Cyberpunt Aundl Lyber Usith'ulevant Enanplus.: Tyber Ouninal Way Use Conepulbh To

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a oune in which a Combutea

haben(uine dthined ad
toel to cenumit
Cytenone as Cninal activilies
Ozesd Dictienvy dafined conyautes 6 he Intenet. "
tavud eut by means of othot oene that in
means any cininat comn
Cyoen oume lAL of eleconic
kiciliatd Jy o invelves theincluding any device e the
6 ineUnatin Sttens,
ontilens neee oj them
intenet o y one on
conepulbh techuelogy to accest
tyber Ouninalway use
buain|os Bade seoct n use the
psaDral intesmatien, malicicus pesfomanci.
intenet fo erleitatietma tllegal activities ae fter
Cuininals uho pesfem
Lfeed Io as
tims ybencpace, Cybeusquatting,
) Define the
nájav usith'ulevant enanplus.
Cyberpunt aundllyber to he vbtual comyten nestd
fyenspace: 1t Hjou te Ih is Used to taculitate cnline
a electuonic mediun thattechically inoles a lange
ommunication. Cuybopace Noldluide conyoul
tohpuaes netwesk madu up of many
SubretwenA that employ TcP| p peutocef toaid
Comunication and data exchange activitres
It is a fom of cybesrcimne whuse the
ybuuq uatinq: name that is
pupuate louys o gsters a domain
simila te enisting domain with the
fduntical b5 similan
Puoiting from a netognizate trademash ,Conpuy
nanne , es peLsonal name. hese ae sevesaltypes of
Obovauatlincq and atacks may have ditecnt goal,
Lqopunh : Tt is sciende itio dating with fuwne
Wban soieties dounated k oputuh tethnog"
cetpun plets eften cedoD tn cenüct anong
. hathees and megacespesations,
Avtihicial Tnteligenus
tet tn a neat Putve. i3 a4cnne of
and tend to be în a oppusiue ütwsh
Hat paced acience ficbion in vewing
Conyputiuged socielies.
soues of uyborattach against a
Cuybtawasane: It s a Significant han. "Ihis haun Coula
nation-atat, causing it computu systemi up 7 the
o vital
fnclude diwuption tpically as a set é< actibns
is dintl
le4s of ie Tte1gangation te attach countles complle
by ntion 6 intentiin of dis uptin4
utwesk systens with the computon wUUs o
damaging tntasbuctwe
denial of- sewice one bviej
oines7Expain each
3) Kow do we claasity y/ben
’jainst Zndindual
'*y Email Spct}ing
* Cybvc Dejamation
Oybeustaing and avassunt
* oinonaphie offenses
’ Aqainst Psopesty
Gedit Cad faucs
IP OUimes
* [ntent Time tnfts
’ gainst Oganigation
+ Possession of unauthouzed înyematiÝn
3 cyeuteNiSm Cqalnst the qoet ga gat
* Distibution etc.
pivated so7tvae
’Againd Social at (ange
Éinancil o u m e s h u t

Sau o7 illegal anticles. Gmun

3 Veenet
’umes enanating fom veiy ottensie,miclabelecl
eay have beern
Uent qrouptatemaymateial that
ei inappopi way.
6s decptive in anothar Caiminalitaplain
diftvunt typu of Ciyten
s) Wie are stuie. to9
sith beief case who uses his| hen silu
vdual netweiMS
Hacheus An Indi access to systenms ti
wnatheigecl o buielay
atieve coumes . The inent
asto comnit those iattaches as
so claoolticoton f attacheses
deteumines tne Wute hat netho
back hats. discoves
white.gney os perutiation teots to
netwon photection systems
pertoirn the
vunsabiities so as to boot elatiens and doclucptiie
haches auy out individual atlentjono1 to
GnLy hat
hOwUL not tor ilneability and
tings disclose the iolate
Caee ham. They hat haChens
ouenersi BlacR
HLþot it to They misLse
netwesh secuwity fos peaonal
people wh0 maliibuoly
Theoe we 'victims Io
Intesnet stalHes activity ok thise
marites the data .his type of caybercoume
atquire pUh0Onal Wwe oy Social netioving
Conducted theoughthu to tach individuali
platns that ale abteno detection.
r autivity voitth little
5) 3s thee a ditteence lbetveen Cytenoume
yoenbun nd
Cybotaud ? Justijy yos Tesponse.
seam to be simila
uytenoimne and CybexFraud cimt that is
uytoGume is
Jut ae ditterent.or using compLites e5os tchnelDgy.
Comnited online oes on the
sujes whou
LUnile cybetud chate d and ultimaoly
net ae isgicld mest taud ia cormmitted
oeting the while yeiome is diven sy
tes financial qoun , ceaual moti vations.
tìnàncial, peitical , n
disseinated 2 Eplaun wmtn
6) how clo vises4 get
diagnams Attacher
taunches blenalad atach
and oc ngwodes
DVeA 0que

DDbS Zombe: Fbod


Pochet PC
Raads Emmail obie
intalled, wem,
Contact list

Deaktop P

a) tWite Shoet neta on ' indian legal fupetie
he 2rdian supectie" addesss
piogam "Cyben lauo-cubeapace and uni 0 aim to
tne sising tonwuns o the
pououide aa'cHilud Noikjpce to the indaty"
pscogiam oftos an h-dupth ouldge o thu cyoex
Lw and its applicatien 'in India as pe :1he
tngemation Technelogy Act (TA), 9000:
e) rtow do you think cybeuim has ulerante in the
entencled enteprse eontent ? Explain
An ertenpisc seles on its wechece. twhun an employee
unintentionally endu up chaung contiduntial infonation.
encyinesing atachs ae quite pevalent and ane
Social ciin als to gathue
Deing tnCuasingy scc by the
ae neatly caied out
inteimation. Théa atachs platteno, olen
hence it be coMes
mails and goal mecia adqualely tain
impetat for wn eiganization to
b'WeKterce go that the chances f a
erds wohat you undeistard
Enplain in your coopeaction
qobal neqied în fighting
albout the
agunst cyoer cume' neceOSARy
fighting cybncum is a
oepisaton in ,esqanizatien and indiriduals
Glotal counies
as it inYeves
Comung togethen to netwenh intematio
A qobal
Buninal activities emuging theeats and
help: tn icentitying tstabuching commen
shaing courster eastwes. behreen
pin9 and entadition
ense that cuminalrcant
leqal eosential to Coopeiatie,
eoties io justie. în 6lobal thuis
tee to evade
easilyenpeienced natiens help othes enhane
MRe inrasbuuctwe and shils

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