Prospectus 2023

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े के सं थापक


ी िकशनदास जी गरवाले




Prof. Anju Srivastava

Principal’s Message
Hindu College is an institution that thrives on a rich heritage and tradition of striving to provide excellence
in education. We have a culture that is 120 years old that renews its spirit and evolves every year with the
admission of talented and gifted students from all over the country. It is my privilege to be able to support
the students and faculty of our college from this position.
The motto of the college, 'Music of Truth', inspires the drive of seeking knowledge in all its ways and
forms. The college, through its academic departments and myriad extra-curricular activities is able to
sustain this pursuit of knowledge and is the ideal place for students to achieve excellence. With an
extremely dedicated set of teachers and support sta and an excellent infrastructure, the college ensures
that students are provided with the best environment to learn and grow in. We seek to prepare our young
women and men such that when they leave Hindu College, they are well-rounded individuals ready to take
on challenges in their respective fields.
This prospectus is designed to welcome prospective students on the journey of seeking academic
and extra-curricular fulfilment at our institution. In the glimpses of our college that are presented in this
prospectus, there are several wonderful opportunities for so many students who will become Hinduites
this year. I look forward to welcoming an exciting group of individuals from all corners of the country. I am
convinced that your immense talent and dedication will take the college to greater heights. In return, your
three years at Hindu will be some of the most memorable in your life - with several opportunities to grow as
individuals and friendships to last a life time.

With best wishes...!

izks- vatw JhokLro]

izkpk;kZ lans'k
Çgnw d‚yst viuh le`) fojklr vkSj egku ijaijk ds lkFk mR—"V f'k{kk çnku djus dh fn'kk esa lnSo jgk gSA ns'k ds dksus&dksus ls
ços'k ysus okys çfrHkk'kkyh fo|kÆFk;ksa ds fy, gekjh 123 o"kZ iqjkuh laL—fr ÅtkZ dk L=ksr jgh gSA çkpk;kZ gksus ds ukrs vius d‚yst ds çkè;kidksa vkSj
fo|kÆFk;ksa dks lg;ksx djuk esjs fy, lkSHkkX; dh ckr gS A

d‚yst dk vkn'kZ okD; ÞlR; dk laxhr* ¼E;wftd v‚Q VªqFk½ Kku çkIr djus dh çsj.kk nsrk gS A d‚yst 'kS{kf.kd vkSj jpukRed
xfrfofèk;ksa ds ekè;e ls Kku çkfIr ds lkFk O;fäRo fodkl dk egRoiw.kZ laLFkku cu pqdk gS A
leÆir f'k{kdksa ,oa deZpkfj;ksa ds lkFk ;gk¡ dk mR—"V cqfu;knh <kapk Nk=ksa dks lh[kus&le>us vkSj vkxs c<+us dk csgrj ldkjkRed
ifjos'k çnku djrk gS A Çgnw d‚yst dk è;s; fo|ÆFk;ksa dks vdknfed f'k{kk ds lkFk thou dh pqukSfr;ksa ls lkeuk djus esa l{ke cukuk jgk gs A

;g foojf.kdk ¼ çksLisDVl½ ços'k ysus okys fo|ÆFk;ksa dks d‚yst ds 'kS{kf.kd ,oa vU; jpukRed xfrfofèk;ksa ls ifjfpr djkus dk ,d
ekè;e gS A blesa çLrqr o"kZ Hkj dh d‚yst dh xfrfofèk;ksa dh >yfd;ka ços'kkÆFk;ksa ds fy, voljksa ds vusd }kj [kksyrh gS A

eSa ns'kHkj ls ços'k ysus okys u, fo|kÆFk;ksa dk Lokxr djus gsrq rRij g¡w A eq>s foÜokl gS fd vkidh vikj çfrHkk vkSj leiZ.k d‚yst dks vkSj
vfèkd Åapkb;ksa rd ys tk;sxhA Çgnw d‚yst dk vkidk lQj u dsoy vkids fy, ;knxkj jgsxk cfYd vkids O;fäRo ds fodkl dh dh fn'kk esa Hkh
lgk;d fl) gksxk A

'kqHkdkeukvksa lfgr--------- !

Bursar Vice-Principal Administrative Officer

Dr. Shankar Kumar Prof. Reena Jain Ms. Rajesh Sharma

Section Officer (Admin) Consultant Accounts Section Officer (Accounts)

Sh. Vijender Tiwari Sh. Mahesh C. Rawat Sh. Sadar Singh Rawat

Warden( Girl’s Hostel) Warden (Boys’ Hostel) Librarian

Prof. Anuradha Sharma Dr Naorem Santakrus Singh Mr. Sanjeev Dutt Sharma
Prospectus Committee
foojf.kdk lfefr ¼2022&23½

Dr. Soma M Ghorai Prof. Rachna Singh Dr. Manish Kansal Dr. Gitika De Dr. Meenu Srivastava
(Convener) (ex-o cio member)

Dr. Soma M Ghorai (Convener) डॉ सोमा एम घोरई

Dr. Manish Kansal डॉ मनीष कंसल
Prof. Rachna Singh ोफेसर रचना सह
Dr. Gitika De डॉ गी तका दे
Dr. Meenu Srivastava (ex-o cio member) डॉ मीनू ीवा व

Hindu College is recognized as one of the premier academic ins tu ons in the country. It stands tall in public
esteem and also in the memories of its alumni, many of whom are now prominent figures in government, business
and industry, the media and educa on. Notwithstanding its name, students from all religions have grown up here
and excelled in the chosen areas of their interests, be it academics, sports, or extracurricular ac vi es.
Hindu College was founded more than a century ago in 1899, by Late Shri Krishan Dass ji Gurwale. In the
backdrop of the na onalist struggle against Bri sh rule, some prominent ci zens including Shri Gurwaleji of Delhi,
decided to start a college that would, while being non-eli st and non-sectarian, provide na onalist educa on to
the youth. Originally, the College was housed in a humble building in Kinari Bazar, Chandni Chowk, and was
affiliated to Punjab University as there was no Delhi University at that me. As the college grew, it faced a major
crisis in 1902 due to inadequate infrastructure. But fortunately, at this point, Rai Bahadur Sultan Singh generously
donated a part of his historic property, (which originally belonged to Col. Skinner) at Kashmere Gate, to the
College, thereby enabling it to func on there ll 1953, following which, it moved to its present loca on in Delhi
Hindu College celebrated its centenary in February 1999, renewing its commitment to the values and goals
that it was founded on, and has stood for, since its incep on. As part of the centenary celebra ons, the
Dis nguished Alumni Awards were ins tuted, under the able leadership of Mr. Lalit Bhasin, an eminent lawyer.
These Awards are conferred on those of its alumni who have made significant contribu ons in their fields. There
are two addi onal awards, namely Life me Achievement Award and Young Achievers' Award, which also go to
dis nguished alumni. The Alumni Associa on has evolved, over the years, into a dynamic and vibrant body. It
contributes ac vely towards the development and cultural ac vi es of the college.
Hindu College was a centre for intellectual and poli cal debate during India's freedom struggle, especially
during the Quit India Movement. This is the only College in Delhi to have a Students' Parliament since 1935, which
in fact, provided a pla orm to many na onal leaders including Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Mo Lal Nehru, Pt. Jawahar
Lal Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Annie Besant, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and Subhash Chandra Bose for mo va ng the
youth. Responding whole-heartedly to Gandhiji's Quit India call in 1942, the college played a leading role in India's
freedom struggle as some teachers and students of the College even went to prison. The College has seen
remarkable growth over the years. And, today it is not only one of the most dis nguished graduate and
postgraduate co-educa onal ins tu ons in the country, but is also, by many accounts, the college of first choice in
Delhi. It boasts of an accomplished faculty of about 140 members, and about 3600 students.
The College is also proud of its efficient and very suppor ve administra ve/non-teaching staff. It offers a
number of courses in the Science, Humani es and the Social Science Streams. The College also has a rich collec on
of books and journals in its library, well-equipped laboratories, the NSS and NCC Rooms, etc. There is also a
Students' Centre that offers the facili es of a seminar room, bank, computer room, sta onery shop, and a
photocopier, etc. Spread over twenty-five acres of land, the College premises are housed in one of the prime
loca ons of the North Campus of the University of Delhi, well connected by road and the Delhi Metro.
The College has recently added three new academic and co-curricular facili es to our campus in the last
two years, namely an Amphitheater which has been named ‘Utsav’; the new Sanganeria Science Block; and one of
the finest Auditoria in Delhi. The Auditoria Hall is fully air-condi oned, with acous c interiors, comfortable
sea ng, and has excellent green rooms and a grand stage, comparable to any modern movie theatre. The
Amphitheatre, which has been named Utsav, reflects the spirit of celebra on, provides our students with yet
another space for self-expression for their crea ve poten al. Keeping the growing academic requirements of the
college in mind, especially with burgeoning student numbers, the college has also come up with the Sanganeria
Science Block with modern, well-equipped laboratories, one each for physics, chemistry, botany, and zoology.
Each wing in this building has been named a er an eminent Indian scien fic luminary.
Hindu College is coming up with a dedicated research facility for the faculty and students in the form of a
Research Centre. The four storeyed building covering 38000 sq feet area will house laboratories for sciences, social
sciences, linguis c lab and media lab. The need for a dedicated research facility had long been felt in order to
enrich the learning experience of students from the very beginning of the undergraduate, programme. There was
also a need for an integrated research hub that provides the right atmosphere and scope for research ventures. In
the exis ng set up the facili es are dispersed across the building at various loca ons. The new Research Centre
will bridge this gap, besides providing new facili es for research in social sciences and languages. Students will get
a huge jump in the available opportuni es for enhancing their cri cal thinking and analy cal skills coupled with a
rigorous research grounding and thereby add to their solid academic founda on. Most notably, the college has
recently been awarded with DBT Star college Scheme by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science
and Educa on, Government of India
The college campus is well known for its well-maintained gardens and lovely trees, a vast sports ground,
and a men's as well as a women’s hostel which can each accommodate nearly 200 students. The College provides a
liberal, lively and compe ve environment enabling students to carve out a niche for themselves in their chosen
arenas. Besides the infrastructural facili es, the strength of the College lies in its congenial and enriching
atmosphere, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the excellent record the College is renowned for.
Genera ons of students who have been groomed in this College have excelled in different walks of life, with the
years spent in the College providing them a solid founda on on which they could cra their success. The College is
commi ed to providing leadership and direc on for the mes ahead in every sphere of human enterprise and
कॉलेज ोफाइल
हदू कॉलेज देश के मुख शै णक सं ान म से एक ह।ै इसक त ा सावज नक प से तो है ही, अपने पूव व ा थय के मन-म
म भी यह सस ान अपना ान बनाए ए ह,ै जनम से कई अब सरकार, ापार, उ ोग, मी डया और श ा आ द े म मुख पद पर
आसीन ह। ‘ ह ’ू नाम का अ त मण करते ए इस सं ा म सभी धम के छा -छा ाओ ं ने यहाँ श ा क है तथा अपनी च के चुने ए
े -चाहे वह अकाद मक े हो, खेल हो या अ ग त व धयाँ ह , उ ृ दशन भी कया ह।ै हदू कॉलेज क ापना एक सदी से भी
पहले 1899 म ग य ी कृ दास जी गुरवाले ने क थी। टश शासन के खलाफ रा वादी संघष क पृ भू म म, द ी के ी
गुरवालेजी स हत कुछ मुख नाग रक ने एक कॉलेज आरभ
ं करने का नणय लया, जो गैर-आ भजा और गैर-सां दा यक होते ए भी
युवाओ ं को रा वादी श ा दान करग
े ा। मूल प से ह ू कॉलेज चांदनी चौक के क री बाजार म एक साधारण-सी इमारत म त था,
और पंजाब व व ालय से संब था क उस समय द ी व व ालय अपने अ म नह आया था। जैसे-जैसे कॉलेज का
वकास आ, अपया बु नयादी ढांचे के कारण इसे 1902 म एक बड़े संकट का सामना करना पड़ा। ले कन सौभा से, इस बदु पर, राय
बहादरु सु ान सह ने क ीरी गेट पर अपनी ऐ तहा सक संप (जो मूल प से कनल नर क थी) का एक ह ा उदारता से कॉलेज
को दान कर दया, जससे यह 1953 तक वहां काय करने म स म हो गया, जसके बाद, यह द ी व व ालय म अपने वतमान ान
पर ले जाया गया।
हदू कॉलेज ने फरवरी 1999 म अपनी शता ी मनाई, और उन मू और ल के त अपनी तब ता को नवीनीकृत कया, जन पर
इसक ापना के समय से ही टका आ ह।ै शता ी समारोह के ह े के प म, एक त त वक ल ी ल लत भसीन के कुशल नेतृ
म व श पूव छा पुर ार क ापना क गई। ये पुर ार कॉलेज के उन पूव छा को दान कए जाते ह ज ने अपने े म
मह पूण योगदान दया ह।ै दो अ त र पुर ार- लाइफटाइम अचीवमट अवाड और यंग अचीवस अवाड भी व श पूव छा को दए
जाते ह। पूव छा संघ पछले कुछ वष म एक ग तशील और जीवंत नकाय के प म वक सत आ ह।ै यह कॉलेज के वकास और
सां ृ तक ग त व धय म स य प से योगदान देता ह।ै
हदू कॉलेज भारत के तं ता सं ाम के दौरान, वशेष प से भारत छोड़ो आं दोलन के दौरान बौ क और राजनी तक बहस का
क था। यह द ी का एकमा कॉलेज है जसम 1935 से ‘छा -संसद’ ह,ै जसने वा व म महा ा गांधी, पं मोतीलाल नेह , प.
जवाहरलाल नेह , सरो जनी नायड,ू एनी बेसट, मोह द अली ज ा और सुभाषचं बोस स हत कई रा ीय नेताओ ं को एक मंच दान
कया, जहाँ से वे युवाओ ं को उ ो धत और े रत करते रह।े 1942 म गांधीजी के भारत छोड़ो आं दोलन का पूरे दय से समथन करते ए ह ू
कॉलेज ने भारत के तं ता सं ाम म अ णी भू मका नभाई, इस म म कॉलेज के कुछ श क और छा जेल भी गए थे। कॉलेज ने पछले
कुछ वष म उ ेखनीय उपल यां हा सल क ह। और, आज यह न केवल देश म सबसे त त ातक और ातको र सह- श ा
सं ान म से एक ह,ै ब कई कारण से द ी के श ा सं ान म युवाओ ं के बीच पहली पसंद के प म भी लोक य ह।ै इसम
लगभग 140 श क और लगभग 3600 छा के एक कुशल संकाय ह।ै
कॉलेज को अपने कुशल और अ ंत सहयोगी शास नक/गैर-शै णक कमचा रय पर भी गव ह।ै यहाँ व ान, मान वक और
सामा जक व ान धाराओ ं म कई पा म क श ा दान क जाती ह।ै ह ू कॉलेज का पु कालय व भ पु क एवं प -
प काओ ं से समृ ह।ै इसके अ त र अ ंत सुस त योगशालाएं , एनएसएस और एनसीसी कमर,े छा -क , से मनार क , बक,
कं ूटर क , श
े नरी तथा फोटोकॉपी आ द क सु वधाएं भी इस कॉलेज को पूणता दान करती ह। प ीस एकड़ भू म म फैला कॉलेज
का प रसर द ी व व ालय के उ री प रसर के मुख ान म से एक म त ह,ै जो सड़क और द ी मे ो से भी सुसंब ह।ै
कॉलेज ने हाल ही म पछले दो वष म हमारे प रसर म तीन नई शै णक और सह-पा चया सु वधाओ ं को जोड़ा ह,ै जनम एक
ए फ थएटर ह,ै जसे 'उ व' नाम दया गया ह।ै नया सांगाने रया साइं स ॉक तथा साथ ही द ी के बेहतरीन ऑ डटो रयम म से एक
कॉलेज के अ लोक य आकषण ह। कॉलेज का ऑ डटो रयम पूरी तरह से वातानुकू लत ह,ै जसम सभी आधु नक सु वधाएं तथा
आरामदायक बैठने क जगह ह।ै इसके अ त र उ ृ ‘ ीन म’ और एक भ मंच भी इस ऑ डटो रयम को आधु नकतम बनाते ह,
जसक तुलना कसी भी आधु नक मूवी थयेटर से क जा सकती ह।ै ए फ थएटर अपने नाम के अनु प ‘उ व’ क भावना को दशाता है
तथा छा को उनक रचना क मता क अ भ के लए एक मह पूण ान दान करता ह।ै कॉलेज क बढ़ती शै णक
आव कताओ,ं वशेष प से छा क बढ़ती सं ा को ान म रखते ए, कॉलेज ने आधु नक, सुस त योगशालाओ ं के साथ
सांगाने रया साइं स ॉक भी बनाया ह,ै जसम भौ तक , रसायन व ान, वन त व ान और ाणी व ान के लए एक-एक
योगशाला ह।ै इस इमारत के ेक वग का नाम एक ात भारतीय वै ा नक के नाम पर रखा गया ह।ै
हदू कॉलेज म संकाय और छा के लए एक सम पत अनुसंधान सु वधा के साथ एक शोध क भी होगा। 38000 वग फुट े म फैली
चार मं जला इमारत म व ान, सामा जक व ान, भाषाई योगशाला और मी डया लैब के लए योगशालाएं त ह गी। ातक क
शु आत से ही छा के सीखने के अनुभव को समृ करने के लए एक सम पत अनुसंधान सु वधा क आव कता लंबे समय से महसूस क
जा रही थी। एक एक कृत अनुसंधान क क भी आव कता थी जो अनुसंधान उप म के लए सही वातावरण और संभावना दान कर।े
मौजूदा सेट-अप ये म सु वधाएं अलग-अलग ान पर पूरे कॉलेज म फैली ई ह, क ु नया अनुसंधान क सामा जक व ान और व भ
भाषाओ ं म अनुसंधान के लए नई सु वधाएं दान करने के अलावा इस अं तर को पाटने म भी सहायक होगा। यह अनुसंधान क छा को
उनक तकपूण चतन- मता और व ेषणा क कौशल को बढ़ाने के नए अवसर उपल कराएगा। ये शोध-परक सु वधाएं छा क
अकाद मक न व को अ धक सश करगी। यह वशेष प से उ ेखनीय है क ह ू कॉलेज को हाल ही म जैव ौ ो गक वभाग,
व ान एवं श ा मं ालय, भारत सरकार ारा डीबीटी ार कॉलेज योजना से स ा नत कया गया ह।ै
कॉलेज प रसर म सु व त बगीच और सुंदर वृ , एक वशाल खेल मैदान के साथ ही पु ष एवं म हलाओ ं के लए एक-एक
छा ावास भी ह।ै ेक छा ावास म 200 व ा थय के रहने क सु वधा उपल ह।ै ह ू कॉलेज अपने छा को एक उदार, जीवंत और
त धा का माहौल दान करता है जससे छा को अपने चुने ए े म अपनी जगह बनाने म भरपूर मदद मलती ह।ै बु नयादी
सु वधाओ ं के अलावा, कॉलेज क ताकत इसका अनुकूल और समृ वातावरण भी ह,ै जो कॉलेज के उ ृ रकॉड क परप
ं रा को बनाए
रखने म मह पूण भू मका नभाता ह।ै इस कॉलेज से पढ़े ए छा क अनेक पी ढ़य ने जीवन के व भ े म अपना उ ृ दशन कया
ह।ै कॉलेज म तीत कए गए समय ने उ एक ठोस ज़मीन दान क ह,ै जस पर चल कर वे अपनी सफलता को संभव कर पाए। ह ू
कॉलेज आने वाले समय के लए मानवीय-उ म और यास के हर े म छा को नेतृ और दशा दान करने के लए तब ह।ै

The Department of Botany has since its incep on grown in stature and standard. The faculty members are
well qualified, who besides teaching, have also been pursuing research. The major areas of their current
research interests include Electron Microscopy, Stain Technology, Reproduc ve Biology, Ecology, Plant
Pathology, Molecular Biology, Cellular and Molecular Cytogene cs, Phycology, Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology. The teachers have published over 110 research papers in journals of na onal and
interna onal repute. They have, in addi on, authored/edited a number of books/course materials for
CBSE and NCERT. The faculty members of the department have conducted a number of research projects
sponsored by UGC, DST and Delhi University. This has led to be er infrastructure and facili es for the
The non-teaching staff is helpful and coopera ve. The students seeking admission to B.Sc. (Hons.)
course in Botany come from diverse backgrounds from various places within and outside India. The
Department provides them a comfortable environment for their learning and overall grooming for future
careers. Students are ac vely involved in research at the undergraduate level under various Innova on
Research Projects sponsored by the University of Delhi. They also par cipate in Summer Internship
Programmes in renowned labs such as Na onal Ins tute of Immunology, Delhi and Indian Ins tute of
Science, Bangalore.
The alumni of the department have excelled in various fields be it administra ve/civil services,
academics, research, armed forces, print/news media etc. and have kept the flag flying high for the
department and the college. The department has a Botanical Society ‘Sanjeevani’ which organizes
Lectures by eminent botanists to keep the students abreast with the latest informa on in the field of plant
sciences. The endeavour is to inculcate interest, curiosity and broaden their minds for a be er
understanding of the subject at the undergraduate level, prepare them for higher learning in specialized
areas and provide an insight into the future career op ons. The society organizes visits to Research
Ins tutes to provide theore cal knowledge as well as hands-on training to the students in the research
labs. The society also organizes field excursions to educate students about the natural habitats of diverse plant
groups. Besides educa ng the students about various plants, it also provides an opportunity for be er interac on
among students and the faculty members, thereby crea ng a conducive environment for more effec ve teaching-
learning process. During the annual fes val ‘Inflorescence’, various inter- and intra-college events are organized to
widen the horizons of their knowledge and also encourage them to improve their crea ve talent and skills. The
department is ini a ng me bound add-on courses to widen the knowledge base of the students and enhance
their acceptability in various research labs.
1. Prof. ANURADHA SHARMA (Teacher-in-charge) M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Professor 6. Dr. VIVEK CHOPRA
2. Dr. K.K. KOUL M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Assistant Professor
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor 8. Dr. BASANTA DAS
3. Dr. RAJESH KUMAR M.Sc., Ph.D.; Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.; Associate Professor
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor

वन त व ान वभाग
वन त व ान वभाग अपने ारभ
ं से ही उ रीय अ यन और अ ापन के लए तब रहा है । वभाग के अ ापक सुयो
अ ापन के साथ-साथ शोधकाय भी करते ह । उनके शोध के मु े ह – इले ॉन माइ ो ोपी, ने तकनीक , र ोड व जीव
व ान, पा र तक , पादप व ान, मोले ुलर जीव व ान, सेलुलर और मोले ुलर साइटोजेने ट , फाइकोलॉजी, अ ाइड
माइ ो बायलोजी और बायो टे ॉलजी । इन अ ापक के देश- वदेश क व ात शोध-प काओ ं म 110 से ादा शोध-प का शत
ए ह । साथ ही, इ ने सीबीएसई और एनसीईआरटी के लए कई पु क/पा म साम ी लखी और संपा दत क ह । वभाग के
अ ापक ने व व ालय अनुदाय आयोग, डीएसटी और द ी व व ालय क कई शोध प रयोजनाएं भी पूरी क ह, जससे
व ा थय को बेहतर अ यन क सु वधाएं मल ।
गैर-शै णक कमचारी भी सहायता और सहयोग करने वाले ह । वन त व ान म बीएससी (ऑनस) म वेश लेने वाले व ाथ
भारत और वदेश म त वभ े से आते ह । वभाग उनके उ लभ व एवं संपूण वकास हत
े ु सहज वातावरण उपल कराता है
। वभाग के व ाथ ातक र पर द ी व व ालय ारा ायो जत व भ नवो मेषी शोध-प रयोजनाओ ं म स य भागीदारी करते
ह । वे रा ीय तर ा व ान सं ान, द ी और भारतीय व ान सं ान, ब ौर जैसी स योगशालाओ ं क ी कालीन
इं टन शप म भी भाग लेते ह ।
वभाग के पुराने छा ने अकाद मक और शोध सं ाओ ं एवं सरकारी और कॉप रटे े म अ ापक और वै ा नक के प म अपने
आप को ा पत कया है । वभाग क बोटै नकल सोसाइटी – ‘संजीवनी’ ह,ै जो व ा थय को अ तन रखने के लए समय-समय पर
स वै ा नक के ा ान आयो जत करती है । इसका उ े है क ातक र पर व ा थय म च, ज ासा जगाए और बेहतर
समय के लए उनके म का वकास करे । साथ ही उ वशेष ता यु उ श ा के लए तैयार करे और उनके भावी कै रयर क
ओर संकेत करे । सोसाइटी सै ां तक और ावहा रक ान दान करने के उ े से शोध सं ान का मण आयो जत करती है । व भ
पादप समूह क ाकृ तक वशेषताओ ं के बारे म व ा थय को जानकारी देने के उ े से भी सोसाइटी मण का आयोजन करती है । साथ
ही यह व ा थय और अ ापक के बीच बेहतर संवाद का वातावरण भी न मत करती ह,ै जससे भावी अ यन-अ ापन का
वातावरण भी तैयार होता है । वा षको व ‘इ ोरसस’ के दौरान ान के व ार और रचना क तभा तथा कौशल के वकास के
लए कई अं तः और अं तमहा व ालयी काय म का आयोजन भी कया जाता है ।

1. ो. अनुराधा शमा ( भारी श क) एमएससी, एम. फल., पीएच.डी.; सह-आचाय
एमएससी, एम. फल., पीएच.डी.; आचाय 6. डॉ. ववेक चोपड़ा
2. डॉ. के. के. कौल एमएससी, एम. फल., पीएच.डी.; सहायक आचाय
एमएससी, एम. फल., पीएच.डी.; सह-आचाय 7. डॉ. स वता
3. डॉ. राजेश कुमार एमएससी, पीएच.डी.; सहायक आचाय
एमएससी, पीएच.डी.; सह-आचाय 8. डॉ. बसंता दास
4. डॉ. डी. मो नका राम एमएससी, पीएच.डी.; सहायक आचाय
एमएससी, एम. फल., पीएच.डी.; सह-आचाय
5. डॉ. रव कुमार

The Department of Chemistry has been one of the most pres gious and well-known Departments across the
University. With a dedicated team of strong academicians, the Department proudly takes the credit of producing
University toppers consistently in the undergraduate programme. It has the dis nc on of having a renowned
teaching faculty who have been well known authors, researchers and Ph.D. supervisors.

With a commitment to inculcate scien fic values and to build an early strong founda on towards pursuance of
research, the department regularly offers internship programs, innova on project and add-on courses to the
students. The Department has three well-equipped laboratories along with an instrumenta on laboratory that
houses modern instruments, such as UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometers, Poten ometers, pH
meters and colorimeters etc.
The Department boasts of a vibrant co-scholas c society, ‘TATVA’, where the students and teachers interact
beyond classroom and course curricula. The society organises seminars, workshops and popular lectures on
regular basis to enrich and update the students with the latest developments across the globe. One of the most
a rac ve events organized by the society is the Inter-College fes val ‘CATALYSIS’ which also witnesses the release
of the annual magazine ‘SUBSTANCE’.

The Department also runs the course of B.Sc. Prog. (Chemistry) which is an amalgama on of Chemistry, Physics,
Mathema cs. To provide a pla orm to students to explore their talents in various co-curricular ac vi es, a new
dynamic society ‘TURRIS’ was cons tuted. The society organizes its inter-college fes val ‘URJOTSAV’ every year.
The event marks the release of its annual magazine ‘ESSENCE’. The students of the Department are able to secure
admission in some of the best post-graduate, research-based Science and Engineering courses in reputed
ins tu ons of India like TIFR, IISc, IITs, TERI and universi es abroad. The Department has produced notable alumni
who have excelled in various professional spheres.

