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The progression of human civilization throughout the ages has brought about a great number
of developments in the way of life of every living being in the planet. From the early
civilizations and tribal communities where the art of the hunt and scavengery was their
primary way of living to the vast progression and advancement in technological conveniences
of the human civilization.
Technology has been a great ally to the human’s way of living and development, records
throughout the years dating from very first technological advancement to the present has
shown a great amount in the ease of access, systemization and comforts of modern living. But
amidst being our great ally, technology is also a great foe in our social and psychological
states of well-being.
Since the correlation of humanity and technology is visible present, technology plays a
systematical role in human social communications. One can say that technology and
communication are two distinctive concepts that are intertwined with one another. It is a
definite fact that social interactions have been made accessibly simpler with the help of the
modern technological advances forged by the intellectual minds of our predecessors giving
rise to the concept of globalization in the modern era.


Technology has greatly proven its impact in community, proving its role to make lives easier
more and more apparent. It’s true essence and meaning is more complex and abstract than
one may ascertain and claim, for its definite meaning depends on one’s own personal
understanding of the matter.

Techne Logos


Technology is the scientific application of man’s knowledge and discovery to promote an

easier way of life and is also phrased as the change and manipulation of the human
environment. The word technology comes from the two Greek words Techne and Logos,
whereas Techne is defined as art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is
gained and Logos is defined as word, the utterance by which inward thought is expressed, a

Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023

saying, or an expression. By this in all technicality Technology literally means words or
discourse about the way things are gained. With time however, the definition of the word has
greatly changed and has gained a number of definitive meanings based on usage and of
purpose. (Funk, 1999).


Technological Technological

Technology Technological
as a subset Knowledge

Firstly, in the technological process, technology is the rational process of creating means to
order and transform matter, energy, and information to realize certain valued ends.
Technology is defined to be the coherent means of creation and transformation of a particular
matter into valuable assets that meets a particular purpose.
Secondly, as technological objects, technology is the set of means (tools, devices, systems,
methods, procedures) created by the technological process. These technological objects are
tangible/observable matter/concepts created by the technological process of creation and
transformation ranging from the basic of necessities such as the humble ballpoint pen to the
complex systems of transportation presently apparent in the world today.
Third, in technological knowledge, it is defined as the knowledge that makes the
technological process possible. It consists of the facts and procedures necessary to order and
manipulate matter, energy, and information, as well as how to discover new means for such
Fourth, a technology is a subset of related technological objects and knowledge. Computer
technology and medical technology are examples of technologies.
And lastly, in the technological systems, technology is the system consisting of the
technological process, technological objects, technological knowledge, developers of
technological objects, users of technological objects, and the worldview (i.e., the beliefs
about things and the value of things that shape how one views the world) that has emerged
from and drives the technological process. This is what Jacques Ellul referred to as the
technological system. In the remainder of this article, I will use all five senses, but when I use
the term technology by itself, I mean the fifth and most comprehensive sense (Funk, 1999).

The word “communication” comes from the Latin word communicare, which means to share,
impart or transmit (Weekley, 1967). It is also defined as the process of understanding and
sharing meaning (Pearson & Nelson, 2000). The word communication’s meaning does not

Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023

conform to one given meaning and instance, it’s meaning differs from each individual but the
whole gist of its definitive meaning is that it is a process of transmitting and sharing of
information or message from one party to another through a means/platform known as
medium to be able to give meaning and understanding on a particular subject matter. It is the
most vital and distinctive characteristic which distinguishes man from other beings.
The four key words that give communication meaning are: (1) Process, (2) Understanding,
(3) Sharing and 4 (Meaning). These are the main variables that make up the whole gist of




The first keyword is Process, a dynamic activity that is hard to describe because it is ever
changing (Pearson & Nelson, 2000). It is a series of actions and/or decisions made in order to
achieve a particular end goal.
The second is Understanding, the cognitive ability to comprehend and perceive a particular
subject matter may it be abstract or physical. “To understand is to perceive, to interpret, and
to relate our perception and interpretation to what we already know” (McLean, 2003).
The third is Sharing, the means of collaboration and correlation. It is a collaborative process
for it is the means of doing something/partaking in something with another being. It is a
correlative process for it occurs when one expresses his/her understanding, conveying of
thoughts, ideas, feelings and insights to another person or in particular instances with one’s
own consciousness in the process known as intrapersonal communication.
And the last is Meaning, it is the vital purpose and goal of the communication process and is
what is conveyed through communication.


