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Victor Chirea


Consequences And The Reintegration Of

Lost Parts

Gestalt Books
Bucharest, 2014
Victor Chirea: Soul Fragmentation. Consequences and the Reintegration
of Lost Parts.

Translated into English by: Ruxanda Georgescu

Proofreading: Adina Rădulescu
Cover Design: Andrei Chirea
Technical Editing: Cristian Fulaș

Gestalt Books, Bucharest, 2014

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României

Soul fragmentation : consequences and the reintegration
of lost parts / Victor Chirea. - Bucureşti : Gestalt Books, 2014
ISBN 978-606-93668-5-1


Gestalt Books
Bucharest, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author. Permission may be granted by access-
1. Conceptual Delimitations ..................................................... 19

Soul Fragmentation
Soul Division
Self Aspects: the Soul, the Spirit and the Ego
The 6 ‘bodies’ of the Self: physical, emotional, mental, astral,
etheric, causal
On Karma

2. Types and Causes of Soul Fragmentation .......................... 37

Types of Soul Fragmentation

Causes of Soul Fragmentation
• Traumas
• Unexpected Deaths Occurring Instantaneously
• Emotional Denial
• Unbalanced Relationships with Strong Emotional

3. Soul Fragmentation - Related Psychopathology ............... 47

Neurosis, Psychosis and Personality Disorders

Multiple Personality Disorder
• Multiple Souls in One Body
• Attachments, Obsessions and Pseudo-Obsessions
Bipolar Personality Disorder
An Integrative Example of Regression Therapy
4. Soul Reintegration .............................................................. 83

The Process of Forgiveness and Release

Past Life Therapy
Timeline Healing Technique
Special Places Contributing to Soul Reintegration

Soul Fragmentation 9


The field of psychotherapy in Romania provides little information

on regression therapy (Past Life Therapy), but we do not believe
it is directly connected with the Christian Orthodox religious
orientation which actually opposes the existence of past lives.
In most cases, be they specialists or not, people do not clearly
distinguish between the experience of a past life regression (Past
Time Regression) which is more like a spiritual journey that can
sometimes occur spontaneously, with or without the assistance of
a facilitator more or less specialized and the regression therapy,
a certified therapeutic method recognized and acknowledged at
European and international level, in which the patient is guided,
supported and accompanied in a process of emotional and spiritual
healing, as in any other form of psychotherapy, by a therapist
specialized in this method. The present paper opens for those
interested the fascinating world of a particular spiritual healing that
takes the form of an emotional and spiritual journey to recover the
lost parts of the soul and which is not limited to the present life, but
goes beyond it, to traumas suffered in past lives, whose unhealed
wounds come back and disturb the present life at different levels of
Being a psychologist, as well as a psychotherapist specialized
in Gestalt Therapy and a certified therapist practicing regression
therapy, Victor Chirea, by means of his diverse interdisciplinary
studies and due to his openness to spirituality, finds his righteous
place in the exotic and unique world of transpersonal psychology, a
spiritual psychology, which assumes, be it acknowledged or not, the
supremacy of a complex vision of man and his soul. Considering that
when the authenticity requirements are met, the work cannot be but
a reflection mirroring its creator’s profile, the present work weaves
in a harmonious way information related to psychopathology,
psychotherapy, quantum physics and, in extenso, information of
the vast area of transpersonal psychology and spirituality. Perhaps
the most encouraging aspect for the readers is that, although they
10 Victor Chirea
may apparently be exposed to a world that seems inaccessible and
impenetrable for the non-specialists, nothing can be further from
the truth when, after setting off on their reading journey, they will
be surprised to discover the natural, accessible and friendly style
of the author who is writing from heart to heart, with devotion and
dedication, so that the information transmitted would not be just a
reading for the mind, but also the beginning of a spiritual healing
A special merit of the work is that the author clearly points out the
soul fragmentation process, the causes and contexts leading to the
loss of the soul parts, the way in which this process disintegrates
people’s personality while they are alive and how the healing
process of the unprocessed traumas and the recovery of the soul
fragments continue in the future life/lives. Whereas the term of
transgenerational transmission of the traumas is already known
and widely accepted by the scientific world of modern psychology,
what the author is proposing in his approach is the acceptance of
a new vocabulary, in which the transtemporal and transpersonal
transmission of traumas takes the form of a nucleus around which
the particularities of a new jargon of a spiritual and spiritualized
psychology coagulate.
It is of high importance the distinction concerning the fact that
classical psychology normally works with the patient’s physical,
emotional and respectively mental Self, while the psychotherapy
focused on regression methods (Past Life Therapy), on time healing
(Timeline Healing) or on temporal connection with the future
self that is full of resources (Future Timeline Linking) can access
healing areas up to the level of the causal body. After explaining
the theoretical concepts in the first two chapters, the presentation
of a case study of a patient who went through a regression therapy
session (described in the third chapter), guided step by step by
the therapist and author of the present paper, gives the readers
the possibility to go backstage in the therapeutic method used in
order to take the pulse of the emotions conveyed and to personally
get information about this therapeutic approach, its benefits and
what exactly it requires from both participants – the patient and
Soul Fragmentation 11
the therapist. The author’s additional observations regarding the
therapeutic interventions related to the case presented are more
than welcome, highlighting and making transparent the therapeutic
method for all those who may be interested in such an experience.
Another way in which the author devotes himself to his readers is
by sharing some of his spiritual journeys taken in special places of
this world (Nepal, Jerusalem, the Holy Sepulcher, Brazil with Joao
de Deus, India, Sai Baba the Master, but also in Romania, visiting
some monasteries in Moldavia and Maramureş). It is due to the
power of faith and the prayers of the monks, masters and chosen
people that such places open the pilgrims’ hearts, bringing them
closer to their own hearts and thus accelerating the healing process
by the grace of the divine will. The presence of the suggestive
images the author reveals in the last chapter and the honest, open
and humorous style in which he confesses his travel memories with
all their cultural surprises more or less pleasant at first contact,
make the final reading extremely charming, stimulating anyone to
hit the road.
The entire work provides the guarantee of a successful reading
journey, for which you need not be too prepared beforehand. All
you need is an open mind, a heart eager for spirituality and a soul
longing for healing. The lessons taken on this way, the teaching
fellows met along the pages, the stop-over necessary for rest
and for settling the information assimilated, as well as the inner
transformation felt at the end of the reading, but not of the journey,
make reading this inspired and inspiring work worthwhile.

Assistant Professor,
Adina Rădulescu, Ph.D.
12 Victor Chirea


Upon a retrospective look, I could say this book really wished to

be published, as if it had already been written somewhere in the
collective unconscious and I only needed “to be tricked” somehow,
so that the book would appear in the present form. When I say “to
be tricked” what I mean is that I initially had no intention to publish
my first book at the present moment, or at least not in this way. I
was somehow pleased with less important issues, such as writing
some articles for my personal website, for a specialized magazine
or on other occasions.

The story of how this book came out started in July 2013, when I really
wanted to participate in the National Conference of Transpersonal
Psychology, with the theme Transcending and Cosmization. As I
admire all people who are involved in scientific research, I thought
of voluntarily offering my help by taking part in the conference
organization. I called professor Ion Mânzat, who was in his garden,
where he was connecting himself to the inspiring substance for his
next book. He told me: ‘Dear Victor, you will participate in the
conference with a lecture. Just call Ionel Mohîrţă and he will tell
you exactly what to do.’ We continued talking a little bit about the
importance of spreading a healthy spirituality in Romania.
I then contacted professor Mohîrţă, who told me to send him the
theme and the abstract of my presentation by early August and
assured me that they would let me know if they needed my help
with the conference organization.

I had little time to choose a topic to write about and although I had
many ideas, nothing seemed to crystallize. Then, I tried to connect
myself to something deeper within myself and become aware of
what my actual concern was at that time and what particular subject
I wished to learn more about, something new that would incite me
towards exploration and research at the same time. It was during
that time that I had discovered Sal Rachele’s works about the
transformations that Earth is undergoing at present.
Soul Fragmentation 13
Sal Rachele’s new book about Soul Integration had been published
quite a short time before, but at that time it had not been translated
into Romanian. One day, while looking curiously at its contents,
I noticed that the book was extensively approaching the issue of
trauma from a spiritual point of view, focusing on the way in which
the Soul can be fragmented when an unhappy event or an accident
occurs in our life. The methods of how to reintegrate those lost parts
of the soul were also mentioned. I had already studied this issue
within the regressions using the Past Life Therapy method, but never
before had I thought that I could offer a more extensive perspective
on this process by interdisciplinarily integrating information
assimilated from the fields of spirituality, psychotherapy, clinical
psychology and, last but not least, from quantum physics. I really
liked this topic and I felt inspired, but the most important thing was
that I wanted to learn more about it.
Therefore, I started doing my research, by first reading some
specialized books and then reflecting on my regression sessions
both as a subject, but also as a therapist.

Although I had not been explicitly asked to write an article about the
lecture I was going to deliver, that seemed to be the most appropriate
way to organize my information and, by doing so, I could also
provide a written material to those interested in the topic. As such,
everything started by writing an article which was extending day
by day, the same way as my thirst to enhance my knowledge. In
October, when the conference was held, my article was already 40
pages long. I did not manage to finish it, because I had extended it
more than initially intended; as a matter of fact, as I already said
before, I am under the impression that, from the very beginning,
this article seems to have had its very own self-conscience, because
despite my endeavor to limit it to a few pages, it kept growing. At a
certain point, I released the constraints and continued writing.

The conference was great. I was always very pleased to join such
people of an enlightened conscience. I felt inspired in their presence,
more generous and wishing to share the secrets of spirituality. I
14 Victor Chirea
learned a lot, I had the opportunity to talk to people who had an
active experience in the field of transpersonal psychology and I
could see a possible future career for me, should I choose to go this
After the presentation of my paper, I received encouraging feedback
from many professors. Professor Anca Munteanu offered me the
opportunity to publish my article in “The Annual Volume of the
European Association of Transpersonal Psychology.” It was then
that I first thought of turning everything I had written into a book.

When you start writing, you face your own conscience and
understanding, you realize what issues are clear to you and what
topics still need to be studied. You begin to explain a term and then
you see that other new ones appear. I never wished to make a long
glossary at the end, because I did not intend to provide a dictionary
of spiritual terms. My sole concern was that everything should
be clearly presented and that the text should be also accessible to
those who were just starting to explore the path of spirituality and
personal development. At the same time, I enjoy the sensation of
flowing I experience when reading some books and letting myself
go with the flow of letters, ideas, sounds, images and awakening
feelings. It was this state of mind that I wished to be transmitted to
the readers of my book.

It is in this way that the first chapter of my book appeared, beginning

with the definition of the concept of soul fragmentation and its
differentiation from the process of soul division, which is a natural
path of forming up new sovereign entities. Further on, I present the
three aspects of the Self: the Soul, the Spirit and the Ego, I define
each of them in accordance with the way in which they are used in
the book and I make some references to the Jungian psychology
and to Gestalt Therapy. Going deeper into the subject, I continue by
describing the six bodies/manifestations of our being in the physical
plans, namely: the physical, emotional, mental, astral, etheric and
causal body; for each of them I mention their components and the
way in which soul fragmentation comes about at each level. I pay
Soul Fragmentation 15
special attention to the causal body, which is in direct connection
with the memories of past lives, with the understanding and lessons
learnt at soul level, both the new ones and those uncompleted
or what we call karma (offering a personal point of view on this
well- publicized concept, which nevertheless may not be so clearly
understood by everybody.)

Once the introduction has been made, chapter 2 easily builds up,
adding details about the types of soul fragmentation (conscious
or unconscious, superficial or deep) and the causes that determine
the split, among which I would mention the following: intense
emotional traumas, such as the loss of a loved one or the cases of
abuse and violence, unbalanced relationships with strong emotional
attachment, emotional denial or sudden and incompletely processed

Chapter 3 goes deeper into the topic, approaching the subject

of the psychopathology generated by soul fragmentation in an
interdisciplinary manner. To be more precise, what I do is interweave
the clinical concepts provided by the DSM IV psychiatric manual
with the spiritual vision of the disorders presented by transpersonal
psychology. For example, I detail the Multiple Personality Disorder
(now called Dissociative Identity Disorder) and I differentiate
it from the case of several souls sharing the same body, as it is
the case of the healing medium Joao de Deus, whom I had the
opportunity to visit in Brazil. The theory is supported by numerous
examples of my personal practice and by a thorough presentation
of a case study of a regression session, a special situation which is
rarely met. There are at least two reasons for this: firstly, because
the patient’s past life explored during the therapy session seems to
be the patient’s last incarnation in the same family with the present
one, thus, the patient being able to verify some of the information
discovered during the session; secondly, because it provides details
about the type of the trauma that can drive a person to madness.
Often, the only way to know the experiences of a schizophrenic
person during his/her decompensation is to wait for the remission
16 Victor Chirea
(in case it ever happens) and then ask him/her questions about his/
her experiences. Sometimes the patient may choose to share his/
her feelings in writing, but even then, he/she might not have a very
clear conscience. When a stable personality, unaffected by disease,
can describe, in a semidetached state, the process that caused the
onset of the psychotic crisis, then we are in for a unique experience.
I am not going to say more, but let you discover by yourselves
Anna’s touching story (Anna is the pseudonym I chose to name
the patient’s identity from her past life explored in the regression

In the final chapter, I describe some techniques and methods through

which soul reintegration can be made, among which I mention:
the process of forgiveness and release, prayers, psychotherapy,
regressions into past lives (Past Life Therapy) and the healing of
temporal lines (Timeline Healing Technique). In the last part of
my book, I have chosen to share with you some of the revealing
experiences that I had during my spiritual pilgrimages in countries
like India, Israel, Brazil or in regions like the Tibetan Plateau, as well
as in the in the holy settlements of our country, where monasteries
and churches are built. These places provide solid support in the
process of trauma release and healing, whereas the lost parts of the
soul can often naturally find their way home in contact with the
people and the energy of such places.

In most cases, when I intend to write, I would choose an appealing

subject that would entangle me into its whole universe. Usually,
this seems to be the best time to get to know more about the field in
question. After all, if you want to write about a specific topic, this
does not necessarily mean that you fully master all issues you wish
to approach, but that you actually want to improve your knowledge
in the process of writing. And, most certainly, you cannot plan
everything from the very beginning. Therefore, for me, writing is
like a journey whose destination you know, for which you have a
main route and maybe another 2-3 spare routes (as extra caution).
However, on the way, you may come across some friends or other
Soul Fragmentation 17
things may come up that may determine you to modify to a certain
extent the route you have initially chosen. It is you, my prospective
readers, who are my travel companions already, that I open-heartedly
invite to be my journey partners, as well as witnesses of a writing
process that is being created from one line to another.

Victor Chirea
1. Conceptual Delimitations

Soul fragmentation is the process

through which the soul “splits” into
several pieces (as a consequence
of a severe trauma, for instance),
which live under the illusion of being
separated from the primary soul. In
most of the cases, these fragments
have no clear conscience of their own
and live in confusion and repeatedly
experience the traumatic event, while
being blocked in time and space or
they can be attached to other souls.
They are no longer integrated into the
sovereign soul and cannot be used by
the latter as such. In most situations,
the current human personality feels that something is missing, it
is scattered, blocked, confused or even worse, when this may lead
to serious personality disorders or psychoses, in which the contact
with reality is seriously affected.

Soul fragmentation can be voluntary (conscious) or involuntary

(unconscious), deep or superficial, depending on the causes of its
occurrence: starting from relationships of too strong emotional
attachment between partners, denial or emotional repression to
heavy accidents or sudden physical death, incompletely processed.
I will detail all these issues in chapter 2. What needs to be
given priority to now is some conceptual distinctions so that the
terminology used can be more clearly understood.
First, I will distinguish between the notion of soul fragmentation
and that of soul division, the latter being a natural fragmentation
process, then I will define the concept of Soul as used in the present
paper, while delimitating it from the notions of Spirit, Ego and
20 Victor Chirea
Self. In the end, I will shortly present some issues related to the 6
‘bodies’ of the being (the manifested forms of the Self enabling it
to experiment the 6 plans of individual existence, also called the 6
forms of lower vibration) so as to point out up to which level the
split can take place, with related examples.

Soul division is a natural process through which a new sovereign

soul is formed out of a parent-soul (or oversoul), similar to the way
in which a child is born out of its mother or, at a smaller level,
similar to cell division. As such, 6 soul pairs (a pair is formed out
of what we call twin souls) can mostly be born out of a parent soul.

Self Aspects: the Soul, the Spirit and the Ego

The Soul can be defined in several ways, although its
conceptualization is strictly destined for the understanding of the
mind and is therefore incomplete. We can say it is the divine essence
of the Self, the centre of the being, but, at the same time, it is a part
(a quantum) of the whole existence, an individual spark of divinity.
The soul represents the creative, vital and immortal part residing
within each of us and without which we could not live.
Soul Fragmentation 21
When a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth, it will project only a
part of its essence into the human body, while its biggest part (also
called divine self or superior self) will remain in unmanifested
tridimensional form. The earthly part also contains the divine spark,
which is directly connected to the divine self and further to God,
the Creator (the unmanifested). The divine self and the divine spark
go beyond the tridimensional laws and, consequently, they cannot
become divided. Fragmentation takes place at the level of energy
bodies that are directly involved in the respective incarnation.
Therefore, whenever I use the term of soul fragmentation, I will
strictly refer to the parts belonging to the energy-information field.
Although it might be rather difficult to comprehend by mind, this
does not mean that the respective fragments have no divine breath
or are completely isolated from God, because this is highly unlikely
in a creation where everything is connected to everything. An
approximate example could be that of the intelligence at cellular
level, which still persists, even after a part of it was taken for
microscope examination.

Although they are connected, the Soul differs from the Spirit and
from the Divine Self and the notion of the Self used with a spiritual
meaning does not overlap the one in psychology.
We are likely to associate the psychological term of the self with
collocations such as: self-confidence (self-valorization), self-
image (the way I perceive myself), self-esteem (the feeling of
self-evaluation), self-knowledge, self-consciousness (one’s own
awareness as being different from the others); many times, we
misuse one of these terms for the other, although each of them has
a well defined meaning. I do not intend to go into a more detailed
definition of these terms (except for the brief notes in parentheses,
meant to better differentiate them), since this is not the purpose of
my paper. Those interested could consult Larousse, Dictionary of
Psychology (2006). Generally, in the examples presented, I refer
to the notion of self seen as the individual Ego (physical, psychic,
social), more precisely, what the person is considered to be in the
most ordinary way.
22 Victor Chirea
An extensive variant of this concept is to be found in Jungian
psychoanalysis where the Personality Model (of the psychic) is
presented in the form of a mandala, having as its centre the Ego-
Self axis and including notions such as: persona, shadow, collective
and personal consciousness/unconsciousness, archetypes, the two
types of general attitudes (introvert, extravert), the four functional
types of the psychic (thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition), etc.
Theory is quite complex and there are speciality books describing it
in detail (I would recommend C.G Jung’s Full Works printed by Trei
Publishing House). What I would mention as archetypes of interest
is the one of the Spirit (symbolized by the “old wise man” who
helps the Hero on the path to his becoming) and the Archetype of the
Self (a centre of inner order and sense, the archetype of integrated
psychic totality, symbolically expressed by the mandala and feeding
the self-achievement impulse and concurrently materializing the
individuation process (Zamfirescu, 2007).
Soul Fragmentation 23
Further on, Gestalt Therapy approaches a Self Theory which does
not refer to a fixed entity (as in Psychoanalysis), but rather to a
dynamic process, namely the personal way in which one would
adjust oneself in a creative manner and would act in relation with the
others, the way in which one exists and expresses oneself, here and
now, at the border between myself and the others and especially the
way one relates to the surrounding environment. (Perls, Hefferline,
Goodman, 1951 and Polster, 1995).
The Self works in four main ways which will be referred to as the
Self Functions. See below a diagram presenting them at the level of
the Contact Cycle (the variant presented by Goodman).

All these issues represent far too large a subject to be approached

here. Just a few points have been presented to arouse your interest.
I will go further on, on the same line of reasoning.

The Spirit is the life infused by God into everything that exists. It
is energy, consciousness and divine intelligence, the universal law
and principle, it is God’s movement through the totality of creation.
Religion makes reference to the Holy Ghost. It is similar to the sap
of a tree which spreads through its branches and leaves, as a flow
of vitality.
24 Victor Chirea
In a more pragmatic approach, it is with this life infused by God that
every being receives a certain degree of intelligence, memory and
will, all in direct accordance with the level of soul evolution. The
quality of soul’s manifestation on Earth depends on these above
mentioned abilities.

The Ego represents the human personality, the three-dimensional

self, made up of body, psychic and emotion, which perceives itself
as being separated from God and the entire creation. It is here that
limitation resides, as well as duality and good or bad judgment, the
wrong or the right. Nevertheless, there is no need to see this Ego either
as unhappiness or as joy. Since everything has a meaning of its own
in the process of creation, it is clearly aimed to mobilize us towards
certain experiences chosen by the soul for a three dimensional life.
Without the existing Ego, we would not have any motivation to win
a competition, improve ourselves, gain performance or invent new
things and thus sometimes sacrificing important parts of ourselves
to later realize where the true value resides. It is true that at a
certain level all these are just an illusion, losing their sense and
importance, but they are valuable experiences that can finally be a
source of wisdom. As the soul completes the lessons chosen and our
consciousness evolves, we will choose more elevated experiences,
such as the expression of love and compassion or how we can be of
service to the others and then, the Ego will naturally dissolve into
the higher Self. Therefore, I do not consider that we need to fight
against this part of ourselves so as to exterminate it; as you may
have noticed, each thing we oppose, increases its force, being fed
precisely by the energy turned against it.

The Soul, the Spirit and the Ego are the three main aspects of our
Self, of our being.

