Q3e LS3 MidTerm Student

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Listening and Speaking Midterm Test

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

Mid-term Test Purposes

 Comprehend the main ideas and details in a listening passage (Listening)
 Review note-taking techniques from Units 1–4 (Note-taking Skill)
 Choose and use target vocabulary from Units 1–4 (Vocabulary)
 Identify inference in listening texts (Listening Skill)
 Match causes and effects in listening texts (Listening Skill)
 Identify linking sounds /w/ and /j/ in listening texts (Pronunciation Skill)
 Use suffixes to aid understanding of unfamiliar words (Vocabulary Skill)
 Use context clues to identify meaning (Vocabulary Skill)
 Choose and use phrases to give and support opinions (Speaking Skill)
 Choose and use the vocabulary of taking conversational turns (Speaking Skill)
 Describe personal experiences, with examples, in response to interview questions

I. Listening
In this section you will hear a talk about an organization that wants to reduce global food waste. You
will hear the talk twice. Choose the correct answer.

1. What were the 5,000 people in the shopping mall eating?

A. free bread B. free meals C. free fruit and vegetables

2. Before March 25th, what did the volunteers do to prepare for the event?
A. The volunteers found free ingredients at farms and supermarkets.
B. The volunteers cooked for the 5,000 people.
C. The volunteers educated local farmers and shops about food waste.

3. Why did Tristram Stuart become interested in food waste?

A. Because his friend, Niki, told him about it.
B. Because he became a vegetarian.
C. Because he was researching a book.

4. When did Tristram and Niki organize the first Feed The 5000 event?
A. 2006 B. 2009 C. 2018

5. According to Tristram, which of the following would solve two problems?

A. Farm animals should eat food waste instead of soybeans.
B. Farms should build better storage.
C. Farms should stop cutting down forests and grow more soybeans.

6. What is the effect of Singapore’s food waste on households?

A. Water problems are becoming more common.
B. Around a quarter of all food is lost.
C. Each home loses around S$1400 per year.

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test
7. According to the lecturer, who is responsible for the problem of “ugly” fruit and vegetables?
A. supermarkets, food companies, and consumers
B. supermarkets and farmers
C. consumers only

8. What is Tristram’s hobby?

A. Eating food normally given to farm animals.
B. Eating food from supermarket trash areas.
C. Checking trash areas to see what is being thrown away.

9. What does the sandwich example show us?

A. Supermarkets create more bread waste than cafés.
B. Even a simple sandwich from a shop can create huge amounts of waste.
C. People can reduce food waste by buying bread from bakeries not supermarkets.

10. What is lecturer’s opinion on farming?

A. Farming in the USA and Japan causes the destruction of forests in other countries.
B. Farming is a human success story that has gone wrong.
C. Farming techniques need to change more quickly than they are today.

II. Note-taking skills

Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false).

11. ___ A summary is a shorter version of the main text that leaves out some of the main ideas.
12. ___ Putting key ideas in your own words will help you to remember them.
13. ___ The same words and phrases are used to introduce causes and effects.
14. ___ An H-chart is a good way to record causes and effects.
15. ___ Organize key events into the correct order after you have noted them down.
16. ___ Mind maps are helpful for organizing several different topic areas.

III. Vocabulary
A. Complete the sentences with the correct nouns from the word bank. There are three nouns that
you don’t need.

claim degree mystery reaction resource risk taste trait wage

17. This sports hall is an excellent __________ for our students.

18. What do you think of his _________ that most phones are designed to stop working after two years?
19. Today, phones are so thin that there’s a __________ they’ll break more easily.
20. The site knew my __________ in holidays and showed me ads for adventure travel breaks.
21. When we saw the mess, our __________ was mostly one of shock.
22. Our employees earn a high __________, but the work is demanding.

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test
B. Complete the sentences. Choose A, B, or C.

