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Nama : Khoirunnisa Filjanah

Kelas : 2MA13
Npm : 10822532
English Creative Writing

1. Please Elaborate with your own words, what is 'Creative Writings' and 'the process of writings'?
2. What are the essentials steps for 'Preparing before writings'? Please Elaborate.
3. How do you 'Brainstorming'? Please write the steps needed in conducting a 'Brainstorming


1.-Creative writing is a form of fictional and artistic writing that goes beyond the norms of
professional or technical literature.
-In essence, the writing process is the stages of activity in order to produce a piece of writing,
namely prewriting, drafting, and revision.

2.The writing steps consist of five writing steps: (1) preparation step, (2) research step, (3)
organizing step, (4) draft writing step, and (5) revision step.

3.Steps in the brainstorming process

1. First determine the problem and goal
2. Limit the duration
3. Refrain from judgment or criticism
4.Allow open conversation
5.Build visuals
6.Encourage the emergence of strange ideas

References :
https://online-journal.unja.ac.id/pena/article/download/1438/7259 - :~:text=Berdasarkan



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