The definitions above have no intention to exhaust the subject and

there are certainly other different views and classifications of these
concepts. My sole concern is to clearly define the terms that I would
make reference to throughout the paper. Now, I will go on to focus
deeply on Soul anatomy.
Soul Fragmentation 25
The 6 ‘bodies’ of the Self: the physical, emotional, mental,
astral, etheric and causal bodies
There are several classifications and hierarchies, one of them
referring to a number of 12 levels/dimensions of the Self; the first 7
are at the level of the individual Soul and the others at the collective
group level, where identity loses its meaning. I will shortly refer to
the first 6 bodies, as they are directly connected with the subject

1. The physical body is the materialized part of the soul in a three

dimensional plan, being perceived by means of the 5 senses and
analyzers. It includes the action, the vital, the survival instinct, the
sensoriality and the space consciousness. Although it is the basic
level of self expression, experience on Earth would not be possible
without this vehicle. Therefore, we have to take special care of the
physical body and consider its limitations, while bearing in mind
that it does not like sudden changes and that, at the same time, it
needs rest and proper food to regenerate itself. Because of the aging
process, there are many souls that cannot carry out their chosen
lessons during a single life span and thus, repeated reincarnations
being necessary for their completion.
Soul fragmentation occurs almost every time when the physical
body undergoes a considerable trauma or an accident, especially
when it is taken by surprise. We can include here sudden and early
death, which is processed within Regression Therapy.

2. The emotional body contains emotions,

feelings and wishes, but also the part related
to the expression of will, power and sexuality.
This body cannot be normally perceived by
physical eyes, but it can be made visible by
means of quantum devices of aura visualization.
It can also be perceived by persons endowed
with extrasensory perception in the form of
a differently colored steam, in continuous
movement and approximately following the
26 Victor Chirea
outline of the physical body. Depending on the quality of the
emotions expressed, the colors can be lighter or darker, clearer or

I will briefly present each component of the emotional body:

Emotion is a “constellation of high intensity answers accompanied

by typical expressive, physiological and subjective manifestations”
(Larousse, Dictionary of Psychology, 2006). It is a short-term
state, maintained by the presence of the stimulus and it makes the
connection between the psychic and the somatic. Among primary
emotions I will mention the following: joy, sadness, anger, fear,
surprise, shame, contempt.

Feeling, on the other hand, involves more the cognitive aspect,

rather than the physiological one, being “an affective process
specific to human beings which expresses human attitude towards
reality” (Dex). It is a long-term state and there is no need for the
stimulus to be still present – we can love someone even if he or she
is not near us at that moment.

Wish means aspiration and longing for something. When wishes

are suppressed, they turn into destructive desires. For instance, the
craving for sweets hides a desire for love. To heal such unbalance
at this level, we need to love each other and accept our desires and
find a socially accepted way to express and satisfy them.

Will represents, psychologically speaking, human being’s capability

to overcome the obstacles that prevent us from reaching the targeted
goal. In connection with the previous information, will makes use
of desire in order to impel and motivate us to do a certain action.
When the mind ignores the means of communication of the will and
blocks its manifestation, the latter will gradually lose its energy,
which further leads to a diminished desire to live, to depression and
ultimately even to suicide attempts.
Soul Fragmentation 27
Power is defined as the capability to accomplish ideas and wishes.
In physics, power is the quantity of energy transferred in a time
unit. When not manifested, it is potential and it needs an impulse to
transform it into kinetic power (dynamic, with observable actions).
This potential is neutral and our actions are measured by the way
in which we use it. The wrong use of power leads to the abuses
and constraints that the more gifted people impose on the weak
ones. Since this issue is quite present in our current society, we
can easily learn that being powerful may be something wrong or
inappropriate, an attitude which finally leads to the devitalization
of the emotional body and to the incapacity of expressing wishes.

Sexuality has as its drive the most powerful, but also the most denied
part of the emotional body – the sexual energy. The inappropriate
expression of sexuality derives from the suppression of sexual
desire. The problems resulting from the repression of these sexual
impulses had been largely analyzed in psychoanalysis by Freud
and his successors; therefore I will not go into further details.
Nevertheless, I will still mention the spiritual vision on sexual
energy sublimation seen as a potential for creativity or as a chance
to fully manifest it throughout the body, as approached by various
oriental disciplines.

Denial and suppression of the healthy expression of the emotional

body can lead to soul fragmentation, 90% of the physical diseases
having their origin at this level (Rachele, 2013). That’s why
balancing and healing this aspect is so important.
Henceforth, whenever I use the term emotion, I will make reference
to all the components of the emotional body.

3. The mental body includes the creations of the intellect and

the mind, namely more or less abstract thoughts, ideas, concepts
and notions, but also the human Ego. Whereas the emotional body
includes the majority of the regulatory functions of the psychic,
the mental body consists of cognitive processes: representations,
thinking, memory and imagination, some authors also adding
28 Victor Chirea
creativity. The definitions of these terms
can be found in any Basics of Psychology
course (college level) or in the high-school
Psychology Manual (Neveanu, Zlate, Crețu,
1990). The individual mind also has many
organizational plans which I will only
enumerate: the personal unconscious, the
subconscious, the preconscious and the
conscious. I would mention that there are
several such models of mind architecture,
my personal choice being motivated by my
familiarity with the model presented.

I will approach only the subject of interest,

namely the way in which soul fragmentation
can be produced by a certain aspect of the
mind. What I have to underline from the
very beginning is that the main vehicles of
testing the three dimensional reality are the body and the emotions;
they make the events look real to us, while the mental has the
role of guidance and giving a form of manifestation. Thinking is
the intention, but emotion is the building material. Thoughts and
emotions are like the two sides of the same coin, influencing and
intensifying each other. Therefore, in most cases, pure thoughts do
not exist without emotion, the same as emotions are accompanied by
judgment or opinions. It is at this point that we have to mention the
negative beliefs, also called automatic negative thoughts or cognitive
distortions in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Here are some
examples of such negative beliefs: “I am not good enough”, “There
is something wrong with me”, “Life is a continuous struggle”, “It is
not sufficient”, “I do not deserve it (to be happy)”, or any negative
generalization including terms such as: always, never, everybody,
you have no choice. One of the main principles of the CBT says that
our emotional states are not directly generated by the events or life
circumstances, but by the way we interpret what has just happened
to us. Therefore, persons who have the tendency to see things as
Soul Fragmentation 29
catastrophic and think negatively, will create a very strong complex
of non-adaptive behaviors and emotions, which, in time, will lead
to fissures in their aura and to the fragmentation phenomenon, parts
of the soul remaining captive in time and space when the traumatic
event occurs.

Regarding the way in which the manifestation level of the Self is

presented, Barbara Ann Brennan (1988) describes it as “a shining
light radiating around the head and shoulders and extending around
the entire body, up to about 20 cm around the physical body”. Within
this field, the thought-forms can be perceived as colorful spots,
their shade being given by the emotional burden they bear and their
clarity being correlated with the focus of the thought/intention.

4. The astral body is similar with a fiber

optic network extending in all directions,
starting from the physical body and
connecting us with all life forms of the
universe. If we were a computer, then the
astral body would be like radio waves
helping us to connect to other websites
through the internet. It is here that the
superior mind of creativity and imagination
also resides.
By means of this body, we can visit the
astral plans while meditating or dreaming
and we can access what Jung called the
collective unconscious or the information
databases that strictly belongs to Planet
Earth (an important part of the collective unconscious belongs to the
causal plan, though). In this context, time loses its three-dimensional
meaning, being perceived as expanded (for example, 5 minutes in
Earth time may seem like a one hour dream) or compressed.
Visually, the astral body looks similar to the emotional one, but
the former has got more vivid colors and a larger extension (up to
approximately 30 cm).
30 Victor Chirea
From the point of view of the approached issue, there may be many
soul fragments that are trapped in lower astral plans, which are
perceived as negative (religion would call them Hell) and which
are devoid of love, perpetuating the traumas experienced during
life. There are also superior astral plans, called by some masters
false heavens, which are flamboyant and interactive realms which
can attract you into their illusion and can slow down your spiritual
evolution, because the vibration of the astral plan is quite close to
that of the physical realms.
Another situation encountered during the regressions performed
is the case when people create parallel realities by the power of
their mind in order to experience things they could not fulfill in
the respective life. For instance, a young lady experiences an
unexpected death (and “leaves too early”) as a result of an accident,
falling off a horse while being followed by some soldiers. Being
pregnant at the moment of her death, she did not live to experience
being a mother during that life. At the beginning of the regression
session, the first image that appears is that of a woman dressed
in white, having a diaphanous body (very light from the physical
point of view) and carrying a child in her arms. She was walking
together with her husband along the bank of a river. There is also
a waterfall and everything is wonderful, but there is also a strong
feeling of emptiness and vacuum, her eyes being sad and the entire
scene seems to be stuck in this image. Following my suggestion
to go back to a moment previous to this scene, the patient actually
reaches the last sequence experienced by her in the physical reality,
namely the accident scene. I will enlarge upon this aspect later on.

5. The Etheric Body is the electromagnetic field or the aura

surrounding the physical body. Each physical organ has an etheric
double, that is its copy in the etheric plan. The same way as the
physical body contains the circulatory and the lymphatic system,
the etheric body contains energy meridians and ki lines that nourish
the energetic organs, and further on each energy imprint vitalizes
its physical projection. At the same level, we can see the chakras
which are vortexes (concentrated areas) of energy that connect to
and absorb pranic energy from the universe.
Soul Fragmentation 31

Unlike the astral body, the etheric one has a higher vibration and
softer pastel colors. It is here that the elevated emotions and attitudes
appear, such as love, compassion and being in service to the other.
If we refer just to the etheric double, an inferior level can be
visualized (but not in the sense of being less good) which is quite
close to the physical body (at 0.75 – 5 cm) and is made up of fine
energy lines forming a shining cloth covering the physical body.
This is the energy matrix where the physical material is formed and
anchored. The scientific research coordinated by John Pierrakos
and Barbara Ann Brennan (1975) showed that plants project the
energetic imprint of a leaf before it actually grows at physical level.
At a superior level, there is the etheric pattern body which contains
all sketches and designs necessary to create the structure of a perfect
etheric body. To a certain extent, we can talk about archetypes of
energy organs. This field extends from 15 cm up to 60 cm outside
the physical body.

The enlightened masters refer to this body in the ascension process

as “to building one’s etheric crystalline light body”, also called
32 Victor Chirea
radiant body or ‘rainbow body’ in the Buddhist philosophy.
On the other side, there are the diseases and distortions occurred at
this level, which are further projected into the physical body. We can
come into this life with etheric imprints from past lives (sanskaras
or emotional scars) caused by unbalanced traumatic experiences,
which disturb the natural energy flow along the body meridians
and produce, in time, diseases or accelerated aging. Most of them
can be balanced between incarnations, in the subtle plans (the life
between the lives), while others need a material experience and a
physical body so as to be released. Many times, the soul fragments
are actually parts of the etheric body which preserve in their memory
mental and emotional energy-information and are trapped in time
and space in parallel plans of existence.

6. The causal body is that part of the Self

that contains the memories of past lives,
karma, the perceptions and lessons learned
at soul level as well as various imprints or
energetic patterns. As the name suggests,
this level is in a causal relation with the
other inferior bodies, any imbalance at this
level having an echo down to the physical
plan. Therefore, there are a lot of diseases
which persist in spite of any treatment,
because their origin is in the previous plans
of existence and, for healing purposes, we
need to make an intervention at the very
level where they were first appeared.
All these are engrams within the Akashic Records, the main deposit
of the causal plan, and a slight adjustment here can have a major
significance for the other bodies.

Regarding its shape, the exterior form of the causal body is ovoid,
having thin filaments of golden-silver light inside, with strong
durability which sustains the whole form of the aura. Situated at
a distance of about 70-100 cm around the physical body, this is
Soul Fragmentation 33
the last level of the individual energy field which also has a role of
protection against the outside disruptive factors, in exactly the same
way as the egg shell protects the chicken inside.
Jack Schwarz (1980) speaks about the presence of past lives in our
aura in the form of colored light bands surrounding the shell, the
band around the head usually being that past existence, which we
are now working upon for healing and integration purposes.

I will now refer to something which I consider of high importance

for the theme of this paper – my personal view on karma.
First of all, karma is not a ‘punishment’ for the ‘sins’ committed in
previous lives.
There are two ways to define this concept. The first one refers to
the cause and effect law which is similar to any law of physics
(such as the gravity law or the thermodynamic law), except for
the fact that the former is concerned with the Soul level. Briefly,
the informational energy (mental, emotional) emanated from your
being will attract a similar vibration which will come back to you.
Maybe you have noticed that when you are nervous in traffic, you
have the tendency to get involved in all kind of similar situations
which only amplify the present condition, and, on the other hand,
when you are calm and relaxed, the aggressive situations are rare
and when they do occur, they have a diminished impact. Often
when I stop from working, just to contemplate I notice that that the
calmness I can perceive outside is equal to the calmness residing
within my soul at the respective moment.
The other aspect of karma refers to the soul’s wish to learn certain
life lessons. If an experience lasts longer than the time of existence
in the physical body, several incarnations may be needed, especially
in case of an unplanned death, that occurred before time. We will
take those unfinished lessons into the following life and we can also
add new lessons.
This process is similar to university exams, which need to be taken,
if we want to graduate and if we fail to pass our exams during the
first session, there is also another session in autumn or we can
repeat the year. Indeed, we have many chances and should we be
patient enough, we will eventually gain the wisdom our soul wishes
to integrate.
34 Victor Chirea

Another aspect is related to the fact that in order to truly understand

a lesson, we need to practice it in duality. Let us suppose that the
soul needs to learn the lesson of oppression and control. In order
to assimilate such experience, the soul will need to incarnate in the
role of a dictator, or of a very tough leader or an executioner, but
it will also need to know the victim’s perspective, that could be
experienced in the life of a slave, for instance. This does not mean
that in the second life you will suffer because in the previous life
you were the perpetrator who inflicted pain on a victim. It is simply
the fact that the duality circle closes, the two roles perpetrator-
victim being like the two sides of the same coin.

Another important aspect is that nobody obliges us to select certain

experiences and nobody conditions us to go through them in a
certain rhythm. Our own soul does this, out of its burning curiosity
to go through new challenges and discover new parts of creation.
More often than not, it is so enthusiastic and confident in its own
forces, that it may choose too difficult lessons, not being able to
clearly estimate what comes next. At subtle levels, we are still
aware of our being connected with divinity and thus we may be
under the impression we can do everything. Then, we incarnate on
Earth and we forget the grand plan, being absorbed by materiality
and identifying ourselves with our Ego and with our physical body.
Nevertheless, we still benefit from help coming from other superior
plans, sending us messages through dreams, synchronicity and dear
friends. Another possibility would be to perform a regression at
the moment of the life between lives, when the soul plans its next
incarnation and see the lessons chosen to be experienced.

At the end of this part, I will present a short scheme for knowledge
Soul Fragmentation 35

Integrating the above information in the previous definitions, we

can say that at level seven of vibration, we can see the sovereign
soul, being born from the oversoul or the parent soul (belonging to
the 8th vibration dimension). At the same time, the part of the Ego
is to be found at the level of the first three bodies where we can see
the physical Self, the emotional Self and the mental one. Classical
psychology mainly operates with these three levels; that’s why, in
order to access and heal the traumas present at the level of the other
bodies, we can appeal to complementary therapy techniques, such
as acupuncture, bioenergetic therapy or Regression Therapy which
goes up to the causal level.
I will not further detail these issues; I will only confine myself to
mentioning that the upper or divine Self can be found at the levels
8-12. For more information, see the chart from the Annex.
Soul Fragmentation 37

2. Types and Causes of

Soul Fragmentation

I will now go deeper into the theme approached by presenting a few

elements about the causes that lead to soul fragmentation, how this
occurs and its consequences in people’s everyday life.
I will start by shortly presenting some distinctions about the types
of soul fragmentation.

In terms of awareness, there is voluntary (or conscious) and

involuntary (or unconscious) fragmentation. In the former we could
also include the process of natural soul division that we mentioned
at the beginning of this paper, but the actual fragmentation takes
place starting with the level of the individual soul (placed in the
7’th density). In this case, the Parent Soul, wishing to test lower
vibration densities, will extend a part of its consciousness to the
physical bodies on Earth, whereas the greatest part of its energy
will remain in the higher vibration regions. This incarnated aspect
is called primary fragment.
If fragmentation had occurred because of severe trauma, strong
emotional attachment, sudden death or other Ego related dynamics,
then we can discuss about an involuntary or unconscious
fragmentation which will result in secondary fragments of the

As regards the degree of soul fragmentation, we can distinguish

between superficial and deep fragmentation. Superficial
fragmentation occurs in case of small parts of the soul which remain
trapped in different space-time plans or in other persons’ aura.
For example, if we really liked a certain place in our childhood
which keeps coming back to our mind, this means that a part of
ourselves could still be there, living in that reality. Or, when we
love somebody, it often happens that parts of us are together with
the beloved person or the other way round.
38 Victor Chirea
In case of deep fragmentation, the traumatic event or situation has
such a force that it actually breaks the person’s energy field, splitting
it into fragments that remain captive in that trauma or even attached
to the perpetrator, if it is the case.

Due to the limited extent of my paper, I will particularly focus on

the cases of deep involuntary fragmentation.

You may see below some images taken by a camera using the GDV
(Gas Discharge Visualization) principle, a technique developed by
Konstantin Korotkov which is similar to a Kirlian photography.

Causes that lead to soul fragmentation

Although we have already mentioned some of these causes, here is
a list with the most common cases:
- severe emotional traumas, the loss of a loved one, emotional
denial, rejecting or denying an important part of us;
- unbalanced relationships which lead to strong emotional attachment
and can sometimes be followed by a difficult separation or divorce;
Soul Fragmentation 39
- intense intimate relationships having to do with power and control,
involving little love or no love at all, these feelings being replaced
by the instinctual part and by pulsions;
- emotionally dependent relationships within close families;
- cases of abuse, such as physical or psychic violence, rape,
oppression, extreme constraint, exile, imprisonment, abandonment,
- traumatic death or incompletely processed and problems occurred
during childbirth.

Trauma is a physical, emotional and/or mental wound, a situation

that occurs in a person’s life, bringing a destructive energy which is
too strong to be contained by the Self in that moment. As a result,
the Ego collapses and the soul can split into several pieces which
remain captive in the past, reliving the traumatic moment or simply
being devoid of consciousness in their attempt to indefinitely
avoid the confrontation with the aggressive factor. After death,
the fragments are continuously looking to join the parent soul,
but, having a limited intelligence, they will most probably attach
themselves to other incarnated entities.
Among traumatic situations we can mention: abandonment,
mutilation, physical abuse, rape, humiliation, imprisonment,
starvation, torture, war, the loss of a loved one, illness and severe

In such circumstances, in order to be able to live in a certain

degree of normality, the human being activates the self’s protection
mechanisms, such as: repression, denial, identification with
the aggressor, rationalization and many others that are largely
approached by the classical psychoanalysis. Later on, these blocked
energies come back to our consciousness in the form of dreams or
other processes belonging to the unconscious or they can attract
different partners and life situations in order to re-enact the traumatic
moment, hoping that a more mature self could this time manage the
context in a different way and reintegrate the lost parts of ourselves.
40 Victor Chirea
The trauma can also take place in a previous existence, a common case
being that of an unexpected death that occurs instantaneously,
leaving no time for a complete processing and for closing karmic
In case of a completely processed death, the primary fragment
will return to the parent soul (the same way as a bee returns to the
hive so as to clear its pollen sachets), it will reconnect and become
reunited with it and other dear beings. Then, it will see its last
incarnation, the lessons chosen and how much it has learned from
each of them, where it has made more progress than anticipated and
where there is still room for learning. Then, it will start to prepare
itself for the next life, under the wise guidance of the angels and of
the enlightened masters from the superior plans.
When death occurs suddenly, the Ego is taken by surprise and breaks
up into fragments. Depending on the intensity of the shock, a bigger
or a smaller number of soul parts will split and experience the
illusion of being disconnected. They can wander in low astral levels,
looking for the parent soul and, since they are not endowed with a
high level of intelligence and consciousness, they can by attraction
attach themselves to other souls with which they have some affinity
(that is similar emotional problems). Under the burden of denial,
they find it difficult to go directly towards the Light, where they
are expected by their spiritual families and, instead, pursuing the
illusion of their completion, they are attracted by the light outside
them, which though being less, it is easily accessible to them.
These parts which remain blocked in their way home have received
names such as phantoms, ghosts, the undead, fleshless entities,
poltergeist phenomena and the process of joining the energetic field
of other beings can be in the form of a complete or partial possession,
depending on the force and size of the respective fragment.

I would like to make a clear distinction at this point – not all

apparitions and ghost like phenomena are soul fragments that are
freely circulating in the etheric levels. Some of them are thought-
forms, meaning an energy quantum emanated by the soul. If a thought
has a higher intensity and is also accompanied by a strong emotion,
Soul Fragmentation 41
it can become materialized in the
form of a geometric pattern (an
electromagnetic wave pattern)
and can be attracted in the aura
of a soul with a similar mental
pattern. You may probably have
seen photos where different light
spheres appear and if we magnify
them, we can see different patterns inside of them and geometrical
models (see the photo, Șinca Veche, Brașov county, March the 8th,
2005). Except for the natural optical illusions produced by camera
lenses or by light reflection or diffraction phenomena, a part of
these spheres are nothing but thought-forms captured in the photo.
Usually, we need more than just think of a person so that a part of
ourselves would be taken apart and become integrated in the other
person. A strong emotional involvement is necessary, either in the
form of dependence or attachment and the most common way in
which fragments of our own soul end up in the other one is by
sexual contact.

In Past Life Therapy, we talk about Attachments (attached souls),

and these souls don’t necessarily have a negative intention. An
illustrative example given by my PLT trainer - Marianne Carolus
(Course Notes, Past Life Therapy Teacher Training, 2013) - is
that of an old woman who dies in a car accident while crossing
the street, but she is not aware of it, since everything happens very
quickly. At the same spot, somewhat later, a little boy is crossing
the street, heading for his friends who are on the other side of the
road. As she is very fond of children, a part of the old woman’s soul
attaches to the boy, trying to protect him from similar accidents.
No longer having her own body, this old lady`s soul fragment stays
with the boy. As a grown-up, the man can’t account for his strong
anxiety experienced when facing the possibility of making friends.
Despite her good intentions, the old woman’s soul fragment created
obstacles in the social life of this man, even without realizing it.
During a regression session, we can explain to the attached soul
fragment that its body had actually died in a car accident, but its
42 Victor Chirea
soul continued to exist within a parallel plan of existence. Thus, we
help it process its trauma and it is only afterwards that it will be able
to accept the situation and release it; then, we can guide it towards
the light, where it will be taken over by elevated entities that will
help it find its parent soul.

