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Rules and Guidelines

IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

1 General Conditions for Approval
2 Safety System, Protective and Monitoring Devices
3 Requirements for Manufacturers, Quality Management,
Materials and Production
4 Load Assumptions
5 Strength Analyses
6 Structures
7 Machinery Components
8 Electrical Installations
9 Manuals
10 Testing of Wind Turbines
11 Periodic Monitoring

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
This Guideline was compiled by Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH in cooperation
with the Wind Energy Committee. The Wind Energy Committee consists of representatives from
manufacturers, universities, insurance companies, associations, engineering offices, authorities and institutes.
The current members of the Wind Energy Committee are named on our website:

This Guideline comes into force on 1st November 2003.

Interpretation of the Guideline is the exclusive prerogative of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.
Any reference to the application of this Guideline is permitted only with the consent
of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.

The latest edition of the General Terms and Conditions

of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH is applicable.

Reproduction by printing or other means, even of extracts, is only permissible with the consent
of Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH.

Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH

Steinhoeft 9, 20459 Hamburg / Germany

Phone: +49 40 31106-707 Fax: +49 40 31106-1720

E-mail: Internet:

Published by: Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH

Printed by: Heydorn Druckerei und Verlag, Uetersen / Germany
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents
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Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations

Symbols and Units

Chapter 1 General Conditions for Approval

1.1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Transition periods .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.3 Deviations ................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.4 National requirements .............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.5 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 1-1

1.2 Extent of Certification ........................................................................................................................... 1-3

1.2.1 Subdivision of the certification ................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.2.2 Assessment of prototypes (C – Design Assessment) ............................................................................... 1-3
1.2.3 A – and B – Design Assessment............................................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.4 Site-specific Design Assessment.............................................................................................................. 1-6
1.2.5 Type Certificate........................................................................................................................................ 1-6
1.2.6 Project Certificate .................................................................................................................................... 1-8
1.2.7 Re-certification ...................................................................................................................................... 1-10

1.3 Basic Principles for Design and Construction ................................................................................... 1-11

1.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.3.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 1-11
1.3.3 Analysis procedure................................................................................................................................. 1-12
1.3.4 Mathematical model............................................................................................................................... 1-12

Appendix 1.A

1.A National Requirements in Germany................................................................................................... 1-13

1.A.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-13
1.A.2 Analysis concept .................................................................................................................................... 1-13
1.A.3 Wind conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 1-14

Appendix 1.B

1.B National Requirements in Denmark................................................................................................... 1-15

1.B.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.B.2 Regulations and standards...................................................................................................................... 1-15

Appendix 1.C

1.C National Requirements in France....................................................................................................... 1-17

1.C.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-17
1.C.2 Building permission procedure .............................................................................................................. 1-17

Appendix 1.D

1.D National Requirements in the Netherlands........................................................................................ 1-19

1.D.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-19
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1.D.2 Preliminary standard NVN 11400-0 ...................................................................................................... 1-19

Appendix 1.E

1.E National Requirements in India.......................................................................................................... 1-21

1.E.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.E.2 Certification categories .......................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.E.3 TAPS-2000 requirements ....................................................................................................................... 1-21

Appendix 1.F

1.F IEC and CENELEC Standards .......................................................................................................... 1-23

1.F.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-23
1.F.2 List of normative documents in the area of wind energy ....................................................................... 1-23
1.F.3 Supply sources ....................................................................................................................................... 1-23

Chapter 2 Safety System, Protective and Monitoring Devices

2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.2 Systematic consideration of possible faults ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.3 Description of the controller for approval of the load assumptions ......................................................... 2-2

2.2 Control and Safety System .................................................................................................................... 2-3

2.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Requirements and design concept............................................................................................................ 2-5

2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices....................................................................................................... 2-9

2.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 2-9
2.3.2 Limiting values, control system ............................................................................................................... 2-9
2.3.3 Safety equipment (locking devices) for maintenance ............................................................................ 2-15

Appendix 2.A

2.A Interaction of the Control and Safety Systems .................................................................................. 2-17

Chapter 3 Requirements for Manufacturers, Quality Management,

Materials and Production
3.1 Requirements for Manufacturers ......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Works equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.3 Personnel.................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.4 Shop approval .......................................................................................................................................... 3-1

3.2 Quality Management ............................................................................................................................. 3-3

3.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Requirements for the quality management system .................................................................................. 3-3
3.2.4 Certification of the QM system................................................................................................................ 3-3

3.3 Materials................................................................................................................................................. 3-5

3.3.1 General requirements ............................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.2 Metallic materials .................................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.3 Fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP).............................................................................................................. 3-11
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GL Wind 2003 Page 5

3.3.4 Wood...................................................................................................................................................... 3-13

3.3.5 Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete ....................................................................................... 3-14

3.4 Production and Testing........................................................................................................................ 3-17

3.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 3-17
3.4.2 Welding.................................................................................................................................................. 3-17
3.4.3 Laminating fibre-reinforced plastics ...................................................................................................... 3-19
3.4.4 Adhesive bonding .................................................................................................................................. 3-21
3.4.5 Manufacturing surveillance for FRP...................................................................................................... 3-22
3.4.6 Wood processing.................................................................................................................................... 3-23
3.4.7 Making and working the concrete.......................................................................................................... 3-24

Chapter 4 Load Assumptions

4.1 Fundamentals ......................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1.3 Design methods........................................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.1.4 Safety classes ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2

4.2 External Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 4-3

4.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.2 Wind turbine classes ................................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.3 Wind conditions ....................................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.4 Other environmental conditions............................................................................................................. 4-11
4.2.5 Electrical power network conditions...................................................................................................... 4-12

4.3 Calculation of the Loads...................................................................................................................... 4-13

4.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.3.2 Loads...................................................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.3.3 Design situations and load cases............................................................................................................ 4-13
4.3.4 Load calculations ................................................................................................................................... 4-19
4.3.5 Partial safety factors for loads................................................................................................................ 4-20

4.4 Site-Specific Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 4-23

4.4.1 Site assessment ...................................................................................................................................... 4-23
4.4.2 Wind farm influence .............................................................................................................................. 4-24
4.4.3 Influence of earthquakes ........................................................................................................................ 4-25
4.4.4 Complex terrain ..................................................................................................................................... 4-26
4.4.5 Extreme temperatures ............................................................................................................................ 4-26
4.4.6 Corrosion, erosion.................................................................................................................................. 4-27
4.4.7 Assessment and comparison .................................................................................................................. 4-27

Appendix 4.A

4.A Coordinate Systems ............................................................................................................................. 4-29

4.A.1 Blade coordinate system ........................................................................................................................ 4-29
4.A.2 Chord coordinate system........................................................................................................................ 4-29
4.A.3 Hub coordinate system........................................................................................................................... 4-30
4.A.4 Rotor coordinate system ........................................................................................................................ 4-30
4.A.5 Tower top coordinate system ................................................................................................................. 4-31
4.A.6 Tower bottom coordinate system ........................................................................................................... 4-31

Appendix 4.B

4.B Evaluation of the Loads....................................................................................................................... 4-33

4.B.1 Presentation of load case definitions...................................................................................................... 4-33
Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 6 GL Wind 2003

4.B.2 Presentation of the results ...................................................................................................................... 4-33

4.B.3 Further evaluations................................................................................................................................. 4-34

Appendix 4.C

4.C Fault in the Power System................................................................................................................... 4-37

Appendix 4.D

4.D Design Parameters for Describing Wind Turbine Class S................................................................ 4-39
4.D.1 Plant parameters..................................................................................................................................... 4-39
4.D.2 Wind conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 4-39
4.D.3 Conditions of the electrical power network ........................................................................................... 4-39
4.D.4 Other environmental conditions (where necessary) ............................................................................... 4-40

Chapter 5 Strength Analyses

5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-1

5.2 Determination of the Stresses................................................................................................................ 5-3

5.2.1 General notes on the loading of the structure........................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.2 Method of analysis................................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.3 Dynamic calculation ................................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.2.4 Quasi-static calculation............................................................................................................................ 5-4

5.3 Metallic Materials .................................................................................................................................. 5-5

5.3.1 Material properties ................................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.3.2 General strength analysis ......................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.3.3 Fatigue analysis........................................................................................................................................ 5-5
5.3.4 Serviceability analysis ........................................................................................................................... 5-13

5.4 Concrete................................................................................................................................................ 5-15

5.4.1 Material properties ................................................................................................................................. 5-15
5.4.2 Ultimate limit states ............................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.4.3 Serviceability Limit State....................................................................................................................... 5-16

5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints......................................................................... 5-17

5.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 5-17
5.5.2 Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 5-17
5.5.3 Analyses................................................................................................................................................. 5-18
5.5.4 Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics (GRP) .................................................................................................. 5-21
5.5.5 Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CRP) ............................................................................................... 5-22
5.5.6 Bonded joints ......................................................................................................................................... 5-23

5.6 Wood ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-25

Appendix 5.A

5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method .......................................................................... 5-27
5.A.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 5-27
5.A.2 Modelling of the structure...................................................................................................................... 5-29
5.A.3 Loading of the structure ......................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.4 Calculation and evaluation of the results ............................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.5 Documentation of FE analyses for the certification of wind turbines.................................................... 5-33
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents
GL Wind 2003 Page 7

Chapter 6 Structures
6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.2 Rotor Blades ........................................................................................................................................... 6-3

6.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.2.3 Delivery checks........................................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.2.4 Analyses................................................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.5 Blade tests ................................................................................................................................................ 6-4

6.3 Machinery Structures ............................................................................................................................ 6-7

6.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 6-7
6.3.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 6-7
6.3.3 Analyses................................................................................................................................................... 6-7

6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners................................................................................................................. 6-9

6.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 6-9
6.4.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 6-9
6.4.3 Analyses................................................................................................................................................... 6-9

6.5 Bolted Connections .............................................................................................................................. 6-13

6.5.1 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 6-13
6.5.2 Strength analyses of bolted connections ................................................................................................ 6-13
6.5.3 Inspection of bolted connections............................................................................................................ 6-13

6.6 Tower..................................................................................................................................................... 6-15

6.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.6.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.6.3 Analysis concept .................................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.6.4 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 6-15
6.6.5 Determination of the internal design forces and moments..................................................................... 6-15
6.6.6 Verification for the tower ....................................................................................................................... 6-17
6.6.7 Design details......................................................................................................................................... 6-19
6.6.8 Durability ............................................................................................................................................... 6-23

6.7 Foundation............................................................................................................................................ 6-25

6.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 6-25
6.7.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 6-25
6.7.3 Analysis concept .................................................................................................................................... 6-25
6.7.4 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 6-25
6.7.5 Foundation ............................................................................................................................................. 6-25
6.7.6 Soil......................................................................................................................................................... 6-26

Chapter 7 Machinery Components

7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.3 Drive train dynamics................................................................................................................................ 7-1

7.2 Blade Pitching System ........................................................................................................................... 7-3

7.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.2.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.2.3 Loads to be applied .................................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.2.4 Strength analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 7-3
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7.3 Bearings .................................................................................................................................................. 7-5

7.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 7-5
7.3.3 Assessment of materials........................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.4 Loads to be applied .................................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.3.5 Calculations ............................................................................................................................................. 7-6
7.3.6 Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................................... 7-7

7.4 Gearboxes ............................................................................................................................................... 7-9

7.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.4.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 7-9
7.4.3 Loads to be applied .................................................................................................................................. 7-9
7.4.4 Calculation of load capacity of gears ..................................................................................................... 7-10
7.4.5 Strength analysis for shafts and connecting elements ............................................................................ 7-12
7.4.6 Additional verifications ......................................................................................................................... 7-13
7.4.7 Equipment.............................................................................................................................................. 7-13
7.4.8 Inspection of gearboxes ......................................................................................................................... 7-13
7.4.9 Running-in period .................................................................................................................................. 7-14
7.4.10 Manuals.................................................................................................................................................. 7-14

7.5 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices........................................................................................... 7-15

7.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5.3 Loads...................................................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5.4 Calculations ........................................................................................................................................... 7-16
7.5.5 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 7-16

7.6 Couplings .............................................................................................................................................. 7-17

7.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.6.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.6.3 Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 7-17
7.6.4 Calculations ........................................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.6.5 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 7-17

7.7 Elastomer Bushings ............................................................................................................................. 7-19

7.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-19
7.7.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-19
7.7.3 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 7-20
7.7.4 Strength analysis .................................................................................................................................... 7-20
7.7.5 Additional verifications ......................................................................................................................... 7-20

7.8 Yaw System........................................................................................................................................... 7-21

7.8.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-21
7.8.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-21
7.8.3 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 7-21
7.8.4 Strength analysis .................................................................................................................................... 7-21

7.9 Hydraulic Systems ............................................................................................................................... 7-23

7.9.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-23
7.9.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-23
7.9.3 Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 7-23
7.9.4 Design and construction......................................................................................................................... 7-23

Chapter 8 Electrical Installations

8.1 Area of Application ................................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.1 Application............................................................................................................................................... 8-1
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents
GL Wind 2003 Page 9

8.1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 8-1

8.1.3 Standards.................................................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.4 Operating and environmental conditions ................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.5 Parallel operation with public power supply networks ............................................................................ 8-1
8.1.6 Stand-alone operation .............................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.1.7 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 8-2

8.2 Electrical Machines................................................................................................................................ 8-5

8.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 8-5
8.2.3 Ventilation and cooling ............................................................................................................................ 8-5
8.2.4 Windings .................................................................................................................................................. 8-5
8.2.5 Bearings ................................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.6 Duty cycles of electrical machines........................................................................................................... 8-5

8.3 Transformers .......................................................................................................................................... 8-7

8.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.3.2 Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.3.3 Dry-type transformers.............................................................................................................................. 8-7
8.3.4 Liquid-cooled transformers...................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.3.5 Converter transformers ............................................................................................................................ 8-7
8.3.6 Protection ................................................................................................................................................. 8-7

8.4 Static Converters.................................................................................................................................... 8-9

8.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 8-9
8.4.2 Installation of static converters ................................................................................................................ 8-9
8.4.3 Protection equipment ............................................................................................................................... 8-9

8.5 Medium Voltage ................................................................................................................................... 8-11

8.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.5.2 Protective measures ............................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.5.3 Pressure relief ........................................................................................................................................ 8-11
8.5.4 SF6 switchgear....................................................................................................................................... 8-11

8.6 Charging Equipment and Storage Batteries...................................................................................... 8-13

8.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.6.2 Charging equipment............................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.6.3 Storage batteries..................................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.6.4 Installation and operation of batteries .................................................................................................... 8-13

8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment .............................................................................................. 8-15

8.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-15
8.7.2 Short-circuit and overload protection devices........................................................................................ 8-15
8.7.3 Control circuits ...................................................................................................................................... 8-15
8.7.4 Measuring and indicating circuits .......................................................................................................... 8-16
8.7.5 Earth fault detection and monitoring...................................................................................................... 8-16
8.7.6 Design and rating of the switchgear....................................................................................................... 8-16
8.7.7 Switchboards and cabinets for low voltage............................................................................................ 8-16
8.7.8 Synchronizing gear and equipment for smooth connection ................................................................... 8-16
8.7.9 Electrical / electronic components in the safety system......................................................................... 8-16
8.7.10 Circuits for safety-related parts of the controls...................................................................................... 8-17

8.8 Cables and Electrical Installation Equipment................................................................................... 8-19

8.8.1 Selection of cables and lines .................................................................................................................. 8-19
8.8.2 Loading, protection and laying of cables and lines ................................................................................ 8-19

8.9 Lightning Protection............................................................................................................................ 8-21

8.9.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-21
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Page 10 GL Wind 2003

8.9.2 Protection concept.................................................................................................................................. 8-21

8.9.3 Execution of measures ........................................................................................................................... 8-22

Chapter 9 Manuals
9.1 Erection Manual..................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Format of the erection manual ................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1.3 Scope of the erection manual ................................................................................................................... 9-1

9.2 Documents for Commissioning ............................................................................................................. 9-3

9.2.1 Commissioning manual ........................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.2 Commissioning record ............................................................................................................................. 9-3
9.2.3 Format of the documents ......................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.4 Scope of the commissioning manual ....................................................................................................... 9-3

9.3 Operating Manual.................................................................................................................................. 9-5

9.3.1 Purpose of the operating manual.............................................................................................................. 9-5
9.3.2 Format of the operating manual ............................................................................................................... 9-5
9.3.3 Scope of the operating manual................................................................................................................. 9-5

9.4 Maintenance Manual ............................................................................................................................. 9-7

9.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.2 Purpose of the maintenance manual......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.3 Format of the maintenance manual.......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.4 Scope of the maintenance manual............................................................................................................ 9-7

Chapter 10 Testing of Wind Turbines

10.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 10-1
10.1.1 Prototype test ......................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.2 Tests within the scope of the Design Assessment .................................................................................. 10-1

10.2 Power Curve......................................................................................................................................... 10-3

10.3 Noise Emission...................................................................................................................................... 10-5

10.4 Electrical Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 10-7

10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour................................................................................................................... 10-9

10.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 10-9
10.5.2 Test plan................................................................................................................................................. 10-9
10.5.3 Test of the safety system ........................................................................................................................ 10-9
10.5.4 Test of the braking systems.................................................................................................................. 10-10
10.5.5 Test of automatic operation.................................................................................................................. 10-11
10.5.6 Test of the switching operations........................................................................................................... 10-12
10.5.7 Measurement of the natural frequencies .............................................................................................. 10-13
10.5.8 Hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brakes ....................................................................................... 10-13

10.6 Load Measurements........................................................................................................................... 10-15

10.7 Prototype Trial of Gearboxes ............................................................................................................ 10-17

10.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 10-17
10.7.2 Scope of the prototype trial.................................................................................................................. 10-17
10.7.3 Documentation of the prototype trial ................................................................................................... 10-17
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10.8 Witnessing of the Commissioning..................................................................................................... 10-19

10.8.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 10-19
10.8.2 Procedure for witnessing...................................................................................................................... 10-19

Chapter 11 Periodic Monitoring

11.1 Scope and Execution ............................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1.2 Scope and execution .............................................................................................................................. 11-1

11.2 Technical Experts, Documentation and Actions................................................................................ 11-3

11.2.1 Technical experts ................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.2 Documentation....................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.3 Actions ................................................................................................................................................... 11-3

References of the Guideline

IV – Part 1 List of Abbreviations
GL Wind 2003 Page 13

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
A Abnormal (for partial safety factors)
C Condition of the serviceability
CRP Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
Coh Coherence function
DLC Design Load Case
ECD Extreme Coherent gust with Direction change
ECG Extreme Coherent Gust
EDC Extreme Direction Change
EOG Extreme Operating Gust
EWM Extreme Wind speed Model
EWS Extreme Wind Shear
F Fatigue
FEM Finite Element Method
FRP Fibre Reinforced Plastic
GRP Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic
GL Germanischer Lloyd
GL Wind Germanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH
LDD Load Duration Distribution
N Normal and extreme (for partial safety factors)
NTM Normal Turbulence Model
NWP Normal Wind Profile
S Wind turbine class S (S for special)
Transport, erection and maintenance (for partial safety
factors and for the wind speed)
U Ultimate limit state
IV – Part 1 Symbols and Units
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Symbols and Units

Symbols and Units Used in the Guideline

Symbol Meaning Unit Remarks

A cross-section area (strength) m²
reference surface (aerodynamics) -
A category for the higher turbulence intensity - (see Section 4.2.2)
AS stress cross-section m² (see Section
a slope parameter - (see Section 4.2.2)
B category for the lower turbulence intensity - (see Section 4.2.2)
b width (breadth) m
b1 opening width (arc measure) m (see Section
C scale parameter of the Weibull function m/s (see Section
CA coefficient of aerodynamic lift -
CW coefficient of aerodynamic drag -
CM coefficient of aerodynamic moment -
Cia reduction factors for the material safety - i from 1 to 4
factor, short-term strength
Cib reduction factors for the material safety - i from 1 to 5
factor, fatigue strength
Cic reduction factors for the material safety - i from 1 to 2
factor, stability
Cid reduction factors for the material safety - i from 1 to 4
factor, bonding
CIFF reduction factor for inter-fibre failure - (cf. Section 5.5.3)
cmax maximum blade depth m (cf. Section
cmin parameter for calculating the ice formation on m (see Section
the blade
D damage -
D, d diameter m
DQ damage contribution from vortex-induced - (see Section
transverse vibrations
DF damage contribution of the actions from the - (see Section
operating conditions
d nominal bolt diameter m (see Section
E E-modulus (modulus of elasticity) MPa, N/mm²
F force N
Fi force acting in the direction i = x, y or z N (see Chapter 4, Appendix B)
FSmax max. bolt force under extreme load N (see Section
F0,2min bolt force at the 0.2 % elastic strain limit N (see Section
f line force N/m
f frequency 1/s f = ω/(2π)
f0,n n-th natural frequency 1/s n = 1, 2, …
fR maximum rotating frequency of the rotor in 1/s
the normal operating range
fR,m transition frequency of the m rotor blades 1/s
G gust reaction factor -
Symbols and Units IV – Part1
Page 16 GL Wind 2003

Symbol Meaning Unit Remarks

G dead weight N
G shear modulus MPa, N/mm²
g area load from dead weight N/m²
g acceleration due to gravity (=9.81m/s²) m/s²
h height m
h1 opening height m (see Section
I moment of inertia m4
I15 characteristic value of the turbulence intensity - (see Section 4.2.2)
for a mean wind speed of 15 m/s
j casting quality level - (see Section
j0 constant - (see Section
K modified Bessel function -
KA application factor - (see Section
KFα transverse load factor, root stress - (see Section
KFβ face load factor, root stress - (see Section
KHα transverse load factor, contact stress - (see Section
KHβ face load factor, contact stress - (see Section
KV dynamic load factor - (see Section
Kγ load distribution factor - (see Section
k flange gaps m (see Section
k shape parameter of the Weibull function - (see Section
ks reduction factor for the design S/N curve of - (see Section
large bolts
L isotropic, integral turbulence scale parameter m
Le scale parameter of the coherence function m
Lk integral length parameter of the speed m
l component length m
l statically effective span m
M moment Nm
MBmin minimum required braking moment kNm (see Section 7.5.1)
MBminAusl minimum design braking moment kNm (see Section 7.5.1)
MBmax maximum actual braking moment kNm (see Section 7.5.1)
Mi moment acting in the direction i = x, y or z Nm (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.B)
Mk tilting moment of the induction generator Nm (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
Mn rated torque Nm (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
m mass kg
m slope parameter of the S/N curve -
N permissible load cycle number -
N perpendicular force (axial force) N
N recurrence period for extreme conditions a
Ni tolerable number of stress cycles - (see Section
ND limiting stress cycle number – fatigue limit - (see Section
n quantity (i.e. number of) -
n rotational speed 1/min
n1 minimum operating rotational speed 1/min (see Section
n2 set value of the speed controller 1/min (see Section
n3 maximum operating rotational speed 1/min (see Section
IV – Part 1 Symbols and Units
GL Wind 2003 Page 17

Symbol Meaning Unit Remarks

n4 cut-out speed 1/min (see Section
nA activation speed 1/min (see Section
ni number of existing stress cycles - (see Section
nmax maximum overspeed 1/min (see Section
nr rated speed 1/min (see Section
nref reference load cycle number - (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.B)
P confidence level -
P live load N
P power W
PÜ survival probability - (see Section
PA activation power kW (see Section
Pr rated power kW (see Section
PR (Vhub) Rayleigh probability distribution, i.e. the - (see Section
probability that V < Vo
PT over-power kW (see Section
PW (Vhub) Weibull probability distribution - (see Section
p area live load N/m²
Q total load N
q area loading N/m²
R resistance N, Nm, MPa generic term, referring e.g. to a
tolerable bending moment
R stress or strain ratio - R= σ min/σ max
R, r radius m
S action N, Nm, MPa generic term, referring e.g. to an
acting bending moment
Sd reduction factor – casting quality - (see Section
SF safety against tooth root fracture -
SH safety against pitting -
S Pü reduction factor – survival probability - >2/3 (see Section
S1 (f) power spectral density 2 2 (see Section
m /s
SS safety against scuffing
sK tilting slip of the induction generator - (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
T temperature °C, K
T time interval s
T characteristic gust shape duration s
t component thickness m
t time (as a variable) s
T1 time constant of the stator s (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
Ui i% fractile value of the normal distribution -
u displacement in the x direction m
V thrust N
V wind speed m/s
V (y, z, t) longitudinal component of the wind speed, m/s (EWS: see Section
describing the horizontal wind shear
V (z) magnitude of the wind speed at the height z m/s (see Section
V (z, t) longitudinal component of the wind speed m/s (EWS: see Section
in relation to height and time
VA short-term cut-out wind speed m/s (see Section
Symbols and Units IV – Part1
Page 18 GL Wind 2003

Symbol Meaning Unit Remarks

Vave annual average wind speed at hub height m/s (see Section und 4.2.2)
VB gust value m/s (see Section
Vcg extreme value of the wind speed amplitude m/s (ECG: see Section
for the coherent gust shape over the swept
rotor area, applying the extreme coherent
VeN expected extreme wind speed (averaged m/s (EWM: see Section
over 3 s), with a recurrence period of
N years. Ve1 and Ve50 for 1 or 50 years
respectively, applying the steady-state
extreme wind speed model
VgustN maximum value of the wind speed for the m/s (EOG: see Section
extreme operating gust, with an expected
recurrence period of N years
Vhub 10-min mean of the wind speed at hub height m/s
Vin cut-in wind speed m/s (see Section
VN expected extreme wind speed (averaged over m/s (EWM: see Section
10 min), with a recurrence period of N years.
V1 and V50 for 1 or 50 years respectively,
applying the turbulent extreme wind speed
Vout cut-out wind speed m/s (see Section
Vr rated wind speed m/s (see Section
Vref reference wind speed: fundamental parameter m/s (see Section 4.2.2)
of the extreme wind speed, used for definition
of the type classes
VT the 10-min mean of the wind speed at hub m/s (cf. Section
height, specified by the manufacturer for
maintenance, erection and transport. VT can
consist of several quantities.
v coefficient of variation -
v displacement in the y direction m
W section modulus of a plane m³
w displacement in the z direction m
X“d subtransient reactance - (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
x; x’ coordinates m
y parameter for the extreme wind shear model: - (EWS: see Section
horizontal distance to the hub centreline
y; y’ coordinates m
z height over terrain surface m (see Section
zhub hub height of the wind turbine over ground m (see Section
z; z’ coordinates m
α power law exponent for the normal wind - (see Section
αS inclination of the outer flange surfaces ° (see Section
β parameter for the models of extreme op - (EOG: see Section,
erating gust, extreme direction change and (EDC: see Section,
extreme wind shear (EWS: see Section
Γ gamma function - (see Section
γ slip - = τ/G
IV – Part 1 Symbols and Units
GL Wind 2003 Page 19

Symbol Meaning Unit Remarks

γF partial safety factor for the loads - (see Section 4.3.5)
γGr partial safety factor for the analysis of the - (see Section
safety against bearing capacity failure
γM partial safety factor for the material - (see Sections,
γM0 material partial safety factor - = 1.35, see Section, para 1
γMa material partial safety factor for short-term - (see Section 5.5.2)
γMb material partial safety factor for fatigue - (see Section 5.5.2)
γMc material partial safety factor for stability - (see Section 5.5.3)
γMd material partial safety factor for bonding, - (see Section 5.5.6)
short-term strength
γMe material partial safety factor for bonding, - (see Section 5.5.6)
long-term strength
γM,3 material partial safety factor for the analysis - (see Section
of shear-loaded connections
γP partial safety factor for the analysis of pile - (see Section
γiT load partial safety factor for the rotor blade - i from 1 to 2
δ opening angle ° (see Section
δB logarithmic decrement -
ε strain - = σ/E
ε nonlinear notch strain - (see Section 5.A.1.5)
Θcg greatest angular deviation during a gust ° (ECD: see Section
development from the direction of the
average wind speed, applying the model for
extreme coherent gust with direction change
Θ(t) time curve of the wind direction change °
ΘeN extreme direction change, with a recurrence ° (EDC: see Section
period of N years, applying the model of the
extreme direction change
ΘN(t) time curve of the extreme direction change ° (EDC: see Section
with a recurrence period of N years, apply-
ing the model of the extreme direction
Θ temperature °C
Θ mean, year annual average temperature °C (see Section
Θ 1year extreme temperature with a recurrence period °C (see Section
min/max of 1 year
Θ min/max, extreme temperature for operation °C (see Section

Λ1 turbulence scale parameter m (see Section

µ friction coefficient / slip factor -
µE parameter for calculating the ice formation on kg/m, (see Section
the rotor blade
ρ density kg/m³
ρE density of the ice kg/m3 (see Section
σ normal stress MPa, N/mm²
Symbols and Units IV – Part1
Page 20 GL Wind 2003

Symbol Meaning Unit Remarks

σ nonlinear notch stress MPa, N/mm² (see Appendix 5.A, Section
∆σA reference value of the S/N curve MPa, N/mm² (see Section
∆σ∗A reference value of the S/N curve MPa, N/mm² (see Section
∆σD fatigue limit MPa, N/mm² (see Section
σk linear-elastic notch stress MPa, N/mm² (see Appendix 5.A, Section
σS structural or hot spot stress MPa, N/mm² (see Appendix 5.A, Section
σ1 standard deviation of the longitudinal wind m/s (see Section
speed at hub height
∆σ i stress range MPa, N/mm² (see Section
τ shear stress MPa, N/mm²
Φ inclination of the plane °
φ yaw error ° (see Section
Φ angle for two-phase short circuit ° (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
φA cut-out yaw error ° (see Section
ω angular velocity 1/s ω = 2πf
Ωg grid angular frequency 1/s (see Chapter 4, Appendix 4.C)
1P, 2P, excitation of the wind turbine through the 1/s
3P... rotor speed multiplied by the factor 1, 2, 3...


Symbol Meaning Remarks

A amplitude
c pressure separated by a comma (σSd,c)
d design value
F load, action
F tooth root
i enumeration
k characteristic quantity
M material, mean value e.g. γM, εM
max maximum
min minimum
p prestress separated by a comma (σRd,p)
R resisting preceding in combination with the sub-
scripts k and d, but without separation by a
comma (e.g. σRd or εRk)
res resulting
S acting preceding in combination with the sub-
scripts k and d, but without separation by a
comma (e.g. FSd or MSk)
t tension separated by a comma (σRd,t)
x; x’ coordinate designation
y; y’ coordinate designation
z; z’ coordinate designation

Auxiliary symbols

Symbol Meaning
 mean value of the overlined quantity
IV – Part 1 Symbols and Units
GL Wind 2003 Page 21


Symbol Meaning
∆ difference or part of the subsequent quanti-
Π product of the subsequent quantities
Σ sum of the subsequent quantities
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

1 General Conditions for Approval

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

1.1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Transition periods .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.3 Deviations ................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.4 National requirements.............................................................................................................................. 1-1 International guidelines............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.5 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 1-1

1.2 Extent of Certification ........................................................................................................................... 1-3

1.2.1 Subdivision of the certification ................................................................................................................ 1-3 C – Design Assessment............................................................................................................................ 1-3 A – and B – Design Assessment of the type of a wind turbine ................................................................ 1-3 Site-specific Design Assessment.............................................................................................................. 1-3 Type Certificate for the type of a wind turbine ........................................................................................ 1-3 Project Certificate .................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.2 Assessment of prototypes (C – Design Assessment) ............................................................................... 1-3 General..................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Scope and validity.................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Documents to be submitted...................................................................................................................... 1-4 Scope of assessment................................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.2.3 A – and B – Design Assessment............................................................................................................... 1-4 Scope and validity.................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Assessment of the design documentation ................................................................................................ 1-5 Witnessing and Tests................................................................................................................................ 1-6
1.2.4 Site-specific Design Assessment.............................................................................................................. 1-6 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 1-6 Site-specific assessment........................................................................................................................... 1-6
1.2.5 Type Certificate........................................................................................................................................ 1-6 Scope and validity.................................................................................................................................... 1-6 Quality management system .................................................................................................................... 1-6 Implementation of the design-related requirements in production and erection ...................................... 1-6 Prototype test ........................................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.2.6 Project Certificate .................................................................................................................................... 1-8 Scope and validity.................................................................................................................................... 1-8 Surveillance during production................................................................................................................ 1-8 Surveillance during transport and erection .............................................................................................. 1-8 Surveillance of commissioning................................................................................................................ 1-9 Periodic Monitoring................................................................................................................................. 1-9
1.2.7 Re-certification ...................................................................................................................................... 1-10

1.3 Basic Principles for Design and Construction ................................................................................... 1-11

1.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.3.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 1-11 Loads...................................................................................................................................................... 1-11 Limit states............................................................................................................................................. 1-11 Partial safety factors for loads................................................................................................................ 1-11 Partial safety factors for materials ......................................................................................................... 1-12
1.3.3 Analysis procedure ................................................................................................................................ 1-12
1.3.4 Mathematical model .............................................................................................................................. 1-12
Chapter 1 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003

Appendix 1.A

1.A National Requirements in Germany................................................................................................... 1-13

1.A.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-13
1.A.1.1 Material requirements ............................................................................................................................ 1-13
1.A.1.2 Requirements for manufacturers............................................................................................................ 1-13
1.A.1.3 Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 1-13
1.A.1.4 Guidelines for measurements................................................................................................................. 1-13
1.A.2 Analysis concept .................................................................................................................................... 1-13
1.A.2.1 Towers.................................................................................................................................................... 1-13
1.A.2.2 Foundations............................................................................................................................................ 1-14
1.A.3 Wind conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 1-14
1.A.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-14
1.A.3.2 Wind zones............................................................................................................................................. 1-14
1.A.3.3 Reference wind speeds........................................................................................................................... 1-14
1.A.3.4 Annual average and turbulence intensity ............................................................................................... 1-14

Appendix 1.B

1.B National Requirements in Denmark................................................................................................... 1-15

1.B.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.B.2 Regulations and standards...................................................................................................................... 1-15

Appendix 1.C

1.C National Requirements in France....................................................................................................... 1-17

1.C.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-17
1.C.2 Building permission procedure .............................................................................................................. 1-17

Appendix 1.D

1.D National Requirements in the Netherlands........................................................................................ 1-19

1.D.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-19
1.D.2 Preliminary standard NVN 11400-0 ...................................................................................................... 1-19
1.D.2.1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 1-19
1.D.2.2 Load assumptions .................................................................................................................................. 1-19

Appendix 1.E

1.E National Requirements in India.......................................................................................................... 1-21

1.E.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.E.2 Certification categories .......................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.E.2.1 Category I .............................................................................................................................................. 1-21
1.E.2.2 Category II ............................................................................................................................................. 1-21
1.E.2.3 Category III............................................................................................................................................ 1-21
1.E.3 TAPS-2000 requirements....................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.E.3.1 Category I and II .................................................................................................................................... 1-21
1.E.3.2 Category III............................................................................................................................................ 1-21
1.E.3.3 External conditions for India (corresponding to TAPS-2000, Appendix 2) ........................................... 1-21

Appendix 1.F

1.F IEC and CENELEC Standards .......................................................................................................... 1-23

1.F.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 1-23
1.F.2 List of normative documents in the area of wind energy ....................................................................... 1-23
1.F.3 Supply sources ....................................................................................................................................... 1-23
IV – Part 1 1.1 Scope Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-1

1.1 Scope

1.1.1 General certified by GL Wind according to the GL

Regulations, Edition 1999, after consultation
Note: with GL Wind
Alterations to the Edition 2003 are marked in the Sup- – up to 2 years for re-certification on expiry of
plement 2004 by a bar at the margin. the validity of a Type Certificate issued by GL
(1) This Guideline applies to the design, approval and
certification of wind turbines, also known as wind en- (2) In the case of new turbine types, the transition
ergy conversion systems (WECS). period shall only be applied if all documents needed for
the requested extent of certification are submitted during
(2) The present Guideline represents a completely re- the transition period.
vised and expanded version of the “Regulations for the
Certification of Wind Energy Conversion Systems” of (3) The application of editions of the GL Regulations
Germanischer Lloyd (GL), Edition 1999. that are older than the Edition 1999 is no longer admis-
sible at all.
(3) When carrying out certification, the overall concept
of the wind turbine is assessed. The certification covers 1.1.3 Deviations
all component elements of the installation, i.e. safety as
well as design, construction, availability, workmanship (1) Deviations from this Guideline are, as a matter of
and quality are checked, assessed and certified. principle, permitted only with the consent of GL Wind.

(4) The actual operating life of a wind turbine can (2) The certification may in individual cases involve
deviate from the design lifetime, and will in general be inclusion of locally applicable regulations and codes.
longer. For wearing parts and for coolants, oils and
lubricants that do not attain the design lifetime of the (3) The level of safety set by this Guideline shall be
wind turbine, the manufacturer of the wind turbine shall observed as a minimum requirement, even if national or
prescribe regular replacement intervals. regional laws or regulations require less.

(5) Certification of a wind turbine on the basis of this (4) In the case of designs to which this Guideline can-
Guideline is carried out by Germanischer Lloyd Wind- not be applied, GL Wind reserves the right to proceed in
Energie GmbH (GL Wind) with regard to the points the spirit of the Guideline.
specified in Section 1.2.
(5) If analysis concepts of different standards are to be
Note: applied, these shall generally not be mixed.
In the design of the wind turbine, aspects of labour
safety can be taken into account through compliance 1.1.4 National requirements
with the draft standard prEN 50308 “Wind turbines –
Labour safety”. National labour-safety guidelines shall In general, this Guideline covers the national require-
be observed in all cases. ments. Comments and requirements for certain coun-
tries can be found in the Appendices 1.A, 1.B, 1.C, 1.D
1.1.2 Transition periods and 1.E.

(1) For the application of this Guideline, the following International guidelines
transition periods shall apply after it comes into force,
during which the GL “Regulations for the Certification An overview of the international standards, technical
of Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, Edition 1999, guidelines and specifications of the IEC and CENELEC
may still be applied: with regard to wind turbines is given in Appendix 1.F.

– 6 months for new wind turbines 1.1.5 Assessment documents

– up to 2 years for modifications to the design Texts in assessment documents shall be worded in
of wind turbines that were already assessed or German or English. Relevant excerpts of cited docu-
Kapitel 1Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden
werden. IV – Teil 1
Seite 1-2 GL Wind 2003

ments that are not generally known shall be appended

to the assessment documents.
IV – Part 1 1.2 Extent of Certification Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-3

1.2 Extent of Certification

1.2.1 Subdivision of the certification

– witnessing of the test operation of a prototype
(see Section and Chapter 10)
Certification of a wind turbine or a wind farm is sub-
divided into the steps listed below.
(2) Following completion, GL Wind will issue State-
ments of Compliance on the implementation of the C – Design Assessment design-related requirements in production and erection
and on the prototype test as well as the Type Certificate.
To attain the C – Design Assessment for prototypes
(see Section 1.2.2), it is necessary that a plausibility Project Certificate
check of the prototype be performed on the basis of the
design documentation. Following completion, GL (1) To attain the Project Certificate, e.g. for a wind
Wind will issue a Statement of Compliance for the farm or for a wind turbine (see Section 1.2.6), the fol-
C – Design Assessment. lowing steps are necessary: A – and B – Design Assessment – Type Certificate for the type of wind turbine
of the type of a wind turbine used (see Section 1.2.5)

To attain the A – or B – Design Assessment (see Sec- – Site-specific Design Assessment (see Section
tion 1.2.3), a complete examination of the design 1.2.4)
analyses with all required material and component – examination of the foundation (see Section
tests is required, together with witnessing of the com- 6.7)
missioning of one of the first wind turbines.
Following completion, GL Wind will issue a Statement – surveillance during production (see Section
of Compliance for the A – or B – Design Assessment..
– surveillance during transport and erection (see Site-specific Design Assessment Section

(1) For a site-specific design assessment (see Section – surveillance during commissioning (see Sec-
1.2.4), the following steps are necessary: tion
– periodical inspection (periodic monitoring) to
– A – or B – Design Assessment (see Section maintain the validity of the certificate (see
1.2.3) Section and Chapter 11)
– Site-specific assessment (see Section
(2) Following completion, GL Wind will issue the
(2) Following completion, GL Wind will issue a Site-
specific Statement of Compliance for the Design As-
1.2.2 Assessment of prototypes
(C – Design Assessment) Type Certificate for the type General
of a wind turbine
The C – Design Assessment (prototype assessment, in
(1) To attain the Type Certificate (see Section 1.2.5), German: “Prototypengutachten”) is used to erect the
the following steps are necessary: prototype of a wind turbine. As a rule, power and load
measurements shall be performed at the prototype,
– A – Design Assessment (see Section 1.2.3) after which they shall be compared to the calculated
– quality management system of the manufac- values. Modifications to the control system are permis-
turer (see Section sible, provided that the resulting loads do not change
appreciably. The C – Design Assessment is usually
– implementation of the design-related re- based on a complete plausibility check of the loads, the
quirements in production and erection (see rotor blades, the machinery components as well as of
Section the tower and foundation. National or local regulations
Chapter 1 1.2 Extent of Certification IV – Part 1
Page 1-4 GL Wind 2003

may require that the tower and foundation be subjected (3) On conclusion of the measurements, the measure-
to a complete analysis. ment reports and the comparisons of the measurement
results with the design values shall be submitted to GL Scope and validity Wind for evaluation.

(1) For each type of wind turbine, only one C – Design Scope of assessment
Assessment is produced. If a plant type is modified with
other rotor blades, a different operating mode or in other
(1) With regard to the safety system of the wind tur-
points strongly influencing the loads, then these are
bine, it is checked whether the safety-relevant operating
reasons which justify another prototype plant and an-
values are sensed and made available to the safety sys-
other C – Design Assessment.
tem. Furthermore, the existence of two independent
braking systems shall be checked.
(2) The C – Design Assessment is valid for test opera-
tion comprising a maximum of 2 years or 4000 equiva-
(2) The blade root, hub and tower head loads to be
lent hours at full load. The criterion met first shall apply.
submitted are checked for plausibility. This is possible if
By this time at the latest, a B – Design Assessment shall
the extreme loads and fatigue loads can be compared
be submitted for the wind turbine.
with those of other wind turbines of similar size. If a
wind turbine of a larger wind turbine type is submitted Documents to be submitted
for assessment, then the pertinent values shall be ex-
trapolated with due consideration of the physical cir-
(1) For the C – Design Assessment, the following
documents shall be submitted:
– general description of the wind turbine
A complete examination of the loads can be waived,
– description of the control and safety concepts
since modifications to the control system that influence
– description of the safety system and the brak- the loads are permissible for a prototype.
ing systems
(3) The rotor blades and the machinery components in
– complete calculation of the loads
the drive train are also checked for plausibility, if it is
– main drawings of the rotor blade, including possible to apply the experience gained in the dimen-
structural design and blade connection sioning of similar turbines. As already mentioned in
Section, it may depend on local regulations or
– general arrangement drawing of the nacelle
requirements as to whether a plausibility check of the
– drawing of the hub, main shaft and the main tower and foundation is sufficient or whether a complete
frame analysis is necessary.
– listing of the primary components to be used
(e.g. main bearing, gearbox, brake, generator
1.2.3 A – and B – Design Assessment
– main drawings of tower and foundation Scope and validity
– soil investigation report (optional)
(1) To attain the A – or B – Design Assessment, the
– description of the electrotechnical installations
tests and witnessing set out in Section and Sec-
– name and address of the owner tion are required; see Fig. 1.2.1.
– planned location of the prototype
(2) The B – Design Assessment may contain items that
are still outstanding, providing these are not directly
(2) In certain cases, further documents may be necessary:
safety-relevant. The B – Design Assessment has a valid-
ity period of one year. During the validity period, all
– calculation documents for the tower
installed wind turbines of this type shall be reported to
– calculation documents for the foundation GL Wind.
IV – Part 1 1.2 Extent of Certification Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-5

Assessment of loads
safety concept

Certification Report:
Load assumptions

- Rotor blade tests

Assessment of the - Prototype trial
design documentation of the gearbox
and the manuals at the test bench
- Witnessing of the

Certification Reports:
- Safety system and manuals
- Rotor blades
- Machinery components
- Tower (and foundation)
- Electrical equipment
- Commissioning

For items still outstanding:

B - Design Assessment

No items outstanding:
A - Design Assessment

Fig. 1.2.1 Procedure for A – and B – Design Assessment

(3) The A – Design Assessment is only performed which are to be submitted within the scope of type certi-
without outstanding items. The A – Design Assessment fication, also be submitted for examination within the
is valid indefinitely. It becomes invalid when modifica- design assessment.
tions are made without the consent of GL Wind to the
design of components which form part of the design (2) Initially, the documents which form the basis of the
assessment. design are assessed; these are

(4) The examination of a foundation is optional within – control and safety system concepts (Chapter 2)
the scope of the A – or B – Design Assessments. – load case definitions / load assumptions
(Chapter 4) Assessment of the design documentation
(3) Once these have been assessed, design assessment
(1) For assessment of the design documentation, the of the components and subassemblies listed below fol-
manufacturer shall submit a full set of documents in the lows:
form of specifications, calculations, drawings, descrip-
tions and parts lists. It is recommended that the docu- – safety system (Chapter 2)
ments for the implementation of design-related require-
ments in production and erection (see Section, – rotor blades (Section 6.2)
Chapter 1 1.2 Extent of Certification IV – Part 1
Page 1-6 GL Wind 2003

– mechanical structures (Sections 6.3, 6.5) inclu- (3) If the circumstances and conditions prevailing at
ding nacelle housing and spinner (Section 6.4) the site are such that they could impair the integrity and
safety of the wind turbine, then they shall be considered
– machinery components (Chapter 7) after coordination with GL Wind. For the detailed
– electrotechnical components, including light- requirements, see Section 4.4.
ning protection (Chapter 8)
(4) The effects on the wind turbine of the external
– tower (Section 6.6) and, optionally, foundation conditions at the site and the influence of other wind
(Section 6.7) turbines as well as structures at the site shall be checked.
It shall be shown that the external conditions are non-
– manuals (Chapter 9): erection manual, com-
critical in relation to those assumed for the design (Sec-
missioning manual, operating manual, main-
tion of the wind turbine. If there are conditions
tenance manual
on site that lead to higher loads or to more unfavourable
situations than those assumed for the design, then the Witnessing and Tests
design assessment shall be performed according to the
site-specific conditions.
(1) The scope of the blade tests is defined in Section
6.2.5. 1.2.5 Type Certificate

(2) The prototype test of the main gearbox at the test Scope and validity
bench shall be completed before issuance of the A-
Design Assessment (see Section 10.7). (1) To attain the Type Certificate, the steps set out in
Section are required; see Fig. 1.2.2. The Type
(3) The commissioning procedure shall be witnessed at Certificate applies only for a type of wind turbine, not
one of the first wind turbines built in the version to be for actual installations or projects.
certified (see Section 10.8).
(2) The Type Certificate has a validity period of two
1.2.4 Site-specific Design Assessment years. During the validity period, all installed wind
turbines of this type shall be reported annually to GL Scope Wind. The Type Certificate will already lapse before the
two years have expired if the A – Design Assessment or
To attain the Site-specific Design Assessment, the the certificate for the quality system are no longer valid.
steps set out in Section are necessary.
(3) Upon expiry of the validity period, re-certification Site-specific assessment will be performed on request of the manufacturer (see
Section 1.2.7).
(1) The site-specific assessment includes the examina- Quality management system
tion of the entire wind turbine, the environment-related
influences on the wind turbine, and the mutual influence
Within the scope of the quality management (QM)
of the wind turbines.
system, the manufacturer shall verify that he meets the
requirements of ISO 9001 with regard to design and
(2) For the site-specific assessment, effects from the manufacture. As a rule, this is effected through the
following influences are considered: certification of the QM system by an accredited certi-
fication body (see Section 3.2).
– the topographical complexity of the site
– the wind conditions at the site Implementation of the design-related
requirements in production and erection
– the other environmental conditions, such as:
temperature, ice and snow, humidity, lightning
(1) Objective: It shall be ensured that the requirements
strike, solar radiation, salt content of the air
stipulated in the technical documentation with regard to
the components are observed and implemented in pro-
– the danger of earthquakes and the associated duction and erection. This is shown once only to GL
loads and design measures Wind by the manufacturer of the components and the
wind turbine. Furthermore, this approach is generally
– the electrical conditions at the site intended to replace external surveillance during normal
– the soil conditions production.
IV – Part 1 1.2 Extent of Certification Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-7

Implementation Prototype test,

of the design Quality including
A - Design
requirements in management prototype trial of
production and system the gearbox at the
erection wind turbine



Fig. 1.2.2 Elements of the Type Certificate

(2) The extent of the surveillance during production (7) If information is obtained on deviations or malfunc-
and erection depends on the standard of the quality- tion in the operation of wind turbines that must be as-
management measures and shall be agreed with GL cribed to production flaws, GL Wind reserves the right
Wind. to monitor the production surveillance also after the
Type Certificate has been issued.
(3) The descriptions of the quality management meas-
ures in production and in erection shall be presented in a (8) The possibilities for rectifying faults are as follows:
summarizing document for the corresponding compo-
nent or assembly. The quality management examina- – After revision of the descriptive documents,
tions can be supported by means of drawings, specifica- the defects that have occurred are remedied. A
tions and specimen documents. repeated personal inspection may be necessary.

– If the defects are not detected, GL Wind can

(4) It is recommended that the descriptions of the qual- impose external surveillance on the manufac-
ity management measures already be submitted within turer for these components or assemblies.
the scope of the design assessment (Section Prototype test
(5) The documented implementation is examined by
GL Wind once at the start of production within the (1) The measurements within the scope of test opera-
scope of a personal inspection. It shall be decided in tion of a prototype generally comprise the following
each individual case whether the conformity can be points:
inspected in the component manufacturer’s works or as
part of the incoming inspection of the plant manufac- – measurement of the power curve (see Section
turer. 10.2)
– measurement of the noise emission (see Sec-
(6) Changes in the procedure which influence the pro- tion 10.3)
duction quality or the component properties shall be
reported to GL Wind. In the event of major changes, the – measurement of the electrical properties (see
descriptive documents shall be submitted for renewed Section 10.4)
examination and, if necessary, a repeated personal in- – test of wind turbine behaviour (see Section
spection shall be made. 10.5)
Chapter 1 1.2 Extent of Certification IV – Part 1
Page 1-8 GL Wind 2003

– load measurements (see Section 10.6) measures, and shall be agreed with GL Wind. In gen-
eral, the following actions and approvals will be carried
(2) Deviations from this measurement scope are only out by GL Wind:
possible after agreement has been reached with GL
Wind. – inspection and testing of materials and com-
(3) Details on the measurements are given in Chapter
– scrutiny of QM records such as test certifi-
10. The measurement points, the planned scope of the
cates, tracers, reports
measurements and their assessment shall be coordinated
with GL Wind before installation commences (see also – surveillance of production, including storage
Chapter 10). If the results of the measurements are to be conditions and handling, by random sampling
used as a basis for the strength analyses, additional
– inspection of the corrosion protection
requirements shall be coordinated with GL Wind before
the measurements are started. – inspection of the electrical power system
– supervision of the final test
(4) On completion of the measurements, the following
activities shall be performed: Surveillance during transport and erection
– evaluation and documentation of the meas-
(1) Before work begins, an erection manual (see Sec-
– plausibility check of the measurement results tion 9.1), which if necessary takes account of the special
circumstances of the site, shall be submitted. This will
– comparison of the measurement results with
be checked for compatibility with the assessed design
the assumptions in the design documentation
and with the transport and erection conditions (climate,
job scheduling, etc.) prevailing. Furthermore, a site plan
(5) The measurement reports on the various measure-
showing the location of the wind turbine shall be sub-
ments and the comparisons shall be submitted to GL
mitted, together with plans of the electrical installation
Wind for evaluation.
showing how the plant will be connected to the public
1.2.6 Project Certificate
(2) The extent of GL Wind’s supervisory activity de-
pends on the quality management measures of the firms Scope and validity involved in transport and erection. As a rule, GL Wind
will carry out the following activities:
(1) To attain the Project Certificate, the steps set out in
Section are required; see Fig. 1.2.3. The Project – identification and allocation of all components
Certificate applies for actual installations or projects. to the wind turbine in question
– checking the components for damage during
(2) The Project Certificate is valid indefinitely and
only lapses if the Periodic Monitoring is not carried out.
Major modifications, conversions or repairs not ap- – inspection of the job schedules (e.g. for weld-
proved by GL Wind will also lead to loss of the certifi- ing, installation, bolting up)
cate’s validity.
– inspection of prefabricated subassemblies, and
of components to be installed, for adequate Surveillance during production quality of manufacture, insofar as this has not
been done at the manufacturers’ works
(1) Before surveillance during production begins, cer-
– surveillance of important steps in the erection
tain quality management (QM) requirements shall be
on a random-sampling basis
met by the manufacturers. As a rule, the QM system
should be certified as complying with ISO 9001, other- – inspection of bolted connections, surveillance
wise the QM measures will be assessed by GL Wind. of non-destructive tests (e.g. welded joints)
This will involve meeting the minimum requirements
– inspection of the corrosion protection
according to Section 3.2.3.
– inspection of the electrical installation (run of
(2) The extent of the surveillance during production cables, equipment earths and earthing system)
depends on the standard of the quality management
IV – Part 1 1.2 Extent of Certification Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-9


Site-specific Surveillance Surveillance
Design during during
transport and
Assessment production commissioning



Fig. 1.2.3 Elements of the Project Certificate Surveillance of commissioning Periodic Monitoring

(1) Before commissioning, the start-up manual (see (1) To maintain the validity of the certificate, mainte-
Section 9.2) together with all the tests planned shall be nance of the wind turbine shall be carried out in accor-
submitted for assessment. Before commissioning, the dance with the approved maintenance manual, and the
manufacturer shall provide proof that the wind turbine condition of the installation shall be monitored periodi-
has been erected properly and, as far as necessary, tested cally by GL Wind in accordance with Chapter 11 “Peri-
to ensure that operation is safe. In the absence of such odic Monitoring”. Maintenance shall be carried out and
proof, appropriate tests shall be carried out when putting documented by an authorized person accepted by GL
the installation into operation. The commissioning is Wind. The Periodic Monitoring interval is two years as
performed under surveillance of GL Wind. a rule. This interval may be varied depending on the
condition of the installation.
(2) In the course of commissioning, all the functions of
the wind turbine deriving from its operating mode shall (2) Any damage or major repairs shall be reported to
be tested. This includes the following tests and activities: GL Wind. To maintain validity of the certificate, any
alterations have to be approved by GL Wind. The extent
– functioning of the emergency push button to which this work is supervised shall be agreed with
GL Wind.
– triggering of the brakes by every operating
condition possible in operation
(3) The maintenance records will be perused by GL
– functioning of the yaw system Wind. The Periodic Monitoring by GL Wind comprises
the following assemblies:
– behaviour at loss of load
– behaviour at overspeed – foundation
– functioning of automatic operation – tower
– visual inspection of the entire installation – nacelle
– checking the logic of the control system’s in- – all parts of the drive train
– rotor blades
Chapter 1 1.2 Extent of Certification IV – Part 1
Page 1-10 GL Wind 2003

– hydraulic/pneumatic system – list of valid drawings

– safety and control systems – list of all modifications to the design of com-
ponents forming a part of the design assess-
– electrical installation
ment and, if applicable, documents for evalua-
tion of the modifications
(4) Details on the Periodic Monitoring are given in
Chapter 11. – list of alterations to the QM system since the
last audit
1.2.7 Re-certification
– list of all installed wind turbines of the type
(at least statement of the type with precise de-
(1) Upon expiry of the validity period of the Type
signation of the variant, serial number, hub
Certificate, re-certification will be performed on request
height, location)
of the manufacturer. After completion of the process,
GL Wind issues a Type Certificate (see Section 1.2.5) – list of all damages to the installed wind tur-
with a reference to the re-certification and a validity bines
period of two years.
(3) If modifications were made to the structure, these
(2) For the re-certification, the following documents are examined and a revision of the Statement of Com-
shall be submitted for evaluation by GL Wind: pliance for the A – Design Assessment is issued.
IV – Part 1 1.3 Basic Principles for Design and Construction Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-11

1.3 Basic Principles for Design and Construction

1.3.1 General
1.3.2 Definitions
(1) The basis for this Guideline is provided by the Loads
general principles of reliability and durability of struc-
tures, as contained for example in ISO 2394 or the
Loads in the sense of this definition are all actions and
interactions with the environment which cause a load-
ing of the structure.
(2) Wind turbines intended to be certified shall be so
designed, manufactured and maintained as to guarantee Limit states
safe and economic operation during their envisaged
operating life. This in particular requires proof that
The integrity of a structure or its components shall be
proved by the investigation of limit states. The limit
– the installation is capable of withstanding all
states are divided into two groups, the ultimate limit
loads (see Section assumed to occur
states and the serviceability limit states, which in turn
during manufacture and the envisaged operat-
may be subdivided further.
ing life (ultimate limit states), and that
– the installation remains operable under the in- Ultimate limit state
fluence of each of the loads to be assumed in
this connection (serviceability limit states). (1) The ultimate limit state, which generally corre-
sponds to the maximum load-bearing capacity, includes
(3) The wind turbine should normally be so designed for example the following states:
that minor causes cannot result in disproportionately
heavy damage. This can for instance be achieved by (2) Rupture of critical parts of a structure comprising
components, cross-sections and connections, for in-
– designing the important components so that stance by:
failure of a part does not result in destruction
of the entire installation, or – fracture / exceedance of ultimate strength
– ensuring that all important components are cap- – loss of stability (buckling)
able of withstanding all foreseeable influences.
– fatigue
(4) Inspection and maintenance intervals shall be
(3) Loss of the static equilibrium of a structure or its
planned to provide adequate assurance that no signifi-
parts (e. g. overturning as a rigid body).
cant deterioration in the condition of the plant can arise
in the interval. The design shall take into account the Serviceability limit state
practicability of carrying out inspections of relevant
Depending on design and function, the serviceability
limit state is determined by various limiting values
(5) Where inspection is not practicable, the component
which are oriented towards the normally envisaged use
shall be so designed and made that adequate durability
of the wind turbine. Limits to be observed are,
for the entire operating life of the installation is assured.
amongst others:
(6) The maintenance concept embraces all activities
– deformations
carried out by an authorized person during the operating
life of an installation to ensure its durability. This in- – vibration amplitudes and accelerations
– crack widths
– regular inspections – stresses and strains
– extraordinary inspections (e.g. after damage or Partial safety factors for loads
an earthquake)
– repairs (1) The partial safety factors for the loads γF shall ef-
fect that, taking into account the probability of the load
Chapter 1 1.3 Basic Principles for Design and Construction IV – Part 1
Page 1-12 GL Wind 2003

occurring, certain limiting values will not be exceeded (3) The partial safety factors for materials are stated, in
with a given probability. These partial safety factors re- dependence on the materials, in Section 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5.
flect the uncertainty of the loads and their probability of
occurrence (e.g. normal and extreme loads), possible
deviation of the loads from the representative/character- 1.3.3 Analysis procedure
istic values, plus the accuracy of the load model (e.g.
gravitational or aerodynamic forces). (1) The stress S in a component is in this case deter-
mined using the design loads applicable for the respec-
(2) The partial safety factors for the loads are inde- tive limit state.
pendent of the materials used and are stated for all load
components in Section 4.3.5. S = S (Fd) (1.3.3)

(3) To ensure reliable design values, the uncertainties

(2) General proof is then required that the stresses
and variances of the loads are covered by the partial
resulting from the design loads remain below the design
safety factors for the loads as defined in equation 1.3.1.
Fd = γF Fk (1.3.1)
S ≤ Rd (1.3.4)
(3) The partial safety factor procedure aspired to in
Fd design values of the loads ISO 2394 and the Eurocodes cannot always be applied
directly to wind turbines, because the operating state of
γF partial safety factors for the loads the wind turbine in interaction with the environment
results from the equilibrium of various load compo-
Fk characteristic values of the loads. In this Guide- nents. In such cases, the determination of section loads
line, the alternative term “representative value” and stresses shall be carried out using the characteristic
is used in cases for which the characteristic value loads. The individual influences affected by uncertainty
cannot easily be determined by statistical means. (e. g. rotational speed, aerodynamic forces) shall then be
systematically varied so as to maintain the safety level
(4) The partial safety factors used according to this implicitly defined by the partial safety factors. As a
Guideline for the loads shall consider: simplification, the section forces and stresses calculated
on the basis of characteristic loads may be multiplied by
– the possibility of unfavourable deviations of the partial safety factor for loads most unfavourable for
the loads from characteristic values the particular load combination.
– uncertainties in the load model
1.3.4 Mathematical model
(5) These varying uncertainties are in some cases con-
sidered by means of individual partial safety factors. In
(1) Stresses are usually determined by means of
this Guideline, as in most other codes, the load-related
mathematical models, in which the behaviour of the
factors are grouped together in a partial safety factor γF.
wind turbine or its components, and the types of loads
acting on it, are idealized and approximated. Partial safety factors for materials
(2) The model and type of approximation chosen shall
(1) The partial safety factors for materials γM take into
be appropriate for the limit state to be investigated.
account the dependence on the type of material, the
processing, component geometry and, if applicable, the
(3) Dimensioning is possible on the basis of test re-
influence of the manufacturing process on the strength.
sults. However, these must be statistically well-founded.
(2) The design resistances Rd to be used for the
strength analyses are derived by division of the charac-
teristic strength Rk by the partial safety factor for mate- In supplement to the global analysis of the load-
rials as per equation 1.3.2. carrying system, it may be necessary to investigate
stresses occurring locally (e. g. in zones of concen-
Rd = Rk/γM (1.3.2) trated loads).
IV – Part 1 Appendix 1.A National Requirements in Germany Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-13

Appendix 1.A National Requirements in Germany

1.A.1 General Bautechnik (German Institute for Civil Engineering),

2003, known as the “DIBt Regulation”, and the stan-
The approval of wind turbines within Germany is dards mentioned therein.
carried out according to the “Bauordnungsrecht” (Buil-
ding Regulations Law). Therefore, all relevant build- (2) The DIBt Regulation applies to the analyses of the
ing codes shall be observed, especially with respect to structural integrity of towers and foundations of wind
the requirements for material / shop approvals and turbines, and contains provisions concerning the effects
analyses. Beside the procedures in the “allgemeine on the entire wind turbine (load assumptions), based on
bauaufsichtliche Zulassung” (general building permis- DIN EN 61400-1.
sion issued by DIBt Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik,
Berlin), the following standards and regulations, (3) The DIBt Regulation, draft dated May 2003, was
among others, shall be observed: taken into account for the compilation of this Guideline.
The relevant requirements for the analyses of tower and
foundation have been harmonized with the DIBt Regu-
1.A.1.1 Material requirements
lation. An exception at the time of going to press for this
Guideline is constituted by Table 5 of the DIBt Regula-
DIN EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of in-
tion: assignment of the influence combinations to the
spection documents
load cases as per DIN 1054: 2003-01, and the analysis
method for slab foundations.
DIN 1045-2 Concrete, reinforced and prestres-
sed concrete structures – Part 2:
(4) The load assumptions described in this Guideline
Concrete; Specification, properties,
cover the requirements for the load and safety level of
production and conformity
the DIBt Regulation, draft dated May 2003 and version
March 2004. The varying wind conditions of the DIBt
DIN EN 206-1 Concrete – Part 1: Specification, Regulation (see Section 1.A.3), the load case DLC 6.1
performance, production and con- of the DIBt Regulation with a partial safety factor for
formity wind loads on tower and foundation of γF = 1.5 without
oblique inflow, and the load case DLC 1.0 with turbu-
DIN 4228 Precast concrete lattice towers, lent wind field for loads with a frequency of occurrence
masts and columns higher than 104 shall be considered.

DIN 18 800-1 Structural steelwork – Part 1: De- 1.A.1.4 Guidelines for measurements
sign and construction
“Technische Richtlinien für Windenergieanlagen”
DIN 18 800-7 Steel structures – Part 7: Execution [Technical Guidelines for Wind Turbines], published
and constructor’s qualification by Fördergesellschaft Windenergie e.V. (FGW), with
the following parts:
1.A.1.2 Requirements for manufacturers
– Part 0: General requirements
DIN 1045-3 Concrete, reinforced and prestres-
sed concrete structures – Part 3: – Part 1: Determination of the noise emission
Execution of structures values
– Part 2: Determination of the power curve and
DIN 18 800-7 Steel structures – Part 7: Execution standardized energy yields
and constructor’s qualification
– Part 3: Determination of the electrical proper-
1.A.1.3 Analysis ties

(1) “Richtlinie für Windenergieanlagen; Einwirkungen 1.A.2 Analysis concept

und Standsicherheitsnachweise für Turm und Grün-
dung” [Regulation for Wind Energy Conversion Sys- 1.A.2.1 Towers
tems; Actions and Verification of Structural Integrity for
Tower and Foundation], DIBt Deutsches Institut für (1) The analysis of steel towers shall be carried out
Chapter 1 Appendix 1.A National Requirements in Germany IV – Part 1
Page 1-14 GL Wind 2003

according to ENV 1993 (Eurocode 3) or DIN 18800, rence period of 50 years at a height of 10 m, is given for
DIN 4131 and DIN 4133. the wind zones in Table 1.A.1, column 2. The height
exponent for these values shall be taken as α = 0.16.
(2) For concrete towers, the relevant parts of DIN
1045-1 or DIN 4228 shall be used. (2) The reference value of the 50-year gust at a height
of 10 m, Ve50 (10), is given for the four wind zones in
1.A.2.2 Foundations Table 1.A.1, column 3. The height exponent for these
values shall be taken as α = 0.11.
DIN 1054 (global safety factors) is valid in Germany
for foundations and the permissible soil pressure.
Table 1.A.1 Reference wind speed Vref (10) and
1.A.3 Wind conditions reference value of the 50-year gust
Ve50 (10)
1.A.3.1 General
1 2 3
The wind conditions to be considered for wind tur-
bines in the Federal Republic of Germany are given in
Zone Vref (10) [m/s] Ve50 (10) [m/s]
the DIBt Regulation and the associated Appendix B –
Wind loads. With publication of the amended edition
I 24.3 35.5
of DIN 1055-4, Appendix B of the DIBt Regulation is
no longer applicable. The chief requirements of the II 27.6 39.6
DIBt Regulation are given in the following.
III 32.0 45.8
1.A.3.2 Wind zones
IV 36.8 51.2
(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is divided into
wind zones with respect to the mean wind speeds (see (3) The values given in Table 1.A.1 for Zone I apply
e.g. DIN 4131, Appendix A). The wind speeds to be only for locations with terrain heights up to 800 m
considered in the relevant wind zone are set out in the above sea level. For exposed positions, e.g. on hills, the
DIBt Regulation for a height of 10 m above ground. For wind speed shall be increased by 10 % in accordance
type approvals, the wind turbine shall be designed for with the DIBt Regulation, Appendix B.
wind zone 2 at least.

