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ares eros ‘ ‘wospatict Ntespene’ aerospatiale = DIVISION AVIONS = Direction des SYSTEMES et de l'AVIONIQUE 316, route de Bayonne 31060 TOULOUSE Cedex 03 / FRANCE TEL: 39/ ~ TELEX: AlSPA 531846 F GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ARINC DATA BUS READER 35-5M0-301-0000 Issue : Aug 30/88 : Aug 30/88 BB cerospatole GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5M0-301 RECORD OF REVISIONS REV No REVISION DATE INSERTION REV DATE sy |} %° REVISION DATE INSERTION DATE BY ROR Page 1 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL SB cerospatiate cog ees” LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES CHAP TER/ CHAPTER/ SECTION PAGE DATE EECaTOH PAGE DATE TITLE PAGE 1 | Aug 30/88 || 1-1 30 | Aug 30/88 1-1 31 | Aug 30/88 RECORD OF 1-1 32 | Aug 30/88 REVISIONS 1 | Aug 30/88 || 1-1 33 | Aug 30/88 1-1 34 | Aug 30/88 LIST OF EFFEC 1-1 35 | Aug 30/88 TIVE PAGE 1 | Aug 30/aa || 1-1 36 | Aug 30/88 1-2 1 Aug 30/88 1-CONTENTS 1 Aug 30/88 || 1-2 2 Aug 30/88 1-2 3 | Aug 30/88 1-1 1 Aug 30/88 || 1-2 4 Aug 30/88 a-1 2 | Aug 30/88 1-1 3 Aug 30/88 || 1-3 L Aug 30/88 1-1 4 | aug 30/88 1-1 5 | aug 30/ae || 1-4 1 | aug 30/88 1-1 6 | aug 30/88 1-1 7 | aug 30/88 || 1-5 1 | Aug 30/88 1-1 8 | aug 30/88 || 1-5 2 | aug 30/88 1-1 9 | Aug 30/88 a-1 10 | Aug 30/88 1-1 11 Aug 30/88 1-1 12 | Aug 30/88 1-1 13 Aug 30/88 a-1 14 | Aug 30/88 1-1 15 | Aug 30/88 1-1 16 | Aug 30/88 1-1 17. | Aug 30/88 l-1 1g | aug 30/88 l-1 19 | Aug 30/88 1-1 20 | Aug 30/88 1-1 21 | Aug 30/88 1-1 22 | Aug 30/88 1-1 23 | Aug 30/88 i-1 24 | Aug 30/88 a-1 25 | Aug 30/88 a-1 26 | Aug 30/88 1-1 27 | Aug 30/88 1-1 28 | Aug 30/88 a-1 29 | Aug 30/88 LEP Page 1 Aug 30/88 ZB oerospaticle GENERAL INFORMATION and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Description A. General B. Presentation GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5MO-301 CHAPTER 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS C. Description of ADBR test case D. Description of ADBR storage case E. Functional description General Description Description Description Description arose Operation A. Start-up of ARINC 429 operating mode of A.I.M. operating mode of WIRING operating mode of EDIT MEMORY operating mode B. Operating instructions (1) General (2) Selection of operating mode Specifications and capabilities Shippin: Storage CHAPTER/ = PAGE SECTION q-1 1 1-1 2 i-1 2 i-1 6 1-1 6 i-1 6 1-1 9 1-1 17 1-1 26 i-1 31 1-2 1L 1-2 Ll 1-2 3 1-2 3 1-2 3 1-3 1 1-4 1 1-5 a 1-CONTENTS Page 1 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB cerospotiole 35~SMO-301 ARINC DATA BUS READER GENERAL INFORMATION and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Description A. General The ARINC DATA BUS READER (ADBR) P/N 35-5M0-301-0000 serves to check the various ARINC buses (78 buses max.) of the A320 aircraft. The check concerns : - the ARINC bus wiring (WIRING mode) - the information present on the ARINC bus (ARINC 429 mode and A.I.M. mode). The ARINC bus wiring check (WIRING mode) is made by checking for a specific label on each of the buses under test. The check of the ARINC bus information is made + - in ARINC 429 mode by acquisition and display of the useful information (bits 9 to 32) of the ARINC words present on the ARINC buses (1 or 2 ARINC words displayed simultaneously). = in A.I.M. mode by acquisition and display of the maintenance messages (label 356) present on the ARINC buses (3 out of 13 lines displayed simultaneously). The result of the wiring check in WIRING mode and the information acquired in ARINC 429 mode and A.I.M. mode can be stored in a non-volatile memory or printed out. The content of this non-volatile memory can be displayed, printed out or transmitted in EDIT MEMORY mode. a-1 Page 1 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB corospatiole 35-5M0-301 B. Presentation (Ref. Figure 1) The ADBR is in the form of two small grey cases : - an ADBR test case (P/N : 35-5M0-301-1000) - an ADBR storage case (P/N : 35-5M0-301-2000) equipped with + two cable looms (P/N : 35-5M0-301-3000) + one memory module (P/N : 35-5M0-301-1100) containing the A320 software (P/N : 35-5M0-301-9000) ©. Description of ADBR test case (Ref. Figure 2) Externally, the ADBR test case includes : - a handle for carrying, - four feet located on the rear face (transport position), - four feet located on the lower face (utilization position), - two fasteners for closing the cover, - two identification plates stuck to the cover, - one inspection label stuck to the rear face. Internally, the ADBR test case includes a control panel attached by 10 screws accommodating : 1 an ON/OFF switch, - a fuse holder (FUSE) equipped with a 2A delay fuse, - a connector (PWR) for connection to the 28 VDC power supply, - two connectors (J1 and J2) for connection of 78 ARINC bus inputs, = two connectors (A and B) for connection of two ARINC bus inputs. 1-1 Page 2 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL Boerospatiote 5-5MO-301 MAKEUP OF STORAGE CASE 35.5M0.301. 2000 TMemory module 38.5M0.201.1100) 2cable loom 38, 5MO.301, 3000] RING DATA BUS READER 38.5M0. 301 STORAGE CASE z ss MAKE.UP OF ASI 35. 5M0. 301. 2000 oo La a) TEST CASE 35.5M0.301. 