M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor
3. Mr. AJAI KUMAR (Teacher-in-charge) 12. Dr. DEVANSHI MAGOO
M.Sc., Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor
4. Prof. REENA JAIN (Vice-Principal) 13. Dr. RICHA TYAGI
M.Sc., Ph.D., Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D., Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
रसायन व ान वभाग
हदू कॉलेज का रसायन व ान वभाग द ी व व ालय के सबसे त त वभाग म से एक है । वभाग के छा ारा सव म
प रणाम तथा उनके सवागीण वकास म 19 श क के मजबूत टीम क मह पूण भू मका है । कॉलेज क धानाचाया एवं उ धानाचाया
भी इसी वभाग से ह । वभाग के छा कई बड़े सं ान जैसे – टीआईएफईआर, आईआईएससीटी, ईआर आई आ द म वेश पाते रहे ह ।
श ण के अलावा वभाग के श क क ा त अपने अनुसंधान काय एवं मौ लक ंथ के लेखन के कारण है । वभाग के पास तीन उ त
योगशालाएं भी ह, जहां अ ाधु नक उपकरण यथा यूवी व सबल, े ोफोटोमीटर, ेम फोटोमीटस, पोट सओमीटस, पीएच मीटस
एवं कैलोरी मीटस भी उपल है । वभागीय सं ान ‘त ’ अपना वा षको व ‘कैटा ल सस’ नाम से आयो जत करती है जहां वभाग क
वा षक प का ‘स टांस’ का लोकापण होता है ।

संकाय संकाय

1. डॉ. चा कुमार 11. डॉ. सुदशन कुमार

एमएससी, पीएचडी.; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
2. ो. अं जू ीवा व ( धानाचाया) 12. डॉ. देवांशी मागू
एमएससी, पीएचडी.; ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
3. ी अजय कुमार ( श क भारी) 13. डॉ. ऋचा ागी
एमएससी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. ो. रीना जैन (उप- धानाचाया) 14. डॉ. अमन भार ाज
एमएससी, पीएचडी.; ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. डॉ. वनीता न ला 15. डॉ. राघवी ख र
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
6. डॉ. मीनू साराभाई ीवा व 16. सु ी मनीषा चावला
एमएससी, पीएचडी.; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
7. डॉ. गी तका भ ा 17. डॉ. ीपणा द ा
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
8. डॉ. नीरा शमा 18. डॉ. मनोज चहल
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
9. डॉ. नेहा कपूर 19. डॉ. दनेश कुमार
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
10. डॉ. हम
े ंत वमा
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर

The Department of Commerce offers B.Com. (Hons.) at undergraduate level along with M.Com. at the
postgraduate level. The department provides highly experienced faculty which has over the years ensured a
smooth and vibrant teaching-learning experience. Being one of the liveliest departments of the college, it is
endowed with air condi oned, IT enabled classrooms including audio systems and a Computer Lab run by the
department. Apart from that, a centralized computer facility, college library and other state of the art
infrastructure facili es are available in the college for students. The library has a vast collec on of books and
journals, on-line and offline, catering to different areas of specializa on in commerce and business. The library and
knowledge databases are readily made available to the students along with a vibrant environment during prac cal
classes. The department also takes into account the mental wellbeing of the students and makes sure that there is
a healthy learning experience for all. We are aware of the fact that classroom studies are just a part of learning and
not the whole of it, the students are constantly exposed to various interac ve webinars / seminars with industry
experts and leaders to make them cognizant of the world out there which they will be an ac ve part of, a er their
gradua on. The department also organizes ‘Zeitgeist’ – The Annual Commerce Fest of Hindu College, along with
many cultural events at regular intervals during the college. The Commerce Department Society ‘KAIZEN’ is always
well connected with their alumni through regular Alumni Meets and interac ve sessions. The final graduates of
the department have been successfully recruited by reputed companies and has shown an exponen al increase in
the number of students recruited every year. Besides that, many of our graduates choose to pursue other
professional programs such as CA, CS, MBA, Actuaries, Law in India and Universi es abroad, some even have gone
on to build their own start-ups. We are proud to have some of the most brilliant young minds at our helm in the
department making it a place very diverse and inclusive of all backgrounds. Our department is elated to have its
Alumni occupying pres gious posi ons in the corporate as well as public sectors.

M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor M.Com.; Assistant Professor
M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor M.Com., Ph.D.; Assistant Professor
M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor M.Com.; Assistant Professor
M.Com., CA., Ph.D.; Associate Professor M.Com.; Assistant Professor
5. Mr. ATUL GUPTA (Teacher-in-charge)
MBA; Associate Professor

वा ण वभाग
वा ण वभाग ातक र पर बीकॉम ( त ा) एवं परा ातक र पर एमकॉम पा म उपल कराता है । कॉलेज के जीवंत
वभाग म से इस वभाग के पास वातानुकूलन एवं सूचना- ो ो गक से समु त क ाओ ं के अ त र अपनी कं ूटर योगशाला भी है ।
इसके साथ व ा थय को क ीकृत वाईफाई क सु वधा के साथ ईबुक क सु वधा वाला पु कालय भी उनक यो ता म योगदान देता
है । वभाग के पास दो सं ाएं ‘द काइज़ेन’ एवं ‘फाइनस इनवे मट सेल’ छा क तभा नखारने का काम बखूबी करती है । ातक के
अं तम वष म छा ‘ दशा ेसमट सेल’ क सहायता से देश क त त कंप नय ारा चुने जाते ह । वह कई छा आजी वका परक े ,
जैसे – सीए, सीएस, एमबीए, लॉ आ द क ओर ान करते ह । वभाग के पुराने छा आज कॉप रटे जगत म अपनी खास पहचान रखते ह ।

1. डॉ. पूनम सेठी 6. ी अ मत कुमार पासवान
एमकॉम, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमकॉम; अ स ट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. रकू मनोचा 7. सु ी अ ू अ वाल
एमकॉम, एम फल, एसो सएट ोफेसर एमकॉम, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. संगीता अरोड़ा 8. सु ी क नका भूटानी
एमकॉम, एम फल; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमकॉम; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. लवलीन गु ा 9. सु ी द ा यादव
एमकॉम, सीए, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमकॉम; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. ी अतुल गु ा ( श क भारी)
एमबीए; एसो सएट ोफेसर

The Economics Department is one of the chief cons tuent departments of Hindu College and among the best
departments in India for under graduate study of Economics. It has a dedicated and experienced faculty of nine
members with diverse specializa ons and/or interests. In keeping with the spirit of UGCF-NEP, the department
offers its students a choice from among a wide range of Discipline Specific Elec ves such as Applied Econometrics,
Compara ve Economic Development, Environmental Economics, Game Theory, Interna onal Trade, Money &
Financial Markets, Poli cal Economy, and Public Economics. Etc.

The pedagogy combines standard methods of university educa on – lectures and tutorials with wri en
assignments, project work, training in sta s cal and mathema cal so ware, field trips, and student presenta ons
both in class and in seminars. Students are also encouraged to par cipate in the corporate and research life of
ins tu ons outside college through internships. The department has an ac ve and vibrant Economics Society that
organizes a variety of events to promote student’s interest in the subject. The big event of the year is the
Economics Fes val ‘L'Economiste’ that bears witness to par cipa on from colleges all across the country. With
students taking part in policy making ‘ba les’, discussing ma ers such as the nexus between economics (&
finance) and cyber-terrorism as part of a Joint Crisis Commi ee, or par cipa ng in the IPL Auc on event ‘Wits and
Wickets’, L’Economiste offers a unique academic experience while also ge ng students to engage in
contemporary, real-world issues rela ng to Economics. Dis nguished speakers from the field are also invited to
share their exper se from their respec ve areas of research.
The department brings out an annual Economics magazine ‘Arth’ to which faculty members, students, and
professionals from related fields contribute ar cles. Faculty members also contribute papers in economic journals
and policy documents, and par cipate regularly in conferences and seminars, both in India and abroad. Specific
details of ac vi es that students and faculty engage in can be found at h p://, an exclusive
department website managed en rely by students. The department nurtures its students to pursue leadership
and management responsibili es in diverse industries that has led to students obtaining pres gious placements at
Boston Consul ng Group, Ernst and Young, Bain Capability Centre, Nomura etc. Many students have also been
offered admission to pursue a Master’s at renowned global ins tu ons like London School of Economics, Na onal
University of Singapore, Delhi School of Economics, and Toulouse School of Economics.

Students are encouraged to explore beyond the fron ers of the prescribed syllabus, cri cally evaluate economic
issues using the skills and tools acquired both inside and outside the classroom, and contribute posi vely and
successfully in different spheres of economic ac vity.

1. Ms. SHEIKH RUBINA NAQVI 6. Dr. ABDUL RASHID CK (Teacher-in-charge)
MA.; Associate Professor MA., PhD.; Associate Professor
MA.; Associate Professor MA., PhD.; Associate Professor
MA., MS., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor

अथशा वभाग

हदू कॉलेज के अथशा वभाग को ातक र पर अथशा के अ यन हत

े ु कॉलेज के सव वभाग म शा मल होने का गौरव ा है
। इस वभाग म युवा, ओज ी एवं वशेष के प म नौ अ ापक कायरत ह । यहां अ ापन-काय व व ालय क नवीन प त के
अनुसार होता ह,ै जसम ा ान, श क-छा संवाद के साथ ल खत काय, अनुसंधान, सव ण तथा व ा थय के से मनार व क ाओ ं
म वभ ुतीकरण होते ह । इं टन शप के मा म से यहां के व ा थय को कॉप रटे व शोध म भागीदारी हत
े ु ो ा हत कया जाता है ।
हमारा वभाग अ देश के छा को भी आक षत करता है ।

वभाग म व ा थय क सं ा क भू मका वषय म च बढ़ाने तथा व भ रीय ग त व धय क आयोजक सं ा के प म है । यह

सं ा रज
ं न राय ृ त वाद- ववाद, ओपी कौ शक ृ त- ा ान तथा अथशा वभाग के वा षको व ‘L-Economiste’ का
आयोजन करती है । ‘अथ’ नाम से वा षक प का का काशन भी कया जाता ह,ै जसम संकाय सद , व ाथ तथा अथशा के
व ात व ान के आलेख का शत होते ह ।
वभाग क सम ग त व धय का उ े व ा थय को पा म के सी मत दायरे से बाहर अथ जगत के वा वक पहलुओ ं से
सा ा ार कराना तथा आ थक मु पर वशेष ता, कौशल व वषय के उपकरण के साथ आ थक जगत म अपनी पहचान बनाने के लए
े रत करना है ।

1. सु ी शेख बीना नकवी 6. डॉ. अ ल
ु रशीद सीके ( श क भारी)
एमए; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए; एसो सएट ोफेसर
2. सु ी अचना अ वाल 7. डॉ. पूजा स ेना नगम
एमए; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. नी त भूटानी ु रहीम अं सारी
8. डॉ. अ ल
एमए, एमएस, पीएचडी, एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, पीएचडी; सहायक ोफेसर
4. डॉ. चंदन सघा 9. सु ी अं शका सागर
एमए, एम फल, एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, पीएचडी; सहायक ोफेसर
5. डॉ. न ध धमीजा
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर

The English Department is one of the oldest and most reputed Departments in Hindu College. Its reputa on has
been steadily enhanced over the years through the hard work of its faculty, which has tradi onally combined
excellence in research with a dedica on to pedagogy. The faculty includes specialists in several areas of literary
studies; for instance, European Renaissance Literature, Literature of the English Roman cs, Victorian Literature,
Modern American Literature, Modern European Literature, Theatre and Film Studies, Popular Culture, Post-
colonial Studies, Twen eth Century Indian Wri ng, Classical European and Indian Literature, African and Canadian
Studies and Literary and Cultural Theory.

Students admi ed to the First Year Undergraduate Program are given a week-long series of orienta on lectures
ini a ng them to the various approaches and methodologies of literary studies. The overall performance of
students of this department has been consistently of a high standard.

The Department runs the English Literary Society which organizes various events including lectures and
conferences through the academic year and places an emphasis on wri en work and discussion as crucial
components of the learning process. The Seminar Library of the department provides useful addi onal study
material for its students.
1. Dr. P. K. VIJAYAN (Teacher-in-charge) 7. Ms. SHAYANTANI DAS
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor
MA., PhD.; Assistant Professor MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor

अथशा अं ेजी
हदू कॉलेज म अं ेजी वभाग ाचीन और स वभाग म से एक है । वभाग के अ ापक म शोध क उ ृ ता और श ण के
त लगाव का परप
ं रागत सम य है । वभाग के अ ापक सा ह कअ यन के व भ े के वशेष ह, जैसे – यूरोपीय रनेसां
सा ह , अं ेजी रोमां ट सा ह , व ो रयाई सा ह , ा सक और आधु नक अमरीक सा ह , आधु नक यूरोपीय सा ह ,
थएटर और फ अ यन, पॉपुलर क चर, उ र-उप नवे शक अ यन, बीसव शता ी का भारतीय सा ह , यूरोपीय और भारतीय
ा सक सा ह , अ क और कनाडाई अ यन तथा सा ह क और सां ृ तक स ांत ।

ातक पा म के थम वष म वेश लेने वाले व ा थय को पूरे स ाह चलने वाले ओ रएं टश

े न ा ान के मा म से
सा ह कअ यन क व भ प तय से प र चत करवाया जाता है । इस वभाग के व ा थय का दशन नरत
ं रउ र का रहा है ।
लेखन तथा चचा को अ यन का मह पूण अं ग मानते ए वभाग ारा संचा लत ‘अं ेजी सा ह सभा’ वषभर व भ काय म
( ा ान एवं से मनार) आयो जत करती रहती है । वभाग का से मनार पु कालय व ा थय को उपयोगी अ यन साम ी उपल
करवाता है ।

1. डॉ. पी. के. वजयन ( श क भारी) 7. सु ी शायंतनी दास
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
2. ी स ाथ एन. कनौ जया 8. ी रगलीन क गस ग
एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. आ ा शमा 9. सु ी कृ तका शमा
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. ऋचा बजाज 10. ी रा ल कुमार स ा
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. डॉ. अर वद चौधरी 11. ी अ य चौधरी
एमए, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
6. सु ी पायल मधीआ
एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
हदी वभाग

हदू कॉलेज का हदी वभाग द ी व व ालय के सबसे पुराने और त त वभाग म से एक ह,ै जसम ातक और ातको र र
का अ ापन होता है । वभाग के नमाण एवं वकास म जन व ान श क क मह पूण भू मका रही ह,ै उनम डॉ. दशरथ ओझा, ी
कृ शंकर शु , डॉ. भरत सह उपा ाय, डॉ. मांधाता ओझा, डॉ. कृ द पालीवाल, डॉ. हरीश नवल तथा डॉ. वजया सती वशेष प
से उ ेखनीय ह । वतमान म दस श क के साथ हदी वभाग क यह अनवरत या ा जारी है ।

थम वष म वेश लेने वाले व ा थय क सृजना क तभा के वकास हत

े ु वभाग का प रवेश उवर है । यहां पा म क त प रचचा
से इतर सा ह क, समसाम यक एवं लंत मु व सम ाओ ं के प को समझने और उसके वैक क समाधान क ु त हत
े ु
व ाथ अपनी समझ के नमाण म समथ बनते ह । हदी वभाग ारा आयो जत अकाद मक, सामा जक एवं सां ृ तक काय म
व ा थय के भीतर लोकतां क-मू , नाग रक-बोध और संवेदनशील के नमाण म सहायक होते ह । समकालीन समय क
आव कताओ ं के अनु प व ाथ यं को सश बनाने म स म बनते ह । भाषा और सा ह के व ा थय हत
े ु आज वै कता,
आं च लकता, कॉप रटे और भाषा ौ ो गक क समझ अप रहाय है । व ा थय को इस नयी जमीन से जोड़ने और उ रोजगार ुख बनाने
के लए वभाग सतत य शील रहता है । यहां से श ा ा व ा थय ने अकाद मक, शास नक, सा ह क, सां ृ तक और
कॉरपोरटे जगत समेत मी डया, रग
ं मंच एवं सनेमा के े म रा ीय एवं अं तरा ीय र पर अपनी साथक पहचान बनायी है ।

हदी वभाग क सं ा ‘ हदी सा ह सभा’ ेक अकाद मक स म अनेक संगो य का आयोजन करती ह,ै जनम देश के त त
व ान का सा न व ा थय को मलता है । वभाग क रचना क ग त व धय म अं तर-महा व ालयी रक व भ तयो गताएं
भी शा मल ह । वभाग ारा तीन प काओ ं का काशन भी कया जाता ह,ै जनम ‘लहर’ एवं ‘अ भ ’ मशः वभाग एवं कॉलेज क
भ -प काएं ह और ‘ह ा र’ वभाग क अ वा षक ह ल खत प का ह,ै जसक सा ह क जगह म अपनी उ ेखनीय पहचान
है । ‘अ भरग
ं ’ वभाग क ना -सं ा ह,ै जो व ा थय के भीतर अ भनय-कला के वकास का माग श करती है । यह सं ा अपने
समय के मह पूण नाटक के मंचन करती रही है । हदू कॉलेज का हदी वभाग सा ह -अ ापन के मा म से सृजन और वचार का मु
आकाश बनाने क दशा म यासरत है । सा र होने क बजाए श त होने का सपना रखने वाले व ा थय का इस आकाश म उड़ान भरने
े ु हदी वभाग ागत करता ह…
ै !
1. ो. रामे र राय 6. डॉ. प व कुमार नंदवाना
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; ोफेसर एमए, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
2. ी अभय रज
ं न ( वभाग भारी) 7. डॉ. अर वद कुमार संबल
एमए, एम फल; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. ो. हर कुमार 8. डॉ. धम ताप सह
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; ोफेसर एमए, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. ो. रचना सह 9. ी नौशाद अली
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. डॉ. बमलदु तीथकर 10. ी रमेश कुमार राज
एमए, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर

The Department of Hindi at Hindu College is one of the oldest and most pres gious departments of the
University of Delhi. The department offers academic programmes at the graduate and post-graduate levels. Some
of the eminent educators who have contributed significantly to the establishment and development of the
department of Hindi are Dr. Dashrath Ojha, Shri Krishna Shankar Shukla, Dr. Bharat Singh Upadhyay, Dr. Mandhata
Ojha, Dr. Krishnadu Paliwal, Dr. Harish Naval, and Dr. Vijaya Sa . The department is currently func oning with ten
The department offers a conducive environment to encourage crea ve ideas by all its students. Other than
syllabus-centric discussions, discussion of current topics on events and issues across the globe enables,
empowers, and inspires students to build their own interpreta ons. Students are expected to provide alternate
solu ons to real-world problems and deliberate upon them with their peers. The Hindi Department hosts
academic, social, and cultural events that ins ll essen al values of democracy, na onalism, and sensi vity
towards others. These events also enable students to build competence and acquire skills according to the needs
of current mes. Knowledge of globalism, regionalism, corporate and language-related technological innova ons
is indispensable for students of language and literature. The department is dedicated to its efforts of introducing
students to such novel spheres so as to allow students to have be er employment opportuni es. Students who
have been educated in this department have achieved na onal as well as interna onal recogni on in numerous
fields, such as, academics, administra on, literature, culture, corporate, media, theatre, and cinema.
The Hindi Department's academic society, ‘Hindi Sahitya Sabha’, conducts numerous seminars every
academic session where renowned scholars grace the ins tu on with their presence. Inter-college-level
compe ons are also contributors to the department's crea ve events. The department also publishes three
magazines, of which ‘Lehar’ and ‘Abhivyak ’, respec vely, are the wall magazines of the Hindi department and the
college. The third magazine, ‘Hastakshar’, is the organiza on's semi-annual handwri en magazine, which has
been widely acclaimed in the academic world. ‘Abhirang’ society, Hindi department's dance organiza on,
successfully helps numerous students hone their skills. At Hindu College, the Hindi department has been striving
to create an egalitarian environment to promote crea vity and innova on through the help of literature. The Hindi
department welcomes students who are open to discovering newer dimensions of knowledge and be life-long
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Professor MA., PhD.; Assistant Professor
2. Sh. ABHAY RANJAN (Teacher-in-charge) 8. Dr. DHARMENDRA PRATAP SINGH
MA., MPhil.; Associate Professor MA., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Professor MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Professor MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor
MA., PhD.; Associate Professor
MA., PhD.; Assistant Professor


History is one of the oldest disciplines taught at Hindu College, comprising of a commi ed and accessible faculty.
The department presently has nine sanc oned posts against which teachers are available. The faculty specialises
in a range of fields including South Asian history, penal regimes in colonial India, Early Indian medicine, the Indian
Diaspora, state forma on in early Indian history, social and cultural history of North-east India, gender studies,
archaeology, global history, labour history, urbanism, military history, Sufism, veterinary sciences in medieval and
early modern India, Dalit studies with special reference to B. R. Ambedkar, and the rise of modern Hindi literature.
Some among the faculty are ac vely supervising PhDs. In addi on to teaching, the department organises special
lectures, seminars, panel discussions and academic workshops to augment the intellectual growth of students and
teachers. Over the years, students of the department have dis nguished themselves in different spheres such as
research, social analysis, academics, law, administra ve services, corporate sector, media and communica ons,
and the entertainment industry. The department has an ac ve History Society called ‘Sakshya’. All students and
teaching faculty are its members.

‘Sakshya’ has a tradi on of elec ng its own office bearers who, under the guidance of faculty members, regularly
organise seminars, educa onal trips, heritage walks, and the annual departmental fes val ‘Yugantar’. During the
pandemic, students have expressed their intellectual crea vity through online pla orms, for example, by
launching a history blog that carries erudite and richly researched ar cles, viz. The
department has a well-equipped library that is run under the supervision of a faculty member and is open to all
students. The department endeavours to offer the widest possible op ons in terms of the papers prescribed by
the university at the undergraduate level. It also admits students for post-gradua on in history.

MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor
2. Dr. ARCHANA VERMA (Teacher-in-charge) 7. Dr. RITIKA JOSHI
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor
इ तहास वभाग
इ तहास हदू कॉलेज म पढ़ाए जाने वाले सबसे पुराने वषय म से एक ह,ै जसम तब और सुलभ संकाय शा मल है । वभाग म
वतमान म नौ ीकृत पद ह, जनके व श क उपल ह । संकाय द ण ए शयाई इ तहास, औप नवे शक भारत म दंड व ा,
ारं भक भारतीय श ा, भारतीय वासी, ारं भक भारतीय इ तहास म रा गठन, उ र-पूव भारत के सामा जक और सां ृ तक
इ तहास, लग अ यन, पुरात , वै क इ तहास स हत कई े म वशेष ता ा करता है । म इ तहास, शहरीकरण, सै
इ तहास, सूफ वाद, म कालीन और ारं भक आधु नक भारत म पशु च क ा व ान, बी. आर. अं बेडकर के वशेष संदभ म द लत
अ यन और आधु नक हदी सा ह का उदय आ द । श ण के अलावा, वभाग बौ क मता बढ़ाने के लए वशेष ा ान,
से मनार, पैनल चचा और शै णक कायशालाओ ं का आयोजन करता है ।
छा और श क का वकास । इन वष म वभाग के छा ने अनुसंधान, सामा जक व ेषण, श ा, कानून, शास नक जैसे
वभ े म खुद को त त कया है । सेवाओ,ं कॉप रटे े , मी डया और संचार, और मनोरज
ं न उ ोग वभाग म एक स य ह ी
सोसाइटी है जसे सा ी कहा जाता है । सभी छा और श ण संकाय इसके सद ह । सा ी क अपने यं के पदा धका रय को चुनने
क परप
ं रा ह,ै जो संकाय सद के मागदशन म नय मत प से से मनार, शै क या ाएं , वरासत क सैर और वा षक वभागीय उ व
युगांतर महामारी के दौरान, छा ने कया है ऑनलाइन ेटफॉम के मा म से उनक बौ क रचन मकता, उदाहरण के लए, एक
इ तहास ॉग लॉ करके, जसम युगानुकूल और बड़े पैमाने पर शोध कए गए लेख ह, जैसे पनीपेजवतल . बवउ. वभाग म एक अ ी
तरह से सुस त पु कालय है जो एक संकाय सद क देखरख
े म चलाया जाता है और सभी छा के लए खुला है । यह कॉलेज जीवन
म अपने छा क सम भागीदारी को ो ा हत करने का भी यास करता है और उ कई पा ेतर समाज म शा मल होने के लए
ो ा हत करता है । वभाग ातक र पर व व ालय ारा नधा रत प के संदभ म ापक संभव वक क पेशकश करने का
यास करता है । यह इ तहास म ातको र के लए छा को भी ीकार करता है ।

1. डॉ. रतन लाल 6. ी बीर कुमार
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. अचना वमा ( श क- भारी) 7. सु ी र तका जोशी
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. शंकर कुमार 8. डॉ. एन. के. तुइसम
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. रचना सह 9. ी र वशंकर
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. डॉ. आर. बी. आजाद चौधरी
एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर

The Department of Mathema cs takes pride in being among the best Departments for the Study of Mathema cs
at the Undergraduate level. It has a glorious past. Renowned mathema cians of na onal and interna onal repute
like Prof. P. C. Jain, Prof. J. N. Kapoor, Prof. J. M. Kapoor, Prof. K. C. Gupta, Prof. A. I. Singh, Dr. K. P. Chinda, Dr. J. K.
Kohli and Dr. S. B. Malik have been on its faculty. The present department of Mathema cs has highly qualified,
commi ed and experienced members on its faculty, with diverse specializa ons and/or interests. The teaching
methodology combines lectures, tutorials, prac cals in various mathema cal so wares, wri en assignments,
tests, project work and student presenta ons. The department believes in balancing academics with Co-
Curricular ac vi es.
The Mathema cal Society of the department ‘Acuity’ is one of the most vibrant Society of the college.
Apart from holding lectures by eminent mathema cians throughout the year, it organizes its annual fes val
‘Alpha’. The fest creates a pla orm for events like quizzes, discussions, brain games, mathema cal riddles, paper
presenta on and lectures by eminent personali es. The society publishes its annual magazine ‘Annulus’ which
adds new dimension to the department. The complete planning and execu on of the ac vi es of the society is
carried out by the students in consulta on with faculty members. The main mo va on is to inculcate a sense of
responsibility, leadership quali es, team management and prac cal experience of event management for the
overall personality development of the students. The Department offers the following courses: B.Sc. (H)
Mathema cs, M.A. / M.Sc. Mathema cs & Opera onal Research.
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor
MA., M.Phil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor
Msc., MPhil.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc.; Assistant Professor
Msc., MPhil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor M.Sc.; Assistant Professor
6. Dr. SACHIN VASHISTHA (Teacher-in-charge) 12. Sh. PREMRAJ MEENA
Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc.; Assistant Professor

ग णत व ान
ग णत वभाग हदू कॉलेज के े वभाग म से एक है । ातक र पर ग णत वभाग का अपना वशेष ान ह,ै जहां रा ीय एवं
अं तरा ीय ा त ा श क जैसे ो. पी. सी. जैन, ो. जे. एन. कपूर, ो. एम. जे. कपूर, ो. के. सी. गु ा, ो. ए. आई. सह, डॉ. के. चदा, डॉ.
जे. के. कोहली एवं डॉ. एस. बी. म लक ने अ ापन काय कया है । वतमान म भी वभाग म अनुभवी, वशेष एवं तभावान श क
कायरत ह । अ ापन वधा म ा ान, श क-छा संवाद के साथ मैथेमे टकल सॉ वेयर, ल खत काय, अनुसंधान, सव ण तथा
व ा थय के से मनार व क ाओ ं म व भ ुतीकरण होते ह । वभाग क सं ा ‘ए ुटी’ जहां व ात ग णत का से मनार कराती
ह,ै वह ‘अ ा’ नाम से अपना वा षको व भी मनाती ह,ै जसम ो री, वाद- ववाद तयो गता, ेन-गेम आ द का आयोजन होता है ।
वभाग ‘एनुलस’ नाम से वभागीय वा षक-प का का काशन करता है । छा -अ ापक संवाद और सहयोग से ग णत वभाग क यह
सं ा छा म कुशल नेतृ क मता का वकास तो करती ही ह,ै साथ ही ग णत वभाग को भी व वध आयाम से जोड़ती है । वभाग
ारा न ल खत पा म संचा लत कए जाते ह – बीएससी ग णत ( त ा), एमए / एमएससी ग णत एवं प रचालन व ान ।

1. डॉ. कांता गग 7. डॉ. मोद कुमार
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. बदू बंसल 8. डॉ. समृ मेहता
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
3. सु ी सीमा पालीवाल 9. डॉ. आयशा इ ाहीम
एमएससी, एम फल; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. राजेश कुमार 10. ी शैलेश कुमार
एमएससी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. डॉ. न ध चावला 11. ी ब जीत ता
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी; अ स ट ोफेसर
6. डॉ. स चन व श ( श क भारी) 12. ी ेमराज मीणा
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी; अ स ट ोफेसर

The Department of Philosophy comprises a commi ed faculty with specialisa on in diverse

areas such as Indian Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, Con nental Thought, Logic, Ethics,
Aesthe cs and Philosophy of Religion. More than seventy-five years old, the department of
Philosophy has grown from strength to strength. At the me of its incep on, it had only one
teacher, the renowned and now deceased, Mr. Prem Chand. The current number of the
faculty is five. To begin with, the Department had offered courses for BA Programme,
Interdisciplinary and Discipline Centred Courses for the Honours students from other
Departments, and conducted tutorials for Postgraduate students. Since July 2007, the
department has launched an Honours programme for Undergraduate students. Hindu
college is only the third co-educa onal college in the University of Delhi to offer an Honours course in Philosophy.
Our students have brought us laurels, each year we have been ge ng the top ranks in the University.
In addi on to the scheduled lectures and tutorials, the department also holds periodic lectures by
renowned scholars, seminars, group discussions, debates and workshops, with the aim of augmen ng the integral
intellectual development of the students. Since the past few years, a lecture series called SAMVAAD has been
ins tuted in the department. Renowned academicians from various universi es and ins tu ons, both from India
and abroad, are invited to deliver lectures under the aegis of this programme. Eminent scholars, from India and
abroad, who have either delivered lectures or have been associated with the Department of Philosophy, Hindu
College, include Premchand, Balbir Singh, Dhruv Raina, Peter McLaughlin, Daya Krishna, Daniel Raveh, V. Sanil, H.
S. Prasad, Vibha Chaturvedi, K. P. Shankaran, Vijay Tankha, Prof. Graham Priest and Prof. Steve Palmquist among
others. The Department’s annual Fes val PANATHANEA and the magazine FALSAFA enable students to showcase
their academic, crea ve and ar s c talents.