(2) The classification of a wind turbine of a type class 1.A.3.4 Annual average and turbulence intensity
(see Section 4.2.2, Table 4.2.1) to the wind zone at the
location of the installation shall be carried out using the (1) The annual average of the wind speed at hub height
wind speed at hub height. The wind speed at hub height Vave shall be assumed as per equation (1.A.2), provided
is evaluated according to equation 1.A.1: that no lower values are verified for that specific site.
 z  Vave = 0.18 ⋅ Vref (z) (1.A.2)
V ( z ) = V (10) ⋅  (1.A.1)
 10 
(2) The wind turbine shall be designed for at least the
turbulence intensity of category A according to Section
V(z) = wind speed at the height z above ground 4.2.2 of this Guideline.
V(10) = reference wind speed at a height of 10 m (3) For the specific site, it shall be checked whether the
above ground [m/s] (see below) wind speeds and the turbulence intensity, including local
turbulence magnification as a result of the influences of
α = height exponent [-] (see below)
adjacent structure (e.g. wind farm effects), correspond
z = height above ground [m] to the assumptions on which the calculation is based.
The increase in environmental turbulence at the site of a
1.A.3.3 Reference wind speeds wind turbine caused by one or more adjacent wind tur-
bines can be determined by means of the method given
(1) The reference wind speed Vref (10), defined as the in Appendix A of the DIBt Regulation.
10-min mean of the extreme wind speed with a recur-
IV – Part 1 Appendix 1.B National Requirements in Denmark Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-15

Appendix 1.B National Requirements in Denmark

1.B.1 General – load assumptions

– partial safety factors
(1) In Denmark the type approval of wind turbines
(“Typegodkendelse af Vindmøller”) is carried out by – design and dimensioning
bodies who are accredited and whose accreditation is
acknowledged by the Danish Energy Authority (“Ener- (2) For design and dimensioning, reference is made to
gistyrelsen”). The procedures for the certification are other standards.
laid down in the “Technical Criteria for Type Approval
and Certification of Wind Turbines in Denmark” dated (3) The “Technical Criteria” contain, inter alia:
15.4.2000 and the associated “Recommendation for
fulfilling requirements in ‘Technical Criteria’ ”. – conditions for type approval and certification

(2) The technical principles for the requirements are – classification of wind turbines
given in the Danish standard DS 472, “Loads and Safety – classification into approval classes
of Wind Turbine Construction” (“Last og sikkerhed for
vindmøllekonstruktioner”), 1st Edition, May 1992, in- – approval procedures
cluding Supplement 1 (“tillag 1”), 9.8.1996 and Sup- – requirements on the certificates
plement 2 (“tillag 2”), 10.1.2002. The manufacturers of
the plants are required to operate a quality system which They apply for wind turbines with a rotor diameter of
has been certified according to ISO 9001 by an accred- more than 2 m (additional special rules apply for wind
ited certification body. turbines with a rotor diameter of 2 to 13 m), if they are
erected in Denmark excluding Færører and Grønland.
(3) The accreditations of GL Wind for the certification
of wind turbines and of Germanischer Lloyd Certifica- (4) The “Recommendation for fulfilling requirements
tion GmbH for the certification of quality systems have in ‘Technical Criteria’ ” is a guidance for the application
been acknowledged by the Danish Energy Authority. of the “Technical Criteria” and is more detailed than
DS 472.
1.B.2 Regulations and standards
(5) The currently valid list of applicable regulations
(1) The standard DS 472 covers the following areas: and recommendations is available on the Internet under
– safety system
IV – Part 1 Appendix 1.C National Requirements in France Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-17

Appendix 1.C National Requirements in France

1.C.1 General – EDF-GDF (electricity & gas boards)

– Navy
The following section was taken from the guide “Legal
Aspects regarding the Erection of a Wind Turbine in – Road traffic authorities – DDE
France” by Veronique Fröding (;
– Public marking authorities for aviation routes Further details are given there.
and waterways
1.C.2 Building permission procedure
(3) Furthermore, a law applicable from 3rd January
2003 now requires the performance of an official exper-
(1) As a rule, building permits are only granted after
tise for each wind turbine with a height equal to or ex-
lengthy and in-depth procedures have been executed.
ceeding 25 metres. On the whole, the procedures are
For this reason, collection of the necessary documents
delicate and often the subject of disputes in the adminis-
and the application itself should be initiated as early as
trative courts.
(4) According to Art. R.490-7 of the French urban
(2) The material to be submitted for such an applica-
planning law (Code de l’urbanisme), a building permit
tion is relatively extensive. It must contain a study on
may be judicially contested within a period of two
the impact and effects of the project, information on the
months. A decisive aspect for recognition of the notifi-
terrain and the corresponding owners, a detailed plan of
cation period is that the building permit must have been
the proposed site and the installation to be erected there
announced publicly over an uninterrupted duration of
and, not least, must include the consent of various au-
two months through a notice placed either at the con-
struction site or in the town hall of the corresponding
municipality. Since, in the event of dispute, the onus of
– General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC)
proof for the proper expiry of the notification period lies
– Ministry of Defence with the holder of the building permit, it is advisable to
take the necessary precautions for such cases.
– France Telecom
IV – Part 1 Appendix 1.D National Requirements in the Netherlands Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-19

Appendix 1.D National Requirements in the Netherlands

1.D.1 General – partial safety factors

– control and safety system
(1) In order to obtain building permission in the Neth-
erlands, it is necessary to have a Type Certificate (“type – site-specific assessment of external conditions
certificaat”). The technical basis for the type approval is
– electric safety and lightning protection
given by the preliminary standard NVN 11400-0, “Wind
turbines – Part 0: Criteria for type-certification – Tech- – personal safety
nical criteria”, 1st Edition dated April 1999. Certification
bodies accredited by Raad voor de Accreditatie (RvA) – quality assurance
are allowed to carry out the type approval. In addition to – execution and documentation of the erection,
examination of the design documentation, the type commissioning and maintenance of the plants
approval includes verification by tests performed on an
installed plant, and an inspection of the plant with re- – prototype test
gard to its safety for persons. The manufacturers of
wind turbines are required to operate a quality system (2) The area of design and dimensioning is only ad-
which has been certified according to ISO 9001 or dressed to a certain extent. Where no provisions are
which at least fulfils the requirements of NVN 11400-0 given on verification, generally recognized analysis pro-
and has been acknowledged by a certification body. cedures shall be applied after coordination with GL
Wind. In general, this “Guideline for the Certification of
(2) The accreditations of GL Wind for the certification Wind Turbines” of GL Wind shall be used in such cases
of wind turbines and of Germanischer Lloyd Certifica- as the basis for analyses and inspections.
tion GmbH for the certification of quality systems have
been acknowledged by RvA. 1.D.2.2 Load assumptions

1.D.2 Preliminary standard NVN 11400-0 The load assumptions set out in NVN 11400-0 are
largely identical to those of IEC 61400-1, 2nd Edition
1.D.2.1 Scope 1999. The main distinctions are as follows:

(1) The preliminary standard NVN 11400-0 has re- – In the Netherlands, the component class 2,
placed the previously valid draft standard NEN 6096/2, which is defined for non fail-safe components,
“Regulations for the Type-Certification of Wind Tur- shall be used for all components unless further
bines: Technical Criteria”, 2nd Edition 1994. The re- verification is given.
quirements of the international standard IEC 61400-1, – The individual partial safety factors for the fa-
2nd Edition 1999, have been implemented in NVN tigue analysis and the deformation analysis
11400-0 to a great degree, and supplemented with re- are different, but result in an equivalent level
quirements of NEN 6096/2, for example on personal of safety.
safety and prototype testing of the wind turbine. The
standard NVN 11400-0 covers the following areas: – Appendix D of NVN 11400-0 sets out the ex-
ternal conditions, especially the wind condi-
– analysis procedure tions for the Netherlands. These are valid for
the location Den Helder, and shall be applied
– external conditions to wind turbines in the Netherlands if no site
– load definitions assessment was performed.
IV – Part 1 Appendix 1.E National Requirements in India Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-21

Appendix 1.E National Requirements in India

1.E.1 General
1.E.2.3 Category III

(1) The approval of wind turbines in India is carried New or significantly modified wind turbines. Tests and
out by the Centre for Wind Energy Technology (C- measurements at wind turbines as for category II.
WET) on the basis of the Type Approval – Provisional
Scheme – 2000 (TAPS-2000). 1.E.3 TAPS-2000 requirements

(2) TAPS-2000 contains fundamental rules, proce- 1.E.3.1 Category I and II

dures, requirements and technical criteria for the certifi-
cation of wind turbines in India. It shall only be used for – Documents in English as per TAPS-2000, Ap-
horizontal-axis plants that have swept rotor area of more pendix 3
than 40 m² and are operated in a network.
– Quality management for the manufacture of
wind turbines as per IEC WT01 and ISO 9001
(3) In general, the technical assessment of the wind
turbine is based on IEC WT01, IEC 61400-1 and the – Design requirements for the foundation as per
Indian design requirements as per TAPS-2000, Appen- TAPS-2000, Appendix 5
dix 2.
1.E.3.2 Category III
1.E.2 Certification categories
Requirements as for category I and II. Requirements
A wind turbine can be certified according to the fol- for the design assessment procedure:
lowing three categories:
– Control and safety system of the wind turbine
as per IEC 61400-1
1.E.2.1 Category I
– Loads and load cases as per IEC 61400-1
Wind turbines with a valid Type Certificate for opera- – Structural design as per IEC 61400-1. Meth-
tion under Indian conditions. The following certifica- ods of design and analysis shall be based on
tions are recognized: ISO 2394.
– Mechanical systems as per IEC 61400-1
– Type Certificate as per Germanischer Lloyd’s
“Guideline for the Certification of Wind Tur- – Electrical components as per IEC 61400-1.
bines” Special requirements as per TAPS-2000 shall
be observed for the power capacitors with re-
– Type Certificate as per IEC WT01 gard to overvoltage, current limiting, thermal
protection and voltage fluctuations.
– Danish Type Certificate on the basis of DS
472 – Requirements for design and development
processes of the manufacturer as per ISO
– Netherlands Type Certificate on the basis of 9001, Chapter 4.4
NEN 6096/2, NVN 11400-0
– Manufacturing procedures, installation plans
and maintenance plans as per IEC WT01
1.E.2.2 Category II
– Inspection of labour safety as per IEC 61400-1
Wind turbines with a valid Type Certificate for opera-
tion under Indian conditions, as for category I but with 1.E.3.3 External conditions for India (correspond-
an enlarged scope of design verification. Tests and ing to TAPS-2000, Appendix 2)
measurements at wind turbines shall be performed on
the C-WET test field in accordance with the IEC – For various wind conditions, the following
61400-12 and IEC 61400-21 guidelines adapted to site-specific requirements shall apply:
Indian conditions.
– normal: based on IEC 61400-1
Chapter 1 Appendix 1.E National Requirements in India IV – Part 1
Page 1-22 GL Wind 2003

– extreme: based on the Indian standard IS – Site-specific conditions, IS 875 (Part 3) –

875 (Part 3) – 1987 1987
– Operating conditions, e.g. electrical voltage
– Climatic conditions, e.g. max. temperature and frequency fluctuations, electrical network
range, humidity, air density. failures, operating temperature range.
IV – Part 1 Appendix 1.F IEC- and CENELEC Standards Chapter 1
GL Wind 2003 Page 1-23

Appendix 1.F IEC and CENELEC Standards

1.F.1 General IEC 61400-121 (Committee Draft) Power Perfor-

mance Measurements of Grid Con-
(1) The international standards for wind turbines have nected Wind Turbines
been compiled since 1988 by Technical Committee 88
of the International Electrotechnical Commission. TC IEC TS 61400-13 Measurement of Mechanical Loads
88 has a number of working groups, project teams and
maintenance teams which have produced or are revising IEC 61400-21 Measurement and Assessment of
the standards, technical reports (TR) and technical Power Quality Characteristics of
specifications (TS). Grid Connected Wind Turbines

(2) Each document produced by the IEC is distributed IEC TS 61400-23 Full-Scale Structural Testing of
within the European Committee for Electrotechnical Rotor Blades
Standardization (CENELEC) for parallel harmonization.
Documents which thereby attain the status of a Euro- IEC TR 61400-24 Lightning Protection
pean standard are also published as a German standard
(DIN, VDE). IEC 61400-25 (Committee Draft) Communication
Standard for Control and Monitor-
ing of Wind Power Plants
(3) In addition to the standards taken over by IEC, TC
88 of the CENELEC also had own EN standards com- DIN EN 61400-1 Safety requirements
piled by several European working groups. The docu-
ments listed in the following section are only mentioned DIN EN 61400-2 Safety of small wind turbines
by title, and not with the dates of issue and revision.
DIN EN 61400-11 Acoustic noise measurement tech-
1.F.2 List of normative documents in the area of
wind energy DIN EN 61400-12 Wind turbines power performance
IEC 60050-415 International Electrotechnical Vo-
cabulary - Part 415: Wind turbine DIN EN 61400-21 Measurement and assessment of
generator systems power quality characteristics of
grid connected wind turbines
IEC 61400-1 Safety Requirements
DIN EN 50308 Labour safety
IEC 61400-2 Safety Requirements of Small
Wind Turbines DIN EN 50373 Electromagnetic compatibility

IEC 61400-3 (Committee Draft) Design Re- DIN EN 50376 Declaration of sound power level
quirements for Offshore Wind Tur- and tonality values of wind tur-
bines bines

IEC 61400-11 Acoustic Noise Measurement 1.F.3 Supply sources

IEC standards can be obtained via the Internet page
IEC 61400-12 Wind Turbine Power Performance “”, EN standards via “”
Testing and DIN standards via “”.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

2 Safety System, Protective and Monitoring Devices

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1.1 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.2 Systematic consideration of possible faults ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.3 Description of the controller for approval of the load assumptions ......................................................... 2-2

2.2 Control and Safety System .................................................................................................................... 2-3

2.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 2-3 Control concept and control system......................................................................................................... 2-3 Safety concept and safety system............................................................................................................. 2-3 Braking system ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3 Clearance ................................................................................................................................................. 2-3 Rotational speed of the rotor.................................................................................................................... 2-4 Power ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-4 Wind speed............................................................................................................................................... 2-5 Wind direction and yaw error .................................................................................................................. 2-5 External power supply, mains failure....................................................................................................... 2-5 Locking devices ....................................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.3 Requirements and design concept............................................................................................................ 2-5 General safety concept............................................................................................................................. 2-5 Control and safety systems ...................................................................................................................... 2-6 Braking systems ....................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Torque-limiting components .................................................................................................................... 2-7

2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices....................................................................................................... 2-9

2.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 2-9
2.3.2 Limiting values, control system ............................................................................................................... 2-9 General..................................................................................................................................................... 2-9 Rotational speed....................................................................................................................................... 2-9 Power ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-10 Wind speed............................................................................................................................................. 2-10 Shock ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-11 Operational vibration monitoring........................................................................................................... 2-11 Mains failure/load shedding................................................................................................................... 2-12 Short circuit............................................................................................................................................ 2-12 Monitoring the generator temperature ................................................................................................... 2-12 Condition monitoring of the braking systems ........................................................................................ 2-13 Cable twisting ........................................................................................................................................ 2-13 Yaw system ............................................................................................................................................ 2-14 Frequency and voltage ........................................................................................................................... 2-14 Emergency push button.......................................................................................................................... 2-14 Faults in machinery components............................................................................................................ 2-14 Operation of a cold plant........................................................................................................................ 2-15 Operativeness of the control system and data storage............................................................................ 2-15 Automatic detection of icing-up ............................................................................................................ 2-15
2.3.3 Safety equipment (locking devices) for maintenance ............................................................................ 2-15 Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 2-15 Design of the locking devices ................................................................................................................ 2-15 Safety requirements ............................................................................................................................... 2-15 Activation of the locking device ............................................................................................................ 2-15
Chapter 2 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003

Appendix 2.A

2.A Interaction of the Control and Safety Systems .................................................................................. 2-17

IV – Part 1 2.1 General Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-1

2.1 General

2.1.1 Assessment documents

j electrical and hydraulic (if applicable, also
pneumatic) circuit diagrams, at least to the ex-
(1) For the approval of the safety system and of the
tent that the function of the safety system is
protective and monitoring devices, the following docu-
ments at least shall be submitted as a rule: shown. In the circuit diagrams, the connection
between the electrical and hydraulic (and, if
a description of the wind turbine (type designa- applicable, also pneumatic) system shall be
tion, general layout of the wind turbine, func- clearly recognizable.
tional principles, ...)
k systematic consideration of possible faults as
b description of the control concept and the con- per Section 2.1.2
trol system (structure of the control system,
sequences of starting and stopping procedures, (2) The documents shall show that the requirements
behaviour of the wind turbine during normal set out in Chapter 2 are met. The degree of detail shall
operation, behaviour of the wind turbine on be so selected that the behaviour of the installation is
detection of malfunctions, ...) adequately defined with regard to the load assump-
c for the approval of the load assumptions, a de-
scription of the controller of the wind turbine 2.1.2 Systematic consideration of possible faults
as per Section 2.1.3
(1) A consideration of possible faults in the
d statement of other parameters in the operation
management (numerical values that have been – safety system,
set) that influence the loads of the wind tur-
bine (cut-in and cut-out wind speeds, rota- – in the braking systems, and
tional speed values, power values, if applica-
ble the control / regulation of the yaw move- – if a cut-out yaw error ϕA (see Section,
ments, temperatures, ...) para 2) was defined, in the yaw system

e description of the safety concept and the shall be submitted. In this consideration, all possible
safety system (structure of the safety system, faults of these systems shall be specified and exam-
behaviour of the wind turbine following acti- ined. The consideration shall be used for the definition
vation of the safety system, statement of the of load cases of the groups DLC 2.x and DLC 7.x and
criteria for which the safety system is trig- for the evaluation of redundancies in the safety system.
gered, ...)
(2) For each possible fault, the following informa-
f statement of all parameters set in the safety tion at least shall be given:
system (numerical values)
– designation and description of the possible
g description of the sensors and, if applicable, fault
measuring transducer of the safety system
– affected component(s)
(type designation, setting values, time con-
stants, ...) – possible cause(s)

h description of the procedure for clearance of – type of detection

the wind turbine after activation of the safety
system – effect(s) of the fault

– measure(s) for limiting negative consequences

i description of the braking systems and their
behaviour (structure of the braking systems,
(3) The technique chosen for this examination (e.g.
mode of operation, characteristic quantities,
failure mode and effect analysis, fault tree, ...) shall be
time constants, ...)
selected as appropriate by the author of the documents.
Chapter 2 2.1 General IV – Part 1
Page 2-2 GL Wind 2003

2.1.3 Description of the controller for and output signals of the controller and the intercon-
approval of the load assumptions nections of the blocks used. Signal paths shall be pro-
vided with arrows to indicate their direction of effect.
(1) For the simulation of the plant behaviour and the Each signal in the block circuit diagram shall be
associated loads, a description shall be submitted for named unambiguously.
all relevant control circuits and monitoring devices
that have an influence on the load response of the wind (4) The functional relationship between inputs and
turbine (e.g. power, rotational speed, yaw movement). outputs of the individual blocks of the controller shall be
described in the form of discrete-time static or dynamic
model equations (for linear blocks, Z-transfer functions
(2) The behaviour of the control of the wind turbine
are permissible) with statement of the time step.
shall be described by a block circuit diagram, if appli-
cable with hierarchical subdivisions. For each block,
formulae shall be given to describe unambiguously the
input/output response and initial state. The signals and parameters needed for the function of
the controller can be given with their units in summa-
(3) The block circuit diagram shall include the input rized form in a table.
IV – Part 1 2.2 Control and Safety System Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-3

2.2 Control and Safety System

2.2.1 General to ensure that the installation behaves in accordance

with the safety concept.
The control concept and the safety concept are estab-
lished in the design phase within the framework of the (2) The safety system is a system logically super-
system concept of the wind turbine, to optimize opera- ordinate to the control system, brought into action after
tion and keep the installation in a safe condition in the safety-relevant limiting values have been exceeded or
event of a malfunction. The safety concept shall take if the control system is incapable of keeping the instal-
into account the relevant operating values such as ad- lation within the normal operating limits. The safety
missible overspeed, decelerating moments, short-cir- system is intended to keep the installation in a safe
cuit moments, permissible vibrations etc. (see Section condition.
2.2.3). Braking system
2.2.2 Definitions
(1) The braking system is a system which by its na-
ture is capable of reducing the rotor rotational speed Control concept and control system and keeping it below a maximum value or braking it
completely to a standstill. A braking system includes
(1) By control concept is meant a procedure aimed at all components which on demand contribute towards
operating the wind turbine efficiently, as free from mal- braking the rotor.
functions as possible, lightly stressed and safely. The
logic of the procedure is generally incorporated into a (2) A braking system may e.g. be of aerodynamic,
programmical unit, which forms part of the overall mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic type.
control system. Such a system may also utilize more than one of the
modes of operation mentioned, or consist of several
(2) With the aid of the control system, the wind tur- subsystems.
bine shall be controlled, regulated and monitored. The
control system shall keep the installation within the
normal operating limits. Clearance Safety concept and safety system By clearance is meant a human intervention in the
sense of the execution of a necessary repair or elimina-
(1) By safety concept is meant a part of the system tion of the cause of a malfunction, followed by release
concept intended to ensure that in the event of a mal- of the wind turbine for operation. Clearance necessi-
function the wind turbine remains in a safe condition. tates the presence and active involvement of a suffi-
If malfunctions occur, it is the task of the safety system ciently qualified person on site at the wind turbine.
Chapter 2 2.2 Control and Safety System IV – Part 1
Page 2-4 GL Wind 2003 Rotational speed of the rotor

Rotational speed n

nA Shut-down by safety system
n4 Shut-down by control system
nr Operating range n1 - n3


Wind speed V
Vin Vr Vout VA

Fig. 2.2.1 Sketch of the rotational speed ranges, using the example of a variable-speed wind turbine

(1) The operating range comprises the rotational (5) The “activation speed” nA is that rotational
speed range of the rotor from the “minimum operat- speed at which immediate triggering of the safety sys-
ing speed” n1 to the “maximum operating speed” n3, tem must occur.
within which the rotational speed lies under normal
operating conditions. The operating range may in- (6) The “maximum overspeed” nmax may never be
clude ranges acceptable only for a short time (e.g. ex- exceeded, not even briefly.
clusion of resonance speeds).
(7) When defining the rotational speeds, the interac-
(2) The “rated speed” nr is the rotational speed at tion of the individual components, in particular the
the rated wind speed Vr (see Section, para 2). vibratory behaviour (e.g. natural frequencies) of the
rotor blades, the drive train and the tower shall be
(3) The “set value of the speed controller” n2 is taken into account.
used for variable-speed plants in the operating state
above the rated wind speed Vr (see Section,
para 2). In this operating state, the rotational speed
will deviate upwards or downwards from n2 only by Power
the standard tolerance.
(1) The “rated power” Pr is the maximum continu-
(4) The “cut-out speed” n4 is the rotational speed at ous electrical power (effective power) at the output
which an immediate shutdown of the wind turbine terminals of the wind turbine (following a possible
must be effected by the control system. inverter system and before a possible transformer)

Power P

PA Shut-down by safety system

PT Intervention by control system

Vin Vr Vout VA

Fig. 2.2.2 Sketch of a power curve

IV – Part 1 2.2 Control and Safety System Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-5

resulting from the power curve under normal operating external power supply. Similarly, the external supply
conditions. At this power, the generator or the genera- of auxiliary forms of power (such as control air, hy-
tor/inverter system yields its rated electrical power on draulic system fluid etc.) belongs to the same class.
average as specified.

(2) The “over-power” PT is the effective electrical (2) Failure of the external power supply (mains fai-
power at the output terminals of the wind turbine at lure) with a duration of up to one hour is regarded as a
which the control system must initiate a power reduction. normal external condition. Furthermore, mains failure
with a duration exceeding one hour up to a duration of
7 days shall be considered and regarded as a fault.
(3) The “activation power” PA is the instantaneous
effective electrical power at the output terminals of the
wind turbine at which immediate triggering of the Locking devices
safety system must occur. Wind speed Locking devices are devices which secure the moving
parts (rotor, yaw system, blade pitching system, ...) al-
(1) The “cut-in wind speed” Vin is the lowest mean ready braked to a standstill.
wind speed at hub height (for the “normal wind profile
model NWP”, see Section at which the wind
turbine starts to produce power. 2.2.3 Requirements and design concept

(2) The “rated wind speed” Vr is the lowest mean

wind speed at hub height (for the “normal wind profile General safety concept
model NWP”, see Section at which the wind
turbine produced the rated power according to Section The safety system shall fulfil the following principal, para 1). criteria:

(3) The “cut-out wind speed” Vout is defined as the

maximum wind speed at hub height (averaging period Single failure
to be defined by the manufacturer) at which the wind
turbine must be shut down. The failure of a single component which is relevant for
the functioning of the safety system, e.g. a sensor or
(4) The “short-term cut-out wind speed” VA is the braking system, shall not lead to failure of the safety
instantaneous wind speed at hub height (averaging pe- function. The simultaneous failure of two independent
riod to be defined by the manufacturer) above which components is classed as an unlikely event and there-
the wind turbine must be shut down immediately. fore need not be considered. Where components depend
on one another, their simultaneous failure shall be Wind direction and yaw error classed as a single failure. The individual components
of the safety system shall be of the highest specifica-
(1) The yaw error ϕ is the angle between the wind tion as regards their availability and reliability.
direction (instantaneous direction of attack of the wind
at hub height) and the rotor axis of the wind turbine,
measured in the horizontal plane. Redundancy
(2) The “cut-out yaw error” ϕA is the largest admis-
sible yaw error (averaging period to be defined by the (1) With regard to its design concept, the safety sys-
manufacturer) above which the wind turbine must be tem shall be totally separate from the control system.
shut down immediately.
(2) The safety system shall have access to at least External power supply, mains failure two mutually and totally independent braking systems.

(1) By external power supply is meant the supply of Note:

any kind of primary or auxiliary power to automation,
control or mechanical systems of the wind turbine By independence is meant that “faults with a common
from outside. If energy is obtained by internal conver- cause” shall rigorously be avoided in the system-
sion of wind energy or kinetic energy of the rotor us- engineering design stage. Accordingly, the failure of a
ing the wind turbine’s own devices and then utilized, single component shall not result in the failure of more
this does not count as external power supply. Supply of than one braking system and thus the loss of the entire
electricity from batteries, mains or diesel generators is safety function.
Chapter 2 2.2 Control and Safety System IV – Part 1
Page 2-6 GL Wind 2003 Control and safety systems (2) In the case of load shedding and a failure of one
of the braking systems at the same time, the other Control system braking system(s) must be able to keep the rotor below
the maximum overspeed nmax (Section, para 6)
The control system shall be so designed that it keeps (see Section
the wind turbine within the normal operating limits
under all the external conditions specified in Section (3) It shall be possible to bring the rotor to a stand-
4.2, or returns it to operation within these limits. Mal- still (see Section and Sections and
functions (such as over-power, overspeed and over-
heating) shall be detected by the control system and
followed by appropriate measures. The control system Wind turbine with mechanical brake
shall obtain its information from all of the sensors pro- and non-independent blade pitching
vided for the wind turbine and shall be able to actuate system
at least two braking systems. Upon activation of the
braking systems by the safety system, the control sys- (1) This Section applies for wind turbines
tem shall subordinate itself. in which one braking system is a mechanical rotor
brake and the other braking system is a blade-pitch
system, insofar as the blade-pitch system is so con- Safety system
structed that a malfunction in a single component can
prevent the pitching of all rotor blades (non-indepen-
(1) The limiting values triggering the safety system dent blade-pitch system).
shall be defined so that the limit values of the design
basis are not exceeded and the wind turbine is not en-
(2) If it can be assured that
dangered, but also so that the control system is not dis-
turbed unnecessarily by the safety system.
– the blade pitch system is constantly monitored
by a suitable control device which shuts down
(2) The functions of the control system shall be sub- the wind turbine if the pitching has ceased to
ordinated to the requirements of the safety system.
function properly, and

(3) The safety system shall have higher-priority ac- – the rotor blades and the pitch system are so
cess to at least two braking systems and to equipment designed that, in the event of a breakdown in
for grid disconnection of the generator and, once trig- the mechanism or leaks in the pitch hydrau-
gered by deviations from the normal operating values, lics, the blades are unable to generate a torque
shall carry out its task without delay, keep the wind which would accelerate the rotor beyond the
turbine in a safe condition and in general initiate de- maximum overspeed nmax (Section,
celeration of the rotor with the aid of all the braking para 6) (see Section,
systems at its disposal.
it may be assumed that the failure of this braking sys-
Note: tem (DLC 2.2, Section will occur only at wind
The separation from the grid need not be carried out speeds up to Vr (Section, para 2). Here the fluc-
at the instant of activation of the safety system. Speed- tuations (gusts) of the wind need to be considered. The
ing-up of the wind turbine and operation of the gen- magnitude of the gust during operation VB = 2 * σ1
erator as a motor shall be avoided in any case. shall be considered, where:

(4) If the safety system has been activated, a clear- VB = magnitude of the gust,
ance according to Section is required in any
case. This clearance of the safety system shall be inde- σ1 = standard deviation according to Section
pendent of the control system and may in no case be
activated automatically. If the safety system was trig- (3) The gust shape shall be assumed according to Sec-
gered before grid loss, then clearance may not be acti- tion Here Vcg shall be replaced by VB and the
vated automatically after the return of the grid. rise time is T = 2.5 s. Braking systems Note:

It shall be observed that the rotor blades may be in a Braking system requirements pitch position, in which, due to an unfavourable angle
of attack, they may generate a torque in excess of the
(1) There shall be at least two mutually independent maximum braking moment of the mechanical brake.
braking systems by means of which the rotor can be In this case, the brake shall not become a fire hazard
decelerated or brought to a standstill at any time. for the wind turbine.
IV – Part 1 2.2 Control and Safety System Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-7 Selection of the braking principle (2) If auxiliary power supply from accumulators (e.g.
from the hydraulic unit or from batteries) is necessary
At least one of the braking systems should operate on for the functioning of the brakes, it shall be automati-
an aerodynamic principle, and as such act directly on cally monitored that a sufficient amount of energy is
the rotor. If this requirement is not met, at least one of available for at least one emergency braking. If the
the braking systems provided shall act on the parts function of the accumulator depends on its tempera-
ture, then the accumulator temperature shall also be
(hub, shaft) of the wind turbine that rotate at rotor
monitored. If these monitoring tasks cannot be carried
out continuously, then automatic tests shall be per-
formed at least weekly. The wind turbine shall be shut External power supply down immediately if the monitoring or a test reveals a
negative result. Furthermore, Section shall be
taken into account.
(1) The braking systems shall be so designed that
they remain operable if the external power supply (see
Section fails. If this requirement cannot be met Torque-limiting components
by all braking systems within the selected system con-
cept, then additional measures that ensure the safety If components are provided to limit torque, any me-
level of this Guideline in an equivalent manner shall chanical brake fitted shall be located between the
be implemented and verified. torque-limiting device and the rotor hub.
IV – Part 1 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-9

2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices

2.3.1 General (2) The control system shall continuously monitor

the plausibility of at least two of the measured speeds
(1) The safety system is activated when limiting val- with regard to each other in all operating conditions of
ues are exceeded. This initiates a braking process. The the wind turbine.
requirements on when a malfunction is to activate the
safety system directly and/or how it is to be treated by Excessive speed and the reaction
the control system are given below. of the control system

(2) In Appendix 2.A of this chapter, the interaction of (1) If the rotor speed exceeds the operating range
control system and safety system is represented gra- (Section, para 1) (n > n3), then the control sys-
phically as a typical example. tem shall initiate a deceleration of the rotor.

2.3.2 Limiting values, control system (2) If the rotational speed n4 (Section, para 4)
is exceeded, then the control system shall shut down General the wind turbine.

In the cases defined here in Section 2.3.2, the wind tur- (3) If the monitoring of the mutual speed plausibility
bine is permitted to start up again automatically with- detects an error, the wind turbine shall be shut down.
out clearance following a turbine shut-down. This
automatic start-up is limited to a few times every 24 (4) Following a shut-down in accordance with Sec-
hours for most transgressions of the limiting values. It tion, an automatic re-start may take place
is in keeping with this section that the transgressions without clearance if this is provided for in the system
counts for the different limiting values can be under- concept and there is no fault in the installation. The
taken independently of each other. automatic start-up shall be limited to three times every
24 hours. Rotational speed Rotational speed exceeding
activation speed Measurement of rotational speed
If the activation speed nA (Section, para 5) is
The rotational speed shall be picked up at least twice exceeded, the safety system shall be activated immedi-
by separate systems, and supplied at least twice to the ately.
control system and at least once to the safety system.
At least one of the speed sensors shall be mounted on a Note:
component of the wind turbine that runs at rotor speed.
The maximum overspeed nmax (see Section,
Note: para 6) should not exceed 1.2 x n2 (see Section,
para 3), since this value covers the standard overspeed
Any automatic triggering of the blade tip brakes shall test according to international generator standards.
be reported to both the safety system and the control
system. If that is not possible, it shall be ensured that
the blade tips do not engage again and the rotor rota- Behaviour following activation
tional speed then exceeds nA again (see Section of the safety system, para 5).
(1) If the safety system has responded after exces- Operational reliability sive speed according to Section, the maxi-
of the measurement system mum overspeed nmax (Section, para 6) shall not
at any time be exceeded (not even briefly). This shall
(1) As a matter of principle, the speed measurement be taken into consideration particularly for aerody-
systems shall meet the same requirements as regards namic brakes and for brakes whose action is staggered
functioning and reliability as the braking equipment in time.
itself. In particular, the arrangement on the structure
shall meet this requirement when considering fault se- (2) The safety system shall shut down the wind tur-
quences. bine immediately and bring it into a safe condition.
Chapter 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices IV – Part 1
Page 2-10 GL Wind 2003 Power out delay. The long-term average of the power shall
not exceed the rated power Pr (Section, para 1). Measurement of power
(2) The measures to be taken depend on the system
(1) Power measurement shall be regarded as an op- concept. The power shall be reduced accordingly or
erational measurement and treated accordingly. In the the wind turbine shall be shut down.
case of plants with a rated power of 1 MW or more, an
additional monitoring of the power for transgression of (3) The instantaneous value and the mean value for
the activation power PA as per Section shall the over-power PT shall be defined by the manufac-
be provided. Recourse may be had to other physical turer together with the averaging periods, and taken
parameters, as long as these have a clear and recog- into account appropriately in the load calculation (fa-
nized relationship to the power. In this event, the rela- tigue loads). During the prototype test, it shall be
tionship between the operationally sensed substitute shown that the defined values are met.
parameter and power shall be established by measure-
ment during the test phase and recorded in a suitable
fashion (e.g. in the form of a performance graph). Note:
As a rule, PT should lie directly above the rated power
(2) The measured power in combination with the ro- Pr or be equal to it.
tational speed is regarded as a measure of the average
loading of the whole plant. Exceeding the activation power PA Measurement of power (1) If the instantaneous power exceeds the activation
for the control system power PA (Section, para 3), protective meas-
ures shall be initiated automatically without delay by
(1) Generally, the electrical power (effective power) the safety system. The actual measures depend on the
shall be used as the measurement parameter. If the sys- system concept. In all cases, the wind turbine shall be
tem concept includes the possibility of the over-power shut down and brought into a safe condition.
PT according to Section, para 2, being ex-
ceeded, the power shall be picked up as a control pa- (2) The value for the activation power PA shall be
rameter and supplied to the control system. defined by the manufacturer of the wind turbine and
taken into account correspondingly in the load calcula-
(2) The power measuring equipment shall be capable tion.
of picking up both average values (about 1–10 minute
mean) and short-term power peaks (sampling rate at Automatic start-up
least once per second).
If the wind turbine was shut down after exceeding the
over-power PT on the basis of Section, an Monitoring the power
automatic re-start may take place without clearance if
for the safety system
this is provided for in the system concept and there is
no fault in the installation. The automatic start-up shall
(1) The power shall be monitored continuously for be limited to three times every 24 hours.
exceeding of the instantaneous activation power PA. In
the case of plants with a rated power of 1 MW or Wind speed
more, this monitoring and the measurement devices
needed for the task shall be provided in redundancy to
the power measurement of the control system and shall Requirements
act directly on the safety system.
If safe operation of the wind turbine depends on wind
(2) An exception can be made from this provision if speed measurements, or if wind speed is one of the in-
the exceeding of PA is not possible according to the put parameters to the control system, a reliable and ap-
system concept or if the required redundancy in power propriate means of measuring wind speed shall be pro-
measurement is given in some other manner. vided. Measurement of wind speed Exceeding the over-power PT
or the rated power Pr (1) If measurement of wind speed is necessary as
described in Section, this requirement can be
(1) If the power exceeds the over-power PT (Section met by measuring the speed either directly or via an-, para 2), then the corresponding measures shall other parameter with a clear and recognized relation-
be initiated automatically by the control system with- ship to it, which is then processed. As a matter of prin-
IV – Part 1 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-11

ciple, suitable sensing points and measurement tech- ing value. The sensor shall be located at nacelle height,
niques shall be selected for operational measurements. eccentric to the tower axis. As the shock to be sensed
The wind speed at hub height – with flow as undis- is generally noticeable as a movement of the whole
turbed as possible – is to be considered as relevant nacelle, measurement techniques sensing the total
measurement parameter. movement shall be used. If the nacelle movement is
not transmitted to the tower, a suitable relative move-
(2) Selecting a measurement method which leads to a ment may be sensed as a substitute.
hazardous uncertainty in case of icing necessitates a
continuous plausibility check of the measured values Operational safety
(e.g. by comparison with other measurands related to
wind speed) and equipment of the sensor with a suit-
The sensitivity of the sensor shall be matched to the
able heating which will be activated in case of the
conditions prevailing. It shall be protected effectively
danger of icing.
against all external influences, including interference
by unauthorized persons. It is recommended that the Exceeding the cut-out wind speed
sensitivity be set when the installation is running.
If a cut-out wind speed Vout according to Section Exceeding the limiting value, para 3, has been used as a basis for the wind
turbine design, the plant shall be shut down immedi-
If the shock actually measured exceeds the limiting
ately and automatically by the control system if this
value (to be determined beforehand), the safety system
limiting value is exceeded.
shall be activated and shall shut down the plant. Exceeding the short-term Operational vibration monitoring
cut-out wind speed General
If a cut-out wind speed has been used as a basis for the
wind turbine design, the plant shall be shut down im-
(1) By vibration is meant forced movements of the
mediately and automatically by the control system if
wind turbine, caused by imbalance and by operating
the short-term cut-out wind speed VA according to
the plant in the vicinity of a natural frequency of com-
Section, para 4, is exceeded.
ponents. Imbalance may point to damage, malfunction
(e.g. asymmetric pitching of the rotor blades) or other Automatic start-up external influences (e.g. icing-up of the rotor blades).

If the wind turbine was shut down after exceeding a (2) The continuous monitoring of vibrations in accor-
cut-out wind speed, an automatic re-start may take dance with this Section (Operational vibration moni-
place without clearance if the wind speed has fallen to toring), is one of the prerequisites for operation of the
a permissible value according to the system concept wind turbine in the resonance range close to the natu-
and there is no fault in the installation. ral frequencies of the tower (see Section,
para 5). Control during faulty
wind speed measurements (3) In the case of wind turbines for which aerody-
namically related blade vibrations cannot be ruled out,
If the control system detects that the wind speed meas- a continuous monitoring of these vibrations according
urements reveal faulty results, the wind turbine shall to this Section may be necessary (in addition to
be shut down. the vibration monitoring of the tower, if applicable). Measurement of vibrations Shock
(1) The vibrations shall be measured constantly and General their magnitude compared with the limiting values to
be determined beforehand.
By shock is meant forced movements and accelera-
tions of the wind turbine, caused by damage, imbal- (2) The averaging periods in the signal processing
ance or other influences (e.g. earthquakes). and sensitivities, as well as the mounting points of the
sensors, shall be so selected that all loading-relevant Measurement of shock movements of the components to be monitored are
measured reliably.
Monitoring for shock shall take place continuously,
with the measurement being compared with the limit- (3) The measurement and signal processing can be
Chapter 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices IV – Part 1
Page 2-12 GL Wind 2003

performed in the control system. individual components and the structural integrity of
the entire plant. Determination of the limiting values Operation following mains failure
(1) The limiting values for the vibration monitoring
shall be so determined that an alarm is triggered when
the loads and/or movements defined in the design of If there is a mains failure, or if a wind turbine operat-
the wind turbine for the components to be monitored ing in stand-alone mode has lost its load, this shall be
are exceeded. The vibration level determined during detected by the control system and the safety system,
the design of the wind turbine shall be taken as the ba- and the wind turbine shall be shut down.
sis. Operation after restoration of mains
(2) Criteria shall be defined for short-term monitor-
ing (e.g. measurement period up to a few seconds) and Mains failure is considered an external event. For that
for long-term monitoring (e.g. measurement period in
reason, the wind turbine may be started automatically
the range of several minutes).
by the control system once the mains grid is capable of
taking power again.
It is regarded as prudent to define these criteria in re- Short circuit
lation to the condition of the plant (e.g. wind speed,
rotational speed, or power). Requirements
The effectiveness of these criteria shall be verified,
The wind turbine shall be equipped with suitable short-
e.g. through simulations.
circuit protection devices (see Section 8.7.2).
Note: Operation following a short circuit
For these simulations, malfunctions (e.g. mechanical
and / or aerodynamic imbalance of the rotor, displace- (1) If the protection devices detect a short circuit,
ment of natural frequencies) can be defined, depending they shall respond and simultaneously trigger the
on the system concept and tower design. In the simula- safety system.
tions, it shall then be shown that these malfunctions
are detected by the vibration monitoring with the se- (2) The safety system shall shut down the wind tur-
lected sensitivities, averaging periods and limiting values, bine and bring it into a safe condition.
without exceeding the loads defined for the design. Monitoring the generator temperature Exceeding the limiting value Requirements
If the currently measured vibrations exceed one of the
defined limiting values, the wind turbine shall be shut The temperature in the windings of the generator shall
down by the control system. be monitored to ensure that it is kept within the allow-
able operating limits. To achieve this aim, a self- Automatic start-up monitoring measurement system that functions reliably
and maintenance-free shall be selected.
Following a shut-down in accordance with Section, an automatic re-start may take place without Limiting values
clearance if this is provided for in the system concept
and no fault can be detected in the installation. The The limiting value for the temperature in the windings
automatic start-up shall be limited to three times every is generally laid down according to information from
24 hours. the manufacturer based on the class of insulation used
(see Section 8.2.6). Mains failure/load shedding Operation after excess temperature General If the permissible winding temperature has been ex-

ceeded, the power output shall be reduced, to give the
Should a wind turbine lose its load (e.g. the mains load), generator a chance to cool down. This is a task for the
the rotor may speed up very rapidly. This endangers control system.
IV – Part 1 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-13

Note: Cable twisting

Even exceeding the permissible temperature limit only
slightly reduces the life of the generator; exceeding it Requirements
substantially leads to its destruction in a short time.
Excess current or power may result in mechanical as If operation of the wind turbine may result in twisting
well as electrical overloading of components. Short- of flexible cables, particularly the connecting cables
term excesses of rated operating values shall be re- between rotating parts (nacelle) and parts of the fixed
duced by the control devices. If the maximum permis- structure (tower or foundation), technical measures
sible limiting values are exceeded, the wind turbine shall be taken to prevent destruction of these cables by
shall be shut down. excessive twisting. Condition monitoring Measurement parameter

of the braking systems
Direction-dependent counting or a similar procedure General for identifying the total revolutions of the nacelle shall
be regarded as an appropriate measurement parameter
The braking systems of a wind turbine are of particular for the twisting of flexible cables.
relevance as regards safety. Mechanical braking sys-
tems are subject to a high degree of wear. For that rea- Limiting value
son, the service brake should as far as possible operate
on a low-wear or no-wear principle (see Section The maximum acceptable degree of twisting for the Should the design of the braking system of flexible cables shall be defined by the manufacturer or
a wind turbine permit the possibility of increased, un- supplier.
noticed wear or a malfunction in the necessary accu-
mulator (see Section resulting in failure to
respond when required, then monitoring of the condi- Operation after excessive twisting
tion of the braking equipment shall be provided.
(1) The monitoring equipment for twisting shall al-
ways respond before the maximum acceptable degree Measurement parameters
of twisting is reached.
The brake lining thickness and/or the brake slack in
(2) In the case of wind turbines with active yaw sys-
mechanical brakes, and also, depending on the design
tems, untwisting of the cables can be undertaken
concept, the time to effect the braking or the power
automatically by the control system through appropri-
consumption, are all factors that can be used as rele- ate operation of the yaw drive. During the untwisting,
vant measurement parameters for condition monitor- the plant shall be shut down. If the flexible cables have
ing. Accumulators shall be monitored in accordance been untwisted automatically, the wind turbine can be
with their design (see Section re-started automatically without clearance. Safety requirement (3) If the largest threshold value for automatic un-
twisting is exceeded without any response from the
If condition monitoring is provided, it shall meet the control system, the safety system shall shut down the
same safety standards as the braking system itself (i.e. wind turbine and bring it to a safe condition.
the brake shall respond if the monitoring fails). The
response of the condition monitoring equipment shall Note:
be such that possible progressive defects are detected
early – at any rate before the required braking power To prevent possible danger to the wind turbine struc-
can no longer be achieved – and countermeasures are ture, it may be advisable to suppress the automatic un-
initiated. twisting at extremely high wind speeds (e.g. V ≥ 0.8 *
Vref) and to have the yaw system control the plant Operation after a fault is detected automatically until these wind speeds have dropped to
an acceptable level.
If the condition monitoring detects that a braking sys-
tem is not ready for operation, the wind turbine shall (4) In the case of installations without active yaw
be shut down by the control system. An unambiguous systems, further rotation of the nacelle shall be pre-
report of the failure detected shall be made. An auto- vented after the maximum acceptable degree of twist-
matic re-start of the plant is only permissible after ing (see Section has been reached. The
clearance (see Section wind turbine shall be brought into a safe condition.
Chapter 2 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices IV – Part 1
Page 2-14 GL Wind 2003 Yaw system maintain satisfactory parallel operation. Apart from

that, Section 4.2.5 shall apply. Measurement of wind direction
(2) In wind turbines operating in a stand-alone
If the measurement of wind direction is necessary for mode, on the other hand, the frequency is often deter-
the control of the wind turbine, the measurement mined by the wind turbine itself. Whether and to what
equipment (e.g. windvane) shall be constantly moni- extent frequency variations can be tolerated should be
tored in a suitable way and equipped with a proper determined by taking the individual service into con-
heating which shall be activated upon the danger of sideration. In general, however, designs should not be
icing. based on deviations greater than ± 5 % or ± 10 % for
short periods. Operation for faulty wind direction Emergency push button
measurements General
If the control system detects that the wind direction
measurements yield faulty results, the wind turbine As a means for manual intervention, at least one
shall be shut down. Emergency push button shall be provided each in the
nacelle and at the control and regulating unit. The but- Active yaw system tons shall be so arranged and constructed that they can
be operated as their function requires and cannot be
(1) In the case of nacelles with active yaw systems, diverted to other purposes.
it shall be ensured that even straightforward manual
maloperation cannot produce conditions which put the Requirements
integrity of the wind turbine at risk as a result of
stresses not included in the calculations. The drive of Activation of Emergency Off is intended to divert
nacelles with active yaw systems shall be provided danger from persons or the wind turbine itself. This
with a braking system. Before starting, it shall be es- means the safety system must bring all movements of
tablished unequivocally that the position of the nacelle the wind turbine to a standstill in the shortest possible
conforms to the wind direction of the design. time. The primary aim is not to effect the gentlest, but
rather the most rapid, braking to a standstill that is
Note: compatible with the strength of the installation. Ac-
cordingly, any time delays that may be present shall be
This can be of particular importance for instance after
bypassed, provided this can be justified from the
a lengthy standstill, if since the time of shutting down
the wind has veered something like 180° and the wind viewpoint of strength.
direction is not followed with the wind turbine at
standstill. Operation after activation of Emergency
push button
(2) If a cut-out yaw error ϕA (see Section,
para 2) was defined in the system concept, the wind Operation for triggering of Emergency push button
turbine shall be shut down immediately when this may be identical, for instance, with operation in the
value is exceeded. Once the yaw error is again within event of the safety system being triggered due to ex-
the permissible range, the wind turbine can be re-star- cessive vibration (see Section Following en-
ted automatically without clearance. gagement, the Emergency push button shall remain in
the engaged position. Passive yaw system Faults in machinery components
In case of a passive yaw system, it shall be established (1) Machinery components shall be monitored ac-
unequivocally before start-up that the position of the cording to the state of the art. Such monitoring equip-
nacelle conforms to the wind direction of the design. ment shall cover physical parameters which can be used
as a measure of reliable operation (e.g. gear oil pres- Frequency and voltage sure, gear oil temperature, bearing temperatures etc.).
The extent to which such equipment shall be provided
(1) In the case of wind turbines operating in parallel depends essentially on the overall design concept.
with the mains, a fixed mains frequency is assumed.
As a rule, the mains frequency is imposed on the wind (2) When limiting values are exceeded, the control
turbine. Specific monitoring and control is necessary system shall shut down the wind turbine. Depending
to the extent required by the relevant grid operator to on the type of malfunction, the wind turbine may then
IV – Part 1 2.3 Protective and Monitoring Devices Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-15

re-start automatically or be re-started by remote inter- clearance according to Section is required be-
vention from the control room. The automatic start-up fore re-starting.
shall be limited to three times every 24 hours.
2.3.3 Safety equipment (locking devices)
(3) In the design of the control system concept, the for maintenance
structural integrity of the wind turbine shall be given
priority over its availability. Requirements Operation of a cold plant
A wind turbine shall be equipped with at least one lock
or equivalent device each for rotor, yaw system and
If a relationship between component temperature and
blade-pitch system (see Section, with the
the maximum admissible power transmission is speci-
function of locking these against movement. Auto-
fied by the manufacturer for certain components of the
matic activation (automatic engagement on reaching
wind turbine (e.g. gearing, generator, transformer), then
standstill) is not necessary in general.
a corresponding “warm-up phase” shall be provided in
the control system of the plant. The power provided by
the rotor shall at no time be permitted to be larger than
the maximum specified for the momentary temperature Braking equipment may not, as a rule, be regarded as
by the manufacturer of the corresponding component. constituting the required locking device at the same
time. Deviation from this rule is possible in excep- Operativeness of the control system tional cases, provided the system design ensures that
and data storage work on each part of the braking system can be car-
ried out safely. Work on a braking system can be car-
(1) The control concept is defined as the procedure ried out safely only if all rotation of the parts of the
for operating the wind turbine under the specified con- wind turbine which the system is intended to brake can
ditions (see Section If the control is carried be reliably prevented.
out by a programmable control system, this takes over
control and regulation of the wind turbine. Design of the locking devices

(2) If the control system detects that it has lost con- (1) The locking devices shall be so designed that
trol of the wind turbine (e. g. a demanded blade pitch even with a brake removed they can reliably prevent
is not executed), the control system shall trigger the any rotation of the rotor, nacelle or the rotor blade.
safety system.
(2) The rotor lock shall be arranged to act on the drive
(3) The control system shall be monitored by a suit- train near the hub, and shall have form-fit. The design of
able arrangement (e.g. watch-dog). If this is triggered, the rotor lock shall be based on Section
the plant shall be shut down immediately. If this moni-
toring arrangement responds more than once in 24 Safety requirements
hours, the safety system shall also be triggered.
The design of the locking device shall be based on the
(4) If the safety system is triggered in the case of assumption that people deliberately enter, remain in
plants with a rated power of 1 MW or more, the con- and work in a hazardous area with confidence in the
trol system shall store the data of the final operating functioning of the device. Particularly high require-
conditions. ments shall thus be imposed as regards the operational
safety, quality and accessibility of the device, as well Automatic detection of icing-up as its engagement with the parts of the wind turbine
being locked (e.g. rotor blades, hub, shaft). Ice sensor Activation of the locking device
A device which automatically detects the formation of
ice at a component of the wind turbine can be certified. If work is to be carried out on those parts of the wind
turbine which rotate during operation, the locking de- Operation on detection of icing-up vice shall always be activated. It shall also be activated
even if the installation is held stopped by the brake ca-
If icing-up is detected, the control system shall shut pable of slowing the rotor to a standstill, or any azi-
down the wind turbine to prevent pieces of ice from muth brakes that may be provided. The operator shall
being hurled off the rotating parts. An automatic re- be explicitly alerted to this safety measure. An appro-
start of the plant is only permissible if it is possible to priate note shall be inserted in the operating manual.
ensure that all rotating parts are free of ice. Otherwise
IV – Part 1 Appendix 2.A Interaction of the Control and Safety Systems Chapter 2
GL Wind 2003 Page 2-17

Appendix 2.A Interaction of the Control and Safety Systems

This sketch visualizes schematically the interaction of the control and safety systems and is intended to be helpful for
understanding the wording in Chapter 2. However, the wording of Chapter 2 is binding.

Activation speed nA
Activation power PA
Short circuit in the electrical
power system


Cable twisting

Emergency push button

Functioning of control system

Rotational speed

Electrical power
Wind speed
Grid failure
Generator temperature

Condition of the braking equipment

Wind direction
Frequencies and voltages
Faults in machinery

Fig. 2.A.1 Interaction of the control and safety systems

Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

3 Requirements for Manufacturers, Quality Management,
Materials and Production

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

3.1 Requirements for Manufacturers ......................................................................................................... 3-1

3.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Works equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.3 Personnel.................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.4 Shop approval .......................................................................................................................................... 3-1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 Application for approval .......................................................................................................................... 3-1 Approval procedure, period of validity.................................................................................................... 3-1 Change in approval conditions................................................................................................................. 3-2

3.2 Quality Management ............................................................................................................................. 3-3

3.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Requirements for the quality management system .................................................................................. 3-3
3.2.4 Certification of the QM system................................................................................................................ 3-3

3.3 Materials................................................................................................................................................. 3-5

3.3.1 General requirements ............................................................................................................................... 3-5 General..................................................................................................................................................... 3-5 Material tests............................................................................................................................................ 3-5 Corrosion protection ................................................................................................................................ 3-6
3.3.2 Metallic materials .................................................................................................................................... 3-6 Structural steels........................................................................................................................................ 3-7 Cast steel.................................................................................................................................................. 3-7 Stainless steels ......................................................................................................................................... 3-7 Forging steels ........................................................................................................................................... 3-8 Cast iron................................................................................................................................................... 3-9 Aluminium alloys .................................................................................................................................. 3-10
3.3.3 Fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP).............................................................................................................. 3-11 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 3-11 General................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 Reaction resin compounds ..................................................................................................................... 3-11 Reinforcing materials............................................................................................................................. 3-12 Core materials ........................................................................................................................................ 3-12 Prepregs ................................................................................................................................................. 3-13 Adhesives............................................................................................................................................... 3-13 Approval of materials ............................................................................................................................ 3-13
3.3.4 Wood...................................................................................................................................................... 3-13 Types of wood........................................................................................................................................ 3-13 Material testing and approval................................................................................................................. 3-13 Glues and adhesives............................................................................................................................... 3-13 Surface protection .................................................................................................................................. 3-13 Wood preservatives ................................................................................................................................ 3-14 Mechanical fasteners.............................................................................................................................. 3-14
3.3.5 Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete ....................................................................................... 3-14 General................................................................................................................................................... 3-14 Standards................................................................................................................................................ 3-14 Raw materials for concrete .................................................................................................................... 3-14 Building materials.................................................................................................................................. 3-15 Durability of the concrete ...................................................................................................................... 3-15

3.4 Production and Testing........................................................................................................................ 3-17

3.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 3-17
Chapter 3 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003

3.4.2 Welding.................................................................................................................................................. 3-17 Prerequisites of the works...................................................................................................................... 3-17 Welders, welding supervision ................................................................................................................ 3-17 Welding method, welding procedure tests ............................................................................................. 3-17 Welding fillers and auxiliary materials .................................................................................................. 3-17 Weld joint design ................................................................................................................................... 3-18 Execution and testing............................................................................................................................. 3-18
3.4.3 Laminating fibre-reinforced plastics ...................................................................................................... 3-19 Requirements for manufacturers............................................................................................................ 3-19 Laminating workshops........................................................................................................................... 3-19 Store-rooms............................................................................................................................................ 3-19 Processing requirements ........................................................................................................................ 3-20 Building-up the laminate........................................................................................................................ 3-20 Curing and tempering ............................................................................................................................ 3-20 Sealing ................................................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.4.4 Adhesive bonding .................................................................................................................................. 3-21 Adhesive joints ...................................................................................................................................... 3-21 Assembly process .................................................................................................................................. 3-21
3.4.5 Manufacturing surveillance for FRP...................................................................................................... 3-22 General................................................................................................................................................... 3-22 Incoming inspection............................................................................................................................... 3-22 Production surveillance.......................................................................................................................... 3-22 Component checks................................................................................................................................. 3-23
3.4.6 Wood processing.................................................................................................................................... 3-23 Manufacture of wooden rotor blades ..................................................................................................... 3-23 Manufacturing surveillance of wooden rotor blades.............................................................................. 3-24
3.4.7 Making and working the concrete.......................................................................................................... 3-24 Proportioning and mixing the raw materials.......................................................................................... 3-25 Transport, pouring and compacting ....................................................................................................... 3-25 Curing .................................................................................................................................................... 3-25 Concreting in cool or hot weather.......................................................................................................... 3-25 Formwork and its supports..................................................................................................................... 3-25 Quality control ....................................................................................................................................... 3-25
IV – Part 1 3.1 Requirements for Manufacturers Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-1

3.1 Requirements for Manufacturers

3.1.1 General – test equipment and materials plus means for

their calibration
(1) Manufacturers shall be suitable for the work to be
carried out as regards their workshop facilities, manu- 3.1.3 Personnel
facturing processes as well as training and capabilities
of the personnel. Proof of this may be provided by (1) The personnel employed by the company shall
means of a documented and certified quality manage- be such as to ensure that the components can be com-
ment system (see Section 3.2). If required (see Section petently prepared, manufactured and tested to the ex-, para 1, and Section, para 1), GL Wind tent necessary. GL Wind may require proof of the tech-
will issue a shop approval on request of a manufacturer, nical qualifications of the staff.
provided the approval conditions are fulfilled.
(2) The respective areas of responsibility shall be
(2) It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ob- laid down and arrangements made for deputies for
serve and conform to this Guideline, the pertinent laws those responsible.
and ordinances, technical regulations, standards and
data sheets, such as those from the chemicals industry 3.1.4 Shop approval
etc. (see also Section 3.2.1, para 2). General
(3) Insofar as the requirements for the manufacturers
set out below (especially as regards quality control) are Shop approval is required for welding, laminating and
not further defined, these shall be defined in accor- bonding. Shop approvals by other organizations can be
dance with the quality management requirements (see recognized after consultation with GL Wind. GL Wind
Section 3.2). Details shall be agreed with GL Wind for
reserves the right to demand approval for other manu-
each individual case.
facturing methods or working techniques.
3.1.2 Works equipment Application for approval
(1) The manufacturers shall have at their disposal
(1) Application for approval shall be made on a form
suitable facilities and equipment for faultless execution
provided. Any additional information, documents and
of the work. External facilities may be included for con-
explanations demanded or necessary (see Sections 3.2,
sideration only if these meet the prerequisites for com-
3.3 and 3.4) shall be enclosed with the application.
petent execution and are available without restriction.
(2) The application shall describe the organization
(2) Equipment and facilities include, on the scale
and technical facilities of the company, as well as
necessary for the manufacture in question, for instance
provide information about personnel qualifications,
the following:
scope of production and production processes plus
quality control.
– workshops, roofed-over working areas as re-
quired, equipment for assembly sites
(3) GL Wind shall be notified of the individuals
– store-rooms for materials responsible for observation of the approval conditions
and for the quality of the products manufactured, and
– drying facilities (e.g. for wood, welding fillers of their deputies.
(4) The tests which are in the manufacturer’s respon-
– lifting gear for assembly and transport sibility shall be documented. This may be acknowl-
edged within the context of a certification of the qual-
– processing machinery and tools
ity management system (see Section 3.2).
– tools and equipment for welding and cutting Approval procedure, period of validity
– appliances for joining-up, and for welding,
laminating, bonding and gluing (1) After GL Wind has checked the application for
– air-condition monitoring instruments compliance with the requirements of Sections 3.3 and
3.4 and has inspected the works, the shop approval
– facilities for preheating and heat treatment may be granted for a period of three years. If work
Chapter 3 3.1 Requirements for Manufacturers IV – Part 1
Page 3-2 GL Wind 2003

under the surveillance of GL Wind is carried out con- Change in approval conditions
tinuously during the period of validity, this is extended
by a year at a time without further checks. Renewed
confirmation of the approval is then not necessary, but
may be given at the request of the company. GL Wind shall be informed immediately in writing of
any changes in the approval conditions that have a
(2) If no work under the surveillance of GL Wind significant influence, such as changes of the produc-
has been carried out for more than one year, prolonga- tion facilities, the production processes, quality con-
tion shall be applied for no later than the expiry of the trol, composition and qualification of the personnel
three-year period of validity. Updated documentation etc. GL Wind shall be notified of any new production
shall be enclosed with the application. In this event, procedures in good time before their introduction. GL
the approval may be renewed and extended for a fur- Wind reserves the right to demand validation tests of
ther three years. such procedures.
IV – Part 1 3.2 Quality Management Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-3

3.2 Quality Management

3.2.1 General (4) Quality management (QM) comprises all

planned and systematic actions necessary to provide
(1) Provided the manufacturer operates and applies a adequate confidence that a product or service will
quality management (QM) system in accordance with satisfy given requirements for quality.
a recognized standard, and this has been evaluated by
GL Wind, a portion of the proofs required in this (5) The QM system comprises the organizational
Guideline may be provided within the context of the structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and
QM system. A certification of the QM system by an resources for implementing quality management.
accredited certification body is recognized through the
assessment by GL Wind. (6) The quality audit is a systematic and independent
examination to determine whether quality activities
(2) Recognition of the QM system obliges the manu- and related results comply with planned actions, and
facturer to observe the requirements laid down in this whether these actions are implemented efficiently and
Guideline. The obligation for proof of this rests on the are suitable to achieve the objectives.
company. GL Wind verifies the effectiveness of the
system and the work-specific requirements on the (7) The QM system documentation comprises all the
basis of the documentation submitted by the company, documents describing the functions of the QM system.
e.g. within the context of shop approval, and checks it, It consists of:
at its discretion, by random inspections or by witness-
ing tests within the QM system. – QM manual

(3) The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that – QM procedures

all tests and inspections laid down in accordance with – QM work instructions
this Guideline, as well as with any standards, specifi-
cations and other regulations that are also applicable,
3.2.3 Requirements for the
are carried out.
quality management system
(4) GL Wind shall be notified without request prior
(1) As a minimum, the QM system shall meet the
to the introduction of any alterations to the QM system
requirements of the QM model according to ISO 9001.
or to production processes which can be expected to
ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 contain basic principles and
have a significant effect on product quality, as listed
recommendations for the implementation of a QM
for example in Section 3.1.4, para 4. GL Wind reserves
the right to check these issues (extraordinary inspec-
tion) and to review the approval of the QM system.
(2) The QM system shall be worked out in detail in
writing (see also Section 3.2.2, para 7).
(5) Insofar as the certification of the QM system of a
certification body was recognized by GL Wind, the
manufacturer is under an obligation to inform GL (3) For the manufacturers of products who do not
Wind without delay about the loss of the certificate’s pursue their own development activities, the exclusion
validity. of Subsection 7.3 (“Design and Development”) within
ISO 9001 is permissible.
3.2.2 Definitions
3.2.4 Certification of the QM system
(1) The definitions of ISO 9000 apply.
(1) A certification of the QM system by a certifica-
tion body accredited according to EN 45012 is, as a
(2) Manufacturer is the organizational unit which rule, regarded as a prerequisite. The general procedure
manufactures a product or independent component of for the certification is described below.
the product, or which assembles and sells a product
consisting of subcontracted components.
(2) Certification of the QM system follows comple-
tion of the following assessments:
(3) Quality is the totality of features and characteris-
tics of a product or a service that bear on its ability to
– checking of the QM system documentation in
satisfy stated or implied needs.
relation to the requirements of ISO 9001
Chapter 3 3.2 Quality Management IV – Part 1
Page 3-4 GL Wind 2003

– successful completion of the initial audit by (4) The certification is generally valid for three
the certification body. This includes a check years. It commences with the date of the certificate.
on whether the QM activities set out in the On completion of the re-certification (usually compris-
QM system documentation are being imple- ing the execution of a renewal audit), a certificate may
mented. be issued which again is valid for three years. The
validity of the certificate necessitates that all the condi-
(3) The validity of the certificate is maintained by tions under which it was granted are still being met
means of regular audits. These audits are carried out at and no serious shortcomings have arisen in the QM
set intervals in time (once a year and, if necessary, system.
more often).
IV – Part 1 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-5

3.3 Materials

3.3.1 General requirements furthermore contain data on the marking of the materi-
als, so as to permit reliable tracing to components. General
(3) Material test documents (statements of compli-
(1) Only suitable materials with guaranteed proper- ance) for components of a wind turbine within the
ties (e.g. strength, toughness – at low temperatures if scope of the project certificate form a part of the sur-
appropriate, cold deformability, suitability for welding, veillance during production by GL Wind.
resistance to rot etc.) may be used for the force- and
moment-transmitting components of a wind turbine. (4) Within the scope of the A- and B-Design As-
sessment, inspection certificates in accordance with
(2) Materials chosen shall be matched to the de- EN 10204-3.1 B or prEN 10204 3.1 shall generally be
mands to be made on the component, particularly the submitted for the materials of those components that
type of load (shock load, oscillating load) as well as are subject to high static or dynamic loads and that are
the external conditions (see Section 4.2) and to the important for the integrity of the wind turbine. Test
design. The materials chosen shall be named clearly certificates of redundant or damage-tolerant compo-
and comprehensively in the documents (drawings, nents of the same requirement class can, by way of
parts lists) to be submitted for approval. exception, be certified by test reports according to EN
10204-2.2 or prEN 10204 2.2.
(3) All materials not listed in this Section shall be
treated in accordance with the relevant standards as (5) For materials of other components or assemblies
regards quality requirements and test conditions. The that are less highly stressed but of particular impor-
special environmental and operational conditions of tance for the functioning of the wind turbine, test re-
the wind turbine shall be taken into account. ports in accordance with EN 10204-2.2 or prEN 10204
2.2 shall be submitted.
(4) The temperature range for the materials to be
used is laid down in Section 4.2.4. The use of materi- (6) In cases of doubt, the classification of the mate-
als outside this temperature range necessitates special rials for components or assemblies shall be agreed
consultation with GL Wind. with GL Wind. In the case of components not obtained
with inspection certificates, the scope of the substitute
(5) For components which are mounted on or in- requirements shall be discussed with GL Wind.
stalled in wind turbines, only materials approved by GL
may be used in the case of wind turbines for which an (7) For the components listed below, such as (insofar
application for project certification has been submitted. applicable)

– rotor blades Material tests
– blade bearings
(1) The type and extent of material testing depends – rotor hub
on the importance of and stress on a component, and
on the type and extent of the possible or required post- – main bearing
manufacture tests. Depending on the type of certifica-
– brake
tion, design analyses with all the required material and
component tests according to Section (A- and – generator
B-Design Assessment), an implementation of the de-
sign requirements in construction and erection accord- – rotor shaft and axle journal
ing to Section (Type Certificate) or surveillance – main frame
during production according to Section (Project
Certificate) are required. If nothing else has been de- – blade-pitch, rotor and yaw locks
termined in detail, the following requirements apply. – yaw bearing
(2) Material test documents (statements of compli- – tower and (optionally) foundation
ance) shall correspond to EN 10204:1995 or prEN
10204:2000. They shall contain the results of the tests that are important for the integrity of the wind turbine
laid down in the standards or additionally agreed or and also present a high danger potential for human
demanded on the basis of the requirements. They shall health and life, an implementation of the design re-
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 1
Page 3-6 GL Wind 2003

quirements in production and erection according to removed if the corrosion stress or the coating system
Section (Type Certificate) or surveillance dur- make this necessary.
ing production according to Section (Project
Certificate) is required. For the bolted connections (5) As a rule, burrs shall always be removed and
playing a significant role in the transmission of power, sharp edges rounded off. This is absolutely necessary
the standard of the quality-management measures shall if the components are to be coated, or if the stress in
be shown by a description of the QM measures. the structure or accident prevention require it.

(8) GL Wind reserves the right to extend the scope Material selection
of surveillance during production accordingly for
special materials, production processes or components. For areas which cannot be protected by coatings and
protective coverings, suitable materials with a sensitiv-
(9) In the case of components not obtained with ity against corrosion classed as “low” or better shall be
inspection certificates, the scope of the substitute used. For materials in a marine atmosphere, the stan-
requirements shall be discussed with GL Wind. dard DIN 81249-4 applies, for example. The corrosion
probability of various materials is described in e.g. Corrosion protection DIN 50930. General Coatings

(1) Wind turbine components are partly exposed to (1) Coatings shall be selected in accordance with
aggressive environmental conditions and not easily ISO 12944-5, which lists the stress and the coating
accessible. Because of the operational conditions, system to be used. The workmanship and monitoring
renewal of the protective coating is not possible in of the coating work shall be in accordance with ISO
many cases. Special importance therefore attaches to 12944-7. For metallic protective coverings on steel,
the design, the choice of material and the corrosion Section 5 of the “Guideline for Corrosion Protection
protection measures. and Coating Systems” of GL shall be observed. Addi-
tional information shall be taken from the above-
(2) Wind turbines bearing a certificate without re- mentioned GL Guideline, the GL Rules for Offshore
strictions shall be classed under “marine atmosphere” Installations, and the guidelines of the German Society
as regards corrosion attack. of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (STG
Guideline No. 2215).
(3) Further general notes on corrosion protection are
also given in the “Guidelines for Corrosion Protection (2) Surfaces to be protected by coatings shall be
and Coating Systems” of GL. designed to be accessible for the necessary activities
such as surface preparation, application, inspection and Design for corrosion protection maintenance.

(1) A structural design which takes into account 3.3.2 Metallic materials
corrosion protection and reduction has a significant
effect on the ease of implementing, effectiveness and (1) Only suitable materials with guaranteed proper-
repairability of the corrosion protection. Basic rules ties (e.g. strength, toughness – at low temperatures if
are addressed in ISO 12944-3 and shall be observed. appropriate, cold deformability, suitability for welding
etc.), as mentioned in the next section, may be used for
(2) Surfaces at risk from corrosion should be de- the force- and moment-transmitting components of a
signed to be as even as possible. Any necessary stiffen- wind turbine made of metallic materials. The use of
ings and fittings etc. shall wherever possible be located materials according to other regulations or standards
in low-corrosion regions. Inaccessible hollow compo- requires the consent of GL Wind.
nents shall be welded tight.
(2) The material tests shall be performed in accor-
(3) Areas in which water or aggressive media can dance with Section
accumulate (water pockets) shall be avoided by means
of suitable measures such as slopes, passages or run- (3) For the machinery components such as gearing,
offs. Condensation shall be reduced by means of de- bearings, brakes, couplings etc., materials suitable for
sign measures such as ventilation. these components shall be used. Quality requirements
and test conditions shall be taken from the relevant
(4) Residues from welding (such as slag, loosely standards, taking into account the environmental op-
attached splashes and beads) shall be removed. erational conditions (see Section 4.2). Further special
Splashes or beads melted onto the surface shall be requirements are listed in Chapter 6.
IV – Part 1 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-7

(4) In special cases, limited continued operation of 0.30 %. The composition of each melt shall be
the wind turbine may be accepted by GL Wind in the certified by the manufacturer.
event of an incipient crack that is growing steadily.
The material data to be applied for determining the – The steel castings shall be supplied either
remaining lifetime of a component shall be agreed normalized or hardened and tempered, de-
with GL Wind before use. pending on the type of cast.
– For cast components that are predominantly Structural steels dynamically stressed, quality grade 3 in ac-
cordance with DIN 1690 T2:1985 in conjunc-
(1) For the structures and components in accordance tion with EN 12681:2003 (Radiographic test),
with Chapters 6 and 7, structural steels according to EN 12680-2:2003 (Ultrasonic test), EN 1371-
EN 10025 as well as weldable fine grained steels ac- 1:1997 (Dye penetration test) and EN
cording to EN 10113 may be used. With the consent of 1369:1997 (Magnetic crack detection test) is
GL Wind, other equivalent structural steels may also
the least favourable permitted. The quality
be used. The characteristic values shall be taken from
grades shall correspond to the assumptions of
the corresponding standards. The demands made on
the computational analyses as per Section
special steels are laid down by GL Wind individually
for each case. For hollow sections, the standards EN
10219-1 (cold-formed, welded) and EN 10210-1 (hot- – Steel castings may not exhibit any faults
finished) apply. which might adversely affect their use and ap-
propriate processing.
(2) The structural steels used for less important, non-
load-bearing parts shall have sufficient strength and – The removal of faults through fabrication wel-
shall exhibit the properties required for the particular ding or repair welding is permissible only with
application (e.g. cold-workability, weldability). Welded specifications approved by GL Wind. The
joints between these steels and those of the load-bea- qualification of the welding workshop and the
ring structures and components shall not adversely welder performing the work shall be verified
affect the components. in accordance with Section 3.4.2. Cast steel Stainless steels

(1) For the structures and components in accordance (1) Stainless steels shall be selected with respect to
with Chapters 6 and 7, cast steels of the grades GS-38, their resistance to corrosion, taking into account the
GS-45 and GS-52 according to DIN 1681 as well as processing conditions (e.g. welding). If nothing else
GS-16Mn5, GS-20Mn5N and GS-20Mn5V according has been agreed for individual cases, suitable steels,
to DIN 17182 may be used. Cast steel grades accord- e.g. according to EN 10088 (Stainless steels) and EN
ing to other specifications or standards may also be 10213-4 (Steel castings for pressure vessels) may be
used with the consent of GL Wind, provided they are selected in the case that no delivery is to take place on
equivalent to the grades listed above as regards their the basis of a specification approved by GL Wind.
mechanical properties and, if appropriate, weldability
and also provided that proof has been furnished of (2) Only those grades suitable for welding with
their suitability for the intended application. For this guaranteed resistance to intercrystalline corrosion may
purpose, a once-only suitability test may be required. be used for welded structures. If it is intended to weld
castings without post-weld heat treatment, only grades
(2) Unless otherwise agreed, the quality require- of cast steel that are corrosion-resistant in this condi-
ments and test conditions in accordance with the tion as well shall be used, e.g. cast steels stabilized
above-mentioned standards apply to steel castings. with Nb or containing not more than 0.03 % C.
Furthermore, the provisions set out in EN 1559-1:1997
and EN 1559-2:2000 shall be observed. The notched (3) Other grades of cast steel conforming to other
bar impact work shall be verified at a temperature standards or material specifications may be used, pro-
corresponding to the minimum design temperature (cf. vided that they are comparable to the grades of cast
Section, para 4). steel described in EN 10213-4 with regard to their
delivery condition, heat treatment, chemical composi-
(3) The conditions listed below shall also be ob- tion, mechanical properties and weldability, and pro-
served: vided that proof has been furnished of their suitability
for the intended application. For this purpose, a first-
– In the case of steel castings to be used in welded time suitability test may be required.
designs, the carbon content of the above-
mentioned grades shall not exceed 0.23 %, and (4) The limits for the lowest design temperatures
the sum of chromium and molybdenum content according to Section shall be observed.
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 1
Page 3-8 GL Wind 2003 Forging steels Delivery condition, heat treatment

Additional notes on selecting suitable materials can (1) All forgings shall be heat treated in a manner
also be taken from the Guideline of GL (II, Part 1, appropriate to the material. The treatment shall be
Chapter 2, Section 3 [3.3]). carried out in suitable furnaces, maintained effectively
and regularly. These shall be equipped with means for
controlling and indicating the temperature. The dimen- Standards sions of the furnace shall make it possible to bring the
entire forging uniformly to the required annealing
Forgings and bar stock for structures and components temperature. Where, in the case of very large forgings,
as per Chapters 6 and 7 shall be selected to EN 10083 the furnace dimensions do not permit total normalizing
in accordance with the requirements; in the case of in one step, alternative heat treatment processes shall
be agreed with GL Wind.
larger cross-sections (i.e. greater than 100 mm / 250
mm; see EN 10083) according to Stahl-Eisen-Werk-
(2) All hot-forging work shall be completed before
stoffblatt (Steel/Iron Materials Data Sheet) SEW 550.
the final heat treatment. If a forging has for any reason
Further notes on selecting suitable materials can also
to be reheated for further hot working, the final heat
be taken from the Guideline of GL (II, Part 1, Chapter treatment shall be repeated.
2, Section 3 [3.3]). For tempering and case-hardening
steels, e.g. for the manufacture of gearwheels and (3) If a forging is hot- or cold-straightened after final
pinions, the standards EN 10083 and 10084 apply; for heat treatment, subsequent stress-relieving to remove
stainless steels EN 10088 applies. Forgings and bar the residual stress may be demanded.
stock in accordance with other standards or manufac-
turers’ material specifications may be used if proper- (4) Forgings which after forging undergo large
ties equivalent to those in the standards listed above changes in cross-section by machining may be hard-
can be guaranteed, and if proof has been furnished of ened and tempered only after adequate pretreatment.
their suitability for the intended application. For this The weight at hardening and tempering shall not be
purpose, a first-time suitability test may be required. more than 1.25 times the finished weight. General forging quality Production processes
(1) All forgings shall be free from any faults which
may impair use and processing to more than an insig-
(1) Forging steel shall be produced by an oxygen
nificant extent, e.g. flakes, cracks, shrinkage holes,
steel-making process in an electric or Siemens-Martin
segregations, peripheral blowholes and major non-
furnace or by other processes approved by GL Wind,
metallic inclusions. Forgings to be delivered un-
and shall be cast killed. On request, GL Wind shall be
machined shall have a smooth surface appropriate to
informed of the melting process.
the production process.
(2) Enough shall be cut off at the top and bottom of
(2) Small surface faults may be removed by pointing
the ingots to ensure that the forgings are free from any
and/or grinding. Complete removal of the fault shall be
harmful segregations. These are all inhomogeneities
demonstrated by a magnetic crack detection test or a
which might impair the required quality characteristics.
dye penetration test.
(3) As far as possible, the pieces shall be forged to the
(3) Proof of the chemical composition:
dimensions of the finished part, taking into account an
The manufacturer shall determine the chemical com-
appropriate machining allowance. Excessive machining
position of every melt and submit a corresponding
to produce the final shape, which might impair the quality
characteristics by for example exposing the core area, is certificate in accordance with Section This
not allowed. In the case of stepped shafts, forged starting certificate shall state the chemical composition of the
material shall be used for turned grooves larger than 1/10 melt which characterizes the steel grade. If there is any
of the outer diameter. The degree of deformation shall be doubt as to the composition, or if the connection be-
so selected that the core zone of the forging is adequately tween certificate and forging cannot be proved, a
forged through. The total degree of deformation shall not product analysis shall be carried out.
be less than 3.5 : 1. Mechanico-technological testing
(4) Collars and hollow pieces shall be made from
ingot or cogged ingot sections competently punched, (1) Tensile test:
bored or pierced before the parts are reamed or rolled The mechanical properties shall be checked by means
over a suitable mandrel. of the tensile test, in which the tensile strength, the
IV – Part 1 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-9

yield point or 0.2 % elastic strain limit, the elongation (2) Surface crack tests using the dye penetration
at fracture and the reduction in area at fracture are to method are possible in exceptional cases (and for aus-
be determined. tenitic steels). The tests shall be carried out with a
testing-medium combination comprising penetrant,
(2) Notched-bar impact-bending test: intermediate cleanser and developer in accordance
A notched-bar impact-bending test shall be carried out with the testing-medium manufacturer’s instructions.
if this is stated in the standards. Unless otherwise
specified, the notched-bar impact work shall be veri- (3) Ultrasonic testing shall preferably be carried out
fied on every forging or test piece by notched-bar while the piece still has a simple geometric shape, the
impact-bending tests. pieces to be tested having been at least normalized.
Provided shape and size of the piece permit, ultra-
(3) Sampling: sound shall be passed through it radially and axially.
As a rule, the taking of samples from forgings shall be Technical data relating to the test, such as method,
type of appliance, testing head, appliance adjustment,
arranged by forging-on sample sections outside the
recording threshold and error margins shall be laid
forging dimensions. The sample section may generally
down and made known by the manufacturer. The
be separated from the forging only after the final heat
qualification of the tester shall be demonstrated. The
treatment. Subsequent stress relieving need not be company shall prepare a report on the ultrasonic test-
taken into account in this connection. Premature sepa- ing, containing the details of the process listed above
ration is permitted only if unavoidable for production and an assessment of the readings.
reasons. In this event, the forging and the sample sec-
tion shall be heat treated together. Cast iron

(4) In deviation from this provision, in the case of (1) For structures and components in accordance
series-production drop forgings, the samples may be with Chapters 6 and 7, cast iron with either spheroidal
taken from items surplus to requirements or separately graphite (EN-GJS) according to EN 1563:2003 or
forged sample sections; these shall belong to the same lamellar graphite (EN-GJL) according to EN
melt and be heat treated together with the associated 1561:1997 may be used, depending on the mechanical
items under test. The test batch sizes laid down in the properties required. Furthermore, the provisions set out
standards apply as regards sample selection. in EN 1559-1:1997 and EN 1559-3:1997 shall be ob-
(5) All sample cut-offs shall be forged with the same
degree of deformation to that cross-section which is (2) Without additional verification, cast iron with a
also representative of the forging’s typical cross- tendency for brittle fracture (EN-GJS with a high
section. The sample cut-offs shall be large enough to percentage of pearlite; EN-GJL) shall not be selected
provide specimens for any test which might be neces- for components that play a significant role in the trans-
sary as well as those required for any repeated tests. mission of power and are under high dynamic stress,
e.g. rotor hubs, gearbox housings with integrated rotor
(6) All sample cut-offs and test specimens shall be bearings, castings of rotor bearing and machine foun-
so marked that they can be clearly assigned to the dations.
forgings or test units they represent. As a rule, the
samples shall be taken from a point of the sample cut- (3) For cast iron with spheroidal graphite, the manu-
off or test specimen lying one-third of the diameter or facturing processes shall ensure that 90 % of the
thickness below the surface. graphite in the spheroidal form V and VI (according to
ISO 945:1994) has been segregated. For the determi-
nation of the microstructure, ISO 945 may be applied.
For the ferritic types, the pearlite proportion within the Non-destructive testing grain structure of the metallic base material shall not
exceed 10 %.
(1) If surface crack testing is required, it shall pref-
erably be effected by means of the magnetic crack (4) The use of other types of cast iron according to
detection method, except in the case of austenitic other standards or material specifications shall be
steels. The tests shall generally be carried out on for- agreed with GL Wind.
gings which have undergone final heat treatment, if
possible after machining. If current flow is being used, (5) For the assessment of the casting quality of
care shall be taken that no penetration points are components with consideration of internal flaws, non-
caused by the contact electrodes. The effective tangen- destructive testing methods such as ultrasound (ac-
tial field intensity shall be at least 2 kA/m (25 Oe) at cording to EN 12680-3:2003) and/or radiographic tests
the workpiece surface, but shall not exceed 5 kA/m (according to EN 12681:2003) shall be applied. For
(62.5 Oe). radiographic tests, the radiation source shall be se-
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 1
Page 3-10 GL Wind 2003

lected in relation to the maximum wall thicknesses in cording to EN 12680-3:2003 for indications to be
accordance with EN 444. If no satisfactory rear-panel reported. Here the worst acceptable is quality level 3.
or error echo is obtained for the ultrasonic test, a com-
bination with the radiographic test shall be performed. (9) The removal of sample cut-offs or test specimens
for determining the mechanico-technological proper-
(6) For components that are predominantly dynami- ties and the grain and graphite structures, and for de-
cally stressed and made of cast iron with spheroidal termining the casting quality, shall be so executed that
graphite, a quality level requirement shall be set ac- the typical characteristics of the component are regis-
cording to EN 12680-3:2003 (Ultrasonic test) and tered properly. In many cases, it is necessary to pre-
VDG instruction sheet P-541 (Verein Deutscher scribe varying sampling points on the component.
Gießereifachleute) in conjunction with EN 12681:2003
(Radiographic test), EN 1369:1997 (Magnetic crack (10) All sample cut-offs and test specimens shall be
detection test) and EN 1371-1:1997 (Dye penetration so marked that they can be clearly assigned. The corre-
test). These shall correspond to the assumptions of the sponding specifications shall be submitted to GL
computational analyses as per Section Wind.

