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Welcome to school of medicine

MD, PhD B.Gantuya
Department of Gastroenterology, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
Endoscopy unit, Mongolia Japan Hospital of MNUMS
☆ 기초훈련(= 예비 훈련)
Clinic [설문지(subjective)와 신체검사
(objective)] only,
Paraclinic[구체적 진단법(by 장비 , 랩
분석)] 사용 X

▪ Propedeutics a word of the Greek origin and

means the preliminary training
▪ In medicine, the terms "propedeutic" specifically
refers to the preliminary collection of data about a
patient based on questionnaire and physical
examination without specialized diagnostic
procedures such as equipment or laboratory
analysis .
Propedeutic is the main methods of patient examination for all fields of
doctor! It is fundament of clinician.
• We should obtain the ability of doctor’s technics
or methods of examination based on our own
natural ability (clinical) without using the
equipment (paraclinic*): Paraclinic*(additional) methods
• We should construct the diagnostic conclusions of patient’s examination:
on the ground of data of examinations Laboratory data: complete
blood analysis, urine analysis,
Clinical examination analysis of feces for worm ova
special: biochemical blood
Subjective examination – Objective examination – analysis, tests for estimation of
Questionnaire physical examination immune system, sputum
a) Complaints a) Observation Instrumental: ecg, spirography,
b) Anamnesis morbi b) Palpation ultrasound, endoscopy,
c) Anamnesis vitae c) Percussion computer tomography, MRI etc.
d) Auscultation
• This method uses language as a
way of people, an exchange of
opinions and mutual understanding.
• Word is the powerful medical
diagnostic tool
• Questioning of a patient - the most
important method of examination of
the sick person, which
characteristic only for practical
▪ General information about a patient (passport data)
▪ Patient’s problems which he is suffered for - patient’s complaints
▪ The main data about the disease, its onset duration - history of present
illness (anamnesis morbi)
▪ The main data about patient’s life in a short form - patient’s life history
(anamnesis vitae)
• Passport data • Education
• Surname, name, father’s name • Occupation
• Age • Place of employment
• Marital status • Profession (post)
• Sex • Address of close relatives
• Nationality • Date of admission
☆ 사람의 위점막에 기생하는 편모를 가진 나선형 세균
☆ 급성 &만성 위염, 위 & 십이지장 궤양, 위암, 위림프종 발생 주 원인

Helicobacter Pylori
▪ The main complaints - in marked specific Protease

changes in internal organs (epigastric pain, epithelial


nausea, bloody vomiting)

Muscularis mucosae

▪ The general complaints – nonspecific inflammation

symptoms such as fatigue, headache etc. Duodenal Ulcer

▪ The additional complaints – neck pain

▪ Onset of a disease
▪ Further course of a disease
▪ Performed diagnostical measures
▪ Treatment in the past, its efficiency
▪ Cause of the disease on patient’s own opinion
▪ Place of birth, living conditions in childhood, children’s diseases
▪ Profession
▪ Living and financial conditions
▪ Marital status at present time
▪ Diseases of the past
▪ Harmful habits
▪ Heredity concerning to father’s and mother’s lines
▪ Allergology anamnesis
☆ 후각 망울: 양쪽 대뇌 반구 전두엽 아래에 있는 화학 수용기 세포에서 신호를 받는 공모양 부분, 후각 신경이 그 속으로 들어간다
olfactory bulbs

nasal cavity Upper

Pharynx respiratory
oral cavity
☆호흡부전: 폐에서 가스교환 X → 혈액 속 산소 감소, 이산화탄소 증가

trachea Lower
bronchi respiratory
bronchioles tract

☆COPD: 호기 hard (= 만성 기류 폐색), 흡연 주원인 , 기침 & 호흡 곤란 유발

alveolar duct
☆ 폐색전증: 혈전이 폐혈관을 막은 상태

☆ 루게릭병: 근위축증 일종 , 근육 위축, 운동신경세포만 선택적으로 사멸

▪ Difficulty Breathing
▪ Stubborn Cough
☆벤조디아제핀: 신경안정제(향정신성의약품), 억제성 시냅스 후 표면의 GABA R에 결합하여 Nt
의 반응성 높임, 불안장애 & 발작&불면증 치료에 사용
▪ Breathing Noisily
▪ Lingering Chest Pain
▪ Chronic Mucus
▪ Coughing Up Blood
☆ 협심증: 고령/흡
족력/비만 → 3개의

