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Performance Task.

General Physics 2
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Performance Task 8
Magnet Magic Show


Students nowadays find science as a boring

subject that we cannot use in our everyday life. 21st-Century Skills
To help eliminate this notion, your group is
assigned to design and perform five science
magic tricks with the use of magnets that you
will present in your class for them to be
entertained, and at the same time, to
encourage them to learn more about science.
The tricks that you will make will be graded
with the use of rubrics.

Each student in the group would portray the role of a young scientist.

Your audience will be your classmates, teachers, and the school administrators.

You are a young scientist that designs and performs science magic tricks for the kids. Your
group is invited to a science month event in a prestigious school. They want you to present
different magic tricks that show various applications of magnets for the students to be
encouraged to learn more about science.

Performance Task 8. Magnet Magic Show 1

Performance Task.
General Physics 2
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Product, Performance, and Purpose

● Product: Create five magic tricks that will show the applications of magnets.
● Performance: On the day of the presentation, you will present your five magic tricks
and it will be graded by the use of a rubric. You have to explain the scientific concept
behind your performance.
● Purpose: To encourage students to learn more about science by showing some
magic tricks using the applications of magnets.

Standards and Criteria

Table 8.1. Learning outcome or task description for the output-based rubric

Criteria Below Needs Meets Exceeds

expectations improvement expectations expectations
1 2 3 4

Content Topic is not There is a There is There is an

(40%) clear; great deal of sufficient abundance of
The content of information information information material
the magic included does that is not that relates to clearly related
tricks shows not support clearly the topic. to the topic.
the concept of the topic in connected to Most points All points are
magnet any way the topic. are accurate accurate and
perfectly. and clearly clearly made.

Materials list Materials are Some Materials are Materials used

(30%) incomplete. materials are complete but are complete
The materials missing during some of the and very safe.
that were used the materials used
are complete presentation. are not safe.
and safe.

Audience The audience Few audiences Some of the The whole

Impact are not happy are happy with audience are audience is very
(30%) with what they what they are happy and happy and well
The audience are watching. watching. enjoying what entertained
are well they are with the tricks

Performance Task 8. Magnet Magic Show 2

Performance Task.
General Physics 2
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

entertained with that they are

the tricks. watching.

Table 8.2. Rubric for the integration of 21st-century skills

Criteria Below Needs Meets Exceeds

expectations improvement expectations expectations
1 2 3 4

Creativity and The tricks The tricks The tricks All the tricks
Innovation were totally have the were mostly were originally
(40%) copied from same made made.
The tricks are other elements as originally.
creatively done and sources or the other
original. rival groups. groups.

Collaboration Most of the Three to four One to two All the

(30%) members members did members did members in
All members did not not not participate the group
participated in participate participate in in planning participated in
doing the magic in planning planning and and making planning,
tricks from the
and making making the the magic making, and
start until the end.
the magic magic tricks. tricks. presenting the
tricks. magic tricks.

Communication Expresses Expresses Expresses Expresses

(30%) incomplete partly mostly complete
All members have thoughts complete complete thoughts about
expressed their about thoughts thoughts about concepts with
thoughts and concepts with about concepts with relevant and
irrelevant or concepts with somewhat effective
through speaking.
ineffective somewhat relevant and language
language relevant and effective
effective language

Performance Task 8. Magnet Magic Show 3

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