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AJLXXX10.1177/1559827616638647American Journal of Lifestyle MedicineAmerican Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

vol. 10 • no. 5 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr, MD

Defining an
Overdue Requiem for Palliative
Cardiovascular Medicine
Abstract: During the past 40 associated with high morbidity, (CABG).2 Since these 2 seminal
years, we have witnessed significant mortality, and expense. It is long achievements, the Cleveland Clinic has
advances in the pharmaceutical overdue to question why. had a flourishing cardiovascular business,
and interventional treatment of and they have been ranked number 1 in
Keywords: prevent; reverse; CAD;
cardiovascular disease (CVD), which cardiology nationally by US News and
plant-based nutrition
have helped achieve a decrease in World Report multiple times over the
morbidity and mortality for this years.
illness. Nevertheless, CVD remains the Introduction
number 1 killer of women and men
Ongoing Challenges
in Western civilizations. This fact In 1958 Mason Sones at the Cleveland
is in stark contrast to the scenario Clinic successfully initiated percutaneous Despite the universal acceptance of
in multiple whole food, plant-based coronary artery catheterization, which CABG surgery, operative complications
nutrition (WFPBN) cultures, where allowed visualization of myocardial remain challenging. These include
CVD is virtually nonexistent. The utility blood flow and any blockages in that mortality, stroke, heart attack,
of plant-based nutrition to halt and system.1 During the next 9 years, patients hemorrhage, sepsis, sternal wound
prevent CVD has been demonstrated
epidemiologically, during wartime
deprivation, in large cohort and None of the procedural or
population transitioning studies, and
through prospective randomized and pharmaceutical advances offer any
nonrandomized investigations. A
basic scientific study confirms that treatment to deal with the cause of
omnivores have intestinal bacteria
capable of converting animal food
cardiovascular disease (CVD).
to trimethylamine oxide (TMAO),
which injures blood vessels, whereas
those eating plants only do not flocked to the Cleveland Clinic for dehiscence, graft failure, and
have intestinal bacteria capable angiographic documentation of the arrhythmias. This morbidity and
of producing TMAO. Despite this extent of their coronary disease. mortality is even greater when a second
overwhelming evidence for the safety, Unfortunately, little could be offered in or third CABG is deemed necessary. In
simplicity, and efficacy of plant the way of treatment, with only the 1980s Gruentzig developed balloon
nutrition to halt and prevent coronary minimally effective medication. This angioplasty to force open arterial
artery disease, the cardiovascular changed in 1967 when Rene Favoloro, blockage.3 Mortality and morbidity for
medicine community has failed my eventual Cleveland Clinic surgical this were less than that for CABG, but
to embrace this option of therapy dressing room locker mate, devised the failure rate at 6 months was 50%.
and persists in palliative treatments coronary artery bypass graft surgery This limitation led to the invention of
DOI: 10.1177/1559827616638647. From Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, Lyndhurst, Ohio. Address correspondence to: Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr, MD, Cleveland Clinic
Wellness Institute, 1950 Richmond Road, Lyndhurst, OH 44124; e-mail:
For reprints and permissions queries, please visit SAGE’s Web site at
Copyright © 2016 The Author(s)
These articles are based on The Annual Conference of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) held November 1-4, 2015, in Nashville, Tennessee—Lifestyle
Medicine 2015: Integrating Evidence into Practice.