This example leads us to another case which is commonly met in

therapy, namely Inner Child Work. It is quite often in classical
therapy that, when the patient is talking about the past and the
difficulties he went through, a spontaneous regression can occur,
taking the patient back to a younger age. In an instant, as therapists,
we realize that in front of us there is a wounded, vulnerable child,
who arouses our compassion and tendency to offer him protection
as counter-transference emotions. It all happens exactly this way;
as I said before, a part of ourselves remains blocked in the past, at
the moment of the trauma, and it is brought back to the present to
be healed during therapy. If that child has the chance to receive now
what it was not offered to him in the past, namely love, warmth,
care, protection, then he can be healed. Nevertheless, maturation
needs time, and the adult will need to visit his ‘younger brother’
from time to time and continue to offer him protection and attention.
Soul Fragmentation 43

Things happen the same way in previous lives as well. The

following example is that of a child that used to hide in a wardrobe
during the attack of some soldiers. He used to remain blocked there
waiting for the end of the fight. What he does not know is that in a
previous moment, as he was running along with his grandmother,
he was hit by a horse and killed, a part of soul running to his hiding-
place as usual, thinking he would be protected there. Since the
events took place too quickly at that moment and the child was too
young, a gradual (‘slow motion’) exploration is needed during the
regression session and it is only afterwards that the understanding,
the acceptance of the situation and trauma release can all happen.
The child will ultimately go to the light where he is being waited
for by his grandmother.

On the same line of reasoning, we come to the delicate subject

of relationships, where we encounter a wide range of situations,
most of which having already been mentioned as examples. Let us
approach some further issues.

A very important relationship is that with our own person. It is

important to start from this point, because we have the tendency
to project and build outside ourselves what already exists within
ourselves and if we understand the repetitive mechanisms we put
into action in the intrapsychic game, we will be more aware of the
circumstances we attract around ourselves.
Low self-esteem, lack of trust in ourselves, a distorted image
of ourselves, all these have as their root the belief that there is
something wrong with us and, consequently, we deny the parts we
consider undesirable, while trying to change ourselves. The repeated
rejection of these different parts of ourselves will gradually remove
the consciousness inherent in them, thus eventually leading to soul
fragmentation and to the expulsion of our soul parts.
Ever since they are young, boys are taught that they should not cry
or express their feelings, because this would mean they are weak.
Later on, as they become adults, they will experience difficulties
44 Victor Chirea
while relating to their partner and, many times, the only way to
express what is inside themselves is by getting into a tantrum. Some
of them do persist in thinking that this is the right way to express
themselves and they would sometimes join the army, the right place
to continue to receive appreciation for being ‘iron men’. Emotional
denial is one of the main causes of soul fragmentation and, sooner
or later, we will be faced with the challenge of self-expression and
will no longer be able to turn our back to it.
Another cause of soul fragmentation is denying our passions. In
spite of the fact that a little girl has a talent for ballet, her parents
make her study business economics and advance on a hierarchical
level so as to become the manager of a successful company, because
being a ballerina she may starve to death. In time, she is likely to also
deny other parts of her Self, thus becoming the successful woman
that possesses everything she needs on material level, except for
spiritual fulfillment.

In such case, it is hard to believe that this inner dynamics could

engage a balanced couple relationship. It would be quite easy to
find a partner on whom to project the perpetrator, the one who
constraints us and limits our liberty. In its turn, a possessive and
dominant soul will end up taking over parts of the victim’s energy,
hoping that in this way it will gain more power and satisfy its need
for control.

Many cases of soul fragmentation take place within interpersonal

relationships and interactions, especially when the dynamics of the
perpetrator-victim-savior pattern is triggered.
This triangle appears most often than not within karmic
relationships (in the sense we defined karma earlier). In this way,
the souls are attracted to one another in order to experience different
lessons together. A part of more profound lessons can extend during
many life spans, and then people will create closer relationships
and repeated reincarnations together.
All relationships involve energy exchanges, irrespective of the
level of souls evolution. If they are consciously expressed and
Soul Fragmentation 45
accepted, each soul will leave completely fulfilled at the end of the
experience. The way in which we can identify such a case is when,
after separation, we can accept and bless the experience and we can
forgive and release any unbalanced emotion and, in the end, the
emotion remaining between the two partners is one of respect and
love and even if we may never meet again in that respective life,
we will affectionately remember him
or her.
If, on the opposite, we experience
negative emotions and resentment, it
is quite likely that fragments of our
soul be encapsulated in our partner’s
etheric field and the more we continue
to remain in denial and overlook this
dynamics, the deeper and deeper
they will become. There is also the
case when the Ego admits that love
and compassion are important in the
process of healing, but it takes them
in a distorted way, assuming the
savior’s role and actually replacing
compassion with pity and equality
with superiority, thus creating relationships based on dependence.
The Ego may think as follows: “I will take over some of your
difficulties, because I love you and I cannot bear seeing you suffer.
I am strong and I can endure it, so let me protect you.” Then, as the
relationship develops, the savior can take over so much negativity
that it will become frustrated and, at a certain moment, it can get
angry, turning itself into a perpetrator.

Another type of relationship where the soul can become fragmented

is that between a disciple and a master or that between a student
and a professor. In this case, the level of evolution related to the
respective life subject is different. For example, if a soul has learned
quite enough about suffering and negativity, it could possibly wish
to study the lesson of love and compassion and therefore, it will
46 Victor Chirea
then attract a person that has already integrated these issues and can
offer it a model to be followed. If the relationship is a formal one, it
can involve meeting a guru or an elevated master, but there is also
the possibility of a closer relationship (an informal one) such as
the case when a loving child chooses to be born in a family where
negativity persists, just to offer them his/her own example and, at
the same time, another way of soul evolution.
Soul fragmentation can occur in this process when the two of them
are not aware that the lesson is over and continue to be attached
to an idealization of what “should” be accomplished. Moreover,
emotional attachment may come in the way, in the sense that the
student feels helpless without the teacher’s help or, in the opposite
case, when the student wishes to leave, the master (who did not
settle his complex of power and control) could induce guilt upon
the disciple, suggesting that the former will not be able to manage
without him.
The balanced variant in this case would be a relationship based on
liberty and empowerment, in which the master supports the student,
helping him/her to build his/her self-confidence and interdependence
until the latter becomes a teacher himself/herself.
Soul Fragmentation 47

3. Soul Fragmentation
Related Psychopathology

The field of pathology is quite large and the purpose of the present
work is not to go into much detail on this aspect. However, considering
that my actual training as a psychotherapist also includes the
completion of a Master in Clinical Psychology, I believe it is useful
to provide an interdisciplinary approach on several psychological
disorders seen from the spiritual perspective of soul fragmentation.
Therefore, I will further use certain terms specific to the clinical
field, hoping they will also be useful to those who are not so familiar
with this area of expertise.
Here are the definitions for some of the terms used in this chapter:
The sign is what can be identified and noticed from the outside by
a clinician, such as the modification of skin color or of a person’s
The symptom represents what the patient feels and declares to be
undergoing in a subjective way, for example a headache or a state
of anxiety.
Further on, the syndrome is a group or a logical structure of signs
and symptoms. For example, the negative conceptions of one’s own
person both in present and future can lead to the formation of the
depressive syndrome.
The above mentioned terms can be included as separate entities in
the sub-clinical field. When it comes to clinical field, in order to
diagnose a disease (in a medical sense) or a disorder (psychological
term) we need a logical construction of symptoms and syndromes,
and in case of the latter, we also need to refer to the etiopathology
(causality) associated. Moreover, we also need to notice whether
there is a constancy of the patient’s symptoms in time (6 months for
the anxiety disorder) and a significant disturbance of the patient’s
social life.
48 Victor Chirea
The domain of Psychopathology can be shortly classified into three
main categories: neuroses, psychoses and psychopathy (personality
disorders). This is an older variant of classification which is easier
for me to approach. I sometimes also make reference (using
brackets) to the version presented in DSM IV. Anyway, even the
latter has been changed to some extent in the newly issued version
of DSM V.

Neurosis is a functional disorder (it has no organic substrate),

a group of diseases with psychic determination (psychogenic
etiology), reduced intensity, which are felt in an unpleasant way
(adaptation difficulties) and have the following features:
1. the presence of a psychotraumatic event (intrapsychic conflict);
2. the constitutional ground (predisposing/vulnerable personality);
3. a logical relation between the present state and the trauma that
generated it (the causality is manifested).
In psychoanalysis it is defined as an inefficient adaptive answer
(maladaptative), a failure in adaptation, a solution of compromise,
simultaneously satisfying the forbidden tendency and the defense
against desire.

From the category of neuroses, I confine myself to mentioning the

following examples:
- anxiety disorders include: generalized anxiety disorder, panic
disorder, phobic anxiety disorders (simple and social phobias,
agoraphobia), obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic
stress disorder;
- neurasthenia;
- depressive disorders of low or medium intensity or chronic ones

Psychosis is “a serious mental disease globally affecting the patient’s

personality and which more often than not justifies an intensive
therapeutic intervention, sometimes patient’s hospitalization being
necessary, contrary to the latter’s wish.” (Larousse, Dictionary of
Psychology, 2006, page 973)
Soul Fragmentation 49
Here are the main features of psychosis:
- personality dissolution (the reality is perceived like the pieces of
a broken mirror);
- the person is wholly/globally affected;
- the incapacity to distinguish between subjective experience and
reality: the loss of contact with reality;
- the loss of the ability to self-assess one’s own suffering – the
patient considers himself/herself perfectly healthy;
- perception disorders (hallucinations, illusions);
- delirious ideas – the entire external reality is denied and an
equivalent reality is built up, based on aberrant relations between
- illogical, incomprehensible thinking;
- disorganized speech (word salad), purely formal speech, without
any logic, verbal sonority associations;
- inadequate, strange behavior;
- endogenous etiology (inner causality, rarely external/contextual),
but with an external response –there is a conflict between the Self
and the external world;
- high intensity, high severity;
- social insertion declines and hospitalization is required;
- morbidity (pathological aspect);
- emotional disorder which can be manifested as:
a. blunted affect (emotional flattening), which means a diminished
ability to express emotional responses/emotional withdrawal;
b. emotional ambivalence: the expression of both hate and love
manifested towards close persons;
c. emotional inversion manifested towards those who used to be the
loved ones.

Here are some examples of psychosis:

- Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder);
- Schizophrenia: paranoid schizophrenia, hebephrenic
schizophrenia (disorganised), catatonic schizophrenia,
undifferentiated schizophrenia, residual schizophrenia;
-Non-schizophrenic delusional psychosis – paranoia, systematized
delusional psychosis, paraphrenia.
50 Victor Chirea
Personality disorders are expressed in the form of non-adaptive
answers, inflexible to a large range of personal and social situations,
causing one’s own discomfort, but also the discomfort of those
around. The antisocial behavior is not associated with conscious
Other features:
- irritability, impulsivity;
- incomplete control of the emotional-volitional and instinctual
- incapacity to manifest love towards the other or to establish a
balanced relationship based on receive-give, despite the need for an
“audience” to witness the manifestations of psychopathy;
- acceptance and recognition are required (claimed) from the others;
- the rigid behavior is persistent and prevents normal adjustment to
life and social norms;
- interior pattern clearly deviating from the expectations we may
have from a normal person;
- the onset is in late childhood or adolescence and the disorders
continue in adult life;
- the patients do not consider themselves to be suffering from an
adaptation defect, they deny their symptoms and refuse any medical

Examples: Personality disorders: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal,

antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent,
obsessive-compulsive, passive-aggressive, depressive.

In case of regressions, it is not indicated to work with persons with

severe structure disorders (psychosis), as the sessions could cause
them a higher degree of dissociation, feeding up their delirium or
enforcing their hallucinations, since such a patient could not make
any difference between what actually happened in a past life and
what the mind invents or imagines.
If we take into consideration the fragility of the borders of the
patient’s present life, it seems there are plenty of issues to work
on here and now. Therefore, why open more doors where there are
Soul Fragmentation 51
many walls in ruin? Not to mention that Past Life Therapy (PLT) is a
confrontational approach, where the patient relives the trauma from
the past at a lower intensity, with the advantage of the present mature
Ego which is to a certain extent detached from the Ego of the past life,
which was directly engaged in the trauma. These elements, together
with the therapist’s guidance lead the patient to the normal healing
process of the trauma: experiencing/reliving → understanding →
acceptance → release. All things considered, in case of psychoses,
we know very well that the patient’s Ego is destructured to a large
extent and it is also at an infantile stage of development. Thus, it
is unable to offer any support to the personality of the past life; on
the contrary, it can adhere to suffering by sympathy and amplify the
already existing symptoms.
Nevertheless, for such cases, there is the possibility that a dear person
may undergo a regression session instead of the one having the
deficiency (if there is an agreement between the two at soul level).
This technique is known as a Remote Session. Another possibility to
have access to the universe of those suffering from severe disorders
is to find an aspect from a past life which had suffered from a
personality disorder, situation in which the therapeutic intervention
is safe, because the present Ego is healthy to a large extent.
My direct experience with these extremely difficult cases is limited
to a few regressions and, as such, I do not consider having enough
information in order to establish a grounded theory. Nevertheless,
this does not prevent me from making some assumptions that could
be acknowledged in the future. At the same time, I will also use
the logical inference based on correspondence and similarity, while
adding the holographic principle between what happens at a micro
level and what is to be found at the corresponding macro level.
The same way, we can learn a lot about a depressive disorder by
analyzing its younger brother, the depressive episode. Moreover,
let us remember that even Freud said that the difference between
the normal and the pathologic is given to a great extent by quantity
factors (the abnormal being nothing but an amplification of the
same intensity, duration, consequences and context indices).
52 Victor Chirea
Relying on the above mentioned arguments and in correlation with
the subject in question, I could make the assumption that the degree
of personality dissolution is directly proportional with the degree of
soul fragmentation.

In PLT the symptoms are called “charges” and they represent the
way in which an unhealed trauma from the past of current life or
from a past life can be manifested in the three bodies of the Ego/
Personality. They make the bridge leading us to a past life (Bridge
Technique) and here are some examples:
→ Physical charges: cold, cramps, discomfort, exhaustion, dirt,
heat, hunger, pain, paralysis, bad smell, thirst.
→ Emotional charges: despair, disgust, dislike, envy, fear, grief,
guilt, hatred, helplessness, jealousy, loneliness, anger, resentment,
disgust, shame.
→ Mental charges: anesthesia, confusion, despair, dissociation,
fascination, not feeling good about oneself, hallucinations, lack of
understanding, obsessive love, loss of consciousness, confusion,

I will select only a few examples from the clinical description,

which are relevant for the issue under analysis and I will further go
into details.

The Multiple Personality Disorder (currently named Dissociative

Identity Disorder) is defined in DSM IV-TR by the presence of two
or more personality states or distinct identities that are recurrently
taking control over the subject’s behavior, whereas, at the same time,
the subject is unable to access important personal information, which
cannot be explained by the common phenomenon of forgetfulness.
The cases of subjects that manifest effects of substance abuse or
who have other general medical conditions are excluded and, in
case of children, the symptoms are not assigned to the imaginary
play friends, which are normal up to the age of 6. Thus, there is
the subject’s incapacity of integrating different aspects of identity,
memory and consciousness and, moreover, each personality state
Soul Fragmentation 53
can be experienced as having its own personal history, self image
and distinct identity, including a separate name. Usually, a primary
personality is manifested (the one bearing the person’s name)
which is generally passive, depressive and dependent and different
alternative identities, having features in contrast with the primary
personality, being hostile, controlling and self destructive.
This is part of the clinical information provided by the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Here is an expressive
artistic representation of how the memories or mental pictures of
different personality states come together in a mixture of dissociative

What would be the situation if within the above mentioned we

would replace the word Personality or Identity with the word Soul?
I wish to remind the readers that in the first pages of my paper I
defined Personality/Ego as being the three-dimensional aspect of
the soul, namely its projection in a material form, in the frame of the
physical, emotional and mental body. Therefore, the replacement
54 Victor Chirea
suggested would only bring about a widening awareness from a
micro level (3D) to a macro vision (the Soul).
What can be expressed as a result of this semantic and linguistic
replacement is that the dissociative identity disorder is caused by
the presence of two or more souls which are recurrently taking
control over the subject’s behavior. At the same time, there is a
primary soul (the legal resident of the body) and more often than
not, an identity aspect cannot access the information about the other
To be more precise, I would say that in most cases of severe
pathology there are soul fragments (big enough) from entities
different from the primary host or one’s own fragments (but from
previous lives) which can “cohabit” the same physical body. Let
me enlarge upon this idea, because there is a difference between
the multiple personality disorder and what we call multiple souls
present in a single body.

When we speak about multiple souls in one

body, then each of these aspects are complete,
have a self-conscience and a high degree of
intelligence and, for the outside observer, it
seems as if different professors were talking
through that human being, sharing the gifts
they are endowed with.
I came across such a case in my trip to Brazil,
where I visited the medium Joao de Deus (see
his photo to the right) who has the gift to let
advanced entities work through his body and
perform miraculous healings.

In case of multiple personality disorder, there is the basic personality

which has the majority of the past knowledge and additionally,
other aspects are present which are many times associated with an
immature teenager personality or with a rebellious child, or on the
contrary, with a calm, cold and rational behavior, but an apathetic
one (according to DSM IV).
Soul Fragmentation 55
In PLT, when we speak about soul fragments which harm the current
personality, we make reference to three categories: Attachments,
Obsessors and Pseudo-obsessors. (TenDam, 1996)

An Attachment is a foreign energy manifested in the form of a

soul fragment, elemental or thought-form which lives on and feeds
on the aura field of a person like a parasite. It can become attached
to a person’s energy field by means of a curse, a magic formula or
simply by being attracted to it through affinity (similar emotions
and thoughts).

When speaking about a curse or a magic formula I do not refer to

the traditional outlook when a witch performs black magic using
quicksilver and indeed, ordinary people do not understand what is
happening, thus giving it a supernatural connotation. I have already
mentioned the thought-forms as structured energy patterns that can
include information and emotion. Therefore, any negative thought,
powerful enough and accompanied by the proper emotion and
intention can become attached to a person’s aura, if the latter is
vulnerable to such aspects and also believes in the power of curses
and black magic, thus, exposing oneself as target to the performers
of such rituals. There are also different discarnate entities belonging
to negative vibration levels, which have a rudimentary conscience
and a limited free will. These entities can be conjured through some
rituals, the same as the angels can be invoked by praying, and they
can be mentally given the purpose to haunt a certain human being.
A common way of a lower intensity to transmit negative thoughts
is when we speak ill of or gossip about a certain person, when we
criticize him/her or vent our rage upon him/her in the presence of
other persons or even when we are alone, but we have a negative
inner mental speech.
In both cases mentioned before, first we harm ourselves through
the emission of such a vibration and then, indirectly, the person to
whom the negative energy is addressed.
56 Victor Chirea
I would like to make a distinction related to the word negative,
because I do not use it in the sense of considering it as something
wrong, or for the sake of hierarchy or making comparisons. The
universe is diverse and I think that what helps us in our global
evolution is to experience facts in duality at a certain level.
Negativity is represented by any aspect that makes difficult or
opposes the process of soul’s development and evolution towards
the light. To name just a few examples: the limitative belief in
separation, or any concept of the Ego implying lack and suffering;
negative emotions and thoughts, unsettled karmic issues, entities or
thought-forms which are feeding on our six levels of the soul and,
in general, anything preventing us from our natural communication
with the more elevated aspects of our Self.
A person who has healed the majority of his/her emotional traumas
will be inaccessible to such vibrating patterns, simply by no longer
having the necessary receivers which an entity of such type or a
thought-form may become attached or attracted to.

A magic formula can take the form of a chastity, obedience or

poverty vow made at a certain moment by a monk, after he had
decided to devote his life to praying. This energetic imprint remains
active in the future lives as well, when the adult might find it difficult
to achieve financial security or a satisfying intimate relationship.
Sometimes, these can be promises made at a given moment between
very dear souls which, while experiencing a very profound earthly
love, swear each other eternal love and to be together forever. Then,
they meet again in another life, where they no longer need to learn
the lesson of a couple living together and, in spite of this, they
cannot cut each other loose, causing themselves a lot of suffering.
Such an energetic pattern can be released quite easily when it is
brought into consciousness and we can see the context in which we
made that pledge which is no longer helpful to us now. Only then
will we have the opportunity to select a new type of approaching
life which is in accordance with the actual plan of our soul.
Soul Fragmentation 57
An Obsessor is an aggressive Attachment, a soul fragment which
comes and tries to take the place of the legal owner of the physical
body, interfering with the latter’s free will and wishing to become
the sole owner of its body. This can be the case of a soul who
has suffered injustice and becomes revengeful, losing its clean
conscience and deeply wishing to continue its life on earth in order
to make justice.
In some cases, there could be a contract at soul level where a more
evolved entity can partially take control over a very ill body to help
it recover, whereas the initial soul leaves the material level and it
might return or not after the regeneration process has taken place.
However, such cases can be rarely found in regressions, because
they do not leave any traces of a trauma; on the contrary, they heal
In spite of many cases when people believe they are partially
possessed or haunted by a negative entity, such cases are quite rare.
Almost 80% of the patients imagine or mentally produce these
symptoms by externalizing them, because of the disorders they
are suffering from, the subconscious being a very strong tool able
to produce distortions. Also, about 10% of the cases when such
symptoms are signaled are due to a medical condition or to the side
effects of the various substances ingested. Only approximately 10%
of the people claiming such issues are actually confronted with a
partial possession. (Rachele, 2013)
Therefore, it is good to see several opinions before we can reach
a certain conclusion, without avoiding the specialists in allopathic
medicine, because many times, the respective conditions can be
caused by viruses, bacteria or chemical imbalances in the brain.

