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16, 2017

A Coding Diffuse Metasurface for RCS Reduction

Xiao Liu, Jun Gao, Member, IEEE, Liming Xu, Xiangyu Cao, Senior Member, IEEE, Yi Zhao, and Sijia Li

Abstract—In this letter, a coding diffuse metasurface for radar In 2015, Hong et al. put two kinds of AMC units cell in triangle
cross section (RCS) reduction is designed, simulated, and mea- arrangement [10], the RCS in specular direction was suppressed,
sured. First, two kinds of artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) unit and eight peaks were obtained in the backward. Chen et al. put
cell are analyzed, and 5 × 5 AMC unit cells construct metamate- same units in different sizes randomly [11], which redistributed
rials block. A linear array factor is optimized by the ergodic algo- the scattering energy from the surface toward all the directions.
rithm, and the sequence is expanded from one-dimension code to In 2014, Cui et al. proposed the concept “coding metamaterials,”
two-dimension code. Then, the diffuse metasurface is constructed and provided a route to manipulate EM waves and realize differ-
through the metamaterials blocks arrangement. Simulation results
ent functionalities by means of biased diode, field-programmable
show that the bandwidth of RCS reduction is expanded compared
to the classical chessboard arrangement. The diffuse characteristic
gate array, and different codes [12]. Based on the optimization
of the metasurface is achieved under normal and oblique incidence algorithm and far-field scattering pattern analysis, Wang et al. pro-
wave. Experiment results verify the validity of the theoretical de- posed a low-scattering metasurface [13]. In 2015, a single-layer
sign and simulation. This letter provides a rapid design method terahertz metasurface was proposed to produce ultralow reflections
to obtain diffuse metasurface, and this metasurface may achieve across a broad-frequency spectrum and wide incidence angles by
potential applications on low-scattering vehicle. controlling the reflection phases of subwavelength structures [14].
A broadband and wide-angle diffuse metasurface in terahertz us-
Index Terms—Artificial magnetic conductor (AMC), diffusion, ing multibit codes was designed [15]. In summary, an optimization
metasurface (MS), radar cross section (RCS) reduction. algorithm is used frequently to design the sequence. However, it
usually takes a long time to get multibit and large-scale codes.
In this letter, a rapid design of diffuse metasurface is proposed
ITH the development of the radar detector, the demand
W of electromagnetic (EM) invisibility or transparency ma-
terial is increased strongly. There are many technical applications
for RCS reduction. First, the element pattern (EP) is approached,
and two kinds of metamterial blocks construct a linear array. A lin-
ear code of global best is obtained through the ergodic algorithm
to reduce the radar cross section (RCS), such as ferrite absorber, with short time cost. Then, according to the pattern multiplication,
low-scattering profile, and almond shape. Metamaterial provides a 2-D code is constructed by the linear code. Later, the diffuse
a new way to manipulate EM waves and achieve the broadband metasurface is designed through metamaterial blocks that arrange
and low-reflection materials. Unusual constitutive parameters in in the 2-D code. The simulated results indicate that the bandwidth
macroscopic are obtained through the equivalent circuit theory, of RCS reduction (greater than 10 dB) is 5.4–7.4 GHz compared
and a set of materials is designed to achieve fantastic EM charac- to metal of the same size. Then, the scattering field under nor-
ter, such as perfect absorber [1], invisibility cloaking [2], surface mal and oblique wave is simulated. The measured bandwidth of
plasmon polarization [3], polarization rotation surface (PRS) [4], RCS reduction is 1.8 GHz (from 5.57 to 7.37 GHz). The agree-
[5], and artificial magnetic conductor (AMC). The metasurface is ment between measured and simulated data validates the proposed
a two-dimensional (2-D) equivalence of metamaterials [6], which design.
are usually constituted by inhomogeneous arrays of subwavelength
resonators. The AMC was first proposed by Sievenpiper et al. in
1999 [7], which could modify the reflect wave by altering its phase
and amplitude. In 2007, Paguay et al. combined perfect electric Fig. 1 gives the schema and the reflect phase difference curves
conductor and AMC in chessboard arrangement, which provided of two kinds of units cell. Under normal incidence wave, the phase
the precedent to nonspecular scattering metasurface [8]. Based on difference ranges from 135° to 215° (180° at 6.35 GHz) and the
the theorem of scattering cancelation, the reflect energy was mainly amplitude remains unchanged from 5.8 to 8.7 GHz. Under oblique
scattered into four diagonal directions, and the RCS in the normal incidence wave, the phase difference curves are not smooth
direction was almost zero. In 2013, Zhao utilized two kinds AMC enough, and the bandwidths are narrower. To keep the periodicity
units, and the bandwidth of RCS reduction broadened greatly [9]. of unit cell, square 5 × 5 AMC block is used as the metamaterial
block in this design. Fig. 2 shows the geometry of square patch
AMC block and scattering pattern under normal incidence wave.
Manuscript received April 27, 2016; accepted August 13, 2016. Date of From the pattern, the 3-dB beamwidth is approximately 58° both
publication August 17, 2016; date of current version April 3, 2017. This work in E- and H-plane, and the EP is approached to the function cosθ
was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grants 61271100, 61471389, and 61501494. in the spherical coordinate system.
X. Liu, J. Gao, X. Cao, Y. Zhao, and S. Li are with the Information and To calculate the scattering field of metasurface rapidly and effi-
Navigation College, Air Force Engineering University of CPLA, Xi’an 710077, ciently, we use the design method of antenna array. The AMC#1
China (e-mail:;;; block is designed as “0” element with a 0 phase response, and; the AMC#2 block is designed as “1” element with a π phase
L. Xu is with the Science and Technology on Electronic Information Control
Laboratory, Chengdu 610036, China (e-mail:
response. In this way, the phase responses of the “0” and “1” ele-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online ments are simply defined as Δϕ = nπ(n = 0, 1). 5 × 5 AMC
at blocks are equivalent to element, and according to the three-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2016.2601108 dimensional (3-D) scattering pattern of metamaterial block, EP is