1000 Presentation of Figure 1 asl Page 3 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB corospotiate 35-5M0-301 - one. connector (RS232) for connection of an RS232C link, - a protective grille for the fan, - a printer paper guard, - a paper cutter, - a four-line forty-character liquid crystal display for displaying the control messages and acquired information, - twenty-four light-emitting diodes (A 32-9) for display of the first ARINC 429 word in binary form (wired on LED DISPLAY card) - twenty-four light-emitting diodes (B 32-9) for display of the second ARINC 429 word in binary form (wired on LED DISPLAY card) - 16 numerical keys for configuration, acquisition and processing commands. An opening enables insertion of the memory module containing the software. - Eleven vent holes enable inlet of the air exhausted by the fan. The following components are attached to the inner side of the control panel : - a 24-column line printer, - a PRINT card acting as printer control interface, - a LED DISPLAY card equipped with 48 light-emitting diodes, - a backplane equipped with : © a SUPPLY card, + a CPU card, + two ARINC ACQUISITION cards. An identification plate is stuck to the inside of the cover. 1-1 Page 4 Aug 30/88 ARINC DATA BUS READER Page 5 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL Bcerospoticie 35-5M0-301 Description of the ADBR storage case (Ref. Figure 3) Externally, the storage case includes : a handle for carrying, - four feet located on rear face (transport position), - four feet located on lower face (utilization position), - two fasteners for closing the cover, - two identification plates stuck to the cover - one inspection label stuck to the rear face. Internally, the ADBR test case includes - a panel attached by four screws which accommodates the A320 plug-in software memory module, ~ two cable looms for connections between the ADBR test case and the A320 aircraft, - an identification plate stuck to the inside of the cover. Functional description (1) General For checking the various ARINC buses, the ADBR test case has four operating modes : ARINC 429 A.I.M. WIRING EDIT MEMORY. asl Page 6 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB cerospaticle 35-5M0-301 \ Presentation of ADBR Storage Case Figure 3 Page 7 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB cerospotiate 35-5M0-301 The first three operating modes can be split into three Phases : = configuration - acquisition with : + display oO ] except for ARINC 429 mode + memorization - processing. The last mode (EDIT MEMORY) is an aid to the processing phase of the A.I.M. and WIRING modes if memorization sub- phase is requested. This mode is split into three phases : = configuration - read with : + display + print-out + emission ~ processing. These four operating modes comprise the main menu of the ADBR (Ref. Figure 4). Main menu (ARINC “475 Goa Cmine—] (EDIT MEMORY] T T T T See Figure 5 See Figure 6 See Figure 7 See Figure 8 Main Menu Flowchart Figure 4 qe. Page 8 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 3B corospotiole 35-5M0-301 (2) Description of ARINC 429 operating mode (Ref. Figure 5) (a) Configuration phase The configuration phase of the ARINC 429 menu comprises 5 levels : - choice of number of labels to be acquired, - choice of ARINC bus transmitting the 1st label to be acquired, - loading of value of the 1st label, - choice of value of SDI of Ist label, ~ choice of display mode for the 24 useful bits. If "2 labels" choice is validated for first level, the configuration phase comprises four additional levels : ~ choice of ARINC bus transmitting the 2nd label to be acquired, - loading of value of 2nd label, - choice of value of SDI of 2nd label, - choice of display mode for the 24 useful bits. Choice of number of labels to be acquired The 1st level of the ARINC 429 menu enables the following choices : - 1 LABEL - 2 LABELS - main menu. The choice of 1 LABEL enables acquisition of one label and display of the content of the 24 useful bits of this label on the lst line of the screen in the form defined at 5th level and on diodes A (32-9) in binary form. a-1 Page 9 Aug 30/88 Bicorospatiole Configuration phase 35-5MO-301 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL oaasEr i cae TASES | (Gain men Lo Ll eT Gee Ge] eT Let CoE] (00x, oxy, x¥z) main menu. U win casbioo] sobor co] Gin] tama {od (For_second label) ce d Bin (ayns7] (ain meno Acquisition phase [Processing phase Tabels selected starts Aquisition of 1 (or 2) label(s) Display of 1st label on Ist line of screen and on diodes A (32-9) Display of 2nd label on 2nd line of screen and on diodes B (32-9) aS Ga ARINC 429 Menu Flowchart. Figure 5 ration main nono | —4 Page 10 Aug 30/88 BB cerospotiale In GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5MO=301 The choice of 2 LABELS enables acquisition of two labels and display of the content of the 24 useful bits of the 1st label as for 1 label choice and the content of the 24 useful bits of the 2nd label on the 2nd line of the screen in the form defined at 9th level and on diodes B (32-9) in binary form To return to main menu, select main menu. Choice of ARINC bus The second level (or 6th level) of the ARINC 429 menu enables the following choices : - BUS A - BUS B - equipment : XxXxx to - equipment : YvYy - main menu The choice of BUS A enables acquisition of an ARINC word on the ARINC bus connected to connector A. The choice of BUS B enables acquisition of an ARINC word on the ARINC bus connected to connector B. The choice of equipment : XXXX enables acquisition of an ARINC word of the ARINC bus of equipment XXXX connected to connector Jl or J2. To return to main menu, select main menu. Choice of 1st label (level 3) or 2nd label (evel 7) The 3rd level (or 7th level) of the ARINC 429 menu enables the following choices : - LABEL 000 - main menu. ‘The choice of LABEL 000 serves to define the value of the label of the ARINC word which must be acqui- red on the ARINC bus selected at previous level. 