A Pseudo-obsessor is the entire personality of a past life which was

not totally integrated and disturbs the present personality. We often
refer to it by the name of subpersonality and many times the soul
even selects some aspects of the past lives as talents of the present
one. We all have met people who seem to turn into somebody else
when they are singing, painting or expressing a passion they are
good at. Many times, that successful or brilliant aspect needed
58 Victor Chirea
several past lives in order to reach perfection. However, in therapy
the emerging aspects are those which have not yet healed their
traumas and “are haunting” the current life, many times taking
control over the primary personality and drawing attention upon

If we limit our reference only to present life, then a subpersonality

can be a soul fragment resulted from a traumatic event of the past (I
mentioned before Inner Child Work). In case of those who witnessed
countless atrocities in their childhood (for instance witnessing
how another human being of a similar age is being beaten with
brutality) consciousness fragmentation is likely to happen in order
to protect the essence of the being. Later on, multiple personalities
can be formed, which can be accessed in relation to certain stimuli
(triggers). This method was used experimentally by Josef Mengele
in Auschwitz concentration camps in order to study the way in which
the mind can be compartmented, programmed and then controlled
from the outside by the one who had previously implanted through
hypnosis, the access keys to consciousness.

Further, we will say a few words about the Bipolar Personality

Disorder or the Manic-Depressive Psychosis characterized by the
presence of depressive episodes alternating with manic ones.

Depression is a morbid condition more or less long-lasting,

characterized by sadness, loss of ability to enjoy life, decreased
interest and pleasure in almost all activities and an overall low
tonus and energy (DSM IV).
From an emotional point of view and accompanied by corresponding
negative cognitions, the following triad is present: devaluation (“I
am good for nothing”), feeling of worthlessness (“no one needs
me”), hopelessness (“I have no future”). Regarding the physical
body, we are dealing with pregnant fatigue, psychomotor agitation
or retardation, sleep disorders as insomnia or excessive sleep,
combined with diminished ability to think, concentrate or take
decisions, the individuals suffering from depression often having
recurrent thoughts of death and suicidal ideation.
Soul Fragmentation 59
On the opposite side, there is the mania which is an intellectual
and psychomotor excitation, combined with excitement and morbid
euphoria or irritability. The patient’s appearance is dominated by a
very expressive pantomime, men are very talkative while women
are wearing excessive make-up and are dressed in bright colors
and unusual combinations. The subject is verbose, hard to be
stopped, talking loudly and generally making associations based
on an incoherent assonance or displaying ideas of grandeur and
artificially increased self-esteem. During the crises, the need for
sleep is decreased (2-3 hours per night) and fatigue is not perceived.
Somebody who is close to such a person has the feeling as if
two persons were dwelling in the same body and, from a larger
perspective, two souls fighting for the control over the body.

The present chapter will end with a more detailed example of a

regression session that I had with a patient a few days ago. The
experience has therefore not been totally integrated, which makes
it impossible for me to present its healing effects for the patient at
the time being.
60 Victor Chirea
The patient comes to therapy with the following emotional charges:
excessive hatred towards men, whom she considers cunning, fear of
giving birth to children and fear of going crazy (felt as discomfort
in her stomach) which all cause sleeping problems (she is afraid
of going mad while sleeping). However, from my assessment, I
could not identify any signs that she might be suffering from such
a disorder. Before contacting me, she had just completed two years
of therapy for medium depression.
The patient’s assumption is that she has identified herself and taken
over the emotions of a remote relative she has never met, but was
told about and she had also visited her grave as a little girl and
it was from that moment on that all the fears remained with her.
At first view, such explanation seems illogical and scientifically
not grounded. How can one simply take over the emotions of a
deceased person one has never met? If we were to judge the patient’s
assumption in accordance with clinical psychology, we could think
of (a bit far-fetched though) a possession delirium. If we were
to resort to explanations provided by alternative therapies, two
possibilities crossed my mind during the interview: either a soul
fragment of that relative attached itself to the girl’s aura (which is
quite likely, because children at that age are quite open to outwards)
or the patient was in a past life the very person whose grave she had

There are some reasons why this case is special to me:

Firstly, because the patient’s present problems are most likely to be
caused by her last incarnation that took place in the same family.
This situation can be an advantage, because we can practically
check the facts and put face to face the past life (and the information
found out during regression) with the real information obtained
from family stories. At the same time, this can also be an obstacle,
because the patient has already come with her own story, which can
influence the direct experience accessed through regression.
Normally, I would not go into a regression session with such
a case from the first meeting, but since the slip into regression
occurred naturally, while we were working on a dream, I followed
Soul Fragmentation 61
my intuition and everything went quite smoothly and without any
problems. When there is such a natural access to a past life, most
of the times this means that the soul is ready to release that trauma.
Considering my own analysis, the present session seems to be
truthful, because it corresponds very well to the classical regression
model (and to the cause-effect chain - the karma law) observed by
comparison with other cases of past lives. At the same time, it is the
patient’s first regression of such type and she is unlikely to anticipate
what is going to happen; only her desire to solve her problems is
present. Upon my initial indication to always say the first thing that
comes into her mind and to describe only what happens, without
trying to interpret anything, the answers come quickly, leaving no
time to make up a story on the spot; it was as if words were being
uttered by themselves, she was retelling something that she had
experienced and known before. Anyway, even if things had been the
opposite, it may seem almost impossible for someone to make up a
coherent story for three hours, while experiencing intense emotions,
as it was in this case. The pathological delirium is most of the times
destructured, illogical (except for the paranoid one, although the
reasoning is also quite simple) and offers some elements that I
could not identify in this regression (for instance repetition, fixation
on certain topics and ideas, mismatch of the story upon request of
details, the patient’s need to persuade you of the truth of his/her
words, etc.); (for additional details you may consult Lăzărescu,
2011, page 161). Therefore, I will not further discuss about what
exactly is true, what has been invented and other such aspects. I will
only confine myself to presenting things as they happened, because
it is a good, coherent and also a very rare example about the kind
of life a person that ends up going crazy may lead. Not to mention
the emotions experienced under such circumstances, which are
now described by a stable personality which has not been affected
by psychosis and who is reliving everything through identification
with that personality from the past.

As I have already said, in this case, the opening door to regression

is a nightmare that I will further present: the beginning of the dream
62 Victor Chirea
shows the patient talking to colleagues from her office. Suddenly,
she finds herself somewhere else, a long time ago, lying on a bed
and sleeping quietly outside, calm and enjoying her sleep. All of a
sudden, she feels her abdomen as if being squeezed by a vice grip.
She feels fear in her stomach and her heart is beating very fast. She
wants to open her eyes, but she can’t; she wants to cry for help, but
something stops her. She feels she will die here and she feels that
everything that is happening to her is related to a man.
I ask her to go back to her dream and tell it to me by using the first
person, as if it was happening now, this time paying attention to
her emotions and physical sensations. New elements come into the
picture: the feeling of loneliness, the awareness that if she sleeps
outside, she exposes herself to something bad and, nevertheless, she
does it; although she does not see him, she feels a man approaching
her; her eyes are closed and she does not want to open them.

For a therapist specialized in regressions, there are already sufficient

details to launch the hypothesis of the possible presence of the action
in a mentally created universe, in the lower astral realms, where
the trauma of a reality experienced at a specific time is relived.
First of all, the surroundings are unnaturally colored and the bed
is abnormally placed in the middle of the garden, with a woman
refusing to open her eyes (as if she were dead already). However,
dreams do not have the logic of the conscious mind; therefore, I
continued the exploration by simply taking into consideration only
the data available.
When the initial level was sufficiently anchored, I gave her the
suggestion to go back in time, to a previous time when things were
good. The patient is together with her little girl in the garden, she
is warmed by the sun light and has a sense of freedom and of being
at home. Her husband shows up, she is in love with him and feels
loved by him. I have to mention that at present the patient is not
married and has not got any children, which is solid proof for me
that we are in a past life. Nevertheless, I continue to consider the
exploration, as if it were in a dream, because it is quite common for
phantasms of such nature to appear.
Soul Fragmentation 63
The positive moment does not last for a long time, because the
next scene appears spontaneously without any suggestion from
my part: it is night and her husband comes home. She has been
waiting for him with dinner prepared, but he is full, because he
had probably eaten somewhere else. Dissatisfied with the fact of
having married her, he slaps her face, and the patient feels how the
feeling of sadness gets stuck in her chest and neck and experiences
a strong feeling of injustice, considering that she has not been lucky
in love. She leaves and weeps by herself. That moment, she has the
deep feeling that she is one with the respective relative she told me
about during the interview, whom I will further name Ann, so as to
make the story easier to follow. And, to avoid any confusion, when
I am going to refer to the present personality, more precisely to
the person in therapy, I will use the terms the patient or the client.
Due to considerations regarding the coherence of the presentation,
I will present the facts in a chronological order (not in the way
they were revealed in regression) and as a story, using as much as
possible the patient’s words and all the details obtained through the
typical exploration methods (dissociation, slow motion playback,
experience from soul perspective, etc) and as such, more data will
be available as compared to those conveyed at the conscious level
of that life.

Ann’s story starts when she is four years old and, as she is curious
by nature, she looks at the hens sitting on their nests to lay eggs.
Suddenly, she takes an egg and happily goes to her mother to show
her what she found, but, by mistake, she drops the egg which breaks.
Her mother’s reaction is exaggerated, as she applies a physical
punishment to the child and addresses her words of reproach. The
words stop in the girl’s stomach, where she feels as if she had a hard
rock and, at the same time, her joy disappears and is replaced by
sadness. Next day, her mother behaves as if nothing had happened,
but the first thought that crosses Ann’s mind is: “Mother does not
love me, but it is good that father loves me.” [in this case the girl’s
soul becomes fragmented, in the sense that that her joy goes to her
mother and, in return, she receives her mother’s hatred and blows.]
64 Victor Chirea
The next moment is when the girl is five years old and she is playing,
pretending to be a hen, being naked, in the yard. She feels great joy
and freedom in her heart, she is careless and has a strong feeling of
being connected with everything around her. [here is one of the key
resource moments of this session, therefore I let her experience this
state as long as she needed, bringing this resource and anchoring it
into the body of her present life.]
This moment does not last too much either, because “fear begins”;
the ‘spontaneous’ thought comes to Ann’s mind: “What will happen
next? Am I going to always be so happy?” and this is because she
anticipates her parents’ coming soon and starting to scold her and
prevent her from playing, while screaming and venting their anger
on her. The girl’s anticipation is confirmed. Her father is the first
to arrive home, being drunk, as usual. Ann is glad to see him and
goes to welcome him, because usually he brings her sweets, but this
time the man tells her to enter the house with him, so that he can
show her something. After he gives her a candy, the girl wants to
leave, but he tells her to stay. She begins to be frightened, because
her father looks at her in a special way and she can see desire in
his eyes; instinctively, little Ann covers her nakedness, thinking he
could do something to her that would make her mother angry and
she would beat her then. The man comes close to the little girl and
starts to caress her, awakening all kind of sensations she does not
understand: on the one hand, she feels fear of the unknown, but also
pleasure at the same time. Moreover, this is the only way in which
she feels her father is close to her, as he is most of the time absent.
He continues to caress her in the area of her genital organs, asking
her if she enjoyed it, but she says she cannot tell. She decides not
to object, not to say anything, although she would have liked to do
so. The words unuttered, together with her emotions of anger and
resentment are blocked in her stomach. “Father, let me alone! Stop
with this nonsense! What are you doing? Do you want me to tell
mother about this?” At the same time, she turns all her spite for
not having reacted against herself. [Although some people might
consider the sexual abuses that are limited just to caresses and
kisses to be less severe than those where penetration is involved,
Soul Fragmentation 65
from a psychoanalytic point of view, such sexual impulse felt at such
a young age, as well as her father’s desire energy are far too much
for the girl’s still fragile self. Therefore, as a defense mechanism,
most of the experiences are automatically repressed and, at the
same time, the soul fragmentation occurs, a part of the girl’s energy
remaining in the past, at the very moment of her abuse.]

In time, she has come to like it and at the age of six she is already
waiting for the ‘tenderness’ moments with her father, because they
give her pleasure. However, she is still afraid and feels shame and
guilt towards her mother. In a way, she knows that something is
wrong, but she keeps saying to herself: “He knows what he is doing,
after all he is my father”.

The years go by and when she is a teen-ager, this desire is reawaken,

but this time it is transmitted to her by an older boy (let’s name him
Mathew) who is looking at her insistently, admiring her while she is
taking part in a funeral. The contact is short, just a glance, as she is
shy and overwhelmed by his energy and she leaves her eyes down;
but it is sufficient for her to become curious and to try to find out in
the village if the boy does like her or not.
Then, a little bit later, when she is sixteen, her father tries to get
close to her, she becomes sick of him, rejects him and leaves home
and thus almost ten years of paternal abuses come to an end. As
she is leaving her home, she thinks: “I am alone, but I will marry
someone and I will never be alone again”. Anyway, she could no
longer live there, it was like a madhouse, her parents arguing and
fighting all the time, her mother shouting at her father, while the
latter continued drinking.
The same day, she arrives in front of Mathew’s house, whom she
had never met again since that short meeting and she tells him in a
detached way that she wants to marry him and that she has run away
from home, because her parents do not agree to this, although the
real reason was that she wanted to get rid of her father and did not
have anywhere else to go. Being older than her, the man transmits
power to her and a feeling of superiority and she feels protected
66 Victor Chirea
near him. His cunning eyes are arousing desire and she feels like a
woman in his presence, but, at the same time, she becomes shy and
cannot bear his look, choosing to look down. The same evening
they make love and although she is a virgin, she does not bleed.
Mathew is frustrated and he does not like it to see that the sheet is
white; he looks inquiringly at her and Ann feels she has been caught
and she feels guilty and has the physical sensation that her heart is
being squeezed by a grip vice. She starts crying, while repeating
to him that she is ‘a virgin’. He does not say a word, goes outside
and when he returns, he lays quietly in bed with his back turned to
her. Ann feels how her femininity is killed and is leaking into the
ground. She cannot sleep because of her worries: “What if he is
going to send me back home the next day? What am I going to do?
Nobody will marry me, nobody…” She has a feeling of sadness and
despair and wishes to die that very moment. She worries all night,
but she cannot find any solution. The next day, he wakes up, as if
nothing had happened and tells her to start the wedding preparations.
Then, Ann thinks: “He is my savior, my angel, I owe him my life
starting from this moment, because he will marry me, even if I did
not bleed”. She feels she must do everything to please this man; she
no longer sees him like a man, but like a father, like a saint, like a
savior, like something superior. [I would mention that almost every
time the elements (physical, emotional and mental charges) of the
interview appear identically expressed in the regression; the patient
is even using the same words, such as: the cunning look, being
squeezed by a grip vice, the feeling of guilt and so on. At the same
time, these extreme ups and downs starting with sadness, despair
and her wish to die and continuing with her husband’s decision to
save her from her condition and the way she experiences this, as if
Messiah had taken all her worries away, and then, in a short time,
hardships come back and she falls into depression again, all this
picture completes the factors favoring the appearance of madness,
built on her childhood vulnerability created by her family context
(those being predisposing factors).]
Soul Fragmentation 67
As if it were an indigo copy, the situation she ran away from is
now recreated in her new home. The caresses, kisses and affection
she received the first time when they made love are less and less,
being replaced with something mechanical and without any love
from his side, although she continues to adore him on the pedestal
she has placed him, yearning for his tenderness, but feeling him
more often as if he were a stranger to her. She happens to become
pregnant and again, she is very happy, because she feels she has
fulfilled her part and duty to him and thinks that from now on it
will be better and maybe he will love her more: “from now on, we
are truly tied forever”. The man receives the news with indifference
and this turns into discontent after he sees that his wife has given
birth to a girl and not to a boy, as he wished. Although the woman
tells him she will bring up the child as if it were a boy, she sees he is
angry and does not know what to do to please him. She is desperate
again... she feels she has disappointed him the second time, she
feels as if anesthetized: “I feel I have lost him… I have lost love…
I do not have any other weapons”. She goes home with her little girl
and from now on, she looks after the girl mostly by herself. They
do not make love any more, he always comes home in the evening.
[The repeated moments of disappointment and trauma, practically
not leaving any time for rest and regeneration, further contribute to
her soul fragmentation, preparing the imminent splitting.]

He beats her up for the first time… As he used to do, the man comes
home late and he is already drunk. She tells him people say he was
seen in the company of a woman, a neighbor. Mathew can no longer
control himself and he vents his anger on her, he starts beating her,
first with his fists, and when she falls down, he continues kicking
her everywhere…. When he calms down, he throws her out of the
house and does not let her in any more, even if she knocks at the
windows, asking him to at least let her breastfeed her baby girl.
As it is winter, Ann must find shelter inside the storehouse, where
the frost freezes her soul. The first awful thought comes up: “I am
cursed, I was born without any luck in this world. I am damned to
be unhappy. I am paying for my sins.” It is now that her relationship
68 Victor Chirea
with God breaks up: “I do not feel anything divine in me. My girl
is the only reason worth living for. In these moments, I feel God
no longer exists for me”, because if God existed, he would not let
this happen. Until then, she believed in God, but now she could
feel only fury and anger and she would not care about anything at
all. “My body is anesthetized, and my Soul is hardened, I no longer
have any soul.”…The night passes away very slowly and the only
thing maintaining her wish to live is her daughter. The next day, at
five o’clock in the morning, he calls her back in the house.

[Here I will open a parenthesis and approach a subject without

which, health and disease cannot be understood.]

Although, I have not referred to God in this paper, I will say a few
words now, mentioning that this is my current personal view (which
is definitely under constant reconfiguration). My purpose is not to
pass any judgment on other beliefs, but make the above mentioned
process more clear. I will write these lines more for the happiness of
the mind, because any explanation will truly lose its meaning when
we refer to the Creator.

I have noticed that, when people speak about God in general, they
would rather see him as the Divinity that created this universe,
but, in their minds, they somehow separate him from his creation,
as if God had first created the universe and then withdrew in
contemplation, being rather passive, interfering with his creation
from time to time, just to make small adjustments where necessary.
Other conceptions see God in an active manifestation as being the
origin itself and the creation as well, moulding his energy in diverse
aspects (individualities) of manifestation, which he continues to
pour energy into, giving them life by his divine breath, his very
presence being the element keeping all things together. At present,
my personal opinion is closer to the second conception presented.

If we were to refer to God as to a being, then we could launch

the hypothesis that he, the same as us, might have a ‘body’ (he
Soul Fragmentation 69
created mankind in his own image). In this case, this ‘body’ could
be represented by everything that exists (visible or invisible to us):
the universes with the planets and the beings populating them,
but also the unmanifested part (what some people call the Great
Mystery, Alfa and Omega, that which cannot be comprehended by
mind). On the same line of reasoning, we could consider that God
is everything that exists, from the smallest grain of sand to the most
imposing light being that contributes to creating the universe.

In his book “Life on the Cutting Edge” (1994), S. Rachele offers

a hierarchical perspective of God’s organization-manifestation,
having at the top of the pyramid entire families of enlightened souls
(true group consciences) which can all become synchronized into an
entity of a highly evolved vibration which can become manifested
at material level as the central Sun of the galaxy or of the entire
universe. Although at this level individuality ceases to make sense,
everything being one in spirit, we can approximate the union of
souls into something bigger, the same way as the cells weave
themselves into tissues, then into organs and systems of organs. All
these working together and being held in one piece by skin, give
birth to the human body… indeed, “created in God’s own image” or
“the same on earth as it is in heaven”. This final example is my own
contribution to understanding the theory. Those who are interested
can read the book mentioned above or can access the Annex at the
end, which provides a personal synthesis of the information found
in the four books written by Sal Rachele.

What is relevant for the process of explaining this fragment of

regression is the following aspect: we are never disconnected from
God (because this would be the same as if we said that a cell of
our liver is disconnected from our entire body), but after severe
traumas, we may fall prey to the delusion that we are separated,
exactly as the cancerous cells isolate themselves from the body by
creating certain layers in order not to be detected and neutralized
by the immune system. The same as cancer that brings death, the
belief that God does not exist will diminish our feeding with life
70 Victor Chirea
(Spirit). The latest research in the field of Neurosciences shows that
the capacity to feel the touch of faith is more important than the
object of our faith. Faith is the one that determines modifications
at brain level, forming more neuronal connections and secreting
certain hormones that support health (Newberg & Waldman, 2009).

But in Ann’s case, for whom faith in God dies, what is actually lost
is hope and without it, the soul itself seems to have turned into a
stone. When you say you no longer believe in God, it is as if you said:
life does no longer exist for me, it is not worth living any longer, I
am desperate, I feel abandoned. These beliefs break the walls of the
fortress, there is no sense for the immune system to defend itself,
since you are awaiting your death and the disease is invited into
your body. But more important is what happens at soul level, the
repeated shocks and traumas leading you to the state of despair in
which you think that God has forsaken you; this is actually what
fragments the soul. Consequently, I consider this splitting as the
main cause of madness, since any psychotic person lives with the
illusion of his/her complete separation from God, even in the cases
where there is delirium and mystical ideation. In such situations,
the person is connected to a hallucination, to something made up by
a suffering mind that is trying, with its remaining forces, to access
something holy that might bring about healing.

I have come across a similar outlook on disease, while attending

Professor Ion Mânzat’s course called “The Psycho-spiritual
Dimensions of Health and Disease” (within the Master studies in
Clinical Psychology) and by reading his book entitled Synergetic
Psychology (2010).
The creator of the synergetic science, Herman Haken says that
“a dynamic system, irrespective of its physical, biological or
social nature organizes itself through a synchronic cooperation
of its internal components”. Professor Ion Mânzat adds his own
contribution to this perspective: these components “work together
and simultaneously, one through the other and not one after
another”. Synergy is defined in the Romanian DEX dictionary as
Soul Fragmentation 71
the association/coordination of several elements (organs) working
together in view of a common result, with economy of means.

Health can thus be defined as a synergy phenomenon, where the

main synergizer (the Self) offers coherence to the system through
hope, love and faith. A man possessing all these three aspects will
be motivated to live and make plans for the future, all these together
and simultaneously fulfilling a sanogenous function. In such a state,
the mind and the heart speak the same language, and the human
being can reach an optimum level of self-organization.

