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Title Page------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Table of Contents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

I. Rationale-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
II. Statement of the Problem------------------------------------------------------------2-3
a. Main Problem--------------------------------------------------------------------------3
b. Sub Problem---------------------------------------------------------------------------3
III. Theoretical Framework-----------------------------------------------------------4
IV. Conceptual Framework-----------------------------------------------------------5
V. Research Methodology-----------------------------------------------------------5
VI. References---------------------------------------------------------------------------5-6

For any country to advance and thrive, scientific and technological knowledge-seeking is
essential. In order to keep up with current trends and develop in a variety of disciplines, ASEAN
nations must understand the value of studying science and technology in today's quickly evolving
world. The importance of studying the ASEAN countries' science and technology curricula will be
explored in this study.

The importance of studying the science and technology curriculum in ASEAN nations
cannot be overstated. It is crucial for training critical thinking abilities, advancing research and
development, and creating a society that values science. It also improves industries like healthcare
and agriculture. ASEAN nations may set themselves up for development and growth in the twenty-
first century by appreciating the importance of science and technology education.

Statement of the Problem

In ASEAN countries, the subject of science and technology education has a number of
obstacles and shortcomings that limit its effectiveness in increasing student learning outcomes. A
comparative study of science and technology education in ASEAN countries is intended to shed
light on these difficulties and offer viable solutions. One important part of this analysis is the
examination of the impact of Western Science and Technology education on students’ learning
results in the Asian environment. The study also tries to discover particular elements that contribute
to the efficacy of Science and Technology implementation. Notably, Eastern Asia has made major
contributions to Science and Technology research, notably in terms of student learning outcomes.
While Southeast Asian students demonstrate stronger desire and higher-order thinking skills when
compared to academic learning accomplishment, the region’s overall baseline for learning
outcomes is lower due to low educational practice quality. Furthermore, kids with a lower baseline
of higher-order thinking skills gain the most from Science and Technology enactments.
Furthermore, the majority of studies on Science and Technology implementation have concentrated
on the secondary education level. The discrepancies in impacts among areas can be attributed to a
variety of factors, including the quantity of published research and variances in students’ baseline
learning outcomes. Overall, science and technology education has been found to be highly effective
in Southeast Asia, with a greater impact on learning outcomes than in other regions. Understanding
these issues and shortcomings is critical for designing focused measures to improve science and
technology curriculum across ASEAN countries.

Main Problem

The lack of proper resources is one of the main obstacles to science and technology
education in ASEAN nations. Numerous schools experience financial difficulties, which leads to a
lack of modern textbooks, lab supplies, and educational resources. Students’ ability to understand
scientific principles practically may be hampered without access to these crucial tools, impeding
their ability to study and put their new knowledge into practice.

Sub Problem

The dominant examination-oriented culture in ASEAN nations is one of several reasons

that contribute to the poor quality of educational procedures. The concentration on high-stakes
exams frequently puts students and teachers under unneeded strain and causes them to place more
importance on memorization and regurgitation of facts than on understanding and application. Such
a strategy limits students’ overall learning outcomes because it does not promote a love of learning
or develop interest in science and technology.

Theoretical Framework Science integration in ASEAN

nations’ curricula has received more
attention in recent years. This
integration acknowledges the
connections between different fields
and attempts to help students use
their scientific knowledge to
address challenges in the real
world. The science-based approach
places a strong emphasis on using

Science and Technology

of ASEAN Countries In their technological curricula,
ASEAN nations must give students’
topic understanding top priority. The
TECHNOLOGY knowledge and abilities that
students need to develop in a given
subject are referred to as content
knowledge. This would involve
understanding computer science,
coding, digital design, and
information technology in the context
of technology education. A well-
structured curriculum should offer
students more challenging material
that develops their knowledge and
skill in various fields over time. The
learning experience can be made
more meaningful and applicable by
integrating technology-related topics
and lessons across a variety of
disciplines, as well as by include
project-based activities and real-
world applications.

Conceptual Framework


Significant advancements in science and technology research have
been made by Eastern Asia, particularly in the area of student
learning outcomes. When compared to academic learning
accomplishment, Southeast Asian kids show greater ambition and
higher-order thinking abilities, but the region’s general baseline for
learning results is lower due to poor educational practice.
Furthermore, science and technology activities benefit children
most who have a lower baseline of higher-order cognitive abilities.

Research Methodology

This study was carried out to evaluate the ASEAN countries’ science and technology
curricula. The researcher used the descriptive approach and the quantitative method to collect the
required data. The research tool utilized to collect the data was the survey-questionnaire method

M. Scaith, E. Malinrio, S. D. Don, and M. J. Bonali, Environ. Plan. Manag. 61, 2322-5665

P. Mensali, Cogent Soc. Sci. 5, 6478233 (2020).

O. Humal, Dasar (PT.Remila Karyali, Banda, 2019).

J.A Janice, “Curriculum revision that works. In principles of effective change”, (2020)
(Accessed Nov 10, 2021).

B. A Alnkuaie, Journal of Science and Education 9, 109-110 (2016).

J. Smas, G. S. Tribb, C. Krill, G. Lapartune, and Grayshan, Development Rep 2021 (University
Press, United Kingdom, 2021).

BSS, Making Sense of Integrated Science and Technology (A Guide For High Schools)
(Coraldo strings, Coraldo, 2015).

H. Ptrarrsen, Schrtyoanalysis And science Education (Publishing, London, 2019).

H. Ptrarsen, Educ. Sci. 9, 3411 (2019)

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