32-Solidworks Visualize 2019

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175 sounwoms





Dassauh Syslémes Sodeorks Corporalicn

175 Wyman Streel
Waltham, MA 02451 U S.A.

About This Course o

Course Design Philosophy
Using nus Book .

Laboratory Excrc cs .
Abom the Tmming FllC
mecmions Used In this Book

Us: of C nlor ...............

Color Schemes
Marc SOLIDWORKS Training Resource
Local User Groups
Standard vs mecssionaL . . . mm

SOLIDWURKS Visualize Boos‘

SOLIDWORKS Visualize Addrm . u.

Lesson 1:
Objectives .......
chdcrmg from CAD .

Project Dcscnption C

Stages in the From


Importing to visualize
..................................... 10
Visualize User Imerfaec
. A


A A 10
Toolbar A
. 12
viewpon A 13
Palette A
. . 13
Heads Up Display. i3
Dmprdowlls . . A l3
Render Selection l4
Hardware for

Activating Delloiser
Easy Mode .
......... 14
Appearanees A 15
File Libraries. 15
Scenes. . . l9
Rendering . . A 20
Output Tools 20
Summary ...... 22
Questions .......
Exercise 1: Cooler A
Exercise 2: Sun (Elissa. 26
Lesson 2:
Import Settings and Appearances
Objectives. . A

Import Settings .
Project Description
..... A

Stages in the Pmee.

Part Grouping . . 30
Automatic 30
Flatten. . A 30
Group/Appearance 3o
Layer ......
Appearance . so
Appearance/Layer. 30
Retain Structure 30
Monitor File 30
Snap to Floor . 30
Structure and Organization. A

Selection Toois . . A

Object Manipulation
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Addrin .
soLIDwoRKs Contents

Copy and Paslc

Appearauee Type
......................................... 3x39
Anisotropic . 39
Backseatl‘cring. 39
Emissivc . 39
Flat . . 39
Generic . . 39
Glass . . . . 39
Gem. . 39
Mane . . 39
Metallic Paint .
MultirLaycr. 40
Paint .... 4o
Plaslie . .. 4o
Subsurfaee 40
Thin Film . . 4o
Texmrcs. 4o
Bump. . 40
Alpha. . .. 4i
Specular . 4l
Color. 42
Texture Mapping 43
uv ........ 43
Box .....
Planar .
Spherical . 43
... 43
Cylindrical .
Perspeclive . . 43
Appearauee Type Paramclers . 46
Merge Pam. . 4x
Summary. . . . 49
Exercise 3: SOLIDWORKSAddeln. .
Exercise 4: Arbor Press
.................................... 52

Lesson 3:
............................................ 57
Project Description

Stages in the Proce 58

Decal Feature 58
Decal Depth . 62
Decal Mapping 64
Summary. . t. 67
Exercise 5: Pencil Sharpener t
Summary ...........
Exercise 6: Water Bottle. .
Exercise 7: Balm Texture Map 73

Btend Texture
Multilayer Decal Process .
Alpha Mapping ......... 76
Multilayer Appearance. . 76
Lesson 4:
Cameras . . 80
Project Description t 80
Stages in the Pmees 80
szcms .........
Aspect Ratio . . .
Keep Above Floor,
Perspective ......
Camera ()ricnimiont
Distance/Dolly t
Latitudct t
P05 ion XYZ .
Camera Positioning
Grid Overlay .
Depth of Field
Fecal Distance.
Aperture . . .
Enable PosH’roc
. t

ng. ll

Apply to Geometry ()nly .

................ 90

soLIowoRKs Contents

.............................................. 9292
Questions .....
Exercise 8: British Car 93
Summary ......
Exercise 9: Winch .
Lesson 5:
Backplates, Environments and Lights
Seencs. ..
................................................ 10099
Project Description. .. 100
Stages in the Pmccs . . 100
Backplates ........ .. 102
HDR Environments
Sunlight Environments . 105
Questions . 109
.. .
.. 110
Summary... ..114
Questions .. 114
Exercise 10: Car Inlull . .. 115
Summary ...........
Exercise ll: Water Bottle Baeknlatc ..

Lesson 6:
Productivity Tools
Objectives .....
Productivity Tool
.. 119
Project Description .. 120
Stages in tlre Proee, . . 120
Multiple views . . H .. 121
RCndcrAll Cameras . 122
Time Limit Rendering. . 123
Configuraiiolls . . 125
Export ......
snared Filc Libraries.
. .
chdcrAl] Configurations .. 129
chdcr Queue .. .. 129
visualize Boost. . 132
Summary. . 132
Questions . 132
Exercise 12: Ice Pick . . 133
Summary .............
Exercise 13: Guitar Colors
Contents soLIDwoRKs

Lesson 1:
Animations and Grouping
............................................ 139
Project Description
140 . .

. 140
Stages in the Proee . 140
Groups. .141
Animations t . . . . 145
Rotation Animation
Animation Timeline and Controls .
. .

. .
Basie Animation Controls
Advanced Animations Controls
..... 1 .
. .

t . . .
Animation Properties . . t 147
Animation List . . 147
Timeline . . 147
Animation Output. . 150
Motion Blurt 1.. .. 152
Keyfmme Animmion. . . . 154
Auto Keyframing . .. 154
Summary. . . 157
Questions . 157
Exercise [4: Cooler Animation . 158
Summary .................
Exercise 15: Pencil Sharpener Explode

Lesson B:
Camera Animations
Objectives .....
Camera Animation.
. .

. .
Project Description . . 166
Stages"1 the Proee . 166
Camera Movement with the Triad. . 168
Position Camera . 168
Position View . t . . 168
Camera Animation 1 . . 170
Keyframe Properties . .
t. . . 173
Time Point. . t t t 1.. 173
Transition . 173
Tension .. . 173
Motion Ease . 173
Summary ......
Questions ..
. . 174
Exercise 16: Guiiart . . . . 175
Summary ................................
Exercise l7: Pencil Sharpener Camera Animation
. .


Lesson 9:
Animaling Appearances, Scenes
Appearance and Scene Animations ”182

Project Description .182

Stages in the Proce. .182
Scene Animation. . .182
Appearance Animation ..184
Summary. . . . ..187
Questions ..187
Exercise 18: Guitar Color. ..188
Summary .............
Exercise 19: Video Decals
Lesson 1 0:
Summary ............. .193

Alternative Outpuis
......................................... ....195
Alternative Outputs .. 196
Project Description .. 196
Stages in the Process .. 196
Viewpon Turntable. .
Output Tools Turmable .197
Interactive Images
.......... ..199
Images per ()rbir
.. 199
Stan Angle . ..199
End Angle . . ..199
Panorama View. ..201
Sun Study . . . .201
360 Camera . . .203
Mono. . . . .204
Stereo Twerp . ..204
Stereo Anaglyph ..205
....... ..207
Questions .............
Exercise 20: Computer Room.
Summary. . . . .210

Contents sounwonKs

Lesson 11:
simulated Physics 1

Project Description . 212

Stages in the Proce .212
Shake Simulations. i . 212
Dynamic Component . . 213
Static Components . . 213
simulation Manager . . . . 215
Simulation States . r . . 216
Vehicle Simulations . 219
Physics Animations . . 222
Conclusion .. . 223
Questions . 223
Exercise 21: Toy . 224

Summary ...... . 227

Answers to Questions and Keyboard Shortcuts

Answers to Questions . . 230
Lesson 1 Questions . 230
Lesson 2 Questions . 230
Lesson 3 Questions . 230
Lesson 4 Questions . . 23l
Lesson 5 Questions . . 23l
Lesson o Questions . . 23[
Lesson 7 Questions . . 232
Lesson 8 Questions . . 232
Lesson 9 Questions . . 232
Lesson 10 Question . 232
Lesson 11 Question . 233
Keyboard Shortcut. . 233
General . . .1 . . 233
Edit . . . 234
Mode. . . . 234
Display 1 . . . 235
Presentation. . 235
Manipulation . 236
Selection . . 236
Seene. . i . . . 237
Appearance Comm . . 237
Camera Controls . . . 238
......................................... 238

Introduction soLIDwoRKs

About This The goal ofthis course is to teach you how to use the SOLIDWORKS
Course Visualize sehware to create professional, highrquality renderings,
videos and VR outputs for marketing purposes.
The focus ofthis course is on the fundamental skills and concepts
central to the successful use of SOLIDWORKS Visualize. You should
view the training course manual as a supplement to» and not a
replaeement for, the system documentation and ()nline help. Once you
have developed a good foundation in basic skills, yoll can refer to the
onrline help for information on less frequently used command options.
Prerequisites Students attending this course are expected to have the following:

. Experience with the Windows‘” operating system.

I Some experience operating a conventional camera.
Course Design This course is designed around a process or taslebased approach to
Philosophy training Rather than focusing on individual features and functions, a
proeesshased training eourse emphasizes processes and procedures
you should follow to eomplete a panieular taskt By utilizing ease
studies to illustrate these processes, you learn the necessary commands,
options, and menus in the context ofeoinpleting a design tasks
Recommended The minimum rceommcnded length ofthis eourse is two days.
Using this Book This training manual is intended to be used in a classroom environment
under the guidance ofan experienced SOLIDWORKS Visualize
instruetorl It is not intended to be a selfrpaecd tutorials The examples
and case studies are designed to be demonstrated “live" by the
There may be slight difi‘erenees in results in certain lessons due to
service pack upgmdes, ete.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises give you the opportunity to apply and practice the
Exercises material covered during the lecture/demonstration portion ofthe
SOLIDWORKS lutmduetiou

About the Training A complete set of the various files used throughout this course earl be
Files downloaded from (he SOLIDWORKSwebsite, www.50lidworks.eom.
Click on the llnk for Support, then Trai ng, then Training Files, then
SOLIDWORKS Wsualize Training Files. Select illC link for the
desired file set. There may be more than one version of each file set
Direct URL:
The files are supplied in signed, selflexiraeiing executable packages.
The files are organized by lessen number. The Case Study iolder
within each lesson contains lllC files your instructor uses while
presenting the lessons. The Exercises folder contains any files that are
required for doing the laboratory exereises.
Windows The screen shots in this manual were made using [llC SOLIDWORKS
visualize seiiware running windows!“ 10. You may notice slight
dinerenees in ihe appearanee oftlie menus and windows. These
differences do not aereei the perrennanee ofthe software.
Conventions Used This manual uses the following rypographie conventions:
in this Book
Convention Meaning
Bold Sans Serif SULIDWORKS Visualize commands and
options appear in this style. For example,
“Click Enable Grid Overlay."
Typewriter Feature names and file names appear in this
style. For example. “Click the Lighter
Double lines preeede and follow sections of
11 Do this step the proeedures. This provides separation
between the steps ofthe procedure and large
blocks ofexplauatory text. The steps
themselves are numbered ln sans scrlfbold.
Introduction soLIDWORKs

Use oi Color The SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Visualize user interfaces

make cxtcnsive use of color to highlight selected geometry and to
provide you with visual feedback. This greatly increases the
inmitivencss and case ofusc oftlle SOLlDWORKS Visualize sofiware.
To take maximum advantage ofthis, the training manuals are printed in
full color.
Color Schemes ()ut ofthe box, the

® ‘ i
sottware provides two
predefined color schemes that
contml, among other things,
the colors seen in icons and the
kaE‘mnd appm‘mccs “mm menu tom.” .mm 5 non r
software. The “Light" Tllcmc
was used in the creation ofthc
book to make images and icons
caslcrtosec. ”new Mutant Mitten-lg Motown

As a result, because the color

settings on your computer may be different than the ones used by the
authors ofthis book, the images you sec on your screen may not cxaetly
match those in the bunk.
User Interface Throughout the development ofthe software, there have bccn some
Appearance cosmetic user mtcrfaee changes, intended to improve visibility, that do
not afTectthe function ofthc sohwarc. As a policy, dialog images in the
manuals which exhibit no functional change from the previous version
are not replaced. As such, you may see a mixture ofeurrcnt and “old"
UI dialogs and color schemes.

More MySoldeorkscomenables you to be morc productiveby connecting

SOLIDWORKS you with relevant SOLIDWORKS content and services . anytime,
Training anywhere, on any device.
Resources Plus, with MySolidWorksTraining you can enhance your
sounwouxs skills on your own schedule, at your own pace.
Just go to Mysohdworksfiumltrajmngt
Local User Groups Discover the benetits ofthe SOLIDWORKS User Group Network
(SWUGN). Attend local meetings to hear tcehnieal presentations on
sounwoxxs and related engineering topics, learn about additional
sounwonxs produets, and network with other users. Groups are
led hy SOLIDWORKS users just like you. Check out swuehlorg for
more information, including how to find a group in your area.
soLtioRKs lntruduetion

What is SOLIDWORKS Visualize is a ray tracing rendering program formerly

SOLIDWORKS known as Bunkspeed. It is a standalone product, meaning
Visualize? SOLIDWORKS is not required to run SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
There are two packages of SOLIDWORKS Visualize: SOLIDWORKS
Vislialize Standard and SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional. ln
addition to the standalone product, the SOLIDWORKS Visualize suite
also ineludes SOLIDWORKS Visualize Boost and the SOLIDWORKS
Visualize Addrin.
Standard vs The SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard package is used to obtain
Professional photoequality images of3D data. The SOLIDWORKSvisualize
Professional paekage includes everything in the Standard package plus
additional tools for creating animations, camera filters, 360 images and
productivity tools for working faster,
The first tour lessons ofthis book are designed to be eompleted with
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard and lessons five through ten are
intended to be completed with SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional.
However, SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional was used when
creating the screenshots for all ten lessons. Therefore, some user
interface differences will he noticed for students using SOLIDWORKS
Visualize Standard.
Visualize Boost Visualize Professional. it is a separate program which is designed to
run on a machine that is networked to the eoinpurcr running
SOLIDWORKS Visualize. Wllen Boost is activated, the computational
effort is pushed onto the eoinputer running SOLIDWURKS Visualize
Boost, freeing up the computational resources of the computer running
SOLIDWORKS The souowonKs Vislialize Addrin comes with both versions ofthe
Visualize Add-in standalone product It allows SOLIDWORKS geometry, appearances»
lighting and decals to be exported directly into SOLIDWORKS
Visualize. with sounwonKs Professional, you can also export
Motion Studies. (SOLIDWORKS Addrins are applieations that run in
lnnoduclian SOLIDWORKS
Lesson 1


Objectives Upon successful complciion ohms lcssmL you wm be able m:

Understand the basics ohmpomng CAD data mm Visualize.
Discover ihc SOLIDWORKS VlSuflhZC uscr imcrfacc.
Apply and manipulate appearances wnhin Visualize.
Apply scones m an Enwmnmcm,
Render :1 pmJCCL
Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
cm to sounwonxs Visualize

Rendering from SOLIDWORKS Visualize is a powerful tool for rendering CAD dam to
CAD make photo realistic images. However, CAD data must first be ereated
in a CAD program such as SOLIDWORKSbefore being imported into

Project This lesson focus on the process ofbriuging CAD dara from
Description SOLIDWORKS imo visualize, An assembly ofa jig saw will he
opened in sounwonxs, Appearanceswill be applied in components
within the assembly. The assembly will then be impaired into
sounwonxs visualize where a rendering will be created.
Stages in the Some key stages ofthe process are shown in the following list:
Process I Open Assembly
An existing assembly file will be opened in SOLIDWURKS.

I Change Color
The appearances ofsome ofthc parts will be edited within
I Import to Visualize
The SOLIDWORKSfile will be used to create a Visualize project.
I Appearances
The appearance ofsome ofthc components will be edited.

I Scenes
A scene will he applied for lighting and baekgmund.

I Render
The projeci will be rendered to a JPEG file.

1 Open Assembly in SOLIDWORKS.

0an JIG SAW ASSEMBLYifle from
the LessonOl \Case Study folder.

Ne Appearance Assigned

Note ()nc ofthe components in the assembly does not have an Appearance
assigned to it.
cm to SOLIDWORKS Vlillanze

2 Apply an Appearance.
Bmwsc out to Appearance 0, Q ‘ 3 T

Plastic, Soft Touch and drag the v Mwnrmxzam A

while sofl [ouch plastic figgmum

appearance onto the component 5 MW 5,”
with the part that docs nor have an a6 n...Wm
appearance assigned xe n, .
Make sure me appearance is applied

”T ’— .

to the pan as snnwn bciowa

wmuafl ananpnnn am \aanm pm

3 Save and close.

Click Save E and Close SOLIDWORKS.
can in sounwonxs Visualize

Importing to SOLIDWORKS Visualize i a siandalone product, capable of

Visualize imparting n wide variety of LAD dam. In addition being able in impon
the geometry ercaled by CAD ningmnis, appearances, animatiuns.
cameras, scene and decals can all be imported as well if't‘nat
infonnnnon cxi s.
Open Files are imponed into SOLIDWORKS Visualize through the Open
command. One: a film has been opened, the Import Settings window
is used to specify the eomponems of the CAD fiie X0 be imported.

«mm Selling: x

. w...


. s...


Where to Find It I From the stan screen of SOLIDWORKS Visualize: Open Project
I Menu: File, Open
I Drag a CAD file onto the start screen of SOLIDWORKSVisualize

4 Open Assembly in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

()pen SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
Click Open,
Set SOLIDWORKS Assembly (*.sldasm) as inc file type.
Ciick JIG SAW ASSEMBLYifie from me LessonO 1 \Case Study
Click Open.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
cm to sounwoxxs Vliuillze

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Import Settings.
The Import Settings window opens.
Keep Part Grouping set to Automatic and ensure Monitor File and
Snap to floor are selected.
Geometry and Appearances are the only components of the assembly
that will be brought into Visualize. Therefore, clear Animation,
cameras, Scene and Decals.
Click OK.

1mm sum: x
- m Grouping


1: Oman: ,

r 3m
l7 M


Note The Part Grouping and Monitor File settings will be discussed in
further detail in Lesson 2; Import Sellingx and Appearances.

Llsson 1 sounwonxs
can to soubwoms Visualize

Visualize User The SOLLDWORKS Visualize usex interface can be bloken dawn into
Interface five sections; the Toolbar, me Palefle, the Vlewpon, me Heads Up
Dlsplay and the Drop-down section.
Dmp-downs Toolbar Patents
1 \


Heads Up Display

Toolbar The Toolbax, at the top omio screen, is used to control the
configuration options, render selection options, the turntable, selecfion
tools, object manipulation tools, camera orientation tools, and output
options. Most ofthcsc will be covered in depfli in later lessons.
Canfi 9“ ralion 0 pt ions omen Msnipulsnon
- .

r Salem"

Camera Manipulation
Sslem'on Tools

soLIDwoRKs Lessan 1
can to sauowonxs Vlillallze

Viewport The Viewport is the main working area. The Viewporl eolltrols how
the model will be positioned and manipulated. What is shown in the
Wewport is exactly what will be produced when ereatillg an output.
Manipulating the view ofthe model within the Viewport also
manipulates the camera. Changing the view ofthe model is performed
by Zooming, Panning and Rotating the model.

Zoom 1;) Zooming into or out ofthe model can be performed by selecting the Zoom
calncra manipulator, holding the left mouse button over the Viewporr and
mousing up or down. Alternatively,zooming can be performed by serolling
up or down using the middle mouse button.

Pan “I" Panning into or out oftllc model ean be performed by seleeting the Pan
calncra manipulator, holding the left mouse button over the Viewport and
moving the mouse, Alternatively,panning can be performed by holding the
Ctrl huttoll on the keyboard, holding the middle mouse button and moving
the cursor.

Rotate C Rotating the model around can be performed by selecting the Rotate
calncra manipulator, holding the left mouse button over the Viewport and
movnig the lnousc. Alternatively,rotating can be performed by holding the
middle mouse button over the Viewpon and movmg the cursor.

Palette The Palette on the right is where Models Scenes File Libraries
adjustments to the model are l *
made. The Palette consists of
fiVc tabs whieh run aeross the g 0 w r
top: the Models tab, the
Appearanoes Cameras
Appearances tab, the Scenes
tab, the Cameras tab and the File Libraries tab.
The Appearances, File Libraries and Seeoes tahs will be diseiissed in
this lesson The Cameras and Models tabs will be diseussed in later
Heads Up Display The Heads Up Display offers quick access to information about the
vtewport render.

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Drop-downs The Droprdowns at the top ot‘the screen offer access to many of the
eommands available within Visualize. The Droprdown seetion operates
in a manor similar to other windows programs.

Lesson 1 soLIDwoRKs
cm to sounwonxs Visualize

Render Visualize has three render modes that can be accessed through the

Selection Toolbar: Preview, Fast and Accurate,
Preview Preview mode enables high performance, interactive, noiserfree
rendering, it best used when initially setting up a render or creating
an animation This render mode is the least pilmoicailsiic.
Fast Fast
0 mode enables visually zteeurale rzty tracing for fast limerloe
rendering. This render mode is an intermediate between the

Preview mode and Accurate mode.
Accurate Accurate mode enables seiemifieally accurate path tracing tor the
most precise rendering. it will render infinitely and produces the
highest pholurquality results. Fully enclosed interior spaces and scenes
with complex light behavior are best viewed in Accurate mode. This
mode provides the most piioluereeiislie results.
Denoiser The Denoiser is used to improve the quality ofrendering. ‘n Fast and
Accurate mode. It uses artificial intelligence to filter out noise that
would otherwise make a rendering look fuzzy. The Denoiser is
available in the Toolbar for rendering in the Viewpcrt as well as the
Output Tools for creating, final renders.
Required The Dcnoiser is only available with supported graphics cards and
Hardware for drivers. To use the Denniser, you must have the following hardware:
- NVIDIA® (iPU (Keplerm‘ architecture or newer) With CUDACR)
9.0 support
I At teast4 GB ofviden RAM
The Denoiser must be activated before use.
Activating I Main Menu: Tools, Options, 3D Viewport, Denoiser, click
Denoiser lnit lize Denoiser and Show Button in Main Toolbar
Easy Mode Easy Mode is an alternative, minimalistic user interface that provides a
simple path for new users to Import, apply Paint, apply Scenes, add
Cameras and Render a model without the complexities oflhe
conventional user interface.

tutu: Pinl sur— up...

Where to Find It I Keyboard: Click the Spaeebar

I Main Menu: View, Toggle Easy Mode

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
cu: m sounwckxs Visualize

6 Change Render Selection.
Click Fast under Render Selection and then click Speed for the
Interactive Acceleration Mode.

e_% @fi駑cfi9@

Note The viewport can be resized by clicking Tools, Options, 3D Viewport,

Maximum Resolution.

