
that John poisoned himself—his obituary was born an Arnold, placing her in the more than that—a legend that has
and the physician’s report claim that house as a child, again, with no historical damaged the reputation of an innocent
he took a dose of Paris green (a toxic evidence). Bathsheba married Judson woman—there is no denying that the
substance used in paint); it also claims that Sherman later in life (at the age of 32) in Perrons spent a terrifying decade living
he died in his home near Tarkiln, which is 1844 and moved to a farm just off Taft in the Harrisville farmhouse (according
almost five miles from the farmhouse. Road near Round Top Road. Together, to Andrea, only 1% of what happened to
they had four children—Julia, Edward, her family appears in the film). Today, the
Herbert, and George. Sadly, only Herbert Conjuring House offers a safe environment
lived past infancy. Bathsheba spent her for those curious about the house’s ghost
days running the Sherman farm, attended stories to potentially experience the
the local Baptist church, saw her only paranormal. They offer a variety of events
son marry in December 1880, remarried and experiences ranging from daytime
after Judson died in 1881, and died of a tours to paranormal investigations for
stroke (or a “sudden attack of paralysis” novice and experienced investigators
as her obituary read) in 1885. Bathsheba’s and even events with Andrea Perron in
funeral was officiated by Reverend A.H. her childhood home. In addition to these
Granger from the Baptist church she unique events, as of 2022, the owner of
had attended regularly and was buried the Conjuring House is trying to set the
record straight regarding Bathsheba
In these three instances, it seems as in Riverside Cemetery (now Harrisville
Sherman and the others wrongfully
if anyone who died an unusual death Cemetery). Her obituary never mentioned
connected to the Arnold Estate.
immortalized in the Black Book of an accusation of witchcraft nor an inquest
Burrillville with the name “Arnold” was into the supposed death of a baby, though It seems only fitting that one of
placed on the Arnold Estate, whether or certainly, both those events would have Hollywood’s most frightening and
not there was any evidence of familial ties. been newsworthy. And it’s also important successful horror films was inspired by
to note that if Bathsheba had been one of the most haunted locations in
But Bathsheba Thayer Sherman is the accused of witchcraft and ostracized by the world. The tales surrounding the
one victim connected to The Conjuring the Harrisville community, she would not Perron family are enough to send a chill
and the Harrisville farmhouse that can’t have been buried in hallowed ground. down even the staunchest skeptic’s
seem to escape the stigma placed spine. We will unlikely ever know why
upon her. According to House of Despite the lack of historical evidence the Perrons were haunted, much less
Darkness, House of Light, Bathsheba is placing Bathsheba on the Arnold Estate who (or what) was haunting them. Sadly,
described as “Bitter. Vindictive. Hateful and tying her to the devil and witchcraft, the sensationalism of Hollywood and
and Unholy.” The legend claiming her grave continued to be desecrated and the desire to tell a good story attempted
Bathsheba was a baby-murdering witch vandalized for years after the release of to find a source for the family’s ghostly
in league with Satan seems to have The Conjuring. Today, her gravestone has experiences, and Bathsheba Sherman
started in the 1970s. There appears to be been removed due to so much damage, became a voiceless victim. The Conjuring
no evidence to support any of the claims and several people connected with the is an example of how much damage
against her. Perron family and the Conjuring House can be done when a person or a place
have begun to speak out in the hopes is exploited for the sake of the almighty
We know that Bathsheba Sherman was of clearing her name. The Burrillville dollar.
born in 1812 and was the youngest child Historical Society hopes to one day restore
of Ephraim Thayer and Hannah Taft the gravestone with a granite replacement. Amanda X
he exhibits are fascinating in the
Ancient High House, worthy of
lengthy study; expect to feel as
though you are being examined
too, though; something incorporeal was
following me all over the upper floors.

September 2022: Whilst my Wandering

Spirit Paranormal colleagues Sarah and
Andy were fossil hunting on the Yorkshire
coast, I chose to fill what would have
been an idle weekend with a lone visit to
the historic Stafford, the county town of

Lucky enough to procure luxury lodging

at the apparently very haunted Swan
Hotel, I packed my overnight Gladstone
bag. I headed for the reputedly ghost-
ridden town of Stafford by diesel engine
train, which disgorged me onto a typically
grungy platform in the 1960ish brutalist
construction. It does come with a haunted
history as a railway enthusiasts forum
recounted this singularly spectral travellers

A figure seen overnight at Stafford

station when closed, seen on a
platform, moved without using
the bridges to the next island of
platforms and glided without
walking from one end of the
platform to the other. The security
guard was scared witless and
threatened to leave his solitary post
if anything else happened.
Exiting the station, I strolled into the floral
splendour of Victoria Park, a verdant
welcome for visitors since 1908 with
the River Sow flowing through it. After a
traumatic train journey, liquid refreshment
was necessary [purely for medicinal
purposes]. There are several apparent
haunted drinking dens in this area. The
most active one is ‘The Noah’s Ark’, which
became ‘The Surgery’ and is now a night
club, comedy club, live music venue, and Two Wetherspoon hostelries also offered cinematic entertainment for the populace
discotheque called ‘Redrum’ [which we an opportunely haunted drink. The Butler’s as the projection screen hangs on the
all know is murder backwards] and is said Bell was possibly located on a Viking stage area behind the bar, the projector
by mediums to be haunted by a man who burial site, and loud shouts and banging room high in the balcony of the grandiose
moves furniture about, aggressively barges had been reported emanating from the
pleasure dome is the area that is haunted
into staff and makes “silent” calls to your unoccupied cellars before the ‘prison cell’
mobile telephones whilst you are enjoying themed pub re-opened and refurbished. as apparently disembodied footsteps and
the entertainment and a woman is often The Picture House at the other end of town voices are regularly heard in that part of the
heard weeping in the ladies toilets whilst was an art deco cinema from 1914 until building accompanied by a reluctance from
they are empty. the 1990s, which still offers occasional anyone living to approach the area.


hanging on the back wall of the tap
What is it with old room and said that the framed painting
projectionists that brings always gave him the ‘total creeps’ and as
we continued to chat about paranormal
them back in spirit to experiences I spotted the silhouette of
frequent their dark little someone large and shadowy cross the
other side of the bar so I told the barman
domain in the afterlife? I that he had another customer. He went
over to check and said nobody was
seem to have spent more there, and the door hadn’t even opened
time investigating haunted [we had been talking ghosts, and I find it
usually brings them out].
projection rooms than
Eskimos have eaten fish.
I enjoyed the cheap and friendly
ambience of The Picture House before
walking back to the town centre to
secure my hotel reservation and upon
taking up my stately accommodation at
The Swan, I took a ramble around the
compact but oddly labyrinthian streets
attempting to find my bearings both
geographically and sensually, stumbling
across several quirkily unmolested inns,
refreshingly caught in a time warp from
the mid-1980s almost. Ye Olde Rose and
Crown is the second oldest ale house in
Stafford and with much character within
which I experienced a definite static
electric fuzz from close proximity with an
invisible entity or other [this would be my
return venue for tonight, I decided] not
before I popped into The Soup Kitchen
for Staffordshire Ham Sandwich and I left Ye Olde Rose and Crown fortified by
Chips. This place deserves a special a foaming pint [or three] of Slumbering
mention not only because the staff Monk. I took to my plush four-poster bed
make you feel very welcome it has an at my reputedly haunted hotel. The Swan
oft-reported poltergeist called Ethel who Hotel is a four-hundred-year-old building
teasingly turns off hot plates, throws that was once a busy Coaching Inn
small ornaments about and has been and is said to be beset with poltergeist
observed walking across the foyer activity; doors lock themselves, lights
of the quaintly furnished emporium flick on and off in bedrooms, and items
of sustenance. She also gets a little go missing and then turn up elsewhere,
boisterous if she doesn’t like the looks of which is perhaps no wonder when you
you, apparently. I am happy to report that consider the historical foundations
no ornaments were hurled at me. The the place stands on starting life as a
food is wholesome and excellent value. I monastic college and built beside a
will definitely be back! murky pond which was used for witch
ducking. There is said to be a tunnel that
A rougher welcome was suffered though runs into the crypt of St Mary’s Church
as soon as I returned to the Ye Olde Rose behind the hotel. A priest hole found
and Crown as I was on the receiving end within contained human bones and the
of a phantom finger jab in the eye almost detritus of someone who once occupied
immediately upon waking in the place said hole. The star attraction, though, is
[this has happened to me a few times The White Lady Ghost, a desperate bride
since getting ghost poked in the same who hung herself in one of the bedrooms
eye at Howling Hill House some years in grief after being rejected at the altar.
back]. As I stood, dabbing at my running
eye with a handkerchief in the bar area, She haunted the hotel in the 1940s
I was told by the barman that the place and 50s. Still, she made a startling
is haunted, and whilst it may have been appearance in the 1970s, when the then
coincidental, an old regular to the pub manager awoke in the dead of night
who used to sit in that very corner to see her disconcertingly standing,
actually passed away there. The barman silently watching him from the foot of his
[who was one of those ‘I don’t believe in bed. Her presence was too much for one
ghosts but’ sort] directed my attention to live-in chef who quit the hotel in anxiety
the portrait of an elderly, white-bearded, of her regular interactions with staff
{maybe} Edwardian period gentleman members.