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Sep • Oct 2016

stents, which improved the rate of Prospective Investigation into Cancer and management training and Esselstyn
recurrent stenosis. Nutrition study; 15 157.(34%) were et al,19 in 1995, using a whole food,
The contributions of Sones, Favoloro, vegetarians (consuming no meat or fish). plant-based diet independently observed
and Gruentzig were monumental, Vegetarians had a lower mean body mass CAD arrest and angiographic disease
offering a degree of hope for a poorly index, lower non–high-density reversal. In later publications, both
understood disease that was in the 1960s lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, lower investigators confirmed and reinforced
and is, still, today the number 1 killer of systolic blood pressure, and a 32% their previous findings.20-23 Using a
women and men in the West. Yet major lessened likelihood of developing similar WFPBN approach in 2015,
problems remain. None of the ischemic heart disease. These 2 studies, Massera et al,24 reported dramatic
procedural or pharmaceutical advances with more than 75 000 participants, reversal of crippling angina in a man
offer any treatment to deal with the support the power of nutrition for who refused medication or procedures
cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). primary and secondary prevention of but agreed to WFPBN. He can now run 4
Stents, CABG, atherectomy, and drugs CVD. miles without symptoms.
are prodigiously expensive, accounting In the early 1970s, Finland was the The totality of converging lines of
for 45% of Medicare expenses and are a heart attack capital of the planet, evidence, including epidemiology,
stop-gap patch job, offering no hope of especially its northern province of wartime deprivation, large nutritional
disease resolution. Karelia.12 Local leaders and health cohort and population transitioning
professionals concentrated on reduction studies, and randomized and
of cholesterol, blood pressure, and nonrandomized investigations, point to
Might This Be
animal and dairy foods and smoking nutrition as the principal etiological
the Answer?
cessation. This population reduced their factor in atherosclerotic CVD. What is
Overwhelming data for prevention and dietary saturated fats, increased vegetable keeping practitioners of cardiovascular
cure has been before our eyes for consumption, and decreased smoking medicine from utilizing or even offering
decades. It is whole food, plant-based from 52% to 31%. Over 30 years, the WFPBN as treatment for their patients,
nutrition (WFPBN). There are cultures on North Karelia coronary disease death rate which has now been time tested beyond
this planet where CVD is virtually plummeted to 85%, and for the entirety 30 years and has been shown to halt and
nonexistent. These include the of Finland, which adopted these reverse CVD?
Okinawans,4 the Papua Highlanders,5 the measures, coronary artery disease (CAD)
Rural Chinese,6 Central Africans,7 and the reduction was 80%.
What Is Holding
Tarahumara of Northern Mexico.8 Their In the Saint Thomas Atherosclerosis
Back the Cure?
shared characteristic is WFPBN, with Regressions Study, Watts et al13 found
minimal animal food. Strom and Jensen,9 that a lipid-lowering diet alone could halt Cardiovascular physicians receive
in 1951, reported a significant decrease progression and increase regression of minimal training in nutrition or
in circulatory mortality in Norway during CAD. In 2013, Tuso et al14 asked their behavioral modification. Many have no
World War II, when the Germans Kaiser HMO colleagues to utilize WFPBN knowledge of the literature database of
confiscated the Norwegian’s livestock as the foundational therapy to promote a how powerful and effective plant-based
and their major source of nutrition healthier lifestyle for their patients. nutrition can be in the treatment of CVD.
became plant based. Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Of the 2 leading cardiology organizations
Sizeable prospective cohort trials point under the direction of Stanley Hazen in the United States, neither the American
to the significance of nutrition in including Tang et al,15 Koeth et al,16 and College of Cardiology nor the American
decreasing the risk of recurrent CVD Wang et al,17 studied the metabolism of Heart Association, to this point, has
events in persons with CVD and diabetes lecithin and carnitine found in eggs, milk shown any leadership suggesting that
and in lessening the risk of developing and dairy products, liver, red meat, shell WFPBN must be an integral part of any
CVD in healthy persons. A total of 31 546 fish, and fish. The intestinal microbiota informed consent. The bright spot on the
participants with CVD or diabetes were of omnivores metabolizes these horizon is, Dr Kim Williams, the newly
treated by Dehghan et al10 for 4.5 years substances producing trimethylamine elected president of the American College
and separated into quintiles of nutritional oxide (TMAO), which causes vascular of Cardiology, who has a personal and
quality. They found that whether or not injury. This investigation is a powerful patient-oriented belief in WFPBN.
persons were receiving medication, validation for WFPBN because ingestion For years I resisted the suggestion that
reduction of CVD-related risk within the of these animal foods by persons who compensation could be an issue in
healthiest quintile was 35% for death, strictly consume plants produces no decision making. However, multiple law
14% for myocardial infarction, and 19% TMAO. Plant eaters do not have intestinal suits have arisen when there is stenting
for stroke. Crowe et al11 followed 44 561 bacteria capable of producing TMAO. performed for nonexistent or minimal
men and women for 11.6 years who Ornish et al,18 in 1990, utilizing a lesions. Studies of thousands concur that
were enrolled in the European low-fat vegetarian diet and stress stenting in an emergency may be

