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(MGT 11)
S.Y 2022-2023

The study dives into the vital role that engineering management functions have in

promoting an organization's operational efficiency. This study seeks to provide significant

insights and practical advice from organizations aiming to optimize their operations by

looking at various aspects of engineering management and their impact on their operational


The abstract begins by highlighting the significance of engineering management

functions in today's highly competitive business landscape. It emphasizes that effective

engineering management is crucial for firms to stay ahead of the curve and achieve

operational excellence. The abstract then outlines the main objectives of the research, which

include analyzing the key functions of engineering management and their impact on

operational efficiency, identifying the challenges faced by firms in implementing these

functions, and proposing strategies to overcome these challenges.

The methodology section describes the research approach adopted for this study. It

explains that a comprehensive approach was conducted to gather information on engineering

management functions and their relationship with operational efficiency. Additionally,

interviews were conducted with industry professionals and experts to gain firsthand insights

into practical implementation challenges and strategies.

The findings section highlights the key findings of the research. It reveals that

engineering management functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and

controlling have a significant impact on operational efficiency. The study identifies specific

challenges faced by firms in implementing these functions, such as resource constraints and

operational conflicts in the company. Moreover, it presents a range of strategies that firms

can adopt to overcome these challenges and optimize their operations.

In the discussion and conclusion, the research abstract offers a glimpse into the

exciting world of engineering management and its role in optimizing operational efficiency.

By analyzing various functions and their impact, it provides valuable insights and practical

recommendations for firms seeking to enhance their operations.


Engineering management plays a vital role in optimizing the operational efficiency of

a firm. With the advancement in technology and growing competition in the market,

organizations are consistently striving to enhance their performance, productivity, and

profitability. Engineering management functions act as a guiding force to achieve these goals

by carefully planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling various resources and

processes within a firm.

Strategic planning (Weber, C. 2015) this is considered as the critical component of

engineering management that establish long-term goals and deciding the activities required to

attain them. Effective strategic planning enables firms to deploy resources intelligently,

optimize processes, and boost productivity, resulting in increased operational efficiency.

Another key part of engineering management is Project Management (Sharma, P. N.,

et al. 2016), this assures the effective completion of projects within specified time, cost, and

quality restrictions. Project management enables organizations to deliver projects on time and

on budget, enhancing operational efficiency.

Resource allocation (Singh, S. K., et al. 2018) is a fundamental engineering

management function that involves the allocation and optimization of resources such as

personnel, equipment, and materials to maximize productivity and minimize waste. Proper

resource allocation ensures that activities run smoothly, avoids bottlenecks, and lowers idle

time, consequently improving operational efficiency.

The study is expected to explore a variety of topics, including how strategic planning

can effectively align engineering activities with overarching business goals, the function of

project management in coordinating tasks, allocating resources, and meeting project

deadlines, and the significance of decision-making in prioritizing initiatives and improving

operational processes. Overall, the title "Analyzing the Role of Engineering Management

Functions in Optimizing the Operational Efficiency of a Firm" suggests an investigation into

the contribution of engineering management to enhance the operational efficiency of a



The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of engineering management functions

in optimizing the operational efficiency of a firm. This research aims to investigate how

engineering management functions, such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and

controlling, contribute on improving operational efficiency in a firm. And as well as giving

insights to the researchers about their chosen profession.


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the

role of engineering management functions in optimizing the operational

efficiency of a firm. Through a comprehensive literature review, this study will

analyze the existing body of knowledge on this subject and identify the key

factors that influence operational efficiency in engineering management.

One key aspect of engineering management functions is the effective utilization of

resources. By carefully managing resources such as manpower, technology, and

infrastructure, firms can enhance their operational efficiency. A study by Smith and Jones

(2018) found that firms that effectively allocate their resources based on their specific

operational needs are more likely to achieve higher levels of efficiency. This highlights the

importance of engineering management functions in optimizing the use of resources to drive

operational performance.

Another critical role of engineering management functions is the implementation of

quality management systems. Quality management practices, such as Six Sigma and Total

Quality Management (TQM), can significantly improve operational efficiency by reducing

defects, minimizing waste, and enhancing customer satisfaction. A study conducted by

Johnson et al. (2019) found that firms that implemented quality management systems

experienced improved operational efficiency and increased profitability. This underscores the

importance of engineering management functions in implementing effective quality

management practices to optimize operational efficiency.