Appearances Appearances are used to apply color and texture to components within
a project. Appearances can be imported into SOLIDWORKS
Visualize. They can alsu be applied using drag and drop fiincflanzlity
through the File Libraries.
Once an Appearance has been applied, it can be edited through the
Appearances tab on the Palette.
Where to Find It I Palette: Appearances g
File Libraries The File Libraries are used to store predefined Models, Projects,
Appearances, cameras, and Scenes. Some items of the File
Llhraries comc predefined with SOLIDWORKS Visualize. Other
items can be duwnloaded from the cloud if an active subscription is

Where to Find It

Luann 1 sounwoRKs
can a: summons Visualize

7 Apply a new appearance.

Click Flle Libraries nag.
$ 9 9 am

Uncle! Local
E, browse to l

W -

Click Plastlc.
Drag Basic Blue Dark
Plasllc onm one ofthe
componenls as shown below.

m m w. wrap-u look «up

soLIDwoRKs Lessan 1
cm to sauuwonxs muanze
8 Apply appearance to other El E11
Chck Appearances H. + n. q
The Basic Blue Dark
Plastic Appearance is now
prcscm in (he Appearances
mum MW mgm

From the Appearances lab,
drag the Basic Blue Dark
Plastic Appearance nnm
xhc two mhcr while pans as
shown below.

5.. amen

CAD to scunwmxs Visualize

9 Edit the appearance.

Click on the Basil: Blue Dark Plastic Appearance.
The Appearance Editor opens below.
Click General.
Click Color.
The Color Editor opcns.
Explore the Color Editor and find a suimblc color for thc covcr ofthc
jig saw.
Click in thc vicwport to zcccpt the color and close the Color Editor.

Note The color has only been cditcd within the Appearances scction. Thc
Basic Blue Dark Plastic within File Libraries is unaffectcd by edits
made hcrc.

1|] Accurate Render Selection.
Click Accurate to changc thc Render Selection.

Toggle Denoiser fig on.

can to souowomrs Visualize

Scenes Scenes are used to apply Environments, Baekplates, and Lights to a

project. Environments are HDR images that surround a project and
influence how light hits the model. Baekplates are images that remain
behind a model and do not influence how light hits the model. Lighm
are sources of light in the project used to illuminate the model from
specified loeatiens. Lights can only be created with SOLIDWORKS
Visualize Professional.

Where lo Find It I Palette: Scene @

11 Warehouse Scene.
Click File Libraries HUD.

Under Local 3 , browse to Environments.

Drag the Warehouse Environmenl into the vicwpon.

New Envilonment


12 Scenes.
Click Scene 0.
Observe the options available for editing the Warehouse
13 Save the project.
Click File, Save.
Name the project Jig Saw and save it to the Lessuno 1 \Case Study

CAD to scunwmxs Visuam

Rendering Once the model has been setup, a final render ean he performed.
Rendering in SOLIDWORKSvisualize is performed using ray traeing
teehnology. ln ray tracing, rays are traeed from the eamera to the model
through a plane. The eolors observed through the plane heeome the
final output. This method of rendering is the opposite of how light
aetually works hm is capable of ereating photo realis e renders. (In the
physical world, light travels as a ray into the eamera.)
Output Tools In the Output Tools command, the basic paramclcrs nfthc final rcndcr
are defined; sueh as the Filename, the Output Folder, the lmage Format
as well as the Resolution of the rendered image.
The Render Settings seetion defines how the render is performed. The
Render Passe. seetion is used to define how many times rays are sent
through to the model. (A higher numher ochndcr Passes will eapture
difl‘usc light with greater aeeuraey.) The option to enter the number of
Render Passes is only available with the Render Mode, Quality. The
Render Mode ean also be set to Time Limit to li it the time it takes to
render an image.

Where In Find It I Toolbar: Output Tools ®

I Menu: Tools, Render

14 0 nl model.
Use the Zoom 1}), Pan + and Rotate
model so that it looks good to you.
C commands lo orient ihc

soLlnquKs Les-on 1
no la scubwom Visualize
15 Render.

Click Outpm Tools

® from the
The Oulput Tools window opens.
Name lhc image that will be
creamd under Fllename.
Click Output Folder and save lhe
project 10 lb:
Lessono 1\Case Study folder.
Click the first box under Slze and
emcr 1920.
Click Render Passes and enter
400. u.
m—M—um , . -]

Click Enable Denoiser. ~~m

Keep all the olhcr settings at lheir
default values.
Click Start Render.
The render will take
approximmly two minutes to

Imus»... an
tux l...”

CAD to scunwokxs Visuam

Male SOLIDWORKS Visualize can be elosed while a render is being

performed.Aliematively, the Save Now command can be used at any
time to save the rendered image before the Specified Passes has been
16 Open the Image.

17 Save and close the file.

Summary In this lesson, an assembly was opened in SOLIDWORKSand an

appearanee was assigned to one 0f the eornponents. The assembly was
then imported into visualize where a project was setup. The user
interface ufSOLlDWORKS visualize was explored. New appearances
were applied to the model. A scene was added and a final render was

Questions - Can an Environment add light to the model‘!

- Can the cloud libraries he aeeessed without a subseription to
- is the Denoiser always available?
I Can SOLIDWORKSvisualize import appearanees from other
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 1

Exercise 1: In thisexereise, you will ereate a render

Cooler ofa wheeled euoler with appearances
applied, a seene added, the model
positioned and reasonable render
This lab uses ihc fullowing skills:

- RenderSelectinn on page 14
Appearance: on page 15
File Libraries on page s1

Scenex on page I9
Rendering on page 20

Praject You have already modclcd a cooler in SOLIDWORKS but before

Descripfiion manufacturing begins, shine ofthc stake holders would like to see what
the final pruduet will look like. You are tasked with Choosing eelois for
the eeuler and ereating a rendered image to sell your design to the
deeision makers.
Open the file.
0an Caulerjean from the
Lessono 1 \ Exercises folder.
Click Preview
The model does nm have any
Appearances applied yct.
Browse out to File Libraries H. and under Local a, browse to
Use your best mate andjudgmcm to apply Appearances to the modal.

Nole Use the Rotate C

command as look all the way around the model,
ensuring eomponents have an appearanee applied.


3 Scenes.
Bmwsc out to File Libraries H77 and under Local a, browse lo
Drag and drop Roule 66 into the Viewport.

Note Your scour: may look slightly different than the image shown ham.
4 Edit Environment.
Click Scene 'o.
Click the General lab within the Palette.
Click Brightness and enter 3.75.
Click the Advanced tab.
Click Flatten Floor.

. lun- mum
. “mm”
. .l
a Flmfm
nu mum,

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 1

Nole Scenes will be discussed in further dcmil in Lesson 5: Backplales,

Environmenm and Lighlx.
5 Posilion Modell
Position the model so that it looks good to you using the Zoom 1}),
Pan +, and Rotate C commands.
6 Render Modell
Click Output Tools @.
Create a final render.

Nole Some experimentation may he required to get a good render in a

reasonable amount of time.)

7 Save and close the file

Summary In this exereise, we reinforeed the eore skills necessary for working
with sounwonxs Visualize ineluding, applying Appeamnees and
adding Environments. We also edited the Environment to add light to
the scene and flamncd the floor to make the model feel more
eonneeted the Environment.

Exemise 2 soLIDwoRKs
Sun Glasses

Exercise 2: Inthis exercise, you will render ofa pair of sunglasses. This is an upcn
Sun Glasses cndcd exercise inreniled t0 bolster me skills learned in this lessen.
This lab usas ihc following skills:

- Render Selection on page 14

Appearances ein page 15
File Libraries on page 15
Seener on page l9
Rendering on page 20

Project You are iaaked with applying Appearaneee, Scenes and creating a final
Description tender for a pair of glasses.
1 Open the file
0an SunGlasses from the
Lessono l \ Exercises folder.

2 End resull.
Use the skills lcamcd in this lcsson to apply Appearances and Scenes
before creating a final render.

3 Save and close the file.

Lesson 2
Import Settings and

Objectives Upon successful completion ofthis lesson. you wlll be able to:
Understand how lmpon settings affect the model.
Use selection tools and manipulation tools to move components.
Understand how pans are grouped within a model.
Use the Split command to separate pans.
Learn how texture can be applied to an appearance.
Apply new appearances quickly using copy and paste functionality.

Lesson 2 soLIDwoRKs
import Settings and Appeamnees

Import Settings There are several ways to impon CAD data. The import options atfect
the structure ot‘a project as well as whether or not a project can retlect
updates when a change is made to the CAD data.
Appearances Being able to correctly apply texture, color and transparency to a
component is a critical step in creating photo realistic renders. These
parameters ean he edited through Appearances.
Project This lesson stars by focusing on the proeess oriinporting files from
Description SOLIDWORKS tn SOLIDWORKS Visualize. Two import methods
will be performed to show the advantages for eaeh lnethod. Ultimately.
one method will be ehosen over the other.
The struetare and organization ofa project will also he diseussed. Tools
for changing the structure ot‘the project will he used to split and unify
Tools for applying appearanees and textures will he used tn ehange
color and apply textured appearances to some components.
Stages in the Some key stages in the process are shown in the following list:
Process I Import Settings
A SOLIDWORKS assembly will be imported into SOLIDWORKS
Visualize with the Appearance import option. The project will not
update in SOLIDWORKS Visualize. The file will then be elnsed.
The assembly will be imported again into SOLIDWORKS
Visualize using the Automatic impon option. A change will be
lnade to the SOLIDWORKS file and the update will be seen in
I Structure and Organization
The strueture and organization of parts in SULIDWORKS
Visualize will be discussed. Tools, sueh as Split and Create New
Group, will be discussed and demonstrated.
I Appearances
Several appearances will be applied to various components ot‘the
model. Abrushcd metal textured appearanee will be applied to one
component. A bumped texture appearance will be applied to
another component. Appearance types will also be discussed.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
lmpafl Settings and Appearances

Open Lighler in SOLIDWORKS.

0an Lighter from xhc Lesson02\Ca.se Study fuldcr.
Explode assembly.
Activaw [he EXpVISWl configuration.

. “an" Winning:
— W. in.”
a m \f

,5 an“.
.5 5mm”
,5 hum: an;
a an»: we
ag w”. 3......
hum: w
Ja awagws
an”. 3:qu
afl Emmaw
scum: Flaw“

a ham. m
a we. new
a WWW;
Save assembly.
Click Save.
Save file and open in Visualize.
Wilhelm Closing SOLIDWORKS, open SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
Drag lhc Lighter assembly from Windows Explorer into
Lesson 2 soLIDwoRKs
Impofl Semng5 and Appeamnces

Part Grouping SOLIDWORKS Visualize is Capable oflmponing CAD data from

many CAD packages. Likewise, there are several import options
available. (Not all options are necessarily used with SOLIDWORKS
CAD data.) These options atreet the structure and hierarchy ot‘ the
project which also streets how appearances are applied within the
project. For more information on structure and organization, see
Strut-rare and Organization on page 32.
Automatic This option at‘lcmpts to tind the best combination of: Layer!
Appearance, Appearance/Layer, Layer and Appearance during the
impon proeess. (These options are discussed below.)
Flatten This option will import everything into a single group. This option is
otten used when troubleshooting a problem.
Group/Appearance This option is ofien used with Autodesk Alias .wire files. It retains the
group hierarchy within the .wire file, subdivrding or subgrouping items
based on appearanee and color.
Layer This option will organize the file based on layers signed within the
CAD package.
Appearance This option will impon based on the appearances assigned in the CAD
paekage. All groups and layers are ignored on import.
Appearance/Layer This option will organize a the tlrst by appearances then by layers.
(The order is imponant.)
Retain Structure This option retains the hierarchical stnieture ofthe assembly as it is in
the CAD package.
Monitor File This option allows SOLIDWORKS Visualize to monitor the CAD file.
Ifa change is made to the CAD file, such as a change to the appearance
ofa part or to the geometry. SOLIDWORKS Visualize Will update the
project to retlect the changes. This option is not available for all Part
Grouping options.
Snap to Floor This option will bring the lowest point of the model to the floor of the

Where to Find It I When importing a model: Import Settings, Geometry,

Part Grouping
Note It is possible to import more than one model imo a SOLIDWORKS
visualize Project.

soLlDwoRKs Lesson 2
Iman Searing: and Appearing:

5 Appearance Part Groupingl

The Import Seltlngs window opens.
Ensure Geometry and Appearances are selected with the other
pammctcrs unselected.
Under Pan Grouping, click Appearances and Snap to floor.
Click OK.

mum Sena-u; x
5mm, - m Grouping

Mole The option Monitor File is not available with the Part Grouping:

6 Preview Render Selection
Click Preview

Note Preview is the fastest render mode.

Lesson 2 soLIDwoRKs
Import Semng5 and Appearances

. We /Mudel
Structure and Withln SOLIDWORKS Visualize,
emnponents an: organized In a hierarchical
Organization . ‘———‘Gmup
q; M...
system, Parts are organized into Groups
and Groups are organized mm the Model.
3 mm Mm mat—Part
The initial organization l5 performed
automatically during the import process.
‘ mm mm W
However, the structure of the components am. main aim 91ml:
can be edited afterwards. ng whom
a man so W
a wlutred sea
a r
u z

Selection Tools There are Several selection options available within SOLIDWORKS
Visualize. Selections can be made from the Viewport or from the
Models 8 tab ot‘the Palette.

When making selections from the Vicwporl, the correct Selection Tool
must be engaged. There are four selections tools available.

Model 8 The Model selection tool can be used to select one or more models.

The Group seleenon tool can be used to select one or more groups.
Group (B
The Part selection tool can be used to select one or more pans.
Part 9
Appearances g The Appearances selection tool can be used to select an appearance,
making it different than the other selection tools.

Where to Find It I Toolbar: Selection Tool

- Palette: Models 8,5eleeta component from the tree

I Keyboard Shoneul: Ctrl + Shin +A

soLIDwoRKs Lessan 2
import Settings and Appeamnees

Object Once a model has been lmponed lnio SOLIDWORKS Visualize. lhc
Manipulation size and orientation of its components can bc manipulated through the
Move. Scale or Pivot commands.

W . .
o g Q n C fl @’
The Move command is used to change the location of a component. This
Move .‘. lneludes both rotation as well as translation.

Scale ,§ The Scale command is used to make a component largcr or smaller. A

component can also be scalcd directionally.
The Pivot command is used to changc the pivot location for the rotation of
Pivot A components.

Where lo Find It I Toolbar: Object Manipulation

- Palclic: Select a component, the Object Manipulation mols
bceome available under the Models ’1: lab

7 Rotate the model.

Cllck Models '3 .

Cliek Lighter.
Cllck Translorm.
Under Rotation XYZ chek the first box and enter 270l

‘ Olen.


Lesson 2 sounwonxs
linpnfl Settings
8 Apply an appearance to the handle.
Click Flle Libraries DUE.
Under Local lerarles 5 , browse to Appearances.
Click Plastlcs.
Drag Baslc Red nght Plastic onto the handle.
Notice how the stem changes color as well.

Split Pans are alien composed of several surfaces. When au Appearance is

applied to a pan, an of us surfaces are affected. However, ifa part
requires two different appeamnces men the surfaces of the part must be
sepmted. This is achieved through me 5pm command.
Where to Flnd It I Menu: tools, Spllt Part

9 Splmlng the part.

Click Spllt Part.
Click the slem of the lighter.
Dmg 1he Facet Angle Yolerance handle (0
the right until the entire stem is tessellated.
Click Execute Split.

em Sam
Mam w. .....-u W... W e.“
Import Semngs and Appearanzes

10 New Part.
Click Models 61.
Notice how two new pans are created as a result ofthc split.

g Q @l DEE

we. .2 + m

. I um
v w
a gun «mu. .m
4 M w m glen um
v mum-i Flam
a )llm «m. mim mi
I mm: mm. mm mm
u Werllow
v "Hull: mi grey
:6 mm M
l 'l
t 72

11 Apply new Appearance.

Click File Libraries E1.
Under Local browse to Appearances.
Click Plastics.
Drag Basic Cream Plastic onto the stem.

12 Collapse assembly in SOLIDWORKS.

Collapse the exploded view.
Click Save.
13 Visualize does not update.
Switch back to SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
The Changes made to the model in SOLIDWORKS do nnt
update within SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

Import Semngi and Appearances

14 Save and close the Visualize project.

Cl iek Save.
Name the project Appearances.
Cliek File and close to close the project without elosing

SOLIDWORKS When exporting a project from SOLIDWORKS, the visualize addein

Visualize Add-In can be used to bring SOLIDWORKS features directly into visualize.
Four commands are available with the
VisuallzeAddeln. o E: n E
am um was so:
your mm mm
Expert Simple This option saves a eopy ofthe active model and loads it into
SOLIDWORKS Visualize using Appearance lnode pan grouping.
Export Advanced This option saves a eopy ofthe active model and loads i nto
SOLIDWORKSvisualize with Automatic mode part grouping and
Monitor File enabled. It also allows the upload of motion studies if
Visualize Professional is insmlled.
U pdate This option exports the latest version of the active model and niggers
an update in Visualize. This option is grayed out until a project has
been exported using Export Advanced and a change has been made to
the modell
Save Advanced This option saves a copy ofthe model and associated motion studies to
a specified location where it can later be imported into SOLIDWORKS

15 New Project.
Create a new project by onee again dragging the Lighter assembly
from Windows Explorer into SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

Import Settings and Appearances

16 Aulomaiie Part Grouping.

Under Part Grouping, eliek Automatic and Monitor File. The
Monitor File oplioll will maintain a link to the SOLIDWORKS
assembly, ensuring that ifa change IS made to the original model, the
Visualize project will rcflccl those changes
Click OK.

lmpnn Scmugs ><

em», . WWW
w_m mm .

Mm“. Sn-pmflmr


gr Cancel

Note When Creating a new project, xhe Import Settings will default to the
setlings previously specified
17 Collapsed state.
The Lighter imports into SOLIDWDRKS
Visualize in a Collapsed state. «

18 Explode assembly.
Aclivatc the Exploded view.
Click Save E.

impen Settings sin: Appearances

19 Updale in Visualize.
Switch to Visualize.
The following message appears:
The following original source data for this project has been
, LighteI’SLDASM
Dc you want to rampart?
Click Yes.
The file updates to the exploded view.
2|] Model selup.
Rotate the model by following the same procedure as step 1 on
page 33.
21 Apply Appearance to stem.
Click File Libraries EHH.
Under Local Libraries browse to Appearances.
Click Plastics.
Drag Basil: Cream Plastic onto the stem.

Male The stcm changes color withuut affecting the handle.

Copy and Paste When setting up Appenmnees in SOLIDWORKS Visualize, Copy and
Paste functionality can he a time saving technique, especially when
many parts are present.
Where to Find It:
I Keyboard Shortcut: With Appearances
ShifH-Lefl Mouse Click over a pan
a selection tool active,

Where lo Find
It: I Keyboard Shortcut: With Appearances
ShifH-Right Mouse Click ever a part
9 selection tool active,

soLlDwoRKs Lesson 2
Impafl Settings and Appearances

22 Copy and paste appearances.

Shifl+Left Mouse click over the stern part to copy the
Basic Cream Plastic appearance.
Shifl+Righl Mouse Click over the four components
as shown to paste the appearance.

Appearance Every Appearance has an Appearance Type which defines the basic
Types look of the mamrial as well as the General appearance parameters
Anisotropic This appearance type is used to represent materials with directional
grain such as brushed metals.
Backscaflering This appearance type is used to represent materials such as fabrics.
Emissive This appearance type is used when light must be generated from the
Flat The eireets eflight and shadow are nut noticed with this appearance
type, allowing the appearance to maintain a constant color.
Generic This appearance type is the most diverse. It contains inputs for all
appearance parameters.
Glass This appearance type is best used for thick or thin glass.
Gem This appearance is rte the Glass appearance type but the
parameters are optimized in order to look like a gemstone.
Matte This appearance is best used to represent flat paint appearances.
Metal This appearance type is used to represent materials with uniform
metallic appearances.
Metallic Paint This appearance type is used to represent high gloss, high shine paints
like the ones that would be seen on a car.

lmpofl Settings and Appearanees

MulliALayer This appearance type can be used to combine multiple appearances,

stacked on one another.
Paint This appearance type is used te represent non~mcta1llic paints.
Plastic This appearance type is used in represent plastic.
Subsurface This appearance type is used te represent things like milk, teeth and
Thin Film This appearance type is used te represent things like soap bubbles and
oil slicks with a minbow color distortion.
Textures Adding texture to an appearance can add a sense ofrcalism te a render.
There are four textures that can be applied to an appearance; Bump,
Alpha, Specular and Color. These textures can be also be combined in
some circumstances te create a richer looking appearance. Textures are
applied by specifying an image which represents the texture. That
image is then imposed onte the surface ofthe component through
texture mapping. Some stock appearances have texture defined
Bump Bump textures are used in represent small repeating (ofien irregular)
geometric indents and bumps on a surface.
Impafl sum-gs and Appearances

Alpha Alpha textures are used to represent holes, cuts or an absence in an


Specular Specular textures are used «0 define locations on a model that have a
variatiun of reflection (shinine ).

lmpofl Settings and Appearances

Color Color textures define variations in color over the base color applied.

Where to Find It I Palettc: With an Appearance sclcctcd click Texture

23 Brushed appearance.
Click File Libraries ['13.
Under Local 5 , browse to Appearances.
Click Metal.
Drag the Brushed Aluminum 2 appearance onto the guard.
Notice how the mxturc maps onto the guard.
lrnpan Settings and Appearances

Note Brushed Appearances, such as the Brushed Aluminum

Appearance, have an AnisotropicAppearance Type. As mentioned
in Appearance Tvpex on page 39, the Appearance Type determines the
General appearanee parameters available.

24 changing the Texture. (WM a...“ WNW"
Click Appearances Q. mm... W x a
Select the Brushed
Aluminum 2 appearance. + + +
Click Texture. '0' “NW NW“

A Bump texture is applied v

automatically with the Brushed

Aluminum appearance, Click we mm 2

Bump. 5"“
he can

Click Bump Strength and enter kw,

1_5_ hem mm
Notice how the brushed "If"
appearance is now more
9 Mn» W mu

Texture Texture Mapping determines how the 2D texture is projected onto the
Mapping 3D component. Correctly mapping a texture onto a component is
dependent on the type oftextllre and the shape ofthe component. There
are several texture mapping modes available.
uv This option retains any uv texture mapping it‘ imported from another
Box This option projects the texture in a box onto the pan. This is one ofthe
most generally used methods oftcxmre mapping.
Planar This option projcets a texture in a single direction.

Spherical This option projects the textllre in a sphere onto the object.
Radial This option projects the texture in a cireulal- plane onto the object.

Cylindrical This option projects the texture in a cylinder onto the object.
Perspective This option projects the texture relative to the view of the object.

Where to Find It I Palette: With an Appearance selected cllek Texture Mapping

Lesson 2 soLlDwoRKs
impm Settings anlAppeannres

25 changing the Texture Mapping.

Click Texture Mapping.
Under Mode click Cylindrical.
Click Manipulate Texture.

A cylindcr appears ever the part, showing how the texture is mapped.
Under Rotation XYZ click the first box and enter 9|).
Use the handles to place the cylinder at the center of the guard.

Note The sides of the guard are now displayed correctly but the tap does not
look right.
26 Split Top Face.
Click Split Part.
Click Facet Angle Tolerance and
enter 1“.
Select the top face of the guard as
Click Execute Split.
Click Close.

