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Social Impact Analysis and

Child impact analysis
Basis for planning program Backaplan

May 2018

Appendix to Program for Backaplan, Diary number: 0698/16

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SUMMARY ................................................. ................................................... ..........................4

INTRODUCTION................................................. ................................................... ..........................................6

GOAL................................................. ................................................... ................................................... .6

IMPACT ANALYSIS................................................... ................................................ ......................7

Cohesive city................................................ ................................................... ............................7

Interplay................................................. ................................................... ..............................................9

Everyday life................................................. ................................................... ........................................11

Identity ................................................... ................................................ ............................................13

Health and Safety............................................... ................................................... ..............................15

SUGGESTED ACTION .............................................. ................................................... ..........................18


Gothenburg City Filippa Andersson & Caroline Valen, City Planning Office

Consultant ÅF Infrastructure AB

Agent Hanna Kaplan, landscape architect in urban planning

Assignment leader Cecilia Windh, Social planner specialist social sustainability

Case manager Stina Karlsson, Traffic and community planner

Case manager Pia Fagerberg, Cultural expert within mobility management

May 2018

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Here follows a summary of the significant social consequences identified in the report. Opportunities and potential are listed

in the left column, risks and challenges in the right.

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The program proposal involves improved connections for cyclists and pedestrians There is a potential risk that the northwestern parts of Backaplan will have lower

within Backaplan. accessibility to public transport than the development closer to Hjalmar

Brantingsplatsen. As a school is planned in the north-west, the trips of

children and young people will be a special focus here.

Trade is concentrated at public transport hubs and follows a logical pattern into The focus is on integration within Backaplan, there are continuing

the neighbourhoods. difficulties in connecting Backaplan with Frihamnen and old Kvillestaden.

Backaplan connects more with Östra Kvillebäcken. Hjalmar Brantingsgatan and Lundbyleden will continue to be barriers.

Backaplan is being developed with housing, and already in the first The housing market is sensitive and the demography and its needs are

detailed plan there is some mixture. changing, continuous analyzes will be required before each stage with what is

required for continued socially mixed housing.

Backaplan risks being developed with a one-sided housing form, i.e. a majority of

apartments. Those looking for townhouses, townhouses or villas are forced to

settle further from Gothenburg city.

The residential blocks are planned with closed courtyards for a private sphere. The yards are shared to some extent with preschools or offices. The farms are

different sizes, with some blocks having dangerously small areas. It requires

special care in design and programming.

Residential development on Backaplan can contribute to the place being perceived In connection with the development and upgrading of Backaplan, there are risks that

as inhabited for a longer period of the day. people who use the site today will be displaced due to e.g. increased rents and

new types of buildings.

The proposed program involves less hard-made surfaces and more If the dense development does not enable enough squares or parks of significant

opportunities to establish both square formations and places to stay. size, it risks reducing the possibility of gathering for larger events within Backaplan.

There are already several businesses that add value to the location. Risk that the businesses that create "life" at Backaplan today disappear due

to increased rents, unsuitable premises or a new

identity in the area.

The place is used today by people of different ages. In order to continue to have a cross-generational district, new, or preserved,

meeting places for young and old are required.

The Kulturhuset has the opportunity to be an important future meeting place. a

flexible and permissive cultural arena has been requested.

Backaplan today has a large variety of established businesses and an existing The commercial players and retail chains are easier to bring into the newly built

foundation to build on from. Backaplan than the non-profit and cultural activities. The latter risk being

displaced if no solution can be found.

The proposed block structure enables pedestrian flows in a fine mesh urban A modern neighborhood city with narrow, closed blocks has

fabric where shops, premises, housing, public transport and public spaces are limitations when it comes to the content of premises. The body of the house is

significantly closer to each other than in the current situation. broken off with a stairwell, which reduces the premises, as a rule, a premises

on the ground floor is 100-200 m2, which is only suitable for certain activities,

the courtyards are shared with residents, which prevents restaurants from

using them.

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If one or more blocks are built on plinths with shops under an entire residential block, Raised yards need to be planted and designed well for the residents' use, which may

it can mean larger premises and more opportunities for space-intensive require plantable joists and that ventilation to the activities below does not disturb the

businesses. yard environment.

A new shopping center is planned with a variety of commercial trade and Backaplan is a place for many young people who hang out in both public and
services. commercial places. A shopping center should take special account of the needs of

young people as it is a natural meeting place for them.

Backaplan will be built in stages and can retain existing operations well A construction site risks making it difficult for customers/users to reach their

into the expansion phase. destination. If it becomes difficult to get to Backaplan, it can knock out sensitive

operations in the meantime.