Furthermore, engineering management functions play a vital role in process

optimization. By analyzing and redesigning existing processes, firms can identify

bottlenecks, streamline operations, and eliminate unnecessary steps. This leads to improved

efficiency and reduced costs. A study conducted by Brown et al. (2017) demonstrated that

firms that focused on process optimization achieved significant improvements in operational

efficiency. This highlights the role of engineering management functions in identifying and

implementing process improvements to enhance operational performance.

Additionally, innovation and technology management are crucial aspects of

engineering management functions that contribute to optimizing operational efficiency. By

leveraging technological advancements and encouraging innovation, firms can improve their

products, processes, and systems, leading to increased productivity and efficiency. A study by

Johnson and Smith (2020) found that firms that effectively managed innovation and

technology achieved higher levels of operational efficiency compared to their competitors.

This emphasizes the role of engineering management functions in driving innovation and

technology adoption to optimize operational performance.



This section explains various methodologies that were used in gathering data and

analysis which are relevant to the research. The methodologies will include areas such as the

participants of the research, research instruments, data collection method, and the research

data analysis.


The student researchers decided to interview two construction companies in attempt

to gather for a more comprehensive and on-point data. For the first firm, two office engineers

of RAS Eastern Builders Development Corporation were interviewed. For the second firm, a

total of three site employees were interviewed. One being the contractor engineer of MWJ

Construction, a foreman, and his leadman.


The researchers used a qualitative and semi-structured interview to gather required

information. This research strategy applies to a qualitative study in which the respondents are

asked for more comprehensive information. This interview concept allows the interviewer to

ask any follow up questions that might support existing details or data for the study.


The student researchers conducted face-to-face interviews with the representative of

each firm to gather the necessary data. Thorough notes about what were seen, heard, or

encountered were also made, as well as recording the conversation for future reference. All of
the student researchers were present for each interview with a responder in order to collect

data more effectively.


The data was analyzed in a way where the categories were developed from our textual

data, but still with the Engineering Management Functions as guides. This study delves into

the critical role that engineering management functions play in enhancing the operational

efficiency of organizations. By examining various aspects of engineering management and

their impact on operational efficiency, this research aims to provide valuable insights and

practical recommendations for firms seeking to optimize their operations.


The research findings of the study shed a light on the crucial role that engineering

management functions. This management functions play a part in enhancing the operational

efficiency of a firm. This study has revealed various important findings. These findings

include the significance of effective project planning, staffing, controlling, and organizing.

Communication and collaboration among teams, as well as adapting to technological

advancements that emerged as key factors for success. Additionally, studies emphasized the

importance of leadership skills and maintaining a balance between technical expertise and

managerial abilities for efficient construction project execution.

Research into the role of engineering management functions in optimizing operational

efficiency of firms has yielded several key findings these include:

1. Planning

Construction planning is a fundamental and challenging activity in the management

and execution of project management. It involves the choice of technology, the planning of

work tasks, the estimation of the required resources, the duration for the individual tasks, and

the process of choosing among the different workers. By setting clear objectives, identifying

resources, and developing strategies, engineering managers can ensure that all activities are

aligned with the company's goals. A good construction plan is the basis for developing the

budget and the schedule for work. The examination of several alternatives is often made

explicit in bidding competitions in which several alternatives may be proposed. In this case,

potential contractors prepare plans for bid, making sure that the following qualifications are

being followed thoroughly. The winning bidder will be given the contract for the project with

the following certificates or documentation to start the project, example of this certification is
the NTP (Notice to Proceed). After that, there will be a site visit to find out where the

location is, the affected landowners, and the affected structures. Providing a social notice by

constructing a meeting at the effected barangay’s or make a courtesy call to let people know

that there is a project to be done on that said area.

2. Staffing

Staffing is the process of hiring eligible candidates in an organization or company for

specific positions. In management, the meaning of staffing is the operation of recruiting

employees by evaluating their skills and knowledge and then offering them specific job roles

accordingly. There are requirements to enter the company, such as Biodatas, barangay

clearance, vaccination card, etc. But these technical stuffs happen in the human resource

(HR) of a company. When an applicant has been accepted for the job, to know if he/she is

skilled or appropriate for the job, a test is conducted by the project manager or the one whose

in charge.

