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Saudi Arabia is a (1) __________. King Abdullah who`s led the nation since 2005 died last week. And President
Obama recently traveled there to (2) ______________ and visit Saudi Arabia`s new leader, King Salman. Saudi
Arabia is an ally of the U.S. in fighting terrorism, but it has (3) ____________on human rights. The nation
doesn`t allow women to drive, made this a (4) ___________________ for President Obama.President
Obama`s stop in Saudi Arabia was brief, but (5) _____________about U.S. relations with this key Mideast
ally. After cutting short his trip to India following the death of Saudi King Abdullah, the president and the
(6)_______________ in Riyadh were all smiles when Mr. Obama praised King Salman`s palace. But the
president declined to criticize the kingdom for the beating of a blogger who was punished for (7) __________
his country`s religious police. CNN`s Fareed Zakaria asked the president what he would say to Americans (8)
__________ by Saudi Arabia`s human rights record. President Obama:”It is important for us to take into
account existing relationships, (9) ______________within a very complicated Middle East to recognize that we
have (10) _______________ in common with Saudi Arabia.

The Florida Keys have mosquitoes. One solution,(1)________.But there is one species of mosquito that`s built
up a (2)________ to many of the pesticides, and that species can carry dangerous diseases like dengue
and(3)_____________.So, another proposed solution,(4)____________.It says no human will be bitten by
a (5)___________________ because it will only release male mosquitoes which don`t bite. Also, they question
the need for the experiment: (6) __________ isn`t the major health threat in the Florida Keys. Almost 140,000
people have signed the (7) __________to keep this from happening. The FDA would have to approve it.

Another animal story today involves the deaths and injuries of hundreds of birds in San Francisco Bay. And
saving lives is keeping the non-profit group (8) _____________________ busy. It looked like they were
covered in oil, but it wasn`t, in some kind of (9) ________________. And we are not talking about just a few
birds that are died, the (10) ____________ is now at more than 200. The problem is, is the substance gets into
the birds feathers causing (11) ____________. It has the consistency of glue that sticks to the bird`s feathers.
(12)_________________ is used to help remove the gunk, while allow to figure out exactly what it is. It looks
almost like (13) _________It`s taking on the bird`s feathers. But we are having some very good results with
(14) _______________of washing and we are able to clean these birds. If the birds make it outside and get
into one of these (15) _______________- it means that they are doing well, this is where they observed for a
few days before being released to the wild.

1. monarchy
2. pay his respects
3. a bad record
4. politically challenging trip
5. spoke volumes
6. newly crowned monarch
7. scrutinizing
8. appalled
9. the existing alignments
10. strategic interest


1. insecticides
2. resistance
3. yellow fever
4. mutant mosquitoes
5. genetically modified mosquito
6. dengue fever
7. International Bird Rescue
8. petition
9. mysterious goo
10. death toll
11. hypothermia
12. Dawn dishwashing detergent
13. rubber cement
14. the current protocols
15. miniature pools

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