Sadly, I had the best night’s sleep I’d Strangely, I was hesitant as I crept up the At the furthest end of the museum,
had in a long time [potentially down to wooden panelled staircases, a sense of overhanging the narrow snicket that
the Slumbering Monk]. There were no foreboding came over me, and I paused on is Church Lane, is the Victorian room,
visitations, spirits, ghosts, or White Lady. the first-floor landing, having to catch my which, as the name suggests, is filled
However, I have, since my visit, found this breath in anticipation. A museum caretaker with Victorian parlour furniture that felt
comment about a haunted night a lady was doing his weekly fire alarm test that quite thick with energy when I edged
experienced as a guest at the hotel in 2019: morning. He patiently explained the drill to nervously in. You know, when you walk
those few of us who wandered inside early into a room and instantly get the sensation
I have just spent 2 nights at the Swan on, opening every door in the building to that someone is watching you, well, I think
Hotel in Stafford. I first stayed in room ensure the fire doors functioned correctly. something, someone was sitting on a small
204, which faces the front of the wooden chair positioned strangely behind
hotel. It was pretty noisy at night, but I found myself alone in the English Civil War the door itself. I was slightly creeped out
I felt uncomfortable like I was being Room admiring the spaced-out laid-back but thoroughly enjoyed my visit; I bade
watched. In the morning, I asked to attitude of the Cavalier mannequins when I farewell to the ghosts and lovely museum
be moved, so I was given room 211 at noticed that the door over the corridor that staff and sought more Slumbering Monk to
the back of the hotel facing St Mary’s had previously been locked with a THIS steady my shredded nerves.
Church. I awoke around 1am as I felt ROOM IS NOT IN USE sign on it had been
as if I was being tucked up in bed, Stafford is a great spooky town on the
unlocked. I’d sensed something about this
so I put on the light and then went to HHH scale [Hubert Hobux Haunted],
room prior and had pushed at the door which is hardly surprising with its lengthy
the bathroom. I assumed I had been
to no avail. Still, I took a quick opportune history [Stafford had been a military
dreaming. When I settled back down,
peep in. It was just a junk room half filled stronghold and ‘royal’ mint for Queen
just as I closed my eyes, I felt again like
with things draped in dust sheets when Aethelflaed, daughter of Alfred the Great,
I was being tucked in bed and then
suddenly a cardboard box by the doorway who established the Burh of Stafford as a
felt something cold brush along my
flipped up as if someone had attempted to frontier post in the Mercian struggle against
cheek and shoulder. I said Thank You.
pick it up and then dropped it immediately. the Viking hordes, forming part of a chain
Then nothing, and I had a good night’s
sleep. I was told on departure about A gush of coldness flitted around the door. of timber fortress defences which included
the two friendly ghosts which visit the I literally jumped back as the fire alarm Tamworth and Chester].
rooms along the corridor of room 211 along the landing shrieked loudly. The door
and also the not-so-lovely presence of automatically closed itself, locking shut The area is definitely worth a visit to take in
something in the corridor of room 204. again! the haunted splendours of Shugborough
Hall, Moat House, Weston Hall, Izaak
The Swan is terraced alongside Stafford’s The exhibits are fascinating in the Ancient Walton’s Cottage, Stafford Shire Hall,
Ancient High House Museum, a haunted High House and worthy of lengthy Stafford Castle, nearby Cannock Chase and
museum I was off to once I’d breakfasted at examination. However, do expect to feel The Four Feathers Inn, to name but a few,
The Swan. I made my way to the imposing like you are being watched, too. I felt that if you spend a day, weekend, a week here
wattle and daub, black and white timbered something incorporeal was following me this Summer, you won’t be disappointed.
structure [it’s the largest timber-framed all over the upper floors, primarily through
the back room where the detailed models Check out for more
townhouse in England, you know] and
showing the house build in progression info on Stafford, and don’t forget to try the
pondered whether the phantoms of that
were. Apparently, the heavy oak doors oat cakes [not as good as Derbyshire ones,
creaky old Tudor house had free reign to
but not bad]
walk through the adjoining walls or not on the top floor used to open and shut

H ubert.
moving from hotel to museum and back themselves, and a dark, tall shadowy
again. silhouette of a person has often been seen.



July 2012, Pawtucket, Rhode
Island, will forever be etched in my
mind. It was the night I went to the
Slater/Wilkinson Mills, and I’ve had
nightmares ever since.

I was reviewing some EVPs [electronic I must admit, the anticipation of investigat- occurred in 1912,
voice phenomenon) when my phone ing and exploring these massive mills was which precipitated awareness of the
rang it was fellow paranormal investigator building up, and I couldn’t wait to get in building and the need for its preservation,
and Demonologist friend of mine, Carl L. there. I pulled Carl to the side and men- and in 1955, it opened as a museum.
Johnson. It was always lovely hearing from tioned that I needed 10 minutes to read
Carl. He was a local historian at Slater/ about this place to know what happened Children aged 7 to 12 were the first
Wilkinson Mills and day, he would give here; he said:” No need, I made a movie of employees of the mill; Slater personally
historical tours to large groups of people this place.” supervised them closely. The first child
who were interested in the machinery workers were hired in 1790. There is
from back in the day to show how cotton Great! I thought to myself, easy night mention of a “whipping room” but from
was brought in, separated, cleaned and tonight. WRONG! his experience working in the mills, it is
made into useful products like thread and doubtful that Slater resorted to physical
materials but at night the mills turned into Slater Mill is a historic textile mill complex punishment, relying instead on a system
something much darker by night, Carl and on the banks of the Blackstone River in of fines or having his foremen or older
his brother Keith gave paranormal tours Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Modeled after boys that worked in the mills deal out the
through the buildings. cotton spinning mills first established in discipline. He provided company-owned
England, the Slater Mill is the first water- housing nearby and company stores; he
“This sparked my curiosity since I had powered cotton spinning mill in North sponsored a Sunday school where college
just moved to North Providence, Rhode America to utilize the Arkwright system of
students taught the children reading and
Island, only a year before; I had never cotton spinning as developed by Richard
heard of this place and wanted to come Arkwright.
over and investigate it. Carl said to “Wow, this sounded great for that time
Samuel Slater, the mill’s founder,
come over, so I packed up my period,” I heard someone whisper a
apprenticed as a young man from
equipment, laptop, and sage, Derbyshire, England, with was hired few chairs down from mine. “Nothing
said a quick protection by Moses Brown of Providence, is ever as great as it seems; if it’s too
prayer, and drove over. The Rhode Island, to produce a good to be true, that there’s something
paranormal evidence I was working set of machines necessary wrong,” I thought to myself.
working on would have to to spin cotton yarn using water
wait another night.” power. The machines and a The children were also made to climb into
dam, waterway, waterwheel, the cotton machines while running to fix
When I arrived, a young and mill were completed in anything that may have been broken while
man called James Annitto 1793. Slater initially hired in use. They had to quickly get out of the
introduced himself. He children and families to machine before the large teeth clamped
was studying under Carl work in his mill. The cotton shut. Some made it out; some did not. Some
and Keith for paranormal spinning continued until even lost limbs.
investigating and 1895, after which the
Demonology. I thought mill was used for various If the children became out of control, the
to myself how cool industrial uses until 1923. foreman would get the older boys to help
to be that young and Although the building keep them in line by any means necessary.
train under these two had suffered numerous Sometimes the punishment reflected upon
pioneers in the field. fires in the past, two the whole family, not just the child.

