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YouTube Title Cheat Sheet

Your Cheat Sheet to Engaging YouTube Video Titles

This worksheet is designed to help you craft the best Titles for your YouTube Video, this is
designed to be a guide & we encourage you to experiment with your own titles and find what
works best for your channel!

Please watch the associated training video to ensure you are crafting the best Titles for your

If you get stuck on this, we’re happy to help, just hop on one of our YouTube Channel Growth
Clinics & we can help you find the best Titles for your videos, or ask for recommendations in our
Facebook Mastermind Group!

Look at Similar Channels & Videos

Look at your YouTube Channel RoadMap & the Similar Channels to yours, look at how they Title
& Tag Videos, this should give you inspiration on what gets the most engagement.

Remember not to copy other creators' titles exactly, but looking at what others do is a great way
to draw inspiration for your own titles!

What are the patterns you notice these channels use? How can you incorporate them
into your video idea?

Use Keyword Research to Find Searchable Titles

Use a Keyword Research tool like to discover the most searched
keywords around your video topic.

Search these Keywords on YouTube (you can use the quick “Search on YouTube” button) to see
the videos that come up & look at the Titles of the highest ranked videos.

What can you incorporate into your Title from your Keyword Research & Top Ranked
videos for your ideal keywords?

What would you Search or Watch?

Sometimes we overthink Titles to videos, ask yourself…

“What would I search” “What would I watch” “What describes my video the best?”
YouTube Title Cheat Sheet
Your Cheat Sheet to Engaging YouTube Video Titles

Quick Tips for your Titles:

Once you’ve gone over the above, now it’s time to break out the Cheat Sheet!

Here are what we’ve found to be some of the most popular ways to make your video Title stand
out & be engaging on YouTube!

● Capitalize the First Letter of Every Main Word

● Use a Number in your Titles (10, 5, Top 25, etc.)

● Use Keywords

● Model Popular Video Titles in your Niche

● Match your Title & Thumbnail

● Add a Question

● “How To” is a great way to start a Title

● Use Words like “Best” & “Top” - ex. Top 10 _________

● Put words in Parenthesis at the End of the Title - ex. (Top

25), (Complete List)

● Use a Hyphen to separate your Title ex. iPhone 12 - Complete

Beginners Guide

● Put your main Keyword in the Beginning of the Title

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