It is positive that Backaplan is planned with preschools or schools in each stage. Preschools and schools in a densely built-up urban environment need to interact

It enables families with children to move in from the start. with other functions and people in the area. This can lead to conflicts between

the needs of the different groups and the children do not get a protected zone that
is just theirs. The risk is that the children are the ones who get it

adapt to the needs of adults and get a less healthy and egalitarian living environment.

Backaplan's identity is multifaceted and variegated. It is not considered sensitive Backaplan will have a major transformation with completely new functions, locations

to transformation from a cultural-historical perspective. If the buildings are replaced and expressions. The old is at risk of breaking down on the road.

but the people can remain, the development is positive.

Working with art, culture and temporary measures during the phased There needs to be spaces and places for creation throughout the

expansion is an opportunity for continuous cultural practice in the development process, a work that needs to be coordinated by the city.

area. The committed artists and creators who are connected to Backaplan and

Ringön can have a positive effect if they are given the opportunity to create in the

public space.

It takes time for newly produced areas to "settle down" and create their own identity. It is required that there are arenas and resources for young people to continue to

The meeting places that are already in place and that are appreciated, especially by make an impression in Backaplan.

young people, can help bring Backaplan to life even in the early stages of the


As the city does not own much land, it becomes more difficult to provide non-

commercial creative spaces without cooperation with the private property

owners. However, the property owners have been part of a consortium and are an

active part of the planning.

It is likely that Backaplan will have clusters with different architectures in the different It can be a challenge to create a typical Backaplan architecture,

stages. especially since the area will be developed in stages and will be characterized by

different trends and period expressions.

Backaplan follows the objective in the sociotop spin regarding access to different Even if it is physically possible to get to different places, it does not mean that

types of recreation. they are perceived as accessible.

It is positive that Backaplan is planned with a number of parks of different sizes and Since the parks must compensate for small preschool yards and to some extent

an active green lane connects the parks. small residential yards, there is a risk of high wear and tear
and conflicts between users.

The buildings closest to Lundbyleden can shield noise and particles from the other Those who live and work near Lundbyleden are in a vulnerable position regarding

blocks. noise and air.

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The following PM forms a basis for the Plan program for Backaplan.

The purpose of this social impact analysis (SKA) is to analyze the plan program's urban structure and content from a social

perspective and to provide action proposals and recommendations for continued work.

The analysis is based on existing planning documents as well as calculations and sketches made for the program document.

The assessment is based on research and experience on social sustainability in urban planning and relates to the indicators

that have been identified for each goal formulation.

A significant basis for SKA is the result of a cross-sectoral workshop held in March 2018 with the aim of analyzing the

structure and content of the planning program Backaplan based on social sustainability.

The social impact analysis is based on the City of Gothenburg's tool for impact analyses. By starting from the matrix on which

the tool is based, social aspects are captured and at the same time the questions are put in the context that is

relevant to the current scale. In this analysis there is a need to also add the heading "Health and safety." The children's

perspective is constantly included in the report because Backaplan is a distinctive place for young people, and their

conditions and needs are important to highlight together with other groups.


The following objectives have been developed for the Program for Backaplan and form the basis of the impact analysis. Here

follows a sorting of the goals linked to Vision Älvstaden's goals: Meeting the water, Strengthening the core, The whole
city and the social aspects of an SKA.

1. Backaplan must be accessible and easy to find for all road users THE WHOLE CITY

and be a strong interchange point in the city through strengthened STRENGTHEN

connections and routes to surrounding areas. THE CORE

2. At Backaplan there must be an opportunity for many people to live and work THE WHOLE CITY

and staying in a dense neighborhood city with mixed content. STRENGTHEN

The living environments in Backaplan must have attractive locations THE CORE
with functioning yards and good light and sound conditions.

3. Backaplan must contain permissive, cross-generational meeting places in a THE WHOLE CITY

balance between different types of places and forums.

4. The planning in Backaplan must contribute to the conditions for a rich THE WHOLE CITY

range of trade and activities that facilitate everyday life and contribute to a STRENGTHEN

vibrant urban environment. THE CORE

5. In Backaplan, there must be good access to public services for all stages THE WHOLE CITY

of life with full coverage of needs in preschool and school.

6. Each stage of development in Backaplan must contain THE WHOLE CITY

prerequisites for a diversity and mixture of expressions and activities

that originate in the existing and the area


develops successively.

7. In Backaplan, special consideration must be given to the possibilities

of architecture and art to contribute to a welcoming and lively environment


8. In Backaplan, there must be good conditions for sustainable and healthy MEET THE WATER

lifestyles through fair access to greenery, recreation, movement and health


for everyone. There must be a good spread of well-maintained, programmed

and experience-rich parks and natural areas.

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Cohesive city

1. Backaplan must be accessible and easy to find for all road users and be a strong interchange point in the
city through strengthened connections and routes to surrounding areas.