Samuel Slater decided to hire women
to work in the mills to help control the
children. This didn’t settle well with the
men that worked the mills. They believe
that a woman’s place was at home cooking
and cleaning. As time went on, some of the
men would sexually harass and abuse the
women that worked in the cotton-spinning

“As the movie continued, all I could

do was shake my head in disbelief at
how people were treated back then,
and I couldn’t wait to dive into all the
leftover horror and despair that was
still thick, like a dark cloud hovering
right below us.”

I looked over at James and suggested

that we head downstairs and set up
before the rest of them; maybe we might
catch something while it’s quiet, so we
descended the old wooden spiral back
staircase next to the ropes that pulled the
massive work bell. As soon as we got down
a couple of steps, the dense air changed
in temperature and dropped 10 degrees

All the hair on my arms and the back of my

neck stood up. James was ahead of me
and turned around; looking sheet white,
he whispered, “I don’t think we are alone
anymore” I grabbed my MEL meter with a
built-in K-2 meter to quickly catch a reading.
It spiked! “James,”... I said.” you’re right. I said, “Did you tell Carl or Keith we were different machines. We set up a few night
Someone is here with us on the stairwell; going down here? “James responded, vision cameras and were ready to start. I
I’m doing an EVP session”... I reached in “Nope”... Oh boy, I thought to myself, they grabbed my recorder and headset to record
and grabbed the recorder out of my jacket will find us eventually and kill us later. The more REAL time and made my way through
Slater mill area was a long building with the darkness. “Is anyone here?”
pocket to do a REAL TIME EVP blast. I put
on my headset, held it up, and turned it different sections and machines that are
now museum pieces. The smell of old oil I asked out loud,” Yes,” was hissed back
on. “Who is here with us in this stairway?”
and old electric wiring filled the air. The to me. “What do you want?” a male
“We can feel you trying to move past us.
mill was updated over the years and still voice came through. “I’d like to ask you
Can you tell us your name?” we waited a
used up until the 1960s. There were huge why you are here?”...I said loudly. No
minute and played the recording back. A
male spirit came over the recording snarling cotton bins still filled with unpicked cotton response, but my night vision camera at
his words, “There you two are, get back to pushed off into the corners, rows of old the other end of the mill went flying off
work, or you won’t eat”... machines lined up close to each other filled the machine it was on. My eyes became
with razor-sharp teeth used to grab and pull wide in disbelief. “James, did you see
We looked at each other and looked down cotton apart, old dressed-up mannequins that?” I turned to look at him; he was
the spiral staircase into the darkness, “I’m wearing period clothing standing in the already reaching into his bag to grab
not going down there alone or without darkness next to different machines; I didn’t his protection. We walked down to the
some sort of protection, forget that” I said like them, they gave the impression of not other end to pick up the night vision
to James.” Did you feel that energy? It’s being alone to a whole new level. It was camera to see if it was broken and what
like a thick black tar”. James said, “Don’t pitch black, with only the red light glowing was on it. Did it capture what hit it off
worry, I have prayers, some holy water, from the EXIT sign above the door to the the machine? All of a sudden, a scream
and sage; we will be ok” I chuckled at all museum. so loud came across the recorder I was
of his words, mostly because I’ve never holding. “I WANT MY MOMMA” from a
“Let’s set up here,” James said... It was
seen any of that really work with my own child spirit that had experienced such
out of the way of the group if they ever
two eyes, but I guess it’s what one believes terror; her scream carried across time
made their way downstairs. I could feel the
in. I was speaking more along the lines of to be heard 200yrs later. It went right
energy that swirled around us, spirits that
the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail through me and into my soul. I wonder
were curious why we were there, other
type protection but “trust the process,” what happened to that child, how the
souls that were still working like nothing
people always say. As we made our way feeling of wanting to help them and
had happened to them. We unpacked
downstairs, we could hear the people the feeling of helplessness because I
our heavy case that carried everything we
moving around and talking loudly from the could not, and it overwhelmed me. This
would need and placed the equipment
floor above us; the more we climbed down, place had just too much despair, and I
on an old worktable. We set up different
the faint whispers of their voices seemed to
recorders and sensitive light-changing needed to keep reminding myself that
disappear into quiet, muffled sounds.
equipment all around the mill and on there was nothing I could do.


James was walking around the mill saying
prayers and trying to bring some peace to the
children’s spirits that were still there. I don’t
know if it was helping them, but hearing the
lord’s prayer was sure helping me. “Why are
you here? Came over the voice recorder. To
me, it sounded like a male voice. “I want to
know your name,” I said in response. This is
not an ordinary spirit we have encountered,
this is an intelligent male spirit, and he wants
answers. “Hank,” he whispered back.

Hank was the name of the foreman that

Samuel Slater hired to work his mill. He wasn’t
a friendly man, according to the diaries of
those who worked with him. He was quick to
strike first and didn’t want women in his area.
I heard Carl and Keith coming down the front
stairs with the group, and I was happy with
the evidence we had captured so far. While I
started walking away from the area the spirit
“Hank” was, I felt something take a swipe at
my back. It scratched me on my lower back
and hip area. “don’t you walk away from me,”
snarled Hank’s spirit as it came through the
voice recorder.