(7) The flaw types blowholes (flaw class A), non- (11) The test results shall be documented in accor-
metallic inclusions (B) and enclosed shrinkage holes dance with Section
(C) shall be classified according to their quality after
the radiographic test (see also Table 3.3.1). Here the (12) The removal of faults through fabrication weld-
worst acceptable is quality level 3 according to VDG ing or repair welding is permissible only with ap-
instruction sheet P-541. Dross (Z) or shrinkage holes proved procedure testing. With regard to the qualifica-
(C) cut by mechanical processing are fundamentally tion of the welding workshop and the welder perform-
inadmissible in highly stressed areas and shall be re- ing the work, Section 3.4.2 shall be observed. Prior to
moved by mechanical means, taking into account the the start of welding work of this type, the welding
permissible reduction in wall thickness. All other types process, the heat treatment and the scope of the tests
of flaws shall, if applicable, be assessed separately and shall be agreed with GL Wind. Mixed welding of dy-
possible countermeasures shall be coordinated with namically stressed components is inadmissible.
GL Wind.
(13) The limits for the lowest design temperatures
Table 3.3.1 Allocation of the flaw class to wall according to Section shall be observed.
thicknesses and quality levels for ra-
diographic testing of EN-GJS on the Aluminium alloys
basis of VDG instruction sheet P-541
(1) Only aluminium alloys that are suited to the
intended purpose and have been approved by GL Wind
Quality level Flaw classes shall be used. If applicable, proof of suitability for
welding shall be furnished for the alloys.
Wall thick- Wall thick- Wall thick- (2) As regards fatigue strength and sensitivity to
ness ness ness notches, aluminium is comparable to high tensile
steels, and therefore demands careful design and
up to 100 > 100 – 250 > 250 – 400 manufacturing.
mm mm mm
(3) Proper processing and suitable corrosion protec-
tion shall be applied in order to prevent contact corro-
1 A1, B1, C1 A1, B1, C2 A1, B1, C3 sion and particularly corrosion in a marine atmosphere. Wrought alloys

2 A2, B2, C2 A2, B2, C3 A2, B2, C4
(1) For the chemical composition of the aluminium
alloys, the Euronorm EN 573 shall be observed, for the
3 A3, B3, C4 A3, B3, C5 A3, B3, C6 mechanical properties EN 755-2, and for the definition of
the material conditions of semifinished products EN 515.

(2) Compliance with the tolerances and the require-

(8) For components that are predominantly dynami- ments for the general condition lies within the respon-
cally stressed and made of cast iron with spheroidal sibility of the manufacturer.
graphite, a quality level requirement shall be set ac-
IV – Part 1 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-11 Cast alloys (6) Prepreg is a reinforcing material pre-impregnated

with reaction resin compound, and can be worked
(1) The chemical composition and mechanical prop- without having any more resin compound added. A
erties of castings made of aluminium and aluminium distinction can be made between wet and dry prepregs,
alloys shall comply with the values given in Euronorm where the wet prepregs are often known as “indoor
EN 1706. prepreg”, since they are produced at the workshop of
the component manufacturer.
(2) All castings shall be free from any internal or
external faults which may impair use and competent General
processing to more than an insignificant extent.
(1) The properties of fibre-reinforced plastics are
(3) If defects are to be removed by welding, the strongly influenced by their processing. For this rea-
manufacturer shall compile a welding specification son, the requirements for manufacturers set out in
and obtain the consent of GL Wind. Furthermore, in Section 3.4.3 shall be observed.
the case of doubts concerning the freedom from de-
fects of the castings, non-destructive tests shall be (2) Notwithstanding the availability of approvals or
initiated by the casting manufacturer and performed at confirmations of the quality of individual components
the relevant points. Repaired defects as well as areas (resin compound, reinforcing material, adhesive etc.),
that are critical from the viewpoint of casting technol- it shall be checked that the properties of the corre-
ogy shall be included in the tests. sponding composite material comply with the design
(4) The results of the tests shall be documented in
accordance with Section Reaction resin compounds
3.3.3 Fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP)
(1) Depending on the purpose and thus on the re-
quirements, a distinction shall be made between lami- Definitions nating resins and gelcoat resins. For the combination
of gelcoat and laminating resins, compatibility shall be
(1) Fibre-reinforced plastics are heterogeneous materi- demonstrated unless the basic resins are the same.
als, consisting of a cured reaction resin compound as
matrix with fibrous reinforcing materials embedded in it. (2) Gelcoat resins are intended to protect the lami-
nate against external damage and influences. In cured
(2) The reaction resin compound is a multiple- condition, they are therefore required to have good
component mix, consisting of reaction resin and hard- resistance to moisture, chemical attack, UV radiation,
ener, plus possibly additives. marine and industrial environments, and to exhibit a
high degree of resistance to abrasion and a low water
(3) Reinforcing materials are fibres of various mate- absorption capacity as well as a high elasticity. The
rials processed to form various reinforcement prod- only additives permitted are, to a limited extent,
ucts, depending on the intended use. A distinction is thixotropic agents and pigments.
made between:
(3) Laminating resins shall have good impregnation
– homogeneous: The reinforcement product properties in the working state, whereas in the cured
contains fibres of one single state they shall be moisture-resistant and highly resis-
material. tant to ageing. These properties shall also be provided
with the permitted additives and fillers.
– inhomogeneous: The reinforcement product
contains fibres of diverse (4) In the case of reaction resin compounds, all addi-
materials, though individual tives to resins (catalysts, accelerators, inhibitors, fillers
layers or directions in one and pigments) shall be harmonized with the reaction
layer may be homogeneous. resin and be compatible amongst themselves and with
it, whereby total curing of the resin shall be guaran-
(4) Laminate is produced by layerwise arrangement teed. The additives shall be dispersed in the resin com-
of reinforcement products with reaction resin com- pound with care and in accordance with the manufac-
pounds. turer’s instructions. Catalysts which initiate the hard-
ening process and accelerators or inhibitors which
(5) Sandwich laminate comprises layers of laminate control the working time (pot life) and curing time
bonded together by an intermediate core of lightweight shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
material. processing guidelines.
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 1
Page 3-12 GL Wind 2003

(5) In the case of epoxy resins, the resin and hard- (2) The fibres shall be given protective and/or adhe-
ener constituents shall, as far as possible, be mixed sion-improving coatings (in the case of glass fibres
exactly to the manufacturer’s regulations. As a rule, “size”, in the case of carbon fibres “finish”, in that of
only the resin/hardener combinations prescribed by the aramide fibres “avivage”), matched to the intended
manufacturer are permissible. laminate resin. This is necessary to ensure an adequate
ageing- and moisture-resistant bond between the fibres
(6) All systems which are cured at room temperature and laminating resin.
(cold-curing systems) shall be matched in such a way
that satisfactory curing is guaranteed at temperatures (3) For glass fibres, aluminium-boron-silicate glass
from 16 °C to 25 °C. Cold-curing systems intended to (alkaline-oxide content < 1 %) shall preferably be
cure at other temperatures and hot-curing systems may used, for instance E-glass in accordance with VDE
only be used in accordance with a production specifi- 0334/Part 1 – Section 4. Other types of glass, such as
cation approved by GL Wind. R- or S-glass, may also be permitted by GL Wind if
(7) Fillers shall not significantly impair the proper-
ties of the resins. The type and amount of filler may (4) For load-bearing structures, the average filament
not lead to the resin properties seriously dropping diameter of the glass fibres shall not exceed 20 µm
below the nominal properties. In general, the propor- without further proof (see Section 5.5.4, para 4).
tion of fillers in the laminating resins shall not exceed
12 % by weight (including a maximum of 1.5 % by (5) In the case of carbon fibres, pitch-based and
weight of thixotropic agent). If the manufacturer has “heavy tow” products are not permissible without fur-
laid down a lower figure, however, this shall apply. ther proof.
The proportion of thixotropic agent in the gelcoat resin
may not exceed 3 % by weight. Note:

(8) Pigments shall be weatherproof and consist of Heavy tow fibres are carbon fibres with a filament
inorganic or light-resistant organic colouring sub- count of 48 K to 320 K, exhibiting a carbonization
stances. Their maximum permitted proportion shall not grade less than 99 %.
exceed the figure laid down by the manufacturer, or
else 5 % by weight. Core materials

(1) Core materials shall be proved to be suitable for Reinforcing materials the intended purpose and shall not impair the curing of
the laminating resin compound. Especially for rigid
(1) Commonly used reinforcing materials with con- plastic foam, the permissible material temperature may
tinuous filaments of glass, carbon fibre and aramide not be exceeded when curing the laminating resin.
are available in various forms:
(2) Core materials other than those listed below may
– Rovings: A large number of roughly parallel be used with the consent of GL Wind, provided they
fibres bundled together, twisted or untwisted. are suitable for the intended purpose.
In spray moulding processes, they can be used
as cut rovings. (3) Rigid plastic foam used as core material for
sandwich laminates or as reinforcing webs shall have a
– Mat: Random layering of continuous closed-cell structure and shall be highly resistant to the
filaments or strands of fibres at least 50 mm laminating resin and the adhesive, as well as to ageing,
long, bonded together by means of a binder. and marine and industrial environments. Other re-
quirements are a low water absorption capacity and a
– Fabric: Fibre strands woven together, the sufficient raw density.
conventional weave types for textiles such as
(4) End-grain balsa intended for use as core material
linen, satin, twill or sateen being employed.
for sandwich laminates shall meet the requirements
Warp and weft may differ as regards material
below. It shall
and/or thread count.
– be treated with fungicide and insecticide im-
– Complex of fibres: Unidirectional layers of
mediately after felling,
fibres randomly arranged one above the other,
and either glued or tacked to one another or to – be sterilised and homogenized,
mats by thin fibre strands. There may be dif-
– be kiln-dried within ten days of felling,
fering materials and/or thread counts in the
individual layers. – have an average moisture content of 12 %.
IV – Part 1 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-13

Due to the possible water absorption of the end-grain the material tests required for the laminates of the
balsa, it shall be completely sealed in the component. component. Prepregs
3.3.4 Wood
(1) Fibre reinforcement pre-impregnated with lami-
nating resin compound (prepregs) shall meet the de- Types of wood
mands on its constituent parts. Furthermore, the resin
content shall not be less than 35 % by volume, and Quality grade I pine wood of class S 13 according to
there shall be adequate adhesiveness at working tem- DIN 4074 and quality grade I according to DIN 1052
perature. or wood with equivalent strength properties shall be
used, with a laminar thickness after planing which
(2) For dry prepregs, the storage conditions and the does not exceed 33 mm. For solid wood rotor blades,
shelf life shall be specified on the packaging. Prepregs the board width shall not exceed 22 cm.
shall no longer be used once the expiry date set by the
manufacturer has passed, unless their suitability for
further use has been verified by appropriate tests. Material testing and approval

(3) For reinforcement materials with intermediate (1) All glue and coating components and all wood
layers of reaction resin, similar requirements apply. preservatives used in the manufacture of wooden rotor
blades shall be approved in advance by GL. Approval
shall be applied for from GL by the material manufac- Adhesives
turer or supplier.
(1) Two-component reaction adhesives shall pref-
(2) Approval will be granted if testing under the
erably be used, if possible based on the laminate resin
surveillance of GL or a report from an independent
testing body recognized by GL proves that the material
meets all the requirements of GL.
(2) Where hot-curing adhesives are used, the maxi-
mum permissible thermal stress on the materials to be
(3) The proofs shall be submitted before production
bonded may not be exceeded. The same applies for
single-component hot-melting adhesives.

(3) The adhesives shall be used in accordance with Glues and adhesives
the manufacturer’s instructions. They shall not affect
the materials to be bonded and shall have a good resis- (1) Glues and adhesives used in the manufacture of
tance to moisture and ageing. The effect of tempera- wooden rotor blades shall be compatible with the
ture on the strength of the adhesive bond should be as wood constituents, wood preservatives and coating
low as possible. materials. They shall be resistant to ageing and fatigue
in the face of sharp climatic variations.
(4) The adhesives shall remain servicable up to at
least 60 °C (see Section, para 4). (2) Only resorcinol resin glues or epoxy resins shall
be used. These shall have passed the test in accordance Approval of materials with DIN 68141.

(1) If FRP components are manufactured for mount- (3) Synthetic resin glues and adhesives, their con-
ing on or installation in wind turbines and if an appli- stituents plus coating materials shall no longer be used
cation for project certification has been submitted, then once the expiry date set by the manufacturer has
prior approval by GL is required for all materials. The passed, except with the consent of the manufacturer
approval conditions are specified in [3.1]. Approval by and GL Wind.
other authorities may be accepted in certain cases after
consultation with GL Wind, provided the scope of the
tests on which the approval is based meets the re- Surface protection
The surface protection shall ensure effective protection
(2) Before manufacture of the components, the nec- against moisture. The materials used shall exhibit high
essary material approvals shall be submitted in the elasticity, shall be impermeable to water and shall have
above case. If none or not all of the necessary approv- little tendency to absorb steam. They shall have good
als are available, proof of the properties of the base resistance to UV radiation and ageing and to marine,
materials may in exceptional cases, and with the tropical and industrial environments. Furthermore,
agreement of GL Wind, be obtained in the context of adequate resistance to abrasion shall be guaranteed.
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 1
Page 3-14 GL Wind 2003

Compatibility with the wood constituents and pre- Raw materials for concrete
servatives shall be ensured. Fabric inserts may be used
to prevent cracking. Cement types Wood preservatives
The types of cement shall comply with EN 197 or DIN
1164 or the respective national standards or regulations
Wood preservatives used shall have been proved to be
applying where the concrete is being used.
compatible with glues and adhesives in accordance
with DIN 52179. In addition, compatibility with the
surface-protection materials shall be ensured. Concrete aggregate Mechanical fasteners (1) Aggregates shall comply with the requirements
of the national standards or the regulations applying
Fasteners securing the wooden blades to the rotor hub where the concrete is being used (e.g. DIN 4226-1).
shall be made from materials which guarantee long- They shall not contain harmful constituents in such
term operation. If metal components are used, the quantities that the durability of the concrete is ad-
design shall be such that it takes into account the great versely affected or corrosion of the reinforcing mate-
differences in stress and strain behaviour between rial is initiated.
these components and wood.
(2) Aggregate with alkali-sensitive constituents may
not be used as a rule.
3.3.5 Reinforced concrete and
prestressed concrete
(3) Maximum grain size and grading curve of the
aggregate shall be selected in accordance with EN 206. General

(1) The sub-sections below apply to site-mixed con- Added water
crete, ready-mixed concrete or factory-made concrete.
The added water shall not contain harmful constituents
(2) They refer to the load-bearing and bracing com-
in such quantities as to impair setting, hardening and
ponents of non-reinforced, reinforced and prestressed
durability of the concrete or to initiate corrosion of the
concrete with a close-grained texture.
reinforcing material. In Europe, drinking water from
public supplies is in general suitable for making con- Standards
(1) Recognized international or national standards
relating to concrete structures shall be used as a basis Admixtures
for design, calculations and construction.
(1) Concrete admixtures may be used for concrete
(2) The following are examples of recognized stan- and cement mortar only if tests have shown that they
dards which could be used: do not produce adverse changes in important proper-
ties of the concrete nor impair the corrosion protection
– EN 1992 (Eurocode No. 2): Design of con- of the reinforcement. Special suitability tests for the
crete structures, or DIN 1045-1: Concrete, re- concrete to be made may in individual cases be re-
inforced and prestressed concrete structures quired by GL Wind.
– EN 206 Concrete: Performance, production,
(2) Chlorides, chloride-bearing or other steel-
placing and compliance criteria
corrosion-promoting materials may not be added to
– ENV 10080: Steel for the reinforcement of reinforced or prestressed concrete.
– EN 10138: Prestressing steels Additives

GL Wind shall be notified in good time of the stan- Additives may only be applied to the concrete mix in
dards intended to be used for design, calculations and such quantities that they do not impair the durability of
construction, and their application shall be coordinated the concrete or result in corrosion of the reinforce-
with GL Wind. ment.
IV – Part 1 3.3 Materials Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-15

Table 3.3.2 Strength classes for concrete

Strength class C 12/15 C 16/20 C 20/25 C 25/30 C 30/37 C 35/45 C 40/50 C 45/55 C 50/60

fck,cyl 1 N/mm2 12 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
fck,cube N/mm2 15 20 25 30 37 45 50 55 60
1 f
ck,cyl is identical to the strength class fck used in the Eurocodes. Building materials (2) The properties of the prestressing steel shall
correspond to the standards (e.g. EN 10138) and shall Concrete be proved by certificates from the manufacturer. In
particular, data and test results concerning the compo-
(1) The composition of concrete shall be so chosen sition of the steel, mode of production, stress-strain
that all requirements regarding the properties of the characteristic, elastic limit, yield point, tensile
green and the set concrete are met, including consis- strength, fatigue strength and creep limit shall be sub-
tency, bulk density, strength and durability plus protec- mitted. This documentation may be replaced by a type
tion of steel reinforcement against corrosion. The approval of the relevant authorities.
composition shall be adjusted to the workability neces-
sary for the construction method adopted. (3) For the prestressing procedure (anchors, cou-
plings, grout pipes, etc.), a type approval according to
(2) The concrete is classified according to its com- the applicable standards is generally required.
pressive strength at the age of 28 days into strength
classes in accordance with Table 3.3.2. The compres- Grouting mortar
sive strength is determined with the aid of standard test
procedures (e.g. in accordance with EN 206) applied to
either concrete cylinders or cubes with an edge length (1) The grouting mortar is made from cement, water
of 15 cm. and admixtures/additions, its function being to ensure
a good bond between prestressing elements and en-
(3) This Guideline is based on the characteristic closing body and to protect the enclosed steel against
cylinder compressive strength (28-day-strength) fck. It corrosion, by enveloping the elements and filling up
is defined as the strength figure above which 95 % of all the spaces inside the sheath.
the population of all possible strength measurements
of the concrete in question may be expected to lie (2) As a rule, only Portland cement shall be used.
(95 % fractile). This shall be verified with a confi- Drinking water from public supplies is in the great
dence level of 95 %. majority of cases suitable for making grouting cement.
Admixtures and additives shall comply with the stan-
dards. Concrete-reinforcing steel

(1) This sub-section applies to concrete-reinforcing Steel for fixtures and
steel, from coil and mats, used as reinforcement in prestressed high-tensile bolts
concrete structures.
(1) Fixtures are normally made from S 235 or S 355
(2) Diameter, surface characteristics, strength prop- (see Section 3.3.2) in compliance with standards (e.g.
erties and marking of concrete reinforcing steels shall EN 10025).
correspond to the standards (e.g. ENV 10080,
DIN 488). If welding is to be carried out on concrete- (2) Prestressed high-tensile bolts shall be used in
reinforcing steels, only grades suitable for this may be accordance with the standards. Only bolts in strength
used (e.g. according to DIN 488, Part 1). classes 8.8 or 10.9 shall be used. Prestressing steel and Durability of the concrete

prestressing procedure
(1) In order to produce a concrete of adequate dura-
(1) This sub-section applies to wires, rods and braids bility, which protects the reinforcing steel against cor-
that are used as prestressing elements in concrete rosion and adequately withstands the external and
structures. operating conditions to which it is exposed during the
Chapter 3 3.3 Materials IV – Part 1
Page 3-16 GL Wind 2003

anticipated working life of the structure, the following – attacks of a mechanical nature
factors shall be taken into consideration:
– mixing, pouring and compacting of the green
concrete so that the raw materials are distrib-
– selection of suitable raw materials that do not uted evenly throughout the mixture and do not
contain any harmful constituents which may bleed, and a close-grained texture for the con-
impair the concrete’s durability and cause cor- crete is achieved
rosion of the reinforcing material
– curing of the concrete so that in particular the
– Selection of a suitable composition for the
portion near the surface (covering layer) at-
concrete so that it
tains the properties to be expected from its
– meets all the criteria laid down for the composition
properties of green and set concrete,
(2) Information on defining the environmental con-
– can be so poured and compacted that a ditions for the design can be obtained from e.g. DIN
dense concrete covering layer is formed, EN 206.

– withstands internal influences, and (3) All these factors shall be controlled and verified
by the constructor, subcontractor or supplier within
– withstands external influences, e.g. envi- their respective zones of responsibility, in an overall
ronmental ones. context of their respective internal surveillance (pro-
duction control).
IV – Part 1 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-17

3.4 Production and Testing

3.4.1 General initial test was taken. The documents relating to the
initial test shall be submitted to GL Wind on request.
(1) The manufacturers shall ensure that only recog- Any special features of the initial test shall also be
nized and approved production processes are used and included in the repeat test. If a repeat test is carried out
that the conditions defined as a basis for the recogni- with a scope restricted relative to the standards, an
tion and approval are observed. originally comprehensive initial test becomes similarly
restricted. An extension can only be granted in con-
(2) Further information on the following sections is junction with a comprehensive initial test.
given in [3.2]. Furthermore, the welding workshops
shall observe the requirements set out in Section 1.2 (3) Any company carrying out welding work shall
for the certification of components for wind turbines. have available at least one welding supervisor perma-
nently employed by the company, together with a
3.4.2 Welding deputy. Welding supervisors shall have training and
experience that meet the requirements of production, Prerequisites of the works and shall provide proof of their professional qualifica-
tions. Depending on the type and scope of the welding
(1) Companies intending to carry out welding shall to be done, the welding supervisor may for example be
be approved for such work by a recognized body. Ac- a specialist welder, a welding technician or a welding
cording to German Building Law, proof of welding engineer. If the welding workshop has been approved
qualifications as per DIN 18800-7 may be necessary. by GL, any changes in the welding-supervisory per-
The companies shall have suitable workshops, facili- sonnel shall be reported automatically. Welding super-
ties, machines and arrangements in the required quan- visors shall exercise responsible supervision over the
tity and scope to ensure competent execution of the preparation and execution of the work.
welding work. This also includes, for example, ma-
chines and facilities for expert preparation of the joints Welding method, welding procedure tests
to be welded, operationally safe welding machines and
appliances, storage and drying arrangements for weld- (1) Only those welding methods shall be used whose
ing fillers and auxiliary materials, facilities for pre- suitability for the particular application is known from
heating and heat treatment, test equipment and materi- general experience or has been proved in a welding
als, as well as weather protection for performing weld- procedure test.
ing work in the open.
(2) The scope of testing, test pieces, specimens and
(2) For assembly and welding-up, it is recommended requirements for the welding procedure test shall be
that appliances be used to guarantee the dimensional determined for each individual case on the basis of the
accuracy of the components. The appliances should be base material, welding method and range of applica-
such that the weld seams are easily accessible and in tion applied for.
the most favourable position for welding. Welders, welding supervision Welding fillers and auxiliary materials

(1) All welding work on components in accordance (1) All welding fillers and auxiliary materials used
with Section 3.3.1 shall be carried out only by welders (e.g. rod electrodes, wire/powder combinations) shall
tested in the relevant method, approved by GL or the be approved by GL or the relevant approval body. The
relevant approval body, and holding valid test certifi- quality grade required depends on the base materials to
cates. The welders’ tests shall be carried out under the be welded.
supervision of GL or a recognized testing body in
accordance with the relevant standards (e.g. EN 287, (2) Welding fillers and auxiliary materials may also
ISO 9606). Equivalent welders’ tests carried out in be tested and approved together with the welding
accordance with other rules or standards by a testing method. However, such approval is restricted to the
body not connected with the welding company may be user company and valid for a maximum of one year
recognized. unless repeat tests are carried out. Welding fillers and
auxiliary materials so tested may be replaced by others
(2) The period of validity of a welder’s test is nor- which are equivalent and have been approved by GL
mally two years. A repeat test may be carried out only with a corresponding quality grade, if this is expressly
for the welding process and the test group in which the stated in the procedure approval.
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 1
Page 3-18 GL Wind 2003 Weld joint design welded joint. Shop primer materials shall be approved
by GL or the relevant approval body for welding-over.
(1) The welds shall be planned right from the begin-
ning of the design stage so as to be easily accessible (2) When preparing components and fitting them
during production and any testing that may be neces- together, care shall be taken to ensure that prescribed
sary, and to permit their execution in as favourable a joint geometry and root face (air) gaps are maintained.
sequence and position as possible. In this context, it Where the permissible root face gap is exceeded
shall be ensured that the internal stresses and distor- slightly, it may be reduced by build-up welding at the
tions remaining in the components after fabrication are flanks of the seam. Inserts or wires may not be welded
as low as possible. Small distances between welds and into the gap. Larger gaps may be closed by welding-in
local concentrations of welds shall be avoided. a sufficiently large plate strip or profile section.

(2) For welding in cold-worked areas, the minimum (3) Plates and sections shall be aligned precisely,
bending radii (e.g. according to DIN 18800) shall be especially where joints are interrupted by transverse
observed. members. The maximum permissible edge mismatch is
10 % of the plate or section thickness, up to a maxi-
(3) Butt welded joints (e.g. square, single- or double- mum of 3 mm. GL Wind may demand tighter toleran-
V butt welds) and corner or cross welds (e.g. single- or ces, e.g. for reasons of fatigue strength.
double-bevel welds) should be so planned that it is
possible throughout to weld through the full cross- (4) The working area shall be protected against the
section of the plate or profile. To this end, the compo- weather during welding. At low temperatures (less
nents shall be prepared for appropriate types of seam, than 5 °C), appropriate measures shall be taken to en-
depending on plate thicknesses, according to the DIN sure faultless execution of the welds. At temperatures
standards (e.g. DIN EN 29692) with an adequate aper- below –10 °C, welding shall cease. Rapid cooling shall
ture angle, sufficient air gap and as narrow a root face be avoided; if necessary (i.e. depending on the type of
as possible. material, component thickness, ambient temperature),
preheating shall be carried out before welding.
(4) Depending on the welding method, the root shall
generally be grooved out on the rear side before the (5) Welding work should be performed in the most
capping passes are welded. Special forms of seam favourable welding position. A suitable construction
require the consent of GL Wind; if necessary, the form and welding sequence shall be chosen to allow the
of seam will be determined in conjunction with a parts to shrink with as little resistance as possible and
welding procedure test. to minimize the contraction stresses.

(5) Fillet welded joints shall be made continuous on (6) When welding, care shall be taken to achieve
both sides wherever possible. The seam thickness uniform penetration, thorough fusion and uniform low-
depends on the particular load, and shall be verified by profile seam surfaces with a notch-free transition to the
calculation as a rule. The a-dimension shall not exceed base material. In multi-pass welding, the slag from
0.7 ⋅ t (where t = thickness of the thinner section). preceding passes shall be removed carefully. Cracks
Except in the case of walls and similar light-gauge (including cracked tack welds), large pores or slag
components, a fillet weld shall not be less than 3.0 mm inclusions etc. may not be welded over; they shall be
thick. removed.

(6) Overlap joints should only be used for relatively (7) Repair of major defects in material or workman-
low-stressed components and if possible only parallel ship may only be undertaken with the consent of GL
to the direction of the principal stress. The width of the Wind. Minor surface flaws should if possible be re-
overlap shall be at least 1.5 ⋅ t + 15 mm, where t is the moved by shallow grinding. Deeper faults shall be
thickness of the thinner plate. The fillet welds shall be machined out cleanly and rewelded. In the case of
made in accordance with the above specifications. In cracks, if complete or partial replacement of the com-
the case of joints between bars in a lattice structure, ponent is not required and cracks are to be welded-up
the requirements according to DIN 18800-1 apply. with the consent of GL Wind, the length and course
shall be clearly established by means of a suitable test Execution and testing method. The crack shall be machined out to beyond its
ends and then welded-up.
(1) Around the area of the weld, the components
shall be clean and dry. Scale, rust, slag, grease, paint (8) Competent, faultless and complete execution of
(except shop primers) and dirt shall be removed care- the welds shall be ensured by careful in-house moni-
fully prior to welding. If plates, sections or compo- toring. GL Wind checks the welding work on a once-
nents have a corrosion-reducing shop primer applied only basis during implementation of the design re-
before welding, this shall not impair the quality of the quirements in production and erection (see Section
IV – Part 1 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-19 / Type Certification), on a random-sampling records on the climatic conditions shall be kept for a
basis during manufacture (see Section / Project period of at least 10 years and submitted to GL Wind
Certification), and if appropriate during the final in- on demand.
spection following completion. GL Wind may reject
components which have not been adequately moni- (3) The provision of ventilation supply and exhaust
tored and demand resubmission after successful moni- equipment shall be such that an impairment of the
toring and, if necessary, corrective measures by the materials is excluded and e.g. no unacceptable
company. amounts of solvent are extracted from the laminate.

(9) In cases of doubt, GL Wind may call for addi- (4) The work places shall be illuminated in a suitable
tional tests (e.g. non-destructive tests to prove faultless manner, precautionary measures being taken to prevent
seam quality) of important components. The type and the controlled curing of the laminating resin from
scope of the tests is laid down by GL Wind individu- being impaired by the light from either the sun or the
ally for each case. light fitting.

3.4.3 Laminating fibre-reinforced plastics (5) The laminating workshops shall be of adequate
size (floor area and ceiling height), in order that the Requirements for manufacturers components are easily accessible and the intended
production processes can take place without hindrance.
(1) All workshops, store-rooms and their operational
equipment shall meet the requirements of the relevant Store-rooms
safety authorities and employers’ liability insurance
associations. The responsibility for compliance with (1) Laminating resin compounds and adhesives shall
these requirements is solely the company’s. be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The temperature in the store-rooms shall be recorded
(2) The danger of contamination of materials for continuously.
laminating shall as a rule be kept to a minimum by
rigorous separation of production areas and other (2) Prepregs shall be stored in special refrigerated
workshops as well as store-rooms. Only the quantity of compartments in accordance with the manufacturer’s
materials required for production within the next two instructions. The temperature shall be recorded con-
days shall be stored in the laminating workshops. tinuously.

(3) Whilst laminating and gluing is progressing, (3) Reinforcing materials, core materials, fillers and
dust-generating machinery may be operated in the additives shall be stored within closed containers in
laminating workshop only to a limited extent and only dust-free, dry conditions. The humidity in these spaces
if fitted with a dust collection unit. Painting or spray- shall be recorded continuously and should not exceed
ing work is only permissible within the laminating 70 % RH or 80 % RH for short periods.
workshop if the company can ensure that such activi-
ties will not affect the laminating quality. (4) Storage shall be arranged in such a way that the
designation of the materials, and the storage conditions
and maximum storage periods (expiration dates) pre- Laminating workshops
scribed by the manufacturer, are easily visible. Materi-
als whose storage period has been exceeded shall be
(1) Laminating workshops shall be totally enclosed marked as being prohibited for use and then removed
spaces capable of being heated as well as having venti- from the store as soon as possible.
lation supply and exhaust equipment. An ambient
temperature of between 16 °C and 25 °C with a maxi-
(5) Quantities of materials due to be processed shall
mum relative humidity of between 20 % RH and 75 % be brought to the processing rooms in good time to
RH shall be maintained as a rule during laminating
allow them to adjust properly (∆T ≤ 2 °C) to the proc-
work and curing. If the manufacturers of the laminat-
essing temperature with the packaging remaining
ing resins or adhesives have specified other processing
temperatures, these shall apply.
(2) Thermographs and hygrographs shall be pro-
vided for monitoring the climatic conditions, whereby This temperature adjustment is necessary to ensure
it shall be possible to read off the climatic conditions that the dewpoint is not reached.
directly at any time. The location of the instruments
shall be agreed with GL Wind, their number and ar- (6) Packages removed from store and opened may
rangement depending on the operational conditions. be returned to store only in defined cases (e.g. hot-
The instruments shall bear valid calibration marks; the curing prepregs).
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 1
Page 3-20 GL Wind 2003 Processing requirements layer of thickness in accordance with the approved

production specification, using a suitable process.
(1) If rotor blades, shafts or other components are
manufactured from FRP for mounting on or installa- (2) The first layer of laminate shall be applied as
tion in wind turbines and if an application for project soon as possible after application of the gelcoat. For
certification has been submitted for the wind turbine, this, a reinforcement layer of low weight per unit sur-
then as a matter of principle only materials approved face and high resin content (e.g. in the case of glass
by GL shall be used for production. As well as suitable fibre, max. 300 g/m² and 35 % glass by weight) shall
and approved materials being selected, their process- be used.
ing shall be treated with special care because of its
significant influence on the properties of the product. (3) The laminate shall be built up in accordance with
the approved production specification. The reinforce-
(2) Prior to the commencement of production, the ment layers shall be adequately deaerated and com-
manufacturer shall convince himself that the materials pressed so that the required fibre content is attained.
can be combined and are suitable for the intended Resin enrichment shall be avoided.
(4) The maximum thickness of the material that can
(3) For the preparation and processing of the resin be cured in one step is determined by the maximum
compounds, the instructions of the material manufac- permissible heat generation. In the case of vacuum
turer plus any other applicable regulations, such as bagging, the decisive factor as a rule is the maximum
those of the relevant safety authorities and employers’ number of layers from which air can still be totally
liability insurance associations, shall be observed in removed.
addition to this Guideline.
(5) If the laminating process is interrupted for more
(4) Resin and reaction agent shall be mixed in such a than three days in the case of cold-curing resins, the
way that they are evenly distributed, care being taken surface of the cured laminate shall be roughened and
to beat in as little air as possible. There may be cases cleaned to obtain a surface providing adequate bond-
where de-gassing of the resin compound under vac- ing. Deviating manufacturer’s instructions (e.g. in the
uum is necessary. case of polyester resins with skin-forming additives)
shall be followed.
(5) If rigid plastic foam is used as the core material,
this shall be de-gassed beforehand and if necessary (6) Transitions between different thicknesses of
tempered. In particular for slotted core materials, it laminate shall be made gradually. The minimum value
shall be ensured that the material properties which of the step length L [mm] for a laminate layer with a
were established as a basis within the scope of verifi- thickness d [mm] and fracture stress S [N/mm²] can be
cation are achieved during the processing activities. determined as follows:

(6) During production, the processing time for the L = (S/10 N/mm²)*d
mixed resin compound specified by the manufacturer
shall not be exceeded. In the absence of such informa- If the attachment or cutting of reinforcement layers is
tion, the pot time shall be established in a preliminary unavoidable, e.g. in the case of complicated mould-
test and the processing time then laid down in consul- ings, then cut edges shall overlap or reinforcement
tation with GL Wind. strips shall be provided. In the butt or seam region of
laminates, any reinforcement layer shall overlap by at
(7) It is not possible for this Guideline to cover all least the value specified above for the step length.
the details of every production process. Deviation from
this part of the Guideline is therefore possible after (7) In the transition region from a sandwich con-
consultation with GL Wind. struction to solid laminate, the core material shall be
tapered with a gradient of at least 1 : 3.
(8) Prior to the start of laminating work, the mould
surfaces shall be treated with an adequate quantity of a (8) Parallel or insert linings shall be free from mois-
suitable release agent and brought up to the planned ture and impurities. Their surfaces to be bonded to the
processing temperature. The surfaces shall be dry and laminate shall be prepared suitably (see Section
dust-free. Release agents containing silicone are inad-, para 1).
missible. Curing and tempering Building-up the laminate
(1) Components may only be removed from the
(1) If surface protection is to be achieved by means moulds after adequate curing of the resin and the adhe-
of a gelcoat, the resin shall be applied in a uniform sive. The required curing time depends on the forces
IV – Part 1 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-21

that may occur due to the separation of the component (3) Only adhesives with confirmed properties may
from the mould, the curing temperature and the resin be used for bonding. If adhesives are used for struc-
systems used. The curing time shall be determined by tural bonding and these components are part of a pro-
experiment. ject certification, the adhesive shall have GL approval
in addition. The adhesives may not have any negative
(2) Resin systems which cure under pressure, UV effects on the materials to be joined.
radiation and/or increased temperature shall be treated
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or (4) The possibility of contact corrosion (bond-line
the results of suitable previous investigations. corrosion) shall be countered by suitable means.

(3) Immediately following curing, the components (5) If FRP components are to be bonded and a resin
shall receive post-curing (tempering) at elevated tem- system differing from the laminating system is used,
perature. The tempering time depends on the particular the components shall be totally cured before bonding.
resin system and the temperature attainable within the
component during tempering. This shall remain below
the heat deflection temperature or glass transition Assembly process
temperature. Cold-curing systems which are not sub-
sequently tempered shall be stored for 30 days under (1) The various surface pretreatments for synthetic
curing conditions. This period may be reduced with materials and metals are for example compiled in VDI
the consent of GL Wind, provided the relevant manu- 2229 and VDI 3821.
facturer’s instructions for post-curing are available or
confirmed experimental post-curing values can be (2) The surfaces of the materials to be bonded to-
presented. gether shall be dry and free of release agents (wax,
grease, oil etc.), impurities (dust, rust etc.) and sol- Sealing vents. Especially when using solvents for cleaning
purposes, compatibility with the material and suffi-
(1) Laminate surfaces without surface protection cient ventilation time shall be ensured.
shall be sealed after curing/tempering, using suitable
agents. In particular, the cut edges of cut-outs and (3) Smooth surfaces shall be roughened either me-
glued joints shall be carefully protected against pene- chanically (rough-grinding, sand-blasting etc.) or
tration by extraneous media (e.g. moisture). chemically by etching. It is absolutely necessary that
layers on the surface of the materials to be bonded that
(2) The sealing materials used shall not impair the exert a negative effect on the bonding process (e.g.
properties of the laminate. They shall also suit the skin-forming additives in polyester resins or residues
intended purpose of the component. of peel ply in the case of FRP, or oxide layers in the
case of aluminium) be removed.
3.4.4 Adhesive bonding
(4) In many cases, an increase in the strength of the Adhesive joints bonded connection can be achieved by the use of spe-
cially matched primers. The use of primers is particu-
(1) Adhesive joints for load-bearing parts shall gen- larly recommended for bonded joints which later in
erally be verified by tests to be agreed on for each service are relatively heavily stressed by environ-
individual case, unless comparable experience is avail- mental influences.
(5) The adhesive shall be processed in accordance
Note: with the manufacturer’s instructions; the proportion of
fillers may not exceed the permitted limit. When mix-
Particularly in the case of highly thixotropic adhe-
ing the adhesive, its constituents shall be mixed in
sives, prior proof of their suitability shall be given with
such a way that they are evenly distributed, care being
due consideration of the production process. taken to beat in as little air as possible.

(2) A specification for production and testing shall (6) The adhesive shall be applied evenly and as
be compiled for the adhesive joints of load-bearing bubble-free as possible to the materials to be joined. If
structures. In particular, the nominal values and toler- highly thixotropic adhesives are used, it is advisable to
ances of adhesive-layer thicknesses as well as the apply a thin undercoat of the corresponding pure resin
maximum size and extent of permissible flaws shall be to the surfaces to be joined.
defined. The adhesive layer thicknesses, tolerances and
the maximum size and extent of permissible flaws (7) Following application of the adhesive, the mate-
shall be considered during the computational verifica- rials to be joined shall be brought together without
tion of the adhesive joint (see Section 5.5.6). delay and fixed in place.
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 1
Page 3-22 GL Wind 2003

(8) A loading of the adhesive joint before the adhe- EN 10204-2.2 Fibre products, gelcoat resins, paints
sive has cured sufficiently is inadmissible (see Section
EN 10204-2.3 Laminating resins, prepregs, core, para 1). For all adhesive joints with thermoset-
materials, adhesives
ting adhesives, subsequent tempering of the joint is
recommended; in the case of cold-curing adhesives,
(2) During the incoming inspection, the goods shall
tempering is necessary as a rule.
at least be checked for any damage and for compliance
of the details in the certificates with the requirements.
(9) After curing, the adhesive joint shall be protected
Material values should be checked by random sam-
by suitable means against penetration by extraneous
media (e.g. moisture).
(3) The goods shall be stored in accordance with the
requirements of the manufacturer and this Guideline.
3.4.5 Manufacturing surveillance for FRP Production surveillance General
(1) Details of the production process shall be laid
(1) The following sections apply for the production down by specifications which also contain specimen
surveillance of FRP components by GL Wind, as is the documents for production and testing of the compo-
case in project certification for example.
nents. The tasks and responsibility of the production
and quality control departments shall be defined
(2) Manufacturing surveillance of FRP components clearly.
comprises quality control of the raw material, surveil-
lance during production, and checking the quality of
(2) As the work progresses, the individual produc-
the completed components. tion steps shall be signed by the employees responsible
for each stage on the basis of the prescribed documen-
(3) A distinction is made in manufacturing surveil- tation.
lance between internal and external surveillance. Ex-
ternal surveillance in the sense of this Guideline means (3) The individuals entrusted with production shall
regular random-sampling checks of the internal sur- be trained in accordance with their task, and shall work
veillance and of the component quality by GL Wind or
under professionally qualified supervision. In the case
a body recognized by GL Wind. of adhesive joints, the responsible supervisors shall
have an appropriate qualification in adhesives, and the
(4) GL Wind reserves the right to make unan- individuals performing the work shall have undergone
nounced inspections of the works. The manufacturer suitable training.
shall allow the representative of GL Wind access to all
spaces serving the purposes of manufacture, storage
and testing and shall permit him to examine the avail-
able production and testing documentation. Training as adhesive bonding worker / adhesive bond-
ing specialist according to DVS / EWF 3305 is desir-
(5) In the case of companies manufacturing compo- able.
nents in series with a certified quality management
system, external surveillance is usually limited to (4) The batch numbers of the materials used in the
routine checks at set intervals to be prescribed (audits). component shall be given in the production documen-
tation, in order that they can be traced back to the
(6) For companies which have production and wit- manufacturer if need be. Reinforcing layers introduced
nessing documentation assessed by GL Wind that into the laminate shall be checked off immediately
exceeds the requirements as per Section, para during the production process, with indication of the
5, and have concluded an agreement with GL Wind on fibre direction.
the reporting of production changes, production devia-
tions and claims, a works expert can be appointed and (5) From every batch of reaction resin compound, a
notified by GL Wind to be responsible towards GL sample shall be taken and tested. If mixing is per-
Wind for the surveillance during production. formed continuously, one sample per batch and pro-
duction step is sufficient. These samples shall be ran- Incoming inspection domly checked for their degree of curing. The results
shall be recorded.
(1) The characteristic values and properties of the
materials shall be verified by the manufacturer by (6) On request by GL Wind, reference laminates of
means of inspection documents. The following inspec- about 50 x 50 cm shall be produced in parallel. This
tion documents according to EN 10204 (ISO 10474) shall result in confirmation of the material values used
are required as a minimum: as a basis for the strength calculations.
IV – Part 1 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-23 Component checks Mould requirements

(1) The scope of the component checks shall be laid The moulds for laminated-wood rotor blades shall, in
down in consultation with GL Wind before production addition to a high degree of dimensional accuracy,
commences. have sufficient rigidity to eliminate the risk of unac-
ceptable deformation during the manufacturing proc-
(2) During and on completion of the production ess. Equipment shall be provided to ensure perfect
process, the component shall be visually checked, and joining when sub-structures are glued together.
critical areas shall be tested by tapping or by another
suitable method. Attention shall be paid to air- and Preparing the wood
particle-inclusions, delamination, distortion, whiten-
ing, discoloration, damage etc. In addition, the general (1) Pre-sorting shall be used to ensure that the sawn
quality (e.g. surface finish) shall be visually checked. timber meets class S 13 according to DIN 4074-1 or a
comparable quality standard according to other regula-
(3) In justified cases and on request by GL Wind, the tions.
fibre content of the component shall be determined in
a representative number of spots, to permit conclusions (2) Prior to further processing, the mean moisture
to be drawn regarding the quality of the laminating content shall be determined. It should be 10 % ± 2 %
work. Similarly, the build-up of layers should be as the mean of 10 typical random samples. Under no
checked by suitable tests. circumstances may the variation in moisture content
between individual samples exceed 4 %.
(4) Single or random-sampling tests of completed
components regarding natural frequencies, static (3) When boards are processed into solid-wood rotor
and/or dynamic loads plus their geometry shall be blades, this moisture content is generally achieved by
carried out on request of GL Wind. chamber drying. Veneers used for the manufacture of
moulded laminates shall, if supplied in dried condition,
(5) The repair of any defects that are detected in the be stored in such a way that their moisture content
component shall be documented. The repair proce- does not exceed the stated tolerances.
dures will be assessed beforehand within the scope of
the production specifications to be submitted. (4) For good conformability, boards shall be planed
on all sides. Rough-sawn boards shall not be permitted
3.4.6 Wood processing to reach the bonding stage. Manufacture of wooden rotor blades (5) Secondary sorting shall be undertaken once the
boards have been planed. Individual fault areas may be General cut out.

(1) Apart from the selection of suitable and ap-

proved materials, their processing is of particular im- Layer build-up and bonding
portance because of its significant influence on the
properties of the product. (1) Glueing of the wood shall be carried out as soon
as possible after planing to prevent fouling of the sur-
(2) In the preparation and processing of the compo- faces to be glued and deformation as a result of subse-
nents, the directions of the manufacturers of the raw quent shrinking or swelling.
material and the requirements of the relevant safety
authorities and employers’ liability insurance associa- (2) All components used for processing should be at
tions shall be taken into account together with this room temperature. The ambient humidity of the room
Guideline. shall be adjusted so that the required moisture content
tolerances are observed.
(3) It is not possible for this Guideline to cover all
the details of every mould and production process. (3) The boards shall be oriented with their layers in
Deviations from this Guideline are therefore possible such a way that the risk of the glued joints cracking
with the consent of GL Wind. open is kept to a minimum. Longitudinal butt-joints of
individual boards shall be made as dovetail joints of
(4) Details of the production process shall be laid load group I according to DIN 68140. It shall be en-
down in the form of checksheets or work progress sured in the layering that there is sufficient offset of
slips, samples of which are to be enclosed with the the longitudinal joints.
quality manual. These shall be signed off by the em-
ployees responsible for each stage as the work pro- (4) If cross-sections with a width greater than 22 cm
gresses. are being produced, each layer shall have several
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 1
Page 3-24 GL Wind 2003

boards in parallel so arranged that there is sufficient are compensated for in the design. In addition, joints
overlap between the longitudinal joints within the between the wooden blade, the connection element and
layer. the hub shall be protected effectively against the pene-
tration of moisture into the wood.
(5) When processing veneers, either butt- or scarf-
joints are permitted, provided care is taken to ensure (2) Because of the multiplicity of design possibili-
an adequate overlap of the joints in the layers. The ties, no generally applicable requirements for the pro-
glue shall be applied evenly and in accordance with tection of the joints are stated in this Guideline.
the manufacturer’s instructions. To achieve a glue
coating of constant high quality, automation of the
glue application process is required. Manufacturing surveillance
of wooden rotor blades
(6) The boards to be glued shall be kept under pres-
sure while the glue cures. The manufacturer’s instruc-
tions shall be observed. General

(7) When processing veneers into moulded wood (1) The component properties of wooden rotor
laminate, vacuum processes should preferably be used. blades depend not only on the quality of the raw mate-
The glueing of such part-skins shall be carried out rials but also on their processing. Furthermore, the
following the pattern for gluing boards. Part- and half- possibilities of checking the properties and discovering
skins shall be held in the desired position by suitable possible defects are more restricted at a later stage. It
aids so that adequate dimensional accuracy is is therefore not sufficient just to test the raw material
achieved. or the finished product; continuous surveillance during
production is required.
(8) The temperature for glueing shall be at least
20 °C. Glueing temperatures up to 50 °C may be used (2) In manufacturing surveillance, a distinction is
to reduce the curing time. made between internal and external surveillance. Ex-
ternal surveillance in the sense of this Guideline means Wood preservation regular checks (see Section 3.1.4 / Shop approval) of
the internal surveillance and quality control.
When boards have been glued together or half-skins
have been produced, any hollow spaces shall be Incoming inspection
treated with wood preservative. This also applies to
subsequently mechanically machined areas, such as
(1) Proof of the characteristic values and mechanical
drillings and millings for connection elements where properties laid down in the material approval proce-
the blade is joined to the hub. dure shall be provided by the manufacturer in a test
report. In the case of wood, sorting class S 13 shall be Surface protection verified in writing by the supplier.

(1) The wood surface to be treated shall be even and (2) As part of the incoming inspection, the accom-
free from cracks. Small surface defects in the wood panying documentation shall be checked for confor-
shall be eliminated in a competent manner. mity with the requirements, and the materials shall be
stored in accordance with this Guideline and entered
(2) Materials for providing protection against mois- into the inventory file.
ture shall be processed and applied according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Effective protection of the
surface usually requires application of several coats. Visual checks

(3) Textile inserts shall be incorporated in the sur- During and on completion of the production process,
face coating in accordance with the processing rules the component shall be visually checked. Attention
for FRP rotor blades (see Section 3.4.4). shall be paid to completeness of glueing, flaws in the
surface of the wood etc. Blade connections

(1) Connections between the rotor blades and the 3.4.7 Making and working the concrete
hub shall be so designed that reliable load transfer is
guaranteed. It is particularly important to ensure that The making and working of concrete can be carried
the differences in elastic properties between wood, the out according to EN 1992 (Eurocode 2) and EN 206.
connection elements and if applicable synthetic resins, The essential steps are listed in the following.
IV – Part 1 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-25 Proportioning and mixing (4) The temperature of green concrete can be low-
the raw materials ered by chilling the aggregate and the water to be
(1) Mixing instructions, containing precise details of
the type and quantity of the raw materials for the con- Formwork and its supports
crete mix to be produced, shall be available in writing. Forms
(2) The raw materials shall be proportioned by weight.
(1) Forms and boxing shall be made as dimension-
(3) They shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer until ally accurate as possible and tight enough to prevent
a uniform mixture has been produced. the fine mortar of the concrete flowing out through the
gaps during pouring and compacting. Transport, pouring and compacting
(2) Forms and their supporting structure shall be so
(1) The type of delivery and composition of the dimensioned that they can safely absorb all forces that
concrete shall be matched to prevent segregation. may arise until hardening has occurred, account being
taken also of the effect of the pouring speed and the
(2) In pedestal- and wall-shuttering, down pipes type of compaction of the concrete.
ending just above the working point shall be used.
(3) If slip forms are used the basic principles of this
(3) Discharge pipes for pumped concrete shall be run process are to be observed, as described for example in
in such a way that there is no break in the concrete the data sheet “Gleitbauverfahren” (“Slip form build-
flow within the pipes. ing”; Deutscher Beton-Verein e.V.).

(4) The reinforcement rods shall be tightly encased Stripping

in concrete.
Stripping may only be carried out after the concrete
(5) The concrete shall be completely compacted. has attained sufficient strength as regards the load-
carrying capacity and resistance to deformation of the
(6) The individual sections for concreting shall be component and the form is no longer needed for curing
determined before concreting starts. purposes. Curing Quality control
(1) In order to attain the properties expected of the
concrete, especially in the surface region, careful cur- General
ing and protective measures are required for a signifi-
cant period. (1) The application of a quality management system in
accordance with ISO 9001 is described in Section 3.2.
(2) Curing and protection shall be started as soon as
possible after the concrete has been compacted. (2) This section contains a minimum of necessary
control measures for the planning and construction of
(3) Curing prevents premature drying-out, particu- concrete structures. They comprise the important
larly due to sunshine and wind. measures and decisions plus the necessary tests in
connection with the construction regulations, standards
and the generally accepted state of the art which to- Concreting in cool or hot weather gether are important for the adherence to the pre-
scribed requirements.
(1) In cool weather and in frost conditions, the con-
crete shall be poured at a specified minimum tempera- (3) Surveillance of manufacturing and construction
ture and protected for a certain length of time against comprises all measures for compliance with and con-
heat loss and drying-out. trol of the required quality of the building materials
and the workmanship. It consists of checks by visual
(2) Green concrete shall not be added to frozen con- inspection and testing, and also includes evaluation of
crete. Aggregate may not be used in the frozen condi- the test results.
(4) Surveillance of manufacturing and construction
(3) In hot weather, account shall be taken of the comprises:
effect of the sun on the green concrete (e.g. covering it
– suitability tests and methods of control
Chapter 3 3.4 Production and Testing IV – Part 1
Page 3-26 GL Wind 2003

– tests and checks during construction – For prefabricated parts, the delivery note shall
certify that they were made, marked and trea-
– final inspections and final checks
ted in accordance with the order specification.
If necessary, suitability tests shall precede the start of – The delivery notes for reinforcing steel shall
construction, in order to ensure that the planned struc- contain the following information:
ture can be erected satisfactorily using the prescribed
building materials, equipment and manufacturing pro- – steel in bundles, in coils or under the usual
cedures. conditions of structural steel engineering

(5) The quality and compatibility of the materials – bars or welded-up reinforcing-steel mats
with the raw materials of concrete, mortar etc. should
be ensured either on the basis of previous experience – steel cut to length and bent
or by tests carried out.
– prefabricated reinforcement
(6) Only standardized building materials should be
used. – Origin and characteristics of the delivered
steel shall be known for the entire reinforce-
(7) The checks required are summarized in Table ment.
– For prestressing steel and prestressing equip-
ment, EN 1992 (Eurocode 2) applies. Tests during construction (3) Checks:

– Regarding checks prior to concreting, see
(1) General requirements: EN 206.

– Dimensions, properties and suitability of the – Before inserting the prestressing elements, a
building materials, fixtures in the structure check shall be made to see whether any dam-
and the appliances fitted shall be surveiled age has occurred in the works or after arrival
continuously. on the site.

– The building materials and components deliv- – It is recommended that a general check be
ered to the building site shall be checked made before starting the prestressing to see
against the order specification. whether the entire prestressing process can be
carried out without hindrance.
– Important findings shall be entered into writ-
ten records (e.g. the construction logbook) and – A prestressing report shall be compiled on the
made accessible to all concerned. measurements made during the individual
prestressing steps (jack force, extensions, an-
– Depending on the required reliability level, chor slippage etc.).
special checks may be agreed additionally.
– The interval between prestressing and comple-
– For the quality control of concrete, EN 206 tion of the protective measures for the rein-
applies. forcing steel (grouting) shall be checked and
– For all other building materials or other mate- recorded.
rials, reference shall be made to currently – During grouting, it is necessary to check the
valid technical documentation. injection pressure, the unimpeded flow of the
grouting mortar from the vents, the amount of
(2) Acceptance checks for site deliveries mortar coming out of any leakage points and
the amount of mortar injected, as well as to
– For the delivery note of ready-mixed concrete, take samples for checking the consistency and
EN 206 applies. water loss. If necessary, the strength of the
mortar should be checked.
IV – Part 1 3.4 Production and Testing Chapter 3
GL Wind 2003 Page 3-27

Table 3.4.1 Items to be checked during manufacturing and construction

(taken from EC 2, Section 7)

Control of building materials and

Item Control during construction
material production

Raw materials Transport, pouring

Composition Compacting
Production Curing
Green concrete
Cured concrete Surface treatment

Assembly, dismantling
Forms and supports Material properties Deflections
Surface finish on
concrete (inner) side

Treatment and storage

Cutting to length
Assembly, reinforcement
Laid-down raw-material properties Overlapping- and
Reinforcement Surface finish other end joints
Concrete cover

Laid-down raw-material properties Treatment and storage

Surface finish Cutting to length
Prestressing steel and Laying
prestressing gear Prestressing gear Prestressing gear
Straightness of prestressing elements Prestressing
Grouting mortar Grouting

Dimensional deviations
––– Camber and deflections
prefabricated parts
Deviations from order specification Conformity checks Inspection and maintenance

of the completed structure
(1) By conformity checks are meant all measures
and decisions whose observation ensures that all pre-
scribed requirements, criteria and conditions are en-
(1) Special checks (inspections) to be carried out
tirely complied with. This includes the completion of during service shall be laid down in an inspection
the relevant documentation.
(2) For conformity checks for concrete, see EN 206.

(3) Conformity checks for other building materials (2) All information required for utilisation and main-
shall be based on international standards or, if these do tenance should be at the disposal of whoever has res-
not exist, on national standards or approvals. ponsibility for the entire structure.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

4 Load Assumptions

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

4.1 Fundamentals .......................................................................................................................................... 4-1

4.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.3 Design methods......................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.1.4 Safety classes ............................................................................................................................................ 4-2

4.2 External Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 4-3

4.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.2 Wind turbine classes ................................................................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.3 Wind conditions ........................................................................................................................................ 4-4 Normal wind conditions............................................................................................................................ 4-4 Extreme wind conditions .......................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.2.4 Other environmental conditions.............................................................................................................. 4-11 Other normal environmental conditions.................................................................................................. 4-11 Other extreme environmental conditions ................................................................................................ 4-11
4.2.5 Electrical power network conditions....................................................................................................... 4-12

4.3 Calculation of the Loads....................................................................................................................... 4-13

4.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.3.2 Loads....................................................................................................................................................... 4-13 Inertial and gravitational loads................................................................................................................ 4-13 Aerodynamic loads ................................................................................................................................. 4-13 Operational loads .................................................................................................................................... 4-13 Other loads.............................................................................................................................................. 4-13
4.3.3 Design situations and load cases............................................................................................................. 4-13 Power production (DLC 1.0 to 1.13) ...................................................................................................... 4-16 Power production plus occurrence of fault (DLC 2.1 to 2.3).................................................................. 4-17 Start-up (DLC 3.1 to 3.3) ........................................................................................................................ 4-17 Normal shut-down (DLC 4.1 to 4.2)....................................................................................................... 4-18 Emergency shut-down (DLC 5.1) ........................................................................................................... 4-18 Parked (standstill or idling) (DLC 6.0 to 6.6) ........................................................................................ 4-18 Parked plus fault conditions (DLC 7.1) .................................................................................................. 4-18 Transport, erection, maintenance and repair (DLC 8.1 to 8.3)................................................................ 4-19
4.3.4 Load calculations .................................................................................................................................... 4-19 General influences .................................................................................................................................. 4-19 Operational influences ............................................................................................................................ 4-20 Operation within the resonance range of the tower................................................................................. 4-20
4.3.5 Partial safety factors for loads................................................................................................................. 4-20 Partial safety factors for the loads in the analysis of the serviceability limit state.................................. 4-20 Partial safety factors for the loads in the analysis of the ultimate limit state .......................................... 4-20 Partial safety factor for the loads in the analysis of the fatigue strength................................................. 4-20 Partial safety factor for the loads in the deflection analysis.................................................................... 4-20 Special partial safety factors ................................................................................................................... 4-21

4.4 Site-Specific Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 4-23

4.4.1 Site assessment ....................................................................................................................................... 4-23 General.................................................................................................................................................... 4-23 Determination of the wind conditions..................................................................................................... 4-23 Determination of other environmental conditions .................................................................................. 4-24 Determination of the electrical power network conditions ..................................................................... 4-24 Assessment of the foundation / soil properties........................................................................................ 4-24 Risk analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 4-24
4.4.2 Wind farm influence ............................................................................................................................... 4-24
Chapter 4 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003 Documents required for determination of the wind farm influence ........................................................ 4-24 Calculation models for determination of the wind farm influence.......................................................... 4-25
4.4.3 Influence of earthquakes ......................................................................................................................... 4-25 General.................................................................................................................................................... 4-25 Acceleration ............................................................................................................................................ 4-25 Load case definition................................................................................................................................ 4-25 Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 4-25
4.4.4 Complex terrain ...................................................................................................................................... 4-26 General.................................................................................................................................................... 4-26 Definition ................................................................................................................................................ 4-26 Wind conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 4-26
4.4.5 Extreme temperatures ............................................................................................................................. 4-26 Influence of extreme temperatures.......................................................................................................... 4-26 Load assumptions ................................................................................................................................... 4-27
4.4.6 Corrosion, erosion................................................................................................................................... 4-27
4.4.7 Assessment and comparison ................................................................................................................... 4-27 Comparison through wind data ............................................................................................................... 4-28 Comparison of the loads ......................................................................................................................... 4-28

Appendix 4.A

4.A Coordinate Systems .............................................................................................................................. 4-29

4.A.1 Blade coordinate system ......................................................................................................................... 4-29
4.A.2 Chord coordinate system......................................................................................................................... 4-29
4.A.3 Hub coordinate system............................................................................................................................ 4-30
4.A.4 Rotor coordinate system ......................................................................................................................... 4-30
4.A.5 Tower top coordinate system .................................................................................................................. 4-31
4.A.6 Tower bottom coordinate system ............................................................................................................ 4-31

Appendix 4.B

4.B Evaluation of the Loads........................................................................................................................ 4-33

4.B.1 Presentation of load case definitions....................................................................................................... 4-33
4.B.2 Presentation of the results ....................................................................................................................... 4-33
4.B.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 4-33
4.B.2.2 Extreme loads ......................................................................................................................................... 4-33
4.B.2.3 Fatigue loads ........................................................................................................................................... 4-34
4.B.3 Further evaluations.................................................................................................................................. 4-34

Appendix 4.C

4.C Fault in the Power System.................................................................................................................... 4-37

Appendix 4.D

4.D Design Parameters for Describing Wind Turbine Class S................................................................. 4-39
4.D.1 Plant parameters...................................................................................................................................... 4-39
4.D.2 Wind conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 4-39
4.D.3 Conditions of the electrical power network ............................................................................................ 4-39
4.D.4 Other environmental conditions (where necessary) ................................................................................ 4-40
IV – Part 1 4.1 Fundamentals Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-1

4.1 Fundamentals

4.1.1 General to the angle of incidence over 360° for the

Reynolds’ numbers and profile thicknesses. A
(1) The following sections explain the requirements 3D correction shall be performed.
for the determination of the loads resulting from the
e) Physical environmental parameters (e.g. air
environmental conditions in conjunction with the op-
density, dynamic viscosity etc.). At locations
erational behaviour of the wind turbine.
with extreme temperatures, the remarks in
Section 4.4.5 shall be observed.
(2) The load assumptions described in this chapter
also cover the requirements for the load and safety f) Documents on transport and erection proce-
level of the following guidelines: dures: Details on special turbine states, and
specification of the corresponding maximum
– IEC 61400-1, Edition 2, 1999 [4.1] permissible average wind speeds for erection
and maintenance. Here the dimensioning
– NVN 11400-0, Edition 1, 1999 [4.2]
loads for the locking of moving components
– DIBt Richtlinie für Windenergieanlagen [Re- (e.g. blade, rotor and yaw bearing lock) shall
gulation for Wind Energy Conversion Sys- be specified.
tems], Draft for Discussion, 05.2003 [4.3]
g) Description and, if applicable, a sketch of the
– EN 61400-1, Edition 2, 05.2003 (IEC 61400- coordinate systems used, with the position of
1, Ed. 2 incl. common modifications) [4.4] coordinate origins (see Appendix 4.A).
h) For all elastically modelled components (e.g.
(3) The external conditions are classified according
rotor blade, drive train, tower, foundation
to intensity, and can be selected to match the desired
etc.), the mass distribution, stiffnesses, natural
requirements as a design basis for calculation of the
frequencies and dampings used for the calcu-
loads. Extreme climatic or terrestrial conditions at the
lation shall be specified in the case of stresses
installation site shall be considered separately, and are
determined by computational means.
formulated as site-specific conditions. The require-
ments for this are defined. i) A resonance diagram (e.g. Campbell diagram)
shall be given, containing the natural frequen-
4.1.2 Assessment documents cies to be considered (e.g. rotor blade, drive
train, tower) and the relevant excitations (e.g.
For the assessment of the load assumptions, the fol- rotor speed 1P, 3P, 6P etc.).
lowing documents are needed:
j) For operation within the resonance range of
the tower (see Section Description of
a) Drawings with principal dimensions and a
the functional principle and criteria for the ap-
compilation of the masses, mass moments of
plication of vibration monitoring as well as
inertia, and centres of gravity. For the rotor
the prescribed triggering values (see also Sec-
blades and the tower, complete details of the
tions and
geometry and mass distribution are needed.
For the geometry of the rotor blade, this in- k) A table of the wind speeds used in the calcula-
cludes in particular the twist, chord length, tions.
profile thickness and profile type.
l) Detailed description of the calculated load
b) The characteristic quantities of those electrical cases and the evaluation of extreme and fa-
components (e.g. positioning drives, generator tigue loads (see Appendix 4.B).
etc.) which have an influence on the dynamic
m) The braking torque curve of the mechanical
behaviour of the turbine (see also Chapter 7
and Chapter 8).
n) The assessment documents shall be accompa-
c) A power curve as the result of the calculations
nied by a description of the functional princi-
in normal operation between Vin and Vout with
ple of the wind turbine and of all parts of the
application of a steady wind model.
control and safety systems which exert an in-
d) Aerodynamic data for the profile types used fluence on the load response of the wind tur-
(lift, drag and moment coefficients) in relation bine. The scope and informational content of
Chapter 4 4.1 Fundamentals IV – Part 1
Page 4-2 GL Wind 2003

the documents to be submitted in this regard site shall apply. Special attention shall be paid to ex-
are given in Section 2.1.1. treme locations, such as polar regions, high mountains,
deserts and areas in which tropical cyclones may occur
o) Detailed description of the controller, permit-
(see Section 4.4). If the actual operational conditions
ting emulation (see Section 2.1.3).
are not sufficiently known, then the wind turbine can
p) Requirements for the evaluation and presenta- be designed according to one of the wind turbine
tion of the calculation results are defined in classes specified in Section 4.2.2 and the data de-
Appendix 4.B. scribed below. Before erection of the turbine, however,
it shall be ensured that the design conditions at the site
4.1.3 Design methods adequately cover the prevailing external conditions.
For turbines erected within a wind farm, the mutual
(1) This Guideline requires the determination of influence shall be taken into account. This manifests
design loads. If these are determined by computation, a itself in increased turbulence and non-uniform inflow
structural dynamics model shall be used. This model (see Section 4.4.2).
shall be used to determine the loads over a range of
wind speeds, with due consideration of the aeroelastic 4.1.4 Safety classes
coupling. Here, as a minimum, the turbulence condi-
tions and other extreme wind conditions, as defined in (1) A wind turbine shall be designed according to
Sections 4.2 and 4.3, shall be applied. All relevant one of the following two safety classes:
combinations of external conditions and design situa-
tions shall be analysed. A minimum set of such combi- – the normal safety class which applies when a
nations is defined as load cases in Section 4.3.3. failure results in risk of personal injury or
economic and social consequences;
(2) Verification of the adequacy of the design shall
be made by calculation and/or by measurements. If – the special safety class which applies when
measurement results are used in this verification, the the safety requirements are determined by lo-
environmental conditions prevailing during the test cal regulations and/or the safety requirements
shall be shown to reflect the characteristic values and are agreed between the manufacturer and the
design situations defined in this Guideline. The selec- customer.
tion of measurement conditions, including the test
loads, shall take account of the relevant partial safety (2) Partial safety factors for a wind turbine of the
factors to be applied, and shall be agreed with GL normal safety class are specified in Section 4.3.5 of
Wind. this Guideline. Partial safety factors for wind turbines
of the special safety class require prior agreement. A
(3) For the definition of the loads, the meteorologi- wind turbine designed according to the special safety
cal and orographical data relevant for the installation class is a “class S” turbine, as defined in Section 4.2.2.
IV – Part 1 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-3

4.2 External Conditions

4.2.1 General (5) The normal and extreme conditions which are to
be considered in design according to wind turbine
(1) The external conditions described in the previous classes are prescribed in the following sections.
section shall be considered as a minimum for the de-
sign of a wind turbine.
4.2.2 Wind turbine classes
(2) Wind turbines are subjected to environmental
and electrical conditions which may affect their load-
(1) The external conditions to be considered in de-
ing, durability and operation. To ensure the appropriate
sign are dependent on the intended site or site type for
level of safety and reliability, the environmental, elec-
a wind turbine installation. Wind turbine classes are
trical and soil parameters shall be taken into account in
defined in terms of wind speed and turbulence parame-
the design, and shall be explicitly stated in the design
ters. In addition, the external conditions are also de-
fined together with the wind turbine class (see Section
4.2.4). The intention of the classes is to cover most
(3) The environmental conditions are further divided
applications. The values of wind speed and turbulence
into wind conditions and other environmental condi-
parameters are intended to represent the characteristic
tions. The electrical conditions refer to the grid condi-
values of many different sites and do not give a precise
tions. For the design of the wind turbine foundations
representation of any specific site (see Section
and the determination of the pertinent loads, the soil The goal is to achieve wind turbine classifica-
properties shall be taken into account (see Section
tion with clearly varying degrees of robustness gov-
erned by the wind speed and turbulence parameters.
Table 4.2.1 specifies the basic parameters which define
(4) Each type of external condition may be subdi-
the wind turbine classes.
vided into a normal and an extreme external condition.
The normal external conditions generally concern
long-term structural loading and operating conditions, (2) A plant designed for the wind turbine class with
while the extreme external conditions represent the a reference wind speed Vref is so designed that it can
rare but potentially critical external design conditions. withstand the environmental conditions in which the
The design load cases consist of a combination of 10-min mean of the extreme wind speed with a recur-
these external conditions with the wind turbine opera- rence period of 50 years at hub height is equal to or
tional modes. less than Vref .

Table 4.2.1 Basic parameters for wind turbine classes

Wind turbine class I II III IV S

– Vref 50 42.5 37.5 30


– Vave Values to be specified

10 8.5 7.5 6
[m/s] by the manufacturer

– A 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18

I15 (-)

– a (-) 2 2 2 2

– B 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16

I15 (-)

– a (-) 3 3 3 3
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 1
Page 4-4 GL Wind 2003

(3) The mean wind speed Vave is a statistical mean of (9) The abbreviations added in parentheses within
the instantaneous value of the wind speed, averaged the headings in the remainder of this section are used
over a certain period ranging from a few seconds to for describing the external wind conditions for the
many years. In this Guideline, the annual average of design load cases defined in Section 4.3.4.
the wind speed over many years is meant. This value is
used in the Weibull or Rayleigh functions which repre- 4.2.3 Wind conditions
sent the wind speed distribution (see Section (1) A wind turbine shall be designed to withstand
safely the wind conditions defined by the selected
(4) In cases where a special design (e.g. special wind wind turbine class.
conditions or other external conditions, or a special
safety class) is necessary, a further wind turbine class, (2) The design values of the wind conditions shall be
“class S”, is defined (see Section 4.1.4). The design clearly specified in the design documentation.
values for the wind turbine class S shall be chosen and
specified in the design documentation. It shall then be (3) The wind regime for load and safety considera-
ensured that the design conditions adequately cover tions is divided into the normal wind conditions, which
the prevailing external conditions at the site (Section will occur frequently during normal operation of a
4.1.3). For such special designs, the values chosen for wind turbine, and the extreme wind conditions, which
the design conditions shall reflect a more severe envi- are defined as having a 1-year or 50-year recurrence
ronment than anticipated for the use of the wind tur- period.
(4) In all load cases, the influence of an inclination
(5) The values apply at hub height, where: of the mean flow with respect to the horizontal plane
of up to 8° shall be considered. The flow inclination
Vref = reference wind speed (upflow) angle may be assumed to be invariant with
Vave = annual average wind speed over
many years at hub height Normal wind conditions
A = category for higher turbulence Wind speed distribution
intensity values
(1) The wind speed distribution at the site is signifi-
B = category for lower turbulence
cant for the wind turbine design, because it determines
intensity values
the frequency of occurrence of the individual load
I15 = characteristic value of the turbu- components. In the following, the Weibull distribution
lence intensity at 15 m/s (equation 4.2.1) and the Rayleigh distribution (equa-
tion 4.2.2) are given. For design in the standard wind
a = slope parameter to be used in equa- turbine classes, the Rayleigh distribution (equation
tion 4.2.5 4.2.2) shall be taken for the load calculations.