2. At Backaplan, there must be an opportunity for many to live, work and stay in a dense neighborhood city
with mixed content. The living environments in Backaplan must have attractive locations with functioning
yards and good light and sound conditions.

Coherent city is about illustrating how connections in the physical environment can be strengthened, and how both
public places and living environments can be made available to a wider group of people.

Today, Backaplan consists of a large-scale commercial area, but there are also several smaller-scale businesses,
for example restaurants and businesses in art and culture.

During the workshop that was carried out within the framework of this SKA, it became clear that Backaplan
today is experienced as somewhat isolated, largely because of the busy roads that create barriers and make
the area less accessible to people who do not drive. ” was expressedTodaywalks
you just not to Backaplan
by a workshop participant, illustrating how the site is largely dominated by large scale and car-borneness. Hjalmar
Brantingsgatan, in the southern part of the program area, is designated as a specific barrier that makes it difficult
to connect to Frihamnen, Östra Kvillebäcken and Kvillestaden in particular.

As the program area is largely made up of commerce and parking lots, the majority of surfaces are paved. The
green areas and living areas that exist are described as ill-conceived and poorly designed.

Physical connections

The program proposal for Backaplan is considered to provide good conditions for connecting central Gothenburg
and Hisingen. Retaining and further developing Knutpunkt Hjalmar, including light rail and buses, will contribute to
improved accessibility to and from Backaplan. It is also considered positive that the main trade will be concentrated in
the vicinity of the public transport point. However, there are risks with the majority of services (public transport and
trade) being concentrated in the southern part of the program area. From the northwestern parts of
Backaplan to Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen, it is around one kilometer. This makes it important to also review the
accessibility to stops in the north-western part in more detail. The planned school two blocks south of
Minelundsvägen means that many children and young people will move to the northwest parts of the area.
Frequency of trips and routing of the bus that is planned to stop there becomes particularly important for children's
movements. Walking several hundred meters to Knutpunkt Hjalmar can be too far for children. A new commuter train
station between Backaplan and Brunnsbo needs to be integrated into the public transport network, but also
for pedestrians and cyclists. There is a risk that the station will be desolate and difficult to access until all stages
of Backaplan are developed.

The program proposal involves a change from large-scale, hard-made surfaces to a dense neighborhood structure,
which is judged to have positive effects on environments for cyclists and pedestrians in the area. In order
for Backaplan to be perceived as well connected, not only within the area, but also with surrounding areas, it will be
important that the pedestrian and cycle paths and the planned low-speed streets are connected with the rest of the
road network.

The program proposal is judged to have the potential to partially bridge the physical barriers that surround Backaplan
today. The connection to eastern Kvillebäcken will most likely improve, while the problem with
Lundbyleden and Hjalmar Brantingsgatan will remain in the near future.

Socially mixed living and a well-functioning living environment

A goal of the program work is that housing estates on Backaplan should have good design and light
conditions. The planned farm area per person will be relatively small. This can have negative consequences for
people's everyday lives, especially from a children's perspective. A large yard can to some extent compensate
for a small apartment, and be an important complement for being able to play and socialize next door

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the home. The fact that some of the farms are small makes it particularly important to ensure access to green areas that are safe

and secure to reach even for children close to home.

Building unilaterally and based on today's needs is fraught with risk when moving in takes place for many years to come.

Certain groups are particularly vulnerable in the housing market, which is why it is of great importance to strive for a

housing supply for a heterogeneous group of people.

Within the work on the planning program, the goal of socially mixed housing has been identified as a critical issue.

Within Backaplan, the aim is to achieve a variation in the size, prices and form of letting of housing.

Risks with increased rents were raised and problematized several times during the conducted workshop. It is therefore important

that the older stock with smaller and cheaper rental apartments remains to balance the new ones that are coming.

That Backaplan is primarily planned with apartments as a form of housing is a risk. Resourceful Gothenburgers, to a certain

extent, choose to move to peripheral municipalities to get a villa or terraced house. There are ways to create mixed

neighborhoods, where townhouses and apartments coexist. For example, the first floors can be duplexes with their own

exit to the yard.

SummaryCohesive city

Possibility Risks

Improved connections for cyclists and pedestrians Potential risk that the northwestern parts of

within Backaplan. Backaplan has less accessibility to public

transport than the development closer to Hjalmar


Trade is concentrated in

public transport hubs and follow in a logical

pattern into the quarters.

Backaplan connects more with Östra Continued difficulties in connecting Backaplan

Kvillebäcken. with Frihamnen and Kvillestaden.

Hjalmar Brantingsgatan and Lundbyleden will

continue to be barriers.

Backaplan is being developed with housing, and already The housing market is sensitive and the demographics

in the first detailed plan there is some mixture. and its needs are changing, continuous analyzes will be

required before each stage with what is required for

continued mixing.