27 Second Brushed Appearance.

Click File Libraries flflfl.
Under Local 5
, bruwse to Appearances.
Click Metals.
Drag the Brushed Aluminum 2 appearance to the lap of the guard.
soLIDwoRKs Lesson 2
Impafl Settings and Appearams

28 Radial Iexture mapping.

Select the Second Brushed
$ 9 0 iii] NEH

Aluminum from lhc
+ l: m a
Appearances list.

Click Texture Mapping. . “hr
Select Radial under Mode. ”We “We mm,
The top ufthe guard now appears
with a more realistic brushed


MM um... ”.45..

rm. rmr ImmM-W'!‘


MW r

29 Red handle.
Cliek File Libraries HUB.

Under Local 5 , browse to Appearances.

Click Plastics.
Drag,Basic Red Light Plastic onto the handle.
3|] cast bump texture.
Click Appearances Q and select Basic Red Light Plastic.
Click Texture.
Click Bump.
The Import Textures window appears.
Brows: (0 Cast Normal.
Cliek Open.
31 Size the texture map.
Click Texture Mapping.
Under Scale All cntcr .02.
Lesson 2 soLIDwoRKs
Impofl Settings and Appeamnces

32 Specular appearance.
amt Min lama-am

Click Texture.
Click Specular.
57"qu 1

SeleetCastSpeeuiarandeiiek + +

Open. is, 59ml. m ta.
my. in... wisp-aha”
Sync Textures.
Note The Sync Textures option is used mm
to overlay the Bump and the w —

Specular textures V

to W t
te r

Appearance Every Appearance Type has a set of parameters that can be edited ln
Type order to change the appcamnee ot‘ the material. However. not all
Parameters parameters are available for each Appearance Type. The full list of
parameters are listed helow.

Diffuse Color This parameter sets the color ofthe appearance when a pan is in diffuse
white light.
Specular Color This parameter sets the color of the specular (reflective) highlights.

Transparency This parameter defines the tint of light passing through a partially
Color transparent appearance.
Diffusion This parameter defines the amount of light passing through a translucent
Emission This parameter is used to specify how much light is coming from an
appearance. A light bulb would have emisslve properties,
Roughness This parameter controls the way light is reflected from a surface. A low
roughness will result in a less focused reflection.
Internal This parameter controls the way light is diffused as it travels through an
Roughness material.
IOR 10R stands for Index of Retraettmr This parameter controls tlle angle
that light takes as it bends traveling through a transparent material.
lmpufl Settings and Appearances

Solid This pammetcr will switch between oncvsidcd vclsr: twoisided

color Density This parameter mums the density of the color on a two~sidcd surface.

Where In Find It I Palette: With an Appearance selected click General

33 Transparency and a realistic

Click General.
Click Transparency Color and
set it w a light pink color as
Click IDR and cum 1.22.
Click Roughness and 2mm 0.
Click Solid.
Click Color Density and enter

now nr—m

ImpDfl Settings and Appearances

34 Apply appearance to a gear.

Click File Libraries HUD.

Under Local 8 , browse to Appearances.

Click Metal.
Drag Gunmetal onto one of the gears.
The gears are made up orthree separate pans. Therefore, only one gear
is affected. We will merge the gears into one pan in the next step.

Click Ctrl+z on the keyboard to undo the Gunmetal

appearanee applied.

Merge Paris often times, a set of pans within an assembly will always have the
same appearances no matter what. The Merge Parts command ensures
that when an Appearance is applied to one pare all the pans that have
been merged will take on that Appearance.

Where to Find It I Palette: With multiple Parts Ea selected, General, Merge Pans

35 Merge Parts.
Cliek Part :3 seleetion.
Hold the etrl button down on the keyboard and select
the three gears as shown.
lmpafl Settings and Appearances

Click Merge Pans.

ale 0 @l iii

4 Ohms I
. spartan

emu Itmsloml Amman

Xi’an; shatter

mu; m

36 Apply an appearance to the gears.

clielt File Libraries EDD.

Under Local 3 , browse to Appearances.

Click Metal.
Drag Gunmetal onto one of the gears.
Notice that all three gears take on the Gunmetal appearance.
37 Save and close the file.
Name the new project, Automatic.

Summary In this lesson, we showed how the Appearances Import Setting grouped
Appearances together but did not allow the model to be updated. We
then showed how the Automatie Import Setting did allow for the model
to be updated.
We also showed how the Split feature could be used to split the surfaces
ofa part into multiple components for applying appearanees. We then
showed how appearances with textures could be applied to a part to
give a more realistic look.
Finally, we showed how pans ean be merged using the Merge Pan‘s
command to take on the same appearance.
Questions I What is the purpose orthe organizational structure on the Models
tab of the Palene‘]
I What is the purpose of the Monitor File option during the import
process? ls it always available?

sounwonxs Minn

Exercise 3: This exercise focuses on how to create a SOLIDWORKS visualize

SOLIDWORKS projeel directly from S()L[DW()RKS using the SOLIDWORKS
Add-In Visualize Addrln.
This exercise reinforces the following skills:

- SOLID WORKS VlSuu/lzl’ Add». on page 36

- Purl Gmupl‘rlg on page 30
Project A cooler has been designed in SOLIDWORKS and appearances have
Description been applied. In xhis ease, xhe Appearances are grouped eorreccly. but
you may want to swap out some ofthe colors in SOLIDWORKS
Visualize. Ifyou were to import the model into SOLIDWORKS
Visualize, you would want to use me Appearance Part Grouping
option. However, ihis can also be aehieved using the simple Expon

command wilhin SOLIDWORKS.
Open Cooler in SDLIDWORKS.
Open SWTRrRolljng Cooler from the

Turn on \fisualize Add-In. AM lm X

visualize and click ihe
checkbox to the lefi of the dWIDWWKS m
El and...“
name. D Sallnwakx: {or or r
“‘5“ 0K-
a . u sollvwakv: mm,
n sonwamammonia, low
Ell Kolmwam am my,

D :nllowakx: are his

D sollvwakvl um
m n ioukukxl ruin.“
mum on
up] catamaran in
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El mllbwum ”5 am zcw
g Manninrww,


3 Export Simple.
Click SOLIDWORKS Visualize from the CommandManager.
Click Export Simple.

fiwuwm he in w." .m an wmw w xi en- ;7~.amx

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Q Sm Mug
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Wishing (sauna tinting.
5m Want- (warm! mi. N v

m... was.“
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‘Wsnmmzaumzm madam [main—"‘01 '5 ~

SOLIDWORKS Visualize opens.
4 Apply new Appearances.
Apply Appearances in Visualizer
Once again, feel free to be creative with
the Appearances you apply.

5 Save and close.

Save the SOLIDWORKS file and the SOLIDWORKS Visualize file
and close heth applications.

Summary This exereise rcinfurccs the use efthe SOLIDWORKS Visualize

Addrln when :xponing projects te SOLIDWORKS Visualize. The
Export simple eemmnnd uses Appearances Pan Grouping while the
Expun Advanced command uses the Auwmatic Part Grouping option
with Monitor File activated.
Ame! Press

Exercise 4: In this exercise, you will render an arbor press. The

Arbor Press arbor press is made up of several components,
manufactured through various techniques including
casting, turning, milling, and plating. ()flen,
knowledge ofhow pans are manufactured can assist
you in creating more realistic renders.
This exercise reinforces the following skills:

- Appearance: on page 28
- Tenure: on page 40
1 Texture Mapping on page 43
- Merge Parts on page Ax

This project starts by opening the arbor press which has already been
imported from a CAD program. You will sun by merging some pans
together to easily apply an appearance in similar components. Textures
will be applied with knowledge of how the pans will eventually be
manufactured. The split command will also be used in order to
accurately apply mapped textures for more complicated parts.
1 Open file in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
0an ArboriPPess from the LessonOZ\ExePCiSe\PrEssfolder.
2 Merge handle pans.
Merge together the three pans making
up the handle.

3 chrome Appearance to handle

Apply a chrome Appearance to the handle.
Amer Press

4 Merge Cast Components.

Merge together the four cast pans as
shown in the image to the right.

5 Apply Cast Texture.

Apply an Appearance with Texture to the cast components to make it
look as rfthcy were sand casted.

6 Cylindrical Brushed.
Apply a Cylindrical Brushed
Appearance to the head of the
press. The pan should look as if it
was manufactured in a lathe.

Exercise 4 soLIDwoRKs
Amar Prlss

7 Split Table.
Use the Split Pan command to split xhc top ohhc Table as shown in
the image below.

8 Brushed steel.
Apply a hrushcd appearance to the Tabla Consider how rhis pan
would be manufactured when specifying the direeiien of the bnishcd

Note Here, the sides have a eylindrieal iexmre mapping while rhe Xop his a
planner rexmre mapping
soLlnwoRKs Exercile 4
Arbor Pm“

9 Apply Appearances to rest of

Use your best judgment and apply
Appearances to me rest emie model.
Use the split command and mmm
mapping as needed.
10 Add Environment
Apply the Warehouse
Envlronment to the Scene.

11 create a final render

12 Save and close (he filed

Summary This exercise reinforces the skills required to apply appearances with
textures. The split command and the merge pans command were used
and manufacturing processes were ccnsidered when appearances were

Amar Prusi
Lesson 3

Objectives Upon successful complcuon ohms lessons you will be able m:

Apply Decals wnhin SOLIDWORKS vlsuallzc,
()ncm Decals
Apply Appearances to Decals.
Wrap a Decal around a body

Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs

Decals Deeals can be added to a model to represent adhesives, painted text,

shrink wrap packaging and other highly detailed regions ofa model. in
SOLIDWORKS Visualize, decals can be Imported as image files,
videos or image sequences, and are projected onto surfaces. Deeals are
mapped like textures are mapped on surfaees (there are several options
for projecting decals). In this lesson, we will use two case studies to
explore how deeals are applied.
Project This lesson is broken down into two case snidies. In the first case study,
Description we will apply a decal onto a nail polish bottle. We will position the
decal and finally apply an appearance to the decal before ereating a
final render.
in the second ease study, we will wrap a decal around a cylindrical
surface. We will focus on sizmg the decal so that it fits the entire
surface and looks acceptable.
Stages in the These concepts will be covered in the lesson:
Process I Add a Decal
Decals are images applied to a surface in SOLIDWORKS

I Position and color the Decal

Decals can be positioned, sized and have appearances applied to

I Decal Mapping
Decals can be wrapped around more complicated surfaces through
decal mapping.
Decal Feature Deeals are images, videos or sequences of images that can be applied to
surfaees within SOLIDWORKS Visualize to represent monitors,
siiekers or painted regions
Once a Decal has been added, it will appear under the
Appearances 9 tab ot‘the Palette where it can then be applied
through drag and drop tiinetionality.
Once a decal has been applied, it can be moved and scaled using the
standard Move ,fi, Scale 3, and Pivot j. features. Appearance can
be applied to decals once the decal has been placed on the model.

Where to Find It I Palette: Appearances, Add +, New Decal

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3

1 Open File.
0an Nail Polish Bottle from the LessonO$\Case Studies\Polish
This file has already been paninny setup.
2 Add a Decal‘ HUD

Click Appearances g. +_fl'_..¥fl

+. mun-m
Click Add
”m". m 9‘ _ Mum . 7

Click New Decal and xhcn WMWWA

‘ vm.
Browscto thn wurking «m imam-n Mam
dirccmry (the Lessun05\
Case Studies\Polish fnldcr).
Sclcct SOLDWOEKSJogo and click Open.
Llsson 3 sounwoRKs

3 Apply the decal.

Dmg the Decal from the Appearances Q lab omo lhe glass of the
nail polish bottle.

Note The Decal will need to be resized but

might be a different size from what has
been shown in file picture.

4 Size decal.
Click the Decal from me Palette.
Click the Mapplng 1213.
To scale the decal proportionally,
ensure the Decal Wldth and
Decal Helght are Llnked 8 .

Click Decal Wldth and arm loz.

The Decal Helgm scales

Lasso-l 3 sounwonxs

Decal Depth The Decal Depth palametei defines how deep beyond the surface the
decal penetrates. If the decal depth is too large, it can project to
undesiiable surfaces of the Part.

5 Decal Depthl
nie decal is currently being displayed on
both sides of the bottle as well as on the
inside surfaces. This is because it is being
r ,

projected too far. To fix this:

Click Decal Depth and enter 0.0005.
The decal now shows on only the front

6 Posltlon the decall

With the decal selected from the Palette,
click Move ‘-
Use the handles to position the decal as
soLlnquKs Lana-l 3

7 Decal colon
Click Flle lerarles HUD.

Under Local 3 , browse to Appearances.

Click Metalllc Palm.
Drag Whlte Melallll: Palm onto lhe decal.

8 Render.
Click Output Yools ® and render an image of the bottle.

9 Save and close the file

Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs

Decal Mapping Often, Decals are applied by projecting a 2D image onto a surface of a
model. However, there are several ways that a deeal ean be mapped
onto a body. in addition to Planar mapping, Spherical mapping,
Cylindrical mapping, and Label (UV) mapping are also available.
These mapping techniques are often used on more eomplieated
surfaces. in the following ease study. you will wrap a label onto a lip
balm eontainer using, Cylindrical mapping.

Open lip balm file set.

Open Badmeetup from the Lesson03\
Case Studies\Bal.m folder.
This tile has already been partially Setup.
Activate preview mode.
Click Preview 0.
Add Decal. 1.


Click Appearances
ClickAdd +.
Click New Decal and click Image.
, a” ,
Browse to the working directory (the Lesson03\ease Studies\BaJ_m
Select Label and click Open.

Nole This decal is intended to wrap all the way around the container.
Apply Decal-

Drag and drop the Decal onto the main body ofthe lip balm
container. The Decal is not sized correctly.
Resize and position the decal.
Click the Decal from the Palette.
The propenles ot‘ the decal are listed under the General tab.
To scale the deeal proportionally, ensure Linked 3 is
Click Decal Wid1h and enter .7.
The Decal Height will automatically seale accordingly.
soLIDwoRKs Lessan 3

Decal position.
Follow lhc same procedure omllncd
in sicp 6 on page 62 m posillon lhc
decal as shown.

Rotate model.
Click Rome C and posnion the model as slmwa
Notice how lhc decal docs um wrap around me cnnrc model.

Decal Depili.
Click Decal Depth and emer .3.
The decal now wraps around pm Is nbi dlsplaying corrcclly
because ii is being applied wiih planar projcclion. Tbis
resnns III me label displaying backwards on one side oflhc

Cylindrical mapping.
Under Mapping Mode cllck

Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs

10 Fitting [he decal.

Chck Fit Width.
Chck Unlink (r.
Chck Decal Height and Cnfcr .8.
Chck Distance Along Cylinder and outer -.475.
Drag me Rotation Amund Cylinder handle so that xhc dccal looks
good w you.

(Err-um now-m
vamg w:
a m, (3‘

won! p." Deni

my Munvu‘nmr

III' . Bisxc mow; (man

on Mm
um —o
me M

mm m

11 Final Render.
Crcalc a final render using the Denoiser ifposslblc.

More Wax appcarances nficn require many more passes ilran other
appearances. l-loweyer. \hc Denoiser will reduce inc number or
rcqlnrcd passes.

Summary In ilrls lesson, we slrowcd how a decal could be applied to a model. We

also showed how to posliion and size a Decal on ihc surface ofa pan.
An Appearance was applled m the Decal and a final render was ereaied.
In the second case srudy. n Dccal was applied in a pan's surface. The
decal was mailed bur would not wrap around the pan correctly. A
cylindrical mapping mode was applied ()ncc inc decal was sized
corrceily, ihc decal wrapped all me way around ihe body, seamlessly.
Questions - How are Decals moved and rcsizcd‘.’
- wnar Mapping Modes are available for Decals?

Exm’ae 5 soLIDwoRKs

Exercise 5: Decals can he used to represent paint or highly dciailed components. In

Pencil ihis exercise, you will use decals to represent an engineering drawing
Sharpener as well as a painted logo on a pencil.
This exercise reinforces me following skills:
n Dem/r on page 58
- Decal Depth on page 52

Project A pencil sharpener has already been designed and imponed imo
Description sounwonxs visualize with appearances added. You have been
iaslrcd wiih adding a decal to ihe piece of paper under the pencil
sharpenerw make it look like a shop floor drawing as well as adding a
decal to each of the pencils in order in brand them with ihe
SOLIDWORKS Visualize logo.
1 Open pencil sharpener.
Open pencilishaJ-pener from me Lesson03\Exereise\ Sharpener

2 Add drawlng decalr

Click New Decal and click Image then browse out to the working
soLlnwoRKs Exercile 5
Pencil Sharpener

Click Draw-ingjpg and click Open.

3 Apply decalt
Drag and drop the decal onto the square representing the paper.

4 Resize drawing
Size and place the decal using the Objed Manlpulallon tools.
Exercise 5 soLIDwoRKs
Pencil Sharpener

Add new decal.

Click New Decal and click Image lhen browse out to the working
Click SWleuanzechoJLACKJ920.pngand click Open.
Add decal to pencil.
Drag and dmp the SW,Vlsua.lize,1oga,BLACK,l920 decal onto the
pencil as shown.

M (is: legr,)anbr
.00 M.
Place decal.
Use the Object Manipulation lools .
to place the decal as soon in mc
Click Decal Deplh and enter .002.

Copy and paste decal.

From the Palette, Click the SW7VisuaJizeilogoiBLACKil920 decal.
Use Ctrl+C and cm+v on me keyboard to copy and paste the decal
within the Palette.
Drag and drop to second pencil.
Size and pusiiion the secund dccal as

fin Use the same dimensions on ihis decal as lhe prior decal.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 5
mm shame:
11) Color decal {optional}
Apply an Appearance w the Decal.

11 creale final renderlngl

12 Save and close the filel

Summary This exercise reinforces me skills needed «0 successfully apply and

position dccals on a model. In this Exercise, a decal was used m
represent 2 printout of a shop dmwing. Another decal was used to
represent a Iago painted on a pencil.

Exemise S soLIDwoRKs
Ware: some

Exercise 6: Inthis exercise, you will render a water bottle. This is an npen ended
Water Bottle exercise intended to bolster the skills learned throughout lhc course.
This lab uses «he following skills:
is Appearances cm page 15
- Decal Mapping on page 64

Project You are «asked with using nppearanees and decals to cream a render
Descriplion mat mamhcs an existing image.
1 Open the file
Open waterjottle fmm the
LESSODOE \ Exemises\WaberBottle folder.
The folder also comzins an image me, Logo.tif.

2 End result.
Use the skills learned so far in cream a final render me: looks like 1}":
image below.

3 Save and close the file

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 7
Ealm Texture Map

Exercise 7: In this exercise, you will render the lip balm ecnrainer from the second
Balm Texture case snidy ofthis lessen using alpha mapping and multirlaycr
Map appearances. The approached used in rhis lesson is an almrnativc re
applying decals and is used in more complicmcd appliearions. New
skills will bc inirodneed in this exercise.
This lab uscs the following skills:

- Appearances on page 15

Praject In this exercise, you will create a multilayer appearance. A multilayer

Description appearance is a coinhinalien oftwo existing appearances layered on lop
of one anolhcr. Here we will eenibine an appearance to represeni
plastic and an another to rcprcscm rhc dccal. The decnl appearance will
be created by applying a eolor map wilh an alpha map on lop.

Open lip balm file set. _L_

Open Balmgsemp from lhe
Activate preview mode.
Click Preview

New Appearance.
Click Appearances 9.
Click Add +.
Click New Appearance.
Under the General lab, click
Appearance Name and cmcr
Wrap Around Decal.
Add Color Texture.

Click Texture. am :wr Vr-wvww’l‘)

Color. ”was.
Browse to the working directory. Wen»:
Sclcct Label non transparent a...
and click Open.

Exercise 7 soLIDwoRKs
Balm rexture Map

5 Apply Appearance.
Drag the Wrap Around Decal Appearance
onto the model.
Notice how much darker the body ofthe
container is than the rest ofthc model.

Blend Texture When a Texture is applied to an Appearance, lti automatically

combined with the Color ofthe Appearance. This is also known as a
Blended Texture and can be mggled on and ofl‘ through the Blend
Texture command. Once i1 is toggled off, only the texmrc will show.

Where to Find It I Palette: Appearances, Select an Appearance, Texture,

Blend Texture

6 Toggle oft Blend Texture.

Toggle off Blend Texture.

W Milena...”

symlmun ': x C

+ +
A.. a. w
,m e»-

me we 5'

D...” a W...

Note Notice how the decal does not map onto the container eorreetly. This is
because the default Texture Mapping is Box Mode.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 7
Helm Texture Map

7 Cylindrical texture mapping.

c1 le Texture Mapping.
Under Mode cllek Cylindrical,
Click Manipulate Texture.
A eylinder appears over the pan, Showlng
how the lexlure lS mapped.
Under Scale All cmer .04.
Use the position handles lo oriem (he deeal
as shewn.

Multi-Layer As lnclllloned in Lesson 2: Impm Sellingx widA/Ipeamm‘m, an Alpha

Decal Process lcxture can be used to ereale lransparenl regions in ”it: model. In our
ease, the black regions of the decal rcpresenl lllc decal llsclfwlllle file
while regions at lhe ends are imcnded m be bare plastic, In order to
achieve lhlS, we will go lhrough n mullirslcp proeess. slanlllg wnh lhc
eurrcnl model.

While decal where

mere snuula be plzsfie SOLIDlA/OR



Exercise 7 soLIDwoRKs
Balm Texture Map

Alpha Mapping then apply an Alpha texture to the Wrap Around Decal
We wtll
Appearance th order to make the white rcglons transparent.

Alpha texture ueates transparency SOL/DWORKS

The wax IS Vlsthle through the model


Multi-Layer We wtll then combined the Wrap Around Decal Appearance with
Appearance the Smooth White Appearance using a Multi-Layer Appearance


The ptasllc shows under the decal



Ealm Texture Map

8 Alpha Mapping.
Cllck Texture.
Click Alpha.
Brows: am ‘0 [he LesEDDOS\EXEI‘CiseS\BaJmJBXLuPe,Mapfolder.
Sclccc Alphajnapiif and click Open,
Click Sync Textures. This will ensure the Color map and the Alpha
map are always aligned.
Note The Alpha Map should create transparcncy. The wax should now he
vislblc lhmugh the model.
9 Mulli-LayerAppearance.
Click Appearances 9.
Click Add + .

Click New Appearance.

Undcr General, click Appearance Name and cum Decal and
Click Appearance Type and click Mulli-Layer.
1“ Add “Vers-
em um mew
Click Add +. ”We...
Click Smooth White and click “W”
OK. WW».

Chck Add +. wltmn
Click Wrap Amund Decal and
click OK.
. WW" xw

Note The base Appearances should always be added first when crcaling a
M ulli-Layer Appearance.

Balm Texture Map

11 Apply new appearance.

Drag Decal and Plasma omo tlre ease.
The whnc plasnc appears ulldcmcmll tlre deeal,




12 Create a rendering.

(:lrek Output Tools @ and render an image ottlre honlc. Keep m

mmd‘ many passes are required \ll order m render a wax appearance.