I would also mention the perspective of Gestalt Therapy, where it

is considered that man has a natural tendency towards recovery,
the same as the land (the nature, the surroundings) has the
tendency to organize itself in the best form permitted by the global
conditions (The Law of Pithiness). In the course of life, all kind
of blockages interfere with this natural state of equilibrium. When
these discontinuities are removed through a process of awareness
followed by sound action, then the state of equilibrium will be
reestablished by itself. (This concept is called “organismic self-
regulation” – for more details see Yontef, 1993).

On the other hand, the disease appears when the process of

desynergization takes place (the synergization is ruptured),
followed by dissolution, together with such pressure and chaos that
make impossible the occurrence of calm concentration that brings
about insight. One can no longer talk about “the retrieval of the lost
humanness” through individuation, cosmization and transcendence,
the entire body mobilizing itself to regain its coherence, its own
rhythm and harmonics so as to establish its morphological resonance
of balance (Mînzat, 2010).

In connection with the Regression Therapy (Past Life Therapy)

it can be noticed that a system (the human body) which used
to function synergically at some moment, will find it easy to
become resynergized if it went back in the past when that synergy
72 Victor Chirea
existed and bring back that feeling into the present. At the same
time, resynergization can occur upon removing the blockage that
interrupts the synergizing process.

In accordance with the natural principle of flowing and life, if a

river is let free, it will finally reach its destination (be it a sea or
an ocean) and it will somehow flow into the source it sprang from,
through the evaporation process. If it is blocked, it will reorganize
itself into a lake and if it is also prevented from flowing so as to have
a fresh flow of water, it will either drain or turn into a puddle (it will
become desynergized) and in a short time, it will no longer be able
to sustain even aerobic life, the oxygen being lower and lower. The
removal of the blockage from its way will redirect it towards the
flowing process. Thus, we can see how important the resynergizing
energy is. If we block a river by a dam and if afterwards, we leave a
small gate through which it can pass, this resynergizing energy will
move the turbines and generate electric power.

Since the small can be found in the large and the large in the small
and as the universe is an immense hologram, we can understand, by
metaphoric similarity, that man can also have an analog way in the
course of its own becoming and completion. In real life, human body
also has an inner force of reorganization and self-organization; it is
sufficient to allow it to manifest itself and provide all the necessary
conditions for its development (that is removal of blockages).

[coming back to the story]

After a short time, her worries make her follow her husband to see if
what people say is true. It is twilight and he is leaving his mistress’s
house. Ann remains hidden and she sees them the very moment
when his mistress is showing Mathew out of the house, while the
latter is zipping up his trousers. He turns to his mistress and kisses
her. Then Ann feels “as if hit by an arrow, something is broken inside
of her, something is split”, “I feel as if I were breaking in half, as if
anger penetrates my brain and it is so strong, but I cannot express
Soul Fragmentation 73
it, I cannot shout, I cannot say anything”, “I feel it like madness,
as if I preferred to go mad, my mind goes crazy, it goes completely
crazy”. At the same time, she starts cursing her days, her fate and
her husband. Madness is installed when it is confirmed to her that in
this life she will not benefit from love and that she does not deserve
to be happy. Instead of facing this irrevocable truth, she prefers to
become ill and not to remain conscious. It is then that she feels she
keeps only the upper side of her body, whereas her femininity and
her capacity of giving birth to children are draining into the ground.
She cannot tell anybody about what she has seen, because she would
definitely lose Mathew. As time passes, pressure becomes higher.
[This is the very moment when the process of madness starts. Within
the exploration, it is placed at the beginning of the regression, as it
usually happens that the most tensed moments burst out first as they
are being pushed by the pressure of having been repressed for quite
a long time. It is here that the starting factor of the disease appears:
the confirmation of the fact that her husband is cheating on her
with another woman. It is too much for Ann and her soul breaks up
like a shattered mirror. From that moment onwards, these pieces
reflect a deformed reality and even if she tries to stick them back
together, the puzzle no longer resembles the original photo. Another
important aspect is the description of how her madness appears,
the scene being carefully explored through the slow motion method:
like an arrow in the brain, short-circuiting her being… as if you
connected an electric device to a higher voltage than it can support.
The device will burn out, it will disconnect itself from the source for
protection reasons. But people are not machines and one cannot
replace the faulty parts and they are not provided with a cartridge
fuse. She splits into half from her waist; a part of her is lost in the
ground and the upper remaining fragment goes crazy. Better go
mad than face the truth. If we study the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders and resume the elements presented at
the beginning of chapter 3, we can see that psychoses (madness or
schizophrenia) start suddenly, as a result of an emotional shock most
of the times and are based on the conflict I-outside world (in this
case in connection with her husband’s extra-conjugal relationship
74 Victor Chirea
and enhanced by her vulnerability factors – her childhood abuses),
unlike in neuroses, where the conflict is between the Ego and the
Self (meaning the unconscious elements (Id) and the normative
censorship – the Superego).]

As if she had not suffered enough, Ann’s nightmare continues.

Although they live together, her husband ignores her most of the
time, except for the few moments when he seeks her for sexual
pleasure. She finally remains with child again, but in spite of this,
her husband’s beating and casting her out of the house do not stop.
Nevertheless, Ann finds the power within herself to forgive him
and accept him as he is; anyhow she thinks: “I am lost without him,
there is nothing I can do, this is my fate, there is no place where I
can go”. Because of so many blows, she gets ill and has a paresis on
her left side. Then, she becomes sick as she is working in the fields
and her brothers hospitalize her directly in a madhouse. That night,
as she is unconscious, she miscarries. The physicians tell her family
that she is going to die and that they have to discharge her from
hospital and prepare for her funeral. In spite of this, Ann recovers
after her spontaneous abortion. She continues to stay in hospital
and during this time the moments of sedation and breaking from
reality are alternating with those of lucidity, when she wakes up
and wonders terrified why she is among those mad people: “it is
awful and I can’t realize why I am here among these people”. She
is terribly afraid of all the people near her, who were making wry
faces, shouting and dancing round her. After two nights, her family
takes her away. [For more clarity with respect to the progress of the
process, we also have to appeal to dissociative exploration, from
the perspective of her soul, which was most of the times outside
her body in the moments of her numbness or when she miscarried
– when the patient describes how she had seen everything from
above: “I am lying on a table, some doctors are agitating around
me and I can hear them saying that I am bleeding a lot and that
I miscarried. I do not know why, but I am glad it happened that
Soul Fragmentation 75
Further on, Ann is taken home to her mother who signs for her
hospital discharge, and Mathew decides not to let her have the child
with her, as she is mad. Although “she struggles to recover and
prove them she is not mad”, she continues to have paresis crises and
her head aches terribly. She goes from one hospital to another, but
she fails to recover. Nevertheless, she is all the time supported by
her brothers. [Here is a moment of catharsis when she can feel the
love coming from them. While her heart was full of love, the patient
says through tears: “it is the love that I needed.”]

Every day, Ann loses her self-control more and more, she begins
laughing in a way that frightens everybody and she keeps asking
about her daughter. She feels worse and worse… bedridden, having
terrible headaches… she wishes all to come to an end, but at the
same time, her wish to see her daughter again keeps her alive. In the
end, the family gives up and the moment of meeting her daughter
again is emotional. [The patient says through tears: “I did not die
before seeing my daughter. They brought her, I saw her and then I
closed my eyes”. I suggest that she should not hurry and give herself
the necessary time to experience this moment. The girl’s beauty and
youth bring joy to her heart, and the love felt now is healing.]
The girl does not even know that the person in front of her gave birth
to her. Being paralyzed, Ann succeeds in humming a few words, but
her words are drowned in tears of joy. She finally manages to pass
away, with her heart half reconciled by this last beautiful moment,
but with the regret of having died young and not loved. [In such
cases of discontented death, with remaining unfinished live lessons,
reincarnation is quite quick – seven years in the present case. That
is because the Soul is drawn back, on the one hand to recover the
soul fragments left on Earth, on the other hand, being also impatient
to complete its initially chosen plan. Unfortunately, such haste also
implies a more negligent planning of the future life… it is as in
the case when you quickly prepare your luggage to leave town and
then you see that you have forgotten different things. The following
existence is usually a difficult one, bringing over similar traumas
as those in the recently completed life and that is because during
76 Victor Chirea
the reliving process there is the possibility for soul fragments to
be reintegrated. Not to mention that, if the incarnation is in the
same family or in the circle of close friends, then the process can be
accelerated and it could be rather difficult for the person to sustain
the process physically, emotionally and mentally… many times this
can lead to psychic diseases or other complications of the kind.]

Anticipating the next chapter, I will present some elements with

respect to the way the healing process is approached in Past Life
Therapy. Taking into consideration the difficult life experienced,
a great part of the catharsis process takes place in Souls’ World.
Nevertheless, there were several positive moments of direct
exploration when the patient could access valuable resources. We
have a first example when the patient was five years old and she
was playing freely and carelessly in the yard; later on, there were
some beautiful moments spent with her little girl and of course, in
the end, when she feels the love of her family and especially the joy
of meeting them.

In PLT there is quite an important part of work to be performed in

the astral-etheric level which we call “Souls’ World”. In that place,
the patients travel by means of their conscience and are capable
of seeing and experiencing things that they could not experience
or know in the respective incarnation, being limited to the three-
dimensional level. First, they consciously experience the moment
of death, they can feel how the soul leaves the body and see if any
parts of soul energy have remained on Earth. Almost every time,
the soul fragments are captive in the material level, where the
emotional, physical or mental traumas occurred; therefore, a first
soul recovery is performed at the moment of the physical death.
Then, as the soul is complete, we go to the moment of death of the
important people in the patient’s life, those who appeared directly
during the exploration (parents, brothers, lovers, aggressors, etc.).
We also help them to complete their souls, finally guiding the energy
transfer (between them and the patient’s personality from that past
life) so that each person recovers its own soul fragments.
Soul Fragmentation 77

Coming back to the present case, I will shortly present the process
that lasted approximately one hour and a half. The patient first
completes her soul, because fragments of her past subpersonality
had remained in the area of her head, heart and abdomen. Then, the
first person she chooses to visit at the moment of death is her father.
She recovers her innocence and purity lost in her childhood and she
gives him back his desire, sexual arousal and all the thoughts and
emotions transmitted to her during the abuses. At the same time,
she recovers her responsibility, as she had left everything to her
father’s care, thinking that he knew better. The two hearts open and
her father can finally give her the love he had for her. She feels
something new and unknown, as if her heart was burning. [I
will make a comment at this point. Generally, in a regression, one
cannot receive emotions and states of mind belonging to other
people, only what belongs to you and the experienced states of
mind awoken in contact with the other one. However, parental love
is an exception. It is as if each mother and father, and sometimes
grandparents come on Earth with a certain amount of love which
is specially meant to be given, in time, to their child. The child can
integrate it as part of himself/herself and can grow up healthily. In
his/her turn, many times the child comes with a healing love for his/
her parents, helping them to develop and overcome blockages and
difficulties. If, for one reason or another, the parent is incapable of
giving these nourishing emotions, then he/she remains with a kind
of debt and the child feels there is something missing; the bigger
the emotional emptiness, the higher the risk of a severe psychic
disorder. In such cases, it is all right to receive within the session
“only that love that belongs to you according to divine law, that
love that your father should have given to you, but did not in that
life.” In this way, we make sure that the parent should not in any
way give to the child the love meant for his own person, because
in that case a new fragmentation process would result. Therefore,
as therapists, we should be careful, even if we have good intentions
and take into consideration these details in order not to create new
disequilibria, while working to heal the existing ones.]
78 Victor Chirea
The patient understands better the reasons why Ann’s father became
an aggressive person who sexually abused her and afterwards
withdrew himself in drinking. He had also experienced quite a hard
life, having witnessed sex scenes in his family and having also been
beaten. And this is how karma is transmitted from generation to
generation, from family to family, until one of the members decides
to assume a harder life in which to process it through a severe
disease most of the time. Once the process is over, tranquility and
peace are accessed.

Meeting her mother at soul level is as emotional as meeting her

father. Ann tells her words and thoughts she could not express
before, showing her, as if in a movie, the life she had lived so that
her mother could understand her mental condition. There were
secrets that had not yet been revealed about the way in which her
father had taken advantage of her and other aspects, as well. Once
these things were said, there was place only for the healing love
connecting the two hearts in a flux of light and emotions.

Ann’s husband from the client’s previous life is still alive at the
present moment when the regression session is performed. Therefore,
we ask permission to work with the highest aspect of his Self, that
part which did not incarnate on Earth, but watches from the more
subtle levels. Then, the energy taken will be gradually integrated
within his present Self that is experiencing the three-dimensional
life. This time, she manages to tell him about the whole history of
her abuses and why she had chosen to marry him and run away from
home. She is released from her relationship with him, accessing a
natural order. [Many times, when connections at soul level remain
with other persons from previous lives, the process of creating close
relationships of a healthy attachment in present life becomes more
difficult, as in the case of the patient who had many failures in love.
It was almost impossible for her to have a well-balanced and long-
term relationship with a man.]
Soul Fragmentation 79
Now we can better analyze the moment when Ann gets mad, when
seeing her husband with another woman. Her soul goes out of her
body then and she feels she turns into a stone. She also has the
opportunity to recover that part. Everything comes into place now
and there is also a separation process regarding what emotions and
energies belong to him and what is her responsibility; it is a part of
fury that belonged to her, but it belonged to him as well, it is his
aggressiveness which used to be transmitted to her every time he
used to beat her. She gives everything back and in return she receives
gentleness and tenderness which she can also feel in the body of
her present life. [And this is because all things and dimensions are
interconnected in a space-time continuum, as quantum physics
shows, quoting Heisenberg’s non-local and uncertainty principle
(for more details see Talbot, 1991 and Goswami, 2004). Even if
she accesses through conscience “the souls’ world” and the time
before, she is also connected to the actual existence and everything
she feels is by means of her senses and nervous system of her present
body. This is an important aspect that contributes to healing, as we
said before: the lucidity of the present Self, but also the presence of
the therapist bring clarity and order in the past Self.]

The fact that she gave birth to a girl instead of a boy as he had
wished or the fact she did not bleed the first time when they made
love, did not depend on her, although she chose to bear it as a burden
and think that she “was not worth being loved” for that reason. Not
revealing a part of the truth and not telling Mathew that she wished
to marry him in order to get rid of her father are facts related to her
responsibility, even if her intention was to protect her family. Once
these confessions are made, her husband has the chance to know
her as she really was and rediscover her.
She recovers her femininity that had drained into the ground together
with her capacity of giving birth to children. She is released from
the fear of getting mad and the choice she once made – “I had better
go mad than be aware of the fact that he does not love me.”
80 Victor Chirea
Things are gradually clarified and we finally reach the relationship
with God. At this level, there were disconnections many times, with
every trauma and emotional failure, the relationship was weaker
and weaker, until finally it entirely ended (in that storehouse where
Ann is obliged to spend the night, being driven out of the house by
her husband); at least this is the Ego’s illusion, since the connection
with Divinity can never be interrupted, as we are part of the
Creator’s body (as I mentioned some pages before). Ann thought
she was cursed, that she was born unlucky in that world, that she is
bound to be unhappy and that she pays for her sins.
I have now checked, if, from the soul perspective she sees things
the same way or can have access to a higher vision… She no longer
perceives herself as cursed, she simply sees that each of them had
to learn some lessons and that it was a hard life. She feels that
what happened served a purpose, although she is not able to yet
fully understand it. She resumes her relationship with God, but she
continues to find it difficult to connect with him. She feels God is just
but realizes this at mental level – she understands what happened,
still, there was too much suffering for all of them. She retrieves
that soul fragment that had denied the existence of divinity, but she
still finds it difficult to connect to it: “I can understand, I know he
is there, but I cannot feel love”. [Indeed, this aspect needs more
time. After the regression, I approached the subject of faith, the
patient being raised in the orthodox spirit and “with the fear of
God”. She stopped believing in God two years before, when she had
experienced a rather difficult moment both in her career and also at
personal level, that very moment also marking the beginning of her
depression followed by the beginning of therapy. After regression, a
few changes took place, in the sense that she started to be interested
in the authentic faith she had met in the Romanian monasteries and
detach herself from the rigid dogma (related to the idea of sin, guilt
and fear of God) which unfortunately still exists in some holy places
and which she says she cannot understand (how can you love God
and at the same time be afraid of him?). Her hatred towards men
has also diminished; she started to feel love and that everything is
God’s creation, but such moments last for a short time. Although
Soul Fragmentation 81
it develops gently, clarity is present. As I said before, this session
is quite actual and there has not been enough time or space for
complete integration. Taking into consideration the multitude of the
aspects approached, I anticipate a period of half a year for the
patient to process the mental-emotional information received.]

Further on, the process continued in view of releasing the traumas

experienced during her miscarriage, as well as for the child’s soul
that had no chance to be born. We find out that if it had been born, it
would have been a boy and it could have offered Ann this experience
and she could have offered him her love. These no longer happened
in real life, but they took place in the “Souls’ World”, so that the
cycle of the experience could be completed and the energy that had
been blocked before could be released.
Then, the patient caresses her body that had become paralyzed as a
result of so many beatings and which she used to think of as “being
good for nothing”.
There was also a short meeting with her brothers from that life (some
of them being still present in physical form). She told them she was
angry with them because they did not take her from the madhouse
sooner, that she was not mad when they hospitalized her and that
her condition was due to her paresis. As she had no opportunity to
do this then, she thanks them now for all they had done for her.
In the same way, she accesses the conscience of her daughter from
her previous life, who is older in this life than the patient’s present
personality. It is only she that can see her daughter and she sends
her the love she could not send before, because of her early death.
If possible, she would like to tell her little girl in her dreams the
following words when the right moment would come: “that she
loves her, that she was the light of her eyes”. Only this… because
she does not wish to disturb her, but sufficient enough for them to
be mutually released from that experience of the past and be able to
lead a balanced life.

The intervention is delicate, in order not to interfere with the course

of actual things and so as not to disturb the state of mind and the
82 Victor Chirea
free will of her former relatives who are still continuing their life on
Earth. Since it was a longer session than usual, it was already quite
late and most probably they were sleeping then, but anyway it was
necessary that the issues be processed carefully. We always need to
have in mind everybody’s harmony, pursue their highest good and
ask to be guided by divinity in the therapy that we are practicing.

Towards the end of the regression, we go to a place of consciousness

(the technique is called Panorama View) where we can see the past
life with detachment, so as to find out the lessons chosen by the
soul for learning purposes. We can also access what we call the
life between lives, meaning that period before birth, in order to see
in details the way in which the soul has prepared the respective
life. We can see exactly how the previous existence influenced the
present one and thus connections and insights can be made from a
higher perspective. I will not go further into details on this subject,
I only wish to point out that one of the main lessons my patient had
to integrate in that past life was that of forgiveness – to feel love for
the ones who had harmed her, a significant step in the existence and
development of any soul that wishes to finally be enlightened and
get reconnected to the source.
Asking her how she sees her connection with the Source from this
place, she says it is weak and shy and this is because she is still
angry with God. She tells this because “it seems she had suffered
too much only to learn forgiveness”. She also says that she cannot
fully understand the logic of things and she wishes more clarity in
an adequate way for her to learn, in harmony and according to her
rhythm. In a way, she feels released to say this. Then, she says that
even if she is still not ready, she wishes a stronger connection with
God, she wishes to feel love instead of anger and she knows that she
will be able to do this one day.

There are many subjects I would like to additionally approach,

but the space is limited, therefore I will leave these other issues
for future developments. Let us further see the way in which we
can foresee and heal the disequilibria occurred as a result of soul
Soul Fragmentation 83

4. Soul Reintegration

As already said in chapter 2, one of the most common ways in

which soul fragmentation occurs is by denial. Faced with a very
intense experience, which goes beyond the Self’s normal capacities
of integration, most of the time the soul chooses to cope with this
situation by splitting off the traumatized part and then avoiding it
intentionally. In psychoanalysis we talk about defense mechanisms
such as: repression, defensive denial or dissociation. As time
goes by, this aspect of the Self is forgotten and repressed in the
unconscious and, at the moment of death, the soul will not be aware
of its repressed parts whose manifestations have been denied. Thus,
the healthy aspect of the soul will be heading towards the light
straightaway, leaving behind, in lower astral realms, the suppressed
soul parts which do not have enough energy to rise up to higher
vibrational realms.
Moreover, if these parts have emotional attachments to the people
or situations on Earth, they will remain in lower astral realms like
ghosts or apparitions.

Soul reintegration is the process of calling

back the soul fragments and bringing them
together in ways that are useful to spiritual
growth. The easiest way to bring home these
lost fragments is, first of all, by becoming
aware and admitting their existence and then,
by working in therapy, we come to know them
and give them room for manifestation. In time,
we start to forgive ourselves and to accept our
shadow parts more and more, thus integrating
them into our personality, where they return
transformed, giving us back the lost force.
An important element in this process is not to
deepen ourselves into the negative emotion
84 Victor Chirea
and limit ourselves to relive it the same way as we did in the past,
but this time, to be able to access a state of detachment and lucid
consciousness. This can first be facilitated by the therapist, and
then it will be gradually developed within the one who needs to be

I will briefly mention some of the most important methods of soul

- Psychotherapy – by the process of inner work, emotional wounds
can be healed and maladaptive thinking patterns can be transformed.
These will automatically reintegrate personality. There are a
multitude of psychotherapy techniques; I will enumerate just a few:
Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Gestalt Therapy,
Ericksonian Hypnosis, Person-Centered Therapy, Psychodrama,
Transactional Analysis, etc.
- Forgiveness – it is one of the most efficient processes. Although it
can be accessed by everybody, often we find it difficult to be able to
feel love, bless and forgive those who made us suffer.
- Praying or meditation – the state of communion with God or with
our divine Self in which we can call back our lost soul fragments.
What may facilitate this process are the special places spread all over
the world that can sustain and guide us, starting from the Christian
monasteries and churches to the Buddhist or Hindu temples, not
to mention the highly energized places, such as the Sphinx of the
Carpathian mountains, the Egyptian pyramids, the Machu Picchu
temples, etc. My personal point of view is that the method of
accessing the connection state is less important, each person using
the technique that is close to his/her soul. What matters is to reach
the vibration that allows the melting of the blockages that prevent
our healing.
- Regression to the initial moment of trauma and its healing. Under
the therapist’s guidance, we can use any method of time regression
that we are specialized in and that is appropriate for every client:
Past Life Therapy, Deep Memory Process, Timeline Healing or
Prananadi Regression.
- Bioenergy techniques that reunite the auric field and can work on
Soul Fragmentation 85
subtle bodies. Among them, I would mention: Reiki, Reconnective
Healing, Universal Energy Movement of Dazira Narada.
- Using biofeedback devices or quantum medicine devices such as:
SCIO, Oberon, DDFAO. We can also include in the same category
the radionic devices which can connect us to a specific cerebral
frequency similar to the one obtained by meditation. Then, there
is also the zero point energy technology where tachyon energy and
many others can be included.
- Breathing techniques such as Holotropic Breathwork.
- Shamanic rituals of retrieving lost soul parts, including connection
to the four elements, to the seven archetypes, to power animals or to
the forces of nature. I would also mention the Munay Ki rites.
- Affirmation Techniques where we can repeat a sentence several
times until our subconscious is permeated with that information.
For instance: “My personal soul fragments come back to me in an
adequate rhythm, in harmony and in accordance with the divine
will and grace”. We can practically use any assertion that makes us
- NLP, hypnotherapy.
- Melotherapy, chromotherapy, art therapy.
- Any technique that brings us into a state of love, peace and
connection with the Divine: Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, mantras
chanting, etc.
- Ki-Aikido, the art of bringing mind and body to work together in
order to achieve a state of coordination.