1-1 Page 11 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL Bcorospaticle 35-5M0-301 Before validating this choice, the octal value (1 to 377) of the label must be programmed by means of keys (0 to 7). ‘The entered numbers X, Y and Z move from right to left : LABEL 00X LABEL OXY LABEL XYZ. The 2nd line of the screen may flash. 2 seconds, an error message such as Label 0 is not allowed Label can't be greater than 377 Illegal key entry. or a warning message such as : - This label is an A.I-M. label. To return to main menu, select main menu. a Choice of value of SDI of 1st label (level 4) or of 2nd label (level 8) The 4th level (or 8th level) of ARINC 429 menu enables the following choices : - No SDI = SDI:01 = sbI:10 ~ SDI:ll. If NO SDI is selected, the SDI value of the label selected at previous level is not taken into account. qe. Page 12 Aug 30/88 BB cerospaticle GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5M0-301, If the selected label has an SDI, the four corresponding ARINC words will be cyclically displayed. The choice of SDI:00 (SDI:01, SDI:10 or SDI:11) serves to define the SDI value of the ARINC word to be acquired. Choice of display mode (level 5 or 9) The 5th level (or 9th level) of the ARINC 429 menu enables the following choices - HEX BIN . INDUS (for certain labels only) - main menu. ‘The choice of HEX serves to display on the screen the 24 useful bits in the form of 6 hexidecimal characters. The choice of BIN serves to display on the screen the 24 useful bits in the form of 24 binary characters. The choice of INDUS serves to display on the screen the 24 useful bits in the form of x alphanumerical characters representing a physical measurement : sign, value, unit The choice of INDUS cannot be made for ARINC words with discrete values or maintenance messages (A.I.M. label). To return to main menu, select main menu. an. Page 13 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB corospaticle 35-SMO-301 (b) Acquisition phase The acquisition phase of the ARINC 429 menu comprises two levels selection or not of acquisition phase run - selection or not of acquisition phase stop. Selection or not of acquisition phase run The 1st level of the acquisition phase of the ARINC 429 menu enables the following choices : - starts operation, - main menu. The choice of starts operation serves to trigger acquisition with display on screen of one or two ARINC 429 words in accordance with previously selected configuration To return to main menu, select main menu. Display The ARINC word corresponding to the lst selected label is displayed in binary on the light-emitting diodes A (32-9) and in the previously selected form (hexadecimal, binary, alphanumerical) on the first line of the screen. The ARINC word corresponding to the 2nd selected label is displayed in binary on the light-emitting diodes B (32-9) and in the previously selected form (hexadecimal, binary, alphanumerical) on the 2nd line of the screen. q-t Page 14 Aug 30/88 Beerospoticte The screen display format (label) where (spr) (€req) BIN HEX = (ssM) (PB) (label) (value) INDUS GROUND EQUIPMENT 35-5MO-301 MANUAL is as follows (sDI) (£req) (ms) (value) (ssM) (P Octal value of label entered by the operator (1 to 377) Decimal value of SDI entered by the operator (0, 1, 2, 3) or X for choice of of NO SDI value of appearance frequency for ARINC word on the bus (in milliseconds) If frequency value is too high, REFRESH T00 SHORT is displayed Binary, hexadecimal or alphanumerical value of the content of the useful bits of the ARINC word. selected : binary value over 24 characters (bit 32 ..... bit 9) selected : hexadecimal value over 6 characters (bit 32... bit 29, bit 28... bit 25, + bit 12... bit 9). selected : alphanumerical value over x characters (sign, value, units) sign : +, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, etc. integer part . decimal part units of physical value (ft, kts, PSI, etc.) value units Decoded value of only (NO, FW, NC, SSM, FT) for selection of INDUS NO : Normal Operation FW: Failure Warning Nc : No Computed Data PT : Functional Test In case of fugitive parity error, for selection of HEX and INDUS only. Page 15 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB cerospaticle 35-5M0-301 (c) If the ADBR encounters problems during acquisition of selected ARINC word, one of the following messages is displayed after the SDI : - Even parity : systematic parity error (recalculated parity always even), - No label selected label not found selected ARINC bus transmits no ARINC words (connector not connected or equipment defective - Bus ? Note : If no connectors are connected, the following message will be displayed on the 3rd line of the screen : * Warning : TEST2 must be plugged on J2 * Selection or not of acquisition phase stop The 2nd level of the acquisition phase of the ARINC 429 menu enables only the following choice ~ stops operation. This choice serves to stop acquisition of the ARINC words in progress. Display corresponds to last acquisition mode. Processing phase The processing phase of the ARINC 429 menu comprises a single level enabling the following choices : restarts operation prints display - main menu. The choice of restarts operation serves to retrigger the acquisition phase with display. The choice of prints display serves to print-out the content of the first (or the first two) lines of the screen on the