It is important that the older stock in nearby

residential areas with smaller and cheaper rental

apartments remains to balance the new that is


Backaplan risks being developed with a one-sided housing

form, i.e. a majority of apartments.

The residential blocks are planned with closed courtyards. The farms are shared to some extent with preschools or

office. The farms vary in size, with some blocks

having dangerously small areas.

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3. Backaplan must contain permissive, cross-generational meeting places in a balance between different
types of places and forums.

The urban environment can facilitate or hinder the interaction between people through the physical design.
The meeting places and social arenas that exist in a neighborhood also control which people stay there and how
they interact.

At first glance, Backaplan can be characterized as an external trade area with large-scale trade and larger
store chains. In 2016, an activity inventory was carried out in Backaplan, on behalf of the city planning office.
The report underlines that Backaplan does not only consist of trade, but that the area is made up of varied
content, many with great social and cultural value. Several activities in art and culture can be found in the
area, and add great value, both for residents in
the local area and for visitors.

The people who move around Backaplan today are mainly business operators, employees, local residents,
members of associations, those who shop in the area, passers-by or those who stay in the public rooms.
The busiest place within Backaplan is assumed to be Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen, with a large number of public
transport lines converging there. The Actionshallen, located in KF's old warehouse, is today an important meeting
place for children and young people. For younger children and their parents, the Kvillebäcken playground serves
as a meeting place.

Meeting places and folk life at Backaplan

The program proposal means that a large number of new homes will be added to Backaplan. This can have
positive effects on the area as it can mean that there will be more people moving in the area for a longer period of
the day and week.

An extremely important issue concerning the interaction between different people at Backaplan is increased
rents and difficulties for small-scale business operators to continue their activities at Backaplan. This is also
something that was raised and problematized several times during the completed workshop.
Parallels were drawn to the transformation of the Östra Kvillebäcken area and risks of gentrification. Today,
the low rents make it possible for artistic activities and other smaller businesses to exist at Backaplan. These
operators also contribute to "life and interaction" at the site.

ROSA: Business area with small-scale industry and elements

of trade, culture and association life

LILA: Business area with mainly small-scale industry,

warehouses and some consumer goods trade

RED: Shopping area with some density between the shops.

Mixture of second-hand goods, daily goods, culture and

association life.

BROWN: Residential area with some elements of commerce and


GREEN: Activity area or green spaces.

BLUE: Public transport stop or public

transport hub

Figure 1 Zones of different types of buildings and activities within Backaplan

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According to the planning program, the majority of housing estates will be closed. As it is a closed neighborhood
structure that is planned at Backaplan, it will be of extra importance to plan for smaller green and living areas in the area,
with, for example, seating, barbecues or play facilities for children. This is to encourage people to stop at the site and
contribute to the interaction on the street. During the workshop, a concern was expressed that there is not enough planning
for smaller squares and other living areas within the program area.
Furthermore, places that encourage cross-generational meetings were requested, such as playgrounds located next
to outdoor gyms or cafes. As Backaplan largely consists of commerce today, it is also of great importance to ensure places
that can function as consumption-free meeting places.

The planned cultural center may become an important new meeting place for children and young people, which is
positive. However, it may be reasonable to assume that the new cultural center will offer more sedentary activities than the
Actionhallen, which is why work should be done to find a place that can at least partially replace
Action hall qualities.


Possibility Risks

Residential development on Backaplan can contribute In connection with the development and upgrading of
to the place being perceived as inhabited for a longer Backaplan, there are risks that people who use the
period of the day. site today will be pushed out due to e.g. increased rents
and new types of buildings.

Less hardened surfaces and more opportunities to If dense housing does not enable enough public meeting
establish both larger and smaller square formations places.
and places to stay.

There are already several businesses that are adding Risk that the activities that create "life" at Backaplan
host to the location. today will disappear.

The place is used today by people of different ages. To continue to have a cross-generational approach
district new, or preserved, meeting places for young and
old are required.

The Kulturhuset has the opportunity to be an important

future meeting place.

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Everyday life

4. The planning in Backaplan must contribute to the conditions for a rich range of trade and activities that facilitate
everyday life and contribute to a vibrant urban environment.

5. In Backaplan, there must be good access to public services for all stages of life with full coverage of
needs in preschool and school.

Community planning should contribute to promoting a well-functioning everyday life for all residents.

Today, Backaplan offers a wide range of trades, where there are conditions for a great variety of businesses. The zones
with trade and activities are usually separated by streets and large parking lots. The conditions for the businesses
are generally good, but for traders and visitors it is problematic that the area is so large-scale and sparsely built-up. Association
life at Backaplan attracts participants from all over the city and region. That makes Backaplan a target point for many
people with different interests. The range of preschools and schools at Backaplan is currently non-existent. However, there
are several high schools on Lindholmen and inside Vallgraven, and young people travel via Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen on
their way between school, activities and home. The planning area lacks municipally run meeting points for seniors or
daily activities, but there are several places that function as social support (for example Emmaus Björkås).

