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Issue No.

3 &4

October/November, 2023
Countdown Clock USA Elec-
tions 2024
“Building a better Future!
Latest news and bulletin updates

DA Madrid had a great representation 9of members attending the EMEA ’24 Congress. Members met from October 27 to October 29 in Alicante, where Da discussed the
roadmap to Presidential Elections 24. Da focused on the Primary strategies, next March. DA will host voting sites across Spain, organize voting registration and support
members throughout the entire voting lifecycle.

“We strive to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government, by electing Democratic candidates, and mobilizing the overseas vote.”
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October/November, 2023
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Issue No.3 &4
October/November, 2023
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Brief highlights from our EMEA Conference

Welcome Members of Democrats Abroad Madrid!

We are finally here bringing you an update of all our activities during the month of October
and November. They were busy months, however full of gratifying experiences.

EMEA More in '24 October 27-29 in Alicante was a solid success!

Three days of hard work! Members from DA Global, Spain Chapter and many
European Chapters attended, making the reunion a delightful experience for

We prepared strategies on Getting Out the Vote. Fundraising, social networking, and par-
ticipated in focus groups that helped us envision the road to State Primaries Super Tues-
day, The Democratic Convention, and the Presidential Elections.

In the meantime, here in Madrid we have been busy meeting new members, welcoming
Lucia J. Perez Crespo new arrivals to Spain and greeting our long-life members who always mark our gatherings
Hernansaiz with a homey feeling of coziness and familiarity! Our Holiday social is next December 12th
Madrid- Chapter Chair
at Roll Madrid. Looking forward to see you All! You can RSVP in the link below!
“Please remember to register to
State primaries a leading towards a blue victory!! Register to vote, if you state is holding
primaries! Our vote matters!


DA ABROAD has the responsibility to assure victory for the Democratic Party.

We will schedule a phone banking group activity were we can gather and work together in
making call on behalf of Democrats Abroad.

More information ahead.

Please consider to volunteer in order to GET OUT THE VOTE!

Let’s continue making a difference!

Issue No.3 &4
October/November, 2023
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(Continued from Page 3) November 16th



A successful evening with exquisite wines and dining spon- Thanksgiving fundraising dinner gathered 35 DA members who
sored by the LGTBQ+ CAUCUS. enjoyed family away from home, and had an opportunity to enjoy
a delicious Turkey! Next year, we will look for a larger venue, since
our waiting list was larger than the seats available!

Next Event: 12th December Holiday Social at Roll Madrid



 We register Americans to vote abroad.

 We help Americans abroad vote in U.S. elections.
October 22nd: We held a Halloween Promenade Fundraiser- Children,  We protect the right to vote for Americans abroad.
Adults and families enjoyed a day at the Museum of Natural Sciences,  We work with US government officials and elected representatives
where children received a bag of candy and a price was awarded to the to advocate for issues that concern Americans abroad
 We work with the broader Democratic Party to achieve our goals.
winner of the raffle. (we raffled a T-Rex 3D wood puzzle! We had a blast!
 We build communities of like-minded Americans around the
Please follow both activities in our  We help elect Democrats in every congressional district in the U.S.
Fundraising gallery!


I became a member of Democrats Abroad “Because I AM a ‘Democrat Abroad’—I’m an American who
lives in Spain, and a life-long Democrat, because I believe in the ideals that the party represents, and the
policies that it espouses: equal rights for women and minorities, quality public education, universal
health care, climate change mitigation, investment in infrastructure, defending workers’ rights and
curbing Wall Street abuses… in short, putting government at the service of the people, not of moneyed
interests. Now, more than ever, it’s important to stand up and be counted, and to work on get-out-the-
vote efforts so that everyone’s vote is counted.”
If you would like to find out more about Delories Dunn these are her links:

DD Dunn & The Louisiana Cats:
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October/November, 2023
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Halloween at the Museum of Natural Sciences

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Issue No.3 &4
October/November, 2023
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From the Desk of our DA Madrid Secretary

Hello Members of Democrats Abroad Madrid!
Our Thanksgiving Dinner was held on November the 16that Trikki New Orleans Traditional Cuisine, at7:30pm. It
was great, we had a full house, and the food delicious!

