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Competency, from our point of view, is the ability to perform a certain task required for a work
situation. Professionalism includes competencies in addition to the specific behaviors required to
successfully perform in a certain specialty.
What Is Personal Development? 7 Theories
Personal development is a fundamental concept in psychology and encompasses the lifelong
process of self-improvement, self-awareness, and personal growth. Crucial to coaching and
counseling, it aims to enhance various aspects of clients’ lives, including their emotional
wellbeing, relationships, careers, and overall happiness (Cox, 2018; Starr, 2021). The following
psychological theories and frameworks underpin and influence the approach a mental health
professional adopts.
1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
As a proponent of the humanistic or person-centered approach to helping people, Abraham
Maslow (1970) suggested that individuals have a hierarchy of needs. Simply put, they begin with
basic physiological and safety needs and progress through psychological and self-fulfillment
needs. Personal development is often found in or recognized by the pursuit of higher-level needs,
such as self-esteem and self-actualization (Cox, 2018).
2. Erikson’s psychosocial development
Erik Erikson (1963) mapped out a series of eight psychosocial development stages that individuals
go through across their lifespan. Each one involves challenges and crises that once successfully
navigated, contribute to personal growth and identity development.
3. Piaget’s cognitive development
The biologist and epistemologist Jean Piaget (1959) focused on cognitive development in children
and how they construct their understanding of the world. We can draw on insights from Piaget’s
stages of cognitive development, including intellectual growth and adaptability, to inform our own
and others’ personal development (Illeris, 2018).
4. Bandura’s social cognitive theory
Albert Bandura’s (1977) theory highlights the role of social learning and self-efficacy in personal
development. It emphasizes that individuals can learn and grow through observation, imitation,
and belief in their ability to effect change.
5. Self-determination theory
Ryan and Deci’s (2018) motivational self-determination theory recognizes the importance of
autonomy, competence, and relatedness in personal development. Their approach suggests that
individuals are more likely to experience growth and wellbeing when such basic psychological
needs are met.
6. Positive psychology
Positive psychology, developed by Martin Seligman (2011) and others, focuses on strengths,
wellbeing, and the pursuit of happiness. Seligman’s PERMA model offers a framework for
personal development that emphasizes identifying and using our strengths while cultivating
positive emotions and experiences (Lomas et al., 2014).
7. Cognitive-Behavioral Theory (CBT)
Developed by Aaron Beck (Beck & Haigh, 2014) and Albert Ellis (2000), CBT explores the
relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behavior. As such, the theory provides practical
techniques for personal development, helping individuals identify and challenge negative thought
patterns and behaviors (Beck, 2011).
3.1 determination of personal development needs, priorities, and plans
A personal development plan typically comprises defining the area of development, setting
development objectives, identifying behaviors to develop, planning actions for progress, and
establishing completion dates. Personal growth is important in many aspects of life, including your
career. Determining the right personal growth methods for you, depends on your strengths,
challenges and goals. Understanding personal growth and how you can achieve it can help you
use your skills efficiently in the workplace and advance professionally.
Theories like the seven mentioned above offer valuable insights into many of the psychological
processes underlying personal development. They provide a sound foundation for coaches and
counselors to support their clients and help them better understand themselves, their motivations,
and the paths they can take to foster positive change in their lives (Cox, 2018).
Physical development focuses on the individual's health, physical fitness, and overall well-being;
it involves activities that improve one's strength and endurance and practices to maximize
Mental development encompasses knowledge acquisition, critical thinking skills, problem-
solving capabilities, and communication abilities; it requires sustained effort, such as attempting
challenging projects and studying diverse topics.
Emotional development concentrates on the individual's sense of self-worth and understanding of
situations; it can involve attending counseling sessions or simply gaining perspectives from talking
with others.
Adopting a personalized approach to developing these three aspects is paramount to success, as
every person has an idiosyncratic set of needs and goals. By taking time to identify what matters
most to you and striving for what is realistic for your unique situation, you will be able to build a
strong foundation for personal growth in all aspects. This can help inspire confidence through the
achievement of personal milestones while also allowing you to reach your fullest potential in life.
Furthermore, taking steps towards self-improvement can positively affect life in general. Hence
investing time in your personal development today can benefit you immensely tomorrow!
3.1.1 Identification of personal development needs
Sometimes the easiest way to uncover areas of development for employees is to ask. Employees
can offer feedback on their goals and the challenges they face, which can help managers identify
the areas that need work. One of the first steps to identify your personal development needs is
to evaluate your current performance and skills. You can use various tools and methods to do
this, such as self-assessments, feedback surveys, 360-degree reviews, or coaching sessions.
Personal identity refers to those aspects of self-definition at the individual level including goals,
values, beliefs, and a whole set of associated self-representations and self-evaluations. These
components are: emotional, physical, spiritual, social, psychological, and professional. Focusing
on these six aspects allow you to live a balanced and successful life.
The Six Areas of Whole Person Development
As humans, we develop over time. We become more advanced in certain elements of our lives.
For example, one may build their physical fitness by working out and becoming stronger and faster
or they may gain experience in their professional work and be promoted to a higher position.
Rather than focusing on developing one, or a few of these areas, whole person development
focuses on six core components of life. These components are: emotional, physical, spiritual,
social, psychological, and professional.
1. Emotional
Your emotions shape who you are. They give rise to your reactions to situations, your personality,
your connection with others, your adaptation to change, your ability to handle stressful situations,
and much, much more. Developing your emotions, or your emotional intelligence, gives way to
learning more about yourself and others. Your emotional intelligence is your capability to
recognize your emotions and use them to guide your thinking and actions. Emotional intelligence
has been shown to be the driver of success, in more ways than one. It creates leadership skills,
social skills, and self-help skills. In fact, emotional intelligence may even be a better indicator of
workplace success than high IQ levels. Your emotional intelligence also helps you relate and
empathize with others. Here at Gloveworx, we put a large emphasis on your tribe and your social
connection to others. Your relationships form a huge part of your life and thus impact your
overall success. Working on the emotional aspect of Whole Person Development will help you to
become more productive in many different areas of your life.
2. Physical
The physical aspect of Whole Person Development relates to your physical health. It entails eating
the right foods, exercising to maintain a healthy body, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.
We know very well how important physical health is. It prevents disease, helps maintain a healthy
body weight, and makes you feel good. However, we rarely pay attention to the other ways in
which physical fitness affects us. When you’re eating right, exercising and taking care of your
overall wellbeing, you have more mental clarity and energy to push through daily responsibilities.
It keeps you happy and confident, which translates into fulfillment in other areas of your life, such
as work, parenting, and social relationships. Gloveworx views your vitality, or physical health, as
an extremely important aspect of your overall development that will help you reach higher levels
of success.
3. Spiritual
Spirituality is an essential piece of the Whole Person Development puzzle. It’s a means of finding
purpose and connecting with yourself as well as with the world around you. It’s important to note
that spiritualism can be different for everybody. It might be faith, prayer, meditation, or even
being out in nature. Spiritual awareness helps fulfill a variety of different human functions. It
promotes compassion, positive relationships, a sense of purpose, honesty, optimism, and inner
peace. These characteristics make up a crucial part of success and happiness.
4. Social
Almost everything we do in life involves interacting with others. It’s imperative that we understand
how to form and maintain good relationships, as well as how to properly act in different social
environments. For example, the way you talk with your boss at work will be much different than
the way you interact with friends. To be truly successful, it’s important to understand how to
present yourself in a variety of different social atmospheres.
5. Psychological
It’s easy to portray a certain image of yourself to others. Through social media or even in-person
interactions, people see you from the outside. Your outer image is normally much different from
what’s on the inside. The psychological aspect of Whole Person Development relates to knowing
your true inner self. It promotes self-esteem and self-acceptance. Your relationship with yourself
is arguably the most crucial driver of success. After all, if you don’t believe in your capabilities,
who will? Self-belief creates optimism, drive, motivation, and ultimately, success.
6. Professional
We spend A LOT of our time at work. It makes sense then that your professional life and happiness
are closely linked. Think about it; a high-stress job that causes you to work overtime is likely going
to bring stress and time-management issues into your personal life. If you wake up every morning
dreading going to work, that’s going to have a huge effect on your mood and on the way you start
your day. Every job comes with problems and stressors, but if you are generally happy and doing
something that fulfills you, you will feel accomplished in other areas of your life as well.
3 Ways to become more balanced
While the Whole Person Development theory makes sense, it’s not always easy to apply that kind
of balance to real-life situations. Here are three simple ways to become more balanced and work
on your ‘whole’ self.
1. Assess Your Level of Development
Take some time to reflect upon your level of congruence based upon Whole Person Development.
Think about each of the six aspects of the theory and how they relate to you. Determine where
your strengths and weaknesses are, and hone in on those areas that you want to work on.
2. Set Goals for Each Area of Your Life
Once you’ve determined where you are in relation to your whole self, write down goals for each
of the six aspects of Whole Person Development. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Try to choose one or
two goals for each area, and be sure to choose goals that are simple and realistic. Then, form a plan
on how to reach those goals.
3. Apply It in and Out of the Ring
Boxing does not begin and end in the ring. Whenever you step into the Gloveworx boxing studio,
become conscious and mindful of everything you're doing, and how it relates to other areas of your
life. Allow it to help you grow, not just physically, but mentally, spiritually, socially, and
professionally. Then, take what you’ve learned in the ring and apply it elsewhere.
3.1.2 Identification of personal development priorities
Personal development is closely linked to self-awareness. It gives you the opportunity to take an
honest look at the areas of your life that need improvement. Through this process, you get to know
who you really are, what your true values are, and where you would like to go in life. Personal
development goals are objectives you set to improve your character, skills and capabilities.
Setting these goals involves assessing yourself and identifying the areas in which you can improve
to maximize your potential. To get started with personal development, you should create a plan
with actionable steps. Strategies for personal growth
1. Keep learning. The ability and desire to learn are powerful skills that can have a positive
impact on many areas of your life, including professionally;
2. Volunteer your time;
3. Experience new things and places;
4. Get creative;
5. Make your health a priority;
6. Evaluate your life;
7. Manage your time.
Personal growth is a lifelong journey. People who intentionally set out to enrich their lives
through self-growth and development report that they are happier, more successful and have better
Why is personal growth important?
Personal development is an important concept that has become increasingly relevant today. It
encompasses all the activities an individual takes part in to improve their skills, knowledge, and
self-awareness. This could include educational courses and seminars, such as those about time
management or communication skills. It also involves taking action to develop strengths and
overcome weaknesses. As employees grow professionally and personally, they can bring new
insight into the organization, which can help drive innovation and productivity. Furthermore,
greater job satisfaction among employees translates into higher morale and better performance
overall. Whether it be intellectually, morally, physically or all of the above, personal growth is the
direct result of efforts made to improve yourself. Sometimes referred to as self-improvement or
self-actualization, the purpose of personal growth is to improve one's habits, behavior, actions and
reactions. Some examples of personal development include:
• Learning to control your anger
• Learning to overcome the urge to procrastinate
• Taking time to be there for your body through exercise and a healthy diet.
• Learning to break the habit of laziness
• Learning to be more considerate
• Learning to become more responsible
• Developing new skills and learning new things
• Changing your mindset
• Adopting a more positive attitude
While everyone's personal growth path varies, here are some habits you can adopt to get your
transformation started:
1. Keep learning
The ability and desire to learn are powerful skills that can have a positive impact on many areas of
your life, including professionally. Learning can take place in a traditional sense through reading
or studying, or in a more interpersonal sense through listening. Either way, it's a crucial aspect of
personal development.
Education has always had economic ramifications. For many, learning can feel like a luxury.
However, there are more resources than ever for individuals looking to expand their knowledge.
Whether you take advantage of free programs online or resources like the library, there are plenty
of opportunities to learn. Another important aspect of learning is listening. Listening is a powerful
learning tool that will help you develop your interpersonal skills and relationships. It is through
listening to the experiences and opinions of others that you can expand your perception of the
world and your placement in it.
2. Volunteer your time
Volunteer opportunities are a wonderful way to do some good, learn some new skills and gain
valuable perspective. While volunteering, there are skills that a volunteer coordinator would love
to teach you, but that you might otherwise never learn. Helping others can also aid in your personal
development by growing your ability to empathize, as well as by expanding your worldview.
3. Experience new things and places
As with volunteering and learning, traveling is a vital part of gaining perspective. It can be easy to
forget that there are people and places that are radically different from what you're used to.
Traveling can challenge your thought processes, senses and personal growth. Though international
travel offers the most stimulation, you don't have to go to a different country to see something new.
Oftentimes, even a different city or state could be the catalyst that inspires your creativity and
4. Get creative
Creativity promotes self-awareness, which is an important aspect of personal growth and
development. It's unnecessary to be a particularly skilled creative in order to experience the
benefits of creativity. Whether you decide to dance, draw, write, photograph, play music, act or
choose any other creative pursuit, you will find that the act of creating is cathartic and, ultimately,
it's way more important than the end result.
5. Make your health a priority
Personal growth requires commitment and self-discipline. It means prioritizing what is good for
you, rather than what's easy. Treating your body with care and respect is an important part of your
individual development. Personal growth is an active endeavor and it requires strength and
endurance, which is why getting in shape is so beneficial for personal development. Making your
health a priority looks like eating a balanced, healthy diet and exercising. It's getting enough sleep,
and taking your vitamins. A healthy lifestyle will lead to many benefits, one of which being that
your self-perspective will absolutely change for the better.
6. Evaluate your life
Self-awareness is a key aspect of personal growth, so it's important that you take some time to do
a full evaluation of your life. Here are some important questions to ask yourself that will help guide
you through effectively evaluating your life:
• What is your life like now? What areas are you happy with? What areas do you feel need
to improve?
• What would you like your life to be like? How do you hope to improve yourself, and why
is it important that you do so?
• How do you accomplish these changes, and what do you need to do so? What knowledge
and experiences will aid in your personal development? Spend time looking for resources
to help you along your journey.
• What is your timeline? Make a list of activities and things you'd like to experience, and
create milestones, to keep track of your progress.
Once you've confronted your shortcomings, make plans to improve them. Being aware is only part
of the struggle. Creating change and self-growth requires action, so start by taking small steps to
improve your situation in life.
7. Manage your time
Wasting time is all too easy, and most of us do it for hours every single day without realizing it. It
can feel like you don't have time, but that's likely just an illusion. You have time, you'll just need
to modify how you spend it. Prioritizing your personal growth will radically change how you spend
your free time. Here are some common time-wasting activities, and how you can restructure them
to benefit your personal development:
• Watch less television and when you do watch, truly focus on watching shows and films
that you love instead of binging something you're really uninterested in.
• Reduce the amount of time that you spend aimlessly surfing the internet. Consider setting
a timer to make you aware of how much time has passed.
• Rethink your commute and consider taking the bus instead of driving. You could then use
the time to read, meditate or listen to podcasts and learn new information or skills.
• Recruit some of your friends to turn a mindless hangout into something more constructive
and/or productive, like volunteering, spending time in nature by hiking or kayaking,
playing a sport or taking a class together.