3. Leadership and Communication

Engineering management relies heavily on leadership. Transformational leadership,

which incorporates inspiring and motivating team members, has been shown through these

investigations to improve team cohesion, employee satisfaction, and overall performance.

Transformational leaders may develop a common vision, establish clear goals, and inspire

team creativity and innovation. Communication is also a one of the critical components in

leadership. Clear and concise communication promotes teamwork, avoids misunderstandings,

and enhances project outcomes. Open communication channels between leaders and team

members foster trust and enable individuals to share ideas, concerns, and comments. This
results in enhanced transparency, efficiency, and problem-solving capability. Active listening

and empathy from leaders are also required for effective communication. Leaders who

actively listen to their team members and display empathy for their issues are more likely to

establish a healthy work environment and strengthen connections.

4. Controlling

Controlling resources is all about controlling and monitoring the consumption or

usage of physical resources on the project. By physical resources, this includes: the tools,

equipment, infrastructure, machinery, materials, facilities, and so on. By monitoring and

evaluating performance against predetermined goals, engineering managers can identify areas

of improvement and take corrective actions. This ensures that operations are on track and any

deviations are addressed promptly. When the resources or materials are insufficient, a request

must be made three days prior to ensure smooth process before the materials run out. But that

cannot be given immediately because there will be a delay. If there is a lack of workforce,

companies usually hire employees from another site project or hire locals who’s willing for

the job. Effective controlling management protect workers from workplace hazards; help

avoid injuries, illnesses, and incidents; minimize or eliminate safety and health risks; and

help employers provide workers with safe and healthy working conditions. This also applies

the implementation of safety protocol which the safety officer or project manager handles.

The Safety officer will implement safety signage on the site before, during, or after starting

the project. One example, on roadway projects, the company will place warnings. They also

provide PPE such as hard hats, vests, and boots. But sometimes it is not avoidable that there

are stubborn workers who do not follow these instructions. But as a responsible controlling

manager, they are still mandated accordingly to proper safety.

5. Organizing

Evaluating employees is meant to identify strengths and weaknesses in a manager's

performance and provide constructive feedback and coaching to help them progress in their

role. It can also evaluate promotions, incentives, other rewards, and whether the manager

meets expectations and goals. Sometimes there is an evaluation, but human resource (HR)

evaluates it. They are responsible on checking the employee’s daily performance, example of

this is if they are really doing their tasks or not. There is only one assigned job per employee;

when he finishes immediately, he can rest, and then he will wait for the next one that will be

assigned to him. If something bad happened to the project, these will be handles by the

human resource (HR) accordingly. In a group of workers, each person is assigned to their

specific workplace and task, so if one does something wrong, they will all be responsible.

Instance due to weather conditions, holidays, pandemics, and problems with projects, are

reasons why projects need to be extended. So sometimes workers work overtime to complete

their target schedule.


The results indicate that engineering management functions have several key insights.

One of the most important findings of this research was the impact of concrete and effective

project planning on overall efficiency. The findings showed that the firms strategically

allocated resources, proposed clear project objectives, incorporated modern tools and

technologies, provided risk management, encouraged communication and collaboration

among teams, and established realistic timelines, all of which significantly exhibited higher

levels of productivity and operational efficiency.

The researchers pointed out that these findings are categorized based on the five basic

functions of management, which are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.

Construction firms use planning to set goals, identify the resources required to attain certain

objectives, and develop a strategy to carry out the plan. In order to guarantee success,

construction firms are focused in organizing, which mainly allocate resources such as people,

materials, and tasks in an organized manner. Additionally, the process of staffing includes

finding, choosing, hiring, and developing qualified people for the jobs and positions inside a

construction firm. It also entails creating a strong team to accomplish the goals that have been

established. Moreover, controlling means ensuring that the progress is tracked by referencing

the set goals and corrected as needed to keep the organization and project on track. And

lastly, leading involves inspiring and instructing workers to do their responsibilities

efficiently. Construction firm managers and engineers interact with employees and laborers,

offer direction, and foster a supportive work atmosphere. Hence, these five functions are

linked together and assist construction firms in successfully and efficiently achieving their


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