1536-1225 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 3. 2-D codes and calculated scattering fields of metal, chessboard, and
diffuse metasurface in logarithmic scale.

Fig. 1. Schema of the AMC unit cell, p = 5 mm, h = 3 mm, εr = 2.65,

a = 5.7 mm for AMC#1 and a = 7.6 mm for AMC#2.

Fig. 2. Square patch AMC block and scattering pattern at 6.35 GHz. (a) 3-D
scattering pattern. (b) 2-D scattering pattern.

approached as Fig. 4. Design flow of the diffuse metasurface.

EP = cos θ. (1) 10→1, 11→0

F (θ, ϕ) = EP · AF =
Linear array scattering field of eight elements is written as

Amn · ej ( x m sin θ cos ϕ+ 2λπ y n sin θ sin ϕ )

 cos θ · λ · ej ϕ m , n π
j 2λπ x m sin θ ·e j ϕ m π
F (θ) = EP · AF = cos θ · Am · e (2) m =1,n =1
m =1 (5)
yn = (n − 0.5 (M + 1)) d, Amn = 1. (6)
xm = (m − 0.5 (M + 1)) d, Am = 1. (3) Fig. 3 gives 2-D codes and 3-D scattering patterns of metal,
chessboard, and diffuse metasurface through (5) calculated by
In order to manipulate the scattering wave diffuse as much as MATLAB. The peak values of scattering field are 18.0618,
possible, the peak value of scattering field is employed as the fitness 15.7703, and 11.29 dB successively. The peak value is decreased
function by 2.29 dB for chessboard and 6.76 dB for diffuse metasurface,
and the peak value is decreased through different 2-D codes. From
fitness = max F (θ) . (4) the calculated 3-D scattering patterns, the reflection energy is dis-
tributed into many directions for the diffuse metasurface, which
To make fitness function minimum, we employ the ergodic al- proves the diffuse characteristic.
gorithm, all the cases of arrangement are calculated for 28 loops, The design flow of the diffuse metasurface is summarized in
and the best sequence is 00101110, which only takes few seconds. Fig. 4. Two softwares are used in this design. HFSS 15.0 is re-
In order to scatter the energy both into x-direction and y-direction, sponsible for the design of metamaterial block and the accurate
8 × 8 2-D code is obtained based on the principle of pattern multi- full-wave simulation that is based on the finite-element method
plication. 2-D code is filled in the blanks by logistic XOR gate, and (FEM). MATLAB is responsible for the rapid calculation and op-
logistic XOR gate is interpreted simply as follows: 00→0, 01→1, timization of the arrangement and the scattering field.