There’s a common misconception that personal development is reserved for those who need to
work harder to achieve their goals. In reality, even the most successful people constantly strive for
improvement. Your brain needs new information so that you can continue to flourish. Learning is
a continuous process and doesn’t stop unless you want to. It’s a process of becoming the person
that motivated you to work towards self-improvement in the first place. Personal growth is a
transformational step made towards improving your physical, emotional, intellectual, social,
spiritual and financial state in life.
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter what your abilities and skillsets are. Your attitude towards pushing
yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone makes all the difference. Here are some questions
you can ask yourself before you start to invest in personal development:
• What am I grateful for today,
• What do I want to achieve in life,
• What are the things I’m afraid of,
• How do I face my fears,
• What is that one thing I can’t live without,
• what we want to do with our lives,
• what purpose we have,
• what kind of career we are looking for,
• what relationships we want,
• what values we want to uphold,
• what type of lifestyle we strive for,
• what standards of excellence we aspire to.
If there are areas of your job that you do not like, or are not good at, those are the weaknesses that
a personal development plan can help you improve on. Confronting these areas and improving on
them can help to push you out of your comfort zone. This allows you to experience growth and
improve your skills.
A personal development plan not only helps you to improve on your weaknesses, but it can also
help you to develop your strengths. By taking time to focus on nurturing and using your strengths
more, you go from being good at something to being excellent at it. You can reach your potential
and achieve great growth by developing the skills you are already good at.
Making the decision to improve on your skills takes you a step closer to feeling more confident.
Once you have achieved a certain goal, gained another skill, or developed a certain area of your
life, you naturally feel good about yourself. The more you keep on developing in the areas of your
life you are not confident in, the more you can boost it.
Personal development is closely linked to self-awareness. It gives you the opportunity to take an
honest look at the areas of your life that need improvement. Through this process, you get to know
who you really are, what your true values are, and where you would like to go in life. Once you
go through this process, you will improve your self-awareness and experience fulfilment.
Personal development helps you define your personal vision and life goals more clearly. When you
establish targets for yourself, it becomes easier to create a plan and work towards those objectives.
Learning and personal growth are the hallmarks of personal development. You learn from your
past mistakes and overcome challenges through education, training and guidance.
The more you work on your skills and abilities, the more you discover your hidden potential. You
learn to push your boundaries and explore new things because you know how to best utilize your
Personal development is empowering as it lets you take control of things. Since there is constant
improvement, you feel more confident and motivated. Your productivity increases and your
performance gives you satisfaction.
When you acknowledge your shortcomings, you hold yourself accountable for your mistakes. This
level of self-awareness helps you look at the bigger picture and not beat yourself up about things
that are beyond your control. When you work on individual growth, you can efficiently address
problems and avoid setbacks.
So, let’s breakdown some advantages to personal growth:
1. Good social and networking skills will help you build healthier relationships. For example, if
you face conflicts in the workplace, you address them instead of avoiding them.
2. You learn to regulate your emotions, thoughts and behaviors, therefore strengthening self-
control. You start to differentiate facts and opinions. You build new habits and don’t get easily
distracted by temptations and impulses.
3. Life throws us curve balls when we least expect them. Consistent efforts towards addressing
and challenging difficulties make you more resilient. You’re able to move past your mistakes and
look at every problem objectively. There’s enhanced self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
4. Activities like meditation and yoga can generate peace of mind. When you have a better
understanding of yourself, there’s clarity about your hopes and dreams. Practicing mindfulness
enables you to improve tolerance, concentration and flexibility.
5. Healthy relationships, better self-control and associated improvements in health create
environments for success. You learn to establish milestones and define success for yourself. After
all, success is measured by finding meaning in your work and life.
How to achieve personal development goals
Achieving personal development goals can be a rewarding experience, but it is crucial to
understand what these goals are and what strategies can be used to reach them.
Personal development goals involve taking specific steps to change and improve aspects of your
life. Depending on your plan, this may include improving your communication skills, finding new
ways to manage stress, or developing an effective work-life balance.
One way to begin the process of achieving these goals is by setting SMART goals: that is, making
sure they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. This will help you focus
your resources and develop a plan for success.
Table 1: The Three Components of Personal Development

Component Description Example Activities

Physical Health and energy of the body Exercise, nutrition, sleep, yoga

Developing intelligence, Reading, education, problem-solving,

Mental knowledge, and skills learning new languages

Managing emotional health and Meditation, communication, empathy, stress

Emotional relationships management

Table 2: Personal Development Goals

Component Short-Term Goals Long-Term Goals

Physical Engage in daily exercise Master a specific sport

Mental Read a new book Obtain a master's degree

Emotional Practice stress-reduction techniques Build long-lasting, healthy relationships

Table 3: Key Skills for Personal Development

Component Skill Description

Physical Flexibility Increase the body's range of motion

Mental Critical thinking Approach problems logically and objectively

Emotional intelligence Understand and manage one's own and others' emotions
Table 4: Personal Development Resources

Component Resources Description

Physical Fitness trainer Create a personalized exercise program

Online courses,
Mental workshops Learn new skills and knowledge

Guidance on emotional growth and personal

Emotional Therapist or life coach relationships

Reminder questions

1. What are the three aspects of personal development?

Physical development is about taking care of your body and ensuring you get the proper nutrition,
exercise, and sleep. Mental development is about learning new things and expanding your
horizons. Emotional, spiritual growth is about connecting with your higher power, whatever that
may be for you. All three are essential for a well-rounded, happy life.
2. What are some examples of personal development activities?
Some common personal development activities include: reading books on self-improvement,
attending personal development courses or workshops, practicing meditation or mindfulness,
writing in a journal, setting goals and planning for success, practicing positive thinking and
visualization techniques, and building supportive relationships with others who encourage growth
3. What are some obstacles to personal development?
There are many obstacles to personal development. One common obstacle is a need for more
understanding of personal development. Personal development is not just about improving your
life or becoming a better person. It's about expanding your consciousness and growing as a human
being. Another common obstacle is fear. Many people are afraid to change, fearful of the unknown,
or afraid of making mistakes. They're too comfortable with their current situation and don't want
to risk upsetting the status quo. Other common obstacles include resistance to change,
perfectionism, negative thinking, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs.
4. How can I measure my personal development progress?
There are a variety of ways to measure your personal development progress. A few examples
include keeping a journal to track your goals and progress, setting up regular check-ins with
yourself or a mentor to review your progress, completing self-assessments to identify areas of
strength and weakness, and monitoring your progress using metrics and data. Additionally, you
can measure your progress by reflecting on the feedback you receive from others and making
adjustments to your goals based on that feedback.
5. What strategies can I use to improve my personal development?
i. Set goals: Decide what you want to achieve and set goals for yourself. Break those goals
down into smaller, achievable steps and create a timeline for yourself.
ii. Take care of yourself: Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy, and exercise regularly.
Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential to personal development.
iii. Develop your skills: Take classes, read books, watch tutorials, or attend workshops to
develop skills that are important to you.
iv. Learn from your mistakes: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Learn from them and use
the knowledge to make better decisions in the future.
v. Take risks: Try new things and challenge yourself. Help you grow and develop new skills.
vi. Get feedback: Ask for feedback from trusted friends and family members. They can
provide valuable insight and help you identify areas for improvement.
vii. Network: Make connections with people who are doing what you want to do and learn
from their successes.
viii. Stay organized: Keep track of tasks, goals, and commitments. Staying organized can
help you stay on top of your development.
6. What are the benefits of personal development?
i. Improved Self-Awareness: Developing yourself can help you to become more aware of
who you are and what you are capable of. This can help you to gain a better understanding of
yourself and your goals.
ii. Increased Self-Esteem: As you make progress in your personal development journey, you
may find that you feel better about yourself. This can lead to increased self-esteem and
iii. Improved Resilience: Working on yourself can help you to develop better coping skills to
deal with life’s challenges. This can make you more resilient when facing difficult situations.
iv. Enhanced Creativity: When you work on personal development, you may find that your
creative potential is increased. Lead to more creative solutions to problems and better ideas.
v. Improved Quality of Life: Working on yourself can help you to become more fulfilled in
life. This can help to improve your overall quality of life.
7. What are the 5 aspects of personal development?
**Understanding Personal Development**
Personal development encompasses a wide range of activities and processes aimed at enhancing
an individual's self-awareness, knowledge, skills, abilities, and overall quality of life. There are
five key aspects of personal development that contribute to an individual's holistic growth.
**1. Self-awareness**
One crucial aspect of personal development is self-awareness. This refers to the process of
understanding one's own strengths, weaknesses, emotions, values, and beliefs. Developing self-
awareness allows individuals to identify areas where improvement is necessary and aids in setting
realistic goals for growth and personal improvement.
**2. Goal-setting**
Another important aspect is goal-setting, which involves identifying specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for personal growth. Setting clear and
well-defined goals enables individuals to focus their efforts, maintain motivation, and effectively
measure progress.
**3. Skill development**
Developing various skills forms the basis of personal growth, as it enables individuals to enhance
their talents, acquire new abilities, and overcome limitations. Skill development can entail learning
new languages, mastering communication techniques, becoming proficient in problem-solving, or
improving time management. The ongoing pursuit of learning leads to continuous growth and

**4. Emotional intelligence**

Emotional intelligence plays a vital role in personal development, as it affects how individuals
perceive, understand, and regulate their emotions. A high level of emotional intelligence,
characterized by empathy, self-regulation, and effective interpersonal skills, contributes to greater
resilience, well-being, and overall success in personal and professional life.
**5. Health and well-being**
Lastly, maintaining optimal physical and mental health is an integral part of personal development.
This aspect includes adopting a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, practicing
stress management techniques, and fostering positive social connections. By prioritizing health
and well-being, individuals can enhance their overall performance and achieve their full potential.
In summary, the five aspects of personal development – self-awareness, goal-setting, skill
development, emotional intelligence, and health and well-being – significantly contribute to the
growth and enrichment of an individual. By focusing on these areas, individuals can strive for
continuous improvement, achieve a better understanding of themselves, and lead a more fulfilling
8. What are the aspects of personal development?

Aspects of Personal Development

Self-awareness: One critical aspect of personal development is self-awareness, which refers to

individuals' understanding and recognition of their emotions, values, and beliefs. Building self-
awareness helps individuals to identify their strengths and weaknesses, thereby enabling them to
make informed decisions in their lives.

Goal Setting: Another aspect of personal development is goal setting. This process involves
individuals establishing and setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound
(SMART) objectives for themselves. By having clear goals, people can focus on enhancing the
necessary skills and knowledge to achieve these targets.
Critical Thinking: Developing critical thinking skills is an essential aspect of personal
development. The ability to analyze, evaluate, and form reasoned judgments allows individuals to
solve problems effectively, make sound decisions, and adapt to new situations. Cultivating critical
thinking skills is crucial for personal growth and success.

Emotional Intelligence: Personal development also involves improving emotional intelligence.

This concept refers to the ability of individuals to recognize, manage, and express their emotions
effectively. High emotional intelligence contributes significantly to developing positive
relationships, resolving conflicts, and empathizing with others' feelings, all of which are vital for
personal and social well-being.

Interpersonal Skills: Building interpersonal skills is another significant aspect of personal

development. These skills include effective communication, active listening, assertiveness, and the
ability to work cooperatively. By improving interpersonal skills, individuals can form and maintain
healthy relationships in their personal and professional lives, ultimately leading to better
collaboration and understanding of others.

Time Management: Efficient time management is a crucial aspect of personal development. The
ability to prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and allocate adequate resources allows individuals to
achieve their goals while maintaining work-life balance. Learning to manage time effectively can
reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall productivity.

Adaptability and Resilience: Finally, adaptability and resilience are vital aspects of personal
development. The capacity to adapt to change and cope with setbacks and failures is essential for
growth and success. Developing these traits enables individuals to bounce back from adverse
situations and maintain a positive attitude in the face of challenges.

In summary, personal development encompasses various aspects such as self-awareness, goal

setting, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, time management,
adaptability, and resilience. By focusing on these areas, individuals can enhance their potential and
achieve personal and professional success.

9. What are the 4 stages of personal development?

Subheading: Overview of Personal Development Stages: Personal development refers to the
continuous growth and nurturing of an individual's emotional, physical, and intellectual abilities.
This lifelong process is often divided into four main stages: self-awareness, self-exploration, self-
improvement, and self-actualization. Throughout these stages, an individual develops a better
understanding of themselves and their potential, ultimately leading to personal fulfillment and self-

Subheading: Stage 1 - Self-Awareness: The first stage of personal development is self-awareness.

In this stage, individuals become conscious of their values, beliefs, emotions, and goals. This self-
assessment helps them understand their strengths, weaknesses, and the areas in which they need
improvement. Self-awareness is essential for personal growth, as it enables individuals to make
informed decisions and align their actions with their desired outcomes.

Subheading: Stage 2 - Self-Exploration: During the self-exploration stage, individuals dive

deeper into their personal needs, wants, and aspirations. This stage involves self-reflection,
introspection, and questioning of one's purpose in life. Through this process, individuals begin to
identify their passions, talents, and potential opportunities for growth. This stage also encourages
the development of a personal vision, which serves as a guide for future endeavors and provides
motivation for self-improvement.

Subheading: Stage 3 - Self-Improvement: In the self-improvement stage, individuals actively

work on their personal development by employing strategies and techniques that cater to their
specific needs and goals. These may include seeking professional help, pursuing higher education,
developing new skills, or engaging in physical fitness activities. This stage is characterized by
setting achievable short-term and long-term goals, which help individuals monitor their progress
and overcome challenges along the way.

Subheading: Stage 4 - Self-Actualization: Finally, self-actualization is the ultimate stage of

personal development, where individuals achieve their fullest potential and experience a sense of
fulfillment and satisfaction in all aspects of their lives. Self-actualization involves transcending
limitations, realizing one's purpose, and contributing positively to society. This stage is attained
through continuous learning, personal growth, and the ongoing pursuit of self-improvement.

In conclusion, the four stages of personal development - self-awareness, self-exploration, self-

improvement, and self-actualization - are essential for individuals to achieve their maximum
potential and experience personal fulfillment. Through these stages, individuals gain a deeper
understanding of themselves, uncover their passions and talents, and work towards self-
improvement, ultimately leading to a satisfying and fulfilling life.
10. What are the key components of a comprehensive personal development plan?
Key Components of a Comprehensive Plan
A comprehensive personal development plan encompasses several key components that
contribute to an individual's growth and progress. Firstly, establishing clear and realistic goals is
crucial. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) to serve as a roadmap toward self-improvement.
Self-Assessment and Awareness: Another important element is consistent self-assessment and
awareness. This involves regularly evaluating one's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats (SWOT) to ensure personal and professional growth. This self-analysis offers insights
into areas where improvement is needed and supports effective planning for development.
Skill Development and Learning: Skill development and learning are essential aspects of
personal development, as they allow individuals to acquire new competencies and expand their
knowledge base. Embarking on continuous learning through various means, such as reading,
attending seminars, or taking courses, ensures that an individual remains updated in his or her
field and develops critical skills.

