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KAZUSA, Shuhei
Director for Disaster Management, Cabinet office, Government of Japan

ABSTRACT :Disaster management in this country is carried out at every stage of disaster prevention,
emergency response to disaster, and recovery and reconstruction following disaster. A special board of
inquiry of the Central Disaster Management Council has studied large-scale earthquakes such as the Tokai
Earthquake, Tonankai and Nankai Earthquakes, major earthquakes centered in Tokyo, and ocean trench
earthquakes occurring in the vicinity of the Japan Trench and Chishima Trench. It is to be hoped that the
entire nation will join in the work of disaster preparation.

KEYWORDS : Disaster management, Sharing disaster management information, Evacuation area



The great Ise Bay typhoon of 1959, which caused

5,000 or more casualties, occasioned efforts to
systematize Japan's disaster countermeasures in
general and to facilitate disaster management
administration that would be both comprehensive
and systematic. The Disaster Countermeasures Basic
Act was enacted in 1962 for this purpose. This law
provides the basic foundation for the formulation of
disaster management measures in Japan. By means management projects, development of faster and
of this and related laws, disaster management in this more appropriate disaster recovery, assignment of
country is carried out at every stage of disaster priorities in disaster management operation plans
prevention, emergency response to disaster, and and regional disaster management plans, and so on.
recovery and reconstruction following disaster The master plan provides a basis whereby every
(Figure 1). ministry and agency as well as disaster
management-related organizations such as the Bank
The Basic Plan for Disaster Prevention is the of Japan and Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)
master plan in the area of disaster management, and create their disaster management operation plans,
it is created by the Central Disaster Management whereby local governments create regional disaster
Council in accordance with the Disaster management plans, and whereby all these bodies
Countermeasures Basic Act. This master plan implement their disaster management
presents the basic guidelines for establishment of the countermeasures (Figure 2)
disaster management system, promotion of disaster
make the towns and cities safer in
earthquakes. Among other things,
the law provides for improvement
of disaster management facilities to
provide against the possibility of
earthquake, which could strike
anywhere in the country.
·An initial response system to
operate when a large-scale disaster
occurs was set p in February 1995.
This provides for the chiefs of
bureau and other officials from the
ministries and agencies concerned
to gather for emergency meetings
in the official residence of the Prime Minister and
integrate information. A 24-hour system for the
collection of information was improved in 1996
when the Cabinet Information Collection Center was
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of January
established (Figure 3).
1995 struck a great modern metropolis directly. Not
only did it cause enormous damage, but it also
highlighted a variety of issues such as the
government's delay in its initial response, problems
with coordination, and so on. Japan's disaster
management system has undergone significant
improvement, due in part to the review and
self-reflection occasioned by that great earthquake.
The main improvements are as follows.
· The part of the Basic Plan for Disaster
Prevention that deals with natural disasters was
· Measures were taken for the prompt collection
organized in July 1995 into sections according to the
and integration of information on damage by
type of disaster. These parts include the Earthquake
reinforcing the Central Disaster Management Radio
Disaster Countermeasures Volume, the Storm and
Communications System, which links together the
Flood Countermeasures Volume, the Volcano
ministries, agencies, and disaster
Disaster Countermeasures Volume, and so on. These
management-related organizations. This system was
changes, which simplify the process of looking up
improved to enable better monitoring of damage
countermeasures, were part of the general revision of
information by means of helicopter imagery that is
the plan.
transmitted from the National Police Agency, the
· The Special Measures Act for Earthquake
Defense Agency, the Fire Defense Agency, the
Disaster Management, which was enacted in 1995,
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and
seeks to implement systematic urban planning to
the Japan Coast Guard, which have field operational and other large-scale earthquakes are to be addressed
units. by the formulation of a master plan for disaster
· The Earthquake Damage Early Evaluation management countermeasures, on which basis a
System (EES) was improved to ascertain the general national strategy is to be implemented.
scope of damage immediately after an earthquake Improvements to be made in accordance with this
occurs. Damage estimates made by the EES are master plan include the creation of a practical