▪ Chest pain, chest tightness, 관상동맥 중 하나라

도 급성 /만성 협착
chest pressure and chest → 혈류공급 감소 at
discomfort (angina) 심장 → 산소/영양 공
급감소→ 심장 근육
▪ Shortness of breath. 이차적 허혈 상태
① 혈전증 ② 동맥 경
▪ Pain, numbness, weakness or 화증 ③ 변이형 협심
coldness in your legs or arms if 증 (by 혈관의 급성
the blood vessels in those parts 연축 /수축)
of your body are narrowed.
☆ 허혈: 혈류 감소/
▪ Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, 부족 → 산소 수요》
upper abdomen or back. 공급
transverse colon


☆ 소장= 십이지장+공장+회장 stomach

☆ 대장= 맹장+ 충수+ 결장 +직장

ascending colon descending colon

sigmoid colon

☆ 담석: 담석증 원인, [담낭결석]담낭관 폐쇄 →산통발작 (only pain) , [총담관결석] 총담관
폐쇄→ 황달,
• 종류: ①콜레스테롤 결석 ② 빌리루빈 결석 (담즙색소 주) ③혼합형 ⇒ 서양인(지방 섭취
多) : ① , 동양인 : ② &③

☆hepatic: 간의

☆ bile: 담즙

☆ Sphincter :괄약근

☆ 간경변증: 만성적인 염증으로 인해 정상적 간 조직이 재생결절(regenerative nodules; 작은 덩어리화) 등의 섬유화 조직으로 바 쉼→ 간 기능 저하
☆ 청색증: 조직에 탈산소화된 Hb 증가 or 제 기능 X Hb 유도체 증가
• 중심성 청색증: 산소 포화도 저하되는 심질환/폐질환, 비정상 Hb 질병
• 말초성 청색증: 혈액순환 원활 X but 정상 산소포화도 ex) 심부전, 추위노출, 혈관 막힘
• 청색증+곤봉지: 선천성 심질환 (심기형)
• only 청색증 : 말초성 or sudden 중심성
•Upper abdominal pain.
•Abdominal pain that radiates to your back.
•Abdominal pain that feels worse after eating.
•Rapid pulse.
•Tenderness when touching the abdomen.
▪ Swelling, warmth, and tenderness in the joints.
▪ Unexplained weight loss.
▪ Fever.
▪ Fatigue.
▪ Joint pain and inflammation.
☆ polycystic ovary syndrome: 만성 무배란, 고안드로겐혈증 (남성 호르몬 과다), 초음파상 다낭성 난소 형태, 비만, 인슐린 저항성

Hair Loss Hirsutism Pelvic Pain

▪ weight loss and poor appetite. Infertility Overweight Irregular Periods

▪ tiredness.
▪ blood in your pee (urine)
Fatigue High Testosterone Acene
▪ itchy skin. Levels
☆ 버섯증후군: 목뒤쪽 아랫부분이 혹처럼 돌출, 연부 조직이 과섬유화

☆ 서맥: 심장 박동이 늦음 (60회

이하), 느린 심박으로 인해 몸에 충
☆ 빈맥: 심장 박동수가 분당 100회 이상으로 빨라짐 (정상 : 56/60~ 100회) 분한 피를 내보내지 X, 호흡곤란과
☆ 심계항진: 비정상/불규칙/빠른 심장박동, 어지러움, 흉부통증, 메슥거림 졸도 유발

☆ 타리변: 흑색, 타리모양 변, 십이지장/공장/ 회장으로부터 대량 출

열→ 혈액이 장관내 변화 (암적갈색 or 흑색), 대장하부로부터 출혈
시 선홍색 혈액 그대로

☆ 부신 급성발증: 부신 호르몬(코티솔) 분비의 결핍,

▪ Caused by a disease - a disease is unknown or rare, symptoms are
absent, clinical pattern resembles other diseases
▪ Caused by a patient - when it is not possible to take anamnesis,
anamnesis is wrong or distorted because of simulation, when it is not
possible to perform objective examination, presence of concomitant
▪ Caused by a doctor – insufficient knowledges, inattentiveness,
excessive confidence, overestimation of data of examination
▪ Caused by circumstances - noise, insufficient lighting, the room is not
adopted for examination of patients
What Doctors Wear Really Does Matter to Patients

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