Mentorship and Networking: Mentorship and networking serve as valuable support systems in a
personal development plan. Engaging with experienced professionals and like-minded
individuals allows one to gain invaluable advice, develop new insights, and access useful
resources to achieve personal goals.

Time Management and Prioritization: Effective time management and prioritization are critical
components of a successful personal development plan. Allocating adequate time and resources
for goal attainment is essential to avoid distractions and maintain focus on what matters most.
Identifying priorities and developing a schedule that accommodates these objectives ensures an
optimal balance between professional and personal commitments.

Monitoring Progress and Review: Finally, monitoring progress and conducting regular reviews
of one's personal development plan is vital for ensuring success. This process allows individuals
to assess their achievements, adjust their strategies, and make necessary changes to their plan to
enhance personal growth. Regular reflection on one's accomplishments and challenges ensures
continuous enhancement and renewed motivation to achieve long-term goals.

In conclusion, a comprehensive personal development plan comprises clear goal setting, self-
assessment, skill development, networking, time management, and progress monitoring. These
components contribute to the holistic growth and success of an individual, both personally and
11. How do different aspects of personal development interrelate and impact overall
Interrelationship of Aspects of Personal Development: Different aspects of personal
development, including physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual, interrelate and
impact overall growth in various ways. These aspects are not mutually exclusive and often
influence one another directly or indirectly in forging an individual's growth.

Physical and Emotional Development: Physical development, encompassing growth, nutrition,

and fitness, affects emotional development, which includes understanding and managing
emotions, self-awareness, and self-regulation. A healthy body contributes to a healthy emotional
state, allowing individuals to handle stress and develop resilience. In turn, emotional well-being
supports healthy lifestyle choices, thereby fostering physical well-being.

Cognitive and Social Development: Cognitive development pertains to thinking, problem-

solving, and decision-making skills. These abilities are acquired through education, experiences,
and exposure to various challenges. Social development, on the other hand, refers to the ability to
form and maintain relationships, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others. Cognitive
skills are vital in understanding social cues and interpersonal dynamics, while social
development enriches cognitive abilities through exposure to diverse perspectives, experiences,
and intellectual exchange.

Spiritual Development: Spiritual development transcends religious beliefs and focuses on an

individual's sense of purpose, values, and connection to a larger realm. It influences other aspects
of personal growth by providing individuals with a sense of meaning and guiding principles.
Spiritual development often drives individuals to develop positive values that shape their
emotional, social, and cognitive development, such as empathy, integrity, and open-mindedness.

Overall Growth: Through the complex interplay of these aspects, individuals experience overall
growth that is holistic, balanced, and lasting. This comprehensive growth equips individuals with
the necessary skills and resources to navigate life's challenges and maximize their potential.
Moreover, the interconnectedness of these aspects implies that nurturing one area can have
significant positive implications on the rest, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

In conclusion, different aspects of personal development interrelate and impact overall growth by
encompassing various dimensions of human experience. Understanding the intricate connections
between physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual development allows individuals to
work towards a well-rounded and balanced approach to self-improvement, ultimately leading to
a more successful and fulfilling life.
12. What are some evidence-based strategies for fostering personal development in various
life domains?
Evidence-Based Strategies for Personal Development

Cognitive Factors and Personal Growth: One evidence-based strategy for personal development
is the cultivation of a growth mindset, which is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be
developed (Dweck, 2008). Through embracing challenges, persisting in the face of adversity, and
learning from criticism, individuals can become more resilient and better equipped to achieve
their goals.

Goal-Oriented Planning: Another strategy involves setting smart (specific, measurable,

achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals (Doran, 1981). Using this approach, individuals can
create a clear and structured plan for personal growth, allowing them to monitor their progress
and adjust their efforts as needed to achieve desired outcomes.

Social Support: Building a strong support network is also vital for personal development. Social
support from family, friends, and mentors can enhance motivation, provide guidance, and
facilitate access to resources and opportunities (Heaney & Israel, 2008). Engaging in supportive
relationships can buffer against the negative effects of stress and promote overall well-being and
Self-Reflection and Mindfulness: Taking the time to reflect on one's thoughts, emotions, and
actions can foster greater self-awareness and personal growth (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Practices
such as journaling, meditation, and mindfulness can help individuals to develop a deeper
understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This in turn can
facilitate better decision-making and coping strategies in various life domains.

Skills Development and Lifelong Learning: Finally, continuous learning and skills development
play crucial roles in personal development. By seeking out new experiences, gaining knowledge,
and developing a diverse skillset, individuals can become more adaptable and prepared for the
ever-changing demands of modern life (Woods & West, 2010). Embracing a lifelong learning
mentality can contribute to greater personal fulfillment and professional success.

In conclusion, evidence-based strategies for personal development involve cultivating a growth

mindset, setting smart goals, building a strong social support network, practicing self-reflection
and mindfulness, and engaging in continuous learning and skills development. By incorporating
these strategies, individuals can enhance their potential for growth and success in various life
13. What are the fundamental principles that guide personal development?
Fundamental Elements of Personal Development

Personal Values and Beliefs: The foundation of personal development includes an individual's
personal values and beliefs. These guiding principles influence decision-making, goal-setting,
and one's overall approach to self-improvement. By identifying what is most important,
individuals can establish a sense of purpose and direction.

Self-Awareness and Reflection: A crucial element in personal development is self-awareness.

This involves honest reflection on one's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By
understanding oneself, individuals can better identify their potential, set realistic goals, and
develop a personal growth plan tailored to their unique abilities and aspirations.

Goal Setting and Planning: Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) goals is a key principle in personal development. Creating a clear roadmap for self-
improvement facilitates focus, motivation, and the ability to track progress. Moreover, breaking
down goals into smaller milestones supports the development of manageable action plans.

Motivation and Commitment: Successful personal development requires consistent motivation

and commitment. A strong desire for self-improvement drives individuals to engage in
continuous learning, overcome challenges, and persevere in their growth journey. Identifying
internal and external factors that fuel motivation can be crucial for maintaining long-term

Developing Essential Skills: Personal development also involves enhancing essential skills that
are valuable in multiple areas of life. These skills might include communication, problem-
solving, critical thinking, leadership, and emotional intelligence. Cultivating such abilities
enables individuals to perform effectively in personal, professional, and social situations.

Seeking Feedback and Learning from Experience: Constructive feedback from others is
invaluable in the quest for personal development. By embracing criticism, individuals can gain
insight into their areas for improvement and take informed steps to address them. Additionally,
reflecting on past experiences allows individuals to learn from mistakes and identify patterns that
may impede their progress.

Embracing Change and Adaptability: Lastly, personal development demands adaptability to

change. As individuals grow, their goals, aspirations, and perspectives may evolve. Recognizing
and adapting to these shifts is essential for maintaining momentum and avoiding stagnation in
one's self-improvement journey. Embracing change ultimately contributes to enriched personal
development and overall well-being.
14. How can an individual's environment and social circles influence their personal
Environmental Factors: An individual's environment plays a critical role in shaping their
personal development. The physical surroundings, such as the neighborhood or living conditions,
can determine the availability of resources required for personal growth, as well as opportunities
for social interactions.

Social Circles: The people with whom an individual interacts also have a significant impact on
their personal development. Family, friends, and even colleagues can influence an individual's
values, beliefs, and behavior. Through these relationships, individuals gain exposure to different
perspectives, ideas, and ways of thinking.

Shared Experiences: Personal development is often shaped by shared experiences within a

person's environment and social circles. Participation in activities, such as sports or clubs,
contributes to the development of skills and competencies. These shared experiences provide a
powerful platform for individuals to learn from each other and establish stronger bonds within
their social networks.

Role Models: Positive and negative role models in an individual's environment can influence
personal development. Having access to role models who exhibit values-based behaviors and
strong work ethics can inspire individuals to adopt similar habits. Conversely, negative role
models may encourage destructive or harmful behaviors that can hinder personal development.

Access to Education and Opportunities: An individual's environment affects the quality and
accessibility of education and opportunities for personal growth. In resource-limited
environments, individuals may struggle to access basic education, which can inhibit their
personal development. Higher education and professional development opportunities can also be
limited in certain environments, restricting individuals from reaching their full potential.

In conclusion, an individual's environment and social circles play a vital role in shaping personal
development. These factors determine the resources, shared experiences, role models, and
opportunities accessible to a person. Therefore, it is important to recognize and acknowledge the
role of these influences in order to foster positive personal growth and development.
15. Can personal development be pursued in parallel across multiple life domains or should
it be approached sequentially?
The Pursuit of Personal Development: Personal development, a lifelong process consisting of
enhancing self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement, can indeed manifest across
multiple life domains. This entails nurturing various aspects including emotional, intellectual,
spiritual, and physical growth for a well-rounded sense of self-improvement. Given the
interconnected nature of these domains, it is plausible to pursue personal growth in numerous
aspects simultaneously.

Simultaneous Growth in Multiple Life Domains: Emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth
can be pursued alongside one another due to their overlapping benefits. For instance, cultivating
emotional intelligence feeds into discerning intuition and mindfulness, which in turn promote
spiritual practices such as meditation or prayer. Additionally, intellectual growth may enhance
emotional intelligence by cultivating empathy and understanding of diverse perspectives. As a
result, simultaneous growth allows for a holistic personal development experience.

Sequential Approach to Personal Development: However, optimal personal development may

be attained sequentially, as a deliberate progression ensures undivided attention and focus. This
deliberate prioritization prevents overwhelming the individual and allows for informed decisions
on which aspects need priority. For example, individuals may first seek to improve time
management before embarking on other pursuits such as physical wellbeing or professional
development. The resulting balance and organizing skills allow the individual to maintain
progress in multiple domains without drastic compromises in any specific area.

Achieving a Balance: Ultimately, the most effective approach towards personal development
lies in pursuing a balance between simultaneous and sequential growth. This encompasses
developing an adaptive approach which allows individuals to focus on domains requiring
attention, while not neglecting other aspects of their lives. Finding interconnections between
different areas can also enhance personal growth as it fosters a more comprehensive
understanding of oneself and the pursuit of self-improvement.

To conclude, personal development can be pursued both in parallel across multiple life domains
and sequentially, depending on individual needs and preferences. Striking a balance between the
two approaches and recognizing the interconnected nature of various aspects of personal growth
are crucial in ensuring a holistic and effective self-improvement journey.
15. What are the 4 concepts of personal development?
Concept 1: Self-Awareness: To effectively pursue personal development, one must possess a
strong sense of self-awareness. This refers to having a comprehensive understanding of one's
emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, beliefs, and motivations. By developing self-awareness,
individuals can identify areas requiring growth, set attainable goals, and develop strategies to
achieve them.

Concept 2: Life-long Learning: Personal development involves adopting an approach to life-

long learning. This concept stresses the importance of continually expanding knowledge,
mastering new skills, and refining existing capabilities. Engaging in a diverse range of learning
experiences such as attending workshops, participating in online courses, reading, and
networking with experts can facilitate an individual's growth and development.

Concept 3: Goal-setting and planning: The third concept of personal development revolves
around setting appropriate goals and devising comprehensive plans to achieve them. Individuals
must define specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives to
maintain focus and motivation. Furthermore, effective planning tools and techniques, such as
creating action plans and regularly reviewing progress, ensure individuals stay on track and
navigate potential obstacles.

Concept 4: Networking and Relationship-building: Lastly, personal development encompasses

the cultivation of meaningful personal and professional relationships. Networking and building
connections with like-minded individuals foster opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and
learning. Moreover, nurturing one's interpersonal skills, communication abilities, and emotional
intelligence can contribute to the formation and maintenance of constructive relationships, which
are integral to ongoing personal growth and development.

In conclusion, the four concepts of personal development, self-awareness, life-long learning,

goal-setting and planning, and networking and relationship-building, provide a comprehensive
framework for understanding the pursuit of growth and continual improvement. Incorporating
these concepts into one's daily life will promote personal development and yield success in
various aspects of individuals' lives.
17. How can individual values and belief systems shape the process of personal
Influence of Individual Values on Personal Development: Individual values and belief systems
play a pivotal role in the process of personal development. These values often serve as guiding
principles that shape one's thoughts, feelings, and actions. By influencing decision-making,
values have a direct impact on the trajectory of personal growth.

Role of Belief Systems in Shaping Behavior: Belief systems encompass an individual's

convictions, opinions, and ideas about themselves and the world around them. These beliefs may
encompass various aspects such as religious, philosophical, and cultural elements. One's belief
system profoundly impacts their mindset, behaviors, and choices, thereby influencing personal

Developing a Value-Based Identity: The process of personal development begins with internal
reflection, where an individual identifies and aligns themselves with a set of core values. This
value-based identity serves as a foundation for self-discovery and growth, leading to the
emergence of a unique sense of purpose.

Alignment of Values and Goals: Aligning personal values with life goals is crucial for consistent
personal development and self-discovery. When individuals' values are congruent with their
objectives, they often experience increased motivation and a heightened ability to overcome
challenges. Moreover, the alignment of values and goals fosters a sense of coherence and
direction in life.

Impact of Value Conflicts: Conflicts between personal values and external expectations can lead
to internal struggles and derail personal development. Such conflicts may compromise an
individual’s sense of self-worth and undermine their motivation to pursue their goals. Therefore,
resolving value conflicts is essential for maintaining a consistent sense of identity and self-

In conclusion, individual values and belief systems are vital ingredients to personal development,
influencing one's thoughts, emotions, and actions. Aligning values with goals enables one to
progress, while confronting value conflicts preserves one's sense of self. Recognizing and
embracing the role of values and beliefs in personal growth helps pave the way for ongoing self-
improvement and success.
18. What is the role of self-reflection and self-awareness in enhancing personal
development outcomes?
Role of Self-Reflection in Personal Development: Self-reflection is the act of examining one's
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to gain a deeper understanding of oneself. This process can lead
to self-awareness, which is the conscious recognition of one's individuality, strengths,
weaknesses, and values. Both self-reflection and self-awareness can significantly enhance
personal development outcomes by enabling individuals to take purposeful and informed actions
to improve their personal and professional lives.

Promoting Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Self-reflection fosters emotional intelligence,

which is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions effectively. Emotional
intelligence results in improved interpersonal relationships and communication skills, as
individuals become better equipped to empathize with others and navigate complex emotional
situations. Increased empathy also contributes to greater understanding, tolerance, and
cooperation, ultimately enhancing personal well-being and professional success.
Facilitating Improved Decision-Making: Self-awareness promotes informed decision-making
by enabling individuals to identify their values, goals, and priorities. This clarity allows
individuals to make choices that are congruent with their inherent beliefs and desires, resulting in
a sense of authenticity and fulfillment. Additionally, self-aware individuals can objectively assess
the consequences and potential outcomes of their decisions, leading to more effective actions and
strategies for personal growth and success.