among the sources for the capability to monitor and emergency activity manual and development of a
analyze damage information (Figure 4). system for collecting and distributing information.
These elements are to be subjected to continuous
review in light of the conditions for implementation
of each measure, and by means of training and
3.2 Clarify the objectives for improvement of
disaster management facilities
The improvement of hard facilities for disaster
management countermeasures, such as earthquake
proofing of disaster management bases and sea and
river embankments to protect against tsunami, is still
not sufficient. This improvement must be carried out
3. DIRECTIONS FOR DISASTER efficiently and with selection of priorities. Adequate
MANAGEMENT accountability to the public must be maintained, and
Disaster management countermeasures have the yardstick that indicates the necessity for a facility
undergone gradual improvement in these various (for example, the rate of earthquake proofing) as
ways, but, though they are being put into good form, well as the level of improvement that is set as an
their effectiveness still remains an issue. There has objective (such as a rate of 90% in 10 years) are to
been hardly any progress, for example, in the be shown.
earthquake proofing of residences, schools, and other 3.3 Establish disaster management systems (self
such buildings, and in the elimination of the help, mutual help, and public help)
concentrations of dilapidated wooden buildings Disaster management systems should have
found in urban areas in order to assure open spaces well-balanced participation by every actor, including
in the cities. government administration (public help), companies,
There are certain directions that should be volunteer disaster management organizations, NPOs,
followed in the future conduct of disaster and similar organizations (mutual help), and
management countermeasures, therefore, so as to individuals (self-help). Systems can only be well
assure the true security and safety of the people. A established when all these actors fulfill their roles.
number of these directions are described below. When government administration institutes its
3.1 Create a disaster management system that is various kinds of measures, therefore, the regions
effective should also act to enhance their disaster management
Tokai Earthquake, Tonankai and Nankai capabilities in various ways. They should stockpile
Earthquakes, major earthquakes centered in Tokyo, at least three days' worth of food and daily essentials,
for example, and community organizations and A special board of inquiry of the Central Disaster
volunteer activities for disaster management should Management Council has studied large-scale
be encouraged. Companies should formulate earthquakes such as the Tokai Earthquake, Tonankai
business continuity plans (BCP) and improve and Nankai Earthquakes, major earthquakes centered
disaster management education for their employees. in Tokyo, and ocean trench earthquakes occurring in
These and other such civil and popular disaster the vicinity of the Japan Trench and Chishima
management activities should be instituted. Trench. The panel identified the kinds of earthquakes
3.4 Share disaster management information that should be prepared for next (scale, source region,
All disaster management programs require etc.), estimated the magnitudes and tsunami heights
information as a basis for making decisions. that could be expected, and projected a damage
Information sharing should not be held within scenario (human and property damage, economic
government administration. Instead, information damage, etc.). The panel then deliberated on the
sharing platforms are to be built that utilize corresponding countermeasures, and, working from
geographic information systems (GIS) that make it fiscal 2003 to 2005, they formulated guidelines on
possible for the private sector and the government to countermeasures for the various earthquakes in the
share information with each other. form of an overall master plan that covered
3.5 Introduce market mechanisms to the disaster everything from preventive measures to response
management field after an earthquake occurs. (See, for example,
Products and services that can enhance disaster Figures 5 and 6.)
management exist, such as highly
earthquake-resistant residences, household goods
with disaster management functionality, and so on. If
these came to be valued by market mechanisms, that
would naturally cause disaster management to
establish itself as a deeply rooted presence in society.
It is necessary, therefore, to improve the
environment to facilitate the introduction of market
mechanisms to the disaster management field, for
example by instituting special tax measures that will
encourage companies to invest in the area of disaster
Some specific measures that take into account the
directions for disaster management discussed above
will be introduced in the following sections. The
results from these measures are incorporated into the
Basic Plan for Disaster Prevention, which is revised
accordingly at every occasion.

