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vvDt-2 Poll nx0 DAR S¥ete 2UIAO UTE _ APA % PEPGNMENT G220 51,039 o| explain how velocity and locaton of tarq oti ave measurved jn Radar Sykm;. th Atstance behween Packer and target % caled Range ofthe taiget er) simply yangé Uy we Patac Harmmitt a S4nat NH the taraqet-and according the target Bends a echo Seas 4g the Radar with the Speed of tte Ue he ler us conttcler time taken -fo5 the Siemal to teaut from Racteu in target andl back Yo Patt be 7’ ¥ “Ropway aiskine be Io. Atow Speed = Dig tance Time : Therefore using hic formula | Wwe can eatecrlac te uetocily aud Location of targets using Pacdkan Systims ' @) : ; Fer an appeoaching tumet wine Cactial elo’, $s em ls find the Doppler Shift anc the unambrquous x @ When Ke Per ic 8000 pps And the transmiling equinny ¥ Une Given Urlority (¥)> B00mIr - Peer &000 he fe: 8000: Frequency 2 té 2 AQHE SUCK (OD Aloco, cloppler shift - fa > 2vfo com Z=Ax B00 ¥ orxio! 3BXOe = 3OLne. ee oe axrof hs c ae 2 (&-9SkM afr (2) x Sod — Lalwoo!- minis rebates. Saco ou LE — AH Amen 9 catetatt the maximum ga/o of an Xband antenna Opeakng at FGH2 and having a diametn Of Im: lepeat this problm wt, the Aiameles Chaveged to VL, 2-0m: Abume per BA wih fact in each Care. >a) (le ENowW G= UTA » A> a) Dim Az axio& (exis = b-0435m L, Aget (Pf) = TG? 2 0-46 em Gmox = UUAp - (UT (0-460 Nerdy 2 FOSS (0-0345)" |. 4c. yede @) poi-sm he x10" + 0:0345™M SX Ip Ar> TD, f- v (se = 14 64m Emax = um he 2a MrHeH Any (6-039 5)> = tl 6 AR YW Pas ant i 3 A> 3X10" o.0g95m bx Ape n(Q)t- B(3)-- BU l6m? = 4 - Gmax aoa (ui ) (31 a uirud In (0 0895 Daive Radar Square OF Bloae pacar. ) 2» Df the shansmmitter Bure PK tk gactialed by an feotrepfe “antenna; the power ar a distance p fom the radar fi Gua I the sadiahead power divided ky he Surface ana ym Por clonily Ar RB = Pe ure vith transmihre Galo te power dinky at parage pe oo Ree pias Une - bad cnn Sechen of “he tarqor Aebor mines Hye yf denvil; Rotw dy the vadon : e lige Ds Aonoted by “ Reratiatid power deni, = LEGE ox Uper utr pr Decerer cantenna kk “ae athe power Pr secoivecl ty the aodar i ba PEG a ae unl* Uttpr = PtLG-—fe Cue Maximum pacha, Pav ge C2max) - the idan w@ begond whi He tager Can't be Artech b (Oeice ae Pe G6 Ae cut )* Soin V Prac: { PG he ) Y. Ua)" Lin Therefore the equalren fe cated funcowmnvat Radar Buahay . ny | oP puteel Doppler vada Opeecating ata Poll Mo -202u gould oe ~Uath=2 PEDPP ASSPQK te NT feequacy of 1OGne uses three prfs Sclume h weipne poppe. ambrquisu for a target tar ti Appraaching the £akcr ara £aWial Ucloci be, of Suormls ~The Pfs empiowed are Fr fr > (DKHE, fra 2 20h Hg. A tn dthe Doppla feequucy porthon of the taqet Corre pnding 19 €ach pat - 6) Prd the tme Popplu feequry for ante, Corvin, torger appetaine ar Doppler fears, Of Star, 1etne , (DLMy for cach PF: = Eb Hey C) wohar fi He dactlal uclocity CoULs perctin tothe tere Dopplr farqueroy Me Obkiived iy pout (6)? la) bp pple pug wn fd> ME. «oir 2 Caxich/roxie) fe fx +f aii 421) 2/3 The tuted Abiplir Pragicelug ara 7 of cach Lt of prt and covesferdling . copy freauanny, 26s ny t+4dj > lun, tely’ 26: te ron, + 4d ; 362g Fad fdee 20m rfcl2 A frequencies are tn Rip =D Ord oy Sans