Fostering Growth Mindset and Resilience: Embracing self-reflection can generate a growth
mindset, which is the belief that abilities and skills can be developed and improved through
dedication and effort. This mindset motivates individuals to persevere in the face of challenges
and setbacks, fostering resilience and adaptability. Consequently, self-reflective practices can
lead to increased self-efficacy, motivation, and an enhanced ability to learn from mistakes and
embrace new opportunities for growth.

Enhancing Self-Regulation and Goal Attainment: Engaging in self-reflective practices

cultivates self-regulation, which is the ability to control and manage one's thoughts, emotions,
and behaviors. This skill is essential for setting and achieving personal and professional goals, as
self-regulation enables individuals to focus, prioritize, and persevere amidst distractions and
obstacles. Furthermore, self-awareness helps individuals to align their goals with their intrinsic
values and aspirations, fostering long-term commitment and fulfillment.
As evidenced by these points, self-reflection and self-awareness are invaluable tools in the pursuit
of personal development. Cultivating these qualities allows individuals to develop emotional
intelligence, make informed decisions, foster a growth mindset, cultivate resilience, and enhance
self-regulation, ultimately contributing to greater personal and professional success. Therefore,
incorporating self-reflective practices into one's daily life can significantly enhance personal
development outcomes, promoting well-being and fulfillment.
3.1.3 Elaborating personal development plans
The aspects of personal development refer to areas in your life that when developed, may create
positive change. The six aspects of personal development are physical, financial, relational,
emotional, spiritual, and intellectual. Each one builds the others.
What Is a Personal Development Plan (PDP)?
A personal development plan is a guideline for your life and your future success. Personal
development is the process of improving oneself through conscious habits and activities. It is the
pursuit of personal growth to enhance your quality of life and to achieve your dreams and
aspirations. When you create a personal development plan, you start to define the kind of person
you want to be, skills you want to have, and accomplishments you want to achieve. And then
you map out your long-term and short-term goals to realize these aspirations and set timelines
for when you want to reach them. Many people underachieve in their careers because they do not
realize the areas of personal development that can help achieve mastery in any field. Effective
leaders focus on continual self-improvement and know there is no substitute for hard work. When
you practice self-discipline by setting a goal, making a plan, and working on it every day, you will
see personal development and progress within your career.
The Importance of Personal Development

Most of the time, what you think about is what you become. From the moment you wake until the
moment you close your eyes at the end of the day, everything you experience plays a factor in your
development. When you take greater control over your experiences, you are able to guide your
personal development and accelerate toward what you want to become instead of leaving it to
chance. Setting, striving for, and meeting personal development goals opens up a world of new
possibilities for you to increase your quality of life.
For example, as a result of creating and following your personal development plan, you may gain
more responsibility for work and open up opportunities for higher pay. This growth could qualify
you for a better career trajectory to increase your overall happiness, job satisfaction, and ability to
provide for the life you want for you and your family. Focusing on your personal development also
gives you better decision-making abilities so you can avoid problems that may have plagued you
in the past or are holding you back now. At the end of the day, personal development helps you
create more positivity and harness the power of positive thoughts, which can transform your
life. When you give time to yourself by focusing on your professional and personal growth, you
are better able to achieve your version of success because of personal development.
Personal Development Vs Self-Improvement
Recognizing the difference between self-improvement and personal development can be a little
tricky. While they are similar in that they are both very instrumental in achieving your goals and
improving yourself, there are key differences between a self-improvement plan and a personal
development plan.
Personal development is the work you are putting in to transform yourself on a daily basis. It’s the
efforts you’re making to advance in your work, lifestyle, attitude, physique, and sociability. Setting
personal development goals and creating a plan helps you take full advantage of any opportunity
that may come your way and make the most of your potential.
Self-improvement is an inner transformation. It is a self-motivated study to improve one’s
character, status, or knowledge by their own efforts. Self-improvement is a lifelong process of
constantly searching for ways to change your habits so you can reach your fullest potential. The
specific efforts you put into personal development leads to self-improvement.
3.1.4 Categories of competency standards
The 7 Categories of Personal Development
Focusing on personal development categories such as personal skills, personal growth,
and personal power can create habits for personal improvement. Personal growth is founded on
education and skill. Through education and experience, you increase your skill level and your
ability to succeed in your field.
There are seven main categories of personal development.
Personal Skills
Personal skills can be ones you were born with as well as skills gained through deliberate
practice. They’re often referred to as soft skills. Examples of personal skills are decision-making,
teamwork, organization, and communication. If you’re interested in growing your skills at work,
try working on your personal skills. The highest-paid, top individuals in their field are the ones
that focus on growing their personal skills. Knowing what areas you excel in and which need
development is very useful in your personal and professional life.
Personal Growth

Having a personal growth plan is one of the first steps toward bettering yourself and stepping out
of your comfort zone. Humans and the human mind are constantly evolving. Think about it: you
are not the same person you were a year ago. You’ve learned more, grown in many different ways,
and have experienced more life events to further shape your personality, beliefs, and world outlook.
Personal Power
Personal power is the authority others believe you to have in certain situations and is fueled by
your contacts, knowledge, and financial status. Developing an ever-widening circle of contacts,
seeking to learn more, and growing financially increases the number of doors that others will leave
open for you to step into. Expanding your network, knowledge base and financial status will also
allow you to help others do the same, further increasing your personal power and opportunities for
personal development and growth.
Personal Improvement
Personal improvement stems from good work habits and having a positive mental
attitude. Thinking before you act is critical to developing a strong amount of personal
improvement. To help you think first, try to set priorities on a list and consider the likely
consequences before beginning. Working on personal improvement and generating a positive
mental attitude will also reduce the amount of time that it takes you to achieve your goals.
Personal Empowerment
Personal empowerment is similar to Personal Power, except empowerment is the power you see
within yourself, instead of how others view you. Promoting a positive image and adopting
creativity within your daily life can speed up the time it takes to achieve personal empowerment
and your goals. To help you increase your personal empowerment, consider looking for new,
creative ways to finish a project in a faster, easier or cheaper way without compromising the end
Personal Analysis
It is very important to be conscious of areas in which you are naturally gifted as well as analyze
areas in which you need improvement. This is called personal analysis. Being truthful about where
you currently stand is the first step to moving forward. You should be constantly evaluating where
you are in relation to achieving your goals and ambitions.
Personal Objectives
Ambition goes to waste when there are no clear goals in sight. Developing short-term and long-
term goals is a pivotal step in actually accomplishing them and growing as a person. Having a set
plan will help you have a clear understanding of which strategies are necessary in order to reach
your desired destination.

Why Make a Personal Development Plan?

The reason you need a personal development plan is that making a plan will help guide you to
better decision-making and remind yourself of where you want to go. In other words, good
preparation increases the probability of success and decreases the risk of things going wrong along
the way. Creating a plan for personal development helps you get a better sense of control over your
life and will make you better prepared for whatever comes your way. Consider these benefits to
having a personal development plan:
• It brings your vision to reality.
• It ensures you take appropriate and logically planned action.
• It helps you improve your time management skills so you can achieve your goals.
• It’s a plan to keep track of progress, which serves to motivate you when you want to give up.
• It’s been proven to reduce stress, improve balance in life, and increase self-confidence.
Developing personal development goals for work can make the difference between success and
failure. Creating a self-growth plan for your personal life can mean the difference between life-
long happiness and regret.
Skills & Objectives
The objectives of personal development are continuous personal growth, increased potential for
success, and capitalizing on potential opportunities. You can practice your personal development
skills by setting aside time for the important people in your life, performing action exercises that
force you to perform at the highest level, and studying growth performances to help ensure you
continue to climb the ladder of success.
An action plan has to include measurable objectives so you know the exact steps it will take to
reach your goals. Objectives break your larger personal developments goals into bite-sized pieces
so you are able to know where you are headed and check off your progress along the way.
There are no limits except for the limits you place on yourself with your thinking.
Commit yourself to a life of constant learning. Even if you are at the top of your field, there is
always something to learn.
Once you have mastered a new skill, move on to learning another one. Constantly learning new
skills keeps your mind fresh and active and opens doors that would otherwise be closed to you.
You will become unstoppable and you will see your entire future open up in front of you if you
live a goal and growth-oriented life.
How To Set Personal Development Goals
Before you can set up a plan, you need to do some self-reflecting and answer personal goal
questions. A few questions you should develop before laying out a specific plan of action are:
• What do I want to make out of my life?
• What are my goals and ambitions?
• What is currently standing in my way of achieving these goals?
After answering those questions, you can create a personal plan that contains a few key
components. The key components you should focus on are having a specific outcome that you are
constantly working towards, planning and paving a path towards achieving it, being mindful of the
obstacles, and understanding the bigger motivation behind your actions.
When developing a personal development plan for work, you should focus on SMART goals.
SMART stands for “Specific”, “Measurable”, “Achievable”, “Relevant”, and “Time-Bound.”
By following this easy-to-remember acronym when goal setting, you can improve both your
personal and professional life:
• Specific: Write goals that are detailed and clear instead of broad and general.
• Measurable: Set milestones that will let you know you are achieving your goal.
• Achievable: Make goals that are challenging yet can realistically be achieved.
• Relevant: Align your goals with your personal self-improvement plan.
• Time-Bound: Pick an end date by which you want to achieve your goal.
Set Goals for Professional Life
In order to make progress that you can see and track in your professional life, you need to document
a detailed plan of action for your personal development. Some personal development plan
examples for work include answering the following questions:
• What do I want to learn?
• What do I have to do?
• What support and resources will I need?
• How will I measure success?
Be as specific with your answers as possible. The more precise, the easier it is to track your
progress. Seeing how far you have come and how your hard work is paying off will give you a
boost of confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment. Some examples of personal
development goals for work include the Golden Hour and the 21-Day Mental Diet.


The Golden Hour Rule steers the trajectory of your day. Beginning your day early and investing
your first hour in yourself will make a tremendous difference in the way you feel, and you will
begin to see positive results in your day. You will begin to see yourself in a more positive light and
improve on your personal development.
The 21-Day Mental Diet personal leadership plan example means waking up early and investing
at least the first two hours of your day in yourself. With this extra time, set clear goals you can
work to achieve in the workplace. This can be improving your productivity and efficiency to help
you get that promotion or earn a raise. Your goals may also include education. You need to learn
more to earn more. Try setting a goal to read something educational, motivational, or inspirational
every day before you go to work.
Outside of the workspace, it is important to be focusing on some personal goals as well. Similar to
the work plan, the personal plan requires you to focus on key points in order to achieve your goals.
Here is a personal development plan example:
• What are the important goals that you want to achieve?
• When is your set deadline?
• What are your biggest strengths?
• Who or what are your biggest threats?
There are several aspects of personal development disciplines that will make achieving success
possible if developed correctly. A few of these disciplines include goal setting, planning and
organizing, and concentrating on your high-value activities.
Goal setting can be done in the early morning and take only a few minutes of your day. It can be
as simple as purchasing a spiral notebook and writing out your ten goals at the beginning of each
day. This will program them deep into your subconscious mind and help you actually follow
through on accomplishing them.
Planning and organizing at the end of the day can help you better prepare for the coming day.
When you plan out your day, putting it down on paper, you can begin to visualize your important
tasks and make sure you are working to complete them throughout the day.
High-value activities are the things you choose to do throughout the day that will give you the
biggest return on your efforts to get you closer to your goals. Concentrating on your high-value
activities will help keep you focused and contribute to your success as much as any other discipline
you can develop. Promoting the highest value activities will make a powerful difference in how
quickly you achieve them and the goals they relate to. Creating a plan for personal development
will help you get a better sense of control over your life and your goals…and it doesn’t have to be
a daunting task!
There are six core steps that will help you take action and measure your progress.
Step 1: Set Your Goals
Write a list of the top 10 most important goals you would like to achieve. I encourage you to really
write them down somewhere on paper or on your computer instead of just keeping them in your
head. People who write their goals and have a clear plan are 30% more likely to achieve their
goals. Search deep within yourself and identify the things you really want out of life. Do not be
hindered by thoughts of roadblocks that may get in your way. Open yourself up to all the
possibilities that would make you truly happy in life. These are life goals. Life goals are meant to
be challenging, so they may seem huge, overwhelming, or even scary. But that’s why they will be
broken down into digestible and manageable smaller goals.
For example, providing for your family is an important long-term goal, but figuring out the steps
to get there is the challenge. Your smaller personal development plan objectives will help you
identify those steps so you have a clear road map to follow.
With each of the 10 goals you identify, also define your “why:” Why do you want to achieve this
goal? What will it mean for your personal life, your career, your health, your loved ones? Knowing
your why will help set you up for success. It will keep you motivated to continue progressing
forward until you have achieved what you want to.
Step 2: Prioritize Your Goals
Once you have identified your top 10 goals, write which of those 10 is the most important to you
and why. Starting with your highest priority goal, identify the short-term goals and steps that are
needed to achieve your long-term goals.
What needs to happen today so you can move on to tomorrow!
This may require some research on your part, depending on your goal. For example, say your goal
is to become a leader in your field. Some of the short-term goals you will prioritize to reach this
personal leadership plan example may include the following:
• Choose a topic or niche in your industry that you want to specialize in.
• Learn everything you can about the issue by talking to people in your industry, reading
about your topic, attending seminars and webinars, and so on.
• Educate others by writing regular blog posts.
• Start a podcast and offer valuable information.
• Give interviews on podcasts, local radio and TV stations, and news outlets.
• Write a book and get it published.
• Become a public speaker at industry conferences or hold your own conference.
Step 3: Create A Timeline for Achieving Your Goals
Setting deadlines in your personal development plan template is crucial. Without them, your goals
can get lost in the everyday chaos of life or forgotten completely. Write down a specific timeline
for achieving each of your goals, but be realistic in your timing and know the likelihood ahead of
time of achieving your goal within a certain timeline to avoid discouragement. While you may
want to become debt-free by next year, you will first need to do what is necessary to earn more
income or reduce your expenses. This could involve getting more education, finding a better job,
or making major life changes, which could take more than 365 days. Once you assign a due date
to each of your short-term goals, tackle the hardest goal first. This will help you realize you can
actually achieve your goals faster and give you the motivation you need to propel yourself forward.
If you’re unsure of the timeline you should set for accomplishing your goals, speaking to other
people who have achieved the goal you are striving for will help you set a realistic
deadline. Conducting online research could also help in defining a timeline to accomplish your
goals. Knowing that it takes four to five years to earn a Ph.D. in business lets you know how long
it will likely take you. If you can only attend school part-time, you know it will take longer, perhaps
twice as long.
Step 4: Analyze Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Write down your strengths and weakness. Remember that skills like perseverance, positive
attitude, and creativity are strengths and weaknesses as much as educational level, experience, and
having a strong network of professional contacts. Focus on the attributes that are needed to
achieve your goal. Then, write how your strengths can help you achieve this goal and how you
plan to overcome those weaknesses. Use a SWOT analysis to organize your thoughts and develop
a strong strategy for achieving your goal. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats. Ask yourself questions similar to these to help you develop each part of a SWOT
• What sets you apart from your peers?
• What is your competitive advantage?
• What do others regularly praise you for?
• What do people ask you to help them with?
• What parts of yourself are you confident about?
• What values are important to you?
• What do you usually avoid doing because you don’t think you can?
• What kind of tasks do you procrastinate?
• Where are you lacking in skills, experience, or education?
• What resources do you lack?
• What areas do you feel you need improvement?
• What gets in the way of your work performance or relationships with others?
• What technology can help you achieve your goal?
• What promotions or financial incentives are available at work?
• Who can help you reach your goal?
• What changes are happening or are projected to happen in your industry or personal life?
• What conferences, classes, or networking events are available to you?
• What are your competitors failing at that you can learn from and improve on?
• What obstacles do you face that may hinder your progress?
• Which of your weaknesses could lead to threats?
• Who is trying to achieve the same goal that may get in your way?
• What resources do you lack?