earthquake. An
earthquake disaster
management strategy
was then formulated
that presents in
ordered form those
items that should be
addressed selectively
and strategically in
order to meet the
The earthquake
disaster management
strategies formulated
on that occasion

The anticipated Tokai Earthquake is the only have to do with the Tokai Earthquake and the

earthquake for which prediction might be possible Tonankai and Nankai Earthquakes. In every case,

immediately before an earthquake occurs. In 2003, they set disaster mitigation objectives that call for

emergency activity guidelines were formulated to reducing fatalities and economic damage by one half

prescribe the actions that should be taken by disaster in the coming decade. They also set specific

management-related organizations in connection objectives by which to achieve that goal, such as

with such an earthquake. The purpose was to provide aiming for a rate of earthquake proofing of 90% for

for proper implementation of emergency measures residences, and drawing up tsunami hazard maps for

and activities over a wide area and extending from all coastal municipalities (Figure 8).

before any warning is issued to after an earthquake

has occurred. These would include rescue and
firefighting activities, medical activities,
procurement of supplies, transportation activities,
and so on (Figure 7). Similar guidelines for Tonankai
and Nankai Earthquakes and for major earthquakes
centered in Tokyo are slated to be completed shortly.


STRATEGY Disaster mitigation objectives of this kind are not

In March 2005, disaster mitigation objectives were only for the national government, but are meant to be

determined. These set forth specific objectives, shared by society at large, including local

including timeframe, regarding the mitigation of governments, related organizations, and local

human and economic damage from a large-scale residents. The local governments concerned have
therefore been requested to formulate their own thought to have inadequate earthquake proofing,
regional objectives in light of the earthquake disaster while the corresponding figure for buildings other
management strategy. Follow-up surveys will be than residences is approximately 35%
conducted at three-year intervals to check on the (approximately 1.2 million out of 3.4 million
status of progress. There are plans to formulate buildings) (Figure 9).
earthquake disaster management strategies in stages
for other large-scale earthquakes, as well, including
major earthquakes centered in Tokyo.
Like the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake, earthquakes
could occur anywhere in Japan. Consequently, local
governments should make provisions for
earthquakes other than the large-scale kind addressed
by the earthquake disaster management strategy.
They are being required to come up with damage
scenarios in light of their regional characteristics,
formulate disaster mitigation objectives accordingly, To raise the rate of earthquake proofing of
and promote effective and efficient earthquake residences, individual homeowners must be made
countermeasures. more aware of preparation for earthquakes, and their
houses must be evaluated for earthquake resistance.
6. EARTHQUAKE-PROOFING BUILDINGS Efforts must also be made at the regional level to
Approximately 80% of the people who died in the promote earthquake proofing of residences as part of
Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake were suffocated or urban planning efforts to make towns and cities safer
crushed when they were trapped in collapsing homes in disasters.
and other buildings. The standards for earthquake Meanwhile, procedures such as evaluation for
proofing of buildings today were revised in 1981 in earthquake resistance, earthquake proof retrofitting,
light of experience from the Miyagi-Ken Oki and rebuilding impose a commensurate financial
Earthquake of 1978, and the majority of buildings burden. The national government has therefore
that collapsed during the Great Hanshin-Awaji sought to promote those activities by making active
Earthquake predated the 1981 standards. In 1995, use of subsidy systems, financing systems, and so on.
therefore, the Act for Promotion of the Earthquake A tax plan to encourage earthquake proof retrofitting
Proof Retrofit of Buildings was enacted to promote is slated to be created in fiscal 2006.
earthquake proof reinforcement of existing buildings. It will be necessary to undertake these various
(Subsequent progress in earthquake proof retrofitting approaches in combination. They include, for
was inadequate, and this law was amended to better instance, the widespread awareness and use of
promote such retrofitting in a special Diet session in hazard maps, the development of techniques that
2005.) allow people to do earthquake proof retrofitting of
The current state of earthquake proofing of their residences while living in them, the
buildings in Japan is estimated as follows: development of low-cost earthquake proof
Approximately 25% of residences (approximately retrofitting methods, and the creation of
11.5 million out of some 47 million houses) are arrangements to heighten the asset value of safe
buildings by explaining their earthquake proof prevention maps that show the risk of building
quality at the time of sale. collapse in familiar locations close to home (Figure
Damage to buildings is the principal cause of 10).
fatalities. It is also a causal factor in the outbreak of
fires, the spread of fires, the creation of evacuees, the
obstruction of rescue activities, the creation of rubble,
and other forms of extended damage. The national
and local governments should work together and
with local residents on earthquake-proofing
buildings in a selective and focused manner. This
would be the most valuable earthquake
countermeasure we could take at this time.