(6) In addition to these basic parameters, several PW (V hub ) = 1 - exp [- ( V hub /C )k ] (4.2.1)
other parameters are required to specify completely the
external conditions used in wind turbine design. In the PR (V hub ) = 1 - exp [- π ( V hub /2 V ave )2 ] (4.2.2)
case of the wind turbine classes IA through IVB, later
referred to as standard wind turbine classes, the values  π 
C , if k = 2
of these additional parameters are specified in Sections 
with V ave = 2  (4.2.3)
4.2.3, 4.2.4 und 4.2.5.  1 
 CΓ 1 + 
  k  
(7) The design lifetime shall be at least 20 years.
(8) For the wind turbine class S, the manufacturer
shall in the design documentation describe the models
PW (Vhub) = Weibull probability distribution:
used and the values of essential design parameters.
cumulative probability function,
Where the models in Section 4.2 are adopted, state-
i.e. the probability that V < Vhub [-]
ment of the values of the parameters will be sufficient.
The design documentation of wind turbine class S PR (Vhub) = Rayleigh probability function:
shall at least contain the information listed in Appen- cumulative probability function,
dix 4.D. i.e. the probability that V < Vhub [-]
IV – Part 1 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-5

Vhub = 10-min mean of the wind speed at regarded as an adequate representation of the turbu-
hub height [m/s] lence over a period of approx. 10 minutes that is in the
spirit of this Guideline. The characterization of the
Vave = annual average wind speed at hub natural turbulence of the wind by statistic parameters
height [m/s] for the relatively short period in which the spectrum
C = scale parameter of the Weibull remains unchanged, leads among other to the follow-
function [m/s] ing parameters:

k = shape parameter of the Weibull – mean value of the wind speed

function. For design in the stan-
– turbulence intensity
dard wind turbine class, the value
k = 2 shall be taken [-] – integral length scales

Γ = gamma function [-]

(2) Standard combinations of external parameters,
such as the fetch of the wind, roughness length, mean
(2) C and k can be derived from real data. The
wind speed etc., with power spectra and coherence
Rayleigh function is identical to the Weibull function
functions of the wind speed are considered as basically
if k = 2 is selected and C and Vave satisfy the condition
acceptable starting points for a description of the tur-
given in equation 4.2.3 for k = 2.
(3) The distribution functions indicate the cumula-
(3) The values of the turbulence intensity shall be
tive probability that the wind speed is less than Vhub .
taken at hub height. For other heights, it may be as-
From this, it obtains that (P{V1} – P{V2}) specifies the
sumed that the standard deviation of the wind speed
proportion of the time in which the wind speed varies
remains constant, whilst the wind speed varies with
within the limits V1 and V2 . On derivation of the dis-
height according to Section, with the turbu-
tribution functions, the corresponding probability
lence intensity thus also changing. Particular attention
density functions are obtained.
shall be paid to the random change in wind speed over
the rotor swept area. This aspect, as well as determi- Normal wind profile model (NWP)
nistic wind speed changes, generates together with the
rotation of the rotor the effect of “rotational sampling”
The wind profile V(z) denotes the average wind speed
(i.e. repeated passing through partial gusts). This effect
as a function of height z above the ground. In the case
can exert a considerable influence on the fatigue
of standard wind turbine classes, the normal wind
strength. In general, three-dimensional turbulence
speed profile shall be assumed to be given by the
models, which consider not only the longitudinal but
power law:
also the transversal and lateral wind speed compo-
nents, shall be used.
V (z )=V hub (z / z hub )
(4) The site-specific influence of the orography and
where: topography on the turbulence intensity actually pre-
vailing shall be taken into account. The change in the
V(z) = wind speed at the height z [m/s] turbulence intensity, the mean value of the wind speed
as well as the integral length scale for erection in a
z = height above ground [m]
wind farm (mutual influence of the turbines) shall be
zhub = hub height above ground [m] considered (see Section 4.4.2).
α = power law exponent [-]
(5) For the standard wind turbine classes, the power
spectral densities of the random wind velocity vector
The power law exponent α shall be assumed to be 0.2.
field, whether used explicitly in the model or not, shall
satisfy the following requirements:
The assumed wind profile is used to define the average
vertical wind shear across the rotor swept area.
a) The characteristic value for the standard de-
viation of the longitudinal wind velocity com- Normal turbulence model (NTM)
ponent at hub height shall be given by:
(1) The turbulence of the wind is represented by
σ 1 = I 15 (15 m s + aV hub ) /(a + 1) (4.2.5)
energy carried along by the turbulence eddies. Its dis-
tribution over frequencies – represented by power
spectra and coherence functions – can generally be where:
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 1
Page 4-6 GL Wind 2003

σ1 = standard deviation of the S1(f) = power spectral density

longitudinal wind speed at [m2/s2]
hub height [m/s]
Λ1 = turbulence scale parameter,
defined as the wavelength at
This standard deviation shall be assumed to be
which the dimensionless lon-
invariant with height.
gitudinal power spectral den-
sity f S1(f)/σ12 equals 0.05
Note: [m]
To perform the calculations of load cases in ad- f = frequency [s-1]
dition to those specified in Table 4.3.1, it may be
appropriate to use different percentile values. The turbulence scale parameter Λ1 shall be given
Such percentile values shall be determined by by:
adding the following value to equation 4.2.5:
0.7 zhub for zhub < 60m
∆σ 1 = (x − 1) (2m / s ) I 15 (4.2.6) Λ1 =  (4.2.8)
42m for zhub ≥ 60m

where x is determined from the normal probabil-

(6) Specifications for stochastic turbulence models
ity distribution function. For example, x = 1.64
are given in [4.5] and [4.12].
for a 95th percentile value.
(7) The following general requirements shall be
Values for I15 and a are given in Table 4.2.1. The
observed for load calculations with turbulent wind:
standard deviation of the wind speed σ 1 and of
the turbulence intensity σ 1 / V hub are shown in
– The simulation period of each simulation run
Fig. 4.2.1 as a function of wind speed for the
with the normal turbulence model (NTM)
specified values of I15 and a.
shall be at least 10 minutes per simulation run.
– In the fatigue loading calculation, each simu-
b) Towards the high frequency end of the inertial
lation run shall be performed with a different
sub-range, the power spectral density of the
initial value (“seed”) for producing the turbu-
longitudinal component of the turbulence S1(f)
lent wind field.
shall asymptotically approach the form:
– Three-dimensional turbulence fields shall be
S1( f ) = 0.05 (σ 1 ) (Λ1 Vhub )
−2 / 3
f −5 / 3
– The resolution of the turbulent wind fields
where: shall be adequate. A minimum of at least 10 x
10 points (depending on diameter) is recom-

6,0 60
Turbulence intensity, σ1/Vhub [%]
Standard deviation, σ1 [m/s]

5,0 50

4,0 40
3,0 30
2,0 20
1,0 10

0,0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60
Wind speed, V hub [m/s]
Wind speed, V hub [m/s]

Fig. 4.2.1 Characteristic wind turbulence

IV – Part 1 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-7

mended. However, the grid spacing should be where:

less than 10 m.
VN(z) = the expected extreme wind speed
– If tower section loads are evaluated, the wind
(averaged over 10 minutes), with a
field shall cover the entire plant (rotor and
recurrence period of N years. V1
tower), or a substitute model may be used af-
and V50 representing 1 and/or 50
ter consultation with GL Wind.
years. The EWM is applied with a
turbulent wind model. Extreme wind conditions
(4) For the turbulent extreme wind model, the mean
The extreme wind conditions are used to determine the wind speed at hub height Vhub shall be taken as Vref or
extreme wind loads acting on wind turbines. These 0.8·Vref . In the turbulence model NTM (see Section
conditions include peak wind speeds due to storms and, a standard deviation of at least
rapid changes in wind speed and direction. These ex- σ1 = 0.11·Vhub shall be applied.
treme conditions include the potential effects of wind
turbulence, with the exception of the EWM (see Sec- (5) The following general requirements shall be
tion, so that only the deterministic effects observed for load calculations with the EWM:
need to be considered in the design calculations.
– The simulation period of each simulation run
with the EWM shall be at least 10 minutes per Extreme wind speed model (EWM)
simulation run.
(1) The EWM can be either a steady or a turbulent – In the case of load simulations with the turbu-
wind model. The wind models are based on the refer- lent extreme wind model, the notes in Appen-
ence wind speed Vref and a certain standard deviation σ1. dix 4.B.1 shall be observed with regard to cal-
culation and evaluation of the loads.
(2) For the steady extreme wind model, the 50-year
– If several simulations are performed with tur-
extreme wind speed Ve50 and the one-year extreme
bulent wind for the entire load calculation, the
wind speed Ve1 shall be based on the reference wind
wind fields used shall be based on different
speed Vref . For designs in the standard wind turbine
initial values (seeds) for generating the wind
classes, Ve50 and Ve1 shall be computed as a function of
the height z using the following equations:
– If tower section loads are evaluated, the wind
Ve50(z) = 1.4 Vref (z/zhub ) 0 ,11
(4.2.9) field shall cover the entire plant (rotor and
tower), or a substitute model may be used af-
ter consultation with GL Wind.
Ve1(z) = 0.8 Ve50 (z) (4.2.10)
– Further information is given in Appendix
where: 4.B.1.

VeN(z) = the expected extreme wind speed Note (generally valid for the EWM):
(averaged over 3 s), with a recur- Sometimes, the extreme wind speeds are obtained for
rence period of N years. Ve1 and other averaging periods or other exceedance prob-
Ve50 representing 1 and/or 50 years. abilities. If no other proven data are available, the
The EWM is applied with a steady wind speed may be decreased by 4 % for conversion of
wind model. the wind with an exceedance probability of once in
100 years to once in 50 years. Similarly, the wind
Vref = reference wind speed according to
speed may be decreased by 3 % for conversion of the
Table 4.2.1
3-second gust to the 5-second gust. For conversion of
60-min mean values to 10-min mean values, the wind
(3) For the turbulent extreme wind model, the 10-
speed shall be increased by 10 %.
minute mean of the wind speed is given as a function
of the height z with a recurrence period of 50 years or
1 year by the following equations: Extreme operating gust (EOG)

(1) The gust magnitude VgustN at hub height for a

V50 (z) = Vref (z/z hub )0 ,11 (4.2.11) recurrence period of N years shall be calculated for the
standard wind turbine classes by the following rela-
V1(z) = 0.8 V50(z) (4.2.12) tionship:
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 1
Page 4-8 GL Wind 2003

  Extreme direction change (EDC)

 
VgustN = β  (4.2.13) (1) The extreme direction change magnitude θeN for
 1 + 0.1( D ) 
 Λ  a recurrence period of N years shall be calculated us-
 1  ing equation 4.2.15,

where: where:
θ eN = extreme direction change, with a
VgustN = maximum value of the wind speed recurrence period of N years, lim-
for the extreme operating gust, ited to the range ± 180°
with an expected recurrence period
of N years [m/s] Λ1 = turbulence scale parameter, ac-
cording to equation 4.2.13A
σ1 = standard deviation, according to
equation 4.2.5 D = rotor diameter [m]

Λ1 = turbulence scale parameter, given β = 4.8 for N = 1

by: β = 6.4 for N = 50
0.7 z hub for z hub < 30m
Λ1 =  (4.2.13A)
21m for z hub ≥ 30m 40

D = rotor diameter [m]

EOG, Wind speed, Vhub [m/s]
β = 4.8 for N = 1
β = 6.4 for N = 50 30

(2) The wind speed shall be defined for a recurrence 25

period of N years by equation 4.2.14, where:
V(z) = see equation 4.2.4
T = 10.5 s for N = 1 15
T = 14.0 s for N = 50 -2 -1 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12
Time, t [s]
(3) An example of an extreme operating gust for a
recurrence period of 1 year is given in Fig. 4.2.2 for
Vhub = 25 m/s and turbulence category A. Fig. 4.2.2 Example of an extreme operating gust
(N = 1, category A, D = 42m,
(4) The parameters were so determined for both zhub= 30m, Vhub = 25m/s)
recurrence periods that the maximum rise is the same.

V (z ) − 0.37 VgustN sin (3π t / T ) (1 − cos(2π t / T )) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T

V (z,t ) =  (4.2.14)
V (z ) for t < 0 and t > T

 
 
 σ1 
θ eN = ± β arctan  (4.2.15)
   D  
   
 Vhub 1 + 0.1 Λ   
   1  

0 for t < 0

θ N (t) = 0.5 θeN (1 − cos(π t/T )) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T (4.2.16)
θ for t > T
 eN

V(z) for t < 0

V (z,t ) = V (z ) + 0.5Vcg (1 − cos(πt T )) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T (4.2.17)
V (z ) + V for t > T
 cg
IV – Part 1 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-9

(2) The extreme direction change for a recurrence

period of N years θ Ν (t ) shall be given by equation

EDC Wind direction, ΘeN [deg]

(3) Here T = 6 s is the duration of the extreme direc-
tion change transient. The sign shall be chosen so that 0
the worst transient loading occurs. At the end of the
direction change transient, the wind direction shall be -100
assumed to remain unchanged. Furthermore, the wind
speed shall be assumed to follow the normal wind
profile model of Section -200
0 10 20 30 40
(4) As an example, the extreme direction change
Wind speed, V hub [m/s]
with a recurrence period of 50 years, turbulence cate-
gory A and Vhub = 25 m/s is shown in Figs. 4.2.3 and
4.2.4 as a function of Vhub and as a function of time for
Vhub = 25 m/s. Fig. 4.2.3 Example of the magnitude of the ex-
treme direction change Extreme coherent gust (ECG) (N = 50, category A, D = 42 m,
zhub = 30 m)
(1) For designs for the standard wind turbine classes,
an extreme coherent gust with a magnitude of: EDC Wind direction, ΘN(t) [deg] 50
Vcg = 15 m/s
shall be assumed. The wind speed is defined by the
relations given in equation 4.2.17. 30

(2) Here T = 10 s is the rise time and V(z) the wind 20

speed given in Section “Normal wind profile
model (NWP)”. The extreme coherent gust is illus- 10
trated in Fig. 4.2.5 for Vhub = 25 m/s.
0 Extreme coherent gust -5 0 5 10
with direction change (ECD)
Time, t [s]
(1) In this case, the rise in wind speed (described by
ECG, see Fig. 4.2.5) shall be assumed to occur simul-
taneously with the direction change θ cg , where θ cg is
Fig. 4.2.4 Example of extreme direction change
defined by the relations in the following equation:
(N = 50, category A, Vhub=25 m/s)

180° for V hub < 4m s 50
θ cg (V hub ) = (4.2.18)
720° m s
 for 4m s ≤ V hub ≤ V ref 40
Wind speed V(z,t) [m/s]

 V hub

(2) The direction change θ cg as a function of Vhub
and as a function of time for Vhub = 25 m/s is shown in
Figs. 4.2.6 and 4.2.7 respectively.
(3) The simultaneous direction change is given by
equation 4.2.19. -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time, t [s]
(4) Here T = 10 s is the rise time. The normal wind
profile model as specified in equation 4.2.4 shall be Fig. 4.2.5 Example of an extreme coherent gust
used. (Vhub = 25 m/s) (ECG)
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 1
Page 4-10 GL Wind 2003

 00 for t < 0

θ (t ) =  ± 0.5θ cg (1 − cos(π t / T )) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T (4.2.19)
 ±θ for t > T
 cg

  D  
α 1/ 4
   z − z hub  2πt  
Vhub  z  +   
 z 

2. 5 + 0. 2 βσ 1  1 − cos T   for 0 ≤ t ≤ T
 hub   D  Λ
 1    
V (z,t ) =  α
  z 
Vhub   for t < 0 and t > T
  z hub 

    y 
 D  
1/ 4
2πt  
Vhub  z  +   2.5 + 0.2 βσ1   1 − cos  for 0 ≤ t ≤ T
 z
 hub   D   Λ1 
  T  
V ( y,z,t ) =  α
  (4.2.21)
  z 
Vhub   for t < 0 and t > T
  z hub  Extreme wind shear (EWS)

(1) The extreme wind shear with a recurrence period
Direction change, Θcg [deg]

of 50 years shall be considered by using the following

two wind speed transients: 150

– for transient vertical shear, as defined in equa- 100

tion 4.2.20, and
– for transient horizontal shear, as defined in
equation 4.2.21.
where: 0 10 20 30 40
Wind speed, V hub [m/s]
α = 0.2

β = 6.4
Fig. 4.2.6 Direction change for ECD
T = 12 s

Λ1 = turbulence scale parameter, ac-

cording to equation 4.2.13A
Direction change, Θ(t) [deg]

D = rotor diameter 25
(2) The sign for the horizontal wind shear transient 20
shall be chosen so that the most unfavourable transient
loading occurs. The two extreme wind shears are con-
sidered independently of each other and are therefore 10
not applied simultaneously. As an example, the ex-
treme vertical wind shear is illustrated in Fig. 4.2.8,
which shows the wind profile before onset of the ex- 0
treme event (t = 0 s). Fig 4.2.9 shows the wind speeds -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
at the top and the bottom of the rotor swept area to
illustrate the time development of the shear. In both Time, t [s]
figures, turbulence category A and Vhub = 25 m/s,
zhub = 30 m and rotor diameter D = 42 m are assumed.

Fig. 4.2.7 Direction change for Vhub = 25 m/s

IV – Part 1 4.2 External Conditions Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-11

4.2.4 Other environmental conditions – air density of 1.225 kg/m3

(1) Environmental (climatic) conditions other than (2) When additional external condition parameters
wind can affect the integrity and safety of the wind are specified by the designer, these parameters and
turbine, by thermal, photochemical, corrosive, me- their values shall be stated in the design documenta-
chanical, electrical or other physical action. Moreover, tion.
combinations of the climatic parameters given may
increase their effect. Other extreme environmental conditions

(2) At least the following other environmental condi- Other extreme environmental conditions which shall
tions shall be taken into account and the action taken be considered are temperature, lightning, ice and
stated in the design documentation: earthquakes.

– normal and extreme temperature ranges 1.8

– humidity 1.6
– air density 1.2
– solar radiation 1.0

– rain, hail, snow and ice formation 0.8
– chemically active substances 0.4
– mechanically active particles 0.2
– lightning 0.0
0 10 20 30 40
– earthquakes
Wind speed, V (z,t ) (m/s)
– salinity
for t=0 for t=T/2
(3) The climatic conditions for the design shall be
defined in terms of representative values or by the
limits of the variable conditions. The probability of Fig. 4.2.8 Extreme vertical wind shear, wind
simultaneous occurrence of the climatic conditions profile before onset (t = 0, dashed line)
shall be taken into account when the design values are and at maximum shear (t = 6 s, full
selected. line) (N = 50, turbulence category A,
zhub = 30 m, Vhub = 25 m/s, D = 42 m)
(4) Variations in the climatic conditions within the
normal limits which correspond to a one-year recur-
rence period shall not interfere with the designed nor- 40
Wind speed, V(z, t) [m/s]

mal operation of a wind turbine. 35

30 Other normal environmental conditions
(1) Other normal environmental condition values 20
which shall be taken into account are:
– Wind turbines shall be designed for an ambi- 10
ent temperature range of –20 °C to +50 °C. As 5
variations of the constant temperature compo-
nents, ± 35 K in relation to an installation
temperature of + 15 °C shall be assumed. Op- -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
eration shall be possible at ambient tempera- Time, t [s]
tures from –10 °C to +40 °C.
Rotor top, Rotor bottom
– relative humidity of up to 100 %
– atmospheric content equivalent to that of a Fig. 4.2.9 Wind speeds at the top and bottom of
non-polluted inland atmosphere the rotor swept area (assumptions as
– solar radiation intensity of 1,000 W/m2 in Fig. 4.2.8)
Chapter 4 4.2 External Conditions IV – Part 1
Page 4-12 GL Wind 2003 Temperature ρE = density of the ice (700 kg/m3)

The design values for the extreme temperature range k = 0.00675 + 0.3 exp (-0.32 R/R1)
shall be at least –20 °C to +50 °C for the standard
wind turbine classes. R = rotor radius

R1 = 1m Lightning
cmax = maximum chord length
The provisions set out in Section 8.9 “Lighting protec-
tion” to safeguard against lightning strikes may be cmin = chord length at the blade tip, line-
regarded as adequate for the standard wind turbine arly extrapolated from the blade
classes. contour Earthquakes Ice

(1) For non-rotating parts of the wind turbine, ice The loading caused by earthquakes shall be taken into
formation with a thickness of 30 mm on all sides shall account in areas at risk from earthquakes (see Section
be assumed for surfaces exposed to the weather. The 4.4.3).
density of the ice shall be taken as ρE = 700 kg/m3. In
the case of operating conditions in which the rotor is at 4.2.5 Electrical power network conditions
standstill, the rotor blades shall also be verified for this
degree of ice formation on all sides. The normal conditions to be considered at the wind
turbine terminals are listed in this section. Normal
(2) With the rotor rotating, the conditions “ice for- electrical power network conditions apply when the
mation on all rotor blades” and “ice formation on all following parameters fall within the ranges stated
rotor blades except one” shall be investigated. The below.
mass distribution (mass / unit length) shall be assumed
at the leading edge. It increases linearly from zero in
the rotor axis to the value µE at half the radius, and – voltage: nominal value ± 10 %
then remains constant up to the outermost radius. The
– frequency: nominal value ± 2 %
value µE is calculated as follows:
– Voltage imbalance: The ratio of the negative-
µ E = ρ E ⋅ k ⋅ cmin (cmax + cmin ) (4.2.22) sequence component of voltage to the posi-
tive-sequence component shall not exceed
where: 2 %.
µE = mass distribution on the leading – Grid failures: Electrical network outages shall
edge of the rotor blade at half the be assumed to occur 20 times per year (see
rotor radius [kg/m] also Section
IV – Part 1 4.3 Calculation of the Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-13

4.3 Calculation of the Loads

4.3.1 General Operational loads

(1) The structural design of wind turbines shall be Operational loads result from the operation and control
based on verification of the structural integrity of the of wind turbines. They shall be assigned to several
load-carrying components. The ultimate and fatigue categories. These are the control of rotor speed and the
strength of structural members shall be verified by torque control by pitching of blades or other aerody-
calculations and/or tests to demonstrate the structural namic devices. Other operational loads are the me-
integrity of a wind turbine with the appropriate safety chanical braking and transient loads arising during the
level. starting and stopping of the rotor, connection and dis-
connection of the generator, and yaw movements.
(2) For the structural design, Section 1.3 shall be
observed. Other loads

(3) An acceptable safety level shall be ensured. Cal- Other loads (such as wake loads, impact loads, ice
culations and/or tests shall be carried out to demon- loads etc.) may occur and shall be included where
strate that the design loading will not exceed the rele- appropriate. Special conditions of the installation site
vant design resistance. shall be considered (see Section 4.4).

(4) Calculations shall be performed using appropri- 4.3.3 Design situations and load cases
ate methods. Descriptions of the calculation methods
shall be provided in the design documentation. These (1) This section describes the construction of design
descriptions shall include evidence of the validity of load cases and specifies a minimum number to be
the calculation methods or references to suitable veri- considered.
fication studies. The load level in any test shall ade-
quately reflect the partial safety factors in the corre- (2) For design purposes, the life of a wind turbine
sponding calculation. can be represented by a set of design situations cover-
ing the most significant conditions which the wind
4.3.2 Loads turbine may experience.

The loads described in Sections to shall (3) The load cases shall be determined from the
be considered for the design calculations. Prototype combination of specific erection, maintenance, and
tests may also be used as a substitute for load calcula- operational modes or design situations with the exter-
tion. nal conditions. All relevant load cases with a reason-
able probability of occurrence shall be considered in Inertial and gravitational loads conjunction with the behaviour of the control and
safety systems.
Inertial and gravitational loads are static and dynamic
loads acting on wind turbines, resulting from vibration, (4) In general, the design load cases used to deter-
rotation, gravity and seismic activity. mine the structural integrity of a wind turbine may be
calculated from the following combinations: Aerodynamic loads
– normal design situations and normal external
(1) Aerodynamic loads are static and dynamic loads conditions
which are caused by the airflow and its interaction
with the stationary and moving parts of wind turbines. – normal design situations and extreme external
(2) The airflow is dependent upon the rotational – fault design situations and appropriate exter-
speed of the rotor, the average wind speed across the nal conditions
rotor plane, the turbulence intensity, the density of the
air, and the aerodynamic shapes of the wind turbine – design situations for transportation, installa-
components and their interactive effects, including the tion and maintenance, and the appropriate ex-
aeroelastic effects. ternal conditions
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of the Loads IV – Part 1
Page 4-14 GL Wind 2003

Note: pected to occur frequently within the lifetime of a

turbine. The turbine is in a normal state or may have
Normal external conditions are assigned a recurrence
experienced minor malfunctions or abnormalities.
period of 1 year, whereas extreme external conditions
Abnormal design situations are less likely to occur.
are assigned a recurrence period of 50 years as a rule.
They usually correspond to design situations with
more severe malfunctions, e.g. faults in the safety
(5) If any correlation exists between an extreme system. The type of design situation (N, A, or T) de-
external condition and a fault situation, a realistic termines the partial safety factor γF to be applied to the
combination of the two shall be considered as a design ultimate loads. These factors are given in Table 4.3.2
load case. in Section 4.3.5.

(6) For each design situation in the normal rotational (10) In the definition of the design load cases, refer-
speed range, several design load cases shall be consid- ence is made to the wind conditions described in Sec-
ered to verify the structural integrity of wind turbine tion 4.2. When a wind speed range is indicated in Ta-
components. As a minimum, the design load cases in ble 4.3.1, the wind speeds leading to the most adverse
Table 4.3.1 shall be considered. This table specifies the condition for wind turbine design shall be considered.
design load cases for each design situation through the For the analysis of ultimate strength (U), at least the
description of the wind, electrical and other external wind speeds Vr and Vout shall be investigated in the
conditions. wind range Vin ≤ Vhub ≤ Vout , and at least Vr in the wind
range Vin ≤ Vhub ≤ Vr . For the analysis of the fatigue
(7) Other design load cases relevant for safety shall strength (F), the range may be divided into a number
be considered in consultation with GL Wind, if re- of sub-ranges; each sub-range shall be allocated the
quired by the specific wind turbine design or by the corresponding proportion of the turbine’s operating
control concept. life.

(8) For each design load case, the appropriate type (11) If the use of a mechanical brake by the control or
of analysis is stated by “F” and “U” in Table 4.3.1. F safety system is prescribed in a load case, both the
refers to analysis of fatigue loads, to be used in the minimum and the maximum braking torque shall be
assessment of fatigue strength. U refers to the analysis taken into account. The occurrence of each braking
of ultimate loads, such as analysis of exceeding the torque in the range between the minimum and the
maximum material strength, analysis of tip deflection, maximum braking torque is regarded as a normal con-
and stability analysis. dition and not as a fault. The suitability of the brakes
(minimum braking torque) shall be verified for load
(9) The design situations indicated with U are classi- case DLC 8.1. The definitions of the minimum and the
fied further as normal (N), abnormal (A), or transport maximum braking torques are given in Section 7.5.
and erection (T). Normal design situations are ex-

Table 4.3.1 Design load cases

Type of
Design situation DLC Wind conditions1 Other conditions safety fac-
1. Power production 1.0 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
1.1 NTM Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
1.2 NTM Vin < Vhub < Vout F *
1.3 ECD Vin < Vhub < Vr U N
1.4 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout External electrical fault U N
1.5 EOG1 Vin < Vhub < Vout Grid loss U N
1.6 EOG50 Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
1.7 EWS Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
1.8 EDC50 Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
1.9 ECG Vin < Vhub < Vr U N
IV – Part 1 4.3 Calculation of the Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-15

Table 4.3.1 Design load cases (continued)

Type of
Design situation DLC Wind conditions1 Other conditions safety fac-
1.10 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout Ice formation F/U */N
1.11 NWP Vhub = Vr or Vout Temperature effects U N
1.12 NWP Vhub = Vr or Vout Earthquakes U **
1.13 NWP Vhub = Vr or Vout Grid loss F *
2. Power production 2.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout Fault in the control system U N
plus occurrence of
2.2 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout Fault in the safety system U A
or preceding internal elec-
trical fault
2.3 NTM Vin < Vhub < Vout Fault in the control system F *
or safety system
3. Start-up 3.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout F *
3.2 EOG1 Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
3.3 EDC1 Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
4. Normal shut-down 4.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout F *
4.2 EOG1 Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
5. Emergency shut- 5.1 NWP Vin < Vhub < Vout U N
6. Parked (standstill or 6.0 NWP Vhub < 0.8 Vref Possibly earthquake; see U N / **
idling) Section
6.1 EWM Recurrence period U N
50 years
6.2 EWM Recurrence period Grid loss U A
50 years
6.3 EWM Recurrence period Extreme oblique inflow U N
1 year
6. Parked (standstill or 6.4 NTM Vhub < 0.7 Vref F *
6.5 EDC50 Vhub = Vref Ice formation U N
6.6 NWP Vhub = 0.8 Vref Temperature effects U N
7. Parked plus fault 7.1 EWM Recurrence period U A
conditions 1 year
8. Transport, erection, 8.1 EOG1 Vhub = VT To be specified by the U T
maintenance and manufacturer
8.2 EWM Recurrence period Locked state U A
1 year
8.3 Vortex-induced transverse F *
* Partial safety factor for fatigue strength (see Section
** Partial safety factor for earthquakes (see Section
If no cut-out wind speed Vout is defined, Vref shall be used.
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of the Loads IV – Part 1
Page 4-16 GL Wind 2003

Meaning of the abbreviations in Table 4.3.1: cases which have been selected as potentially critical
events in the life of a wind turbine. In DLC 1.4 and
DLC Design load case
1.5, transitional events due to external faults and loss
ECD Extreme coherent gust with direction of electrical load are considered.
change (see Section
(5) DLC 1.0: This design load case shall be consid-
ECG Extreme coherent gust (see Section
ered when analysing the appearance of the ground gap
in the foundation design.
EDC Extreme direction change (see Section (6) DLC 1.1, 1.2: For these design load cases, the
EOG Extreme operating gust (see Section discretization of the wind speed intervals (bins) within the wind speed range to be investigated shall not be
chosen to be larger than 2 m/s.
EWM Extreme wind speed model (see Section (7) DLC 1.1 – 1.13: Yaw misalignment and the hys-
EWS Extreme wind shear (see Section teresis shall be considered for yaw movement. If
smaller values cannot be verified, an average yaw
Subscript Recurrence period in years misalignment of ± 8° shall be applied.
NTM Normal turbulence model (see Section (8) DLC 1.3, 1.5 – 1.9: The rotor start positions
which lead to the most unfavourable conditions for the
NWP Normal wind profile model (see Section wind turbine shall be considered. The intervals be- tween the rotor start positions shall be at most 30°.
F Fatigue strength
(9) DLC 1.2: In the fatigue load calculation, 700
U Ultimate strength generator switching operations (high speed / low speed
N Normal and extreme and vice versa) per year shall be included, if applica-
ble. Additionally, in the case of horizontal-axis tur-
A Abnormal bines with active yaw control, operation of the yaw
T Transport, erection, installation and main- system during the entire service life shall be consid-
tenance ered if the yaw speed exceeds 15/R in °/s or the yaw
acceleration exceeds 450/R2 in °/s2 (where R is the Power production (DLC 1.0 to 1.13) rotor radius in m). Operation of the yaw system shall
be considered during 10 % of the service life. Fur-
(1) In this design situation, a wind turbine is in op- thermore, 300 changes per year in the mean wind
eration and connected to the electrical load. The as- speeds from Vin to Vr and back to Vin shall be taken
sumed wind turbine configuration shall take into ac- into account. 50 changes per year in the mean wind
count any rotor imbalance. The maximum mass and speeds from Vr to Vout and back to Vr shall be taken
aerodynamic imbalances (e.g. blade pitch and twist into account.
deviations) specified for rotor manufacture shall be
used in the design calculations (see Section (10) DLC 1.4: In this load case, peculiarities arising
from connection to an energy consumer (e.g. fre-
(2) In addition, deviations from theoretical optimum quency, voltage and load fluctuations in a weak grid,
operating situations, such as yaw misalignment and operation of mechanically powered machinery, grid
control system delays, shall be taken into account in failure and special requirements of the grid operator)
the analyses of operational loads. shall be taken into account as applicable. Examples of
extreme influences on a wind turbine are:
(3) A possible wind farm influence is not explicitly
considered here. If the wind turbine is erected in a – major frequency, voltage and load fluctuations
wind farm, a site-specific calculation (see Section in an isolated grid
4.4.2) shall be performed, or it shall be shown that the – interference voltages
conditions prevailing at the site are covered by those
used in the load calculations. – short-circuit in the grid
– sudden increase of resistance of a mechanical
(4) Design load cases DLC 1.1 and 1.2 embody the processing machine
requirements for loads resulting from atmospheric
turbulence. DLC 1.3 and 1.6 – 1.9 specify transient – special requirements of a grid operator
IV – Part 1 4.3 Calculation of the Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-17

(11) DLC 1.5: The grid loss can occur at any time Power production plus occurrence
during the course of the gust. The most unfavourable of fault (DLC 2.1 to 2.3)
combinations shall be considered. At least the follow-
ing three combinations of grid loss and gust shall be (1) Any fault in the control or safety systems or any
examined: internal fault in the electrical system that is significant
for wind turbine loading (such as generator short cir-
– The grid loss occurs at the time of the lowest cuit) shall be assumed to occur during power produc-
wind speed. tion.

– The grid loss occurs at the time of the highest

(2) It may be assumed that independent faults do not
gust acceleration.
occur simultaneously.
– The grid loss occurs at the maximum wind
speed. (3) DLC 2.1: The occurrence of a fault in the control
system which is considered a normal event shall be
(12) DLC 1.8: The most unfavourable combination of analysed in DLC 2.1. Exceedance of the limiting val-
the conditions “wind direction change with character- ues of the control system, e.g. n ≥ n4, (Section,
istic yaw misalignment” shall be assumed in the calcu- yaw error, pitch deviation of the blades to each other)
lation. shall be investigated.

(13) DLC 1.10: The design load case DLC 1.10 con- (4) DLC 2.2: The occurrence of faults in the safety
siders humid weather conditions with ice formation. system or in the internal electrical system which are
The conditions “ice formation on all rotor blades” and considered to be rare events shall be analysed in DLC
“ice formation on all rotor blades except one” shall be 2.2. Exceedance of the limiting values for the safety
assumed. In the analysis of the fatigue loads, the system (e.g. n ≥ nA (Section, P ≥ PA (Section
manufacturer shall define assumptions regarding the, vibrations, shock (Section, runaway
duration of operation with ice formation. The ice for- of the blade pitch, failure of a braking system or run-
mation shall be modelled according to Section away of yaw) shall be investigated. Furthermore, faults In the case of installation of the turbine in in the power system (see Appendix 4.C) shall be
areas for which ice formation is to be expected, a site- investigated. In the case of collective pitch control,
specific assessment shall be performed according to Section shall be observed.
Section, if applicable.
(5) DLC 2.3: If a fault causes an immediate shut-
(14) DLC 1.11: Heat influences according to Section down or the consequent loading can lead to significant shall be investigated for analyses of the com- fatigue damage, the probable number of shut-downs,
ponents in accordance with Chapter 6, Chapter 7 and or the duration of this extraordinary design situation,
Chapter 8. In the case of extreme temperature influ- shall be considered in DLC 2.3. At least 10 shut-downs
ences for site-specific designs, Section 4.4.5 shall be per year due to overspeed n4 (see Section
observed. and 24 hours of operation with extreme yaw error
(value equal to the maximum permissible oblique
(15) DLC 1.12: The loading caused by earthquakes inflow according to Sections and
shall be taken into account in regions at risk from shall be considered.
earthquakes. This design load case includes superposi-
tion of the earthquake and a shut-down procedure Start-up (DLC 3.1 to 3.3)
possibly triggered by the earthquake. A grid failure
triggered by the earthquake shall be considered. The (1) This design situation includes all the events re-
influence of the earthquake on the turbine shall be sulting in loads on a wind turbine during the transi-
assumed according to Section 4.4.3. tions from any standstill or idling situation to power
(16) DLC 1.13: The transient switching operations of
the wind turbine triggered by grid failure shall be con- (2) DLC 3.1: Per year, at least 1000 start-up proce-
sidered with regard to the analysis of the fatigue loads. dures at Vin , 50 start-up procedures at Vr and 50 start-
The frequency of the grid failures per year may be up procedures at Vout shall be considered. If applicable,
dependent on the local grid stability; an appropriate further start-up procedures shall be taken into account
value shall be assumed. If the number of grid failures due to site-specific requirements, such as shadow
are not verified in more detail, at least 20 grid outages criteria or conditions for installation within a wind
per year shall be assumed. farm (curtailment strategy); see also Section 4.4.
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of the Loads IV – Part 1
Page 4-18 GL Wind 2003 Normal shut-down (DLC 4.1 to 4.2) (6) DLC 6.0: This design load case shall be consid-
ered when analysing the appearance of the ground gap
(1) This design situation includes all the events re- in the foundation design.
sulting in loads on a wind turbine during normal tran-
sitions from power production to a stand-by condition (7) DLC 6.1: In this load case, transient oblique
(standstill or idling). inflow of up to ± 15° for the steady extreme wind
speed model, or an average oblique inflow of ± 8° for
(2) DLC 4.1: Per year, at least 1000 shut-down pro- the turbulent extreme wind speed model, shall be as-
cedures at Vin , 50 shut-down procedures at Vr and 50 sumed if it is ensured that the average yaw misalign-
shut-down procedures at Vout shall be considered. If ment does not lead to larger values and that no slip-
applicable, further shut-down procedures shall be page of the yaw system can be assured (in this case, an
taken into account due to site-specific requirements, additional yaw error need not be considered). If this
such as shadow criteria or conditions for installation cannot be excluded, a yaw error of up to ± 180° shall
within a wind farm (curtailment strategy); see also be used.
Section 4.4.
(8) DLC 6.2: In this load case, a grid failure (see
Section in an early stage of the storm with the Emergency shut-down (DLC 5.1) extreme wind situation shall be assumed. A yaw error
of up to ± 180° shall be assumed if no independent
This load case covers manual actuation of the emer- power supply is available that ensures sufficient capac-
gency stop pushbutton. For this load case, the rotor ity for at least 7 days of operation for the control sys-
shall be brought to a standstill (Section tem and 6 h of operation for the yaw system. Parked (standstill or idling) (9) DLC 6.3: In this load case, the extreme wind
(DLC 6.0 to 6.6) with a recurrence period of one year (annual wind)
shall be assumed together with an extreme oblique
inflow or average extreme oblique inflow. An extreme
(1) For this design situation, the rotor of a parked
oblique inflow of up to ± 30° for the steady-state ex-
wind turbine in stand-by mode is at standstill or idling.
treme wind speed model, and an average oblique in-
flow of up to ± 20° for the turbulent extreme wind
(2) In design load case DLC 6.0, the normal wind speed model, shall be assumed. In this case, an addi-
profile model (NWP) shall be applied. In the design tional yaw error need not be considered.
cases DLC 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3, the extreme wind speed
model (EWM) shall be applied. In DLC 6.4 the normal (10) DLC 6.4: If major damage from fatigue loads
turbulence model (NTM) shall be used, and in DLC can occur at components (e.g. through the mass of the
6.5 the extreme direction change with a recurrence rotor blades when idling), the expected number of
period of 50 years (EDC50). hours in which no power is produced at the corre-
sponding wind speed shall be considered in DLC 6.4.
(3) If the wind turbine has a yaw system where the
yaw braking capacity will be exceeded during extreme (11) DLC 6.5: This design load case includes weather
wind situations (e.g. free or semi-free yawing), the conditions with ice formation. The ice formation shall
turbulent extreme wind speed model shall be applied. be modelled according to Section An addi-
tional yaw error need not be considered here.
(4) If the wind turbine is subject to large yaw move-
ments or changes in the operating condition or the (12) DLC 6.6: Temperature influences according to
stand-by condition during the increase in the wind Section shall be investigated for analyses of the
speed from normal operation to the extreme condition, components in accordance with Chapter 6, Chapter 7
this behaviour shall be considered in the calculation. and Chapter 8. In the case of extreme temperature
influences for site-specific designs, Section 4.4.5 shall
be observed.
(5) In the case of a stiff or well-damped wind turbine
with low dynamic effect, the steady extreme wind Parked plus fault conditions (DLC 7.1)
speed model can be applied in the calculation. For
more flexible wind turbines which tend towards reso- (1) This load case considers the non-stand-by state
nant magnification, the turbulent extreme wind speed (standstill or idling) resulting from the occurrence of a
model shall be applied in a turbulent simulation or in a fault. Deviations from the normal behaviour of a
quasi-static calculation, with corrections for gusts and parked wind turbine, resulting from faults in the elec-
the dynamic reaction (see Section trical network or within the wind turbine, shall require
IV – Part 1 4.3 Calculation of the Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-19

analysis. If any fault other than a grid failure produces treme wind speed model, or an average oblique inflow
deviations from the normal behaviour of the wind of ± 8° for the turbulent extreme wind speed model,
turbine in parked situations, the possible consequences shall be assumed if it is ensured that the yaw system is
shall be considered. Grid failure (see Section ready for operation during the entire period and that no
in this case shall be regarded as a fault condition and slippage can be assured (in this case, an additional yaw
therefore need not be considered together with any error need not be considered). If a slippage cannot be
other fault of the wind turbine. excluded, a yaw error of up to ± 180° shall be used.
The requirements for the locking devices according to
(2) The fault condition shall be combined with the Section 2.3.3 shall be met.
extreme wind speed model (EWM) and a recurrence
period of one year. In this load case, transient oblique (5) DLC 8.3: Transverse oscillations due to vortex
inflow of up to ± 15° for the steady extreme wind shedding shall be investigated in the verifications for
speed model, or an average oblique inflow of ± 8° for the tower as per Section and
the turbulent extreme wind speed model, shall be as-
sumed. An additional yaw error need not be considered 4.3.4 Load calculations
here, unless a failure of the yaw system itself is being
investigated. In such a case, a yaw error of up to ± Loads as described in Sections to shall
180° shall be used. If slippage of the yaw system can- be taken into account for each design load case. Where
not be excluded, a yaw error of up to ± 180° shall be relevant, the following influences shall also be taken
used. into account: Transport, erection, maintenance General influences

and repair (DLC 8.1 to 8.3)
– wind field perturbations due to the wind tur-
(1) DLC 8.1: The manufacturer shall state all the bine itself (wake-induced velocities, tower
wind conditions and design situations assumed for shadow, tower upwind effect etc.)
transport, erection, maintenance and repair of a wind – the influence of three-dimensional flow on the
turbine, and especially up to which maximum average blade aerodynamic chracteristics (e.g. three-
wind speed (10-min mean) and for which oblique dimensional stall and aerodynamic tip loss)
inflow the turbine may be erected and maintained. The
maximum wind speed specified by the manufacturer – dynamic stall effects of the airflow for the
(VT) applies for active work on the wind turbine. If the profiles used
wind conditions exceed the specified limiting values – unsteady aerodynamic effects
(with regard to wind speeds and oblique inflow), the
work shall be halted. – aeroelastic effects
– Aerodynamic asymmetries, which can arise
(2) In the case of conditions for maintenance, par- through production or assembly tolerances of
ticular consideration shall be given to the effect of the the rotor blades. A verified tolerance shall be
various locking devices (e.g. blade pitching, rotor and observed. If this is not (or not yet) known, a
yaw drive) and the maintenance position which may deviation of the blade angle of attack of ± 0.3°
have been adopted. Even with the rotor locked, the (i.e. for a three-blade plant: blade 1 at 0°,
blade pitching system shall be able to move through its blade 2 at –0.3°, blade 3 at +0.3°) shall be as-
entire control range. Verification of standstill without sumed.
the rotor lock activated shall be provided up to an
oblique inflow of ± 10° (Section – Structural dynamics and the coupling of vibra-
tional modes: The elasticity of the blades,
(3) For the verification of the mechanical brake elasticity of the drive train and generator
(situation after actuation of the emergency stop (drive train dynamics) as well as the tower
pushbutton), a transient oblique inflow of up to ± 30° bending shall be considered. The elastic
shall be assumed for this load case. The rotor positions mounting of the machinery, vibration damp-
which lead to the most unfavourable conditions for the ers, the torsional stiffness of the tower and the
wind turbine shall be considered. The intervals be- influence of the foundation shall also be in-
tween the rotor positions shall be at most 30°. cluded, if their influence cannot be neglected.
– Eccentricity: For the rotor, the actual mass ec-
(4) DLC 8.2: In this design load case, the situation centricity according to the manufacturer’s in-
that the turbine has to be left behind in the locked structions shall be taken into account (see Sec-
condition is taken into account. In this load case, tran- tion, DLC 1.1 to 1.11).
sient oblique inflow of up to ± 15° for the steady ex-
Chapter 4 4.3 Calculation of the Loads IV – Part 1
Page 4-20 GL Wind 2003

– dynamic response when parked (standstill or Partial safety factors for the loads
idling) and application of the EWM (see Sec- in the analysis of the ultimate limit state
tion and with steady wind
model by a gust reaction factor to the tower (1) If the loads of different causes can be determined
loads (see Section independently of each other, the partial safety factors
for the loads shall have the minimum values given in
Table 4.3.2. Operational influences
(2) In many cases, especially when unsteady loads
– static and load-dependent bearing friction lead to dynamic effects, the load components cannot
moments (especially blade pitch bearing, yaw be determined independently of each other. In these
bearing) cases, the highest partial safety factor of the corre-
sponding design situation in Table 4.3.2 shall be ap-
– behaviour of the control and safety systems of plied for the partial safety factors for the loads γF (see
the wind turbine also Section 1.3.3). Operation within the resonance Partial safety factor for the loads
range of the tower in the analysis of the fatigue strength

The partial safety factor for the loads shall amount to

If the operation of the wind turbine is approved within γF = 1.0 for all normal and abnormal design situations.
the resonance range of the tower with a tolerance of ±
5 % of the tower’s natural frequency (Section, Partial safety factor for the loads in the
suitable vibration monitoring systems shall be pro- deflection analysis
vided (Section With the evaluation (Appendix
4.B.3) of the load calculation, suitable threshold values (1) It shall be verified that no deflections endanger-
for permissible vibrations shall be defined and taken ing the safety of the wind turbine occur under the
into account. design conditions listed in Table 4.3.1. One of the most
important considerations is that no contact can be
4.3.5 Partial safety factors for loads permitted to occur between the blades and the tower.
The maximum elastic deflection in the most unfavour-
able direction shall be determined for the load cases Partial safety factors for the loads in the
listed in Table 4.3.1.
analysis of the serviceability limit state
(2) In consultation with GL Wind, methods of statis-
For the analysis of the serviceability limit state, a par- tical extreme value analysis (e.g. the Gumbel method
tial safety factor for loads of γF = 1.0 shall be used for [4.6]) may also be used for the blade deflection. An
all load components. extrapolation time of 50 years shall be applied.

Table 4.3.2 Partial safety factors for loads γF

Unfavourable loads Favourable loads

Type of design situation (see Table 4.3.1)
Source of loading All design
Normal and Abnormal Transport and situations
extreme erection
Aerodynamic 1.35 1.1 1.5 0.9
Operational 1.35 1.1 1.5 0.9
Gravity 1.1/1.35* 1.1 1.25 0.9
Other inertial forces 1.25 1.1 1.3 0.9
Heat influence 1.35 – – –

* in the event of the masses not being determined by weighing.

IV – Part 1 4.3 Calculation of the Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-21

(3) The partial safety factor for the loads shall be Special partial safety factors
applied as γF = 1.0 in all cases. Observance of the
permissible clearance between blade and tower shall Smaller partial safety factors for loads may be used
be verified in accordance with Section 6.2.4. after consultation with GL Wind, if the loads were
determined from measurements, or from analyses
verified by measurements, with a higher level of con-
fidence than is normally the case. The values of all
partial safety factors shall be given in the design
IV – Part 1 4.4 Site-Specific Assessment Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-23

4.4 Site-Specific Assessment

(1) In the following, external conditions shall denote – inclination of the average wind direction from
all external influences acting on the wind turbine from the horizontal plane
outside. These are influences resulting from oro-
graphical and topographical conditions as well as me- (2) Here I15 is the characteristic value of the turbu-
teorological ones and from other external sources (e.g. lence intensity at hub height for a 10-min mean of the
mains grid, other machinery). wind speed amounting to 15 m/s. The characteristic
value is determined through addition of the measured
(2) For the definition of loads, the meteorological standard deviation of turbulence intensity to the meas-
and orographical data relevant for the installation site ured mean value of the turbulence intensity.
shall apply. Special attention shall be paid to extreme
locations, such as polar regions, high mountains, de- (3) If the standard deviation of the turbulence inten-
serts and areas in which tropical cyclones may occur. sity was not determined by measurement, the charac-
teristic turbulence intensity at 15 m/s can be found by
(3) Before erection of the turbine, however, it shall multiplying the calculated or measured mean turbu-
be ensured that the design conditions at the site ade- lence intensity by the factor 1.2.
quately cover the prevailing external conditions. For
turbines erected within a wind farm, the mutual influ- (4) The wind conditions can be determined at the
ence shall be taken into account. This manifests itself intended site by measurements. The site conditions
in increased turbulence intensity and non-uniform shall be correlated with long-term records of the local
flow. If the conditions at the site are less favourable meteorological stations.
than those assumed, the integrity of the structure shall
be verified. (5) The measurement period shall be sufficiently
long to obtain reliable data for at least 6 months. If
4.4.1 Site assessment seasonal variations contribute significantly to the wind
conditions, the measurement period shall take account General of this influence.

(1) Within the scope of the site assessment, the con- (6) The value I15 should be determined from the
ditions prevailing at the installation site shall be regis- measured data at wind speeds greater than 10 m/s, by
tered. This includes the features listed in the following means of suitable statistical methods. If topographical
sections. Other conditions not listed in these sections or other local conditions are able to influence the tur-
should also be stated. Locations at which special bulence intensity, these effects shall be included in the
events, e.g. cyclones and floods, may be expected shall data.
be considered in consultation with GL Wind.
(2) Furthermore, in the case of confirmation of an
If e.g. trends with a low frequency occur in turbulence
existing certificate, a comparison shall be undertaken
data, the turbulence intensity and other parameters
with the conditions assumed during the certification.
should be analysed with care. Determination of the wind conditions
(7) Alternatively, the relevant characteristic values
(1) The basic parameters listed below for the wind at of the wind may be determined by numerical methods
the turbine site shall be determined: in consultation with GL Wind. Standard linkages of
external parameters, such as effective fetch of the
– air density ρ wind, roughness length, mean wind speed etc., to
power spectra and coherence functions of the wind
– reference wind speed Vref speed are regarded as fundamentally permissible as the
– annual average wind speed Vave starting point for a description of the turbulence.

– wind speed distribution

(8) The interval of each wind bin may be at most
– wind direction distribution (wind rose) 2 m/s, and that of the wind direction sector at most
30°. All parameters, except the air density, shall be
– turbulence intensity I15 for Vhub = 15 m/s
submitted as a function of the wind direction averaged
– wind shear (see also Section over 10 minutes.
Chapter 4 4.4 Site-Specific Assessment IV – Part 1
Page 4-24 GL Wind 2003

(9) The properties of the anemometer, the sampling Assessment of the foundation /
rate and the averaging period for the logging of the soil properties
measurement values can influence the determination of
the turbulence intensity. These influences shall be The foundation (soil properties) at the intended site
taken into account in forecasting the turbulence inten- shall be assessed in accordance with the local situation
sity from measurements. (subsoil, building codes) by a geotechnical report as a
rule. For this, Section 6.8 shall be taken into account.
(10) In complex terrain (see Section 4.4.4), the influ-
ence of the topography on the wind speed, the wind Risk analysis
profile, the turbulence intensity and any inclination of
flow shall be considered at each turbine site. It shall be
observed that the increase in wind speed at hilltops can Owing the location of certain sites, a risk assessment
influence the reference wind speed Vref as well as the may be necessary. This assessment includes the risk
mean wind speed Vave . estimation of particular damage events occurring at the
wind turbine with regard to the environment (e.g.
(11) The influence of the wake from adjacent units on transport routes, oil pipelines). The scope and type of
turbines operated within wind farms shall be taken into investigation should be defined in consultation with
account (see Section 4.4.2). GL Wind. Determination of other 4.4.2 Wind farm influence

environmental conditions
(1) If wind turbines are erected in wind farms, the
The environmental conditions mentioned in Section influence exerted on the loads by wind field perturba-
4.2.4 shall be determined for the comparison with the tions in the wake shall be considered. This shall be
assumptions made for the design of the wind turbine. considered for both a simple shadow effect and for
superimposed wake interaction. For large wind farms, Determination of the electrical power an increase in the environmental turbulence or terrain
network conditions roughness shall be taken into account.

The electrical conditions shall be determined at the (2) The mutual influence of wind turbines through
grid connection point between the wind turbine and the the wake interaction behind the rotor shall be consid-
existing electrical grid at the intended site, in order to ered in a wind farm configuration up to a distance of
ensure compatibility between the turbine and, where 10 D.
necessary, all electrical equipment located between the
turbine and the grid (see also Section 4.2.5). This shall
include the following items at least: (3) Calculation models (see Section may be
used in consultation with GL Wind. The models shall
– normal supply voltage and fluctuations be validated.

– normal supply frequency and fluctuations (4) For the erection of the turbines within a wind
– voltage symmetry farm, the influence on the extreme and fatigue loads
shall be determined.
– symmetrical and asymmetrical faults
– number and type of the electrical grid outages Documents required for determination
and their average duration of the wind farm influence
– Special features of the electrical grid at the
site as well as requirements of the local grid (1) Location data:
operator shall be taken into account. These
may be: – map with turbine configuration (scale 1:1000
or 1:2000; spacing of the turbines should be
– auto-reclosing cycles
indicated; in addition, the coordinates of the
– short-circuit impedance at the connection plants shall be specified in a metre-based co-
points of the wind turbine ordinate system, e.g. Gauss-Krüger)
– harmonic voltage distortion from the tur- – map for evaluating the orography (e.g. topog-
bine’s power system raphical map with a scale of 1:25,000)
IV – Part 1 4.4 Site-Specific Assessment Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-25

Table 4.4.1 Load cases in connection with earthquakes

DLC Wind conditions Other conditions

1.1 NTM Vin < Vhub < Vout Normal operation
1.12 NWP Vhub = Vr or Vout 1. Grid loss
2. Activation of the safety
system by vibration sensor
6.0 NWP Vhub = 0.8 Vref Extreme yaw misalignment

(2) Plant data: earthquake acceleration with a recurrence period of

475 years.
– for adjacent installations: diameter, hub
height, functional principle, thrust coefficient Load case definition
curve, cut-in and cut-out wind speed, rota-
tional speed characteristic The loading caused by earthquakes shall be combined
– for the turbine under consideration: descrip- with normal external conditions. All relevant load
tion of the turbine as well as load assumptions cases shall be taken into account. In the interests of
for the applicable turbine version simplification, it may be assumed that the earthquake
load shall at least be combined with the load cases Calculation models for determination listed in Table 4.4.1. The safety factor for the loads
of the wind farm influence during earthquakes is γF = 1.0.

The wind farm influence can be determined with the Analysis
aid of calculation models, for example by S. Frandsen
(2003) [4.8] or “Dynamic Loads in Wind Farms II” (1) The loads resulting from earthquakes can be
(DLWF II) [4.9]. determined in either the frequency or the time domain.
In all cases, it shall be ensured that an adequate num-
4.4.3 Influence of earthquakes ber of natural modes (≥ 3) are considered and, for
calculation in the time domain, an adequate number General (≥ 6) of simulations are performed per load case.

The loading caused by earthquakes shall be taken into (2) In general, an elastic load-bearing behaviour
account in regions at risk from earthquakes. In the shall be assumed for the structure. For certain con-
absence of any locally applicable regulations, a proce- structions (e.g. lattice towers), a ductile behaviour may
dure based on Eurocode 8 [4.10] and/or API [4.11] be assumed. The damping to be applied shall then be
may be followed in consultation with GL Wind. determined appropriately for the construction in con-
sultation with GL Wind. If ductile behaviour is as- Acceleration sumed, it shall be necessary to inspect the structure
after earthquakes have occurred. The scope of such
The investigation of the earthquake-generated loads is inspections shall be agreed with GL Wind and docu-
based on the combination of the wind loads and an mented in the manuals.

Table 4.4.2 Criteria for the definition of complex terrain

Distance (x) from the Inclination (Φ) of the Deviation of the terrain
turbine plane from the plane (∆h)
<5h < 0.3 h
< 10 h < 10° < 0.6 h
< 20 h < 1.2 h
where h is the hub height.
Chapter 4 4.4 Site-Specific Assessment IV – Part 1
Page 4-26 GL Wind 2003

4.4.4 Complex terrain maximum inclination of the plane defined in Section In addition, the extreme wind shear at the site General shall be determined. The determination of the extreme
wind shear can be performed by using a statistical
Special forms of terrain, particularly elevations, may extrapolation method (e.g. Gumbel analysis [4.6]).
produce velocity and turbulence distributions over the Other extrapolation methods can be applied in consul-
height which differ from those mentioned in Section tation with GL Wind.
4.2 and are to be taken into consideration accordingly.
4.4.5 Extreme temperatures Definition

(1) The complexity of the terrain can be determined (1) If the temperature at the erection site is lower
through the deviation of the topography from a plane. than –20 °C or greater than +50 °C on more than 9
A location that does not meet the conditions listed in days a year as a mean over many years, the lower or
Table 4.4.2 above shall be regarded as complex terrain. upper temperature limit shall be altered accordingly,
and the following items shall be observed. It shall be
(2) The inclination of the plane shall be set so that it verified that the wind turbine is operative and structur-
represents the best possible approximation of the ter- ally sound within the chosen temperature limits.
rain from the wind turbine (basepoint) to the view-
point. The deviation of the terrain from the plane shall (2) If the mean of the temperature over many years
be determined in the vertical direction; see also at the site deviates more than 15 K from the design
Fig. 4.4.1. temperature according to Section, this shall be
taken into account. Wind conditions

In complex terrain (see Section 4.4.4), the turbulence Influence of extreme temperatures
intensity shall be determined with special care. If
measurements or calculations of greater accuracy are The air density shall be corrected in relation to the
not available, then in consultation with GL Wind the prevailing temperature and the altitude of the site. The
longitudinal component of the turbulence intensity corrected air density shall be considered in the load
shall be increased by up to 25 %, and the lateral and calculation and in the determination of the power
vertical turbulence intensity shall be set equal to the curve. In addition, the following items shall be ob-
longitudinal turbulence intensity. The inclination of the served in particular:
airflow at the plant shall be assumed equal to the


Fig. 4.4.1 Criteria for complex terrain

IV – Part 1 4.4 Site-Specific Assessment Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-27

– The mechanical properties of the materials (5) The condition after occurrence of a fault
used shall be selected according to the ambi- (DLC 7.1) shall be combined with the extreme tem-
ent temperatures. perature θ1year min/max with a recurrence period of 1 year.
– Stresses caused by strongly differing thermal
(6) The ice formation of the turbine shall be consid-
expansion coefficients shall be considered in
ered for the load assumptions (load cases DLC 1.10
the case of extreme temperatures.
and 6.5). It shall be checked whether this load case
– Coolers or heaters shall be dimensioned to ac- could become relevant for the site. At certain locations,
count for the ambient temperatures and the re- the ice thickness shall be adjusted to suit the condi-
quired operating temperatures of the various tions.
(7) The combinations of the load cases with the
– Electronic devices shall also be protected
corresponding temperatures are shown in Table 4.4.3.
against high or low temperatures. If proper
operation of these components cannot be
4.4.6 Corrosion, erosion
guaranteed, the plant shall be shut down.
– If there are components which can fail as a re- It shall be checked whether the intended corrosion
sult of extreme temperatures, an appropriate protection is adequate for the site. Protection against
monitoring facility shall be provided in the corrosion and erosion shall therefore be taken into
safety system to bring the wind turbine into a account by the selection of suitable materials and ap-
safe condition in such an event. propriate coatings and protective coverings, plus regu-
lar inspection.
– It shall be observed that ice formation can in-
fluence the aerodynamic coefficients.
Table 4.4.3 Combination of load cases and tem-
peratures Load assumptions
Temperature Load case (DLC)
(1) The load calculation shall be matched to the
altered temperatures. The loads are primarily affected θmean,year 1.2; 1.3; 1.6; 1.7; 1.8; 1.9;
by the change in air density. Here it shall be observed 1.12; 1.13; 2.3; 3.1; 4.1; 6.1:
that the power curve and therefore the control behav- 6.2; 6.3; 6.4; 8.2; 8.3
iour will also change. In the cases where the elasticity θmean,year ≤ 0°C 1.10; 6.5
or the control behaviour of the plant changes in such a
way that the loads are influenced, this shall be taken θ1 year min/max 6.0; 6.6; 7.1
into account. θ1 year min/max 1.0; 1.1; 1.4; 1.5; 1.11; 2.1;
or 2.2; 3.2; 3.3; 4.2; 5.1
(2) The calculation of the loads for the fatigue θmin/max, operation
strength shall be performed at the mean temperature
θmean,year determined at the site. If weather conditions To be specified by 8.1
can be expected at the site which permit prolonged the manufacturer
operation of the plant with ice formation, they shall be
taken into account in determining the fatigue loads.
4.4.7 Assessment and comparison
(3) For the determination of the extreme loads, the
extreme temperature (1 year recurrence period) (1) During the assessment, it shall be shown that the
θ1year min/max shall be combined with normal external wind turbine is suitable for the intended site and that
conditions (NTM, NWP). For the load cases in which the requirements for the structural integrity of the wind
the turbine is in operation and the ambient temperature turbine are met with due consideration of the external
is monitored, the extreme temperature for operation of conditions. This can be done by showing that the ex-
the plant θmin/max, operation may be used as an alternative ternal conditions are more favourable or that the loads
to the extreme temperature θ1year min/max . are more benign than for the A- or B-Design Assess-
ment within the scope of type certification (referred to
(4) Extreme external conditions with a recurrence as certification in the following).
period of 50 years (EWS, EWM, EOG, EDC, ECD,
ECG) shall be combined with the mean temperature (2) If it is found during the analysis that components
θmean,year . If the wind speed and temperature at the site are loaded to a greater extent than assumed during the
can be correlated, this correlation shall be taken into certification, these components shall be verified for the
account. higher loads.
Chapter 4 4.4 Site-Specific Assessment IV – Part 1
Page 4-28 GL Wind 2003

(3) For sites in regions at particular risk or if the that they are lower than that assumed for the
environmental conditions are not determined accord- certification.
ing to the requirements of the Guideline, the safety
factors can be adjusted to uphold the safety level of – The maximum upflow occurring for all wind
this Guideline. directions shall be lower than the upflow as-
sumed for the certification. Comparison through wind data – The power law exponent and the extreme
wind shear shall be lower for all wind direc-
The validity of the certification can be confirmed tions than those assumed for the certification.
through a comparison of the wind data, if the values
obtained at the site with regard to the following condi- – The average air density at the site should be
tions are more favourable than for determination of the lower than that assumed for the certification.
load assumptions according to Section 4.2 and 4.3: If this is not the case at the site, other com-
parative studies can be performed.
– The 50-year recurrence wind speed is less
than Vref . (Alternatively, the comparison can Comparison of the loads
be made through the gust wind speed or the
stagnation pressure.) (1) Verification of the structural integrity can be
provided through a comparison of the loads measured
– The mean over many years of the wind speed
at or calculated for the site with the loads used for the
is less than Vave .
A- or B-Design Assessment within the scope of the
– Between the wind speeds 0.2·Vref and 0.4·Vref , type certification. It shall be shown that the loads and
the probability density function of the wind deflections occurring for a plant at the site are smaller
speed at hub height shall be smaller than that for all relevant sections than those assumed for the
assumed for the certification. certification. Here the corresponding partial load and
material safety factors shall be observed. The scope of
– Between the wind speeds 0.2·Vref and the comparison shall be determined in consultation
0.4·Vref , the turbulence intensity occurring at with GL Wind.
the site (see Section shall be lower
than that assumed for the certification. The (2) For some locations, it may be necessary to con-
probability of occurrence for the turbulence sider the influence of the environment on the structural
intensity at the site shall be considered in the properties.
comparison. Under consideration of turbu-
lence magnification owing to shadow effects, (3) For the erection of the turbines within a wind
it shall be shown that, between the wind farm, the influence on the loads shall be determined.
speeds 0.8·Vr and Vo , the turbulence intensity
occurring at every turbine in the wind farm is (4) If the loads are higher than assumed during the
lower than that assumed for the certification. certification, the verification for certain components
– In complex terrain, it shall be shown for all can be provided in consultation with GL Wind in the
three components of the turbulence intensity form of residual safety analyses.
IV – Teil 1 Appendix 4.A Coordinate Systems Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-29

Appendix 4.A Coordinate Systems

In general, the coordinate systems can be chosen 4.A.2 Chord coordinate system
freely. By way of suggestion, possible coordinate sys-
tems, together with their origin and orientation, are The chord coordinate system has its origin at the inter-
shown in the following diagrams. As a simplification, section of the corresponding chord line and the blade
representation of the rotor axis tilt angle and cone pitch axis. It rotates with the rotor and the local pitch
angle was omitted. angle adjustment.

4.A.1 Blade coordinate system MZS

The blade coordinate system has its origin at the blade FZS
root and rotates with the rotor. Its orientation to the MYS
rotor hub is fixed. FYS

MZB MXB pitch axis

YB XB FXB chord line

YS in direction of the chord, orientated to

blade trailing edge
ZS in direction of the blade pitch axis
XS perpendicular to the chord, so that
XB in direction of the rotor axis XS, YS, ZS rotate clockwise
ZB radially
YB so that XB, YB, ZB rotate clockwise
Fig. 4.A.2 Chord coordinate system
Fig. 4.A.1 Blade coordinate system
Chapter 4 Appendix 4.A Coordinate Systems IV – Part 1
Page 4-30 GL Wind 2003

4.A.3 Hub coordinate system 4.A.4 Rotor coordinate system

The hub coordinate system has its origin at the rotor The rotor coordinate system has its origin at the rotor
centre (or any other position on the rotor axis, e.g. hub centre (or any other position on the rotor axis, e.g. hub
flange or main bearing) and does not rotate with the flange or main bearing) and rotates with the rotor.



XN in direction of the rotor axis XR in direction of the rotor axis

ZN upwards perpendicular to XN ZR radially, orientated to rotor blade 1
YN horizontally sideways, so that XN, YN, ZN and perpendicular to XR
rotate clockwise YR perpendicular to XR,
so that XR, YR, ZR rotate clockwise

Fig. 4.A.3 Hub coordinate system Fig. 4.A.4 Rotor coordinate system
IV – Part 1 Appendix 4.A Coordinate Systems Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-31

4.A.5 Tower top coordinate system 4.A.6 Tower bottom coordinate system

The tower top coordinate system has its origin at the The tower bottom coordinate system has its origin at
intersection of the tower axis and the upper edge of the the intersection of the tower axis and the upper edge of
tower top and does not rotate with the nacelle. the foundation, and does not rotate with the nacelle.
The orientation corresponds to the tower top coordi-
MZK nate system (Section 4.A.5). In addition, other loca-
tions on the tower axis are also possible.



XK horizontal in direction of the rotor axis, MYF

fixed to the tower FYF ZF MXF
ZK vertically upwards
YK horizontally sideways, so that XK, YK,ZK FXF
rotate clockwise YF XF

Fig. 4.A.5 Tower top coordinate system XF horizontal

ZF vertically upwards in direction of the tower axis
YF horizontally sideways, so that XF, YF, ZF
rotate clockwise

Fig. 4.A.6 Tower bottom coordinate system

IV – Part 1 Appendix 4.B Evaluation of the Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-33

Appendix 4.B Evaluation of the Loads

swept rotor area. The analysis of the wind fre-

4.B.1 Presentation of load case definitions quency spectrum and coherence function is
then not necessary.
(1) All calculated load cases shall be listed. For each
load case, the principal simulation parameters (wind (5) From the three simulations according to a) or b),
shear, wind model, possible ice loads, upflow, simula- the maximum loads shall be evaluated, whereby for
tion duration etc.) as well as a description of the con- each load component the highest loading from the
trol and safety system parameters that are necessary three simulations shall be taken into account. The
for the load cases in question (braking procedures, evaluation shall be performed for all steps to be inves-
shut-down procedures, yawing manoeuvres, delay tigated and shall be considered in the selection of the
times etc.) shall be specified. design loads for rotor blade, machinery and tower.

(2) The variations of the load case in relation to the Notes:

principal data of the load case definition shall be listed The longitudinal turbulence intensity can be calculated
together with the filename of the time series with the beforehand using a numerical method (e.g. ESDU
associated parameters (e.g. wind speed, gust character- E 0108).
istics, oblique inflow, criteria for the activation of
control or safety actions, etc.). It is recommended that the three representative simu-
lations according to a) or b) be selected from a larger
(3) If a turbulent wind model is used for the load set of simulations (at least 10).
cases with wind conditions from the EWM model (see
Section, a choice can be made between two (6) As an alternative to the first method, the NTM
methods of evaluating the extreme loads. turbulence model (see Section can be used
as described for the EWM model. The evaluation of
(4) For the first method, the selection of the repre- extreme loads shall then be performed by using a sta-
sentative time series used out of the total number of tistical extrapolation method (e.g. Gumbel analysis,
simulations performed shall be presented. This can be [4.6]). Other extrapolation methods can be applied in
done e.g. through suitable averaging procedures. It consultation with GL Wind.
shall be shown that the required wind speeds are at-
tained with the 3-second mean. Proof of this may be 4.B.2 Presentation of the results
provided in two different ways:
4.B.2.1 General
a) Three representative simulations of 600 s,
each with differing turbulent winds (different (1) In general, a distinction is made between extreme
wind seeds), shall be submitted. A moving 3- loads and fatigue loads when presenting the results. As
second mean of the expected extreme wind a matter of principle, all loads used for the analyses of
speed with a recurrence period of 50 years or the component dimensioning shall be specified. The
1 year (Ve50 or Ve1) shall be shown once in loads shall be presented in the same way as applied in
each of the simulations at any position within the design process. In addition, the load evaluations
the swept rotor area. At the same time, it shall shall be specified as described in Sections 4.B.2.2 and
be verified that the requirements for the power 4.B.2.3.
spectrum and the coherence function of the
wind speed are met for all three time series. (2) All time series of the calculated extreme and
The analysis shall be performed in consulta- fatigue load cases shall be supplied on computer stor-
tion with GL Wind. age media (e.g. DVD, CD-ROM).

b) Three representative simulations of 600 s, 4.B.2.2 Extreme loads

each with differing turbulent winds (different
wind seeds), shall be submitted. In each case, (1) The results of the extreme load evaluations,
a moving 3-second mean of the expected ex- including the partial safety factors, shall be presented
treme wind speed with a recurrence period of in tabular form for the positions investigated (e.g.
50 years or 1 year (Ve50 or Ve1) shall be shown blade sections, blade root, rotor shaft rotating, rotor
in each of the simulations for at least three shaft not rotating, etc.). This shall contain a brief de-
points at non-adjacent positions within the scription of the load case with statement of the partial
Chapter 4 Appendix 4.B Evaluation of the Loads IV – Part 1
Page 4-34 GL Wind 2003

safety factors used and the blade angle occurring at the (6) In particular, for the evaluation of the fatigue
extreme load situation. The following presentation loads at the blade root, the following procedure shall
format is recommended. The extreme values (maxima be observed:
and minima) of the corresponding load component are
located on the diagonal. The simultaneous loads of the (7) Apart from the evaluation for the bending mo-
other load components shall be given in the rows (see ments in the flapwise and edgewise directions (Mx and
Table 4.B.1). My), the angular sector between these bending mo-
ments and the subsequent sector up to 90° shall be
(2) For the extreme loads at the tower top and at the examined, so that a total sector of 180° is obtained.
tower base, a column shall be added to the table for the These bending moments shall be computed in angular
wind speed and wind direction belonging to the ex- intervals of at least 15°.
treme load situation (the sign of the wind direction
shall be indicated in a sketch or stated in accordance (8) Without further examination this examination
with the coordinate systems listed in Appendix 4.A). A can be dispensed with if the fatigue loads for the flap-
table of the loads including the partial safety factors wise and edgewise directions are multiplied by a factor
and a table of the loads excluding them shall be given of 1.2.
in each case.
(9) For the components of the blade pitching system,
Notes: the drive train (main bearing, gearing, coupling etc.)
From the evaluation of the extreme loads with or with- and the yaw system, the average values from the fa-
out partial safety factors, differing load cases can be tigue loads as well as the distribution of the load dura-
relevant. tion distribution (LDD) shall be specified for the rele-
vant load components (see also Chapter 7).
With regard to the blade root, a table shall be com-
piled with all the corresponding loads from all the (10) For the tower and the foundation, the investi-
blade connections. gated load components shall be verified with a state-
ment of the mean value and the amplitudes, e.g.
4.B.2.3 Fatigue loads through specification of the Markov matrices.
(1) In addition to the time series required in Section
4.B.3 Further evaluations
4.B.2.1, all results of the evaluation shall be submitted
in formats which can be edited by computer.
– Maximum blade deflection: In the case of
wind turbines with a horizontal axis, the
(2) For the evaluation of the fatigue loads, it is gen-
maximum blade deflection in the tower direc-
erally required that all design load cases of the fatigue
tion (determined for all load cases) shall be
strength shall be included (DLC 1.2, DLC 1.10,
specified for the deformation analysis. Here
DLC 1.13, DLC 2.3, DLC 3.1, DLC 4.1, DLC 6.4).
the deformations of all blades shall be taken
into account. The decisive load case shall be
(3) The assumptions made in the calculation of the
fatigue loads shall be specified. These include e.g. the
mean annual wind speed, the parameters of the wind – Maximum rotational speed: Statement of the
speed distribution, the operating life etc. maximum rotational speed of the rotor and
generator nmax occurring for the entire load
(4) For all load components, accumulated fatigue case simulation, and naming of the corre-
spectra within the simulated operating life shall be sponding load case.
given in tabular, and if necessary graphic, form. In
addition, equivalent constant-range spectra shall be – Braking load cases: Graphic presentation of
computed from the accumulated fatigue spectra and the time series of a braking load case with ap-
also specified. Here the reference load cycle number plication of the mechanical brake or of the
nref shall be stated. Equivalent fatigue loads can be braking system bringing the turbine to stand-
presented in tabular form for all material-relevant still, in which the maximum torque occurs (ro-
slope parameters of the S/N curves, in accordance with tor torque versus simulation time).
Table 4.B.2. Statement of the maximum rotor braking time
that is required when the mechanical brake is
(5) For dynamically loaded components of fibre- applied.
reinforced plastic (GRP/CRP), such as the rotor blade, – Operation within the tower resonance
the Markov matrices (range-mean matrix) shall be range: If the wind turbine is operated within
given in addition at the sections investigated. the tower resonance range (see Section
IV – Part 1 Appendix 4.B Evaluation of the Loads Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-35, the corresponding evaluation and executed in tabular form in accordance with
definition of the limiting values shall be sub- the specimen table for extreme load evalua-
mitted and explained. tion (see Table 4.B.1), including statement of
the wind speeds and wind direction for the
– Design loads for locking devices: For the corresponding load situation. The essential
dimensioning of the locking devices for the load case combinations are given in Section
blade pitching, rotor and yaw systems, the 6.7.6, Table 6.7.1. For the analyses required in
relevant loads shall be specified with consid- Section 6.7.6, Table 6.7.1, column 2, the load
eration of the partial safety factors. This con- case combinations listed in each case in col-
cerns the load cases DLC 8.1 and DLC 8.2. umn 1 shall be evaluated. In this evaluation,
the partial safety factors may be applied with
– Design loads to prevent appearance of a γF = 1.0 (analysis of the serviceability limit
ground gap: In the case of slab foundations, state). For the various load situations, the
the evaluation of load case combinations act- wind speeds and wind directions prevailing at
ing at the tower top or tower bottom shall be that time shall be specified.