When Carl and Keith entered the mill, they it was freezing cold. Carl took out his
turned the lights on to look at my injury. I had temperature gauge and the laser beam
evident red scratch marks forming. I covered from the gun zapped her hand and took a
up quickly when the group gathered around, reading. It was 20 degrees colder than the
asking what had happened. We lied; no need other hand. Everyone stood in shock and
to get everyone into a panic. Carl and Keith asked the children to hold or touch their
turned off the lights and continued with the hands. Some people were saying that
ghost tour and I looked out of the window,
their pant legs were being tugged upon.
lost in thought about what had just happened
when SUDDENLY a small child-like cry could As lovely as it was to have a playful, child-
be heard, muffled at first, but it kept getting like spirit interacting with us, I still couldn’t
louder. I looked at Carl and said, “Do you hear shake the feeling that something sinister had
that?” he said, “Yes, but I don’t know where happened to them and other people who
it’s coming from” I took off the headset I was worked here. Carl and Keith told everyone
wearing and noticed the group hearing it too to break off into smaller groups so we could
but where was it coming from? walk around and do our own little paranormal
investigations. Nothing appeared to be
One of the women in the group looked
happening, and it got peaceful as the air stood
down at the floor and said, “It’s coming from
still; suddenly, a loud BOOM sounded off
underneath this bin filled with cotton” “That’s
and echoed throughout the mill. The smell of
impossible,” said Carl in disbelief. “No one
smoke filled the air, but there was no fire. The
can get down there”. He walked over to the
group ran outside to be safe, and nothing was
bin and rolled it over to the window to show a
on fire. Was this a haunting of the fires that
trap door on the floor. The voice was coming
took place in the mill all those years ago?
from inside and under the floorboards. Keith
and Carl grabbed the handles on the trap door Wilkinson Mill was known for being the 1st
and lifted them open. A blast of icy air came working mill that used a steam power engine.
bellowing up from below; the old wooden It was built in 1810. On the 1st floor was a
stairs that went down were unstable. It led working machine shop. This mill designed
to the river that ran underneath the mill. One working parts for Slater Mill and other textile
could not go crawling around down there and mills in the Blackstone River Valley. This mill
get out with ease. The fear of being kept down was powered by a very large water wheel
there as a punishment was overwhelming. located at the bottom of the Wilkinson mill.
There is no proof it was used as a means of
discipline to the children that worked there, It was told to our group that others have felt
but it wouldn’t surprise me if it weren’t. cold spots near the machines, shadow spirits
walking around, and hostility towards the
As the group gathered around the women by scratching them. It was known that
opening of the trapped door, Carl and one of the younger boys playing on the water
Keith asked aloud if there was any spirit wheel fell and had his leg shattered, only later
still here and if they wanted to talk to to pass away from his injuries. Another man
us. A woman standing in the crowd said working on the water wheel fell, was pinned
she could feel a child holding her hand; by it, and drowned.


As the group started breaking off again into Among the ladies in our group was a with memories of love, sadness, happiness,
smaller groups to ask their questions, I felt psychic medium. Her name was Robyn and everything a family experiences. I was
the need to leave, but I knew I needed to Marie. She sat down next to me and told comfortable here. I wasn’t afraid in here.
stay. I don’t believe the male spirits wanted me how the women were treated here and
us females in their area, so I walked down to how it went unreported back in the 18th & We gathered around the kitchen table, and
the wheel area to do a reading. I needed to 19th centuries. Times were different back some of us sat on the floor while Keith and
change things up; something was messing then. Men who worked these mills didn’t Carl started the group investigation. We
with me here. want the women coming in and taking their got our equipment out and were expecting
I walked down the spiral staircase located jobs. They had no respect for them. As time
the unexpected to happen. Carl started
in the back of the machine shop. The passed, rules were enforced, and the abuse
to play a recording from a music box to
large door was open to the water wheel, of women and children ended.
communicate with a small child spirit. She
so I walked into the area. The large thick went by the name Sara and was seen and
There was
wooden door shut behind me, and I was
one more heard quite often in the house. As Sara’s
trapped in the water wheel area. The other
building spirit came forward, she was playful and
door outside was locked with a padlock,
to go filled with wonder. She liked the music
and there was no way out. I tried to call
into and box and the toys others had left behind.
Carl, but I had no signal. The mill walls
were about 3ft thick, and a feeling of She enjoys playing games outside as well.
doom came over me, thinking to myself, I caught Sara talking to me on the voice
I’m not going to be able to get out of here, recorder, asking if she could wash my long
and I also felt that I wasn’t alone as it felt dark hair down by the river. From what
like whatever spirit that was messing with history claims, Sara was one of the
me upstairs has followed me down here younger daughters of the Brown
and now has trapped me in here with it. family, and one day, when she was
The only way I’m going to hear it coming is
playing outside, she wandered
to turn on the voice recorder; maybe I can
down by the Blackstone River,
talk to it and find out what it wants from
investigate. fell in, and drowned. Her spirit
me. I could hear Carl, Keith, James, and the
I wanted to wasn’t stuck here; she chose
group upstairs, so I called for them very
leave and to stay according to others who
loudly, no answer.
never return, investigated before us. She was
I then turned and asked, “Spirit, why but I knew
the evidence I
are you bothering me?” no response. I
would collect here
asked again, “Who is in here with me?” As the night was ending and the
would forever change
a male voice responded, “I am”... I’m this historical location. After wee hours of Sunday morning came
used to being scared or a bit nervous sitting for what seemed like forever, I stood creeping in, the investigation was
going on paranormal investigations, on shaky legs and walked toward the closing. Everyone looked tired and
but at this point, I’m in the dark, locked Sylvanus Brown House. This house wasn’t drained. I looked like and felt like I was
under the mill with a nasty male spirit a part of the mill area in the 1700-1800s. dragged behind a truck through town.
that hates women, and I can’t see him or The house was located down the road, I had some serious battle wounds from
fight him. This went beyond all of that. I about a mile away. It was later moved and
was terrified! entities I couldn’t see that would stay
relocated to Mill Park in the 1960s. It stood
beside Sylvanus Brown’s carpenter shop with me for the rest of my life. I don’t
“What do you want from me? Go away near Interstate 95. The house was initially talk much about this experience since
and leave me alone!!!” I yelled at this male built in 1758. It was roughly stated that 12 I still can’t understand everything.
spirit. A sinister laughter filled the room. people or more lived in this small two-story Still, I wanted to share this experience
I felt pressure around my neck, like I was home. with everyone so people know that
being grabbed. I could feel a hand trying
to slide up my shirt and between my legs. The whole group squeezed into the home
paranormal investigation isn’t all fun
I felt a hand over my mouth. Whatever was and needed to spread out quickly because and games, and people can and will get
going on, I was being messed with in a bad the July heat was overwhelming. There hurt.
way. I started screaming and screaming were no windows to move the air around,
and suddenly the door opened, and Carl so Keith propped and opened the main As I look back now after all these years have
grabbed me by the hand and pulled me door. The inside was very primitive, with a passed, my heart breaks that I couldn’t help
out. James and Keith ran around me with fireplace in every room. The ceilings were save any of the children’s spirits that are still
holy water and sage to eliminate whatever built lower to keep the heat from rising; the stuck there, and If I’m ever asked to return,
evil spirit came forth. The women in the kitchen table held one small half-burned I’ll never go back. This is one of 3 locations
group took me over to the bench and asked candle, and a white hand-stitched cloth that have scared me into never returning.
if I was ok; they could hear me screaming. covered the table. A small cradle was in

Ryleigh Black
the corner of the room, either made for a

My clothes were ripped, and I had

doll or used for an infant while the mother
was cooking. The next room across from
a huge handprint over my mouth, the kitchen was a bedroom with a queen
size bed made from wood, rope, and a
like I was slapped or made to keep
You can find out much
straw-filled mattress; a dry sink was in the more about the history of
quiet. I had more scratches on my
corner with a wash basin and pitcher sitting Slater Mill, Wilkinson Mill &
on top. The next room had a very large
back and now on my lower arms.
Sylvanus Brown House by
spinning loom and other household items
used for everyday living. I felt a different
Did a ghost just assault me? type of energy in this house. It was filled
Can paranormal fame make you untrustworthy?