ADBR printer. To return to main menu, select main menu. 1-. Page 16 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB cerospatiole eeesos (3) Description of A.I.M. operating mode (Ref. Figure 6) (a) Configuration phase The configuration phase of the A.I.M. menu comprises 4 levels : - choice of ARINC bus transmitting the A.I.M. words (label 356), - selection or not of loop on acquired data, - choice of output peripheral (screen or printer) - selection or not of storage of acquired data. Choice of ARINC bus transmitting the A.I.M. words The lst level of the A.I.M. menu enables the following choices - BUS A - BUS B - SCAN all bus = equipment : Xxxx to - equipment : Y¥vY - main menu. ‘The choice of BUS A enables acquisition of the A.I.M. words on the ARINC bus connected to connector A. The choice of bus B enables acquisition of the A.I.M. words on the ARINC bus connected to connector B. The choice of SCAN all bus enables successive acquisition of the A.I.M. word frame of all equipment (XXXX to YYYY) connected to connectors Jl and 32. asl Page 17 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL Zs cerospaticle aes Configuration ALM phase u y L BOS A] (BUS B] [SCAN] (Equipment 00x] (equipment v¥¥] (main meno (ain meno] coe OF Ca A] (GRIT ERR] [ROM] Gain mem] a Gator TEN OFF main mene Lt — eines Lt Acquisition Acquisition with display and print-out phase of one or more A.I.M. word franes if memory overflow ‘or if NOTHING selected a ration] Processing phase ¥ Festarts] [prints Toll down ration oe one line || Lone Line A.I.M. menu Flowchart Figure 6 a-1 Page 18 Aug 30/88 GROUND £QUIPMENT MANUAL Beerospoticle oe The choice of equipment : XXXX enables acquisition of an A.I.M. word frame on ARINC bus of equipment XXXX connected to connector Jl or J2. To return to main menu, select main menu. Iw Selection or not of loop on acquired data The 2nd level of the A.I.M. menu enables the following choices : - Loop - NOT LOOP - main menu. This level is deleted if choice of SCAN was validated at previous level The choice of LOOP enables continuous acquisition of the A.I.M. word frame on the ARINC bus selected at previous level. The choice of NOT LOOP enables automatic stop after each acquisition of the A.I.M. word frame of the ARINC bus selected at previous level. To return to main menu, select main menu. Choice of output peripheral The 3rd level of the A.I.M. menu enables the following choices : - PRINT OFF - PRINT ALL = PRINT ERR - NOTHING - main menu. The choice of PRINT OFF serves to inhibit print-out of the information acquired and the error messages on the ADBR printer. asl Page 19 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL $B cerospatiole eee Ie The choice of PRINT ALL validates print out-of the information acquired and the error messages on the ADBR printer. The choice of PRINT ERR enables print-out of only the failure information acquired and the error messages on the ADBR printer. For these three choices, the information acquired and the error messages are displayed on the ADBR screen The choice of NOTHING inhibits print-out and display of the information acquired and the error messages. To return to main menu, select main menu. Selection or not of storage of acquired data The 4th level of the A.I.M. menu enables the following choices : - MEM ON - MEM OFF - main menu. The choice of MEM ON enables storage in non-volatile memory (1344 characters maximum) of the information acquired and the error messages. This choice must be mandatorily validated if choice of NOTHING was validated at previous level. The choice of MEM OFF inhibits storage in non-volatile memory of the information acquired and the error messages. To return to main menu, select main menu. ae. Page 20 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 2 corospatiole 35-5M0~301 (b) Acquisition phase The acquisition phase of the A.I.M. menu comprises 2 levels : selection or not of acquisition phase run - selection or not of acquisition phase stop Selection or not of acquisition phase run The 1st level of the acquisition phase of the A.I.M. menu enables the following choices : - starts operation, - main menu. The choice of starts operation serves to trigger acquisition of the A.I.M. word frame of one (or all) equipment followed by display (or not), print-out (or not) and memorization (or not) of the acquired information and the error messages. To return to main menu, select main menu. Display The information contained in the A.I.M. word frame is displayed in a form simulating the CFDIU i.e. : a page of 13 24-character lines. In acquisition phase, the first 2 lines of the page are displayed on the 2nd and 3rd lines of the screen. The other lines are displayable in processing phase. If choice of NOTHING is validated in configuration phase, the message Working appears on the Ist line of the screen during the acquisition phase. an. Page 21 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB cerospaticle 35-5MO-301 Display format on the screen is as follows : - Ist line : nenn--n === ==. - 2nd line : (bus) (information) - 3rd line : (information continued. where . (bus) : Name of bus or equipment (BUS A:, BUS B:, ADC1:, etc.) + (information) : message circulating on the ARINC bus and corresponding to the lst line of the CFDIU format (No fault, etc.) + (information continued) : message circulating on the ARINC bus and corresponding to the 2nd line of the CFDIU format. If the ADBR detects an anomaly during acquisition of the A.I.M. word frame, the following message is displayed on the 2nd