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Definition Causes

Acute kideny injury

Acute renal failure
Kidney dysfunction
reduction of urine production / blockage in - prerenal : hypovolemic, renal artery
Oliguria the outflow of urine from the kidneys stenosis
(300-500mL/day) - intrarenal : acute tubular necrosis,
systemic disorder
- postrenal : prostatic disorder, tumor,
Quantita kidney stone)
tive Diabetes
a condition where the kidneys aren’t
producing urine / the most severe form of
Anuria Chronic kidney fiallure
Kideny stones
Tumor in kidneys
Diabetes insipidus
excessive secretion of urine Diabetes mellitus
exceed 2.5L/day Hypercalcemia

the presence of an excessive amount of Increased quantity of proteins in serum
protein in the urine (overflow proteinuria)
Proteinuria (normal : less than 150mg/day) Low reabsorption at the proximal tubule
protein/creatinine ratio greater than (Fanconi syndrome)
45mg/mmol Excessive fluid intake
(drink over 4liters of water / day)
Renal damage
Glomerular : IgA nephropathy, hereditary
nephritis(alport’s disease), hemolytic uremic
syndrome, postinfectious glomerulonephritis,
Lupus nephritis, nephritic syndrome,
nephrotic syndrome, polycystic kidney
the presence of blood or RBC in the disease, idiopathic hematuria
urine(visible) Non-glomerular : urinary tract
infections(pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis,
urethritis), kidney stones, tumor, urinary
tract strictures, benign prostatic hyperplasia,
renal papillary necrosis
intense exercise

Bacteriuria : E. coli infection, diabetes,

bladder catheters, spinal cord injuries,
Kawasaki disease, genitourinary tuberculosis

Bacteriuria : the presence of bacteria in

urine(most common : Escherichia coli) Pyuria : sexually transmitted
Pyuria : condition in which you have high disease(chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes,
Bacteriuria / pyuria
levels of WBC or pus in your urine(often HPV, syphilis, trichomonas, HIV,
indicates infection, sterile pyuria : presence mycoplasma), viral infection(cytomegalovirus),
of WBC without bacterial infection) interstitial cystitis(painful bladder syndrome),
pelvic infections, intra-abdominal infections,
pneumonia, sepsis, radiation cystitis, renal
transplant rejection, tuberculosis, polycystic
kidney disease, kidney stones, Kawasaki
disease(autoimmune disease)
Hyaline cylindruria : pyelonephritis,
glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy,
chronic heart failure

Granular cylindruria : glomerulonephritis,

pyelonephritis, acute tubular necrosis, kidney
cancer, malignant nephrosclerosis, kidney
tuberculosis, nephropathy in systemic
connective tissue diseases(SLE, systemic

Cylindruria : the presence of

Waxy cylindruria : lipoid nephrosis, lupus
casts(proteinaceous formations that are casts
nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, amyloidosis,
of the distal tubules and collecting ducts) in
chronic renal failure, hypertension, rejection
Cylindruria / crystalluria the urine
of a kidney transplant

Crystalluria : the presence of crystals in the

Cellular cylindruria : pyelonephritis, kidney
abscess, interstitial nephritis, kidney failure,
acute glomerulonephritis, toxic kidney
damage, kidney transplant rejection, viral

Pigment cylindruria : acquired hemolytic

anemia, congenital hemolytic anemias,
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, acute
kidney injury, liver diseases
Fat cylindruria : glomerulonephritis,
amyloidosis, diabetic nephropathy, lupus
nephritis, scleroderma kidney,
kimmelstiel-wilson syndrome.

Crystalluria : dehydration, Urinary tract

infection, kidney or bladder stones
Urinary tracct infections(UTIs)
Kidney infection
Kidney stones
Holding in urine
the presence of a high concentration of
Leukocyturia Cancers(prostate, bladder, kidney)
leukocytes(WBC) in the urine.
Blood disorder
interstitial cystitis
Autoimmune inflammatory diseases of the

Conditions with problems using or making the
hormone insulin
a condition that occurs when glucose or Conditions with the kidney where the tubules
Glucosuria other sugars like lactose, fructose, or are damaged or other kidney defects
galactose, are present in the urine Gestational diabetes
Fanconi syndrome
Eating more sugars than the body can
process at once
Resistance to ADH(nephrogenic diabetes
Cushing’s disease
the secretion of urine of low specific gravity Hypercalcemia
Hyposthenuria due to the inability of the kidney to Increased water consumption(primary
concentrate the urine normally polydipsia)
Lack of medullary concentrating ability
Addison’s disease
Tension around the kidneys
Drinking too much water
a condition where the osmolality of the urine
Excessive sweating
is increased / characterized by the excretion
Urinary tract/bladder infection
Hypersthenuria of urine with an unusually high specific
gravity and concentration of solutes, usually
Renal artery stenosis
resulting from loss or deprivation of water
Hepatorenal syndrome
Decreased blood flow to the kidney
Excess of antidiuretic hormone

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