f you are, like me, someone seen as experts in their field. So much so

I passionate about the paranormal,

you could not have missed the recent
explosive statements made by some
paranormal celebrities. Something
which started with Dakota Laden and
that the public would instead reach out
to them than reach out to an organisation
like ASSAP or the SPR, who have years of
experience, sound methods and academic
support. The TV show approach has
the Destination Fear team but spread to become the understood norm so much
some hard-hitting statements from Nick now that when people reach out for help,
Groff, which caused great controversy they have become expectant of the format
across the paranormal field. Well, across they see on TV.
the paranormal entertainment field,
perhaps. Still, whilst watching these As such, whether some of us like it or
‘statements,’ I was beginning to find not, TV shows and even ones found on
myself divided over the situation. platforms like YouTube have become the
normality associated with the paranormal.
I have never been on TV for anything For many who begin their paranormal
paranormal and certainly never been a part intrigue as a hobby, the possibility of
of a featured team on one of the shows, so I making that hobby their living is seen as
understand that I do not comprehend what an avenue they could pursue. When I first
it’s like to be in that environment. In fact, started my own overnight investigations
my original, somewhat biased opinion of with my paranormal friends years ago, my
paranormal TV personalities was that they sister and I had the idea to film them and
must be simply faking it for the ratings. After produce a series. My sister works in TV, so
all, the logic is sound; if the ratings are good she knows the process. However, due to
and the viewers are there, they continue to other life commitments, this was a path we
get paid. However, that opinion was forced never really followed completely, which is
to change when I met Brian Cano for the good because I prefer writing to appearing
first time. Here was a gentleman who was in front of the camera.
passionate and knowledgeable about the
paranormal yet had appeared on Haunted Since those early days for me, we have
Collector. I was forced to rethink my clear seen a relative explosion of paranormal TV
bias toward paranormal TV personalities, shows hitting our screens, which have now
which was lucky as I have encountered a elevated from Social Media platforms to
few others over the years. lesser-known channels to more prominent
channels like The Travel Channel and
However, just because a choice few had me Discovery Plus. In fact, with the advent
rethink my position does not mean I was of streaming channels and the desire for
entirely wrong. This has been confirmed more diverse content, the opportunity for
several times over by specific reports of paranormal TV shows is probably better
TV personalities attempting to investigate than ever. However, like major drama series,
locations but causing more damage than these will only run for a while as they need
good because they make rash unsupported to keep them fresh. That said, there are
statements about the potential source of a few that remain constant. Perhaps it is
a haunting. We find ourselves in a time this that partly fuels the fire in these recent
when paranormal TV personalities are online statements.


Let us begin with the conflicting and with the subject but believe it to be a
controversial claims bouncing around widespread issue. Access Paranormal
the Socials. Let’s dive right in with made a valid point in my mind: “Those
the claim that Zak Bagans has been wise enough in the paranormal
responsible for forcing the cancellation community would see it as a battle of
of several paranormal TV shows, entertainment programs. Those in the
including Destination Fear, The Holzer public eye may not be able to distinguish
Files, and Paranormal Lockdown, to the difference. Those doing the research
name a few. While we cannot rule out wouldn’t even notice.”
the possibility that one person may have
the power to do such a thing, I must This is a similar understanding to my
follow the limited evidence available own initially, as usually I would not
here. Dakota Laden clearly stated on even notice and would focus on my
Twitter on the third of March 2023 that research, leaving the paranormal
Bagans did not ‘shut down Destination TV programmes to fight it out. Sarah
Fear’ or call the Network to make this Chumacero made a hugely valid
happen. Whilst Nick Groff does claim point, highlighting that this is not just
it was Bagans that forced Paranormal a paranormal community problem;
Lockdown to be cancelled, this proceeds “It is human nature, sadly. I’ve seen
with the statement ‘I believe,’ which it in the paranormal and various
means he has no evidence to support professional fields I have worked
this definitively. However, this does not in over the years. It feels amplified
mean he’s wrong about it. I contacted in the paranormal field, but it is
other sources to gather more information, everywhere!”
but they were unwilling to go on the
record, which is a real shame. However, However, as the Twitter comments may
those sources indicated that cancelling suggest, this is more than just an issue
a few shows was a business decision. encountered by those in American
A point that Dakota Laden confirmed paranormal TV programmes. I spoke
in his Twitter statement. Equally, these to Danny Moss about his thoughts on
things are often business decisions the matter, and he indicated that he
with more than one determining factor. had experienced this in the UK himself.
For example, more than good ratings Expressing that he felt that his own
“Usually, I keep is needed to keep a show running. progression was hindered by a specific
Sometimes it can be as simple as budget; individual, who also ‘bad-mouthed’
myself to myself and where several shows are running, a him to producers. It would not be
only focus on my budget cut could mean a lack of finances the first time I heard of one person
to fund a show. There could be many talking negatively about another in the
paranormal research factors at play to reason why a show paranormal field. Something which
and writing so that I could be cancelled beyond the opinion is a real shame, as there is just no
would have left these of one individual. need for it. I have been made aware of
others’ negative comments about me
‘paranormal spats’ well There is, of course, one angle here that in the past, which provided a potential
alone. The problem could support Groff’s statement. He understanding of why I may have lost
and Bagans created Ghost Adventures, touch with a few of my paranormal
is that this kind of worked on the original show together friends.
thing places us off and evolved the concept. They were, at
some point, colleagues at least, perhaps Again though, similarly to those I
course as a paranormal even friends. As with many ‘groups’ in contacted in the States, few would go
community. There is the public eye, their split and different on record about this subject: the simple
directions have left them with unresolved common denominator, fear of losing
good work, proper differences. All this could be the reason the contract they were currently signed
research, and genuinely for the behaviour indicated by Groff, up to. It is fair enough; it is not good
or it could be Groff’s perception of the business practice to speak negatively of
passionate people events. This provides a straightforward something that may equally implicate
in the field, but question; is this Groff highlighting the your employer. Such things could see
these things greatly poor unprofessional behaviour of Bagans your employment terminated in any
to the community, or is he throwing his job. Something that also may provide a
overshadow that with hat into the ring for the top spot? little truth to what Groff has been saying.
ego and controversy. I wanted to understand this a little
Especially if you’re focused full-time
on creating paranormal content, you
So, considering that I more, so I sent a question on Twitter will lose your livelihood if you lose that
may have it all wrong, myself. I wondered if others thought contract.
that some people were hindering the
I investigated this a advancements of others within the The Destination Fear team, or Project
little and was quite paranormal to push themself forward. Fear as they are becoming known now,
I received some interesting comments, decided to tackle the cancellation of
surprised.” albeit only a few. Some are clearly bored their show in a slightly new way.


