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Cardiovascular Disease

as Food-Borne Illness

Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD

are diseases of “nutritional extravagance.” Would you

Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD, a distinguished Cleve- please share more about this?
land Clinic (Lyndhurst Ohio) surgeon for more than 30
years and an Olympic gold medalist in rowing, shifted Dr. Esselstyn: If we consider CAD as an example, wherein
gears in his career to help people with cardiovascular all experts would agree that this disease has its inception when
disease reduce and even reverse this disease through sig- we injure and compromise the capacity of the life jacket and
nificant dietary changes. While some people may view his the guardian of our blood vessels, and that is the innermost
dietary recommendations as radical, Dr. Esselstyn argues layer of the arteries, the endothelium. The endothelium is re-
that the typical Western diet should be considered radical. sponsible for making an absolutely magic molecule of gas that
Highly recognized and awarded for his current work, Es- protects us all, and that molecule is nitric oxide. What are the
selstyn talks in this column about his observations while functions of nitric oxide? Number one, nitric oxide prevents all
working with people with coronary artery disease and how of the cellular elements in the bloodstream from getting
using food as medicine is helping people heal. “sticky.” It keeps the blood flowing like TeflonÒ acts rather
than like VelcroÒ acts. Number two, nitric oxide is the
strongest vasodilator in the body. That is to say, when a person
climbs stairs, the arteries to the heart and legs widen or dilate.
Q: Referring to cardiovascular disease as a food-borne
Number three, nitric oxide will prevent the walls of the arteries
illness is a shift in thinking for many people. Would you say
from becoming thickened, stiff, or inflamed. It protects us from
more about this stance?
having hypertension. Number four—and this is key—a safe
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. : I have always maintained that and adequate amount of nitric oxide will prevent a person from
coronary artery disease [CAD] is really nothing more than a developing vascular blockages or plaque.
food-borne illness, because, when one thinks about it, it need So, literally, most people on the planet who have cardio-
never exist, and if it does exist, it need never, ever progress. vascular disease have this disease because they have suffi-
There are people on this earth who will never have cardio- ciently trashed, injured and compromised the ability of their
vascular disease, nor will they ever have to worry or think endothelial cells to make nitric oxide and they simply do not
about it. Who are these people? Let us start with the Okinawans have enough to protect themselves from making plaque.
or the Papua Highlanders in New Guinea, or people in rural Early studies of our GIs [military personnel] at an average
China or central Africa, or the Taraumara Indians in northern age of 20, when they were autopsied in Korea, have shown that
Mexico. The common denominator of all these protected * 80% of these people had gross evidence of CAD that was
cultures from cardiovascular disease is that, by culture, heri- visible without a microscope—not enough CAD for cardiac
tage, and tradition, they all consume a whole-food and plant- events yet, but the disease was already established. Similar
based diet. studies were repeated 45 years later, this time looking at people
It is an extremely provocative realization that the leading in the United States between the ages of 17 and 34 who have
killer of women and men in Western civilization, heart disease, died of accidents, homicides, and suicides. In these studies, it
does not even exist in other cultures. We need to realize that we was found that the disease was ubiquitous—again, there was
are never going to “right the ship” with drugs and imaging and not enough disease for cardiac events yet. Sadly, when a
procedures alone, which can have high costs, high morbidity, person graduates from high school in the United States, that
high mortality, and absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with graduate gets a diploma and has a foundation for heart disease.
the causation of the illness.
Q: Would you share with us how you became inter-
Q: In your writings, you state that so many Western ested in your current work, which is focused on food as
diseases, such as stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, medicine?