line after the name of the bus or equipment : - Even parity : parity error calculated on at least one word of the A.I.M. frame - No label : label 356 not found - Bus ? : Selected ARINC bus transmits no ARINC words (connector not connected or equipment defective). Note : If no connectors are connected, the following message will be displayed on the 3rd line of the screen : * Warning : TEST2 must be plugged on J2 * = A.I.M. memory overflow : overflow of capacity of non-volatile memory. an. Page 22 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL sy 3 cerospatiaie 35-5M0-301 eo Format error : format error in acquisition frame = MENU mode : information acquired contains a dialog message of type menu not decoded by the A.D.BAR Refresh too short refresh between two words of A.I.M. frame too short. If the information acquired (1st line of CFDIU format) contains the class III failure message, this appears on the Ist line + --- Class III Failure --- ‘The message circulating on the ARINC bus is displayed on the other two lines. The other lines (3rd to 13th) of the message acquired can be displayed on the screen in processing mode by means of choice of Roll up one line. The 13th line of the CFDIU format is followed by a line of 24 dashes. Print-out If choice of PRINT ALL was validated, all the information contained in the acquired A.I.M. word frame or the error messages are printed out as they appear on the screen. If choice of PRINT ERR was validated, only the failure information contained in the A.I.M. word frame or the error messages are printed out as they appear on the screen. 1-1 Page 23 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 33 corospatiole 35-5M0-301 4 Memorization If choice of MEM ON was validated, all the information contained in the acquired A.I.M. word frame or the error messages are stored in the non-volatile memory in coded form enabling a high number of acquired pages to be stored. For choice of SCAN, several pages (one for each ARINC bus) are memorized. For choice of LOOP, several pages are memorized for the selected ARINC bus. For the other choices, a single page is memorized for the selected ARINC bus. Selection or not of acquisition phase stop The 2nd level of the acquisition phase of the A.I-M. menu enables only the following choice : - stops operation. This choice serves to stop the acquisition phase of | the A.I.M. word frame on the ARINC bus selected. If the ADBR is printing, stop is not effective until end of printed page is reached. The display corresponds to the last acquisition nade. Stop is automatic at the end of the first acquisition phase for all choices except LOOP with MEM OFF. For choice of LOOP with MEM ON, stop is automatic as soon as the non-volatile memory is full. (c) Processing phase The processing phase of the A.I.M. menu comprises a single level enabling the following choices - restarts operation - prints display 1-1 Page 24 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB cerospatiale 35-5M0-301 - roll up one line - roll down one line - main menu. The choice of restarts operation serves to retrigger the acquisition phase at the point where it was stopped if stops operation message was validated, or a new acquisition phase with same configuration if the stops operation message was automatically replaced by the restarts operation message The choice of prints display serves to print-out, on the ADBR printer, the content of the thirteen lines of the last frame acquired and displayed on the screen. At end of print-out, automatic return to same level. The choice of roll up one line enables display of the following line of the page acquired on the 3rd line of the screen. The information previously displayed on the 3rd and 2nd lines goes respectively to the 2nd and lst lines. This choice has no effect when the 2nd line comprises 24 dashes. The choice of roll down one line enables display of the previous line of the page acquired on the Ist line of the screen. The information previously displayed on the lst and 2nd lines goes respectively to the 2nd and 3rd lines. This choice has no effect when the lst line comprises 24 dashes. To return to main menu, select main menu. If, during the configuration phase, choice of NOTHING was validated, the processing phase is deleted and at the end of the acquisition phase, the ADBR automati automatically returns to the main menu If, during the acquisition phase, the A.I.M. memory overflow message is displayed, the processing phase is deleted and the ADBR automatically returns to the main menu. 4-2 Page 25 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB corospotiole 35-SMO-301 (4) Description of WIRING operating mode (Ref. Figure 7) (a) Configuration phase The configuration phase of the WIRING menu comprises 2 levels : - selection or not of print-out of failures, - selection or not of storage of results. Selection or not of print-out of failures The 1st level of the WIRING menu enables the following choices : - PRINT ERR, - PRINT OFF, = main menu. The choice of PRINT ERR enables print-out of the failures detected on the ADBR printer. ‘The choice of PRINT OFF inhibits print-out of the failures on the ADBR printer. For these two choices, all results are displayed on the ADBR screen. To return to main menu, select main menu. 2 Selection or not of storage of results The 2nd level of the WIRING menu enables the following choices : - MEM ON - MEM OFF - main menu. The choice of MEM ON enables storage in non-volatile memory of the results of the ARINC bus wiring check. The