Table 4.B.1 Recommended presentation of the calculation results of extreme loads

(Fres – resulting transverse force, Mres – resulting bending moment)

Results of the extreme load evaluation

γF Fx Fy Fz Fres Mx My Mz Mres
Fx Max
Fy Max
Fz Max
Fres Max
Mx Max
My Max
Mz Max
Mres Max

Table 4.B.2 Recommended presentation of the calculation results of equivalent fatigue loads for various
slope parameters of the S/N curve

Results of the fatigue load evaluation

nRef Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Slope parameter of the

S/N curve m

IV – Part 1 Appendix 4.C Fault in the Power System Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-37

Appendix 4.C Fault in the Power System

(1) In particular, the case of a short circuit in the MK = tilting moment of the induction
generator shall be investigated, since this may result in generator
very high transient loads. A two-phase short circuit
σ = leakage coefficient
generally leads to higher maximum torques than a
three-phase short circuit, so that the two-phase case is α = angle for two-phase short circuit
decisive. In the absence of any proven values that are with α = arctan (ωg T1)
more precise, the equations given below shall be ap-
plied. ωg = grid angular frequency
t = time
(2) In the case of a two-phase short circuit in a syn-
chronous generator, the following electromagnetic T1 = time constant of the stator
torque (M) shall be analysed:
The values MK, σ and T1 shall be applied in accor-
1.3⋅ M n dance with the information supplied by the generator
M= . manufacturer. If the required values are unknown, then
X "d
8 times the rated torque shall be taken into account.

where: (4) For induction generators, the case of a three-

phase short circuit shall also be investigated. Here the
Mn = rated torque following electromagnetic torque (M) shall be ana-
X "d = subtransient reactance of the syn- lysed:
chronous generator, as stated by
M = 2 MK . sin (ωg t ) . exp (− 2 s K ωg t )
the generator manufacturer

If X "d is unknown, the occurrence of 10.5 times the where:

rated torque shall be taken into account.
ωg = grid angular frequency
(3) In the event of a two-phase short circuit in an MK = tilting moment
induction generator, the following electromagnetic
sK = tilting slip of the induction genera-
torque (M) shall be analysed:
tor, as stated by the generator
M = - [MK / (1 − σ )] . cos α

+ [MK / ((1 − σ )] . cos (2 ωg t − α ) The maximum torque is attained when the following
- 2 [MK / (1 − σ )] . sin (ωg t ) . exp (− t /T 1)
 1 
ωg t = arctan  
where:  2 sK 
IV – Part 1 Appendix 4.D Design Parameters for Describing Wind Turbine Class S Chapter 4
GL Wind 2003 Page 4-39

Appendix 4.D Design Parameters for Describing Wind Turbine Class S

For class S wind turbines, at least the following design parameters shall be given in the design documentation:

4.D.1 Plant parameters

Rated power [kW]

Operating wind speed range at hub height Vin to Vout [m/s]
Design lifetime [a]

4.D.2 Wind conditions

Characteristic turbulence intensity as a function of the mean wind speed

Annual average wind speed at hub height [m/s]
Average inclination of flow [°]
Distribution function for the wind speed (Weibull, Rayleigh, measured, other)
Wind profile model and parameters
Turbulence model and parameters
Extreme wind speeds Ve1 and Ve50 at hub height [m/s]
Model and parameters of the extreme gust for 1- and 50-year recurrence intervals
Model and parameters of the extreme wind direction change for 1- and 50-year
recurrence intervals
Model and parameters of the extreme coherent gust
Model and parameters of the extreme coherent gust with direction change
Model and parameters of the extreme wind shear

4.D.3 Conditions of the electrical power network

Normal supply voltage and fluctuation [V]

Normal supply frequency and fluctuation [Hz]
Voltage imbalance [V]
Maximum duration of grid outages [d]
Number of grid outages [1/a]
Auto-reclosing cycles (description)
Behaviour during symmetrical and asymmetrical external faults (description)
Chapter 4 Appendix 4.D Design Parameters for Describing Wind Turbine Class S IV – Part 1
Page 4-40 GL Wind 2003

4.D.4 Other environmental conditions (where necessary)

Normal and extreme temperature ranges [°C]

Humidity [%]
Air density [kg/m³]
Intensity of the solar radiation [W/m²]
Rain, hail, snow and ice
Chemically active substances
Mechanically active particles
Description of the lightning protection system
Earthquake model and parameters
Salinity [g/m³]
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

5 Strength Analyses

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

5.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 5-1

5.2 Determination of the Stresses................................................................................................................. 5-3

5.2.1 General notes on the loading of the structure............................................................................................ 5-3
5.2.2 Method of analysis.................................................................................................................................... 5-3 General...................................................................................................................................................... 5-3 Nominal stress approach ........................................................................................................................... 5-3 Structural stress approach ......................................................................................................................... 5-3 Influences.................................................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.3 Dynamic calculation ................................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.4 Quasi-static calculation............................................................................................................................. 5-4

5.3 Metallic Materials ................................................................................................................................... 5-5

5.3.1 Material properties .................................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.3.2 General strength analysis .......................................................................................................................... 5-5 General...................................................................................................................................................... 5-5 Method of analysis.................................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.3.3 Fatigue analysis......................................................................................................................................... 5-5 General...................................................................................................................................................... 5-5 Methods for fatigue analysis ..................................................................................................................... 5-6 Equivalent stress hypotheses..................................................................................................................... 5-8 S/N curves for dimensioning..................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.3.4 Serviceability analysis ............................................................................................................................ 5-13 Partial safety factors................................................................................................................................ 5-13 Deformation analysis .............................................................................................................................. 5-13

5.4 Concrete................................................................................................................................................. 5-15

5.4.1 Material properties .................................................................................................................................. 5-15 Characteristic values ............................................................................................................................... 5-15 Partial safety factors γM ........................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.4.2 Ultimate limit states ................................................................................................................................ 5-15 Fracture and stability failure ................................................................................................................... 5-15 Fatigue analysis....................................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.4.3 Serviceability Limit State........................................................................................................................ 5-16 Partial safety factors................................................................................................................................ 5-16 Deformation analysis .............................................................................................................................. 5-16 Stress Limit State .................................................................................................................................... 5-16 Crack width limitation ............................................................................................................................ 5-16

5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints.......................................................................... 5-17

5.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-17
5.5.2 Materials ................................................................................................................................................. 5-17 Requirements for manufacturers ............................................................................................................. 5-17 Requirements for the materials ............................................................................................................... 5-17 Characteristic values ............................................................................................................................... 5-17 Partial safety factors for the material ...................................................................................................... 5-17
5.5.3 Analyses.................................................................................................................................................. 5-18 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-18 Analysis for fibre failure ......................................................................................................................... 5-18 Analysis for inter-fibre failure ................................................................................................................ 5-20 Stability analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 5-20
5.5.4 Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics (GRP) ................................................................................................... 5-21
5.5.5 Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CRP) ................................................................................................ 5-22
Chapter 5 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003

5.5.6 Bonded joints .......................................................................................................................................... 5-23

5.6 Wood ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-25

Appendix 5.A

5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method ........................................................................... 5-27
5.A.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-27
5.A.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 5-27
5.A.1.2 Determining the objective, type and extent of the strength analysis....................................................... 5-28
5.A.1.3 Global deformations and stresses............................................................................................................ 5-28
5.A.1.4 Local deformations and stresses ............................................................................................................. 5-28
5.A.1.5 Locally increased stresses ....................................................................................................................... 5-28
5.A.2 Modelling of the structure....................................................................................................................... 5-29
5.A.2.1 Extent of the model................................................................................................................................. 5-29
5.A.2.2 Selecting the elements............................................................................................................................. 5-30
5.A.2.3 Element subdivision................................................................................................................................ 5-31
5.A.2.4 Simplifications ........................................................................................................................................ 5-31
5.A.2.5 Boundary conditions and supports.......................................................................................................... 5-31
5.A.2.6 Checking the input data .......................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.3 Loading of the structure .......................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.3.2 Modelling the loads................................................................................................................................. 5-32
5.A.3.3 Checking the load input .......................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.4 Calculation and evaluation of the results ................................................................................................ 5-32
5.A.4.1 Plausibility of the results......................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.A.4.2 Deformations .......................................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.A.4.3 Stresses.................................................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.A.4.4 Fatigue strength....................................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.A.4.5 Presentation of the results ....................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.A.5 Documentation of FE analyses for the certification of wind turbines..................................................... 5-33
5.A.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 5-33
5.A.5.2 General requirements for the documentation .......................................................................................... 5-34
5.A.5.3 Special requirements for the documentation........................................................................................... 5-34
5.A.5.4 Results..................................................................................................................................................... 5-35
IV – Part 1 5.1 General Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-1

5.1 General

(1) Components of a wind turbine shall be subjected the wind turbine to an extent which cannot be disre-
to verification of their ultimate and serviceability limit garded, shall be accounted for in a suitable manner
states (as per Section 1.3.2). For this, the design loads (see also Sections 6.6 and 7.1).
(see Section for the load cases determined
according to Chapter 4 shall be applied. (5) Local plastic deformation can adversely affect
the functionality of a component. Both its function and
(2) By strength is meant the resistance to loading of a that of the adjacent components shall be verified (e.g.
component. It shall be verified in accordance with this bearings, gear box housings). The analyses to be made
section (see also the corresponding sections in Chapter with regard to the limiting of deformation are de-
6). The strength depends on the material, on the shape scribed in detail in the relevant sections (e.g. Section
of the loaded structure and on the type of loading (ten- 5.3.2 or 7.1).
sion, compression, shear, bending, torsion).
(6) In addition to the guidelines listed below, further
(3) As a rule, analyses shall be performed by calcula- requirements for the analyses of the structures (rotor
tion. However, for fatigue analysis, component tests blades, forged, cast, welded structures, housings, tower
under simulated operating conditions are also permitted. and foundation, and bolted connections) and the spe-
cial machinery components (e.g. gearbox, yaw sys-
(4) Dynamic loading, such as resonance effects or tems, brakes, bearings, couplings and hydraulics), as
impact forces, affecting the strain and stress levels of given in Chapters 6 and 7, shall be observed.
IV – Part 1 5.2 Determination of the Stresses Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-3

5.2 Determination of the Stresses

5.2.1 General notes on the loading codes. The selection of the failure-critical regions shall
of the structure be documented.

(1) For the strength analyses, selected loading condi- (3) The use of modifications to the analysis proce-
tions which are decisive for the structural areas being dures listed in the following shall be agreed with GL
analysed are considered as a rule. For assessments of Wind. Here it shall be ensured that a consistent analy-
fatigue strength, loading conditions which generate sis concept is applied.
dynamic cyclic stresses at the critical regions shall be
considered. The design situations (i.e. operating condi- (4) Further recommendations regarding the defini-
tions) and design load cases are given in Section 4.3.3. tion of objective, type and scope of a strength analysis
as well as calculation and details on evaluation and
(2) Non-linearities in the load components shall, if documentation are also given in Appendix 5.A
relevant, be taken into account. For this, it shall be “Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method”.
observed that the linear superposition principle does
not apply here. In certain cases, forces which only Nominal stress approach
arise for particular deformations (for example through
the contact of structural areas) can be analysed in the (1) The nominal stress is the stress determined by
form of additional load cases and superposed with means of the elementary theories of linear elastic me-
consideration of the non-linear structural behavoiur chanics. Stress components from the notch effect are
(e.g. radial compressive loads at the bearings). not included. They shall be considered through stress
concentration factors (SCFs) and fatigue notch factors
(3) As an alternative to the approach using general referred to the nominal stresses.
strength analyses with selected load cases, special
methods particularly suited to the complete considera- (2) The nominal stress concept is limited to slender
tion of the movements and loads (so-called time-series bars and beams and to such structures which can be
calculations) can be used. idealized with a close approximation as component
details having a strip, bar or beam shape.
(4) In calculations with time series, the loading or
stressing process shall be generated from the charac- (3) In the case of fatigue analysis of non-welded
teristic data of the design load cases (cf. Section 4.3.3). components, S/N curves containing the detail catet-
The time series and the statistical frequencies for the gories or geometrical discontinuities to be considered
structural analysis shall be chosen in accordance with shall be used. If in welded components there is a geo-
Chapter 4. The validity of selected simplifications for metric discontinuity not covered by the selected allo-
the computational objective shall be documented in a cation of the detail category to the design details, the
plausible manner. nominal stress shall be modified (see e.g. [5.1], [5.2],
5.2.2 Method of analysis
(4) In the case of combined types of stresses, Sec- General tions and shall be observed.

(1) In general, the stress calculation may be carried Structural stress approach
out using conventional static theory. Where the deci-
sive stresses cannot be established sufficiently accu- (1) Structural stress is understood as the stress which
rately using these methods, calculations using numeri- completely describes a stress condition. It includes
cal procedures (e.g. finite element method) shall be effects from complex component shapes (spatially
made. curved structures) and from design-related notches
(e.g. grooves, steps, drill-holes) and local influences at
(2) For the strength analyses, the effects resulting load introduction. In welded structures, the structural
from loads acting on the components are usually de- stress is known as the “hot-spot stress” (see also [5.5]
termined as the stresses. At the failure-critical region, and Appendix 5.A). The term indicates that this struc-
the nominal stress or the structural stress shall be de- tural geometric stress includes the influence of the
termined according to the currently accepted rules of nominal stress and local effects, but not the notch
technology, as reflected in the applicable standards and effect of the weld seam itself. The determination of
Chapter 5 5.2 Determination of the Stresses IV – Part 1
Page 5-4 GL Wind 2003

structural stresses usually necessitates calculation with 5.2.3 Dynamic calculation

numerical methods.

(2) In the case of fatigue analyses, material depend- (1) With a dynamic calculation, the vibration-related
ent S/N curves shall be used for non-welded compo- system response of structures and components result-
nents if the structural stress includes all local influ- ing from time-variant loads is determined with the
ences of the notch effect. influence of the structural dynamics of the entire wind
turbine (cf. Chapter 4).
(3) Depending on the degree of discretization, it is
necessary in the numerical calculations to consider a (2) The requirements for the dynamic calculations of
part of the notch effect which is not included in the the individual structures and components are given in
structural stress, by reduction of the S/N curves. the relevant sections of Chapters 6 and 7. With special
regard for the vibration-oriented design of the tower,
(4) For welded joints, the hot-spot stresses (geomet- reference is made to Section
ric stresses) are decisive in the fatigue analysis.

(5) In the case of combined types of stresses, Sec- 5.2.4 Quasi-static calculation
tions and shall be observed. Influences (1) The loads for a quasi-static calculation include

the influence of the structural dynamics of the entire
Influences that are based the type of load, the geome- wind turbine only to a certain degree. The missing
try or the material shall be considered in the strength dynamic components shall be taken into account
analyses. This also applies for non-linear influences through dynamic magnification factors (e.g. magnifi-
cation factors such as the gust reaction factor).
– of the loading (e.g. solely compressive load-
ing for roller oder sliding bearings), or
(2) The requirements for the quasi-static calculations
– the geometry (second order, linear theory; of the individual structures and components are given
consideration of large deformations), or in the various sections of Chapters 6 and 7. With spe-
cial regard for the quasi-static design of the tower,
– the material (plasticity theory and yield hinge
reference is made to Section
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GL Wind 2003 Page 5-5

5.3 Metallic Materials

The observations which follow refer to metal struc- (2) The dimensioning of a structure or component
tures in general. Extended requirements are contained depends primarily on the type of possible failure. If
in Chapters 6 and 7 (e.g. requirements for verification two or more types of loading occur simultaneously,
of the ultimate and serviceability limit states of the then combined stresses result. As a rule, the ultimate
tower and foundation in Sections 6.6 and 6.7). limit state verifications shall be carried out with regard
to the material and loading, using the following
5.3.1 Material properties equivalent stress hypotheses (see Section

(1) Requirements, analyses and certificates for the (3) For brittle materials, the behaviour of the material
materials of machinery components are treated in is described by the maximum principal stress hypothe-
Chapter 3. Additional information is given in the fol- sis. In the case of semiductile materials, either the maxi-
lowing sections of this chapter. mum principal stress hypothesis or the von Mises
hypothesis (Maximum shear strain energy criterion;
(2) The material parameters required for the compu- octahedral shear stress hypothesis) can be applied.
tational analysis of steel structures can for instance be
found in Eurocode 3, Part 1.9 [5.1], or in DIN 18800, (4) For ductile materials, the von Mises or the
Part 1. maximum shear stress hypothesis describes the failure
mechanism. Later hypotheses, such as the shear stress
5.3.2 General strength analysis intensity hypothesis for ductile materials can be used
as an alternative, if their usefulness is proven by con- General vincing component tests.

(1) The general strength analysis shall be carried out (5) Minor local plastification is usually permissible
on the basis of German or equivalent international for components made of ductile and semiductile mate-
codes. rials. If, for structures consisting of such materials, the
local stress values are lying above the elastic limit
(2) Machinery components whose dimensioning is (start of yielding), it shall be observed that the local
not covered by standard codes shall be designed and stress distribution and thus the local strains have to be
analysed according to the currently accepted rules of considered for assessment of the static component
technology. For the dimensioning of bolted connec- strength. Here it must be taken into account that the
tions, the requirements set out in Section 6.5 shall be local stress and strain distribution depends both on the
observed. component shape (e.g. notch) and on the type of load
(tension/compression, bending, torsion). The permissi-
ble strain is dependent on the material. In addition, the
(3) The components shall be dimensioned with the
permissible strain depends on the function of the struc-
design loads (see Section with regard to the
ture, so that, in the case of permanent elongation, proof
corresponding design strength (see Section
of operativeness shall be given for the component and
its adjacent components. The procedure shall be de-
(4) The partial material safety factor γM to be used as fined in consultation with GL Wind.
a basis for metallic components of all load case groups
5.3.3 Fatigue analysis
γM = 1.1 General
(5) The tower and the foundation shall be treated ac-
cording to the uniform concept of partial safety factors
for design loads (see Sections 6.6.1 and 6.7). (1) For the predominantly dynamically loaded me-
tallic components of wind turbines, a fatigue analysis Method of analysis shall be carried out. As a rule, this applies to the drive-
train components from the blade connection to the
generator, the main frame including its connection to
(1) When performing the analysis, the general points
the tower, the tower including its connection to the
of Section 5.2.2 shall be observed.
foundation, the connecting elements plus other tur-
Chapter 5 5.3 Metallic Materials IV – Part 1
Page 5-6 GL Wind 2003

bine-specific components (e.g. blade pitch mecha- – with equivalent constant-range spectra as a
nism). simplified form of the fatigue analysis. Here
the equivalent constant-range spectra shall be
(2) The fatigue analysis may be effected by compo- used in accordance with Section 4.B.2.3 and
nent testing or by computational analyses. Component documented accordingly.
tests shall be carried out with loads relevant to opera-
tion and using Chapter 4 as a basis. Evaluation of the (2) For the second and third methods, the influence
test results shall be such that the effects of those influ- of the mean stress shall be considered conservatively
ences which cannot be taken into consideration di- for materials which are sensitive to mean stress.
rectly (large number of load cycles > 109, scattering of
the test results etc.) are reliably covered; cf. [5.2]). Simplified fatigue analysis
(3) The analysis of adequate fatigue strength, i.e. the
resistance against crack initiation under dynamic op- (1) For the simplified fatigue analysis, which is
erational loads, serves the assessment and reduction of generally applied when considering safety margins
the crack initiation probability of components within (e.g. comparison of plant variants with different rotor
the scope of the structural design. Owing to incalcula- diameters), equivalent constant-range spectra can be
bilities in the loading process, involving material- and used. The elaboration of equivalent constant-range
production-related variances and ageing effects, crack spectra on the basis of the Palmgren/Miner method
initiation in later operation cannot completely be ruled will hereunder be assumed to be known. Explanations
out, necessitating measures such as periodical inspec- on this method can be taken from e.g. [5.2].
(2) When generating the equivalent constant-range
(4) The technical initation of the crack shall be taken spectrum, the slope parameter of the S/N curve corre-
as a general failure criterion, i.e. a crack that is detect- sponding to the structure shall be used. The decisive
able on site with the usual non-destructive inspection slope parameter of the design S/N curve is given in
methods [5.3]. Section

(5) In special cases, the remaining lifetime of an (3) In this and the other analysis approaches, the
initiated crack that is growing steadily may, in consul- partial safety factor γM shall be applied in relation to
tation with GL Wind, be used for limited continued the criteria given in Table 5.3.1.
operation of a wind turbine. For this, the remaining
lifetime shall be verified with suitable and recognized
(4) For the stress superposition in the case of multi-
analysis methods. In addition, periodical inspections at
axial stress conditions, see Section
appropriate intervals shall be laid down in consultation
with GL Wind.
(5) When using the simplified fatigue analysis for
considering safety margins, it shall be observed that Methods for fatigue analysis the assumed reference load cycle number does not
correspond to the actual number. General
(6) Reducing influences on the fatigue resistance
(1) Depending on the required computational accu- (such as probability of survival Pü, surface influence
racy, fatigue analysis by calculation may be performed etc.) shall be taken into account analogously to the
with the aid of one of the following three procedures: evaluation of the S/N curves according to Section
– by using stress-time series and damage accu-
mulation to register the complex interaction Note:
between the external loadings and the struc-
tural responses as accurately as possible, or By way of example, instances for the application of the
partial safety factor γM are named in Table 5.3.2 for
– by using stress spectra and damage accumula-
fatigue analyses which normally apply according to
tion, whereby the superposition of the various
the criteria listed in Table 5.3.1 for the force- and
load effects is included to adverse effect but
moment-transmitting components of a wind turbine to
with physical meaningfulness, or
be considered here.
IV – Part 1 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-7

Table 5.3.1 Partial safety factor γM for fatigue verification

Component failure
Component failure
results in Component failure
Inspection and results in wind turbine
destruction of wind results in interruption
accessibility failure or
turbine or endangers of operation
consequential damage
Periodic monitoring and
maintenance; 1.15 1.0 0.9
good accessibility
Periodic monitoring and
maintenance; 1.25 1.15 1.0
poor accessibility

Table 5.3.2 Example for the partial safety factor γM

Penetrations for reinforcing steel in the Cannot be inspected γM=1.25

foundation section
Bearing collar of the rotor shaft Cannot be inspected without removing the γM =1.25
Locking bolt Can be inspected γM =1.15
Bolted connection of hub/rotor shaft Can be inspected γM =1.15 Damage calculation where:

ni = number of stress cycles in one bin of stress
(1) The execution of fatigue verifications via dam-
age accumulation will hereunder be assumed to be
known. Explanations of this method may for instance Ni = number of tolerable stress cycles in one bin
be taken from [5.1], [5.2], [5.3]. of stress ranges

(2) When working out a damage accumulation, as a (3) The number of tolerable stress cycles Ni is here
matter of principle all stress ranges ∆σi due to opera- the permissible number of stress cycles of the relevant
tional loads in accordance with Chapter 4 shall be used S/N curve for the stress range ∆σi · γM .
in conjunction with their associated stress cycle num-
bers ni. The damage sum D from the fatigue strength (4) The partial safety factor γM is given in Table
calculation may not exceed the value of 1: 5.3.1.

D≤1 (5) For the damage accumulation, the design S/N

curves given in the paragraphs that follow (see Section
e.g. when using the Palmgren/Miner linear damage and the equivalent stresses described in Sec-
accumulation hypothesis: tion shall be used.

D= ∑
ni / Ni ≤ 1 (6) For stress superposition in the case of multi-axial
stress conditions, see Section
Chapter 5 5.3 Metallic Materials IV – Part 1
Page 5-8 GL Wind 2003

σ σ

Single loading Combined loading e.g..

t t+T t t
Periodical periodical Proportional

F F Synchronous
(in phase)
Cycle forms t
1 a) Sinusoidal Uniaxial Multi-axial
π 2π
stress state stress state
ωt Out of phase
-1 t
1 b) Trapezoidal

0 π 2π
-1 Principal directions
σy Different
1 c) Triangular τyx
σ2 σ1 τxy frequencies
π 2π t
0 σx
ωt ϕ

ϕ = constant ϕ = varying

Fig. 5.3.1 Relationship of various terms in the

field of multi-axialities according to Liu/Zenner Notes on the superposition Equivalent stress hypotheses

of multi-axial stress conditions

(1) For multi-axially stressed components (see Fig.

5.3.1), it is necessary to consider the complex stress (1) In cases of multi-axial stress conditions, the
conditions in a realistic manner and to prepare them fatigue-relevant stress components (also as time series)
for the damage accumulation calculation in a physi- shall be transformed to a mono-axial stress condition
cally meaningful manner. For this, the relevant time by means of the equivalent stress hypothesis. When
series of the fatigue loads are applied in accordance applying the hypothesis of the maximum shear strain
with Chapter 4. energy criterion (the “von Mises” hypothesis), there
arise equivalent stress curves that are dependent on the
(2) When analysing multi-axial stresses, it is rec- mean stress and to some degree not conservative, so
ommended that the dominating (damage-relevant) that their damage effect strongly underestimates the
stress distribution or stress combination be established real damage accumulation behaviour of the material.
for the critical regions via consideration of the princi- Independently of the mean stress level, the normal
pal stresses and principal-stress directions. Occasion- stress hypothesis can be applied as a method of the
ally, the presence of a dominating load component, or critical plane without loss of relevance for the damage
the combination of load components, may lead to a accumulation. It is valid for brittle and semiductile
quasi-monoaxial stress condition. In such cases, this materials (e.g. EN-GJS-400-18U-LT belongs to the
may allow a possible simplification that is appropriate semiductile materials). Other hypotheses can be used if
for the problem. adequate proof of their usefulness is given.

(3) If normal and shear stresses occur simultane-

ously in welded joints, their combined effect shall be (2) For welded joints, the decisive stresses are those
considered in accordance with [5.1] or [5.5]. transverse or parallel to the weld seam. If normal and
shear stresses occur simultaneously in welded joints,
(4) The procedure used shall be defined in consulta- their combined effect shall be considered in accor-
tion with GL Wind. dance with [5.1] or [5.5].
IV – Part 1 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-9


S/N curve according to Eurocode 3 ∆σi

N = ND(∆σD/∆σ)3

∆σA N = ND(∆σD/∆σ)5

Design S/N curve


105 106 ND = 5 · 106 107 108 109

NA = 2 · 106
Number of stress cycles

Fig. 5.3.2 S/N curve for welded structures, general shape S/N curves for dimensioning (5) In deviation from EC 3, a threshold value of the
fatigue strength (cut-off) is not permissible. Fig. 5.3.2 S/N curves for welded steel structures shows the general shape of the S/N curve to be used as
and bolted connections a basis.

(1) The selection of the S/N curves follows e.g. (6) For predominantly shear-stress loaded compo-
Eurocode 3, Part 1.9. Detail category selection shall be nents, the S/N curves of EC 3 shall be used with a
in accordance with Eurocode 3 (EC 3) [5.1]. Applica- constant slope parameter m = 5:
tion of equivalent codes (e.g. FKM Guideline [5.4],
IIW Recommendations [5.5] or GL Rules I – Ship
– region I + II:
Technology, Part 1 – Seagoing Ships, Chapter 1 – Hull
slope parameter of the S/N curve m = 5
Structures, Section 20) is permissible in consultation
with GL Wind.
(7) When establishing the tolerable number of stress
(2) Reducing influences, e.g. because of the material cycles Ni (see Section, account shall be
thickness or insufficient alignment of the two joints to taken of the partial safety factors γM according to Table
be welded, shall be observed in accordance with EC 3 5.3.1.
or IIW [5.5].
(8) Table 5.3.3 gives the permissible stress ranges
(3) For components stressed by predominantly vari- for some typical stress cycle numbers. The partial
able stress ranges ∆σi, fatigue verification is usually safety factors are not taken into account here.
carried out using damage accumulation with the stress
ranges in accordance with Chapter 4 as a basis. (9) When analysing the fatigue strength of bolted
connections, whose stress levels are established under
(4) In the case of loading by normal stresses, the consideration of the tension and bending in the bolt,
following additional agreement applies to the S/N the following detail categories are permissible up to
curve as per EC 3 [5.1]: the size M30 (metric standard thread):

– region I:
slope parameter of the S/N curve m = 3, stress – hot-dip galvanized bolts rolled before heat
cycle numbers Ni < 5 · 106 treatment:
detail category 50
– region II:
slope parameter of the S/N curve m = 5, stress – bolts rolled before heat treatment:
cycle numbers Ni ≥ 5 · 106 detail category 71
Chapter 5 5.3 Metallic Materials IV – Part 1
Page 5-10 GL Wind 2003

– bolts rolled after heat treatment: curves are not available for the steels to be used, syn-
F thetic S/N curves in accordance with [5.3] may be used
detail category 71*( 2 − S max ) ≤ 85 for a comprehensive fatigue analysis (damage accumu-
F0 ,2 min
lation calculation in accordance with Section
FSmax = max. bolt force under extreme (2) Reducing influences
load The following reducing influences on the fatigue resis-
tance shall be considered (e.g. according to [5.3] or
F0,2min = bolt force at the 0.2 % elastic [5.6]):
strain limit
– type of loading
(10) Here the dimensioning-relevant cross-section A
is the stress cross-section AS in the thread. The influ- – stress ratio
ence of the reduction in cross-section can usually be – stress concentration factor
neglected for hot-dip galvanized parts.
– notch effect factor
(11) For bolts larger than M30, a reduction of the S/N – component size
curve by the factor ks with
– surface influence
ks = (30mm/d)0,25 – influence of technological parameters
shall be taken into account, where d is the nominal – survival probability
diameter. Further requirements on bolt dimensioning
are given in Section 6.5. – environmental conditions (corrosion etc.)

(3) Survival probability S/N curves for the design of
Usually, S/N curves are assigned a survival probability
non-welded forged and rolled parts
of PÜ = 50 %, see e.g. [5.3] or [5.6]. The fatigue analy-
sis shall be performed with a survival probability of PÜ
(1) Selection
> 97.7 %. Unless determined otherwise, the S/N curve
On principle, statistically assured S/N curves for the
reference value ∆σA shall be reduced to
raw material should be used as a basis. If such S/N

Table 5.3.3 Permissible stress ranges for bolted and welded connections in steel

Category [N/mm 2] Fatigue stress range ∆σ v [N/mm 2 ]

∆σ A = ∆σ (N = 2 ⋅ 10 6) ∆σ (N = 5 ⋅ 10 6) ∆σ (N = 5 ⋅ 10 7) ∆σ (N = 1 ⋅ 10 8) ∆σ (N = 2 ⋅ 10 8)

160 117.9 74.4 64.8 56.4

140 103.2 65.1 56.7 49.3
125 92.1 58.1 50.6 44.0
112 82.5 52.1 45.3 39.5
100 73.7 46.5 40.5 35.2
90 66.3 41.8 36.4 31.7
80 58.9 37.2 32.4 28.2
71 52.3 33.0 28.7 25.0
63 46.4 29.3 25.5 22.2
56 41.3 26.0 22.7 19.7
50 36.8 23.2 20.2 17.6
45 33.2 20.9 18.2 15.9
40 29.5 18.6 16.2 14.1
36 26.5 16.7 14.6 12.7
IV – Part 1 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
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1000 t
Design S/N curve

Synthetic S/N curve (∆σ = 2σa )

Reduction with SPü = 2/3

N = ND(∆σ*A/∆σ) m N = ND(∆σ*A/∆σ) 2m-1


105 106 ND 107 108 109

Number of stress cycles

Fig. 5.3.3 S/N curve for non-welded forged and rolled parts,
example “Synthetic S/N curve”; general shape

prehensive fatigue analysis (damage accumulation cal-

∆σ∗A = ∆σA · SPü where SPü = 2/3
culation in accordance with Section
which corresponds to a survival probability of
PÜ > 97.7 % (mean value – 2 ⋅ standard deviation). If (2) Influences
S/N curves with a survival probability of PÜ > 50 % The following influences on the fatigue resistance
are used, a reduction factor SPü > 2/3 may be assumed shall be considered (see e.g. [5.3]):
after consultation with GL Wind.
– type of loading
(4) Stress cycle numbers – significant residual stresses (e.g. shot peening)
For stress cycle numbers Ni > ND , the S/N curves shall – stress ratio
be extended from ∆σ*A with the slope parameters 2m-1,
where m is the slope parameter of the fatigue strength – stress concentration factor
line (see Fig. 5.3.3). Here the limiting stress cycle – notch effect factor
number ND is that number at which, under optimum
test conditions (no corrosion effect, etc.), the endur- – component size
ance limit is given. Where synthetic S/N curves are – surface influence
used, ND results from its calculation.
– influence of technological parameters S/N curves for the design of cast steel – survival probability
and spheroidal graphite cast iron
– environmental conditions (corrosion etc.)
(1) Selection
On principle, statistically assured material S/N curves (3) Survival probability
shall be used. If such S/N curves are not available for Usually, S/N curves are assigned a survival probability
the cast material to be used, synthetic S/N curves in of PÜ = 50 %. For the fatigue analysis, the S/N curve
accordance with [5.3] may be used as a basis for a com- reference value ∆σA shall be reduced to
Chapter 5 5.3 Metallic Materials IV – Part 1
Page 5-12 GL Wind 2003



Synthetic SN curve

∆σ*A = SPü · Sd · ∆σA
100 ∆σA*
N = ND(∆σ*A/∆σ) m

N = ND(∆σ*A/∆σ) 2m-1


105 106 ND 107 108 109

Number of stress cycles

Fig. 5.3.4 S/N curve for cast steel and spheroidal graphite cast iron,
example “Synthetic S/N curve”; general shape

∆σ∗A = ∆σA · S Pü where S Pü = 2/3 j = the quality class for the component or
component detail to be designed with ade-
which corresponds to a survival probability of quate fatigue strength
PÜ > 97.7 % (mean value – 2 · standard deviation). If (1..3; cf. Sections and
S/N curves with a survival probability PÜ > 50 % are
j0 = constant depending on the material and test
used, a reduction factor SPü > 2/3 may be assumed
method, with the following values:
after consultation with GL Wind.

(4) Reduction factors Test method: Cast steel: Cast iron:

The influence of large wall thicknesses and surface Ultrasonic or j0=1 j0=0
roughness shall be taken into account. In the case of radiographic examination
S/N curves determined from specimens taken from
equally thick component regions, this influence is Liquid penetrant or j0=1 j0=1
included in the S/N curves. When determining syn- magnetic particle inspection
thetic S/N curves according to [5.3], both the thick-
ness-dependent mechanical characteristic values For the assessment of the casting quality and the test-
(guaranteed minimum tensile strength and yield point) ing techniques to be applied, the provisions set out in
as well as the reduction through the existing surface Sections and shall be observed.
roughness shall be observed.
(6) The classification into quality levels shall be
(5) In using synthetic S/N curves, the influence of documented consistently in the drawings, calculations
the flaws (e.g. blowholes, non-metallic inclusions, and specifications and submitted to GL Wind for as-
shrinkage holes; shrinkage holes cut by mechanical sessment within the scope of implementation of the
processing and dross are not permissible without post- design requirements in production and assembly or of
treatment, cf. Section 3.3.2) shall be considered surveillance during production (cf. Sections
through the factor and The requirements of Section,
para 2 (cast steel) and Section (cast iron) shall
S d = 0.85 (j-j 0) be observed.

IV – Part 1 5.3 Metallic Materials Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-13

(7) Design S/N curve (2) For detail categories, the detail category selec-
The reference stress range to be used as a basis for the tion shall be in accordance with [5.5]. In cases of
S/N curve is doubt, the procedures shall be agreed with GL Wind.

∆σ∗A = SPü· Sd · ∆σA

5.3.4 Serviceability analysis
as the ideal fatigue limit at the stress cycle number
ND (see Fig. 5.3.4). For stress cycle numbers Ni > ND , Partial safety factors
the S/N curves shall be extended from ∆σ*A with the
slope parameter 2m-1 (if corrosion can be excluded),
For verifications in the serviceability limit states, the
where m is the slope parameter of the fatigue strength
partial safety factor shall be γM = 1.0.
line (see Fig. 5.3.4). S/N curves for the design of Deformation analysis

aluminium parts
If no special requirements arise from operation of the
(1) On principle, statistically assured S/N curves plant, a limitation of deformations is not necessary
shall be used. (see also Section, para 5).
IV – Part 1 5.4 Concrete Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-15

5.4 Concrete

5.4.1 Material properties (3) For the analysis of reinforced concrete and
prestressed concrete, Eurocode 2 or DIN 1045-1 shall Characteristic values be applied.

The material parameters required for the computa- (4) The increase in the internal forces and moments
tional analysis of concrete, reinforcing steel and through nonlinear influences (e.g. second order theory,
prestressing steel can for instance be found in Euro- crack formation) shall be taken into account. It may be
code 2, Section 3 or DIN 1045-1, Section 9. determined from a quasi-static calculation. Partial safety factors γM (5) In the case of prestressed components, the influ-
ences of creep and shrinkage shall be considered.
The design resistance shall be determined with due
consideration of the partial safety factors γM according (6) Zones of concentrated load introduction shall be
to Table 5.4.1. For calculations of towers made of investigated in detail.
reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete according
to second order theory, γ M = 1.2 may be assumed for Fatigue analysis
(1) In the case of components of reinforced concrete
5.4.2 Ultimate limit states or prestressed concrete, fatigue analysis shall be pro-
vided for the concrete, the reinforcing steel and the Fracture and stability failure prestressing steel with the loads of the group F. These
may be conducted as complete fatigue analyses or
(1) Analysis of components made of reinforced according to the simplified analysis procedure as per
concrete or prestressed concrete shall be based on the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 (DAfStb booklet
uniform concept of partial safety factors for design 439 [5.7], Section 4.5 and 4.4). For wind turbines with
loads (see Section a nominal number of operational load cycles
Nnom = r ⋅ nR ⋅ T ≤ 2 ⋅ 109 , a detailed analysis for con-
(2) The analyses shall be be performed with the least crete under compressive loading is not required, if the
favourable of all combinations of actions of the groups condition expressed in equation 5.4.1 is met:
N, A and T according to Section 4.3.3, Table 4.3.1.
Scd,max ≤ 0.40 + 0.46 ⋅ Scd,min (5.4.1)

Table 5.4.1 Partial safety factors for the material γM

Ultimate limit state

Material Serviceability limit state
Fracture and
stability failure

1.5 1
Concrete 1.5 1.0
(1.2) 2

1.4 1
Spun concrete 1.4 1.0
(1.2) 2

Reinforcing and
1.15 1 1.15 1.0
prestressing steel
For unusual design situations, e.g. earthquake calculations, γM = 1.3 can be set for concrete and spun concrete and γM = 1.0 for reinforcing
steel and prestressing steel.
For the calculation of deformations when taking account of non-linearities of the geometry and/or the material, γM = 1.2 may be taken
(value in brackets).
Chapter 5 5.4 Concrete IV – Part 1
Page 5-16 GL Wind 2003

with: – load range with the largest concrete compres-

sive stress σc,max
Scd,min = γSd ⋅ σc,min ⋅ ηc / fcd,fat
– load range with the smallest concrete com-
Scd,max = γSd ⋅ σc,max ⋅ ηc / fcd,fat
pressive stress σc,min
where: – load range with the largest mean value for the
concrete compressive stress
γSd = 1.1 – partial safety factor to consider the
inaccuracies of the model for stress calcula-
(3) The damage components of the load effects from
erection conditions without the machine shall be con-
σc,max = magnitude of the maximum concrete com- sidered in accordance with Section
pressive stress, with the combinations of
actions of group F according to Section
4.3.3, Table 4.3.1 5.4.3 Serviceability Limit State
σc,min = magnitude of the minimum concrete com-
pressive stress in the pressure zone at the Partial safety factors
same position at which σc,max occurs, de-
termined by the lower value of the action For verifications in the serviceability limit states, the
effect (for tensile stresses, σc,min = 0 shall partial safety factor shall be γM = 1.0.
be set) Deformation analysis
ηc = factor for considering the non-uniform
distribution of the concrete compresssive If no special requirements arise from operation of the
stresses as per DAfStb booklet 439, equa- turbine, a limitation of deformations is not necessary.
tion (8); as a simplification, ηc = 1.0 may
be set. Stress Limit State
fcd,fat = 0.85 ⋅ ßcc(t) ⋅ fck ⋅ ( 1 – fck/250 ) / γc ; design
value of the fatigue strength of the concrete (1) For towers of reinforced concrete and prestressed
under compressive loading concrete, the concrete compressive stresses for the rare
combination of actions DLC 1.6 shall be limited to 0.6
with: fck . Otherwise subsitute measures, e.g. according to
DIN 1045-1:2001-07, 11.1.2 (2), shall be taken.
fck = characteristic cylinder compressive
strength in N/mm² (2) In addition, for towers of prestressed concrete,
γc = partial safety factor for concrete (see Table the concrete compressive stresses under constant loads
5.4.1) (own weight and prestressing) shall be limited to 0.45
fck . For towers of prestressed concrete with bond, the
ßcc(t) = coefficient for considering the time-depen- verification of decompression shall be provided for the
dent strength increase in the concrete. Here quasi-permanent combination of actions DLC 1.1.
ßcc(t) shall not be set larger than 1.0, corre-
sponding to a cyclic initial loading with a Crack width limitation
concrete age ≥ 28 days. In the case of cyclic
initial loading at an earlier age of the con- Verification of crack width limitation shall be provided
crete, ßcc(t) < 1.0 shall be determined and for a theoretical crack width of 0.2 mm. Here, for com-
taken into account in the analysis. ponents of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete
without bonding, the quasi-permanent combination of
(2) On principle, the following shall be investigated actions DLC 1.1 shall be used, and for components of
for the simplified analysis procedure: prestressed concrete with bond the frequent combina-
tions of actions DLC 1.5 and 1.11. For this, the heat
– maximum load range influences as per Section shall be applied.
IV – Part 1 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-17

5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints

5.5.1 General modulus of elasticity (E-modulus), Poisson’s number,

failure strain and the failure stress of the typical lami-
(1) The analyses are carried out with characteristic nate layers used, both for tensile and compressive
values which are determined from test results as de- loading parallel and transverse to the fibres and also
scribed in Section Verification shall be pro- for shear.
vided in such a way that the design values of the ac-
tions Sd are smaller than the design values of the com- (4) The glass transition temperature (extrapolated
ponent resistances Rd (characteristic value Rk divided onset temperature Teig according to ISO 11357-2) of
by the partial safety factor for the material γMx ): the matrix and of the structural bonding materials shall
be higher than 65 °C and also higher than the tempera-
S d ≤ Rk /γ Mx = Rd ture which is expected at the structural member.

(2) If there are no test results or other confirmed data Characteristic values
for the analysis, the minimum characteristic values
given in Sections 5.5.4 to 5.5.6 may be used. By start (1) The characteristic values Rk are generally calcu-
of production at the latest, it shall be verified that the lated as follows:
material attains at least the characteristic values as-
sumed in the analysis.  U p 

R k (α , P ,υ ,n ) = x 1 − υ U α + 
5.5.2 Materials   n   Requirements for manufacturers where:

Ui = i% fractile (percentile) of the normal distri-
(1) The production of FRP components which were bution
assessed by GL Wind shall preferably take place at
n = number of tests
manufacturers approved by GL.
x = the mean of the test values
(2) The requirements for the manufacturers of rotor υ = coefficient of variation for n test values
blades are set out in Section 3.1. Type and scope of the
shop approval are also laid down there. (2) For the equation, it is assumed that the standard
deviation of the observed values corresponds to that of
(3) The requirements for acknowledgement of a the normal distribution. The inaccuracies occurring
quality management system at the company, as well as thereby are covered by the reduction factors.
the procedure for obtaining the acknowledgement and
maintaining it, are given in Section 3.2. (3) The α = 5 % fractile for a probability P = 95 %
(confidence level) assuming a normal distribution
(4) Special requirements as regards production are (DIN 55303, Part 1) shall be applied. This yields:
included in Sections 3.4.3 to 3.4.5.
  1.645   Requirements for the materials R k (5%,95%, υ , n ) = x 1 − υ 1.645 + 
  n 
(1) Only materials with confirmed properties may be
used. In some cases, GL approval is needed in
addition; see Section, para 1 and Section 5.5.6, Partial safety factors for the material
para 5.
(1) The partial safety factors for the material γMx
(2) Requirements and quality verification (certifi- shall be determined separately for
cates, test reports, approvals) for the usual structural
materials are listed in Sections and, – the short-term verification (x = a),
para 1.
– the fatigue verification (x = b),
(3) The strengths and stiffnesses of the materials – the stability analysis (x = c), and
used shall be sufficiently known in each case, i.e.
Chapter 5 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints IV – Part 1
Page 5-18 GL Wind 2003

– the bonding analysis (x = d and x = e). C5b = 1.0 to 1.2

These factors are obtained by multiplying the partial local partial safety factor for the
safety factor γM0 with the reduction factors Cix : blade trailing edge. The exact
magnitude depends on the quality
of the verification (1.0 for dynamic
γMx = γM0 · ∏C
blade test in the edgewise direc-
tion, 1.1 for FE calculation, 1.2 for
For all analyses, the partial safety factor γM0 is: calculation according to Bernoulli
γM0 = 1.35
5.5.3 Analyses
The reduction factors Cix listed below apply without
further verification. Reduction factors verified by General
experiment may be used as an alternative.

(2) In the short-term strength verification, γMa shall (1) The design values for the strains or the stresses
be determined by multiplication of γM0 as per Section are determined by the requirement to prevent laminate, para 1, with the reduction factors Cia . To take failure and stability failure with regard to the short-
account of influences on the material properties, the term strength, fatigue strength and stability in all load
following reduction factors shall be used: cases. The discontinuities in the laminate, the load
introduction zones and the high load cycle numbers
C1a = 1.35 influence of ageing shall be taken into account.

C2a = 1.1 temperature effect (2) The actual safety shall be documented in the
C3a = 1.1 laminate produced by prepregs, analysis for short-term strength and fatigue strength by
winding techniques, pultrusion or a failure hypothesis for anisotropic materials that is
resin infusion method acknowledged in the literature, e.g. as per VDI 2014 or
Puck [5.8]. The use of other failure hypotheses is pos-
= 1.2 wet laminate with hand lay-up,
sible after consultation with GL Wind. For the strength
pressing techniques
analysis, a separate verification shall always be pro-
C4a = 1.0 post-cured laminate vided for fibre failure and inter-fibre failure.
= 1.1 non post-cured laminate
(3) The verifications for fibre failure and inter-fibre
(3) In the fatigue verification, γMb shall be deter- failure and for stability regarding short-term and fa-
mined by multiplying γM0 (see Section, para 1) tigue strength can be provided in the form of strain or
with the following reduction factors Cib : stress analyses.

C1b = N1/m curve of high-cycle fatigue for the Analysis for fibre failure
load cycle number N and slope pa-
rameter m. (1) The analysis for fibre failure shall be carried out
m is determined by an analysis for areas under tensile, compressive and/or shear load-
(S/N curve) to be agreed with GL ing using the design values of the actions Sd .
Regarding simplified assumptions
(2) The fatigue analysis is based on the characteristic
for m, see Sections 5.5.4, para 4
(see Section S/N curve established for the
and 5.5.5, para 6.
laminate in question and the Goodman diagram con-
C2b = 1.1 temperature effect structed using this curve. If no S/N curve is available
for the laminate, it shall be assumed to be as given in
C3b = 1.0 for unidirectional (UD) reinforce-
Section, para 3 (factor C1b ) and Sections 5.5.4,
ment products
para 4 and 5.5.5, para 6.
= 1.1 for non-woven fabrics and UD
woven rovings (3) The Goodman diagram shows the relationship
= 1.2 for woven fabrics and mats between the mean and the range components of the
component resistances R and actions S (R and S as
C4b = 1.0 for post-cured laminate strains ε or stresses σ) and may be constructed as in
= 1.1 for non post-cured laminate Fig. 5.5.1.
IV – Part 1 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-19

For this, the number of tolerable load cycles N shall be γMa = partial safety factor for the material (as per
determined as follows: Section, short-term strength)

m γMb = partial safety factor for the material (as per

 R k, t + R k,c − 2 ⋅ γ Ma ⋅ S k, M − R k, t + R k,c  Section, fatigue strength)
N= 
 2 ⋅ (γ Mb /C 1b ) ⋅ S k, A 
  C1b = N1/m, see Section, para 3 [i.e.
(γMb/C1b) corresponds to γMb without C1b]
(4) For given actions, the Goodman diagram can be
Sk,M = mean value of the characteristic actions used to determine the permissible load cycle num-
bers N, which can be used to carry out a damage ac-
Sk,A = amplitude of the characteristic actions cumulation calculation. The damage D is defined as
( |Sk,max – Sk,min|/2 ) the sum of the quotients of existing load cycle num-
Rk,t = characteristic short-term structural member bers ni to permissible load cycle numbers Ni . D must
resistance for tension be less than unity:

Rk,c = characteristic short-term structural member ni

resistance for compression D=∑ ≤1
i Ni
m = slope parameter m of the S/N curve
Rk,A = amplitude of the characteristic structural where:
member resistances for load cycle number
N=1. D = damage

The auxiliary variables m and Rk,A are laid ni = existing number of load cycles of a class i
down through an analysis (S/N curve) to be of actions
agreed with GL Wind. For simplified as-
sumptions, see Sections 5.5.4 and 5.5.5. Ni = permissible number of load cycles of a
class i of actions
N = permissible load cycle number





Rk,c/γMa R k , t − R k ,c Sk,M Rk,t/γMa

2 γ Ma

Fig. 5.5.1 Goodman diagram

Chapter 5 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints IV – Part 1
Page 5-20 GL Wind 2003 Analysis for inter-fibre failure (2) For the stability analysis, the partial safety factor
for the material γMc shall be applied to the mean values
(1) The cracking can be verified by computational of the material stiffnesses in order to determine the
means at the relevant critical positions as per Section design values of the component resistances Rd . γMc, para 2, for the individual layers of laminate. To shall be determined by multiplying the partial safety
determine the permissible failure stresses and failure factor γM0 (see Section, para 1) with the follow-
strains parallel and transverse to the fibres and for ing reduction factors Cic:
shear that are necessary for this verification, the char-
acteristic parameters shall be reduced by a diminished C1c = 1.1 for massive laminates and the skin
factor (γMa CIFF). However, the factor resulting from layers of sandwich structures, to
(γMa CIFF) shall not be less than 1.35. account for the scattering of the
= 1.3 for core materials, to account for
The transverse strains can be determined by computa- the scattering of the moduli
tion or by experiment.
= 1.0 for the core materials, if verified
minimum characteristics are used
(2) If calculation shows that individual layers of
laminate are not able to transfer the stresses assigned C2c = 1.1 temperature effect (see Sections
to them without cracking, the force component ∆F 5.5.4, para 7, and 5.5.5, para 8)
acting on the fractured layers shall be borne by other
layers of the laminate. CIFF is determined by the mag- (3) Where verification is performed by computation
nitude of the force component ∆F that has to be trans- and, as is generally the case, the actual structure can-
fered, in accordance with Table 5.5.1. not be analysed in detail, the assumptions and esti-
mates made shall be of conservative nature.
(3) Precise tracing of the stress changes caused by (4) The stability analysis may be performed with a
the transfer in the individual layers of the partially (geometric) non-linear FE computation. For each load-
cracked laminate is not necessary. ing, a stress-free predeformation affine to the 1st linear
buckling eigenform shall be applied to the structure.
The global scaling of the 1st linear eigenform shall be Stability analysis performed in such a way that the maximum height of
the critical buckle is 1/400 of its largest horizontal
(1) The stability (against buckling and wrinkling) of dimension (chord length). A smaller predeformation
parts under tensile, compressive and/or shear loading can be permitted if its height is verified. Under these
shall be verified on the basis of the design values for circumstances, the permissible stresses shall not be
the actions Sd . exceeded with regard to the design values of the loads.

Table 5.5.1 CIFF for analysis of the inter-fibre failure

Force component ∆F to be transposed in the case of

Failure mode relative to fibre direction
inter-fibre failure

CIFF for 0 % < ∆F < 5 % CIFF for ∆F > 5 %

Shear combined with transverse tension 0.60 0.80

Primarily shear, combined with 0.60 0.80

transverse compression

Primarily transverse compression, combined 0.80 1

with shear
IV – Part 1 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-21

(5) In the case of a stability analysis using a nonlin- – compression test parallel to the fibre direction
ear FE computation, additional verification shall be (DIN EN ISO 14126), test piece form B with
provided according to a linear method, in order to a minimum of 6 specimens to determine com-
determine the 1st bifurcation load. This must be larger pressive strength, failure strain and E-modulus
than the characteristic load. In addition, it shall be
– tension test for ± 45° laminates (DIN EN ISO
shown that, as a result of the buckling after predefor-
14129) with a minimum of 6 specimens to de-
mation, no damage can occur at the adjacent structural
termine the shear strength
members and structural details (e.g. at the bonded
joints). – compression test perpendicular to the fibre di-
rection (DIN 65375) with a minimum of 6
(6) If the stability analysis is performed with a linear specimens to determine compressive strength
FE computation, an additional safety factor of 1.25 and failure strain
shall be considered.
(2) For allowable ambient temperatures lower than
(7) As an alternative to the required stability analysis -30 °C, at least the following tests shall be additionally
by means of an analytical approach, stability can be necessary:
verified by testing. In this case, the design values for
the loads and the reduction factors as per Section Matrix and bonding material:, para 2, shall be taken into account, whereby – determination of the dynamic mechanical
the reduction factor C1c = 1.0 shall be applied. If the properties (according to DIN EN ISO 6721-2)
tests are to be performed on structural components or for the matrix and the bonding material with a
samples, the conditions for the acknowledgement of starting temperature which is 10 °C beneath
these test shall be defined beforehand in consultation the lowest allowable ambient temperature; 3
with GL Wind. specimens
– lap-shear test following the lines of DIN EN
5.5.4 Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics (GRP)
1465 or equivalent tests at room temperature
and at the lowest allowable ambient tempera-
(1) To determine the strength and the stiffness of ture; 6 specimens each. The test procedure and
materials used for structural members at allowable production of the specimens shall be agreed
ambient temperatures between -30 °C and +50 °C, at with GL Wind in advance.
least the following tests shall be performed by a labo-
ratory acknowledged by GL Wind or an accredited Composite:
– tension test perpendicular to the fibre direc-
Note: tion (DIN EN ISO 527-5, Type B) with a
minimum of 6 specimens to determine tensile
The properties of the fibres and size are more impor- strength, failure strain and E-modulus for the
tant than those of the non-woven fabric. lowest allowable ambient temperature
– tension test for ± 45° laminates (DIN EN ISO
Matrix and bonding material: 14129) with a minimum of 6 specimens to de-
– determination of temperature of deflection termine the shear stress and the shear modulus
under load (according to DIN EN ISO 75-2, for the lowest allowable ambient temperature
method A, with at least 3 specimens); mini-
mum temperature for the glass transition tem- (3) Other quantities which may be needed can be
perature according to Section, para 4 derived from the test values or taken from the litera-
ture. Other standards can be chosen after prior consul-
tation of GL Wind. The test results shall as a rule be
verified every 4 years.
– tension test parallel to the fibre direction (DIN
EN ISO 527-5, Type A) with a minimum of 6 (4) The slope parameter m in factor C1b for the fa-
specimens to determine tensile strength, fail- tigue verification as per Section, para 3, may be
ure strain, E-modulus and Poisson’s number assumed as follows with consideration of Section, para 4:
– tension test perpendicular to the fibre direc-
tion (DIN EN ISO 527-5, Type B) with a – m = 9 for laminates with polyester resin
minimum of 6 specimens to determine tensile matrix
strength, failure strain and E-modulus
Chapter 5 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints IV – Part 1
Page 5-22 GL Wind 2003

– m = 10 for laminates with epoxy resin ma- (4) For the determination of the strength and stiff-
trix ness of materials used for allowable ambient tempera-
tures between −30 °C and +50 °C, refer to Section
(5) This value of m applies without further verifica- 5.5.4, para 1. In deviation from this, two tests shall be
tion for laminates with a fibre content of at least 30 % made according to the following standards for allow-
and at most 55 % by volume. For other fibre volume able ambient temperatures between −30 °C and
contents and matrix resins, an appropriate analysis +50 °C:
(S/N curve) shall be performed.
– tension test perpendicular to the fibre direc-
(6) The amplitude of the characteristic structural tion (DIN EN 2597) with a minimum of 6
member resistances for load cycle number N=1 may specimens to determine tensile strength, fail-
be assumed as ure strain and E-modulus

Rk,A = (Rk,t+|Rk,c|)/2 – compression test parallel to the fibre direction

(DIN EN 2850, draft of April 1998), test piece
(7) The factor C2x applies for the influence of ambi- form A1 (reduction of the free buckling length
ent temperatures between –30 °C and 50 °C, if the to 8 mm ± 0.25 mm is allowed) with a mini-
drop in the shear or flexural moduli of the laminates at mum of 6 specimens to determine compres-
50 °C compared with that at 23 °C is not greater than sive strength and failure strain
20 %.
(5) For allowable ambient temperatures lower than
(8) Structures whose load-bearing laminate is built −30 °C, Section 5.5.4, para 2 shall apply. In deviation
up from unidirectional glass-fibre reinforcement layers from this, a test shall be made according to the follow-
may be qualified with regard to short-term and fatigue ing standards in the case of allowable ambient tem-
strength by a simplified strain verification. At design peratures lower than −30 °C:
values of the actions, the strain along the fibre direc-
tion shall remain below the following design values: – tension test perpendicular to the fibre direc-
tion (DIN EN 2597) with a minimum of 6
– tensile strain εRd,t ≤ 0.35% specimens to determine tensile strength, fail-
ure strain and E-modulus
– compressive strain εRd,c ≤ |−0.25|%
(6) The slope parameter m in factor C1b for the fa-
(9) The mean bearing stress of load introduction
tigue verification as per Section, para 3, may be
zones shall not exceed the value of 100 N/mm² in the
assumed as m = 14 for CRP. This applies without fur-
fibre direction without further verification.
ther verification for laminates with a fibre content of at
least 50 % and at most 60 % by volume and an epoxy
resin matrix. For other fibre volume contents and ma-
5.5.5 Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CRP) trix resins, an appropriate analysis (S/N curve) shall be
(1) The characteristic values prescribed in this sec-
tion refer to high-tensile (HT) reinforcement fibres. (7) The amplitude of the characteristic structural
For the verification of other fibre types (HM, HS, IM, member resistances for load cycle number N=1 may
pitch-based fibres, “heavy tows” etc.) the analysis be assumed as
shall be agreed with GL Wind (see Section,
para 5). Rk,A = (Rk,t+|Rk,c|)/2

(2) In the case of direct contact between CRP and (8) The factor C2x applies for the influence of ambi-
metallic components, possible damages from contact ent temperatures between –30 °C and 50 °C, if the
corrosion shall be excluded by suitable measures. drop in the shear or flexural moduli of the laminates at
50 °C compared with that at 23 °C is no more than
20 %.
(3) The mechanical properties on compression paral-
lel to the fibre direction shall be proved by tests. The (9) Structures whose load-bearing laminate is built
laminate quality of the test specimens shall be equiva- up from unidirectional glass-fibre reinforcement layers
lent to that of the later production line. The quality of may be qualified with regard to short-term and fatigue
laminate (direction and waviness of fibres, porosity strength by a simplified strain verification, provided a
etc.) shall be specified in the production specification high laminate quality can be verified. At design values
for the component. of the actions, the strain along the fibre direction shall
IV – Part 1 5.5 Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and Bonded Joints Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-23

remain below the following design values for the (5) Without further verification, a characteristic
strains: shear stress of

– tensile strain εRd,t ≤ 0.24% τRk = 7 N/mm2

– compressive strain εRd,c ≤ |−0.18|% can be used for two-component thermosetting adhe-
sives approved by GL. A stress concentration arising
(10) The mean bearing stress of load introduction in the structural member is covered by this value up to
zones shall not exceed the value of 150 N/mm² in the a factor of 3.0.
fibre direction without further verification.
(6) For the fatigue verification, a characteristic S/N
5.5.6 Bonded joints curve shall be determined from tests at 23 °C. The test
procedure and production of the specimens shall be
(1) The strength analysis for bonding shall be per- agreed with GL Wind in advance. The partial safety
formed according to Section 5.5.3, with the necessary factor for the material γMe shall be applied to the char-
changes. Stress concentrations within the bonding acteristic S/N curve that is determined. γMe shall be
surfaces and flaws shall be taken into account (see determined by multiplying the partial safety factor γM0
Section, para 2). (see Section, para 1) with the following reduc-
tion factors Cie :
(2) The application limits for the adhesive prescribed
by the manufacturer shall be observed. Bonded joints C1e = 1.0 (only a formal placeholder)
shall be so designed that peeling moments or forces
are avoided to the greatest possible extent. C2e = 1.1 temperature effect
C3e = 1.1 bonding surface reproducibility
(3) If the analyses are based on characteristic values
obtained in tests, it shall in each case be checked that C4e = 1.0 post-cured bond
the findings concerning stress concentrations in the
= 1.1 non post-cured bond
specimen can be transferred to the actual structural
members. If necessary, the characteristic values shall
In the fatigue verification, the influence of the mean
be corrected in proportion to the various stress concen-
stress shall be taken into account analogously to Sec-
tion, para 3 and para 4.
(4) To determine the allowable shear stress for
steady stress curves, lap-shear tests or equivalent tests (7) The fatigue verification for joints that feature a
shall be performed at 23 °C and 50 °C for the adhesive steady shear stress curve without discontinuities (e.g.
used. The test procedure and production of the speci- connection between web and chord or upper and lower
mens shall be agreed with GL Wind in advance. The shells for rotor blades) is provided for two-component
partial safety factor for the material γMd shall be ap- thermosetting adhesives approved by GL if the stress
plied to the characteristic value that is determined. γMd range from the equivalent constant-range spectrum for
shall be obtained by multiplying the partial safety 107 load cycles is less than
factor γM0 (see Section, para 1) by the follow-
ing reduction factors Cid: τRd = 1.0 N/mm2

C1d = 1.5 influence of ageing A stress concentration arising in the structural member
is covered by this value up to a factor of 3.0.
C2d = 1.0 temperature effect
C3d = 1.1 bonding surface reproducibility (8) For the fatigue verification of point loads (e.g.
metallic inserts), a characteristic S/N curve shall be
C4d = 1.0 post-cured bond determined from tests at 23 °C. The influence of mois-
= 1.1 non post-cured bond ture on the joint shall be taken into account.
IV – Part 1 5.6 Wood Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-25

5.6 Wood

(1) The verification of the ultimate and serviceability (4) In particular, the long-term effect of environ-
limit states shall as a rule be carried out according to mental influences is largely unknown. Effective mois-
Eurocode 5. ture-proofing in accordance with the requirements of
this Guideline is thus a basic prerequisite for dimen-
(2) The analysis of dynamically loaded structural sioning to ensure adequate fatigue strength for dy-
members, such as wooden rotor blades, shall be de- namically loaded structural members, such as rotor
fined in consultation with GL Wind. blades made of wood.

(3) Confirmed knowledge of fatigue behaviour of (5) Connecting elements between blade and hub
rotor blades constructed from various types of lami- shall be verified, as for the components of machinery
nated wood currently exists only to a limited extent. and steel structure, in accordance with Section 5.3.
IV – Part 1 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-27

Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method

5.A.1 General (3) In modelling the structure as well as the bound-

ary conditions and loading, certain simplifications are
Requirements and recommendations regarding the possible or even necessary, depending on the objective
definition of objective, type and scope of a strength of the analysis and the type of structure. Since these
analysis as well as calculation and details on evalua- aspects are determined by the possibilities offered by
tion and documentation are given in the following. The the available programs and computers, as well as by
necessary scope depends on the particular project in the envisaged extent of analysis, and can also change
each case and can deviate from the requirements de- with the increasing state of knowledge, the following
scribed here. explanations are necessarily expressed in a generalized
form, in order that they can remain applicable to a
large number of cases. In addition to a short presenta-
5.A.1.1 Introduction tion of procedures currently in use, several notes are
given on what should be observed during the model-
ling, analysis and assessment, especially for the vari-
(1) The goal of this appendix is to provide informa-
ous structures and components of wind turbines. Fur-
tion and instructions on the strength analyses of the
ther instructions and information can be obtained from
wind turbine with the finite element method (FEM), on
the more detailed specialist literature and from the
the basis of the requirements specified in the Guide-
descriptions of the software.
lines. Here the aim is to prevent errors in selecting the
method, in the modelling and performing of the analy-
(4) The type and extent of the analysis depends
sis and in the interpretation of the results, and to per-
primarily on the kind of structural response to be as-
mit an assessment of the results that is both independ-
sessed. As a rule, the following structural responses
ent of the person and program in question and leads to
are foremost in strength analyses:
useful structural conclusions. The appendix serves as
an application-related supplement to the general guide-
– stresses and deformations for specified load
lines and recommendations which contribute towards
the quality assurance of finite element analyses. In this
connection, reference is made to the more detailed – failure behaviour and magnitude of the failure
specialist literature, which includes the publications of limit loading (e.g. buckling load)
NAFEMS (International Association for the Engineer-
– eigenvalues for determining critical structural
ing Analysis Community). The following refers pri-
marily to metallic structures. For structures made of
fibre reinforced plastics, the statements shall apply
The structural response is either assessed directly or in
with the necessary changes.
subsequent calculations.

(2) In general, strength analysis consists of the fol- (5) External loads as per Chapter 4 and possibly
lowing steps, which are described in more detail in the additional forces from the dead weight and accelerated
sections below: masses shall be taken into account as the loading. In
the case of time-variant loading, the dynamic behav-
– modelling of the structure and the boundary iour of the structure shall, if applicable, be considered
conditions in the form of dynamically increased loads and/or
structural responses (e.g. tower or drive train) or, as an
– determination and modelling of the primary alternative, dynamic analyses shall be performed
loads and load cases (however, these are not discussed further here).
– execution of the analysis
(6) It shall be noted that the structural response can
– verification of the model depend on the loading magnitude in a linear or a
nonlinear manner. Nonlinear effects can be of signifi-
– evaluation and assessment of the results cance in the following cases:

In conclusion, the working steps shall be documented – generally for an analysis of the failure behav-
(see Section 5.A.5). iour of the structure
Chapter 5 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method IV – Part 1
Page 5-28 GL Wind 2003

– geometric nonlinearity: for relatively flexible hub), the structural responses to be expected cannot be
structures with large deformations modelled by the laws of the beam or plate theory.
– structural nonlinearity: for contact problems
or variable boundary conditions, e.g. load- (2) The resulting stresses are nominal stresses, i.e.
depending opening of bolted connections stresses which would result from integral quantities of
the section loads and cross-section values. Global
– material nonlinearity: nonlinear material be- nominal stresses contain no local stress increases;
haviour through plastification of structural re- these must be superposed additionally (see Sections 5.
gions A.1.4 and 5.A.1.5.

(7) In the structural design of wind turbines, the

5.A.1.4 Local deformations and stresses
deformations and stresses can usually be subdivided
into the following categories, depending on the struc-
tural conditions: (1) In the structural details of components such as
stiffeners and plates, additional local deformations and
– global deformations and stresses of the pri- stresses can occur as a result of the local loading.
mary structural components (hub, main frame,
tower etc.) (2) The structural details of components include
stiffeners, webs, flange plates and cut-outs, radii and
– local deformations and stresses of the primary transitions.
structural components and their structural de-
tails (e.g. stiffeners)
(3) The resulting local stresses are also nominal
– locally increased stresses at structural details stresses (see Section 5.A.1.3, para 2) which have su-
perposed themselves on the global stresses. This su-
The objective of the strength analysis and the kind of perposition can arise through eccentricities or other re-
modelling, loading and evaluation can refer to one of directionings in the force path which generate addi-
these categories, which are described in more detail in tional moments or forces locally. In addition, locally
Sections 5.A.1.3 to 5.A.1.5. increased stresses can arise at structural details.

5.A.1.2 Determining the objective, type and 5.A.1.5 Locally increased stresses
extent of the strength analysis

(1) The objective, type and extent of the strength (1) At structural details and discontinuities, locally
analysis must be laid down clearly, since these aspects increased stresses which must be assessed especially in
have a decisive effect on the modelling of the structure respect of fatigue strength can occur. Here a distinction
and the loading. is made between two types of stresses:

(2) The objective of the analysis results from the – the maximum stress in the notch root; see para 2
alternatives described in Section 5.A.1.1, para 4,
– the structural or hot-spot stress defined spe-
whereby the category of the deformations and stresses
cially for welded joints; see para 3
to be considered in the analysis must be determined;
see also Section 5.A.1.1, para 7 and Sections 5.A.1.3
to 5.A.1.5. (2) The maximum stress at notched components can
exceed the elastic limit of the material. Instead of the
(3) The type of analysis comprises either a linear or nonlinear notch stress σ and strain ε, the notch stress
a geometric-, structural- and/or material-related non- σk can be determined and assessed for normal cases
linear analysis; see Section 5.A.1.1, para 6. under the assumption of linear-elastic material behav-
iour. In the case of very sharp notches, the local sup-
(4) The extent of analysis is mainly oriented towards porting effect of the (ductile) material can be consid-
the selected extent of the model and the necessary ered.
mesh fineness; see also Sections 5.A.2.1 to 5.A.2.3.
(3) In complex welded structures, only the stress
5.A.1.3 Global deformations and stresses increase as a result of the structural geometry is gener-
ally calculated in the FE analysis, whilst that caused by
(1) The structural response under tensile, shear, the weld toe is (only) considered during the assess-
bending and torsional load consists of global (i.e. ment. This leads to the structural or hot-spot stress σS
large-area) deformations and stresses. Particularly for at welds, and this is determined under the assumption
complex geometries (e.g. main frame) or loads (e.g. of elastic material behaviour.
IV – Part 1 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-29

(4) Apart from a direct calculation of the locally half-model in Fig. 5.A.3 has been selected appropri-
increased stresses, it is possible to use catalogued ately for the task at hand (sensitivity study), whereas it
stress concentration factors or detail categories. When is not suitable for quantitative stress analyses of the
using concentration factors and detail categories, the supporting bracket.
associated nominal stresses must be determined with
sufficient accuracy in accordance with their definition.
Moreover, the ranges of application and validity for
the catalogued data shall be observed. The objective of the analysis for the supporting bracket
in Fig. 5.A.4 (application of the submodel technique
(5) Further notes on the definition and determination with the aim of analysing the influence of the weld
of locally increased stresses are given in the fatigue seam of the supporting brackets with respect to the
strength analyses in Chapter 5. fatigue behaviour of the entire structure) is fundamen-
tal different to the objective of analysis using the half-
5.A.2 Modelling of the structure model (sensitivity study on the arrangement of the
tower shell at the tower top flange / detail 1 in
5.A.2.1 Extent of the model Fig. 5.A.3).

(1) FE models for wind turbines are usually pro-

duced for the individual components. For these mod-
els, it shall be ensured that meaningful boundary con-
Detail 1
ditions are introduced, in order to represent the interac-
tion with the neighbouring structural areas in a suitable
way. If necessary, adjacent components shall also be
considered in the model (see Fig. 5.A.1). Nonlinear
effects shall be taken into account or linearized by
means of suitable simplifications wherever applicable.
If there is any risk that the results can be impaired by
idealized boundary conditions, a correspondingly
enlarged distance should be provided between the
model boundary and the structural area under consid-
Fig. 5.A.1 Model of a main frame with adjacent
(2) Partial models or submodels are used for local components
strength analyses of parts of the wind turbine compo-
nents (see Fig. 5.A.2). Like 3D global models, partial
models or submodels are generally used to analyse the
complex, three-dimensional strength behaviour.

(3) Local models are used for the strength analysis

of secondary or special components as well as struc-
tural details. The main focus of the investigations is
usually on the analysis of the local structural behaviour
and/or the locally increased stresses at structural de-
tails and discontinuities (detail from Fig. 5.A.3 or Fig.
5.A.4), which can be included in a coarse model (Fig.
5.A.3) but have no or only a minor influence on the
current objective of the strength analysis (cf. Section Fig. 5.A.2 Submodel of the main frame (detail 1
5.A.1.1, para 3). For this reason, the meshing of the from Fig. 5.A.1)
Chapter 5 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method IV – Part 1
Page 5-30 GL Wind 2003

Yaw bearing

Ball bearing
Detail 1

Supporting bracket
Bolts and contact
Detail 2

Fig. 5.A.3 Half-model for a sensitivity study on the arrangement of the yaw bearing at the tower top

5.A.2.2 Selecting the elements – truss elements (1D elements with axial stiff-
ness, but without bending stiffness)
(1) Selecting the type of element used primarily
– beam elements (1D elements with axial, shear,
depends on the objective of the analysis. The charac-
bending and torsional stiffness)
teristics of the selected element type must be able to
reflect with sufficient accuracy the stiffness of the – plate and shell elements (2D elements with
structure and the stresses to be analysed. When carry- membrane, bending and torsional stiffness)
ing out a strength analysis, adequate knowledge of the
characteristics of the elements used is a prerequisite; – solid elements (3D elements)
the program documentation and applicable literature – boundary and spring elements
should be consulted.
– contact elements (spring elements with non-
(2) Usually, the following types of elements are used linear spring characteristic)
for strength calculations of wind turbine structures:
When using different element types, attention should
be paid to the compatibility of the displacement func-
tions as well as the transferability of the boundary
loads and stresses, particularly for the coupling of
elements with and without bending stiffness at the

(3) The selected element types must reflect the de-

formations and stresses for the load cases or the eigen-
values to be analysed, or reflect the failure behaviour
Fig. 5.A.4 Local model (detail 2 from when determining the magnitude of the failure limit
Fig. 5.A.3) loading. In some cases, certain effects of secondary
IV – Part 1 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-31

importance can be excluded by suitable selection of (4) In calculating locally increased stresses, the
the elements. A number of notes on the element types mesh fineness shall be increased gradually in accor-
commonly used in the modelling of wind turbine struc- dance with the stress gradient. Further notes on mesh
tures are given below. fineness in the calculation of locally increased stresses
are given in the relevant literature (e.g. NAFEMS).
(4) In general, it must be determined how and to
what extent the bending of components must be con- 5.A.2.4 Simplifications
sidered in the strength analysis. In cases of pure bend-
ing behaviour, the principles of the beam or shell the- (1) Owing to the complexity of the wind turbine
ory can be applied with the corresponding element structure, simplifications are generally necessary in
types. When using a solid element, a higher-order modelling, especially for global strength analyses.
displacement function (e.g. with additional mid-side Simplifications are permissible, provided that the re-
nodes) or a finer mesh may have to be chosen, if a sults are only impaired to a negligible extent.
corresponding bending behaviour is to be permitted.
(2) Small secondary components or details that only
(5) In local models, all stiffness components are affect the stiffness of the global model to a lesser ex-
generally of significance – even those of structural tent can be neglected in the modelling. Examples of
details – so that here plate, shell or solid elements are this are small cut-outs, drill-holes and radii; their local
suitable. Further information on selecting elements in stress increasing effects shall, however, be considered
the calculation of locally increased stresses is given in in a suitable manner (e.g. through application of stress
Chapter 5 “Strength Analyses”. concentration factors).