194 DOI: 10.1089/act.2015.29021.cbe  MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.  VOL. 21 NO. 5


Dr. Esselstyn: It was in my role as Chairman of the Breast happen. Not only are these patients getting better but also this
Cancer Task Force at the Cleveland Clinic in the late 1970s approach absolutely hooks them. They suddenly realize that
that I became increasingly disillusioned with the fact that, no they have been stammering and staggering along for months
matter how many women for whom I performed breast sur- and years with pills and procedures, and now, suddenly, as
gery, I was doing absolutely nothing for the next unsuspecting these patients concentrate on whole-food, plant-based nutri-
victim. This led to a bit of global research on my part, and it tion, they are getting relief from their pain.
was quite striking to see that breast cancer-rates in places such One thing that hastens the healing process along is focusing
as Kenya were 30 to 40 times less frequent than in the United on greens. Here, I am a bit of a fussbudget, I confess, a
States. In rural Japan in the 1950s, breast cancer was identified taskmaster, but not quite as mean as I look. If patients can
very infrequently. Yet, as soon as the Japanese women would recognize and somehow get their heads inside their arteries,
migrate to the United States, by the second and third genera- these patients would see that plaque is an absolute caldron of
tion—and were still completely Japanese Americans—they oxidative inflammation. Therefore, we need antioxidants
now had the same rate of breast cancer as their Caucasian from food sources. If one wants to put raspberries, blueberries
counterparts. and strawberries on one’s cereal, that is wonderful, but I
What was perhaps even more powerful was the rate of cancer believe there is nothing that will trump the antioxidant benefit
of the prostate in the nation of Japan. How many autopsy- of green leafy vegetables. Therefore, I want these patients to
proven deaths were there from cancer of the prostate in 1958 in include, six-times-a-day, green leafy vegetables that are the
the entire nation of Japan? About 18 men died from prostate serving size of a fist and have been cooked in boiling water for
cancer. By 1978, 20 years later, there were up to 137 deaths, 5.5–6.0 minutes. That way, the vegetables are nice and ten-
which still pale in comparison to the 28,000 men who will die der, and patients may anoint the vegetables with several drops
this year in the United States from prostate cancer. of delightful balsamic vinegar, because vinegar has been
At the same time, I began researching the link between shown to enhance the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, which is
nutrition and cardiovascular disease, because here was a within the endothelial cell and responsible for manufacturing
disease that was the leading killer of women and men in nitric oxide.
Western civilization and yet was literally nonexistent in many The antioxidant vegetables are those that are high in what we
of the other cultures that I have mentioned. It seemed that, if call ORAC—oxygen radical absorptive capacity—value. I
we could persuade people to eat plant-based diets to save their want these patients to chew the green leafy vegetables along-
hearts, at the same time, these people might also be saving side their breakfast cereals. Then again, I want the patients to
themselves from other common diseases, including breast, consume the vegetables as midmorning snacks, with lunch, as
prostate, colon and pancreatic cancer. It was a matter of mid-afternoon snacks, at dinnertime, and then as even evening
saying, “look, if the reason that these other nations do not snacks of kale. What is this accomplishing? All day long a
have cardiovascular disease is because of what they are eat- person is basking and bathing that oxidative caldron of in-
ing, then we should be able to make some modifications in the flammation with nature’s most powerful antioxidants.
Western diet for better health.” It would seem that would be a What are the specific green leafy vegetables that I am talking
legitimate way of seeing if we could halt and even reverse this about? Specifically, bok choy, Swiss chard, kale, collard
disease. greens, beet greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, Napa cab-
So, I began working with a small group of people initially bage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cilantro, parsley,
because I was still involved with obligations from my surgical spinach, arugula, and asparagus. Other core foods included in
responsibilities. As sick as this small group of 22 original pa- the diet include whole grains, lentils, legumes, other vegeta-
tients was, it was really quite striking that they all had severe bles, and fruit.
triple-vessel CAD, and the majority of them had also had either When working with patients with cardiovascular disease, my
stents, angioplasties, or bypasses. Five of the original 22 pa- plant-based dietary program also includes the elimination of all
tients were told by their cardiologists that they would not live added oils as well as any food that comes from animal sources,
out the year. However, under the direction of my nutritional such as meat, fish, chicken, fowl, turkey, and dairy foods—
program, all 5 of those people have survived for close to 20 milk, cream, butter, cheese, ice cream and yogurt. I am also
years now. It was really quite exciting to see how powerful, very fussy about having people watch their sugar intake, and I
how rapidly and, most importantly, how enduring the benefits also do not like my patients to consume caffeine and coffee.
can be from dietary change. When removing foods that injure the endothelial cells, we
often see these cells respond in some patients—literally, as
Q: What are the main dietary principles that you rec-
promptly as within 3 weeks. Positron-emission tomography
ommend to people that you work with, such as what to leave
scans can show that an area of heart muscle that was previously
out and what to include in order to restore proper function
very poorly perfused with blood—within 3 weeks of a patient
to the endothelium?
being on the plant-based nutrition—can be restored. So that,
Dr. Esselstyn: My main goal in working with patients is that again, is why it is so important to include green leafy vegeta-
I want to see them diminish or get rid of their chest pain or bles in addition to the avoidance of foods that injure the en-
angina literally within days, because, then, several things dothelium. Obviously, it is a program that does not selectively