choice of MEM OFF inhibits storage in non-volatile memory of the results of the ARINC bus wiring check. To return to main menu, select main menu. eas Page 26 Aug 30/88 ZB cerospatiole Configuration phase Acquisition phase Processing phase GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5M0-301 wR PRINT ER GRaror (Gain mena eee Lt y 4 Tt OF Caio] (Gain mens (Gearts operation main Rena] Acquisition of a specific label on each ARINC bus Display of results Print-out of failures if ste ‘ation. not validated L_ ation not, WIRING Menu Flowchart Figure 7 Page 27 Aug 30/88 BB corospotiole (b) GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5M0-301 Acquisition phase The acquisition phase of the WIRING menu comprises 2 ' levels : selection or not of acquisition phase run selection or not of acquisition phase stop. Selection or not of acquisition phase run The 1st level of the acquisition phase of the WIRING menu enables the following choices : - starts operation - main menu. The choice of starts operation serves to trigger acquisition and check for the presence of a specific label on each of the ARINC buses wired to connectors (31 and J2). The results of these checks are displayed on the lst (for J2) and the 2nd (for J1 lines of the screen and the wiring faults are printed (or not) on the printer. To return to main menu, select main menu. Display The results of the check of the ARINC bus wiring or the error message are successively displayed on the first 2 lines of the screen in the following form = lst line : TEST 2: (name 2) ... (result = 2nd line : TEST 1: (name 1) ... (result where : . (name 2) : Name of equipment under test connected to one of the ARINC buses of connector J2 + (name 1) : Name of equipment under test connected to one of the ARINC buses of connector J1 « (result) : passed if expected label is acquired failed if expected label is not acquired. i-1 Page 28 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB cerospatiole poeoeea sen If the 2 connectors (Jl and J2) are not connected, all the results of the lst line are failed, Bus ? message is displayed on the 2nd line and the warning message is displayed on the 3rd line : * warning : TEST 2 must be plugged on J2 * After the test of the last ARINC bus, if all results are correct, display reads : - 1st line : TEST 2 : Wiring OK - 2nd line : TEST 1 : Wiring OK After the test of the last ARINC bus, if all the results corresponding to the ARINC bus connected to connector Jl are correct, display reads : ~ lst line : TEST 2 : (name of last equipment) passed (or failed) - 2nd line : TEST 1 = Wiring OK After the test of the last ARINC bus, if all the results corresponding to the ARINC bus connected to connector J2 are correct, display reads : - Ist line : TEST 2 : Wiring OK - 2nd line : TEST 1 : (name of last equipment) ... passed (or failed) Print-out If choice of PRINT ERR was validated, only the failed results and the Bus ? error message are printed out as they appear on the screen. Is Memorization If choice of MEM ON was validated, all the results are stored as they appear on the screen. Note : After the test of the last ARINC bus, the Wait saving data message is displayed on the 4th line of the screen during storage. ask Page 29 Aug 30/88 ez GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 33 cerospatiale 35-5M0-301 5 Selection or not of acquisition phase stop The 2nd level of the acquisition phase of the WIRING menu enables only the following choice : - stops operation This choice serves to stop acquisition of the ARINC bus under check. If ADBR is printing, stop is only effective at end of printing, with transition to processing phase. Stop is automatic after the test of the last ARINC bus, with return to main menu. (c) Processing phase The processing phase is only present if stops operation message was ‘validated. The processing phase of the WIRING menu comprises a single level enabling the following choices : - restarts operation - prints display - main menu. The choice of restarts operation serves to retrigger the acquisition phase at the point where it was stopped if the stops operation message was validated. The choice of prints display serves to print-out, on the ADBR printer, the content of the first two lines displayed on the screen and corresponding to the last bus tested. At end of print-out, automatic return to same level. To return to main menu, select main menu. ast Page 30 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB cercspaticle Geeeasee (5) Description of EDIT MEMORY operating mode (a) (b) Configuration phase The configuration phase of the EDIT MEMORY menu comprises a single level enabling the following choices : = SCREEN = PRINTER - RS232 - main menu. The choice of SCREEN serves to display the content of the non-volatile memory on the ADBR screen The choice of PRINTER serves to print-out the content of the non-volatile memory on the ADBR printer. The choice of RS232 serves to send the content of the non-volatile memory to an external peripheral via an RS232 link. To return to main menu, select main menu. Read phase The read phase of the EDIT MEMORY menu comprises 2 Levels : - selection or not of read phase run = selection or nor of read phase stop Selection or not of read phase run ‘The 1st level of the read phase of the EDIT MEMORY menu enables the following choices : - starts operation - main menu. asl Page 31 Aug 30/88 aS = cerospatiale phase Ve Read phase Configuration GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5M0-301 main Rene {pd : Starts