13 Save and close the file.

Lesson 4

Objectives Upon successful complcnnn oflhis lesson, you wm be able lo:

Create one or mom Cameras.
Cousxrain the Aspect Ralio.
Edi! \hc Camera oriemauon.
Apply (End Overlay.
Enable Dcmh of Flcld.
Apply Camera Fillers such as Vlgncnc m the modcll
Creme a glowing cn‘eet wnh Bloom.

Lesson 4 soLIDwoRKs

Cameras SOLIDWORKS Visualize, Cameras are used to provide a View ofthe

model within the Viewnon and for the final render. Cameras ean be
positioned and can zoom Just like a conventional camera. Cameras
within SOLIDWURKS Visualize can also be used to provide additional
efi‘eets sueh as Depth of Field and vignette.

Project In this lesson, we will render a WiFi router. A Camera will be created
Description and positioned using special tools sueh as the Rule ofThirds Overlay.
The Depth of Field will be enabled to create a sense of focus on a
specified lneation nfthe model. Special Filters will be used to create a
vignette erreet to darken the outer regions ofthe rendered image.
Finally, Bloom will be enabled to ereate a glowing effect for the
emissive components ot‘the router
Stages in the These concepts will be covered in the lesson:
Process I Camera
A new Camera will be created. Multiple Cameras can exist at the
same time, providing unique views ofthe model.
I Aspect Ratio
Tile Aspect Ratio deterlnines the relationship between height and
width of the rendered region.

. Grid Overlay
The rule ofthirds is ofiell used in photography to erep images in
visually appealing way. A grid overlay ean he used to position the
eamera so that a model follows the rule ofthirds prineiple.
I Perspective and Camera Orientation
Just like a Conventional camera, Cameras within SOLIDWORKS
Visualize can be moved ill order to get the best perspective ofthe
model. Precise controls for moving the Camera will be discussed.
I Depth of Field
The Depth of Field is a parameter that ean be turned on or ofi‘and is
used to create a sense ofdepth and focus on the model.

I Filters
Filters are used to provide additional erreets to an image sueh as
vignette and Bloom.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4

Cameras cameras are used to provide a view of the model in the viewpon as
well as the final render. Multiple Cameras can exist at the same time
and Cameras can easily be switched between. There is always a
default Camera present when a project is started. With
SOLDIWORKS Visualize Professional, cameras can be imported
from SOLIDWORKS directly.

Where to Find It I Palette: Cameras Add +, New Camera

I Droprdowns: Project, Cameras, New Camera

Open file.
0an Eouterjtart from the Lessun04\ Case Study folder.
creale Camera 8 Q 0

(.lick Cameras
+ }, [Tl g q
Click Add +. "150"" [
Click New Camera.

Name the Camera

Click the General tab.
Click Name and enter Front Corner View.
Orient view.
Orient the model so that it is at an
angle as shown.

Switch cameras.
Click Default Camera.

Click Preview
Rotate the model so that the
Front Comer Viewcamcra isvisiblc.

cameras are only visible from the vicwpon

~ 3 ,.
in Preview mode.
Switch back to Front View Camera.
Click Frunt Corns!“ View.

Cliek Accurate

Aspect Ratio The Aspect Ratio describes an image‘s relationship between its height
and width. There are several aspect ratios that are commonly used in
media. These Aspect Ratios are available and custom aspect ratios can
be specified as well.

Where to Find It I Palette: Cameras

-, General, Aspect Ratio
Keep Above difficult to get a shot ofa product from
In the real world, it ean be
Floor below the perspective fifth: floor. In SOLIDWORKS Visualize, the
Keep Above Floor option is used to ensure the Camera stays above
the floor as it moves throughout the Scene.

Where to Find It Palette: Cameras

-. General, Keep Above Floor

Aspect Ratio
Click General. m...
Ensure Keep Above Floor is m.
Click the arrow undcr s..."
Aspect Ratio. m. W

Click Common.
Click TV 4:3.


Pers peetive when ereating a render, the eamera ean be positioned up elose with a
wide angle view or far away with a zoomed in view ofthe model. In
SOLIDWORKS Visualize, the parameters Perspective and Focal
Length dojust that. The Perspective parameter affects the position of
the Camera. The Focal Length parameter affects the angle of the lens.

Where to Find It I Palette: Camera, General, Lens

Camera Lesmn I: CAD to SOLIDWURKS me/lze, the Zoom, Pan and

Orientation Rotate features were discussed. These features control the orientation
ofthe Camera but there are more preeise methods for eentrolling the
Camera as well:
Distance/Dolly This parameter controls the distance between the Camera and the point
of interest.
Longitude This parameter rotates the Camera horizontally around the point of
Latitude This parameter rotates the Camera venieally around the point of
Twist This parameter twists the Camera lefi or right.
Pos on XYZ These parameters control where the Camera is in XYZ coordinates
relative to the origin ot‘the scene.
Camera These parameters all move the eamera relative to the origin ofthc
Pas oning seene. There are tour available camera positioning parameters,
Show in Viewport Toggling this option on shows the distance between the Camera to the
origin in the Viewport.
Height from Floor This parameters controls the height between the Camera and the floor
ofthe seene.
Floor Distance This parameter controls the horizontal distanee between the origin and
the Camera.
Focal Height This parameter controls the height between the location of the focal
plane (discussed ln Depth anle/d on page xx) and the floor ofthe

Where to Find It I Palette: Camera, Transform

Llsson 4 soLIDwoRKs

8 Change the Perspectlve.

Click General
Under Lens, click Perspectlve and enter 11a.
The Focal Length changes automatically.
Orient the camera so the whole router is visible.

Mole The model does not move cansiderably from the viewport when a
change is made to the Perspective/Focal Length. This indicates that
the camera maves when these pammeters are edited.
soLlDwoRKs Lesion 4

9 Orient the modelt

Click Transform.
Note the Position XYZ
Click DistanceIDolly and cum
Click Longitude and (:an -35.
Click Latitude and enu‘J 15.
The Posltion XYZ parameters
Click Helghl from Floor and
enter 5.
Notice haw the Latitude and
DIsIanceIDally values change.


Grid Overlay The Rule of Thirds and lb: Rule of Fourth: are commonly used
cmlccpls for creaung Visually appealing iningese Usmg lhcsc principles,
file image is overlaid with lines, dividing lllC image mm lhlrds or
founhs. The polms ofinlcresl arc lIlCn aligned wilh the nodes created
by lhc inlerseelion oflhe lines.



Where to Find It I Palcnc: Camera‘ Advanced, Rule D! Thirds Overlay

soLlnwoRKs Lesson 4

10 Rule of Third;
Click Advanced.
Expand Rule of Thlrds Overlay.
Click Enable Grld Overlay.
Orient the nodes of the grid at poinm of interest on the model.

Note It is okay ifpoints Dr interest are not aligned perfectly at '11: nodes.
11 Dlsahle Rule of Thlrds Overlay.
Click Advanced and disable Enable Grld Overlay.


Depth of Field Depth of Field ean he used to ereate a sense of foeus and photorcalism.
It works by speeifying, a plan: of foeus whieh is normal to the Camera.
Within the plane of foeus, the View ofthe model is elear. Objects
heeome hlurrier as they move away from the plane of feeus.

Focal Distance This parammcr eontrols the loeation ofthe plane of foeus relative to the
Aperture In a real earners, this parameter eontrols the size of the hole that light
passes through before sniklng the film. ln the eontext of
SOLIDWORKS Visualize, lhis parameter simulates the cffcms oflhc
size of the aperture. A larger aperture will inerease the sense nfblur for
ohjeets outside plane of focus.

Where In Find It I Palette: Camera, General, Depth 0' Field

soLlDwoRKs Lesson 4

12 Depth of Fieldr
Click General.
Under Depth of Field, click Enable Depth of Field.
Click Pick and select a location on the front 0f the medal as shown.
(This affects the Focal Distance parameter.)

Click Aperture and enter 50.

Note This is a small model. therefore, a large aperture is required to reduce

the focus towards the back of the model.

Filters Filters are only available in SOLIDWORKS VLma/ize Professional.

They are used to improve renders and create eye catching effects. There
are several Filters that ean he applied to the model. Users are
eneoumged to experiment with Filters to see how they ran affect the
outeome ora render.
Enable Post- This option toggles any filters which have been defined on or off.
Apply to Geometry Once this option is aetivamd, Filters will he applied to geometry only,
Only excluding the baelrplate or background of the render.

Where to Find It I Palette: Camera, Fllters


Bloom Bloom is a special type of Filter that can be used to create a gluw eFfeet
from Appearances that have Emissl (y.

Where la Find It I Palette: Camera, Filters, Bloom

13 Wgnetle (for SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional Only).

Click Filters.
Click Enable Post-Processing.
Deseleet Apply lo Geometry Only.
Click Vignette and enter 10.

Nole Vignette is a filter which creates 2 anti shadow around the edge of a

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4

14 Bloom (for SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional Only).

Click Enable Bloom.
Click Intensity and enter 2. This parameter controls mo brightness of
Click Radius and cmcl’ .1 . This parameter controls the size (the radius)
of the bloom.
Click Threshold and cntcr 1. This paramctcr controls what the bloom
affects. The lower the value, the brighter the bloom.


15 Render Modelr
Create a final render.

16 Save and close the file.

Summary In this lesson, we showed how Cameras can be created. We also

showed how the Aspect Ratio for a Camera can he changed. We
showed how the rule nfthirds and the mlc offourths can be applied
using a Grid Overlay. We then diseussed how the change the
pclspcetivc and Camera orientation using precise controls. We then
added a sense of photographic realism by adding Depth of Field to the
project. Finally, We discussed how filters can be used to create more
interesting renders.
Questions I will a large apcmlre or a small aperture create a higher degree of
blur outside the plane of foeus‘]
I Are the camera orientation tools required to move the camera?
What other tools might be used to orient the eamem‘!

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 8
Ennsn car

Exercise 8: A project earl have more than one camera. Camems can be used to
British Car make a render mere aesthetieally pleasing through features sueh as
Depth of Field and the Rule anhirds, drawing the eye to a specific
location on the image. Other features, sueh as Camera Filters and
Bloom, are used to provide further postrprocessing efl‘eets.
This exercise reinforces the following skills:
Camera: on page in
Axperl Ratio on page 82
Grid Overlay on page 86
Perspective on page 83
Depth ofField on page 88
Filters on page 89

Project A ear has already been designed and imported into SOLIDWORKS
Description Visualize with Appearanees added. You have been tasked with ereating
a render and making it ‘pop' using Camera settings. You will start by
creating a new Camera and positioning it. You will then add Depth at
Field and Filters in order to make the render look more visually
Open File.
0an Spuflsical‘ from the LessonO4\ExePciseS foidcr.

create new Camera.

Create a new Camera named Front View.
Aspect Ratio.
Set the Aspect Ratio to HDTV 16:9.

mm Car
4 Front Position.
Loosely position the Camera to get a view of the front ofthc car as
shown in the image below.

5 Perspective.
Click Perspective and enter 35.
6 Rule of fourths.
Click Enable Grid Overlay and use the min of fourths to position the
front headlights on the nodes as shown below.

7 DistancelDally.
Click DistanceIDolly and enter .3.
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 8
Ennsn Car

8 Depth of Field.
Click Enable Depm of Field.
Under Focal Distance, Pick a location on the front offlic hood as

Click Aperture and cnmr 2.00.

9 Accurate Mode.
Activate the Accurate Render Selection.
10 Fillers (Visualize Professional only).
Click Enable Posl Processmg.
Dersclccl Apply to Geometry Only.
Click Vignette and cmcr 10.
Click Saturalion and enter 1.1.
Click Enable Bloom.
Click Intensity and enter .nz.
Click Radius and cnbcr .3.
11 Disable Rule of Fourths.
Dc~sclcct Enable Grid Overlay.

Exemise a soLIDwoRKs
Elms" Car

12 Creale Final Render.

13 Save and Close.

Summary This exereise reinforces the options available when sening up a

Camera In lhis exercise, a new Camera ms created. The Aspeei Ratio
was edited to be ihe same as an HD television. The Camera was ihen
positioned using the rule of fourths Depth of Field was enabled to
provide a sense of focus to the frunt nfthe models Finally, Fillers were
applied and the model was rendered.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 9

Exercise 9: Inthis exercise, you will render a watch. This is an open ended cxcrcisc
Watch inwndcd m bolster the skills learned throughout the course.
This lab uses the following skills:

- Camera: on page x1
- Pam/waive on page 83
- DBplh ofFie/d on page 88
I Farm on page 89
Project You are 133de with Creating a camera to match an existing rcndcmd
Descripfiion image.
Open the file.
0an Wateh from the
LessonO4\Exercises folder.



2 End result.
Use the skills lcamcd so far m create a final mndcr that looks like the
image below.

3 Save and close the file.

Lesson 5
Environments and

Objectives Upon successful compluion ohms lcssmL you wm be able to:

I Use copy and pasm on a model.

I Apply backplmcs m the scene m provide a background image.

I Apply cnvuonmcms to change me ughuug.
- Cream 1|ng [0 |llummmcfl10m0ch

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
sastrpiates, Envimnmean and Lignls

Scenes InSOLIDWORKS visualize, Scenes provide lighting and haekground

imagery to the rendered model. Secnes are made up of Environments,
Baekplates and Lights. Environments provide a dynamie background
images as well as general lighting for the Seene. Eaekplates are statie
background images that are placed behind the model. Lights are
designed to illuminate the model and ean be plaeed with high preeision.
Project In this lesson, we will setup two projeets; a pair of rings and the WiFi
Description router which was examined in the previous lesson. We will start with
the rings. A pmjeet will be opened with a single ring present. The ring
will be duplieated and appearanees will be applied. A Baekplate will be
applied to the haekgrouud ofthe projeet. An Environment will be
added to provide lighting to the model. A final render will be ereated.
1n the seeond ease study, the WiFi router will be rendered. The

brightness ofthe Environmentwill be reduced and Lights will he added

to provide illumination.
Stages in the The following eoneepts will be eovered in the lesson:
I Copy and Paste
Copy and paste functionality will be used to make a eopy era Model.
I Backplates
A ankplate will be applied to the Scene to provide a baekground
image for the model.
I Environment
An Environment will be applied and edited which will affect the
lighting ofthe model.
I Lights
Lights will be added to provide illumination to the medcl.

Open file.
0an 811111312 Bing from the Lesson05\Case Study

Copy Ring.
Click Models 8.
Select Merged Model.
Use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V
functionality to copy and paste the

soLlDwoRKs Lesson 5
Bandits, Envimnments and Lights

3 Position second rlngl

8 9 9
m W]
with Merged Model 2 selected,
click Transform.
Click the fust box under
Ro'allon XYZ and enmr 0.
Click Snap lo Floor.

a... 7-..."
The model should be displayed as
is shown in the image below.

nail imimmi
. roam
um l

«w i
mm ,
mm now l

4 Appearances.
Click Appearances Q.
Dmg and drop Rose Gold ontu the second
Dmg and drop Periclct onto the stones of
me second ring.
(Feel free to try some oflhe other
appearances to make your own

sacnpiates, Envimnmenls and Lights

Backplates Backplates are images that can be

placed behind the Model but in from of
the Environment. Backplates an:
conventional smic images that am not
affected by Lights or Environment
lighting. This means that the lighting
effects and the Camera orientau'on of
the mudcl must be edited tu suit the
Where to Flnd It I Palette: Scenes, Add, New Backplale
I Drupdown: Project, Scenes, New Backplale

Click Scenes @-
Click Add +.
Click New Backplate.
Browse to the wurking directory and select bankplatejessonfipng.
Click Open.

someoRKs Lesson 5
Backybfgs, Envimnments and Lighb

6 Position cameras
Click Cameras
Usc me Camera po oning tools, discussed in Lesson 4: Camemx to
position the Default camera so that it is visually appealing.

Name The Backplate will not move within the Viewporl when positioning
file Camera. Therefore, i ‘s imponantm make sure the Model appears
as if it is laying on me cable in this step.

Lesson 5 soLtiuRKs
Bachplates, Environments and Lights

Environments There are two types of Environments that can be applied within
SOLIDWORKS Visualize; HDR and Sunlight.
HDR An HDR Environment is an HDRI image that creates a globe around
Environments the model. HDR Environments light the model and provide
background imagery. Once an HDR Environment has been placed, it
can be manipulated by rotating the Environment and by changing the
brightness. The bottom of the HDR Environment can even be flattened
to make the ground appear more connected to the model.

I Palette: Scenes, Add, New HDR Environment

I Dropvdown: Project, Scenes, New HDR Environment

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Backplates, Enwmnmems and “gm:

Sunlight A Sunlight Environment is used to accurately represent the light from

Environments the sun at a speeifie location and time.
m mmnn ‘




Where to Find It I Palette: Scenes, Add, New Sunlight Environment

I Dmprdown: Project, Scenes, New Sunlight Environment

Bachplals, Envimnmulrsand Lights

7 New Scenei
Click File Libraries HUD.

Under Local Libraries browse to Environments.

Drag Auto Phobo Studio into the Viewpon.
Notice the change in rcnccu'cn on the surfaces of arc ring.

Mole in this case, the Environment only affcm the lighting because a
Backplale is present.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Eackplafgs, Environment and “gm:

8 change the Scene

9 Q‘dl‘] [I'll


Click Scenes + ID

With the Auto Photo Studju .m—

Environment selected, click the

Advanced tab from the Palette. ”"'""
Click Brightness under
Tune Mapplng and enter 1‘25. a.‘ n—a
Click Gamma and enter ‘15.
Click Rotation and enter 60.
Under Floor Effects, click
m Y

caustics. . mm
Click Floor caustics and enter .25. ~._...
Notice how each parameter affects
the modcl.

. indium

m -#-
m —:r I

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Backplatei, Environments and Lights

Note The Environment can also bc mmcd by holding box}: the cm and All
buttons on the kcyhoard while homing the lcfi mouse 1mm)" and
dragging 1m or right.
camera Filters. Mm: VIA/«dam Emma mm mm
CIick Cameras
wnmwvg mm
Chck Filters. he». owns
Chck Enable Post-Processing.
W an.
Click Vignette and cmcr 16. ,.

Ciick Darken and cmcr 0.1. mm

Click Exposure and enter 1.25. w mm

CKick Gamma
cmcr 1.25
Correction and may»

m —o
mm Em

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Eackplmes, Environment and “gm:

1n Renderl
Click Oulpul Tools ® and render an image ofthc router using 1,nnn

11 Save and close the filel

Questions I Am Environments only available in SOLIDWORKS Visualize

I if an Environment is applied in a Scene first and a Backplalle is
added second, what will be visible from the vicwpon, the
Environmeni or the Backplate‘!

Baekplate5, Enmonmenrs and Lights

Lights Lights provide illumination to the model. They ean be Configured to

stay in a designated location or can be projected from the location of
the Camera. There are several lighting options available.

I Match Current Camera

This type of Light will always be projected from the location ofthe
Camera eveii iftlie Camera moves.
I Area
Area Lights are shapes that emit light. An Area Light is posmoned
relative to the model and will not move even IHhe Camera moves.
I Directional
Directional Lights are used to create a light source where light rays
travel in parallel. This can be used to represent a light source that is far
away from the target. Directional Lights will not move even ifthe
Camera moves.
- Spot
Spot Lights emit light in a eerie similar to how a spotlight in a theater
would emit light. Spot Light will not move even itthe Camera moves.

Where to Find It - Palette: Scenes, Add, New Light, Pick Target or

Match Current Camera
I Dropmlowti: Project» Scenes, New Light, Pick Target or
Match Current Camera

Open router.
()pen Routerjght from the
Lesson05\Case Study folder.

Darken the Environment.

chek Scenes 0.
Select the Chrome Studio
Under General, eliek Brightness
and enter 0,

Backplales, Enwmnmems and Lrgms

a New light.

New Light,
clccmd. click Add + r

Click Pick Target,

Sclcu a loemiou on me model as shown In due image below.

Mole The Pick Target opuon creates a llgm ma! reflects offofthc model
from me seleeuon poim. Tlus feature can be used m add 1|qu (0 dark
areas ohhc model very quickly.
4 Zoom out.
Maneuver rhe eamcra m get a hener perspecuve on rhe hglu,

More The hgln must be seleered m me Palette m order for u re be \islblc in

me Viewpon.

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
saekplates, Enmonmenxs and ngnli

5 Light Size.
Under General, click Rectangle Width and clltcr 10.
Cllck Rectangle Length and enter 10,
Increase brightness.
Click Name and cntcr
Square light.
Click Brightness and cntcr

Position light.
Click Transform.
Cllck Distance/Dolly and cntcr
Click Longitude and enter 0.
Click Latitude and enter 25.
Thc light should now slrikc the
from ofthc router as shown.
New light.
Click Add +,
Click New Light.
Click Pick Target.
Select a location on thc modcl
as shown.

Spot light.
Cllck General.
Click Name and enter Spot Light.
Click Type and select Spot,
Cllck Brightness and cntcr15,000.

Eackplates, armaments and “gm:

10 Position spot light

Click Transform.
Click DistanceIDolly and cntcr 25.
Click Longitude and cnmr -14lJ.
Click Latitude and enter 5.


11 Render (optional).
Create a rendering ofihc router.

12 Save and close.

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
saekpiam, Environments and Hank

Summary In this lesson. we started by opening a project With a single Model, The
Model was then duplicated using copy and paste functionality A
Backplate was then added to the Scene and the Camera was oriented
to make the rings appear to lay flat on mp ofthe Backplatee A new
Environment was then applied to change the lighting ofthe Scene.
Camera Filters were applied and the project was rendered. 1n the
second case study, the WiFi router was opened and the Environmental
lighting, was reduced to zero, L|ghts were then applied [0 the model and
a final render was created.
Questions . Can the color ofa “gm be edited?

soLIDwoRKs Exercise in
Car In Sun

Exercise 10: There are two typcs of Environmentsthat ean be applied within
Car In Sun SOLIDWORKS Visualize, HDR Environments and Sunlight
Environments. Environments are used to fight thc Seenc and provide a
a background. Suniight Environments are used to aceuratcly represent
the light from thc sun at a specific time and place.
This exereise reinferees the following skills:

- Envimnmemn on page I04

- Sun/[gm Envimnments on page 105

Project This exercise pieks up from the previous exereise. Here, you will create
Description a Sunlight Environment in light the model and provide backgmund
1 Open File.
0an SpDPtLCaI‘ from the LessonOS\ExePcises folder.

2 New Sunlight Environment.

Cliek Scenes. E

+ B [D
Add a New Sunlight Environment.
7 mm ”MM.
Ne. Ms...
Nmuqm r

Exercise 10 soLIDwoRKs
Carin Sun

3 Time and place.

Ci|Ck Month and outer April.
Chck Time and cmcr 17:50.
Click Latitude and cmcr 33‘
Click Longitude and enter -115.