The simple presence of a man that has healed the majority of his
traumas in the 6 bodies of the Soul will bring about transformation
within ourselves. Then, it is our duty to learn how to preserve that

I will further detail some of the above mentioned techniques and I

will begin with the forgiveness process, because I consider it to be
a foundation stone in the healing process. And where else, but in
the Bible can we find lessons about forgiveness? And who else, but
Jesus Christ told us about truth, forgiveness and love?
86 Victor Chirea
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”
(John 8, 32)
First of all, let us be sincere with ourselves and accept things as
they are. We cannot heal something we do not acknowledge. If we
look at our wounds with the eyes of truth, they will heal in the
end. Many times, we carry with us wounds of the past, forgetting
even the context in which they were produced or the fact that our
truth from the past is no longer valid at present. Truth is relative on
Earth and we can see this by looking at mankind’s history; and in
spite of this, we continue to lie to ourselves in the attempt to protect
ourselves. Although painful, the knife of truth is very efficient with
regard to opening wounds.

“Take courage, son! Your sins are forgiven.” (Matthew 9, 2)

After opening them, the wounds will be cleaned by the feeling of
forgiveness. For a complete emotional healing, we need to forgive
ourselves and be able to forgive the one who caused our wound. Even
if we think that person is not worth being forgiven, it is necessary
to do it, by letting go our self-pride, if not for his/her sake, then for
ours. And then, we also need to forgive ourselves. Forgiveness is an
act demonstrating that we love ourselves. We realize that we have
indeed forgiven the one that hurt us, the moment when we meet
him/her and we no longer experience any feeling of repugnance
against him/her or when hearing his/her name, we will no longer
have a negative emotional reaction. Of course, the emotional scar
will remain in the form of memories, but there will be no pain
associated to it.

“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22, 39)

After having cleaned the wounds, the healing process can be
accelerated through love. Love is like a balsam for the emotional
wound, but not that “I love you if…” or “I love you because…”,
but the feeling of love lacking any context or reason. Let us start by
loving ourselves unconditionally, and then we will be able to also
love those who caused our wounds.
Soul Fragmentation 87
I consider forgiveness to be the most efficient and ready at hand
process for calling back the lost soul fragments. But it is necessary to
realize what it is not forgiveness. Tolerating someone or pretending
that everything is all right when it is not, showing a positive face
and convincing yourself that the negative emotions are an illusion
and that you have already transcended this state of mind, all these
will only take you away from the forgiveness process.
First of all, in order to forgive, we need to invite that part of our self
that was wounded and this can be done by being fully aware and
acknowledging the malfunctioning energy patterns, then by feeling
them into our body, experimenting and expressing them within a
safe framework, while preserving our awareness. Further on, it is
necessary to see things from a higher perspective, to rise above
drama, and, if possible, to objectively observe what had actually
happened, how it happened and how that triggered our resentment
and anger. Only if we can clear-mindedly understand the context,
will we be able to accept the situation and let it go, because, in the
end, we will see that all the negative feelings we had are indeed
absurd. All these will bring us closer to our divine being and to God
and we will naturally be able to relate to others through love and

With regard to psychotherapy, I will not approach many subjects,

because there are a lot of books presenting these issues. However,
I will point out what I think is essential for the healing process and
what, in my opinion, is the psychotherapist’s role in this process.
First of all, the therapist does not heal or repair the patient. No
matter how much drama the patient would present, there is actually
nothing wrong with the person coming to therapy; he/she is simply in
the middle of experimenting the respective emotional lesson. What
the therapist actually does is to provide room for healing, guide and
accompany the patient during this process, listen and then bring
more light and clarity to the patient’s consciousness by means of
his feed-backs. The therapist’s role is also to help the patient regain
access to his/her resources that had always been inside, but had just
been covered by too much suffering. What the therapist cannot do
88 Victor Chirea
is take responsibility for the patient’s decision to change himself/
herself, the latter being fully responsible for what he/she chooses to
put into practice out of what he learned during the therapy process.
The main means for facilitating the patient’s rebalancing is the
therapeutic relationship and this can be done only if the therapist is
indeed present here and now, facilitating the ‘self to self’ meeting
which is truly healing. It is within such a fully authentic contact that
transformation happens indeed.
After all, we are there in order to bring more power to our patient,
so that, at a certain time, he/she can become independent of us
and develop his/her inner therapist and why not, bring his/her own
contribution to healing others if he/she chooses so.

I will now extend the process of soul reintegration to past lives as

well. I will shortly present how this can be done using the method
of Past Life Therapy.

Past Life Therapy is a holistic therapy helping us to access and

heal the moments of the past when the traumas that led to our soul
fragmentation took place. The traumatic event can be in the past of
this life when we were children, at birth, during fetal development
or at conception. But many times, the cause is deeper, in a past life
or even during the life between lives (“Souls’ World”).
No matter what moment the patient is shown, the exploration will
be strictly made for a therapeutic purpose and focused on a clear
objective, in accordance with the working direction chosen in the
interview and not out of curiosity. Another important element is
that the patient himself/herself also has the solution to the problem;
the therapist is just guiding him/her and is present near him/her the
moment he/she is going to access the healing at soul level.

During regression, the patient comes into contact with the past
life which is brought into present by exploration: he/she can have
bodily sensations, feel emotions, have inner visual perceptions
(similar to oneiric images but experienced in a state of awareness)
or have insights. PLT is a confrontational method which implies
Soul Fragmentation 89
the patient’s reliving the respective trauma at a lower intensity, this
time in the presence of a mature Self and of the therapist as well.
The difference lies in the degree of awareness and although it is
important that the reliving of the traumatic event should be made
in an associative way (as if those things were really happening),
when the patient’s emotions are too strong, dissociative working
techniques can be used, so that the patient can see those very
painful moments from a distance, like in a movie. If the processing
has been made in a correct way, then the respective situation can be
understood, accepted and then let go.
In this way, the process of catharsis which consists of three
categories takes place:
- emotional release, which leads to peace, inner calm and self-
- mental catharsis, as a result of understanding the issue, by accessing
mental peace, clarity and letting go of rigid beliefs;
- physical catharsis, which has as a consequence physical peace and
the healing of psychosomatic issues.

Although, by each process of ‘letting go’, we invite a part of the

blocked soul fragments to go into the light and become reintegrated
with the parent Self, when making a regression in a past life, there
is a very important step that is taken every time, namely the reliving
the person’s death moment from that life. Most of the times, when
a sudden death happened, a great part of the person’s soul is still
attached to the body or it is unconsciously waiting in the astral
levels. The first thing we need to do, as therapists, is to help that
aspect become aware of the fact that only his/her physical body
died and that he/she still lives because he/she is eternal; what
needs to be accepted is the fact that for the time being he/she is no
longer present on Earth, but in “Souls’ World”. Then, the last part
of the soul reintegration takes place, by gathering the parts which
could still be captive in the body (especially where the physical
or emotional wounds were) or in different traumatic moments of
that life. It is also now that meeting the souls of the persons who
played an important part in the respective context takes place again
90 Victor Chirea
and it is checked if there are still energy parts that are captive in
the other persons; then, the transfer is completed, so that everyone
can recover its personal fragments and become complete. Then, the
participating souls are sent towards the light or where ‘home’ is for
them, and the present personality of the patient will preserve such
a connection with the past subpersonality, so as to lead a balanced
life, without more interferences than necessary or permitted by the
divine Self.

To the end of the session, we can make connections with respect

to the way in which the present life was influenced by the past
one, which was the situation that caused the problem, what soul
lessons took place and what is the patient’s responsibility related to
everything that happened.

Of course, the process is more complex and therefore, several years

are necessary for perfecting the method, but for the time being,
without going into too many technical details, I will present a case
that I have recently processed and which represents a good example
for the reintegration of soul fragments. Another reason why I have
chosen this case is the intensity of the patient’s emotional experience
and physical sensations; the patient had not undergone a regression
session before, thus not knowing what to expect, a case in which
there is highly unlikely for the patient to make up something so as
to be considered a good patient.

During the anamnesis, the patient tells me about her having lost
the motivation and strength to go on and that she does not see any
purpose to live for. Asking her whether she had experienced great
suffering in life, she realizes she never had enough time to truly
mourn her first miscarriage from her youth. While she is telling
the story, she has a very strong feeling of inner emptiness and she
feels her heart is hardened. At the same time, she feels physical and
emotional pain and a very strong feeling of guilt.
Soul Fragmentation 91
The fall into regression happens in a natural way. Being attentive to
her bodily sensations, she becomes aware that she feels something
like a round stone in the right part of her pelvic zone. Further to my
suggestion for her to go back in time where everything had started,
the patient relives quite strongly those happened in her youth,
namely the fear felt when she found out that she was pregnant, the
despair that she could not continue her studies if she had decided to
keep the baby, her parents’ pressure and, at the same time, her inner
conflict, because her spiritual wish was to keep the baby. Moreover,
at that time, abortions were forbidden by law, which increased her
fear even more.
I led the patient further back on, where she relived the trauma of
her loss, but this time at a bearable intensity and with a clearer
conscience. At that time, the pain was very hard, especially because
anesthesia had no effect on her, therefore there were also personal
soul fragments that remained captive in that time and space. All her
emotions from the past, such as guilt, pity, sadness, impossibility
to change things, constraint, fury, frustration, etc. are brought into
her conscience and expressed. All these emotions were constantly
experienced by the patient in her everyday life, without being aware
of their source.

Being asked what she wished to do now for her child, she says she
wants to show it her love. That is also the healing moment of the
session, when “an explosion of love for her child” takes place. She
tells the child’s soul that she was sorry for what she did, that she
had wished to keep it, but, at that time, she had no choice. She has
the feeling that the child’s umbilical cord (that was energetically
fixed on her liver) breaks away, at the same time releasing that part
of hardened energy now transformed into something pink and more
fluid. She comes back to the child’s soul that was now radiating a
shining green color.
Then, she has the feeling that her previous hip gap is being filled
with something belonging to her; she actually feels how her right
hip is being woven back energetically and repaired. The physical
catharsis having been completed and with her soul complete, she
92 Victor Chirea
can now focus on understanding why that soul had chosen her as a
mother and what was the contract between them.
When asking her what exactly she would like to do with the physical
body of the aborted child, she said she wanted to incinerate it and
then spread the ashes in a little lake.
At the end of the regression, the patient feels that she has been
forgiven and unchained and physically she feels that her body has
been restored. Then, she thanks the child’s soul and sends it towards
the light, coming back here and now.

Most of the times, a problem like the loss of motivation for living
requires more sessions, but in the present case, the first step has
been made and the results have appeared quite quickly. After this
regression, certain things she had long wished to do and which had
been blocked for some time for certain reasons started to become
“unhardened”. The first thing she did was to buy herself a car and
then find some land for a house with a yard, which she had wanted
to build for a long time.

Analyzing this case, we can see how a part of the soul that was
preparing itself for incarnation, being taken by surprise by the
abortion induced, did not realize what had actually happened and
remained attached to its mother. The fragment remained without
any conscience and hardened until the moment of the therapeutic
intervention, when it is let go and it can return into the light, to its
rightful owner. At the same time, the mother’s soul comes back into
contact with her body and the catharsis takes place.

But PLT is not the only method through which the past can be
accessed and healed.

A short time ago, I had the chance to meet Sal Rachele, a special
man very devoted to the spiritual work he is performing. We have
organized together the first training for therapists who wanted to
become certified practitioners specialized in Timeline Healing
Technique. I was happy to offer him my office in order to co-
Soul Fragmentation 93
create and establish a teaching method that will surely prove to
be successful. This technique appeared five years ago and was
developed by Sal who further upgraded it by adding other related
techniques called: Reverse Timeline Healing and Future Timeline
Linking created four and respectively two years before.
I will further present some details related to this extremely efficient
method of retrieving soul fragments, then I will make a comparison
between Timeline Healing and Neuro-linguistic programming
(NLP) and respectively Past Life Therapy (PLT).

Timeline Healing (TLH) is a technique by means of which one

can access the past in order to heal traumas of early childhood or of
previous lives.

The classical method is a combination between regression therapy,

reframing, soul retrieval and energetic healing. To these, we also
add the two upgrades mentioned earlier.

In order to fully understand how this method was created, let us

travel back to…
94 Victor Chirea
The nature of time
The concepts lying at the basis of the development of the TLH
method belong to quantum physics and in this respect there are two
types of temporality – the linear and non-linear time.

The linear time or horizontal time is the irreversible time,

completely measured by clock and divided into hours, minutes and
seconds; it is the time in which we consider that past, present and
future exist and they are following one after another in this order.
At present, we use two universal marks: the first one is the Earth’s
revolution movement around the Sun and this happens (according
to the Gregorian calendar) in a calendar year (i.e. 365 days and 6
hours) and the second one is the Earth’s rotation movement (from
west to east) around its own axis, which determines the sequence
of days and nights. A complete revolution takes 23 hours and 56
minutes and therefore, we have chosen the convention that the day
has 24 hours. This is the physical component of time.

The psychological aspect (named psychological time by

Krishnamurti) refers to the way in which we perceive and feel
time. This mainly depends on the cognitive functions: thinking and
memory. Therefore, if somebody asks me what I did 10 minutes ago,
I have a very clear idea and I can also answer without looking at my
watch and measuring the exact past time. We can also speak about
the subjective perception: we all probably have the impression that
time slips away when we do something we like, but it passes more
slowly if we do something boring or if we anticipate something

Non-linear time (vertical) means that all that exists belongs to

the present moment and it takes place simultaneously in parallel
dimensions and realities. As such, the notions of past and future
lose their meaning and are melted into the present. Even if we
choose to think about the past or the future, it is also in the present
moment that we do it. Although it is difficult to understand by mind,
it can be explained by using the quantum physics notions, namely
Soul Fragmentation 95
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and the non-locality principle,
which I will detail later.
In accordance with this, all our past lives and also the future ones
take place now; therefore, we can connect to them when it is to our
advantage to do so. And further on, we can say that in the same
eternal moment of the present, we are a multidimensional being
which exists simultaneously in all the twelve development levels,
starting from the human Ego to our perfect version, enlightened and

In antique Greece, there were two words for time: chronos which
refers to the physical, sequential and measurable time and kairos
which means the right or opportune moment, chance, a point in
time when change is possible, when something special can happen,
but this depends on each and every person. While the first term
refers to the quantitative time, the second is related to its qualitative

In the Neuro-linguistic programming, we speak about ‘in time’

versus ‘through time’.
96 Victor Chirea
Within the first variant, also named the arabic or oriental time, the
temporal line together with the present moment goes through you;
you do not observe the passing of time, but you are carried away.
People who have such a development are associated with their time
line, usually having the past behind and the future in front of them;
they are not used to planning their actions too thoroughly and most
of the times they avoid deadlines or do not observe them.
“Through time” places the temporal line outside the body and
usually the past is on the left side and the future on the right. Such a
person is organized and establishes objectives and deadlines in his/
her work; he/she has the tendency to have dissociated memories
(regards them from the outside) and is quite aware of time passing.
Although these two notions are not identical with the linear vs. non-
linear temporalities, I have presented them in view of enlarging the
conscience field, the same as we can associate the line “in time”
more with the right brain dominant type of functioning and the line
“through time” with the left one. Another remark is that neither of
them is better or less good in an absolute way; all we can say is
that in some moments it is preferable to use one of them instead
of the other. For example, if we wish to enjoy the spontaneity of
the present moment by watching the sunset, it is better to appeal to
the associated time, whereas, if we intend to organize our agenda
for the week to come, it would be much easier for us to use the
dissociated time.
The temporal line is defined as that imaginary line connecting
the past with the future, the place where we store our memories in
the form of sensations, emotions, images (or the acronym VAKOG
coming from Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Gustatory),
but also the place where our expectations and wishes for the future

Healing through the Timeline Healing method

After having explored the patient’s traumatic event from the present
life (or from a past life) the healing part takes place at the level of
the six dense bodies of the Self that were presented in chapter
Soul Fragmentation 97
1. The physical body can be very easily hurt in different accidents,
abuses, wars or it can experience pain or other discomforts
preventing us from living in harmony. In case of a past life with a
sudden death, the person is always damaged at this level. Therefore,
we need to release the past traumas from the patient’s memory.

2. The emotional traumas are the most common and many times
we preserve negative emotions such as fear, anger, fury, hatred,
sadness, guilt, shame etc. Other disturbances are amplified due to
repression or emotional denial and in time, they can even somatize.
It is very important to balance these feelings; as I said before, 90%
of physical illnesses have their origin at this level (Rachele, 2013).

3. At the level of the mental body we provide healing especially

for the core negative believes which can then lead to different rigid
programs and conditionings. These will be naturally replaced by
adaptive thinking patterns, because most of the times it is not the
event itself that is traumatic, but the way in which it is experienced
and interpreted by everybody, at a subjective level. Generally, a
negative thought appears, then we feel discomfort at the emotional
level and then in the physical body. Once the thinking pattern is
changed, healing occurs also at denser levels.

4. The astral body can contain several energetic attachments in

the form of entities or soul fragments or it can simply incorporate
a thought-form in our aura. Therefore, through the TLH method
these ‘unwelcome guests’ are removed, so that we are free from
constraints and external attachments.

5. Through the healing of the etheric body, the energetic matrix

surrounding us is recovered and thus, we will also allow the
restoration of the physical body. Regeneration is a phenomenon
that first starts within the more subtle layers of our being, lowering
its vibration to the material level.
98 Victor Chirea
6. As already said, the causal body contains the memories of past
lives. Through Timeline Healing we can access these traumatic
memories and heal them. We can work so as to balance the negative
karmic patterns, carry out all the agreements and contracts at soul
level in a harmonious and loving way and completely learn and
integrate the soul lessons, so that their repetition should no longer
be necessary in any form and in any future life.

I will further detail the other ways of healing:

It is a technique often used in psychotherapy, but also in the
Neuro-linguistic programming (where we speak about contextual
restoration of content and belief). In English it can also be known
under the name of Rescripting or Reforming, being translated into
Romanian as reframing, reinterpretation or resignification.
In a few words, what happens is that now, when you re-experience
the past reality, you will give a new interpretation to the events
(positive, but realistic), so that healing can be accomplished. We
will change the reference frame, in view of highlighting a new
significance, yet considering the context. When you modify the
way in which you perceive an event, the meaning you assign to it is
modified and this in turn leads to the modification of reactions and
For example, let us suppose that a professional sportsman (a runner)
is severely injured at one of his legs, which compromises his entire
career. He suffers a lot and feels he destroyed his life. In his attempt
to recover, he attends some massage courses and begins to apply
self-treatment and recovers partially, but he never manages to return
to his initial physical shape before the accident. His heart is full of
rage and he is frustrated and angry with life and destiny for what had
happened to him. Through the Reframing technique, the sportsman
goes back into the past and this time he offers himself a lot of love
at the moment of the accident and due to the connection established
with his soul, he realizes that it was that accident that determined
him to become such a skilled masseur. He forgives himself and
Soul Fragmentation 99
he lets the resentment go, succeeding in connecting himself to a
superior vision (named ‘the third perceivable position’ in NLP) of
what happened; now he thinks: “this accident was a blessing for
me, because it showed me the way where I am now.” Later on, he
is trained to become a chiropractor, succeeding in helping many
young sportsmen that were in the same situation as his. Only after
healing the past, could he let go the energy blocked there and use it
for a higher scope and to the benefit of the others.

String of Pearls Technique

This is a method that can offer healing in a very short time and it is
mostly used in two cases: when we deal with patients with similar
traumatic events that took place in the past of this life or in several
previous lives with similar patterns and traumas.
For instance, if we work with a patient who has been many times in
his life physically, verbally and psychically abused in the form of
beatings or other acts of violence coming from his father, we make
a list with the moments he remembers and we see there are around
twenty. We start healing the most intense moment and then we go to
the next one. However, we cannot provide the same type of process
for every case, because it would last too long and anyway, after
each healing, the traumatic energy becomes lower. But, what we
can do is suggest that the patient should imagine all these twenty
events as light spheres that are strung like pearls on a necklace. And
in this way, without going into details for each moment, we will
provide healing until the feeling of completeness is obtained.
In the same way, this technique can be used when processing past
lives. If, let us say, we have already explored and healed two-
three lives in which death occurred during a fight or a war, we can
continue the healing process by visualizing the string of pearls.
It is not a technique as efficient as the variant in which we take each
moment at a time for integration, but having in mind that not all
the patients have the same time availability, the report effort versus
achieved results is quite good.
100 Victor Chirea
Reverse Timeline Healing
The name is in direct correlation with the process: whereas in case
of the classical TLH variant, we went into the past to a traumatic
memory in order to heal it, now we make the same journey, but to a
resource moment in order to meet our Self (aspect) from that time
when it was happy, strong and full of success. By connecting with
that state of mind, you bring the positive energy into present and
then use it deliberately to achieve what you have established at the
beginning of the session.