23. It is difficult to __________ with unemployment, unless you have financial savings.
A. struggle B. cope C. quit

24. We __________ and bought the children new bikes.

A. formed an impression B. gave in C. put together

25. I __________ you two already know each other.

A. assume B. assess C. account for

26. Superhero films have an enormous __________ audience.

A. rare B. informed C. worldwide

27. Portchester __________ why coastal towns in this region are so popular with tourists.
A. illustrates B. concentrates C. regulates

28. You didn’t answer, so I __________ that you weren’t interested.

A. introduced B. criticized C. inferred

IV. Listening Skill: Listening for inference and causes/effects

29. Oh no! Jacinda has left her sunglasses! Can you give them to her when you see her tomorrow?
30. Milos came into the meeting room wearing an extraordinary orange tie and green jacket. He looked
like a carrot!
31. I know that last hotel had a lovely view, but this one is cheaper and closer to the train station.
32. Excuse me, but would you mind turning your music down? My baby is asleep.

A. Listen to the speakers. Choose the correct description of the speakers’ opinion.

29. A. Jacinda often forgets things.

B. The speaker will not see Jacinda tomorrow.

30. A. The speaker did not approve of Milos’ clothes.

B. No one in the meeting approved of Milos’ clothes.

31. A. They have not decided which hotel to book yet.

B. The speaker does not think a lovely view from the hotel is important.

32. A. The speaker does not like the music that is playing.
B. The speaker does not know the person she is talking to.

B. Listen to four people who have changed the way they shop for food. Match the speaker to the
correct cause. Write the letter. There are three causes that you don’t need.

33. Speaker 1 ___ 34. Speaker 2 ___ 35. Speaker 3 ___ 36. Speaker 4 ___

A. To follow a special diet D. To cut down on junk food F. To help other people
B. To avoid supermarkets E. To protect the G. To support a local
C. To save money environment business

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test

V. Pronunciation Skills: Listening for /w/ and /j/ sounds, and intonation
A. Listen to the sentences. Which linking sound do you hear: /w/ or /j/ ?

37. 38. 39.

A. /w/ A. /w/ A. /w/
B. /j/ B. /j/ B. /j/

VI. Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes and context clues

A. Complete the sentences. Choose A, B, or C.

43. The farming industry has too much __________ on chemicals.

A. rely B. reliance C. reliable

44. The details of this meeting are highly __________ . You cannot tell anyone what you hear today.
A. confide B. confidence C. confidential

45. We had a __________ conversation about nano particles. She had some very interesting ideas.
A. stimulate B. stimulating C. stimulation

46. Please can you help me __________ this bottle cap?

A. tighten B. tightly C. tightness

B. Match the underlined words to the definitions. There are four definitions that you don’t need.

47. The manager’s argument was completely specious. He only wanted to protect himself.
48. Josh and Harvey don’t really get on. But at least they’re civil to each other during classes. They only
argue when there are no teachers around.
49. Carlotta has some off-the-wall ideas about studying. Did you know she studies for each of her
subjects in a different place? She does all her history work in the bathroom!
50. The machine was idle between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

A. aggressive
B. polite
C. not being used
D. tedious
E. strange
F. untrue but sounds convincing
G. broken
H. handsome

47. ___ 48. ___ 49. ___ 50. ___

VII. Speaking Skill: Supporting opinions and taking turns

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test
A. Complete the sentences with the correct items from the word bank. There are three items that you
don’t need.

as As far as I’m concerned, For example, I don’t think My opinion That’s your view therefore

Jo: This bread is getting a bit old. I’m putting it in the trash.
Madison: Wait! (51) _____ we should throw it away. Let’s use it instead. (52) _____ we could make
some breadcrumbs or some panzanella.
Jo: (53) _____ Madison, that’s a lot of effort for some old bread. I’m putting it in the food waste
bin—it’s not an environmental disaster.
Madison: Well personally, (54) _____ it’s still edible, I think we should eat it.
Jo: Oh, OK, have it your way. What is panzanella anyway?