(Teacher-in-charge) M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.; Associate Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor 5. Dr. SHRIDDHA SHAH
2. Dr. SUMIT NANDAN MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor 6. Sh. SAMARVEER SINGH
3. Dr. KRISHNA MANI PATHAK MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor
दशनशा वभाग
दशनशा वभाग म भारतीय दशन, युनानी दशन, महा ीपीय वचार, तकशा , नी तशा , स दयशा और धम दशन जैसे व भ े
के वशेष अ ापक ह । पचह र से अ धक वष से कायरत यह वभाग नरत
ं र वकासमान रहा है । ारभ
ं म इस वभाग म केवल एक ही
सु स व ान ी ेमचंद अ ापक थे, वतमान म वभाग म पांच अ ापक ह । आरभ ू रे वभाग के ऑनस
ं म वभाग बीए ( ो ाम), दस
छा के लए अं तर अनुशास नक और अनुशासन क त पा म और ातको र व ा थय के लए ूटो रयल क ाएं आयो जत
करता था । 2007 से वभाग ने ातक र के व ा थय हत
े ु ऑनस पा म ारभ
ं कया । हदू कॉलेज, द ी व व ालय म
दशनशा म ऑनस पा म ा वत करने वाला केवल तीसरा सह- श ा कॉलेज है । हमारे व ा थय ने हम स ान दलाया है और
ेक वष हम व व ालय म शीष ान ा कर रहे ह । व ा थय के संपूण अकाद मक वकास के उ े से नधा रत क ाओ ं और
ूटो रयल के अ त र वभाग समय-समय पर स व ान के ा ान, संगो ी, सामू हक चचा, वाद- ववाद और कायशाला
ृंखला आयो जत कर रहा ह,ै जसके अं तगत देश- वदेश क व भ सं ाओ/ं व व ालय के व ात व ान को ा ान देने के
लए आमं त कया जाता है ।

देश- वदेश के व ात लेखक, जो दशनशा वभाग के साथ संब रहे ह, वे ह – ेमचंद, बलबीर सह, ुव रनैा, पीटर मैकलाघ लन,
दया कृ ा, डे नयल रावह,े वी. स नल, एच. एस. साद, वभा चतुवदी, के. पी. शंकरन, वजय तंखा, ो. ाहम े स और ो. स्अीव
ाम आ द । वभाग का वा षको व PANATHENAEA और प का ‘फलसफा’ व ा थय को अपनी अकाद मक, रचना क
और कला क तभा दखाने का अवसर देती ह ।

1. डॉ. देव सया मु पथ एं टनी ( श क भारी) 4. डॉ. अन ा ब आ
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. सु मत नंदन 5. डॉ. ी ा शाह
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. कृ म ण पाठक 6. ी समरवीर सह
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर

The Department holds the dis nc on of admi ng students at 100% for general category during the academic
session 2021-22. It was the highest percentage for admission in any subject in the en re University and even with
this percentage required for admission, the Department had to admit double number of students of the
sanc oned strength.

Poli cal Science as a subject is concerned with the day-to-day affairs of individuals and society. It encompasses
norma ve inquiry into larger ques ons as the best form of poli cal order, the op mum rela onship between the
individual and government and the nature of the public good. It is the study of people's percep ons of their own
and of other socie es and their place therein. It thus naturally involves looking into the myriad ways in which
people seek to govern themselves and make decisions to manage and solve their common and collec ve issues.
The focus is on the ways in which poli cal power is distributed, operated and managed. In so doing, the subject
dwells on moral ideals, ethical issues, poli cal events, ac ons and ins tu ons. It includes both understanding and
explaining the world of poli cs that is all around us. The faculty consists of young and enthusias c teachers
commi ed to crea ng a democra c academic culture. At present, it has eight teachers.

The department offers a wide choice of op onal courses including ‘Public Policy in India’, ‘Understanding South
Asia’, ‘Feminism: Theory and Prac ces’, ‘Contemporary Poli cal Economy’, ‘Feminism and Indian Poli cs’, ‘The
United Na ons and Global Conflicts’, etc. The department has been very ac ve in organizing seminars and
symposia on issues of diverse interests. The par cipa on of the faculty and the students on a regular basis in
debates and discussions makes the department dynamic and vibrant.

The department offers BA (Honours) and MA courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels respec vely.
At the undergraduate level, the department also offers core and discipline-based papers as part of the BA
programme curriculum. Within the framework of UGCF-NEP instead of LOCF at the undergraduate levels, in
par cular, it offers various skill based interdisciplinary and generic courses. POLSO, the Poli cal Science society
comprises of all the students of the department. It has a democra c tradi on of elec ng its own representa ves
who, in consulta on with and under the guidance of faculty members, conduct the academic and cultural
ac vi es. The Society organizes its annual fes val POLITY, where issues of varied interests are debated and
discussed with renowned panellists, with a wide range of interests and specializa ons. Apart from the pres gious,
‘N. N. Agarwal Inter College paper presenta on’, contest is also organized under the aegis of POLSO every year. The
society also brings out an in-house annual magazine, ‘Siyasat’, where students and faculty members get an
opportunity to express themselves crea vely. The students are also involved in various other extracurricular
ac vi es such as deba ng, dance, music, theatre, choreography etc.

1. Dr. JAGDISH CHANDER 5. Dr. CHANDRACHUR SINGH (Teacher-in-charge)
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor MA., MPhil.; Assistant Professor

राजनी तक व ान वभाग
एक वषय के प म राजनी तक व ान और समाज के दै नक जीवन का अ यन है । इसके अं तगत ऐसे मू ा क का
ववेचन होता ह,ै जनसे कसी भी राजनै तक व ा, य तथा उनके सरकार और सावज नक अ ाइय पर वचार कया जाता है ।
यह वषय लोग क सामा जक अवधारणाओ ं तथा समाज म उनक गत पहचान का भी अ यन करता है । ाभा वक है क इसके
अं तगत उन सभी वधाओ ं का भी अ यन होता ह,ै जनसे सावज नक नणय लये जाते ह तथा सामा हत को साधा जाता है । एक वषय
के प म राजनी त व ान श के वतरण बंधन तथा या यन का अ यन है ।
नै तक, मौ लक मु राजनी तक ग त व धय व सं ाओ ं के बीच म ता इसका मु बदु है । मु प से राजनी त व ान,
, समाज, रा के म संबंध का अ यन है । राजनी त व ान वभाग क पहचान लोकतां क शै णक सं ृ त के लए
तब युवा और उ ाही श क के कारण है । वतमान म इस वभाग म आठ श क कायरत ह । इस वभाग म अ नवाय पा म के
अतर ापक े म राजनी त वभाग के व भ पा म यथा – भारत म लोकनी त, साउथ ए शया, नारीवादः स ा और
वहार, समकालीन राजनी तक अथ व ा, नारीवाद और भारतीय राजनी त, संयु रा संघ और वै क संघष और भारत म
सावज नक नी त का अ ापन कया जाता है । यह वभाग व वध वषय पर स य प से से मनार और सपो जया का आयोजन करता है
। वाद- ववाद और चचा-प रचचा म व ा थय और श क क स य सहभा गता रहती है ।
राजनी त व ान म ातक ( त ा) और ातको र के अ ापन क व ा है । ातक र पर यूजीसीएफ-एनईपी के
अं तगत कोर पेपर के अ त र बीए ( ो ाम) के लए डसी ीन पेपर, जेन रक कोस और ल इनहांसमट पेपर पढ़ाया जाता है ।
‘पो ो’ राजनी त व ान वभाग के व ा थय क सं ा है । लोकतां क या के अनुसार इसका चुनाव होता है और चुने ए
सद वभाग के अकाद मक, सां ृ तक ग त व धय का आयोजन श क के परामश से करते ह । यह सं ा वा षक समारोह ‘पॉ लटी’
का आयोजन करती ह,ै जसम स राजनी त पेन ल के प म आते ह । ‘पो ो’ के त ाधान म ‘एनएन अ वाल
अं तमहा व ालयीय प - ु त’ का आयोजन तवष कया जाता है । ‘ सयासत’ वा षक प का का काशन करता ह,ै जसम
व ा थय और श क के लेख का शत होते ह । वभाग के व ाथ सदैव स य प से वाद- ववाद, नृ , संगीत, थयेटर,
को रयो ाफ और अ कला ु तय म भाग लेते ह ।

1. डॉ. जगदीश चंदर 5. डॉ. चं चूर सह ( श क भारी)
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. मनीषा पांडे 6. डॉ. तालीम अ र
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; सहायक ोफेसर
3. डॉ. सीमा दास 7. डॉ. क ूरी द ा
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. अ न कुमार साद 8. ी राम कुमार ठाकुर
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर

The Department of Physics is one of the oldest Department of Hindu College. It has made significant contribu on
to the growth and the development of the College as an Ins tu on. The highly qualified, dedicated and commi ed
Teachers of the department are not only the 'Mentors', but also the ‘Counsellors’ and 'Friends', on whom students
can depend in hour of need. With ignited faculty, vibrant environment for innova ons and excellent performance
record of the students, the department a racts the brightest of students from 10+2 stream from all over India. The
faculty members, with specializa ons in different areas of Physics, place great emphasis on teaching as well as
research work. Some Teachers are working on different research projects and are also engaging students in
research work. Many research scholars are enrolled for PhD under their supervision. The faculty members have
research papers and well wri en ar cles, in renowned journals, to their credit. They have been contribu ng
immensely to the corporate life of the college. Many of them are ac vely involved in the administra ve work of the
Ins tu on. In addi on to the teaching of B.Sc. (H) Physics course, the department has the responsibility of running
the B.Sc. Physical Science (Electronics) course. The department also shares the responsibility of teaching the B.Sc.
Physical Science (Chemistry) course.
The department conducts a variety of Add-On/Value-Added Courses in collabora on with Spoken Tutorial,
IIT Bombay. Being one of the par cipa ng departments in the DBT Star College Project, the department is ac vely
engaged in Lab Extension Ac vi es, Outreach Programmes, Student Internships & Projects. The department has
three well-maintained laboratories which are being upgraded every year with latest equipment. It has research
labs in which the students can carry out their project work, play around with the concepts of Physics, give shape to
their innova ve ideas and exhibit their crea ve skills. Classrooms and labs are equipped with projectors for IT
enabled teaching learning.
With a history of many decades of academic pursuits alone, it was realized, that the crea ve energy of the
students also needed to be channelized. This laid founda ons for the department fes val QUARKS, along with the
release of its magazine QUARKS. This has become a regular feature now and the Physics society EUREKA organizes
its annual fes val every year. Among the various events of the fes val that include paper reading, quizzing,
deba ng, poster presenta on etc., the lecture series and panel discussions by eminent physicists, remain the
major highlight. In addi on, the Physical Science with Electronics society ACME, organizes its annual fes val
VIVACE. Since its incep on, QUARKS, the annual publica on of the department, has been a pla orm for students
to express their views and ar culate their interests. The ar cles deal with the analysis of physical concepts. These
include the explana ons of established theories and various other phenomena of our everyday life. Crea vity
finds its expression in the design of the publica on. Our students have consistently performed well in the
University examina ons securing top posi ons. They have been ge ng admission, for higher educa on, in top
most universi es/Ins tu ons like IITs, Indian Ins tute of Science Bangalore, TIFR etc., in India and universi es
abroad. Our students have also carved their niche in various professional areas, Civil Services, Defence Services,
management, R&D’s etc.

Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
(Teacher-in-charge) Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor 19. Dr. ARUN SINGH PATEL
9. Dr. VIVEK KUMAR VERMA Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor 20. Dr. ABHILASH JOSEPH
10. Dr. ADARSH SINGH Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor
भौ तक व ान वभाग
भौ तक वभाग हदू कॉलेज के सबसे पुराने वभाग म से एक है । एक सं ान के प म कॉलेज के संवधन एवं वकास म वभाग
क मह पूण भू मका रही है । वभाग के उ श त, तब और सम पत श क न केवल ‘मटस’ ह, ब ‘परामशदाता’ और ‘ म ’
भी ह, जो छा क ज रत के अनु प अपनी भू मका का नवहन करत ह । व ान श क ारा नवाचार के लए जीवंत वातावरण और
छा के उ ृ दशन के रकॉड के कारण वभाग देश भर से बारहव के बाद के व ान ीम के सबसे तभाशाली छा को आक षत
करता है । भौ तक व ान के व भ े म वशेष ता ा श क श ण के साथ-साथ शोध-काय पर भी जोर देते ह । कुछ श क
व भ शोध-प रयोजनाओ ं पर काम कर रहे ह और छा को भी शोध-काय म स लत करते ह । श क के पयवे ण म कई शोधा थय
को पीएचडी के लए नामां कत कया जाता है । श क ारा ल खत कई शोध-प और लेख व भ स प काओ ं म का शत ए ह
। वभाग के अनेक श क कॉलेज क व भ ग त व धय म योगदान दे रहे ह और कुछ श क कॉलेज के शास नक काय म स य
भू मका नभा रह ह । वभाग बीएससी (ऑनस) के अ त र बीएससी भौ तक व ान (इले ॉन ) और बीएससी भौ तक व ान
(रसायन व ान) के पा म का भी श ण काय करता है ।
आईआईटी बॉ े के सहयोग से वभाग व भ कार के ऐड-ऑन / वै ू एडेड कोस ोकन ूटो रयल मा म से संचा लत
करता है । डीबीटी ार कॉलेज प रयोजना म भाग लेने वाले वभाग म से एक होने के कारण, वभाग स य प से लैब व ार
ग त व धय , आउटरीच काय म , छा इं टन शप और व भ प रयोजना काय म लगा संल है । वभाग म तीन सु व त
योगशालाएं ह, ज हर साल नवीनतम उपकरण के साथ उ त कया जा रहा है । इसम अनुसंधान योगशालाएं ह, जनम छा अपने
प रयोजना-काय को अं जाम देते ह, भौ तक क अवधारणाओ ं का योग करते ह, अपने नवीन वचार को आकार देते ए और अपने
रचना क कौशल का दशन भी करते ह । आईटी स म श ण हत
े ु वभाग क क ाएं और योगशालाएं ोजे र एवं अ ज री
उपकरण से सुस तह।
कई दशक से अकाद मक काय के इ तहास के साथ यह महसूस कया गया क छा क रचना क ऊजा को नई दशा देने क
आव कता है । इस यास म वभाग ारा अपनी प का ‘ ा ’ के वमोचन के साथ-साथ वभाग उ व‘ ा ’ क न व रखी गई ।
अब इसका आयोजन तवष कया जाता है । वभाग क सं ा ‘यूरक
े ा’ हर साल अपना वा षक उ व आयो जत करती ह,ै जसके व भ
आयोजन म पेपर री डग, ज़, वाद- ववाद एवं पो र तयो गता आ द शा मल है । ात भौ तक वद ारा ा ान ृंखला और
पैनल प रचचा इसका मुख आकषण है । इसके अ त र भौ तक व ान (इले ॉन ) क सोसायटी ‘एसीएमई’ अपने वा षक उ व
‘ ववेस’ का आयोजन करती है । अपनी ापना के बाद से ही वभाग का वा षक काशन ‘ ा ’ छा के लए अपने वचार करने
और अपने हत को करने का एक बेहतरीन मंच रहा ह,ै जसके अ धकांश लेख भौ तक अवधारणाओ ं के व ेषण से संबं धत होते ह।
इनम ा पत स ांत का हमारे दै नक जीवन क व भ घटनाओ ं से संबं धत ा ा शा मल रहती है । काशन म रचना कता भी
अपनी अ भ पाती है । हमारे छा ने व व ालयी परी ाओ ं म शीष ान हा सल करते ए लगातार अ ा दशन कया है । उ
उ श ा के लए भारत और वदेशी व व ालय म, IIT, भारतीय व ान सं ान बगलोर, TIFR आ द जैसे शीष व व ालय /
सं ान म वेश मलता रहा है । हमारे छा ने व भ ावसा यक े – स वल सेवा, र ा सेवाओ,ं बंधन, शोध एवं वकास आ द म
भी अपनी मह पूण जगह बनाई है ।
1. डॉ. लता गग 11. डॉ. अ मत तंवर
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. ु कुमार 12. डॉ. नेहा ब ा
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. मनीष कुमार कंसल 13. डॉ. का शमा अरोड़ा
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. नाओरम
े संतकरस सह 14. डॉ. रीमा गु ा
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. डॉ. ल लत कुमार 15. डॉ. गीता रे
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
6. डॉ. ग त आ श र 16. डॉ. मनोज वमा
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
7. डॉ. अपणा स ेना 17. डॉ. मंजू बाला
एमएससी, पीएचडी; सहायक ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
8. डॉ. संजय कुमार चौहान ( भारी श क) 18. डॉ. भारती जारवाल
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
9. डॉ. ववेक कुमार वमा 19. डॉ. अ ण सह पटल

एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
10. डॉ. आदश सह 20. डॉ. अ भलाश जोसेफ
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
सं ृत- वभाग

हदू कॉलेज देश के सबसे त त महा व ालय म अ तम है । इसका सं ृत वभाग अपनी अ यन-अ ापन क े परप
ं रा
को लेकर सु व ात है । वभाग म ातक एवं ातको र र पर सं ृत के वशेष अ यन के साथ-साथ अं तर-वैष यक पा म म
भी सं ृत का अ यन होता है । सं ृत वभाग म वेद, ाकरण, दशन, सा ह , संगणक य भाषा व ान, आयुवद, अ भलेख शा ,
आधु नक सं ृत सा ह , सं ृत-प का रता आ द वषय के मम आचाय ह । वभाग म सं ृत के मूल ंथ का ाचीन भा एवं
टीकाओ ं के मा म से अ ापन तथा ंथ क आधु नक प र े म ासं गकता पर वशेष बल दया जाता है । सं ृत वभाग ारा
सं ृत जगत् म ात ा व ान एवं वदु षय को शा ीय वचार- वमश के लए आमं त कया जाता है । साथ ही वभाग ारा
रा ीय-अं तरा ीय संगो य एवं स ेलन का भी आयोजन कया जाता है ।
छा के को सवागीण प से संव त करने हत
े ु सं ृत वभाग म ‘ऋक्’ नामक स य छा -प रष त त है ।
प रष के ारा शै णक वष पयत -म , गायन, स -भाषण, र चत का पाठ, वाद- ववाद, नबंध-लेखन, च कला- नमाण,
ना -म न आ द अनेक तयो गताओ ं और सां ृ तक काय म का आयोजन कया जाता है । वभाग ारा एक लघु पु कालय भी
संचा लत ह,ै जसम छा ोपयोगी अनेक पु क का व त संकलन है । वभाग के मेधावी छा को महा व ालय, व व ालय और
देश के अ त त सं ान ारा छा वृ भी ा होती है । सं ृत वभाग के पूवछा देश क सव सं ाओ ं म व भ त त पद
पर कायरत ह ।

1. डॉ. अनीता राजपाल 5. ी पूरणमल वमा
परा ातक, दशन न ात, व ावा र ध, सह-आचाया परा ातक, दशन न ात, सहायक-आचाय
2. डॉ. राज कुमार 6. डॉ. जी. सोमशंकर
परा ातक, दशन न ात, व ावा र ध, सह-आचाय परा ातक, व ावा र ध, सहायक-आचाय
3. डॉ. वजय गग 7. डॉ. सुनील जोशी
परा ातक, दशन न ात, व ावा र ध, सह-आचाय परा ातक, व ावा र ध, सहायक आचाय
4. डॉ. जगमोहन ( वभाग भारी)
परा ातक, व ावा र ध, सहायक-आचाय
Hindu College is one of the most pres gious colleges in the country. Its Sanskrit department is well known
for its excellent teaching and learning tradi on. Along with the special study of Sanskrit at the undergraduate and
postgraduate level, the department also offers Sanskrit studies in inter-disciplinary courses. In the Sanskrit
department, there are well-versed teachers of Vedas, Grammar, Philosophy, Literature, Computa onal linguis cs,
Ayurveda, Indian Epigraphy, Modern Sanskrit Literature, and Sanskrit-journalism etc. In the department, special
emphasis is laid on the teaching of the original texts of Sanskrit through ancient commentaries and the relevance
of the texts in the modern perspec ve. The department specially invites eminent scholars in the world of Sanskrit
for classical discussions, as well as na onal-interna onal seminars and conferences, are also organized by the
An ac ve student council named ‘Rik’ is established in the Sanskrit department to promote the all-round
personality of students. During the academic year, many compe ons and cultural programs are organized by the
council such as Prashna-Manch, Shloka-recita on, Extempore, Poetry recita on, Debate (Vaad-vivad), Essay-
wri ng, Pain ng, Drama performance etc. A small library is also run by the Department, in which there is a rich
collec on of many useful books for students. The meritorious students of the department also receive
scholarships from the College, University of Delhi and other reputed ins tu ons of the country. The alumni of the
Department of Sanskrit are well placed in various pres gious posi ons in highest ins tu ons of the country.

1. Dr. ANITA RAJPAL 5. Sh. PURAN MAL VERMA (Teacher-in-charge)
MA., MPhil., PhD., Associate Professor MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD., Associate Professor MA., PhD., Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD., Associate Professor MA., PhD., Assistant Professor
MA., PhD., Assistant Professor

Established in 1969, the department of Sociology has a robust record of academic achievements and
crea ve excellence. Our students consistently perform well in university examina ons o en securing top
posi ons.
Under the UGCF-NEP, the department offers Core Courses (CC), Discipline Specific Elec ves (DSE), and Skill
Enhancement Courses (SEC) over six semesters for a degree in BA (H) Sociology. The CC impart fundamentals of the
discipline in the first two semesters; in the third and the fourth semesters, students are imparted knowledge of
several substan ve areas of Sociology, such as religion, poli cs, economy, and family and kinship as well as applied
skill based elec ve courses. The fi h and sixth semesters impart knowledge of specialized areas of research
through variety of DSE, with students given an op on to choose a preferred DSE, along with compulsory courses
which give grounding in theore cal and methodological orienta ons of the discipline. In the final semester,
students have an op on of wri ng an independent research essay. The courses are taught through well designed
curricula comprising original texts and standard works by eminent sociologists. Pedagogically, the department
places emphasis on interac ve learning where students are encouraged to engage in meaningful dialogue with
both peers and faculty. The department further offers a range of Generic Elec ve (GE) to students from other
The department has an accomplished faculty with considerable exper se in a wide range of subjects
including economic and poli cal sociology, kinship, religion, gender, educa on, medicine and health and
sociological theories. Specialists in the discipline are invited periodically to deliver lectures on a chosen theme to
further invigorate the academic environment.
The department has an energe c sociological society called ‘Verband’ with elected student office bearers.
In ac ve collabora on with the faculty, the society organizes academic seminars, lectures, and workshops during
an academic year. Our annual department fes val RITES is the highlight of the society’s calendar; it is an inter-
college event having both an academic and extracurricular component. The department brings out an annual
magazine, WAQIF, of which the students cons tute the editorial team. The department also boasts of having an
Ethnographic Film Club, OEUVRE, which holds screenings and discussions of ethnographic films around the world.
Our students par cipate ac vely in various co-curricular socie es of the college o en assuming crucial leadership
roles in them.
Through rigorous academic training and ac ve extra-curricular engagements, our students are equipped
to explore a range of career choices such as in social research, public policy, journalism and media, human
resources, government service, the development sector, social work, law, and the core areas of teaching and
disciplinary research. A sociology graduate from the department emerges as a cri cal and engaged ci zen in a
rapidly transforming world.

(Teacher-in-charge) Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor 5. Ms. SHREYA SANDHU
2. Dr. SHALINI SURYANARAYAN MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor 6. Mr. SANTOSH KUMAR
3. Dr. GITIKA DE Mtech., MA., MPhil., Assistant Professor
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor

समाजशा वभाग
1969 म ा पत समाजशा वभाग अकाद मक उपल य और रचना क तभा क से उ ृ है । हमारे व ाथ
व व ालय क परी ाओ ं म उ रोतर अ ा दशन करटए ए उ ान ा करते आ रहे ह । यूजीसीएफ-एनईपी के तहत बीए
(ऑनस) समाजशा के लए छः सेमे र म वभाग मु पा म (सीसी), अनुशासन क त वैक क (डीएसई), और कौशल वकास
पा म (एसईसी) ा वत करता है । मु पा म के थम दो सेमे र म अनुशासन के मूल स ांत पढ़ाए जाते ह, और तीसर-ेचौथे
सेमे र म छा धम, राजनी त, अथशा और प रवार – कबीला जैसे समाजशा के व ृत े और कौशल आधा रत एवं वैक क
वषय का ान ा करते ह । पांचवे और छठे सेमे र म व भ अनुशासन क त पा म ारा व ा थय को वशेष े का ान दया
जाता ह,ै जसम उ अ नवाय पा म, जो अनुशासन क सै ां तक और प तगत क मूल श ा देते ह, इसके साथ उ अपनी
ाथ मकता वाले पा म चयन करने का वक दया जाता है । अं तम सेमे र म व ा थय के पास एक तं शोध-लेख लखने
का वक होता है । पा म मूल पाठ और व ात समाजशा य के रीय लेखन यु सु नयो जत तरीके से न मत पा चया के
मा म से पढ़ाया जाता है । अ ापन के लए वभाग का उ े संवादा क अ ापन पर रहता ह,ै जहां व ा थय को व ान और
अ ापक के साथ अथपूण संवाद ा पत करने के लए ो ा हत कया जाता है । वभाग अ वभाग के छा के लए कई जेने रक
इले व (जीई) पा म भी ा वत करता है ।

वभाग म व भ े यथा – आ थक और राजनी तक समाजशा , कबीला, धम, जडर, शहरी समाजशा , सामा जक सं र और
समाजशा ीय स ांत आ द के वशेष , तभाशाली अ ापक ह । अकाद मक वातावरण को उ त बनाने के लए समय-समय पर
अनुशासन के वशेष को चय नत वषय पर ा ान देने के लए आमं त कया जाता है ।
वभाग क नवा चत छा - त न धय ारा संचा लत ऊजावान ‘समाजशा सभा’ अकाद मक वष म अ ापक के स य
सहयोग से से मनार, ा ान और कायशालाओ ं का आयोजन करती है । हमारा वा षको व ‘राइ स’ सभा का सबसे बड़ा आयोजन होता
है । इस अं तमहा व ालयीय आयोजन म शै क और सह-शै क ग त व धयां होती ह । वभाग एक वा षक प का का भी काशन
करता ह,ै जसके संपादक छा होते ह । एक नई उपल के प म वभाग ने एक ‘नृवंश’ फ बक ापना क ह,ै जो वषय से
संबं धत फ का दशन और उन पर चचाओ ं का आयोजन करता है । हमारे छा कॉलेज के अ वभाग ारा आयो जत सह-शै क
ग त व धय म स य भागीदारी करते ह और ायः उनम मह पूण योगदान भी देते ह । गहन अकाद मक श ण और स य शै क
ग त व धय म भागीदारी के कारण हमारे व ाथ सामा जक शोध, सावज नक नी त, प का रता, मानव संसाधन, सरकारी नौकरी,
एनजीओ समाज काय, कानून स हत अ ापन और शोध जैसे े म रोजगार क असीम संभावनाएं तलाशने म समथ होते ह । वभाग से
समाजशा म ातक तेजी से बदल रही दु नया म एक मह पूण और वृ नाग रक बनता है ।

1. डॉ. अचला ीतम टड
ं न ( श क भारी) 5. सु ी ेया संधू
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. शालीनी सूयनारायण 6. ी संतोष कुमार
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमटक
े , एमए, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. गी तका डे
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. कल पाल
एमएससी, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर

Since its incep on in 1975, the undergraduate degree in Sta s cs from Hindu College con nues to be a sought-
a er course that a racts thousands of aspirants each year. The importance and relevance of Sta s cs in a digital
economy is ubiquitous. The degree BSc (H) in Sta s cs equips students with a cri cal mindset, ability to solve
complex problems and develop an apprecia on for the innumerable applica ons that Sta s cal Sciences enjoy
The Department has faculty of commi ed teachers who specialize in various academic fields such as
Inference, Stochas c Modelling, Predic on Theory, Order Sta s cs, Bayesian Theory, Biosta s cs, etc. Besides
regular teaching, the faculty members are also involved in research projects and publishing books.
A world of career opportuni es opens up for students’ post-gradua on across public and private sectors.
This degree also builds a strong founda on for those who want to pursue higher educa on in related fields. The
Department has a vibrant society which organizes the annual fes val ‘Kurtosis’. The fes val includes a series of
academic lectures, quizzes, debates, paper presenta ons, etc.

Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Professor Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor
Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
3. Prof. KAMAL NAIN (Teacher-in-charge) 8. Dr. NEHA MIDHA
Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Professor Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor
सां क व ान वभाग
हदू कॉलेज का सां क वभाग द ी व व ालय म ातक र पर सां क पढ़ाने वाले ारं भक वभाग म से एक है ।
संर चत या असंर चत, सामा जक नेटव कग से ाउड कं ू टग, गे मग, कोई े डेटा क बड़ी रा श से अछू ता नह है । इस तरह के डेटा का
व ेषण करने के लए एक वै ा नक कोण अपनाने के बारे म जानकारी क नकासी के लए मह पूण है । इस संबंध म एक वषय के
प म सां क मुख भू मका नभाता है । अ जत वधाओ ं के कई योगा क पहलू ह,ै जैसे बीमा ी मयम, गूगल सच, आईपॉ स या
ू जक ेयस के शफल फ चस, केट क डकवथ लुइस प य त । वभाग म ाके क मॉड लग, भ व वाणी ोरी, जैव
सां क आ द वषय के साथ तब वशेष श क ह जो नय मत प से श ण के अ त र संकाय के अनुसंधान प रयोजनाओ ं
और े पु क के काशन म संल रहते ह, जनके मागदशन म समृ शाली रोजगार के अवसर और अपार उ त के लए वभाग सदैव
तब है । हमारे व ाथ स वल सेवा, भारतीय सां क सेवा बंधन ू ल, बीमां कक व ान, एना ल ट जैसे े म यश ा
कर रहे ह । वभाग क एक स य और जीवंत सं ा है जो अपना वा षक समारोह KURTOSIS का आयोजन उ ाहपूवक करती है । इस
वा षक समारोह म शै क ा ान क ृंखला, ो री, वाद- ववाद आ द ग त व धयां शा मल होती ह ।

1. ो. सुधीर कपूर 6. डॉ. मनोज कुमार वा य
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; ोफेसर एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. देब ी गो ामी 7. डॉ. संदीप कुमार
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. ो. कमल नैन ( श क भारी) 8. डॉ. नेहा मधा
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; ोफेसर एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. नर कुमार 9. डॉ. हम
े ंत कुमार मोलापाटा
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
5. डॉ. यंका अ वाल
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर

The Department of Zoology, renowned for undergraduate studies in the field of Animal Sciences, is
celebra ng the Golden Jubilee of its establishment, this year. The accomplished Faculty of this Department
nurtures the young students so that they are able to hone their skills during 3 years in college, and empower them
to carve out a niche of their own in the compe ve world. The all-round development of the alumni has enabled
them to make a mark in fields as diverse as Research, Academics, Forest service, Civil services, Armed Forces,
Management, etc.
The training and exper se of the Department's Faculty in diverse research disciplines namely, Cell Biology,
Entomology, Fish Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Microbiology, Animal Behaviour, Endocrinology, etc.
greatly helps in laying the founda on for success of students by supplan ng curriculum-based studies with hands-
on research, workshops, symposiums, seminars and lectures. The undergraduate students are mentored by the
faculty members in conduc ng various short- term projects that hone their observa onal, analy cal, wri ng and
presenta on skills. Regular visits to reputed research labs, field trips are organised for enhancing the prac cal
learning. The faculty facilitates the entry of students for summer training in some of the renowned research
ins tutes like IISc and JNCASR, Bangalore; TIFR, Mumbai; NBRC Gurgaon; NII, Delhi, etc. As a result of the rigorous
training, the students consistently excel in academic performance and gain entry to pres gious ins tu ons for
Masters and PhD by clearing various entrance examina ons.
The holis c development of students is ensured by engaging them in various curricular and extra-
curricular ac vi es planned and conducted throughout the year by GENESIS, the Departmental society. GENESIS
offers the students a chance for self-expression and self-asser on and helps to develop their social skills. The
students are responsible for planning and execu on of the ac vi es of the society and this inculcates in them a
sense of responsibility and brings to the fore dormant leadership quali es. The Department aims to train students
not only for achieving excellence in their field of study but also to become individuals who will be frontrunners in
solving the various scien fic and societal challenges faced by the World.
The Department has well developed infrastructure for carrying out experiments related to curriculum and
Research projects. Besides three well equipped laboratories; a very well-organized Museum is the hallmark of the
Department. The Department also provides, for the use of students, computers with internet facility, a digital
library with a collec on of the latest edi ons of over 1400 books, a rich collec on of research/review papers from
scien fic journals, around 300 Nature/Science documentaries, films and a dedicated LCD projec on facility.

Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., MPhil.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PGDSM, PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
Msc., PhD.; Associate Professor Msc., PhD.; Assistant Professor
(Teacher-in-charge) Msc., PhD., Assistant Professor
Msc., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor

ाणी व ान वभाग
ाणी व ान के े म ातक अ यन के लए स यह वभाग इस वष अपनी ापना क ण जयंती मना रहा है । इस
वभाग के कुशल संकाय युवा छा क तभा का पोषण करते ह, जससे वे अपने कौशल को सुधारने और त ध दु नया म एक जगह
बनाने म स म होते ह । पूव छा के सवागीण वकास ने उ अनुसंधान, श ा, वन सेवा, स वल सेवाओ,ं सश बल , बंधन जैसे
व वध े म अपनी पहचान बनाने म स म बनाया है । सेल बायोलॉजी, एं टोमोलॉजी, फश बायोलॉजी, मॉ ल ूलर बायोलॉजी,
इ ूनोलॉजी, माइ ोबायोलॉजी, ए नमल बहे वयर, एं डो नोलॉजी आ द व वध अनुसंधान वषय म वभाग के संकाय का श ण
और वशेष ता, छा क सफलता क न व रखने म ब त मदद करती है । पा म-आधा रत अ यन को ावहा रक अनुसंधान,
कायशालाओ,ं संगो य और ा ान ारा त ा पत कया जाता है । ातक छा को व भ अ का लक प रयोजनाओ ं के
संचालन म संकाय सद ारा सलाह दी जाती ह,ै जो उनके अवलोकन, व ेषणा क, लेखन और ु त कौशल को बढ़ाते ह ।
ै कल ल नग को बढ़ाने के लए त त अनुसंधान योगशालाओ ं के नय मत दौर,े फ प आयो जत कए जाते ह । संकाय
आईआईएससी और जेएनसीएएसआर, बगलोर, टीआईएफआर, मुंबई; एनबीआरसी गुड़गांव; एनआईआई, द ी, जैसे कुछ स शोध
सं ान म ी कालीन श ण के लए छा के वेश क सु वधा दान करता है । कठोर श ण के प रणाम प, छा लगातार
अकाद मक दशन म उ ृ ता ा करते ह और व भ वेश परी ाओ ं को पास करके परा ातक और पीएचडी के लए त त
सं ान म वेश ा करते ह ।
वभागीय सामा जक समूह ‘जेने सस’ ारा पूरे वष नयो जत और संचा लत व भ पा चया और पा ेतर ग त व धय म संल
करके छा का सम वकास सु न त कया जाता है । ‘जेने सस’ छा को आ -अ भ का अवसर दान करता है और उनके
सामा जक कौशल को वक सत करने म मदद करता है । छा , ‘जेने सस’ क ग त व धय क योजना और न ादन के लए ज ेदार होते
ह, और यह उनम ज ेदारी क भावना पैदा करता है और न य नेतृ गुण को सामने लाता है । वभाग का उ े छा को न केवल
अपने अ यन के े म उ ृ ता ा करने के लए श त करना ह,ै ब ऐसे भी बनना है जो दु नया के सामने आने वाली
व भ वै ा नक और सामा जक चुनौ तय को हल करने म सबसे आगे ह गे ।
वभाग के पास पा म और अनुसंधान प रयोजनाओ ं से संबं धत योग करने के लए अ ी तरह से वक सत बु नयादी ढांचा है । तीन
अ ी तरह से सुस त योगशालाओ ं के अलावा; एक ब त अ ी तरह से भंडा रत और संग ठत सं हालय वभाग क पहचान है ।
वभाग छा के उपयोग के लए, इं टरनेट सु वधा के साथ कं ूटर, 1400 से अ धक पु क के नवीनतम सं रण के सं ह के साथ एक
ड जटल पु कालय, वै ा नक प काओ ं से अनुसंधान/समी ा प का एक समृ सं ह, लगभग 300 कृ त/ व ान वृ च , फ
और एक सम पत एलसीडी ोजे न सु वधा दान करता है ।

1. डॉ. सोमा एम. घोरई 6. डॉ. द ा बजाज
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी,पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
2. डॉ. अनुपम वा य शमा 7. डॉ. मो हत कुमार
एमएससी, पीजीडीसीएम, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी,पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
3. डॉ. नीतू 8. डॉ. अमान बु नयादी
एमएससी, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर एमएससी,पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर
4. डॉ. व ण सह रावत ( भारी श क)
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
5. ी करण कुमार सलाम
एमएससी, एम फल; अ स ट ोफेसर
The Department of BA Programme, established in 1980, has a robust record of academic achievements and
crea ve excellence. BAP students consistently perform well in academics and strive for the be erment of society.

The department offers a plethora of BA courses at the undergraduate level. The six semesters for a BA
programme degree under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), offers Eight Discipline Specific Course (DSC),
Four Discipline Specific Elec ve (DSE), Four Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), Four modern Indian language Course
(MIL) and Two Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC). Apart from the main disciplines, the skill
enhancement and ability enhancement courses offered by the department enhance skills that help the students
for their future endeavours.

Department of BA program is the biggest and most diverse department in the college. The department is
divided into four sec ons according to its main subject’s combina on. These combina ons are – History + Poli cal
Science, English + Economics, Hindi + Philosophy and Sanskrit + Poli cal Science.

The student council has been formed under the guidance of Teacher-In-Charge to help smooth conduct of
such a big department. The Council is composed of third- and second-year students on various posts elected by the
students of BAP itself. The department has been very ac ve in organising seminars and events on diverse topics.
The par cipa on of the faculty and the students on a regular basis in events, compe ons and discussions makes
the department dynamic and vibrant. Today, the students of the department are working in almost all the socie es
of the college and hold prominent posi ons in almost all socie es. Various events are organised by BAP all the year
around: Viraasat – Fresher’s Party, is organised to celebrate the admission of the new batch and to help them
assimilate in the college. Zenith – the Annual event of BAP, is filled with zeal and enthusiasm as it organizes
innumerable compe ons and performances and various talk sessions with prominent personali es ranging from
actors to journalists. Afsaana – Farewell Party, is organised to honour the passing out batch and to bid them
goodbye on their new journey of life.

1. Dr. DEVASIA MURUPPATH ANTONY (Teacher-in-charge)
MA., MPhil., PhD.; Associate Professor
बीए ो ाम वभाग
वष 1980 म अपनी ापना से आज तक बीए ो ाम वभाग अकाद मक उपल य के साथ रचना क उ ृ ता के े म े दशन
करता रहा है । वभाग के व ाथ कॉलेज क व भ सं ाओ ं और अकाद मक े म भी लगातार बेहतरीन काम कर रहे ह ।
वभाग म ातक र के पा म का अ यन होता है । वाइस बे ड े डट स म (CBCS) के तहत वभाग पूरे छः सेमे र म
आठ अनुशासन व श पा म, चार अनुशासन व श वैक क पा म, चार कौशल संवधन पा म (SEC), दो आधु नक
भारतीय भाषा पा म (MIL) और दो यो ता वृ अ नवाय पा म (AECC) का अ ापन करता है । मु वषय के अलावा
व ा थय के कौशल संवधन हत
े ु कौशल वृ और मता वृ पा म भी अ यन का अ नवाय ह ा है । बीए ो ाम वभाग
कॉलेज के बड़े एवं व वध वभाग म से एक है । वभाग अपने मु वषय के संयोजन के अनुसार चार वग म बांटा गया है – इ तहास +
राजनी त व ान, अं ेजी + अथशा , हदी + दशन शा और सं ृत + राजनी त व ान ।
वभाग क वषभर क ग त व धय के कुशल संचालन हत
े ु श क भारी के मागदशन म छा -प रषद का गठन कया जाता है ।
बीए ो ाम वभाग के छा ारा व भ पद पर त न धय का चुनाव कया जाता ह।ै यह छा प रषद पूरे वष व वध वषय पर
से मनार और काय म का आयोजन करती है । आयोजन , तयो गताओ ं और चचाओ ं म नय मत प से श क और छा क भागीदारी
वभाग को ग तशील और जीवंत बनाती है । आज वभाग के छा कॉलेज के लगभग सभी सोसाइटीज म काम कर रहे ह और लगभग सभी
सोसाइटीज म मुख पद पर ह । वषभर म होने वाले अ व भ आयोजन के अलावा वभाग तवष कुछ मु काय म करता ह:
वरासत – े शस पाट , नए बैच के वेश का ज मनाने और उ कॉलेज म समायो जत करने म मदद करने के लए आयो जत क जाती है ।
जे नथ – बीए ो ाम वभाग का वा षक काय म, छा को जोश और उ ाह से भर देता ह,ै अ भनेताओ ं से लेकर प कार तक सभी को
इसम आमं त कया जाता है । इसे रोचक और रीय बनाने के लए व भ तयो गताएं , छोटे काय म को इसम शा मल कया जाता
है । अफसाना – वदाई समारोह, तृतीय वष के सी नयस को स ा नत करने वाले इस आयोजन म व भ काय म को इसम शा मल करते
ए सी नयस को वदाई के साथ उ भ व क नई या ा हत
े ु बधाई देने का आयोजन कया जाता है ।

1. डॉ. देव सया मु पथ एं टनी ( श क भारी)
एमए, एम फल, पीएचडी; एसो सएट ोफेसर
Environmental Science has been introduced in all the colleges of Delhi University
with a long-term vision of integra ng the different disciplines like earth processes,
atmospheric processes, mechanisms, impacts and mi ga on, environmental
pollu on, ecological processes, and their role in environmental systems,
environmental policies, laws and governance and environmental sustainability. It
offers an interdisciplinary program that reflects the mul -disciplinary nature of the
environment and its contribu on in making the earth, safe and healthy. The
department maintains a strong academic orienta on by valuing the student-
teacher rela onship mantra by facilita ng students to pursue their long-term
career in different areas of Environmental Science. It involves the faculty
engagement with basic environmental challenges and caters the need of teaching
of Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) in Environmental Science.
Equipped with experienced and dynamic faculty having relevant exper se; the department has one of the faculty
members having an interna onal repute of holding a posi on as an expert in some global commi ees working on
atmospheric sciences, air quality, nature-based solu ons and environmental sustainability. This work is also
reflected in the form of more than 50 research publica ons in high impact factor journals of Elsevier, Springer,
Taylor & Francis, Fron ers etc and published books and book chapters in Springer and Elsevier. The faculty is also
having Post Doctorate working experience from premier ins tutes in India like Indian Council of Agricultural
Research, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujarat and Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. The faculty
has a strong research background with having more than 1200 Google Scholar Cita ons. A number of student
internships within college and outside college has also been offered to conduct research at na onal and
interna onal collabora ons in different fields of atmospheric sciences and environmental sustainability. Students
are also involved in Innova ve research projects funded by local and na onal agencies and ac vely involved in
conduc ng conferences, seminars, workshops in various areas of Environment. The department will also be
planning to launch some value added and cer ficate courses in different fields of Environmental Science to
enhance the knowledge of students in core areas of environment and can be helpful to them to perform their
professional skills in their near future.


M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D; Assistant Professor
पयावरण अ यन वभाग
पृ ी और वायुमंडलीय याओ,ं उनक या व ध, भाव और शमन, पयावरण ू ण,
पा र तक तं , पयावरण णा लय म उनक भू मका के साथ नी तय , कानून , शासन और
पयावरणीय रता जैसे व भ वषय को एक कृत प से समझने क दीघका लक के साथ
द ी व व ालय के सभी कॉलेज म पयावरण व ान क शु आत क गई है । यह
अं तरानुशास नक पा म व ा थय म पयावरण क कृ त और पृ ी को सुर त एवं
बनाए रखने क जाग कता पैदा करता है । वभाग छा को पयावरण व ान के व भ े म
अपने दीघका लक कै रयर को आगे बढ़ाने हत
े ु व भ सु वधाएं दान करते ए छा - श क संबंध
के आधार पर उनका मू ांकन कर उ मजबूत अकाद मक आधार दान करता है ।

वभाग म अनुभव एवं वशेष ता रखने वाले ग तशील संकाय ह । वायुमंडलीय व ान, वायु
गुणव ा, कृ त-आधा रत समाधान और पयावरणीय रता पर काम करने वाली कुछ वै क स म तय म वशेष के प म काय करने
वाले अं तररा ीय ा त के संकाय सद भी ह । उनके पचास से अ धक शोध-प का काशन ए े वयर, गर, टल
े र एं ड ां सस,
ं टयस आ द उ भाव कारक प काओ ं म और पु क एवं पु क अ ाय गर और ए े वयर से का शत ह । संकाय के पास
भारत के मुख सं ान ; जैसे भारतीय कृ ष अनुसंधान प रषद, भौ तक अनुसंधान योगशाला, अहमदाबाद और जवाहरलाल नेह
व व ालय म काय करने के साथ पो डॉ रटे करने का भी अनुभव है । 1200 से अ धक गूगल व ान उ रण के साथ संकाय क एक
मजबूत शोध पृ भू म है । वायुमंडलीय व ान और पयावरणीय रता के व भ े म रा ीय और अं तरा ीय सहयोग पर शोध करने
े ु कॉलेज के भीतर और बाहर कई छा इं टन शप क पेशकश क गई है । छा ानीय और रा ीय एज सय ारा व पो षत अ भनव
अनुसंधान प रयोजनाओ ं म भी शा मल ह और पयावरण के व भ े म स ेलन , से मनार , कायशालाओ ं के संचालन म स य प से
सहभागी भी ह । वभाग पयावरण के मु े म छा के ान बढ़ाने के लए पयावरण व ान के व भ े म कुछ मू व धत
माणप पा म शु करने क योजना बना रहा है जो भ व म उनके पेशेवर कौशल का दशन करने म उनके लए सहायक रहग
े ा।

1. डॉ. प वी स ेना
एमएससी, एम फल, पीएचडी; अ स ट ोफेसर

Hindu college had an illustrious past in sports excellence. The college is equipped with all the facili es for sports
having a large ground, excellent sports complex that houses state-of-art gymnasium, volleyball and basketball
court, football ground and cricket pitch. The college provides all the facili es to the players and we par cipate in
almost all the sports compe ons. At University level, our teams of basketball, football and cricket have given
exemplary performances. Our students not only perform outstanding at the university level, but have made their
mark in na onal and interna onal tournaments too. The sports facili es are provided to every student regardless
of their stream and that is evident by the popularity of them choosing physical educa on as one of the Generic
elec ve subjects. Hindu inspires and mo vates all students to increase their exper se and performances in sports.
A healthy environment is provided for an overall physical and mental well being of our sports persons.
Basketball is one of the USP of Hindu college with a standard size basketball court (28m x 15m). Our team of
eight students have represented in both Na onal and Interna onal levels and showed extraordinary
performances. Vivek Chauhan has gathered many accolades for our college and represented University of Delhi.
He is a gold medallist in 3x3 professional basketball league, and a bronze medallist in 68th Junior Na onal
basketball championship. He is selected for NBA Games league winter showcase and par cipated in the NBA Asia
Pacific team, China and NBA academy Global Games, Australia. Aryan, represented Senior India Men’s basketball
in FIBA Asia cup 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia and also represented Senior Na onal Basketball Championship in
Chennai, 2022.
In football, Hindu college team secured first posi on in intercollege tournament. They par cipated in
Na onal and University levels and also represented in Santosh trophy, Khelo India Khelo and many more. Hindu
college has a well-maintained volleyball court with regular supply of ball and equipment’s. Our players from cricket
team play at domes c level (Ranji trophy, U23; U19), Senior na onal and Delhi University level.
VISIT HERE University of Delhi website:

1. Subject as hereina er provided no person shall be eligible for admission to the University unless he has passed
the Intermediate Examina on of an Indian University, or the Higher Secondary Examina on of the Board of
Higher Secondary Educa on, Delhi or an examina on recognised as equivalent to either of these examina ons
by the Academic Council, from me to me, and possesses such further qualifica ons as may be prescribed by
the Ordinances:

2. There will be no minimum age bar for admission to under-graduate courses and post-graduate courses in the
University and its Colleges except in professional courses where regulatory body prescribed minimum age
requirement (such as MCI, AICTE etc.).
2-A. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance, its Clause 2 hereof will read as under in respect
of admission to the 1st year of any Degree Courses of the University with effect from the academic year
1979-80 and in respect of undermen oned Post-graduate courses with effect from the academic year
No person shall be qualified for admission to the University unless before the first day of October in the
year in which he seeks admission, he is 17 years of age or if he seeks admission to the 1st year of the
Post- Graduate Degree/Diploma Courses LL.B., B.Lib. Sc., or B.Ed. Course he is 20 years of age. Provided
that the Vice-Chancellor may, on the basis of individual merits, relax the age limit up to a maximum
period of one year.
Provided further that if a person otherwise eligible to get admission in the University is not governed
by 10+2+3 scheme, he shall con nue to be governed by the provisions of Clause 2 above.
3. No person not already being a member of the University shall be admi ed to any post-graduate course unless he
has passed an examina on recognised as equivalent to a degree examina on of the University.
4. The candidates seeking admission to a course of study in the University must sa sfy the rules and condi ons
made in this behalf.
5. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Ordinance, no person who has been convicted of an offence
involving moral turpitude shall be admi ed to a course of study or permi ed to take any examina on of the
University un l a period of two years has elapsed from the date of expiry of the sentence imposed on him.
However, the Academic Council may, in a special case, exempt any person from the opera on of this Rule.
Ord. II. Admission
(i) All students seeking admission to colleges against the seats reserved for Children/widows/wives of officers and
personnel of Armed Forces including paramilitary personnel as no fied from me to me and foreign students,
shall be registered centrally by the University and subject to the overall availability of seats such of them as are
found eligible for admission will be assigned to various Colleges, who shall admit them accordingly. Colleges
shall directly admit students applying under the categories – General, Scheduled Caste. Schedule Tribe, Other
Backward Classes (OBC) and the Persons with Disability quotas, as well as students applying under Sports and
Curricular Ac vi es (CA) category.
(1) The candidates will be registered by the University in the first instance and therea er they will be free to seek
admission to any college.
(2) The Colleges will prepare their merit list separately and admit them according to the course wise quota fixed by
the University.
(3) It is a statutory obliga on on the part of colleges to fill all seats reserved for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled
Tribes/ OBC.
(4) The Colleges will not refuse admission to any SC/ST/OBC student on the basis of medium of instruc on. Any
deficiency in the knowledge of any par cular language should be removed through remedial classes for which
U.G.C. grants are available.
(5) All seats reserved for SC/ST/OBC which remain unfilled will be no fied again by the concerned colleges and
filled according to merit in subsequent admission lists.
(6) The University will monitor the admissions, with the help of a commi ee of 5 to 6 members with Dean,
Students' Welfare (Main Campus) as Convenor, and will look into problems, if any, arising therefrom. This
Commi ee might also obtain informa on about admissions made every day in the evening.
(7) By obtaining the above informa on, the University will know how many seats have been filled up by the
Colleges against the reserved seats and how many seats are s ll vacant.
(8) In case the candidates registered with the University could not get admission in any College, the University will
allot them Course and College where the seats will be available.
The Academic Council may specify either generally or each year the courses for which the students will be
registered centrally by the University and the manner of their admission including whether they will be assigned
to various Colleges or those found eligible will be free to seek admission to any College.
(i) Subject to the aforesaid, the Principal of a College will admit students to the various courses available in that
College. The College shall ensure that each student fulfils the eligibility requirements, as prescribed by the
Academic Council, for admission to the concerned course.
(ii) Applica ons for admission/registra on shall be made on a prescribed form. Applica ons by students seeking
admission to Master's courses in the Facul es of Arts, Mathema cal Sciences, Social Sciences, Music and
Science shall be sent to the Deans of Facul es concerned direct. Applica ons for admission to courses other
than those men oned above shall be made to the Principal of the College concerned:
Provided that for purpose of provisional admission to the Post- graduate Courses, there shall be Standing
Commi ees, one each for the Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences, Mathema cal Sciences and Music, to be
appointed by the Vice Chancellor, which would decide the criteria and, on the merits of each case the
admissions on provisional basis.
"For the purpose of this Clause 'Principal of a College' shall, where the case so requires include the Dean of the
Faculty of Law Director, Campus of Open Learning and where instruc on is provided solely by the University, the
Head of Department concerned".
3. Admissions shall be finalised by the Principals of Colleges and Deans of Facul es concerned, as the case may be,
not later than such last date as may be prescribed by the Academic Council from me to me.
Provided that the Vice-Chancellor may, at his discre on, allow admission to any course a er the prescribed date as
aforesaid, for very excep onal reasons, such as late declara on of results or such other reasons considered
sa sfactory by the Vice-Chancellor up to the dates thought reasonable by him in each case:
Provided further that no admission will be made by a College prior to the date to be fixed by the Academic Council
each year:
Provided that all provisional admissions to the post-graduate courses shall be finalized by the Standing
Commi ees concerned not later than 31st August of the year in which admissions are sought. Provisional
admissions not finalized by the aforesaid date shall automa cally be annulled.
(1) The minimum qualifica ons and condi ons of eligibility for admission to the various courses shall be as laid
down in Ordinance I and I-A and/or Appendix II to the Ordinances.
Provided that notwithstanding anything in the said Ordinance or Appendix, the Academic Council, on the
recommenda ons of the Admission Commi ees, reviewed and modified by the Standing Commi ee of the
Academic Council if necessary, may –
(i) raise the minimum qualifica ons for eligibility for admission, e.g., require a higher qualifying examina on, or a
prescribed percentage of marks in the qualifying examina on, and the like;
(ii) add to the condi ons of eligibility for admission e.g., require certain combina ons of subjects, or some
teaching or other experience, or require that the candidate shall pass a test devised for the purpose, or that
she/he shall give an undertaking that she/he will not take up any employment during the course of his study, or
will not appear at certain compe ve examina ons, and the like;
(iii) where the number of eligible applicants for the course is greater than the number of seats available, prescribe
any rules determining the order of preference among the applicants, e.g., give weightage to those who have
passed the qualifying examina on in a single a empt, and the like.
(2) The said Admission Commi ees shall determine the principles on which admissions are to be made and the
procedure therefor subject to review by the Standing Commi ee of Academic Council as men oned hereina er.
The said Admission Commi ees shall finalise the cases of admission where registra on is centrally done by the
University (vide proviso to Clause 2(I) above). The Admission Commi ees shall also consider and make
recommenda ons to the Standing Commi ee in respect of such admission cases as are referred to them by the
Deans of the Facul es on account of any special factor and considera ons involved in par cular cases.
(3) The said Admission Commi ee shall also ascertain, as soon as may be, the number of places for various courses
likely to be available in the various courses and shall no fy the Heads of Departments and Principals of Colleges
5. There will be a Standing Commi ee of the Academic Council which will: (1) review and finalise cases of
admission as are specially referred to them by the different Courses Admission Commi ees, on account of any
special factors or considera ons involved in par cular cases;
(2) review ordinarily in November each year the principles adopted by the various Courses Admission Commi ees
for admission to the courses concerned and to co-ordinate, wherever necessary, the admission procedure
adopted by these Commi ees.
S.No Department Paper Name
1 Economics Introductory Microeconomics
2 English The Individual and Society
3 Hindi Hindi Cinema aur Uska Adhyayan
4 History Delhi through the Ages
5 Philosophy Ethics in Public Domain
6 Political Science Gandhi and the Contemporary World
7 Sanskrit Computer Applications for Sanskrit
8 Sociology Indian Society: Images and Realities
9 Commerce Business Organisation and Management
10 Botany Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archegoniatae
11 Chemistry Atomic structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
12 Mathematics Calculus
13 Physics Electricity & Management
14 Statistics Statistical Methods
15 Zoology Insect Vector and Diseases
16 Physical Education Yoga and Stress management


S.No Department Paper Name
1 Economics Money and Banking
2 English Culture and Theory
3 Hindi Bhasa Aur Samaj
4 History Making of Post Colonial India 1950-1990
5 Philosophy Feminism
6 Political Science Politics of Globalization
7 Sanskrit Individual, Family and Community in India Social Thought
8 Sociology Rethinking Development
9 Commerce Human resource Management
10 Botany Environmental Biotechnology
11 Chemistry Solutions, Phase Equilibrium, conductance,
Electrochemistry and Functional Group Organic Chemistry-II
12 Mathematics Linear Programming and Game Theory
13 Physics Waves and Optics
14 Statistics Basics of Statistical Infernce
15 Zoology Food, Nutrition and Health
16 Physical Education Aerobic Traning
ECA admissions Seat Matrix for
Admission 2022-23 in ECA category

S. no. Ac vity Reference Specific Seat

1 Dance 2a Indian classical 1
2 Dance 2b Indian folk 1
3 Dance 2c Western 1
4 Debate 3b English 2
5 Digital media 4b Film making 2
6 Music (vocal) 6a Indian 1
(Classical and
7 Music (Instrumental) 8a Drums 1
8 Music (Instrumental) 8g Keyboard 1
Dr. Rajesh Kumar (Maths)- Convener
Dr. Bindu Bansal
Dr. Nidhi Chawla
Dr. Puja Saxena Nigam
Dr. Richa Bajaj

S. no. Sports/ Games Men Women

1 Tennis 1 1
2 Chess 1
3 Swimming 1 1
4 Cricket 1 -
5 Basketball 2 1
6 football 1
TOTAL 06 04

Sports Commi ee members (2022-23):

Shri Jai Inderpal Singh (Director of Physical educa on) -Ex-officio Convener
Prof. Harinder Kumar – Convener
Dr. Sudarshan Kumar
Dr. Varunendra Singh Rawat
Dr. Siddharth N. Kanoujia
S.No. Teacher-in-charge Department
1 Dr. Anuradha Sharma Botany
2 Shri. Ajai Kumar Chemistry and
BSc Physical Sciences with
3 Shri. Atul Gupta Commerce
4 Dr. Abdul Rasheed C.K. Economics
5 Dr. Prem Kumar Vijayan English
6 Shri. Abhay Ranjan Hindi
7 Dr. Archana Verma History
8 Dr. Sachin Vashistha Mathema cs
9 Dr. Devasia M. A. Philosophy and
BA (program)
10 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Chauhan Physics and
BSc Physical Sciences with
11 Dr. Chandrachur Singh Poli cal science
12 Shri. Puran Mal Verma Sanskrit
13 Dr. Achla P. Tandon Sociology
14 Prof. Kamal Nain Sta s cs
15 Dr. Varunendra S. Rawat Zoology


S.No. Name Phone No. Email Address
1 Prof. Kamal Nain 9811951729
2 Dr. Aparna Saxena 9818015996
3 Dr. Twinkle Pal 9811830225
4 Dr. Vijay Garg 9810545863
5 Dr. Neetu 9810906308
6 Dr. Vivek Kumar 9899727196
7 Dr. Samridhi Mehta 9868367179


S.No. Name Phone No. Email Address
1 Dr. Ravindra Kumar - 9555450007
2 Dr. Puja Saxena 9810328578
3 Dr. Sumit Nanadan 9868300779 snandan@
4 Shri. Sanjeev Du Sharma 9868485335 sanjivdu

5 Dr. Rachna Singh 9899004320 rachna1singh@
6 Dr. Jagdish Chandra 9968097020


Note: An amount of Rs 200 for humanities and Rs 250 for science students will be refunded after successful
completion of the course
The College offers Short-Term Cer ficate courses in the following languages:
1. French 2. German 3. Russian 4. Spanish
Cer ficate will be issued to all the successful candidates.