operation] (main nent 7 L__,} read of memory with display print-out or transmission ‘st ration at end of print-out or transmission rf 1 restarts ration prints Toll up Tor oe one line one line “Ll phase Lenmar aa Res sree: and RSZ32 selected Processing only for memorization roll up Toll dow in A.I.M. one page one pase EDIT MEMORY Menu Flowchart Figure 8 Page 32 Aug 30/88 Bcerospaticle GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 35-5M0-301 The choice of starts operation serves to trigger read of the content of the non-volatile memory and display, print-out or transmission of the information read with respect to choice validated at previous level. To return to main menu, select main menu. a Display Display of the content of the non-volatile memory is made on the first 3 lines of the ADBR screen. These first 3 lines display : - either the first 3 lines of the CFDIU screen corresponding to the memorization of the acquisition of an A.1.M. word frame in a format identical to that described in paragraph E.(3) (b) 2. - or the first 3 results memorized during check of ARINC bus wiring in a format identical to that described in paragraph £.(4)(b) 2. 10 Print-out The print-out of the content (CFDIU screen or ARINC bus wiring check results) of the non- volatile memory is performed on the ADBR printer in the form of lines of 24 characters maximum The line being printed appears on the Ist line on the ADBR screen. ‘Transmission lo Transmission of the content (CFDIU screen or ARINC bus wiring check results) of the non-volatile memory to an external peripheral is performed via an RS232 link in the form of lines of 24 characters maximum. The line being transmitted is displayed on the lst line of the screen. ae. Page 33 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB corospoticle 35-5MO-301 2 Selection or not of read phase stop The 2nd level of the read phase of the EDIT MEMORY menu enables only the following choice : - stops operation. This choice serves to stop the read phase. st case : choice of SCREEN As the read phase time with display on screen is very short, choice of stops operation only appears for several milliseconds. At end of display, the ADBR goes to processing phase. 2nd case : choice of PRINTER Print-out stops after typing of the last character of the line displayed on the screen. The ADBR goes to processing phase. 3rd case : Choice of RS232 Transmission stops after transmission of the last ( character of the line displayed on the screen. The ADBR goes to processing phase. For the last two cases, after print-out or transmission of the last memorized line, the ADBR automatically returns to main menu. asl Page 34 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB cerospaticle 35-5M0-301 (c) Processing phase 1 Choice of SCREEN in configuration phase ‘The processing phase of the EDIT MEMORY menu comprises a single level enabling the following choices : restart operation - prints display . = roll up one line - roll down one line - roll up one page only if memory was loaded in A.I.M. mode = roll down one page - main menu. The choice of restart operation serves to retrigger the read phase at the point where it was stopped the stops operation message was validated The choice of prints display serves to print-out the 3 lines displayed on the screen. ‘The choice of roll up one line serves to display the following line on the 3rd line of the screen The choice of roll down one line serves to display the previous line on the lst-line of the screen The choice of roll up one page serves to display the first 3 lines of the next CFDIU page. The choice of roll down one page serves to display the first 3 lines of the previous CFDIU page. For the last two choices, a warning message may appear on the 3rd line of the screen - First screen encountered - Last screen encountered To return to main menu, select main menu. a-1 Page 35 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB corospotiole ae 2 Choice of PRINTER or RS232 in configuration phase The processing phase is only present if the stops operation message was validated. It comprises a single level enabling the following choices + = restarts operation - prints display - main menu. The choice of restarts operation serves to retrigger print-out or transmission at the point where it stopped if stops operation message was validated. ‘The choice of prints display serves to print-out the first line displayed on the screen. To return to main menu, select main menu. del Page 36 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL SB cerospaticle 35~SM0-301 2. Operation A. Start-up Install the ADBR test case (P/N : 35-5SMO-301-1000) on a bench and open it. Make certain that the ON/OFF switch is in OFF position Open the ADBR storage case (P/N : 35-5M0-301-2000). Take the memory module (P/N + 35-5MO-301-9000) and plug it in at location provided on the test case. Take a cable loom (P/N : 35-5M0-301-3000) and connect it to connectors Jl and PWR of the test case. Connect the other end of the cable to connector TESTI of BULK compartment of A320 aircraft. Take the second cable loom (P/N : 35-5MO-301-3000) and connect it to connector J2 of the test case (plug PWR remains unconnected). Connect the other end of the cable to connector TEST2 of the BULK compartment of the A320 aircraft. Make certain that there is a roll of paper in thé printer. Place the ON/OFF switch in ON position Check that the following is displayed on the screen : + 1st line : A320 Version : 9000 + 2nd line : WAIT : SELF TEST PROCEED After several seconds, display reads + + Ist line : A320 Version : 9000 + 2nd line : SELF TEST PASSED + 3rd line . 