vol. 10 • no. 5 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

lifesaving, yet for the majority who have progressive food-borne injury to the repeated interventions. These depressing
an elective stent, there is no prolongation endothelial cells that produce nitric oxide results are discussed in a recent study of
of life or protection from a future heart and how they are empowered through 3 of our patients who had advanced
attack. I once saw a patient who had 51 WFPBN to restore endothelial capacity to CVD.26 One had significant carotid
stents. Recognizing these limitations, why again produce nitric oxide and halt their disease in addition to diabetes, angina,
are thousands of patients every year disease. They learn how to procure and and erectile dysfunction. A second had
subjected to the morbidity and mortality prepare plant-based meals and hear from severe angina and diabetes. The third had
and expense of elective stents with such previous participants who share their severe claudication. All 3 were seen at
limited benefit? stories of success with the group. excellent institutions. All 3 had the full
During the past 5 years we have spectrum of drugs and multiple
requested that patients consume green procedures, and they were told that
A Possible Solution
leafy vegetables 6 times daily. We ask nothing further could be done. They
If we accept the fact that most them to first boil the greens in water for found our facility, and all 3 are without
cardiovascular medicine practitioners are 5 to 6 minutes to make them tender. any symptoms of angina, erectile
honest, caring, and compassionate, then They are then asked to anoint this fist dysfunction, claudication, or diabetes.
how might they respond if just one of sized green with multiple drops of a The plight of these 3 patients is
their patients utilizing WFPBN achieved balsamic vinegar because acetic acid has emblematic of the failure of present-day
prompt symptomatic disease reversal? It been shown to restore nitric oxide cardiovascular medicine. They originally
would be game over. They will want to synthase capacity to form nitric oxide.25 believed in the standard cardiovascular
offer this safe, powerful, and enduring We suggest that they chew these greens protocol but subsequently learned that it
therapy for all their patients. How can at breakfast, midmorning, lunch, is unsuccessful because of failure to
they manage to do this? There are midafternoon, dinner time, and even as address the cause of the disease. How
multiple practitioners using WFPBN an evening snack. Because nothing much more effective and humane would
throughout the country willing and able trumps the antioxidant value of green it have been to enable these patients to
to share their successful methods, such leafy vegetables, we believe that it is cure themselves with proper nutrition.
as John McDougall; Craig McDougall; essential to bask the oxidative cauldron Let us try to put this in perspective.
Neal Barnard; Dean Ornish; Caldwell of atherosclerotic disease all day long. Last year, the nation was paralyzed at the
Esselstyn; Rip Esselstyn; Hans Diehl; This plethora of polyphenols and thought of an Ebola epidemic. Millions
Scott Stoll; Michael Greger; Colin antioxidant compounds restores were spent in preparation for this
Campbell; Tom Campbell; Robert endothelium and endothelial progenitor epidemic. One case of Ebola occurred in
Ostfeld; Baxter Montgomery; James cells and protects the Apo A1 moiety of the United States. Sadly, in December of
Loomis; Michael Roizen; Sharon HDL cholesterol and dimethylarginine 2015, 14 persons were shot to death in a
Hauserman-Cohen; Michael Mills; Wayne dimethylaminohydrolase. Restoration of terrorist attack. Both of these events
Dysinger; John Kelly; Mark Braman; Carl these vascular defense molecules rightfully provoked a national outcry.
Turissini; Erminia Guarneri; Amy accelerates renewed nitric oxide Nevertheless, every 2 weeks there are
Mechley; Greg Feinsinger; Columbus production, with prompt diminution and cardiovascular deaths occurring, which
Batiste; Amanda McKinney; Charles resolution of angina. are the equivalent of 2 capacity-filled jet
Katzenberg; David Hughes; Mark Katz; liners crashing, and this is regarded as
David Katz; Adina Mercer; Monica unfortunate. This overlooked mortality
Our Results
Aggrawal; Laurie Marbus; Joel Kahn; Ted can no longer be acceptable.
Barnett; Carl Heubner to mention a few. We recently reviewed our experience For 100 years, radical mastectomy was
How might an unaware practitioner with 200 participants followed for 3.7 the standard of care for breast cancer
learn to achieve patient adherence? Next years and found an adherence rate of even though the procedure was painful,
to religion and sex, there is nothing so approximately 90%; 99.4% in the mutilating, and disfiguring. Finally,
personal as food. My preference is to adherent group had avoided major courageous physicians challenged this
show the patient respect. One of the best cardiac events.23 The success rate is procedure, finding lesser procedures
ways I know to do that is to give them beyond 30-fold more favorable than equally effective. Are we repeating this
my time. Because most of my patients are results reported in major cardiovascular error with cardiovascular medicine’s
from out of state, we have synthesized trials. Why? It cannot be emphasized reliance on drugs, stents, and operations,
our message into a single-day, intensive enough that our success is directly which are ineffective for cure and are
5½ hour seminar limited to 10 or 12 attributable to the fact that we are palliative?
participants, with their spouse or treating the cause of the illness. The It does not require courage to use
significant other who come without plethora of pharmaceuticals, procedures, WFPBN for patients. You are not going to
charge. Participants learn how they and operations in standard cardiovascular injure them. There are no crippling side
developed their disease through practice is fraught with failure and effects and no new expenses. You are

