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Adventure Based Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson name: Level:3 Year: 5

Building relationships
Strand(s): Lesson Number in sequence: 1
Relationships with other people
Area of Learning: Underlying concept:
Outdoor Education Hauora

Achievement Objectives: Key Competencies (From NZC):

Interpersonal skills – Express their needs, wants Relating to others – focusing on the ability to recognise different points
and feelings appropriately and listen sensitively to of view.
other people and affirm them
Learning Intentions for this lesson
Students will learn about and learn to?

Students will Express their needs, wants and feelings appropriately and listen sensitively to other people and affirm
them in a variety of adventure based learning activities.

Success Criteria

I can express my needs, wants and feelings appropriately non/verbally with their peers in ABL activities.

Teaching Strategies Learning Strategies / Activities Key Teaching Points

Specific pedagogy you will use to Strategies you will use to teach them, What are you going to say?
teach. and timing This includes content, not
Adventure based learning concepts instructions about the
Introduction Introduction Introduction
Sequencing - Ice breakers:
Ice breaker activities aim to break down Ice breaker: Knee Tag Knee Tag Discuss the full value contract –
the barriers between participants, to explain the meaning and purpose
welcome and get to know another, and at (4 rounds, 1min each round, rotate for using it.
the same time to have fun. partners)
• Think pair share – round 1 Use the hand to represent 5
Full value contract Discuss a rule/guideline to keep safety guidelines (Review
students feeling emotionally and through the class)
The FVC allows people in a group to physically safe. R2 – Share
Why is it important to create a
agree upon behaviours and actions that previous partners rule and think
safe learning environment in PE.
respect and encourage individuals and of a new rule to share. R3 repeat
the group as a whole. R2 instructions. Encourage think pair share
Ice breakers continued: Triangle tag opportunities and discussion.
Think, Pair, Share
It is a collaborative learning strategy GmCpwg
that: encourages students to be reflective
about class content. • Triangle tag group – Write 5 rules
together - Review the 5 safety
• Share as a class – Select 5 rules guidelines

Body Body
Challenge by choice
Based on the belief that individuals Deinhibitiser: Human knot (5-6 Encourage challenge by choice.
know their own limitations and students in a group) Korero with students what this
challenges and make significant gains means – emphasis is on effort!
when they commit themselves to CPau5YL0g Ask students how they can be
each other’s hype person when
challenges which they have identified
we see another student unsure to
for themselves ( It’s not a get out of challenge themselves.
jail card).
Korero with students what each
To support CBC, it is important to theme of the learning activities
have a safe learning environment so Communication: Hunter, Citizen, achieve.
learners feel encouraged to take Bear (3v3 students, then combine 3v3
intellectual, emotional, physical and as a group of 6, next round is 6v6).
social risks. On a set count you have to be either a - Note. Group sizes are
Bear (raise your hands in front of your important - try to keep
body like paws and growl) a Hunter (make group sizes small,
an imaginary bow & arrow using both supports trust,
Sequencing confidence and
hands) or a Citizen (stands strongly in a
Deinhibitisers: Provides an opportunity citizen fashion). Obviously, Hunter
for students to take some risks and make overpowers Bear....Bear overpowers
improvements to their commitment and Citizen...and Citizen overpowers Hunter.
willingness to appear ‘silly’ in front of
others. Here the risk is emotional which Problem solving: (6 students one
could cause discomfort and frustration – hoop)
the activities are promoted in a co- Helium hoop/stick
operative and supportive atmosphere
participation and confidence usually elium-stick.html

Communication: Communication skills Trust (10 students or whole class)

need to be developed to allow students to Zipper
express their opinions, give and receive
feedback and make decisions.

Problem solving: Students are working

and playing together to achieve common
goals in activities designed to challenge
their thinking and ability to find

Trust: Provides opportunities for

students to develop trust of their physical
and emotional safety with others.

Conclusion Conclusion
Experiential learning cycle is often used Debrief Encourage students to think of
in the debriefing session that occurs after examples outside the classroom
the experience in ABL in order for the Snowstorm: Students write down ABL concepts can be used.
participants to make meaning of the what they learned on a piece of paper
activity and to apply their learning and screw it up. Given a signal, they
beyond the experience to other areas of throw their paper snowballs in the
their lives. air. Then each learner picks up a
nearby response and reads it aloud .

Equipment / Resources: What equipment and resources do you need?

5-8 Hula hoops

Pen & Paper for each student

Observational Focus:
What are some things you will be looking for to gauge how your students are learning? For example, their
responses to questions.

▪ Are students connecting to the concepts of ABL and NZC especially hauora.
▪ Participation engagement

Reflection Questions:
Reflection questions for your teaching practice. Some examples are below.
• Where the tasks successful in achieving learning outcomes and creating a meaningful learning experience?
Why/why not?
• Where the teaching strategies appropriate, matching a majority of the learning styles in the classroom?

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