Although it could be said, it’s more becomes; are the serious ghost hunters,
of an older approach, returning to the self-funded serious researchers,
YouTube. However, to help them fund happy with this approach when it could
their paranormal adventure’s next mean that bias and fraud could slip in
phase, they set up a Kickstarter page to keep those likes up and the funding
asking their fans to support them. This coming in. Granted, I could be tarring all
would be known as Project Fear and
with the same brush, but I fear it is a valid
received tremendous support from
the paranormal community. In a short
period of time, Kickstarter had banked
While I respect
a remarkable two hundred thousand
dollars and was continuing to grow. Project Fear
and others in
This approach placed me in a position the field for
where I admired the team for finding finding ways
a way to continue to do what they are to break away
passionate about and deliver content from the normal
their fans enjoy. However, on the other progression
hand, it’s a real shame that people are to TV and
willing to fund entertainment with so find their own
much money, but if this were a piece
funding, I am
of research, their appetite to back the
still struggling
project would be considerably less.
To provide some contrasting numbers with the
regarding psychical research, the numbers in
Society for Psychical Research supports this story. So, fans of Destination Fear
individual and postgraduate university have stumped up £200k plus to help the
projects. However, a successful grant team continue to deliver their content.
from the SPR will typically provide you According to the Project Fear Kickstarter
with no more than £7,000. Imagine the page, they will provide their fans with four
serious research that could be done domestic road trips and one international
with £200k. Equally, imagine the study road trip. It would also mean the team
in other areas, such as Cancer Research, could begin setting their project up as a
which could be achieved with that sum
“self-sustaining show.”
of money. I am not knocking what the
Project Fear team have acquired here; Looking for more information on what
simply highlighting the greater value in
this kind of money would mean for
what they have achieved and hope they
psychical research, I spoke to Dr Callum
realise that with these funds comes great
responsibility. They have the freedom Cooper, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at
to push the boundaries and truly take the University of Northampton. Cooper
those backers on a journey with them. It suggested that £200k may provide two
would be fantastic if they could expand to three PhD candidates to collect data
their previous format to change both field on important research projects. Those
research and paranormal entertainment candidates would be able to gain their
for good. I would personally like to talk doctorates, and in turn, about twelve
to them about their plans for Project Fear or so peer-reviewed papers, various
and their paranormal research in the articles, and conference talks could be
future. produced. It could equate to three- or
four years’ worth of funding between two
This has already sparked interest
or three people. There is no disrespect
amongst other shows that have since
been cancelled, as I saw a Tweet from to Laden and the team or anyone
Dave Schrader asking if anyone would be considering doing something similar in
willing to donate to a Crowd Source fund the paranormal entertainment field. Still,
like Dakota’s. After being posted for three I think I know where I would rather invest
hours, a tweet seen thirteen thousand my money.
times was liked six hundred times and
its hundred plus comments. Perhaps This article started by looking at the
this is to be the future of paranormal recent social media explosion from
entertainment; appear on a TV series comments by Dakota Laden and Nick
for a couple of seasons, then use the Groff; and the belief that some in the
popularity gained from that to kickstart paranormal entertainment industry may
your own fan-backed project that allows be hindering the advancements of others.
you to break away from the Network However, other than Groff’s comments
constraints and those big ego’s that focus on Twitter, I struggled to find anyone
on rating rather than the paranormal to substantiate the claims towards Zak
answers we all seek. The question then Bagan on this occasion.


However, Danny Moss did indicate that What do you, the viewers, want to see?
this was a real thing in the UK. It does not More importantly, do you trust that the
surprise me as the entertainment world delivered content genuinely represents
and sometimes business often has similar genuine psychical research, or do you
characters that may be seen to command disregard it as entertainment based on a
the script. Thinking of the industry I work subject you are interested in?
in, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg
spring to mind. Ultimately, whether a paranormal TV show
is cancelled or moves to YouTube means
I would also like to add that in the realm little in the grand scheme of things. If we
of paranormal TV shows, if you manage are to advance the paranormal truly, then
more than two seasons, you have done we need to do the work, the fundamental
well and been extremely lucky, especially research, and find real answers. Proving
as so many fail to be renewed after their that you can spend the night in a
first and only season. There may be some darkened, purported haunted location
prominent characters out there calling the does not answer the hard questions of
shots on who goes and who stays on our psychical research. Odd unexplained
televisions, but that could equally be the noises and visions of strange shadows
need for more viewers. lack the quantitative and qualitative
data to support survival after death. We
One thing I have discovered while need a paradigm shift to find answers to
writing this article is how much a these complex questions truly. Without
group like Project Fear can make to such a shift, we will continue to follow
help continue their show. However, this Groundhog Day of investigation
knowing what that money could approaches dictated to many by TV
fund regarding academic research shows without genuinely seeking
is a huge eye-opener. Whilst something more.
entertainment is great, surely
education is far better. Equally, plenty As you read this, you may disagree
of good solid research to drive the with me or agree; either way, next
field of parapsychology forward is a time you attend an investigation, think
must, especially when we often hear about what you are doing differently.
how little the field has advanced. More importantly, see if you can
However, I am a realist and know how implement something different within
much people find their entertainment your investigation. If you do, I would
necessary. Hence the success of certainly like to hear about it. Let us start
Project Fear. a movement; let us all try something a
little different and find more ways to move
Still, as someone passionate about away from the approaches intrinsically
the advancements of psychical linked to paranormal TV shows. If some
research, I would like to see a balance
of the paranormal celebrities see beyond
between entertainment and serious
the apparent reactive response methods
research. It would be good to see more
used today, we could see that shift on
documentaries that work, like Netflix’s
our screens, too. There could be less trust
Surviving Death. Perhaps Laden is correct,
paradox associated with being a little
and the platform for all this is YouTube,
away from the control of Network

Ashley K
producers, which could work if we do not
fall victim to the need for excessive likes.



here have been five times in my an old lady standing at the bus stop, the dubious pleasure of being associated
life where I’m convinced I’ve watching the car approach. over the years and one which profoundly
seen a ghost. Five times, I feel affected me moving forward.
that something from beyond the world As I have gotten older, I have noticed
we inhabit has decided to attempt to that I have often found it difficult to lay Before I describe the second such
interact with me. These encounters in bed past daybreak, but I have never encounter, I must also tell you that as
have varied in length and intensity, felt the urge to catch a bus at 3am. I my colleague and I tentatively searched
but all have left me shaken and slowed the car and looked at the lady, the area with our torches, a car pulled
unnerved well beyond the moment. I who was dressed somewhat akin to how up alongside us filled with four young
am, however, still sceptical about the I remember elderly ladies dressing when people who asked me for directions
existence of ghosts, but I find myself I was a child, with a housecoat and apron to a local castle. When I queried why
often unable to explain the contrary to the fore. She slowly lifted her right they were heading there at such a late
satisfactorily. arm and waved to the car as if she was hour, they immediately replied that they
hailing the bus that may or may not pass were “looking for ghosts.” See, even
Delving into the dark recesses of my
in around four hours. the supernatural has a sense of humour
own experiences in an attempt to justify
why someone such as myself have sometimes.
“I looked at her, and she

been lucky enough to be gifted with
these encounters has brought me to a looked at me. Our eyes he second encounter had the
dubious honour of occurring
simple conclusion. Actively seeking the
supernatural very rarely reveals it. The locked, and I felt a shiver within my home and had the most
Supernatural is happy to show itself down my spine. I, of course, profound and lasting effect on me.
in places and at times where it is least
expected. In short, looking for ghosts
did not stop and rather It happened in the autumn of 2009 when
rarely gives you ghosts. irresponsibly just drove on I was spending some time at home due
to a broken leg that I had managed to
The first of the three instances I will
by heading up the valley.” achieve whilst filming a scene on a well
indulge you with today occurred in know supernatural drama of the time.
Moments later, my conscience got
the dark of the Swansea Valley on a Before I describe the incident, I must
the better of me, and I stopped the car
still summer night in 2005. At the time, point out that my home is a relatively new
and awoke my colleague with a gentle
I was a couple of years into my career dwelling, having only been in place for
but urgent shove. I quickly explained
as a police officer and was tasked with around twenty years, and we have been
helping to keep the peace in an area what I had seen and was urged by my
the only inhabitants, having bought it
where it is very rarely unkept. Driving up workmate to return to the bus stop as
from new.
the darkened valley toward the Brecon there may have been, in his words, “An
Beacons, with my partner soundly asleep actual old lady needing police help at My bathroom sits at the top of the
in the passenger seat, I rounded a corner the bus stop.” Of course, on our return stairs, with a bedroom to the right and a
and approached an old breeze block moments later, we nervously explored bedroom to the left. There is also a small
bus stop on the right-hand side. Now, the the surrounding area and found no sign office room next to the main bedroom
time was just after 3am, and the sun was of the lady or evidence of her ever having on the left, which is important to the
starting to peak its weary head above been there. This was the first in a series geography of this encounter. On the day
the mountains to my right when I noticed of brief encounters with which I have had in question, I was in the bathroom, and