One means of informing local residents about the OTHER INSTITUTIONS) AND KEY
risks of earthquakes that could occur is to use maps INFRASTRUCTURE
that project damage scenarios by locality. It is A survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture,
important for people to know what areas face greater Sports, Science and Technology showed that
risks of casualties due to building collapse, or what approximately 68,000 of the some 130,000
areas are expected to be more liable to damage from non-wooden buildings at public elementary and
spreading fires. These maps are an effective means lower secondary schools throughout Japan had been
for making people aware of such factors. confirmed earthquake resistant. That amounts to no
Examples of the creation of earthquake hazard more than approximately 52% (as of April 2005).
maps at the local government level include the cities School facilities are expected not only to assure the
of Tokyo and Yokohama. The creation of hazard safety of children and other people when disaster
maps has occasioned progress in earthquake strikes, but also to serve as emergency evacuation
proofing in Yokohama, which has a good record of sites for local residents. As a matter of earthquake
performance in this regard. disaster management and countermeasures, therefore,
National and local governments can create and it is particularly important that these buildings be
publicize earthquake disaster prevention maps that earthquake resistant.
are detailed enough to allow people to identify Also an urgent issue is the earthquake proofing of
individual neighborhoods. This is one means of certain key buildings and infrastructure. Hospital
raising awareness of disaster management among facilities, for example, must hold inpatients and
residential and other property owners, and it is an other people with special needs, and also provide
effective method for making the public better treatment for people who are injured in a disaster.
understand the necessity of earthquake-proofing. The Government offices, local government facilities, and
Cabinet Office is therefore creating a manual other public facilities must serve as centers for
instructing people how to make earthquake disaster emergency activity (Figure 11). The earthquake
proofing of roads, airports, harbors, and other such maximum extent possible during a disaster, and for
critical infrastructure must also be facilitated. prompt recovery of the company's level of operation.
It also protects against the loss of clients and
business to competing companies while operation is
suspended, the decrease of market share, and the
decline in the company's reputation. Specific
measures include preparing backup computer
systems, securing reserve office space, assuring the
ready availability of key personnel, and so on. These
are all typical approaches. In Europe and America,
companies that prepare for possible disaster in a
systematic, organized manner have gradually come
to be highly appreciated by their business
9. BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANS FOR connections and by the market.
COMPANIES Certain business continuity measures require
Measures for disaster management by companies particularly urgent facilitation. These are measures to
are also essential in order to mitigate damage. If address a major earthquake centered in Tokyo, which
companies are able to carry on their own business is envisioned to cause economic damage amounting
when disaster strikes, so that they keep up to approximately 112 trillion yen. That would be 1.4
employment in the affected area and maintain the times the national budget. Japan's core economic
supply chain from procurement of raw materials functions are to a very high degree centered in
through to marketing, then their activities will tend metropolitan Tokyo, and if such a disaster were to
to mitigate the damage to the regional economy and occur there, the impact would not be limited just to
society. For this reason, guidelines to support those areas directly affected by the earthquake. The
companies in formulating business continuity plans wider effects are likely to extend throughout the
(BCP) were compiled in August 2005 (Figure 12). country, and even overseas. In the context of
advancing economic globalization, and in the
interest of increasing confidence in Japan's security,
among other reasons, the public and private sectors
must act together on measures that would hold such
effects to the minimum.


Recent disasters in general, not limited to
earthquakes or storms and floods alone, have found
Business continuity measures for a company the majority of victims among elderly people, the
should be seen essentially as a management strategy disabled, foreigners, and other such people with
for protection of that company. It provides for the special needs. Indeed, consideration for these people
continuation of important operations to the with special needs has become an important issue in
disaster management. Plans have therefore been Ocean trench earthquakes and other such
made to improve support systems in a variety of enormous earthquakes have very large source
ways, including efforts to ascertain where people regions. For this and other reasons, the movement of
with special needs can be found under normal such an earthquake tends to include many seismic
conditions and to formulate individual Evacuation wave components with a rather long period of 2–20
Support Plans for people with special needs. seconds that cause buildings to sway slowly.
It would be desirable to improve systems intended In a basin like the Kanto Plain that is covered by a
to prevent and ameliorate problems for people living thick layer of sedimentary deposits, these
as evacuees. This would include, for example, the long-period seismic waves form as surface waves.
early detection of any deterioration of vital functions Depending on the soil structure, the amplitude of the
among evacuees, and particularly of inactive life waves may grow even larger and their duration may
diseases (disuse syndrome). It would also be also become longer.
desirable to study schools and other evacuation Studies and research must therefore be conducted
facilities under normal conditions in light of actions regarding the effects on structures, and especially on
that will enable their smooth operation as evacuation high-rise buildings and other large structures, of
sites when disasters do occur. Measures should be these long-period seismic waves, which are still not
taken, for instance, to promote the stockpiling not adequately understood. The necessity for new
only of food, heating equipment, fuel, and so on, but countermeasures also requires study. Concrete
also of partitions to allow privacy among evacuees, studies of these matters are presently being carried
portable toilets, eating utensils, and other such goods on in coordination with the Japan Society of Civil
that will effectively help evacuees to maintain Engineers and the Architectural Institute of Japan.
healthy lives.
Settlements in hilly and mountainous areas and at 12. CONCLUSION
coastal locations that are likely to become isolated The geographical features and meteorological
are required to build up stockpiles on an appropriate conditions found in Japan make this country
scale. These should include water, food, and other susceptible to earthquakes, typhoons, torrential rains,
everyday goods, medical supplies, portable toilets, volcanic eruptions, and other such disasters.
fuel for emergency generators, and so on. Power Consider, for example, that 20% of the world's
sources that can supply electricity within each earthquakes of magnitude 6 or higher are
settlement will be studied for feasibility, to include concentrated in this country, which has less than 1%
solar power generation and wind power generation. of the world's area. Japan is, indeed, a land of
It will be necessary to study how essential services earthquakes on a scale that is impressive even in
may be provided, according to the circumstances, global terms.
not on a network model but rather by the use of It is to be hoped that the entire nation will join in
propane gas, joint septic tanks, and so on, and even this work of preparation, so that Japan in the reality
by the improvement of independent facilities for of its form and figure can move closer to becoming a
each household. society that has mitigated the risks of disaster.



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