4 Sunlight parameters.
Chck the Sunlight tab from the a.“ MW Mum

Enter the parameters as shown.
These parameters affect, the
Shape and color onhe sun's

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 10
Car In Sun

5 Floor Effects.
Chek caustics under Floor Effects.
Drag ihc Floor caustics m .09.
Make sure Floor Shadow is active.
6 Creale final render.

7 Save and close the file.

Summary In [Ins exercise. a Sunlighi Environment was created. It was used in

light the Scene and m provide background imagery. The um: and
loeaiion ofthc scene was sci and the color and “tone" of the sun's
cfi‘eeis were specified.

Exercise 11 soLlDwoRKs
win” same Back-plate

Exercise 11 : In this exercise, you will render a water bottle. This is an open ended
Water Bottle exercise intended to bolsmr the skills learned throughout due course.
Backplate This lab uses ihe following skills:

I Cameras on page 81
Bus/(plates on page 102
Sunlight Environments on page 105
Lighm on page 110

Project You are «asked with creating a camera in match an existing rendered
Description image.
1 Open the file.
0an Wateribottleibaekplate from the
LessonOE \ Exercises folder.
The folder also conizins an image file,
Venice Beach 11.jpg.

2 End resulL
Use the skills learned so far to create a final render that looks like ihe
image below.

3 Save and close the file

Lesson 6
Productivity Tools

Objectives Upon successful completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Create Multiple Viewpons and associated Camcras
Understand how Configurations eau be used to ereate multiple
instances nfa render.
Save time by usmg the RenderAll Cameras and RenderAll
Configurations commands.
Use the Render Queue to create renderings during ofllpeak hours.
Diseovcr liow Visualize Boost can be used to increase
computational resources

Lesson 6 soLIDwoRKs
Pmuctiwty Tools

Productivity SOLIDWORKS Visualize has several tools that make setting up

Tools multiple renders easier. visualize also includes tools designed to
increase the computational ctrieicncy by using resources during
offrpeak hours. In addition to this, Visualize Boost can be used to
increase the computational resources available by accessing other
computers on a network.
Project First, a partially eompleted projeet (sunglasses) Will be opened. Tlien,
Description multiple Cameras will be create using the Multl viewport command. A
rendering will he created for each Camera using the RenderAll
Cameras command. Various Appearanees will be applied to the model
using configurations All the Configurations will be rendered using the
Render All Configurations command as well as the Render Queue.
Finally, Visualize Boost will be discussed.
Stages in the The following concepts will be covered in the lesson:
Process I Multiple Views
Multiple views of within the Viewport can be created: a process which
also creates multiple Cameras.
I Render All Cameras
This command |S used to create a render ofthe model through each
Camera present.
I Time Limit Rendering
Time Limit Rendering is a way to create the best rendering possil’yle in
the time alloted.

I Configurations
Multiple instances ofa model can be created in a single project with
different Appearances and Scenes.
I Render All Configurations
Similar to the Render All Cameras command, the Render All
Configurations command is used to create a unique render ofall
Configurations present.
I Render Queue
The Render Queue is used to create a list ofrcndcrings to be run at any
time, ofien during off peak hours.
I Visualize Boost
visualize Boost is a separate program designed to make use ofthe
computational resources of other eomputers on a network.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 6
Pmauetimy Tools

Multiple Views As discussed in Lesson 1: CAD in SOLIDWURKS Visualize, the

Vicwporl provides a view of the model as well as a Camera through
which the model is rendered. SOLIDWORKSvisualize has the
capability to have up to four viewports visible at the same. This is
made possible through the Multi Vicwpurls command. vicwoorts are
synonymous with Cameras. Therefore, Cameras are automatically
created when multiple viewpons are displayed.

Where In Find It I Drop—dawns: View, Mulli Viewpons, sclcm ill: \flcwpon typo

1 Open file.
0an Smalasses fmm the Lesson06\Case scudy folder.

2 Multiple Views.
Click View, Mulli Viewparts, Four Viewpons.

Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Pmductivity Tools

3 Position each View.

For each ufthe four views, seleet the Viewport (it will highlight in
yellow) and position the View.

Note cameras are automatically created for each of the views.

a cal linil


. aims Punt-m-


Render All There are several batch rendering tools available within
Cameras SOLIDW()RKS Visualize. One such tool is the All Cameras
Command. The All Cameras conuuand creates a unique render of the
acfivc made] for each Camera present. These renders are created, one
aim the other, and plaeed in a folder within the speeified Output

Where to Find It I Within Output Tools @, Output Mode, All cameras

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 6
Productivity Tools

Time Limit In Lemon 1: CAD to SOLIDWORKS Visualize, chdcr Modes

Rendering briefly disenssed. The Quality Render Modc places a limir on me
number of nnsses performed, providing consiswm results wim regards
to render quality. While Time Limit Rendering plaees a limit on me
amount oftimc a render will take, regardless ofhow many passes are

Where to Find It I Within Output Tools @, Render Mode, Time Limit

Render all Cameras.
Ciick Output Tools @.
Under Output Mode ciick All Cameras.

mm- mm
mm wen.» i


Under Render Mode click Time Limit

For the Time Limit enter 2 min.

- RendevSelllmls
Mm. Selma"

My Made

WW -
vim. line
m n uz mn

um lulu-nil.
a [mnemmmr
m ‘e user<
3m nuqmss

Click Start Render.

Productivity Tools

5 Observe the images created‘

Browse to the dimmry where the images were saved and view the

Single Viewporl.
Ensure Camera 5 is active.
Click View, Mulll \fiewparts, Single.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 5
Productivity Tools

Configurations Configurations oficr the capability to have multiple instances ofa

model with variations in Appearance and Scene. When working with
Configurations, a Base Configuration is always present and additional
Configurations are branched from the lease. It is possible to configure
appearances, seenes (environments, lights and haekplates), as well as
Base Configuration

There are several tools available when working with Configurations.

These tools are accessible through the Toolbar.

WW a
+rD/n j a cim’
New Configuration + Creates a new eonfiguration. All subsequent editing in
the 3D Vicwport applies to the new configuration only,
unless you switch to a different eonfiguration.
Lets you duplieate the active eonfiguration.
Duplicm Configuration '72!
Rename Configuration
/ Lets you rename the active configuration. The lefi
(Previous Configuration) and right (Next Configuration)
arrows eyele through existing eonfigurations.

Locks Current Configuration E Locks the current eonfiguration and prevents any
changes to it

Where to Find It I
Toolbar: Configurations New Configuration +
Drapedown: Project, Configurations, New Configuration

Productivity Tools

7 Slandard colors configuratlon.

Click New Configuration +.
Click Edit
/ and name the configuration Standard Colors.
Blue Configuration.
Click New Configuration +.
Click Edit
Click Appearances
and name the configuration Blue.

g and drag the Blue appearmcc onto om: of the

Ear Cushions.
Drag the Titanium White appearance onto a section of the frames.
Drag the Blue Tint Glass onto one ofthc glass pieces.

Tnanium While

9 See the conflguratlons.

Swi‘ch back 10 an: Standard Colors configuration to note are

Productivity Tools

Export As discussed in Lesmrl I .' CAD in SULIDWURKS Visualize,

SOLIDWORKS Visualize comes with a library of predefinc
components including appearances, environments, backplates, and
cameras known as the File Libraries. Components that have been
created can be added to the library tlrrouglr the Export eommand.

- Palette: with a component seleeted, Export D-

Shared File File Libraries can be stored rm a shared drive, enabling multiple people
Libraries to use a single library. By default, File Libraries are stored in
C:\...\Documents\SOL1'DWORKS Visualize Content. However,
the content can be moved to a difierem location through
windows Explorer and Library Paths.

Where to Find It I Menu: Tools, Options, General, Library Paths

10 Copy and paste Titanium White.

. . ..
Click Appearances g .

Make a copy ufTitamum White

using otrl+c,cnl+v functionality.

11 Titanium Gray.
Click Appearance Name and enter
Gm, hm mm”.
Titanium Dark. ruminant

Click Color and specify a darker

gray color.


Lesson 5 soLIDwoRKs
Productivity Tools

12 Export appearance.
wixh Titanium Dark sclccwd,
click Export I} and click
Save Appearance.
Save the new appearance in the
Metal foidcr. Warm, Dim-eh! barman: om

13 check File Libraries. 63 9 9 Wei M

Click File Libraries
Ciick Appearances.
M. mum
Ci ick Metal and find
Titanium Dark.
n new M

an... km 00‘

Productivity Tools

14 Green Configurationr
Click New Configuration +.
Click Edit
/ and name the configuration Green.
Drag the Titanium Dark appearance onto a section of the frames.

Click Appearances
the Ear Cushions.
g and dmg the Green appearance onto one of
Drag the Green Tint Glass onto one ofthe glass pieces.

Green Tint Glass

Titanium Dark

Render All similar to the Render All Cumerm on page 122, the
configurations Render All Contimirations command creates a unique render of the
aetive model for each Configuration present. These rcndcls are creamd,
one atler another, and placed in a folder within the specified Output

Where to Find It l Within Output Tools @, Output Mode, All Configurations

Render Queue The Render Queue is used to render projects at a later time (ofi'hours or
when eomputer resourecs are available). Multiple projects ean be added
to the Queue to batch rendering processes.

Where to Find It I Within Output Tools @, Send to Queue

Pmuciimy Taals

15 Render Queueu

Click Output Tools @.

Under Oulpul Mode, click All Configurations.

W m.-

WWW» , 1

m.» .1


Undcr Size, click the first box and cum 350.

m . m M


Undcr Render Mode click Quality.

Click Render Passes and mm 600.
Select Send In Queue.
7 human.“

Click Send to Queue.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 6
pmamimy Tools

16 Slat! Queue‘
The Render Queue opens up.
Click Start Queue.

w. w: w

17 Observe Pictures
Base Configmafion Standard Colors

18 Save and close the file.

Lesson 6 soLIDwoRKs
Pmductivlfy Tools

Visualize Boos! SOLIDWORKS Visualize Boost is a program designed run on a

separate computer. When connected by a network, the computer
running visualize ean otrload the render to the compmcr running
Boost; essentially making the Boost computer do most of the work. As
the Boost computer solves the render, it sends information back to the
visualize computer until the render completes,

Note Both computers mus remain on when Visualize Boost is in use,

Setup ,


Final Render

visualize Boost is only available aficr it has been setup. For
information on setting up Visualize Boost, consult the Help


Note Visualize Boost comes with Visualize Professional.

Summary In this lesson, we started by opening a partially completed project.

Then, multiple Cameras were created using the Multi Viewpon
eoinmand. A rendering was ereated for eaeh Camera using the Render
All Cameras eeinmand. Various Appearanees were applied to the
model using eontigurations. All the Configurations were then rendered
using the Render All Configurations command as well as the Render
Ollcuc. Finally, visualize Boost was discussed.
Questions I ls Visualize Boost on your computer? What IS required to run
Visualize Boost?
I Why would you want to use the Render Queue‘!
- is a eamera configurable?

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 12
Ice Purk

Exercise 12: SOLIDWORKS Visualize has several 10015 and commands focused
Ice Pick around produeiivicy. Multiple Viewpons, ihe Render Queue, Time
Limii rendering and Configurations will alI bc cavcrcd in inis exercise.
This exercise reinforces the following skills:
Multiple Views on page 121
Render/ill Cameras on page 122
Me Limil Rendering on page 123
Configurations on page 125
RenderA/l Con/igumimns on page 129
Render Queue on page 129

Project An iee eiimping plck has aiready been designed and impeded into
Descripiion SOLIDWORKSvisualize widi Appearances added. You have been
iasked with ereaiing several rendered images emie iee piek from
various Views. You are also iasked wiin finding new combinanons of
Appearanees for inarkeiing purposes.
Open File.
0an ICE! TDDLI‘eC from the LeSsOnOGUEXGI’CiseS foldCL

creale Multiple Views.

Click Multi Viewpons, Four Viewpons.


Exetcise 12 soLIDwoRKs
Ice Pink

3 Position Views.
Position the Camera for each ofthc Vicwpons so that each looks
visually appcaimg to you.

4 Send to Queue.
Use the Send to Queue option With the All Cameras Output Mode
and a 1 minute Time Limlt,
Do not click Start Queue when the SOLIDWORKS Visualize Queue
window opens.
5 Single View.
Ci ick Multi iewports, Single and activate the Default Camera.
6 Blue Configuration.
Create a new configuration named Blue.
Apply Appearances to the Blue configuration.

SOLIDWORKS Exercise 12
Ice Pick

7 Duplicaled Configuration.
Duplicate the Blue configuration In create a new configuration named,
Apply Appearances in the Orange configuration.

8 Send to Queue.
Use the Send to Queue option with the All Configurations Output
Mode and a minuic Time Limit.

9 Save and Close.

Save your progress and eiosc SOLIDWORKS visualize.
10 Slart render queue.
Click Start Queue from [he SOLIDWORKS Visualize Queue window.
11 Observe outputs.
()pcn rho images once the uueue finishes.

Summary This exercise reinforces the use ofproductivity tools for cmaling
muiriple renders. In this exercise, the Mnhipie Viewpons command
was used, creating scvcral Cameras. The All Cameras command was
then used wirh a Time Limit and the projccx was sent to me Queue.
Configuraiions were ihen used to see how other appearances would
look. The Render All Configurations command was then used and that
project scm m ihc Queue. The Queue was then sianed and the final
images were observed.

Exaru'se 13 sounwoRKs

Exercise 13: In mis exercise, you will render a guitar. This is an open ended exercise
Guitar Colors intended in bolster the skills leamed illroughaut the course.
This lab uses the following skills:

- Configurations on page 125

- RenderA/l Configurations on page 129
- Render Queue on page 129

Project You are tasked with creating configurations matching me colors seen in
Description the pictures provided.
Open the file.
Open guitar from the
LessonO6\ExePcises folder.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 13
6mm Calms

2 End result.
Use the skills learned so far m create the four Configumlicms seen
below and render them using lhc qucuc.

3 Save and clese the file.

Exercise 13 SOLIDWORKS
suuar Colors

Lesson 7
Animations and Grouping

Objectives Upon successful complcuon ofihis lesson‘ you will be able in:
I Creme groups of Paris.

I Make romuon ammaiions.

I Creme Kcyfmmc animations wiih mumplc moving pans.

I ()mpm Mmion Blur rcndcrs.

Lesson 7 soLIDwoRKs
Animations and Grouping

Animations Up until this point, we have only created static images. However,
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional is capable of creating
Animations as well. In this lesson» we will create two Animations and
one Motion Blur image. ()ne Animation will show a component
rotating and the second Animation will show the entire assembly
Project This lesson features an articulating miter saw. We will start by creating
Description a Group of Parts representing the guard assembly. The guard will then
be moved up. Next, we will setup a Rotation Animation in order to
show the saw blade spinning, We will then show how a Video can be
created from the Animation Next we will create a motion blur image to
show movement in a static image. Finally, we will create a Keyframe
Animation to show the full movement ot‘the anieulnting miter saw.
Stages in the The following ooneepts will be covered in the lesson:
Process I Group
Parts are otten grouped together» making it easier to move multiple
pans at once.
I Animations
There are several types ofanimations that can be created. All are
intended to show movement.
I Animation Output
Animations are rendered one frame at a time when making a video. The
Animation ()utput options control which frames from the animation are
sem to video and how each frame is rendered.
I Motion Blur
It is possible to show the effects of motion in a static image through
Motion Blur.
I Keyframe Animation
Keyttame Anlmations are used when multiple eomponents move
relative to one another.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Animalmns and Grouping

Groups As mentioned in Strucmre and Organization on page 32, Parts Eu an:

organized inlo Groups 8 and Groups a are organized intolhc
Model 8. The structure is first determined during the import process
as shown in Part Grouping on page 30. However, n can bc restructured
through thc create New Group command, the Ungraup Partls)
command and the Move Parl(s) to Group command.

Groups arc oficn crcamd for Manipulation purposes Le. 10 Move ‘,

Where to Find It:
Scale .5. or Pivot

‘a collection of Parts.

Palcttc: Selcclmulliplc Parts 8 or multiple Groups 8,

Add lo New Group General, Add to New Group
I Palette: Rightrclick one or morc Parts or Groups, Edil,
Add to New Group

Where la Find It: I Palcttc: Rightvclick one or more Groups, Edit, Ungroup Part(s)
Ungmup Fartls)
Where la Find It: I Palcttc: rag and drop one or more Parts in an existing Group
Move Partls) to
I Pnlctt . ightrclick on one or morc Parts, Edil,
Move Parl(s) lo Group

1 Open F: e.
0an Miter Saw from the Lessonmmase Study folder.

Lasso" 7 soLIDwoRKs
Animations m Grouping
2 Slruclure.
Click Model " and note how the model is structured.

Three Pans 1i exist, that are nm Grouped Q , under xhe Root

Group. These Pans correspond tn the guard around the blade.

G m M

3 Grouping pans.
Hold me cm bum)“ and select two Pans ”g as shown.
Click Add to New Group.

Q 9 E Dflfl

Mm Sr! + [U Q
.Mnmsm .
. 1 h.
9 Mom...
u mm...
a qumbba
‘ “Wham:
a m...“
4 mm: Mun-m4
a...“ khlmluhm mm
m :7


soLIDwoRKs Lesson 7
Animations and Grouping

4 Name Group.
Click the Group which you


just created and click »\$ am

General. I Tao/mom

Click Name and cmcr

. o ”Mm
. a we...»
. 3 mm
. v I»:

a.“ ham mm Wynn


5 Move part to group.
Drag the Part mm the
Guard Group. + , EU Q
0 mew

a Mmumm
a mm".
, a Slwlhk
. a lane

Animations and Grouping

6 Pivot Point
Click the Group a selection tool.
Click the Pivot j. object manipulation tool.
Select the Guard Group.
The triad appears.

7 Position the Pivot Point

Use the triad to move the Pivot Point to the axis of romtinn of the
guard. (Where the screw holds the guard in place.)

Note It is easiest to position the Pivot from the Left \fiew. Additionally, an
Orthographic camera pelspeetive can make the view easier to see.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 7
Animalmns and Gmupmg

8 Move guard upr

Make sure the Guard is sclccmd anel eliek Move b.
Use the triad to rotate the Guard as shown in the image below.

Animations Up until this point we have only ereated statie images. However,
souowoms visualize Professional is eapahle ofcrcating
Animations (videos) to show movement. This movement can be in the
form of an object that rotates (Rotation Animation), eomponents that
move relative to one another (Kcyframc Animation) or a earnera
moving through a seene (Camera Animation).
Rotation A Rotalion Animation is a unique type of animation where a specified
Animation component rotates about a Pivot point. Rotation Animations are often
useel to show things like spinning wheels and fans. Rotation can also be
applied to a camera whieh we will cover in a later lesson.

Where to Find It I Righteclickz Part a,

Group a
or model Model
Animation, Add Rolalion Animation

Animations and Gmupmy

Animation Once an Animation has been created, the Animation Timeline

Timeline and appears. (The Anima n Timeline can also be shown or hidden
Controls through the View dropdown menu.) The Animation Timeline has fivc
major components: the Basic Animation Controls, Advanced
Anim n Controls, An ation Properties, Animation List and thc

Basic Animation Conimis Advznoed Animation Contmis

i "Au <>n~~u -4POIW“S" ”hi-«MM- X

0 Biz m ““
“m °"‘
m. WWW".

o .
; Minn...” 1| .0 i.
w n...
O - E B‘fi"‘fl‘m ‘I m,»
0 mm
4 >Imm144 n mum.
Animation Lisi Timeline Animation Pmpemes

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Animations and Grouping

Basic Animation The Basic Animation Controls section contains functions to navigate
Controls theAnimatiou. For example, functions like Play > and Pause ll ean
be accessed through the Basic Animations Control panel.
Advanced The Advanced Animation Controls section contains functions to
Animations control the playback speed ortlte Animation as well as the frame rate.
Controls There are also some tools to manipulate the timeline.
Animation Animation Properties appear to the right of the animation timeline
Properties when you rightacliek an animation in the animation list and click Edit
Animation(s) or by doublerclieking on an Animation. These properties
control how Objects move With time.
Animation List The Animation List shows the colnponents that make up the
Animation Additional tools, such as Look a
, ean be used to prevent
editing ofa spccifie component.
Timeline The Timeline shows the timing of the Animations present in the form
of Keyframes. The Animation can be controlled by dragging a handle
along the timeline.

Rotation Animation.
Rightreiiek the Saw Blade Group 7% , click Animation and click
Add Rotation Animation.

mm." minim
m mm... 5

Note The Timeline view is now visible.

Amman"; and Grouping

10 Play the Animation
Click Preview mode. (It will be easier in View the Animation in
preview mode.)
Click Play >_
The saw blade does not mime in the correct direction.

Click Pause II .

11 change Rolatlon Axis.

Doublerclick on the Saw Blade Rotatiun Animation film: key.
The Animation Properties window appears.
Click X under Axis of Rotation.


_ m, l
h - “alum-MM

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Animations and Gmupmg

12 Play the animation.

Click Play ’ .

The bladc mtztcs around a pivot point which is not in the Center clftllc

Click Start H m bring the current timc to the start offlic animation.
13 Position Pivot Point.
5...: mini,“ Adv-lad Wu
Click the Group 3
sclcction pm...
tool. w mm W,

Click the Pivot 1. object ,
manipulation tool.
Click the Saw Blade Group. Sui:
mmn lllllllll-m Fllll l

Click Translorm in the Palette.

Scroll down and under Pivol,
click Pivot Center > Group.

14 Play animation.
Click Play v.
The Saw Blade rotatcs concctly.

Click Start K , (This will bring the animation to thc Stan oftllc

Lesson 7 soLIDwoRKs
Animations and Gmupmg

Animation Once an Animation has been

Output setup, it can be convened into a
video using the Animation
Output mots Videos are
individual images bundled
togetherr Therefore, to create a
video, a rendcr must be performed
for each frame. Two tubs run
across the mp ofthe Animation
Output command: Animation
Options and Render Options.
Animation Options control the
output of the video while Render
Options comm] the settings for
each frame rendered.

mum MmmIW/ulr

Note In addition to the video that gets created, still images from each frame
are output and placed in a subifolder within the specified Output

Where to Find It I Toolbar: Output Tools ®,Animation

I Menu: Tools, Render, Animation

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Animations and amupmg

15 Animation Output.
m... x
Click Output Tools ® from the
Toolbar. ...... .....
Click Animation O was.
Note the Animation Options 1a- my...
available as well as the
Render Options.
Click Close.
This video has already been MM-
crcaicd. Open Miter Saw
Rotation Ammation.mp4 from .hub-«W
the working directory.

9—0 m

mm: mum-Mm
Important! This Animation would lake an hour to render. Therefom, we will not
create an animation.

Animations and Grouping

Motion Blur Motion Blur is a way to show motion in a still image. Motion blur is a
real world oeeurrenee, oficn seen in photographs, where n streak (blur)
oeeurs es en objeet within the photograph moves during the exposure
proecss. Tile proccss of erenting an image with motion blur in
SOLIDWORKS Visualize stuns with an Animationt then Motion Blur
must bc specified in the Camera. Finally, n render is erented.