(6) With a view to evaluating the results, the ar- (3) Large cut-outs influence the global structure and
rangement of shell elements at the model surface may always exert an effect in local structure, and shall
be useful for indicating the surface stress, since here therefore be considered in all cases.
the stress condition is biaxial. Here it shall be observed
that the shell elements may not be allowed to exert any (4) Steps in the plate thickness or profile dimensions
influence on the local stiffness. should lie on the element boundaries as far as possible.
Insofar as they do not lie on the element boundaries,
they shall be taken into account through correspond-
5.A.2.3 Element subdivision ingly adapted element data or characteristics to obtain
an equivalent stiffness.
(1) The mesh fineness shall be chosen by consider-
ing the element characteristics in such a way that the (5) Plane elements should generally be positioned in
stiffness conditions of the structure, the types of the mid-plane of the corresponding components.
stresses to be analysed, and possibly also the failure
behaviour are modelled with sufficient accuracy. The
5.A.2.5 Boundary conditions and supports
selection of the element type and the mesh fineness
exert a particularly great influence on the calculation
(1) The provision of supports for the model by sup-
of locally increased stresses and also of the failure
pressing or prescribing of displacements or rotations
limit loading. Insufficiently fine mesh subdivision
serves several purposes:
frequently leads to a considerable underestimation of
the local stress peaks and overestimation of the failure
– to suppress rigid body displacements and rota-
limit loading. A few notes on the mesh subdivision
tions of the model
normally used in modelling wind turbine structures are
given below. – to model physically existing supporting points
– to model the interaction with the adjacent
(2) In subdividing the mesh, the structural geometry structural regions at the model edges
and the positions of load introductions or supports
shall be taken into account. It shall be ensured that the supports do not cause any
unrealistic constraints of the displacements or rota-
(3) Whilst observing the element characteristics, the tions.
element proportions shall be selected so that the stiff-
nesses and the resulting deformations and stresses are (2) Physically existent supports that take up forces
not falsified. For simple displacement functions, the and moments should be modelled as realistically as
ratio of the edge lengths of the element should be not possible with the actual supporting length and spring
greater than 3 : 1. stiffness.
Chapter 5 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method IV – Part 1
Page 5-32 GL Wind 2003

(3) For the strength analysis of the parts of the struc- 5.A.3.2 Modelling the loads
tures and components of wind turbines, the interaction
with neighbouring structural regions at the model (1) The loads shall be modelled realistically. If
edges should also be modelled as realistically as possi- necessary, the modelling of the structure must be
ble. This can be done at planes of symmetry by means adapted to the modelling of the loads; see Section
of symmetry or asymmetry conditions, insofar as the 5.A.2.3, para 2.
load and/or the structure is distributed symmetrically
or asymmetrically. In certain cases, the interaction can (2) Distributed loads (e.g. line or area loads) shall be
also be portrayed by prescribed stresses, or forces and converted – if applicable – to the equivalent node
moments, at the boundary. These parameters can be forces and moments, considering the displacement
obtained, for example, from the structural analyses of function of the elements.
larger regions (submodel technique) or from beam
forces and moments (e.g. tower segment). Nonlinear (3) If the boundary deformations derived from
boundary conditions shall be taken into account, and if coarse models of large structural areas are applied to
applicable can be linearized (e.g. opening in flange local models, the correspondingly interpolated values
joints, load transfer for roller and sliding bearing only shall be specified for the intermediate nodes.
via compressive loads).
5.A.3.3 Checking the load input
5.A.2.6 Checking the input data
(1) The input data for the loads shall be checked
(1) The input data used for modelling the structural thoroughly for errors. As is the case for the structural
geometry and for the material characteristics shall be geometry, here too the effectiveness of the check can
checked thoroughly for errors. The effectiveness of the be increased considerably with the aid of suitable
data check can be increased appreciably by visualiza- checking programs and visualization of the data.
tion of the data.
(2) It is particularly important to check the sums of
(2) The geometry of the finite element mesh should the forces and moments. For balanced load cases, it
generally be reviewed by visual inspection. Here the must be ensured that the residual forces and moments
possibility that individual elements have been entered are negligible and that the reaction forces and mo-
twice by mistake, or that adjacent elements are not ments correspond to the applied loads.
connected with each other, should also be taken into
account. Furthermore, geometry data which are not (3) The checks performed shall be documented.
immediately visible, such as the thickness of 2D ele- Further notes on the extent, the requirements and the
ments or the cross-sectional properties of 1D elements, documentation are given in Section 5.A.5.
should also be checked.
5.A.4 Calculation and evaluation of the results
(3) In addition to the geometry data, the material
data as well as the boundary conditions and supports 5.A.4.1 Plausibility of the results
that were introduced should be checked carefully. Note
that these parameters generally exert a considerable (1) During the evaluation, the results shall be
influence on the results. checked for plausibility. This involves in particular the
visual presentation and checking of the deformations
(4) The checks performed shall be documented. to see whether their magnitudes lie within the expected
range and whether their distributions are meaningful
with respect to the loads and boundary conditions or
(5) Further notes on the extent, the requirements and
the documentation are given in Section 5.A.5.
(2) Furthermore, it shall be checked whether the
5.A.3 Loading of the structure forces and moments at the supports lie within the ex-
pected order of magnitude or are negligibly small.
5.A.3.1 General
(3) For local models with specified boundary defor-
The relevant loads for the strength analyses of struc- mations from the models of large structural regions, it
tures and components of a wind turbine shall be ap- is necessary to check whether the stresses near the
plied in accordance with Section 5.2.1 “General notes boundaries correspond for the two models (verification
on the loading of the structure”. of the submodel).
IV – Part 1 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
GL Wind 2003 Page 5-33

(4) Stress peaks shall be checked for plausibility of (7) For the fatigue verification of bolted connections
the location, distribution and magnitude of the stresses in accordance with Section 6.5.2 by means of FEM,
with regard to the loads and boundary conditions. the edge stresses resulting from the tensile and bending
Insofar as it is possible to define nominal stresses, stresses shall be considered.
concentration factors can be determined from the
stress distribution and compared with tabulated con- 5.A.4.4 Fatigue strength
centration factors.
(1) Fatigue strength aspects should generally be
(5) For nonlinear computations, it is necessary to taken into account in the assessment of wind turbine
check whether the solution was determined with suffi- components, owing to the cyclic stresses that are usu-
cient accuracy in the nonlinear zone. ally present.

5.A.4.2 Deformations
(2) In the assessment of the stresses with regard to
fatigue strength, the stress type shall be considered, i.e.
The deformations of the structure should generally be whether nominal stresses or locally increased notch or
plotted so that other persons can perform a plausibility structural stresses are calculated with the chosen
check of the results. model; see also Section 5.A.1.1, para 7.

5.A.4.3 Stresses
(3) For the assessment, it is recommended that utili-
sation ratio or reserve factors be applied.
(1) In strength analyses for specified load conditions
(e.g. ultimate loads), the stresses of the entire compo-
nent shall generally be represented pictorially. An (4) Further notes, particularly on special fatigue
exception is the analysis of locally increased stresses, analyses, are given in Chapter 5.
for which it is possible that only the maximum value
may be relevant. 5.A.4.5 Presentation of the results

(2) The stresses shall be checked with respect to the (1) The results obtained and the conclusions made
permissible values, as defined in Chapter 5. The corre- on the basis of these results shall be documented com-
sponding stress category must be observed; cf. Section pletely and clearly.
5.A.1.1, para 7.
(2) The documentation can take the form of graphics
(3) For the stress evaluation, the changes in stress and lists. In particular, lists are necessary when the
between the element centre and the element edge or graphic form is not able to represent the results with
corner must be taken into account. Simplifications in sufficient accuracy. Extensive lists should be sorted,
the model in relation to the real structure shall be in- for example according to utilisation ratio or reserve
cluded in the assessment. If cut-outs are considered in factors.
models with a coarse mesh in a simplified manner, the
stresses shall be referred to the residual cross-section (3) All symbols and designations that are used
next to the cut-out. should be explained, if possible in or before the plots
and lists.
(4) In models with relatively coarse meshes, local
stress increases at existing structural details and dis-
(4) Further notes on the extent, the requirements and
continuities shall be included in the assessment, if their
the documentation are given in Section 5.A.5.4.
effect is not considered separately.

(5) To improve the clarity, it is recommended that the 5.A.5 Documentation of FE analyses
assessment be carried out with the aid of reserve factors for the certification of wind turbines
which are obtained from the relationship between the
permissible and the existing stress. In the case of exten- 5.A.5.1 General
sive models, result tables should be set up.
The formal and content-related requirements for the
(6) For analyses that are nonlinear with respect to documentation of computational analyses for the certi-
materials, the local strain shall generally also be de- fication of wind turbine structures are set out in the
termined and assessed in addition to the local elastic- following. The necessary scope may deviate from that
plastic stress. described here.
Chapter 5 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method IV – Part 1
Page 5-34 GL Wind 2003

5.A.5.2 General requirements for and listed according to their order of appearance in the
the documentation documentation.

(1) In this section, the requirements for the docu- (9) The reference of the certified loads is made
mentation are to a large extent presented independ- through statement of the load documentation with
ently of the analysis approach (analytical or FEM). naming of the title, reference number and revision
They are oriented towards [5.9]. number. The partial safety factors used for the loads
shall be documented. Insofar as time series are applied
(2) From the technical and calculation viewpoint, the in the fatigue analyses, the load spectra shall be ap-
documentation of the computational analyses shall pended in graphic form to the documentation, in order
form a unified whole together with all other documents to show without doubt that the valid and approved
(drawings, specifications). loads were used.

(3) The document shall have an unambiguous title (10) If mechanical models are used for individual
designation with reference and revision number. The conditioning/adaptation of the loads, their derivation
creation and release date shall be easily recognizable shall be documented. This should preferably be done
without doubt. in pictorial form with the aid of sketches or (modified)
assembly drawings. The results shall be presented as
(4) The documentation shall be preceded by an partial or interim results (see Section 5.A.5.4.2).
overall table of contents reflecting the current state of
revision in each case. (11) As substantiation of the dimensions and eccen-
tricities used in the computational analyses and of the
(5) The following shall be indicated: mechanical boundary conditions and simplifications
on which the calculations are based, the following
– definition of the objective, type (methods used shall be appended to the documentation:
and theories applied) as well as extent of the
calculation – assembly drawings and sectional drawings
which show the geometry clearly
– overall result, with statement of the primary
load cases and indication of the utilisation ra- – production and material specifications (for
tio and/or reserve factors that may be of spe- checking the design limits and the analysis
cial use for future margin studies based on hypothesis)
these results (cf. also Section
– individual parts drawings and/or type sheets of
adjacent components, as well as the spring
(6) The terms, symbols and units shall be described
characteristics of connected elastomer bushings
and applied clearly in the documentation.
the data of which were used in the analyses
(7) The selected ordering systems shall be presented
clearly. If several ordering systems are used, then the
ordering systems shall be allocated unambiguously to If the documents were submitted separately within the
each other. The ordering systems include: scope of certification for adjacent components or
structures, it shall suffice to name the title, reference
– coordinate systems number and revision number of the relevant document.
– sign conventions (e.g. for section or displace-
ment quantities, or for stresses and strains) 5.A.5.3 Special requirements for
the documentation
– allocations (e.g. item numbers, components,
node-element numbering)
(1) The following requirements shall be applied
– load cases and combination of load cases, especially for the documentation of FE analyses. This
subsystems of an overall system section is concerned with the input data, whilst Section
5.A.5.4 addresses the presentation of results. Insofar
The allocation of the data used in the ordering systems applicable, the documentation shall contain the follow-
(e.g. entries and results) shall be clearly recognizable. ing data:

(8) Citations of standards and guidelines applied and – identification of the program used (name,
of references (also of special analysis methods or variant and version designation; if applicable,
models) reflecting the state of the art shall be named designations of various software packages for
IV – Part 1 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method Chapter 5
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pre-processing, post-processing and the solu- 5.A.5.4 Results

tion phase)
5.A.5.4.1 General
– clear presentation of the inputs for the actions
on the mechanical structure model. Apart from (1) The results can generally be divided into the
the loads named in Section 5.A.5.2, para 9, ac- partial and final results.
tions include in particular temperatures,
prestresses and, if applicable, imperfections. (2) If numerical results are to be processed further, it
– description of the model through naming or shall be observed that the accuracy of the overall result
presentation of the following: can depend strongly on the quality of the model.

– the elements used (1D, 2D, 3D elements; 5.A.5.4.2 Partial results

naming of the element approach; contact
and mass elements) (1) Partial or interim results shall be used in the
documentation for checking the plausibility of the
– the additional element options (e.g. plane input data (see Section 5.A.5.3).
stress approach, axial symmetry)
(2) As and where applicable, the following partial
– the additional element constants (e.g. mo- results shall be documented:
ment of inertia, definition of cross-section,
element thickness)
– assessment of the mesh quality (in the highly-
– the material values (e.g. elastic, plastic; stressed regions)
friction coefficient) – through representation of the elements in
the FE model with high distortions, warp-
– the meshed FE model from all relevant per-
ing and inadmissibly narrow or wide angles
spectives, to demonstrate the level of detail
of the element edges
and to clarify the support and boundary
conditions. Here details shall be portrayed – through error estimations of the elements
with a zoomed perspective and/or sections (e.g. by means of energy hypotheses)
of the model (e.g. internal view).
– by stating the results of sensitivity studies
– all geometric simplifications. Neglected with modified meshing of the entire FE
drill-holes, cut-outs, radii etc. shall be model or of a partial model, especially for
stated and justified with reference to the re- complex systems
sults. – The influence
– the load introduction (as single, area or vo- – of the load introduction (e.g. transmission
lume loads), according to position, size and of individual loads using auxiliary struc-
direction of effect tures, bolt prestressing, spoke wheel / St.
Venant’s principle)
– the coupling conditions, mergings and the
contact elements – of the symmetry conditions and coupling
conditions used (St. Venant’s principle)
– the elements used for implementing bolt
and spring prestressing – of the deviations and simplifications (radii,
drill-holes, averaged stiffnesses etc.)
– options used in the model but not listed un- shall be assessed with regard to the results of
til now, with justifications the most highly stressed regions using defor-
mation checks in relation to the unit loads ap-
(2) The inputs on which the calculations are based plied. For this, the representation of the prin-
shall be prepared in one of the programs and docu- cipal stresses and strains and their directions is
mented in an appropriate number of overall and partial useful. These results shall be used as a basis of
presentations. These inputs shall be shown in graphic argumentation for the selected boundary con-
form. They may only be printed out in tabular form if ditions and simplifications.
the overview and clarity of the data set cannot be im- – When using nonlinearities, the connection be-
proved considerably by a graphic presentation. It is tween external load and the stress (i.e. struc-
important that any necessary supplements and explana- tural response) shall be presented in graphic
tions (even in handwriting) be appended. and tabular form (e.g. nonlinear curve of the
Chapter 5 Appendix 5.A Strength Analyses with the Finite Element Method IV – Part 1
Page 5-36 GL Wind 2003

bolt stress versus the load for partial openings (5) In the case of frequent structural repetitions,
in the joints). Any linearizations undertaken reference examples can be applied.
shall be described.
– the assessment on the selection of evaluation (6) The FE results and the models shall be submitted
regions (e.g. geometric notches) for the com- with the documentation on appropriate data media in
ponent or the structure. Here figures shall be generally readable form (i.e. no machine or program
used to indicate clearly the position in the code, unless expressly permitted/requested by GL
meshed global model. Insofar applicable, lists Wind).
of the stresses (strains) shall be given for these
evaluation regions, at least with unit loads as 5.A.5.4.3 Final results
the transfer factor (or transfer function).
(1) The final result is the objective defined as per
– It shall be shown that the stress concentration Section 5.A.5.2, para 5. Here this involves the results
in the submodel to be investigated exerts no mentioned in Section 5.A.4.5. The results shall be
influence on the result at the submodel edge documented separately from the viewpoint of the ulti-
(St. Venant’s principle). mate load and fatigue strength.
– a check of the equilibrium through an analysis
using reaction forces (2) Documentation of the ultimate strength analysis:
– quality assessment through comparison of the
– The results of the ultimate loads shall be pre-
calculated masses of the FE model with the
sented, with comments, preferably as a com-
drawing specifications
bination of the unit loads. It shall be ensured
– statement of the assessment data from the FE that there is perfect correspondence between
model (e.g. averaged or non-averaged ele- the loads and their representation in the graph-
ment/node results) ics/lists.
– A comparison between the calculated (equiva-
(3) The calculation results shall be prepared in one
lent) stresses and the design value shall be
of the programs and documented in an appropriate
documented in accordance with the specifica-
number of overall and partial presentations. These
tions in Chapter 5.
results shall be shown in graphic form. They may only
be printed out in tabular form if the overview and
clarity of the data set cannot be improved considerably (3) Documentation of the fatigue strength analysis:
by a graphic presentation. It is important that any nec-
essary supplements and explanations (even in hand- – The results shall be presented with considera-
writing) be appended. tion of the provisions described in Chapters 5
to 7 and with reference to the global FE model
(4) For margin studies, it is permissible to use certi- or previously selected regions (e.g. critical
fied models and the transfer factors calculated therein. cross-sections, hot spots).
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

6 Structures

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 6-1

6.2 Rotor Blades ........................................................................................................................................... 6-3

6.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 6-3 Designs .................................................................................................................................................... 6-3 Requirements for manufacturers.............................................................................................................. 6-3 Requirements for materials ...................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.2.3 Delivery chechs........................................................................................................................................ 6-3 Final tests ................................................................................................................................................. 6-3 Documentation......................................................................................................................................... 6-3 Defects ..................................................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.4 Analyses................................................................................................................................................... 6-4 Analysis concept ...................................................................................................................................... 6-4 Actions..................................................................................................................................................... 6-4 Structural member resistances ................................................................................................................. 6-4
6.2.5 Blade tests ................................................................................................................................................ 6-4 General..................................................................................................................................................... 6-4 Test requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 6-5 Documentation......................................................................................................................................... 6-6

6.3 Machinery Structures ............................................................................................................................ 6-7

6.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 6-7
6.3.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 6-7
6.3.3 Analyses................................................................................................................................................... 6-7

6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners................................................................................................................. 6-9

6.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 6-9 Designs .................................................................................................................................................... 6-9 Requirements for manufacturers.............................................................................................................. 6-9 Requirements for the materials ................................................................................................................ 6-9
6.4.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 6-9
6.4.3 Analyses................................................................................................................................................... 6-9 Analysis concept ...................................................................................................................................... 6-9 Actions..................................................................................................................................................... 6-9 Component resistances........................................................................................................................... 6-11

6.5 Bolted Connections .............................................................................................................................. 6-13

6.5.1 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 6-13
6.5.2 Strength analyses of bolted connections ................................................................................................ 6-13
6.5.3 Inspection of bolted connections............................................................................................................ 6-13

6.6 Tower..................................................................................................................................................... 6-15

6.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.6.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 6-15 Calculation documents........................................................................................................................... 6-15 Drawings................................................................................................................................................ 6-15 Description of erection........................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.6.3 Analysis concept .................................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.6.4 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 6-15
6.6.5 Determination of the internal design forces and moments..................................................................... 6-15 General................................................................................................................................................... 6-15 Overall dynamic calculation .................................................................................................................. 6-16
Chapter 6 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003 Simplified calculation ............................................................................................................................ 6-16 Wind-induced transverse vibrations....................................................................................................... 6-17 Internal forces and moments for the fatigue safety analysis .................................................................. 6-17 Interfaces................................................................................................................................................ 6-17
6.6.6 Verification for the tower ....................................................................................................................... 6-17 Ultimate limit states ............................................................................................................................... 6-17 Serviceability limit state ........................................................................................................................ 6-19
6.6.7 Design details......................................................................................................................................... 6-19 Ring flange connections......................................................................................................................... 6-19 Openings in tubular steel towers............................................................................................................ 6-20 Shear-loaded bolted connections ........................................................................................................... 6-22
6.6.8 Durability............................................................................................................................................... 6-23

6.7 Foundation............................................................................................................................................ 6-25

6.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 6-25
6.7.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 6-25 Calculation documents........................................................................................................................... 6-25 Drawings................................................................................................................................................ 6-25 Soil investigation report......................................................................................................................... 6-25
6.7.3 Analysis concept .................................................................................................................................... 6-25
6.7.4 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 6-25
6.7.5 Foundation ............................................................................................................................................. 6-25 Structural steel components ................................................................................................................... 6-25 Reinforced concrete components ........................................................................................................... 6-25 Design of piles ....................................................................................................................................... 6-25
6.7.6 Soil......................................................................................................................................................... 6-26 Safety concept........................................................................................................................................ 6-26 Nature of the soil.................................................................................................................................... 6-26 Slab foundations .................................................................................................................................... 6-26 Pile foundations ..................................................................................................................................... 6-26
IV – Part 1 6.1 General Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-1

6.1 General

(1) The term “structures of a wind turbine” in this submitted as well as the analyses to be performed.
Guideline refers to the load-bearing components. Furthermore, the requirements for manufacturers,
These include the rotor blades, castings, forgings and materials and final inspections are described, and ref-
welded structures, nacelle cover and spinner, tower erence is made to Chapter 3 where relevant.
and foundation as well as bolts for connecting these
structures. Machinery components are treated sepa-
rately; see Chapter 7.
(3) For the computational strength analysis, Chapter
5 shall be taken into account. The design loads (see
(2) The following sections of this Chapter explain Section, para 3) for the load cases determined
the scope and type of the assessment documents to be according to Chapter 4 shall be applied.
IV – Part 1 6.2 Rotor Blades Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-3

6.2 Rotor Blades

6.2.1 General 6.2.3 Delivery checks Designs Final tests

(1) The strength and serviceability of rotor blades of (1) In addition to the quality controls during produc-
most wind turbines with horizontal axes can be ana- tion, the manufacturer or someone appointed by him
lysed on the basis of the contents of this Chapter. shall carry out final tests on a scale agreed with GL
Analysis of unusual designs shall be agreed with GL Wind. The quality documentation applicable to the
Wind. rotor blade type shall be submitted to GL Wind for
assessment before series production commences (see
(2) Typical materials for rotor blades and connection
components are fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) and
(2) At least the checks listed below are required as
wood. Strength analysis of rotor blades and blade parts
made from these materials shall be carried out as per part of the final tests:
Chapter 5. – plausibility and completeness check of the
data and entries in test sheets, control sheets,
(3) The rotor blades shall be equipped with a suitable work-progress slips and check sheets which
lightning protection system in accordance with Section accompany the rotor blade through the pro- Proof shall be provided for the connection of the duction process
conductor cross-sections specified there to the blade
structure. The lightning conduction arrangements shall – check of the geometry including accuracy of
be such that the blade-hub transition or other attach- profile data (for at least one blade of a series,
ments are able to conduct he lightning current safely determination of the natural frequencies in
from the rotor blade to the tower. flapwise and edgewise directions; in the event
of large deviations in mass and center of grav- Requirements for manufacturers ity, this shall be carried out for a number of
See Section – determination of the mass and the centre of
gravity Requirements for materials
– check of the bonding through visual inspec-
tion of the exterior and, insofar possible, inte-
See Section
rior of the blade

6.2.2 Assessment documents – check for acceptability of the material charac-

teristics on the basis of random samples
a documents for the material tests listed in Sec- (scope to be agreed with GL Wind)
tion The tests shall be performed by a – check of the balance quality for each set of
test laboratory acknowledged according to blades; requirements as per Section
Section, para 2. Documentation
b written documents subject to assessment for
the verifications set out in Section 6.2.4
(1) On completion of the final tests a delivery docu-
c drawings for the blade in the delivery condi- ment containing at least the following data shall be
tion issued for each rotor blade:

d drawings and specifications describing the – rotor blade type

production sequence – serial number and year of manufacture
e coordinates of the profile cross-sections, in – dimensions
ASCII or MS Excel format
– mass and centre of gravity
f documents for the blade test (see Section – type of aerodynamic brake, if applicable
Chapter 6 6.2 Rotor Blades IV – Part 1
Page 6-4 GL Wind 2003

(2) Each rotor blade shall be permanently marked a residual safety of 1.2 is given with regard to the
with its serial number in an easily accessible position. flapwise and edgewise directions.
Furthermore, an identification plate shall be attached
with the following information: (6) Connections in the vicinity of local load intro-
duction zones (e.g. tip shaft, metallic inserts at the
– manufacturer blade root) shall be designed to be at least damage-
– type designation tolerant. A construction is regarded to be damage-
tolerant if an instance of damage does not lead to im-
– serial number mediate failure of the structure. Defects (7) To ensure maintenance of a minimum clearance

between the rotor blades and other parts of the plant, a
Deviations from the manufacturing processes shall be deformation analysis shall be performed in the ser-
documented. If safety-relevant defects are detected viceability limit state. If the analysis is performed by
static means, a minimum clearance of 50 % shall be
during manufacturing surveillance, corrective meas-
verified for all load cases with the rotor turning, and
ures shall be defined in consultation with GL Wind.
5 % for load cases with the rotor standing still, in rela-
tion to the clearance in the unloaded state.
6.2.4 Analyses
(8) If the deformation analysis is performed by dy- Analysis concept namic and aeroelastic means, at no time may the clear-
ance be less than the minimum of 30 % for the rotor
(1) It shall be shown that the design values of the turning.
component resistances Rd are larger than the design
values of the actions Sd . The strength of rotor blades Actions
shall as a rule be verified by an extreme strength
analysis and a fatigue analysis. Areas under compres- (1) The loads on which the strength analysis of the
sive and/or shear loading shall be examined for stabil- rotor blades shall be based are listed in Chapter 4. The
ity failure (buckling, crinkling, wrinkling) through load cases determined by superposition of the external
analyses in the ultimate limit state. conditions with the operating conditions (design situa-
tions) (see Section 4.3) shall be investigated and the
(2) In the case of component whose strength cannot dimensioning load cases shall be verified.
be verified by the usual methods, special investigations
are necessary after consultation with GL Wind. (2) It is generally sufficient to determine the enve-
lopes of the extreme internal forces and moments as
(3) For wind turbines with a rated output of up to decisive actions.
100 kW, a reduced scope of analysis is possible in
consultation with GL Wind. Structural member resistances

(4) For rotor blades, the locations of greatest loading The structural member resistances shall be determined
/ damage resp. lowest safety (critical points) shall be according to Chapter 5.
shown for the decisive loads in each case, for both the
extreme and fatigue strength analysis. If the location of 6.2.5 Blade tests
these critical points and the type and magnitude of
their decisive loading is not straight clear, calculations General
shall be performed to provide this information. Par-
ticular attention shall be given to points with non- (1) For the purpose of verifying the calculations, the
linearities of the geometry and/or the material. rotor blades shall be subjected to tests of both the
natural frequencies and the static loading within the
(5) In exceptional cases (e.g. for fatigue analysis), it scope of the assessment. The requirements for these
is permissible by way of simplification to verify not tests are defined in the following. Owing to special
the critical points but reference points with the appli- features of the design, additional strength tests may be
cable loads (e.g. points on the main axes or on axes of necessary for the rotor blades, rotor blade sections or
the chord coordinate system), from which conclusions reference samples. The requirements for this will be
can then be drawn on the safety of the critical points. decided in each individual case.
The relationship of the minimum safety between the
reference points and the critical points shall be verified (2) All tests shall either be performed by an ac-
adequately by means of fundamental investigations, knowledged test laboratory (i.e. test laboratory accred-
sample calculations etc. For the fatigue analysis of the ited for the relevant tests or recognized by GL Wind)
blade root, an extended examination is not necessary if or performed under the surveillance of GL Wind. For
IV – Part 1 6.2 Rotor Blades Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-5

all tests performed under the surveillance of GL Wind, (5) In the following possibly critical areas, undis-
an approved test specification is needed; this shall be turbed loading is necessary:
submitted in good time before the start of the test.
– the part of the rotor blade from the blade root
up to the profile section from which the cross- Test requirements
sectional properties only change slowly and
(1) The rotor blade to be tested shall as a rule exhibit
correspondence with the drawings and specifications – those parts of the rotor blade with the smallest
submitted. If local reinforcements (e.g. in the area of calculated residual safeties against bulging or
the load introduction zones) become necessary because failure
of the test, agreement shall be reached beforehand with
GL Wind. As part of the test report, correspondence of – those parts of the rotor blade in which local
the test blade with the drawings and specifications reinforcements (e.g. for the blade tip brake) or
submitted shall be certified or, failing that, the modifi- other special design features are located
cations shall be listed. Before the start of the test, the
mass and centre of gravity of the rotor blade shall be Without further analysis, it shall be assumed that there
determined and documented. is no undisturbed loading over a length of 80 % of the
local profile depth on both sides of a load introduction
(2) As a rule, the tests shall be performed in the zone.
flapwise and edgewise directions, both positive and
negative, of the blade. After consultation with GL (6) Within the scope of the tests, at least the meas-
Wind, the scope of the test may be reduced in justified urements listed below shall be performed. Here the
cases. Furthermore, at least the first natural frequency results shall be determined for at least four load levels
of the clamped rotor blade shall be determined in the between 40 % and 100 % of the maximum test loading
flapwise and edgewise directions. For rotor blades STest .
with a length of more than 30 m, it shall be addition-
ally necessary to determine the second natural fre- – The applied loads shall be measured at each
quency in the flapwise direction, together with the first load introduction point.
torsional natural frequency for torsionally soft blades. – The bending of the rotor blade shall be meas-
In the case of rotor blades for stall-controlled turbines, ured at least at half the rotor radius and at the
the damping in the edgewise direction shall be meas- blade tip.
– The strains of the girder in the upper and
(3) The test loading STest is determined as follows: lower shell shall at least be measured at four
cross-sections distributed over the test area as
STest = Sd • γ1Τ • γ2Τ per Section, para 4.
– The strains of the leading and trailing edges
shall at least be measured at the position of the
maximum chord length and at half the blade
Sd = design values of the load
γ1T = 1.1 for scattering of the rotor blade char-
– The shear strains of the webs in the blade root
acteristics in series production
area shall be measured, preferably at the point
γ2T = 1.0 for execution of the test with an am- of greatest loading.
bient air temperature of at least 20 °C
– The outside temperature shall be recorded
= 1.1 for execution of the test with an am- during the test.
bient air temperature of -30 °C
(7) Under certain circumstances, strain measure-
The values between 20 °C and -30 °C ments may become necessary at other critical points.
may be interpolated linearly. During the test, the corresponding load level shall be
maintained for at least 10 seconds. Local failure or
(4) With regard to the maximum load occurring in buckling during the test is not permissible without
the test, at least the test load STest shall be obtained for further analysis.
each point in the range from at least 2.5 % to about
70 % of the blade length. In addition, the test for the (8) It is recommended that rotor blades for wind
sections with the lowest residual safety shall be per- turbines be tested together with their adjacent struc-
formed. Here the influences on the loading from the tures and so instrumented that the stress conditions of
deformation of the rotor blade shall be taken into ac- the bolted connections can also be determined.
Chapter 6 6.2 Rotor Blades IV – Part 1
Page 6-6 GL Wind 2003 Documentation – description and characteristic data of the rotor

(1) The loads and the loading set-up shall be de-
scribed clearly in the test specification. In particular, – documentation of production (if necessary in
the position and the magnitude of the load introduction an annex)
as well as deviation between the actual and the re- – determination of mass, centre of gravity and
quired test load STest over the blade length shall be natural frequencies
recorded. All measurements and measuring facilities
shall be specified and the expected results shall be – description and derivation of the test load STest
listed, whereby the maximum permissible deviations from the load simulations
in the test shall be defined in relation to the precision
– description of the test set-up and method of
of the calculations and measurements. Deviations of at
most ± 7 % for the bending deflection, ± 5 % for the load introduction
natural frequencies and ± 10 % for the strains are per- – description of the measuring facilities
missible as a rule. A test sequence plan and a specimen
of the test records shall be appended. – calibration of the measuring devices
– precision of the measurements
(2) The test shall be documented in a report which
describes clearly the test subject and the test proce- – measurement parameters (forces, deflections,
dure, lists the test results and asssesses them with strains, temperature etc.)
regard to the calculations. The test report should con- – comparison of actual to required value for the
tain the following points: test load STest
– comparison of calculated and measured
– date and time of the test
– person responsible for the test
– assessment of the measurement results
IV – Part 1 6.3 Machinery Structures Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-7

6.3 Machinery Structures

6.3.1 General technical applications, type/data sheets are generally

sufficient. Further documents or verifications are re-
The following guidelines apply especially to the force- quired for structures specially modified for the wind
and moment-transmitting machinery structures of a turbine.
wind turbine, or of wind turbine components made of
metallic materials as per Section 3.3.2. 6.3.3 Analyses
6.3.2 Assessment documents (1) Strength calculations shall verify the ultimate
strength and serviceability totally, clearly and confirm-
(1) For assessment of the strength and serviceability ably for the machinery structures. They shall contain
of machinery structures of wind turbines, the following sufficient information on
documents are required:
– design loads
(2) Data on the components with material properties,
data from the manufacturer in the case of mass- – static systems (analogous models) and general
produced parts, about the standard in the case of stan- boundary conditions applied (also the influ-
dardized parts, notes on the specifications used etc. In ence of adjacent components)
addition, parts lists may be necessary in the case of – materials
welded structures.
– permissible stresses
(3) Design documentation (assembly drawings, and – references used
if necessary working drawings and specifications),
also of the primary adjacent components, executed in
(2) Requirements, verification and certificates for
standard form and with clear identification (parts des-
the materials are laid down in Chapter 3. Additional
ignation, drawing number, modification index), shall
statements can be obtained from Section 5.3 and, if
be submitted. These shall contain
applicable, Chapter 7. The guidelines given in Chapter
– in the case of structures of casting and forging 4 with regard to the loads shall be observed.
materials, all necessary data on the delivery
condition, such as surface finish, heat treat- (3) From the technical and calculation viewpoint, the
ment, corrosion protection etc. documentation of the computational analyses shall
form a unified whole together with all other documents
– in the case of welded structures, data on mate- (drawings, specifications). Here it shall be observed
rial designations, type of welding seam, heat that the references of the adjacent components and
treatment, corrosion protection etc. structural areas which are mentioned in the computa-
tional analyses shall be included in the documentation.
(4) For machinery structures which are contained in
mass-produced parts and which have proved their (4) If the analysis concepts of different standards and
suitability for use by successful service in comparable guidelines are applied, these shall not be mixed.
IV – Part 1 6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-9

6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners

6.4.1 General – In the case of verification by testing, the ac-

tion Sd shall be increased by test factors Designs analogously to Section, para 3.
– The analysis for inter-fibre failure may be
(1) The strength and serviceability of the nacelle
covers and spinners of wind turbines with horizontal
axes can be analysed on the basis of the contents of
this Chapter. Analysis of unusual designs shall be (2) As actions, only the extreme loads need to be
agreed with GL Wind. applied as a rule.

(2) With regard to the lightning protection system for (3) For the analysis of the serviceability limit state, a
nacelle covers and spinners, see Section 8.9. precise analysis may be dispensed with. It is recom-
mended that the maximum bending deflection of a
structural member under characteristic loads shall not Requirements for manufacturers
be larger than 1/200 of its maximum free span (for
frames or cantilevers: 1/150).
None. Requirements for the materials Actions
(1) For general requirements, see Chapter 3, and for Dead weight
fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), see Section
(1) In general, the values from Eurocode 1 shall be
(2) For fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), the following
used. If the material used is not tabulated, 1.05 times
shall apply in deviation from Section The
the mean values (as an estimate of the characteristic
strengths and stiffnesses of the materials used shall be
values) of the manufacturer’s figures shall be used for
sufficiently known in each case, i.e. modulus of elas-
the case that the characteristic values are not expressly
ticity (E-modulus), Poisson’s number, failure strain
stated. In the event of contradictions or non-
and the failure stress of the typical laminates used,
availability of individual values, the following priority
both for tensile and compressive loading parallel and
shall apply:
transverse to the fibres and for shear. Material tests are
not required; the moduli, strengths and stiffnesses can
be taken from the material specifications of the manu- – 1.05 times the mean values according to the
facturer or from the literature. The manufacturer shall manufacturer
verify that the characteristic values on which the – Eurocode 1
analyses were based (see Section 6.4.3) are fulfilled
for running production. (2) For dead weight, the partial safety factor γF as
per Chapter 4 shall be chosen.
6.4.2 Assessment documents Live loads
a written documents subject to assessment for
the verifications set out in Section 6.4.3 (1) Landings, floor plates, walkable cover parts in-
b drawings and documents describing the design side, platforms etc.:

6.4.3 Analyses pSk = 3 kN/m²

FSk = 1.5 kN on 20 cm x 20 cm Analysis concept
(2) Roof loads, walkable cover parts outside:
(1) It shall be shown by calculation or testing that
the design values of the resistances Rd are larger than pSk = 3.0 kN/m²
the design values of the actions Sd . Global forces and The total load on the roof can be re-
load introductions from attachments shall be taken into duced through appropriate labelling
account and traced to the primary structural members on site (e.g. notice at the exit hatch).
(e.g. main frame, hub). For fibre reinforced plastics FSk = 1.5 kN on 20 cm x 20 cm
(FRP), the following applies:
Chapter 6 6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners IV – Part 1
Page 6-10 GL Wind 2003

(3) Horizontal loads on all structural elements which where:

are intended to offer horizontal resistance (height H of
the load application over the floor or standing level = ρ air density as per Chapter 4
1.1 m, load distribution width 20 cm or 20 x 20 cm vWind according to Chapter 4,
pressure area for large-area nacelle covers):
DLC 6.1 (50-year gust with an airflow
pSk = 1.0 kN/m within a sector of ± 15° from
the front with γF = 1.35),
FSk = 1.5 kN in every direction
DLC 6.2 (50-year gust from all sides
(4) The least favourable load in each case shall be with γF = 1.1 for grid failure
decisive. without energy buffer for the
yaw drive) or
(5) Holding eyes as protection against falling (for DLC 7.1 (annual gust from all sides with
personal safety, to be marked in a striking colour): γF = 1.1 for grid failure with en-
ergy buffer for the yaw drive)
FSk = 20 kN in every direction
A Reference surface for w and cW
(6) The values given above are minimum values. If cW The provisions of Eurocode 1 may be ap-
guidelines or regulations applying at the installation
plied. By way of simplification, the as-
site of the wind turbine (e.g. national labour safety
sumptions given in Fig. 6.4.1 and Table
regulations) demand higher values, these shall be au-
6.4.1 are permissible.
(1) The cW values are chosen in such a way that the
(7) Partial safety factor for live loads: γF= 1,5
vertical airflow represents the decisive case for each
(8) Partial safety factor for holding eye load: γF = 1.0
(may be verified against the failure load) (2) The assumptions for cW apply for nacelles with
sharp edges. For rounded shapes, all cW values can be
reduced by 20 %. Rounded shapes are those for which
the radius of curvature for the corner represents 10 % Wind loads of the corresponding surface exposed to the wind (in-
termediate values can be interpolated linearly).
wSk= ρ/2 · v2Wind · A · cW (Wind is an external
event; gust reaction fac- (3) Partial safety factor for wind loads: γF as per
tors can be neglected.) DLC 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 from Chapter 4.

cw = 0.6

Wind direction
cw = 0.8 Nacelle cover cw = 0.5

cw = 0.6

Fig. 6.4.1 Simplified cW values assumed for a nacelle

Table 6.4.1 Simplified cW values assumed for a nacelle

Aspect of sur- Facing the wind Facing away Parallel to the

face A to the from the wind wind direction
cw +0.8 (pressure) -0.5 (suction) -0.6 (suction)
IV – Part 1 6.4 Nacelle Covers and Spinners Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-11 Snow and ice loads – The dead weight shall be superposed with the
live loads.
Snow and ice loads are included in the live loads on
– The dead weight shall be superposed with the
the nacelle roof. The loads were thus determined in
wind loads such that the least favourable cases
Section If guidelines or regulations applying
are covered.
at the installation site of the wind turbine (e.g. national
labour safety regulations) demand higher values, these
shall be authoritative. Component resistances Load combinations The component resistances Rd shall in general be de-

termined in accordance with Chapter 5; plastic reserves
The following load combinations shall be investigated: and large displacements may be utilized.
IV – Part 1 6.5 Bolted Connections Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-13

6.5 Bolted Connections

6.5.1 Assessment documents 6.5.2 Strength analyses of bolted connections

For the assessment of bolted connections, at least the (1) Bolt calculations shall be performed on the basis
following documents shall be submitted: of VDI 2230 [6.1] (machinery components), DIN
18800 (construction) or other codes recognized by GL
a design calculations of the bolted connections Wind.
according to the Sections 6.5.2 “Strength
analyses of bolted connections”, “Ring
flange connections” and “Shear-loaded (2) For dynamically loaded bolted connections, an
bolted connections” adequate preloading is necessary. Influences from
loading eccentricity, possible gaps in the joints and
b work instruction for making the bolted con- imperfections shall be taken into account. Here the
nection (assembly instructions). These instruc- finite element method may be used (see also Chapter
tions shall contain at least the following: 5, Appendix 5.A “Strength Analyses with the Finite
Element Method”).
– pretreatment or checks of the surfaces to be
joined (3) The detail category to be used as a basis shall be
applied in accordance with Section para 9.
– If additional activities at the flanges (e.g.
For bolted connections subjected to cyclic loading,
underpinning) during the connecting work only the strength categories 8.8 and 10.9 are permissi-
are already intended in the design, these ble for the connection of machinery structures.
shall be described together with the neces-
sary materials. If these activities only be-
come necessary if certain criteria are ex- 6.5.3 Inspection of bolted connections
ceeded (e.g. maximum gap widths), the cri-
teria and measurement procedures shall be (1) During the operating life of the wind turbine, the
stated. bolted connections shall be tested as part of mainte-
nance. These tests shall be specified in the mainte-
– lubrication condition of thread and bolt/nut nance manual. Here the following shall be observed:
– tightening procedure and all data needed
for manufacture (e.g. preloading, torque re- (2) All bolted connections that were tightened using
quired, tightening tool) a torque-controlled or tensioning-force-controlled
method shall be retightened at least once after the
– tightening sequence commissioning. The interval required for this shall be
specified. After this, these bolted connections shall be
c work instruction for checking the bolted con- subjected to regular visual inspections and looseness
nection (maintenance instruction), with state- checks.
ment of at least the test intervals and test pro-
cedure; see Section 6.5.3
(3) Instructions and times for the retightening and
d drawings and specifications providing the re- the regular checks shall be specified in the mainte-
maining parameters for the design of the nance manual (see Section 9.4).
bolted connection, such as:
(4) In the case of bolted connections which were
– dimensions and tolerances tightened by other methods or which were brought into
the plastic zone when tensioned, special inspection
– data on possible coatings of the flange sur-
procedures shall be defined for each individual case.
faces or parts thereof

– designation of the bolts, nuts and any was- (5) In the case of bolted connections for which GRP,
hers CRP or concrete is included in the tensioned material,
special inspection procedures shall be defined for each
– corrosion protection individual case.
IV – Part 1 6.6 Tower Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-15

6.6 Tower

6.6.1 General
6.6.3 Analysis concept

The analyses are performed with the aid of the ulti- For analyses of the components of the tower, the safety
mate and serviceability limit states in accordance with concept described in Chapter 5 shall be applied.
Section 6.6.6.
6.6.4 Loads to be applied
6.6.2 Assessment documents
(1) The analyses shall be performed with the least
favourable of all the combination of actions according Calculation documents to Section 4.3.3, Table 4.3.1.

The calculation documents serve to document the (2) For the analyses in the ultimate and serviceabil-
computational analyses. They shall be structured to be ity limit states, both the characteristic loads and the
complete, comprehensible and clear. design loads adapted by partial safety factors are
needed. Drawings
6.6.5 Determination of the internal
True-to-scale working drawings shall be produced to design forces and moments
contain all the necessary information and technical
requirements. These include in particular: General

– representation of the tower geometry, includ- (1) In general, the internal forces and moments for
ing a general view the dimensioning of tower and foundation shall be
determined by means of an overall dynamic calcula-
– detailed presentation of the design details tion with consideration of the provisions according to
Section Between the internal forces and mo-
– material specifications ments determined in this way, it is permissible to in-
terpolate linearly at arbitrary points.
– welding seam specifications and acceptance
criteria (2) In deviation from this, a simplified calculation of
– tolerance data the tower structure according to Section may
be performed for horizontal-axis turbines with no
– specifications of the corrosion protection active blade pitching, provided that an adequate dis-
system tance of the natural frequencies f0,n of the tower from
the excitation frequencies fR and fR,m according to the
equations 6.6.1 and 6.6.2 is ensured. The simplified Description of erection method may also be used for plants in the “out of ser-
vice” state.
A brief description of the erection sequence, with the
boundary conditions specific to erection, shall be ap- fR
≤ 0.95 (6.6.1)
pended to the assessment documents. Boundary condi- f 0,1
tions specific to erection include in particular:
f R ,m f R ,m
≤ 0.95 or ≥ 1.05 (6.6.2)
– maximum wind speed for erection f 0 ,n f 0,n

– min/max erection temperature, if applicable where:

– maximum interval between erection of the
tower and mounting of the nacelle with rotor fR maximum rotating frequency of the rotor in
blades the normal operating range
f0,1 first natural frequency of the tower
Further requirements regarding the erection instruc-
fR,m transition frequency of the m rotor blades
tions are given in Section 9.1.
Chapter 6 6.6 Tower IV – Part 1
Page 6-16 GL Wind 2003

f0,n n-th natural frequency of the tower moments together with the remaining internal forces
and moments occurring simultaneously for the cross-
The number of natural frequencies to be sections investigated.
determined n shall be selected large enough
so that the highest calculated natural fre- (5) The internal forces and moments for the fatigue
quency lies at least 20 % higher than the safety analysis may, as a simplification, be specified in
blade transition frequency. the form of load spectra, and for bolted connections
with mean values (see Appendix 4.B, Section 4.B.2.3).
(3) The natural frequencies of the tower shall be
determined and specified for the vibration system to be Simplified calculation
investigated, assuming elastic behaviour for the mate-
rial. The influence of the foundation shall also be taken General
into account. Dynamic soil parameters shall be used
for the ground. (1) The simplified calculation may only be applied
for analyses of the tower structure for horizontal-axis
Note: plants with no active blade pitching within the scope
Particularly in the case of pile foundations, the rota- of the provisions set out in Section Here the
internal forces and moments determined from an over-
tion about the vertical axis and the horizontal dis-
all dynamic calculation shall be applied as actions to
placement of the foundation shall be considered in
the tower. The internal forces and moments at all other
addition to the rotation about the horizontal axis. points of the tower are then derived from these actions.
The wind load on the tower shall be taken into account
(4) In order to take account of the uncertainties in in the corresponding combination of actions with re-
calculating the natural frequencies, they shall be varied gard to magnitude and direction (see Section
by ± 5 % .

(5) In the case of turbines which do not satisfy equa- (2) As a simplification, all combinations of actions
tions 6.6.1 and 6.6.2 in continuous operation, i.e. are may be assumed to be acting simultaneously with their
operated near the resonance range, operational vibra- maximum value or, if this is favourable, with their
tion monitoring shall be performed; see Section minimum value.
(3) The actions at the machine/tower interface may Overall dynamic calculation also be used for other tower variants whose hub height
varies by up to +20 % and -10 %. Furthermore, they
(1) The loads of the overall system shall be deter- shall have at least the same bending and torsional
mined according to the elasticity theory by means of a stiffness, and shall also meet the condition according
overall dynamic calculation. It shall be noted that to equation 6.6.2.
action components may also have a favourable effect
for some analyses. The individual components of the Wind-induced vibration of the tower
internal forces and moments are generally not in in the wind direction
phase, so that here the least favourable time step shall
be picked out. (1) In analyses according to Section for tur-
bines in the “out of service” state, the vibration effect
(2) For an overall dynamic calculation in the time on the tower in the wind direction caused by the gusti-
domain, it is possible that the partial safety factor ness of the wind shall be considered through the appli-
procedure cannot be applied. In this case, the proce- cation of an increased static load. When using the
dure shall be as described in Section 1.3.3. turbulent extreme wind speed model (EWM), the wind
load resulting from the mean wind speed V(z) and
(3) The overall dynamic calculation yields time acting directly on the tower in the wind direction shall
series of all internal forces and moments for the inves- be multiplied by the gust reaction factor G. An appro-
tigated load combinations in the relevant cross- priate method for determining G is given in e.g. DIN
sections. These are to be used for the design of tower 1055-4. By way of simplification, the building width b
and foundation. These internal forces and moments can be assumed to be 0.1 of the building height h. In
shall be determined for the analyses in the ultimate and the case of towers of preloaded concrete, reinforced
serviceability limit states. concrete or steel, the value δB = 0.1 may be assumed
for the logarithmic decrement, which covers both the
(4) For the analysis regarding strength and stability structural damping and the aerodynamic damping.
failure as well as for analysis in the serviceability limit
state, it is permissible to state, by way of simplifica- (2) If the steady-state extreme wind model (EWM)
tion, only the extreme values of the internal forces and is used for calculating – on the basis of the 3s mean
IV – Part 1 6.6 Tower Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-17

value (gust wind speed) – tower structures that are not “tower with foundation” shall be specified in addition.
vibration-prone according to DIN 1055-4, the gust The following shall be stated additionally for this
reaction factor may be assumed as G = 1. interface:

(3) In analyses according to Section for tur- – masses and moments of inertia for the ma-
bines in the “in service” state, the vibration effect on chinery part of the wind turbine
the tower in the wind direction caused by the gustiness
of the wind may be neglected, i.e. the gust reaction – internal forces and moments of the load cases
factor may be assumed as G = 1. for the fatigue analysis of tower and founda-
tion Wind-induced transverse vibrations – influences resulting from tower top eccentrici-
(1) The loading on circular or near-circular towers
arising from vortex-induced vibrations transverse to (2) Regarding the tower/foundation interface, see
the wind direction can for example be determined by Section 6.6.4.
using the procedure in accordance with DIN 1055-4.
6.6.6 Verification for the tower
(2) For analysis of the loading of reinforced concrete
and preloaded concrete towers, the provisions of e.g.
DIN 4228:1989-02, A.2.2 shall be applied. Ultimate limit states Internal forces and moments Safety concept

for the fatigue safety analysis
(1) The partial safety factors for the loads shall be
(1) The requirements for determining the internal determined as per Sections and
forces and moments for the fatigue safety analysis are
given in Chapter 4. (2) The analyses shall be performed with the design
loads for the least favourable of all combinations of
(2) If the fatigue safety analysis is performed on the actions of the groups N, A and T according to Section
basis of load spectra, then these shall be determined by 4.3.3, Table 4.3.2.
computational means for the corresponding cross-
sections through simulation of the decisive require- (3) The increase in the internal forces and moments
ments for the fatigue, if necessary supported by load as a result of nonlinear influences (e.g. second order
measurements; see Section 10.5. The ranges of the theory, state II) shall be taken into account. It may be
internal forces and moments shall be superposed in the determined from a quasi-static calculation.
least favourable manner.
(4) For an analysis with internal forces and moments
(3) As a simplification, the spectra can be repre- calculated in a simplified manner according to Section
sented by envelopes (e.g. in trapezoidal form) of the, the design values of the actions shall be de-
load spectra obtained from the simulation. Here uni- termined by multiplication of the characteristic values
form load cycle numbers should be defined for all with the partial safety factors γF according to Section
action components., Table 4.3.2; for unfavourable actions of the
largest partial safety factor γF , the actions of the corre-
Note: sponding load combination may be used.

In general, consideration of the action components Ultimate limit state for strength
rotor thrust Fx , tilting moment My and tower torsional
moment Mz is sufficient. The tilting and tower tor- (1) For steel structures, the statements made in Sec-
sional moments may be assumed to act with a phase tion 5.3.2 shall be taken into account. For tubular steel
difference of 90° to each other. towers with a cylindrical or conical shape, the stresses
needed for the ultimate limit state verification may be Interfaces calculated according to the shell membrane theory.
This means, for example, that for the transfer of the
(1) Within the scope of the calculation, the internal wind loads the elementary pipe bending theory may be
forces and moments at the nacelle/tower interface and applied. Shell bending moments arising from wind
the associated wind speeds and airflow angles shall be pressure distributed unevenly over the tower circum-
summarized in a table for the characteristic and the ference, or secondary stresses from edge disturbances
design loads. In the case of an aeroelastic calculation, at flanges or stiffeners, need not be taken into account.
the geometry, stiffnesses, natural frequencies and At transitions between cylindrical and conical tower
damping factors of the relevant complete system sections, the local circumferential membrane forces
Chapter 6 6.6 Tower IV – Part 1
Page 6-18 GL Wind 2003

and shell bending moments arising from the force l t


deflection shall be taken into account, insofar as no ⋅  ≤6

r r
ring stiffeners are arranged there. If this is not the case,
adequate dimensioning of the ring stiffeners shall be
verified. For tower areas that are weakened by open- Structural steel types S 235 to S355, or equivalent
ings, Section shall be observed.
Note: l length of shell segment
The analysis procedure described here corresponds in r radius of the middle surface
the terminology of DIN 18800-1 to an elastic/plastic
analysis for the local internal forces and moments of t wall thickness
the tower wall, but to an elastic/elastic analysis for the
global internal forces and moments of the tower. (2) The buckling safety analysis may also be per-
formed as a “numerically supported buckling safety
(2) Structures of reinforced concrete and preloaded analysis with global calculation”, e.g. with the aid of
concrete shall be verified in accordance with Section finite element analyses. A prerequisite for this is that Here the internal forces and moments of the the application conditions for the specific variants
tower shaft may be determined according to the pipe named in Sections 8.6 to 8.8 of DIN V ENV 1993-1-
bending theory, provided that the wall thickness is at 6:2002-05 are considered.
least 1/20 of the radius. This does not apply to local
analyses in the vicinity of tower openings. To deter- (3) The stability analysis for the buckling and bulg-
mine the loading resulting from heat influences on ing of structures made of reinforced concrete and pre-
towers made of steel or preloaded concrete, a tempera- loaded concrete can be performed according to e.g.
ture component of ∆TM = 15 K acting uniformly over DIN V ENV 1992, 4.3.5.
the circumference and varying linearly through the
wall thickness shall be applied together with a tem- Ultimate limit state for fatigue
perature component of ∆TN = 15 K acting with a co-
sine distribution over a circumferential sector of 180° (1) The analyses shall be performed with the combi-
and remaining constant through the wall thickness. nation of actions of group F according to Section 4.3.3,
Table 4.3.2. Ultimate limit state for stability
(2) For steel structures, the statements made in Sec-
(1) For the stability analyses of steel structures, e.g. tion 5.3.3 shall be taken into account. Regular mainte-
DIN V ENV 1993-1-6 or DIN 18800, Parts 2 to 4, nance and the Periodic Monitoring according to Chap-
shall apply. In the simplified buckling safety analysis ter 11 are regarded as prerequisites.
of tower sections as “long cylinders” according to
equation (29) of DIN 18800-4:1990-11, equation (30) Note:
of DIN 18800-4:1990-11 may be replaced by equation
(6.6.3): The towers of wind turbines as a rule contain compo-
nents that are exclusively not failsafe. Easily accessi-
σ x ,M σ ble components are e.g. the bolts of ring flange con-
C x = 1.0 ⋅ + C x,N ⋅ x,N (6.6.3) nections and butt welds in the tower wall.
σx σx
(3) Structures of reinforced concrete and preloaded
concrete shall be verified in accordance with Section
σx meridional stress
σx,N component of the meridional stress from (4) Regarding the selection of S/N curves for steel
the tower perpendicular force structures, see Section 5.3.3; regarding concrete, rein-
forcing steel and preloading steel, see Section
σx,M component of the meridional stress from
the tower bending moment Wind-induced transverse vibrations
Cx,N coefficient Cx acc to DIN 18800-4:1990-11
(408) as per equation (30) (1) Damage contributions from wind-induced trans-
verse vibrations DQ shall always be taken into account.
The above formulation applies for: Here the damage contributions from the two states
“standstill with machine mounted” DQ,1 and “tower
r/t ≤ 150 standing without machine” DQ,0 shall be calculated as
per Section
IV – Part 1 6.6 Tower Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-19

(2) When calculating the damage contribution DQ,1 , celerations within acceptable limits. This limit
a standstill period of 1/20 of the operating life shall be state is usually enforced via the control system
applied. (see Section 2.3.2).
– The crack-formation limit state shall be ob-
(3) When calculating the damage contribution DQ,0 ,
the time the tower stands without machine shall be served in the case of concrete structures. Crack
specified by the manufacturer and taken into account widths shall be kept within acceptable limits.
in the calculation. The damage contribution DQ,0 shall – The stress or strain limit state is for instance
only then be taken into account if the time the tower defined by the limitation of tensile and/or
stands without machine exceeds one week. For a non- compressive stresses in concrete structures or
verified standstill time of up to one week, the wind the precondition that steel structures shall not
speed shall be at most 90 % of the critical wind speed undergo plastification under characteristic ac-
calculated when determining the internal forces and tions.
moments. It this is not the case, measures shall be
taken against transverse vibrations.
6.6.7 Design details
(4) The damage contributions DQ do not need to be
accumulated with the damage contributions of the Ring flange connections
actions from the operating states DF if the wind direc-
tion for the determination of DF was assumed to be
constant for the entire action duration. (1) Ring flange connections shall be controlled
tightened, e.g. according to DIN 18800 Part 7.
(5) If the wind direction distribution is taken into
(2) In the ultimate limit state analysis of the flange
account when determining DF , then DF and DQ shall
connections, the preloading force of the bolts need not
be accumulated. Here the less favourable value of the
be considered, i.e. the ultimate limit state analysis may
two equations 6.6.4 and 6.6.5 shall be taken into ac-
be performed as for a non-preloaded bolted connec-
tion. Local plastifications (yield hinges in the flange
and/or in the tower jacket) may be considered here.
D = DF (6.6.4)
(3) In the fatigue safety analysis of the flange con-
D= ⋅ D F + DQ (6.6.5) nection, the fatigue loading of the bolts may be deter-
20 mined with consideration of the compressive preload-
ing of the flanges, provided the following conditions
are met. Serviceability limit state
(4) Adequate compressive preloading of the flange
(1) For the analyses in the serviceability limit states,
contact surfaces may be assumed if the gaps between
the design values of the actions shall be determined
the installed flanges meet the tolerance values pre-
using the characteristic values (see Sections
scribed by the manufacturer with at most 10 % of the
design preload. These shall be stated in the working
documents, especially in the drawing.
(2) For steel structures, the statements made in Sec-
tion 5.3.4 shall be taken into account. Notes:
(3) Structures of reinforced concrete and preloaded All flange gaps k in the area of the tower wall are
concrete shall be verified in accordance with Section damage-relevant for the fatigue loading of the bolts
5.4.3. (see Fig. 6.6.1), particularly when they extend only
over part of the circumference. The damage influence
(4) In supplement to Section 1.3.2, some examples grows with decreasing spanning length lk over the
of the limit states listed there are given below: circumference (Fig. 6.6.1).

– The deformation limit state is for instance de- Instead of stating prescribed tolerance values for the
fined by the maintenance of a safety gap (dis- flange gaps k at a maximum of 10 % of the design
tance rotor blade / tower or rotor blade / guy preload, it is alternatively permissible to specify maxi-
wire). It may also happen that thermal expan- mum values for the degree of preloading (referred to
sion becomes decisive. the design preload) in the working documents up to
which all flange gaps k in the area of the tower wall
– The vibration limit state is for instance de- shall have closed. These values shall be verified by
fined by keeping vibration amplitudes or ac- computation.
Chapter 6 6.6 Tower IV – Part 1
Page 6-20 GL Wind 2003

a) L-flange, b) T-flange
Fig. 6.6.1 Ring flange connections in steel towers

(5) If the tolerance values specified in the working gaps of the magnitude tolerated in execution of the
documents for the flange gaps are not complied with, work.
suitable measures shall be taken. Suitable measures
may e.g. include reworking, shimming or filling out Assured findings on the magnitude of the flange gaps
the damage-relevant gap spaces before preloading covered by a simplified calculation method were not
takes place. available on publication of this Guideline. Accord-
ingly, the simplified calculation methods according to
Note: Petersen and Schmidt-Neuper may be used for the
calculation of the ring flange connections until a re-
For the shimming of gap spaces, adapted shims shall vised version is published. When using calculation
be used for which the compressive strength (yield point methods which do not consider the influence of the
under compression) at least complies with that of the bending moment on the bolt, the fatigue safety of the
flange material. If the shimming is implemented by bolt shall be determined using detail category 36*.
stacks of thin sheeting, the fitting inaccuracy of the
individual shims shall not be greater than 0.5 mm. The Calculations with the aid of the finite element method
lining shall be executed such that, either in the direct (FEM) which do not consider flange gaps, as well as
vicinity of each bolt or in the area between each indi- other calculation methods leading to comparable
vidual bolt and the tower wall (including the area results, are not permissible.
directly under the tower wall itself), perfect pressure
contact is produced already at the start of the preload- Openings in tubular steel towers
ing process, but at the latest after applying 10 % of the
preload. For filling up the spaces, a filler material
(1) If the buckling safety of the tower wall in the
shall be used with an E-modulus complying with that
area of an opening is to be verified with the aid of FE
of the flange material.
analyses, a “numerically supported buckling safety
analysis with global calculation” (LA) or a “geometri-
(6) If, after the preloading, the remaining inclination
cally nonlinear elastic calculation (GNA)”, e.g. ac-
αS of the outer flange surfaces (see Fig. 6.6.1) exceeds cording to DINV ENV 1993-1-6:2002-05, 8.6, shall be
the limiting value of 2 % according to DIN 18800-7, performed. Here the elastic critical buckling resistance
Element 814, suitable taper washers with sufficient Rcr shall be determined from a geometrically nonlinear
hardness shall be used instead of the normal washers. elastic calculation (GNA). When deciding on the ref-
erence point for determination of the plastic reference
Notes: resistance Rpl , the immediate area around the opening
If the bolt force function is determined without imper- may be neglected; this immediate area shall not be set
fections with the aid of an ideal calculation method to be wider than 2(r‚t)0.5 .
(e.g. FEM using contact or spring elements), the flange
gaps tolerated in the execution of the work may be taken (2) In the area of edge-stiffened openings with added
into account by a suitable increase in the initial gradi- longitudinal stiffeners (Fig. 6.6.3, a), the buckling
safety analysis may be carried out in simplified form
ent of the bolt force function.
according to DASt Guideline 017. The design-related
As a substitute, a simplified calculation method (e.g. boundary conditions and validity limits specified for
according to Petersen) may be used if it covers flange this shall be observed.
IV – Part 1 6.6 Tower Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-21

Fig. 6.6.2 Bolt force functions of preloaded ring flange connections

(3) In the area of circumferentially edge-stiffened where:

openings without added longitudinal stiffeners (“collar
stiffeners”, see Fig. 6.6.3, b1), b2) and Fig. 6.6.4), the
δ opening angle along the girth
buckling safety analysis may in simplification be per-
formed as for an unweakened tower wall if, instead of
The above rules are valid for
the critical meridional buckling stress according to
DIN 18800-4, the reduced critical meridional buckling
stress according to equation 6.6.6 is used: – tower walls with (r/t) ≤ 160,
– opening angle δ ≤ 60°, and
σxS,R,d = C1⋅σxS,R,d-DIN (6.6.6)
– opening dimensions h1 / b1 ≤ 3,

where: whereby the opening angle and opening dimensions

refer to the cut-out of the tower wall without consider-
σxS,R,d-DIN critical meridional buckling stress accord- ing the opening edge-stiffener (see Fig. 6.6.4), and also
ing to DIN 18800-4, for opening edge-stiffeners

C1 reduction factor as per equation 6.6.7 to – which exhibit a constant cross-section around
consider the influence of the opening. the entire opening or are considered with their
smallest cross-section,
C1 = A1 – B1⋅(r/t) (6.6.7)
– whose cross-section area is at least one-third
with A1 and B1 according to Table 6.6.1 of the missing opening area,

Table 6.6.1 Coefficients for equation 6.6.7

S 235 S 355
A1 B1 A1 B1
δ = 20° 1.00 0.0019 0.95 0.0021
δ = 30° 0.90 0.0019 0.85 0.0021
δ = 60° 0.75 0.0022 0.70 0.0024
Intermediate values may be interpolated linearly. Extrapolation is not permissible.
Chapter 6 6.6 Tower IV – Part 1
Page 6-22 GL Wind 2003

Fig. 6.6.3 a) Openings with added longitudinal stiffeners,

b1), b2) Circumferentially edge-stiffened openings (semiplan views)

– whose cross-section at the opening edges is (2) In the case of SLP and SLVP connections, an
arranged centrally with regard to the wall mid- analysis shall be performed for the perforated compo-
plane (see Fig. 6.6.4), nents and the bolts according to Sections and In the case of fitting connections with hot-
– whose cross-sectional parts meet the limiting dip galvanized components, special corrosion protec-
(b/t) values according to DIN 18800-1:1990- tion measures shall be taken.
11, Table 15.

(4) For openings in tubular steel towers, the stress (3) For GV and GVP connections, it shall be verified
concentration at the opening edge shall on principle be that the maximum force acting in the ultimate limit
considered in respect of the stress analysis as well as state on a bolt in a shear joint does not exceed the
the fatigue strength analysis, in addition to the buck- design slip resistance according to equation 6.6.8:
ling safety.
Fs , Rd = 0.9 ⋅ ⋅F (6.6.8)
γ M ,3 V


FV regular preloading force according to DIN

18800-7. This preloading force shall be en-
sured by checking and if necessary retight-
ening within the first half-year after erec-
tion, but not immediately following the
Fig. 6.6.4 Circumferentially edge-stiffened
opening (cross-section) µ ≥ 0.5 slip factor for the execution of the contact
surfaces according to DIN 1800-7. For Shear-loaded bolted connections other versions, the slip factor shall be veri-
fied in accordance with Element 826 by a
(1) Bolted connections at the joints and faces of procedure test.
components belonging to the primary supporting struc-
ture shall be executed as fitting shear connections γM,3 = 1.25 safety factor for combination of actions of
(SLP, SLVP) or as slip-resistant preloaded connections group N and the operating conditions 1 to 4
(GV, GVP). according to Section 4.3.3, Table 4.3.1
IV – Part 1 6.6 Tower Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-23

γM,3 = 1.1 safety factor for combination of actions of 6.6.8 Durability

groups N, A and T and the operating condi-
tions 5 to 8 according to Section 4.3.3, Ta-
ble 4.3.1
Particular attention shall be paid to durability, as long
(4) In addition, the analyses of ultimate limit state
intervals of time elapse between periodical inspections
for the perforated components shall be carried out as
well as for shearing-off and face bearing pressure. of the wind turbine structures. The basic principles for
durable construction are set out e.g. in DIN V ENV
Note: 1992, Section 2.4 and DIN 1045 for reinforced and
preloaded concrete structures; in DIN 18800, Part 1,
Through these analyses, the analysis of fatigue safety Section 7.7, DIN 4131, DIN 4133 and DIN EN ISO
is also covered. 12944 for steel structures.
IV – Part 1 6.7 Foundation Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-25

6.7 Foundation

6.7.1 General 6.7.3 Analysis concept

(1) The nature of the soil, about which there shall be (1) For the analyses of components made of rein-
adequate knowledge before construction starts, is deci- forced concrete and preloaded concrete as well as
sive for the type of foundation. components of steel, the safety concept described in
Sections 5.3 and 5.4 shall be applied.
(2) A distinction shall be made between internal and
external load-bearing behaviour, as well as dynamic (2) For the soil (external load-bearing capacity), the
and static analysis. concept of partial safety factors, e.g. according to DIN
1054:2003-01, shall also be applied.
(3) Insofar as the “foundation” subsystem was re-
placed by torsion and displacement springs at the 6.7.4 Loads to be applied
tower base when calculating the natural frequencies of
the overall system, these assumed spring values shall (1) The analyses shall be performed with the least
be confirmed during the foundation calculation, e.g. by favourable of all the combinations of actions according
suitable approximation formulae. to Table 4.3.1.

6.7.2 Assessment documents (2) For the analyses in the ultimate and serviceabil-
ity limit states, both the characteristic loads and the
design loads adapted by partial safety factors are Calculation documents
needed at the tower / foundation interface.

(1) The calculation documents serve to document the 6.7.5 Foundation

computational analyses. They should be structured to
be complete, comprehensible and clear. Structural steel components
(2) The origin of unusual equations and calculation
Structural steel components shall be verified according
methods shall be stated.
to Section 5.3 or 6.6. Drawings Reinforced concrete components

True-to-scale working drawings shall be produced to (1) Reinforced concrete components shall be veri-
contain all the necessary information and technical fied according to Section 5.4.
requirements. These include in particular:
(2) Areas of concentrated load introduction shall be
– representation of the foundation geometry considered.
– detailed presentation of the reinforcement plan (3) Areas of the foundation above an integration
– material specifications depth of 0.5 m in the earth shall be verified for a crack
width of 0.2 mm, and all other areas for a crack width
– requirements for the soil of 0.3 mm (see also Section

– statement of the turbine type and type class (4) The assessment of concrete-attacking waters and
soils can be carried out as per DIN 4030. Soil investigation report Design of piles
For site-specific certifications, a soil investigation
report shall be submitted, e.g. according to DIN The internal load-bearing capacity of foundation piles
1054:2003-01, Chap. 4.2 “at least geotechnical cate- shall be determined as set out in Sections and
gory 2 (GK 2)”. GL Wind reserves the right to deter- The analysis of the external load-bearing ca-
mine in detail the scope of documentation to be sub- pacity of the piles shall be performed in accordance
mitted. with Section
Chapter 6 6.7 Foundation IV – Part 1
Page 6-26 GL Wind 2003

6.7.6 Soil – bearing capacity failure

– sliding Safety concept
– buoyancy
(1) For the soil, it shall be verified that the loads are
smaller than the permissible values. This may be done – settlement
according to DIN 1054.
Verification can be in accordance with e.g. DIN
(2) Here the loading from the characteristic values of 1054:2003-01 or according to the following standards:
the actions may be determined, whereby nonlinear
influences shall be taken into account analogously to – Bearing capacity failure calculation
Section, para 4. DIN V 4017-100:1996-04
– Soil pressure distribution
(3) For the analysis as per DIN 1054, the load cases
DIN 4018
1, 2 or 3 in the sense of DIN 1054:2003-01, 6.3.3 shall
be assigned to the combinations of actions according – Settlement calculation
to Table 4.3.1 of this Guideline as per Table 6.7.1. DIN V 4019-100:1996-04

Table 6.7.1 Assignment of combinations of actions

according to Table 4.3.1 to the load (2) The analysis of sliding stability is set out in e.g.
cases according to DIN 1054:2003-01 DIN 1054:2003-01 Section 7.5.3.

Combination of actions (3) For the analyses in the ultimate and serviceabil-
Load case according to
according to Table 4.3.1 ity limit states as per DIN 1054:2003-01, Section 7,
DIN 1054
(DLC) the following procedure shall be observed:
1.0, 3.1, 4.1 1
– Permanent loads in the sense of
6.0, 8.1 2
DIN 1054:2003-01, Section 7.6.1 are the loads
N, A, T (all without F) 3 of load case 1 (see Table 6.7.1).
– Under permanent loads (γF=1.0), no ground Nature of the soil gap may occur.

(1) It shall be ensured that the properties of the soil (4) The force resulting from the loads of load case 2
correspond to the assumptions in the static and dy- (see Table 6.7.1, γF=1.0) is permitted to cause a ground
namic calculation. gap only up to the centre of gravity of the bottom area
of the foundation.
(2) Insofar as no soil investigation report is available
yet when the foundation is designed, conservative (5) For loads of load case 3 (see Table 6.7.1, γF=1.0),
assumptions shall be made for the soil, and these shall the safety against bearing capacity failure on the resid-
be confirmed by a soil expert before the start of ual contact area shall be verified with γGr=1.5.
construction. Pile foundations
(3) For the dynamic analysis, the distance of the
natural frequency for the overall structure from the
excitation frequencies is decisive in avoiding reso- (1) The analysis of the external bearing capacity of
nance. In the assessment of the expected natural fre- piles shall be performed for all loads of the load cases
quencies, a parameter study is needed for the dynamic 1, 2 and 3 (see Table 6.7.1, γF according to Table 4.3.2)
soil parameters; this shall be defined so that a range of according to DIN 1054.
possible soil types and soil properties is covered.
(2) The maximum static pile loads shall be deter-
(4) The highest permissible water level shall be
(3) In the analysis of the external bearing capacity of Slab foundations
the piles for tensile loading, the permanent actions
shall be applied with a partial safety factor γF=1.0, and
(1) Slab foundations shall be verified against
the non-permanent actions with the partial safety fac-
tors according to Table 4.3.2. Verification is deemed to
– tilting (eccentricity of load / gaping joint) have been provided if, in deviation from DIN 1054,
IV – Part 1 6.7 Foundation Chapter 6
GL Wind 2003 Page 6-27

the limiting condition against yielding under tension is Table 4.3.1 with γF=1.0, no tensile forces occur in the
met for the above combination of actions and with γP = piles.
1.4. For close spacing of the piles, the group effect of
the piles shall be taken into account. (5) To sustain horizontal forces, also as a result of
torsional loading, the piles should be inclined.