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Sep • Oct 2016

asking them to eliminate a diet of enhancing nitric oxide production and The present cardiovascular approach
delicious food that is injuring them for vasodilatation, which resolves angina and has been tested for beyond 40 years. Not
delicious foods that will enhance their improves the PET scan imaging. These surprisingly, most patients following this
health. They will experience rapid clinical patients are now able to return to their protocol experience disease progression,
improvement and lessening or activities of daily living without more drugs, more imaging, and repeat
disappearance of angina. They will sense restrictions. What is remarkable is that the interventions, with more morbidity,
their empowerment as the locus of recovery of the intramural system is so progressive disability, and too often
control over their disease. They will powerful that it succeeds despite the fact death from a disease of Western
rejoice because they will sense that they that the epicardial blockages may often malnutrition, the cause of which has
have the power to remove this sword of remain the same, albeit within these been left untreated. Sadly, present
Damocles hovering over their head, vessels there is some remodeling, palliative cardiovascular medicine can
essentially not knowing when they might increased flow, and dilation from the neither cure the disease nor end the
have another cardiac event. Their belief in increased nitric oxide production. We epidemic and is financially unsustainable.
this approach is further strengthened as frequently observe this sequence in Nevertheless, we are on the cusp of a
they comprehend their disease reversal. patients who are told that they need a seismic revolution in health, which will
We gauge 8 ways to assess CVD CABG operation and are extremely never come about with the invention of
reversal. These include the following: reluctant to have that procedure but are another pill, procedure, or operation.
reassured when they discover that their WFPBN is the mightiest tool medicine
1. Angiographic improvement lifestyle change has promptly reversed has ever had in its toolbox. This
2. Stress test reversal their symptoms and are confident that revolution will come about when we
3. Positron-emission tomography (PET) they may forgo the operation. The present show the public that lifestyle and, in
scan reversal totality of the evidence justifies a mandate particular, the nutritional literacy of
4. Carotid ultrasound reversal that at the time of informed consent, WFPBN empower them to eliminate 75%
5. Pulse volume enhancement patients be made aware of the options of to 80% of chronic illness. Medicine’s
6. Angina resolution plant-based nutrition. very best can become even better.
7. Claudication resolution In the absence of a randomized
8. Erectile dysfunction resolution controlled trial, can a clinician feel
secure in recommending plant- based
As patients measure their improvement, options? Absolutely. The several This research received no specific grant from any funding
they become even more fully engaged, agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sector. The
thousand patients in the COURAGE trial
author declares that there is no conflict of interest. AJLM
realizing that it is their commitment to demonstrated no superiority of stenting
plant-based nutrition that is halting their in stable patients when CAD is compared
disease. with medical therapy.28 References
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