B. Complete the conversation. Write one word only in each gap.

Ross: Some people say that soy companies are like the oil companies of the twenty-first century.
Do you (55) ______ ?
Ish: I don’t think that comparison is helpful. We should focus on solutions, not argue about
describing the problem. You (56) ______ ?
Ross: Yes, you’re right. I’d like to see better labeling on meat products. The labels could tell us, for
example, if the chicken ate soy or a more varied diet. (57) ______ do you think?
Ish: Hmm. Yes. But I never check the label on the meat I buy. How (58) ______ you?
Ross: Oh yes. I check to see what country the meat is from. I only buy meat from here in New

VIII. Grammar Revision

A Underline the correct form.
Example: We usually get up / get up usually early every morning.
1 Jake is taking / takes vitamins every day.
2 Clare buys a lot of takeaways, but I prefer / I’m preferring home-made food.
3 Do you watch / Are you watching the football match tomorrow night?
4 I don’t usually have / I’m not usually having dessert, but I’ll have one tonight.
5 Helen doesn’t work / isn’t working tomorrow, so we’re meeting for lunch.
6 In the summer, we often cycle / we’re often cycling to work.

B Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in brackets in the present perfect simple or the past simple.
Example: I’ve been to Beijing, but I’ve never been (not / go) to Shanghai.
Petra 1________ (you / remember) to pay that cheque into the bank?
Alan Yes, it went in this morning.
Tom 2________ (you / ever / borrow) anyone’s car?
Dave Yes, I borrowed my brother’s and I crashed it!
Anna Hi, can I speak to Sally, please?
Beth I’m sorry, she 3________ (just / go) out.
Doctor What seems to be the problem?
John I 4________ (fall) over playing volleyball. I think I 5________ (break) my finger.

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test
Peter How long 6________ (you / know) Mike?
Liz Well, we 7________ (meet) in 2008 and we’ve been good friends ever since.

C Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: You’ve been working / worked hard for months – you need a holiday.
1 How long have you been saving up / do you save up for a motorbike?
2 He’s learning / been learning Chinese for three years now.
3 I’ve been planning / planned my visit to the Amazon for years.
4 She’s known / been knowing him for years.
5 Don’t worry. I haven’t been crying / cried – I’ve got a cold.
6 He’s disliked / been disliking bananas since he was a child.
7 I’ve had / been having the same bank account since I was a student.

D Write the comparative or superlative form.

Example: The people in Ireland are some of the friendliest (friendly) in the world.
1 The subway in Athens is ________ (modern) one I’ve ever been on.
2 What’s __________ (quick) way to get around London?
3 Are trains here ________ (expensive) as in Britain?
4 I think my old car was ________ (economical) than my new one.
5 You look much ________ (good) with short hair!
6 Unfortunately my new office is just ________ (tiny) as my last one.
7 That was probably ________ (bad) coffee I’ve ever drunk!
8 Mary speaks _________ (slowly) than Anna, so she’s easier to understand.

E Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to.
Example: We were so hungry we couldn’t wait for dinner, so we ordered pizza.
1 I ________ swim when I was five. My dad taught me.
2 We’re very sorry but we ________ attend the wedding. We’ll be on holiday.
3 Would you like ________ play a musical instrument?
4 He opened his present before his birthday because he ________ wait!
5 After living here for four months, I ________ understand a lot of Greek now.
6 ________ you lend me a pen, please? I’ve forgotten mine.
7 I’ve never ________ sing well, but my brother has a beautiful voice.
8 I ________ read this menu without my glasses. Can you read it to me, please?
9 We’re free tonight, so we’ll ________ come and help you if you like.
10 My sister ________ ride a horse since she was four!

F Complete the sentences with have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t, should, or shouldn’t.
Example: We’ll have to leave early tomorrow morning.
1 I always ________ stand up on the train because there are no seats.
2 You really ________ eat in class, but I’ll let you do it this time.
3 Where do you think we ________ stay in London? In a hotel or a B&B?
4 There’s a lot of rubbish in that lake. You ________ swim in it!

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test
5 You ________ pay to get into that museum – it’s free.
6 We ________ leave early in the morning if we want to get home before dark.
7 It’s a great film. You really ________ go and see it.
8 Great! It’s a holiday tomorrow – we ________ go to work.
9 You ________ drive on the right in Europe (except in the UK).
10 Do we ________ get up early tomorrow?

G Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: He was watching (watch) a film on TV when I arrived.
1 Jim and I ________ (study) at Bath University when we ________ (meet).
2 You’re lucky I’m still at home. I ________ (get) ready to go out when you phoned.
3 Usain Bolt ________ (win) the 100m in record time.
4 As soon as I arrived, we ________ (order) our food.
5 Chelsea ________ (win) 2–0 at half time, but they lost the match 3–2.
6 I ________ (think) about her at 9.00 and then she ________ (ring) me!
7 Last week my boss ________ (say) he would give me a pay rise.

H Complete the sentences with used to / didn’t use to / Did … use to, or the present simple + usually.
Example: I used to behave (behave) badly at school, but now I study hard.
1 You never ________ (watch) sport. Why do you do it now?
2 I ________ (be) an architect, but then I trained to be a graphic designer.
3 She ________ (go) shopping on Wednesdays because it’s market day.
4 ________ (you / work) in the Oxford Street office before you came here?
5 When we were young, we often ________ (play) football in the park.
6 I ________ (not / like) Jane much, but now we get on really well.
7 Tommaso ________ (eat) here on Fridays, so we might see him.
8 She ________ (not / be) so quiet. She must be tired today.

I Complete the dialogues with must, can’t, or might.

Example: They must be out. Nobody is answering the phone.
1 A ‘I think he ________ be French with a name like Luc.’
B ‘Yes, he sounds French too.’
2 A ‘You’re getting engaged to Elena? You ________ be serious!’
B ‘No, really, I am!’
3 A ‘I thought you ________ like to borrow my Avengers Assemble DVD.’
B ‘Oh great, thanks. I didn’t get to see it at the cinema.’
4 A ‘I think Jill and Alan are away in Italy this week.’
B ‘They ________ be. I’ve just seen Jill in town.’
5 A ‘Is Steven in his office?’
B ‘I don’t know. He ________ be in a meeting. I’ll just go and check.’
6 A ‘I finally passed my driving test!’
B ‘Congratulations! You ________ be very pleased.’
7 A ‘I’ve just run 20 km. I’m training for a marathon.’

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test
B ‘Really? You ________ be exhausted.’
8 A ‘Look, Diana’s left her bag here.’
B ‘It ________ be Diana’s – her bag is brown.’

J Complete the email with a, an, the, or – (no article).

Dear Paula,

We’re having a wonderful time here in Rome. We arrived yesterday afternoon so we had time to find
1________ nice little hotel and relax after 2_______ journey. 3________ hotel is in 4________ city
centre, but it’s not too noisy.
We woke up early this morning because 5________ sun was shining in through the window. We had
6________ quick breakfast (great coffee!) and then went out to explore 7________ city.
Later, we’re meeting Kathy’s friend Pietro, who’s 8________ economics student at university here.
He’s going to take us to 9________ best pizzeria in Rome (at least he says it is!). I think 10________
Italian cities are all wonderful, but I can’t believe what 11_______ fabulous city Rome is!
We’ll be back home 12________ next Friday. See you soon!


IX. Speaking
You are going to interview your partner about their food shopping habits. Then swap roles.

You will be given a list of questions to ask and answer.

 Describe your own experiences and opinions. You could include financial, environmental, or
health-related ideas.
 Give examples where possible.

Make notes to prepare for the interview. Each half of the interview will last for 3–4 minutes.

Student A Student B
Ask these questions to your partner: Answer these questions:
 What kinds of food shops do you use?  What kinds of food shops do you use?
 How do you travel to the shops?  How do you travel to the shops?
 How much food packaging waste do you  How much food packaging waste do you
create in your kitchen? Is this create in your kitchen? Is this
good/bad/OK? good/bad/OK?

Answer these questions: Ask these questions to your partner:

 What kinds of food shops do you use?  What kinds of food shops do you use?
 How often do you eat out?  How often do you eat out?
 How much food waste do you create in  How much food waste do you create in

Listening and Speaking Midterm Test

your kitchen? Is this good/bad/OK? your kitchen? Is this good/bad/OK?

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