(4) Instead of a precise analysis of fatigue with re-

(6) It shall be observed that higher safety levels are
gard to the external load-bearing capacity, a substitute
required for piles under dynamic loading than for static
analysis may be provided to the effect that, with the
combinations of actions DLC 1.0 and 1.1 according to
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

7 Machinery Components

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 7-1

7.1.1 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.1.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.3 Drive train dynamics................................................................................................................................ 7-1

7.2 Blade Pitching System ........................................................................................................................... 7-3

7.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.2.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.2.3 Loads to be applied .................................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.2.4 Strength analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 7-3 Verification of load capacity of gears....................................................................................................... 7-3 Shafts and connecting elements ............................................................................................................... 7-4 Bearings ................................................................................................................................................... 7-4 Additional verifications ........................................................................................................................... 7-4

7.3 Bearings .................................................................................................................................................. 7-5

7.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.2 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 7-5
7.3.3 Assessment of materials........................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.4 Loads to be applied .................................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.3.5 Calculations ............................................................................................................................................. 7-6 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-6 Analysis of the static load-bearing capacity under extreme load ............................................................. 7-6 Verification of rating life.......................................................................................................................... 7-6 Minimum loading..................................................................................................................................... 7-7
7.3.6 Miscellaneous .......................................................................................................................................... 7-7

7.4 Gearboxes ............................................................................................................................................... 7-9

7.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-9 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 7-9 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 7-9
7.4.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 7-9 Approved materials.................................................................................................................................. 7-9 Assessment of materials........................................................................................................................... 7-9
7.4.3 Loads to be applied .................................................................................................................................. 7-9 General..................................................................................................................................................... 7-9 Fatigue loads ............................................................................................................................................ 7-9 Extreme loads ........................................................................................................................................ 7-10
7.4.4 Calculation of load capacity of gears ..................................................................................................... 7-10 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-10 Input data for gear rating........................................................................................................................ 7-10 Influence factors for the load calculations ............................................................................................. 7-10 Fatigue analysis...................................................................................................................................... 7-12 Analysis of the static strength ................................................................................................................ 7-12 Analysis of the safety against scuffing................................................................................................... 7-12
7.4.5 Strength analysis for shafts and connecting elements ............................................................................ 7-12 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-12 Analysis of the fatigue strength ............................................................................................................. 7-13 Analysis of the static strength ................................................................................................................ 7-13
7.4.6 Additional verifications ......................................................................................................................... 7-13 Gearbox bearings ................................................................................................................................... 7-13 Bolted connections................................................................................................................................. 7-13 Housing, torque arm and planet carrier.................................................................................................. 7-13
Chapter 7 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003 Analysis of the cooling .......................................................................................................................... 7-13

7.4.7 Equipment.............................................................................................................................................. 7-13
7.4.8 Inspection of gearboxes ......................................................................................................................... 7-13
7.4.9 Running-in period .................................................................................................................................. 7-14
7.4.10 Manuals.................................................................................................................................................. 7-14

7.5 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices........................................................................................... 7-15

7.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5.3 Loads...................................................................................................................................................... 7-15
7.5.4 Calculations ........................................................................................................................................... 7-16
7.5.5 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 7-16

7.6 Couplings .............................................................................................................................................. 7-17

7.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.6.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.6.3 Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 7-17
7.6.4 Calculations ........................................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.6.5 Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................ 7-17

7.7 Elastomer Bushings ............................................................................................................................. 7-19

7.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-19
7.7.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-19
7.7.3 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 7-20
7.7.4 Strength analysis .................................................................................................................................... 7-20
7.7.5 Additional verifications ......................................................................................................................... 7-20

7.8 Yaw System........................................................................................................................................... 7-21

7.8.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-21
7.8.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-21
7.8.3 Loads to be applied ................................................................................................................................ 7-21
7.8.4 Strength analysis .................................................................................................................................... 7-21 Verification of load capacity of gears..................................................................................................... 7-21 Shafts and connecting elements ............................................................................................................. 7-22 Bearings ................................................................................................................................................. 7-22 Yaw brake .............................................................................................................................................. 7-22 Additional verifications ......................................................................................................................... 7-22

7.9 Hydraulic Systems ............................................................................................................................... 7-23

7.9.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 7-23
7.9.2 Assessment documents .......................................................................................................................... 7-23
7.9.3 Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 7-23
7.9.4 Design and construction......................................................................................................................... 7-23
IV – Part 1 7.1 General Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-1

7.1 General

7.1.1 Assessment documents – permissible stresses

(1) The following documents are required for as- – references used
sessment of the ultimate and serviceability limit states
of machinery components of wind turbines. (6) Fatigue analyses shall be carried out in accor-
dance with Section 5.3 using the codes and technical
(2) For the important components, parts lists are literature listed there.
required with data about materials, data from the
manufacturer in the case of mass-produced parts, about (7) All lubricants and hydraulic fluids shall be speci-
the standard in the case of standardized parts etc. fied with the corresponding type sheets. Oil collecting
trays for the possible spilling of operating media shall
(3) Engineering drawings (assembly drawings and be provided in the wind turbine (hub and nacelle).
individual-part drawings) of the important elements of
the plant, executed in standard form; clear identifica- (8) The design of the cooling and heating systems
tion shall be assured (parts designation, drawing num- for operation of the wind turbine shall be specified.
ber, modification index). They shall contain data about
surface finish, heat treatment, corrosion protection etc. (9) The specifications (requirements) of the wind
turbine manufacturer for the design of the machinery
(4) For mass-produced parts which have proved their components shall be appended to the verifications.
suitability for use by successful service in comparable
technical applications, type/data sheets are generally 7.1.2 Materials
sufficient. However, further documentation / verifica-
tion may be necessary in individual cases for such Requirements, verification and inspection certification
parts. Main gearboxes do not count as mass-produced are laid down in Section 3.3. Additional data are to be
in this sense. The documentation required for this is set found in the following sections of this Chapter.
out in Section 7.4.
7.1.3 Drive train dynamics
(5) Strength calculations for all components and
means of connection shall verify the ultimate limit When determining the design loads (see Section
state and serviceability limit state totally, clearly and, the dynamic behaviour of the drive train shall
confirmably. The analyses shall be complete in them- be considered in a suitable manner. For this, the drive
selves. They shall contain adequate data concerning: train is as a rule modelled in an idealized form within
the load simulation through a system comprising few
– design loads rotating masses and torsion springs. The reduction of
the complex drive-train system and the determination
– static systems (analogous models) of the values of torsion springs, rotating masses, and
possibly damping values shall be presented during the
– materials assessment of the machinery components.
IV – Part 1 7.2 Blade Pitching System Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-3

7.2 Blade Pitching System

7.2.1 General tion explaining the functional principle of the blade

pitching system.
(1) This section applies for the blade pitching sys-
tems of wind turbines as described below. In the event (6) In the case of systems with a blade pitching
of other designs, the wording shall apply with the mechanism, dimensioned drawings shall be submitted
necessary changes. additionally, in which the pitching mechanism is
shown with various blade angle positions. At least the
(2) In systems with rotary actuation, the torque maximum and minimum positions, and the positions in
needed for the pitching of the rotor blades is applied which the greatest loads act on the blade pitching
by a motor with the associated rotary drive. The torque mechanism, shall be shown.
is transmitted by the driving pinion to a live ring fixed
to the rotor blade. (7) For the components of the blade pitching mecha-
nism, a fatigue strength analysis and a static strength
(3) In systems with a blade pitching mechanism analysis shall be submitted.
actuated e.g. by one or more hydraulic cylinders, the
torque needed for the pitching of the rotor blades is 7.2.3 Loads to be applied
applied by a hydraulic cylinder. The torque is transmit-
ted by the piston rod directly or indirectly to a linking (1) For the calculation of the loading of the blade
point fixed to the rotor blade. pitching system, the design loads as per Chapter 4
shall be applied.
(4) A locking arrangement shall be provided for the
blade pitching system (see also Sections and (2) The static and load-dependent bearing friction
2.3.3), with which this system is locked in place during moments shall be taken into account.
maintenance and repair work, in order to exclude the
risk of personal injury. This locking arrangement need (3) For the fatigue analysis, the load duration distri-
not necessarily be located permanently at the blade butions (LDD) and the load spectra shall be used. A
pitching system; it may also be an external lock which distinction shall be made between operation with and
is mounted whenever required. without blade pitching. Here additional inertial loads –
resulting from the rotor rotation – and dynamic vibra-
7.2.2 Assessment documents tion-exciting loads shall also be considered.

(1) General information on the assessment docu- (4) The static strength analysis – with and without
ments to be submitted is given in Section 7.1. blade pitching operation – shall be performed for the
design loads of the dimensioning load case as per
(2) For the components of the blade pitching system, Chapter 4.
type sheets, specifications and assembly drawings
shall be submitted. (5) In systems with rotary drive, an application fac-
tor of KA = 1.0 is used for the static strength analysis.
(3) Statements shall be made on the calculation data
(e.g. input data for the calculation, presentation of the
results with the relevant safety margins) and on the 7.2.4 Strength analysis
components of the drives.

(4) For the evaluation of the transmission stage Verification of load capacity of gears
“driving pinion / live ring”, the individual-part draw-
ing of the pinion shaft and the live ring are required in (1) The toothing calculation of the driving pinion /
the case of systems with rotary drive, together with a live ring stage and of the pitch gear shall be based on
toothing calculation for this combination and the veri- ISO 6336.
fications for the pinion shaft and its bearing arrange-
ment. (2) Calculation of the load capacity from the fatigue
loads shall be performed according to DIN 3990 Part
(5) Assembly and sectional drawings, including the 6, Method II. For Method II, a damage ratio of D ≤ 1
associated parts lists and if applicable individual-part shall be achieved in compliance with the safety factors
drawings, shall be submitted together with a descrip- listed in Table 7.2.1.
Chapter 7 7.2 Blade Pitching System IV – Part 1
Page 7-4 GL Wind 2003

(3) Alternatively, an equivalent load can be deter- ted and a loss protection arrangement shall be provided
mined from the load/time distribution (as per DIN to prevent separation of the corresponding compo-
3990 Part 6, Method III) with which – in compliance nents.
with the safety factors listed in Table 7.2.1 – the fa-
tigue analysis shall be performed. (5) Strength analyses for bolted connections are neces-
sary wherever the bolts are essential to the distribution
(4) Furthermore, an analysis (with safety factors of forces (see Section 6.5).
according to Table 7.2.2) of the static strength against
forced rupture and pitting is also required. Note:
The output pinion of the rotary drive should be forged-on.
Table 7.2.1 Safety factors for the
fatigue strength analysis Bearings
Safety against:
pitting SH ≥ 0.6 (1) With regard to the calculation and execution of
tooth root fracture SF ≥ 1.0 the blade bearing, reference is made to Section 7.3.

(2) The seals shall be so executed or protected that

Table 7.2.2 Safety factors for the they are not damaged by the prevailing environmental
static strength analysis conditions.

Safety against: Notes:

pitting SH ≥ 0.6
A single seal is not deemed to be adequate protection
tooth root fracture SF ≥ 1.2
against external influences for the rolling body and
track surface. The level of protection can be increased Shafts and connecting elements e.g. by a spinner or an additional seal.
It should be possible to exchange the seals of the blade
(1) For the output shaft of the pitch drive and for the bearing in the installed condition.
connecting elements, a fatigue strength analysis and a
static strength analysis shall be submitted. The analy- (3) It shall be shown that adequate relubrication and
ses shall be performed in accordance with DIN 743, removal of the old lubricant is ensured for the blade
DIN 6892 and DIN 7190, or equivalent codes. bearing, and if applicable also for the toothing. If this
cannot be ensured by the maintenance intervals, an
(2) In addition, analyses of the housing and pinion automatic relubrication system shall be provided.
cage of the rotary drive shall be submitted. If applica-
ble, the extreme load verification may also be provided (4) It shall be shown that an adequate film of lubri-
by means of a static test. cant is always provided between the rolling bodies and
the track surface.
(3) In the case of systems with a blade pitching
mechanism, a fatigue strength analysis and a static (5) If necessary, this requirement shall be met by
strength analysis shall be submitted for all load- means of a test run e.g. taking place once within 24h
transmitting components and connecting elements. and during which the rotor blades and thus also the
blade bearings are rotated by the maximum possible
(4) Spring elements also tensioned during the load- pitching angle.
ing process are not regarded as being effective protec-
tion for methodically prestressed bolted connections of Additional verifications
the load-transmitting and safety-relevant components.
Instead, friction-locked elements shall be used as pro- (1) In the case of systems with electrical actuating
tection against loss, and locking elements as protection drive, Chapter 8 shall also be considered.
against loosening of the bolted connections. Bonded
elements are not recommended, since their effective- (2) For the verification of the hydraulic system,
ness depends on the operating and application tem- Section 7.9 shall be considered.
perature, the surface condition of the component, the
curing time and the dynamic loading taking place
(3) The design of the drives and brakes shall be
during operation. If bonded elements are used for
verified for proper function in accordance with the
securing the above-mentioned component after all, a
system concept.
specification of the bonding material shall be submit-
IV – Part 1 7.3 Bearings Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-5

7.3 Bearings

7.3.1 General – bearing size determination based on static

load-bearing capacity
The guidelines of this Section apply for roller bearings
intended as rotor, gearbox or generator bearings in
– bearing size determination based on rating life
drive train of a wind turbine, as blade or yaw bearings,
and as the bearings for other force-transmitting com-
ponents. The requirements for plain bearings shall be (2) Blade and yaw bearings are designed for static
determined for each individual case in consultation load-bearing capacity. For the static load-bearing ca-
with GL Wind. pacity, the extreme load shall be used. If applicable, a
simplified rating life calculation may be performed on
7.3.2 Assessment documents the basis of the operational loads.

Installation drawings, calculation documents and if (3) For the rating life calculation, the normal operat-
appropriate the relevant individual-part drawings (if ing load shall be used. Using a duration counting
the bearings are of a special type) shall be submitted method, the representative loads for the calculation of
for the bearings listed in Section 7.3.1. For each bear- the bearing rating life shall be determined from the
ing point in the drive train and for blade and yaw bear- time series of the fatigue loads as per Chapter 4 (see
ings, the bearing manufacturer shall be named clearly. also Appendix 4.B, Section 4.B.2.3). With this count-
Furthermore, details are required on the lubricants ing method, the sum of the revolutions ni of the bear-
used, the calculated lubricant demand and if applicable ing is determined, during which the equivalent dy-
also on the geometry of the rolling bodies and track namic bearing load Pi acts within the individual class
surfaces. limits. For the analysis of the basic rating life as per
DIN ISO 281, the equivalent dynamic bearing load P
averaged over the lifetime can be calculated as fol-
7.3.3 Assessment of materials lows:

(1) The scope of the material tests (insofar as the

bearings are not of a standard type) shall be deter- ∑ Pi p ni
mined in consultation with GL Wind and with due P= p (7.3.1)
consideration of Section 3.3.

(2) The verifications of the bearing materials for the where:

blade and yaw bearings shall be provided as per Sec-
tion For these bearings, which are predomi- Pi = equivalent dynamic bearing load
nantly loaded by small lead-lag motions, the following
shall be fulfilled: p = 10/3 for roller bearings; 3 for ball bearings

– The notched-bar impact work in the case of ni = number of revolutions during which Pi acts
the ISO-V test shall have a 3-test mean value
≥ 27 Joule at -20 °C: The lowest individual N = total number of revolutions for the design
value shall be more than 70 % of the mean lifetime of the wind turbine
value. Deviation from these values is possible
after discussion with GL Wind, if a lower (4) The operational loading of generator bearings
stress level can be proved or on the basis of and of bearings for gearbox output shafts shall be
test results. superposed by the calculated restoring forces from the
maximum permissible dynamic misalignment between
– The minimum hardness of the bearing track the generator and gearbox.
surfaces is 55 HRC.
(5) The extreme loads of generator bearings and of
7.3.4 Loads to be applied bearings for gearbox output shafts shall be superposed
by the calculated restoring forces from the maximum
(1) For the design of the bearings, two parameters permissible static misalignment between the generator
shall be taken into consideration: and gearbox.
Chapter 7 7.3 Bearings IV – Part 1
Page 7-6 GL Wind 2003

7.3.5 Calculations (3) The calculations of the nominal reference rating

life by the bearing manufacturers shall be performed General for each load level of the load duration distribution. A
reduction of the specified spectrum to 10 load levels in
accordance with Miner’s Rule is permissible to mini-
(1) For roller bearings used in the drive train a rating
mize the computing effort. The life exponent for re-
life calculation as per Amendment 4 to DIN ISO 281
ducing the number of load levels shall correspond to
shall be submitted by each bearing manufacturer
the exponent in the bearing calculation.
named according to Section 7.3.2 (see Section
para 3 to 6).
(4) The combined nominal reference rating life as
per Amendment 4 to DIN ISO 281 for the correspond-
(2) For all other bearings, simplified analyses as per ing bearing is then obtained as:
DIN ISO 281 (nominal or extended) can be performed
after consultation with GL Wind (see Section
para 1 to 2).
Lnmr =
∑q i
(3) The analysis of the static load carrying capacity ∑L i

nmr i
at extreme load is to be calculated for all bearings
according to Positive and negative extreme
loads shall be considered. where:
Lnmr = combined modified reference rating life of Analysis of the static load-bearing the bearing
capacity under extreme load
qi = time share on the i-th load level
(1) The static load-bearing capacity fs is defined as Lnmr i = modified reference rating life of the bearing
the ratio of the static load number of the bearing C0 in the i-th load level
and the equivalent static load P0 .
(5) The rating life calculation of the bearing manu-
(2) The static load-bearing capacity fs under extreme facturer shall consider at least the following effects in
load may not be less than 2.0 (for main and gearbox addition to the loads:
bearings). The load-bearing capacity of blade and yaw
bearings shall not be less than 1.5 (for rotor blade – internal geometry of the bearings
bearings and the pinion shaft of the drive) or 1.0 (for
yaw bearings and pinion shaft of the drive). – operating clearance of the bearings
– deformation of the shafts and bearings Verification of rating life
– load sharing between rolling elements
(1) Simplified analysis of bearings rating life is – load distribution along roller length, consider-
admissible according to ISO 281 as Basic Rating Life ing actual roller and raceway profiles
calculation or as Extended Basic Rating Life calcula-
– lubricant viscosity and cleanliness under real-
tion. The probability of failure shall be set to 10 %. A
factor for material and operating conditions a23 respec- istic operating conditions
tively aDIN shall be limited to 3.8. Is the factor to be
calculated smaller than 1, an analysis performed as (6) The combined nominal reference rating life of a
Basic Rating Life calculation is not admissible any- bearing determined in this way shall not be less than
more. The calculated rating life may not be less than 175,000 h or the operating life of the wind turbine.
130,000 hours.
(7) The simplified rating life calculation as well as
(2) The following input parameters required for the the calculation according to DIN ISO 281 Amendment
extended rating life calculation shall be set out in the 4 shall be based on an oil cleanliness class of -/17/14
calculation: according to ISO 4406 edition 1999 for filtered sys-
tems. For unfiltered systems, a cleanliness class of -
/21/18 shall be assumed.
– bearing temperature
– lubricant additive treatment and viscosity (8) If the bearings of the plant are easily exchange-
able on site and the corresponding bearing replacement
– measures taken to maintain the lubricant’s intervals are specified, a shorter rating life may be
qualities (lubricant change intervals, lubrica- permissible independent of the calculation method
tion checks etc.) after consultation with GL Wind.
IV – Part 1 7.3 Bearings Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-7 Minimum loading whereby these shall comply with the prescribed com-
ponent manufacturer’s specification.
Paragraph 1 of this Section in Edition 2003 has been (2) During assembly, the bearing manufacturer’s
deleted. instructions shall be observed. The transport of bear-
ings shall be undertaken in such a way that damage to
Compliance with the minimum load shall be agreed roller and raceway profiles is prevented.
between the component manufacturer and the bearing
supplier in accordance with the general structural and (3) The bearings shall be sealed in such a way that
operational conditions. there is no detrimental effect on the function of adjoin-
ing components.
7.3.6 Miscellaneous
(4) Owing to the special operating conditions for
(1) On principle, the greases and oils recommended wind turbines, it should be possible to exchange gen-
by the wind turbine manufacturer shall be used, erator bearings on the plant itself.
IV – Part 1 7.4 Gearboxes Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-9

7.4 Gearboxes

7.4.1 General ments of compliance) as per Section 3.3 shall be avail-

able at the manufacturer and shall be submitted on Scope request.

(2) The tests laid down in the regulations for materi-

The requirements in this Section apply for spur and
als may be curtailed with the consent of GL Wind, if
planetary gearboxes intended for installation in the
execution of the prescribed tests is not practicable
drive train of wind turbines. because of the small size or particular manufacturing
processes of individual components. For such compo- Assessment documents nents, GL Wind shall be provided with quality verifi-
cation in some other way.
(1) Assembly and sectional drawings of the gearbox,
drawings of the casing, individual-part drawings of the 7.4.3 Loads to be applied
shafts and the gearwheels, plus parts lists with data on
materials, shall be submitted for the assessment. The General
individual-part drawings of the toothed components
shall contain at least the data as per Table 7.4.2, other- (1) The force-transmitting parts of the gearbox are
wise this table shall be completed and appended to the statically and dynamically loaded by the driving
assessment documents. torque. The dynamic portion depends on the character-
istics of the driving side (rotor) and the driven side
(2) Strength analyses, and possibly also deformation (generator, pump) and also on the masses, stiffnesses
analyses, shall be provided for all torque-transmitting and damping values in the driving and driven portions
components. Verification of the adequate dimensioning (shafts and couplings) and the external operating con-
of gearbox bearings and of any bolted connections ditions imposed on the wind turbine. Depending on the
which play a significant part in the transmission of drive train concept of the wind turbine, additional
power shall be provided. loads in the form of forces and bending moments may
be introduced at the slow-running gearbox input shaft
and the fast-running gearbox output shaft, and these
(3) Also required are specifications for the lubricant shall be taken into account.
used and admissible temperature ranges, instructions
for envisaged maintenance work and intervals, plus (2) The fatigue and extreme loads shall comply with
information about the monitoring appliances and auxil- at least the requirements set out in Chapter 4.
iary units (lubricating oil cooler, lubricating oil pump
etc.) installed. A specification of the corrosion protec- Fatigue loads
tion provided shall be included. Furthermore, the gear-
box specification of the wind turbine manufacturer as
(1) Using the time series of the fatigue loads (e.g.
well as the operating and maintenance manual (see
torque), the load duration distributions (LDD) shall be
Section 7.4.10) shall be appended.
determined for the calculation of the toothing, shafts
and bearings. These specify the sums of the times
7.4.2 Materials
during which the torque remains within the class limits
to be defined. Approved materials
(2) In the LDD, all operating conditions described in
All toothed parts shall be made of materials conven- Chapter 4 shall be considered for the determination of
tionally used for making gearboxes – but at least com- the fatigue loads to be applied. Apart from normal
plying with material quality MQ as per ISO 6336-5 operating conditions, these also include connections
(see also Section 3.3). and disconnections, load shedding of the generator, use
of the mechanical brake and also standstill loading of Assessment of materials the wind turbine. The torque levels shall have a clear
relation to the rotational speed. Additional loads, inter
(1) All torque-transmitting components of the gear- alia through deformations, alignment errors and
box shall be tested in accordance with the GL Rules asymmetrical arrangements of the mechanical brakes,
for materials or equivalent standards. Appropriate shall also be taken into account if applicable. Planet
verification according to EN 10204 shall be provided carrier and gearbox housing (torque arm) are verified
for the materials. The material test documents (state- with the aid of load spectra and mean values.
Chapter 7 7.4 Gearboxes IV – Part 1
Page 7-10 GL Wind 2003 Extreme loads Influence factors for the load calculations

The maximum loads occurring in the drive train of the Application factor KA
wind turbine as per Chapter 4 shall be taken into ac-
count. (1) The gears for wind turbines are subjected to
additional load fluctuations which are superposed onto
7.4.4 Calculation of load capacity of gears the load increments or the constant rated load. These
load fluctuations, acting at the gearbox input and out- General put, result in additional dynamic loads in the teeth. The
application factor KA accounts for these additional
(1) Through load capacity calculations according to external dynamic forces.
the international standard ISO 6336, sufficient load
capacity of the gears shall be verified for all engage- (2) The application factor KA shall be determined
ment situations in the main gearbox of the wind tur- according to DIN 3990, Part 6 (Method III) for each
bine. The required minimum safety margins regarding meshing from the LDD, both for the flank and for the
flank and root loads are given in Table 7.4.1: root.

Table 7.4.1 Minimum safety factors (3) The strength analysis of the gearbox as regards
the action of extreme loads is carried out using the
Safety against Safety against application factor KA = 1.0.
pitting tooth root
SH fracture Dynamic load factor Kv
Fatigue analy- 1.2 1.5 To account for the additional internal dynamic loading,
sis the dynamic load factor Kv is to be calculated in the
Static analysis 1.0 1.4 load capacity calculation according to ISO 6336
method B. Without a detailed dynamic analysis, a use
(2) For the gears of wind turbines, proof of the suffi- of Kv < 1.05 is not permissible.
cient mechanical strength of the roots and flanks of
gear teeth is linked to the requirement that the accu- Load distribution factor Kγ
racy of the teeth shall ensure sufficiently smooth gear
operation combined with satisfactory exploitation of (1) The load distribution factor Kγ accounts for de-
the dynamic loading capacity of the teeth. viations in load distribution e.g. in gearboxes with dual
or multiple load distribution or planetary stages with
(3) The toothing quality as per ISO 1328-1 (DIN more than three planet wheels.
3962) shall comply with at least quality 6 for exter-
nally toothed parts and at least quality 8 for internally (2) For the planetary stages, the values given in
toothed parts (internal gears). Table 7.4.3 apply in relation to the number of planet
Table 7.4.3 Load distribution factor Kγ
Paragraph 4 of this Section in Edition 2003 has been
deleted. Number of planet 3 4 5 6 7
(4) The endurance limits for the materials shall Kγ 1.0 1.25 1.35 1.43 1.5
comply with ISO 6336, Part 5.
(3) Lower values than given in Table 7.4.3 used in
(5) GL Wind reserves the right to call for proof of analyses shall be verified by measurements after con-
the accuracy of the gear-cutting machines used and for sultation with GL Wind. Calculations can be accepted,
testing of the method used to harden the gear teeth. as long as the underlying model has been verified by
measurements. Input data for gear rating Face load factors KHβ and KFβ
The input data required for a rating of the gear life are
compiled in Table 7.4.2. If the profile modifications (1) The face load factors take into account the ef-
cannot be obtained from the original drawings, these fects of uneven load distribution over the tooth flank
values shall also be given in tabular form for each on the flank contact stress (KHβ) and on the root stress
meshing. (KFβ).
IV – Part 1 7.4 Gearboxes Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-11

Table 7.4.2 List of input data for gear rating

Gearbox Certifi-
Manufacturer Stage
Wind turbine Gear stage □ Planetary stage □
Rated power P kW No. of planets
Rated speed n 1/min Load distribution factor Kγ
Application factor KA - Dynamic factor KV -
KHβ - KHα -
Face load factors KFβ - Transverse load factors KFα -
Geometrical data Pinion Wheel Tool data Pinion Wheel
Number of teeth z - Addendum x -
modification coeff.
Normal module mn mm Coefficient of tool tip ρa0* -
Normal press. angle αn ° Coefficient of tool ha0* -
Centre distance a mm Coefficient of tool hfP0* -
Helix angle β ° Protuberance pr mm
Face width b mm Protuberance angle αpr °
Tip diameter da mm Machining allowance q mm
Root diameter df mm Utilized dedendum hFfP0 -
coefficient of tool
Lubrication data Measure at tool Bz0 mm
Kin. viscosity ν40 mm²/s Quality
40 °C
Kin. viscosity ν100 mm²/s Quality acc. to DIN Q -
100 °C
Oil temperature δOil °C Accuracy-/tolerance
FZG class - Mean peak to valley RaH µm
roughness of flank
Material data Mean peak to valley RaF µm
roughness of root
Material type Initial equivalent Fβx µm
Endurance limit for σHlim N/mm² Normal pitch error fpe µm
contact stress
Endurance limit for σFlim N/mm² Profile form error ff µm
bending stress
Surface hardness HV Date:
Core hardness HV
Heat treatment - Signature:
Chapter 7 7.4 Gearboxes IV – Part 1
Page 7-12 GL Wind 2003

(2) In the case of flank corrections which have been described in Section, as per DIN 3990 Part 6,
determined by recognized calculation methods, the Method III).
face load factors can be preset. Hereby the special
operating conditions of a wind turbine on the load
(2) Taking into account the safety factors in accor-
distribution shall be taken into account (partial load at
dance with Table 7.4.1, an endurance limit analysis is
low rotational speed and extreme load briefly at higher
to be carried out against tooth root fracture and pitting
rotational speed). The use of KHβ < 1.15 is not permis-
according to ISO 6336..
sible. Comparison of the calculated load distribution at
the flank with a contact pattern taken after a reason-
able period of operation in the wind turbine is recom-
mended. Analysis of the static strength Transverse load factors KHα and KFα (1) The analysis of the static strength shall be based
on the load case in Chapter 4 which produces the
The transverse load factors KHα and KFα take into ac- maximum torque on the gearbox.
count the effects of an uneven distribution of force
over several tooth pairs engaging at the same time. In (2) The stresses on tooth root and flank shall not
the case of gears in the drive train of wind turbines exceed the static strength values according to ISO
with a toothing quality as required in Section, 6336.
the value of 1.0 may be used for the transverse load
factors KHα and KFα . For gearboxes with several tooth (3) The minimum safety factors given in Table 7.4.1
pairs engaging at the same time, the transverse load shall be observed.
factor shall be determined according to ISO 6336 or
equivalent codes. Analysis of the safety against scuffing Fatigue analysis
(1) ISO 6336 does not provide a rating method for Requirements scuffing. For this reason, the analysis of scuffing shall
be defined by consultation between the wind turbine
Fatigue analysis is to be carried out according to ISO manufacturer and the gearbox manufacturer.
TR 10495 respectively DIN 3990 Part 6. As reference
value for the declension of the life factors ZNT accord-
(2) For the analysis, a contact temperature method
ing to ISO 6336 Part 2 respectively DIN 3990 Part 2
(e.g. as per DIN 3990 Part 4 or ISO/TR 13989-1) shall
and YNT according to ISO 6336 Part 3 respectively preferably be used. The calculated safety factor shall
DIN 3990 Part 3, the value 0.85 at NL = 1010 is to be be documented.
used. Application of the load duration (3) Only gearbox oils with suitable additive treat-
distribution (LDD) of the torque ment may be used. For the calculation, the input values
(including the test torque) corresponding to at most
one FZG class lower than that allowed by the specifi-
(1) The LDD shall be used to establish the stress
cation of the oil used may be applied.
spectrum, in that the root stress and face pressure is
calculated for every load increment. The application
factor KA is not taken into account when calculating 7.4.5 Strength analysis for shafts
the stress, as the dynamic loading of the gearbox is
and connecting elements
embodied in the LDD. General
(2) The calculated stresses (stress spectra) obtained
are multiplied by the safety factors in accordance with
Table 7.4.1 and the accumulated damage is calculated (1) Fatigue and static analyses (general stress analy-
using the Palmgren-Miner Rule (see also ISO TR ses) shall be carried out for all shafts. For connecting
10945, Method II). The Palmgren-Miner sum shall be elements (e.g. fitting keys, slip joints), only a static
less than or equal to 1. analysis is needed as a rule.

(2) The analyses shall be performed in accordance Use of the equivalent torque with DIN 743 (load capacity calculation for shafts),
DIN 6892 (parallel keys) and DIN 7190 (interference
(1) From the LDD, an equivalent torque is calculated fits), or equivalent codes.
for the tooth root and flank respectively (procedure as
IV – Part 1 7.4 Gearboxes Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-13 Analysis of the fatigue strength Analysis of the cooling

(1) If a representative load spectrum is available, a A heat balance for the gearbox shall be submitted for
fatigue analysis shall be carried out. Further notes for verification of the thermodynamics of the design.
the fatigue analysis are given in Section 5.3.3. Sufficient cooling of the gear box shall be proved in
this balance.
(2) The fatigue analysis may also be carried out in a
simplified form using fatigue limits as per DIN 743.
Here rated loads shall be used for computation, with 7.4.7 Equipment
consideration of the application factor determined for
the toothing calculation. The theoretical safety S shall (1) For checking the level of the lubricating oil, a
then in each case be equal to or greater than the mini- mechanical arrangement (e.g. oil level gauge, oil dip-
mum safety Smin = 1.2. The theoretical safety is deter- stick) shall be provided. The temperature shall be
mined with consideration of bending, tension/com- monitored. In the case of gearbox with circulatory
pression and torsion, assuming phase balance. lubrication, the oil pressure shall be monitored after
the cooler and before entry into the gearbox. Plain Analysis of the static strength bearings shall be fitted with temperature indicators.
Adequate lubrication of all teeth and bearing points
(1) The analysis of static strength against forced shall be ensured in every operating state of the wind
rupture shall be based on the load case in Chapter 4 turbine. For operation at low temperatures, a heating
which produces the maximum loading on the compo- system shall be provided.
(2) An oil purifying appliance (filter system) shall be
provided to meet the requirements for the rating life of
(2) The component loads shall have a partial safety
the gearbox bearings. Flanged lubricating oil pumps
factor γM ≥ 1.1 relative to the yield point of the material.
shall be mounted accessibly at the gearbox and shall
be exchangeable.
7.4.6 Additional verifications
(3) The sealing system for the gearbox shall be Gearbox bearings suited to the operating conditions of the wind turbine
and the installation position of the gearbox. Verifica-
For design, calculations and assessment documentation tion shall be provided of the compatibility of the gas-
to be submitted for gearbox shaft bearings refer to kets with the gearbox oil used.
Section 7.3.
(4) The housing of main gearboxes in wind turbines
shall be provided with removable inspection hole cov- Bolted connections
ers, so that it is possible to check the teeth.

Strength analyses for bolted connections are necessary

wherever the bolts are essential to the transmission of
7.4.8 Inspection of gearboxes
power (see Section 6.5 “Bolted connections”).
(1) Gearboxes for wind turbines shall be inspected in Housing, torque arm and planet carrier the manufacturer’s works. The final inspection of the
mass-produced gearboxes shall take place after a trial
Regarding the gearbox housing, torque arm and planet run under partial load lasting several hours. The de-
carrier, fatigue and static strength analyses and/or tailed test plan (also regarding noise assessment) shall
deformation analyses shall be performed, insofar as be agreed by the gearbox manufacturer and the wind
these parts play a significant part in the transmission of turbine manufacturer.
power (e.g. introduction of rotor blade loads into the
housing, in the case of a hub affixed directly to the (2) After the trial run, the filtered oil should be left
gearbox input shaft). General requirements for strength in the gearbox.
analyses are stated in Section 5.3. The influence of
deformations of these components on the meshing and (3) Newly developed main gearboxes for wind tur-
the bearings shall be taken into account. If applicable, bine shall be subjected to a prototype trial at a suitable
deformations determined by computation shall be test bench and also in operation on a wind turbine (see
taken into account for the calculation of the meshing Section The precise procedure for the trials of
and the bearings. gearboxes for wind turbines is described in Section 10.7.
Chapter 7 7.4 Gearboxes IV – Part 1
Page 7-14 GL Wind 2003

(4) Following a successful prototype trial, the trials operation of the gearboxes, with a view to ensuring
of identical mass-produced gearboxes can be reduced that the design lifetime of the gearbox is reached. Ac-
to testing for sufficient production quality. cording to Section, the manual forms part of
the assessment documents for the certification of wind
(5) The detailed scope of the prototype trial shall be turbine gearboxes and shall contain binding statements
specified in consultation with GL Wind before the trial on at least the following points:
commences. The reduced extent of series testing shall
be defined in the documentation of the prototype test. – characteristic values and properties of permis-
sible lubricants

7.4.9 Running-in period – intervals required for oil analyses (also for oil
purity) and oil changes
(1) For the gearboxes of wind turbines, a running-in
period at low load after commissioning shall be de- – required maintenance and inspection intervals,
fined in consultation with the gearbox manufacturer.
as well as a description of the measures to be
During this period, the power output by the rotor shall
performed in each case. These shall be incor-
be limited in the control system. If no malfunctions are
porated into the maintenance manual of the
detected, the gearbox loading can be increased to full
load over several hours and with constant checking. wind turbine as per Section 9.4.
During the running-in period, the oil and bearing tem-
peratures shall be watched closely and the lubrication – operating parameters to be logged, and the
system shall be kept in constant operation. corresponding limiting values

(2) Furthermore, after a prolonged outage, the output – notes on the proper assembly of the gearbox
shall be limited with due regard for the oil sump tem-
perature (see also Section – notes on transport by sea, air or land (rail or
road), both as separate component and within
7.4.10 Manuals the nacelle of the wind turbine

The gearbox manufacturer shall define, in a written – notes on storage of the gearbox over periods
manual, the relevant maintenance, monitoring and exceeding half a year
precautionary measures for erection, transport and
IV – Part 1 7.5 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-15

7.5 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices

7.5.1 General
(8) During the braking process, a torque is produced
(1) The following guidelines apply to brakes and in the drive train which exceeds the maximum actual
locking devices of the rotor and the yaw system. braking moment MBmax of the brake by the dynamic
(2) Definitions of the individual terms are given in
(9) This drive train torque is augmented by the
Section 2.2 and data about the effective, systems-
engineering design of braking systems and locking partial safety factor γF to be applied as per Section 4.3.
devices in Section 2.3.
7.5.2 Assessment documents
(3) Because of the heat generated and the wear arising
from continuous operation of mechanical brakes, it is
not possible just to limit the rotational speed of the rotor (1) Installation and general arrangement drawings of
with these brakes. Therefore, the brakes shall be so all braking systems, circuit diagrams for the hydraulic,
designed that, once they have been activated, the rotor is pneumatic and electrical equipment plus individual-
safely brought to a standstill (see Section part drawings of all components playing a significant
role in power transmission shall be submitted.
(4) For the torques in the drive train that are relevant
to the design of the mechanical brake, the following (2) A compilation of the load cases used for the
definition of terms applies (see Fig. 7.5.1): design, and of the braking moments derived from
these, is required.
Range, considered
as input parameter (3) Design calculations shall be based on data pro-
for the load Result of the vided by the brake manufacturer. Additional calcula-
simulation simulation tion documents may be required in individual cases
(e.g. spring calculations, bolt calculations).

Operating Dynamic γF
range of magnification (4) A data sheet, detailing the coefficients of friction,
the brake temperature stability, lining material and wear charac-
Torque teristics, shall be submitted for the brake linings to be
M used.
MB min MB min Ausl MB max

7.5.3 Loads
Fig. 7.5.1 Sketch of the relevant torques
in the drive train
(1) The minimum design braking moment MBminAusl
and the maximum actual braking moment (MBmax) are
(5) The minimum required braking moment MBmin is calculated for the brake. Here the following shall be
the braking moment which is needed for the proper taken into account:
function of the brake according to Section
– fluctuations in the coefficient of friction
(6) The minimum required braking moment MBmin
and the maximum actual braking moment MBmax are
– fluctuations in the contact pressure
the braking moments which are considered as input
parameters for the load simulations of the wind turbine
as per Section 4.3.3. – warming and wear

(7) The operating range of the mechanical brake is (2) Brakes for the yaw system shall be designed in
subject to fluctuations caused by changes in the con- accordance with the requirements of the control con-
tact pressure and the coefficient of friction. The operat- cept.
ing range varies between the minimum design braking
moment MBminAusl and the maximum actual braking (3) A reduction in braking force resulting from wear
moment MBmax. shall be taken into account in the design.
Chapter 7 7.5 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices IV – Part 1
Page 7-16 GL Wind 2003

(4) The locking devices for blade-pitch system, rotor – calculation of the maximum actual braking
and yaw system shall be capable of holding the rotor moment MBmax
blade, the rotor or the nacelle against
– verification that the permissible temperatures
– an annual gust (Section 4.3.3, DLC 8.2), and are not exceeded during the braking process.
This analysis shall be performed on the basis
– a gust during erection or maintenance (Section of the least favourable braking moment of the
4.3.3, DLC 8.1). operating range.

7.5.4 Calculations
– strength analysis of the power-transmitting
components of the brake (bolted connections,
(1) In general, the conventional analysis tools shall
brake disk, brackets etc.)
be used for brake calculations. The strength analysis
shall be carried out with the maximum actual braking
moment MBmax . (4) It shall be shown that the following condition is
(2) The following data are required for checking
M BminAusl
purposes: ≥ MBmin
– type and construction
– spring characteristic (only for spring-operated
brakes) 7.5.5 Miscellaneous
– for hydraulic and pneumatic brakes: operating
pressure, type of accumulator, volume of (1) The braking surfaces shall be protected against
pressure medium, leakage rate undesirable influences (e.g. fouling by lubricants) by
means of covers, splashguards or suchlike.
– specific wear of the brake linings
– minimum and maximum dynamic coefficient (2) Automatic monitoring of the brake may be nec-
of friction for the material combination of essary; see Section
brake lining and brake drum/disk
(3) In the case of pressure-actuated braking systems,
– if applicable, the static coefficient of friction
the brake shall be capable of holding the rotor even if
for the material combination of brake lining there is no power supply. The period of time for which
and brake drum/disk the grid failure shall be assumed is specified in Section
(3) The calculations shall include:
– determination of the minimum design braking (4) For the design of locking devices, see also Sec-
moment MBminAusl tion 2.3.3.
IV – Part 1 7.6 Couplings Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-17

7.6 Couplings

7.6.1 General If a reduction in that maximum value is achieved by

design measures (e.g. a slipping coupling), the reduced
The guidelines in this Section apply to couplings in the value may be used for the coupling design. Here the
drive train. tolerance of the slipping moment shall be considered.

7.6.2 Assessment documents (4) The general strength analysis is described in

Chapter 5.
Assembly and individual-part drawings of all torque-
transmitting components, parts lists with data on mate- (5) The fatigue verification may be effected by com-
rials, documents as per DIN 740 Part 1, 1986, Section ponent testing under conditions resembling operation
4.12, strength analyses for all torque-transmitting or by computational analyses.
components as well as a record (by way of example)
on the function test of a slipping coupling (if present) (6) For computational analysis, the fatigue loads as
per Chapter 4 shall be used as a basis. The calculation
shall be submitted to GL Wind.
shall be performed in accordance with Chapter 5.
7.6.3 Materials
(7) If it is to be expected that excitation by the rotor
or the driven machine can cause alternating torques
Reference is made to Sections 3.3 (Materials) and 3.4 when passing through a resonance range or when op-
(Production and Testing). erated at the rated speed, it shall be verified that the
coupling is not damaged by these torques.
7.6.4 Calculations
7.6.5 Miscellaneous
(1) For all torque-transmitting components, a general
strength analysis, a fatigue analysis and an analysis on (1) If rubber elements are used, these shall be veri-
stress through periodic torque fluctuations shall be fied in accordance with Section 7.7 (Elastomer Bush-
submitted. Here the axial, radial and angular mis- ings).
alignment shall be taken into account.
(2) The temperature influence which a brake disk (if
(2) In the general strength analysis, maximum mo- present) can have on non-metallic components shall be
ment from the design loads as per Chapter 4 shall be considered (e.g. fire hazard, damage to the rubber
used as the basis. elements of the coupling).

(3) Continuous transmission of that maximum mo- (3) In individual cases, it may be necessary for an
ment is not necessary, but the loading caused by its expert from GL Wind to inspect a coupling from series
occurrence shall not result in damage to the coupling. production.
IV – Part 1 7.7 Elastomer Bushings Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-19

7.7 Elastomer Bushings

7.7.1 General (3) The analyses and technical documents are re-
quired for all elastomer bushings that are essential to
the distribution of forces. This includes e.g. the elas-
(1) Elastomer bushings are used where it is neces- tomer bushings of the
sary to reduce the vibration, movement or shock acting
at components.
– turbine components located in the drive train
(2) The influences on the behaviour of the elastom-
– connection of the nacelle cover to the main
ers are not limited to the structural mechanics (e.g.
frame (simplified analysis)
type, amplitude and frequency of the load; loading
sequence); the properties of the elastomer bushings are
also strongly affected by the production and process – components and supply units of the blade
technology as well as external influences. pitching system (simplified analysis)

(3) Owing to the dynamic loading of the elastomer (4) Installation drawings, and if applicable sectional
bushings, an annual inspection is necessary as a rule drawings, including the associated parts lists shall be
(e.g. visual inspection). submitted.
(4) From the design viewpoint, care shall therefore
be taken to provide a possibility for inspecting, and if (5) It shall be shown at which point in the distribu-
necessary exchanging, the elastomer bushing without tion of forces of the wind turbine the elastomer bush-
excessive effort. ings are arranged.

(5) In order to prevent premature ageing of the elas- (6) In addition, a specification and a data sheet shall
tomer bushings, they shall be selected to ensure that
be submitted for the elastomer bushings or elastomers
they are resistant to external influences as well as used, showing the physical (e.g. hardness, density) and
operating media (e.g. escaping oil and aggressive me- mechanical properties (e.g. type of permissible loading)
dia) and their vapours. Alternatively, a design-based
and the admissible operating and environmental condi-
solution shall be provided to ensure that the elastomer tions, as well as the chemical resistance properties.
bushings do not come into contact with such sub-
(7) The data sheet shall also provide information on
(6) In the selection of the elastomer bushings, the the strength values (tensile strength, tear resistance,
environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, yield stress, permissible pressure) and deformation para-
ozone) prevailing at their place of installation within meters (strain at maximum load and yield stress, elonga-
the wind turbine shall be taken into account. tion at tear) of the elastomer or the entire bushing.

(7) It shall also be noted that, owing to dynamic

(8) A load-deformation diagram shall be submitted.
loading, the internal temperature of the elastomer
bushings can exceed the ambient temperature at the
place of the installation for the elastomer bushings (9) The effects on the spring characteristic – up to
within the wind turbine, thereby possibly exceeding the typical loading of the elastomer bushing and for
the allowable ambient temperature of the elastomer the temperature range from -20 °C to +50 °C (but at
bushings. least for -20 °C, +23 °C and +50 °C) or for the ex-
treme temperatures to be expected at the place of in-
(8) Elastomer bushings shall preferably be subjected stallation for the elastomer bushing within the wind
to compressive and/or shear loading. turbine – shall be described.

7.7.2 Assessment documents

(10) The flow properties of the elastomer bushings
shall be stated (see also design lifetime of the wind
(1) General information on the assessment docu-
turbine, Section 4.2.2).
ments to be submitted is given in Section 7.1.

(2) Analyses shall be submitted for the extreme and (11) If tests are used by way of reference, a descrip-
fatigue loads. tion of the tests shall be submitted.
Chapter 7 7.7 Elastomer Bushings IV – Part 1
Page 7-20 GL Wind 2003

7.7.3 Loads to be applied tomer shall be taken into account, except for the provi-
sions set out in Chapter 5.
For the calculation of the loading of the elastomer
bushings, the design loads as per Chapter 4 shall be Note:
For the determination of the lifetime of the elastomer,
no generally valid computation standard is currently
7.7.4 Strength analysis
available, since the dynamic characteristics of the
elastomer usually depend strongly on
(1) It shall be shown that the elastomer bushings
used provide adequate safety against the extreme and – the frequency
fatigue loads.
– the environmental conditions
(2) If the extreme and fatigue load analyses are car- – the load amplitudes
ried out with the aid of test results, the test procedure
and the results derived from the tests shall be pre- – the mean load, and
sented in a plausible manner. – the relationship between surface area and vo-
(3) When transferring the test results to the actual
application of the elastomer bushings, the reduction For this reason, it will often be necessary to make use
factors assumed here shall be documented. of findings from the trial and from tests when perform-
ing the analysis.
(4) The analyses shall take account of the environ-
mental conditions usually prevailing at the place of 7.7.5 Additional verifications
installation for the elastomer bushings within the wind
turbine. If necessary, several analyses shall be pro-
duced for various sets of environmental conditions. (1) Strength analyses for bolted connections are
These conditions shall be stated in the analysis. necessary wherever such connections are essential to
the distribution of forces (see Section 6.5).
(5) It shall be shown that environmental conditions
occurring rarely at the place of installation of the elas- (2) Section 7.1.3 “Drive train dynamics” shall also
tomer bushings are also covered. These conditions be observed.
shall be stated in the analysis.
(6) Elastomer bushings are frequently used in com-
bination with other materials which provide the con- The influence of the elastomer bushings on adjacent
nection between the elastomer and the components to components shall be taken into account in a suitable
be connected (e.g. circular bearings with set screw). In manner. For example, the spring and damping charac-
this case, verification shall also be provided for this teristic, which is considered for the load assumptions
assembly. For the computational analyses (e.g. with and used in the design calculation of adjacent compo-
the aid of the finite element method) of the entire nents, shall be verified with the data sheet described in
component, the material non-linearities of the elas- Section 7.7.2.
IV – Part 1 7.8 Yaw System Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-21

7.8 Yaw System

7.8.1 General results with the relevant safety margins) and on the
components of the gearbox.
(1) This Section applies for the yaw system of wind
turbines as described below. In the event of other de- (4) For the evaluation of the transmission stage
signs, the wording shall apply with the necessary “driving pinion / live ring”, the individual-part draw-
changes. ings of the pinion shaft and the live ring are required,
together with a toothing calculation for this combina-
(2) The torque necessary to make the nacelle track tion and the verifications for the pinion shaft and its
the wind is provided by a servomotor with the associ- bearing arrangement.
ated yaw gear. The torque is transmitted by the driving
pinion to a live ring fixed to the body of the tower. (5) Assembly and sectional drawings, including the
associated parts lists and if applicable individual-part
(3) The nacelle is supported on the tower head either drawings, shall be submitted together with a descrip-
by a plain bearing or by a roller bearing. The swivel- tion explaining the functional principle of the yaw
ling motion of the nacelle is usually braked either by a system.
brake in the positioning drive and/or by brake blocks
acting on a brake disc fixed to the tower head or the 7.8.3 Loads to be applied
(1) For the calculation of the loading of the yaw
(4) To exclude alternating loads on the toothing, system, the design loads as per Chapter 4 shall be
which could cause premature damage to the teeth, a applied.
braking system shall generally be provided which
prevents alternating stressing of the gear teeth due to
(2) The static and load-dependent bearing friction
shaking motions of the nacelle by means of a con-
moment shall be taken into account. For the fatigue
stantly acting residual braking moment. analysis, the load duration distributions (LDD) and the
load spectra shall be used. A distinction shall be made
(5) This residual braking moment shall be taken into between operation with and without yawing.
account when designing the yaw drive.
(3) The static strength analysis – with and without
(6) A locking arrangement shall be provided for the operation of the yaw system – shall be performed for
yaw system (see also Sections and 2.3.3), with the design loads of the dimensioning load case as per
which this system is locked in place during mainte- Chapter 4.
nance and repair work, in order to exclude the risk of
personal injury. This locking arrangement need not
(4) For the static strength analysis, an application
necessarily be located permanently at the yaw system;
factor of KA = 1.0 is used.
it may also be an external lock which is mounted
whenever required.
(5) When determining the number of load cycles or
(7) Appropriate collecting troughs shall be provided the load duration per tooth occurring during yawing,
to accommodate excess quantities of lubricant from the statements in Section shall be used as a
the toothing of the yaw ring and the drive pinion as basis.
well as from the nacelle bearing.

7.8.2 Assessment documents 7.8.4 Strength analysis

(1) General information on the assessment docu- Verification of load capacity of gears
ments to be submitted is given in Section 7.1.
(1) The toothing calculations of the transmission
(2) For the components of the yaw system, type stage “driving pinion / live ring” and of the positioning
sheets, specifications and assembly drawings shall be gear shall be based on ISO 6336.
(2) Calculation of the load capacity from the fatigue
(3) Statements shall be made on the calculation data loads shall be performed according to DIN 3990 Part
(e.g. input data for the calculation, presentation of the 6, Method II. For Method II, a damage ratio of D ≤ 1
Chapter 7 7.8 Yaw System IV – Part 1
Page 7-22 GL Wind 2003

shall be achieved in compliance with the safety factors Note:

listed in Table 7.8.1.
The output pinion of the rotary drive should be forged-on.
(3) Alternatively, an equivalent load can be deter-
mined from the load/time distribution (as per DIN Bearings
3990 Part 6, Method III) with which – in compliance
with the safety factors listed in Table 7.8.1 – the fa- (1) For the calculation and execution of the nacelle
tigue analysis shall be performed. bearing, reference is made to Section 7.3.

(4) Furthermore, an analysis (with safety factors (2) The seals shall be so executed or protected that
according to Table 7.8.2) of the static strength against they are not damaged by the prevailing environmental
forced rupture and pitting is also required. conditions.

Table 7.8.1 Safety factors for the Note:

fatigue strength analysis It should be possible to exchange the seal of the na-
Safety against: celle bearing in the installed condition.
pitting SH ≥ 0.6
(3) It shall be shown that adequate relubrication and
tooth root fracture SF ≥ 1.0
removal of the old lubricant is ensured for the nacelle
bearing, and if applicable also for the toothing, and
Table 7.8.2 Safety factors for the that an adequate film of lubricant is always provided
static strength analysis between the rolling bodies and the track surface. If this
Safety against: cannot be ensured by the maintenance intervals, an
pitting SH ≥ 0.6 automatic relubrication system shall be provided.
tooth root fracture SF ≥ 1.2 Yaw brake Shafts and connecting elements (1) Notes on the calculation of brakes are given in
Section 7.5.
(1) For the output shaft of the yaw drive and for the
connecting elements, a fatigue strength analysis and a (2) If a permanent application of a braking moment
static strength analysis shall be submitted. is required according to the system concept, the func-
tion of the brakes shall also be ensured in the event of
failure of the power supply.
(2) The analyses shall be performed in accordance
with DIN 743, DIN 6892 and DIN 7190, or equivalent
codes. Additional verifications

(1) In the case of systems with electrical actuating

(3) In addition, analyses of the housing and pinion drive, Chapter 8 shall also be considered.
cage of the rotary drive shall be submitted. If applica-
ble, the extreme load verification can also be provided (2) For the verification of the hydraulic system,
by means of a static test. Section 7.9 shall be considered.

(4) Strength analyses for bolted connections are (3) The design of the drives and brakes shall be
necessary wherever the bolts are essential to the distri- verified for proper function in accordance with the
bution of forces (see Section 6.5). system concept.
IV – Part 1 7.9 Hydraulic Systems Chapter 7
GL Wind 2003 Page 7-23

7.9 Hydraulic Systems

7.9.1 General (3) All components not made of corrosion-proof

materials shall be provided with a corrosion protection
(1) The guidelines in this Section apply to hydraulic system.
systems necessary for operation (e.g. yaw motion and
rotor blade pitch control) or forming part of a braking
system (e.g. blade pitch adjustment in fault situations 7.9.4 Design and construction
and rotor brakes).
(1) The design and construction of hydraulic systems
(2) In addition to the statements made here, national shall be in accordance with recognized rules (see e.g.
requirements may also have to be observed (e.g. in ISO 4413 and AD data sheets).
Germany, the Operational Safety Ordinance and the
14th Ordinance on the Equipment Safety Law). (2) The following points shall be taken into account:

7.9.2 Assessment documents (3) Adequate dimensioning of the components (e.g.

pumps, piping, valves, actuators, accumulators) to
The following assessment documentation is required: guarantee the desired reaction times, actuation speeds
and actuating forces.
a hydraulic functional diagram in standard form
(e.g. as per ISO 1219-2) with associated parts list (4) During operation, pressure fluctuations can arise
in hydraulic components which can cause fatigue
b electrical circuit diagrams showing the actua-
tion of the hydraulic system valves, insofar as
electro-hydraulic control and regulation is
(5) A clear separation is required for the components
planned and assemblies of the independent braking systems
c data sheet of the safety-related components (see Section
d calculations and data for the actuators (e.g. (6) The hydraulic system should be so designed that
piston diameter, buckling calculation for the the wind turbine is in a safe condition in case of no
piston rod, moments acting on servomotors, pressure or of failure of the hydraulics.
design of articulated joints and levers), accu-
mulators, pipelines, hoses and valves (e.g. (7) In the event that hydraulic actuators (e.g. rotor
flow rates and reaction times) brake or blade pitching system), fulfil their safety
e data concerning pump unit design (storage function only if there is hydraulic pressure, the hydrau-
lic system shall be so designed that the wind turbine
volume, limitation of pressure, fluid level
can be kept in a safe condition following failure of the
check etc.)
power supply to the pump or the valves. The duration
f data on the execution of filters of this failure shall be assumed identical to the dura-
tion of the grid failure specified as a fault condition in
g details on the service life of the component Section, para 2.
used (e.g. hoses, accumulators), if these are
shorter than the design lifetime of the wind (8) The weather conditions under which the installa-
turbine (see Section 4.2.2) tion is intended to operate (oil/fluid viscosity; possible
cooling, heating etc.) (see Section 4.2) shall be taken
7.9.3 Materials into account.

(1) In the selection of materials for the force- (9) Leakage shall not impair the system’s ability to
transmitting components, it shall taken into account function. If leakage occurs, this shall be recognized
that they are possibly subjected to dynamic loading. and the wind turbine shall be controlled accordingly.
(10) Actuators shall always be “hydraulically loaded”
(2) Seamless or longitudinally welded steel pipe
if they are hydraulically moved in two directions.
shall be used for piping. Suitable high-pressure hoses
in accordance with DIN EN 853, DIN EN 855, (11) In the layout of piping, it shall be taken into
DIN EN 856, ISO 6803 or equivalent international account that components may move relative to one
codes may be used as flexible pipe connections. another and thereby dynamically stress the pipes.
Chapter 7 7.9 Hydraulic Systems IV – Part 1
Page 7-24 GL Wind 2003

(12) All components shall be protected in a suitable (13) Adequately large oil troughs shall be provided to
manner against accidental loads not considered in the ensure that hydraulic fluid does not pollute the envi-
dimensioning (e.g. weight of a person on pipes). ronment in the event of leakage in the hydraulic sys-
tem, but runs into the collecting troughs instead.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

8 Electrical Installations

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

8.1 Area of Application ................................................................................................................................ 8-1

8.1.1 Application............................................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.3 Standards.................................................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.4 Operating and environmental conditions ................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.5 Parallel operation with public power supply networks ............................................................................ 8-1
8.1.6 Stand-alone operation .............................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.1.7 Assessment documents ............................................................................................................................ 8-2

8.2 Electrical Machines................................................................................................................................ 8-5

8.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.2 Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 8-5
8.2.3 Ventilation and cooling ............................................................................................................................ 8-5
8.2.4 Windings .................................................................................................................................................. 8-5
8.2.5 Bearings ................................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.6 Duty cycles of electrical machines........................................................................................................... 8-5

8.3 Transformers .......................................................................................................................................... 8-7

8.3.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.3.2 Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.3.3 Dry-type transformers.............................................................................................................................. 8-7
8.3.4 Liquid-cooled transformers...................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.3.5 Converter transformers ............................................................................................................................ 8-7
8.3.6 Protection ................................................................................................................................................. 8-7

8.4 Static Converters.................................................................................................................................... 8-9

8.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 8-9
8.4.2 Installation of static converters ................................................................................................................ 8-9
8.4.3 Protection equipment ............................................................................................................................... 8-9

8.5 Medium Voltage ................................................................................................................................... 8-11

8.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.5.2 Protective measures ............................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.5.3 Pressure relief ........................................................................................................................................ 8-11
8.5.4 SF6 switchgear....................................................................................................................................... 8-11

8.6 Charging Equipment and Storage Batteries...................................................................................... 8-13

8.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.6.2 Charging equipment............................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.6.3 Storage batteries..................................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.6.4 Installation and operation of batteries .................................................................................................... 8-13

8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment .............................................................................................. 8-15

8.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-15
8.7.2 Short-circuit and overload protection devices........................................................................................ 8-15
8.7.3 Control circuits ...................................................................................................................................... 8-15
8.7.4 Measuring and indicating circuits .......................................................................................................... 8-16
8.7.5 Earth fault detection and monitoring...................................................................................................... 8-16
8.7.6 Design and rating of the switchgear....................................................................................................... 8-16
8.7.7 Switchboards and cabinets for low voltage............................................................................................ 8-16
8.7.8 Synchronizing gear and equipment for smooth connection ................................................................... 8-16
8.7.9 Electrical / electronic components in the safety system......................................................................... 8-16
8.7.10 Circuits for safety-related parts of the controls...................................................................................... 8-17
Chapter 8 Table of Contents IV – Part 1
Page 4 GL Wind 2003

8.8 Cables and Electrical Installation Equipment................................................................................... 8-19

8.8.1 Selection of cables and lines .................................................................................................................. 8-19
8.8.2 Loading, protection and laying of cables and lines ................................................................................ 8-19

8.9 Lightning Protection............................................................................................................................ 8-21

8.9.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 8-21
8.9.2 Protection concept.................................................................................................................................. 8-21 Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 8-21 Definition of protection levels ............................................................................................................... 8-21 Definition of protection zones................................................................................................................ 8-21
8.9.3 Execution of measures ........................................................................................................................... 8-22 Foundation earth electrode for the tower ............................................................................................... 8-22 Design of the tower................................................................................................................................ 8-23 Junction at the yaw bearing.................................................................................................................... 8-24 Connection of the machine foundation to the earthing system .............................................................. 8-25 Connection of the generator and the gearbox to the earthing system..................................................... 8-25 Connection of other components in the nacelle ..................................................................................... 8-25 Metallic housings of the nacelle............................................................................................................. 8-25 Non-metallic housings of the nacelle..................................................................................................... 8-25 Lightning conduction from rotor blades ................................................................................................ 8-25 Lightning conduction from the rotor hub............................................................................................... 8-25 Lightning conduction from wind measurement sensors......................................................................... 8-25 Switchgear installations in the tower ..................................................................................................... 8-26 Operation buildings and transformer substations separated from the wind turbine ............................... 8-26 Connections for laying cables between the tower and separate buildings ............................................. 8-26 Switchgear installations inside separate buildings ................................................................................. 8-26 Treatment of cables and lines at the interfaces of the lightning protection zones .................................. 8-26 Application of the protection facilities................................................................................................... 8-26
IV – Part 1 8.1 Area of Application Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-1

8.1 Area of Application

8.1.1 Application 8.1.4 Operating and environmental conditions

The provisions of this Chapter apply to installations (1) All electrical components shall be designed to
for the generation, distribution and transmission of comply with the operating and environmental condi-
electrical power and to electrical and electronic control tions expected at the installation site.
equipment in wind turbines, insofar as they are located
within the wind turbine (tower / nacelle) or form an (2) Ambient temperatures and other environmental
integral part of the wind turbine. The grid connection conditions shall be taken from Section 4.2 “External
station does not belong to the area of application. conditions” if no site-specific data are available. It is
pointed out that the corresponding basic specifications
for the installed components may deviate in having
8.1.2 Scope restricted environmental conditions as a basis. This
shall be observed in the design of the plant.
This Chapter describes the requirements for
(3) As the minimum degree of protection against
– rotating electrical machines foreign matter and water (in accordance with IEC
60529 “Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
– static converters
(IP Code)”), the following shall be provided for
– charging equipment and storage batteries equipment such as e.g. switchgear, motors, generators
or controls:
– switchgear and protection equipment
– dry operation areas IP 21
– cables and electrical installation equipment
– moist operation areas IP 43
– power transformers
– installation outside IP 55
– medium-voltage switchgear
– lightning protection (4) Generators shall generally comply with the de-
gree of protection IP 54.

8.1.3 Standards Note:

(1) All electrical equipment and individual compo- The degree of protection for the equipment shall be
nents shall be designed in accordance with recognized assured in the installed configuration, regardless of the
standards, which shall be listed in the technical docu- operating state of the wind turbine. Nacelle covers and
mentation. other protective measures may be taken into account in
evaluating the degree of protection.
(2) The relevant IEC publications or equivalent
national codes shall be taken into account for electrical 8.1.5 Parallel operation with
installations in wind turbines. public power supply networks

(3) Special attention shall be paid to the protective (1) With regard to the grid quality expected for wind
measures, as listed in the IEC series 60364 “Electrical turbines, reference is made to Section 4.2.5.
installations of buildings” or VDE 0100 “Erection of
power installations with nominal voltages up to 1000 V”. (2) Wind turbines intended for parallel operation
with public power supply networks require additional
(4) In addition, IEC 60204-1 (2000-05) “Safety of approval from the relevant grid operator. In general,
machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: the “Technische Anschlußbedingungen” (TAB) [Tech-
General requirements” or DIN EN 60204-1 (VDE nical Connection Conditions] of the relevant grid op-
0113 Part 1) 1998-11 “Sicherheit von Maschinen, erator shall be taken into account for this purpose. In
Elektrische Ausrüstung von Maschinen, Allgemeine particular for the connection of wind farms to certain
Anforderungen” shall also be applied. voltage levels, special conditions may apply for the
electrical behaviour.
(5) In each case, the latest version shall be used. The
publication dates cited below reflect the situation ap- (3) Power electronics shall be so designed that the
plicable at time this Guideline was printed. harmonics generated do not affect the function of con-
Chapter 8 8.1 Area of Application IV – Part 1
Page 8-2 GL Wind 2003

nected electrical equipment, the equipment does not Table 8.1.1 Permissible voltage and frequency
suffer any damage and no impermissible perturbances deviations in stand-alone operation
occur during parallel operation with the grid.
Parameter Deviation
(4) The admissible limiting values shall be agreed permanent short-term
with the grid operator. As a guideline value, a permis-
sible harmonic content of 10 % can be applied. Frequency ±5% ± 10 % (5 s)
Voltage ± 10 % ± 20 % (1.5 s)
Note: B Voltage ± 20 %
For plants in Germany, reference is made to the fol- A: General
lowing publications: B: Storage batteries and static converters

– “Grundsätze für die Beurteilung von Netz-

rückwirkungen” (VDEW Vereinigung Deu- (2) A generator voltage deviation of ± 2.5 % be-
tscher Elektrizitätswerke e.V.) – Fundamentals tween idling and full load at rated speed is permissible
for the Assessment of Grid Perturbations in stand-alone operation.
(Association of German Electricity Utilities –
VDEW) Note:

– “Technische Richtlinien für Windenergieanla- Deviations from this Guideline are permissible if the
gen, Teil 3: Bestimmung der elektrischen Ei- connected consumers are suitable for this. For DC
genschaften” (FGW) – Technical Guidelines charging generators, the voltage conditions for bat-
for Wind Turbines, Part 3: Determination of tery-charging operation apply.
the Electrical Characteristics (Federation of
German Windpower) 8.1.7 Assessment documents
– “Richtlinie für den Parallelbetrieb von Eigen- (1) The following documentation is required for the
erzeugungsanlagen mit dem Niederspan- assessment of electrical components:
nungsnetz des Energieversorgungsunterneh-
mens (VDEW)” – Guidelines for Parallel O- a general functional descriptions of and mainte-
peration of In-House Generation Plants with nance instructions for electrical appliances
the Low-Voltage Grid of the Power Utility b general circuit diagrams for the main circuits
(VDEW) and the auxiliary circuits, with data on the
– “Richtlinie für den Parallelbetrieb von Eigen- short-circuit and overcurrent protection gear
erzeugungsanlagen mit dem Mittelspannungs-
c data and functional sequences of the control
netz des Energieversorgungsunternehmens
(VDEW)” – Guidelines for Parallel Operation
of In-House Generation Plants with the Medi- d determination of the categories to be applied
um-Voltage Grid of the Power Utility (VDEW) for safety-related parts of the controls (see
– “Technische Richtlinie Bau und Betrieb von Section 8.7.10)
Übergabestationen zur Versorgung von Kunden e summary and functional description of the
aus dem Mittelspannungsnetz (VDEW)” – monitoring devices and electrical measuring
Technical Guidelines for the Construction and equipment
Operation of Substations for Supplying Clients
from the Medium-Voltage Grid (VDEW) f parts lists with the design data and manufac-
turer’s information for all important electrical
– “Ergänzungen zu den Netzanschlussregeln – appliances, including the sensors and limit
Windenergieanlagen” – Supplements to the switches used
Grid Connection Rules – Wind Turbines
(E.ON Netz GmbH) g cable and installation diagrams with data con-
cerning cable and wiring cross-sections and
stating the load currents, if these details are
not contained in the general circuit diagram
8.1.6 Stand-alone operation h drawings of the lightning-protection and ear-
thing plans, comprising:
(1) In the absence of specific data, the guideline
values given in Table 8.1.1 shall be assumed for the – general arrangement drawing of the wind
operating conditions in stand-alone operation: turbine, including the separate buildings
IV – Part 1 8.1 Area of Application Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-3

with the lightning protection zones entered j for generators with a power output exceeding
therein 50 kW: drawings, records of routine tests as
per IEC 60034-1 (1999-08) “Rotating electri-
– general arrangement drawing of the wind cal machines – Part 1: Rating and perform-
turbine with lightning rods and conductors, ance” with data on the heat run, as well as
as well as arrangement of the earth elec- maintenance instructions
trodes and the voltage grading, the location
of the bonding bars, and connections to the (2) If power transformers and/or medium-voltage
separate operation buildings installations are integrated into the wind turbine, the
following documents are necessary in addition:
– general arrangement drawing (single-line
representation) showing the location of a type test records of the transformer as per IEC
lightning current conductors and surge ar- 60076-1 (2000-04) “Power transformers –
resters Part 1: General”
b type test records of the medium-voltage instal-
– design details of how the lightning current
lation as per IEC 60298 (1990-12) “A.C.
is conducted away from the rotor blades,
metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for
verification of the lightning-current-
rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and in-
carrying capacity of the gearbox and yaw
cluding 52 kV”, with consideration of Appen-
bearing conductors
dix AA6
i drawings of and information about any emer- c verification of the erection of the medium-
gency power systems, fire alarm systems and voltage installation in connection with the re-
other electrical equipment, such as drawings sults of the internal arc test and the effects of the
of the slip rings pressure surge
IV – Part 1 8.2 Electrical Machines Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-5

8.2 Electrical Machines

8.2.1 General the thermal and dynamic stresses to be anticipated in

the event of a short circuit.
Electrical machines in wind turbines (generator, auxil-
iary electrical drives) shall on principle comply with (2) Electrical machines shall be so designed and
IEC 60034 (1999-08) “Rotating electrical machines”. constructed that the permissible over-temperatures for
the class of insulation are not exceeded, irrespective of
8.2.2 Materials the operating time. The values listed in IEC 60034
Part 1 “Rotating electrical machines” may be used as
(1) The materials for the construction of electrical guideline values.
machines shall be suitable for the expected environ-
mental conditions; particular attention shall be paid to (3) If the machines are operated at static converters,
the corrosive effect of a marine atmosphere. Materials the increased warming caused by the additional har-
unsuitable for a marine atmosphere may be used if monics shall be taken into account. When carrying out
protected by adequate coating or cladding. the heat run of the machine, the static converters shall
be operated at the same time and according to the rated
(2) If plastics are used for casings, terminal boxes operating conditions. If a heat run is not possible for
and fan wheels, materials suited for low temperature technical reasons, calculations are permissible as an
shall be used. alternative.

(3) If there is a risk that shaft voltages can occur 8.2.5 Bearings
owing to the configuration of the overall plant, the
bearings and coupling shall be of an insulated type. The verification of the bearings shall take place in
accordance with Section 7.3.
8.2.3 Ventilation and cooling

(1) Electrical machines for wind turbines shall pref- 8.2.6 Duty cycles of electrical machines
erably be designed in fully enclosed form with surface
cooling. Machines with a power output exceeding (1) Generators for wind turbines shall be designed
50 kW shall be provided with drain holes to prevent for continuous operation (duty type S1 as per IEC
the accumulation of condensed water. 60034-1).

(2) Draught-ventilated machines may be used if the (2) If the winding temperature is monitored with
incoming air is free from moisture, oil vapour and dust. regard to its limiting values, thermistors or equivalent
sensors should be used. Thermal overcurrent relays with
(3) The cooling circuit of liquid-cooled machines bimetallic elements are not suitable.
shall be monitored in a suitable manner.
(3) Motors for auxiliary drives shall be designed
8.2.4 Windings according to the operating times to be expected. Refer-
ence is made to the duty cycles specified in IEC 60034
(1) In conjunction with the protective devices pro- Part 1 “Rotating electrical machines” or to equivalent
vided, electrical machines shall be able to withstand codes.
IV – Part 1 8.3 Transformers Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-7

8.3 Transformers

8.3.1 General 8.3.3 Dry-type transformers

Dry-type transformers shall be used by preference.
(1) To an increasing extent, the power transformers
Depending on the site, this may even be compulsory
are being integrated into the wind turbine itself. If this
is the case and if transformers are installed within the according to governmental regulations.
tower or the nacelle of a wind turbine, they fall within
the scope of the assessment and shall meet the re- 8.3.4 Liquid-cooled transformers
quirements set out below. Transformers do not fall
within the extent of the assessment if they are set up (1) Liquid-cooled transformers shall be provided
outside the nacelle and tower and do not form part of with a collecting arrangement which permits the
the overall system “generator / converter” (i.e. are part proper disposal of the liquid.
of the outside substation).
(2) Liquid-cooled transformers should be fitted with
(2) Transformers shall comply with the international protection against the outgassing of the liquid.
standard IEC 60076-1 (2000-04) “Power transformers
– Part 1: General”. This shall be verified through type (3) The liquid temperature shall be monitored. An
test records of the manufacturer. alarm shall be actuated before the maximum permissi-
ble temperature is attained. When the temperature limit
(3) In addition, the special standards for dry-type is reached, the transformer shall be disconnected.
transformers, IEC 60726 (1982-01) “Dry-type power
transformers”, and for converter transformers, IEC (4) The liquid filling level should be monitored.
61378-1 (1997-09) “Convertor transformers - Part 1:
Transformers for industrial applications”) shall apply. 8.3.5 Converter transformers
If the operational concept of the wind turbine involves
8.3.2 Installation the use of static semiconductor converters in the trans-
formation of the wind energy into electrical energy
Transformers shall be installed in separate rooms (e.g. synchronous generator with full converter, dou-
which can be locked. The installation locations for ble-fed asynchronous generator), it shall be verified
transformers shall be well ventilated. The access to the that the transformer is suited to the requirements.
transformer room should only be possible with the
transformer switched off. Access to unauthorized per- 8.3.6 Protection
sons shall be prevented. (1) Transformers shall be protected against short-
circuit and overload.
(2) It shall be possible to switch off transformers on
either side.
When erecting wind turbines with transformers con-
tained inside the tower or nacelle, the relevant na- (3) Transformers shall be fitted with temperature
tional regulations shall be taken into account. monitoring.
IV – Part 1 8.4 Static Converters Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-9

8.4 Static Converters

8.4.1 General (3) Naturally ventilated static converters should

preferably be used; the use of fans is recommended.
(1) Power electronics shall be designed so that the Furthermore, the function of forced cooling shall be
harmonics generated do not affect the function of con- monitored and its failure shall be annunciated to avoid
nected electrical equipment and the equipment does overheating. If adequate reliability can be demon-
not suffer any damage. Reference is made to the GL strated, liquid cooling may be utilized.
guideline on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
8.4.3 Protection equipment
(2) Power electronics should comply with EN 50178
(VDE 0160) “Electronic equipment for use in power
installations”. (1) All power electronics shall be protected against
overload and grid short circuit. It shall not be possible
(3) Furthermore, reference is made to IEC 61800-1 for a semiconductor element to be destroyed in the
(1997-12) “Adjustable speed electrical power drive event of a malfunction. Protection of the installation
systems – Part 1: General requirements – Rating speci- may be effected by fuses, circuit breakers or the inter-
fications for low voltage adjustable speed d.c. power vention of the control system.
drive systems” and IEC 61800-2 (1998-03) “Adjust-
able speed electrical power drive systems – Part 2: (2) The protection equipment shall ensure that in the
General requirements – Rating specifications for low event of a disconnection the energy stored in the com-
voltage adjustable frequency a.c. power drive sys- ponents and the load circuit cannot have a damaging
tems”. effect, that in the event of a failure of essential compo-
nents the wind turbine is brought to a standstill in a
8.4.2 Installation of static converters controlled manner, and that damaged subsystems are
switched off as selectively as possible.
(1) Power electronics should be accommodated in
separate cabinets.
(3) Self-test facilities are recommended for over-
(2) The units should be easily accessible for meas- voltage and overcurrent protection equipment to safe-
urement and repair. Simulation circuits, test sockets, guard the function of the protection equipment.
control lamps etc. are recommended for checking the
operation and for fault-finding. For repair purposes, it (4) In accordance with IEC 60364-4-46 “Electrical
shall be possible to isolate all components from other installations of buildings; Part 4: Protection for safety;
live pats. The signal and control electronics shall be Chapter 46: Isolation and switching”, semiconductor
electrically isolated from the power circuits. devices shall not be used for isolating purposes.
IV – Part 1 8.5 Medium Voltage Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-11

8.5 Medium Voltage

8.5.1 General release flaps, the installation space shall be as speci-

fied by the switchgear manufacturer and shall have an
(1) To an increasing extent, the medium-voltage adequate volume. Suitable measures shall be taken to
installations are being integrated into the wind turbine ensure that the overpressure occurring within the space
itself. If this is the case and if medium-voltage installa- is limited to physiologically acceptable limits. This
tions are installed within the tower or the nacelle of a overpressure shall be taken into account for the struc-
wind turbine, they fall within the scope of the assess- tural design of the installation space.
ment and shall meet the requirements set out below.
Medium-voltage installations do not fall within the (2) If the switchboard is designed so that the gas
extent of assessment if they are set up outside the pressure caused by internal arcs is also, or only, re-
nacelle and tower (i.e. are located in a transformer sub- leased downwards, the floor shall be constructed so
station). that it can withstand this pressure. Care shall be taken
to ensure that sufficient volumes of space are available
(2) Medium-voltage installations shall comply with below the floor for the expansion of the internal-arc
IEC 60298 (1990-12) “A.C. metal-enclosed switchgear gases.
and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up
to and including 52 kV”.
(3) Combustible materials and low-voltage cables
are not admissible in the endangered area.
8.5.2 Protective measures

(1) A risk of personal injury through electrical shock (4) Verification of the installation shall be provided
and internal arcs shall be excluded independently of by suitable documents.
the necessary protection against foreign matter and
8.5.4 SF6 switchgear
(2) Medium-voltage switchgear shall be subjected to
SF6 switchgear shall only be installed in spaces which
an internal arc test as per IEC 60298 Appendix AA6.
are adequately ventilated.
Here criteria 1 to 6 shall be met. This test may be dis-
pensed with if the installation has to be isolated before
access is given to the place of installation. Note:

(3) Verification of this shall be provided by the cor- It shall be taken into account that SF6 is heavier than
responding documents of the manufacturer of the me- air and the gases escaping in the event of internal
dium-voltage installation. arcing have toxic and corrosive effects.

