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S3 ICT (Friday 17th September, 2021)


 Attempt ALL Questions

 Send your work in a single (zipped) folder before 7:00pm today to the following email:
 Time allowed: 1𝟐 Hours

Question 1

The table below shows details of some musicians in Uganda.

Artist Real name Stage Sex Date of Music Best hit Home Stage
Number name birth category town worth $
M001 Musoke Mad Male 02/03/1980 Raga Omukwano Kampala
M002 Ojok Big Male 01/01/1975 Country Uganda my Gulu
Boss homeland
M003 Namusoke Snake Female 01/06/1985 Dance Sleeping pill Masaka
Girl hall
M004 Magumba Dj Male 03/05/1988 RnB Disappointment Kampala
M005 Baguma Mr. Male 03/01/1990 Raga Good girl Jinja

a) Using any database management software, create a database and save it as Musician your
name e.g. Musician Amooti.
b) Design a table to capture the given data using appropriate data types of the fields. Name
it Musician table.
c) Create a form called entry form to enter the data.
d) Create a query called Tax query to calculate the tax paid by the artists. The Tax is 10% of
the Stage worth.
e) Create another query showing artists born before 1986 and whose home town is
Kampala. Name it Kampala Artists.
f) Create a report using the Kampala Artists query and name it Kampala Artists report.
Question 2

a) Create a database called ‘Physics class’ containing a table ‘students’ with the following
database structure. Use a field as primary key and print your structure.

Field name Data type Field size

Student ID Text 4
Name Text 20
Class Text 2
Fees paid Number Integer
Birthday Date/time -
Address Text 30
Interests Text 50
CA member Yes/No -
Remarks Memo -

b) Enter the data below into the student’s table, save your database

Student Name Class Fees Birthday Address Interests CA Remarks

ID paid member
0123 Lule S 4A 150,000 1986/04/23 Kabale Basket No -
1034 Otto G 4A 110,000 1986/07/11 Jinja Skipping Yes -
1031 Oda L 4B 40,000 1986/01/19 Mbale Hiking Yes Monitor
0029 Namuli 4B 25,000 1986/12/13 Kampala Reading Yes -
0366 Asiku P 4A 165,000 1986/10/08 Kampala Reading Yes Monitor
0115 Matovu E 4B 200,000 1986/03/14 Kotido Cycling No -
1002 Asiimwe 4A 80,000 1986/08/22 Mbale Eating Yes Prefect
0333 Kayanja 4B 50,000 1986/04/23 Mbale Skipping Yes -
0246 Madada F 4A 200,000 1986/10/29 Mbale Skipping Yes -
Kasolo E 4B 135,000 1986/03/23 Kasese swimming Yes prefect

c) Create a query which will display the names and class of the students who are interested
in reading. Print the results of the query.
d) The total fees for form 4 is Shs.200,000. Create a query which will display the names of
students who have paid less than half the fees. Print the results of the query.


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