treat only the arteries to the heart, but treats the arteries all over really quite amazing how rapidly the beaten-down, poor old
the body as well. endothelial cells can begin to recover and respond through
nutritional change. Therefore, we find that, when counseling
Q: You have since worked with many patients with CAD these patients, it is absolutely key that they understand fully
on the process of significant dietary change. Would you tell that the reason they developed this disease in the first place is
us about that experience and the health outcomes that you that their endothelial cells are no longer functioning at a ca-
have observed? pacity that will allow them to protect themselves. Once these
patients get this concept in their heads and make the transition,
Dr. Esselstyn: We have treated hundreds of patients with their bodies respond rapidly.
CAD now, and, last July, we wrote about 198 of them and their
experiences.1 In our small original study, we had shown rather Q: How do you help patients make radical dietary
dramatic evidence of CAD reversal, both from the standpoint of changes?
the blockages that these patients had, and also from the stand-
Dr. Esselstyn: Clinicians have to show respect to their pa-
point of the symptoms they had experienced, such as the disap-
tients in order for them to be compliant. The only way that I know
pearance of chest pain and claudication.2 It was really exciting to
to show a patient respect is to give them my time. Given that
see these patients recognize that they were now being empow-
> 80%–85% of our patients come from outside the state of Ohio,
ered as the locus of control to halt and to reverse their disease.
they can only stay for a few days at a time. Our teaching team felt
The criticism of our initial study,2 however, was that it was
obligated to synthesize a teaching seminar of 1 single day of 5.5
quite small and that it was not feasible to expect that a larger
hours. Participants would receive all of the information that we
group of patients would be able to follow the program or have
thought was essential. They would learn what they had done that
the same results. So, we studied a larger group of 198 patients
created their disease and precisely how they each could be em-
who were also receiving conventional cardiac care.1 Of these
powered as the locus of control to halt and to reverse the disease.
participants, 177 (89.3%) were compliant with our nutritional
At the same time, we felt that every person should have a
program—almost 90% compliance—and I think that is very
very hefty notebook that had a copy of every one of my
striking in terms of behavior modification. Among the compliant
PowerPoint slides, several of our scientific articles, a 44-page
patients, 104 of 112 participants who reported angina at baseline
handout with many recipes that add to the 220 that are in the
experienced reduction or elimination of symptoms during the
two books that we provide. Participants also learn about ac-
follow-up period. Other results included imaging evidence of
quiring and preparing plant-based foods and dealing with
disease reversal, a significantly lower rate of recurrent cardio-
reading ingredients and with travel and restaurants. All par-
vascular events, and weight loss (an average of 19 lbs).
ticipants also receive a DVD of an earlier seminar that we
filmed, so when that they go home and get a little rusty on some
aspect, they can view this and get themselves back up to speed.
It is quite apparent that one can stop Then, we always have 2 or 3 local or regional participants who
have had a previous successful experience share their stories.
this disease in its tracks if one is able This way, the people in attendance can say to themselves,
to achieve compliance. “listen, if he or she can do this, I can do this.” Then we answer
questions, have a delightful plant-based luncheon, and stay in
touch as necessary, either through e-mail or phone calls.
The other thing that is so important is that my secretary will
It is quite apparent that one can stop this disease in its tracks
give me a list of all the participants, and about 2 weeks prior to
if one is able to achieve compliance. That, in and of itself, I
the seminar, I call every one of them, so that I can get totally
think, is worthy of some comment, because when one is doing
grasp their stories. At the same time, these patients have an
behavior modification, next to religion and sex, there is probably
opportunity to ask me questions, so that, coming to the seminar,
nothing as personal as food. Patients have to understand that
we have a strong platform from which we can all move forward.
there are certain foods that—every time these foods pass these
We usually hold these teaching sessions for no more than 10 or
patients’ lips—are absolutely going to decimate, trash, and in-
12 patients in this seminar. We do insist, whenever possible, to
jure further and compromise the ability of the endothelial cells to
have the significant other or the spouse attend; and they come for
give these patients protection.
free, because both parties have to understand what is going on
It’s important to point out that there is no question that, in the
and why we are asking patients to make certain changes.
middle of a heart attack, stents may be absolutely lifesaving
and save a lot of the heart from further injury. However,
Q: Do you think more clinicians are embracing the view
thousands of patients in studies now have shown clearly that an
of the importance of a plant-based diet?
elective stent—simply because a person has cardiovascular
disease that is not an emergency—does not prolong life, and Dr. Esselstyn: Right now, many medical training programs
does not protect a patient from a future heart attack. The ex- schools are still fixated on “pharmageddon,” learning all about
citing thing is that, inasmuch as CAD is not a malignancy, it is pills and medicines—and these are not the ultimate answer to the