We could use some volunteers to help us with various projects!!! If you are good with social media or good at putting
together newsletters or good at organizing or anything else, we would love the help!! There will be many things going
on with election year 2024 coming up.

Also, please do go to your account at Democrats Abroad and update your information, such as email address, phone
number, physical address and update your preferences at receiving reminders with information on registering to vote
Susan Lefler and voting. Next year is a very important year for voting!!! Never forget that protecting our democracy will be on the
DA Madrid Secretary ballot!! And Democrats Abroad most certainly has the ability to influence the outcome of elections. States like Geor-
gia and Arizona were only decided by quite a small number of votes so YOUR VOTE COUNTS!
Issue No.3 &4
October/November, 2023
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From the Desk of our DA Madrid Vice-Chair

Dear DA Madrid members,

Democrats Abroad Madrid is feeling the momentum build in the lead up to the 2024 elections! We continue
hosting events that attempt to appeal to a range of members. If there is a type of gathering you'd like to see,
please let us know. And if you are a parent, please fill out our survey about activities that would be of inter-
est to you and your children:

We continue looking for volunteers for a wide range of functions, from social media to event organization to
phone banking. Please be in touch if you're looking to get more involved!

Additionally, I am including the link to sign-up to volunteer for phonebanking. We need as many hands as
we can get!

The link:

Maggie Zelonis- There will be a ballot request and return virtual training (2 hours) for DA Spain members in January - ten-
DA Madrid Vice-Chair tative date is Saturday, January 27. This will be important for people to do if they are volunteering in-
person at the GPP event or other voter assistance events we organize going forward.

Thank you for your support of Democrats Abroad, we had an outstanding support in our annual Thanksgiv-
ing fundraising dinner at Trikki New Orleans Traditional Cuisine! Hope to see all of you next year.

We have our Holiday Social next Tuesday December 12th at Roll Madrid, and hope that you can join us and
bring an American friend or family member with you! Thanks for everything you are doing and will do to
help us elect Democrats in 2024!

From the Desk of our DA Treasurer

Treasurer’s Update
Dear Members,

As you have likely seen, DA Madrid has been busy with many events recently! Our ticketed events are not
just fun; they’re fundraising pillars. You can also support DA by becoming a sustaining donor at $5
monthly—2024 is a Presidential Election year and DA Global has set a goal to raise $2 million. Excitingly,
we're uniting with the Spain Committee for 2024 phone banking drives, promising a fresh funding stream
to help DA Global achieve its goal.

Another way to donate while learning more about expat taxes is to explore DA’s Taxation Tax Force web-
site (, where you will find pre-recorded webinars on many
tax issues for as low as a $5 donation.

To become a sustaining donor, visit, click on the

"Donate to this Country Committee" blue button and follow the prompts to help us achieve more in 2024!
Kerry Holleran - Treas-
urer Democrats Abroad
Madrid Team Together, we'll make every cent count!

Warm regards,

Kerry Holleran
Treasurer, Democrats Abroad Madrid-

Democrats Abroad shaping the future – donate now at

Issue No.3 &4
October/November, 2023
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"Navigating the Political Landscape”

From the Desk of our GOTV Spain Chapter Chair/Madrid
Get Out The Vote!
It’s showtime! Election Day was Nov 7th. The Blue Team is mov-
ing forward.

Get Out The Vote

This year is light on elections but there are some important races in selected states.

Many states are asking for help with local phonebanking. That last minute reminder to
local voters in these states. If you are interested in making some calls
please click here
to sign . These often run right up to Election Day.

Florida voters, we have a chance of including an amendment to the Florida Constitution.

These amendment issues pull out voters even in Red States, to the unhappiness of the
Republicans. Their own voters disagree with them by large margins. This could help us
turn out a big vote in increasingly Red Florida in 2024. Jim Mercerau-GOTV-Spain-
Ballot Title: Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion Chair

Ballot Summary: No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viabil-
ity or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s
healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional
authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion.

We are hoping you’ll take a moment to print out the form, sign it, and mail it back to Sar-
asota at your earliest convenience. Here is where you can do that:

Abortion on the Ballot!