8.5.3 Pressure relief Reference is made to the instruction sheets of the em-
ployer’s liability insurance associations on SF6
(1) If the gas pressure resulting from internal arcs switchgear.
within the switchboard is to be vented via pressure-
IV – Part 1 8.6 Charging Equipment and Storage Batteries Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-13

8.6 Charging Equipment and Storage Batteries

8.6.1 General (3) Reference is made to the VDE series 0510 and its
international equivalents.
Charging equipment and storage batteries are used for
the storage of energy in small wind turbines or for the 8.6.4 Installation and operation of batteries
emergency supply of safety systems.
(1) Batteries shall be installed in well-ventilated
8.6.2 Charging equipment rooms, cabinets or boxes.

(1) Battery charging equipment shall be able to ac- (2) The VDE regulations for batteries contained in
cept the irregular energy supply from wind turbines DIN VDE 0510 “VDE specification for electric stor-
and the possible deviations of voltage and frequency. age batteries and battery plants” or equivalent regula-
tions shall be observed.
(2) Overcharging of the batteries shall be prevented
by regulation or, if necessary, by dump loads which (3) Batteries shall be so installed that they are acces-
can be switched on. sible for the replacement of cells, inspection, topping-
up and cleaning.
(3) If consumers are supplied while charging is in
(4) Lead-acid batteries and alkaline batteries shall
progress, the maximum charging voltage shall not
not be installed in the same room; furthermore, sepa-
exceed 20 % of the rated voltage of the battery.
rate ventilation systems shall be provided.
(4) Battery charging equipment shall be designed
(5) Batteries shall be so installed or covered that
and adjusted so that even during boost charging the
they are effectively shielded against dripping water,
permissible voltage per cell is not exceeded.
fouling and falling parts.

(5) Charging equipment shall have its own short- (6) Warning signs indicating the risk of explosion
circuit and overcurrent protection equipment on both shall be provided at the entrance of battery rooms and
the input and the output side and should have a system on battery boxes. Attention shall be drawn to the fact
for monitoring its operation. that there is a risk of explosion within a radius of
0.5 m around the ventilation inlets and outlets of these
8.6.3 Storage batteries rooms and boxes.

(1) Batteries fitted to wind turbines should permit an (7) To avoid sparking, circuits shall be switched off
adequate number of charge/discharge cycles. before batteries are connected or disconnected.

(2) Battery casings shall be resistant to electrolytes, (8) Batteries mounted in the hub shall be suitable for
mineral oils and cleaning agents, and to corrosion by a the special requirements resulting from the rotating
marine atmosphere. movements.
IV – Part 1 8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-15

8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment

8.7.1 General
(6) In non-earthed three-phase systems with a bal-
anced load, overload protection shall be provided in at
(1) All components of the electrical installation shall least two conductors.
be protected against overload and short circuit. If
overcurrent or a short circuit occurs, the protection (7) Battery systems shall be equipped with short-
equipment shall be triggered reliably and shall prevent circuit and overload protection in each non-earthed
any thermal or electrodynamic overloading of individ- conductor. The short-circuit protection shall be located
ual components of the wind turbine. The devices used close to the battery.
shall comply with the standard IEC 60947 (2001-12)
“Voltage switchgear and controlgear”. (8) The selection of overload and short-circuit pro-
tection devices shall be based on the rated currents in
(2) The protection equipment and switchgear should the cable or circuit and on the possible short-circuit
be selected so that, after a trip, reconnection is possible current at the relevant points of installation.
immediately by a circuit breaker or after replacement
of fuses. Note:
In the case of installations intended for parallel opera-
(3) The on/off position of switches shall be recog-
nizable. In the case of pushbuttons, indicator lamps or tion with public power supply networks, the short-
equivalent displays shall be provided to show that the circuit conditions shall be analysed in consultation
circuits have been made. with the relevant grid operator.

(9) Suitable overcurrent protection devices are rec-

8.7.2 Short-circuit and overload ommended for motors of auxiliary drives with rated
protection devices outputs greater than 1 kW. Depending on the duty of
the motor to be protected, bimetallic relays, thermis-
tors or other temperature sensors with tripping devices
(1) The rated breaking capacity of each circuit
may be provided for this purpose.
breaker used for short-circuit protection shall not be
less than the maximum possible short-circuit current at
(10) Regardless of its rating, every motor shall be
the point of installation.
protected by a suitable short-circuit protection device.
(2) The rated making capacity of a circuit breaker
shall not be less than the maximum asymmetric short- Note:
circuit current which may occur at the point of instal- For the operation and protection of electrical equip-
lation. ment, the following configurations may be provided for
the power circuits:
(3) The making and breaking capacity of switchgear
shall be stated by the manufacturer and entered in the – circuit breaker or motor protection switch
assessment documentation. with integrated short-circuit and overload
– fuses in conjunction with load switches
Reference is made to the GL “List of Type Tested
– fuse switch-disconnectors
Products and of Approved Products, Procedures and
Manufacturers”, which is available on request and – fuses in conjunction with contactors
contains a large number of type tested appliances.
– circuit breaker and/or motor protection switch
in conjunction with contactors
(4) Switchgear with insufficient making and break-
ing capacity for the expected maximum short-circuit – circuit breaker / contactor combination
current may be used in conjunction with suitably rated
back-up fuses. 8.7.3 Control circuits

(5) In non-earthed two-phase DC and AC circuits, (1) Control circuits shall generally be equipped with
overload protection shall be provided for at least one separate short-circuit protection up to a maximum of
conductor. 10 A. Joint fuse protection of control and load circuits
Chapter 8 8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment IV – Part 1
Page 8-16 GL Wind 2003

is permissible if the joint back-up fuse has a maximum (4) All lines and connections shall be safeguarded
rating of 10 A. against vibratory stressing. Small screws up to M4
may be locked using varnish.
(2) If the contacts in control circuits are designed for
smaller currents, the back-up fuses shall correspond to (5) All lines and insulated live components shall be
the permissible current values. protected against chafing or cutting through the insula-
tion. This applies particularly to sharp-edged ducting
8.7.4 Measuring and indicating circuits and corners.

(1) Measuring and indicating devices shall generally (6) Protective earthing shall be provided by means
be provided with their own circuits, to be protected by of earth terminals or earth bars. Earth terminals shall
separate fuses against short circuits. be clearly marked as such.

(2) Separate fuses in series are recommended for (7) To prevent conductors being squeezed off, termi-
indicating and control lamps, so that a short circuit in nals shall have backing plates, or the conductors shall
one indicating lamp does not affect the entire system. be fitted with protective sleeves or equivalent protec-
Deviations from this are permitted if indicating lamps tion for the wires.
with short-circuit-proof transformers are used or if the
operating voltage is less than 30 V. (8) It is recommended that all incoming and outgo-
ing cables and lines be permanently labelled at the
8.7.5 Earth fault detection and monitoring terminals.

For unearthed systems independent of the public (9) All appliances, instruments and operating ele-
power supply network, an earth fault detector or moni- ments shall be permanently labelled in accordance
tor is recommended which indicates the insulation with the corresponding circuit diagrams.
value of the system or permits a check of the values.
(10) The rated current values of fuses shall be stated.
8.7.6 Design and rating of the switchgear The set values of the adjustable protection equipment
shall be stated on the circuit diagrams and permanently
(1) Switchgear shall comply with IEC 60947 (2001- marked on the device.
12) “Voltage switchgear and controlgear”. Sufficient
breaking capacity shall be provided. (11) Indicator lamps, measuring instruments or
equivalent displays shall be used to show whether a
(2) Load switches shall be rated at least for the rated system is live. The number of displays required de-
current of the back-up fuse. pends on the type of system.

(3) For the selection of busbars and the design of 8.7.8 Synchronizing gear and equipment
clearances and creepage distances, reference is made for smooth connection
to IEC standards 60439 (1999-09) “Low-voltage
switchgear and controlgear assemblies” and IEC Wind turbines for parallel operation with the public
60664 (2002-06) “Insulation coordination within low- power supply network shall be fitted with synchroniz-
voltage systems including clearances and creepage ing or smooth-connection equipment to permit a
distances for equipment”. smooth connection to the network. Special require-
ments imposed by the relevant grid operator shall be
8.7.7 Switchboards and cabinets for low voltage observed.
(1) All units installed in switchboards and cabinets
shall be easily accessible for maintenance, repair or 8.7.9 Electrical / electronic components
replacement. in the safety system

(2) Terminals and terminal spaces shall be ade- The selection and application of electrical and elec-
quately dimensioned. Terminals shall have an adequate tronic components in the safety system as per Section
clearance from live parts, so as to guarantee safe work- shall comply with the results of the fault con-
ing conditions. sideration in Section 2.1.2. As far as possible, a clear
structure of the safety system without the inclusion of
(3) Live units with voltages above 50 V in the doors several different voltage or control levels shall be
of switchboards or cabinets shall be protected against obtained. Only fail-safe components shall be consid-
accidental contact. ered for use in the safety system.
IV – Part 1 8.7 Switchgear and Protection Equipment Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-17

8.7.10 Circuits for safety-related parts out in EN 954-1. The analysis used for determining the
of the controls category in each case shall be submitted for a plausi-
bility check.
The circuits for safety-related parts of the controls
shall be executed in accordance with the categories set
IV – Part 1 8.8 Cables and Electrical Installation Equipment Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-19

8.8 Cables and Electrical Installation Equipment

8.8.1 Selection of cables and lines (2) For the design of lines, IEC 60287(2001-11)
“Calculation of the continuous current rating of ca-
(1) Cables and lines shall comply with the IEC pub- bles” shall be used.
lications listed below or with equivalent standards:
– IEC 60227 (1998-03) “Polyvinyl chloride in-
See also Beiblatt 5 to VDE 0100 “Errichten von Stark-
sulated cables of rated voltages up to and in-
stromanlagen mit Nennspannungen bis 1000 V; Maxi-
cluding 450 / 750 V”
mal zulässige Längen von Kabeln und Leitungen unter
– IEC 60502 (1998-11) “Extruded solid dielec- Berücksichtigung des Schutzes bei indirektem Berüh-
tric insulated power cables for rated voltages ren, des Schutzes bei Kurzschluß und des Spannung-
from 1 kV up to 30 kV” sabfalls” [Supplement to VDE 0100 “Erection of
power installations with nominal voltages up to 1000
– IEC 60228 (1993-01) “Conductors of insu-
V; Permissible lengths of cables and lines, taking into
lated cables”
consideration protection against electric shock in case
of fault, short circuit or voltage drop”].
(2) Other cables or lines may be approved if their
material and construction complies with equivalent
standards and verification of their suitability for the (3) For the rating of cables and lines, consideration
application is provided. shall be given to the loads expected during operation
corresponding to the consumer demand, taking into
(3) Cables and lines shall be selected in accordance account the duty of the electrical units connected.
with the environmental conditions at the installation site. Values on the rating plates of generators and consum-
ers shall be considered as a basis.
(4) Each circuit with its own overcurrent and short-
In the case of cables and lines laid in the open, UV circuit protection shall generally have its own cable.
resistance shall be assured. Extraordinary mechanical Concentration of circuits into a common cable or line
demands, such as increased tensile stress, operation- system may take place in accordance with IEC 60364-
ally required mobility and increased risk of mechani- 5-52 (2001-8), “Electrical installations of buildings;
cal damage, shall be taken into account. Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment;
Chapter 52: Wiring systems” or an equivalent stan-
(4) The rated voltage of cables and lines may not be dard.
less than the rated operating voltage of the circuit
involved. For circuits with variable voltage, the maxi- (5) For circuits with protective low voltage, IEC
mum voltage occurring during operation is decisive. 60364-4-41(2001-08), “Electrical installations of buil-
dings, Part 4: Protection for safety, Chapter 41:
(5) Irrespective of requirements for increased mobil- Protection against electric shock” or equivalent stan-
ity, cables and lines with several or multiple conduc- dards shall be observed.
tors are generally recommended.
(6) Multi-core cables or lines shall preferably be
(6) The technical documentation shall state the ca- used for AC and three-phase systems. If single-core
bles and/or lines used, together with their standard cabling is provided instead, the following points shall
designation. Furthermore, the conductor cross-sections be observed:
and the rated currents shall be entered.
– The cables shall not be armoured with or
8.8.2 Loading, protection and laying sheathed in magnetic material.
of cables and lines – Non-magnetic clamps shall be provided.
(1) Cables and lines shall be protected against short – The cables of a given circuit shall be laid con-
circuits and overcurrent. If overcurrent protection is tiguously and shall be arranged in the same
already provided in the circuit for the equipment, tube or cable duct.
short-circuit protection shall be added. This shall be
– Single-core parallel cables shall be of the
designed in accordance with the short-circuit loads at
the point of installation. same type, length and cross-section.
Chapter 8 8.8 Cables and Electrical Installation Equipment IV – Part 1
Page 8-20 GL Wind 2003

(7) For cables and lines subject to twisting in opera- (12) Where there is a risk of mechanical damage,
tion, a control device shall be provided which protects cables and lines shall be effectively protected by cov-
against exceeding permissible limits. In terms of its erings.
operation, the installation shall be so designed that
resetting to the neutral position is possible (see Section (13) Strain relief devices of exposed cables shall be
permanently protected against corrosion.
(8) Cables and lines shall be so secured that no un-
acceptable tensile, flexural, compressive or crushing (14) Suspended cables shall be properly protected
stresses arise. Corrosion-proof or permanently corro- against damage and unacceptable constriction of the
sion-protected clips or mounts shall be used for out- cable sheath.
door installations.

(9) If cables or lines are laid in metal tubes or ducts, (15) For cables suspended freely without additional
these shall be earthed effectively. strain relief, the suitability of the type of cable used
shall be verified. The possibility of ice loading shall be
(10) The tubes shall be smooth on the inside and so taken into account in this context.
protected at the ends that there is no damage to the
cable sheathing. (16) Metal cable sheaths, armour and screening shall
generally be earthed at each end to the metal structure
(11) As a rule, tubes shall not be filled with cables to of the wind turbine. In the case of cables and lines for
more than 40 % of their cross-section. Deviations are electronic systems, single-sided earthing is acceptable.
permissible if the cable can be pulled through without The continuous connection of the metal cable sheaths
difficulty and there is no unacceptable mutual heating of shall be ensured in each junction box and distribution
the cables. The filling factor should never exceed 60 %. box.
IV – Part 1 8.9 Lightning Protection Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-21

8.9 Lightning Protection

8.9.1 General wind turbine has to be subdivided into protection zones,

which then results in the corresponding requirements.
(1) Lightning protection measures shall be provided
according to this Guideline; moreover, national re- Definition of protection levels
quirements in excess thereof shall also be observed.
The following standards, technical specifications (TS) By applying the standards, protection levels can be
and technical reports (TR) in their most recent issue determined to derive the protection equipment required
shall be taken into account: for the structure. The following minimum protection
levels are required:
– IEC 61024-1 (1990-04) “Protection of struc-
tures against lightning – Part 1: General prin- – wind turbine with a hub height of up to 60 m:
ciples” protection level III / IV
– IEC 61024-1-1 (1993-09) “Protection of struc- – wind turbine with a hub height of over 60 m:
tures against lightning – Part 1: General prin- protection level II
ciples – Section 1: Guide A: Selection of pro-
tection levels for lightning protection sys- Definition of protection zones
– IEC 61312-1 (1995-03) “Protection against (1) The definitions of the zones are given in the
lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP) – standards. A protection zone has the task of reducing
Part 1: General principles” the electromagnetic field and the conducted emission
disturbances to the stipulated values. The requirements
– IEC TS 61312-2 (1999-08) “Protection for the transition to a protection zone depend on the
against lightning electromagnetic impulse noise immunity of the equipment installed in the
(LEMP) – Part 2: Shielding of structures, higher protection zone. The transition to the equipment
bonding inside structures and earthing” to be protected can be implemented by a single zone
junction or alternatively also by two junctions.
– IEC TS 61312-3 (2000-07) “Protection
against lightning electromagnetic impulse (2) The lightning protection zones LPZ 0A and LPZ
(LEMP) – Part 3: Requirements of surge pro- 0B include (see Fig. 8.9.1):
tective devices (SPDs)”
– IEC TS 61312-4 (1998-09) “Protection – rotor blades including the rotor hub and the
against lightning electromagnetic impulse internals (sensors, actuators etc.)
(LEMP) – Part 4: Protection of equipment in – the outer part of the nacelle cover
existing structures”
– if there is no metallic housing, then all facili-
– IEC TR 61400-24 (2002-07) “Wind turbine ties in the nacelle (generator, auxiliary drives,
generator systems – Part 24: Lightning protec- cables, sensors and actuators), the outer parts
tion” of metallic switch cabinets, and the inner parts
of non-metallic switch cabinets
(2) Any additional requirements of the grid operators
shall be observed. – sensors of the wind measurement equipment
– non-metallic towers or concrete towers that
8.9.2 Protection concept are not equipped with reinforcement connec-
tors according to the standard Requirements
– the interiors of operation buildings and trans-
Since the problems encountered with wind turbines are former substations, if no shielding measures
not specially mentioned in the standards as yet, they are provided
shall be applied with the necessary changes. Lightning – cable connections in the soil or overhead lines
protection measures shall be executed according to the between the wind turbine and the operation
EMC / lightning protection zone concept. This means buildings or transformer substations, if no
that, after determination of the protection level, the entire shielding measures are provided
Chapter 8 8.9 Lightning Protection IV – Part 1
Page 8-22 GL Wind 2003

(3) Lightning protection zone LPZ 1 includes (see signed according to applicable standards and
Fig. 8.9.1): connected to the foundation earth electrode
– the interiors of operation buildings and trans-
– internals of the rotor blades, including the ro-
former substations that are either clad with
tor hub (sensors, actuators etc.), provided that
steel sheeting or provided with shielding
effective lightning-conducting and shielding
measures (reinforcement on all sides with
measures are taken
foundation or ring earth electrode, metallic
– the interiors of completely metal-clad nacelle doors and windows with wire meshes)
housings with the corresponding lightning-
conducting measures (4) Lightning protection zone LPZ 2 includes facili-
ties within lightning protection zone LPZ 1, if addi-
– the interior of all metal-clad equipment, inso-
tional shielding measures have to be taken for a further
far as they are connected in a suitable manner
reduction in the effects of interference.
to an equipotential bonding system (e.g. the
machine foundation as the bonding level)
8.9.3 Execution of measures
– shielded cables, or cables which are laid in
metallic pipes, whereby mesh shields or me- Foundation earth electrode for the tower
tallic pipes shall be connected to the equipo-
tential bonding on both sides (1) The design of the foundation earth electrode (see
– the sensors of wind measurement facilities, in- Fig. 8.9.2) shall comply with IEC 61024-1. The rein-
sofar as these are fitted with lightning rods forcement and existing piles of the foundation shall be
and appropriate conductors routed twofold to the bonding bar; however, it shall be
noted in particular that, in the case of a tower mount-
– the interior of metallic towers or concrete ing using concrete-encased prestressed anchor bolts,
towers, the reinforcement of which is de- these elements shall not be used for earthing purposes.

Rotor blade
(rotor) LPZ 0

Wind measurement
≥ 30 m equipment
Yaw ring

≥ 60 m
Utility grid
(medium voltage)
Overhead line

building Pole-mounted
transformer Pole

Ring earth Underground cable

Foundation Mast foundation Data and
telephone lines
Foundation earth Soil = LPZ 0

Fig. 8.9.1 Schematic diagram of a wind turbine with lightning protection zones (LPZ)
IV – Part 1 8.9 Lightning Protection Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-23

(2) From the foundation earth electrode to the steel (6) All transitions from the foundation earth elec-
structure of the tower up to a base diameter of three trode or the reinforcement out of the concrete into the
metres, connections shall be made at two points at air shall be executed with an insulated cable.
least, and for larger diameters at three points at least.
(7) If the reinforcement has a highly conductive
(3) Depending on the location and soil characteris- interconnection and is connected at two points to the
tics, the foundation earth electrode shall be extendible, bonding bar, it is permissible to dispense with an addi-
in order to connect a ring earth electrode if necessary, tional foundation earth electrode.
or to make connections to existing earthing facilities
(wind farms, power distribution systems); see
Fig. 8.9.3. In Germany, the earth electrodes shall com- Design of the tower
ply with the national standards DIN VDE 0100 and
DIN VDE 0141, since the 50 Hz earth-fault current (1) Steel towers, lattice masts and reinforced con-
may have to be considered. crete towers are especially well suited for lightning
protection measures. This type of tower is mounted on
(4) The earth termination shall have a resistance the prepared foundation (as described in Section
≤ 10 Ω. In this way, a continuous earthing and protec-
tion of the tower is provided up to the height of the
(5) From the foundation (reinforcement) and/or ring yaw ring. However, protection zone LPZ 1 is only
earth electrode, a terminal lug shall be routed into the attained by closed steel towers and reinforced concrete
inside of the tower and connected to an appropriately towers. Lattice masts satisfy protection zone LPZ 0B
marked bonding bar (see Fig. 8.9.2). only in the interior of the structure.


BB Flange with
bolted connection

To the other
Ring earth Ring earth wind turbines and/or
electrode electrode the distribution station


Foundation earth BB = bonding bar


Fig. 8.9.2 Connection of the equipotential bonding to the foundation earth electrode
Chapter 8 8.9 Lightning Protection IV – Part 1
Page 8-24 GL Wind 2003

(2) For reinforced concrete structures, it is necessary tance connection shall be provided. Owing to the cable
during fabrication to ensure that the reinforcement is lengths required within the yaw range, cable connec-
galvanically interconnected at as many points as pos- tions are not suitable, because a high voltage differ-
sible by means of special clamps, and routed outside ence can arise between the tower and machine founda-
via one or more earth reference points in the interior of tion through the high-frequency lightning current. The
the tower. Furthermore, the metallic connecting flan- following can be approved as suitable measures:
ges (at the bottom for the foundation and at the top for
the yaw ring) shall be connected to the reinforcement. – sliprings that are capable of conducting light-
If these conditions are met, the tower interior is recog- ning currents (these may also be arranged on
nized as protection zone LPZ 1. the inside of the yaw ring) with pick-off by a
metallic contact slipper Junction at the yaw bearing
– bearings capable of conducting lightning cur-
In order to achieve a continuous earth connection from rents
the foundation earth electrode via the tower to the
machine foundation, a highly conductive low-induc- – spark gaps

Low-voltage room
switch room
Wind turbine systems

To wind turbine switch room


To wind turbine

Ring earth electrode

Fig. 8.9.3 Linking up the equipotential bonding from a separate station

IV – Part 1 8.9 Lightning Protection Chapter 8
GL Wind 2003 Page 8-25 Connection of the machine foundation Lightning conduction from rotor blades
to the earthing system
(1) Rotor blades shall be fitted with down conduc-
Normally, the machine foundation is satisfactorily tors, so that the lightning current for the required pro-
linked to the earthing system by means of the bolted tection level (see Section can be conducted
connections of the yaw ring. However, if the machine away safely via the hub or the nacelle housing.
foundation is linked to the yaw ring by means of flexi-
ble damping elements, all damping elements shall be (2) The down conductors shall have at least the
bridged over with flat copper bands of sufficient cross- following cross-sections over their entire lengths:
– for conductors of copper or aluminium alloys:
at least 50 mm² Connection of the generator and the
gearbox to the earthing system – for conductors of steel tape: at least 60 mm²
– for round conductors of steel: at least 78 mm²
Normally, the generator and the gearbox are satisfacto-
rily linked to the earthing system through the connect- Furthermore, care shall be taken in the design of the
ing bolts with the machine foundation. However, if the down conductor to ensure that the permissible tem-
gearbox and/or generator are connected to the machine peratures in the rotor blade (material parameters, see
foundation by means of flexible damping elements, all also Section, para 2) are not exceeded.
damping elements shall be bridged over with flat cop-
per bands of sufficient cross-section. Note:
From a rotor radius of 30 m, at least two receptors Connection of other components shall be distributed evenly over the rotor blade.
in the nacelle Lightning conduction from the rotor hub
All parts which contain electrical components (actua-
tors, switchgear, metallic limit switches etc.), shall be (1) Lightning conductors from the hub to the ma-
galvanically connected to each other and to the ma- chine foundation shall be provided such that the light-
chine foundation, if this is not provided reliably by ning current for the required protection level (see Sec-
their mountings. For this purpose, the most suitable tion can be conducted safety. The following
method is a bonding bar which is galvanically linked can be approved as suitable measures:
to the machine foundation. The bonding conductors
– sliprings that are capable of conducting light-
shall be kept as short as possible and shall have a
ning currents with pick-off by a metallic con-
minimum copper cross-section of 10 mm².
tact slipper
– bearings capable of conducting lightning cur- Metallic housings of the nacelle
If metallic housings are used, these shall be included in – spark gaps
the equipotential bonding. This should be effected over
a large area with steel tape connected at several points (2) The coupling between gearbox and generator
to the machine foundation. Any hinges shall be brid- shall be insulated, so that the lightning current is not
ged over by flexible copper bands with as wide an area conducted via the generator and the generator bear-
as possible. ings. Lightning conduction from wind Non-metallic housings of the nacelle measurement sensors
If non-metallic housings are used, these shall be fitted (1) Wind measurement sensors in wind turbines with
with lightning rods and the corresponding external hub heights over 60 m shall be fitted with “sheathing”
conductors, and connected to the machine foundation. lightning rods and the corresponding external con-
The height and number of lightning rods and conduc- ductors.
tors depends on the dimensions of the nacelle housing
and shall be decided separately for each case. When (2) Wind measurement sensors in wind turbines with
determining the heights of the lightning rods, it shall hub heights of less than 60 m may be fitted with a
be assumed that a lightning rod provides a protective simple lightning rod and the corresponding external
cone of max. 45° which has to cover the entire nacelle. conductors.
Chapter 8 8.9 Lightning Protection IV – Part 1
Page 8-26 GL Wind 2003

(3) In all cases, the conductors shall be routed to the Switchgear installations inside
machine foundation and connected there. separate buildings Switchgear installations in the tower Preferably, switch cabinets with panels made of steel
sheeting shall be used everywhere (also for the side
Preferably, switch cabinets with panels made of steel with the cable glands) and connected to the bonding
sheeting shall be used everywhere (also for the side bar. Encapsulation with steel sheeting can be dispensed
with the cable glands) and connected to the bonding with if no zone interface junction is required, or if the
bar. Encapsulation with steel sheeting can be dispensed units within the switchgear installation comply with
with if no zone interface junction is required, or if the the prescribed protection zone (through encapsulation).
units within the switchgear installation comply with
the prescribed protection zone (through encapsulation). Treatment of cables and lines at the Operation buildings and transformer
interfaces of the lightning protection zones
substations separated from the wind
(1) At the interface between protection zone 0A and
(1) In order to already achieve protection zone protection zone 1, all incoming cables and lines shall
LPZ 1 within the operation building and/or the trans- without exception be included in the lightning protec-
former substation, it is recommended that either these tion bonding and fitted with components – such as
facilities are made of steel sheeting or a windowless terminals, lightning conductors, separating spark gaps
reinforced-concrete structure is selected, the rein- – which can conduct the expected partial lightning
forcement of which is included on all sides (floor, currents away without incurring damage.
ceilings and walls) in the shielding measure. The en-
trances shall be fitted with shielded doors of e.g. steel (2) At each further zone interface within the space to
sheet, aluminium or fine wire meshing. be protected, another local equipotential bonding shall
be provided, into which all cables and lines passing
(2) If the buildings are located near the tower, so that through this interface shall be incorporated.
a direct lightning strike is possible (to be tested ac-
cording to the lightning ball method), the building (3) All metallic equipment, such as switch cabinets,
shall be fitted with lightning rods and conductors ac- motors and generators, shall be connected to the local
cording to IEC 61024-1/ENV 61024-1 or VDE 0185, bonding bars. The components and protection units
Part 100, and these shall be connected to the earth chosen for the local bonding shall be selected in ac-
electrode. cordance with the zone hazard and noise immunity of
the units.
(3) Foundation or ring earth electrodes shall be
routed to one point in the interior and connected to a (4) The local bonding bars shall be connected to
bonding bar, see Fig. 8.9.3. each other and to the interface between protection zone
0A or 0B and protection zone 1 with the lightning pro-
(4) From the earth electrode of the separate building, tection bonding bar.
a connection shall be made to the earth electrode of the
tower and to other earth electrodes of the site. Application of the protection facilities Connections for laying cables between the
tower and separate buildings
(1) The protection facilities shall be selected accord-
In order to maintain a continuous protection zone ing to the required protection levels, taking into ac-
LPZ 1, a shielded cable route shall be provided be- count the system characteristics and compatibilities.
tween the tower and the separate buildings. The fol-
lowing are suitable: (2) For cables and lines entering zone LPZ 1 from
zone LPZ 0A or LPZ 0B, suitable lightning conductors
shall be provided for the power, communications and
– shielded cable with both ends connected to the
data technology.
mesh shield of the equipotential bonding
– metallic pipes with both ends connected to the (3) For cables and lines entering zone LPZ 2 from
equipotential bonding LPZ 1, suitable surge arresters shall be provided.
– reinforced-steel ducts with a connection to the (4) Further zone junctions shall be implemented by
earth electrode of the tower and the building means of suitably graded surge arresters.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

9 Manuals

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 9
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

9.1 Erection Manual..................................................................................................................................... 9-1

9.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Format of the erection manual ................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1.3 Scope of the erection manual ................................................................................................................... 9-1 Type designation of the wind turbine....................................................................................................... 9-1 Prerequisites for erection ......................................................................................................................... 9-1 Working steps for erection ....................................................................................................................... 9-1 Warnings against hazardous situations..................................................................................................... 9-1 Form sheet for the erection record ........................................................................................................... 9-1

9.2 Documents for Commissioning ............................................................................................................. 9-3

9.2.1 Commissioning manual ........................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.2 Commissioning record ............................................................................................................................. 9-3
9.2.3 Format of the documents ......................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.4 Scope of the commissioning manual ....................................................................................................... 9-3 Type designation of the wind turbine....................................................................................................... 9-3 Checks before commissioning ................................................................................................................. 9-3 Working steps for commissioning............................................................................................................ 9-3 Checks to conclude commissioning......................................................................................................... 9-4 Form sheet for the commissioning record................................................................................................ 9-4

9.3 Operating Manual.................................................................................................................................. 9-5

9.3.1 Purpose of the operating manual.............................................................................................................. 9-5
9.3.2 Format of the operating manual ............................................................................................................... 9-5
9.3.3 Scope of the operating manual................................................................................................................. 9-5 Description of the wind turbine ............................................................................................................... 9-5 Notes for users ......................................................................................................................................... 9-5 Help with fault-finding ............................................................................................................................ 9-5

9.4 Maintenance Manual ............................................................................................................................. 9-7

9.4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.2 Purpose of the maintenance manual......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.3 Format of the maintenance manual.......................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.4 Scope of the maintenance manual............................................................................................................ 9-7
IV – Part 1 9.1 Erection Manual Chapter 9
GL Wind 2003 Page 9-1

9.1 Erection Manual

9.1.1 General – rotor diameter, hub height(s)

– rated power
(1) The erection manual describes all working steps
which have to be performed at the installation site
during assembly and erection of the wind turbine in Prerequisites for erection
order to ensure safe functioning of the wind turbine.
(1) All prerequisites for the execution of the erection
(2) The erection manual applies for one type of wind work shall be stated, e.g. requirements for the weather
turbine, and if applicable for its variants. conditions (wind, temperatures, precipitation), work-
ing area required, adequate curing of the foundation.
9.1.2 Format of the erection manual
(2) The precise designations and dimensions of all
plant components to be assembled and erected shall be
(1) The format and level of detail of the erection
specified, together with all data needed for erection,
manual shall be such that the technical workmen per-
such as weights, hoisting points etc.
forming the required tasks are able to understand the
(3) The maximum admissible delay between erec-
tion of the tower and mounting of the nacelle shall be
(2) For the issuance of the Project Certificate, the
erection manual shall be expressed in a language
which the technical workmen at the installation site of
the wind turbine are able to understand. Working steps for erection
(3) Notes regarding safety and regulations for the
(1) All working steps needed for erection shall be
prevention of accidents shall be so arranged in the text
described. Auxiliary equipment and resources shall be
that they appear before the operating action in ques-
specified exactly (e.g. lubricants, oil for filling up the
tion. They shall be highlighted clearly as being safety
and accident-prevention notes.
(2) The work instructions as per Section 6.5.1, item
9.1.3 Scope of the erection manual b for making the bolted connections needed during
erection shall be included in the erection manual.
The erection manual shall contain the following in-
formation at least: (3) All necessary tests and checks shall be listed.

– precise type designation of the wind turbine

(see Section Warnings against hazardous situations

– prerequisites for the erection (see Section Hazardous situations which may arise through devia- tion from the planned erection sequence shall be
– working steps of the erection process (see named and countermeasures shall be specified. Such
Section situations can include: very high winds during erec-
tion, prolonged periods of the tower standing without
– warnings against hazardous situations (see nacelle at critical wind speeds.
– blank form sheets for the erection record (see Form sheet for the erection record
(1) The erection record shall document the execution Type designation of the wind turbine of all checks and working steps of the erection process.
For each check and working step, there shall be appro-
At least the following information shall be provided: priate fields to be filled in, together with fields for
recording measurement values and test results.
– manufacturer, supplier, importer
(2) All adjustment settings and set values as well as
– designation, type and if applicable type variant the expected measurement results shall be specified.
Chapter 9 9.1 Erection Manual IV – Part 1
Page 9-2 GL Wind 2003

(3) The erection record may consist of several sub- – weather conditions, if the weather is able to
records (e.g. for different assemblies or phases of erec- influence the quality of work
– records of the execution of all working steps
(4) The following fields shall be provided as a
– records of the execution of all tests and checks
– type designation of the wind turbine as per
Section – extra space for possible remarks or items out-
– serial number, operator and installation site of standing
the wind turbine
– date and signature of the person(s) responsible
– name of the person carrying out the corre-
sponding working step
IV – Part 1 9.2 Documents for Commissioning Chapter 9
GL Wind 2003 Page 9-3

9.2 Documents for Commissioning

9.2.1 Commissioning manual Type designation of the wind turbine

(1) The commissioning manual describes all work- At least the following information shall be provided:
ing steps which have to be performed during commis-
sioning in order to ensure safe functioning of the wind – manufacturer, supplier, importer
– designation, type and if applicable type variant
(2) The commissioning manual applies for one type
– rotor diameter, hub height(s)
of wind turbine.
– rated power
9.2.2 Commissioning record Checks before commissioning
The commissioning record documents the execution of
the individual working steps during the commissioning All checks required before the start of commissioning
process. A blank form sheet of the commissioning re- shall be listed. The following statements shall be pro-
cord shall be included in the commissioning manual. vided as a minimum:
– erection and assembly – completed to full extent
9.2.3 Format of the documents
– commissioning of the auxiliary systems and
subsequent external equipment needed for op-
(1) The format and level of detail of the commis-
eration of the wind turbine (e.g. transformer,
sioning manual shall be such that the technical work-
men performing the required tasks are able to under- grid connection station) – completed
stand the documentation. – any trial runs of individual components which
may be necessary in the factory or on site –
(2) For the issuance of the project certificate, the completed
commissioning manual shall be expressed in a lan-
guage which the technical workmen at the installation – filling up of all operating media (e.g. lubri-
site of the wind turbine are able to understand. cants, coolants, hydraulic fluid, nitrogen in
pressure tanks) – completed
(3) Notes regarding safety and regulations for the
prevention of accidents shall be so arranged in the text – any acceptance tests needed according to gov-
that they appear before the operating action in ques- ernmental regulations (e.g. for pressure ves-
tion. They shall be highlighted clearly as being safety sels, lifts) – completed
and accident-prevention notes. Working steps for commissioning

9.2.4 Scope of the commissioning manual (1) All working steps needed for commissioning
shall be described. For the commissioning of individ-
The commissioning manual shall contain the following ual assemblies (e.g. yaw system), reference may be
information as a minimum: made to subordinate commissioning manuals for such
– precise type designation of the wind turbine
(see Section (2) All prerequisites for the proper execution of
commissioning, e.g. lowest/highest wind speed and
– checks required before start of commissioning necessary outside temperatures, shall be specified.
(see Section
– working steps of the commissioning process (3) Tests of all functions of the safety systems and
(see Section the braking systems shall be described. The switching
values to be set and criteria to be met shall be speci-
– checks required to conclude the commission- fied. The following tests shall be performed as a
ing (see Section minimum:
– blank form sheets for the commissioning re-
cord (see Section – function of all emergency off pushbuttons
Chapter 9 9.2 Documents for Commissioning IV –Part 1
Page 9-4 GL Wind 2003

– function of all sensors and switches which Checks to conclude commissioning
also act on the safety system (e.g. overspeed
test) All checks required to conclude commissioning shall
be listed. The following statements shall be provided
– measurement of the essential parameters of as a minimum:
the braking systems, e.g. speed of blade pitch-
ing, hydraulic pressure of the mechanical – visual inspections (e.g. rotor blades, corrosion
brake(s) protection, tightness of hydraulic system)
– response of all necessary plant functions after – checking of the required notices and warning
activation of the safety system (e.g. braking plates
systems, generator disconnection) Form sheet for the commissioning record
– test to verify that the functions responding to
the activation of the safety system are inde- (1) The commissioning record shall document the
pendent of the control system execution of all checks and working steps of the com-
– load shedding missioning process. For each check and working step,
there shall be appropriate fields to be filled in, together
– testing of all limiting values and parameters with fields for recording measurement values and test
that have been set for the safety system results.

(4) All tests regarding the functions of the control (2) All adjustment settings and set values as well as
system of the wind turbine shall be described. The the expected measurement results shall be specified.
switching values to be set and criteria to be met shall
be specified. The following tests shall be performed as (3) The commissioning record may consist of sev-
a minimum: eral sub-records (e.g. for primary components, for
familiarization f the operating personnel, …).
– automatic start up (4) The following fields shall be provided as a
– shut-down with all braking procedures minimum:
– type designation of the wind turbine as per
– plausibility check of the yaw system
– plausibility check of the measurement values – serial number, operator and installation site of
the wind turbine
– comparison of the limiting values and parame-
ters which were set with the prescribed values – persons present during commissioning
as documented
– weather conditions on the day of commissioning
(5) Furthermore, the following working steps shall – confirmation that all checks required before
be described: the start of commissioning as per Section have been completed
– registration of the data on the rating plates of – record of the execution of all working steps of
the primary components, at least of the rotor the commissioning as per Section
blades, gearbox, generator and tower
– confirmation that all checks required to con-
– possible settings to be made in the control sys- clude commissioning as per Section
tem on the basis of the measurement results have been completed
(e.g. natural frequency of the tower)
– extra space for possible remarks or items out-
– familiarization of the wind turbine operating standing
personnel – date and signature of the person(s) responsible
IV – Part 1 9.3 Operating Manual Chapter 9
GL Wind 2003 Page 9-5

9.3 Operating Manual

9.3.1 Purpose of the operating manual – rotor diameter, hub height

The operating manual is intended to provide the opera- – rated power, rotor speed, generator rotational
tor or his representative with the knowledge necessary speed, generator type
for proper operating of the wind turbine. – cone and tilt angles
9.3.2 Format of the operating manual – cut-in, rated, cut-out wind speeds

(1) The format and level of detail of the operating – data of the rotor blade
manual shall be such that a skilled workman with – type of yaw system
technical training is able to understand the documenta-
tion. Notes regarding safety and regulations for the Notes for users
prevention of accidents shall be so arranged in the text
that they appear before the operating action in ques-
tion. They shall be highlighted clearly as being safety – description of the operating concept
and accident-prevention notes. – starting and stopping procedures
(2) For the issuance of the project certificate, the – explanation of fault messages (insofar as these
operating manual shall be expressed in a language are issued)
which the technical workmen at the installation site of
the wind turbine are able to understand. – emergency shut-down
– safety measures, e.g. action required in the
(3) The material (paper, plastic foil) on which the event of ice formation at the wind turbine
manual is printed shall be suitable for the conditions
under which the wind turbine is operated. This applies – accident prevention regulations; behaviour
particularly to notices affixed directly to the installa- during dangerous situations and potentially
tion. hazardous malfunctions

9.3.3 Scope of the operating manual – description of the functions and operating
modes of all the operating and indicating ele-
The operating manual shall contain the following in- ments (switches, pushbuttons, lamps, measur-
formation: ing instruments)
– explanation of malfunctions and how to clear
– description of the wind turbine them
– notes for users
– description of components and functions that
– help with fault-finding need to be taken into/out of service on a sea-
sonal basis or for other reasons Description of the wind turbine Help with fault-finding
– manufacturer, supplier, importer
– designation, type and if applicable type vari- Without carrying out any repairs himself, the operator
ant(s) should be capable of recognizing the cause of a mal-
function and – insofar as it cannot be cleared simply
– manufacturer’s number or serial number, and by an operating action – of providing the maintenance
year of manufacture personnel with useful advance information.
IV – Part 1 9.4 Maintenance Manual Chapter 9
GL Wind 2003 Page 9-7

9.4 Maintenance Manual

9.4.1 General (4) Descriptions of all tasks to be carried out. The

descriptions may be supplemented by appropriate
The maintenance manual contains the instructions for pictorial representations. The objectives of the indi-
maintenance, inspection and repair, as defined in vidual maintenance operations (oil levels, bolt tighten-
DIN 31052 “Maintenance; instructions for main- ing torques, brake settings, oil pressures etc.) shall be
tenance” or an equivalent standard recognized by GL indicated clearly.
(5) All components and auxiliary materials of the
9.4.2 Purpose of the maintenance manual wind turbine that have to be exchanged according to
schedule during the operating life (e.g. hydraulic
The maintenance manual is intended to make the in- hoses, brake pads, sliprings, gear oil) shall be listed.
formation necessary for maintenance, inspection and The intervals or criteria for the exchange shall be
repair available to the maintenance personnel. specified.

9.4.3 Format of the maintenance manual

(6) In addition, information shall be given about the
(1) DIN 31052 or an equivalent standard recognized quality and quantity of spare parts and auxiliary mate-
by GL Wind shall be observed in addition to this rials, e.g. lubricants, to be used (spare parts list).
(7) The maintenance manual shall be supplemented
(2) In terms of its contents and form, the mainte-
by a list of maintenance and inspection instructions
nance manual shall meet the requirements expressed in
(maintenance plan) defining the work to be carried out
Section 9.3.2.
at set intervals. On completion, the tasks shall be re-
corded in this list.
(3) It is useful to compile a maintenance plan pre-
senting the maintenance work required in tabular form
and in the appropriate time sequence. (8) A detailed listing and description of the neces-
sary tests for the safety system (e.g. overspeed test,
9.4.4 Scope of the maintenance manual emergency shut-down functions, measurement of the
nitrogen content in hydraulic accumulators) shall be
(1) The maintenance manual shall contain the fol- included in the maintenance manual. The required
lowing information, whereby DIN 31052 or an equiva- frequency of these tests shall be indicated (e.g. annu-
lent standard recognized by GL Wind shall be ob- ally). The completion of the tests shall be recorded in
served in addition: the maintenance plan.

(2) Information documenting the correspondence

between the maintenance manual and the wind turbine (9) If applicable, the investigations of technical
(similar to the type designation in accordance with experts and authorized persons, as required by the
Section relevant national regulations (e.g. for lifts, fire-
extinguishing systems and pressure vessels) and condi-
(3) Notes regarding safety and accident-prevention tions of the building permits, shall be included in the
measures which are necessary before or during main- maintenance plan, and columns/sections shall be pro-
tenance, e.g. use of climbing safeguards and locking vided for the confirmation that these investigations
devices. have been carried out.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

10 Testing of Wind Turbines

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

10.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 10-1

10.1.1 Prototype test ......................................................................................................................................... 10-1 General requirements ............................................................................................................................. 10-1 Requirements for the wind turbine to be tested...................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.2 Tests within the scope of the Design Assessment .................................................................................. 10-1

10.2 Power Curve ......................................................................................................................................... 10-3

10.3 Noise Emission...................................................................................................................................... 10-5

10.4 Electrical Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 10-7

10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour ................................................................................................................... 10-9

10.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 10-9
10.5.2 Test plan................................................................................................................................................. 10-9
10.5.3 Test of the safety system ........................................................................................................................ 10-9
10.5.4 Test of the braking systems.................................................................................................................. 10-10
10.5.5 Test of automatic operation.................................................................................................................. 10-11
10.5.6 Test of the switching operations........................................................................................................... 10-12
10.5.7 Measurement of the natural frequencies .............................................................................................. 10-13
10.5.8 Hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brakes ....................................................................................... 10-13

10.6 Load Measurements........................................................................................................................... 10-15

10.7 Prototype Trial of Gearboxes ............................................................................................................ 10-17

10.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 10-17
10.7.2 Scope of the prototype trial.................................................................................................................. 10-17
10.7.3 Documentation of the prototype trial ................................................................................................... 10-17

10.8 Witnessing of the Commissioning..................................................................................................... 10-19

10.8.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 10-19
10.8.2 Procedure for witnessing...................................................................................................................... 10-19
IV – Part 1 10.1 General Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-1

10.1 General

10.1.1 Prototype test 10.7 are carried out shall conform to the greatest pos-
sible extent to the design on which the Design As- General requirements sessment is based. Compliance shall be confirmed in a
declaration by the manufacturer. Any deviations shall
(1) The measurements needed for a new turbine type be reported to GL Wind. If the compliance is adequate
within the scope of a prototype test are listed in Sec- for the corresponding test purpose, the measurement
tion, while further requirements are described can be used for the certification.
in Sections 10.2 to 10.7. For the procedure to be fol-
lowed after completion of the measurements, see Sec- (2) The test institute performing the measurements
tion, para 3. The scope of the prototype test can shall record the designations and data on the rating
be reduced for turbine variants or modified turbines plates of the surveyed plant and on the rating plates of
after consultation with GL Wind, provided that the the primary components (at least the rotor blades,
prototype test was performed in its entirety for a pre- gearbox, generator and tower) and shall include them
decessor turbine. in the measurement report.
(2) All measurements as per Sections 10.2 to 10.6
shall be carried out and documented by a test institute
10.1.2 Tests within the scope of the
accredited for these measurements. Alternatively, the
Design Assessment
test of the turbine behaviour as per Section 10.5 and
the load measurements as per Section 10.6 can be
carried out by the manufacturer after prior consultation (1) Blade tests as per Section 6.2.5 are required as
with GL Wind, and then checked and witnessed by a part of the assessment of the rotor blade. These blade
test institute accredited for these measurements. In all tests shall be completed before the A-Design Assess-
cases, the accredited institute shall be responsible for ment is issued.
compliance with the fundamental standards and with
the requirements of this Guideline. The influence of a
turbine variant on the measurement result shall be (2) The prototype trial of the main gearbox at the
assessed by the accredited institute which performed test bench as per Section 10.7 shall be completed be-
the measurements on the original installation. fore the A-Design Assessment is issued; see Section
10.7.1. Under certain circumstances, the trial at the test
(3) The prototype trial of the wind turbine gearbox bench may already be necessary for the B-Design
as per Section 10.7 forms part of the prototype test. Assessment; see Section 10.7.1. Requirements for the wind turbine (3) Within the scope of the Design Assessment,
to be tested witnessing of the commissioning at one of the first
installations of the type is also required as per Section
(1) The wind turbines at which the measurements as 10.8. This witnessing shall be completed before the A-
per Sections 10.2 to 10.6 or the trial as per Section Design Assessment is issued.
IV – Part 1 10.2 Power Curve Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-3

10.2 Power Curve

(1) Measurement of the power performance of the spondence with the assumed values for rated wind
wind turbine shall be carried out in accordance with speed and rated power.
IEC 61400-12 “Wind turbine generator systems – Part
12: Wind turbine power performance testing” or DIN
EN 61400-12, in each case as the latest version. (4) It shall be observed that a renewed measurement
of the power performance is always necessary if the
rotor blade type or the rotor diameter is changed. In
(2) Deviations from this standard shall be justified
the case of deviation from the rated rotational speed of
and defined in consultation with GL Wind.
the rotor, renewed measurement shall as a rule also be
carried out.
(3) On completion of the measurements, the meas-
ured power curve shall be compared by the test insti-
tute or by the wind turbine manufacturer with the (5) The report of the accredited test institute and the
power curve assumed in the design documentation. comparison shall be submitted to GL Wind for assess-
Here special attention shall be paid to sufficient corre- ment.
IV – Part 1 10.3 Noise Emission Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-5

10.3 Noise Emission

(1) Measurement of the noise emissions of the wind (3) It shall be taken into account that especially the
turbine shall be carried out in accordance with IEC rotor blade type, the tower height and the tower type,
61400-11 “Wind turbine generator systems – Part 11: as well as the type of gearbox (if present) in the drive
Acoustic noise measurement techniques” or DIN EN train of the wind turbine, may have an influence on the
61400-11, in each case as the latest version. noise emissions.

(2) Deviations from this standard shall be justified (4) The report of the accredited test institute shall be
and defined in consultation with GL Wind. submitted to GL Wind for evaluation.
IV – Part 1 10.4 Electrical Characteristics Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-7

10.4 Electrical Characteristics

(1) Measurement of the electrical characteristics of (3) It shall be observed that a renewed measurement
the wind turbine shall be carried out in accordance of the electrical characteristics is necessary as a rule
with IEC 61400-21 “Wind turbine generator systems – whenever the generator type and the inverter type (if
Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality present) are changed.
characteristics of grid connected wind turbines” or
DIN EN 61400-21, in each case as the latest version.

(2) Deviations from this standard shall be justified (4) The report of the accredited test institute shall be
and defined in consultation with GL Wind. submitted to GL Wind for evaluation.
IV – Part 1 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-9

10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour

10.5.1 General (6) On completion of the measurements, the activi-

ties set out in Section, para 3, shall be per-
formed by the test institute or by the wind turbine
(1) The test of turbine behaviour is intended to ver- manufacturer and the documents specified there shall
ify the parameters and characteristics used as the basis be presented to GL Wind.
for the design of the wind turbine.

10.5.2 Test plan

(2) The test of turbine behaviour comprises the fol-
lowing individual tests:
Before the start of the tests, a test plan shall be submit-
– test of the safety system (Section 10.5.3) ted to GL Wind for consultation. The test plan shall
contain at least the following information:
– test of the braking systems (Section 10.5.4)
a measurement parameters
– test of automatic operation (Section 10.5.5)
b extent of the measurements and a precise de-
– test of the switching operations (Section scription of the test, stating the resolution of
10.5.6) the measurement data

– measurement of the natural frequencies (Sec- c envisaged evaluations

tion 10.5.7)

10.5.3 Test of the safety system

(3) The tests shall preferably be carried out at the
wind turbine fitted with instrumentation for load
measurements as per Section 10.6. (1) For these tests, at least the following measure-
ment parameters shall be recorded:
(4) The requirements of IEC TS 61 400 – 13 “Wind
turbine generator systems – Part 13: Measurement of a wind speed
mechanical loads” shall be applied with the necessary
changes to the areas of b rotational speed

– calibration c electrical power output

– requirements for the measurement parameters d blade angle or position of the aerodynamic
and the measurement system brakes (if applicable)

– reporting e hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s)

(see Section 10.5.8)

(5) The test of turbine behaviour shall be carried out f torque of the main shaft or driving torque of
by a test institute accredited for load measurements at the rotor
wind turbines, or shall be verified and witnessed by
such an institute (see Section 10.1.1). g blade root bending moments
Chapter 10 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour IV – Part 1
Page 10-10 Gl Wind 2003

(2) The tests set out in Table 10.5.1 shall be performed.

Table 10.5.1 Tests of the safety system

Number of tests for Number of tests for

wind speed < 80 % wind speed ≥ 80 %
No. Test of Vr of Vr Remarks

10.5. Activation of the brakes

- 2
3.1 through exceeding of nA

Activation of brakes through

10.5. Activation during
actuation of an emergency off 2
3.2 power production

10.5.4 Test of the braking systems f torque of the main shaft or driving torque of
the rotor
(1) For these tests, at least the following measure-
g blade root bending moments
ment parameters shall be recorded:
a wind speed
(2) After braking of the wind turbine, recording of
b rotational speed
the measurements shall continue (during the idling
c electrical power output condition or at standstill of the turbine) until a steady-
state condition has been reached.
d blade angle or position of the aerodynamic
brakes (if applicable)
e hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s) (3) The tests set out in Table 10.5.2 shall be per-
(see Section 10.5.8) formed.

Table 10.5.2 Tests of the braking systems

Number of tests for Number of tests for

wind speed < 80 % wind speed ≥ 80 %
No. Test of Vr of Vr Remarks

10.5. Braking with failure of one 2 2 For wind turbines with

4.1 aerodynamic braking system more than one aerody-
namic braking system

10.5. Braking with failure of brak- 2 2 For wind turbines with

4.2 ing system I exactly two braking

10.5. Braking with failure of brak- 2 2

4.3 ing system II
IV – Part 1 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-11

Table 10.5.2 Tests of the braking systems (continued)

Number of tests for Number of tests for

wind speed < 80 % wind speed ≥ 80 %
No. Test of Vr of Vr Remarks

10.5. Braking with other assum- 2 Tests for each assumable malfunction (wind
4.4 able malfunctions in the speeds to be defined realistically)
braking systems

10.5. Effectiveness of the me- 2
4.5 chanical brake(s)

Remark 1): The blade root bending moments shall be measured at one of the blades with and at the blade
without blade pitching function. If only one blade is fitted with instrumentation, the number of
tests shall be doubled in each wind speed range, whereby the failure of the aerodynamic braking
system shall be tested at the instrumented blade and then at another.

Remark 2): These tests may be necessary if other malfunctions have been assumed in the consideration of
possible faults as per Section 2.1.2 (e.g. failure of the blade pitching motor to switch off when

Remark 3): The magnitude of the braking moment and the build-up curve of the braking moment shall be
shown by means of a suitable test.

10.5.5 Test of automatic operation e hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s)

(see Section 10.5.8)
(1) For these tests, at least the following measure-
f torque of the main shaft or driving torque of
ment parameters shall be recorded:
the rotor
a wind speed
g blade root bending moments
b rotational speed
c electrical power output
d blade angle or position of the aerodynamic (2) The tests set out in Table 10.5.3 shall be per-
brakes (if applicable) formed.

Table 10.5.3 Tests of automatic operation

Number of tests for Number of tests for

wind speed < Vr wind speed ≥ Vr
No. Test Remarks Automatic operation 2 2 Duration of the test:

approx. 2 minutes
Chapter 10 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour IV – Part 1
Page 10-12 Gl Wind 2003

10.5.6 Test of the switching operations g hydraulic pressure at the mechanical brake(s)
(see Section 10.5.8)
(1) For these tests, at least the following measure-
h torque of the main shaft or driving torque of
ment parameters shall be recorded:
the rotor
a wind speed
i blade root bending moments
b wind direction at the wind measurement mast
(for the test of yaw control)
(2) After the switching operation, the recording of
c nacelle position (for the test of yaw control)
the measurements shall continue until a steady-state
condition has been reached.
d rotational speed

e electrical power output

(3) The tests set out in Table 10.5.4 shall be per-
f blade angle or position of the aerodynamic formed.
brakes (if applicable)

Table 10.5.4 Tests of the switching operations

Number of tests for Number of tests for

wind speed < 80 % wind speed ≥ 80 %
No. Test of Vr of Vr Remarks Start-up of the turbine 2 2

1) Shut-down with all 2 tests per braking procedure
defined braking proce-
dures Switch-over of the gen- 2 switch-overs in either direction For wind turbines
erator speed with 2 or more fixed
speeds Braking in the case of 2 2

grid failure or load
shedding Activation of the yaw 1 yaw operation in

system either direction

Remark 1): For wind turbines with blade pitch control, the blade pitching rates shall be documented in the
IV – Part 1 10.5 Test of Turbine Behaviour Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-13

10.5.7 Measurement of the natural frequencies 10.5.8 Hydraulic pressure at the

mechanical brakes
(1) For these tests, the measurement parameters that
are appropriate in each case shall be recorded and
(1) As an alternative to measurement of the hydrau-
evaluated. The natural frequencies shall be determined
by counting of vibration cycles or by frequency analy- lic pressure, an alternative measurement parameter can
ses of suitable measurement signals. be recorded if the signal exhibits a clear relationship to
the applied braking moment (e.g. position of a control
valve). This relationship shall be documented in the
(2) The natural frequencies shall be determined as per measurement report.
Table 10.5.5.
(2) In the case of brakes that are activated at fixed
(3) If a vibration damper system is fitted in the levels (e.g. hard braking / soft braking / off), simple
tower, the natural frequencies for the tower shall be logging of the brake status shall suffice. The status
determined in the directions of movement damped by signal shall be sensed at the brake or at the hydraulic
the system both with and without the vibration damper system. The pressures or the braking moments of the
system functioning. individual levels shall be documented in the report.

Table 10.5.5 Measurement of the natural frequencies

No. Compo- Standstill Production

nent Rotor – 1st and 2nd natural mode, flapwise – 1st and 2nd natural mode, flapwise
blade – 1st and 2nd natural mode, edgewise – 1st and 2nd natural mode, edgewise Drive 1st natural mode for torsion with generator 1st natural mode for torsion with genera-
train switched off and mechanical brake opened tor switched on
(excitation e.g. through closing and opening
of the mechanical brake) Tower – 1st natural mode for bending in direction – 1st natural mode for bending in direc-
XK 1),2) tion XK 2)
– 1st natural mode for bending in direction – 1st natural mode for bending in direc-
YK 1),2) tion YK 2)
– 2nd natural mode for bending
– 1st natural mode for torsion, except for
torsionally stiff towers (e.g. tubular tow-

Note 1): The rotor position shall preferably be so selected that one blade points vertically downward.
Remark 2): XK and YK as per coordinate system in Appendix 4.A, Section 4.A.5
IV – Part 1 10.6 Load Measurements Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-15

10.6 Load Measurements

(1) Load measurements shall be carried out in ac- measurements shall be agreed with GL Wind as far as
cordance with IEC TS 61 400 – 13 “Wind turbine possible.
generator systems – Part 13: Measurement of me-
chanical loads”, as the latest version.

(2) Deviations from this Technical Specification (4) After completion of the measurements, the ac-
shall be defined in consultation with GL Wind. tivities as per Section, para 3, shall be per-
formed by the test institute or by the wind turbine
(3) Before the measurements are conducted, the manufacturer and the documents specified there shall
measurement parameter plan and the extent of the be presented to GL Wind.
IV – Part 1 10.7 Prototype Trial of Gearboxes Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-17

10.7 Prototype Trial of Gearboxes

10.7.1 General – The trial at the test bench shall also include
the function of the envisaged cooling system
(1) Gearbox types for installation in the drive train and the lubrication system. A realistic test
of wind turbines (main gearbox) shall be subjected to a bench set-up and the simulation of extreme
prototype trial at a suitable test bench and also to a operating conditions shall be provided.
trial at the wind turbine for which this gearbox was
developed. The trial serves to check the assumptions – Measurement parameters such as tempera-
made in the design of the gearbox and also to obtain tures, pressures and vibration shall be com-
important parameters for the execution of series tests prehensively logged. The data shall be stored
during the production of wind turbine gearboxes. The with an unambiguous relationship to each
fundamental suitability of the gearbox for use in the other and, as far as possible, in a format which
wind turbine shall be verified through practical opera- can be processed electronically.
tion and also documented.
– The load spectrum during the trial at the test
bench shall be so defined that the actual con-
(2) In the event of design modifications (e.g. altera-
tact pattern of all tooth engagements permits a
tion of the transmission ratio) which exert an apprecia-
meaningful comparison with the assumptions
ble effect on the dynamic characteristics of the gear-
box or on the load distribution for individual compo- made in the design. The duration of the indi-
nents of the gearbox, a renewed prototype trial is nec- vidual load runs shall be chosen to ensure
essary. The corresponding scope shall be determined in adequate testing of the thermal design of the
relation to the design modification and in consultation gearbox.
with GL Wind. – On completion of the trial at the test bench,
the gearbox shall be so disassembled that the
(3) The entire prototype trial shall be completed and condition of all bearings and teeth can be as-
accepted by GL Wind before the type certificate is sessed and documented.
issued. Before the A-Design Assessment is issued, the
trial at the test bench shall have been completed and – The trial at the test bench shall be followed by
documented. The test bench set-up and the test plan trial operation at a wind turbine. The duration
shall be assessed by GL Wind or by an accredited test of this operation at the wind turbine shall be
laboratory within the scope of an inspection of the test laid down in consultation with GL Wind.
stand lasting at least one day. If major results of the Relevant operational parameters such as tem-
prototype trial have already been incorporated into the peratures, pressures and vibration shall be
calculations of the gearbox according to Section 7.4, logged and evaluated, together with parame-
completion of the gearbox trial at the test bench may ters concerning the loading of the gearbox. In
already be required for the B-Design Assessment. addition to the torque, these shall include the
loads to be derived from the relevant struc-
(4) The detailed scope of the prototype trial shall be tural integration of the gearbox within the
specified in consultation with GL Wind before the trial wind turbine.

10.7.2 Scope of the prototype trial

10.7.3 Documentation of the prototype trial
The following items at least shall be observed before
and during the trials of wind turbine gearboxes:
All phases of the prototype trial shall be comprehen-
sively documented and evaluated, e.g. by means of
– The gearbox under test and its essential
measurement data files, photographs, oil analyses, and
components shall be uniquely identifiable.
inspection or assembly reports. As an important part of
The relevant quality documents shall be made
the evaluation, an appropriate plan shall be defined for
available by the time of the trial.
the trials of the series gearboxes. The documentation
– The purity of the lubricant used shall be en- and evaluation shall be submitted together with the
sured and monitored constantly during the plan for the trials of series gearboxes to GL Wind for
trial at the test bench. assessment.
IV – Part 1 10.8 Whitnessing of the Commissioning Chapter 10
GL Wind 2003 Page 10-19

10.8 Witnessing of the Commissioning

10.8.1 General 10.8.2 Procedure for witnessing

(1) The commissioning procedure shall be witnessed

(1) The plant is inspected and the technical execu-
at one of the first wind turbines built in the version to
tion is compared to the requirements of the design
be certified. The objective of this witnessing is the
visual inspection of a plant by the certifier and the
assessment of the safety-related tests in the commis-
sioning manual (see Section 9.2). (2) Compliance with any restrictions expressed in
the Certification Report is assessed as far as possible.
(2) The witnessing of the commissioning shall be
performed by experts from GL Wind for the fields of
electrical engineering and safety technology. (3) Selected tests from the commissioning manual
are carried out with a focus on the safety tests. In addi-
(3) Successful execution of the witnessing of the tion, the practicability of the tests is verified and the
commissioning is a prerequisite for issuance of the A- turbine behaviour is assessed for compliance with the
Design Assessment. design documents.
Rules and Guidelines
IV Industrial Services

1 Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines

11 Periodic Monitoring

Edition 2003
with Supplement 2004
IV – Part 1 Table of Contents Chapter 11
GL Wind 2003 Page 3

Table of Contents

11.1 Scope and Execution ............................................................................................................................ 11-1

11.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 11-1 Objective of Periodic Monitoring .......................................................................................................... 11-1 Requirements for the technical expert.................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1.2 Scope and execution .............................................................................................................................. 11-1 Execution of Periodic Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 11-1 Basis of assessment for Periodic Monitoring......................................................................................... 11-1 Documentation of the wind turbine to be inspected............................................................................... 11-1 Scope of Periodic Monitoring ................................................................................................................ 11-1

11.2 Technical Experts, Documentation and Actions................................................................................ 11-3

11.2.1 Technical experts ................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.2 Documentation....................................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.2.3 Actions ................................................................................................................................................... 11-3 Repairs ................................................................................................................................................... 11-3 Decommissioning and recommissioning ............................................................................................... 11-4
IV – Part 1 11.1 Scope and Execution Chapter 11
GL Wind 2003 Page 11-1

11.1 Scope and Execution

11.1.1 General oughly. A specific checklist for the inspection shall be

prepared on the basis of the documentation. The Objective of Periodic Monitoring checklist shall also contain the assessment criteria.

(1) Periodic Monitoring is an inspection of the wind Basis of assessment for
turbine by a technical expert of GL Wind. The inspec- Periodic Monitoring
tion shall be carried out according to the conditions in
the Certification Reports. Inspection intervals are laid Periodic Monitoring shall be assessed on the basis of
down in the corresponding Certification Reports, their the “Guideline for the Certification of Wind Turbines”
annexes, or indirectly in the form of references. of GL Wind in its latest edition. Standards and regula-
tions valid at the site shall be observed and applied.
(2) The objective of Periodic Monitoring is the ex-
amination (inspection) of the machinery, the safety Documentation of the wind turbine
devices and the structural integrity of the entire wind to be inspected
At least the following documentation shall be perused
(3) The body responsible for the wind turbine (called
for Periodic Monitoring:
the operator in the following) shall arrange for Peri-
odic Monitoring. The Inspection Report shall be ap-
– approval and/or certification reports including
pended to the maintenance manual.
all annexes and supplements Requirements for the technical expert – building permit

– operating manual
(1) Periodic Monitoring shall be carried out by a
technical expert for wind turbines who is approved by – commissioning record
GL Wind. The expert shall have the necessary techni- – maintenance checklist (maintenance records)
cal knowledge for assessment of the complete wind
turbine. The relevant training and a continuous ex- – reports of previous Periodic Monitorings or
change of experience shall be proven. An accreditation condition surveys (if relevant)
according to DIN EN 45004 or 45011 or equivalent is – proof of oil quality
required, or the aptitude of the expert shall be checked
by a competent examination board (e.g. Flensburg – documentation of modifications/repairs of the
Chamber of Commerce and Industry). turbine and necessary approvals, if relevant

(2) The technical expert shall be independent and Scope of Periodic Monitoring
shall have access to the relevant technical documenta-
tion of the wind turbine. (1) The turbine shall be checked by visual inspec-
tion, whereby the individual components (including
the rotor blades) shall be examined closely and the
11.1.2 Scope and execution
areas to be examined shall be cleaned or uncovered if
relevant. Execution of Periodic Monitoring
(2) Structural integrity of the wind turbine including
During Periodic Monitoring, the complete wind tur- machinery, and functioning of the safety and braking
bine including the rotor blades shall be inspected thor- systems, shall be checked as well (see Table 11.1.1).
Chapter 11 11.1 Scope and Execution IV – Part 1
Page 11-2 GL Wind 2003

Table 11.1.1 Scope of inspections for Periodic Monitoring

Assembly Inspection for / possible defects

Surface damage, cracks, structural discontinuities.

(Inspection from a lifting or stepping device: visual and
structural examination using suitable methods (e.g. tapping,
Rotor blade
ultrasonic testing)).
Pretensioning of bolts.
Damage to the lightning protection system
Leakages, unusual noises, condition of the corrosion
Drive train protection, greasing, pretensioning of bolts. Condition
of the gearing (oil sample, if relevant).
Nacelle and force- and moment-transmitting Corrosion, cracks, unusual noises, greasing, pretensioning
components of bolts

Hydraulic system, pneumatic system Damage, leakages, corrosion, function

Corrosion, cracks, pretensioning of bolts, covering of

Tower and foundation foundation
Safety devices, Functional checks, compliance with the limiting values,
sensors and braking systems damage, wear

Control system and electrics Terminals, fastenings, function, corrosion, dirt

including transformer station and switchgear

Completeness, observance of the conditions, construction

according to certified documents, test documents, maintenance
Perusal of documentation
carried out at regular intervals
If applicable: execution of modifications / repairs according
to approval
IV – Part 1 11.2 Technical Experts, Documentation and Actions Chapter11
GL Wind 2003 Page 11-3

11.2 Technical Experts, Documentation and Actions

11.2.1 Technical experts

(1) Periodic Monitoring is carried out by technical

experts of GL Wind with the following allocation of

Germanischer Lloyd Worldwide,

WindEnergie GmbH especially Germany
Steinhöft 9
20459 Hamburg

WINDTEST Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog GmbH Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein,

Sommerdeich 14 b Lower Saxony
25709 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog

WINDTEST Grevenbroich GmbH Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen,

Frimmersdorfer Straße 73 North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-
41517 Grevenbroich Palatinate, Saarland

WIND-consult GmbH Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-

Reuterstraße 9 Western Pomerania, Thuringia, Saxony-
18211 Bargeshagen Anhalt, Saxony

(2) Deviations from the allocated areas are possible – remarks and damage/deficiencies found
on request of the customer or by instruction of GL
Wind. In consultation with the contractor, several – result of inspection
experts may perform the monitoring of large wind
farms at the same time. (2) The result, the deficiencies found and the neces-
sary conditions and restrictions shall be stated on the
(3) The names of the technical experts are listed in first page.
the latest edition of the GL Directory.
(3) Two copies of the report shall be submitted to the
(4) Reports of other technical experts may be accepted. operator.

11.2.2 Documentation
11.2.3 Actions
(1) The Inspection Report on the Periodic Monitor-
ing shall be written and signed by the technical expert. Repairs
The Inspection Report shall contain the following
information at least: (1) In his Report (see Section 11.2.2), the technical
expert shall state any deficiencies found and shall
– manufacturer, type and serial numbers of the prescribe a timeframe for competent repair.
wind turbine and the tower
– location and operator of the wind turbine (2) Any repairs necessary shall be carried out on
arrangement by the operator.
– operating hours and total energy produced
(3) Repairs shall be carried out by the manufacturer
– date and weather on the day of inspection
of the wind turbine, by a workshop authorized by the
– persons present at the inspection manufacturer, or by a workshop specialized in that
field and possessing the necessary knowledge, infor-
– detailed description of the scope of inspection mation and equipment.
Chapter11 11.2 Technical Experts, Documentation and Actions IV – Part 1
Page 11-4 GL Wind 2003 Decommissioning and recommissioning (2) The technical expert shall inform the body re-
sponsible for the building permit if public safety is
endangered due to the deficiencies and if the operator
refuses to decommission the wind turbine.
(1) If deficiencies endanger the structural integrity of
the wind turbine partly or completely, or if deficiencies (3) After repair of the turbine by a specialized work-
can be expected to result in greater damage, the tech- shop according to Section, the workshop shall
nical expert shall recommend the decommissioning of attest the proper repair of the safety shortcomings in
the turbine. Decommissioning shall then be carried out writing to the operator. After that, the operator/owner
by the operator. may initiate the recommissioning.
IV – Part 1 References of the Guideline
GL Wind 2003 Page 1

References of the Guideline

[3.1] Germanischer Lloyd Rules for Classification and Construction, II – Materials and Welding, Part 2 – Non-
metallic Materials, Chapter 1 – Fibre Reinforced Plastics and Adhesive Joints

[3.2] Germanischer Lloyd Rules for Classification and Construction, II – Materials and Welding, Part 3 – Welding,
Chapter 1 – General Requirements, Proof of Qualifications, Approvals and Chapter 2 – Design, Fabrication
and Inspection of Welded Joints

[3.3] Germanischer Lloyd Rules for Classification and Construction, II – Materials and Welding, Part 1 – Metallic
Materials, Chapter 2 – Steel and Iron Materials, Section 3

[4.1] IEC 61400-1, Wind Turbine Generator Systems – Part 1: Safety requirements, Edition 2, February 1999

[4.2] NVN 11400-0, Wind turbines – Part 0: Criteria for type certification – Technical criteria, Dutch Pre-standard,
Edition 1, April 1999

[4.3] Richtlinie für Windenergieanlagen; Einwirkungen und Standsicherheitsnachweise für Turm und Gründung
[Regulation for Wind Energy Conversion Systems; Actions and Verification of Structural Integrity for Tower
and Foundation], DIBt Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (German Institute for Civil Engineering), Draft May

[4.4] EN 61400-1, Edition 2, 1999, including “common modifications”, Final Draft May 2003

[4.5] Appendix B to IEC 61400-1, Wind Turbine Generator Systems – Part 1: Safety requirements, Edition 2, Feb-
ruary 1999

[4.6] Gumbel, E.J., Statistics of Extremes, Columbia University Press 1958, p73

[4.7] IEC 61400-1, Wind Turbines – Part 1: Design requirements, Edition 3, Committee Draft of IEC TC88-MT1,
May 2003

[4.8] S. Frandsen (2003), Turbulence and turbulence generated fatigue in wind turbine clusters, Risø report

[4.9] Dynamic Loads in Wind Farms II (DLWF II), Final Report, EU Joule Project JOU2-CT92-0094

[4.10] DIN V ENV 1998-1 to -3, Eurocode 8, Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures

[4.11] American Petroleum Institute (API): Recommended Practice for Design and Construction of Fixed Offshore
Platforms, PR 2A, chapter 2.3.6: Earthquake, Washington, 2000

[4.12] ESDU 85020, Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground, ESDU International

[5.1] Eurocode 3, Design of steel structures, Part 1.9: Fatigue strength of steel structures, prEN 1993-1-9: 2002

[5.2] E. Haibach: Betriebsfestigkeit [Fatigue Strength], publisher: VDI-Verlag, 2nd Edition 2002

[5.3] H. Gudehus; H. Zenner: Leitfaden für eine Betriebsfestigkeitsberechnung [Guideline for Fatigue Analysis],
4th Edition, publisher: Verlag Stahleisen, Düsseldorf, 1999

[5.4] Rechnerischer Nachweis für Maschinenbauteile aus Stahl, Eisenguss- and Aluminiumwerkstoffe [Computa-
tional Analysis for Machinery Components of Steel, Cast Iron and Aluminium Materials], 4th Expanded Edi-
tion, publisher: VDMA Verlag, 2002
References of the Guideline IV – Part 1
Page 2 GL Wind 2003

[5.5] A. Hobbacher; Fatigue Design of Welded Joints and Components, International Institute of Welding
(IIW/IIS), Doc. XIII-1539-96/XV-845-96, 1996

[5.6] Dubbel: Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau [Handbook for Mechanical Engineering], 20th Edition, pub-
lisher: Springer Verlag, 2001

[5.7] Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton (German Committee for Reinforced Concrete), Heft 439, Ermüdungsfes-
tigkeit von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteilen mit Erläuterungen zu den Nachweisen gemäß CEB-FIP
Model Code 1990 [Booklet 439, Fatigue Strength of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Compo-
nents, with Explanations on the Analyses as per CEB-FIP Model Code 1990], publisher: Beuth Verlag, 1994

[5.8] Alfred Puck: Festigkeitsanalyse von Faser-Matrix-Laminaten, Modelle für die Praxis [Strength Analysis of
Fibre-Matrix Laminates, Models for Practical Application]; publisher: Hauser, Munich & Vienna; 1996

[5.9] Ri-EDV-AP-2001, Richtlinie für das Aufstellen und Prüfen EDV-unterstützer Standsicherheitsnachweise,
Bundesvereinigung der Prüfingenieure für Bautechnik e.V. [Guideline for the Compilation and Assessment of
Computer-Supported Analyses of Structural Integrity, German Federation of Examining Engineers for Con-
struction Technology]

[6.1] VDI 2230 Part 1, Systematic calculation of high duty bolted joints – Joints with one cylindrical bolt, issued:

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