Trade and operations

Strategies to enable relevant existing operations to remain in the area should be developed. Shared use of premises is
something that can be investigated more. Letting premises on ground floors, at a subsidized rent, was raised during the
workshop. There was also talk about the possibilities of leasing premises that may be considered less attractive from a
commercial perspective, but which may be interesting for other types of businesses.

Since some blocks in Backaplan are planned to contain trade on two levels, and to be on a plinth, it provides space for a
larger local area that can be used for space-intensive activities without disturbing residents.
Premises on the ground floor of residential buildings will be assigned to the future condominium association or leased to
office property owners unless the retail premises are owned and operated by their own operator. In Backaplan, Skandia
properties are planning a shopping center next to Knutpunkt Hjalmar that will fit into the neighborhood structure. A shopping
center can mainly house established trade and food players, as it places demands on opening hours and turnover. For a mall
that can live longer than 24 hours, restaurants and movie theaters are good

One of the biggest challenges in Backaplan is to plan for an area with vibrant trade and activities, at the same time
that society's trade patterns are changing and our buying behavior is increasing on online trade and a big challenge for the
post office is package deliveries. To create the conditions for a modern everyday life in Backaplan can new solutions
are needed, and a space for new ideas during the area's development.

Preserving and developing Backaplan's unique content, with several discount stores, recycling, cultural actors, youth
activities or association life is a challenge. It is required that premises be planned in a variety of sizes, price levels and
standards. In order to achieve this, responsibility is required from the private, public and non-profit sectors. A special investigation
of business models, shared use of premises and flexibility in the areas is recommended.

Association life can be particularly sensitive to interruptions in operations while waiting for new premises. Associations for young
people are sensitive about time - young people grow up and passionate people disappear if the activity cannot
be replenished from below.

Schools and preschools

Today, there is no surplus of preschools in Lundby. A prerequisite for being able to build housing is therefore that schools
and preschools are also built. In the work with the planning program for Backaplan, schools and preschools have been fitted
into the urban structure with carefully calculated surface dimensions. In Backaplan, 6 preschools are planned which

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must be located in residential blocks, a preschool has its own plot. The F-3 schools and the school are planned on their own

It is positive that there are preschools and schools planned in Backaplan from the start, and that it is expected to hold for the

basis within Backaplan. Furthermore, it is considered positive that most preschools that are planned are relatively large (4-8

sections). Larger preschools mean a lower operating cost, that they can have their own kitchen, staff room and flexibility to

handle large age groups. The risks with schools in densely built-up areas relate to: If the preschool is located in a residential

building, the indoor environment must be adapted to the frame of the house, with stairwells and entrances, which can divide

departments in a way that also divides up the business, if the preschool is to share a yard with residents, there must be sufficient

space for both groups, if the idea is that the preschool is to locate activities in the immediate area, a traffic environment is

required that is suitable for children, the parks that are used as compensation areas may become inaccessible to other groups

that want to stay there at the same time.

In the program work, a limit has been set for the shared use of residential yards: they must only be 50% occupied by preschool

yards. For the parks close to residences, a limit for shared use has been set at 30%, because otherwise the wear and tear on

the park will be too hard, and because it is primarily a public place that can be used by everyone, even during the time the

preschools use parts of the park .

Summary Everyday life

Possibility Risks

Backaplan today has a large variety of The commercial players and retail chains are easier to

established businesses and an existing foundation to build bring into the newly built Backaplan than the non-

on from. profit and cultural activities. The latter risk

crowding out

The proposed block structure enables pedestrian flows A modern neighborhood city with narrow, closed

in a fine mesh urban fabric where shops, premises, blocks has limitations when it comes to the content of

housing, public transport and public spaces are premises. The body of the house is broken off with a

significantly closer to each other than in the current stairwell, which reduces the premises, as a rule, a

situation. premises on the ground floor is 100-200 m2.

If a proposed block is built on plinth with Raised yards need to be planted and designed well for the
shops under an entire residential block can residents' use, which may require plantable joists and that

imply larger premises. ventilation to the activities below does not disturb

the yard environment.

A new shopping center is planned with a variety of Backaplan is a place for many young people who hang out
commercial trade and service. in both public and commercial places. A shopping

center should take special account of the needs of young

people as it is a natural meeting place for them.

Backaplan will be built in stages and can retain existing A construction site risks making it difficult for

operations well into the expansion phase. customers/users to reach their destination. If it becomes

difficult to get to Backaplan, it can knock out

sensitive operations in the meantime.