Step 5: Write An Action Plan

Write actions that you need to take in order to achieve your goal. These can be things you need to
add to your daily routine as well as things you need to eliminate from it in order to achieve the
success in life that you are looking for. Doing this will help you to achieve each goal faster.
Whether you use a notebook or your computer, just make sure you’re also physically writing down
your plan so you can see it every day and hold yourself accountable.

Step 6: Measure Your Progress

The final step in your personal development plan template is to mark your progress. Write down
what has been working well, what you have accomplished, what you still need to improve, and
what skills or knowledge you have gained along the way. People who set up a system to report on
their goals weekly achieve 40% more than people who do not.
To help you in this final step, consider using a tracker to take notes, measure progress, and be
analytical about what works and what does not. Sometimes it is necessary to change courses
midstream or add a step that you were not initially aware of. That doesn’t mean you should
abandon your goal out of discouragement. It just means you need to adapt, and this is where a
tracker can help you determine if it’s time to pivot. Remember it’s okay to be flexible. Doing so
will allow you to make changes when needed that will propel you toward your goal more
efficiently. This could be a good opportunity to use another piece of data about how people who
write things down/journal are much more likely to be successful.
Benefits of Personal Development
Personal development courses, coaches, and programs can also help you hit your goals. A personal
development program accompanied by a personal development coach helps to keep you
disciplined and moving forward. If you are looking to transform your life, check out these courses
and programs that include all of my knowledge, distilled into powerful lessons to help you achieve
immediate success in your own life. They will teach you how to stop worrying and stressing out
and how to take control of your life, forever.
Power Of Personal Achievement
Learn the right way to visualize your ideal future. Set your goals and methodically achieve them
with more efficiency than ever before. Ditch the negative emotions that have been hindering your
success as well as redirect your energy and resources towards your personal objectives.
The Science of Self Confidence
Here are the four Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity) that teach
you how to escape the endless loop of failure. Find your true self and, as a result, finally feel truly
Maximum Productivity
Discover your special calling. Learn everything you need in order to know how to take the shortest,
fastest route possible to your destination. Ultimate success is achievable when you know how to
dramatically improve your productivity.
3.1.4 Categories of competency standards
Competency standards are a set of benchmarks that define the skills, knowledge and attributes
people need to perform a work role.

what are the types of Competencies?

Several categories of competencies exist. This is largely due to the different competency
requirements for different roles and positions within organizations. Nevertheless, three categories
of competencies are very common within organizations. They include core, behavioral, and
functional competencies respectively.
1. Core competencies
These are capabilities or technical expertise that are unique to an organization. Core competencies
differentiate an organization from its competitors. They refer to areas in which an organization
seeks to gain a competitive advantage.
For instance, the processes, technologies and strategies used by organizations create a competitive
advantage for them. Core competencies vary depending on an organization’s sector, nature of the
business, and strategic direction. Some examples of core competencies include problem solving,
integrity, initiative, leadership, and decision making among others.
2. Functional competencies
These competencies refer to the knowledge, skills and abilities required to fulfil day-to-day job
tasks, duties or responsibilities. Functional competencies are job or role-specific. In addition,
functional competencies are essential in delivering quality results. Without them, it becomes
extremely difficult to do the assigned task or responsibility effectively and efficiently.
Some examples of functional competencies include data analysis, client service, software
programming, and financial planning.
A closely related competency to functional competencies is cross-functional competencies. Cross-
functional competencies are those that are not directly related to a specific task or responsibility.
However, they are very important in carrying out tasks across different functions and departments.
Some examples here are teamwork, computer skills, facilitation, planning, etc.
3. Behavioural competencies
Behavioral competencies encompass the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other traits which help to
determine how successful someone will be at a job. They help form the basis for assessing a
candidate’s fitness for a job role or position. Examples of behavioral competencies include
adaptability, stress management, initiative, business acumen, etc.
Other competencies are for example:
4. Meta competencies. These are beneficial qualities, such as the ability to adapt to change and
flexibility, that are relevant to a range of work environments but aren't directly required for
5. Leadership competencies. These are qualities that identify individuals who have potential
leadership and management skills.

How do I identify Competencies?

There are several ways of identifying competencies. In my opinion, the most effective way of
identifying competencies is to develop a Skill and Competency Framework. The skill and
competency framework help align competencies with the needs and priorities of the organization.
3.1.5 Benefits of competency standards
Benefits. The main benefits of a competency-based system include: Employees have a well-
defined set of behaviors required in their work and are clear about how they are expected to
perform their jobs. The appraisal and recruitment systems are fairer and more open. Competency
standards define the requirements for effective workplace performance in a discrete area of work,
work function, activity or process.
Competency standards can test the effectiveness of training, improve recruitment, identify training
gaps which should lead to improved efficiency, productivity, worker safety and employee
retention. As well, they can be used to develop enterprise practices and procedures, for
performance management, and quality management system for licensing purposes. Training
packages may replace formal education and training systems in certain circumstances.
Benefits of having a competency framework
A competency framework offers the following benefits:
• Provides clear expectations. Competency frameworks provide a clear outline of the expected
technical, soft and hard skills for all roles in the organization.
• Helps detect skills gaps. Managers can identify where an employee isn't fulfilling all the
expected competencies for their position.
• Promotes career growth. Employees can work on any identified skills gaps for their career
progression. The framework should also take staff mobility into account and how an
employee can achieve certain milestones for career growth.
• Aids in the recruitment process. The framework gives recruiters a detailed list of all required
and ideal skills a potential employee should have to adequately fill a particular role.
• Supports the creation of training and professional development programs. Managers can
identify where their staff needs improvement and examine ways to provide mentoring and

3.1.6 Levels of stages of competency

A level of competency describes your ability to successfully perform a job while applying the
required skills and characteristics. Competence involves knowing how to react to situations and
using previously learned behaviors to complete tasks.

1. Unconscious incompetence (Ignorance)

The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily
recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognize
their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage. The
length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.
2. Conscious incompetence (Awareness)
Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, he or she does recognize
the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can
be integral to the learning process at this stage.
3. Conscious competence (Learning)
The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or
knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious
involvement in executing the new skill.
4. Unconscious competence (Mastery)
The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can
be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task. The
individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned

These Competencies can be summarized in three levels of attainment: Level 1 – knowledge

and understanding Level 2 – application of knowledge and understanding Level 3 – reasoned
advice and depth of technical knowledge.
As well, there are three categories of competencies:
Mandatory competencies – the personal, interpersonal, professional practice and business
competencies common to all pathways and compulsory for all candidates.
Core competencies – the primary competencies of the chosen pathway of the professional.
Optional competencies – a set of competencies selected by the candidate from a list defined for
the particular pathway
3.1.7 Measuring competency standards
Competence can be described as the combination of training, skills, experience and
knowledge that a person has and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely. Other factors,
such as attitude and physical ability, can also affect someone's competence. Common methods of
measuring competencies include assessments (e.g., personality inventories, 360-degree
surveys), competency-based questionnaires or interviews, and/or assessment centers (including
exercises like role plays, group discussions, presentations, and case studies). All the above methods
can be used as part of a recruitment, selection, or development process with the best method
dependent upon the competency to be measured and the purpose of the assessment (e.g., selection
versus development).
A unit of competency can be described by its function or purpose. The steps that have to be
performed to achieve an outcome and the means of demonstrating that it has been performed
satisfactorily should be described, as well as the conditions under which the function will be
performed. The description will also include knowledge and skills that a person needs to perform
the task and the means of assessing whether a person can perform the task.
However, there are three primary competency assessment methods: self-assessments, in which
the employee evaluates their own level of competency; manager assessments, in which the
manager evaluates the employee's competency; and 360-degree assessments, in which the
employee is evaluated by managers, peers, and subordinates.
Improving competence will give more opportunities for career growth, which is also, of course,
a very important motivation factor for working regularly on self-empowerment. Competencies are
the skills, attributes and expertise that can be applied in the workplace. It's essential to build
competence to improve the quality and efficiency of your work. Learning how to build competence
helps you improve productivity and advance your career. In this article, we define the
term developing competence, outline types of competencies, list the steps to develop competence
and highlight the benefits of developing it.
What is developing competence?
Developing competence is identifying the skills, talents, characteristics and knowledge you
require to perform your job effectively and training or practicing to improve them. Taking time to
enhance competence helps you improve your job performance, allowing you to advance your
career. The following are three types of competencies:
Core competencies
These competencies consist of the personal characteristics and attributes that contribute to your
job performance and interactions with others. The following are some examples:
• Decision-making: This involves analyzing a situation, thinking of alternative solutions
and selecting a practical course of action that allows you or the team to achieve goals.
• Adaptability: This is the ability to be flexible to change depending on the situation.
• Teamwork: This involves participating in a project and recognizing other team members'
roles and contributions.
• Organization: This is the ability to schedule your time to complete tasks by their
deadlines and prioritize them by urgency.
• Stress tolerance: This is the ability to handle high-stress situations and still produce
high-quality work.
Functional or technical competencies
These competencies are the technical skills to perform your daily duties and responsibilities. For
example, a software developer's functional competencies include programming languages and
testing software. The following are several other examples:
• Sales and marketing: This creates awareness about a company's products, services and
brands to potential consumers.
• Business planning: This outlines a business's future by creating goals for growth and
• Accounting: This involves processing a company's financial transactions and reporting
them to regulators and tax collection entities.
• Research: This entails identifying the hypothesis, developing objectives to fulfil it,
collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions from the results and reporting them.
Cross-functional competencies
These are technical competencies that are transferable across departments or industries. The
following are some examples:
• Computer skills: using industry-relevant apps and programs to perform daily tasks, such
as emailing colleagues
• Leadership: influencing a team and guiding them to achieve goals
• Conflict resolution: helping two or more parties reach an agreement following a dispute
• Project management: applying your skills, knowledge, techniques and tools to deliver