1) Short Term Cer ficate Course on ‘Learning LaTeX and Xfig’
This is an offline cer ficate course which is being organised by Hindu College in collabora on with IIT Delhi,
PMRF Scheme and Spoken Tutorials, IIT Bombay. The course will be conducted by PMRF scholars from IIT Delhi
as course instructors. The course will commence from September 09, 2022 and shall focus on basics of LaTeX
and Xfig.
LaTeX is one of the widely used free so ware for type-se ng technical documents. It can be used for wri ng
books, research papers. It is also helpful in making impac ul presenta ons. XFig is helpful in drawing figures
using objects such as circle, boxes, line etc.

The course is for all the students of Hindu College and is a 15–20 hour course.
Course Coordinator: Dr. Praga Ashdhir
Course Co-coordinator: Dr. Samridhi Mehta
Organising Team: Dr. Amit Tanwar and Dr. Neha Batra Bali
Resource Person: Ms. Ankita Parashar and Ms. Diksha Gupta (PMRF Scholars)

2) Add-on Cer ficate Course on ‘Ancient Indian Wisdom: Vedic Mathema cs’
This is an online cer ficate course which is being organised by Hindu College in collabora on with the Ins tute
for the Advancement of Vedic Mathema cs (IAVM). IAVM is a charitable incorporated organisa on registered
in the UK. It was established to promote, sustain and increase the understanding of vedic mathema cs around
the world. Their impact is in over 15 countries and has empowered over 5000 students across the globe.
This is a 30-hour course which will focus on the methods of doing calcula ons using various sutras and sub-
sutras of vedic mathema cs. Vedic mathema cs helps improve the speed of doing calcula ons. It promotes
development of strategy skills and flexibility. The knowledge of vedic mathema cs can help students overcome
the fear of doing calcula ons.
The faculty will be from IAVM team and the course is open for all Hindu College students who have studied
mathema cs ll class XII. The course will tenta vely commence from September 17, 2022.
Course Convenor: Dr. Kanta Garg
Course Co-coordinator: Dr. Samridhi Mehta
Resource Persons: IAVM team

This is a cer ficate course which is being organised by Hindu College in collabora on with Digital India Founda on
(DIF). DIF is a policy think tank focusing on areas of Digital inclusion, Smart Ci es, Internet Governance, Cyber-
Security etc. The resource person will be Mr. Arvind Gupta - head, Co-founder, DIF. Mr. Gupta’s last role was as the
CEO of MyGov, a ci zen centric pla orm meant to empower people and connect with the Government for be er
governance. He is an adjunct Professor at IIT BHU and Member, World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council
on Digital Economy and Society. Besides having many publica ons in journals of World repute, he is an ac ve
member of iSPiRT, NASSCOM and even propelled the implementa on of DBT across India. A er a degree in
Electronics and Communica on Engineering from IIT-BHU, Mr. Gupta did his Masters in Computer Science and
MBA (Finance and Marke ng) from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
The course intends to provide an orienta on toward the future industrial paradigms with a focus on the digital
economy and its impact on the behaviour of consumers across the globe. This orienta on would help future
engineers to create or work with products and services in these new paradigms.
The course will tenta vely commence from September 30, 2022 and will be conducted in hybrid mode. This course
is for all the students of Hindu College and is a 30-40 hour course.

Dr. Debasree Goswami
Dr. Achla Tandon
Dr. Manisha Pandey
Dr. Ni Bhutani
Dr. Archana Verma
Dr. Lalit
Dr. Praga Ashdhar
Dr. Priyanka Aggarwal
Dr. Varunendra S. Rawat


The PMRF scholar assigned to Zoology Department, Hindu College will be impar ng theore cal and prac cal
knowledge about An microbial Resistance (AMR) to the students of III Year (V SEM). The theore cal part will
include descrip on of AMR, mechanism of An bio c ac on, causes and mechanism of an bio c resistance. The
prac cal aspect will deal with usage of various methods for an microbial suscep bility tes ng and the
interpreta on of results.


This is an add-on/capsule course which has been organized by Department of Chemistry, Hindu College in
collabora on with IIT Delhi under the aegis of IQAC and PMRF Scheme. The course is being conducted by three
dynamic PMRF Research Scholars from IIT Delhi along under extensive support and guidance of green chemistry
educators of the college.
The course has commenced from 16th August, 2022 and is open for all students pursuing B.Sc (Hons). B.Sc
(Prog) Chemistry. The total dura on is 30 hours which is inclusive of theory as well as prac cal components for
be er understanding of students.
The modules covered under this course include:
Module 1: Emerging Energy Technologies & Introduc on to Ba eries
Module 2: Waste to Resource: From spent ba eries to valuables
Module 3: Photocataly c Applica ons of extracted metals: Special Emphasis on Dye Degrada on
A research project en tled “Recovery of metal from spent lithium ion ba eries and its usage as photocatalysts for
dye degrada on” has also been planned under this course to help students acquire knowledge and skills beyond
the curriculum to derive wealth out of waste.
Patrons: Prof. Anju Srivastava (Principal, Hindu College)
Prof. Reena Jain (Vice-Principal, Hindu College
Course Coordinators: Dr. Devanshi Magoo, Dr. Aman Bhardwaj and Dr. Sriparna Du a (Faculty, Department of
Chemistry, Hindu College)
Course Educators: Prof. Anju Srivastava, Prof. Reena Jain, Dr. Sriparna Du a (Green Chemistry Educators)
Akshita Sharma, Ni ka Garg and Sungjemmenla (PMRF Research Scholars at IIT Delhi)
Student Coordinators: Sameeksha, Riya, Priyanshu, Isha & Mohit (B.Sc Hons Chemistry, 3rd Year)

This course has been ini ated by Department of Chemistry in collabora on with IIT Delhi under the aegis of
IQAC and PMRF Scheme. It has commenced from 6th September, 2022 onwards and has a racted students from
various streams of sciences including Chemistry, Botany and Zoology as it was open for all the science courses.
Currently, 35 students from B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry, B.Sc (Prog) Chemistry, B. Sc (Hons) Zoology and B.Sc (Hons)
Bontay are enrolled in this course. The course intends to provide valuable insights on hydrogel-based systems at
molecular level through spectroscopy and is being conducted by two bright PMRF research scholars of IIT Delhi
who have their research exper se in the area of hydrogels and molecular spectroscopy. The total course dura on
is 30 hours.

This value added course has six modules, the details are provided below:
Module 1: Introduc on to Polymers
Module 2: Smart Polymers
Module 3: Hydrogel System and Applica ons
Module 4: Photophysical Processes
Module 5: General Spectroscopic Techniques
Module 6: Applica ons
It also includes a research project en tled “Spectroscopic behavior of standard absorbance probes in hydrogel
based aqueous solu ons at varying pH condi ons using UV Visible Spectroscopy.
Prof. Anju Srivastava (Principal, Hindu College)
Prof. Reena Jain (Vice-Principal, Hindu College
Course Coordinators: Dr. Devanshi Magoo, Dr. Aman Bhardwaj and Dr. Sriparna Du a (Faculty, Department of
Chemistry, Hindu College)
Course Educators: Divya and Deepika (PMRF Research Scholars at IIT Delhi)
Student Coordinators: Sameeksha, Riya, Priyanshu, Isha & Mohit (B.Sc Hons Chemistry, 3rd Year)

This course has been designed under the “Going Global Partnership Exploratory Grant” sponsored by Bri sh
council and awarded to Green Chemistry, Centre of Excellence, York University (UK), Green Chemistry Network
Centre, University of Delhi (INDIA), Hindu College University of Delhi (INDIA), and University of Ladakh (INDIA). The
prime mo ve of the Going Global Partnership Programme is to promote collabora on and innova on in teaching
and learning and transna onal educa on in higher educa on ins tu ons between India and UK.
This course will help students equip a crea ve bent of mind to understand and prac ce green chemistry, think out-
of box and develop the skills to meet the SDGs via con nuous discussions with the course instructors who are the
green chemistry experts. The idea is to help a broad spectrum of students to explore and indulge in opportuni es
that can help them experience the world educa on system and learn about the global approaches.
Total Time Dura on: 40 hours
Inclusive of Theory as well as Prac cal Component
Specific objec ves of the course:
-Crea on of a course on Green Chemistry (GC) that can foster strong understanding of SDGs and prac ces being
adopted on a global scale to meet the current environmental challenges, while simultaneously catering to the
societal needs.

-Help students discover how green chemistry can help with the mee ng the increased demand for sustainable
products and processes.

- Inculcate the idea of circular economy, greener sustainable technologies for comba ng the issues facing the
planet and real-world prac ces being adopted at the academic as well as industrial levels.

-Transfer skills appropriately through the innova ve TNE Models (Transna onal Models) to enable crea ve
thinking in students and help them come up with logical solu ons for mee ng SDGs.

-Provide a strong vision of the future needs and direc ons

Course Educators:
Prof. Avtar Matharu (AM), Director, Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, York University, Prof. R. K. Sharma
(RKS), Coordinator, Green Chemistry Network Centre, Prof. S. K. Mehta (SKM), Vice- Chancellor, Ladakh University,
Dr. Rakeshwar Bandichhor (RB), Head, API, R& D, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory Ltd, Prof. Anju Srivastava (AS), Principal,
Hindu College, Prof. Reena Jain (RJ), Vice-Principal, Hindu College and Dr. Sriparna Du a (SD), Faculty, Department
of Chemistry, Hindu College.

The course will commence from 30th September, 2022 which will be pursued by 20 students from B.Sc Hons
Chemistry-2nd Year and B.Sc (Prog) Physical Sciences with Chemistry-2nd Year, who have been shortlisted through
a rigorous selec on process that was conducted in the college. Apparently, these students got the opportunity to
also be a part of the Going Global Workshop on Green Chemistry Educa on Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow that
was organized by Green Chemistry, Centre of Excellence, York University, UK, Green Chemistry Network Centre,
University of Delhi, India Hindu College, University of Delhi, India and University of Ladakh, India and held from
18th to 20th December, 2022 at Hotel Maiden’s, Civil Lines.
Vidya Vistar is an ini a ve commenced via the means of the University of Delhi. The goal of the scheme is to
companion with facul es and Higher Educa onal Ins tutes placed in far off regions of the country; iden fy, and
assist them in diverse approaches for them to go higher in diverse spheres and benefit from clout the colleges of
the University of Delhi get.
The scheme proposes assis ng the colleges via means of sharing the e-resources, guest lectures,
student/teacher exchange programmes and educa ng the college to apply the equipment for powerful coaching.
The scheme addi onally seeks to inspire scholarly interplay and college interplay and construct a partnership
which could assist each of the companion ins tutes to pain ng toward the development of the scholar network in
the country withinside the future.

Hindu College, University of Delhi has partnered with three colleges from North-East India, namely, as follows:

● Dorjee Khandu Government College, Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh

● North Kamrup College, Baghmara, Assam.
● Nar Bahadur Bhandari Govt. College, Tadong, Sikkim.

Nodal Officer: Dr. Ananya Barua.


Hindu College conducts an 'add-on' course tled 'Media Lekhan' (Wri ng) for undergraduate students. It is a
30-hour course in which students learn the wri ng methods being used in Na onal and Interna onal media,
especially the presenta on of news as anchors, reporters and commentators through special lectures and
prac cals. In this course, the wri ng modes of television, radio, newspapers and magazines and social media are
explained to the students. The well-known and experienced subject-expert journalists of the country; guide and
mentor the students and they get an excellent opportunity to undergo educa onal tours in reputed public
broadcas ng houses like Doordarshan, Sansad TV and All India Radio. At the end of the add-on course, students
are assessed in wri ng, oral and prac cal and cer ficates will be awarded to the qualified students.

Senior journalists, Rajni Nagpal, Amit Arora, Yuvraj Bha arai, Nikhil Singh, Monica Gula , Akhilesh Anand, Rajiv
Gupta, Shailendra, and Dr. Vishnu Priya have been invited as a resource person for this course.

Coordinator - Dr. Anita Rajpal, Department of Sanskrit

Coordinator - Prof. Harindra Kumar, Department of Hindi
Co-convener - Dr. Sunil Joshi, Department of Sanskrit
Prizes, Scholarships and Financial Aid
iqjLdkj] Nk=o`fr o foRrh; lgk;rk
The College awards following prizes to students:
1. DR. JAGMOHAN S. PABLY PRIZE – A prize of a value of
125/- awarded every year.
2. BHASIN MEMORIAL PRIZE - A prize of 50/-awarded every
year to the student standing first in the M.A. (Prev.)
Examination in history and securing at least a second division.
3. SHARDA TUTEJA PRIZE – A prize of 50/-, awarded every
year to the student standing first in M.A. (Prev.) examination in
English and securing at least a second division in case no
student in M.A. (prev.) English satisfies the minimum condition
for eligibility, the prize will be awarded to a student studying
B.A.(Hons.) English III year in the basis of his/her result.
4. K.N. SRIVASTAVA PRIZE – A prize of 50/- awarded every
year to a student with the best performance in the hockey
team and having a good academic record.
5. ANIL CHOPRA PRIZE – A prize of 200/- awarded every year to the best student in bachelor’s with honours in history major
discipline semester-I & II.
6. KRIPA RAM & SITA WATI PRIZE – A prize of 100/- awarded every year.
7. BHAMMI SHAH GHAI PRIZE – A prize of 50/- awarded every year.
8. ACTION GROUP AWARD – Award of 25/- awarded every year to the student who gets the highest marks in part II of B. Com.
(hons.) and Bachelor with honours in commerce major discipline semester I & II examination.
9. SHAHEED 2ND LT. DAVINDER KUMAR CHOPRA PRIZE – A prize of 250/- awarded every year to the all round best student
of B.Sc. who shows excellence in studies and extracurricular activities.
10. ISH CHANDRA MEMORIAL PRIZE – A prize of 250/- awarded every year to an English (hons) third year student, on the basis
of his/her combined performance in part I and II examinations.
11. BRIJ LAL MEMORIAL PRIZE – A prize of 700/- awarded every year to the student of B.Sc. (hons) Physics III year standing
first in Hindu college.
12. SHRI BISHAN SARUP BANSAL MEMORIAL PRIZE – A prize of 3000/- will be awarded to the student securing first position
in the college in B.A. (hons.) economics third year.
13. M.K. RASTOGI PRIZE – five prizes each of 900/- awarded every year to the topper of III yr. (Hons) Physics,
Chemistry,Mathematics, Sanskrit and Hindi.
14. MONICA TEJA MEMORIAL PRIZE – A prize of 500/- Awarded every year to the student securing highest marks in M.A.
(previous) English examination.
15. PROFESSOR PREM CHAND MEMORIAL PRIZE - A Prize of 500/- awarded every year in cash or kind to a student securing
at least a first division in M.A. (final ) Philosophy Examination.
16. PROF. M.M. SANKHDHAR MEMORIAL PRIZE – A prize of 500/- to be awarded to the student securing first position in the
M.A. (Previous) Political Science Examination.
17. MADHU BHASIN MEMORIAL PRIZE – Two Prizes of 3400/- each awarded every year on merit basis to one student of
B.A.(H) Economics IInd yr. and one of B.A.(H) music IInd yr.
18. PROF. PAPIYA GHOSH MEMORIAL PRIZE – A prize of 4,800/- will be awarded each year to the topper of M.A. (final year)
student of history of the college.
19. B.N. MITRA PRIZE – A prize of 900/- p.a. will be awarded to the topper of B.A. (Hons.) English III year.
20. ACADEMIC PRIZES – Academic prizes are awarded class-wise and subject-wise to students on the basis of their result in the
annual examination.
21. Sangeeta Negi Prize - A prize of Rs 2000/- will be awarded to the topper of B Sc. (H) Chemistry IIIrd year

परु कार
कालेज ारा िव ािथय को िन न परु कार िदए जाते ह -
1. डॉ जगमोहन एस पा ले परु कार - 125/- पये का यह परु कार ितवष िदया जाता है।
2. भसीन मितृ परु कार - यह 50/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष एम ए इितहास पवाध
ू के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है जो क ा म थम रहा है तथा
ू ि तीय ेणी से उ ीण हआ है।
3. शारदा टटेु जा परु कार - यह 50/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष एम ए अं ेजी पवाध
ू के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है जो क ा म थम रहा है तथा
ू ि तीय ेणी से उ ीण हआ है। यिद िकसी वष कोई िव ाथ इस अहता को परा ू नह कर पाता है तो यह परु कार बी ए ित ा अिंतम वष अं ेजी के
िव ाथ को यनतम ू अहता परा
ू करने पर िदया जा सके गा।
4 . के एन ीवा तव परु कार - यह 50/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने हॉक टीम म उ कृ दशन िकया है तथा
िजसका अ छा शै िणक रकाड रहा है।
5. अिनल चोपड़ा परु कार - यह 200/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष बी ए ित ा इितहास के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसके सेम टर थम व
ि तीय म इितहास मख
ु िवषय रहा हो ।
6. कपाराम
ृ और सीतावती परु कार - यह 100 /- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष िदया जाता है।
7. भ मी शाह घई परु कार - यह 50/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष िदया जाता है।
8. ए शन ुप परु कार - यह 25/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष बी कॉम ित ा के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने बी कॉम ित ा के ि तीय वष म
सव च अक
ं ा िकए ह तथा िजसके सेम टर थम व ि तीय म कॉमस मख ु िवषय रहा हो ।
9. शहीद सके ड ले. देव कमार
ु चोपड़ा परु कार - यह 250/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष बी एससी के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने पढ़ाई तथा
सह शै िणक गितिविधय म उ कृ दशन िकया हो।
10. ईश च मित ृ परु कार - यह 250/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष बी ए ित ा ततीय
ृ वष अं ेजी के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसका थम व
ि तीय वष म दशन उ कृ रहा हो ।
11. बजलाल
ृ मित
ृ पु तक परु कार - यह 700/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष बी एससी ित ा (भौितक िव ान) के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने
ृ वष म कालेज म सव च अकं ा िकए ह ।
12. ी िबशन स प बसं ल मित
ृ परु कार - यह 3000/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष बी ए ित ा ततीय
ृ वष अथशा के उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है
िजसने ततीय
ृ वष म कालेज म सव च अक ं ा िकए ह ।
13. एम के र तोगी परु कार - यह 900/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष नातक ित ा ततीय
ृ वष के उन िव ािथय को िदया जाता है िज ह ने भौितक
िव ान, रसायन िव ान, गिणत,सं कत
ृ और िह दी म सव च थान ा िकया है।
14. मोिनका तेजा मित ू अं ेजी म कालेज म सव च
ृ परु कार - यह 500/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने एम ए पवाध
ं ा िकए ह ।
15. ोफ़े सर मेचदं मित
ृ परु कार - यह 500/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने एम ए उ राध दशनशा म कालेज म
सव च अक ं ा िकए ह ।
16. ो एम एम शख
ं धर मित
ृ परु कार - यह 500/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने एम ए पवाध
ू राजनीित िव ान म
कालेज म सव च अकं ा िकए ह ।
17. मधु भसीन मित
ृ परु कार - यह 3400/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष उन दो िव ािथय को िदया जाता है िज ह ने बी ए ित ा ि तीय वष म मशः
अथशा व सगंीत म कालेज म सव च अक
ं ा िकए ह ।
18. ो पपैया घोष मित
ृ परु कार - यह 4800 /- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष उस िव ाथ को िदया जाता है िजसने एम ए उ राध इितहास म कालेज म
सव च अक ं ा िकए ह ।
19. बी एन िम ा परु कार - यह 900/- पये का परु कार है जो ितवष बी ए ित ा ततीय
ृ वष अं ेजी म सव च रहे िव ाथ को िदया जाता है।
20. अकादिमक परु कार - यह परु कार सभी क ाओ ं और िवषय म वािषक परी ा म सव च प रणाम ा करने वाले िव ािथय को िदए जाते ह।

21. laxhrk usxh iqjLdkj & ;g 2000@& #i;s dk iqjLdkj gS tks ch- ,l-( vkulZ) jlk;u r`rh; o"kZ esa Jzs"Brk gksus ij fn;k tkrk gS A

The following scholarships are awarded to students.
1 Premvati Raghubir Singh Scholarships – Two scholarships of the value of Rs. 600/-, awarded every year among the resident students
who have obtained a First Division in the last examination taken and are in need of financial help. The scholarship money may be utilized
for the payment of hostel charges, purchase of books etc.
2 R.B.Ram Kishan Dass Scholarships - Twenty-five scholarships of the value of Rs. 600/- each, out of a donation made by
R.B.Ram Kishan Dass, awarded every year to needy and deserving students of the College provided they have secured at
least 55% marks in the last examination taken and are not recipients of any other scholarship. Scholarship will usually be
tenable for one year.
3 Ch. Bhagwan Sahai Chauhan Memorial Scholarship - (a) One scholarship of Rs. 250/-, awarded every year to the student
joining M.A. Sanskrit/Hindi( Prev. and Final) securing the highest marks amongst those getting a First Division.
(b) One Scholarship, of Rs. 250/-, awarded every year to a Chauhan Raj put student of B.A (H) 1/II/III year of Arts /
Humanities who has Secured a good division in the last examination
4 Rai Achhru Ram Scholarships – Four scholarships, of Rs. 850/- each, awarded every year on merit to M.A/M.Sc. Students of
the College. Two scholarships are for the Previous, and two for the Final year, respectively. They will in the first instance, be
awarded to students securing the highest percentage of marks at least a second division in the examination concerned. In the
absence of suitable students, the scholarships may be awarded to students fulfilling the required condition. In the absence of
suitable students, these may be awarded to other college students possessing the necessary qualification.
5 S.P. Raina Memorial Scholarship – One scholarship, of the value of Rs.350/- . In the memory of late Shri. S.P.Raina, Senior
Faculty in English, Hindu College, Delhi, awarded every year to a B.A (H) III year student of Arts / Humanities /Commerce on
the basis of performance in the University examination in 1st and 2nd year and who is not a recipient of any other
Government, University or College scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of merit ( Preferably to a student
with a First Division) cum means.
6. Ganpat Rai Gopal Devi Merit Scholarship – Two scholarships of the value of Rs. 500/- each, awarded every year to B.A (H)
History III year students on the basis of their performance in parts 1 and II of the University examinations ( Preferably to those
who have secured a First Division)
7. Lala Prem Lal Gupta Memorial Scholarship – One scholarship of the value of Rs. 250/- out of the donation made by Shri
Hans Raj Gupta in the memory of his father, Late Lala Prem Lal Gupta, awarded every year on a merit-cum means basis.
8. Jeevan Lal Khanna Memoriol Scholarships – Two scholarships of the value of Rs. 1350/- each awarded every year on a
merit –cum –means basis to Science Students. If no science student, or only one fulfills the conditions, the remaining
scholarships may be awarded to Arts Students.
9. Mrs. Kailashwati Khanna Scholarship- A scholarship of Rs. 350/- for a Year.
10. Nangia Scholarship – A scholarship of Rs. 350/- for a year.
11. Rajiv Mehra Merorial Scholarship- A scholarship of Rs. 250/- awarded every year to a needy and deserving student who is
not a recipient of any Government, University, College Scholarship or any other scholarship, and it is usually tenble for one
12. Sultan Chand Merorial Scholarship – One scholarship, of the value of Rs. 2800/- every year will be awarded to a B.Com (H)
IInd year student, the topper of 1st year University Exam. Securing at least 75% Marks in the 1st attempt.
(b) One scholarship of the value of Rs. 2800/- every year will be awarded to a B.Com (H) IIIrd year student, the topper of IInd
year University exam securing at least 75% marks in 1st attempt.
13. Master Sheoprasad Memorial Scholarship – A scholarship, of Rs. 8000/- per year for a year, awarded to a B.A/B.Sc.
Mathematics student of II/III year on merit-cum-means basis.
14. Dr. Deepak Kumar Sinha Memorial Scholarship – A scholarship of Rs. 500/- per awarded every year to a student of B.A(H)
Hindi Final year on merit-cum-means basis.
15. O.P. Kaushik Memorial Scholarship – A scholarship of Rs. 500/-, awarded every year.
16. Dr. S .S.Gulshan Scholarship – (a) One scholarship of Rs. 2500/- for a year, awarded to the B.Com (H) III rd year student
who secures First Position in the part II Examination.
(b) One scholarship, of Rs. 2500/- for a year, awarded to a poor student of B.Com (H) III year who has secured at least 50%
marks in the part II Examination. Attested the BPL/PR/PRS/AAY) Ration Card.
17. Prof. Brij Verma ( w/o Mr. P.C.Verma, Principal, 1980- 1995) Memorial Scholarship – One scholarship of Rs. 5500/- will
be awarded every year to a student on the basis of ‘merit-cum-need’ of Humanities/ Social Science, with preference to a
student of Hindi (Hons.) 1/II/III/ year. The awarded should be a First Class who is in need of financial help.
18. Prof. R.R. Gupta Memorial Scholarship : One scholarship of the value of RS. 6200/- will be awarded a needy and
meritorious student of B.A (Hons) English final year on the basis of 2nd year result performance.
19. Dr. (Miss) Usha Aggarwal Scholarship - One scholarship of the value of Rs. 3500/- will be instituted for per Annam year to
B.Com (Hons) students.
20. Smt. Roshan Devi Marwah and Sh. Dina Nath Marwah ( Parents) and Dr. Pran Nath Marwah ( Donor Son) Memorial
Scholarship Four scholarships of Rs. 3000/- each will be awarded every year to B.Sc (H) students of III & IV Semester (
combined) and V & VI Semester ( combined) on the basis of ‘Merit Cum Means’.
21. Surendra & Karen Gupta ARC Foundation
Four scholarships of Rs. 10000/- each will be awarded every year to students who secure first position in the University
Examination of B.Sc ( Hons) in Chemistry and Physics, III & 1V Semester ( combined) as well as Bachelor’s with honors in
Chemistry and Physics Major Disciplines,1 & 11 Semester ( Combined) Nikhil Yadav Memorial
22. Two Scholarship of Rs. 5000/- each will be awarded to B.Com (Hons) Students
23 S.K. Mishra Memorial One Scholarship of Rs. 5000/- will be awarded to student of B.Com (H) 3rd year student on the
merit cum means basis (on the basis of 2nd year performance.)
24. Late Shri Ram Kishan Das Jain Memorial Two Scholarship of Rs. 2500/- each one for first yr. student and one for Second
yr. student will be awarded to the student of B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics.
25 Dr. B.M. Bhatia Scholarship One Scholarship of Rs.5200/- for student attaining maximum marks in B A (Hons) Economics
Ist year.
26. Deepak Sinha Memorial Scholarship- Two Scholarship of Rs.8500/- each. One student of MA ( Previous) Hindi and One
Student of MA ( Final) Hindi, who have passed the under graduate examination from Hindu College.The basic criteria of
awarding the scholarship will be merit-cum-means.
27 Sanjay Shrivastava Scholarship One Scholarship of Rs. 8000/- each will be awarded to the topper of 1st year, 2nd year and
3rd year student of B.A (Hons) History.
28. Sangeeta Negi :- One Scholarships of Rs.2000/- each will be awarded to the topper of 1st year, 2nd year student of B.Sc
(H) Chemistry
29. Chandra Bisaria Merit Scholarship :- (a) One Scholarship of Rs. 12000/- will be awarded to the topper of B. A (Hons)
English, who have passed the under graduate examination from Hindu College and taken admission in the Post graduate
course in Hindu College the Basis criteria of awarding the scholarship will be merit cum means.
(b) One Scholarship of Rs. 12000/- will be awarded to the topper of B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry, who have passed the under
graduate examination from Hindu College and taken admission in the Post graduate course in Hindu College. The basis
criteria of awarding the scholarship will be merit cum means.
30. AMIT PRASAD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS :- One scholarship of Rs. 12000/- each will be awarded on the basis of merit
cum means to One 1st year, One 2nd year, and One 3rd year Student of B.A(H) Economics
31. SAROJ BALA MALIK SCHOLARSHIP:- Two scholarship of Rs. 12000/- each will be awarded to Science students of 3rd
year on the basis of merit.
32. S. HARBNANS SINGH FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR ECONOMICS :- One scholarship of Rs. 5300/- each will be awarded
on the basis of merit cum means One 1st year, One 2nd year, and One 3rd year Student of B.A(H) Economics .