It is positive that Backaplan is planned with Preschools and schools in a densely built-up urban

preschools or schools in each stage. It enables families with environment need to interact with other functions in

children to move in from the start. the area. It can lead to conflicts between them

the needs of different groups and the children get none

protected zone that is only theirs. The risk is that

the children are the ones who have to adapt to the

needs of adults and get a less healthy and equal living


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6. Each stage of development in Backaplan must contain prerequisites for a diversity and mixture of expressions and

activities that originate in the existing and the area is developed successively.

7. In Backaplan, particular consideration must be given to the possibilities of architecture and art to contribute to a
welcoming and lively city.

The term identity is used here with two different meanings. The first is about the character of an environment – a place, an area,

a city – and what makes it specific, different from another environment. The second is about people's identity linked to place and


Through dialogues with reference groups and solid work by the Lundby District Administration, there are documented

thoughts about Backaplan's identity from the inside. According to documentation from autumn PM reference group

Backplane 2016, a reference group describes its relationship with Backaplan. In the documents

it appears, among other things, that many connect Backaplan with car ownership, large car parks and insecurity. More Someone pointed out that it felt no reason to

positive values that are highlighted are e.g. the space, the variety, the cluster of trade and that the shops are in malls visit the new Östra residential
under roofs but also the "odd and unique" that is found at Backaplan.
Kvillebäcken, "What's in it for me?"
Within the theme of identity, the following events and aspects have been identified as particularly relevant to highlight:

• The discotheque fire in Backa has had a major impact on the area's identity.

• The media image of Backaplan: When Googling "Backaplan", more hits appear that are related to negative events

such as shootings, which affects how both people inside and outside Backaplan see the area.

• The existing architecture at Backaplan. The area contains a mosaic of businesses and buildings, but a clear tendency is

that the area is dominated by signs and advertisements for various companies, in large-scale buildings and

sparse public spaces.

Successive expansion and the role of architecture in newly produced neighborhoods

The major transformation of Backaplan means that the identity will change. However, the expansion takes place in stages and

the composition of businesses and users will look different over time.

The participants in the workshop for this SKA believe that the goal should be to reach as large a target group as possible,

that is, that future Backaplan attracts more people than today. In this way, it can be said that the identity and the offer in

Backaplan have developed for the better - if those who stay there today can stay but be supplemented with even more target


Since Backaplan lacks housing today, a completely new type of architecture will take shape. It is an opportunity to

create the identity that will characterize the Backaplan of the future. Value-creating architecture is the investment in good shape

that gives a long-term return, both for the property and the urban space. If Backaplan can be characterized by its own

expression that distinguishes the area from similar newly produced neighborhoods in Sweden, it can provide long-term value for

Backaplan. It can be a challenge to create a typical Backaplans architecture, especially since the area will be developed in

stages and will be characterized by different trends and period expressions.

Living art and culture

The city and the property owners can make it possible for culture to take place in Backaplan if there are premises and

resources in place. As the city does not own much land, it becomes more difficult to provide non-commercial creative

spaces without cooperation with the private property owners. Establishing culture also in commercial areas and

letting artists take advantage of empty business premises or areas in shopping centers came up as an idea at the workshop.

It is possible to lease walls for murals even on newly produced houses, or create multifunctional sculptures in parks that allow

play and meetings. The memorial for the discotheque fire in Backaplan is an important marker that reminds of history, and

this should continue to have a place in the urban environment. The planned cultural center at Backaplan is considered to be a

very positive element in the area.

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Summary Identity

Possibility Risks

Backaplan's identity is multifaceted. It is not The identity as a trading place is strengthened but they
considered sensitive to transformation from a cultural- the non-commercial values risk disappearing.

historical perspective. If the buildings are replaced but

the people can remain, the development is positive.

Working with art, culture and temporary measures There needs to be surfaces and places for creation
during the phased expansion is an opportunity for throughout the entire development process, a work that
continuous cultural practice in the area. need to be coordinated by the city.

It takes time for newly produced areas to "settle down" It is required that there are arenas and resources for

and create their own identity. The meeting young people to continue to make an impression in Backaplan.

places that are already in place and that are appreciated,

especially by young people, can help bring Backaplan to
life even in the early stages of the expansion.

As the city does not own much land, it becomes more The property owners have been part of a consortium and
difficult to provide non-commercial creative spaces are an active part of the planning.
without cooperation with the private property owners.

A cultural center is to be built in Backaplan, which is an

important arena for production and consumption
different forms of culture.

It is likely that Backaplan will have clusters with different It can be a challenge to create a typical Backaplans
architectures in the different stages. architecture, especially since the area will be developed in
stages and will be characterized by different trends and
period expressions.

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Health and Safety

8. In Backaplan, there must be good conditions for sustainable and healthy lifestyles through fair access to greenery,

recreation, movement and health for everyone. There must be a good spread of well-maintained, programmed and

experience-rich parks and natural areas.