revolution in health, if you were to argue that we are on the

To Contact Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. cusp of that, will come about not through the invention of
another pill, procedure, or operation. The seismic revolution in
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD
health will come about in the United States when we in the
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Reversal Program
Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute
health profession begin to share with patients what is the
Cleveland Clinic healthiest lifestyle. The primary message is to have them un-
1950 Richmond Road derstand nutritional literacy, whereby they will be empowered
Lyndhurst, OH 44124 not only to halt cardiovascular disease and strokes and obesity
Phone: (216) 448-8556 and hypertension and diabetes, but also other diseases, such as
Website: diverticulitis, osteoporosis, asthma, and a host of other auto-
immune diseases. It is almost frightening to think that this
answer is so simplistic, safe, inexpensive, and enduring.
Following a typical Western diet is a great way to eat if a
chronic illnesses we see. It is lifestyle change that will make the person wants to live just until the “warranty period” or about 25
difference. The current conventional approach to cardiovascular years of age. For people who want to go beyond 25, the way I
disease cannot cure patients and will never end the epidemic. look at it is that one does not suddenly develop hypertension or
It is absolutely a mistaken belief that patients will not make type 2 diabetes or obesity when they are 35 or 40 years of age.
the transition to whole-food, plant-based nutrition. It is not that What happens is that every time certain foods pass a person’s
the message is wrong. It is how the message is articulated. I lips, the person takes a hit and it causes injury. Now, the body is
also think it may be a little bit unfair of me to ask our car- remarkable. It will heal perhaps 80%–90% of that injury.
diovascular colleagues to shoulder the burden of this transition. However, the person is left with that 10% deficit or injury,
They have busy schedules, may not have the passion for this which continues to accumulate in a painless fashion until we,
approach, and certainly many of these colleagues have no as physicians, now identify those accumulated hits or injuries,
training in nutrition or behavior modification. Rather, those and we give them names, such as hypertension or diabetes or
of us in lifestyle medicine welcome the opportunity to work CAD.
synergistically in the spirit of cooperative endeavor with our It is very exciting for me to see that, as patients follow this
cardiovascular colleagues to help their patients become em- program, cardiovascular disease and other diseases that people
powered to halt this disease. are struggling, with literally melt away. We are treating disease
I think we are at a point now where it is totally, in my opinion, with something that is so ridiculously simple. We are identi-
unconscionable not to mention this option to patients, or to say fying the impact of food in a way that can chronically injure us
that significant dietary change is extreme. When a person says or heal us. n
that what we are doing is extreme, strict, or draconian, I think
that is absolutely false, because the truth is that the nutrition that References
is most extreme, strict, draconian, and problematic is the one
that 97% of Americans are eating today. It is giving us this
1. Esselstyn CB Jr, Gendy G, Doyle J, et al. A way to reverse CAD? J Fam
epidemic of illness that does not exist in other places. Pract 2014;63:356–364.
Fortunately, things are different now, compared with 30 2. Esselstyn CB Jr, Ellis SG, Medendorp SV, et al. A strategy to arrest and
years ago. There is no question that there are lot of young, reverse coronary artery disease: A 5-year longitudinal study of a single
bright people who have really begun to embrace this approach physician’s practice. J Fam Pract 1995;41:560–568.
and others who recognize the frustration of what they have
been taught earlier, and it really changes the whole landscape
and the horizon.
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD, is the director of the Cardiovascular Disease
Prevention and Reversal Program at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute of
Q: Do you have any final advice for clinicians regarding the Cleveland Clinic in Lyndhurst, Ohio.
treatment of CAD with a plant-based diet?
Dr. Esselstyn: When you have done this type of nutritional
work for years, you suddenly realize that the ultimate seismic To order reprints of this article, contact the publisher at (914) 740-2100.


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