How to develop competence

Follow these steps to develop competence:
1. Identify the skills and attributes you want to improve
It's essential to identify the competencies you want to develop and improve so you can set goals
and objectives to achieve them. Perform an objective self-evaluation to determine which
competencies aren't your strongest or which you require if you want to advance your career. Ask
your colleagues and superiors for advice on what attributes you can improve.
2. Set goals
Once you identify areas for improvement, set goals to determine how you're going to improve
them. Identify a significant goal, such as improving a specific competency within a particular
period. Following this, divide this goal into smaller goals or objectives with deadlines. Consider
setting SMART goals, which include the following:
• Specific: Set a specific goal by stating the exact competencies you want to develop. An
example is improving your leadership abilities.
• Measurable: Establish a goal you can measure to evaluate your progress. For example,
taking five online courses to develop a specific competency.
• Achievable: Consider how possible it is to achieve the goal by evaluating the resources
available. An example is determining the time and finances to allocate towards
developing the competency.
• Relevant: Decide whether the goal is worth your time and effort. For example, determine
whether setting time aside to take online courses can lead to advancing your career.
• Timely: Create a schedule for all your goals so you can track your progress. For example,
you can search for potential courses in a week and apply for a suitable one in a month.
3. Network with other professionals
Consider joining professional groups on social media or professional websites to connect with
other professionals in your field. This allows you to surround yourself with more knowledgeable
people who can help you build competencies. You can also join professional organizations that
offer events, seminars and workshops, allowing you to build your networks and gain skills. Search
online for groups that offer a wide variety of training opportunities to develop competencies in
several areas.
4. Seek mentorship
Mentors can help you identify the right competencies to develop depending on your short- and
long-term career goals. They can also help you select appropriate learning methods to build these
competencies. When looking for a mentor, find someone who has the competencies you wish to
develop and shares similar values and ethics with you. For example, if you want to gain
competency in project management, approach someone whom you admire and who has extensive
experience in this field. The following are some benefits of mentorship:
• Access to a role model: You can build competencies by observing your mentor and
learning from their experience.
• Opportunities for career advancement: A relationship with a mentor can increase your
chances of getting promotions and expand your level of responsibility.
• Skill development: Mentors can help you improve your existing skills and gain new
• Job satisfaction: Mentorship gives you guidance and clarity on your job, increasing your
job satisfaction.
5. Look for training opportunities
Search online for training opportunities matching the skills you want to develop. Look for those
offering certifications to boost your CV. For example, if you work in marketing and want to
improve your marketing competencies, seek training in such areas as data analytics, social
media, digital marketing and search engine optimization. If possible, find a course that offers
sessions on several competencies for more efficient training. You can also use podcasts, online
videos, blogs and articles to learn, depending on the learning methods you prefer.
6. Use your time wisely
Use your time wisely to build competencies in the most efficient way possible. For example, if
you commute to work via train, learn during your commute time. Whenever you find free time,
use some of it to pursue training or practice your skills. Identify your most productive times during
the day and utilize these periods to complete mandatory work tasks to optimize your additional
training sessions.
7. Practise regularly
Practise the skill or competency you want to develop or improve. Create a daily schedule to ensure
you practise regularly. Track your progress and ask your peers and managers for feedback to
motivate yourself to continue.
8. Teach others
Think of teaching others as an opportunity for you to learn twice. When you instruct others on the
competencies you're building, it allows you to improve your understanding of them. Consider
mentoring your peers and junior team members about what you're learning because it ensures that
you know what you're teaching.
Benefits of developing competence
The following are some benefits of developing competence:
Increasing knowledge
The process of developing competence involves seeking training opportunities and learning from
mentors. This allows you to expand your knowledge about the competency and learn new
information. Increasing your expertise allows you to produce high-quality results and can lead to
opportunities for career growth.
Improving self-confidence
Watching yourself gain competence in new or previously limited skills boosts your confidence.
This motivates you to keep learning new things and improving existing knowledge. An increase
in self-confidence can encourage you to achieve more challenging projects and assignments and
reduce workplace stress because it prompts you to focus on the tasks in which you're proficient.
Increasing efficiency
Learning new skills and improving current capabilities allow you to increase efficiency. They
involve making fewer mistakes and completing work faster, leading to higher productivity.
Superiors may observe this and give you more challenging projects or consider you for promotions
as a result.
Improving chances for career advancement
Building competence allows you to receive training and certification and build networks. These
factors can contribute to your career advancement. For example, joining professional organizations
or social media groups can expose you to new job opportunities. Access to mentorship may also
increase your chances of getting promotions. “Work performance” is a broad term describing your
ability to do your job well. Typically, people who perform well are more likely to receive pay raises
and job promotions.
Managers can use any number of metrics to measure employee performance. The most common
• Speed
• Quality
• Efficiency
Doing all three exceptionally is difficult. Plus, each position prioritizes these elements differently.
For example, a graphic design firm may value speed and quality so they can meet their clients’
tight deadlines. On the other hand, a construction company might aim for quality and efficiency.
They’ll sacrifice speed in favor of reducing wasted raw materials. Make sure you know which
metrics matter most at your job. With that knowledge, you can work to improve the priority areas.
Your efforts will show that you’re a valuable asset to your team, which could put you in line for a
pay raise.
3 ways to improve performance/competencies at work
Completing tasks isn’t everything. In today’s complex work environment, workers should expect
to use several soft skills in their day-to-day life. While they don’t directly relate to output, they do
reflect on you as an employee.
Ready to get started? The strategies that can improve your workflow may be simpler than you
anticipate. Here are some positive ways to improve work performance. Take a look at these
tactics, and decide which ones apply best to you and your job.
1. Limit distractions
This is a tip many people know but rarely follow: limit your potential distractions. Of course, it’s
impossible to remove distractions all the time. Instead, try scheduling focus blocks in your
calendar. During this time, silence your phone, turn off email alerts, shut your office door (if you
have one), and focus on the task at hand. You’ll be surprised how much you accomplish.
2. Set milestones
Large tasks often cause procrastination. But, if you break projects down into steps on a simple to-
do list, they’ll often feel more manageable. Plus, once you start knocking things off the list, it’s
easy to build momentum.
3. Set clear and achievable goals
Be realistic when it comes to your goals. We all want to be super-producers, but we should be
mindful of our energy levels and what we can accomplish in a single workday. Splitting large goals
into several smaller, clear goals will keep you on track. Setting achievable goals is a way to be
kind to yourself while doing what you can. No one wants you to burn out.
4. Avoid multitasking
Multitasking can feel efficient, but in reality, switching between tasks reduces your efficiency. That
is, if you’re writing a report in between sending emails, chances are you’re not getting as much
done as you think. Instead of juggling tasks, pick one thing to work on and stick to it.
5. Improve your time management
It's time to sharpen your time management skills. Plan your time ahead of time. If you know a task
is due in a couple of weeks, work backward from that date and portion out your time accordingly.
One hour of focused work per week is more effective than three hours of work at the last minute.
In fact, studies have shown that procrastination is associated with high stress, increased risk of
depression, anxiety, and fatigue. It even leads to lower life and work satisfaction.
6. Do important tasks first
Prioritizing urgent tasks is an effective way to organize your to-do list. That way, if you’re pulled
away from your desk, the only items left are those you can afford to delay. Try scheduling some
time at the beginning of each day to work on what’s most important to ensure that it receives your
best energy. Use tactics to improve both the quantity and quality of your work throughout the day.
7. Delegate tasks whenever possible
If you’re a manager, it’s normal to have a lengthy to-do list. Look for opportunities to delegate
some work tasks. Break projects into chunks and give clear instructions to team members. They
can help you get everything done. Strong management skills include knowing when you’re doing
too much.
8. Clear your workspace
A cluttered desk can be a distraction. Keep what you need for the task at hand and clear the rest.
While you’re at it, close all those tabs in your web browser. Decluttering your computer can also
do wonders for mental clarity.
9. Stay healthy
Exercise and healthy food are known for keeping your brain happy. Get your workday off to a
good start each morning. A good breakfast and a walk outside can boost your focus, energy, and
10. Communicate clearly
When you’re working on a big project, everyone involved needs to know what they’re responsible
for and when. Effective communication leads to great teamwork, which improves your collective
performance. Part of communication is also letting people know when you’re approaching
11. Take short breaks
Your body isn’t built for eight consecutive hours of productivity. If your attention drifts while you
work, that could be your body telling you to take a break. Instead of working through it, take a
break. Better yet: schedule downtime.
Carve out time each day to take a short walk, do some stretches, or grab a beverage at a nearby
cafe. After a 15-minute break, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to focus again.
12. Prioritize self-improvement
We should evolve with the world around us. Work on new skill sets, read books, watch videos, and
listen to podcasts that expand your mind. You might find useful information that you can bring
with you to work.
13. Maintain work-life balance
We all have a personal life. It's important to disconnect at the end of the day. If you take care of
yourself, you can be at your best while working.
2 things to avoid to stay productive
Stay on your game by limiting these two common distractions:
1. Office gossip: It’s fun to get the latest news, but too much idle chat can take away from
your work time. Be mindful of how much time you spend conversing with your colleagues.
2. Smartphones: These revolutionary devices have done wonders to keep us connected, but
they’re also designed to keep your attention. Turn off notifications and keep it in another
room during work hours. This will prevent your phone from drawing you to your social
media apps and away from your work.
Level up
When your performance at work improves, people around you will notice. Getting more
accomplished puts you in line for raises and promotions. Plus, when you work productively, you’ll
feel better.
But getting started can be daunting. To keep yourself accountable, find someone who can help
keep you on task. A work buddy or a career coach can help maximize your productivity. Better Up
can work with you to find ways to improve your work performance and help you get started.
3.2.1 Methods for collecting feedback
Collecting employee feedback is a good way to get an inside look at how well your business is
performing. You can inspire trust and respect in your employees and avoid losing money because
of poor administration. Besides, when you gather employee feedback, you display your leadership
skills and motivate your workers.

Team Meetings
Team meetings are probably the most widespread way of collecting employee feedback. It is
perfect to do these at least once a month, but they can be held as often as once per week or even
daily (if you have a smaller team). Team meetings are great not only for collecting individual
employee feedback but also brainstorming ideas on how these aspects can be improved. One head
is great, but several are even better. If you are a fan of such meetings, you can even assign the
responsible people at once. Say, you found out that there was a shortage of food in your company’s
office. Your employees suggest their ideas on how this can be dealt with. Then you settle down on
your chosen solution and assign someone the role of getting things done. This way, you will have
issues solved much faster. On the other hand, such meetings can be harder to host if you
are working with freelancers or your employees are in different locations. In this case, you can
hold a virtual meeting.

Performance Reviews
While team meetings are a great way to brainstorm, you should not forget about collecting
feedback through one-on-one employee performance reviews. These have their own advantages
and disadvantages. For instance, if you speak with your workers individually, they might get
nervous and try to find their way out of such a situation by making up things. This is why it is
important to have an all-honest atmosphere. In addition to that, having performance reviews often
can take too much time, while having the more rarely and further apart may lead to your employees
feeling like their opinion doesn’t matter. To avoid such things from happening, you can ask your
workers to write down their thoughts when on such one-on-one sessions. After that, you can have
the content rewritten in a more professional manner by an online service such as Trust My Paper.
You can then keep these documents stored and available at any time.

Employee Surveys

As opposed to the nervous feeling your employees might experience during one-on-one
sessions, anonymous employee surveys are a great way to encourage your workers to be bolder
and more honest with you when providing feedback. In order to make your survey perfect, try to
include questions that are not too broad, because this may result in your workers simply answering
in general terms or saying what they think you want to hear. Don’t put words in their mouths either.
If you phrase your questions in a way suggestive of a certain answer, you will get that exact reply.
Try to target certain topics by including more detailed and precise questions. If you want opinions
on a certain issue, ask about it instead of wondering about. Lastly, don’t make these surveys too
often so that they don’t turn into a chore. Similarly, don’t make them too far apart, because this
may lead to them being perceived as something unimportant. Make them an appropriate length
instead of only a few questions or a hundred pages long. Find that golden middle.

Suggestion Box

Now, suggestion boxes may seem like an ineffective way of collecting employee feedback, but
they can actually be quite helpful if they are set up the right way. If you already have a physical
suggestion box, try to find a place for it where everyone will see it. This will constantly remind
your employees to leave their suggestions there. You don’t have to constantly tell them to do it,
but if it’s sitting in a good place, it will be used more often than not. Don’t forget to check the box
regularly, and when you receive something, address the issue immediately. Failing to do so will
result in your workers deeming the suggestion box ineffective and their opinions worthless. One
of the reasons why suggestion boxes are so good is because of the anonymity that they provide.
These are perfect for those of your works who are reluctant to share their thoughts on formal
meetings and to your face and would rather do it anonymously. Alternatively, if you don’t have a
physical suggestion box, you can try the virtual option. Virtual suggestion boxes are easier in the
sense that you can get notified when someone leaves a message in them and they don’t take any
space. You can easily set up a free suggestion box online and tell your workers about it.

Types of feedback

1. Performance feedback:
This type of feedback is information given to an employee about how well they are doing their
job. It may include suggestions for improvement, positive criticism, or praise for good work.
2. Developmental feedback:
It is meant to help employees learn new skills or gain new knowledge that will help them advance
in their careers.
3. Coaching feedback:

This type of feedback is meant to help an employee improve certain skills, like leadership or

4. Appreciative and positive feedback:

This type of feedback is given to employees to show appreciation for their efforts, achievements,
and contributions.
5. 360-degree feedback:
This type of feedback involves getting feedback from different people, such as colleagues,
supervisors, and subordinates, to get a full picture of an employee’s performance evaluation.
6. Continuous feedback:
The feedback is given all the time, not just at certain times. It lets good work and a positive attitude
be noticed quickly, and negative behavior or performance be changed as needed. Many kinds of
feedback can help employees grow and improve in their jobs, which can be good for both the
employee and the organization.

In general, employee feedback should be collected with caution. Don’t approach your workers
with complaints about their performance. This is not about them right now. You are gathering
feedback about your own actions.

Avoid being defensive when they point out some mistakes they noticed. Nobody wants to share
their honest opinions when all they get in return are excuses. Own your mistakes and ask what
they would propose to make this aspect better.
In order to exclude the possibility of the employee faking their thoughts, try to show your openness
to hear what they have to say. Show that you are interested in them and their project and pay
attention to their body language to detect any negative thoughts going through their head. Feedback
is about listening. If you don’t listen to your employees, there is no way that the opinions you
collected will be effectively analyzed and lessons will be learned from them.

All in all, these are some of the four most effective ways to collect employee feedback. They are
proven to bring only real, unbiased opinions from your workers instead of making them opt for
faking their thoughts. Follow these tips and you should be able to get all the data you need.

3.2.2 Different forms of feedback

What is feedback?
Employee feedback is defined as a process of giving constructive suggestions to employees by
their reporting managers, supervisors, and peers. However, this process is not just restricted here.
It also comprises the positive and negative feedback that the employee would want to give to
his/her manager, peers, or the organization as a whole.
Feedback can help employees and the organization constantly get better at what they do. Employee
feedback is an integral part of the employee experience process and a mechanism that will
increasingly help employees get better at their job and for the organization develop a better
workplace culture. Employee feedback is crucial since it informs staff of their strengths and areas
for improvement. This inspires workers to excel at their jobs when it is given care. Additionally, it
strengthens ties between employees and management while creating space for an active two-way
feedback stream.
There are also extra advantages to think about. To begin with, more productive and engaged
employees are closely related to effective employee feedback. Honest employee and employer
feedback can help businesses and employees’ empowerments in many ways. In reality, providing
positive feedback or appropriate feedback at the right time may positively impact employee
engagement, performance, job happiness, and your company’s overall financial results.
Nevertheless, you should first comprehend the essential elements of successful feedback to benefit
from them. Let’s get started. Feedback is information about how someone is doing in their effort
to reach a particular set of goals. It comes in at least three formats:
1. Appreciation: recognizing and rewarding someone for great work. Appreciation connects
and motivates people, and it’s vital since intrinsic motivation is one of the critical factors
for high-performance.
2. Coaching: helping someone expand their knowledge, skills and capabilities. Coaching is
also an opportunity to address feelings, which helps balance and strengthen relationships.
3. Evaluation: assessing someone against a set of standards, aligning expectations and
informing decision-making.
3.2.3 Benefits of seeking feedback

Negative feedback corrective comments about past behavior. Focuses on behavior that wasn't
successful and shouldn't be repeated. Positive feedback affirming comments about past behavior.
Focuses on behavior that was successful and should be continued.

The four Fs are:

• Facts: An objective account of what happened
• Feelings: The emotional reactions to the situation
• Findings: The concrete learning that you can take away from the situation
• Future: Structuring your learning such that you can use it in the future
In the workplace, good feedback guides our actions to:
1. Self-regulate and respond to inner and outer expectations.
2. Maintain perspective about what’s valuable to accomplish.
3. Connect individual aspirations with company goals.
4. Create a sense of belonging to a tribe…or a team.
5. Increase intrinsic motivation and, as a result, performance.

What does good feedback look like?

