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Class Activity

In groups, read the assigned text and make notes on the following questions.

Be prepared to share your ideas as a group with the class. Each person in the group will


1. Who is the intended audience of the text? Is it targeted towards a specific group or a more general

audience? The task intended people in general

2. What is the purpose of the text? Is it meant to inform, persuade, entertain, or something else?

The auther is trying to preduce the game for the audience and show them that the infomaition about

games are only for kids and it have a disadvantges only is wrong , the auither tried to show us the

positive side and a lot of advantges for gaiming .

3. What is the context in which the text was created? Consider the time period, cultural background,

and any relevant events or circumstances. It was created in work office to advise all to try the game , the

game let the plyer to try a lot of strateges

4. What is the author's background or expertise in relation to the topic? Does their expertise lend

credibility to their arguments? It was not mention in the text , he just share his expierence and the

advantges of the game .

5. What is the author's tone or attitude towards the subject? Is it neutral, passionate, critical, or

something else? The author most not include his emotios and fellings , just facts and his main ppoint .

6. What are the main arguments or claims presented in the text? How does the author support these

claims with evidence or examples? The main arguments is to show the people examples of people

queotes like chat , graphs .

7. How does the author appeal to the audience's emotions, logic, or ethics? Are there any specific

rhetorical devices or strategies used? The writer use logical

8. What are the potential biases or assumptions present in the text? How might these influence the

audience's reception and interpretation of the message? The coin have to faces , everything must have

advantages and disadvantages , for some people it will be a good idea to let them try the game and in

the other side some people will have some problem .

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