it was around deeper just inches away front of me. They were doing well, and I
1pm. I had just from us. She did not was enjoying their performances. In my
finished the pur- seem familiar, yet I felt left hand, I held a small notebook to make
pose of my visit incredibly strongly that I notes on the production, good or bad.
and was leaving had met her before. My young son would at the time often
the room using accompany me and would sometimes sit
the crutches, “It was a true next to me when I was in the auditorium.
which were my
means of trans- brief encounter, “Suddenly, something pulled
port at the time. and she has never at the notebook, causing it to
I hobbled out of
the room to the
shown herself to drop open, and a few loose
top of the stairs me again. I often pages fell to the ground. I
when a sudden wonder why.” looked to my left to see who
movement to my
left caught my eye. Why do spirits choose was doing this, but nobody
Emerging from the
this moment of all was there. I turned back to
moments to interact
main bedroom and
and show themselves?
the stage and felt the book
travelling across being pulled again, this time
Do they have some
the corridor into
the small office
otherworldly motive in with considerable force. I
just giving us a glimpse
room was a small
of something beyond, or is it a process in
pulled back, and the invisible
girl of no more than three years old. Her hand pulled against me in a
which they have little or no control? I often
journey only lasted seconds, but it has
resonated with me to this day. Her hair was
wonder if they show themselves when strange game of tug-o-war.”
nobody is around to see them, or are we
shoulder length and dark, and her eyes
wandering into the realm of trees falling in I looked around to tell my son to stop
were darker still. I thought she was blind, for
the forest? Most of all, I want to know what pulling the book and, to my surprise,
her pupils did not seem to react to any-
she was doing here on the second floor of a found the seat empty. I lost my nerve and
thing, but she moved with purpose, slowly
new build house in the middle of the day. immediately bounded down to the stage to
turning her head in my direction. She wore
join the actors mid-scene. They, of course,
a sort of two-piece, what I would describe
I wish I could see the young girl again. I stopped, wondering why their Director
as pyjamas which seemed like something I
wish she would choose to show herself to would choose to join them on the set in
would have worn as a child in the seventies.
me one more time and perhaps stay for a bit something of a fluster. Of course, there was
I looked at her, and she stared at me, and
longer. I wish I could ask her if she was OK. nobody in the auditorium. Nobody at all. I
within what must have only been seconds,
blurted out what had just happened, and
she slowly walked into the office room and

he final encounter I want to share everybody started to panic. My son then
with you is both the briefest and entered the auditorium carrying a bottle of
I can remember standing there doing up most interactive of my experiences. Coke that he had been and bought from
my belt with no emotional reaction to what It occurred in a local theatre, one that I the vending machine outside the corridor.
I saw when suddenly my heart started to sometimes direct plays at, and the year Nothing else happened, but my reputation
beat until I thought it would burst from my was 2019. It was late in the evening, and as a calm, measured Director took a little bit
chest. As quick as my crutches could carry I was standing in the auditorium looking of a hit in this moment; I’m not going to lie
me (quite slowly), I hobbled down the at the actors rehearsing on the stage in to you.
corridor and slowly peered into the
office room with more than a small hint
of trepidation. Apart from the usual
detritus, there was, of course, nobody

This encounter has had a serious,

long-lasting effect on me. I have spent
long hours wondering who or what
the spectre was and why it chose to
show itself to me in the middle of the
day on that day in 2009. For a while, it
unnerved me, but it seemed nothing
if not benign, and as I sit here writing
this in the room where it vanished, it
has not really affected how I view my
home or where I live, but it sure as Hell
made me broaden my horizons and
open my imagination and mind to the
possibilities of there being something


There have been other occasions in my and intriguing, and as I stated earlier, I
life where I have had similar experiences don’t go looking for ghosts, monsters,
and even a couple where I swear I have spirits, or anything beyond the veil. It just
seen something from the spirit world seems that, occasionally, they decide that
choosing to show itself to me again; as they want to come and look for me.
I stated at the beginning of this piece, I
still consider myself a sceptic, but one Even though some of these have been
who perhaps has yet to discover why this quite frightening and foreboding, these
keeps happening to himself and what it experiences are something I am, in fact,
all means. I also wish I would sometimes quite grateful for, and I, for one, will
have a bit of a warning before these always be glad of these meetings, these
things happen. soirees with the supernatural—these Brief
People have asked me if I consider myself
empathic or psychic. I always answer that
I don’t think I have any abilities above
or beyond the average working-class
guy from the South Wales valleys, who Owen Staton is a storyteller, actor
is quite creative and prone to whimsy. and voice-over artist based in Wales.
They also usually ask if these situations He hosts the Time Between Times
have left me feeling scarred or afraid if I storytelling podcast, where he
consider them a curse or some burden mindfully shares the tales of Wales
that I am forced to carry for the duration
and beyond with the world. He also
of my existence, and the answer to that
co-hosts and co-writes Spectre of the
is no. I am just a guy who goes about his
Sea podcast with Bethan Briggs Miller.
life with the best intentions, experiencing
He has appeared in Dr Who and Being
the highs and lows that anybody else
Human, amongst other Tv shows and
encounters, but I perhaps occasionally
see ghosts. his one-man storytelling show won an
award at the Edinburgh fringe festival
Do I consider this something difficult to many years ago. He is fifty years old and
live with? No, I don’t. I find it interesting can do nothing with his hair.
We are always amazed by how
many various ways paranormal
investigation teams report their
findings whether to the person(s)
who have called them in or to a wider
audience. Is there a right way, is there
a wrong way? Should teams share
their findings, should they remain
in house or with their ‘client’. Is it
important to document everything,
the gadgets used, the dates, the
times, the people involved?
Whichever way we love reading and
hearing about them.


Detecting the p a r a n o r m a l ...

On May 28, 2021, Phantom Detectives LLC’s tech manager Rick W interviewed a client named
John C over the phone for 30 minutes about his claims of paranormal activity in his apartment.
According to the client, John C moved into his apartment in Philadelphia in August 2020.
As the months started going by, strange ghostly phenomena started occurring daily.

MEMBERS PRESENT medium Melissa F third. Around this

Orbs began appearing out of session, tech manager Rick Warner’s
nowhere, voices would be heard when Joshua Chaires – Founder and Case K2 meter was lighting up a ton, as was
no one else was around, and things Manager the team’s Mel-Rem SDD meter. Team
would be moved around on their own. Sasha Zahorcak – Lead investigator founder Joshua C felt a temperature
By November 2020, Mr. Carty had and team inventor. drop around this time. Rick W, Sasha
started documenting his experiences Rick Warner – Tech Manager and Z, and Melissa F seemed to succeed
with his apartment security camera. Director of Client Relations. with the dowsing rods. Right after that,
Melissa Ferrazzano – Psychic Medium something alarming popped up on the
As time passed, strange markings
and assistant lead investigator thermal camera.
began appearing on his legs that
George Zahorcak – Sasha’s father and
defy explanation, orbs on camera that honorary member of team. This photo was taken right outside John
would change shape from aliens to John Carty – Apartment Tenant C’s room, and no one was near during this
demons, shadow figures were running part of the in-
around his apartment, and he claimed The investigation was held on August vestigation. The
of being abducted by UFOs and much 06, 2021, at John C’s apartment in 19-year-old who
more. Mr. C was afraid to talk to his Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The team passed away
apartment landlord about the strange safely arrived at John’s apartment at on the property
ghostly phenomena in his apartment. around 7:00 PM EST. Due to John C seemed to be
covering all the camera angles, the team checking in on
After speaking to Phantom Detectives’
only brought smaller hand equipment the team as they
founder/case manager Joshua
to the investigation. During this time, the asked questions
Chaires and talking to the team, group began their investigation with EMF on the dowsing
PDLLC decided to take up Mr. Carty’s detectors, their mediums readings, and rods. This image
investigation. dowsing rods. Phantom Detectives LLC’s had a cold signature to it. If this were one
medium, Melissa F, was picking up on an of the team members, it would have been
older woman who greeted her when she displayed as a hot signature. Joshua C
arrived. Over the next few minutes, the had many of his friends in the paranormal
older lady started getting angry the team investigation field that has investigated
was there. Melissa F also picked up on a for many years and also believes that this
middle-aged woman who appeared to image captured is 100% authentic.
be the older woman’s daughter. Several
minutes later, a third entity was veering During the second part of the
into the living room, and the team’s investigation, the team moved from using
medium was picking up on a suicide the dowsing rods to bringing out their
victim who was 19. Ovilus 5b, which uses the EMF fields in
Lead investigator Sasha Z started asking each environment to capture words and
questions on the dowsing rods first, tech responses that the spirits might be telling
manager Rick Warner second, and team them.