This technique is based on the principle of non-locality from

quantum physics which expresses the fact that at quantum level,
some particles can instantaneously communicate, irrespective of
how long the distances separating them would be. I will provide
more information further on.
Ever since its foundation (at the beginning of the 20th century),
quantum physics has brought about some revolutionary theories.
First of all, if we divide the matter in smaller and smaller parts, at
some moment we find some of its components (electrons, protons,
etc) which no longer have the features of the initial object. Further
on, it has been proven that an electron can appear either as a particle
or as a wave, but the startling conclusion is that the only time
quanta appear as particles is when we look at them. Based on these
principles, Niels Bohr postulates the fact that, if subatomic particles
begin to exist only in the presence of an observer, then it makes no
sense to talk about the properties and characteristics of a particle, as
existing prior to this observation.
Einstein was troubled by this assumption, because it led to a reality
more difficult to be understood, namely, that there could be some
subatomic processes (e.g. a positron which disintegrates into two
photons) resulting in the creation of a pair of particles with identical
properties or very closely related, that could communicate with
each other faster than the light, which is considered impossible in
accordance with the theory of relativity. This argument has been
called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. In short, it is about
two photons emitted from the same positron which have the same
Soul Fragmentation 101
angle of polarization (the same space orientation of the propagation
wave), a characteristic that is preserved regardless of the distance
between them. If you change the polarization angle of one photon
(e.g. by collision with another particle), you can notice there is an
instantaneous change of the twin photon trajectory. This could not
be measured in 1935, when the theory was developed, but later (in
1964) by John Stewart Bell.

However, this was not the real case and later on, David Bohm comes
with a more innovative theory and in order to reach this explanation
he needed to assume from the beginning (and thus invalidate Bohr’s
words) that the electrons exist without the observer and that the
reality can go deeper than the barrier put by the Danish physicist,
namely at subquantic level. He thus defines a field at subatomic
level and calls it the quantum potential and he believes that, the
same as gravity, it penetrates the whole space, but however, its
influence does not decrease with the increasing distance.
Continuing to develop his theory, Bohm discovers some more
interesting properties of the quantum potential. First, there is the
importance of the whole over the elements composing it. Although
classical science says the whole can be determined only as a result
of the interaction of all its parts, we can now add the possibility of
the whole organizing the entire behavior of its constituent elements.
Doctor Amit Goswami speaks about a descending causality (a
term invented by the psychologist Donald Cambell) or “a mind
beyond the body”, namely that it is the conscience that creates
the brain and not the other way round. We can say, as a matter of
fact, that Bohm’s quantum potential has as its structuring agent the
information, the conscience or “the matter’s intelligence” (as the
Romanian Professor Dumitru Constantin Dulcan calls it).
With regard to the subject of interest, this new field showed that,
at operational level, the location started to exist. “All points in
space have become equal with the other points in space and it was
meaningless to speak about something as separately existing from
anything else. Physicists call this property «non-locality».” (Talbot,
102 Victor Chirea
As such, Bohm could explain the relation between the twin
particles, without violating the principle of relativity. We further
present the illustrated example. If we imagine a fish swimming in
an aquarium and we consider we have never seen an aquarium and
the only information we receive is through two video cameras, one
positioned to the face of the aquarium and the other to one side,
then we could wrongly consider (just by analyzing the images) that
there were two different entities on the screen. If we continue to
look, we will see there is a connection between the two fish, namely
when one of them turns, the other one will make a slightly different
movement, but in correspondence. If we were not aware of the
whole arrangement, we could reach the wrong conclusion that the
two fish communicate instantaneously with each other. It is similar
with the two twin photons emitted at the disintegration of a positron
atom. In this way, the quantum potential that penetrates the whole
space connects all particles non-locally.

Einstein speaks about the space-time continuum, namely that space

and time are not separate entities, but they are connected as parts
of the same whole. This means that non-locality calls for a similar
property that I will call non-temporality.
Soul Fragmentation 103
Coming back to our subject of interest and with reference to
the above mentioned explanation, it results that our past can be
accessed from the present, because it happens simultaneously or
we can also consider an infinity of our aspects (Self), one for every
past millisecond that we can contact and heal. Our conscience
which interconnects everything can travel without any problems
through space and time and when it decides to focus on a moment,
that moment is brought in and lived as if it happened now. In this
way, we can access traumas, but also resource moments, we can
remember pleasant moments and use that energy to create what we
wish in present. Making the necessary adjustments, we can extend
the principle from a quantum level to the macro case of the matter
seeming so real and solid, although more than 90% of the substance
composing the objects surrounding us has been considered as
vacuum by the classical science, but in reality the conscience is
there, the one connecting everything and having the potential of
creating anything, if there is a clear and stable intention.

Future Timeline Linking

This time, you will no longer travel in the past, but in the future and
again, the purpose is to access a resource area, namely your Self
in the future, who is happy, strong, full of success and will already
have achieved what you wish to create in your life. As such, it can
become your guide and answer your questions related to the steps it
made, the issues he had to solve, the choices it made when he faced
a crossroad, etc.
This technique is based on Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
and, applied to the subject in question, tells us that there are several
possible temporal lines and the one we focus our attention on will
be materialized and will create the prevailing time line. As already
said (when quoting dr. Amit Goswami) in connection with the
descending causality phenomenon, it is conscience that selects from
the multitude of possibilities, automatically choosing the variant
we have been contemplating for a longer time. From the quantum
mechanics point of view, what happens is called quantum collapse,
namely the passage from possibility to reality.
104 Victor Chirea
A very simple example is the drawing called
“My wife and my mother-in-law”, created by
W. E. Hill, which contains two images in one.
The first time we are quickly shown the drawing
and we will see only one of them depending
on the way our brain is structuring the gestalt.
But if we insist more, we will also see its other
version, which has always been present there,
but it has just eluded the consciousness.

For those who are fond of details, I will further offer more
explanations related to the above mentioned principle.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (or indeterminacy) refers to
the fact that we cannot exactly measure at the same time both the
impulse and the position of a quantum particle. Mathematically,
this is written as:
ΔpΔd > h/2π, namely the product of the variance momentum and
of the distance coordinate is less than or equal to Planck’s constant

(p2-p1)(d2-d1) > h/2π (where h=6.62606957×10−34 J·s, and π=3.14)

The higher the accuracy of particle velocity measurement, the more

the error in finding the spatial coordinate will be extended; therefore,
the notion of trajectory in quantum mechanics has no meaning. As
distance is the product of speed and time (d=vt), and the momentum
is mass multiplied by velocity (p=mv), the equation becomes: (m2v2
- m1v1)(v2t2 - v1t1) > h/2π and taking into account that at quantum
level we use the speed of light and that energy is mass multiplied by
the square of the light speed (E=mc2 – Einstein’s famous equation),
we can write a variant of this indeterminacy relation, linking time
energy in the same uncertainty:

(m2c - m1c)(ct2 - ct1) > h/2π

We give as common factor the speed of light (c) from the second
bracket and we insert it in the first:
Soul Fragmentation 105

(m2c2 - m1c2)(t2 - t1) > h/2π

(E2-E1)( t2 - t1) > h/2π
ΔEΔt > h/2π

Consequently, time loses its exactness, leading us to the non-

linearity notion.
Extending all these to the subject in question, we can say that there
is no certainty of the existence of only one fixed temporal line, but
there are more possible temporal lines, and the one we are focusing
on will be materialized and will create the prevailing time line.

Probable or possible temporal lines

Therefore, until I decide upon a course of action, there will be an
infinite number of future possibilities. For instance, now as I am
writing these lines, I can decide to continue writing or I can decide
to stop writing and resume the work in an hour or the next day, or
I can simply decide to work upon something else, listen to music
or drink water. There are practically a multitude of possibilities and
the moment I choose one of them, for instance I continue writing,
then I pay more attention to this possibility, while the others are
losing power. In the exact same way the brain automatically selects
the sound of its interest, while the others become the background
noise, when I wish to focus on what my conversation partner is
saying. As a matter of fact, you, who are now reading this, do not
know what I chose to do, what was the succession of activities and
what exactly remained only as a potential. What is obvious is that
in a way or another, I have chosen to finish this paper, since you are
now reading it.

For a more suggestive image, we can imagine we see from above

a tapestry with a lot of interconnected threads of different colors.
At the same time, we are like a little ant wishing to cross the whole
carpet from the left to the right side, but it is so small that it can
only go on one thread at a time. At every crossroad, it can change
its direction and it can choose another thread. Although they all
exist simultaneously, the observer does not actually know on which
106 Victor Chirea
threads the ant will go and neither can it exactly anticipate the next
step, because different unforeseen changes may occur (for instance,
a hole in the fabric or another obstacle). Nevertheless, in the end it
manages to reach the other side.
Now, imagine that this little ant has a special capacity to enlighten
the area it went through, so that we can see a luminous trace of
its beaten track. If we were to consider this tapestry our life, then
we could compare each thread with a possible choice, a possible
temporal line or future and the luminous line would be the temporal
line materialized by us in this life.
Now, let us consider that before setting off on its journey, the little
ant had set as its intention to follow only the red threads. In this case,
we can say that the most probable way (the prevailing temporal
line) will be this one and to some extent, we can anticipate the place
where it will arrive. However, what we cannot foresee is whether,
along its way, the little ant will change its mind or will simply forget
what it has initially chosen, exactly the same way as we very often
forget what our soul has planned to learn in this life and we torture
ourselves with all kind of purposes our Ego has established for us:
bigger, faster, better…

In order to complicate things even more than this, imagine that

our heroine had the ability to split itself whenever it is undecided
which way to follow, a part of it choosing an alternative way while
the other part continues to stick to the initial plan… It is not only
that it splits itself, but it also leaves a piece of itself in that place
to know where to return to in case it realized it had not made the
right choice… In this way, we see how we gradually go into a
subject which is difficult to perceive by the mind, namely that of the
multiple (parallel) Selves, simultaneously present, but on different
temporal lines.

Let us now imagine that the observer that we may call the divine
Self (our divine part which is not manifested on Earth) is capable
of interacting with any of these little ants which have all been
fragmenting and it can see which of them got stuck on their way
Soul Fragmentation 107
and which of them reached the destination and let us suppose that
at some moment, the observer will choose one of the ants and offer
it the possibility to contact its sister that has already reached the
final destination. Then, the one on the way can have a talk with the
one way ahead of it (from the future) and can ask it how exactly she
managed to go all the way and what route it chose, and then use the
information in order to make better choices, have less moments of
indecision and less fragmentation.

When we project our conscience in the future through the Future

Timeline Linking method, what we do is select one of the possible
temporal lines and materialize it like a prevailing temporal line
through a conscious choice and by connecting the present Self to
the future one that has already become aware of what we wish.
We can thus benefit from endless resources. However, we need to
periodically refresh this intention and be aware when we choose
something that might oppose this intention, the same way as we
can realize that maybe now we wish something different so that we
could add different new elements to the initial project.

In the Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) we speak of and

work with the temporal lines very often. There is a similar process
of creating the future through a conscious choice which is called
Future Pacing. I say similar, because in this case you may imagine
you come across an unpleasant situation in the future, like the one
just solved in present and by means of the newly acquired resources
you see how you can manage it.
With regard to the return to the past so as to find resource states,
this is almost identical with Reverse Timeline Healing, but it does
not explore past lives; it uses a different language and the technique
of constructively changing the past is called Changing Personal
History. The same as we can bring resources into the present, we
can send them into the past in order to heal the traumatic moments
creating our vulnerabilities.
108 Victor Chirea
I will now make a schematic comparison of the two methods,
Timeline Healing and Past Life Therapy, pointing out what they have
in common and what is different. I will start with the differences:

Timeline Healing (TLH) Past Life Therapy (PLT)

- it focuses more on the energetic - it is a therapy method including

healing of the 6 denser bodies; classical psychology principles, such
as psychoanalysis elements, Gestalt
Therapy, psychodrama, transactional
analysis, etc. The focus is not only
on the energetic healing, but space is
provided for exploration, associated
experiencing, understanding,
- in the healing process, enlightened - the method of Higher Self
entities, masters and angels are Intervention is seldom used.
mainly used, but also one’s own Generally, there is no invitation
divine Self; addressed to an etheric entity to take
part in the healing process, but if it
appears spontaneously during the
regression, then it is included.
- guided imagery; - the guided imagery is not used
during the session, but only upon
exploration of a working subject (in
case this is not clear yet);
- the induction is standard and quite - there are several induction methods
similar with what we call Journey depending on the problem chosen for
in PLT or an exploration journey of the working process;
possible past lives;
- it is rather a meditation, a guided - apart from the guided journeys
journey where the brain waves are where the dissociative visualization
mainly of low frequency (alpha, is used, the regression sessions are
theta, delta); mainly associative.
All brain waves are simultaneously
present, including those of higher
frequency (beta – awakened state).
Soul Fragmentation 109

- the patient is more dissociated (he/ - it is recommended that the

she sees things from the outside, as exploration of the past life be made
if he/she were watching a movie) as much as possible in an associated
and sometimes he/she can also make way and from the point of view of
associations; the past personality (Past Life Self).
It can be processed in a dissociative
way, only if the trauma is too severe
or the patient does not see very
clearly or if an obstruction occurs or
other similar situations.
- a session generally lasts for an hour - the exploration is much deeper and
or an hour and a half; a session lasts longer – an average
of 2-3 hours, depending on the
therapist’s skill and the patient’s
rhythm of integration.
- details do not count very much, - details matter and are thoroughly
the pattern which is to be healed is explored at the moment of death.
more important. For instance, such a Only relevant details are taken into
pattern can be: account and the process is focused
“I was persecuted because I stood on the issue.
up for my truth.” This pattern of
thinking is more important than the
fact that he was hanged, burned or
killed in a stone-throwing attack.
- if the moment of death is quite - if possible, the moment of death is
traumatic, we can suggest that the experienced in an associated way. If
soul should leave the body and watch the trauma is too severe, the therapist
everything from above, because may suggest that the client should
reliving the respective trauma is not feel only as much as he/she can bear
necessary for the patient (for instance so that he/she can fully understand
being burned on stake); how things happened. With regard
to this approach, the following
phases are important to be covered:
experiencing → understanding →
acceptance → letting go. If one
had not relived the trauma in an
associated way, then one cannot fully
let it go.
110 Victor Chirea

- the method of traveling in the - the purpose is to go back into the

future can be used quite often in past, where the trauma occurred,
order to access certain resources and to balance and heal it. In PLT there
bring them into the present (Future are no projections of consciousness
Timeline Linking); in the future, although the term
“progression” exists, being used by
Brian Weiss who uses it to guide
the patient into the future in order
to show him how his life would be,
if he did not make any changes in
his present life. Such an experience
can be quite revealing, because you
simply feel very clearly that you
would not want to come to that and
many times, this motivation is strong
enough to determine a change. A
member of the Earth Association
for Regression Therapy shared quite
an interesting case, when, during a
regression, they reached a situation
when a future Self was conducting
a regression session with the present
Self (namely the patient who came
for therapy). It is quite a challenging
perspective for understanding the
brain, which makes me think about
the question prior to the invention
of the “time machine” concept, from
the book with the same name, by H.
G. Wells: “What if... ?”
- positive suggestions are used quite - hypnosis is not used, although
often, and the induction method has certain trance states are reached,
common elements with hypnosis. In which we call working states. No
case of a therapist with clairvoyance positive suggestions introduced from
capabilities, he/she can intervene the outside are used. We work only
and tell the patient about his/her with the patient’s material and in
intuitions. case the therapist has some insights,
he/she can formulate them in the
form of questions for the patients to
validate them.
Soul Fragmentation 111
Similarities between Timeline Healing and Past Life Therapy:
- both use as principles the same theories and postulates from the
quantum physics by means of which we can explain the past lives
which are recreated in the present because of the unhealed traumas.
- both therapies are short and the work is focused on the symptom.
- both therapies use Reframing, but in TLH it is used more often.
- both therapies are focused on finding the cause of the issue and
then on healing it.
- The method Reverse Timeline Healing uses the same procedure as
that of Homing sessions from PLT. The Homing sessions are made
when the patient has a feeling of alienation, isolation, abandonment,
of not belonging to the respective place and not feeling at home.
Instead of guiding the patient towards the life-cause of the problem,
what we do is suggest him/her going back to a life where everything
was fine, where he/she felt he belonged to and the entourage was
familiar, so that he/she can then connect it to the present life and
bring that feeling here and now.
- if correctly used, both techniques lead to emotional, mental and
physical catharsis, that is to a feeling of release, purification, peace,
clarity of mind, etc.
- in both cases there is the possibility of Remote Session, which
means that the patient can have a session with the purpose of
healing another person that is incapable of it (for instance, a mother
that should participate in a session for healing her child who suffers
from autism).
- the feeling of trust between the patient and the therapist is very
important and the patient should feel protected and safe in order to
open up emotionally.
- the therapist is more like a guide for the patient, accompanying
him/her so that the latter can let go of the emotional load blocked in
the past. The patient needs to take his/her own responsibility for the
healing process and not to place everything only on the therapist’s
shoulders. Nobody can make the change but us.

As you may have noticed, there are quite a lot of similarities, but
also differences between the different existing therapy methods;
112 Victor Chirea
eventually, such a diversity is good for the therapist to be able to
choose the most appropriate method for every client. Sooner or
later and in accordance with our own rhythm, we will eventually
reach the end of the tapestry, like the little ant in the story...

Special places contributing to soul reintegration

I have chosen to end my paper by presenting some of the special
places I visited and which contributed to a great extent to the
completion of my soul and healing the past.

The White Royal Monastery of Kathmandu, the place where

heaven and the earth touch
In the spring of the year 2007, further to
some very nice coincidences, I joined the
first group of Romanians that travelled to
the White Royal Monastery of Kathmandu,
the residence of Master Tanpai Rinpoche
Acharya. I had the opportunity to live
inside that holy temple for some weeks,
participating in the daily prayers and
visiting some special places of the country.
What amazed me the most was the warmth
of those people, their naturalness and their
In spite of this, I keep remembering the adventures experienced
from the very beginning. To the amusement of my readers, I will
present a few passages as written in my log, in the first day spent

“We arrived on the 15th of February, at 12 o’clock at midnight. The

day before, after 63 years in which this had never happened… it
snowed, especially for us… The monks said it was a good sign and
that we were blessed. ‘Lucky me!’… I had left my winter clothes
at home and there were no radiators at the monastery.… what a
surprise… of course there are no radiators… it is a monastery at the
base of the Himalayan mountains. I am already thinking it was not
Soul Fragmentation 113
such a good idea to come here… well… I am here and I will stay
for some time. The room where I was put up is so small and I am
sharing it with two other persons… it is rather crowded… I have
never been so cold… although I wrapped myself in two blankets
like a cocoon, I was cold to the bones, my nose, my forehead and
my eyes froze, but what could I do?... I have to breathe… All night
I had been having cold shivers down my spine, I had hardly closed
my eyes and at 5 a.m. I was scared to death when I heard the gong
sound... I thought the war broke out; there were some very unstable
periods there with many popular uprisings. And when the monks
came into the room with some holy herbs burning, to purify us
according to their ritual, in the first few seconds before I became
fully awake, I thought there was something on fire... the priest I
was sharing my room with (I will not disclose his name, upon his
request) was awake and started to make beads, while the young
monks were smoking the room and praying... I pulled the blanket
over my head and started to laugh... I had reached the madhouse.

At 7 a.m. I had to leave the room because I was the last one to
leave. I started to look at the people in the monastery: tourists, local
people, all kinds. All were happy, smiling and full of life. Why are
these people so happy? Maybe they put something into their food…
I wanted to participate in their religious service (puja). I followed
the sound and I dashed into their holy sanctuary. They asked me
to take my shoes off and keep quiet. I did not have the courage to
leave my shoes out, as I thought somebody might “borrow them”
forever, so, I took them with me. Noticing how disoriented I was, a
disciple showed me the way, smiling. I smiled back at him and went
quietly to the place indicated. I slipped through the small tables and
sat down. I found a place where I hid my shoes and I was happy.
A monk drew my attention to this place, saying that it was used
for their sacred texts… my God, I was so ashamed. I smiled at
him nicely, he smiled too and he … I do not wish to think what
a European would have thought of me at that moment, but I am
almost sure that the young disciple had not judged me in any way.”
114 Victor Chirea
It took me one day and a half to harmonize myself with their way of
living and, in a few days, I felt as if I had been living there forever;
in the end, I did not wish to leave. All the discomfort disappeared.
I found out that we had only provisionally been moved to those
small rooms; then, they offered us the guest rooms. I slept like a
king. The food prepared at the monastery was delicious and I miss
it even now. The chills on my spine continued for several days, but
afterwards I was warm all the time. I found out later from those
who had been there, that the master was working on us as we were
asleep and that the feeling of cold came from the telluric energies
we had been reconnected to.

The White Royal Monastery – front entrance

During prayers, I experienced true revelations. My entire being was

vibrating, I felt the sound of instruments going throughout my body
and opening gates locked a long time ago, maybe even before I was
born. Emotions came and went away freely and I felt so alive and
full of energy, but I was in peace at the same time. I never thought
I would manage to feel peace in all that tumult. Little by little, my
face was enlightened by the smile I saw on everybody’s face. I had
been transformed into a local and I liked it a lot.
Soul Fragmentation 115
I am going to add another part of my journal in order to facilitate
the connection with these places for those who want this. It is an
excerpt written on my way home. I was in the plane, but my soul
was still in Nepal. I was thinking about all those I had met and I
simply wrote as follows:

“I have to admit it took me some time until I could adapt myself

to their way of living, but in the end I reached the conclusion that
everything is a game and even a pleasant one. In the beginning,
I felt aggressed, because I felt as if somebody had attempted to
snatch something from me. Of course, these were preconceived
ideas and feelings. I gave them up and I joined their game. It was
even amusing. A great part of them are cheerful and those who are
not cheerful have tremendous peace and warm voices. I did not
see anything aggressive, they do not raise their voice, nor do they
argue, they are gentle, peaceful and full of life. Somebody told me
that considering how much they eat, they have no energy left to
argue; it was a joke, of course. But I never saw any man shouting
or aggressing a woman. I did not see any woman beating her child
on the street. Everything was annoyingly calm. Not even the dogs
did anything. I went over them and they did not show the slightest
gesture of discomfort. If I had done that in Romania, they would
certainly have jumped to bite me.