We tend to assess feedback quality by examining three aspects:

directionality, frequency and urgency.
1) Good directionality means telling someone whether they are heading in the right
direction or they should change course.
Good directionality implies being specific and explicit. That’s the opposite of leaving people
wondering, “Is this good? Is this bad? Is this passive-aggressive? How am I supposed to translate
this into practice?”. Checking for common understanding eliminates anxiety. For example, saying,
“There’s no judgement behind this question, just help me understand.” or “This is not an
evaluation. I intend to offer you a bit of mentoring. Is my intention coming across clear? Is this
what you hear as well?”
2) Good frequency means providing feedback sooner than later.
As a rule of thumb, more frequent, directionally correct but incomplete feedback outperforms
more detailed and accurate but less frequent feedback. This means
that consistency and iteration are what makes feedback good.
3) Feedback urgency is about how soon we should provide/ask for feedback.
Unsurprisingly, the answer is sooner than later, but there’s also an optimal value. When you’re
30% into a task, that’s a good time to ask for feedback. There are many sources for this value. One
is the 30/60/90 Feedback Framework, and another is from Decision Theory, specifically, The
Stopping Rule, which is an optimization problem to help us decide whether to continue or stop a
given task based on where we are now. It’s useful for many real-life scenarios.
But there’s a caveat for both the frequency and urgency aspects: letting one overly negative or
positive voice trigger us into giving that feedback immediately, without thinking about the broader
context. The solution is to pause long enough to make a written note for ourselves as to why we’ve
decided to communicate that feedback. There’s a famous saying:
“If one person tells you that you’re a horse, smile at them. If two people say that you’re a horse,
give it some thought. If three people say that you’re a horse, go buy a saddle.” — Popular wisdom
What are good opportunities for feedback?
1) For individual accomplishments or improvements
• In 1:1s (“One-On-One method” Connecting individually with your employees on a regular
basis is fundamental to establishing a healthy and productive work environment.) to
commend performance or to coach for improvement.
• A congratulatory written message to the team acknowledging a significant individual
• A few moments at the end of the day to reflect on outstanding work we’ve noticed and
written simple Thank You notes to those individuals.
2) When a project is in progress.
• Regular retrospective meetings to review progress, analyze problems, anticipate upcoming
issues, praise individual and team achievements.
• Some practical techniques are Progress-Plan-Problems (PPPs) for Stand-ups and Mad-
Sad-Glad (or Start-Stop-Continue) Retros.
3) When a project has finished successfully.
• An All-Hands or Huddle meeting to congratulate the group effort and highlight
outstanding individual efforts.
• A congratulatory written message to all involved.
4) When a project has failed.
• A Post-Mortem meeting to analyze what went wrong with the emphasis on learnings and
how to apply those next time, reaffirm faith in the team and individual abilities, and
spotlight personal accomplishments.
5) Company reorganization or project change.
• A written message and a meeting to explain the reasons behind the change, the positive
impact to be expected, to tackle rumors and to acknowledge the natural anxiety associated
with change.
How can we provide good feedback?
use a three-step method for both 1:1s and Evaluations, which we prefer to call Pit Stops.
One to Ones
1. Establish rapport.
How are you?
And how is your family?
How are things at work?
2. Make people mindful of today.
What’s on your mind today?
And what else?
How can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you?
3. Appreciate, Coach or Evaluate.
Make explicitly clear which one it is.
Pit Stops
We’re the driver inside a racing car that stops for a few brief seconds to allow the team to
quickly adjust the wheels, check the oil, make sure we’re OK before sending us back on the
1. Review how things have gone so far.
What are you most proud of?
What opportunities have you found to help others in your team?
2. Talk about new learnings.
What have you improved based on your learnings so far?
3. Find opportunities for improvement or talk about what’s next.
What could you improve over the next three months?
Below are some helpful questions to start feedback conversations.
Assessment questions
1. What are the actions of this person?
2. What are the emerging behavioural patterns?
3. Who are they modelling their behaviour on?
4. What rules are they following?
5. How do they rationalize and explain their actions?
6. What kind of story do they tell?
Self-assessment questions
1. What stands between where I am now and where I want to be?
2. What fears drive my behaviour?
3. How can I adopt a perpetual learner mindset?
4. How can I be kind to myself and others?
5. How can I be authentic and do what’s right?
6. How can I learn about myself through others?
7. What does this moment teach me?
How can we receive feedback well?
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” — Popular wisdom
The flip side of providing good feedback, and of equal importance, is to graciously receive
feedback, filter the gold nuggets and use those well.
I can think of a few situations that typically get in the way and are worth acknowledging:
1) When we get negative feedback, we’re inclined to reply immediately.
That’s normal; we’re emotional human beings. The point is to make a conscious effort to listen to
understand, not to defend.
Understanding the other person’s perspective can help us uncover our blind spots, which are, by
definition, shortcomings that we can’t see for ourselves. For example, unless we record ourselves,
we can’t know if we get too animated in meetings, talk too loud, interrupt, etc. It’s great to be self-
aware, but it’s impossible to be self-aware 100% of the time.
2) It’s hard to receive feedback when the relationship with that person is not there.
This situation can happen, for example, when we haven’t established rapport with them, we don’t
trust them, or we don’t believe they’re credible enough to give us that feedback in the first place.
Same as in conflict resolution, the solution is to disentangle the Who from the What, the
other’s Intent and Impact from our Assumptions and Distortions that a negative relationship might
It’s also OK to accept feedback but not act on it. Either ignore it or save it for later when we
recover from an intense emotional state. I recently got triggered by someone’s assessment, but I
forced myself to ask them for more feedback. After my heart stopped racing, in private I found a
few actionable gold nuggets in what they said and discarded the rest.
3) It’s hard to receive feedback when we’re in an altered state of mind like an Identity
Aside from Impostor Syndrome, the Covid-19 pandemic has potentially exacerbated low self-
worth feelings, especially if we had to change course. We need to keep in mind that success is not
always the direct result of intelligence and hard work. It’s hard to accept, but the solution that
works for me is to see challenges as opportunities to be curious, learn and improve. What’s more,
a few kind words can help us get out of the rut, and a few bad ones can sink us further. That’s why
having a support network and a good manager, coach, mentor, and advocate makes a real
difference for wellbeing, performance and success. We found one idea behind the story of Johnny
Lingo and The Eight Cows (ignoring the outdated practices…) to be applicable in personal and
professional circumstances. If you want a performant individual or team, start by treating them
like one. In other words, encouragement and kindness beget greatness.

Where does feedback fit within the organizational culture?

The Holy Grail/treasure of any organization is to have productive and performant employees who
deliver value translatable towards the company’s bottom lines, and most companies are looking to
increase these two attributes directly. But trying to increase performance is like optimizing code
reusability, hoping that it will result in faster releases: it’s the wrong end goal. In our view is that
performance is the outcome of having two key ingredients: work satisfaction and intrinsic
What is the link between feedback, work satisfaction and intrinsic motivation?
1. Coaching helps people develop competence and mastery, provided they also
have autonomy in their work, which are key components of intrinsic motivation.
2. Recognition increases motivation because it’s a reward in itself.
We often tend to forget that it’s OK not to be satisfied every single day at work, but we can
celebrate small wins and recognize efforts as they happen.
3. Good feedback increases trust and normalizes hard conversations.
It makes it safe to be vulnerable and open to the fact that we don’t know all the things, all
the time, and that’s fine, as long as we’re responsible for our actions and demonstrate
continuous learning.
4. Good feedback promotes two-way accountability. We all know the famous saying that
“people don’t leave companies, they leave managers”.
Twenty years of research from Gallup concluded that the most important variable in employee
productivity and loyalty turns out to be not pay or perks but the quality of the relationship between
employees and their direct supervisors. If we want good managers, we have to give them good
feedback. It goes both ways: it’s their responsibility to ask for it and our responsibility to answer.


Knowledge refers to familiarity with factual information, but skills refer to the ability to apply
knowledge to specific situations. You can acquire knowledge through education, whereas gaining
skill often requires practice. Knowledge is both the theoretical and the practical information, facts
or skill which we acquire through experience or through learning. Our knowledge increases as we
gain more experience. A skill is an ability to do something well. A well-developed skill can make
us experts in a particular field. all good relationships depend on open, honest communication.
Whether you're sending emails or direct messages, or meeting face-to-face or on video calls, the
more effectively you communicate with those around you, the better you'll connect. The main
benefits of good working relationships are:

• Increased productivity – when people get along, they are naturally more productive
• Improved morale – you’ll be generally happier at work
• Effective teamwork – good relationships will positively impact working as a team
• Good for personal growth – you can benefit from the knowledge of your co-workers and
feel encouraged to succeed in your role
3.3.1 Identification of target groups

Target groups are individuals or groups (families, teams, organizations) that generally live in
a geographically circumscribed area (thus, in cities, individual municipal or rural districts).
The following questions will help you in describing the target group:
• Who are the members of the target group? How old are they?
• What geographic area do they come from (a particular city neighborhood, a rural district)?
• What is their social situation, family status, and/or education status? Do they have a
migration background?
• What is their financial situation? What problems are the target group facing? What are the
group’s potentials and strengths?
Descriptions of the existing situation and needs often emphasize target groups’ problems and
deficits. This is an obvious way forward, as most such projects are aimed at alleviating hardship.
However, it is equally important to consider positive aspects. Therefore, you should ask:
• What development opportunities does the target group have?
• What strengths, talents and resources do its members possess?
• What are target-group members’ wishes and hopes?
[act at multiple levels, and thus have more than one target group – for example, a project that
cares for neglected children (target group 1) while at the same time lobbying for children’s rights
(target group 2: politics and public)].
In the target group description, it is useful to distinguish between direct and indirect target
• The direct target group includes the individuals you want to target in an unmediated way
with your project activities, and among whom you want to achieve an effect. There may be
subgroups within direct target groups, which requires further differentiation within your
• The indirect target group includes persons in the general environment of the direct target
group. They often contribute to the project’s success within the direct target group. Because
they play an important intermediary role, indirect target groups should always be taken into

3.3.2 Identification of places for networking

Networking can be a great way to build your reputation and boost your career.

What is networking?

Networking is developing professional contacts through interactions with others in an industry.

You can not only find job prospects through networking, but you can also receive valuable tips for
improving at your job. Networking can also help you build friendships with like-minded
professionals that can eventually lead to jobs.

Why should you network?

Networking has several advantages for professionals. Here are some reasons you should network:

• Finding a job: The professional connections you make through networking may lead you
to a new job opportunity.
• Getting advice: Networking with more experienced professionals can allow you to get
advice that may help you advance in your career.
• Career development: Networking can offer you a chance to grow professionally. For
example, if you're in an entry-level position and you're ready to advance in your industry,
networking can help you strengthen your skills and find positions that fit your growing
• Helping others get jobs: Establishing and nurturing a professional network can also allow
you to help others find jobs, which can be a rewarding experience.
• Career changes: If you're thinking of pivoting to a new career, you can network with
professionals in the new industry to get valuable advice and learn about new job

Best places to network

If you're unsure where to begin your professional networking journey, here are 10 of the best places
to start and grow your professional network:

1. Professional associations
There are many benefits to joining professional associations. You can listen to guest speakers, learn
about innovations in your profession through professional development opportunities and network
with other people in the organization. Professional organizations can also have members-only job
boards, giving you access to more job opportunities. Most professional associations require you to
pay dues that help pay for events.

2. Job fairs

Job fairs can offer you the chance to speak with employers who are looking for qualified
candidates. This kind of networking can allow you to show employers that you're a qualified
candidate for their open roles. Even if you don't get hired for a job directly from a job fair, the
connections you make can still help you grow your professional network. You can bring some
business cards with you to the job fair and give them out to employers and other professionals to
help you make initial connections.
3. Public speaking events
Public speaking events are another great networking opportunity for professionals. Events with a
lineup of public speakers can give you a chance to learn about new topics or issues in your
profession. The speakers at these events can be great additions to your professional network. You
can also meet other professionals who attend these events.
4. Alumni events
Education can be a powerful connection in networking that can help you get a job or learn about
new opportunities. If you went to a college or university in your area, you can attend alumni events
to network with other alumni. If you're a new graduate in your industry, you can attend alumni
events to network for jobs. If you graduated a while ago, you can use alumni events to grow your
network. Networking with alumni can also allow you to help others find jobs in your industry.
5. Networking events
Your city or local Chamber of Commerce may periodically offer networking events where you can
meet new people and learn about job opportunities. These networking events may target a specific
industry, but they can still give you a chance to develop professional relationships and learn new
things if they're not specific to your industry. Diversifying your professional network with people
from different industries and backgrounds can help you grow your chances of finding a job.
6. Professional development classes
You can meet other people in similar industries while you improve your career skills through
professional development courses. Taking classes can allow you to network with people who are
in a similar position in their careers. It's also a great way to help young professionals grow their
careers by sharing your connections.
7. Professional conferences
Professional conferences can give you a chance to meet new people in your industry and reconnect
with professionals in your network. Conferences can also offer you the opportunity to get to know
industry professionals from other areas. Additionally, professional conferences can offer career
development opportunities like courses that you can use to improve your career skills.
8. Civic organizations
Staying active in your community through civic organizations can be a fun way to grow your
professional connections. Civic organizations can allow you to improve your community as you
meet new professionals who work in a variety of industries. These organizations can also give you
a chance to grow soft skills that you can use in your career, like communication and leadership
9. Charities and volunteer opportunities
Charities and volunteer opportunities can be beneficial in several ways. You can network while
volunteering for a cause you care about. This can allow you to meet like-minded individuals both
in and out of your industry. Networking while volunteering or performing charity work can also
help you communicate your work ethic and values while serving a worthy cause. For example,
volunteering as a server at a soup kitchen can show people you network with that you have strong
communication skills.
10. Cultural events
You can also grow your professional network while you enjoy events in your community. You can
learn about other cultures at events like symphony performances and art exhibits. Many booth
vendors at community events have day jobs in industries that may be related to your own. Also,
attending cultural events can allow you to connect with other attendees.
3.3.3 Required attitudes
In your workplace, while at your work, showcase your networking abilities by listening carefully
to your colleagues/manager and displaying a positive attitude towards everything. Also, seek to
develop professional relationships with other employees and showcase empathy and positive
thinking in every conversation. Major job attitudes and aspects of job attitude relate to employees,
work, and the work environment. Explore the types of general job attitudes and the elements
related to job attitudes to include satisfaction, involvement, engagement, and commitment.
Five Attitudes that Are Important in Workplaces
It may seem as if skills and experience are the most important characteristics of an employee, but
attitude plays just as big of a role. After all, what good are great professional skills without the
attitude to see it all through? There are five key attitudes that small businesses should seek out in
employees to ensure a harmonious professional environment and a productive staff.
Respect for Others
Respect in the workplace doesn't solely extend to the way employees interact with management.
People who have self-respect don't do managers' biding no matter what; they think for themselves
and present alternative ideas at times, but respectfully. Employees should also have a respectful
attitude when interacting with clients and customers as well as co-workers. Those with this type
of attitude are willing to treat other people politely and professionally, even if they disagree with
the other person's point of view.
Infectious Enthusiasm About Life

Someone who is enthusiastic about life in general radiates a positive energy that rubs off on
everyone around her. She dives into every project with interest, eagerly learns new skills and ideas
and quickly applies them to her work. Some people are born with positive energy, but it can also
be developed. Teach your staff to approach every situation, positive or negative, as a challenge and
an opportunity. Adopt a "glass half full" attitude in the company and encourage employees to build
on it. Soon they'll extend an enthusiastic attitude toward co-workers, customers and everything
they do.
Commitment to the Job
Small businesses need employees who are not only committed to the goals and initiatives that
affect the bottom line, but who also are committed to their particular positions. Employees project
a committed attitude by showing a willingness to do whatever it takes to fulfill the duties of their
positions and via the development of new ideas to make the company even better. When committed
individuals work together as a team towards company goals, everyone benefits.
Innovative Ideas and Finding New Ways
Employees with an innovative attitude don't shy away from trying something new or finding a
different way to do things. Small businesses need employees who can think outside of the box and
innovate new ways to accomplish existing tasks and approach goals. Employees with this type of
attitude know their ideas might not work out to be the best way to do something, but that the
biggest failure is not at least giving new ideas a shot.