In addition, the team started using the team conducted an
Paranormal Puck 2 to run environmental experiment known
readings in John’s apartment. as The Estes Method,
where an investigator
During this session, tech manager Rick W
will be blindfolded, was an older woman there and if so what
used his new S-Box Ghost box, pairing it
place a headset on their ears, and start this her home. The voice recorder response
with lead investigator Sasha Z’s portal box
scanning AM frequency stations on the was captured on Melissa F’s voice recorder.
[which is modified with guitar pedals, a
spirit box. Then another team member will That can be found on PhantomDetectives.
guitar amp, and white noise to allow the
begin asking questions. org under EVPs.
spirits to talk more clearly]. Psychic medium
Melissa F started picking up on the older The team officially finished the last part of
During this session, tech manager Rick
and middle-aged women. The S-Box is like
W asked the spirit haunting John’s their investigation by sweeping through
the PSB7 with additional features that aren’t
room why they were still there and what John’s living room and bedroom to see
on it. Rick noticed that listening to EVPs on
purpose do you have in haunting John’s if anything was captured using Sasha Z’s
a digital recorder vs. his
room? All the members felt very custom SLS camera. Unfortunately, nothing
new spirit box, he had
to listen more care- uneasy. Team founder Josh C of interest came up on her SLS camera
fully and ensure the noticed that his thermal camera during this time. The spirits at John Cs
voice wasn’t coming battery was drained.
didn’t want to manifest themselves on the
from a song/talk/radio team’s cameras.
As the next 20 minutes went by,
show. As the next few
the words, get out of my room
minutes passed, Rick CONCLUSION:
popped up on the spirit box as
W closed his eyes and
Sasha Z read the responses to
tried to channel the From the EVP captured saying right here,
Chaires, Ferrazzano, and Warner.
energy by listening to the image on the team’s thermal camera,
carefully to the spirit During the Estes experiment,
to the pictures caught by Mr. Carty on his
box. Chaires thought he saw John’s TV
security cameras, his apartment appears
in his room move a few inches by
Several voices began very active. The most alarming thing is
itself. Psychic medium Melissa F
to pop up during the that the two female spirits and the 19-year-
also noticed that the words from
spirit box session as old man’s spirit seem to have drained the
her spirit app matched Zahorcak’s
lead investigator Sasha
responses with the blindfold. life out of all four team members. All four
Z constantly adjusted
Whatever was haunting John C’s members reported feeling tired after the
the portal box. Scan-
room it was making every team investigation and needed holy water to
ning the radio stations
member feel very nauseous. purify themselves after the investigation.
at a slower speed was
helping the team pick At around 8:30 PM EST, the team It is recommended to John C that he uses
up more defined spirit regrouped around John C’s sage to cleanse the place or holy water
voices. During this ses- coffee table and pulled out their to remove anything evil in his apartment.
sion, Ovilus 5b picked digital voice recorders to ask The apartment seems most active in John
up on many words various questions. Chaires gave C’s bedroom and living room. Phantom
from the spirit box that his Olympus 852 voice recorder Detectives LLC will be available to come
matched Ovilus 5. to team medium Melissa. Rick to cleanse the place anytime he needs it
W pulled out his Sony Digital
From the words if needed. Until then,
Recorder, and Sasha Z pulled out her
described on the team’s Ovilus 5B, all three the team will continue
recorder. During this time, several members
spirits haunting John’s apartment seemed monitoring John C’s
thought they caught a shadow on the laser
determined to make their presence known. apartment and be on
grid light pen and reported feeling like two
All three spirits told team medium Melissa
spirits were watching them. call if he needs it.
F it was their house. During the next few
minutes, Joshua C, Melissa F, Rick W, and During Phantom time, the team takes turns John Carty’s Apartment-
Sasha F felt like the freezer was coming on. asking a series of 2-3 questions per person Phantom Detectives
The room temperature dropped from 77 to to capture anything that might come up. It LIVE Investigation
70 degrees on the Mel Rem-SDD meter. In wasn’t until 20 minutes into Phantom time
addition, the Rempod in John’s room was that the team caught their first EVP. Team
going off by itself. At around 8:10 PM, the medium Melissa F asked whether there com/watch?v=SA7QmKCTqNU&t=1618s


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to the already excellent
Supernatural Circumstances, Hell House paranormal podcast party.
LLC, Jed Buttress, Steve Higgins, Living
Life in Full Spectrum, Junior Paranormal We’ll have guests, chit-
Events, Harry Price, Chris Willcox, chat, interviews, opinions,
The National Trust, The Coaching Inn discussions, debates &
Group, Spook-Eats, Danny Robins & the probably disagreements.”
#UncannyCommunity, Haunted Hinsdale
House, Neil Packer, HAPRC, the madness,
the bizarreness, the weirdness of the
paranormal and the supernatural and all
that are part of it and take an interest in it.
To all our readers, supporters, advertisers Whilst language is universal, we know that certain words in certain countries are spelt differently.
& writers, thank you, thank You, THANK As we are a global magazine with readers and writers from all over the world, we have decided
YOU. And if we’ve missed anyone off – to keep the spelling of certain words the way the writer wrote it. We hope that this proves to be
SORRY!! a favourable (or favorable) cause of action for us to take and it doesn’t detract from the excellent
All the features remain the copyright of the words and features our writers put together for your enjoyment.
writers. The views of our writers do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Haunted H AU N T E D O N T H E W E B w w w. h a u nte d m a g a zi n e . co . u k
Magazine editorial team; they probably do, B AC K I S S U E S / S U B S C R I P T I O N S w w w. h a u nte d m a g a zi n e p r i n tsh o p . co m
but, hey, still worth mentioning to cover M E R C H A N D I S E h a u nte d h o u se o f ca rd s. e tsy . co m
our own backs. All photos and images
remain the property of the photographer FAC E B O O K G R O U P w w w. f a ce b o o k . co m / g ro u p s/ H a u n te d Di g i ta l M a g a zine
credited, if we’ve missed someone off, FA C E B O O K PA G E w w w. f a ce b o o k . co m / H a u nte d Di g i ta l M a g a zi ne
please let us know. All rights reserved. T I K T O K h a u nte d m a g a zi ne o f f i ci a l
Also available from the App Stores
Haunted Magazine will return
September 2023
Email s to c k i s t s @ h a u nte d m a g az i n e . c o . u k
#dontbenormal - be Paranormal!

Haunted Magazine is a Dead Good Publishing Ltd Production Company Number: 08446465

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