4rd line : Press [ENTER] to continue Note : If one of the tested functions is defective, 2nd line displays message : SELF TEST FAILED 1-2 Page 1 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB corospaticle 35-5M0-301 A320 Aircraft Avionics Compartment TESTI TEST2 T Co . 1g99vc 198vc Cable loom 35-5M0-301-3000 rer at f ogg Ope ge ADBR Test Case 35-5M0-3001-2000 ARINC DATA BUS READER Connections Figure 1 Page 2 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 3B corospatiole 35~5HO-301 Operating instructions (1) General The operation of the ADBR test case is displayed in natural language on the ADBR screen Possible messages are : 4th line : [ENTER] valids... (enrer] returns to main menu (lenrer] starts operation (ENTER] stops operation 3rd line : [NEXT] [PREV] keys scans possibilities 2nd line : Use [oO] -. [7] keys to enter label or a warning message (2) Selection of operating mode - Perform start-up (Ref. paragraph 2.A.) - Press ENTER key, display reads : 3ra line : [NEXT] [PREV] keys scans possibilities 4th line : CENTER] valids ARINC 429 ALTAM. WIRING or EDIT MEMORY The message on the 3rd line means that the NEXT and PREV keys will enable scroll of the message displayed after the verb valids in order to select required operating node. The message on the 4th line means that the ENTER key validates the operating mode displayed after the verb valids. 1-2 Page 3 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL BB corospotiole og onOe se = By means of NEXT (OR PREV) key, select required operating mode. e.g. CENTER] valids A.I.M. - Press ENTER key to valid your selection. One of the A.I.M. menu first level choices is displayed on 4th line. The message on the 3rd line remains the same. 4th line : [ENTER] valids BUS A BUS B Equipment XXxx to Equipment YYYY or returns to main menu. For selected operating mode, continue the configuration with respect to the messages displayed on the screen. 1-2 Page 4 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL B cerospaticle 35-5M0-301 3. A. ecifications and capabilities Case (1) ADBR test case = length : 435 mm ( in) - width 324 mm ( in) - height 202 mm ( in) - weight —: T.B.D. - number of inputs : ARINC or ISO5 40 (39 on connector J1 and 1 on F connector A) 40 (39 on connector J2 and 1 on connector B) + 28 voc : 2A delay fuse - power supply = protection (2) ADBR storage case = length =: 435 mm ( in) - width + 324 mm ( in) = height 272 mm ( in) - weight =: Display screen - number of lines : 4 = number of characters per line : 40 - power supply (lighting) +: + 75 VDC (plasma sheet) - power supply (operation) : + 5 VDC Printer ~ number of columns : 24 = character size 2.4 x 1.3 mm - line spacing 1.4 mn = supply voltage =: + 5 voc + 1 VDC 1-3 Page 1 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL B corcspatile 35-5M0-301 4. Shipping A. General ghk f- Due to the small dimensions and we: of the two cases, transportation does not create any ‘special problem B. Shipment If the two cases are to be transported or stored, it is re-commended that the original container or a similar one be used that packing be in accordance with storage instruction given in Section 5. Handle cases with great care and avoid impact or dropping it, which could lead to malfunctions. In the event of it being dropped it is recommended that a complete check of the ADBR be carried out 1-4 Page 1 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB cerospotiole 35-5M0-301 5. Storage A. General The following instructions enable storage of the ADBR in dry dust-free premises. The pack described below may be used for storage or shipment in mild of tropical climates. Packing procedure = Reproduce on pack all details written on cases identification labels. - Wrap cases in greaseproof paper. - Place cases in a heastsealing polyethylene cover bearing a label indicating the part number and, if required, the serial number. - Place a desiccant inside the cover. - The desiccant is contained in small bags with a window provided to check the condition of the product without opening the polyethylene cover. NOTE : The quantity of desiccant shall be determined according to the volume of air contained inside the cover and to duration of storage. - Partly seal the heatsealing cover. Manually evacuates the maximum amount of air and complete sealing. NOTE : Heatsealing shall be performed on a narrow strip so that the cover can be used several times after opening. - Place cases in a container. = Pad the assembly with polyethylene chips. The container can be made of cardboard or wood. = Close and lock container cover. 1-5 Page 1 Aug 30/88 GROUND EQUIPMENT MANUAL ZB corospatiole Seeenoos - If required, attach a label on the container giving the following indications. . Manufacturer's or dealer's name and address + Equipment designation + Equipment part number . If required, install a transparent adhesive protection over label. C. Storage instructions Once packed, the cases shall be stored in clean, dry correctly ventilated temperature environnement, free from corrosive vapors. D. Unpacking procedure It is advisable that the cases be unpacked - Open the container - Cut polythene cover at sealed line so that the cover can be used several times. - Retain container and all packing materials which can be re-used. NOTE : It is not necessary to open cover to check the desiccant for condition. 1-5 Page 2 Aug 30/88

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