छा विृ
1. ु िसहं छा विृ : 600/- पये क दो छा विृ यां येक वष, िपछली परी ा म थम ेणी ा करने वाले उन िव ािथय को दी जाती है, जो
मेवती रघबीर
छा ावास म रहते ह तथा आिथक ि से ज़ रतमंद ह । इस छा विृ का योग छा ावास का शु क दनेे तथा िकताब खरीदने के िलए िकया जा सकता है ।
2. आर. बी. राम िकशन दास छा विृ : आर बी रामिकशन दास ारा द रािश म से 600/- पये क प चीस छा विृ यां येक वष यो य एवं ज़ रतमंद
िव ािथय को दी जाती ह । इसके िलए िपछली परी ा म िव ाथ के यनतम
ू 55% अक
ं अपेि त ह तथा साथ ही इस बात का भी यान रखा जाता है िक वह
िव ाथ िकसी अ य छा विृ का लाभ न ा कर रहा हो । यह छा विृ सामा यतः एक वष के िलए दी जाती है ।
3. चौ. भगवान सहाय चौहान मित ृ छा विृ : (क) बी ए म थम ेणी ा करने वाले िव ािथय म सवािधक अक ं पा कर एम ए पवाध,
ू िहदंी व सं कत
ृ म
दािखला लेने वाले एक िव ाथ को 250/- पये क छा विृ येक वष दान क जाती है । (ख) 250/- पये क एक छा विृ बी ए थम, ि तीय व ततीय

वष के मानिवक के pkSgku jktiqr छा को दी जाती है, िजसे िपछली परी ा म अ छे ितशत ा हए ह ।
4. राय अ छ राम छा विृ : एम ए तथा एम एस सी के छा को 850/- पये क चार छा विृ यां येक वष दान क जाती ह, िजनमे दो पवाध ू तथा दो
उ राध के छा के िलए होती ह । यह छा विृ थमतः स ब परी ा म यनतम ू ि तीय ण
े ी के साथ सवािधक ितशत अकं ा करने वाले िव ािथय
ू करने वाले िकसी अ य िव ाथ को भी यह छा विृ दी जा सकती है । साथ ही कॉलेज म
को दी जाती है। ऐसे छा के न पाए जाने पर अपेि त यो यताएं परी
ऐसे िव ािथय क अनपल ु धता पर आव यक यो यता को परा ू करने वाले िकसी अ य कॉलेज के िव ाथ को भी यह छा विृ दान क जा सकती है ।
5. एस पी रैना मितृ छा विृ : िह दू कॉलेज के अं ेजी िवभाग के व र िश क वग य ी एस पी रनैा क मित
ृ म येक वष बी ए ( ित ा), ततीय
ृ वष के
कला/ मानिवक अथवा वािण य के िव ाथ को 350/- पये क छा विृ थम व ि तीय वष म िव ाथ के दशन पर दी जाती है । इस बात का यान भी
रखा जाता है िक िव ाथ को सरकार, िव िव ालय अथवा महािव ालय क ओर से कोई अ य छा विृ न ा हो। यह छा विृ यो यता सह साधन के
आधार पर (मु यतः थम ेणी ा करने वाले िव ाथ को) दी जाती है ।
6. गणपत राय गोपाल देवी मे रट छा विृ : 500/- पये क दो छा विृ यां येक वष बी ए ( ित ा), इितहास के ततीय
ृ वष के िव ािथय को िव िव ालय
परी ा म थम व ि तीय वष म उनके दशन के आधार पर (मु यतः थम ेणी ा करने वाले िव ाथ को) दी जाती है।
7. लाला मे लाल गु ा मित
ृ छा विृ : ी हस ृ म कॉलेज को दान क गई रािश म से
ं राज गु ा ारा उनके िपता वग य लाला मे लाल गु ा क मित
यो यता सह-साधन के आधार पर हर वष िकसी एक िव ाथ को 250/- पये क छा विृ दी जाती है ।
8. जीवन लाल ख ना मित ृ छा विृ : 1350/- पये क दो छा विृ यां यो यता सह-साधन के आधार पर येक वष मु यतः िव ानं े के दो िव ािथय
को दी जाती है। िव ान े के िकसी िव ाथ के मानदडं परा
ू न कर पाने अथवा िकसी एक ही िव ाथ के यो य पाए जाने पर यह छा विृ कला े के िकसी
िव ाथ को भी दी जा सकती है ।
9. ीमती कै लाशवती ख ना छा विृ : यह 350/- पये क वािषक
छा विृ है ।
10. नािंगया छा विृ : यह 350/- पये क वािषक छा विृ है ।
11. राजीव महेरा मित
ृ छा विृ : 250/- पये क यह छा विृ ितवष िकसी ऐसे ज़ रतमंद तथा यो य छा को दान क जाती है, िजसे सरकार,
िव िव ालय अथवा महािव ालय से िकसी अ य छा विृ का लाभ न ा हो रहा हो ।
12. सु तान चदं मितृ छा विृ : (क) बी कॉम, ित ा, ि तीय वष के एक िव ाथ को पहली ही बार म थम वष म कम से कम 75% के साथ सवािधक अकं
ृ वष के उस िव ाथ के िलए
ा करने पर ितवष 2800/- पये क यह छा विृ दी जाती है । (ख) 2800/- पये क यह छा विृ बी कॉम, ित ा ततीय
ं ा िकए ह ।
है, िजसने पहली ही बार म ि तीय वष म कम से कम 75% के साथ सवािधक अक
13. मा टर िशव साद मित ृ वष के िव ाथ को यो यता सह साधन के आधार पर 8000/- पये
ृ छा विृ : बी ए , बी एस सी (गिणत) के ि तीय अथवा ततीय
ितवष क यह छा विृ दी जाती है ।
14. डॉ दीपक िस हा मितृ छा विृ : 500/- पये, यह छा विृ येक वष बी ए, िहदंी ित ा के ततीय
ृ वष के िकसी िव ाथ को यो यता सह साधन के
आधार पर दी जाती है ।
15. ओ पी कौिशक मित
ृ छा विृ : 500/- पये क यह छा विृ ितवष दी जाती है ।

16. डॉ एस एस गलशन
ु छा विृ : ¼d½ बी कॉम ित ा, ततीय
ृ वष के एक िव ाथ को ितवष ि तीय वष म पहला थान ा करने के आधार पर 2500/-
पये क यह छा विृ दी जाती है । ¼[k½ ,d Nk=o`fŸk 2500@& ,d o’kZ fy;s ch-dke ¼izfr’Bk½ r`rh; o’kZ ds fy;s ,d xjhc Nk= dks
nh tkrh gS ftlus de ls de 50% izfr”kd vad }hfr; o’kZ esa izkIr fd;s gks (BPL/PR/PRS/AAY) (Raion card attested copy nsuh
gksxh ½
17. बज
ृ वमा ( ी पी सी वमा, ाचाय-1980- 1995, क प नी) मित ृ छा विृ : मानिवक / समाज-िव ान , मु यतः बी ए ,िहदंी ित ा के थम, ि तीय
अथवा ततीय
ृ वष के िव ाथ को 5500/- पये क छा विृ यो यता सह साधन के आधार पर दान क जाती है । इसके िलए िव ाथ को थम ेणी म
उ ीण होना चािहए तथा आिथक ि से ज़ रतमंद होना भी अपेि त है ।
18. ो.आर आर गु ा मित ृ वष के िव ाथ को उसके ि तीय वष के परी ा प रणाम
ृ छा विृ : 6200/- पये क एक छा विृ बी ए, अं ेजी ित ा के ततीय
के आधार पर दान क जाती है।
19. डॉ उषा अ वाल छा विृ : ितवष 3500/- पये क एक छा विृ बी कॉम ित ा के िकसी िव ाथ को दी जाती है।
20. ीमती रोशन देवी मारवाह तथा ी दीना नाथ मारवाह(अिभभावक) एवं ाणनाथ मारवाह (रािशदाता पु ) मित ृ छा विृ : 3000/- पये क चार
छा विृ यां ितवष बी एस सी, तीसरे व चौथे सेमे टर (सयंु ) तथा पांचवे व छठे सेमे टर (सयंु ) को यो यता सह साधन के आधार पर दी जाती है ।
21. सरेु व करने गु ा , ए आर सी फाउंडेशन : 10000/- पये क चार छा विृ यां ितवष बी एस सी ित ा, रसायनशा तथा भौितक के तीसरे व चौथे
सेमे टर (सयंु ) तथा रसायनशा एवं भौितक म नातक, िवशेष अनशासन
ु के पहले तथा दसर
ू े सेमे टर (सयंु ) को दी जाती है ।
22. िनिखल यादव मित
ृ छा विृ : ितवष 5000/- पये क दो छा विृ यां बी कॉम ित ा के िव ािथय के िलए ह ।
23. एस के िम मितृ छा विृ : 5000/- पये क एक छा विृ ितवष के आधार पर बी कॉम ित ा, ततीय
ृ वष के िव ाथ को उसके ि तीय वष के दशन
तथा यो यता सह साधन के आधार पर दी जाती है ।
24. वग य ी रामिकशन दास जैन मित
ृ छा विृ : 2500/- पये क दो छा विृ यां बीएस सी ित ा (गिणत) के मशः थम व ि तीय वष के छा को दी
जाती ह ।
25. डॉ बी एम भािटया छा विृ : बी ए ित ा, अथशा , थम वष म सवािधक अक
ं ा करने के िलए 5200/- पये क छा विृ है ।
26. दीपक िस हा मितृ छा विृ : एम ए, िहदंी के मशः पवाध
ू एवं उ राध के एक-एक िव ाथ को यो यता सह साधन के आधार पर 8500/- पये क दो
छा विृ यां दान क जाती ह।
27. सजं य ीवा तव मित ृ छा विृ : 8000/- पये क छा विृ बी ए ( ित ा) इितहास के थम वष, ि तीय वष, ततीय
ृ वष के सव च थान ा करने
वाले छा को दी जाती है।
28. सगंीता नगेी छा विृ : 2000/- पये क एक छा विृ येक को बी.एससी ित ा रसायन िव ान के ि तीय वष के छा को थम वष के टॉपर से
स मािनत िकया जाएगा।
29. चं ा िबसा रया मे रट छा विृ - (क) 12000 / - पये क एक छा विृ बी ए ित ा अं ेजी के टॉपर से स मािनत क जाएगी, िज ह ने िहदंू कॉलेज से नातक परी ा
उ ीण क है और िहदंू कॉलेज म नातको र पाठय ् म म वेश िलया है। छा विृ दनेे का आधार मानदडं यो यता सह साधन होगा ।
(ख) 12000 / - पये क एक छा विृ बी एससी के टॉपर को दान क जाएगी। ित ा रसायन िव ान, िज ह ने िहदंू कॉलेज से नातक क परी ा उ ीण क है और
िहदंू कॉलेज म नातको र पाठय
् म म वेश िलया है। छा विृ दनेे का आधार मानदडं यो यता साधन होगा। छा विृ दान करने के मल
ू मानदडं यो यता-सह साधन
ह गे।
30. अिमत साद मित
ृ छा विृ - 12000/- पये क छा विृ यो यता सह साधन के आधार पर बी ए ( ित ां) अथशा के थम वष, ि तीय वष, तथा ततीय
ृ वष के
सव च थान ा करने वाले छा ो को िद जाती है ।

31. सरोज बाला मािलक छा विृ - 12000/- पये क दो छा वितया

ृ ँ यो यता के आधार पर िव ानं के ततीय
ृ वष के छा ो को दी जाती है ।

32. एस हरबस
ं िसहं अथशा के िलए िव ीय सहायता - 5300/- पये छा विृ यो यता सह साधन के आधार पर बी ए ( ित ा) अथशा धम वष , ि तीय वष,तथा
ृ वष के सवू च थान ा करने वाले छा ो को दी जाती है ।

Financial Aid
1. Books for needy students.
2. Counselling services for physically challenged students.
3. College fee concessions are given to needy and deserving students on the basis of their performance in the last examination taken.
Students desirous of getting concession should apply to the College office on the prescribed form.
4. Scholarship for Scheduled Caste/Tribe students-Students belonging to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward
classes, recognized as such by the Government of India, are awarded scholarship by their respective State Governments. Such
students are required to apply to the State Government concerned on prescribed forms through the Principal immediately after joining
the College.
All India Entrance Scholarship Examination
Delhi University holds a competitive examination in Delhi in the month of October each year for the award of the above scholarships,
which are 50 in number. Each scholarship is of the value of ` 250/- per month tenable for three years for pursuing an Honours Degree
Course in the University.
The competition is open to students who have passed the S.S.C. Exam (under 10+2 pattern of Education) from the C.B.S.E., New Delhi,
or an examination equivalent thereto with 55% marks in aggregate.
Other Distinctions/ Awards/ Honours
Mark of Distinction will be awarded to the outstanding sports students of the year, subject to the attainment of a minimum standard laid
down for the purpose.
Attendance and Discipline
उपि थित और अनशासन

Helpline Counselling Services
Delhi University under its Population Education Resource Centre has started Helpline Counselling Services on HIV, AIDS,
Sexuality, Drug Abuse and Adolescent issues. Services will be available on 27667280, 27667225/303 from 9.50 am to 5.00
pm. (Monday to Friday). College offer a Counselling Services during college hours.
Teaching for all classes shall commence as per the academic calendar of the University of Delhi. Except on holidays, and
during vacations, teaching (lectures, tutorials /preceptorials) will take place on six days every week from Monday to Saturday
according to a notified weekly timetable for each course.

Identity Card
Every student of the college is issued an Identity Card which he/she is expected to carry with him/her at all times. He / She will
have to produce it whenever demanded. Students should collect their new Identity Cards at the beginning of the new
academic session. The Identity Card must be surrendered at the time of leaving the College.
In case of loss of Identity Card, a duplicate card can be issued from the office on payment of `400/-. For this, the student shall
first lodge an FIR at a Police Station.

Attendance Rules
In order to be eligible to appear at a University Examination every student has to attend a minimum of two third of the total
number of lectures delivered at the college in all subjects as also in Tutorials/Preceptorials, as the case may be, taken
separately in each Semester. The University Ordinance VII, Clause 2-A, Part (ii) states that the College shall have power to
strike off the name of a student who is irregular in attendance or when the absence of the student is for such a long period that
he/she cannot put in the requisite percentage of attendance. These rules are strictly followed. Parents/ Guardians are advised
to periodically meet teachers of their wards to know the progress of their ward in studies and punctuality in attending classes.
Note: Late admission, if granted, is entirely at the risk of the students concerned and no concession in regard to attendance is
allowed. Attendance will be calculated from the date the College re-opens after the summer vacation.
When a student is required to represent the College in competitive events - sports, cultural activities and debates sponsored
by the College - he/she must apply for permission in advance, in writing to the Principal.
Exemption from attendance for other reasons may be granted only if permitted by the Principal in writing. Such permission
must be obtained well in advance and not at the time of examination.
Application for leave of absence due to sickness/ hospitalisation must be supported by a medical leave and fitness certificate
from a recognised medical practitioner, and should reach the Principal within a week of the student re-joining college on the
expiry of leave.
mifLFkfr fu;ekoyh
foÜofo|ky; dh ijh{kk esa mifLFkr gksus ds fy, U;wure mifLFkfr dqy mifLFkfr dh nks frgkà gksuk vko';d gSA tks d‚yst }kjk yh x;h gksA
çR;sd fo"k; rFkk Nekgh dh mifLFkfr vyx&vyx ekU; gksxhA VîwVksfj;y ;k çslsIVsfjvy esa Hkh ;gh fu;e ykxw gksxkA foÜofo|ky; vkÆMusal VII Dy‚t+
2&, [k.M ¼ii½ d‚yst dks ;g vfèkdkj gksxk fd ml fo|kFkÊ dk uke gVk ns ftldh mifLFkfr vfu;fer jgh gks vFkok yEcs le; ls vuqifLFkr gks @ og
mifLFkfr dh çfr'krrk ds fy, çkFkZuk i= ugÈ çLrqr dj ldrk bu fu;eksa dk l[+rh ls ikyu fd;k tk,xkA ekrk&firk @ vfHkokod dks ;g lq>ko fn;k
tkrk gS fd og mifLFkfr ds lacaèk esa lacafèkr foHkkx ds vè;kid ls vius fo|kFkÊ ds çxfr vkSj mifLFkfr ds ckjs esa tkudkjh çkIr djsaA
uksV % ;fn foyEc ls ukekadu gksrk gS rks bl lUnHkZ esa lEcafèkr fo|kFkÊ viuh ftEesokjh ij ços'k ys] vuqifLFkfr ds lEcUèk esa dksà NwV ugÈ feysxhA mifLFkfr
dh x.kuk xzh"e dkyhu vodk'k ds ckn d‚yst çkjEHk gksus dh frfFk ls dh tk;sxhA
tc fo|kFkÊ @ Nk= @ Nk=k d‚yst }kjk vk;ksftr fdlh çfr;ksfxrk tSls & [ksy] lkaL—frd xfrfofèk ;k okn&fookn çfr;ksfxrk esa lfEefyr gks jgk gS rks
mls egkfo|ky;@ d‚yst ds çkpk;Z ls fyf[kr vuqefr ysuh vko';d gSA
fdlh vU; dkj.k ls mifLFkfr esa NwV çkpk;Z ls fyf[kr vuqefr ds ckn gh fey ldrh gSA ;g vuqefr vfxze çkIr djuh gksxh] ijh{kk ds le; ugÈA
LokLF; lEcafèkr Nqêh gsrq vkosnu fpfdRld çek.k i= ds lkFk d‚yst okilh ds lkFk mlh lIrkg esa fn;k tkuk pkfg,A LokLF; çek.k i= çkekf.kd fpfdRld
dk gh ekU; gksxkA
As per the decision of the University of Delhi] with effect from the academic year 2003-2004) 25þ of the marks in each course
would be awrded to students on the basis of Internal Assesment- Please refer to (Ordinance VIII&E of the University of Delhi)
Internal Assessment
As per the decision of the University of Delhi, with effect from the academic year 2003-2004, 25% of the marks in each
course would be awarded to students on the basis of Internal Assessment. (Please refer to Ordinance VIII-E of the
University of Delhi).

Rules of Discipline
1. Students are responsible for their conduct to the Principal and are prohibited from doing anything either inside or outside the college
that will amount to a breach of discipline or interference in the discipline and normal working of the college. A student shall be liable to
disciplinary action for violation of any of the rules of discipline. Disciplinary action may involve warning and/or suspension from classes,
from the examination, from use of the College Library or even from the College as such, or any such action as provided for in Ordinance
XV (B), XV(C) and XV (D) of the Rules of Discipline of the University of Delhi.
2. Students shall conduct themselves in a polite manner, both towards the members of the staff (teaching and administrative) and
towards their fellow students. Insubordination, unbecoming language or ungentlemanly conduct including teasing etc., shall be
severely dealt with.
3. Students shall maintain perfect silence during the class and desist from demonstration of disorderly behavior.

ORDINANCE XV-B of the University of Delhi

Maintenance of Discipline among Students of the University
1. All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested in the Vice- Chancellor.
2. The Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or such power as he/she deems proper to the Proctor and to such other persons as
he/she may specify in this regard.
3. Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the Ordinance, the following shall amount to acts
of gross indiscipline:
(a) Physical assault or threat to use physical force against any member of the teaching and non-teaching staff of any
Institution/Department and against any student within the University of Delhi;
(b) Carrying of, use of, or threat to use of any weapon;
(c) Any violation of the provisions of the Civil Right Protection Act, 1976;
(d) Violation of the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the Scheduled castes and tribes;
(e) Any practice- whether verbal or otherwise-derogatory of women;
(f) Any attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner;
(g) Willful destruction of institutional property;
(h) Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal grounds;
(i) Causing disruption, in any manner, of the of the academic functioning of the university system;
(j) Ragging as per Ordinance XV-C.
4. Without prejudice to the generality of his/her powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such action in the
interest of discipline as may “seem to him appropriate'', the Vice Chancellor may, in the exercise of his/her powers
aforesaid, order or direct that:
(a) any student or students be expelled; or
(b) any student or students be, for a stated period, rusticated; or
(c) be not for a stated period, admitted to a course or courses of study in a college, department or institution of the University;
(d) be fined with a sum of rupees that may be specified; or
(e) be debarred from taking a University or College or Departmental Examination or Examinations for one or more years; or
(f) that the result of the student or students concerned, in the Examination or Examinations in which he/she or they have
appeared be cancelled.
5. The Principals of the Colleges, Heads of the Halls, Deans of the Faculties, Heads of Teaching Departments in the
University, the Principal, School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education and Librarians shall have the
authority to exercise all such disciplinary powers over students in their respective Colleges, Institutions, Faculties and
Teaching Departments in the university as may be necessary for the proper conduct of teaching in the Institutions, Halls
and teaching in the concerned Departments. They may exercise their authority through, or delegate authority to, such of
the teachers in their Colleges, Institutions or Departments as they may specify for these purposes.
6. Without prejudice to the power of the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctor as aforesaid, detailed rules of discipline and proper
conduct shall be framed. These rules may be supplemented where necessary by the Principals of Colleges, Heads of
Halls, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in this University. Each student shall be expected to
provide himself/herself with a copy of these rules.
7. At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission he/she submits
himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice- Chancellor and the several authorities of the University who may
be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under the Acts, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Rules that have
been framed there under by the University.


Prohibition of and Punishment for Ragging
1. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the premises of College/Department or Institution and any part of Delhi
University system as well as on public transport.
2. Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with under this
3. Ragging for the purposes of this Ordinance means any act, conduct or practice by which dominant power or status of
senior students is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior or inferior
by other students and includes individual or collective acts or practices which:
(a) involve physical assault or threat to use of physical force;
(b) violate the status, dignity and honour of women students;
(c) violate the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the scheduled caste and tribes;
(d) expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self-esteem;
(e) entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and obscene behavior.
4. The Principal of a College, the Head of the Department of an Institution, the authorities of College, of University Hostels or
Halls of Residence shall take immediate action on any information of the occurrence of ragging.
5. Notwithstanding anything in Clause (4) above, the Proctor may also suo moto enquire into any incident of ragging and
make a report to the Vice-chancellor of the identity of those who have engaged in ragging and the nature of the incident.
6. The Proctor may also submit an initial report establishing the identity of the perpetrators of ragging and the nature of the
ragging incident.
7. If the Principal of College or Head of the Department or Institution or the Proctor is satisfied that for some reason, to be
recorded in writing, it is not reasonably practical to hold such an enquiry, he/she may so advise the Vice-Chancellor
8. When the Vice-Chancellor is satisfied that it is not expedient to hold such an enquiry, his/her decision shall be final.
9. On the receipt of a report under Clause (5) or (6) or a determination by the relevant authority under Clause (7) disclosing
the occurrence of ragging incidents described in Clause 3 (a), (b) and (c), the Vice-Chancellor shall direct or order
rustication of a student or students for a specific number of years.
10. The Vice-Chancellor may in other cases of ragging order or direct that any student or students be expelled or be not, for a
stated period, admitted to a course of study in a college, departmental examination for one or more years, or that the
results of the student concerned in the examination or examinations in which they appeared, be cancelled.
11. In case any students who have obtained degrees of Delhi University are found guilty under this Ordinance, appropriate
action under Statute 15 for withdrawal of degrees conferred by the University shall be initiated.
12. For the purpose of this Ordinance, abetment to ragging will also amount to ragging.
13. All institutions within the Delhi University system shall be obligated to carry out instructions/ directions issued under this
Ordinance, and to give aid and assistance to the Vice- Chancellor to achieve the effective implementation of the

ORDINANCE XV-D of The University of Delhi

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (MINISTRY OF LAW AND
An Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at work place and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of
sexual harassment and for matters connected there with incidental thereto.
WHEREAS sexual harassment results in violation of the fundamental rights of a woman to equality under articles 14 and 15 of the
Constitution of India and her right to life and to live with dignity under article 21 of the Constitution and right to practice any profession or
to carry on any occupation, trade or business which includes a right to a safe environment free from sexual harassment.
AND WHEREAS the protection against sexual harassment and the right to work with dignity are universally recognized human rights by
international conventions and instruments such as Convention and the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women, which
has been ratified on the 25th June, 1993 by the Government of India.
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make provisions for giving effect to the said Convention for protection of women against sexual
harassment at workplace.
For details, please see the website
Compulsory Test in Hindi (CTH)
(Ordinance V. a. A.)
The Examination in Compulsory Test in Hindi may be taken at the end of the First / Second or subsequent Year but no person shall be declared to
have passed any of the Degree Examination named in Sub-Clause (i) or Clause 2-A of Ordinance – V unless he / she has passed the Examination
in Hindi or has been exempted under Sub-Clause (ii) below. The marks required to pass the Examination shall be 33% as per university rules.

1. XXX students of the university who are Non-Indian Nationals, be exempted from the Compulsory Test in Hindi.
2. XXX students from Nagaland may be exempted from the Compulsory Test in Hindi.
3. XXX the students belonging to Mizoram Schedule Tribe be exempted from passing the Compulsory Test in Hindi.
4. XXX the students belonging to Sikkim, be exempted from the Compulsory Test in Hindi.
5. XXX the students belonging to Khasi Hills Tribe be exempted from passing the Compulsory Test in Hindi.
6. XXX the students belonging to Manipur be exempted from taking and passing the Compulsory Test in Hindi.

Accordingly, all the students (except above mentioned categories) admitted to any degree course in the college who have not already passed the
Senior School Certificate Examination, the Higher Secondary Examination, the qualifying examination or an examination recognized as equivalent
there to or the Intermediate Examination with Matriculation / High School Examination or 8th class Examination with Hindi as one of the subjects,
will be required to pass a compulsory test in Hindi. They will not be entitled to the Degree unless they pass this test as well.

Students are required to appear for both papers of the Compulsory Test in Hindi (CTH), i.e., odd and even semester papers. They may appear for
the odd semester paper in Semester I / III / V and the even semester paper in Semester II / IV / VI, as per university schedule. Please note that the
second semester paper can only be attempted after the first semester paper is complete, as per rules.

Note: Foreign students, students who have studied Hindi up to class 8th and beyond or passed an equivalent examination and students from North
Eastern States, as indicated above, are exempted from Compulsory Test in Hindi (CTH), as per university rules.

