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Respiratory System

1. Name the lobes of the lungs

2. Surface marking of the major and minor fissures
3. What are bronchopulmonary segments? What is their surgical importance? Name the
bronchopulmonary segments in each lung. Which segments are affected in aspiration
4. What is the lower limit of the pleura?
5. What is the lower limit of lung?
6. What is the importance of sternal angle with regard to respiratory system?
7. How much is the normal chest expansion?
8. What is the normal shape of the chest? What is the normal ration of AP vs transverse
diameter of the chest? Name the abnormal chest shapes
9. Name some chest deformities
10. What is Harrison’s sulcus
11. What is rachitic rosary; what is scorbutic rosary
12. Name the spinal deformities
13. What do you mean by scoliosis to the left?
14. How do you differentiate postural scoliosis from true scoliosis?
15. How do you look for the position of trachea?
16. What is Trail’s sign. Explain the mechanism behind this sign
17. What are the rules of percussion?
18. What is the upper limit of liver dullness?
19. What is tidal percussion
20. What is Traube’s space. Describe the surface markings. When do you get dullness in the
Traube’s space?
21. What is shifting dullness? Where do you get
22. What is straight line dullness?
23. What is succussion splash
24. What is d'Espine sign?
25. Compare vesicular and bronchial breath sounds. (How they sound, mechanism of
production, how to differentiate between them)
26. What are the causes for bronchial breathing?
27. What is bronchophony
28. What is aegophony
29. What is whispering pectoriloquy
30. Compare the following: snore, stertor, stridor, wheeze
31. Define crackles and rhonchi. Compare them. (How they sound, mechanism of production,
how to differentiate between them)
32. How do you recognize pleural rub? How do you differentiate from crackles?
33. What are the types of crackles and rhonchi?
34. What are the causes for crackles and rhonchi?
35. Why breath sounds are absent over the pleural effusion. Why do you get bronchial breath
sounds just above the level of pleural effusion?
36. Explain the following: trepopnoea, platypnoea, orthodeoxia
37. What are the clinical findings in COPD?
38. What is pursed lip breathing. Explain the physiological basis. Where do you get
39. What is grunting respiration. Explain the physiological basis. Where do you get
40. What is tracheal tug
41. How do you identify hyperinflated lungs?
42. Tabulate the physical examination findings in the following conditions:
consolidation, cavity, fibrosis, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, bronchial asthma, COPD,


1. What are the causes of :

- Hemoptysis
- Dyspnoea (Respiratory)
- Acute Chest Pain
- Hoarseness of voice
- Stridor
- Clubbing (Respiratory)
- Hypertrophic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy

2. What are the different types of Cough.- What causes them.

3. What are the different types of sputurm.?

4. What are the drugs which produce lung toxicity ?

5. Enumerate abnormal patterns of breathing.

6. Enumerate occupational cung diseases.

7. What are the ill effects of smoking on Respiratory system. How do you
smoking ?

8. What is techypnoea and bradypnoea ?

9. What are the accessory muscles of respiration ?

10. What do you mean by the following:-

-Pursed lip breathing

-Hypertrophic pulmonary Osteoarthropathy
-Trail’s sign
-Whispering pectoriquy
-Vesicular breathing
-Brouchial breathing.

11. What are the signs of the following:

-Pleural Effusion
-Pnerumo thorax
-Bronchial asthma
-Pulmonery Embolism.
-Bronchie ctasis
-Chromic bronchtis / Emphyseme.

12. What are the common organisms causing:

-Lobar pneumonia
-Broucho pneumonia
-Ahypical pheumonia
-Exacerbation of Infection in COPD / Asthma.

13. What are the causes of pleural elfusion ?

14. How do you differentiate an exudate from a transudate ?

15. What are the indications of pulting in a chest tube.

16. What are the different types of plerurel fluid?

17. What are the nonmetastatic (Pareneo plastic) manifestations of carcinoma

of lung?

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