hy that the Popplu. fuquany Canney be gidatn than +e cotsispmnding Prt, Wecan writ Te 695 ar ed, 2% E-tun, ly 6 ttdiy 286 SIN I® fax 286 ~20N, <20- Ben a from thts we cah aarily Show tra 1 DEKHL. porn, 2b far 22H, for ny22 _ fags lett, * 2% bIAgein the Doppler Prequinctes pyr Arciter Cloning darmt appearita ay eLY2, Mb And 10LrE dor each pt tip A =n f,, td, e&peustons Gro Ad > tun, +2 fa Sinn) o tel 205+ ID for DY =n =22 Ly 2,3,--- PAs P22, 26, 00-~ tz 4d > 16,33, 00 ,6> the, A= 10,30, O30 (---bHy By 74 pechory fadrsokhe Ve the tre target Dopplu feequnug tr m3, Wen re C) Or prone Racial welocks of the foug ot ONG poncling 7% Fd 502 tte Vee dtd 2 (002) (rox) 2 = 4 > > Som/s |e \ S)| wwste “Q detail note oh range 4 Dey ambi quit Aas), Range Am guiti, Cees Lohen cthe clistane, burween tranons pauls sha pies NM Sher, than the range 4 the Huger. Tegel Ambiguity canbe 2 dlucd bY Using fe, pure acpetitron sem -frequency (re) a ana com parrvey the qos ltt . Phy Do pp li brmb iq ity occons volun the Lopple feequinry Rf of tHe targets who fs lag, thande p2r 4 tipe tf | = Vet ty vy c 2f Per Co t = he % Domoe 4 Poppe Ambiquirra act phenomenin Bar effect the pefoirrcurce of pulsed radon Sitoms foty ut — CAUeR by. allanng)y The Binp 4 fugqueney domains pobich Mean, MUAE tte Lace, emnor obishing wih betrxe, tauigeti X Wlocibes frat have te. Same Approach ange A dopple feequiny. ’ Loonn Suiting Pow mor, Gi wnia compute d ae Yes | about Synthere' Apebue pacars (00) Sno} Sar fs a Sophiscated gomot kniive oe 4quak Crate Lo Bene iio dppecye> Of the cath, Surface turing eee Signals PE SySGoms aw wuely 3k lange a appicalron inclucing eatth Prsevahen, anviroamutol anonity ing aarbculhre ,obisaslr mang omerd DO works in 4 Avinens- W) Bacon Srqnany Spe opemku soy emovitng anitzowave sada savas tovcuds the earths Sux pace i) App nna monet: unlite teacibenel Rakats woth fixed antennas pr sym Dave antennas Laat mous platfom gn tht jedan Snia teaucts ALrg # p path THIS euenicu for te SAR Offer move ut bs 1) Gq rte Apes As the soe plat fom mows , tt coucts salar Refers -frem VWairos png f peiiatags he? Data pesca Ta cotucka sadar hata Ws tun plocusd te Guat an imege. ee em ~Applicabren - OU? Cnvrvrenmentedl monihwng wd) Dearie were OY) prata ipenontuan te a) Defence , Pann Systimy @} Explain functron ing of diffuut bpes of Specie Purpae Raclaus in he Contaxtof the's applicakems. hs) Specirt parpae vada ewe vartons Spee ifr Punch tn A ffeee Applrcabens Gi) Wy. eather Dadar >. Deh ued fo clotect Poccipitatron Using seVo varus ,anol mearwe ti intr ' Spied and Ase -Ty au Crucial fos mutuolan % Monit and pactict weerher freludss | Severe Strom, rzainfau | Maxie Lakai ee helps gWips and beat Aitect othe, Obstacts And moses en th Low © Vistbtf amd - Tuy Que ene fr na Vigatran G) Anrymehia Paclan { We; gages ae inteqeated rife Urbi chy for feelin lft e adaphwe ¢8u Coty ana cilinen avolelance oy Atechns the object) enhane t— Safely penrabl ° autonomous dbsvine, “ &) Aerospace bec i UN De mame Wee distance betvoon an airCAfF Ord Tn Geound-4 Wale bem. ITr & med My avraton precisa, octtitrche aleeemincuven during take eff 7 anoling and dow attitude .

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