S. No. Semester Unique Paper Code (UPC) Paper Name

1 I 02053124 वातालाप तथा दवेनागरी िलिप
2 II 02053224 यावहा रक याकरण तथा रचना

Ordinance IX: Classification of Results

2. (1) Any candidate who has obtained the requisite percentage of marks for passing the final examination for a degree, but has not passed, or
otherwise has not been exempted from the Compulsory Test in Hindi, may be admitted to a Supplementary Examination to be held in September in
the same year or at a subsequent examination and if he passes the Compulsory Test in Hindi, he shall be declared to have passed the degree
examination in that year.
Hostel and Library
हॉ ल एं ड लाइ ेरी

Smt. INDU PUNJ GIRLS Hostel Hindu College

Dr. Anuradha Sharma, Warden – Girls’ hostel

With an illustrious history spanning about 120 years, the College attracts highly talented students for its
Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate programmes. Taking note of the need for a residential facility for
female students of Hindu College, a four-storeyed structure was constructed in the College campus. The
student residence for the Girls of the College, which became fully functional from the Academic session
2017-18, was formally inaugurated by Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri, the minister of state for Housing and Urban
Affairs. We are proud to have a body of girl students who are whole heartedly devoted to the value of
excellence as its residents. All the residential rooms are air-conditioned. Round-the-clock security is
provided with security guards at the main gates of the hostel. There are CCTV cameras to ensure the safety
of the residents at all times. The Hostel has a common room on the Ground Floor where residents can read
daily newspapers and magazines, and play indoor games. Television with cable facilities is also provided.
The Hostel has a badminton court and an open air space for other recreational activities. Other amenities
include a spacious kitchen with modern facilities, a common dining hall, a medical room and common
rooms on each floor, which are being used as reading rooms and conference rooms by the students. Each
floor has been provided with a well-equipped Pantry for off time self-preparation of snacks/refreshments.
There are water coolers on every floor. The Laundry rooms on each floor are fitted with fully automatic
washing machines and the Laundry stands. A round-the-clock Lift service ensures the smooth movement
of the students on different floors.
In keeping with the commitment to the environmental issues, a Solar Water heating system has been
installed on the roof top of the Hostel. Great care is being taken to keep the entire place neat and tidy.
The Hostel offers fee waiver for its PwD residents. For students coming from different states and diverse
backgrounds, the Student Residence for Girls is thus a very comfortable space – ‘A Home away from Home’.
Hindu College Library is one of the oldest among Delhi
University college libraries. It came into existence along with the
foundation of the college in 1899. Hindu College Library is fully
Air conditioned and computerized. The library is open to
bonafide students of all the classes. All important textbooks are
kept in the Reserve Section to enable the students to write their
tutorials. There is a well-equipped Reading Room, which
subscribes to a large number of dailies, weeklies, periodicals
and journals on a variety of subjects.
Students, teachers and other members of the staff of the college
are entitled to become member of the library.
Services: Loan Privilege
For Under Graduates Students 05 Books 14 Days
For Post Graduates Students 06 Books 14 Days
Teaching Staff 35 Books 30 Days
Non- Teaching Staff 05 Books 14 Days
Reference Service
Reference Services It is to assist users in getting their required information and make full use of the resources in the library. It
v Guidance in the use of information resources and services.
v Instructions for provided by NLIST.
v Including how to use OPAC.
Photocopying Service
The library helps in providing photocopies of articles/text to students and staff members from documents available in the
library. For this purpose user may get the desired document issued against his/her library card and return the same
immediately after getting it photocopied from the vendor.
New Arrival Display Service
Books newly added to the library are displayed on the New Arrival Display Rack before they are released for loan.
Reservation of Book(s)
Books in great demand and which generally remain under issue can be reserved by user on the circulation counter.
OPAC Service
The OPAC allows you search for an item of your choice in Library holdings by Author, Title, and Keyword etc.

Internet Access
Library is Wi-Fi enabled and user can access Internet and 6000+ e-journals and 200000+ e-books through NLIST

पु तकालय
िह दू कालेज का पु तकालय िद ली िव िव ालय के सबसे पराने
ु और समृ पु तकालय म से एक है। 1899 म कालेज क थापना के साथ ही इसक
ु भी ार भ हो गई थी। यह पणतया
ू वातानकिलत
ुू और क यटराइू ड है। कालेज के सभी िव ािथय के िलए पु तकालय क सिवधाए
ु ं उपल ध ह।
पु तकालय के रजव ख ड म जहाँ सभी िवषय क अिनवाय पाठय ् पु तक और आव यक पाठय
् साम ी उपल ध है वह यहाँ बैठकर वे अपना क ा काय-
ू पर ि थत बड़े क म दिैनक समाचार प और अनेक पाि क,मािसक, अ य कार क सभी िवषय -अनशासन
अ ययन इ यािद भी कर सकते ह। भतल ु क
पि काओ ंको पढ़ने क सिवधा
ु है।
सद यता - कालेज के िव ाथ ,अ यापक और टाफ के सभी सद य पु तकालय क सद यता ले सकते ह।


In the last few years, the following Infrastructure was added to the College:

The Hindu College Management, to encourage and stimulate the faculty and students at the college, has initiated two
schemes of Research Fellowships.


Dr. Bhatia fellowship is to encourage teachers to take up research and contribute to economic development of country.
The fellowship is to be awarded on the basis of guidelines framed by management of the college.


The fellowship instituted by RAJ BHARGAVA FOUNDATION will be granted to the students for research in Social Sciences
based on guidelines framed by the college and the Foundation.
More details about the above fellowships can be obtained from college office.

Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has established an ‘Innovation cell’ with a purpose of systematically fostering the culture
of Innovation in all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the country. Hindu College innovation council (HCIC) has
been established under Innovation cell in the year 2018. Its primary role is to engage large number of faculty, students and
staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as ideation, Problem solving, Proof of Concept
development, Design Thinking, IPR, project handling and management at Preincubation/Incubation stage, etc., so
that innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem gets established and stabilized in the college. It also organizes Hindu
college fortnightly Lecture Series (HFLS), an interactive series which involves national and international speakers on the
fields like innovation, entrepreneurship, intellectual property right etc. Latest is the establishment of the Hindu College
innovation and startup council (HCISC) whose role is promote start-ups and under startup policy of Hindu college both faculty
and students are encouraged to think out of box and venture for startups.




Innovation Projects

MHRD’s Innovation Cell

Hindu College provides an excellent opportunity to motivate faculty and undergraduate students enthusiastic about research.
The teachers and students of college from various departments are involved in collaborative research in interdisciplinary
topics. Following is the details of research projects granted and funded by college in the year 2020 and are still continuing.
Tittle of the project Name of the project Project Advisor Pis Departments Project Advisor Total Students Sanctioned Amount
IP-2019-20/SC/01 Dr. Vinita Narula "1. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Botany, Chemistry NiL 10 2,50,000
2. Dr. Neera sharma
3. Dr. Vinita Narula"

IP-2019-20/SC/02 Dr. Anuradha Sharma "1. Dr. Anuradha Sharma "Botany, Physics Prof. R.K Sharma 10 2,50,000
2.Dr. Kashima Arora & Chemistry"
3.Dr. Manavi"

IP-2019-20/SC/03 Dr. N.Santakrus Singh "1. Dr. Lalit Kumar Physics & Chemistry Prof. S. Annapoorni 10 2,50,000
2. Dr. N.Santakrus Singh
3. Dr. Swati Mendiratta"

IP-2019-20/SC/04 Dr. Manoj Kumar “1. Dr. Manoj Kumar Stastics & Chemistry Dr. V.Ravi 10 2,50,000
Varshney Varshney
2 .Mr. Narendra Kumar
3. Dr. Dinesh Kumar"

IP-2019-20/SC/05 DR. .C. .L JONWAL, "1.Dr. C.L. Jonwal Zoology & Chemistry Prof.D.k Singh 10 2,50,000
2.Mr. Mohit Kumar(Adhoc)
3.Dr. Richa Tyagi"
IP-2019-20/SC/06 DR. VARUNENDRA "1. Dr. Varunendra Zoology & Chemistry Prof.Dileep Kumar Singh 10 2,50,000
2. Mr. Mohit Kumar(Adhoc)
3. Dr. Sudershan Kumar"
IP-2019-20/SC/07 Dr. Anupam V.Sharma "1. Dr. Anupam V.Sharma Zoology, Physics Prof. Rajagpol Raman 10 2,50,000
2. Mr. Kiran Kumar Salam
3. Dr. Naorem Santakrus
Singh "

IP-2019-20/SC/08 Nil "1. Dr. Neha kapoor " Chemisry, Botony Nil Nil 2,50,000
2. Dr. D. Monkia Ram & History"
3. Mr. R.B. Azad Choudhary"

IP-2019-20/SC/09 1. Dr. Vivek kumar "1. Dr. Vivek kumar verma Physics & Chemistry Prof. Vinay Gupta 10 2,50,000
verma 2. Dr. Reema gupta
3. Dr. Hemant verma"

IP-2019-20/SC/10 Dr. Meenu Srivastava "1. Dr. Meenu Srivastava Chemistry & Botany Prof.Veena Agarwal 10 2,50,000
2.Dr. Geetika Bhalla
3.Dr. Ravindra Kumar"

IP-2019-20/SC/11 1. Dr. Devanshi Magoo "1. Dr. Devanshi Magoo Chemistry & Botany Dr. Padamshree Mudgal 10 2,50,000
2. Dr. Soma M. Ghorai
3. Dr. Sudhir Kapoor "

IP-2019-20/SC/12 1. Dr.K.K Koul “1. Dr.K.K Koul "Chemistry, Zoology Dr. Pratap kumar Pati 10 2,50,000
2. Dr. Savita(Adhoc) & Statisitic”
3. Ms. Manisha Chawla"

IP-2019-20/HU/01 Dr. Anaya Barua

"1. Dr. Anaya Barua "Philosophy, History Prof. Soumendra Mohan 10 1,50,000
2. Dr. Archana Verma & Sanskrit / Vedic Patnaik
3. Dr. Soniya" Study"
IP-2019-20/HU/02 Dr. Anita Rajpal Sanskrit & Sociology Dr. Ramesh Advisor 10 1,50,000
"1. Dr. Anita Rajpal
2. Dr. Shalini

IP-2019-20/HU/03 Dr. Ravi Nandan Singh "1. Dr. Ravi Nandan Singh Sociology &Hindi Prof. Mohan 10 1,50,000
2. Ms. Arushi Sharma
3. Dr. Rachna Singh
4. Dr. Palav Kumar
Nandwana "

IP-2019-20/SC/13 Dr. Shalini "1. Dr. Pallavi Saxena "Enviornmental Dr.Anuradha Shukla 10 2,50,000
Suryanarayan 2. Dr. Shalini Science & Sociology"
Suryanarayan "
Students Activities/ Engagements
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The College magazine “INDRAPRASTHA” publishes articles by students and
reports of the educational, cultural, social and sports activities of the College. Each
section of the magazine is edited by a Student Editor under the supervision of a
member of the teaching staff.
इ थ - कॉलेज पि का
'इ थ' कॉलेज क वािषक पि का है, जो िव ािथय क रचना मक ितभा को मंच दान करती है।
साथ ही कॉलेज क अकादिमक, सां कितक,
ृ सामािजक एवं खेलकदू सबंधंी गितिविधय क वािषक
रपोट भी इसम कािशत क जाती है। इस पि का के येक खंड का स पादन िकसी िश क के मागदशन
म िव ािथय ारा ही िकया जाता है।
The Hindu College Parliament is a unique student organisa-tion in the country. All
the students and teachers of the College are its members. The students elect the
Prime Minister from amongst themselves at the beginning of the year. There is also
a Leader of the Opposition. The Speaker of the Parliament is a teacher nominated
by the Principal in his/her capacity as the President of the Hindu College Republic.
The College Parliament is a forum for discussions on academic and other issues. It is an excellent training ground for public
speaking and leadership qualities. It allocates funds to the various societies.
कॉलेज-सस ं द
िह दू कॉलेज क सस ू सं था के प म जानी जाती है। िह दू कॉलेज के सभी िव ाथ तथा िश क इसके माननीय सद य होते
ं द दशे भर म िव ािथय क अनठी
ह। अकादिमक स के आर भ म ही िव ाथ मतदान ारा अपने ही सािथय के बीच से अपने धानमं ी तथा िवप के नेता का चनावु करते ह। िह दू कॉलेज के
गणतं का अ य होने के नाते कॉलेज के ाचाय ारा सस
ं द के अ य के प म िकसी िश क को नािमत िकया जाता है।
िह दू कॉलेज क ससं द कॉलेज के अकादिमक तथा अ य मु पर िवचार-िवमश का एक साथक मंच है। यह िव ािथय के व य तथा नेतृ व के िश ण क
एक अनठीू पृ भिम
ू तैयार करती है। इस सस
ं द ारा कॉलेज क िविभ न सिमितय के िलए रािश का आबटंन भी िकया जाता है।
The Annual cultural festival called Mecca highlights the secular character of the College. It has been successfully celebrated
since 1973 and witnesses large scale participation of students across the University. Mecca is the highlight of the calendar -
the single biggest stage for students to express themselves and act as heirs of the rich tradition of this college.
मे का - वािषक सां कितक
ृ उ सव
िह दू कॉलेज का वािषको सव ‘मे का’ इसके धमिनरपे च र का ितिनिध व करता है। वष 1973 से इसका सफल आयोजन िकया जा रहा है, िजसम परू े
ृ एवं अकादिमक अिभ यि
िव िव ालय से बड़ी सं या म िव ाथ भाग लेते ह। मे का कॉलेज क समृ परपंरा का ितिनिध व कर रहे छा क सां कितक
का एक बड़ा मंच है।
The Joint Consultative Committee, consisting of re-presentatives of students and teachers from different departments is the
main consultative body for all important matters concerning the curricular and extra-curricular activities in the College. It meets
frequently with the Principal in the Chair.
सयंु सलाहकार सिमित
सयंु सलाहकार सिमित म िविभ न िवभाग से िश क एवं िव ािथय का ितिनिध व होता है। पाठय
् म तथा पाठये
् तर गितिविधय से जड़ेु सभी मह वपण

मु के िलए यह मख
ु सिमित है। ाचाय क अ य ता म समय-समय पर इसक बैठक होती है।
The College has a large ground, available for various sports activities. In addition the College has an excellent Sports
Complex that houses a state-of-the-art Gymnasium extensively used by students, teachers and non-teaching staff.

िव ािथय के खेलने के िलए कॉलेज म एक सदीघ
ु तथा सदंु र मैदान और उसी से जड़ा
ु हआ एक खेलकद
ू प रसर भी है। इस प रसर म एक समृ यायामशाला
भी उपल ध है, िजसका योग िव ाथ , िश क तथा कॉलेज के अ य कमचारी कर सकते ह।


The College has an active and vibrant NSS unit, which facilitates the participation of students in
social work.
रा ीय सवेा योजना (एन एस एस)
रा ीय सेवा योजना कॉलेज क एक सि य इकाई है, जो छा को सामािजक काय के िलए े रत एवं ो सािहत करती है।


The college has a NCC wing for the students. It is associated with the Delhi Naval Unit and offers
training to students in personality development. The students will have to participate in adventure
camps and also will be assigned duties for the Republic and Independence Day parades. On the
successful completion of 'C' certificate, the students are entitled to exemption from written
examination for officer's jobs in the Defence Services. They get added benefit in marks in their final
percentage too.
The students who wish to join the NCC Wing
of the college are required to contact Sub Lieutenant Dr. Harinder
Kumar, Department of Hindi, Hindu College. Dr. Harinder Kumar is the
Associate NCC Officer of the college.
रा ीय कै डेट कोर (एन सी सी)
िद ली क नौसेना इकाई से स ब रा ीय कै डेट कोर का एक खंड कॉलेज म अ यतं
सि य है, जो िव ािथय के यि व के िवकास के िलए िश ण के िलए िविभ न
आयोजन करता है। इसके तहत िव ाथ क स म तरह-तरह क गितिविधय म भागीदारी
करते ह तथा गणतं िदवस व वतं ता िदवस के आयोजन म भी उनको भाग लेने का
अवसर ा होता है। 'सी' माणप को सफलतापवक ू ा कर लेने पर िव ाथ र ा-
सेवाओ ं म अिधकारी के पद के िलए िलिखत परी ा से छटू के अिधकारी होते ह। इसके
ु ितशत म भी उ ह लाभ ा होता है।
साथ ही कल
This Society recognizes all students as a valuable "Human Resource". It organizes Interactive
Workshops that provide a platform for the students to voice their opinions and discuss topics which
interest or concern them. The idea is to spread awareness on key issues, infuse a sense of
responsibility and empower the students so that they become responsible, confident and
independent individuals, with high levels of self-esteem. Thus, FRIENDS CORNER aims to
promote a general feeling of "well-being" among the students and offers personal counseling, if
desired, so as to encourage and motivate them to help themselves become efficient and effective
डस् कानर
यह सिमित येक िव ाथ को िविश मानती है। यह सिमित सवंाद के िलए िविभ न कायशालाओ ं का आयोजन करती है, जहाँ िव ाथ अपनी िचय और
सम याओ ं पर बेिझझक अपनी बात रख सक। मह वपणू मु पर जाग कता पैदा कर िव ािथय म िज़ मेदारी का भाव तथा आ मिव ास पैदा करना इस
सिमित का मखु सरोकार है । डस
् कानर िव ािथय क सामा य भावनाओ ं क क करता है और ज़ रत पड़ने पर उ ह यि गत तौर पर परामश भी िदया
जाता है ।

Disha- The Placement Cell

Disha, the Placement Cell of Hindu College has been on the fore in bringing about exciting job
opportunities for all courses. The cell organizes seminars and workshops on career related matters.
With a placement percentage of 95% Disha has essayed a pivotal role in the academic lives of
students who wish to get a head start in professional field. Companies like Boston Consultancy
Group, Mckinsey & Company, Airtel, S&P Capital, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young, DE Shaw,
Nisar, among many others have been keenly participating in our placement programme over the
past few years. Students have to get themselves enrolled as members.
िदशा – लेसमट सल े
सभी िव ािथय के िलए बेहतर रोज़गार के अवसर उपल ध कराने म िह दू कॉलेज क लेसमट सेल 'िदशा' क अ णी भिमका ू रहती है। कै रयर से जड़ेु मु पर
'िदशा' ारा समय-समय पर िविभ न सगंोि य व कायशालाओ ं का आयोजन िकया जाता है। यावसाियक े म अ छी शु आत क इ छा रखने वाले
िव ािथय के अकादिमक जीवन म 95% लेसमट के साथ िदशा ने अपनी मह वपण ू उपि थित दज क है। बो टन कं स टसी प, ु मिकं से एडं कं पनी,
एयरटेल, एस एडं पी कै िपटल, डेलॉइट, के पीएमजी, एन ट एडं यगं, डीई शॉ, िनसार, और कई कं पिनयां अ य के साथ िदशा क लेसमट गितिविधय से गहरे
तौर पर स ब ह।
Abbhya is a team of real go-getters who are willing to stop at nothing short of excellence. They not
just bring together the best available internship opportunities and help the students develop skills to
acquire them! Along with this, Abhyas also believes in standing up for a cause and instilling the mind
with transformative ideas. Acting on this belief, the student bring together a unique combination of a
marathon, an internship fair and a conference.

अ यास
अ यास वा तिवक उ िमय क एक टीम है, जो नई ऊचाइया
ँ ँ पाना चाहते ह। अ यास न के वल बेहतरीन इंटनिशप के अवसर उपल ध करवाता ह, बि क इन
ँ के िलए िव ािथय के कौशल िवकास म सहायता करता ह। इसके साथ-साथ, अ यास सामािजक सरोकार के प म खड़े होने और मि त क को
तक पहचने
प रवतनकारी िवचार के िलए ो सािहत करने म िव ास रखता है। इस िव ास पर चलते हए इस वष हम िह दू यथ ू सिमट के ज रए मैराथन, इंटनिशप फे यर
और स मेलन का िवशेष सयंोजन आयोिजत कर रहे ह, जहाँ शरीर मि त क और आ मवृ सबके िलए कछ ु न कछु होगा।
Women's Development Cell (WDC) of the college plays an active role in making the students aware of the problems faced by
women and suggest ways and methods for their development in society. WDC sensitizes the college community on issues
pertaining to women's rights, gender parity and empowerment. The cell takes the initiative in
organising seminars, workshops, debates, street plays, film screening etc. WDC welcomes both
girls and boys as members.
वीमने डेवलपमट सल े
मिहलाओ ं क सम याओ ं के ित िव ािथय को जाग क बनाने म तथा इसके समाधान क ओर अ सर करने म वीमेन
डेवलपमट सेल क मह वपण ू और सि य भिमका
ू होती है। कॉलेज के िव ाथ एवं िश क समदाय
ु म मिहला अिधकार ,
मिहला सशि करण तथा लिगक समानता आिद मु के ित यह सिमित सवंेदनशील नज रया उ प न करने का यास
करती है। यह सिमित समय-समय पर सगंोि य , कायशालाओ,ं वाद-िववाद तथा िफ म दशन ारा मिहला-िवकास के मु
को काश म लाती है। यह सिमित म छा तथा छा ाओ ंदोन का वागत करती है।
College Societies
The College organises various extra-curricular activities carried out through different vibrant societies. The societies work
under the guidance of a member of teaching faculty (Teacher-in-Charge), appointed by the Principal. The College has the
following societies:
िविभ न सि य सिमितय के मा यम से कॉलेज अनेक पाठये ् तर गितिविधय का आयोजन करता है। ाचाय ारा िनयु िकए गए िकसी िश क-सयंोजक के
मागदशन म ये सिमितयां अपना काय सचंािलत करती ह। िह दू कॉलेज क मखु सिमितयां इस कार ह –
Masque is the English Dramatic Society of Hindu College. A premier and well-reputed society, it is often the first choice of the
freshmen student body. A three-round audition process and dedicated work-ethic have allowed Masque to achieve
excellence year after year, a tradition its members have worked tirelessly to uphold. Since 2011,
Masque have staged over seventy performances and gone on to place at prestigious competitions
in and outside Delhi. Annual Fest we hold our fest Masquerade showcase the best of stage theatre
that Delhi has to offer.

मा क - अं ज
े ी नाटय-सिमित

मा क कॉलेज क अं ेजी नाटय-सिमित
् है। यह िति त सिमित कॉलेज म आये नवागत छा के िलए आकषण का क होती
है। तीन चरण म सपं न होने वाली इसके ऑिडशन क ि या तथा अपने काम के ित समपण के कारण इस सिमित ने साल-
दर-साल अपने तर क ऊंचाई ा क है। इसके सद य के अथक प र म ने इसक पर परा को जीिवत रखा है। 2011 से अब तक इस सिमित ने िद ली तथा
िद ली से बाहर भी अनेक िति त ितयोिगताओ ं म स र से भी अिधक नाटक का मंचन िकया है। येक वष यह Masquerade नाम से अपने वािषको सव
का आयोजन भी करता है।
Alankar, The Indian Music Society of Hindu College has been an integral part of the institution's cultural life since it was
founded in 1998. Alankar has created compositions in some of the most fascinating and soul stirring
ragas like Miya Malhar and Bageshree sung by budding musicians who have been the spirit behind
the group, leaving their mark on our history book. Alankar is honoured to have been led by some of
the most gifted individuals of our generation at Hindu College and blessed to have the best of talent
across the Delhi University and the country as its members. Alankar have won accolades and
awards at prestigious college events across the country. Annual Music Fest, Harmony, is held in
high esteem, amongst the University music circles which helps to imbibe music in everyday life.
अलक ं ार – भारतीय सगंीत सिमित
1998 म अपने आर भ के साथ ही भारतीय सगंीत सिमित 'अलंकार' िह दू कॉलेज क सं कित ृ का अिभ न िह सा रही है। य िप इस सिमित के सभी सद य
शा ीय सगंीत म पारगंत नह होते, पर तु इसक ेरणा का ोत भारतीय शा ीय सगंीत ही है। बदलते हए समय म भारतीय शा ीय सगंीत क सदीघ ु पर परा
तथा इसक अमरता म हमारा िव ास और भी गाढ़ होता जा रहा है। अलंकार ने िमयाँ म हार तथा बागे ी जैसे मं मु ध कर दनेे वाले राग म बिंदश तैयार क ह,
िज ह नवोिदत सगंीतकार ने अपना वर िदया है। ये सगंीतकार इस सिमित क ेरणा रहे ह। िह दू कॉलेज क हमारे समय क कछ ु बेहतरीन ितभाओ ं ने इस
सिमित का नेतृ व िकया है तथा िद ली िव िव ालय के साथ-साथ परू े दशे म यहाँ क ितभाएं फैली हई ह। येक वष इसके वािषक उ सव 'हारमनी' का भी
आयोजन िकया जाता है। ितिदन के जीवन म सगंीत को आ मसात करने के यास ारा इस सिमित ने िद ली िव िव ालय के सां कितक ृ न शे म अपनी
एक पहचान बना ली है।
ARIA, the Western Music Society of Hindu College has been one of the most successful cultural
societies of the University of Delhi over the last five years.
ARIA's year begins in August with rigorous auditions, a yearly ritual through which the freshers get a
chance to join the society. The society is divided into two groups: Acapella (Vocal Group) and
Instrumental Band.
The first event on the calendar is usually the College Freshers where ARIA, puts up a splendid show
for the new members of the Hindu College family. After this, the society participates in all the prestigious competitions all over
the country and also participates in non-competitive gigs and concerts as well. The society has been practicing regularly and
participating in almost all the festivals across Delhi University winning accolades and praise in the process.

आ रआ (ARIA)–पि मी सगंीत सिमित

आ रआ गत पांच वष म िद ली िव िव ालय क अ यिधक सफल सिमितय म से एक है l अ यतं चनौतीपण
ु ू ऑिडशन के साथ येक वष अग त म आ रआ
ू े को जानने का अवसर ा करते हl यह सिमित दो भाग म िवभ है- क)
अपना सफर शु करती है, जहाँ सभी नवागत इस सिमित का सद य बनकर एक दसर
ए कापेला (A CAPELLA) ; कं ठ सगंीत समहू ख) वा बड l
सिमित का पहला आयोजन अिधकांशत: कॉलेज के नवागत का वागत समारोह होता है, िजसम आ रआ के सद य िह दू कॉलेज प रवार के िलए शानदार
ु करते ह l इसके प ात् यह सिमित दशेभर के िविभ न िति त ितयोिगताओ ंतथा अ य काय म म भाग लेती है l यह सिमित सतत अ यास करती है
तथा िद ली िव िव ालय व उसके बाहर भी लगभग सभी उ सव म शस ं ा एवं परु कार ा करती है l
Manthan is the quiz society of Hindu College. Dedicated to bringing together the quizzers of Hindu College in order to facilitate
balanced team formation and thus win as many quizzes as possible, the society also organizes quizzes on behalf of the
College. Most recently the society organized three quizzes for Mecca, the annual Hindu college fest. Members are selected on
the basis of their performance in a selection test as well as their performance and quiz-making
throughout the year. They are trained in common quiz formats, quiz-making, hosting and
organization. The society has won top accolades at various quiz competitions.

मथं न: ो री सिमित
मंथन िह दू कॉलेज क ो री सिमित है। यह िह दू कॉलेज के ितभाशाली िव ािथय को एकि त कर सतंिलत ु टीम बनती
है तथा उ ह िविभ न ितयोिगताओ ं म भाग लेने के िलए तैयार करती है । यह सिमित कॉलेज म भी ो री ितयोिगताओ ं
का आयोजन करती है। हाल ही म सिमित ने कॉलेज के वािषको सव मे का म तीन ितयोिगताओ ं का आयोजन िकया। इसके
सद य का चयन उनके दशन एवं सि यता के आधार पर िकया जाता है। ो री से जड़ेु सभी पहलओ ु ं पर उ ह िशि त िकया जाता है। िविभ न
ितयोिगताओ ंम इस सिमित के सद य ने शस ं ा और परु कार ा िकए ह।
Established in 2011, Scribe provides a focal point to aspiring writers to share their creative output with others who share their
passion for the written word. Thus, the Society energizes and challenges the young writers to adopt new styles of writing,
make presentations in the weekly meetings of the Society, and evolve with the feedback from others. Functioning in a fairly
disciplined manner, the Society assigns its members a theme that each of them has to address. Topics such as magical
realism, utopian societies and fear have provided the subjects that have
engaged the students in the past. The Society organizes the creative writing
events for MECCA, the annual cultural festival of Hindu College. Its students
have brought laurels to the college in various creative writing events held all over
the campus. The Society provides a nurturing space for the exercise of the
imagination of young students, unencumbered by scholarly judgment.

