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4° Explain the meaning and usage of the wo ©) Volant on ft inti information report (¢) Imprompty 5. Write a short note on “case: diary’, (@) Posterior 8. Explain the word “apropos (©) Surman us sun jin 7. What do you mean by “sine qua non*? r lon fom of he folowing 8. Given ‘meanings and frame meaningful senten (9) C:P-T ©) Cho, the following words @ 8tc, @ Now, (2) Adjournment (@) Bom. uk Mus. (©) Amendment @) Cr, (h) ITR, (0) Praint @ ALER, OAR, (© Whiten statement ¥ Erplain the folowing words in deta wth sutabe (©) Complaint ‘examples : 8 Distinguish between Onserand Decree (2) Charge sheet 10. What's Habeas Corpus 7 ©) Adjudication SECTION-8 (© Appeal 11.” Explain the folowing in deta: (@ Court (@) Res ipsa loquitor (©) Tribunal H.Baa4 “Bag @) pro} Q) \Wiite an essay in about 500 words on any one of hy following topics : (2) Crime against women in India (b) Fundamental rights and fundamental duties (©) Public Interest tigation (@) Freetega laid a) 44 BALLB,/BBALLBAV Semester) amination 8 ENGLISH-IV_ Two Hours} {Maximum Marks : 100 + The question papers vied into wo pars-Pant’A\’ and art-B: Pat-A cartes otal ten(10) questions often(10) marks each, Part cates total tres (03) questons of 18, 18, and 20 marks each, All questions are ‘compulsory. PARTA + Comprehension of Legal Texts Attempt any five Abentra Abinto ‘Animus nocendl Caveat emptor Deorum injuriae cis rae "80 fan) tae Exaequo et bono Forum non conveniens Habeas corpus, Lingua franca Post mortem quctoris Part-B unit Give ful form of abbreviation. Attempt any fifte 1s om wi ow) na) win on) (=) on. sce SOR sud ste Yale Parts vuniT-2 Describe inyour own words. tempt any fv: [15 Mars] 0 @ ww 0 ‘Agjcication ‘Appeal “Tebunal @ 3 Whteanessayin about 250-300 words on any WO Time: Tree Hours} 0 @ w sony sale Deal ‘st information report (FIR) charge sheet case cary Decree Pant \Witen statement Part 8 units reom Role of social mesa in judiciary. What wil do to protect Human Rights ? CChid Labour naa, Can RT! eradicate cortuption, 4 Hil ais soot Rott No 44 B.A. LL. B. (Five-Year Integrated Course) (Fourth Semester) EXAMINATION, 2019 Paper First ENGLISH—IV [Maxima Mark 100 { Mina Pass Marks 36 Note: The question paper i divided into two Parts-Part “A? and Part BY, Par ‘A’ cates total eight (08) questions of four (8) marks each, Pat “3” caries total eight (08) questions of twenty 20 mars each, Aivded among four Unis, with each Uni caving ‘wo questions. Answer ny fv (08) questions fom Pat ‘A° and choosing on (1) question fom each Unita total of our (8) questions fom Part‘ Part—A \. What isthe meaning and contest of “Writen Statement? 2 What do you understand by “Res julia? Espn (AanP.To. ——~ “a nnd eve apo i ein a At SR elemeate wine mu Gh Bon LR 6 pheno {tayo yCot"? 1 Weanowen San PartB tit 9. pin ili (Yl i © taper (2 Aron (end or Explain the following : © Ubijas i remedium (Sine que non ) Posterior (Gv) Resipsa oquitur Unie ‘Wait fall forms of the following abbrevi Ge ms fe owing hres @ Ln, Gi) Ls, won, @ AMER “ O. Sts. @) SCR (oi) Ub. Le. (oi) Lika. (@ ALR OB o Wit fl fms oft along sirens nD crt CRP Yate. (9) Haw. L Rev i) ML (iy Bom. LR. @ st @ New, Unit Write meaning, context and use ofthe following words: (@ SaleDeed (Fis nformation Repo i) Case Diary (i) Charge Sheet () Amendment (se. .0, 4 w or Write meming, context and use of the fol words @ Phi i Adjoumment (i) Appeal Univ Write an essay on “Judiciat Review in India.” oO Wiritean essay on “Child Labour in India” RattNo, 44 B.A. LL.B. (Five-Year Integrated Course) (Fourth Semester) EXAMINATION, 2018 Paper First ENGLISH—1V Time : Three Hours { Masinum Marks : 100 Note All questions are compulsory. Marks are given against each question. 1 Fill inthe Blanks choosing the const option; 10 (He could not do othervize bey the instructions, (ouuttan) (His speech was Station, Dei fiom the ALR (brvadcasroadeasted) Gi) You may consider it on uc. (gel ret) (Gv) He tied to wipe nnnthe poor wows ter (owiavay) » have no objection...» this wrkagsnso) emero.

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