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"Tribe with Bruce Parry - BBC," It explores the cultural practices of the Suri people,

specifically focusing on the extreme plates worn by Suri women.

Here are Some of the cultural practices and customs highlighted in the video included in
my opinion:
Lip Plates: Suri women wear lip plates, which are large decorative discs inserted into
their lower lip. The size of the lip plates increases gradually over time, indicating their
beauty, wealth, and social status. This are considered as a symbol of femininity and
also, serve as a rite of passage for young Suri girls.
Scarification: which means that both men and women in the Suri tribe engage in
scarification. It is a practice of deliberately cutting and scarring the body to create
intricate patterns. And is believed to enhance attractiveness and signify bravery and

2. One intriguing aspect is the cultural significance and symbolism behind the lip plates.
The lip plates are not purely ornamental but hold deep meaning within the Suri tribe.
They are seen as a symbol of beauty, femininity, wealth, and social status. The gradual
enlargement of this is through a stretching process over time is significant in signaling a
woman's growth, maturity, and readiness for marriage.
This tradition also raises questions and discussions about the beauty standards and
cultural perceptions of attractiveness. It challenges the conventional notions of beauty
and attractiveness seen in many other cultures. And the conversations surrounding of
this tradition may delve into the preservation of cultural heritage and identity. Also, it is
often touch upon how the Suri people maintain their traditions in the face of external
influences and modernization. That is why, it is important to approach these discussions
with cultural sensitivity, respect, and the willingness to understand the perspectives and
experiences of the Suri people.

3. Based on the cultural context and the information available the video that I have
watched, it is believed that the practices of wearing extreme lip plates are perceived
positively within the Suri culture being portrayed in the video. This holds a significant
cultural and symbolic value within their tribe, and they are deeply embedded to their
traditions and identity.
Within their community, wearing lip plates by women is considered a tradition of beauty
and a source of pride. It is likely that Suri women who choose to wear lip plates see it as
a way to enhance their attractiveness, show their social status, and honor to their
cultural heritage. The gradual stretching of the lips to accommodate larger plates is
seen as a rite of passage and a sign of maturity. That is why, it is really important to
note that cultural practices and their perceptions can vary within a society and, as
individuals we have different perspectives and choices that we are making. While the
main perception may be positive, it is crucial to approach this topic with cultural
sensitivity and respect for the diversity of opinions and experiences of other people
within the Suri culture.

4. Across different cultures, there are certain universal values and principles that may
be expressed differently but still hold significance. When considering the extreme plates
on Suri women in the tribe, some universal values and principles that might apply
 cultural identity
 beauty standards, and
 the preservation of traditional practices.
Cultural identity- plays a significant role in many societies. The Suri women wear lip
plates as a symbol of cultural identity and pride in their tribe. This show the importance
of preserving and celebrating one's cultural heritage.
Beauty standards - vary across cultures, and the Suri women's use of lip plates is an
example of how beauty ideals can differ. While some cultures emphasize facial
symmetry or body proportions as beauty standards, the Suri women consider lip plates
as a symbol of attractiveness and cultural identity. This illustrates that beauty standards
can be subjective and influenced by cultural practices.
The preservation of traditional practices is the another universal value that can be
found across cultures. This is the use of lip plates in a traditional practice that has been
inherited from the previous generations. This indicates the importance of preserving and
passing down cultural traditions as a way to maintain a sense of identity and continuity
within a community.

5. Cultural relativism, is the belief that cultural practices and beliefs that should be
understood and evaluated within their own cultural context, rather than being judged by
the standards of another culture. It recognizes that different cultures have their own
unique values, norms, and practices, which may vary greatly from one another.
When examining the extreme plates on Suri women, we can see how cultural
relativism comes into play. Their practice of wearing lip plates is deeply rooted in Suri
culture and holds significant meaning and value within their community. From a cultural
relativist perspective, it is important to understand and respect the Suri people's own
interpretations and justifications for their cultural practices, even if they may differ from
our own cultural norms or aesthetic preferences.

One of the toughest moral dilemmas a student may face is the scenario where they
witness a friend cheating on an exam. This situation poses a challenge as the student
must decide between maintaining loyalty to their friend or upholding the moral and
ethical principles of honesty and integrity.
To effectively deal with this dilemma, it is important to consider a few key steps:
Reflect on values: This takes the time to assess your own personal values and the
importance you place on integrity and honesty. Identifying and understanding your own
moral compass will help guide your decision-making process.
Consider consequences: it reflects upon the potential consequences of both options.
Cheating may result in short-term benefits for your friend, but in the long run, it can have
negative effects on their personal growth and academic progress.
Seek guidance: Discuss the dilemma with a trusted mentor, teacher, or counselor who
can provide objective advice. They might offer alternative perspectives and strategies
for addressing the situation.
Communicate with your friend: Have an honest and open conversation with your
friend about the issue. Express your concerns and explain why you believe cheating is
wrong. Encourage them to reconsider their actions and discuss the potential
Report if necessary: If your friend continues to cheat despite your intervention, you
may have to report the situation to a teacher or academic authority. While this can be a
difficult decision, it is important to prioritize the integrity of the learning environment and
the principles of fairness.

 examples of moral dilemmas at different levels:

Personal Dilemma: A person discovers a wallet on the ground containing a significant

amount of cash. They may face an internal conflict between keeping the money for their
own personal gain or making an effort to find and return it to its owner.
Interpersonal Dilemma: An individual overhears a close friend gossiping about another
friend. They now face a dilemma of whether to confront the friend about the harmful
behavior or keep silent to maintain the friendship and avoid potential conflict.
Organizational Dilemma: An employee becomes aware that their company is
engaging in unethical business practices, such as underpaying workers or polluting the
environment. They must decide whether to speak up and risk their job security or
remain silent and compromise their personal principles.
Societal Dilemma: A student discovers that a respected public figure has been
involved in a corruption scandal. They face the dilemma of whether to publicly expose
this information, potentially leading to a loss of reputation and career for the public
figure, or to remain silent and allow the wrongdoing to continue.

3. In my opinion, the level of moral dilemma that is most difficult to face can vary
depending on the individual and the specific situation. However, personal and
interpersonal moral dilemmas tend to be particularly challenging because they involve
conflicting values and emotions within relationships that are close to us.
Personal dilemmas can be difficult because they often involve internal conflicts between
personal gain or convenience and principles of honesty, fairness, or integrity. These
dilemmas can be emotionally charged and require individuals to carefully reflect on their
own values and consider the potential consequences of their actions.
Interpersonal dilemmas can be challenging because they involve navigating
relationships with others and balancing loyalty, trust, and ethical considerations. Making
decisions that align with our personal values while also considering the impact on our
relationships can be emotionally and psychologically demanding.
Ultimately, the difficulty of moral dilemmas may vary from person to person and depend
on individual values, beliefs, and personal experiences. It is important to approach each
ethical dilemma with introspection, empathy, and an understanding of the potential
consequences of our actions. Seeking guidance and support from trusted individuals
can also be helpful in navigating challenging moral dilemmas.

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