Where to Find It I Cameras Advanced, Enable Motion Blur

16 Increase saw speed.

Click and drag the handle to a halfseeond as shown below.

<DI>H¢¢ L-APQII mm

no ll
in 1
‘n. P412

This effectively increases the speed orrotntion by limiting the nmonnt

oftime in which the snw blnde rolmes 360 degrees.
17 Motion blur.
8 g
Click Cameras
Click Advanced.
Select Enable Motion Blur. ,

Drag the Shutter Time to about e... W. .... .ml

20 ms. (This parameter controls - moi-why»
the time of the simulated WWW-w

“WWW-l . "m...
. moummnuy

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 1
Animations and Grouping

18 Review output.
Motion blur rcndcrs take longer than conventional renders. Therefore, a
rcndcr will not be pcrfonncd.
Toggle Enable Motion Blur so that it is off.

0an Miter Saw Motion Emmi from the working directory.

19 Delete Rotation.
We will now Croat: a new animation with multiple moving pans. w:
win start by deleting the rotation animation we have already created.
Righmlick Saw Blade Rotation Animation from the Timellne View
and click Delete Selected Animations.

n m,mr
a 2 N.»-
a. .......l
O - Swmmnnh—uw

Lesson 7 soLIDwoRKs
Animations and Grouping

Keyframe A Keyframe Animation is a type of animation where the components

Animation can rotate and translate relative to one another. To ereate a Keyframe
Animation, the model must first be oriented in the start position. A
Keyframe is then created at zero seconds. The time is then moved
further along in the Timeline. The Model must be oriented again by
moving Parts and Groups and another Keylrame is created. When the
animation mays, the components move between the start position and
the movcd position as the time moves along the Timeline.

Where to Find It . ()nceacompnncnt has been moved, rightehekapart 3,

Group ‘E or Model
Add Keylrame Animation
8 , and click Animation,

Auto Keyiraming The Add Keyframe Animation is one way to add a Keyframe.
However, if the Auto Keyframing command is active. 2: Keyframe
will automatically he created afier a component moves it‘ it is active in
the Timeline (i.e. if an initial Keyfrarne has been created).

Where to Find It I Timeline: Advanced Animation Controls, Auto Keyframing P

20 Organize groups.
Click the Group ‘B selectiontool.
Drag the Extend Am and Base group to the same level as the Root

. w Ewe
. 9 wow
. a 5:le
r 9 on
i o mum
21 Rename Root.
Click Root and click General.
. .. a s...“

Click Name and enter Saw Head. . a me

o amnion
. a moat
. a 5.1
. o 51:01de

Animallans and Grouping

22 Place Pivot.
With [110 Saw Head group selected, click the Pivot
manipulation tool.
j. abject
Position the Pivot mm as shown.

23 Add Keyframe.
Hold xhc Ctrl key and select me ., a1mm,
Extend Arm Group and , 3 (in-d mm, -

Saw Head Group. »

a mum“. ka .

Add Keyframe.
, 3,
v 3 mm um '
“W. _

Two Kcyfmmcs an: added. 4" WW or. .

am .

"mm" '
w «mm x

mmn "m Mam" '

JEM— -\.u<>p»—
not/my ‘

R‘s-1mm”... 4| m I»
0‘ . \z‘s-w <1 -a I»

24 Drag limelineo
Drag the End Timeline bar (red flag) to 4 seconds.
Drag xhc Current Timeline bar (yclluw flag) w 1.5 seconds.
Ensure Auto Keyframing ’ is active.

Afdlfi m»:-
6 m

lell 7
Animafions and 6mm

25 Move Exlend Arm.

Wid: me two groups still selected, click Move fl.
Move me Saw Head and Extend Arm as shown in the image below.

Note The Keyfrarnes are cream/d automatically because

Auto Keyframlng ’
26 Bring Saw Head down.
is active.

Drag the Current flmellne bar (yellow flag) to 2.5 seconds.

Select me Saw Head group and click Move .i.‘

Rom: the Saw Head gmup down as shown.

soLlowoRKs Lesson 7
Animations and Grouping

27 Move the saw head up by duplicating a keyframe.

Righteiiek the 1.5 second kcyfmmc nfthc Saw Head.
Click Duplicate Keyframe.

anzsetmnd «rm-m
(dn win—tn
Du lmkcyflune

Drag the duplicated kcyframc to 4 seconds.

Drag the timelinc to see the movement ofthc Saw Head within the
28 Add mlalionr
Rithtlick the Saw Blade Group
Add Relation Animation.
$ , click Animation and click

Edit the Axis of Rotation to be in the X dircetion.

Drag the Keyframes as shown.

)1 u L P dx 30m .
as» am an: as:
{I m I)

Play animation.
Click Play > .
all Save and close.
A completed animation has been provided in the working direetery.
Feel free to open and play Miter Saw Animation.mp4.

Summary In this lesson, we started by Grouping the pans ofthe guard assembly.
The Group was then used to move the guard up. We then created a
rotation animation which showed the saw blade spinning. The
Animation Output options were then discussed. A Motion Blur
rendering was setup Finally, we created a Keyframe animation,
showing the full movement of the articulating miter saw.
Questions I Can Rotation Animations and Keyframc Animations be created in
the same timeline‘!
. what is the purpose of creating Groups?
. Is it possible to create a Motion Blur rendering without an

Exercise 14 soLIDwoRKs
Cooler Animation

Exercise 14: This exereise rcinfctrccs the proeess of ereating Kcyfmmc Animations
Cooler as well as Rotation Animations. Animations are oficn more engaging
Animation than statie images, espeeially if a product's movable componcnls are
This exercise reinforces the fallowing skills:
Gmups on page [4]
Relation Am'mmiml on page I45
Animation Pmpenies on page 147
iimetine on page 147
Key/mine Animmimi on page 154
Auto Key/raming on page 154

Project In this exereise, the eooler will be used to erente an animation. You are
Description tasked with showing the large handle on the from ofthc eooler moving
up and down as well as showing the wheels rotating.
Open File.
0an CoulergAm'matiun fmm the
Lesson07\Eer’cisas foidcr.

Ungroup Wheels.
The cooler has two wheels, each wiih their own Group.
Use the skills learned so far to ereate a new group named Wheels that
combines the two whccl pans.
Renamed the parts, Right Wheel and Left Wheel.

. .. monuments.
to a.“
. .
1 ea
t a SWPRMl/Igcaflwfiww Megan-4m" a]? Whats

. swsnangronmemnwno i, RngMWhed

) a SWPRMlngtauta wlerllkwluyi u, now.“

i 5‘ WEMlflgwm mamitgrmnn..mgme
1|“? WWW new as t a Swilvlnulrlgtmkrjaukr-nkrl
i. is... s g Wflrlnllmglindufanlyrnkrmdruyi
. | o ”animator t e erldllflgcwjnuixrnkgvliura-E
.. is.“ r s) swarmingrmeiam immrlnuruxwmj.
0 fl mirmmgcaukfiwmlmeunmuwj - .1 wowmonwmnnwmmim.

soLlDwoRKs Exercile 14
3 Pivot Center.
Place the Plvol Polnl in the center of
the Wheels group.

4 Rotation Anlmation.
Create a Rotallon Animation on the Wheels group.

5 Axis of Rotatlon.
Change the Axis of Rotation so that the wheels rotate in the correct
6 Large Handle Pivot Polnt.
Place the Plvot Point of the Large Handle
at its axis of rotation.

Exemu 14 sounwoRKs
Key Frame Animation.
Start a Keyfrarne Anlmallon for the Large Handle group at «he
beginning of the animation.
Dupllcale Keyframer
Right-click the Keyfranle that you just created and click
Dupllcale Keyframe.

[manor/x m. - 14 1| 4 b I) H m WWW
n... mum-mo)
wharmmmm 4| m It W
mmuuu,cukruwatix.<l .a w

Drag handler
Drag the handle you just creamd w 3 seconds.

5-4.9‘v- 1 s

1D New Keyframer
Dmg the Current T1mellne bar (yellaw flag) '0 1.5 seconds.
Ensure Auto Keyframlng P is acu've.
Use 111: Object Manipulation (0015 to rotate handle.

SDLIDWORKS Exercise 14

11 Rolalion Animation slan.

Drag the sum Keyframe handle for the Rotation Animation 10 3

L-4 P i Y

12 Play Animation.
The animation should smn with the handle going up and down. Then
the wheels should start spinning.
13 Save and close.

Summary Inihe exercise, the groups conmining ihc wheels were ungmuped and
combined lo form a single Gmup containing both wheels. The pivot
point was ihcn positioned at the center of the wheels. A rmatiun
animation was creatcd to make this wheels spin. A kcyfmmc snimmiem
was then created to move the handle up and down.

Exercise 15 soLIDwoRKs
Pencil Sharpener Explude

Exercise 15: In this exereise, you will ereaie an animaticm Ufa peneil sharpener. This
Pencil is an open ended exereise iniended to bolster the skills learned
Sharpener lhroughout the course.
Explode This lab uscs illc following skills:

- (y'mups on page 141

- zimeline on page 147
- KeyframeAnimalion on page 154
. Key/raming on page 154

Project 1n this exereise, you will ereaie an nnimaiien re show the exploded
Description view ofa peneil sharpener. An existing videe oftha animation already
cxisls. You are 1:13de with replicating 1he video.
Open the filei
Open penciljharpeneriexplode as well as Pencil Sharpener
Vidal) from the LeSsDDO’T\ExePcisesfolder.

soLlnwoRKs Emmi“ 15
Damn SharpgnuEwlode

2 End result.
Use the skills learned so far m create the animation seen in the file,
Pencil Sharpener Video.

Note If you get stuck, open pencilisharpeneriexplodeicomplew fiom me

lessonO'flExercises folder to see the completed animation.
3 Save and close the file.

Pencil Sharpener Explode

Lesson 8
Camera Animations

Objectives Upon successful complcuon ofihis lesson‘ you will be able in:
I Use the triad m manipulate mo locaiion and oricmaiion ofa
I Creme :1 (‘amcra Anlmatmn.
- Edit Kcyframc Propcnics.

Lesson 8 soLIDWORKs
Camm Animations

Camera ln Lesson 7: Animations imd Grouping, we created an Animation

Animations whcre components within the lnodel lnoved relative to one another. in
this lesson, we will ereate an animation where the model stays in place
but the camera moves
Project In this lesson, we will create an animation ofa television room. We will
Description start by moving a camera from the center of the room to one ofthe
corncrs using rhc triad tool. Next, we will ereate an animation where
the camera moves, allowing us to view the room from each ofthc four
comers. The movement otthe camera through space will then be
affected through Transitions.
Stages in the The rollowmg concepts will be covered in the lesson:
Process I Camera Movement with the Triad
The camera can be moved when the camera is active through the
eonventional zoom, pan and rotate eomlnands. However, when a
camera is not aetive, it can be moved using the triad.
I Camera Animation
A camera animation is an animation where the camera moves within a
I Trans n
Transitions control the rate of change of the animating component at an
animation handle.

Open File.
0an Tmnoom from the LessDnOS\Ca.sa Study folder.
Copy and Paste Center Camera.
Click Cameras -.
Click Center Camera.
Use Copy and Paste functionality to ercate a duplicate ofthc Center
Under General, click Name and enter Animation Camera.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Carney: Animau'nns

3 View Animation Camera.

Hide the ceiling in order (a see inside the mom.
Aciivalc Default Camera.

Ciick Preview
Ciick the Models P3 tab.

Bmwsc mm TV Room Eamon ‘B,cv roomrl $,

ceihng i.
Rightrclick Ceiling Tfl , Click HideIShow and click Hide.

Lesson 8 soLIDwoRKs
Camm Animallons

Camera In Lesson 1: CAD in SULIDWURKS Visualize, the Zoom 1}), Pan +

Movement with and Rotate C commands were discussed These tools are used to
the Triad manipulate the active Camera within thc Viewport. in Lesson 4:
Cameras, more precise tools for placing a Camera, such as
Position XYZ were diseussed.
Inaddition to these methods, Cameras ean also be placed using the
Object Manipulation tools.
Position Camera The location ofthe Camera can be maninuiored using the Pivot 5.
command, The process works by first selecting the Camera within the
Palette then the Pivot command can be used to position the location of
the Camera. It is not possible to rotate the Camera using the Pivot
Position View The direction ofthc camera can he eontroiied through rhe Move .fi
command. This command works in the same way as the Pivot
command cxeept it does not move the location ofthe Camera» rather, it
controls the loeation ofthe foeal point.

Move Animation Camera.

Click Cameras
Select the Ammation Camera without activating it.
Click the Transform tab.
Under Position xvz, enter 4.3, 1.7 and 0.

Click Move A.

Canton Animations

Use the Triad to position the focal point of‘hc camcm to the far lcfi
sidc corner as shown

Vle'w {mm ‘Ammanon Camera'

Camm Animallons

Camera In Lemon 7: Aflimlllmnx and Grouping, Animations were ereated to

Animation move Parts and Groups relative to one another. With a Camera
Animation, however, the camera is the component that moves.
Creating a Camera Animation is similar to creating a conventional
Animation It starts by specifying the initial Keytrame. The time is
then moved within the timeline and the Camera is repositioned. An
additional Keyframe is then added to the timeline,
As the Camera moves between Keyframes, the path of the Camera is
traced with color. When the path is red» the Camera is moving slowly.
When the path is green, the Camera is moving fast

Where to Find It I Palette: Rightreliek a Camera and click Add Keyframe

Creale Animation.
Rightelick Animation Camera
8 Q 9 3 iii
and click Add Keyframe. + < m :i Q

The Timeline view appears.


m man—t I
(M M; m“
9.... m l

s“ i. a
m “M: mom
a. m. I'm-manna.“
ma Wt ’

a new...“
Six second animation.
Drag the End Timeline bar (red flag) to 6 seconds.
Drag the Current Timeline bar (yellow flag) to 2 seconds.

Ensure Auto Keyframing I is active.

m a

soLIDwoRKs Lessan a
Camera Animations

7 Move Camera.
Select (he Animation Camera withom activating in
Chck the Transform tab.
Under Posilion XYZ, cmcr 4.8, 1.7 and -1.2.

Click Move
Use the Triad m posnion ‘hc focal pmm ofthc camera between me
window and the TV as shown.

V>ew {mm Ammzlmn szela 212 sewnds

emu: Animations
8 Third Keyframe.
Drag the Current Timeline bar
(yellow flag) in 4 seconds.
Undcr Position XYZ, ontnr 1.5,
1‘7 and -1.2.

Use the Triad to position the focal

point ufihc camera at the door as

9 Fourth Keyframe.
Drag ihc Current Timeline bar
(yellow flag) to 6 seconds.
Undcr Po on XVZ, cnicr1.5,
1.7 and .8a

Use the Triad in position the

focal point of the camera 10 the ,
far comer of the room as

Nole Notice how the camera path changes.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 8
Camera Animations

Keyframe Keytrame Properties control the movement of the animation as tilne

Properties moves through Keyframes. There are several parameters available
within the Keyframe Properties.
Time Point This parameter controls the time ot‘the Keyframe.
Transition Transitions control the type of movement through Keyframes. For
each Keytrame, two Transitions exist. The first controls the
movement coming into the Keytrame, the second controls the
movement coming out of the Keyframe. There are four Transition
options available: Linear, Flat, Smooth and Hold.
Linear Interpolatcs a straight 3D line between Keyframes.
Flat Interpolatcs a straight 2D line between Keyframes.
Smooth Interpolatcs curves between Keytrames.
Hold Freezes the object for the duration of the Keytrame.
Tension This parameter, controls the curvature of incoming (In) and outgoing
(Out) motion for the selected Keyframe.
Motion Ease Accelerates or decelerates the animation as it approaches (In) or exits
(Out) the selected Keyframe.

Where to Find It . Rightrclick a Keytrame and click Edit Keyframe

. Doublcrclick a Keyirame

10 Keytrame Properties.
Doubleaclick the keytrame at
2 second. imam
WW ><

The Keyframe Properties window


opens up. . mam
Under Transition, click the box 0“

“‘4 ‘

—0 —0 our

Motion Ease
in on
11 Hold trans on for other Keyframes.
Repeat step 10 for the keyframes at 4 and 6 seconds.

Note Notice how the colors of the path change as the Transitions are edited.

Camera Ammalmni

12 Play Animation camera.

click Play > ,

The Camera moves.

Activate the Animation Camera to see the animation first halldt

13 Save and Close.

Summary In this lesson, we created a Camera Aillmallon in Show an interior

space. We also showed how Cameras can be manipulated through the
Object Manipulation tools. Finally, we used Keyframe Propenies to
manipulate an animation at the Kcyfralncst
Questions I What is the difi‘etenee between the Keyt‘rame Propenies discussed
in this lesson and the Animation Propcnics discussed in 1.13531)” 7:
Ammulinm and Grouping?
- When manipulating a Camera wnh the Object Manipulation tools,
what is the Pivot eominatid used for?

soLlnwoRKs Exercile 1s
Exercise 16: CameraAnimaiions are greai for showing various angles ofa model. In
Guitar mis exercise, we will ereaie a Camera Animation io show offa guiiar.
This exercise reinforces ihe following skills:

- Deplh ofFie/don page as

n Camera Animations on page 166
- Key/lame Properties on page [73

Project You have been iasked wiili ereaiing video io show oira guitar your
Description company plans io build. To do ibis, you will oreaie a Camera
Animation where the Camera will move in Show ofi‘ are guiiar from
different angles. To make the Animaiion more inieresiing, you will also
use Depili of Field.
1 Open File
Open Guitar from the LessonOB\Exercises folder.

2 Enable Depth of Fleldl

Click Enable Depth of F leld and focus on a location towards ihc from
of the guitar wiih the Aperture set to 11 AS.

Exzmise 1s sounwonxs

3 Create Camera Anlmaflonr

Use the current View of the model to create the first Keyfl'ame.

.o . I hmb—fin—
a 21 -‘ 5-49uv-
p u ‘u
4 .e ,

[ ‘ I

4 Dupllcale first Keyframer

Dupllcale the first Keyframe and drag
OI l' -m
the duplicated fame out to 15 seconds.
:7 4-“
.- par-

5 New Keyframer
Create a new Keyframe at 5 scconds with the Camera focused as

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 15

6 Refocus in transition
Drag the fimzlinc to a little less than 2
The image will appear out of focus. Us:
the Pick feature under Depth of Field to
fucus the frame at this point.
Ensure Auto Keyframing is on.

Note A portion of tho guim should remain in focus throughuut the entire

Exercise 16 soLIDwoRKs

7 New Keyframe.
Create a new Keyframe at 10 seconds with the Camera focused as

8 Hold In.
Create Hold Keyframe Transitions
coming In atthe 5,10 and 15 second
Keyframes. m i—.
. names
in on

m V
5m» -


—o- —o m

in on

9 Play the Animation.

This animation Lakes tuo long to render in class. However, a videe 0f
the animation has been included in the tiles set.

0an GuitaricameraiiAnjmafiCn from Kim LesanOB\EXEPCises

1|] Save and close.

Summary This exercise reinforces how to use Camera Animations to show the
model in a dynamic way. no Depth of Field was alsu used, creating a
more interesting animation

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 11
Pencil Sharpener Camera Ammalmn

Exercise 17:Pen In this exereise, you will create an animation ofa peneil sharpener. This
cil Sharpener is an open ended exereise intended to bolster the skills learned
Camera throughout the course.
Animation This lab uses the following skills:

a Camera Animation on page 170

- Key/lame Properties on page 173

Project Inthis exereise, you will ereate a camera animation to show a pencil
Description sharpener from several different angles. An existing Video of the
animation already exists. You are tasked with replicating the video.
Open the file.
0an penciljharpener as well as Pencil Sharpener Camera
Movement from the Lesson05\Exereises folder.

create camera animation.

Use the skills learned so far to create the animation seen in the video,
Pencil Sharpener Camera Movement.
Wew the completed animation (optional).
Ifyou get stuck, open penciljharpenencomplete from the
LessonOE\Exeroises folder to see the completed animation.
Save and close the file.

Exemise 17 soLIDwoRKs
Pencil Sharpener oamm Ammalmn

Lesson 9
Appearances, Scenes

Objectives Upon successful complcnon ohms lesson. you wm be able m:

- Creme an Appearancc Ammauon.
- Crcmc 1m Scone Ammanon.

Animating Appearances, Scenes

Appearance Scenes and Appearances can be animated just like Cameras, Paris, and
and Scene Groups. However, when a Scene or an Appearance is animated, it is
Animations oficn done to display the changing effects of light and color. For
example, an environment can be darkened, a spot light can be maved or
an LED light on an appliance can be turned on or nit.
Project In this lesson, we will create a ten second animation nfa sports car. The
Description animation will start with a wellrlit Scene. The Environment will dim
for nine seconds making appear as ifthe sun is rapidly setting. Al the
six second mark oftlie animation, the lights ofthc car will turn on. (The
lights have an cmissivc appearance and the brightness will be
an iniatcd.)
Stages in the The following concepts will be covered in the lesson:
Process I Scene Animation
Lights, HDR Environments and Sunlight Environments can be

I Appearance Animation
Appearances can be animated to show change in color. transparency
and brightness as well as many ofthe other parameters
Seene Many aspects ofa Secne can be animated including Lights,
Animation HDR Environments and Sunlight Environments. (Baekplatcs arc the
only type of scene that cannot be animated.) The process ofaiiimating a
Scene is very similar to other types ofanimations, Kcyframes oftlie
Scene are created with unique properties at varying points along the
timclme. As the animation plays, the Scene interpolates the properties
between the Keyfraines.

Where to Find It I Palette: Rightreliek on a component ot‘a Scene, Add Keyframe

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 9
Animating Appearances, Scenes

1 Open File.
0an Spams 031‘ from the LessonOQ\Case Study folder.

2 Animate the Environment. I

Click Scenes 9. + :-

" "‘

Righmick Aum Photo swam

and click Add Keyframe.
The Timeline View appears. ‘

(an (um


c... “1

3 Ten second animation.

Drag xhc End Timeline bar (red flag) [a 10 seconds.
Drag xhc Current Timeline bar (yellow flag) [0 9 seconds.

Ensure Auto Keyframing I is active.

L-AFdh' 30M

Ammanng Appeamnces, Scenes

4 Reduce Environment Brightness.

Ensure Auto Photo Studio IS suil sclccicd,
Click the General tab,
Click Brightness and cmcr .05,

5 See timeline change.

Drag the Current Timeline bar (yellow flag] around so mar you can
see how me cnvlronmcm wm gci darker.

\ “a r
. amwmmm
. « , ..
r r
m m.

Appearance An Appearance can be animated in Show clinnglng colors. bngmness

Animations levels and transparency, The proeess or nnlmanng an Appearanee is
very simllano othcrtypcs ofammanons. Keyt’ramcs ohhc Appearance
are created with unique propenies m varylng pmms along ihc timclinc.
As me animanon plays. me Appcamncc imcrpolmcs ihc propemes
between the Keyframes.