Health in urban planning is about creating the conditions for good health, and counteracting harmful health risks. An important

part of the connection of the concept of health to the physical environment is how much the environment supports a mobile and

active life. Urban planning can also affect people's sense of security and safety. It can be about promoting populated places and

working with lighting and visibility, but also concrete traffic safety measures.

In the vicinity of Backaplan there are today several large green and recreational areas. Geographically speaking, there are not

long distances to the green areas, but due to the traffic apparatus and its barrier effects, they are perceived as further away than

they are. Today, however, there is a deficit in green areas and smaller parks within Backaplan. At Backaplan there are a

number of gyms and opportunities to get active indoors. The plan area is in a traffic-intensive area near Lundbyleden and Hjalmar


1. Hiking trail on Arödsberget

2. Velebithallen and soccer field

3. Kvilleparken with playground and year room

4.Flunsåsstraket's southern entrance

5. Small raised park at Hjalmar


Figure2 Existing green areas next to Backaplan

During the workshop it was expressed by several participants that parts of Backaplan during certain times can be experienced as

unsafe and desolate, a feeling of not being seen. Furthermore, several also said that many parts are unsafe for children to move

around in, much because of heavier traffic routes such as Hjalmar Brantingsgatan.

Park and greenery

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The program proposal means that the environment around the stream Kvillebäcken will be improved. During the
workshop it became clear that the environment around the stream is today perceived as unused. Here, work
should be done with good opportunities for seating, play opportunities and good lighting. In this way, the
stream can be used both as a clear walking path but also as a living space on Backaplan. The park and nature
management has made an assessment of early sketches and they concluded that parts of the park along
Kvillebäcken may become difficult to use as a recreation area. Among other things, it was described that parts of the
district park were too narrow to be used in a good way. In order to increase the park's usability, parts of the park have
therefore been widened in the program proposal.

Figure 3 Parks and green areas marked in The program proposal

The program stipulates that one must work towards 7.5 m2 of park per resident. Since 7.5 m2 of park per resident is a
bit of greenery when compared to many other city districts, it is important that the green space that is created be useful
and of high quality. As already mentioned, Backaplan is within close proximity to several larger green areas, which
can contribute to compensating for the deficit of park areas within Backaplan.
In order for these green areas to be made available, however, unsafe lanes and barriers need to be reviewed.


The exposed location near large-scale infrastructure brings with it problematic noise levels and particle levels.
The high noise levels from Lundbyleden mean that it is difficult to establish housing in the zone closest to the trail. It
is possible to adapt the buildings so that apartments have a quiet side, but the outdoor environment and street spaces
will be disturbed. Closest to Lundbyleden, it is inappropriate to have public premises in consideration of the risk
distance to Lundbyleden and Hamnbanan.
In detail plan 1, Trade etc back road, a parking garage is planned in the nearest block
Lundbyleden with mixed use on top.

Safety and security

The development of Backaplan will mean that a greater amount of people will move within the area and hopefully
also between neighboring areas. This may have positive

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impact on the feeling of security at Backaplan. however, it will be of great importance to simultaneously work with safety-
creating measures such as lighting, well-kept greenery and good signage.

Summary Health and safety

Possibility Risks

Backaplan follows the objective of the Park and Even if it is physically possible to get to different places, it
nature's sociotopes regarding access to various types of does not mean that they are perceived as accessible.

It is positive that Backaplan is planned with a number Since the parks must compensate for small
of parks of different sizes. preschool yards and to some extent small residential
yards, there is a risk that there will be high wear
and tear and conflicts between users. Proximity to
greenery is a value-creating urban quality that shows
positive price trends for housing, it is in everyone's
interest to ensure increased green areas.

The housing estates are planned as recreational areas. To create a green yard, plantable beams are
required (if there is parking underneath), you should
be able to attach playground equipment and divide
the yard for different user groups.

An active green lane connects the parks.

The buildings closest to Lundbyleden can shield noise Those who live and work near Lundbyleden are
and particles from the other blocks in a vulnerable position.

The plan program means a greater flow of people

on Backaplan, which can have a positive impact on
the feeling of security

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The following list is the risks and challenges identified. The matrix should be seen as a living document that can be filled in and

contribute to the work!

Risks Action proposal Phase Responsibility

The northwestern parts of Backaplan have less Bike pools/loan bikes throughout the area. Detailed plan SBK, TK

accessibility to public transport than the buildings

Ensure that the bus lines that will serve the planned
closer to Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen.
stop have a high frequency of trips and a route that
As a school is planned in the north-western part,
suits the movements of children and young people.
children's and young people's journeys become

particularly important here.