The communication process is comprised of six (6) primary essential components and these
components are what build up a successful communication process. These components are
vital and serve a particular purpose in their own part in the whole process. These components
are as follows; (1) Source, (2) Message, (3) Channel, (4) Receiver, (5) Feedback, and
(6) Interference/Noise.



Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023
The Source is the origin and starting point of every communication process they may be an
individual, a group or an organization. They are the ones that envision, create and send the
message to a particular or general end point. The source is the one in-charge of encoding the
message so as to begin the communication process.
The Message is the stimulus or the information or data created/encoded by the source for the
audience or receiver. It may be an idea, thought, knowledge, opinion, truth, feelings, etc.
These messages may come in any form particularly chosen by the source for conveyance. It
may be in the form of a spoken speech or word of mouth, body language, appearance, written
format, recorded audio and so on.
The Channel is the mode of transmission or the medium by which the message is transmitted
from the source to the receiver. The channel is the lifeline of the whole communication
process and without a channel/medium communication would be void or nonexistent. The
communication channel is categorized either of the following categories; (1) verbal, (2)
written and (3) non-verbal.
The Receiver is the one the message is being conveyed to. “They receive the message from
the source, analyzing and interpreting the message in ways both intended and unintended by
the source” (McLean, 2005). The receiver is the endpoint of the two-way process that is
communication. Their main role is the whole process is to receive, decipher and understand
the message being conveyed by the source by the use of the senses. When the receiver has
fully understood the message received, the purpose of the communication process is
Feedback is the response made by the receiver upon the receipt of the message from the
source. In an interaction it is when the receiver sends back a message to the source. These
feedback signals that the receiver has accurately/poorly understood what the message the
source wants to convey. It is the point of agreement and clarification is the whole
communication process. It is said that when the amount of feedback increases, the accuracy
also increases (Leavitt & Mueller, 1951).
Another element is the Noise also called as the sound barrier or interference. It is the internal
or external factor that creates disturbances during communication. It is anything that blocks
or changes the source’s intended meaning of the message (McLean, 2005).
The internal factors also described as psychological noise is linked to a person’s mind,
consciousness or state of being. This type of noise arises whenever our mind is preoccupied
or flooded with certain thoughts, feelings or emotions.
Externals factors/noise on the other hand, are the interference in the environment. This type
of noise, in most cases, is beyond man’s control. These are loud sounds, music, sirens and
horns, gusts of wind and other extraneous sounds that causes distractions. External noise can

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also arise through the disruptions of other senses such as temperature, amount of
light/darkness etc.
The last interference is called Semantic Noise. From the word semantic which refers to
language, this type of barrier occurs when an unknown or foreign language/symbol is
introduced. Included in this group are foreign language, jargon or high-level languages.


The communication process is defined as a two-way process and involving a number of
elements for it to function as a whole process. Researches have examined and constructed
different models by which they believe the communication process occurs. The models of
communication are interpreted into three categorical paradigms; (1) Linear Model, (2)
Interactive Model and (3) Transactional Model.


The linear model, as the name implies, defines that communication process is a one-way
process that the source encodes the messages and is decoded by the receiver and ends with
the receiver.
The most known examples of this model is David Berlo’s S-M-C-R Model and the
Claude Shannon-Warren Weaver Model of Communication.

Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023

The interactive model, looks into communication as a two-way process involving the
exchange of ideas, thoughts and information from the source and the receiver. In this model
the source and the receiver interchange roles to communicate and exchange messages. This
model also highlights the importance of the feedback and its vital role in the whole
communication process.
The most known examples of this model is the Charles Osgood and Wilbur Schramm


The transactional model, implies that communication is a two-way process between two or
more people and it occurs in an ongoing exchange of messages where both the sender and
receiver influence what is communicated. It also implies that in the whole process, people’s
shared understanding is built within the context of consistent communication and interaction.
The most known examples of this model is the Dean Barlund’s General Transaction Model.

Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023

Communication is the human staple of interaction, understanding and learning. Humans are
considered as social beings, for we engage with other beings by communicating with one
another in a social fashion where we gain knowledge and leaning leading to our own personal
Communication is key and basis of having good interpersonal relationships. It is the very
foundation and cornerstone to a long-lasting and healthy relationship. When a person neglects
to communicate their thoughts, feelings, etc. to another being it would be bound for
misunderstanding among individuals. Regular engagements among individuals are a great
way in strengthening and growing one’s relationship.
Human relationships are like a pyramidal stack of cards, when one removes a single card
among the stack the whole pyramid will collapse down itself leaving nothing but a pile of
cards. Human relationships are as unstable as the stack of cards, one wrong move or
misunderstanding all will fall into ruin and the relationship will never be the same even if one
tries to fix it back up. It may either turn up even greater or a strengthened relationship amidst
the adversity or never be the same and would be worse than what it was before. This is the
very idea of human interaction bound by the regularity of communication.


Technology has been a great ally in interactive globalization. The use of technological
advancements has greatly influenced the way people socialize with one another and it has
made it easy to connect with other people from far and wide around the globe. It has shown a
steady influence in connectivity and its comparable height from the traditional ways of
Technology’s main purpose of making human’s way of life easier has already taken its full
glory but it has not taken any setbacks for it continues to do so. It has greatly influenced the
human’s way of life in more ways than one and more so in the field of communication,
human interaction and relations.
The traditional way of communicating from long distances such has hand written letters and
documents has been made easy with the use of technology’s electronic mailing systems or
e-mails which is now used not only in personal conversations but also in the public and
business industries. With the help of the world wide web and internet connectivity connecting
to people from different locations on earth is made possible. In the field of business moguls,
transactions can be done more easily and more immediate manner rather than expecting a
response depending on the postal delivery difference of the past.
Another technological advancement introduced is the compact hand-held communication
devices which is now globally used for communication called as the mobile phone or
cellphone. Unlike its predecessor the telephone, it is a compact device one can carry
anywhere and with the right components and applications one can access the world wide web
in just a swipe of a finger. Among the features of this technological device are the application

Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023

one can install through a legitimate application store already installed in the device such as
the Google Play Store for android devices and the Apple App. Store for apple devices. Within
this online store are applications one can download and install to fully enjoy their services
such as the Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Viber, WeChat, Skype, Zoom, etc.
Presently, there are other devices that support the type of format and compactness of the
mobile devices that one can gain access to these modernizations in global communication
such as the tablet and the laptops. These are the modern-day innovations that make
communication in the global age easily accessed by anyone, anytime and anywhere in the
world such as the present role of technology in the modern-day human communications.


Technology has truly dominated humanity’s way of living, more so, in the ways people
interact and garner their relationships. The true essence of human interaction and
communication in today’s modern world is codependency on technological advancement.
Technology has truly made its way in the influential aspect of human relationships. A person
may be miles away from another but with a simple technological gadget, the distance is made
as not a hindrance for communication and interaction. Transactions in different business and
public entities is just a click away, delivery of a package is shortened and hastened,
information dissemination is easily disseminated, etc. These are few of the many influences
technology has already made in human interaction and relationships.
“Technoference,” from the words technology and interference, refers to the interruptions in
the interpersonal communication caused by close attention to technological devices. This
occurrence arises from the house setting to public interactive setting. People chose to
communicate through these devices rather than face-to-face to avoid the hassle and bustle of
direct interaction.


Funk, K., 1999. Oregon State University - College of Engineering. [Online]

Available at:,a

Leavitt, H. & Mueller, R., 1951. Some Effects of Feedback on Communication.

McLean, S., 2003. The Basics of Speech Communication.

McLean, S., 2005. The Basics of Interpersonal Communication. p. 10.

Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023

Pearson, J. & Nelson, P., 2000. An introduction to human communication: Understanding and
sharing. An introduction to human communication: Understanding and sharing.

Weekley, 1967. An etymological dictionary of modern English (Vol. 1).

Jay Bisa Fabilane | August 31, 2023

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