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“nS si FoF OO ybagazes ano PRNTEDBY THE TET TARER TENDED FOR THETES TAKERS PERSONAL ECORES. Fl (Cntn eis Nem Gonder: M Registration Number: 0000 0000 2809 2148 Dato of ith: 01 Jan 1989 Test Date: 21 May 2018 Sponsor Cod a. Soka Reyhanl, Hatay 31009 Turkey Listening - ‘Speaking « writing ‘Country of Birth: Syrian Arab Republic | inst. code | Dept. cove Native Language: ARABIC ‘Test Canter: STHIIA331A- The Oxford Engich Acadomy - “Test Center County: Turkey ~Secutity Identification ID Type: Passport ID No: xooxxxoocoonaxn0000n9629 Issuing Country: Syrian Ara Th Soc “Test takers who receive a score at the INTERMEDIATE level, as Youd, typically Understand academic texts in Englsh that requre a wide renge of reading abies, although thet undersianaing f certain pars of the txts is limited. “Test tabers who fective a score at he INTERMEDIATE level typically + neve. good command of conten acedemic vecabuldy bul ell have seme dffeuty wih high tev vecabulary + have a very geod understanding Sf grammatical stivetine, + can understand and connect informaten, make apprOprate nferonces, end eynthosize nfermaten in @ ‘ange oftonts but have mere dffeuty when the vocabulary is hgh evel and the text is conceptually dense: + can recoanze the expositery oratization ofa text and the role that specif informaton se-ves within & larger text but have some diffculy when these are not explicit or easy o infer rom the text and + ea abstract maer ideas fom a foxtbut have more dificalty doing so when the text is concepiualy danse. Reading eer Sorc) Test tals who receive a Sor6 at the INTERMEDIATE level, as you di, typically understand conversations ard lecues in English mat present a wide range of isienng demands. Meso demands can include aficut vocabulary (Uncemmon tems of coloqusl ©: figurative language), complex gramnetical structures, andlor sbetiacl orcompoxideas, However, lctures and sorversalions hat requi the Estonerto make senso of {unexbeet64 0” seemingly contradictory inormation may oresent some difficulty. Wen listening tc conversations and lectures ike thes 33 takers al the INTERMEDIATE level typically can understand explicitly stated main ideas ard important details, especialy they are reinforced, but may have aiticuty uncerstanding man ideas that must de inferred or important details that are not rentorced; ‘+ understand now information s being used (for example, provide support or describe a step in a ‘complex process), + recognize tow pieces of iformaton are connected (fer example, ina cause-ond-offect relationship} + unde'stend, though pernaps rot consistently, ways that speakers use language for purposes other than te give information (for exemple, to emphasize « pein, express agreement or disegreement, or convey Intantone ingirosty); ond ‘+ _synthasize information rom aijacert parts ofa lecture or conversation and make coved inferences on the basi ofthat information, but may have dficily synthesizing information from separate parts ofa lecture er conversation. Listening —_ | Intermediate Seow crea ee eee rte oe so ann nan fac Tarason Ta

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