Work with cut-off corners on blocks, good sight lines

and gathering places for children in the traffic


The focus is on integration within The connections need to be investigated further. Programme, Detailed plan A common Älvstaden

Backaplan, there are continuing difficulties in issue

Work with safe overs/unders during construction.
connecting Backaplan with Frihamnen and old


Lundbyleden, Hamnbanan and Kville tram The connections need to be investigated further.

depot will continue to form

Work with safe overs/unders if possible.

The housing market is sensitive and Continuous analyzes before each stage with what Continuously in SDF, Property owner

demographics and their needs are changing. is required for continued social development
mixed housing.

The fact that Backaplan is only planned with Plan duplexes on the first floor facing the yard. Detailed plan SBK, Property owner

apartments risks creating a housing

supply with limited possibilities for relocation within

Regulate apartment sizes in the Detailed Plan.
the area.

The farms are shared to some extent with preschools The design of the yards needs to be carefully worked plan program, TK, SBK, LF, PONF

or office. The farms are of different sizes, with some out, with the possibility of having Detailed plan, Building permit

blocks at risk of having small areas. plantings and play equipment.

Make sure that the traffic environment between

farm and park also works for small children.

Think about noise/sound measures also towards the

yard if there are to be children there while living

is at home.

In connection with the development and Work with A, B, C modes for different Plan program, Property owner, FK

upgrading of Backaplan, there are risks that people operations. Detailed plan and

who use the site today will be displaced due to e.g. continuous
Secure large premises, for example
increased rents and new types of buildings. development
in the basement.

Retain existing premises through phased


Establish temporary premises.

If the dense development does not enable enough Keep the area in front of Kulturhuset open and Plan program SBK, FK

squares or parks of significant size, it risks relatively unprogrammed for transients

reducing the possibility of gathering for larger events.

events within Backaplan.

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To still have one Create an openness in the idea of public spaces Plan program and SDF, PONF,

intergenerational neighborhood requires new, or that create conditions for many different activities. continuous Cultural Administration,

preserved, meeting places for both young and old. Public rooms should be designed so that it is development IOFF

clearly visible that they are for everyone.

A modern neighborhood city with closed quarters Create larger areas indoors through a raised yard on plan program, FK, SBK,

have limitations when it comes to a two-story plinth. detailed plan, Property owner
content in premises. Property development
Don't forget to work with basements/
roof terraces

If the raised yards are not planted and designed well Plantable joists Plan regulations i SBK

for the residents' use, the green area per person Detailed plan (plan regulations),

risks decreasing Property owner


A future shopping center should take special Consider cheap places to have coffee/eat, Sketches and The property owner

account of the needs of young people as it is a mobile phone charging stations, free places to shopping center

natural meeting place for them. sit, library/ cultural activities in planning

the mall, lots of bike parking, no unattended

back pages etc

A construction site risks making it difficult for Clear signage, tight fences against the buildings, Deployment order Property owners,

customers/users to reach their destination. If it becomes good lighting, prioritizing walking and cycling during contractors, FK,

difficult to get to Backaplan, it can knock out sensitive construction. TK

operations in the meantime.

Shared use of areas with the preschool can Set aside the place for different groups below plan program, LS, LF, FK, SBK,
lead to conflicts between the different different times Detailed plans SDF

the groups' needs and the children get none

Set aside resources for maintenance
protected zone that is only theirs. The risk is that

the children are the ones who have to adapt to the adults Work with design that also appeals to slightly older
needs and get a less healthy and children, they need space in the housing estate.

equal living environment.

There needs to be areas and places for creation An organization and budget for temporary measures Continuously in SDF, TK, FK,

throughout the entire development process, a work development Byggherrekonsortiet,

that needs to be coordinated by Älvstaden

the city. the organization

It is required that there are places and resources for See the shopping center as a driver and be sensitive to The young people themselves

young people to continue to make an impression the needs of young people going forward. Let young

in Backaplan. people manage their activities and interests themselves.

Careful architecture with high quality needs to be Enter rules regarding execution in the detailed plan. Detailed plan, building permit SBK, the

ensured to create a unique Backaplan identity. property owners

Since the parks must compensate for small preschool Good landscape architecture that Detailed plan, SBK, PONF

yards and to some extent small residential programs the parks with different zones planning of parks

yards, there is a risk that there will be high wear and so users don't disturb each other too much.

tear and conflicts between users.

The traffic in the area may generate unhealthy places. Review how office employees/operate Detailed plan, building permit SBK

Those who work and operate near Lundbyleden shall have a healthy environment.

are in a particularly vulnerable position regarding

Tree planting in the street environment.
noise and air.

Measures for facades in buildings.

Air flow through the streets

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A busy urban environment risks dangerous traffic Work on mapping future school routes Detailed plan SBK, TK

environments for children. The children's school routes and ensure that there are safe transitions, good
should be investigated more closely. orientation, safe crossings and high experience

values. See the concept "Krummesti" in Copenhagen.


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