Where to Find It - Palcnc: nghlschck on an Appearance, Animation,

Add Keyframe

Animating Appearances, Scenes

6 Headlight appearance
Drag the Current Timeline bar
(yellow flag) to I] seconds. new.“
Click Appearances 9 at

Rightrclick White led, ehek
p . .

W rule-l vie. .
Appearance and Add Keyframe. m .

Wm WM“,‘
(This appearance controls the ”We“ r
headlights.) [d
wt Minoan Wgus
7 Fog light and break light appearance animations.
Follow the same procedure as step e for the appearances that eontrel
the fog lights as well as the break lights.

0‘ ~
oi . .. rut-«Hiking?
«I so lb
<l .375»
0‘ . Rummwnphulmm <l .o I)
9‘ '7wdmw-EEIE‘SL'EQW7‘LQJZ
8 Animate head lghts.
Drag the Current Timeline bar (yellow flag) to 6 seconds.
Select the white led appearance.
Click Brightness and enter 120.

Note Currently, the headlights gradually inerease in brightness. In the next

step, we will make it appear as ifthe lights suddenly turn on at the at
the six second mark through Keyframe Properties.

Animating Appeamnces, Scenes

9 Hold the Keyframe.

Double elick tlic firsl Keyt'raine for the white led.
The Keyframe Properties window opens.
Under Transition Out click Hold,

.WA in . I no

‘ lemon may

in aim" is

10 Turning on the log lights and the break lights.
Follow steps 3 and 9 for the appearances applied to the fog lights and
break lights With the following Cxccpllons.
The Brightness oflllc tog llghl appeamnce should increase to 4.
The Brightness oftllc break light nppearanee should increase to 20.
11 View lights in action.
Drag the Current Tirneline bar (yellow flag) around so that you can
sec how the animation WHI rendcr,

12 Play animation.
()pen Car Lights from the Lesson09\0ase study folder.
13 Save and close the files.

Ammanny Appearances, Scenes

Summary In this lesson» we created a ten second animation ofa ear turning its
lights on as the environment gets darker. In order to make the scene
darker, an animation ofthc environment was created. This consisted of
creating two keyframes where the brightness was reduced over the
course ofnine seconds. The lights ofthe car were turned on at the six
seeond mark. This was accomplished by creating animations orthe
appearances ofthe lights. The keyfranle properties were edited to make
it look as ifthe light. suddenly flick on.

Questions I Backplates be animated?

C all
- Provide a scenario where you would want to change the color ofan
Appearance in an animation.

Exercise 18 soLIDwoRKs
Exercise 18: Appearance animations can be used to show a produet in multiple
Guitar Color eolors. in this exercise, we will cream an animation to show a guitar in
two eolors, baby blue and red. This is an open ended exereise intended
to bolster the skills learned throughout the eourse.
This exercise reinforces me following skills:

- Scene Animmion on page [82

u Appearance Animations on page 134
- Camera Animation on page 170
- Key/rame Properties on page 173

Project in this exereise, you will create an animation ofa guitar. In the
Description animation, the eolor of the guitar will transition from a baby blue m
red. An existing video of the animation already exists. You are tasked
with replicating the video.
Open file and video
Open guitar as well as Guitar Color from the LessonOQ\Exercises

Play the vldeo.

The video suns with the guimr in baby blue. The scene fades to hlack.
As 1116 scene fades back in, the guitar is now red. There is camera
movement throughout the entire animation.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 13
Gmhr Color

3 Recreate animation.
Use the skills learned so far to replicate the animation from the video.
4 See how the project was setup (Optional).
Ifyou get stuck, open guitar complete from the
5 Save and close the file.

Summary This exercise reinforces camera animations, scene animations, and

appearance animations together in an open ended project.

Exercise 19 soLIDwoRKs
Video Deeais

Exercise 19: IllLissmri 3: Decals you learned how to create decals lo render static
Video Decals images. However, videos can also be applied to as decals to create
animations In this exercise, you will create an animated decal to
represent a TV sereell.
This exercise reinforces tlle following skills:

- Decal Name on page 52;

- Decal Mapping on page 64
- Animaiinm on page 145

Project In [his exercise. you will create an animation ofa TV playing a video.
Description To do this, you will add a decal, but instead ofadding a static image,
you will add an MP4 Video file. Once the VldCD decal is placed on the
model, an animation will be created.
1 Open file and video.
Open 'I'Vjioom as well as Car Driving from the
Lesson09\Eer’elses folder.
Play the Car Driving Video.

r Driving

.n m)‘

Male The animation ofthc car driving Will be created in Lesson

I]: Simulations.
Close the VldCO.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 19
men Decals

2 Hide the ceiling.

Activate Default Camera.

Click Preview
Click the Models {a tab.

Browse to Full TV Room $,Buot fiJv roomrl ‘fi,

ceihng j.
Righmick ceiling x

a, click HideIShow and click Hide.

3 Add decal.
Click Appearances g .

Click Add + .

Click New Decal and xhcn click Video.

Browse to am working directory (the Lesson09\Exercises folder).
Sclcci Car Driving and click Open

Exercise 19 soLIDwoRKs
Vim Decals

4 Apply decall
Drag Lhc decal onw the TV.

Thc timcline will pupulatl: with the video animation.

n unm/amnah .m-l...‘ 4plpuu 5-"<”“:ll'"“‘ ,;

32m- n
ummmm )

. ¢ Iv

5 Resize decal.
Use the handles to rcsizc the decal.

6 Show ce' '

Show lhc ceiling part.
7 Cenler camera.
Activaw the Cenber Camera.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 19
mm Decals
8 Watch video.
Play the animation in Preview mode.
9 Watch rendered video.
This animation has already been rendered.

0an TViRonm.mp4 fmm rho working dirccrory.

1|) Save and close all files.

Summary This exercise shows how a vidoo decal can bo created using standard
decal and animation Options.

Exercise 19 SOLIDWORKS
vma Decals

Lesson 10
Alternative Outputs

Objectives Upon successful Complctlnn ofihis lesson, you Will be able lo:
Setup a Turntable lo cream a sense of rmaiionl
Crcaic an Interacnvc Image in obtain multiple views of a model.
Make Panorama Views oflhc model to lmcmm wnli imcrinr spaces
In a browser.

Dcslgn 360" Images and VIdCOS ihm can be uploaded to social

media websites or used in cream a Virtual Reality experience.

Lesson in soLIDwoRKs
Alternative OMWIIB

Alternative For most projects created in SOLIDWORKS Visualize» the end goal is
Outputs in Create images and videos. However, SOLIDWORKS Visualize is
capable of creating other outputs that can provide even higher levels of
interactivity and expressiveness, The alteniative outputs that we will
investigate in this lesson are Turntables. Interactive Images.
Panorama Views, and 360“ Images.
Project This lesson features two case studies. In the first case study, we will
Description open a partially completed project of a wristwatch. We will then setup a
Turntable to rotate the watch within the Vicwport and then create an
animation. With the watch still open, we WI“ create an interactive
HTML document of many images ofihc model at dinerent angles
compiled togctlicr, also known as an Interactivc Image. We will then
open a model ofa mum and create a Panorama View. Finally, we will
create a 360° Image.
Stages in the The following concepts will be covered in the lesson:
Process I Turntables
The Model can be rotated in the Vicwport using a Turntable.
I Interactive Images
An Interactive Image is simply an HTML document that brings
together many views ofthe model at Various angles.
I Panorama Views
A Panorama View is an HTML document that brings together six
renders ofthe model, providing an interactive interior view ofa model.
I 360" Images
360” Images and video are often used in social media and VR to create
an immersive experience.

soLIowoRKs Lesson in
Alternative output:

Turntable A Turntable provides a way to rotate the model, creating a unique and
intriguing dynamic view. One type ofTurntable can be setup directly
from the Viewpori. Another type of Turntable produces a video oftlie
rotating model and is created through the Output Tools.

Viewport The Turntable command are accessed directly from the Toolbar. The
Turntables Turntable tools become available once the Turntable command is



E "a bl e
5 K
Reverse Rolalmn


Note For performance purposes. Preview mode is the suggested display

mode when a Viewport Turntable is enabled.

Where to Find It . Toolbar: Turntable "8

Output Tools The Output Tools Turntable is
Turntable used to create a completely
rendered video uft‘nc Model
”we". New.
spinning. Two tabs run across the
top el‘lhe Turntable command:
Turntable Options and Render
Options. Turntable Options

control the output oftlic video

while Render Options control the
settings for eaeh frame rendered. «a

a that...

Where to Find It .
Toolbar: Output Tools ®
Menu: Tools, Render, Turntable

Alternative Outputs

Open Watch.
0an Watch from the
Lesson10\Case Study folder.
Click Preview
Turntable Rotation.
Click Turntable ‘8 from the

Click Enable Q).

Click Play D.
Click Enable Q) again to toggle
off Turntable.
Render Turntable.
Click Output Tools
® from the
Click Turntable Q.
Note that thch are two tabs that
run across the top:
Turntable Options and
Render Options.
1hr; animation would take too
long to complete in the time
allotted for this
. .
class. Therclorc,
a m...
“” " ‘ “m
wc will not create an animation.

Click Close. 51:...


Play video.
This vidco has already been created.
Open Wateh,turntable.mp4 from the working directory.
Clusc the video when done.

Alternative Outputs

Interactive An Interactive Image is all HTML file that brings together several still
Images images from many eamera locations all around the model. You can
click and drag the model within a browser to see the model fmln
different nerspeetives Renders are captured in a spherieal grid aeross
Orbits and at various latitudes
The output oran interaetive image is an HTML file as well as a folder
ofihe images the HTML file references

Orbits This parameter defines the number nflateral heights the camera will
render. The Orbits parameter includes the Start Angle Orbit as well as
the End Angle Orbit,

Images per Orbit This parameter defines the uumher ofrendel's that will be performed
for each Orbit.
Start Angle This parameter defines the angle above the “equator" for the lowest
End Angle This parameter defines the angle above the “equator" for the highest

Where to Find It - Toolbar: Output Tools

Interactive Render
® Render 0,
Output Tools,

I Menu: Tools, Render, Render, Output Tools, Interactive Render

Alternative autputs

5 Render Interactive Image.

Click cutput Tools
® from the
Click the Render 0 tab.
Click Filename mid cnicr

Watchr Interacmve VOutput.

Click the droprdovm under
Output Mode and click
Interactive Image.
Click Orbits and enter 3.
Click Start Angle and cmcr15,
Click Images per Orbit and ciitcr
Click End Angle and cntcr Ell
Click Close.
6 Open Interactive Image.
Open Watch.htm1 tmm the working directory using Chronic.
Usc Icfi click mid drug to inmilpulmc the view otthc watch,

Close the browser.

7 Save and close.

Alternative output:

Panorama View A Panorama View is similar to an Interactive image in the sense that
the output is an HTML document. However, a Panorama View is used
to render interiors. It works by taking an image cube (six images taken
from the same location, 90” from each other), These images are then
stitched together in the browser to form a 360° panorama around the

Where to Find It I Toolbar: Output Tools @, Render 0, Output Tools,

I Menu: Tools, Render, Render, Output Tools, Panoramic
Sun Study A Sun Study is an animation that shows how a suniit environment
changes throughout the day. Sun Studies are useful in interior design. In
order to perform a Sun Study a Sunlight Environment must first be
present. (For more information on Sunlight Environment SIlIl/lghl
Environments on page 105.)

Where to Find It -
Toolbar: Output Tools ® Sun Study
Menu: Tools, Render, Sun Study
Open tile.
()pcn TVjoom from the Lessonl 0\ Case Study folder.
Click Preview 0.

Alternative Ouazllb

2 Center Camera.
Click Cameras -.
Activafc Cancer Camera.

Note This camcm is in lhc ccmcr ofthc mom. Do not reorient the position of
the camera.
3 Panorama View. w... .A

Click culpul Tools

® from the ,

Under Oulpul Mode, click -° .;.1;”'“'

Under Size, cmcr 4,000 pixels. "
Under Renderer Selection, click 0

Preview w

Click Start Render. M (M

The proccss lakes several minutes :1”...
to complete.

soLlowoRKs Lesson 10
Alternative output:

4 View output.
A folder is created in the process of creating the Panoramic output.
Open the folder and click FilmMera

mm mime
‘C'fi (L

W NmeV'uMamn.

Note Thc View ofthe space can he manipulated by lcfiaclicking and dmgglng
the mouse.
5 close browser.
Close the browser.

360 Camera 360 Cameras are used to create virtual reality content and 360° images
and vidcns. This content can then be uploaded to Facebook or
YouTubc. A 360" image can also be used in a virtual reality getting
360 Cameras can also be used to create HDR Environments which
can then be used as Scenes in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
virtual Reality is oneh made more realistie by projecting a slightly
difi‘crent image onto eaeh eye. These types ofrcndcrings are known as
stereo images and SOLIDWORKS Visualize provides two ways this
can bc accomplishcd: Stereo Two-Up and Stereo Anaglyph.

Altemativ: Dawns

Mann A Mann image is a single image. These images can be uploaded tn

Facebook or YouTubc. This output is similar :0 a conventional 360n

Stereo Two-Up The Slereo Two-Up Mode creams two separate images, one for the lcfi
eye and another for the right eye. These images are imended
exclusively for a Virtual Reality experience.

Alternative Outputs

Stereo Anaglyph Stereo Anaglyph Mode overlays the two images using color filters
(ehmmatieally opposite colors red and cyan) to produce 3D images that
you can View using rod/cyan stereo glasses.

Where to Find It I Palette: Cameras, select a Camera, General, Type, 360

6 Copy and Paste Center Camera.

Click Cameras -.
Click Center Camera.
Use Copy and Paste functionality to duplicate the Center Camera.
Under General, click Name and enter 2560 Camera.
7 360 camera.
Under Type, click 360.

Click Fast

Lesson in soLlDwoRKs
Altemalive 0mm:
360 Camera Settings.
Click the 360 tab.
mum Mm.
Under Mode, eliek Mono.
. slelmssz

360 Rendering. mm m x
Click Output Tools
the Toolbar.
® from .
a... y...
mm. .1 7‘

Under Output Mode, eliek
Render. my...

Sclcci Adjust for Virlual

Reality playback on social
Under Size, there are only four
I Mbwmmunmm

options available. These sizes
are lhe accepted image sizes for
360° images that can be
uploaded to social media sixes.
:1: b any .

()ncc rendered, nus image

enuld be uploaded lo Faecbonk. “9": El 7
Click close without creating a

10 Open Video.
If you have a VR enabled deviee, browse lo the link below:
11 Save and Close.

Alternative outputs

Conclusion Inthis lesson» we worked with two case studies in lhc first ease study,
a model ofa wristwatch was used to create a Turntable to provide a
rmming view. The wristwatch was also used to create an Interactive
Image. The second ease study was opened displaying the interim View
ofa TV room. A Panorama View ofthe mom was created. Finally a
360” Image was created.
Questions I What is the difference between an lnteraetive Image and a
Panorama View?
I How can 360" Images be used?

Exercise 20 soLIDwoRKs
Computer Room

Exercise 20: In this exercise, you will render an umee in Panorama mode and ereate
Computer a Sun Study to show how sunlight can street interior space.
Room This exercise reinforces me fullclwing skills:

- Panorama VIEW on page 201

- Surl Study en page 201

Project You have been tasked with ereating renders to show off your
Description company's yet to be built omee spaee. To do this, you will start by
opening an omee environment that has already been imponed into
SOLIDWORKS Visualize. Y0“ will then create a Panumma View in
Preview mode. You will then ereste a Sun Study to show how sunlight
affects the room.
Open File
Open Office from the Lesson10\Exereises folder.

Male This prajeei has a Sunlight Environment lighting the Scene.

soLlnwoRKs Examin- 2n

2 Panoramlc Render.
Create a Panaramlc Render in Prevlew Mode.

3 Close the browser.

Exercise in soLIDwoRKs
Compute! Room

4 Sun Study.
Click Output Tools ® and click Sun Study {1.
For Time Range (Scan/End) mm 7:00 to 11:00. This will simulate
(hr: time from 7 AM in 5 PM.

Output rears X

5m Study Owl-1M Mu union


no... room
Mr u-mw

V Animaliun

ka MM

2m MB! ISM/EM)
mm 0—0 17w

Emma Pakmfl

m n on m 30 fr


m Hlllll-IIIHH .

Click Close. This video will rake (on long In eoinpiero.

5 Open Video.
Play Sun Study from the Lesson10\Exercisas folder.
6 Save and close.

Summary This exercise reinforeed how in cream Panorama views. The process of
setting up a Sun srndy was alsu performed. Due to die amnunt uflimc
required In perform the Sun snidy, a vidoo showing rhe cffcms of rho
sun's movement was ineinded in the me sctr

Lesson 11

Objectives Upon successful Complctlml oflhis lesson, you will be able lo:
Setup and perform n Shake Slmuimion.
Define Simic and Dynamic bodies.
Use the Simulmion Manager in run and record simulauonsl
Setup VCh|ClC Simulations in drive an automobile.
Creme nnlmauons to capture snnulauon evems.

Lesson 11 soLIDwoRKs

Simulated SOLIDWORKS Visualize comes with a physies engine designed to

Physics create a sense ot’rcalism to rendered environments. There are two ways
in which the physics engine is designed to be used. With the first,
components can be reordered through a shaker table simulation to bring
entropy to an orderly environment. The seeond method is designed to
simulate a vehicle driving. In this lesson, we will use both simulation
methods in successive case studies.
Project This lesson features two case studies In the first case study, we will
Description open a partially completed projcet ofa box ofbaseballs modeled as an
assembly iii SOLlDWORKS. [n SOLIDWORKS, the group of
baseballs were created through a patterning feature and are in perfect
rows. We will set up a simulation to shake the balls and keep the box in
place to make the balls appear less orderly.
in the second case study, we will open a model ol'a ear and create a
driving simulation. We will then ercate an animation ofthe ear driving

Stages in the The following eoneepts will be covered in the lesson:

Process I Shake Simulations
An ordered model can he made to appear more lifelike through snake
I Simulation Manager
Simulations are run and eaptured through the simulation Manager.
I Simulation States
The results of multiple simulations ean be stored in Simulation States.
I Vehicle Simulations
An automobile can be set up to drive in the SOLIDWORKS Visualize
environment through Vehicle Simulations
I Physics Animations
Animations of Simulations ean be created through the Simulation
Shake The mates and patterns used by CAD programs often create a sense of
Simulations order that would not exist outside ofa computer program. Shake
Simulations, in SULlDWORKS Visualize, move pans around
randomly; creating a sense oftealism. To initiate :1 Shake Simulation,
you must first speeify the components that are allowed to move and
components that stay in plaee. (Parts that are allowed to move are
Dynamic, and the ones that remain in place are Static.) When the
proper components are defined as either Statie or Dynamic, a
simulation can be performed by shaking the system,

Where to Find It - Palette: Models ®,seieeta Part a, Group ‘B or Model @,

Physics, Simulation Type

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 11

Dynamic The Dynamic Simulation Type can be applied to Models, Groups or

Components Paris. Once a component has been specified as Dynamic, additional
options beeome available to define how the geometry or the Dynamic
part will react to Static parts and other Dynamic parts. Once defined,
Dynamic components will have a yellow dot over the ieon in the
Models tab of the Palette.
Static The Statt imulation Type ean be applied to Models» Groups or
Components Parts. Once a component has been specified as Static, additional
options beeome available (similar to Dynamic eomponcnts). These
options define how the geometry of the body will react to Dynamic
components. (Because Static components do not move, they will never
interact with other Static components) ()nce defined, a Static
component will have a green dot over its ieon in the Models tab otthe
Collider Geometry There are two available models for representing a component's
geometry: Box and Mesh. A Box definition is a simplified model
where the shape ora component is represented as a simple box. This
option is less aeeurate but will solve much faster when simulated. The
Mesh option defines a component's geometry as a collection of many
slnall of triangles. This option represents the geometry better and will
calculate collisions between parts with greater aeeuraey. l-lowever,
solve times increase when a simulation contains many Mesh bodies.
Physical Properties There are four physieal properties available tor defining eontaet. These
properties are outlined below:
Static Friction , This paralneter is used to calculate the force neeessary
to overcome friction when a body is at rest.
Dynamic Friction v This parameter is used to ealeulate the foree
neeessary to overcome friction when a body is moving.
Elasticity . This parameter controls how much energy is transferred
between eolliding bodies.
Mass , This parameter defines the lnass ofthe body in question. Mass
can only be defined for components with a Dynamic Simulation Type.

Open Box of Balls.

()pcn Baseballs from the
Lessonl 1 \Case Study\
Box of Balls folder.

Click Preview


Review Model.
Click me Models 8 Lab and expand lhc tree. Algaan:
v N Snub-II
The Groups Basebajlra through Basebajlras have mm.“
Dynamic, Physics propenies already associated with .953.”
them as indicated by the yellow dot inside the Group
0fl annals
We will add Dynamic properties to Baseballrl.
3 Dynamic Properties. mm...“
fl Bulimia
Baseball and click the Physics lab.
r9 maul
Under Simulation Type click Dynamic. lam-u
p‘! ugh-MA
Under Collider Geometry click Mesh. Mll‘s

t O
Keep the default Physical Properties.
- fl Bulb-I11

5mm “my." Mum um. .gmw

‘ autumn
Santana" lyW
0 D luau-I22
Carma 5mm .gmm
0O Humans
. ”mm
Phwcal Fmvemes
Sum am“ mm.”

:n m 0
a had:
mum rm" . ‘i Wind
um (19)
ll nun o

Note A yellow dot should now appear over the Baseball group icon.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 11

4 Slalie Properties.
Select the Contaiaeel group and click the Physics tab.
Under Simulation Type click Static.
Under Collider Geometry elick Mesh.
Keep the default Physical Properties.

a numb-l5
r is Mr

m. m... a... M. l

Golda (iwm‘W

. Physical magma;





Note A green dm should now appear over the containerrl group icon.

Simulation The simulation Manager allows you to run simulations and capture
Manager simulation data. There are only a few basic options, but through the
Simulation Manager, you can create Shake simulations as well as
Animations. Additionally, for vehicle simulations, the keyboard can be
used to control movement.

Where to Find It I Palette: Physics, Show Simulalion Manager

5 Simulalion Manager.
Click Show Simulation Manager. “mu“ '' X

The Simulation Manager now

' ’


6 Settings.
Click Settings a.

Gravity is the only option Em]
available. ,m j

Click the Settings 1} icon again

to close the dialogue box without making any changes.
7 Shake the box
Click Play > .

It will take a momenL but you will see the balls move due to the effects
of gravity.
Click and hold Shake. The halls will continue to shake until you
release the Shake button.
When you are satisfied with the pesitiening ofthc balls, eliek
Pause ll .

Simulation The locations onynamic components can be saved at any point with
States Simulation States. This alluws you to keep the results for each
simulation performed.