ाइब: रचना मक लेखन सिमित

2011 म थािपत हई यह सिमित िव ािथय म िछपी रचना मक ितभा को एक मंच दतेी है। इसक सा ािहक बैठक म लेखन क नई शैिलय पर िवचार-िवमश
होता है तथा नए लेखक को समय क चनौितय
ु से ब कराते हए ो साहन भी िदया जाता है। सिमित के सभी सद य को जादईु यथाथवाद, यटोिपया
ू आिद
िविभ न िवषय पर अपने िवचार कट करने का अवसर िदया जाता है, िजससे उनम रचना मकता के साथ-साथ अिभ यि कौशल भी िवकिसत हो सके ।
कॉलेज के वािषको सव मे का म भी सिमित रचना मक लेखन क ितयोिगताओ ं का आयोजन करवाती है िद ली िव िव ालय म आयोिजत होने वाली
िविभ न ितयोिगताओ ं म परु कार ा कर इसके सद य ने सिमित और कॉलेज दोन का मान बढ़ाया है। नवोिदत ितभाओ ं को आकार और िश ण दनेे म
यह सिमित अ णी भिमका
ू िनभाती है।
Samhita aims to provide a platform for all the societies to put forth their performances. It
encompasses events of not only cultural kind but that of language and literature too. It collaborate
with literary departments of English, Hindi and Sanskrit to bring forth presentations, symposiums,
transcript readings etc. to encourage students to study the literatures and languages thoroughly.
The society brings out the entire mystical and the aesthetic aspects of Indian culture to a wide
audience, especially the youth.

सिंहता: भाषा सािह य और सं कित ृ सिमित

2007 म त कालीन ाचाया डॉ टर किवता शमा ने सिंहता क न व रखी थी l अपने नाम के अनु प ही यह सिमित सभी
सिमितय के दशन के िलए एक रचना मक भिम ू तैयार करती है l इसके अतंगत भाषा तथा सािह य से जड़ेु काय म का आयोजन िकया जाता है मु य प से
अं ेजी, िहदंी एवं सं कत
ृ िवभाग के सहयोग से पठन पाठन और सगंोि य के आयोजन के मा यम से िव ािथय म िविभ न भाषाओ ं के सािह य को पढ़ने के
ित िच िवकिसत क जाती है l इस ि या म िव ािथय म नवीन और रचना मक तितय ु के मा यम से एक आ म
स मान का भाव भी िवकिसत होता है l भारतीय सं कित
ृ और सािह य के िविभ न पहलओ ु ं को वहृ र समदायु तक पहचंाना
और इसके ित उनम िच जागतृ करना इस सिमित का मख ु उ े य है l
Caucus-The Discussion Forum is the premier Group Discussion and Model United Nations Society
of Hindu College. It aims to sensitize the youth towards the pertinent issues surrounding them and
creates a platform to make them conscious of their roles as informed and intelligent individuals in
the global society. To achieve the same, Caucus undertakes group discussions and formal debate
in the Model United Nations format. The society conducts group discussions every week, throughout the academic term, on
issues ranging from general interest to current affairs. It encourage students to think out of the box, nurture ideologies,
welcome pragmatic changes, infuse in the students the qualities of a good diplomat: Confidence, Cognizance, Coherence,
The members of the society are involved in the organisation of two major events:-
Ÿ International Hindu Model United Nations
Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations Organization that aims to educate participants about
civics, effective communication, globalization and multilateral diplomacy. In Model UN, students take on roles as foreign
diplomats and participate in a stimulated session of an UN, bodies, intergovernmental organization and regional
organizations. IHMUN is one of the biggest MUN conferences in the country. IHMUN has seen participation from premier
institutions in India, including various IITs, St. Stephen's College, St. Xavier's College, NLS (National Law School)-Bangalore,
and NLU (National Law University) Delhi. It has also seen international participation from Students from renowned universities
from the Indian subcontinent, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada etc.
Ÿ Vaktavya
Through Vaktavya, Annual Group Discussion Fest, and IHMUN,
Caucus aims to extend its grasp and reach out to a wider range of
people, issues and levels of debate than ever before. This is the first of
its kind of group discussion fest in DU and was inaugurated in 2010. It
is also greatly anticipated and supported by its participants, most of
whom are students from colleges and institutes all over the country.
The fest provides them with a platform to discuss views, and
simultaneously prepares them to become effective and unbiased

कॉकस: िवचार मचं

कॉकस समहू के िवचार-िवमश व सयंु रा मॉडल के िलए एक िविश सिमित है। यह एक ऐसी सिमित है, िजसका उ े य वैि क समाज म यवाु वग को आस-
ू करने के िलए सिमित ारा समह-
ू के ित सचेत करना भी है। इस उ े य को परा
पास िबखरे मु के ित सवंेदनशील बनाना तथा उ ह अपनी वैयि क भिमका ू
चचा तथा सयंु रा के मॉडल के ा प म औपचा रक वाद-िववाद का आयोजन भी िकया जाता है। स पणू अकादिमक स म सा ािहक तौर पर लगभग
सभी मह वपण ू मु पर सामिहक
ू िवचार-िवमश का आयोजन िकया जाता है । 2007 म इसक थापना से ले कर अब तक के समय म इस सिमित ने िह दू
कॉलेज के बाहर भी अपनी सभंावनाओ ं का िव तार िकया है तथा एक नई ऊंचाई ा क है। अपने वािषक सामिहक
ू िवचार-िवमश के उ सव व य तथा
अतंरा ीय िह दू सयंु रा मॉडल ारा कॉकस ने िवचार-िवमश के मु और तर को पहले से कह अिधक वहृ र समदाय ु तक िव तार िदया है।
इस सिमित के सद य कॉलेज के दो बड़े काय म के सयंोजन म सल
ं न होते ह ।
Ÿ अत
ं रा ीय िह दू सयंु रा मॉडल व ततः
ु सयंु रा सघं का
अकादिमक अनकरण ु है, िजसका उ े य इसम भाग लेने वाले िव ािथय को नाग रक शा , भावी स ेषण, वै ीकरण तथा बहप ीय कटनीित
ू से प रिचत
कराना होता है। सयंु रा मॉडल म िव ाथ िवदशेी राजनियक क भिमका ू म सयंु रा के थानीय व अ तःसरकारी सगंठन के ो साहन म भागीदारी
करते ह। िह दू कॉलेज म सयंु रा के अनकत ु ृ मॉडल का स मेलन दशे म सबसे बड़े तर पर आयोिजत िकया जाता है। अब तक इसके छह स मेलन
सफलतापवक ू आयोिजत िकये जा चकेु ह, िजसम कई बड़े ायोजक का सहयोग ा हआ है। इस स मेलन क िवशेषता यह है िक इसम हमेशा मा कल ू
जाने वाले ितिनिधय के िलए अलग से एक सिमित गिठत क जाती है। इसम सट टीफस कॉलेज, सट जेिवयर कॉलेज, नेशनल कल ू ऑफ़ लॉ- बगंलौर तथा
नेशनल लॉ िव िव ालय-िद ली जैसे दशे के िति त सं थान से िव ाथ भाग लेते ह। दशे के बाहर के िस िव िव ालय से भी इसम िव ाथ िह सेदारी
करते ह।
Ÿव य िद ली िव िव ालय म िवचार-िवमश से स बिंधत अपनी तरह
का अनठाू उ सव है । इसक शु आत 2010 म हई थी। इसम बड़ी सं या म िविभ न महािव ालय तथा सं थान से िव ाथ
भाग लेते ह। इस काय म म िव ािथय को िविभ न मु पर एक साथक िवमश का अनठाू अवसर ा होता है।


The English Debating Society, which was founded in the pre-independence period (around the
1930s), is undoubtedly one of the most successful societies of our college. Comprising of 25
members from a variety of departments from all three streams, its primary focus is towards taking part in two kinds of debates,
the Parliamentary form and the Conventional form. What we do focus on instead is the ability to think, analyses, how to argue,
how to structure arguments and how to build our knowledge base. Aim of the society is to create an atmosphere conducive to
learning and a platform that allows for free debate, discussion and airing of all opinions and thus make the debaters the best in
terms of arguing and convincing. Society organises two most prestigious debates- the Premchand Memorial Parliamentary
Debate and the Thadani Memorial Debate. Members of the society participate in debates all across the country.

अं ज
े ी वाद-िववाद सिमित
वतं ता से भी पहले थािपत अं ेजी वाद-िववाद सिमित िन सदंहे कॉलेज क सवािधक सफल सिमितय म से एक है। कॉलेज के सभी िवभाग से लगभग 25
सद य को सि मिलत करते हए यह सिमित ाथिमक तौर पर दो कार के वाद-िववाद म िह सा लेने पर यान के ि त करती है- सस ं दीय ढांचा तथा
पार प रक ढांचा। हम जानते ह िक वाि मता क कला अ यास से अिजत क जा सकती है इसिलए यह हमारा मु य सरोकार
नह है। इसके थान पर हम सोचने क मता, िव ेषण एवं तक क यो यता को िवकिसत करने पर बल दतेे ह। हम सद य को
इस हनर म पारगंत करना चाहते ह िक वे कै से अपना तक िव सनीय ढंग से ततु कर। हमारा ल य एक ऐसे वातावरण का
िनमाण करना है जो सीखने क गित दे तथा हम एक ऐसा मंच भी बनाना चाहते ह जहाँ उदार ढंग से वाद-िववाद सभंव हो तथा
सभी िवचार का खले ु मन से वागत िकया जा सके । वष म मु यतः दो वाद-िववाद ितयोिगताओ ं का आयोजन िकया जाता
है- एक ेमचदं मितृ ससं दीय वाद-िववाद तथा दसरा
ू थडानी मित ृ वाद-िववाद। ये दोन ही ितयोिगताए ँ परू े दशे म िति त
The Symposium-The Parliamentary Society is a platform for all those who strive to make a difference by engaging in
thoughtful discussions over policy and legislative issues. Weekly symposiums are organized in which society members seek
to understand, and build perspectives on various issues of societal importance. Each year, the society organizes the Hindu
Model Indian Parliament (HMIP)- the oldest Parliamentary simulation of Delhi University. It also convenes a Hindu Policy
Summit, in which students from various Colleges and Universities, analyze and debate policy issues. Besides, the society
assumes an important role during the Hindu College Elections, by organizing a Prime Ministerial Debate between the student

िस पोिजयम : सस ं दीय सिमित

िस पोिजयम उनके िलए एक भावी मंच है, जो नीित एवं िविध से स बिंधत मु पर वैचा रक बहस के मा यम से कोई बदलाव
लाना चाहते ह। सामािजक मह व के िविभ न मु को समझने तथा उस पर अपना ि कोण िनिमत करने के िलए सद य क
एक सा ािहक िवचार-गो ी भी आयोिजत क जाती है। येक वष यह सिमित िह दू भारतीय सस ं द मॉडल क अनकितु ृ का
आयोजन करती है, जो िद ली िव िव ालय म ाचीनतम है। सिमित िह दू पािलसी सिमट का भी आयोजन करती है, जहाँ
िविभ न महािव ालय तथा िव िव ालय के िव ाथ पािलसी के मु पर िवचार-िवमश तथा िव े ण करते ह। इसके
अित र यह सं था छा -चनावु के दौरान अ य ीय िडबेट को आयोिजत कर अपनी मह वपण ू भिमका
ू िनभाती है।
Finance & Investment Cell, seeks to change the landscape of financial analysis and economic thinking in Hindu College and
beyond. This society gives voice to students' opinion on the financial literacy, capital market, personal finance, current affairs
and public policy. The society holds workshops, seminars and talks on contemporary issues by eminent experts in commerce
and economics. The society also holds its annual fest “Enigma” with various events like Great Indian Tamasha, Dungeons and
Dragons, Last man standing, Breaking the Bank, The winners' curse, Case study, Mock stock session, Quiz series etc. It has
its own website to publish and share articles and research of the members with a large audience. The society has online forum
to discuss and exchange views.

िव एवं िनवेश सिमित

इस सिमित का गठन िसत बर, 2012 म ही हआ है। इसका उ े य िह दू कॉलेज तथा उसके बाहर के आिथक िवचार एवं िव ीय िव ेषण म साथक बदलाव
लाना है। यह सिमित िव ीय सा रता, पजी
ूँ बाज़ार, यि गत पजी,
ूँ सामियक घटनाओ ंव जननीितय पर िव ािथय के िवचार को आवाज़ दतेी है।
सिमित वािण य और अथशा के उ कृ िवशेष के साथ समकालीन मु पर कायशालाओ ंतथा िवचार-गोि य का आयोजन करती है। सिमित ारा इसके
वािषको सव 'एिन मा' का आयोजन भी िकया जाता है िजसमे ेट इंिडयन तमाशा, डे जे स एडं ैग स, ला ट मैन टिडंग, ेिकं ग दी बक, दी िवनस कस ,
के स टडी, मॉचक टॉक सेशन, ि वज सीरीज इ यािद जैसे काय म शािमल होते ह । सिमित क वेबसाइट पर िव ाथ अपने लेख व शोध यापक पाठक वग
के साथ साझा कर सकते ह। इस प म सिमित के पास चचा एवं िवचार के आदान- दान के िलए एक ऑनलाइन फोरम उपल ध है। सिमित के िपछले दशन
अ यतं ानवधक, अनकरणीय
ु तथा एक सनहर
ु े भिव य को साथ िलए हए रहे।
Hindu College Wing is part of the Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture
Amongst Youth which is India's largest voluntary non-profit and apolitical youth movement
founded in the year 1977 by Dr. Kiran Seth. The mission of the campaign is to conserve and
promote an awareness of our rich and heterogeneous cultural tapestry amongst the youth and to
facilitate an awareness of their deeper and subtler values. The society has organised numerous
performances by some of the most eminent artists of the country including Pandit Birju Maharaj,
Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia and Pandit Vishwamohan Bhatt among others. Society conduct
heritage walks to places in and around Delhi. The society strives to hold on to the motto of Nischkam
Seva (Selfless Service) in all our endeavours. In the near future we also plan to organise workshops on crafts like bamboo
craft, painting, yoga or performing arts.
ि पक मैके
ु ं म अनराग
ृ के ित यवाओ
िह दू कॉलेज का ि पक मैके इकाई भारतीय सगंीत एवं सं कित ु पैदा करने के िलए ितब है। यह भारत का सबसे बड़ा वैि छक,
अ यवसाियक तथा गैर राजनीितक यवा ु आ दोलन है, िजसक शु आत 1977 म डॉ िकरण सेठ ने क थी।
इस अिभयान का उ े य अपनी समृ सां कितकृ पर परा व िवरासत को सरंि त करना तथा यवाओ ु ं के बीच इसका चार-
सार के मा यम से उनम इसके मू य के ित जाग कता पैदा करना भी है। इस सिमित के ारा समय-समय पर कई
काय म आयोिजत िकए जाते ह, िजनम पिंडत िबरजू महाराज, पिंडत ह र साद चौरिसया, पिंडत िव मोहन भ तथा कई
अ य दशे के िस कलाकार क कला का दशन होता है। सिमित ारा िद ली के आसपास के े म िवरासत-या ा का
आयोजन भी िकया जाता है। इस सिमित के मलू म िन काम सेवा का भाव िनिहत है। आने वाले समय म ब बू ा ट, योग, तथा
अ य कलाओ ंपर कायशाला आयोिजत कराए जाने क भी योजना है ।


Abstractions, the Fine Art society of Hindu College has a history of over 25 years. Ever since its inception Abstractions has
endeavored to support and stimulate various forms of art work like Painting, Sketching, Calligraphy, Graffiti, Clay modeling
and Sculpturing. It has provided platform not only to the students of various colleges but also to the teachers to show case their
talent and prove their creative acuity. An art gallery ‘Bharat Ram Centre of Art’, has become the hub of creative activities. With
its quiet and green ambience this centre has been an instant hit among the art connoisseurs and much sought after
rendezvous for art lovers. Abstractions has glorified the college by the outstanding art work of its artists at various inter college
competitions. Its members have been actively associated with various committees engaged in cultural events. Be it the
MECCA committee, the Founders Day Committee or Antardhwani, the members have formed an indispensable part.
Abstractions organizes cultural festival every year which is an eagerly awaited event. It attracts talent from various colleges
and has been a huge success.

ए स ै शन: फाइन आटस ् सिमित

िहदंू कॉलेज क फाइन आटस ् सिमित का इितहास 25 वष पराना
ु है l आरभं से ही इस सिमित ने िच कला के िचगं, कै ली ाफ , िभि िच , ले मॉडिलंग तथा
ू जैसे कला प को बढ़ावा दनेे तथा उसक परपंरा को बनाये रखने का यास िकया है l इसने न के वल कॉलेज एवं उसके बाहर के िव ािथय को
बि क िश क को भी अपनी रचना मकता िदखाने का मंच दान िकया है l त कालीन ाचाया डॉ टर किवता शमा ारा उसे िफर से बहाल िकया गया तब से
ही यह ‘भरत राम कला क ’ पर रचना मक गितिविधय का क बन गया l अपने शांित तथा हर-ेभरे प रसर के कारण यह थान ज दी ही कला के रिसक क
पसदं बन गया l सिमित के सद य ने िविभ न अतंर महािव ालय म अपने असाधारण दशन से कॉलेज के गौरव म विृ क है l इसके सद य कॉलेज म
आयोिजत होने वाले अ य काय म म भी बढ़ चढ़कर िह सा लेते ह चाहे वह मे का या फाउंडस डे का उ सव हो या अ त विन l सिमित वािषक तौर पर
ृ उ सव का आयोजन भी करती है, िजसम िद ली िव िव ालय के िविभ न कॉलेज से िव ाथ भागीदार होते ह l
सां कितक
Besides these the College has the following societies:
Aarambh was formed in 2013. The society strives to promote western dance in all its myriad forms.
We here at Aarambh not only dance but perform our hearts out. We give the students a manifesting
platform and also to compete in various competitions of several colleges. The society endeavours
to give chance not only to trained professionals but also to those who possess the potential and try
to nurture their talents.


Adhrita the classical dance society has its practice sessions and performances at the Bharat Ram
centre. Ever since its commencement, Adhrita, has taken part in various competitions and has won
in many like IIT Bombay (Mood Indigo), Antardhwani (Delhi University festival), AIIMS (Pulse) and
many more. Apart from taking part in various festivals and hosting its own festival, Natarang,
Adhrita has had the opportunity to perform on various platforms in college and elsewhere. The
society has performed in college on occasions like the opening ceremony of Mecca, the Founder’s
Day and the Orientation Day. The society has also performed in front of foreign delegates in the
college. Apart from that, it has performed for NSS, Hindu Youth Summit, Youth Alliance.


The College society, Ankur, which addresses the needs of the differently-abled, works in unison
with the Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) and various student volunteer groups like the NSS, NCC,
etc. to create a amiable atmosphere for differently-abled students and to provide them any
sustenance they might require.. The motto of the Society is “Strength in Weakness”. The society
organizes various activities for these students in addition to addressing their welfare concerns. The
society also organizes an annual festival- “Goonj”. As part of this fest, back-to-back inter college
competitions have been conducted like: Poetry Recitation, Quiz, Just-a-Minute Debate, Talent
Hunt, and Drama.
Vivre, the Film and Photographic Society, is one of the College’s most active societies, which by screening films and
exhibitions provides exposure to students in these areas.It regularly organises events such as film
screenings , discussion sessions, photography festivals & contests etc. Vivre organized the
screening of Pratibha Advani’s documentary film ‘Tiranga’, which she called a heady mix of “cinema
and country”. A photo walk to Connaught Place was organized on, capturing the essence of
Lutyen’s Delhi.
Vivre collaborated with The Symposium Society of Hindu College to cover the Prime Ministerial
Debate. Videos were made, wherein the candidates standing for various posts were questioned
about their agenda for the ensuing year.


Out of the ecological societies of the College, Earthlings, is extremely active and popular. It efforts both evidence the success
of the College’s commitment to environmental education, and generate education & awareness for
the rest of the College’s members also. Earthlings,The wildlife society organizes trips to zoological
and biodiversity parks such as Kamla Nehru Ridge, National Zoological Park and Asola Bhatti
wildlife sanctuary. The society has active collaboration with bigger organizations such as WWF
engaged in fund raising and awareness campaigns.
The Science Forum of Hindu College was instituted by a group of inspired students and devoted
faculty members to pursue science outside the classrooms and to facilitate open dialogue between
the science departments of the College taking along social sciences and humanities. Acknow-
ledging the significance of interdisciplinary research, the forum regularly organizes talks and
seminars of inter disciplinary nature. “Intelligent Design vs Evolution”, “Ethics in Science” were the
recent topics on which discussions were held.

The North-East Cell is one of the registered societies of the College that began its functioning in
2011. The Cell integrates students from the North Eastern States into the mainstream. The cell
provides a platform for all the students from North-East states studying in the College to share and
sort out their problems. It counsels students, providing a friendly atmosphere far away from home.
The Cell spreads awareness among people, especially the College fraternity so as to amalgamate
the nation with the lesser known cultures of Northeast India a significant step towards national
The cell celebrates its annual festival “NEtym”, a multi-dimensional event, which encompasses the
varied art and culture and history of India’s north-east, the region’s handicrafts, food, clothing, literature, contemporary
developments as well as highlights its problems and hardships through seminars and discussions.


Ibtida is the acclaimed dramatics society of Hindu College. It has consistently raised the standards
and expectations of doing theatre and is thus perceived as one of the most sought after groups in
the Delhi University theatre circuit. The society nurtures various forms of theatre ranging from the
regular and classical stage performances to the more spontaneous and thoughtfully improvised
street plays. Over the years, Ibtida has gradually incorporated electronic multimedia into the
performances and at the same time it also stands as one of the only college in Delhi university that
still retains the old world art of mime theatre. Ibtida was established in 1991 by the joint efforts of
faculty members, Dr. Harish Naval (Department of Hindi) and Ms. Suchitra Gupta (Department of
History) as well as theatre enthusiast Mr. Imtiaz Ali, who went on to become the famous and much loved Bollywood director.
Ibtida equally owes its legacy to the unrelenting hard work and dedication of its members. At the beginning of the annual
calendar, subsequent to new admissions, Ibtida holds auditions for students who wish to be part of the society. Ibtida on an
average has more than a dozen stagings of street theatre every year on various social concerns ranging from gender
discrimination to corruption. The theatre group also participates in motivating target groups with regard to specific social
initiatives.. Medina the annual festival of the society is organized on social issues.


िहदंी िवभाग क नाटय ् सं था 'अिभरगं' का सफर एकदशक से भी पराना
ु है। इस नाटय् सं था का उ े य िहदंी िव ािथय को
मंच दान करना है। अब तक अिभरगं ने अनेक नाटक का मंचन िकया है िजनम कबीरा खड़ा बाजार म, मोटेराम का स या ह,
सीमारख े ा, तेरी मेरी उसक बात, लपायाता कतू , ेमकथा पचंतं से, कफ़न, ग़दर के साये म मु य ह। सु िस रगंकम
वागीश कमार ु िसहं तथा अरिव द गौड़ भी अिभरगं से जड़ेु रहे ह। स 2015 - 16 म अिभरगं ने िद ली िव िव ालय क
सां कितक
ृ प रषद् सौज य से अतंरमहा िव ालयी नाटय ् ितयोिगता का आयोजन िकया था िजसम सात महािव ालय के
् ने भाग िलया और अिभरगं का नाटक 'स ित' ि तीय रहा। इसी तरह िद ली सरकार ारा आयोिजत भगत िसहं
सािह य महो सव म अिभरगं ारा दो तितयां ु दी गई िंजनम नाटक 'स ित' के साथ एक सफ
ू क वाली 'िकरपा करो महाराज' को भरपरू सराहना िमली।
‘वा मी’ िहदंी वाद-िववाद सिमित, वष-2005 से िनरतंर समसामियक िवषय व वलंत मु पर िवचार के साझेदारी का मंच है
। िह दू कॉलेज क सि य व लोकि य सं था के प म वा मी का िविश थान है। ‘वा मी’ अपने कॉलेज क ग रमा व
िविश ता को िनरतंर आगे बढ़ाने म यासरत है ।
ित स ाह सिमित ारा चार अ यास स आयोिजत िकए जाते ह, िजनम सभी सद य िकसी भी समसामाियक मु े पर
प रचचा/वाद-िववाद करते ह|साथ ही सिमित के सद य परू े स के दौरान िविभ न ितयोिगताओ ं म महािव ालय का
ितिनिध व करते ह। सिमित क ओर से ित स 4-5 ितयोिगताओ ं का आयोजन करवाया दाता है । स 2015-16 म
सिमित ने अपने दस वष पणू करने के उपल य म तीन िदवसीय काय म ज -ए-सफ़र का भ य आयोजन करवाया था िजसम
मनोज ितवारी, चँ कमारु बोस, अभय कमारु दबेू तथा अनज ु धर जैसी िविश हि तय ने भाग िलया ।


Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites. This has been inspiration behind
the working of our society. This society has always helped enhance its ever growing stature by
providing record number of environ-mentalists, nature lovers and well-groomed citizens.
Established in 2005, Panchtatva brings awareness among students as well as the College staff
about the environment and its protection. Amongst its committed activities are the paper collection
drive during the student elections (pamphlets, posters etc.) and donating the collected paper to an
NGO for blind students, tree plantation drives in and outside the campus, .and anti-smoking
campaign in association with the World Lung Foundation.


Srijya is the choreography society of Hindu college which has been functional since 2003. Unlike
western dance societies, the choreography societies follow the contemporary form of dance. Every
year the society comes up with a ten minutes production based on a theme. Srijya has been
performing at the Freshers' Welcome, Graduation Night, Founder's Day and Mecca. The team has
participated in a number of competitions till now, conducted by IIT’s and have been securing Ist &
2nd Positions. Srijya along with Aarambh & Adhirta have been organizing the festival Aramya every
year.The society aims to spread powerful messages through its productions and create an impact.


The fashion society Nakshtra provides a platform to budding fashion designers and models to
showcase their talents as well as provide a common ground to both the streams to function
synchronously for participation and organization of inter-colleges fashion shows and events. The
members have been participating and bringing laurels to the society in various in-house and
intercollege/University competitions. Nakshatra performed a show on the tribal theme in 2015,
which was appreciated. Panache is the fashion show held at Hindu College fest Mecca which is
hosted and managed by Nakshatra.
Enactus at Hindu College was established in 2014 which brings students, business and academic
leaders together with the goal of improving the quality of life and living standard of people in need, through the positive effects
of business endeavours.Enactuslaunched Project Shreshthin collaboration with the Khadi
Department of the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, GOI, to inculcate entrepreneurship
skills among women living in Badli Industrial Area.The society identified women of Badli Industrial
Area, Delhi and helped them become self-reliant by acquiring the skill of making incense sticks. It is
now helping the women set up their business of making and selling incense sticks.

Apart from this the College organises the following Annual Events:

इसके अित र कॉलेज क ओर से इन वािषक काय म का आयोजन भी करवाया जाता है –

1. ओ पी कौिशक मित ृ या यान
2. रजं न रॉय मित
ृ वाद-िववाद
3. मधु भसीन मितृ या यान
4. एन एन अ वाल पेपर रीिडंग ितयोिगता
5. अशोक ि यदश मित ृ वाद-िववाद
6. ो. ेमचदं मित ृ वाद-िववाद
7. ो. एन वी थडानी मित ृ वाद-िववाद
8. लिलता सु बू मितृ या यान
9. दीपक िस हा मित ृ या यान
Visit the societies for students activities on the following links :

1. Societies Website Path

2. Counselling Centre
3. Aarambh
4. Abhirang
5. Abhyas
6. Abstraction
7. Adhrita
8. Alankar
9. Ankur
10. Aria
11. Caucus
12. Earthlings
13. Enactus
14. English Debating
15. Friends Corner
16. Ibtida
17. Panchtatva
18. Manthan
19. Masque
20. Nakshtra
21. National Cadet Corps (NCC)
22. National Social Service
23. Srijya
24. Samhita
25. The Science Forum
26. Scribe
27. Spic Macay
28. Symposium
29. Vivre
30. Vagmi
31. Finance & Investment Cell
Some of the Famous Alumni
of Hindu College

1. Justice Y. K. Sabharwal (Former Chief Justice of India) 2. Arnab Goswami (Republic TV) 3. Gautam Gambhir
(Cricketer) 4. Meenakshi Lekhi, (BJP) 5. Neha Khanna (NDTV) 6. Sreenivasan Jain (NDTV) 7. Dr. Naresh Trehan
(Managing Director, Medanta Medicity Hospital) 8. Vinod Rai, 11th Comptroller and Auditor General of India
9. Tisca Chopra (Actor) 10. Imtiaz Ali (Director) 11. Eenam Gambhir (First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of India
to the United Nation in New York) 12. Saba karim (Cricketer) 13. Rahul Mehra (Activist of Aam Aadmi Party)
14. Arjun Rampal (Actor)
Ÿ Every care has been taken to validate the contents of this Prospectus. The information given herein pertains only to the courses
offered by Hindu College.
Ÿ The information contained in the relevant Rules, Ordinances and Statutes of the University of Delhi will be final. The data contained in
the Prospectus is only indicative and must not be used for legal purposes.



"Delhi University is partnering with Delhi Police and World Lung Foundation — South Asia in promoting a tobacco-free
environment. As a step in that direction, smoking is banned in our College".

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