I remember a game played by the children to earn a penny. Streets

were rather small and they used to stretch a rope from one end of the
street to the other and let you go only if you gave them something.
It did not matter how much. Then, if you gave something to a child,
more children would appear at once, God knows where from and
they would rush at you to give them more... yah, yah… Each time
I gave them something, I looked at them and tried to come in touch
with them to understand their way of living. The feeling of fear is
almost absent for them, their eyes are serene and big, their skin
is smooth and dark, so as to make their large smile more visible.
Here the smile is returned every time, from the youngest to the
oldest person. In Romania, if I smile in the street, I have the best
116 Victor Chirea
chances to be considered a strange person. If I smile to a girl, she
thinks I want something from her, if I smile to a boy in the street,
I do not want to think what he may think of this… Well, in Nepal
I felt very well and I was not embarrassed to smile. I think we
have a lot to learn from these people. The majority look into your
soul. There are some who consider you a European purse full of
money, but this is their side as traders, it is normal. They earn their
living this way. I enjoyed negotiating. I was not used to it and I
thought I was offending a person when starting to negotiate as if
I was in a market, but Nepalese people feel disrespected if you do
not negotiate with them. They invite you to a cup of tea and start
negotiations. In this way, they get close to a person. This is a form
of humanization, communication and interaction as well. It is true
that you succeed in buying only a few things in one day, but at least
you leave satisfied and relaxed. I was laughing most of the time
when they were too insistent. What could I do? I continue to smile
even now, when remembering how they used to shake their heads
when they disagreed to something and said: ‘No, no, mister. Price
much bigger’. J
Who is afraid of touching other people had better not come to
Nepal… for sure you can’t avoid touching or being touched. The
touching is very important… a simple handshake or a pat on the
shoulders. We cannot even imagine how much information is
transferred by a simple touch, but the Tibetans know instinctively
that this brings them closer and unites them.

Since a photo values more than 1000 words, here are some
illustrative images:
Soul Fragmentation 117

In Nepal I also became aware of the unity of religions. It all started

in the city of Bhaktapur, the older capital of Nepal between the
12th and 15th centuries, with an age of approximately 11,000 years.
When I saw it first, I was under the deep impression of having been
there before.

Even now I remember quite clearly entering the modest Buddhist

temple where goddess Tara was worshipped. The guide told me
she is presented with her head downwards because she is sad and
is weeping because she was not in Tibet where she belonged to.
The ritual was simple: you would light a butter lamp, sprinkle it
with blessed water, you would make a wish and then surround
the temple three times, activating the large metal cylinders with
inscribed mantras by rotation. The end of each round was marked
by the sound of a bell. Then, you would end the ritual by making
three prostrations in front of the statue. Everything was very simple,
except for the time when I had to bow in front of a statue which did
not mean anything to my mind. I could not feel any emotion or
chill. The culture in which I was born had not educated me in this
118 Victor Chirea
sense. I apparently remained motionless in front of a statue that
had the same meaning for those living in that country. Seeing that
I was embarrassed, the professor thanks to whom I had arrived in
Nepal, explained to me that Tara is a deity with 21 aspects, having
the particular role of protecting people with her love. I closed my
eyes and I tried to connect myself to the compassion principle
which I could worship. Suddenly, I felt in my heart the same warm
and loving energy I could feel when praying to Mother Mary. This
familiarity made me feel safe. With a smile and gratitude in my
heart, I made the three prostrations, not in front of a stone statue,
but to thank that unique principle that protects us, being expressed
in different cultures and in various aspects as Mother Maria, White
Tara, Avalokiteshvara or Quan Yin.

Later I received the same teachings from Master Tanpai, while I

visited his place of praying, where there were both the symbols of
Christian faith (icons representing Jesus with Mother Mary), and
of Buddhist religion. He told us then that people are all the same,
regardless of religion and that the essence of all religions is the
same: compassion, love, respect and understanding among people.
It would be better for us to concentrate on such things, namely on
the common essence and not on differences. All religions speak of
the same principles, but they have different names. God is one and
Soul Fragmentation 119
the same for everyone, even if it has different names in each and
every religion. He used the word Buddha, but he said that by using
that word he would refer to everyone’s common and unique God. A
God of love and compassion, a God of forgiveness, understanding
and acceptance, a God of peace and universal harmony.
This is the essence of the Master’s teaching. He thinks that if people
could understand the common seed of all religions and focus on
what is common in all beliefs and not upon differences, the disputes
and differences would disappear. He proposes that all people
should unite under one faith, inspired by unconditional love, peace,
harmony and freedom, which is the essence of all religions.

This process of acceptance and understanding seems to be

fundamental for me. An open horizon always helps reintegration
of soul fragments, because it offers peace and tranquility and the
feeling that things are actually connected, different cultures and
religions seeking in their own way to reach the same place. This is
actually what brings us back in touch with ourselves and with the

When I came back to Romania, I felt more grounded, it was as if

my energy had been scattered until that moment and now it was
concentrated in my body. At the time, I did not realize what gift I
had received, but I remember that immediately afterwards events
started to happen in my life and I had to face the difficulties of
reality. Now I consider that period as having been the beginning of
my stronger connection to the material level, because before that
moment, I had been much more concerned about the spiritual and
meditation levels, but without a concrete manifestation of these
things. In a short time, I began to organize conferences for Master
Tanpai in Romania; I had been chosen to be the ‘the lucky one’
who was going to translate for him, which turned out to be a very
difficult process at the beginning. However, during the two years
when I followed him closely, I felt that each day spent with him
made ​​me be more present, more grounded in reality, more alive,
more loving. I still attend the Master’s conferences, but this time I
120 Victor Chirea
sit in the conference room and not ‘on stage’ near the master; even
this happens more rarely now, it does not really matter because the
master is in my heart.

Traveling to Israel. Searching for the inner Savior

Hardly had I awaken from my trip to Nepal that no longer than one
month and a half later, I found myself in the holy lands of Israel,
accompanying a group of pilgrims and distinguished Romanian
priests and bishops. This moment came as a natural continuation
and completion, after having chosen to honor Easter by going on
a trip to visit ten of the most beautiful monasteries of Moldavia a
short time before. So, I was quite connected to the religious state,
which culminated with the best sermon I have ever attended in my

Holy Sepulcher - religious service at midnight

I know that in the beginning I did not wish to participate in the

sermon, for reasons of convenience, because it started at midnight
and it lasted until morning, but, at a certain moment, I found
myself heading to the sacred sepulcher where the clerics from three
Soul Fragmentation 121
countries (Romania, Russia and Greece) were officiating prayers to
our Lord Jesus Christ. I felt I was reconnected to something I had
forgotten, namely to the pure orthodox belief, not to religion, not to
church, but to belief. I am sure each of us experiences it differently,
but at that moment, I actually felt that the religion to which one
adheres is less important, because at some level all religions are
one and they converge to the same thing: love, peace and harmony.

Bârsana Monastery, the place where the mind becomes silent

and the heart sings
The next place I am going to describe is a very special autochthonous
one, which I was lucky to visit in the spring of the year 2008, a
piece of heaven in the very northern part of Romania, namely
Bârsana Monastery, belonging to Maramureş Episcopate. It is a
very beautiful settlement, especially in May, when it is colored by a
variety of flowers. The days spent in this place brought me closer to
the authentic orthodox belief. During the religious service delivered
in the small church, I felt such inner peace and silence that I had not
felt for a long time, and when I heard the nuns’ voices, I felt how
every bit of impurity melted in the love melting pot. It is a great
place to find ourselves, meditate, get closer to God and heal any
traumas that are still present. The power of prayer makes miracles.
122 Victor Chirea
A Spiritual Journey to Brazil. Joao de Deus - the miracle man
In the same year, but towards the end of it, I traveled to Brazil to
get to know the medium Joao de Deus and benefit from the healing
energies of that place situated on a crystal mine.

Joao was born on the 24th of June 1942, but he belongs to the
category of ageless people. His family was of a modest condition
and therefore, he had started working since his childhood, first in
his father’s tailoring workshop. He attended primary school for
two years, then poverty forced him to give it up and even today he
can’t read or write. But all these are quite unimportant if we are to
consider his special gift, namely the ability to allow multiple holy
entities and angels to use his body so as to heal other people. He had
the first experience of this kind at the age of 16, when being guided
by a vision of the Saint Rita of Cascia, he was led to the Spiritualist
Centre of Christ the Savior, where, helped by the entity of King
Solomon, he healed more than 50 people.

© Copyright Karen Leffler Photography,
The ‘current room’ for meditation, decorated for a special moment
Soul Fragmentation 123
The House of Dom Inacio de Loyola contributes in many ways to
the healing of those who come here to find comfort.
First, there are the operations in the etheric plan and on the physical
body (for those who need to see in order to believe). Through these
operations, miracles actually occur: disappearance of tumors, sight
regaining, people in wheelchairs taking their first steps after many
years, just like a toddler learning how to walk. Healing is a process
that requires work, faith and a lot of patience.

At the same time, prayers sessions are held for a few hours, three
times a week, to help the healing process of those who are suffering
or for spiritual elevation. Sessions can be held at the “crystal bed”,
blessed Passiflora pills and holy water can be bought and soup is
served free of charge to everybody after meditation. And last but not
least, you can visit the “Sacred Falls” (Cachoeira), a true wonder
of nature.

I will further present a fragment about the experience of my initiation

at the cascade, written shortly after my return from this pilgrimage
and which took the shape of an article published in the Romanian
magazine Body, Mind, Spirit (no. 9).
“Behind the house a reddish-brown road meanders through the
jungle and after a 10 minute walk it delivers you to the water
element. When I arrived at the waterfall I did not know much, only
that men and women go there separately, that you are not allowed
to take pictures or take something from that place. The ritual was
simple: you made a prayer to the cascade, you stepped into the
water that was meant to purify your negative energy and cure your
illnesses and then you thanked the place before leaving. Everything
had to be done quietly and it did not have to take more than 5-10
I did so, although it seemed quite strange to pray to a waterfall.
Curiously enough, before going under water, a big blue butterfly
(Morpho Didius) appeared out of nowhere, each of its wings being
as big as my palm. It came near me, flying around me and then got
lost in the woods. “It is a good sign,” I said to myself. I had heard
124 Victor Chirea
that such events symbolize healing and spiritual development. Five
minutes later, when I did not know whether to leave the place or
not, another butterfly appeared, this time much smaller and of an
orange color. I understood that my purification session from that
day was over. I arrived at the hotel and I took one of the most restful
naps of my life.

Afterwards I had four awful nights, deprived of sleep or with just a

few hours of tormented sleep. I had only managed to sleep like 7-8
hours in 4 nights. Then, I understood that was the way in which the
negativity within myself was going through a process of purification.
On the fourth day, being physically and mentally exhausted, I went
for the second time to the waterfall. I prayed with such faith I had
no idea I was capable of. Finally I said: “Your will be done God...”
and then I left. It was the first night that I could sleep in peace again.
Something inside me had melted then and the most beautiful thing I
could ever receive had grown in the remaining place: a new energy

Another miracle of this place is the garden surrounding the “House”.

I will further present an excerpt from my journal notes of the fifth
day, at that time written with the purpose of becoming an article or
a book in the future. It was a very beautiful sunny Sunday:
“The garden is a wonderful place. I have never seen a livelier place
than this one. There is so much peace and quiet here. You feel
protected by trees and plants. Birds and insects are continuously
talking to you and the sun slowly pats you on the shoulder. I invite
you to stay on the bench together with me and enjoy the scenery
that looks as if it were a piece of paradise.

A large green lizard appears from under a rock and turns to me with
a jerky gait, shaking its head up and down; a little colorful bird
follows it. Here the animals and insects are not afraid of human
beings. In the distance, two golden green parrots do their morning
dance. A little orange butterfly is flying right in front of my eyes and
peacefully going into the valley. What else could I wish more but be
in this place right now!
Soul Fragmentation 125
It is just you alone and nothing is disturbing your peace. I feel like
being ‘at home’ here.
Sometimes there is nothing to be seen, you can only hear a rustle in
the grass which is moving its top. And you know for sure that there
is life there, a heart is beating there probably 2-3 times faster than
yours. I am going to miss this place...

Although I have visited a lot of spiritual places, nowhere have I

felt so much love. There is so much love in that small piece of land
that it could break your breast into half and it would not still be
enough. It is the kind of maternal love, protective, the love of Virgin
Mary, one of the most worshipped holy beings from there. It is for
sure one of the most transforming places I have ever visited. When
I returned, my friends told me they would not recognize me any
longer. As a matter of fact, I did not recognize myself either.
My connection with that place and its holy entities has remained
forever. I will definitely return to Brazil one day. It is the kind of
place that calls you back.
126 Victor Chirea
Prashanthi Nilayam (India), the residence of Master Sai Baba
The series of pilgrimages ended in the spring
of the year 2009 when I visited a country
very dear to me – India. But my soul did
not take me to the north where the centre of
spirituality is considered to be, but to the south,
near Bangalore, to a place called Prashanthi
Nilayam, the residence of the Master Sai Baba,
who is no longer alive at present.
Leaving aside the supernatural aura of this
place, because of countless materialization of
objects and healings performed by the Master,
I realized that the actual transformation was that of the place itself,
which was originally very poor, and now it had a university, a library,
a hospital, a museum, a football field, a canteen for the poor, a small
airport, a railway station and numerous temples of healing, all these
having been built from the donations received from foreign tourists.

Although I had found out that it was a place full of love and I had come
prepared to receive more of it, I was surprised that I experienced a
different state and this happened spontaneously at a moment when
I was in the beautiful gardens inside the ashram community. What
I experienced then was a thoughtless state of mind which I had
experienced before, only that now it was present for a longer period
of time (about 2 minutes). Then, I felt an immeasurable peace and
tranquility, I had the feeling of being fully connected and that I
knew everything; the clarity of mind was great and, without any
effort, I could be aware of everything around me and at the same
time my intellect was resting. Unfortunately, when I realized what I
was experiencing and said to myself, “Aha! I have no thought” and
that was already the first thought that put an end to that beautiful
state of connection. So far, I have not experienced these states of
mind again, at the depth they happened then.
Other nice moments that will forever remain in my heart were those
spent with the people from the community.
One day, as I was resting in the garden inside the ashram, I was
Soul Fragmentation 127
surrounded by some children who simply began asking me different
simple things that they had learned in school, using English. I
answered them mostly using the sign language and some words
that I had noticed they would understand and, in the end, I could
tell them about respect and love and that they had to be good guys
and continue to learn and work and that they should be proud of
their country which was a very nice place. They were smiling and
playing, but after some time, we began to sing mantras together,
while some people gathered around. Some of the children were
looking at me curiously, because I was the only white man in the
garden. Finally, as I had to go and prepare myself for the evening
prayer, we all took a photo together and then, upon the children’s
insistence, we said good-bye in a European manner by shaking our

Prayers were held two times a day, at 9 o’clock in the morning

and at 5 o’clock in the evening, in an open place that could shelter
thousands of people. We had to come at least an hour before it
128 Victor Chirea
started in order to keep a seat in front. Then, we waited in silence
until the singing of the three OM-s that used to mark the beginning
of the ceremony. Sai Baba would come each time in the evening,
but sometimes also in the morning to offer blessings for about
half an hour and then he would retire to his room to rest. When
I met him, the condition of his physical body was not very good,
as he was almost paralyzed from the waist down and he needed a
wheelchair to move around. But he had everything necessary to
continue his mission. His spirit was young and as he looked at me,
I could feel his warmth that deeply touched my heart. It was all
over after singing Shanti for three times, a word which means peace
in Sanskrit. Then, we could either leave or continue to stay there
for a little bit, because the prayers (accompanied by the musical
instruments) and the meditations (in peace) continued in the small
temple in front of the main hall.

Another very important practice within the ashram is Seva, a word

that means help altruistically offered to the community, as a way of
approaching God present in all beings. It is an important discipline
for internal purification. Indeed, I felt a lot of joy in my heart,
when working as part of a team, together with other pilgrims from
Europe, as I was cleaning the kitchen, the dining room or doing the
I must admit that until then, I could not imagine how funny and
full of life such an activity could be, when you do it with a smile
on your face and happiness in your heart. Meanwhile, I studied
several books about how one can reach real happiness, and one
of the easiest ways has already been presented above, very nicely
summarized in English: “by doing selfless service for the benefit of
While in Brazil, what I especially came in contact with was the
feeling of love, India remains in my heart for the peace and quiet
I could access by understanding and accepting other people and
cultures different from my own and by feeling deep harmony with
everything around me. I will conclude my journey to India with the
words of Master Baba (which means ‘father’ in several languages​​):
Soul Fragmentation 129

When there is honesty at heart,

there is also beauty in character.
When there is beauty in character,
there is harmony in family.
When there is harmony in family,
there is order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation,
there is peace in the world.

I have taken great pleasure in remembering these places and I think

that the readers who have had the patience to read this book till the
end have been rewarded.
Every place visited and each person met that had a positive impact
on my life, contributed to the completion of my being and to the
reintegration of the lost soul parts. Most of the times, this happens
naturally, without any intention whatsoever and it is then that we
remember God exists, and, at one point, while we advance on the
path of spiritual evolution, we will no longer be able to forget him,
because he will be present in our hearts forever.

Taking the risk of repeating myself, I reiterate the importance of

genuine human contact, from soul to soul; just think how important
a hug is for the inner emotional balance, how welcome a pat on
somebody’s back is and some words of encouragement when you
feel hopeless; how simple, but fundamental a smile can be and how
much light it can bring into the soul, melting away any sadness
and suffering, even if only for a brief moment. There are simple
tools that we all have, through which we can give and receive and
through which the reintegration of the soul fragments can be done
in a simple way and of itself.

Regarding the subject of soul fragmentation and the various

reintegration methods, this is a vast topic that can fill many books,
articles and scientific studies. This paper is intended only to arouse
130 Victor Chirea
curiosity and provide some guidelines for those interested in further
research. Personally, I am very interested in pursuing this direction
of soul healing and I will continue to study this area, trying to make
it as accessible as possible to everyone concerned and use it for
healing and balancing purposes.
Therefore, every end is a new beginning. Any cycle that ends
enables a new one to appear and actually nothing is finished and
nothing is completed, but it is a continuum of changes, a flow. I will
end by a quote I have been looking for a long time and which I have
only found by accident when I had stopped searching.
Soul Fragmentation 131
Autobiography in five short chapters

by Portia Nelson

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost... I am helpless
It isn’t my fault.
It takes me forever to find a way out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in the same place
but, it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a lot of time to get out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in… it’s a habit,
my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I walk down another street.
132 Victor Chirea
Annex – Density Schemes / Dimensions of the Universe –
according to S. Rachele
Dimensions Densities (specific The 12 densities/
(plan/subplan of vibrational states/levels manifestations of the
existence of the = ways of manifestation individual Self/Being
universe, world, of the “energetic corresponding to the 12
realm) matter”, the specific dimensions + states of
vehicles manifested to consciousness
experience the respective
1 Physical plan. Mineral kingdom The Physical Body –
Existence. Point survival instinct, action.
Space consciousness.
2 Primary Vegetal kingdom The Emotional Body
consciousness plan. – reproductive and – emotions, feelings,
Line photosynthetic wishes, will, power,
consciousness, the sexuality
instinct of survival
3 The space plan. Animal kingdom/inferior The Mental Body –
Form as perceived man – survival and thoughts, intellect,
by physical senses. reproduction instincts, rational mind, beliefs,
Laws – gravity, rudimentary intellect, ideas, concepts, ego
attraction, polarity separation
4 The individual/ Man/Superior intellect The Astral Body – the
collective mind. – strong, creative, higher mind, creativity,
Thought, Time. The +/-polarization is still imagination. Energy
astral plan (lower/ present fields, psychic ability
higher –dream
states). It is relative
(perceived in a
unique way by each
5 The etheric plan/ Etheric, crystalline The Etheric Body – love,
Love. The totality light body - silicon - compassion, serving the
of all auric, immortal, able to fly, others, light body, aura,
electromagnetic goes through walls Chakras, meridians, ki
fields lines
Soul Fragmentation 133

6 The causal plan / Radiant light body. Causal Body – Cosmic

Akasha/ The plan Nature spirits, devas consciousness,
of the soul timelessness, past lives,
karma, understanding at
soul level
7 The denser celestial Native Soul Body (pure Pure essence of the soul
heavens (Heaven, light), translucent, (the individual soul, the
the Garden of archetype in humanoid primary division) the
Eden). Angelic shape. Angels. Ascended home level, maximum
worlds beings potentiality level
Individuality disappears
8 Medium celestial Archangels, Ascended The Oversoul/Parent Soul
heavens Masters (12/6 pairs) – collective
soul, close/primary soul
family/ reincarnation
9 Superior celestial High vibrational beings Master Oversoul/Monad
heavens (the central sun of a (144) – Secondary soul
constellation) family
10 The lower divine Great Central Sun - the Christic/Buddhic Self
plans sun of a galaxy - extended soul family,
the awareness of God’s
11 The medium divine Creator Gods (the Sun of Individual Divine Self -
plans The paradise a universe), the ability to Total self-realization
worlds create entire universes
12 The upper divine Supreme God Father/ Universal Divine Self –
plans Mother (Godhead) – the transcending all concepts
Great Central Sun of the of self
13 God unmanifested – Great Mystery/Emptiness, Source, Alpha and Omega
134 Victor Chirea


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Soul Fragmentation 137
The photos and illustrations of this book have been reproduced with
the authors’ agreement or personally created. I bring thanks to:
Freydoon Rassouli,
Gabriela Cocora,
Luminiţa Pavăl, photos taken with a GDV camera.
Karen Leffler Photography,, the photos
with John of God.
The photos representing the energetic bodies are scanned from
the book Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing through the Human
Energy Field, by Barbara Ann Brennan.
The remaining images and photos have been taken and edited by
myself or by my brother, Andrei Chirea,

Special thanks to Marianne Carolus for being my Past Life Therapy

trainer and the founder of the Evadio School, Bad Wimpfen,
Germany (, and to Barbara Scheibel, for continuing
the Evadio School, Fussen, Germany (

Thank you!

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