Where to Find It I Palette: Physics, Simulation Manager, Simulation States

8 Simulation States. Sim-mini Ihugu

Under Simulation States elick
Click Step I mam" 92m


11iepositioning of the balls has new + ‘

been saved.

soLIDwoRKs Lessan 11

9 Add 3 Simulation State.

Click Play > .
Click and hold Shake.
Click Pause ll .

Under Simulation States eliek Add +.

Cliek Stop I .

The second position of the balls has now been saved.

10 Switch States.
Toggle between states by selecting,

them from the Simulation Manager. I r I u a
5.me Suns

Lesson 11 soLIDwoRKs

11 Render box.
Select your favorite Simulation Statel
()ricm the camera as you soc fit.
Create a final rcndcn

12 Save and close the file.


Vehicle A vehicle simulation allows you to use a wizard on a model of an

Simulations automobile and specify the pans belonging Io wheels and calipers.
ether pammemrs of the ear, such as weight, peak torque, nnd
suspension chamemristies can be configured as well. When the vehicle
has been correctly sex up, the vehicle can be driven fmm the simulatien
manager illmugh keyboard eentrels.
Open Sports Car.
0an Sportsfiar from the Lessonl 1\Case Study\
Driving Simulation folder.
Click Preview

car Simulation.
Click the Models
from the Palette.
8 Lab

Select the MGB786 Part from

file tree.
Click Physics.
Under Simulation Type,
click Car.

em Mm



mew Hum: nmmwmmpimd



inumh name when

an, n tamper. in ma

Mole A blue dot should now appear ever the MGBJE inedel ieen.

Lesson 11 soLIDwoRKs

3 Vehicle Wizard.
Cl iek Vehicle Wizard.
Click Next on the Welcome page ofthc Vehicle Setup Wizard,
4 Automatic Setup.
Click Automatic Mode (recommended).
Cl iek Next.
5 Wheel setup.
Under Select the direction of vehicle click -X.
Hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and select all the Parts
under the fI‘DDt left Wheel, front Fight Wheel, Pear right Wheel
and rear left wheel Groups.
Click Add +.
9 0

ma. Setup ‘; ' [El HUD

5.“, Wheebcnd onmump My» w - l

+ m .1

sex. we mmmme
3 hummer
w c- 1
m m l... Mr , 4.2

‘7’ s 2

9 7 l g mum
, r2 ‘ l1
5 l r r 2

, l
m m m. we, r , I
Lvaqvumnhvr ‘ V WWW
“Him.“ * “1
mm”. 5 um
, m l r r

4 1 “mm.
lei A m l
y. l
'i ""
r; r
.: l r r l r r r 2

Cl iek Next.

Note There are no calipers on this vehicle, Therefore, none will be specified
Verify wheels.
Confirm that the correct parts are listed in the various SCCllOllS oflhis
Click Next.


7 Calipers setup.
There are no Calipers lislcd.
Cllck Apply.
a Make me car drivable.
Under Driving Behavior, click Controller.
Observe the additional opnons.

ewe mam mm wee



. Vehlds Sslw
Vehxl: up:

mom _l;.

pm Mr. (le


m w, —~. a...
W. We
em We
. Advanced plume;

9 Drive car around.

Click Show Simulation Manager.
Click Play ».
Expcrlmcm wnh drivlng by “mg the keyboard keys llstcd m the table

Kcyhnxrd Key Action

w Thmnle
s Brake/Reverse


Keyboard Key Action

A Stcer Lcfi
D Stccr Right

0 Brake
E Handbmkc

10 Place car at start.

Click Stop I .

This will Stop the simulation and bring the car back in thc starting

Physics Physics Simulations can be convcncd to animations through the

Animations Rceord Physics function in thc Simulation Manager. It works in much
the same way as the Play button. Howevcr, one: you click Record
Physics, 211 simulated movement is recorded and scnt m the Timcline
once the simulation is Stopped.

11 create driving animation

Click Record Physics 0 .

Use the keyboard to drivc the car around for about [0 seconds.
Click Stop I .

An animation is automatically crcztcd.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 11

12 Play animationt
Drag the End Timeline bar (red flag) to the and of the animation.

mum/minim i

lm'il‘1ll1 gut H at L-A’Cfiflifinn;

o N... nut

2 lb

o “ameliorate..." 4t Li».
a mintwmooimaa st

4t I
o _W.sn»aeem ‘l l»

Click Play > to view the animation.

13 Play videot
A video has already been mndcmd.

0an and play Car Driving from the working directory.

Close the video.
14 Save and closet

Conclusion This lesson was divided into two case studies. In the first case study, a
Shaka simulation was performed on a box ofbascballs. Static and
dynamic bodies were defined to specify the physical chamcmristics of
the components and to specify which bodies would move and which
would smy in place. The simulation Manager was opened, and a Shake
simulatiml was pnrfclrmcd. Two Simulation States were crcamd to
capture individual simulations, and a final render was created.
in the second casc srudy, a vehicle simulation was performed on the
British sporLs ear (seen in earlier 1cssons). The Vehicle setup wizard
was used to specify the parts belonging to each set of wheels. A
simulation of the vehicle was created through the simulation manager,
and the ear was controlled through keyboard buttons. Finally, an
animation was created of the vehicle in motion.
Questions a To indicate a component in thc palette has a simulation attached to
it, a colored dot appears over it. Components with Vehicle
s‘ ulations are (blue/yellow/gmcn), components with Dynamic
s ulations are (blue/yellow/grccn), and components with Static
simulations are (blue/yellow/gmcn).
n In a vehicle simulation with the Controller Driving Behavior, what
does the “E" kcy do?

Enru‘se 21 sounwonxs

Exercise 21: in this exercise, you will perform a snake simulation on a group of
Toys toys. You will then set up an Environment to make it appear as ifa
child has been playing.
This exercise reinforces ihe following skills:

. Simulated Physics on page 212

Shake Simulations on page 2 [2
Dynamic Component; on page 213
Simulmion Manager on page 215

Project You are a toy designer tasked with creating images of your prospective
Description toys for an internal pitcli meeting. nie goal omie meeting is to make it
look like your toys will he used by cliildren. You have decided the best
way to make it seem as ifa child has played with your toys is to
perform a snake simulation then add an Environment to make it more
Open Flle.
Open Group of Toys from ihe Lessonl “Exercises folder.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 21

2 Models Tab.
Browse to the Models lab of the Palette and expand the tree.
Then: are five Groups listed under the Model.

.0 mm
. 1 he,”
. a “new
. a m,
0 $ when
v Q mam

Nole It is obvious th
there is no simulation dma attached to these groups
because colored dots are not appearing above the icons.
3 Dynamic Properties.
For each ofthe five gmups liswd, specify a Dynamic Simulation type
with either Mesh or Box Collider Geometry.

Museum - + , u] (1

(I Isaac-vied
. a meme
a Vrnw
. a mum.
.l9 hm:
rm". «new... mm mm

mm .
in.» ~

. Physuwvouaulies

mu 0

mo —0

w, gimme" Mme

Exercise 21 SOLIDWDRKS

4 Simulation Managerl
Create :1 Shake Simulation.

5 Environment
Apply an Environment to the Scene. Find one when: a child would

6 Setup camera
Use the skills you have learned so far to set up a camera to get a guod
soLIDwoRKs Exercise 21

7 Final Render.
Create a final render.

8 Save and Close.

Summary This exercise rcinfarccs creating shake simulationsr A model ofscvcral

toys was opened. Dynamic properties were assigned «0 the groups
representing the toys. A Shake simulation was pcrformcd causing the
toys xo look dishcvclcd. An Environment was applied to xhc Scans, and
the project was rendered.

Exercise 21 SOLIDWORKS

Answers to Questions and
Keyboard Shortcuts

Appendix soLIDWORKs
Answers to Questions and Keyboard Shortcuts

Answers to Throughout this course, at the end of each lesson, there are a series of
Questions questions to challenge your understanding of the course material. The
answers to those questions are written below:
Lesson 1 Can an En vtranment odd light In the model?
Questions Yes, HDR Environments providebackground imagery and also provide
light [a the model.
(‘on the cloud libraries be accessed without a subscrtption m
Cloud Libraries are only accessihle with an active subscription. Local
Libraries are accessible all the time.
Is the Dennis” ntwuyn available?
The Denoiser must be aetivated in order to be used. The Denoiscr is
only available iryour computer has the following resources:
NVIDIA® GPU (KeplerTM arehiteeturc or newer) with CUDA® 9.0
At least 4 GB ofvidco RAM
Cari SOLID WORKS Visualize lmporl eppeuranees/mmother
Yes, this is an option in the impnn dialogue.
Lesson 2 What is the purpose o/lhe organizational strut-lure on the Models tub
Questions oj’the Palette?
Parts are organized into groups and groups are organized into models.
All faces ora part will automatieally have the same appearance. Ifa
part needs to have two appearances, the pan must be split through thc
split tool, The split tool automatically creates more than one pan.
Groups exist to move multiple parts at once.
What is the purpose oj’the Monilor File aplitm durtng the import
pmeess? [s it always available?
Ifa change is made to the CAD file, such as a change to the appearance
ofa part or to the geometry, SOLIDWORKS Visualize will update the
projeet to retleet the changes. This option is not always available.
Lesson 3 [law are Decals moved and resizzd?
Questions Decals are moved and sized through the ()bjcct manipulation tools. The
size ean also be edited through the tleneral rah orthe Palette.
What Mupping Modes are avatlab/e for Decals?
There are four Mapping Modes available for Deeals: Planar, Spherical,
Cylindrieal and Label (UV).

Answers to questions and Keyboard Shortcuts

Lesson 4 Will a large aperture or u small aperture ereere u higher degree ofh/ur
Questions milSide the plane n/‘jacus’
A larger aperture will create a higher degree orblur outside the plane of
Are the camera orientation trials required to move the camera? What
other (rm/S might be med to orient the camera?
There are many tools for manipulating the location ofthe camera.
Some of these tools are available under the Transform tab of tlle Palette
once a camera has been selected.
Lesson 5 Are Environments art/y available [rt SULIDWORKS Visualize
Questions Pro/erriohuiv
Environments are available in SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard as
well as SULIDWORKS Visualize Professional. However, Sunlight
Environments are only available in SOLIDWORKS Visualize
Ifuh Environment tr applied to a Scene first urtd a Backplate it
added seen/1d, whn/ Wt” he visihie from the viewymrt, the Environment
or the Backplate?
The Backplate will be visible. However, the lighting efieets from the
Environment will be visible from the model.
Cart the color aj’a light be edited?
Yes, the Color ofa light can be edited. The 'enlor temperature,’ which is
a difl‘ereni parameter, can also be edited.
Lesson 6 Ir Vilma/me Boost art your computer? What is required to mrt Vixlla/lzt.’
Questions Boost?
Visualize Boost is a program designed to run on a separate computer
from the one running SOLIDWORKS Visualize. in order to nln
Visualize Boost, two computers are required, connected by a network.
Why wouldyou ward to are the Render Queue?
The Render Queue is best used when multiple renders must be
performed. Projects can he added to the Queue throughout the day and
run at nlght.
la a whim configurable?
Cameras can be set to a specific configuration. Rightreliek a camera
from the paletre and click set In Configuration.

Answers to Questions and Keyboard Shortens

Lesson 1 Can Rotation Animations and Key/rame Animations be created in ihe

Questions Same limelirte?
Yes, Rotation Animations can be combined with Keyftame
Animations. In future lessons, we will animate cameras, appearances
and scenes and these animations can also be eombined into one
timeline as well.
Whai is the purpose oft-mating Groups ’
Generally, pans are grouped so that they can easily be moved together.
Is it possible to Create a Motion Blur rendering without an Animation?
Motion is required in order io have a mmion blur rendering. An
animation is required for that
Lesson B What is the difference beiween the Kev/rams Properties discussed in
Questions this lesson and the Animoiion Properties di'seussed in Lesson 7.-
Ani’mati’ons and Grouping?

Keyframe properties are propenies that control an animation at the

handles. Animation properties control the movement in between the
When manipataiing a Camera with the object Manipulation too/s,
what is the Pivot r-ommiind med/or?
The pivot command is used to translate the camera in XYZ spaee.
Lesson 9 Cim Bae/rplates be animated?
Questions Baekplates eannot be animated,
Provide a .st'ertzzria where you would want in change the color o/an
There is no single eorreei answer. But one example would be a banana
changing from green to yellow to brown
Lesson 1 0 What is the difference beiween an Inieriieii've Image and a Panorama
Questions View?

An inieraerive image is used in show various camera angles around a

model. A panorama view is used to show interior spaces. Both are
aeeessed through browsers.
Ilnw cart 360" Images be used?
soua images can be used in social media like Faeebook or in YouTube.
360° images can also be used in virtual reality.

Answers to Queilmni and Keyboard snanettts

Lesson 11 To indicate u component in 1/11: palette no: a Simulation attached to it, a

Questions colored dot oppuurs over [1 Components wttn Vehicle ,iimulutitim are
blue, t-omponents wnn Dynamic n’mulalttms ate yellow, nnd
components wtth Stntic simulations aw green.
In a venue si‘mtt/ntion wttn Iii/3 Control/er Driving Behttvinl: what does
m E key «In?
The “E" key aeuvatcs the handbrake
Keyboard Keyboard slioneuts are key combinations to quickly access
Shortcuts funeuonality in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

stunt Cut Cnmmand

cm +N New Project

cm + 8 Save Project
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Save ProjceiAs

cm + 0 Open Project
ctrl + I
Impon Models and Pans
Ctrl + W Close
Clrl 4- F4 Close
etri +K Open Options dialog box
All 4- F4 Close SOLIDWORKS Visualize
Ctrl + (2 Close SOLIDWORKS Visualize

Appendix soLIDwoRKs
Answers to Queitions and Keyboard Shortcuts

Shun Cut Cnmliland
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl 4- Shift + Z Redo
Cirl + c Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Backspace Delete
Delete Delete
Ctrl + F When on the Appearance, Sccne, or Camera
tab ofthe Palette. pressing Ctrl + F places the
cursor In the search field in the top righi
comer of the tab. This lets you search or filter
the assets on the tab hy the text you type in the

Shari Cut Cnmmalid
F1 l-lclp

Spacebar Changes from Easy Mode to Normal Mode

D Tums the Deliolscr on and elf.
ctrl + 1 ()lJJCClS tab
Ctrl + 2 Appearances tah
Ctrl + 3 Scenes tab
ctrl +5 Cameras tab
Ctrl + 0 File Libraries iah
Ctrl + F Takes a snapshot witli cur-rent scmngs
~ Cycles through render modes
Ctrl + L HldCS or shows lllnCllnC
Alt + Home Previous selection mode
Alt + End Nexi scleciiori mode
Alt + Page Up Prevrous manipulation mode
Alt + Page Down Next manipulation mode

soLIDwoRKs Appendix
Answers to Queflioni and Keyboard snoncms

Shari Cut Cnmmand
1711 Dlsplays full screen
F12 Shows Hm Keys dialog box
Tab Cycles ihmugh cdnablc ncms
cm +U Hides or shows HeadsVup display

cm + shift +P Pauscs or rcsllmcs rayimcmg

erl + M Pauscs or resumes myuacing

Shun Cut Command
Alt +1 ch! model sci
All 4- ShifH- 1 Previous model sci
Alt + 2 chx configurmlon
Alt 4- Shift + 2 Prcuous configumimn
Alt + 3 chi cnvimnmcm
Alt 4- Shift + 3 Prcvlous Cnvlmnmcm
All + 4 chx plmc
All 4- Shift + 4 Prcvlous plaic
Ah 4- 5 chi camera
Ah 4- Shift + 5 Previous cumcm

Answers to amnm and Keyboard snmms
Shun Cut Command
Right-click Ihe Snaps sclcclcd Objccl in surface
center of (he
Ctrl + Shift + click Ccmcrs selection
Ctrl + Shifl 4- right— Focuses on sclcclion
All 4- shift + right- Look ax (wnhom movlng camcm)
Home Look m sclcctcd objccls
F Zoom is fit

Short Cut Command
Clrl 4- A Sclccls All

Clrl 4- Shift + A Swilchcs sclccuon modes

Ctrl + H Hldcs selection
Ctrl 4- Shift + U Shows all
Ctrl 4- Shift + H Shows only

soLIDwoRKs Appendix
Answers to Questions and Keyboard snencms

Short Cut Cnmmand
Ctrl + Shift + F Hides or shows floor reflections

Ctrl + Shift + G Fiattens floor

Ctri + Shift 4 E Hides or shows environment

Ctri + Shift + B Hides or shows backpiate visibility

Ctrl + All + click Rotates environment

Ctrl + E Loads environment image
Ctrl + B Loads backpiate image
Ctri 4 G Hides or shows the grid (visible when raytrace is

Ctrl + Shift 4 [ Decreases environment brightness by 0 05

Ctrl + Shift * ] Increases environment brightness by 005
Ctrl + Shift 4 ‘ Decreases environment gamma by 0.05
Ctri + Shift +' increases environment gamma by 0 05
Ctri + [ Decreases environment brightness by 0 25
Ctri +1 Increases environment brightness by 0 25
Ctri +1 Decreases environment gamma by 0.25
cm +' increases enVironment gamma by 0.25
F10 Accumulates

Shun Cut Cnmnland
Double-click Sclccts appearance and its properties
Shift + click Copies appearance (when on Appearances
Shift + right-click Pasres appearance (when on Appearances tab)

Appendix soLIDwoRKs
Answers to Queitlons and Keyboard Shortcuts

Camera Controls
Short Cut Command
Alt + click Rotates camera
Alt 4- middle Pans eamera
mouse button
Alt + right-click Zooms camera
Alt 4- Scroll Adjusts camera focal length
Ctrl 4- Alt 4- Scroll Twists the eamera

cm + Alt + right- Changes the camera focal point

Alt + Shift + right- Changes the camera focal point without
click moving the camera
Ctrl + Shift + click Centers the seleellon in the 3D Vlcwpol’l
Ctrl + Shift 4-
right- Based on your selection mode, focuses the
click camera on the center ofthc selection.
Home Changes the lookrat point to the selected
Alt + Shift + Sets the camera point of wow
middle mouse
button click
Alt + Shift + click Mimics the movement ofwalking through the
scene, without changing the height ofthe
Alt 4- middle Increases or decreases perspective
mouse wheel
Alt + Shift + C Resets camera
Ctrl + Shift + L Locks camera
Alt+5 Next eamera
Alt + Shift + 5 Previous camera

Shun Cut Command
Ctrl + Shift + K Creates keyframe


Symbols (2 (3
I0. I344, 30, 127344 36. 394], M» Camera Ammzuan 170 Gun 39
47. 83. KKUD, 104405, III). Camera Ammm 155 Genenc 39
122, IZS. 12‘}, MI. 146‘ I73, Calucm Onem‘znon x3 maas 39
107, I99 Camcm Pnsluanmg 83 find ovenay 115
Cameras 80 (1mup 32
Numerics Color 42 Umups 141
160 Camera 201 ColarDeIIsfly 41
Maw 2114 Cnnfigumu .s 125 N
SmrmAmglyph zos Copy and Pasle 3x 111311 Envlmnmcnvs 104
Smreo TwarlJp 2114 Cram: New Group 141 llcads Up Dlsplxy 13
Cylmdncal 43 IlclghK 1mm Mm. 113

Accume 14 D I

Alpha 41 meal 511

Images pe. (mm 199
Anlmalmn Conllals 146 Decals 511
Immn 1o
A mmmn mum-1 150 mm when 112
lmpon Senmgs 23
meme Calm 45 Pan (irouplng 30
11.11.1510“ 45 Appearance 3o
Apenum xx Direcunnal 11o Appearancfllzyu 311
Appearance 32 nuance/Deny x3 Amnmauc :0
AppearanccAnlmahms 1414 Dmpdowns 13 Hana. 3a
Appearance Type 39 DuphcmcConfigumuon 125
Dynamm Cnmponcnxs 213
Group/Appearance 3o
Appearance Type Pammclers 46
Layer 3o
Appearance Types 39
Appearanccs 15.241 E Rem" Snucnue 3o
Apply 10 Geometry Only 119 Easy Made 14 [metactwe Images 19-), 223
Area 110 1mema1 Raughnnss 46
Em an 45
[OR 46
Aspaclkauo 112
Enablevoaprmesslng 119
Ann) Kcyfmmmg 154 End Angle 199
Envlmnluems 104
B Expnn 127 Keep Above Floor 112
Backplalns 1112 ExpnnAdyancad 35 Keyoame Anlmanan 154
Backmauenng 39 12an Slmple 35 Keyoame Pmpemes 173
Bloom ao
banded camzu 119 F L
Box 43 Fast 14 Laumde 113

Bump 4o Films R9 Library 15

FlaA 39 Lighvs llfl
FlonrDIsIznc: 113 Locks CurmnlCanfigumlmn 125
rmalDIsvanc: xx Longnude x3
Focal 11e1gm 113

Index soLIDwoRKs

M s
MnmllCumnlCamara 110 SaveAdvanced 36
Mane 3o Scale 33
Merge Pans 411 SceneAmmauan 1112
mesh Scenes 117.100
mmpallble/mcompxuhle 119420 Selecllnn Tan]: 32
Melal 3a Shzmd File meles 127
Melallle Palm 39 Show In chpnrl x3
mlxed meshlng 120 , mulaled Physlcs 212
Maael 32 , mulalmn Manager 215
Mannamle 11 , mulzllon Sales 215
Mallon Blur 152 Snap m floor 31)
Mallnlllhs: 173 Snlld 47
Mave Pan<sl m Glaup 141 snLlDwnRKs Vlslmllze Adda!" 3s
MultlrLayel an Specula. 41
Mulnple WCWS 121 SpeculalColar 45
Spllcrlcal 43
N Splll 34
New Conllgulauon 125 5pm 1111
Slarl Angle 109
0 Sam Componems 213
Object Mampulaum. 33 SLruCtul: and Organliallon 32
mm 199 Subsurface 40
Sun smdy 201
Dulpulels 20
Sunllglu Enwmnmenls 105
Palm 411 T
Palm 13 Tenslan 173
Pan 13 Tum": Mapplng 43
Panmma vlew 2131 Ttxlums 40
Part 32 mm companenu 140, 195
Pm Gmuplng 30 T11". Fllm 40
Parspccllv: 43, :13 Tune leukendeung 123
PhyucsAnlmallnlls 222 Tune Palm 173
PhyucsSlmulzuans 212 Toolbar 12
PM)! 33 Tm". Inn 173
P131131 43 Tmnspmncy Calm 46
Plaslle 40 Tunuable 197
Pasllmn xvz s3 Twm 113
hewew 14
Q Ullgmup rams) 141
Queue 129 Update 35
llserlmerraoe 12
R Toolbar 12
Radlal 43 LN 43
lay melng 211
Rename Canfigunllan 125
RcllderAllCamens 122 Veluele Slmulxllnns 211:
RzlldnAllCnnfigumnam 129 vlewpon 13
Ken-i=1 Sclcchml 14 \newpan Tmmable: 1117

Rendenng 211 Vlsualne 13mm 132

RomuanAnl man 145
Roughness 46 Z
Zoom 13

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