Fig. 5. Schematic diagrams of (a) diffuse metasurface and (b) chessboard.

Fig. 8. Scattering patterns under TE oblique wave: (a) 15°, (b) 30°, (c) 45°; and
under TM oblique wave (d) 15°, (e) 30°, (f) 45°; mirror bistatic RCS reduction
curves, (g) TE oblique wave, (h) TM oblique wave.

Fig. 6. RCS reduction curves of chessboard and diffuse metasurface.

Fig. 7. Chessboard arrangement simulation 3-D scattering patterns under

normal incidence waves: (a) 5.4, (b) 6.35, and (c) 7.4 GHz; diffuse metasur-
face simulation 3-D scattering patterns under normal incidence waves: (d) 5.4,
(e) 6.35, and (f) 7.4 GHz.


Fig. 5 shows the schematics of diffuse metasurface and chess- Fig. 9. (a) Prototype and (b) measurement setup.
board. The size of the diffuse metasurface and chessboard is
328 × 328 × 3 mm3 (7λ × 7λ × 0.06λ at 6.35 GHz). Fig. 6
gives the RCS reduction curves under the normal incidence waves, Fig. 7 provides the 3-D scattering patterns in the same scale
and only one RCS curve of TE and TM waves is given because of chessboard and diffuse metasurface at 5.4, 6.35, and 7.4 GHz,
of the rotation symmetry of the arrangement. From Fig. 6, RCS respectively. From Fig. 7, there are four or five reflect strong peaks
reduction bands of chessboard (greater than 10 dB) are from 6 in the chessboard, but for the diffuse metasurface, the reflect waves
to 6.85 GHz and from 7.25 to 7.6 GHz, and the band of diffuse are diffuse. At 5.4 and 7.4 GHz, the scattering field of chessboard
metasurface is 5.4–7.4 GHz. The absolute bandwidth is expanded in the specular direction is clearly greater than the diffuse metasur-
from 1.2 to 2 GHz by 67% through proper arrangement of AMC face. In other words, the RCS reduction bandwidth of chessboard
blocks. is narrower than the diffuse metasurface. Fig. 7 clearly shows that

the bistatic RCS reduction (compared to metal of the same size),

two horn antennas are placed in specular, 15°, 30°, and 45° direc-
tions with respect to the prototype. To eliminate the interference
of environment, the function of time-domain gating in the network
analyzer is adopted in experiments.
Fig. 10 shows the measured results of RCS reduction curves.
From the results, the bandwidth of RCS reduction (greater than
10 dB) is 5.57–7.37 GHz, which is in agreement with the simulated
result. Bandwidths of mirror RCS reduction (greater than 6 dB) are
5.03–9.89, 5.48–10.07, and 5.3–8.9 GHz under TE waves for 15°,
30°, and 45°, successively. Bandwidths of mirror RCS reduction
(greater than 6 dB) are 4.77–8.25, 5.17–8.82, and 5.58–7.25 GHz
under TM waves for 15°, 30°, and 45°, successively. Neglecting
fabrication and measurement errors, the measured results verify
the low scattering of this novel design.
In summary, a diffuse metasurface is proposed, simulated, fabri-
cated, and measured. Using the theorem of array factor and ergodic
algorithm, the linear AMC blocks diffuse array is obtained with
short time. Then, the 2-D array is constructed by logistic XOR gate.
The benefit of this design method is that it is more effective and
spends less time compared to other diffuse metasurface designs.
The metasurface is simulated, the bandwidth of RCS reduction is
expanded by 67% compared to classical chessboard arrangement,
and the scattering energy is reflected into many directions in a
broad band. The diffuse characteristic is achieved under oblique
TE and TM waves. The measured results verify the validity of the
theoretical design and simulation. This letter provides a rapid way
to design large-scale diffuse and broadband metasurface.

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