This past Nov. 7th Abortion rights supporters won an Ohio ballot measure and the Demo-
cratic governor of beet-red Kentucky held onto his office by campaigning on reproductive
rights and painting his opponent as extremist. A Democrat won an open seat on the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court after campaigning on his pledge to uphold abortion rights.
And Democrats took full control of the Virginia statehouse, blocking Republicans from
being able to pass new abortion restrictions and delivering a defeat to Gov. Glenn Young-
kin that may douse any buzz about a late entry into the GOP presidential primary.

(Associated Press)

Nov 8th we watched Elvis’ second cousin loose the Mississippi governor’s race. Brandon
Presley has a proven track record with nearly 20 years of public service he is keen to
Medicare access for hundreds of thousands of MS residents, in a state with some of the
worst health outcomes in the nation.

Phonebanking should help push voters to the polls.

The results are an early indication of the voter’s sentiments moving into 2024. Voters
have been rejecting MAGA as we saw in 2018, 2020 and to a large extent in 2022. We on-
ly lost 5 seats in the US Congress. The Republicans have nothing but chaos to show for it.
Now we have the most radical right wing, religious zealot, and election denier sitting in
the Speaker’s Chair, Mike Johnson.

If you are interested in learning more about the overseas voting process there are one
hour online trainings available. You’ll be able to field the key questions about the voting
process. This info makes you a resource to help others with voter registration and ballot
request. It’s not rocket science and more importantly your friends and neighbors will
benefit from your investment of time.
Issue No.3 &4
October/November, 2023
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If you would like to become a “STATE STAR”
Go into the Democrats Abroad Website. Look for your state and register!
Check it out
Insert the two letter abbreviation for your
state, like FL, OH, WI Using Interactive maps like this one below can have us updated in how the states are
performing overtime.
Additionally, you will have the opportunity to contact your Congressman, Senator or
Representatives with issues affecting your State-communities, as well as issues that
Americans experience when living abroad.
Web Page to the interactive map page:
Interactive Map URL:


Want to know how you can help?

Come to our Social Holiday on December 12th.

We want to share some exciting news regarding 2024 Country Committee phonebanking.
In early 2024, Country Committees will have the opportunity to use CallHub to phonebank your own members, with your
own (customized) script and volunteers. These local calling campaigns present a fantastic opportunity to get your members to
vote in the GPP and facilitate ballot requests for 2024. We’ve seen that these calls work! (**See quotes below from CCs who
have done it!) Local calls are also a great way to spread the word about your CC activities and an avenue to recruit volunteers,
discover local talent, and build your donor base..
If you have any questions, please contact
Thank you for considering this exciting opportunity to engage with your members and strengthen your CC.
We look forward to working together to make a difference in 2024!
** CC leaders from countries who’ve called have this to say about CC-phonebanking:
Remember Phone
Banking Really  Having our own CallHub CC campaign allowed the system to display a UK number, not a 202 number, on the recipient’s
phone. We think this increased the likelihood the member would pick up the call so we could actually talk to them. In addi-
helps! tion, we were better able to answer our own members’ questions, and even talk with members we knew. - Laura Mosedale
 Austria has found in-country CallHub campaigns to be invaluable! Through in-country calls we’ve uncovered and discovered
Please volunteer! real gems among our membership — talented musicians for events, generous donors, ready volunteers, and of course the
grateful voter. Definitely worth the effort! - Jen Rakow-Stepper
 In Mexico, our country calling campaign activated voters in ways that other outreached simply didn't. Mexico is a large coun-
try and our members are scattered far and wide, so calling was a very valuable way to spur them to request their ballots and
ultimately to vote. Even those who lived close to our main cities found the extra push they needed to move forward. - David
 Having our [DA Japan] organization leaders speak with our members was not only a great way to get out the vote but it al-
lowed us to re-engage with many members we had not seen or heard from during the pandemic. Besides being an effective
way to get our members involved in the upcoming elections, it helps with building our community which in turn enhances
our reach. - Sarajean Rossitto
 In Costa Rica phonebanking is an integral part of our Get-Out-the-Vote campaign. It activates our members and as a result
during the last four election cycles our membership has grown from 400 to 1,700. So, don't miss out on this important way to
vitalize and grow your membership. - Steve Johnson

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