Helpfulness with Others

It is important to have a helpful attitude at work, whether that means assisting clients and customers
with their needs or helping co-workers accomplish overall company goals. The more helpful an
attitude employees have; the more people want to be around them at work and the more willing
they are to partner with those employees on key projects and initiatives.

Positive attitudes help to develop the prevailing workplace environment that determines
employee morale, productivity and team building abilities. A negative attitude in the workplace
creates an atmosphere of distrust among employees and causes employees to attempt to achieve
success at the expense of each other.

3.3.4 Required skills

Critical thinking and problem solving. Teamwork and collaboration. Professionalism and strong
work ethic. Oral and written communications skills. Workplace skills promote a high level of
professionalism and increase productivity in the workplace. Employers value these skills and
always look out for candidates who exhibit them. If you're looking for a job, it's useful to show
employers that you possess these skills in your resume. Employees can also build and improve on
these skills to improve work performance. In this article, we look at what workplace skills are, the
top 10 workplace skills all employees can benefit from, and ways to improve them.

Top 10 Workplace Skills Every Employee Needs

What are workplace skills?

Workplace skills are skills that support your daily activities in the workplace and ensure your
productivity and success. They are useful skills for both securing a job and growing your career.
Workplace skills can be grouped into two categories:
Soft skills
Soft skills are the attributes that help you relate to other colleagues and clients while achieving an
organization's goals and objectives. These skills are common and relevant in every role. Examples
of soft skills include:
• communication skills
• critical thinking
• time management
• teamwork
• conflict management
• emotional intelligence
• work etiquette
• resilience
Hard skills
Hard skills, or technical skills, are gained through formal education, experience, and training. You
need to be proficient in such skills before you can successfully take on a job that requires them.
Examples include:
• IT skills
• data analytics
• coding
• specialized medical skills

10 must-have workplace skills

The following are workplace skills that every employee needs to have to thrive in an organization:

1. Communication skills
At every point in your career, you'll need to use your communication skills to sell your idea,
strategy, or products to others. Communication skills are needed in many situations, like delivering
team presentations, making profound contributions during conversations with others, or writing
business proposals. You also need to have strong communication skills to supply accurate
information to clients via any medium.

2. Problem-solving
Every employer looks out for problem-solving skills in potential new employees. Showing you
have these skills assures them that you can manage situations independently. You must be able to
assess challenges and identify the underlying source of any problem to find suitable solutions.
These skills also help you find long-lasting solutions within a short time frame, which is important
in any workplace today.
3. Adaptability
Adaptability is necessary for you to thrive in any workplace. As an employee, you must have a
passion for self-development and growth to accommodate new ideas, techniques, and
responsibilities. With adaptability as a skill, you can easily make adjustments to suit changes in
the workplace. You should also be able to adapt to different workplace cultures and work
effectively with various teams.
4. Negotiation
Negotiation skills are an effective tool any employee should have. You need negotiation skills for
closing deals with clients, settling disagreements between colleagues, discussing terms of
contracts, or trying to extend deadlines for projects. For instance, if you think you deserve a raise
or a promotion, you need strong negotiation skills to discuss this with your employer. Negotiation
skills are also valuable when drafting contracts with clients or assigning roles to team members. A
good negotiator also considers the other party to find mutually beneficial agreements.
5. Leadership
Leadership isn't just about delegating tasks, managing projects, and giving deadlines to team
members. It also involves taking on responsibilities and delivering results to meet company goals.
However, you don't have to be promoted to a managerial position to exhibit leadership skills in the
workplace. You can show leadership skills in any role by leading by example. And by acting as a
leader, your ability to influence, motivate, and encourage colleagues positively at all times is vital
for the company's success.
6. Empathy
Empathy is to imagine being in other people's condition. You can use it to relate to your colleagues'
emotions and feelings. This is beneficial when working in a team environment and making people's
thoughts and opinions feel valued. It helps you build trust and healthy working relationships with
your peers. It's also effective in sales roles when relating to customers.
Empathy is a key factor for building strong social connections, which is very important for
collaboration in the workplace. Empathy makes it easy for you to understand what people are
feeling or going through and respond appropriately to those feelings.
7. Creativity
Creativity means the ability to make use of ideas and solution-oriented imagination to approach a
situation. Being creative involves trying out something with a fresh approach, developing new and
clever ways to solve a problem, and improvising plans. Creative employees always question
processes and look out for ways to improve. Employers value people who can come up with unique
ideas and solutions to challenges.
8. Time management
Time management helps employees prioritize tasks in their order of urgency and importance. To
ensure efficiency and organization in the workplace, you must be conscious of the time allocated
for projects and tasks to meet deadlines. When you manage your time effectively, you deliver
quality work on time, become more productive, and create even more time for your leisure and
9. Technical skills
Technical skills play a vital role in the daily operations of every workplace. These skills vary
drastically between roles and industries, but can be transferrable in some cases. For example,
understanding data analytics is a technical skill that can apply to several roles. Technical skills are
quantifiable abilities specific to a role or industry. For example, performing a surgical operation
on a patient is a technical skill that only well-trained medical professionals can do successfully.
Roles in the scientific, mechanical, medical, artistic, and IT sectors commonly require extensive
technical skills.
10. Teamwork
Teamwork is a workplace skill that contributes to the overall success of an organization. Teamwork
skill includes paying attention to the contributions of your team members, embracing other
employees' suggestions, and sharing responsibilities. Working as a team leads to better execution
of plans and goals. Regardless of how experienced or successful you are in your career, there's
always room to improve on new and existing skills
3.3.5 Important notes when meeting a person
How many times in your life have you been told to “make a good first impression”? Your first day
of school. Your first day at a new job. Your first date, etc. Yes, life is full of “first impressions”!
How many have you screwed up? While it is important to make a good first impression,
your last impression is well, more lasting. It is by definition the last time someone or an
organization will see you so it a forever impression. Life is full of moments where we make an
impact on other people and this is especially true at work. We can’t always control how we are
perceived at every moment. But we do have two instances when we can imprint how we will be
perceived – the first and last impression.
First impressions last. Whether they are accurate or not, it normally takes a long time and
concerted effort to change a first impression. Because they are largely subconscious, first
impressions are very persistent. Even in the face of contrary evidence. Because of our implicit
biases and cognitive biases, we see the world and other people through our own set of filters and
make decisions based on them. All of your relationships are affected by the first impression that
you make. If people’s first impression of you is that you are friendly, competent, and trustworthy,
they are more likely to feel comfortable around you. They are then more likely to consider you a
friend and open up to you.
People you meet are also more likely to remember you and recommend you to their friends and
coworkers. Because of this, making a good first impression impacts your networking. This kind
of social capital can have far-reaching effects on both your personal and professional life. Other
people will spread their good opinions about you. If the first impression that you create includes
competency, this will instill confidence in others of your abilities and skills. They are more likely
to trust that you can perform the tasks assigned to you and achieve the goals that have been set.
This can provide you with greater latitude in how you perform your tasks and achieve your goals.
On their own, each of the above is a good example of why first impressions matter. When you
combine their effects, a good first impression becomes even more important. Creating a good first
impression can generate a lot of personal power. A good first impression also tends to provide
opportunities. Potential customers would be more likely to become actual customers. Referrals
through networking can result in new job offers. And a good first impression can improve
our chances of promotion when you’re evenly matched on skills and experience with other
9 tips for making a great first impression
Now that we’ve covered why first impressions are so important, here are some tips to nail that
first meeting.
1. Make eye contact
Eye contact is a nonverbal form of communication. Making eye contact is taken as a show of
honesty and as a way of showing respect to the person that you are talking to. Maintaining eye
contact also shows that you’re paying attention to the other person and listening to what they are
saying. Try to make eye contact before you start talking, and maintain regular eye contact during
your conversation. You do, however, need to know the difference between eye contact and staring
someone down. In her book, How To Talk To Anyone, Leil Lowndes recommends a 60/40 mix,
with 60% eye contact being the ideal goal to indicate paying attention without aggression.
2. Smile
A sincere smile puts people at ease and makes people feel welcome. A genuine smile reaches your
eyes and creates an impression of trust and sincerity. If your smile reaches your eyes, it will be
seen even if you are wearing a mask. If you feel a tightening of the muscles around your eyes, you
know that your smile shows in your eyes.
3. Dress for the occasion
What you wear greatly contributes to your first impression. Caroline Dunn and Lucette Charette
of The National Research Council of Canada found that “People are affected by your appearance,
whether or not they realize it, and whether or not they think appearance is important.”
In short, what you wear has consequences. Make sure that your clothing is appropriate for the
situation. Dressing too casually for a job interview is likely to create the impression that you aren’t
serious about the job.
4. Be authentic
People can be remarkably quick to pick up on insincerity, so it pays to be yourself. Constant worry
about whether you are saying or doing the right thing often comes across as insincerity as well.
Being authentic means knowing your strengths and weaknesses and communicating them in a
considerate way.
5. Be a good communicator
A good communicator listens more than they talk. A good guideline for this is to talk only a third
as much as you listen. Listening more shows that you are being attentive and lets the other person
feel heard. As founder of First Impressions Ann Demarais points out, people always remember
how you made them feel. If you communicate clearly and listen well, people will enjoy their
interactions with you.
6. Use positive body language
Body language is a large part of communication. Some basic guidelines for positive body language
• Stand or sit up straight, and hold your head up. You will present yourself as comfortable and
• Avoid crossing your arms or legs. This subconsciously closes you off from the other person.
• Offer your hand for a good, firm handshake that is confident but not crushing.
7. Be empathetic
Pay attention to the emotional well-being of the person that you are talking to. Empathizing with
someone can contribute to a strong connection. It demonstrates that you understand them
8. Do your research and come prepared
Doing some basic research can help you understand the context and environment that you will be
in. It can help you dress appropriately and guide you to the formality of language that will be
suitable. You may also discover information about other people you can use to start a conversation
with them. Preparing beforehand will make you feel more at ease and will also show that you
are interested and focused.
9. Act confidently
Acting confident, even if you don’t feel brave, will create an impression of confidence. This
appearance of self-assurance will contribute to a better first impression.
Dos and don’ts of first impressions
Here are some general customs to follow for a first meeting to ensure you make a good
• Be overbearing. This is often the result of talking too much and not listening enough.
This creates the impression that you aren’t interested in the other person or what they
have to say.
• Interrupt when others talk. In many cultures, interrupting someone comes across as
very rude. Not only does it communicate that you aren’t really listening, it often upsets
the interrupted person.
It also creates the impression that you are more interested in hearing yourself speak and value
your own opinion more than that of others.
• Be constantly on your phone. Once in a while, we should all take a digital detox to
overcome our device dependence. If you are constantly on your phone, you create the
impression that you aren’t paying attention. It also communicates that you aren’t
interested in the other person.
• Try too hard. Trying too hard is often obvious and makes you seem insincere. It can
create the sense that you are prepared to do almost anything to create a good impression,
even if that means overstating your abilities.
• Read the room. Taking a moment to read a room gives you time to gather yourself. It
can also guide your behavior by providing contextual information about levels of
formality and language style.
• Use different types of listening. Understanding and using the different types of
listening enable you to communicate more effectively.
Other people will pick up on whether you are an effective listener or not. This will contribute to
their impression of you.
• Be optimistic. Being optimistic will contribute to a positive atmosphere. People enjoy
being around optimists. A sense of cheerfulness will have a positive effect on the
impression that you create.
• Ask open and closed questions. Asking open questions shows that you’re interested and
attentive. Asking closed questions shows that you focus on what’s important.
Here are some ideas for questions you can ask:
• What led you to this career?
• What’s the most exciting part of your job and why?
• What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?
• Who inspires you?
• Where did you work before this position?
• Do you have any hobbies?
• What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
• What’s something you’re proud of?
By asking a mix of open and closed questions, you show others that you have these skills, which
builds a positive first impression.
How to recover from making a bad first impression
Overcoming a bad first impression can sometimes seem like an almost impossible task. It isn’t. It
just takes consistent effort and time. Below are some guidelines to get you started in overcoming
a bad first impression.

Accept the bad first impression and identify where you went wrong
Only by accepting the bad first impression can you begin to identify where you went wrong. Self-
awareness will help you identify what you need to do differently and why. Once you have
identified where you went wrong (or what went wrong), you can take corrective action.

Admit your mistake and apologize if necessary

Admitting your mistake to yourself can often be the hardest part. But after that, admitting your
error to others is easier. Important to remember is that just because you made a bad first impression,
it doesn’t mean it was always you or your fault. What is important is being able to identify what
went wrong, not beat yourself up over it. Apologizing for your mistake (if necessary) shows that
you are aware and interested in improving the person’s first impression of you. An apology can go
a long way to overcoming a bad first impression.

Focus on the future

Don’t dwell on the bad first impression. Once you have accepted and admitted it, focus on the
actions you are going to take to improve the first impression.
Dwelling on the bad first impression will only make it harder for you to recover from it.

Be consistent with your positive actions

It’s important to be consistent with your positive actions. Your consistency will show sincerity.
You also need to be consistent because, unfortunately, any lapse in your positive actions will
reinforce the bad first impression.

Make your first impression count

A good first impression can provide many benefits. It offers you advantages, both short and long
term, in your personal and professional life. The guidelines above can set you on the path to
mastering the art of creating a good first impression. With attention to detail and practice, you can
create an impression that lasts. For all the right reasons. For assistance and support in developing
these and other skills, talk to our coaches at BetterUp. All this will help you to excel.

So, my advice is to try not to blow the first impression and even more important, pay attention
to the last one.
The barriers to goals attainment include:

1. Psychological barriers such as social attitudes, beliefs about depression and stigmas.
2. Logistical barriers such as transportation and availability of services.
3. Illness-related barriers that are either modifiable or not such as depression severity,
comorbid anxiety, cognitive status, etc.

Further readings

1. Harry Tomlinson, 2004, Educational leadership: personal growth for Professional

development, London, new Dehli, ISBN 0 761967761.
2. Richard Templar, (2010). The rules of work: a definitive code for personal success,
expanded edition, USA, ISBN-10 :0-13-707206-6 / ISBN-13: 978-0-13-707206-6.
3. Ebook, BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development.
4. Peter Wilkinson, (2015). Unstoppable-using the power of focus to take action and achieve
your goals, UK, ISBN 978-0-857-08582-5.
5. Simon Beausaert, Mien Segers and Wim Gijselaers, (2011). International Journal of
Training and Development 15 :4 ISSN 1360-3736: The Personal Development Plan
Practice Questionnaire: the development and validation of an instrument to assess the
employee’s perception of personal development plan practice.
6. John C Trinder, (2008). Competency standards – a measure of quality of a workplace, the
international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information
sciences, school of of surveying & SIS, The university of New South Wales, UNSW SYDNEY
NSW 2052, Australia.
7. Gerard Egan, (2014). The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity
Development Approach to Helping, Tenth Edition, USA, ISBN-13 :978-1-285-06571-7 /
ISBN-10: 1-285-06571-9.

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